FOR Freedom AND Justice No. 28 Ameriška jt it vi n ri re. AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Friday, April 8, 1 988 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER VOL. XC Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Sovjetske čete bodo začele zapuščati Afganistan sredi maja — Z umikom bodo začeli tik pred obiskom Reagana v Moskvi MOSKVA, ZSSR — Včeraj sta Sovjetska zveza in Afganistan objavila izjavo, v kateri naznanjata, da sta dosegla sporazum o umiku sovjetskih vojaških enot iz Afganistana. V Afganistanu je sedaj 115.000 sovjetskih vojakov. Z umikanjem svojih čet bodo Sovjeti začeli 15. maja, torej dva tedna pred pričetkom obiska predsednika Ronalda Reagana, ki se bo mudil v ZSSR od 29. maja do 2. junija. Sovjetsko-afganistanski sporazum o odhodu sovjetskih vojakov je sicer odvisen od pričakovanega sporazuma med Afganistanom in Pakistanom, po katerem bi Pakistan omejil pošiljanje pomoči upornikom v Afganistanu. Predstavniki obeh držav pa trdijo, da pogajanja o tem sporazumu, ki potekajo v Ženevi, hitro napredujejo, ker so ZDA in ZSSR same našle skupnega jezika o postopnem omejevanju ameriške pomoči preko Pakistana afganistanskim upornikom. Podrobnosti o tem še niso javno znane, vendar bo omejevanje ameriške pomoči odvisno od dejanskega sovjetskega odhajanja iz Afganistana. ZDA so zahtevale v pogajanjih s Sovjeti, da bi prišlo do nekakšne simetrije v tem procesu. Baje so Sovjeti na to končno pristali. Sovjetski voditelj Mihail Gorbačov se je ta teden sestal z afganskim voditeljem Na-džibullahom v uzbekistanskem mestu Taškentu. Včeraj je Gorbačov govoril na nekem zborovanju delavcev v Taškentu in dejal, da je optimističen tako glede uresničitve načrta o umiku čet iz Afganistana kot o tem, da bodo ZDA in Pakistan sodelovale pri končni rešitvi tega problema. Opazovalci sovjetskih razmer menijo, da bo ZSSR veliko pridobila v ugledu, ako bo res zapustila Afganistan, tako v Evropi kot v Tretjem svetu. Umik bo, nadaljujejo ti analitiki, prispeval k nadaljnjemu znatnemu izboljšanju v sovjetsko-ameriških odnosih. Končna usoda lutkarskega režima v Kabulu Pa ni še znana. Še nepojasnjena smrt 15-letne Izraelke zaostrila razmere na Zahodnem bregu — Judovski naseljenci zahtevajo maščevanje ELON MOREH, Zah. breg — Preteklo sredo je prišlo do hudega incidenta, ko so Palestinci v bližini vasi Beita napadlo skupi-no 20 mladih Izraelcev. Dva od Izraelcev sta bila oborožena in sta začela streljati na Palestince, ki so metali kamne. Ubita je bila 15-letna Izraelka Tirza Porat. Prva poročila 80 trdila, daje bila ubita od Palestincev, kar Je povzročilo ogorčenje med judovskimi naseljenci na Zahodnem bregu. Ti so na Pora-lovem pogrebu zahtevali maščevanje proti vsem Palestincem in sicer njih izgon iz Zahodnega brega. Izraelske vojaške oblasti so pri-Prle več mlajših vaščanov Beite, osumljenih sodelovanja v napadu na mlade Izraelce. Sinoči pa je izraelska televizija poroča-!a> da je bila Poratova ustreljena v glavi in to Je bil vzrok njene smrti. Palestinci pa niso 'nieli strelnega orožja. Predstavnik izraelske v°jske, ki upravlja Zahodni breg, je rekel, je sedaj več verzij o tem, kako je prišlo do Poratove smrti, vsekakor pa so bili Palestin-c' dsti, ki so incident povzročili. V zadnjih štirih mesecih je po najboljših ^fsteh padlo 141 Palestincev, ubita pa sta 1 a izraelski vojak in Poratova. Dukakis premagal Jacksona v VVisconsinu — Volitve 19. aprila v New Yorku zelo pomembne — Simon opustil kandidaturo WASHINGTON, D.C. Na torkovih primarnih volitvah v Wisconsinu je zmagal med demokrati massachusettski guverner Michael Dukakis, ki je prejel 48% vseh oddanih demokratskih glasov. Jesse Jackson je dobil 28%, daleč tretji pa je bil sen. Albert Gore. Sen. Paul Simon, ki je dobil komaj 5 odstotkov vseh glasov, je dejal včeraj, da je kandidaturo »začasno« opustil, želi pa igrati vlogo na strankini konvenciji, predvsem glede strankinega votivnega programa, zato se bo še vedno smatral kot dejanski kandidat. Ključnega pomena za demokrate bodo naslednje primarne volitve v New Yorku 19. aprila. Politični komentatorji menijo, da je Dukakis s svojimi zmagami ta leden v Colorado in Wisconsinu zopet na vodilnem mestu pred Jacksonom. Ako bo Dukakis zmagal tudi v New Yorku — in vsi znaki sedaj kažejo, da bo —, bo strankino imenovanje njegovo. Nekateri demokratski veljaki skušajo prepričati newyorškega guvernerja Maria Cuoma, naj vendar postane kandidat, čeprav ob enajsti uri, Cuomo pa še vedno ne kaže zanimanja. Demokrati, ki računajo, da bo Dukakis njihov kandidat novembra letos zoper republikanca Georgea Busha, so v skrbeh zaradi podpredsedniškega kandidata. Logična izbira bi bil sam Jesse Jackson, a mnogi pravijo, da bi Jacksonovo imenovanje pomenilo gotov poraz na novembrskih volitvah. Zato iščejo drugega sprejemljivega kandidata, tu pa imajo težave. Kot kaže, želijo najti koga iz ameriškega juga, ker je Bush posebno močan na jugu, a primernih kandidatov zaenkrat ni. Nadaljnja demokratska skrb je ta, da ne želijo jeziti Jacksonovih pristašev. — Kratke vesti — Tegucigalpa, Hon. — Sinoči je kakih 1000 demonstrantov, v večini so bili univerzitetni študentje, napadlo ameriško veleposlaništvo v tem mestu. Požgali so poslopje, v katerem je bilo razno blago, last veleposlaništva, in uničili kakih 20 vozil. Honduraški policisti so streljali na izgrednike in po poročilih danes zjutraj, je bilo ubitih do pet oseb. Študentje so demonstrirali proti izgonu v ZDA nekega Honduračana, osumljenega trgovanja z mamili in za uboj nekega ameri-čana, uslužbenega pri ameriškem uradu za boj zoper trgovce z mamili. Tehran, Iran — Teroristi, ki so pretekli torek ugrabili kuvejtsko potniško letalo in pilota prisilili, da je pristal na letališču v iranskem mestu Masshad, grozijo, da bodo ubili kakih 50 talcev, ki so še na letalu. Med talci so trije člani kuvejtske kraljevske družine. Teroristi zahtevajo izpustitev iz kuvejt-skih zaporov 17 pajdašev, obsojenih zaradi raznih terorističnih akcij v Kuvejtu. Doslej je kuvejtska vlada odklanjala vsak pritisk, da bi obsojene teroriste izpustila. Iranska vlada pravi, da želi videti konec ugrabitvi, ni pa podvzela nobenih ukrepov zoper teroriste. Tehran, Iran — Iranski predstavniki trdijo, da so iranska bojna letala bombardirala Bagdad in močno poškodvala neko naftno rafinerijo in vojaško oporišče. Iračani zanikajo iranske trditve, tuji opazovalci pa menijo, da je do bombnega napada, prvega v zadnjih treh letih, res prišlo. Iz Clevelanda in okolice KRES gre v New York— Plesna skupina KRES sporoča, da je še nekaj sedežev na avtobusu, ki bo peljal v New York City, kjer bodo Kresovci ob spremljavi orkestra Veseli Slovenci