original scientific article UDC 597:591.9(262.3 Tržaški zaliv) received: 2005-10-12 NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MARINE COASTAL FISH FAUNA OF SLOVENIA Lovrenc LIPEJ & Martina ORLANDO BONACA Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41 E-mail: lipej@mbss.org Marjan RICHTER SI-1000 Ljubljana, Janežičeva 12 ABSTRACT Seven new records of marine fish fauna have been reported for Slovenia: Pteroplatytrigon violacea, Gobius roulei, Pomatoschistus bathi, Millerigobius macrocephalus, Thorogobius ephippiatus, Apletodon incognitus and Parablennius zvonimiri. Additional information on the occurrence of certain less known species, such as Labrus viridis and Clinitrachus argentatus, are presented. The majority of fishes have been recorded by the use of new techniques, associated with the SCUBA equipment. These underwater techniques allowed us to observe, photograph and sometimes even catch certain fish species, which had not been normally detected with the use of traditional fishing gear due to their rarity or specific cryptic habitat type in which they live. Key words: coastal ichthyofauna, first records, Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic NUOVI CONTRIBUTI ALLA FAUNA ITTICA COSTIERA IN SLOVENIA SINTESI L'articolo riporta la presenza di sette nuove specie per la fauna ittica marina in Slovenia: Pteroplatytrigon violacea, Gobius roulei, Pomatoschistus bathi, Millerigobius macrocephalus, Thorogobius ephippiatus, Apletodon incognitus e Parablennius zvonimiri. Gli autori inoltre forniscono nuove informazioni riguardo alla presenza di specie poco conosciute, quali Labrus viridis e Clinitrachus argentatus. La maggior parte degli esemplari e stata campionata con l'ausilio di nuove tecniche subacquee. Tali metodologie permettono di osservare, fotografare e alcune volte catturare specie ittiche che non verrebbero campionate con le tradizionali tecniche di pesca, vista la loro rarita o l'habitat criptico specifico nel quale vivono. Parole chiave: ittiofauna costiera, prime segnalazioni, Golfo di Trieste, mare Adriatico Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MARINE COASTAL FISH FAUNA OF SLOVENIA, 165-172 INTRODUCTION Despite the fact that the marine ichthyofauna has been relatively well investigated in the Adriatic Sea, the Gulf of Trieste remains one of the poorly studied areas. The knowledge about the marine fish fauna inhabiting the Slovenian coastal sea, i.e. the southern part of the Gulf, is therefore rather scarce. Only few reports exist on the Slovenian marine ichthyofauna and even these deal only with specific aspects, such as the list of fish species presented by Matjasic et al. (1975), demersal fish resources (Stirn & Bolje, 1989; Bolje, 1992; Marceta, 1996), and some new records of fish species (Lipej et al., 1996; Dulcic & Lipej, 1997). The checklist of all so far reported species can be found in the Key for the determination of vertebrates of Slovenia (Krystufek & Jan-zekovic, 1999). In this particular work, Lipej (1999) states 23 species of elasmobranchs, and Marceta (1999) 219 species of Osteichthyes (24 of them were defined as expected). Since then, no works of this kind have been published. The aim of this paper is to present information on some new fish species, recorded for the very first time in Slovenian territorial waters, and some additional data on some rare or less known fish species currently treated as rare. MATERIAL AND METHODS The geographical area concerned in this study includes the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea). During the comprehensive surveys of marine ichthyofauna in Slovenian coastal waters, certain fish species were caught or at least observed. Information on the occurrence of studied species originates from: i) from visual census techniques (e.g. Lipej et al., 2003; Orlando Bonaca & Lipej, 2005), ii), sampling of cryptobenthic species, iii) occasional catches, and iv) selective searching for particular coastal fish groups such as blennioids, gobiids or gobiesocids. During the spring-summer months from 1998 to 2005, 63 vertical transects, 100 horizontal transects, 48 all-occurrence samples and 48 linear cinetransects were performed at different along the Slovenian coast in order to assess the coastal fish assemblage. Cryptobenthic species were collected beneath stones and in crevices using a narcotizing solution of quinaldine. All collected specimens are housed in the collection of the Marine Biology Station Piran. