HACQUETIA 11/1 • 2012, 165 DOI: 10.2478/v10028-012-0005-2 Short communication to the validation of the name PRENANTHO PURPUREI-CORTLEtUM AVELLANAE (HACqUETIA 10/2: 149-170, 2011) Jan KLIMENT1 & Ivan JAROLÎMEK2* Within the description of the Corylus avellana community in the Vel'ká Fatra Mts (Kliment & Jarolímek 2011) we published the new association name for this community - Prenantho purpurei-Coryletum avellanae (Kulczynski 1928) Kliment et Jarolímek nom. nov. The citation of the Kulczynski (1928) we unfortunately forgot to include into the list of references. This is, in the sense of the International code of the phytosociological nomenclature (ICPN, Weber et al. 2000) Art. 2b (Note 3), 3n and 39b - necessary condition for the valid publishing of the new name of a syntaxon. In this short communication we correct the nomenclatural inconsistency and following the Art. 6 of the ICPN we validate the name of the association: Prenantho purpurei-Coryletum avellanae (Kulczynski 1928) Kliment et Jarolímek nom. nov. hoc loco. Bas.: Coryletum avellanae Kulczynski 1928 (Kulczynski 1928: 134) (Art. 31) Nomenclatural type: Jurko 1964, Tab. 5, r. 9, neotypus hoc loco. Syn.: Lonicero nigrae-Coryletum (Kulczynski 1928) Jurko 1964 [OFN: Lonicero (nigrae)-Coryletum (Kulcz. 28) em. Jko 64] (Art. 3f); Lonicero (nigrae)-Coryletum pienninicum Jurko 1964 (Art. 2b, 34a); Prenantho purpurei-Coryletum avellanae (Kulczynski 1928) Kliment et Jarolímek 2011 (Art. 3n, 39b). Incl.: Corylus avellana-Aegopodium podagraria community (Checko et Szajda 2004), Corylus avel-lana-Oxalis acetosella community (Checko et Szajda 2004). Non: Coryletum Beger 1922 (cf. Beger 1922: 81-84), Coryletum avellanae von Soó 1927 (cf. Soó 1927: 62-64). Aknowledgements Authors are indebted to Jean-Paul Theurillat for attention to invalid publishing of the new association name. REFERENCES Beger, H. K. E. 1922. Assoziationsstudien in der Waldstufe des Schanfiggs. Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubündens 1921/22, Beil.: 1-147. Checko, E. & Szajda, P. 2004. Mezofilne zbioro-wiska zaroslowe Pieninskiego Parku Narodo-wego (Mesophilous shrub communities of the Pieniny National Park). Stud. Nat. 49: 153-194. Jurko, A. 1964: Feldheckengesellschaften und Uferweidengebüsche des Westkarpatengebietes. Biol. Prace 10(6): 5-102. Kliment, J. & Jarolimek, I. 2011: European hazel shrubs in the Vel'ka Fatra Mts - syntaxonomy and nomenclature. Hacquetia 10(2): 149-170. Kulczynski, S. 1928: Die Pflanzenassoziationen der Pieninen. Bull. Int. Acad. Polon. Sci., Cl. Sci. Math., Ser. B, Sci. Nat., Suppl. 2 (1927): 57-203. Soo, R. 1927: Geobotanische Monographie von Kolozsvar (Klausenburg). Debreceni Tisza Istvan Tud. Tars. Honism. Bizott. Kiadv. 4 (1927-1928), 15-16: 1-151. Weber, H. E., Moravec, J. & Theurillat, J.-P. 2000: International code of the phytosociological nomenclature. 3rd edition. Journal of Vegetation Science 11: 739-768. 1 Botanical Garden of the Comenius University, 038 15 Blatnica, Slovakia 2 Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia * Corresponding author, e-mail: ivan.jarolimek@savba.sk