nastopili na Slovenskem festivalu. Avtobus bo odpeljal v petek, 29. aprila, zvečer, vrnil pa se bo v nedeljo, 1. maja. Če se še kdo želi pridružiti veseli družbi Kresov-cev in njihovih prijateljev, lahko pokliče 732-8008 ali pa 944-2538 za več informacije. Cena je $110 na osebo, kar vključuje voznino, prenočišče in vstopnico za festival. Družabni večer— Jutri zvečer ima Tabor DSPB svoj pomladanski družabni večer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avc. Koncert— Jutri zvečer ima pevski zbor Jadran svoj koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Od 5.30 do 7.30 bo v spodnji dvorani servirana večerja. Občni zbor Baragovega doma- Korporacija Baragov dom in Družabni klub Baragovega doma obveščata svoje članstvo oz. delničarje, da se bo vršil občni zbor Baragovega doma v nedeljo, 17. aprila 1988, ob 4. uri popoldne v prostorih Baragovega doma, 6304 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Okreva na domu— V veliko veselje svoje družine, sorodnikov in številnih prijateljev, se je na velikonočno soboto vrnil iz bolnišnice, kjer je prestal težko operacijo, g. Janez Povirk. Hvaležen za molitve, cvetje, kartice in obiske, zlasti še dr. Maksimilijana Raka ter preč. g. Janeza Kum-šeta, se vsem iskreno zahvaljuje. Novi grobovi Jack F. Miklacic Preteklo sredo je v Rock Creeku, Ohio, umrl 77 let stari Jack F. Miklacic, mož Mary Lou (r. Moitis), oče Petra in Cvnthie, brat Louise Plemel, Ann Miklaucic, Josephine Sie-woriek, Emily Hamm in Dorothy Doerger. Pogreb bo jutri, v soboto, iz pogrebnega zavoda Fleming v Jeffersonu, Ohio, v cerkev Sacred Heart v Rock Creeku dop. ob lOh. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Albina Houry V sredo, 6. aprila, je v Lake West bolnici po kratki bolezni umrla 64 let stara Albina (Bea) Houry z Willowicka, rojena Ivanc 31. maja 1923 v Clevelandu, žena Roberta st., mati (dalje na str. 41 Predavanje nocoj— Nocoj ob 7.30 bo v šolski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti predaval č.g. Luka Hočevar, salezijanski duhovnik iz Celovca in upravnik dijaškega doma Mohorjeve družbe v tem mestu. Govoril bo o Mohorjevi in njenem delu in o položaju Slovencev na Koroškem. Včeraj se je g. Hočevar oglasil pri A.D. in si ogledal prostore, v spremstvu č.g. F. Slobodnika iz Hamiltona, Ont. Vabljeni ste na nocojšnje predavanje. Kosilo MZA— Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija vabi na svoje kosilo, ki bo v nedeljo, 17. aprila, v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. Serviranje bo od 11.30 do 1.30 pop. Vstopnice imajo člani, dobili jih boste tudi pri vhodu. Pridite! V Rožmanov sklad— Za študente v Mohorjevih domovih sta darovala v spomin na umrlo Mary Per $20 g. Frank in ga. Paula Pustotnik iz Geneve, Ohio, ne pa g. Frank Urankar, kakor je bilo pomotoma objavljeno. Odšel bo— Slišali smo, da bo jugoslovanski konzul Ivo Vajgl naše mesto zapustil sredi junija. Odhaja na novo delovno mesto v SFRJ. Dobrosrčnost— Redke so prireditve, na katerih bi pogrešali rojakinjo go. Ann Filipič. Ker bo. kmalu praznovala svoj 90. rojstni dan, se je odločila za svojstveno praznovanje. Sama bo priredila zabavo, stroške krila, vabi vse svoje številne prijatelje in prijateljice, da pridejo v nedeljo, 1. maja, od 2. do 7. ure zvečer v Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair Ave., in z njo slavijo ta velik življenjski jubilej. Ga. Filipič prosi le, da bi vsak gost prostovoljno prispeval dar v gotovini Slovenskemu narodnemu domu. Naj omenimo še, da je ga. Filipič dolga leta dobrotnica mnogim organizacijam, predvsem Slovenskemu domu za ostarele. Spominska darova— Anna J. Fischer, North Olmsted, O., je darovala $25 v tiskovni sklad našega lista v spomin na Sophie Kasic. Ljudmila Plečnik, New Middletown, O., je pa poklonila $10, v spomin Ivana Plečnika. VREME Spremenljivo oblačno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 50° F. Pretežno sončno jutri z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 60° F. V nedeljo zopet sončno in še topleje. Najvišja temperatura bo okoli 68° F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 012400) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche American Home Slovenian of the Year 1987: Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države: $36 na leto; $21 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 8 za 3 mesece Kanada: $45 na leto; $30 za 6 mesecev; $20 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $48 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $28 Petkova AD.(letna): ZDA: $21; Kanada: $25; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $28 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $36.00 - year; $21.00 - 6 mos.; $18.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $45.00 - year; $30.00 - 6 mos.; $20.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $48.00 per year; $28 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $21.00 - year; Canada: $25.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 61 17 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published Tuesday & Friday except 1st 2 weeks in July & the week after Christmas No. 28 Friday, April 8, 1988 « »Anschluss« pred 50 leti Dne 11. marca ob 11,10 se je cela Avstrija ustavila za eno minuto: v molku so se spomnili dogodkov pred 50 leti, ko je Hitler poslal svoje čete, da so zasedle avstrijsko republiko, nakar je on dne 14. marca na Heldenplatz-u na Dunaju razglasil Avstrijo za večno združeno v Tretjem Reichu (Anschluss). Na istem trgu je 11. marca letos predsednik Kurt Waldheim položil venec v spomin vsem žrtvam nacizma. Pozneje je sledila svečanostna seja parlamenta in vlade v Hofburgu, kjer sta najprej spregovorila ministrski predsedniki Vranitzky in zunanji minister Mock. Avstrijo imajo za prvo žrtev nacizma, vendar je bila to le do neke mere. Ko so nacistične čete vdrle na avstrijsko ozemlje in korakale potem do Dunaja, so jih povsod spremljali z navdušenjem in po celi poti ni padel niti en sam strel. Pohod nemške vojske do Dunaja je bil zmagoslaven pohod. Ko so pozneje razpisali plebiscit, ki naj potrdi pripadnost Avstrije Tretjemu Reichu, se je izrekla za to velikanska večina Avstrijcev. Res je, da je bil to »plebiscit« kot so ga poznale in ga poznajo vse diktature, vendar je nesporno dejstvo, da je ogromna večina prebivalstva z veseljem sprejela naciste. To so priznali tudi nekateri govorniki v Tinjah, kjer so imeli več predavanj na temo, kako so Avstrijci sprejeli nacistično okupacijo. Neka predavateljica je priznala: »Takrat sem bila dijakinja, stara 20 let in sem v Hitlerju videla boga.