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this paper we report on the occurrence of six new fish species for Slovenian territorial waters, which had previously not been reported or defined as expected by Marceta (1999) and Lipej (1999) in their key to the de- termination of marine fishes of Slovenia. We have also data on the occurrence of 2 rare and poorly known species from Slovenian coastal waters. Millerigobius mac-rocephalus and Gobius roulei had been previously already reported by Lipej et al. (2003) and Orlando Bonaca & Lipej (2005), i.e. in the papers dealing with the coastal fish assemblage and factors affecting habitat occupancy, assessed by means of visual methods. Pteroplatytrigon violacea (Bonaparte, 1832) Syn. Dasyatis violacea Bonaparte, 1832 Jardas (1996) listed Pteroplatytrigon violacea as a very rare species for the Adriatic Sea. The pelagic stingray has been noticed only recently in the Gulf of Trieste (Fig. 1). A note on the feeding habits of this species with some data on its occurrence has been published by Mavric et al. (2004). Between May and September 2004, nine specimens were caught in Slovenian coastal waters off Piran. In September 2005, more than 30 pelagic stingrays were caught in the same waters. The pelagic stingray has been seen entering the Gulf of Trieste only recently, for during the intensive 10-year monitoring of fisheries in Slovenia it had not been recorded at all (Marceta, pers. comm.). Gobius roulei De Buen, 1928 Fiesa, 23 Jun 2000, 1 specimen; Portorož, 27 Jul 2000, 1 specimen; Portorož, 3 Aug 2000, 1 specimen; Cape Madona, 4 Aug 2000, 1 specimen; Cape Madona, 7 Aug 2000, 1 specimen; Moleto, 11 Aug 2000, Posidonia oceanica meadow, 1 specimen; Fiesa - Pacug, 18 Aug 2000, 1 specimen; Piran - under the church, 13 Jul 2001, Cystoseira barbata algal belt, 2 specimens, depth range 2-3 m; Moleto, Posidonia oceanica meadow, 3 Aug 2001, 2.5 m depth (Turk et al., 2002); Fiesa, 24 Aug 2005, 2 specimens, depth range 6.3-6.4 m. The very first record of Roule's goby for the Adriatic Sea was made in the infralittoral zone of the Kvarner area (Kovačic, 1995). In Slovenian coastal waters, this goby has been documented in the sandy patches of the upper infralittoral belt. The preferred habitat type is similar to that described by Kovačic (1995): sandy ground without vegetation in the biocoenosis of photophilic algae. We have never observed it on the rocky bottom. In the Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea, it should be given the status of a rather common species (Fig. 2). Pomatoschistus bathi Miller, 1982 Pacug, 24 May 2001, Cystoseira barbata algal belt, 3 specimens, 2-3 m depth; Piran - below the church, 13 Jul 2001, in-fralittoral algal belt, 3 specimens, depth range 2-3 m; Pacug, 17 Aug 2001, Cystoseira barbata algal belt, 1 specimen; Strunjan -Salinera, 20 Aug 2001, Cymodocea nodosa meadow, 1 specimen, Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MARINE COASTAL FISH FAUNA OF SLOVENIA, 165-1 72 Fig. 1: Pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrigon violacea). (Photo: L. Lipej) Sl. 1: Vijoličasti morski bič (Pteroplatytrigon violacea). (Foto: L. Lipej) Fig. 2: Route's goby (Gobius roulei) has been ascertained as a new goby species for the Slovenian fauna. (Photo: T. Makovec) Sl. 2: Roulejev glavač (Gobius roulei) je nova vrsta glavača v slovenski favni. (Foto: T. Makovec) Fig. 3: Pomatoschistus bathi is a common species of littoral gobies in Slovenian coastal waters. (Photo: T. Makovec) Sl. 3: Bathijev glavaček (Pomatoschistus bathi) je pogosta vrsta obrežnih glavačev v slovenskem morju. (Foto: T. Makovec) Fig. 4: Millerigobius macrocephalusis is a cryptobenthic gobiid species, relatively common in the Slovenian sea. (Photo: T. Makovec) Sl. 4: Millerigobius macrocephalusis je kriptobentoška vrsta glavača, razmeroma pogosta je v slovenskem morju. (Foto: T. Makovec) Fig. 5: Thorogobius ephippiatus, photographed at 9 August 2005 off Cape Madona. (Photo: M. Richter) Sl. 5: Thorogobius ephippiatus, fotografiran 9 avgusta 2005 v naravnem spomeniku Rt Madona. (Foto: M. Richter) Fig. 6 / Sl. 6: Apletodon incognitus. (Photo / Foto: T. Makovec) Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MARINE COASTAL FISH FAUNA OF SLOVENIA, 165-172 Fig. 7/SI. 7: Labrus viridis. (Photo / Foto: M. Richter) depth range 2,5-3 m; 23 Aug 2001, Nature Monument Debeli rtic, infralittoral algal belt, 2 specimens, depth range 1-2 m; Fiesa, 24 Aug 2005, 4 specimens, depth range 3-3.4 m; Fiesa, 23 Sept 2005, 1 specimen, depth 4.2. According to Jardas (1996), this species has been recorded only in the Central Adriatic. Recently, Kovacic (2005) found this goby at different sites in the Kvarner Archipelago (Northern Adriatic), as well as in the Central and Southern Adriatic. This species is missing in the Key of Marceta (1999). In the 1998-2005 periods, we recorded P. bathi almost at every investigated locality in Slovenian coastal waters (Fig. 3). The species showed a high preference for gravel and coarse sand. Its distribution may depend mainly on the avoidance of surf wave action near the surface down to 5 m depth (Zander, 1990). To this end, P. bathi should be considered as a rather common gobiid species, very abundant in sandy patches of the upper infralittoral belt of the Slovenian coast. Clinitrachus argentatus (Risso, 1810) Syn. Cristiceps argentatus (Risso, 1810) Koper, 20 Sept 2004, 1 specimen, 1 m depth, g. V. Ziza. In the survey of blennioids inhabiting Slovenian coastal waters, Lipej & Richter (1999) reported on the occurrence of two specimens of Clinitrachus argenteus at a depth range of 0.1-0.5 m. However, they mentioned that they failed to catch or at least to photograph the specimens. A specimen of Clinitrachus argentatus was caught at a pier in the Koper harbour by the use of hand-net for smelt (Atherina hepsetus). Millerigobius macrocephalus Bath, 1973 Bernardin, 3 Aug 2000, 3 specimens, 2 m depth; Pacug, 1 Aug 2001, Cystoseira barbata algal belt, 2 specimens, 2 m depth; Moleto, Posidonia oceanica meadow, 3 Aug 2001, 2.5 m depth (Turk et al., 2002); Pacug - Salinera, 17 Aug 2001, 4 specimens, depth range 2.5-4 m; Strunjan - Salinera, 20 Aug 2001, Cymodo-cea nodosa meadow, 2 specimens, depth range 2.5-3 m; Piran -below the church, 27 Aug 2001, crevices of the precorallligenous belt, 2 specimens, depth range 5-6 m; Salinera, 11 Sept 2001, a single specimen in the upper infralittoral belt; Bernardin, 31 Aug 2005, 6 specimens, depth range 2.9-4.6 m; Bernardin, 27 Sept 2005, 9 specimens in a Cystoseiretum association, 2.4-3.2 m. According to Jardas (1996), the data on this crypto-benthic gobiid species are very scarce in the Adriatic Sea. The localities, where this species has been recorded, include Brac Island, Medulin and Limski kanal. Kovacic (2005) reported on additional new sites from Solta Island and the Central Adriatic. Marceta (1999) defined it as an expected species for Slovenian coastal waters. M. macrocephalus has been already referred to in the two specific fish fauna surveys in the Posidonia oceanica meadow (Turk et al., 2002) and in the comparative study of coastal ichthyofauna in marine protected areas (Lipej et al., 2003). M. macrocephalus has been recorded at several localities in Slovenian coastal waters, mainly in the upper infralittoral belt, where it was found in endolithic holes (Fig. 4). Most of the specimens were collected under stones, while some specimens were caught by spraying quinaldine in the holes of endolithic bivalve L. lithophaga. Thorogobius ephippiatus (Lowe, 1839) Thorogobius ephippiatus has been documented at various localities in the Northern Adriatic, but not in the Gulf of Trieste. A single specimen was observed on 9 Aug 2005 in a rocky environment encrusted with corallige-nous algae within Cape Madona Nature Monument off Piran. The goby was subsequently photographed (Fig. 5) in Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MARINE COASTAL FISH FAUNA OF SLOVENIA, 165-172 a sheltered cavity beneath sandstone rocks at 10 m depth. It was a juvenile, approximately 6 to 7 cm in total length. Apletodon incognitus Hofrichter & Patzner, 1997 Piran - below the church, 10 May 2000, 1 specimen; Moleto, 14 Aug 2000, 3 specimens in a habitat type close to Posidonia sea-grass meadow at depth 2,5-3m; Bernardin, 5 Oct 2000, 1 specimen; Strunjan - Salinera, 20 Aug 2001, Cymodocea nodosa meadow, 1 specimen, depth range 2.5-3 m. Recently, Hofrichter & Patzner (1997) described a new gobiesocid species Apletodon incognitus from the Mediterranean and Atlantic Seas. This species is missing in the Key of Marceta (1999). Most of the specimens of A. incognitus