Slov Vet Res 2016; 53 (2): 63-7 UDC 636.7.09:616.993.1:616-997.3:57.083.33(450) Original Scientific Article OCCURRENCE OF ANTI Toxoplasma ANTIBODIES IN OWNED DOGS FROM ITALY: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY Guido Rocchigiani, Simona Nardoni, Elisa Amato, Chiara Tempori, Francesca Mancianti Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie, Universita di Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 2, 56124 Pisa, Italy Corresponding author, E-mail: Summary: Toxoplasma infection in human patients is still an important problem in Italy. Dogs seem to have a role in the epidemiology of human toxoplasmosis, being their presence associated with increased seroprevalence to Toxoplasma gondii in humans. Dogs can act as intermediate hosts of this parasite being able to harbor tissue cysts, but this way their reservoir importance for human infection is negligible. Their impact on human health could be due to their role in contaminating the household environment, so permitting the exposure to T. gondii the inhabitants. Serum samples of N. 1811 owned dogs randomly collected were examined by IFAT for antibodies against T. gondii. One hundred ninety two sera out of 1811 (10.6%) scored positive, with titers ranging from 1/20 to 1/640. Seroprevalence was significantly (P< 0.01) higher in adult than in juvenile dogs. On the contrary, it not significantly differed with regards to gender and feedinghabits. This is the first report of occurrence of antibodies in an extensive specimen of dogs in Italy. The results of the present survey would indicate a relatively high occurrence of antibodies against T. gondii among owned dogs in the investigated area, confirming that attention should be paid in the management of this domestic species. Key words: dog; Toxoplasma gondii; IFAT; seroprevalence Introduction Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic intracellular protozoan parasite with a worldwide distribution, infecting a large range of vertebrates. Humans become infected postnatally by ingesting tissue cysts from undercooked meat, consuming food or drink contaminated with oocysts, or by accidentally ingesting oocysts. Up to one-third of the world's population is chronically infected (1) and toxoplasmosis has been targeted by Center for Received: 23 February 2015 Accepted for publication: 11 January 2016 Disease Control and Prevention as one of the five top priority parasitic diseases for public health action. However, only a small percentage of exposed adult humans or other animals develop clinical signs of disease (2). Toxoplasmosis is usually a self-limiting disease in immunocompetent individuals, but it is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunosuppressed individuals and can cause inflammation of the retinae in healthy adults (3). In human infants congenitally infected T. gondii can causes mental retardation, loss of vision and other health problems. Dogs can act as intermediate hosts of this parasite being able to harbor tissue cysts, but 64 G. Rocchigiani, S. Nardoni, E. Amato, C. Tempori, F. Mancianti this way their reservoir importance for human infection is negligible. Their impact on human health could be due to their role in contaminating the household environment so permitting the exposure to the inhabitants (4) by ingesting or rolling in cat feces that contain sporulated T. gondii oocysts. This result shows that canine feces could pose a risk of T. gondii infection to other species including humans because dogs may serve as mechanical vectors for parasite (5). There are few reports of primary toxoplasmosis in dogs, even if canine toxoplasmosis has been reported in several European and Asian countries as well as the United States (6) with common clinical signs including encephalitis, hepatitis and pneumonia (7). However seroprevalence rates are reported in different areas to vary from 85% in Turkey to 5% in China as reported by Tenter, (2000) (8). To the best of our knowledge there is a lack of data concerning the seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma infection in dogs from Italy, except for a report carried on 104 animals in a restricted area from South Italy (9). The aim of the present paper was to investigate retrospectively about the occurrence of anti Toxoplasma antibodies in a sample of owned dogs from Central Italy, submitted to the lab of serology of Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa for the annual control for prophylaxis of leishmaniosis. This information could be useful to evaluate the possible circulation of the parasite among dog population living in strict contact with humans. Materials and methods Serum samples of N. 1811 owned dogs were randomly collected from those submitted to the lab of serology of Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa, for the annual control for prophylaxis of leishmaniosis. The animals were 1052 males and 759 females, 269 of them were young (age < 1 year), the other 1542 adult with ages ranging to 13 months to 15 years. All the animals had an indoor/outdoor lifestyle, spending part of their life outdoor every day and belonged to many different breeds, except toy dogs. Six hundred forty nine (35.8%) dogs were fed on commercial pet food, 531 (29.4%) on homemade dog food and 631 (34.8%) on both. Anti Leishmania specific antibodies have been detected by immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) performed as described elsewhere (10) and positive and negative results for each dog have been recorded. To evaluate the presence of anti Toxoplasma antibodies an IFAT was performed on sera, using Toxospot® (BioMerieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) as antigen and an anti dog-IgG FITC antibody produced