« Pa ne samo ona, tako so menili premnogi Avstrijci. Celo takratna cerkvena hierarhija s kardinalom Innitzerjem je z naklonjenostjo sprejela naciste. Šele pozneje so se avstrijski Cerkvi odprle oči kot mnogim drugim. A bilo je prepozno. Koroški Slovenci pod nacizmom Tisti, ki so se poleg Judov prestrašili nacistov, so bili koroški Slovenci. Ti so se kakor Judje dobro zavedali, kaj jim prinaša novi režim. Kmalu so namreč pregnali iz južne Koroške vse slovenske duhovnike, številne tudi zaprli skupaj z intelektualci. Ne dolgo zatem se je začelo izseljevanje slovenskih zavednih družin. Morali so vse pustiti, vzeti s seboj le najpotrebnejše in iti v neznano usodo. Na njihove domačije so hitlerjanci naselili nemške družine. Leta 1 944 so se tudi na južnem Koroškem pojavili partizani, posebno na področju Karavank. Za prebivalstvo se je začelo novo trpljenje, ker so bili osumljeni sodelovanja s partizani. Iz tistih časov so žrtve iz Sel, ki so jih menda 1 3, sodili na Dunaju in potem obglavili. Pa še toliko drugih žrtev je bilo. Na Koroškem so nacisti ostali Vojna se je končala; izseljenci so se vrnili na svoje domove, toda povojna avstrijska republika jim nikoli ni dala zasluženega zadoščenja. Na Koroškem so nacisti ostali in se poskrili. Zlasti je ostala mržnja do Slovencev, ki je povsod prisotna. Sedaj se kaže v tem, da hočejo odpraviti dvo jezično šolstvo. Nacistični Heimatdienst je to sprožil, svobodnjaška stranka to podpira in iz strahu zaradi glasov ali iz tihega prepričanja sta pristali na to tudi obe večinski stran- MUwaukee, 19. sušca 1988 OB MELODIJAH TRPLJENJA IN POKORE Postni čas ima za vernike svoj globlji pomen. Opominja na oddolžitev, vsaj delno, trpečemu Pastirju, in za malenkostno nadomestitev Njegove pokore z našo lastno, ki naj bo zato čista, osebna in neposredna. Izbiramo lahko, celo, med odrekanji in žrtvami, da bi odpahnili kar največ slabih navad, kot so necimurnost, pohlep, kletev, opravljivost. Hkrati lahko stopnjujemo priznanja Rešeniku in Ga skušamo posnemati vsaj v Njegovi prvi zapovedi, naj se ljubimo kakor bratje. Tisti, ki so prejeli ob rojstvu posebne daro- ve, slušno uho in pevsko grlo, naj spremljajo Njegovo muko s pesmijo, otožno in čuvstveno, spokorno. Prav s tem namenom sta se zbrali na dan Sv. Jožefa pred oltarjem preurejene cerkve Sv. Janeza Evanglista dve pevski skupini: Domači »Gallus« pod vodstvom izkušenega prof. Leona Muškatevca in »Slovenska Pesem« iz Chicaga pod taktirko dr. Vendelina Spendova OFM. Ladja se je napolnila s hvaležno, vdano publiko. Spored Že besedila so dala vedeti, da bo šlo za spokorniški izraz. Tonska barva je le stopnjevala občutek vdaje, kesanja in upanja. Pogostna molska lestvica je iskala sprave med grehom in milostjo ter mašila razpoke med Nebom in Zemljo. Zbujena vest je klicala človeka na odgovor. Podkovani pevci našega Gallusa so pričeli s staro slovensko »Spokorna—Večno srečno«. Davnina je ni oropala aktualnosti, zato se naj ta pesem ne pozabi. Sledila je znana Cvekova »Tam na vrtu Oljske Gore«, v mehkem domačem izrazu, njej pa očitajoča »Kaj sem Ti storil«, v zvišanem umetniškem doživetju. Temu je močno prispeval naš priznani baritonist Jurij Lipovšek, čigar tonska barva se pristno prilega žalobnemu ritmu. Zato smo ga tem raje slišali še dvakrat: V otožno ganljivi »Pod Oljkami« (tudi Vodopivčeva), ter v Sattnerjevi »Zemlja in Nebo žaluje«. Vsaka zase prinaša nov očitek, nov žebelj Križanemu. Mojstrski terapevt prof. Muškatevc je — razen snovne izbire — skrbel tudi za učinkovite dinamične poudar- SLOVENSKI ODER PRED OLTARJEM CHICAGO, 111. - Na Cvetnico (2. 3.) je pri Sv. Štefanu v Chicagu izrekel nedeljski Evangelij naš mlajši rod. Zapovrstjo je tekla graja ljudstva in rabljev, iz sv. pisma, ter vdaja Obsojenca s Pilatom vred. Igralcem se ni mudilo; resnoba je bila poudarjena ob vsaki podrobnosti. Cvet naših besednikov, današnjih in lanskih, je enotno spremil Kristusa od trenutka, ko so ga učenci zapustili, do zdihljaja na križu. Nikomur se ni povesil izraz; občutili smo dramski ton razočaranja in bridkosti. Ta žalostni prizor sklenjene tragike je bil uspeh naših Kulturnih ur. Lepšega in pomenljivega nastopa niso mogli izbrati. Naj jim Rešenik blagoslovi vsa pota, ob hvaležnosti vseh tistih, ki jim srce nenehno utripa za neumrlo materinščino. Ibis ke in je s tem izbrusil kamenčke za mozaično podobo Trpljenja. Gostje iz Chicaga-Jolieta so prinesli spored dopolnilnega pomena. Pričenši z ljudsko, nadvse mehko žalostinko »Oljsko Goro« (za moški zbor), so odprli staro rano Rešenikove bridkosti. Naslednja (Špendova) »Zdaj kliče nas k pokori« že terja našo preosnovo in napoveduje obračun s pregrešnimi vezmi. Še globlji opomin pristavi naslednja (od Lojzeta Mava), ki mu sen prinese živo zagotovilo, da bodo nebesa darežljiva tistim, ki jih dela pridružujejo k trpečim... Nebeško Mater, ki se ji krči srce pod križem, opeva naslednja trpka žalostinka (Hribarjeva »Mati žalostna«), roteč jo, naj si vendar olajša tesnobo s tem, da podeli Sinove rane z grešnikom, v njegovo odrešenje. To poje mešani zbor Slovenske Pesmi, ki h koncu doda še izklesano sličico Osme Postaje Križevega Pota, ob grenkem joku jeruzalemskih žena (v obdelavi Matije Tomca). Trdi občutek skorajšnjega obupa je izražen z vrhunsko žrtvijo, ko se Zveličar čuti bolj udarjenega z ljudskimi grehi, kot z bičem rabljev. Vendar se izza bridkosti porajajo žarki svetlobe. Golgota odpira upanje človeštvu, da Njega bolečine ne bodo zaman. (Solist: Gregor Rožman). Tretji, skupni del Združene pevski moči slovenskega Milwaukeeja in Chicaga so se za tem strnile v veli-čanstveno enoto, ki naj dogo-tovi podobo nezaslišane grenkobe in tudi zajame prgišče zanosa in zmagoslavja. Cerkveni oltar se je utopil, obdan s pevci, a slušatelji so zaželeli še večjega akustičnega ugodja. Proza ni več bila v ospredju. Z dostojanstveno zbranostjo je maestro dr. Špendov otvoril sklenjeno moško kapaciteto s Kimovčevo »Večerja Zadnja«, v kateri se je turobnosti pridružila toplota, mehkoba in srčnost. Ton se je skladno pokoril vzvišenemu besedilu .^Zapoved, bratje, to je moja: Da ljubite se med seboj. Iz tega bodo vsi spoznali, da ste hodili za menoj...