have been found in infralittoral belt (Fig. 6), in habitat types dominated by C. nodosa. This is in agreement with Patzner (1999) and Hofrichter & Patzner (2000), who stated that A. incognitus is associated with seagrass meadows of P. oceanica or suitable habitats near seagrass meadows. They even pointed out that the abundance of this clingfish species is decreasing with the increasing distance from the seagrass meadow. Most of our records were made by the use of an anaesthetic. Only on a single occasion we recorded a specimen in a vertical transect sample, where it was found under an empty crab shell (Maja sp.). Labrus viridis Linnaeus, 1758 According to Jardas (1996), this wrasse is present mainly in the southern part of the Adriatic, whereas in the northern part it is quite rare. During the comprehensive monitoring of flora, fauna and habitat types in the coastal sea during the 1998-2004 period, this species was never observed or caught. A specimen of Labrus viridis (Fig. 7) was observed on 26 July 2005 off Cape Madona (Piran), in the infralittoral belt (3.5 m depth), where stones are mainly covered with the brown algae Cystoseira barbata. A specimen was also photographed on 9 Aug 2005 at the same site (1.5 m depth). Parablennius zvonimiri (Kolombatovic, 1892) Syn. Blennius zvonimiri Kolombatovic, 1892 Cape Ronek, 18 Sept 2003, 2 specimens, depth range 2.6-2.8 m; in front of the Marine Biology Station Piran, 23 Aug 2005, 1 specimen, 1.4 m depth; Bernardin harbour, 30 Aug 2005, 7 specimens, depth range 1.2-2.5 m; Bernardin harbour, 31 Aug 2005, 4 specimens, depth range 2.1-3.3 m; Cape Madona, 1 Sept 2005, 5 specimens, depth range 5.3-8.1; Cape Madona, 6 Sept 2005, 5 specimens, depth range 6.1-9.2 m; Fiesa, 12 Sept 2005, 1 spec imen, 4 m depth; Pacug, 16 Sept 2005, 4 specimens, depth range 2.8-7.5 m; Fiesa, 23 Sept 2003, 1 specimen, 5.4 m depth. Fig. 8: Parablennius zvonimiri is an endolithic blenniid species. (Photo: 7. Makovec) Sl. 8: Jelenjeroga babica (Parablennius zvonimiri) je en-dolitska vrsta babic. (Foto: 7. Makovec) Lipej & Richter (1999) did not include this species in their survey of blennioids in Slovenian coastal waters, although they wrote that this species was an expected blenny in the area, since other authors had confirmed its occurrence in other adjacent northern Adriatic areas (Segantin, 1968; Patzner, 1985; Illich & Kotrschal, 1990). Marceta (1999), too, described it as an expected species in Slovenian coastal waters. Parablennius zvonimiri has been recently recorded at several localities in these waters, in each case in a sheltered environment generally covered with algal turf and encrusted with coralligenous algae (Fig. 8), where it inhabits holes excavated by the endolithic bivalve Lithophaga lithophaga. In such shady biotopes it blends with the red-brownish substrata (Abel, 1993). Factors involved in the new findings Nowadays, new approaches and techniques, associated with the SCUBA equipment, enable exploration of otherwise inaccessible habitats (Quignard & Tomasini, 2000; Lipej & Dulcic, 2004). With these underwater Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MARINE COASTAL FISH FAUNA OF SLOVENIA, 165-172 techniques we were able to observe, photograph and sometimes even catch certain fish species, which could previously not be detected with the use of traditional fishing gear due to their rarity or specific cryptic habitat type in which they live. To this end, divers need extensive training, especially for the detection of small cryptic species. With the recently adopted SCUBA techniques, we recorded seven new elements in the Slovenian marine fish fauna. Only C. argentatus was caught with hand net for sand smelt (Atherina spp.), whereas the specimen of L. viridis was photographed and sighted. Due to the increasing research efforts in terms of selective sampling of peculiar fish families, such as Blenniidae and Gobiidae, we succeeded also in confirming P. zvonimiri, Pomatos-chistus bathi. G. roulei and T. ephippiatus. The first three were recorded in specific habitat types at several localities. Despite in vivo observations, P. bathi has been overlooked in the past due to its small size and cryptic colouration, which reflects very well the colour pattern of its environment. T. ephippiatus has been observed only at a single locality. Due to its specific habitat type demands - crevices, cracks