tekstu, in izpostavimo dejavnike, ki jim velja v prihodnje nameniti prav posebno pozornost. Ključne besede: PISA, Evropska unija, odprta metoda koordinacije, javno-politično učenje The reception of the PISA 2009 results in Slovenia through the lens of policy learning theory The PISA 2009 results in Slovenia have triggered extensive scientific discussions and policy debate, not to mention public and media attention. The article highlights the reception of PISA 2009 results in Slovenia from the perspective of a common European cooperation in the field of education. Researchers (de la Porte et al„ 2001; Radaelli, 2004) agree that the new forms of EU governance in the field of education are based on policy learning. Although the EU influence on the national educational space has been frequently addressed, authors agree that empirical evidence in the field is missing. The article fills this research gap by providing an innovative research framework for investigating such influence with the case study of PISA 2009 in Slovenia. Here, special attention is paid on the peculiarities of the Slovenian national context. The article identifies some reasons why exactly the PISA 2009 results attracted so much attention in the Slovenian educational space. The article concludes that studying the reception of PISA results through the theoretical lens of policy learning theory presents an alternative approach of discovering how international comparative assessment studies influence national educational space. It also identifies various factors, which should be taken into consideration in the reception of international comparative assessment study results in the future. Key words-. PISA, European Union, Open method of coordination, Policy learning. Simona Bezjak Ponovno vključevanje zgodnjih osipnikov za uspeh v šoli: zadovoljevanje potreb mladih z alternativnimi pedagoškimi pristopi Zmanjšanje zgodnjega osipa je ena izmed ključnih izobraževalnih prioritet v Evropski uniji. Ker so pedagoški pristopi, ki se uporabljajo v šolah, prepoznani kot eden izmed pomembnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na zgodnji osip, se članek ukvarja z alternativnimi pedagoškimi pristopi, ki so se v praksi pokazali za uspešne pri ponovnem vključevanju zgodnjih osipnikov. Članek temelji na rezultatih mednarodnega projekta »Uspeh v povzetki/abstracts šoli«, ki je raziskoval potencial prostovoljstva kot alternativnega pedagoškega pristopa. Naši rezultati, pri katerih uporabljamo podatke, ki smo jih pridobili s kvalitativno eksperimentalno študijo med tridesetimi zgodnjimi osipniki v Sloveniji, kažejo, da so še posebej participativni, fleksibili in dinamični pedagoški pristopi, ki temeljijo na željah in potrebah mladih ljudi, učinkovitejši kot tradicionalni pedagoški pristopi. Zato je tudi pro-stovoljstvo lahko uspešen pristop v primeru, da si zgodnji osipniki sami izberejo aktivnosti glede na svoje preference. Ključne besede: zgodnji osip, alternativni pedagoški pristopi, participativni kurikulum, prostovoljstvo. Re-engaging Early School Leavers for Success at School: Meeting the Needs of Youth with Alternative Educational Approaches Reducing early school leaving is one of the key educational priorities in the European Union. Since the pedagogical approaches used in schools are identified as one of the significant factors that affect the early school leaver, the article deals with the alternative pedagogical approaches that have been shown in practice to be successful in re-engaging early school leavers. The article is based on the results of the international project Success at School, which explored the potential of volunteering as the alternative pedagogical approach. Our results, using the data from the qualitative experimental study among the thirty early school leavers in Slovenia, suggest that especially the participative, flexible and dynamical educational approaches that are based on the preferences and needs of young people are more effective than traditional pedagogical approaches. Therefore, volunteering can also be a successful approach in the case that early school leavers are free to choose the activities according to their preferences. Key words-, early school leaving, alternative pedagogical approaches, participative curriculum, volunteering. Bénédicte Halba Prostovoljstvo - alternativna pedagoška strategija za boj proti zgodnjemu osipništvu ter povečevanju uspeha v šoli Prostovoljstvo je bilo kot priložnostno in neformalno učenje uradno priznano z Evropskim letom prostovoljstva (2011). Od lizbonskega (2000) in kopenhagenskega procesa (2002) dalje je vrsta evropskih projektov izpostavila, da so lahko prostovoljske izkušnje pripoznane kot glavni primer obogatitve neformalnega in normalnega učenja. V članku smo skušali pokazati, da je prostovoljstvo lahko tudi alternativna pedagoška strategija