« Niknila je blagodejna harmonija ... Le-tej je sledila Gallus-Petelinova »Glejte, kako umira Pravični«, kot rahel očitek vesolja. Glasba zanesljivo poudarja zmedo greha in hudobije, pa tudi pridobljenega zavetja zaslužnim. Daljnji (in zadnji) Rešenikov krik velja vsej njegovi čredi, ki pozablja, koliko je prejela, jn tudi tolpi, ki gaje ovila s trnjem. Vendar je zaključni, gromoviti melos izvabljen iz preprostega tamkajšnjega ljudstva, ki uvideva svoj prepad... Spleteni »Amen« razodeva končno skesanost. Taktirko je tukaj imel spet prof. Muškatevc vse do sklepnih točk. Mariji je spet posvečena idila »Je mrak končan«, ki odse-va hrepenenje duš po čistosti in soncu. Kot je navadno vsak »Ave Marija« lep, tako je bil lep in prazničen tudi ta. S to pesmijo je tudi zaključena žalost Kalvarije in se od-pro srca valovitemu veselju Aleluje in zmagoslavja. »Zapoj veselo« (L. Mava) je zanosno grmela v zadoščenje vsem, ki jih je trlo breme in so pogrešali upanja v rešitev. Sklepni odmev Tako lepi dogodki so, žal, redki. Težko se organizirajo io pripravijo. Domačinom je na videz prizaneseno, ker jim ni treba potovati. Morajo pa natančno poskrbeti za vse okoliščine in pogoje, ter za postrežbo gostom (in po možnosti tudi občinstvu). Tudi po tej strani je srečanje uspelo, saj je bilo gostoljubje na višini, kramljanje ob postrežbi pa prijetno in se družba dolgo ni razšla' Slovenska glasbena skup' nost je občutila praznično ugodje. Prijateljska vzajemnost je podprla namen in je zvišala učinek. Zboljšujemo si pogoje za strnjeno sodelovanje, ki nas bo še neštetokrat povezalo. Hvala in priznanje vsem, ki kakorkoli prispevajo k takšnim manifestacijam; saj s tem krepijo kulturno združevanja in ogrevajo srca za razvoj i’1 nujno vzdrževanje naših duhovnih prvin. Udeleženef Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Service5 Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Viilaview Road at Neff 692-1172 ki, socialistična in ljudska (Volkspartei). Slovenci bijejo skrajen boj, da bi do tega ne prišlo. V tem so z njimi solidarni vsi ostali Slovenci v Jugoslaviji in v zamejstvu. Saj gre za novo krivico do rojakov na Koroškem. Nove krivice za Slovence na Koroškem V tem boju so jih podprli tudi slovenski rojaki v svobodnem svetu. Slovenska ljudska stranka s sedežem v Bue- (dalje na str. 3) »Anschluss« pred 50 leti (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) nos Airesu je naslovila na avstrijskega zunanjega ministra Mocka protestno pismo, v katerem pravi: »V času, ko se spominjamo, kako je pred 50 leti pričenjal nacizem svoj osvajalni pohod po Evropi, z zlomom avstrijske neodvisnosti in demokracije in kako je istočasno pričel uničevati slovensko prebivalstvo na Koroškem, z zaskrbljenostjo spremljamo kot Slovenci, kot demokrati in kot kristjani dogodke, ki v tej deželi ponovno prizadevajo kulturno rast slovenskega ljudstva... Prosimo vas, da ne sklepate o kulturnem življenju Slovencev na Koroškem, ne da bi pri tem upoštevali njih pravice in želje.« Oglasil se je tudi Slovenski narodni odbor, ki povezuje vse demokratične Slovence v izseljenstvu, in poslal dve podobni pismi na predsednika zvezne vlade Vranitzkega ter na tajnika Socialistične stranke Petra Jankovitscha. Med drugim opozarjajo: »Podrejeni položaj (koroških Slovencev) se zdaj kaže ob pripravah na zakonsko reformo šolstva na jezikovno mešanem področju južne Koroške. V zaskrbljenosti za neovirano možnost nadaljnje celotne integriranosti v družbi Slovenci posebno obžalujejo, da se jim pri preučevanju vzgojnega sistema ne daje primerna vloga in da niso pritegnjeni k pogajanjem kot enakovreden partner.«... Koroškim Slovencem se ob 50-letnici nacistične zasedbe Avstrije obetajo nove krivice. Katoliški glas <77. marca IMS) NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA V globoki žalosti, a vdani v božjo voljo, sporočamo vsem prijateljem in znancem, da je 21. februarja t.l. po dolgem in hudem trpljenju mirno zaspala in se preselila v večnost naša ljuba mama, stara mama, sestra in teta 1904 1988 ANICA GOVŽE Rojena je bila 2. junija 1904 v Dolenji vasi pri Ribnici, pokopana pa 25. februarja 1988 na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardonu, Ohio. Prisrčno se zahvaljujemo župniku preč.g. Jožetu Božnarju za obiske v bolnici in na domu, za molitev sv. rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu, za darovano pogrebno sv. mašo ter za spremstvo in molitve na pokopališču. Hvaležni smo dr. Metki Gorenšek za vsakodnevne obiske na kliniki, za kar se ji iz srca zahvaljujemo. Hvala lepa organistu g. Davidu Križan in ge. Amaliji Košnik za lepo petje in spremljavo pri pogrebni sv. maši. •skreno se zahvaljuemo pevovodju g. Rudiju Knezu in pevcem zbora Korotan, ki so ob krsti ljubi mami zapeli v srce segajoče žalostinke. Prisrčno se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki so ljubo mamo prišli pokropit, poklonili cvetje, nam izrazili sožalje in se udeležili Pogrebne sv. maše. Posebno zahvalo pa smo dolžni tistim, ki so kljub snežnemu metežu spremili mamo na njeni zadnji Poti na pokopališče. Naj Bog poplača vsem, ki so darovali za Sv- maše ali v druge namene v njen spomin. Hvala tudi g. Prancetu Šegatu za molitev ob krsti in g. Vidmarju, ki seje v ■oienu društva ADZ št. 14 z ganljivimi besedami poslovil od n>ame. Našo globoko zahvalo naj sprejmejo nosilci krste: gg. Pavle ^ndoljšek, France Boh, France Dejak, Vinko Kaplan, Prance Šega, Vinko Štefančič in Tone Vogel. Najlepša hvala g. dr. Pavlovčiču za objavo osmrtnice na slo-vcnski radijski oddaji. iskreno zahvalo smo dolžni vodstvu Želetovega pogrebnega *av°da za vsestransko pomoč in za vzorno voden pogreb. azposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, katerih naslove smo ^cdeli, če pa smo koga pomotoma zgrešili, naj nam oprosti Pjub naJ sprejme to našo javno zahxalo. a mama, rešena si trpljenja, počivaj v miru poleg sina Riharda. Neutolažljivi: Hčerka Vnuk Sestra Nečakinji Nečak Anica Rihard Marica Klica in Vlasta Julijan In ostali sorodniki v Sloveniji South Kudid, Ohio Ribnica na Dolenjskem Nova Gorica »Prisega o polnoči« zasluži ponovitev CLEVELAND, O. - Gre za ljudsko igro, ki sojo uprizorili 20. marca v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue igralci in igralke Dramatskega društva Lilije. Že 25. marca je izšla o tej predstavi ocena in nimam namena podati še drugo, kajti s prvotno popolnoma soglašam. Ko objavljam slike, posnete med predstavo, bi pa rad »agitiral« v prid ponovitve igre. Ko imajo pevski zbori svoje koncerte, ni tako redko, da ta ali druga pesem tako navduši občinstvo, da zahteva takojšnjo ponovitev. Za pevski zbor je to seveda enostavno. Pevci lahko takoj ponovijo ali pa ob koncu rednega koncerta. To ni mogoče z dramsko predstavo. Če je denimo drugo dejanje sijajno podano, igralci ga ne morejo kar ponoviti, kaj šele čakati, da je igra končana, da dejanje ali krajši odlomek iz igre ponovijo. Z dramsko predstavo je drugače kot s koncertom, ali tudi kot z dobro knjigo. Z užitkom bereš dobro knjigo, ali dober članek v časopisu ali reviji. Tudi še tako skrben bralec pa ima korist, če tako knjigo ali članek drugič prebere. Dvoma ni, da bo ob drugem prebiranju našel marsikaj, kar ni bil prej opazil ali razumel. In ko