in rabbit (Sigma-Aldrich; PBS dilution 1:32). All serum samples were screened with a threshold dilution 1:20, and positive ones were end-titrated using 2-fold dilutions. Cut off dilution was chosen following Macri et al (2009) (11). The differences between the seroprevalence values obtained from animals of different gender and age, and fed on different food were evaluated by means of x2 test. Table 1: Distribution of antibody titers and coinfection with Leishmania of Toxoplasma seropositive dogs. anti Toxoplasma antibody titres number of animals (%) animals coinfected with Leishmania (%) 20 26 13.5 1 3.8 40 132 68.8 9 6.8 80 27 14.1 5 18.5 160 4 2.1 2 50 320 2 1 0 0 640 1 0.5 0 0 total number 192 17 Occurrence of anti Toxoplasma antibodies in owned dogs from italy: a retrospective study 65 Results One hundred ninety two sera out of 1811 (10.6%) revealed anti Toxoplasma antibodies, with titers ranging from 1/20 to 1/640. Among the whole sample 92 (5.1%) sera scored positive for Leishmania antibodies and 17 of them (8.8%) resulted coinfected by Toxoplasma. More detailed data are reported in Table 1. One hundred four out of 1052 (9.9%) males and 88 out of 759 (11.6%) females scored positive for antibodies against Toxoplasma, respectively. Nine young animals out of 269 (3.3%) and 183 out of 1542 adult (11.8%) were seropositive, also. Among seropositive animals 72 (37.5%) were fed on both commercial and homemade food, 53 (27.6%) on homemade food and 67 (34.9%) on commercial pet food. Seroprevalence was significantly (P<0.01) higher in adult than in juvenile dogs. On the contrary, the comparison of antibody presence was not significantly different with regards to gender and feeding habits. Discussion This retrospective study showed that 10.6% of examined dogs had antibodies against T. gondii. This remark agrees with data from literature even if there is a wide range of prevalences, due both to different serological techniques employed and to canine population selected. Recent surveys on domestic dogs have been performed in Portugal (12) with a global prevalence of 38%, in China (13) with 21.5% of positives and in Korea with 5.1% of domestic dogs positive versus 18.5% of stray dogs (14). Our data fully agree with Yang et al (2013) (15) who reported 10% of infected pet dogs from the Northeast of China. On the basis of this value the Authors stated that this relatively high prevalence of T. gondii infection in pet dogs, may pose a risk for human health. There was not observed any correlation between gender and seropositivity, and this finding is in agreement with other Authors (1418), while a positive correlation between age and seroprevalence, was reported by others (13,16). Feeding habits seem do not impact on presence of antibodies as observed by Ali et al. (2003) (16). Occurrence of anti Toxoplasma antibodies was reported by IFAT in 17% of 104 dogs from the province of Benevento, Italy (9). To the best of our knowledge this is the only report by this country. Toxoplasma infection in human patients is still an important problem in Italy. Despite a substantial decrease in T. gondii seroprevalence in humans (from 40 to 20-30% in the adult population in the last 20 years) (19) in fact, 1-2 congenital Toxoplasma cases per 10,000 births are currently estimated (20) and 1-4% of them are at risk of death or serious neurological sequelae (21). Dogs seem to have a role in the epidemiology of human toxoplasmosis. Previous studies indicate that the presence of dogs is associated with increased seroprevalence to T. gondii in humans (22, 23). Free ranging stray dogs can act as sentinel, furthermore being the most common pets in the world, dogs also reflect the extent of T. gondii infection in the domestic environment (24) and can act as reservoir, living in strict contact with people and cats. The results of the present survey would indicate a moderate occurrence of antibodies against T. gondii among owned dogs in the investigated area, confirming that attention should be paid in the management of this domestic species. 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Transmission and epidemiology of zoonotic protozoal diseases of companion animals. Clin Microbiol Rev 2013; 26:58-85. Occurrence of anti Toxoplasma antibodies in owned dogs from italy: a retrospective study 67 PRISOTNOST PROTITELES PROTI TOKSOPLAZMI PRI DOMAČIH PSIH V ITALIJI: RETROSPEKTIVNA ŠTUDIJA G. Rocchigiani, S. Nardoni, E. Amato, C. Tempori, F. Mancianti Povzetek: Okužba s toksoplazmo je v Italiji še vedno pomemben zdravstveni problem. Predvideva se, da imajo psi pomembno vlogo pri epidemiologiji človeške toksoplazmoze, saj je njihova prisotnost v okolju ljudi povezana s povečano koncentracijo protiteles proti Toxoplasmigondiipri ljudeh. Psi so lahko vmesni gostitelji tega parazita, ki lahko preživi v tkivnih cistah, vendar je pomen tega rezervoarja za prenos okužbe na ljudi zanemarljiv. Bolj pomembna je vloga psov pri onesnaževanju okolja s T. gondiiin s tem na povečano stopnjo izpostavljenosti ljudi. V raziskavi smo pri 1811 naključno izbranih psih analizirali prisotnost protiteles proti T gondiiv serumu z analizo IFAT. Ugotovili smo, da je bilo 192 psov (10,6 %) pozitivnih, s titri od 1 : 20 do 1 : 640. Prisotnost protiteles je bila statistično značilno (p < 0,01) višja pri odraslih psih v primerjavi z mladimi, medtem ko ni bilo razlik med spoloma in tudi ne glede na različne prehranjevalne navade. To je prvo poročilo o pojavljanju protiteles proti T gondii v obsežnem vzorcu psov v Italiji, ki nakazuje, da je seroprevalenca protiteles proti T gondiipri psih relativno visoka. Zato je potrebno pozornost nameniti tudi kontroli okužb pri psih. Ključne besede: pes; Toxoplasma gondii; IFAT; seroprevalenca