and cavities of steep rock faces, as reported by Miller (1986) - it is probable that the area off Cape Madona provides the only suitable habitat for this species in Slovenia. This unique site comprises habitat types with high spatial heterogeneity, where the detection of cryptobenthic species is even more difficult. Certain authors have argued (e.g. Colterill & Danger-field, 1997) that species' checklists without voucher specimens are pseudoscientific as their inventory identification can not be tested. In our opinion, the photographed records of certain rare species are very relevant and are in some cases even unique evidence, as it has been the case of a bramble shark (Echinorhinus brucus), photographed with the ROV camera below 1200 m (Ka-basakal et al., 2005). Photographs could be proofs for records of fish species only if species could be positively identified from their shape and coloration. For example, very small number of gobiid species could be identified in this way, and the published records based on photographs are very rare, like Ballesta et al. (1998) on D. schlieweni. With the use of quinaldine we were able to record two more cryptobenthic species, such as M. macroce-phalus and A. incognitus. This method, however, could be highly toxic for fish as well as for divers. The records of L. viridis and P. violacea seem to be correlated with temperature increase during the last decades, but further findings will elucidate the real status of both species. The findings reached during the present study extend the already known distribution of recorded species in the Mediterranean Sea. We expect that with the use of underwater visual techniques some new fish species for the Slovenian fauna will be found during the future investigations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our gratitude to Dr Jürgen Herler, who joined us while studying fish diversity in Slovenian coastal waters in the summer of 2001 and shared his precious experience with us. Special thanks are due also to Tihomir Makovec, Valter Ziza, Samo Alajbegovic, Ziga Dobrajc, Borut Mavric and Jan Simic for their help in the collection of some species. We are also indebted to our good colleague, Prof Jakov Dulcic (IOR Split), for his immense support and help in ichthy-ological matters. NOVI PRISPEVKI K MORSKI RIBJI FAVNI SLOVENIJE Lovrenc LIPEJ & Martina ORLANDO BONACA Morska biološka postaja Piran, Nacionalni inštitut za b iologijo, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41 E-mail: lipej@mbss.org Marjan RICHTER SI-1000 Ljubljana, Janežičeva 12 SUMMARY V prispevku navajamo podatke o sedmih novih vrstah rib za favno Slovenije: vijoličasti morski bič (Pteroplatytri-gon violacea), Roulejev glavač (Gobius roulei), Bathijev glavaček (Pomatoschistus bathi), rdeči glavač (Millerigobius macrocephalus), leopardasti glavač (Thorogobius ephippiatus), prisesnik vrste Apletodon incognitus in jelenjeroga Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MARINE COASTAL FISH FAUNA OF SLOVENIA, 165-172 babica (Parablennius zvonimiri). Nove podatke o pojavljanju navajamo še za dve manj znani oz. redki vrsti, in sicer za drozga (Labrus viridis) in srebrnico (Clinitrachus argentatus). Večino vrst smo vzorčili z novimi pristopi z uporabo avtonomne potapljaške opreme. Te podvodne tehnike omogočajo opazovanje in fotografiranje na mestu samem, obenem pa tudi ulov posebnih vrst rib, ki jih sicer ne moremo vzorčiti s tradicionalnim ribiškim priborom, saj so redke ali pa živijo v posebnem prikritem življenjskem okolju. Ključne besede: obrežna ihtiofavna, prvi zapisi, Tržaški zaliv, Jadransko morje REFERENCES Abel, E. F. (1993): Colouration Phenomena of Mediterranean Blennies (Pisces, Blenniidae). P.S.Z.N. I: Mar. Ecol., 14 (4), 291-312. Ballesta, l., P. J. Miller & J.-P. Quignard (1998): First record of Didogobius schlieweni Miller, 1992 (Gobiidae) in the western Mediterranean. Cybium, 22(3), 290-292. Bolje, A. (1992): Kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza kocarskih naselja u Trscanskom zaljevu. Magistarski rad. Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, Zagreb. Colterill, F. P. P. & J. M. Dangerfield (1997): The state of biological knowledge. Trends Ecol. Evol., 12(5), 206. Dulcic, J. & L. Lipej (1997): New records of marine fishes from the Slovenian coastal waters. 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