berete in vam nekaj ni jasno, ali se vam zdi, da niste vsega dojeli, se lahko ustavite in zopet preberete stavek, odstavek itd. Ali pa lahko branje odložite in nekaj ali več časa razmišljate o tem, kar ste brali. To je popolnoma odvisno od vas. Kaj pa z odrsko predstavo? Gledaš igro, slediš razvoju dogodkov, a gre vse mimo kar precej hitro in brez vsake vaše »kontrole«. Igre ne morete ustaviti, da pretehtate, kar ste pravkar videli, ne morete od nastopajočih pri priči zahtevati, naj vendar te ali one vrste ponovijo, ker jih niste ob prvem poslušanju razumeli ali dojeli. Ste kot letalski potnik. Lilijina predstava 20. marca je bila odlična, prepričan pa sem, da bi mnogi, ki smo bili navzoči, lahko igro zopet z veseljem gledali, četudi sedaj vemo za »izid«. Nekateri od navzočih bi se za ponovitev ne zanimali, njihovi sedeži bi pa bili na razpolago tistim, ki iz enega ali drugega razloga niso mogli prisostvovati prvotni predstavi. Za drugo predstavo bi tudi ne škodovalo reklamiranje pri starejših naseljencih, ki še ljubijo pristno slovensko besedo, a jo zadnja leta bolj redko slišijo. Končno, tudi za igralce in igralke bi lahko bila ponovitev koristna. Razumeti pa je treba, da bi ponovitev pomenila težko breme za nastopajoče kot za številne sodelavce, ki so pomagali v ozadju. Vesel bi pa bil, in uverjen sem, da bi ne bil edini, če bi do ponovitve Prisege o polnoči prišlo. Urednik Prizori s »Prisege o polnoči« Med prednostmi Lilijine predstave 20. marca v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. je bila ta, da je bilo angažiranih toliko igralcev in igralk. Kot »kmetje« so nastopili (z leve): Edi Mejač, Ani Krdani, Janez Tominc in Srečo Gaser. Zgoraj so (z leve): Ani Krdani, mala Monika Zalar, Metka Zalar in Florjan Osredkar. Pogovarjata se Ivan Hauptman in Martina Jakomin. Slika tudi kaže, kako odlične so bile scene, prav tako maske. Za slednje je bil odgovoren dr. Milan Pavlovčič, in je bil povsem kos svoji nalogi. Vlogo Cigana Marka je igral Peter Dragar, Metka Zalar pa je bila nesrečna Anka. Kot Cigani so nastopili (z leve): Edi Mejač, Mari McMurray, Kristina Rus in Kati Nemec. (Fotografiral jc Stane Mrva) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 760. Misijonar Pavel Bernik, S.D.B., je 17. februarja poslal potrdilo za prejeto pomoč MZA in pripisal z velikimi črkami: »Bog plačaj! Več pozneje. Vdani Bernik.« Pismo je zanj napisal indijski sobrat g. Thomas Mulayinkal, ki sporoča, da je bil g. Bernik operiran na očesu in ne more pisati. Upajo, da bo v nekaj tednih spet v redu. Takole nadaljuje: »Fr. B. mi je povedal o čudovitem delu, ki ga vršite za misijone z velikodušnimi dobrotniki, ki sodelujejo z MZA. Salesian College, kjer g. B. z nami deluje, je Semenišče, kjer nad 70 bogoslovcev študira in formira svoje življenje za duhovništvo. Molite zanje, da bi oni postali sveti duhovniki in goreči misijonarji. Iskreno Vaš v Kristusu, Fr. T. M., S.D.B.« G. Pavletu želimo hitrega okrevanja, ko se ga redno spominjamo v molitvah. Davčno potrdilo za prejem pomoči je prišlo tudi od sestre M. Terezije iz Kalkute. Tole molitev prilagajo: »Mary, Mother of Jezus, give me your heart, so beautiful, so pure, so immaculate, so full of love and humility that I may be able to receive Jezus in the Bread of Life, love Him as you loved Him and serve Him in the distressing disguise of the Poorest of the Poor. Amen.« Iz Teherana v Iranu se je oglasila z zahvalo za pomoč s. Cecilija Rode, ki omenja težak položaj v negotovosti, ki jo preživljajo. Vse delo nekam visi v zraku, saj vsi vemo, kako je težko, če človek ne ve, kaj pričakovati za jutri, v napeti negotovosti današnjega dne. Molimo zanjo! MZA Joliet »Bake Sale« bodo imeli na Cvetno nedeljo, 27. marca. Želimo jim veliko uspeha. Zbrana pomoč je za vse naše misijonarje in misijonarke. Od misijonskih pionirk na Slonokoščeni obali je predsednica Marija Jeretina prejela zahvalo za poslane čeke v imenu MZA. S. Hermina se zahvaljuje, Branka in s. Anica pripisujeta nekaj vrstic s pozdravi in obljubo molitve. Omenja, kako bi njihovo delo bilo nemogoče brez dobrotnikov iz zaledja. Tudi laične misijonske moči je treba nadomestiti, kot sedaj pri njih, ko je bolezen prizadela francosko dvojico, došlo njim v pomoč pri misijonskem delu. Vrniti sta se morala v Francijcf in je seveda župnik ostal sam v skrbi za dijake v Dijaškem domu. Sedaj naše rojakinje pomagajo začasno. S Hermina končuje pismo: »V molitvi smo z Vami vsemi povezane, dragi prijatelji misijonov, ki nam pomagate odkrivati v srcih teh ljudi pravo Luč, ki razsvetljuje vsakega človeka. Vroče afriške pozdrave vsem! s. Hermina« Misijonar Pavel Bajc 29. januarja potoži, da je naše pismo z MZA pomočjo do njega zelo dolgo hodilo. 100 sv. maš bo opravil s sobrati v misijonu in pomoč v daru 500 dol. mu bo zelo prav prišla, ko bo ček v glavnem mestu zamenjal. Sušo imajo in upajo, da bo Bog kmalu dež poslal. Za cerkev sv. Vincencija Pavelskcga, ko jo na Madagaskarju gradi g. Ivan Štanta, C.M., je poslala M.P. iz Chicaga, 111., $30. Neimenovani iz Waukega-na, je 4. marca poslal $50 v »skupen fond vseh slovenskih misijonarjev v namen: Bogu v čast in v zahvalo vsem našim priprošnjikom, posebej še Judu Tadeju. Vdani L.K.« Za o. Stankota Rozmana v Zambiji je daroval v Torontu J.K. sto kanadskih dolarjev, kar smo mu takoj odposlali. Gdč. Tushar je odposlala $100 od ge. Mary Omejc misijonarju Klemenu Štolcarju na Madagaskar. Iz Bessemer, Pa., sta poslali sestri Paula Vrečar in Matija Kete $50 za najbolj potrebnega misijonarja in $20 za dr. Gnidovčevo cerkev, ki jo nadškof Šuštar želi zgraditi v Ajdovcu. Tole dodaja v pismu: »Sama se škofu Gnidovcu vedno priporočam, ko odmolim molitev, da bi bil proglašen za svetnika.« Iz Clevelanda je poslala ček za $75 ga. Jean Brodnik v spomin rajne matere Mary Per, ki je umrla 17. februarja v starosti 92 let. Pravi, da je bila silno pri svojih letih bistra, da jo bodo zelo pogrešali, ker da so jo zelo ljubili. Občudovala da je delo MZA in vsa leta po svojih močeh pomagala z molitvijo in žrtvijo. Naj počiva v miru! Dobra ga. Ana Medved se je toliko v Clevelandu pozdravila, da lahko spet hodi v cerkev. G. Stanko Pavlin je v februarju delal duhovne vaje na Tajvanu in se je nameraval srečati z dr. Janežem in g. Re-bolom. V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠIM DRAGIM STARŠEM MATERI FRANCES LAURIC ki nas je za vedno zapustila 11. aprila 1970 OČETU HENRY LAURIC ki nas je za vedno zapustil 13. februarja 1974 Prešlo je v večnost mnogo let, odkar sta zapustila mene in svet! Ali nisem Vaju pozabila; spomine svetle v meni budita, v mojem srcu še živita! Žalujoči: Frances M. Bartelme, hči San Diego, Calif. ! San Diego, CA, April 8, 1988. Sestra Terezija Pavlič z Madagaskarja pošilja zahvalo za prejeti ček MZA za $500 in omenja, da imajo veliko sušo ter da se bojijo morebitne povodnji. Vesela je bila čeka, ko je videla, odkod je pomoč prišla. G. Klemen Štolcar ge. Tushar omenja, da je med njimi dr. S. Masletova. Za pomoč se je zahvalila tudi iz Indije s. Terezija Medvešek, ki kljub visoki starosti še vedno deluje med mladimi dekleti. Na priloženi fotografiji je sredi med njimi in vsi stoje pred napisom »Thank You!« Iz Trsta je spet poslala lepe znamke gdč. Dora Kosovel. »Križ, misijoni, in MZA« (O. Vladimir Kos, D. J.) Prvega marca se je z novim sestavkom oglasil z Japonske o. Vladimir, ki želi »obenem z blagoslovljenim postnim časom milosti polno Veliko noč; naj prinese pravega veselja tudi Tvojim faranom in posebno še vsem v MZA, vsem na čelu njeni neumorni tajnici.« O. Kos piše: »Ker je Kristus umrl za vse ljudi,« nam razlaga 2. vatikanski zbor z listino Gaudium et Špes, odi. 22, »in ker je končni človekov cilj en sam in božji, je prav, da smo prepričani o tem, da nudi Sveti Duh vsakemu človeku — na način, ki ga pozna le Bog — možnost, da se poveže s to velikonočno skrivnostjo.« Brez križa ni te velikonočne skrivnosti. Kristus bi lahko bil umrl naravne smrti in po smrti vstal od mrtvih — toda ali bi v tem primeru Njegova ljubezen (dalje na str. 5) NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA 1895 1988 Globoko užaloščeni, a vdani v voljo Vsemogočnega, naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, daje po kratki bolezni za vedno zaspala naša nadvse ljubljena mati, stara mati, tašča in teta MARY PER ROJ. BIAGGIO ki seje, previdena s svetimi zakramenti, preselila v večnost 17. februarja 1988, v visoki starosti 92 let. Rojena je bila v vasi Strnica, župnija Vače pri Litiji, 10. maja 1895. Prišla je v Ameriko pred 66 leti. Bila je dolgoletna članica Oltarnega društva pri Sv. Vidu in društva sv. Marije Magdalene št. 162 KSKJ. Bila je vdova od I. 1964, ko ji je umrl ljubljeni mož John. Bila je zvesta faranka župnije Sv. Vida. Pogreb je bil 20. februarja 1988 iz Zak pogrebnega zavoda na St. Clair Avenue v cerkev Sv. Vida; nato smo jo spremili na pokopališče Kalvarije, kjer je bila položena k večnemu počitku. Globoko zahvalo naj prejme č.g. župnik Jože Božnar, kije daroval pogrebno sv. mašo, za njegove tolažbe polne besede v cerkvi, za obiske za časa njene bolezni, za vodenje rožnega venca v pogrebni kapeli, za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu na dan pogreba, ter za njegove poslovilne molitve pri odprtem grobu. Enako zahvalo naj prejmejo sledeči duhovniki, ki so asistirali pri pogrebni sv. maši: čč.g.g. Raphael Zbin, O.S.B., Anthony Rebol, Victor Tomc, Victor Cimperman, in Alojzij Jenko. Najlepše se zahvaljujemo vsem duhovnikom, ki so prišli našo ljubljeno mamo kropit in molili za pokoj njene duše. Našo iskreno zahvalo naj prejmejo častite sestre iz reda Notre Dame, ki so nam bile opora v teh žalostnih dnevih, ter za njih molitve. Zahvaljujemo se jim tudi za obiske v pogrebnem zavodu in za udeležbo pri pogrebni sv. maši. Posebno zahvalo naj prejme č.g. Raphael Zbin, iz fare sv. Andreja, za molitev rožnega venca v pogrebni kapeli. Prisrčna zahvala članicam Oltarnega društva pri Sv. Vidu za molitev rožnega venca, ki ga je vodila ga. Amalija Košnik. Našo iskreno zahvalo naj prejmejo članice društva sv. Marije Magdalene št. 162 KSKJ, ki so naši dragi mami izkazale zadnjo čast. Globoko hvalo naj prejme č.s. Margaret Mary, ki je pripravila tako lepo liturgijo za pogrebno sv. mašo. Iskrena hvala častitim sestram iz reda sv. Trojice, ki spadajo k samostanu poleg cerkvice Lurške Gospe na Chardon Rd., za njih molitve in obiske v pogrebnem zavodu. Najlepša hvala prijateljem, ki so prišli na pogreb iz oddaljenih krajev. Globoka zahvala naj tudi velja pogrebcem, kateri so bili: Tony Brodnik, Tony Baznik, Albin Orehek, George Stevenson, Joseph Brodnik in Frank Zupančič. Naj Bog stotero poplača vsem, ki so darovali prekrasne vence in cvetlice, za sv. maše, v dobrodelne namene v njen spomin, ter za številne izraze sožalja, ustmene in pisne. Iz dna srca se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki so našo ljubljeno prišli kropit, molili za njeno dušo, se udeležili pogrebnih obredov v cerkvi, dali svoja vozila na razpolago, in jo spremili prav do groba. Našo globoko zahvalo naj prejmejo darovalci dveh krasnih mašnih plašč, ter mašnih stekleničk' za vino in vodo. Najlepša hvala vsem prijateljicam, ki so darovale slastno pecivo za pogrebščino. Lepa hvala osebju Zak pogrebnega zavoda za vso postrežbo in skrbno vodenje pogrebnega sprevoda. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, ki so sc nas in naše drage pokojne posebno spomnili, in za katere smo imeli naslove. Ako kdo take kartice ni prejel, naj nam oprosti in naj s to javno zahvalo sprejme našo globoko hvaležnost. Draga, nikdar pozabljena mama in stara mama! Naj Ti Bog bogato poplača za vso narti izkazano skrb in ljubezen, in naj Te nagradi z večno srečo. Mi pa Te bomo spominjali s hvaležnostjo v naših molitvah, dokler nas Bog ne združi v svojem Kraljestvu. Si svet zapustila pri Bogu pa prosi in šla si od nas; v nebesih za nas. Žalujoči ostali: Jean por. Brodnik — hčerka Valerie por. Baznik — hčerka Sestra Margaret Mary Per, S.N.D. — hčerka Anthony Brodnik in Anthony Baznik — zeta Margaret Baznik, Barbara Stevenson in Betty Baznik — vnukinje Al in John Orehek, Frances Orehek in Frances Persin — nečaka in nečakinji ter ostalo sorodstvo tu in v Sloveniji. Cleveland, Ohio, 8. aprila I088. Lilija skrbi tudi za svoj naraščaj Dolgoletna Lilijina igralka Zdenka Zakrajšek je tokrat nastopila v vlogi Mete, kot 9-lctni Albineek pa se je predstavil Marko Mrva. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki (Nadaljevanje s sir. 3) do nas tako rubinasto pristno žarela kot zdaj žari v rdečem s‘ju Njegovih, tako mnogih nasilno zadanih ran? »Dobri Pastir se s svojim življenjem .žrtvuje za ovce... Oče me Iju-ker darujem svoje življenje za ovce... nihče me ne more k 'emu siliti« (Jan 10:11; 7-18). Jezusovi poslušalci teh be-sed najbrž niso mislili na konkretno obliko tega darovanja, •tezus pa je vedel; v pogovoru z Nikodemom namiguje, da ^bodo morali Sina človekove-Sa potegniti navzgor« (Jan tako tukaj kot ,v govoru 0 dobrem pastirju je ta nasilna strm tesno povezana z življe-njem samim: »da bi dobil več-110 življenje vsak, kdor bo ve-^0val v tako povzdignjenega 'Pa Človekovega« (Jan 3:15), ln '’Oče me ljubi, ker darujem sv°je življenje za ovce — da si to življenje znova privza-rtleni... vso oblast imam, da si 8a znova privzamem.« (Jan *0:17-18) Jezusove besede najdejo svoj odmev v avlovih pismih: »Kristus Je-ZUs je ubogal zakon smrti -celo SlTlrti na križu. Zato ga je Bog b°veličal na način, ki ga ni secJega« (Fil 2:8-9); »po krstu sIT'0 se pretopili v Njegovo ntnrt» da bi tudi mi zaživeli v°Vo življenje, tako kot je Oče Sv°ji slavi obudil Kristusa od c rtv’h« (Rim 6:4); »živim si-er na zemlji, a živim verujoč v °zjega Sina, ki meje ljubil in ^ zanie daroval... Ko so bili Žar '*1' ^r‘stusa. so z Njim kri-11 ‘udi mene« (Gal 2:20). |e bi se zmeraj ponašal j S križem našega Gospoda v Usa Kristusa...« (Gal 6:14). Sve^ sniislu bi lahko odprli dru . ^'smo še na mnogih Če rnestih Nove Zaveze, in Sta narn spomin na preroke °bčuH^aVeZe °*,*ec*e** b> mogli pol . 0vati nesluteni na^in iz-1 Ve starih prerokb, po- l»el s Pharmacy |Zn. , Ave- & E. 68 St. 361-4212 p-A r*,'amo tudi zdravila OH,^N Pom»či države *• ~ AID FOR AGED žBESCRIPTIONS JANGLE CLEANERS Xpert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 -OSic1?6 E’ 71 St '^LjAKUČ. la lastnica sebno tistih, ki jih je v portret »Jahvejevega služabnika« vnesel prerok Izaija (prim. pogl. 42, 49, 50, 52, 53). S Svetim Janezom lahko povzamemo vse te ugotovitve v en sam stavek: »Jezus Kristus je daroval svoje življenje za nas —■ v tem dejstvu šele spoznamo, kaj je pravzaprav Ljubezen.« (Bo še) Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Lojzki Feguševi ob njeni 70-letniei CLEVELAND, O. - V ponedeljek, 11. aprila, praznuje v krogu svojih najdražjih in prijateljev naša štajerska rojakinja Lojzka Feguš svojo 70-let-nico. Njen rojstni kraj je vinorodno Bizeljsko na Štajerskem. Že v rani mladosti je morali veliko pretrpeti, saj je še kot dojenček izgubila svojo mater. Pozneje, v dekliških letih, je morala iti po svetu za kruhom. Kot mlado dekle se je najprvo zaposlila v Zagrebu, kjer je bila ves čas vojne, do-čim so njeno družino z očetom vred preselili v Nemčijo. Ona sama bi nam lahko pripovedovala, kolikokrat je bila v smrtni nevarnosti, ko je v zimi gazila sneg preko hrvaško-slo-venske meje, ko je pošiljala — kljub pomanjkanju, v katerem je sama bila — svojim v Nemčijo pakete s hrano. Po vojni je delala v Ljublja- Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Walerloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA * POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! ni v nekaterih poznanih gostinskih obratih, npr. v gostilni Činkole na Poljanski cesti, v znani restavraciji Slamič, pred odhodom v Avstrijo pa tudi še v hotelu Metropol v Piranu. Pred odhodom v Ameriko je delala nekaj let tudi v sosednji Avstriji. V Clevelandu je delala v več gostinskih lokalih, nekaj časa pa je bila tudi solastica slovenske restavracije Slovenian Village v Slov. narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Naši clevelandski Slovenci jo poznajo kot izvrstno kuharico, saj je na neštetih »ohcetih« za naše rojake tudi kuhala. Nepozabne za vsakega so njene specialitete, posebno jaboljčni in sirov štrudelj. Naši jubilantki želimo, da jo Bog ohrani pri zdravju še na mnoga leta! Prijatelji Mladinski pevski zbor vabi na svoj koncert v nedeljo, 10. aprila Že šestič prireja letos Mladinski pevski zbor kr. 2 SNPJ svoj tkim. »Super Button Box Bash» in sicer v nedeljo, 10. aprila, od 1. do 9. zvečer v obeh dvoranah Slovenskega društvenega' doma na Recher Ave. v Euclidu. Letos obhaja ta mladinski zbor svojo 50-let-nico, sodeluje v njem skoro 50 otrok, starih od 5 do 16 let. Zborovodkinja je Cecilia Dolgan. Od 1. ure dalje bodo igrale razne harmonikarske skupine, ob dveh pop. pa bo nastopil s koncertom Mladinski zbor. Poleg glasbe, bodo tekom dneva na razpolago kuhinjske dobrote, prav tako bo odprta bara. Vstopnice so po $3 in jih imajo člani in pri Tony’s Polka Village na E. 185 St. Dobili jih boste seveda tudi pri vhodu. Naprodaj bo tudi nova knjiga s kuharskimi recepti. Raziskovalca prišla iz Slovenije Zadnji čas sta prišla v Cleveland raziskovalca iz Slovenije, ki bosta strokovno proučevala slovensko skupnost v našem mestu. Prof. dr. Matjaž Klemenčič, ki predava na mariborski univerzi, bo raziskoval zgodovino slovenske skupnosti v Clevelandu in sicer v sklopu projekta, ki ga financira nemško podjetje Volkswagen. Drugi raziskovalci se bodo ukvarjali z drugimi etničnimi skupnostmi v Clevelandu. Dr. Klemenčič je bil večkrat v ZDA in dobro pozna ameriško slovensko zgodovino. Lani je izšla njegova knjiga o Louisu Adamiču in vlogi ameriških Slovencev v drugi svetovni vojni. Knjiga, žal, ni naprodaj v ZDA. Gdč. Nada Šabec se bo zarti-mala za slovenski jezik s poudarkom na ohranjanje tega jezika med starejšimi naselenci in njih potomci. V ta namen bo med drugim nadaljevala z osebnimi intervjuji, kajti so za njeno metodologijo najkorist- nejši pogovori, iz katerih bo dobivala potrebne podatke. Novi grobovi (Nadaljevanje s str. 1) Janice Marie Colbert (Boulder, Cplo), Roberta ml. in Kennetha, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Louisa, članica ADZ št. 40. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Marije Magdalene v Willo-vvicku dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Robert J. Hoernig st. V ponedeljek, 4. aprila, je v Meridia Euclid bolnici po dolgi bolezni umrl 73 let stari Robert J. Hoernig st., rojen v Clevelandu in živeč zadnjih 42 let na Goller Ave. v Euclidu, mož Therese, roj. Gombach, oče Roberta ml., DenniSa in Patricie Marko, 6-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, brat Johna in Thomasa (oba že pok.), zaposlen kot preddelavec pri General Electric obratu na Nela Parku 38 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1975, vnet ribič in lovec. Pogreb bo iz Želeto-vega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes, 8. aprila, v cerkev sv. Kristine dop. ob 9.30 in od od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Joseph F. Ferlin Preteklo sredo je umrl Joseph F. Ferlin, mož Mary, roj. Kurnik, oče Marilyn Spitzeg, Glorie Ferlin, Dorothy Hoffman, Josepha E. in Linde Sullivan, 15-krat stari oče, brat Mary Kushlan, Josephine Baron, Williama, Franka in Alberta. Pogreb bo iz Brick-manovega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Joseph R. Sterle Umrl je Joseph R. Sterle, vdovec po pok. ženi Marie, roj. Debevec, oče Josepha J., brat Mary Zigman, Anne Due-say, Hedwig Sterle, Johna in pok. Franka ml., ki je padel kot ameriški vojak v 2. svetovni vojni, prijatelkj Millie Eg-gert, zaposlen pri Towmotor Corp. več kot 20 let, član SNPJ št. 138 in številnih drugih organizacij. Pogreb bo iz Sankovic-Johnston zavoda na 15314 Macaulev Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev Marije Vne-bovzete dop. ob 9.30 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes popoldne od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. MALI OGLASI FENCES — OGRAJE Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Prodajam po zmerni ceni potrebni material za ograje in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Pokličite vsak čas na 391-0533. (FX-37) Ameriška Domovina je Vaš list! MALI OGLASI Lake Shore & E. 185 St. Area Modern, Ige 1 bdrm apt. in quiet bldg. Carpeted, appliances and air cond. Garage inc. No children. No pets. Lease. $300 per month. Call 338-3205. (x) Help Wanted Waitresses and barmaid. Part time or full time. Apply in person. Maria's Restaurant. Formerly Tracy Tavern. Call 481-9510. (28-29) For Rent 3 rooms, up. Off E. 185 St. No pets. Call 481-2023. Child Care — Housekeeper Needed Full time. South Euclid. Call 381-7944 evenings. WANTED Double Home in Good Condition. WANTED Bungalow or Ranch in Willo-wick or Wickliffe. WANTED Licensed Salesperson — Full or Part-Time. Call: George Knaus Real FLstate 819 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 481-9300 (21-29) Housekeeper Needed Couple with 2 small children needs housekeeper who takes pride in a job well-done and is looking for a low pressure, pleasant atmosphere. Good salary and benefits. If you love children, have a good experience with laundry, are a good cook, have an Ohio driver's license and are a non-smoker, please call me at 752-8582 between 2 and 5 p.m. (27-28) Fixperienced Laundry Person needed. 2 days per week. Must be careful about not shrinking clothes & about removing stains, folding and ironing. Private home. Good salary and working conditions. Please call 752-8582 bet. 2 and 5 p.m. (27-28) BEAUTY SHOP FOR SALE Call 481-0775 after 6 p.m. (x) Help Wanted Need for cleaning service. Must have car and flexible hours. $4.50 to $5-00 per hour. Call 574-3013. (26-29) Hiše barvamo zunaj in zno-ttaj. Tapeciramo. (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KR1STAVNIK Pokličite 423-4444 (x) Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home ■Ameriška Domovina SLOVENfAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, 1988 . Coming Events Saturday, April 9 KSKJ lodge Christ the King No. 226 60th Anniversary Mass at 5 p.m. at St. Vitus, dinner-dance beginning at 7 p.m. with Joey Tomsick Orch. Donation $12.00. For tickets call 944-0020. Sunday, April 10 Super Button Box Bash at Slovenian Society Hall, Recher Ave., Euclid with eight hours of continuous music. Sunday, April 10 St. Clair Pensioners Club Annual Chicken and Roast Pork Dinner and Social at lower hall of the St. Clair National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Serving 1 to 3:30 p.m. Social to 5 p.m. For further information call 391-9761. Sunday, April 17 West Park Slovenian Home Board of Directors sponsors Benefit Dance. Chris Benda and His Orchestra from 3 to 7 p.m. Attendance gifts. $5 for adult admission. Monday, April 18 “Icons, Art and Theology,” is topic at Art Guild meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Euclid Society Hall, Recher Ave. Public is cordially invited. Saturday, April 23 Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Spring Dinner Dance honoring Jack Videtič as Man of the Year and Dan Pavšek as Federation Man of Year. Music by Al Markič. Call Mary Podlogar or Dan Pavšek for tickets. Saturday, April 30 Zarja dinner-concert-dance at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid beginning at 5 p.m. Tickets $13.00 from Zarja members, Tony’s Polka Village, or Clubroom of Recher Hall. Sunday, May 1 Ann Filipčič 90th birthday party to benefit Slovenian National Home, 65 & St. Clair from 2 p.m. on. Food, refreshments, and music. Monetary donations to “Friends of SNH” is admission. For reservation« call 361-5115, or 531-7850, or 391-9761. Sunday, May 15 Friends of Slovenian National Home Brunch (St. Clair Avenue). Meeting The American Slovene Club will have their monthly meeting at the Euclid Family House on Monday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 21 Korotan Concert at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. Alpine Sextet plays music for dancing after concert. June 20 to July 4 American Home vacation. Sunday, June 26 Ohio Federation KSKJ Day and Picnic at St. Joseph Grove on White Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Music by Brian Papesh Band. Sunday, July 17 St. Anne Lodge No. 150 KSKJ 75th anniversary with 11 a.m. Mass at St. Lawrence Church in Newburgh. Dinner to follow at Sterles. July 15, 16, 17 St. Vitus Summer Festival on parish grounds to raise funds for capital improvements and endowments and needy student funds. Live entertainment, dinners served daily. Hope to have authentic Hawaiian group Sunday. July 28 lo 31 KSKJ Family Festival on campus of St. Francis College in Loretto, Pa., 75 miles east of Pittsburgh. A variety of activities for all age groups. Cost for KSKJ members 10 and under is $55, all others, $75. Price includes meals and lodging for four days and three nights. Reservations must be made by April 1. Contact local KSKJ representative for details. \ Sunday, July 31 St. Vitus Slovenian School Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 7 Slovenian Pensioners Day at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, August 28 Collinwood Slovenian Home annual Homecoming Day with continuous music all afternoon and evening. Sunday, Sept. 25 Si. Vitus Altar Society Annual Dinner in Auditorium. Sunday, Oct. 23 Slomšek Krožek, Annual Dinner at St. Vitus Auditorium. Sunday, Oct. 23 15th Anniversary Celebration of the Slovenian American JNational Art Guild at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. Friday, Nov. 25 Collinwood Slovenian Home sponsors a Thanksgiving Dinner-Dance with music by Johnny Vadnal Orchestra. A.H. Vacation The American Home newspaper will be on vacation the last two weeks in June. We will resume publishing the week of July 4th. Foto Flashback Pictured here is the 1933-1934 Wm. J. Kennick Councilman Basketball Team, Muny League, Cleveland Champions in the Girls Class “B“ Division. Front row, left to right, Agnes Blatnik Gulan, Vera Kushlan Sulak, William J. Kennick, 23rd Ward Councilman and sponsor of the team. Fran Klopcic Primosch, and Christine Brezovar Glavan. Back row, left to right, “Vidy” Vidmar, Fran Slapar Koporc, Molly Knaus Curilovic, Mary “Whitey” Doljak Primosch, Ann Gasparac Bell, and Coach “Blackie.” Thanks to Mrs. Antoinette Kennick for the photo. Button Box Bash Sunday, April 10 On Sunday, April 10, more than 100 accordion players will perform on stage at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio, at Super Button Box Bash 6. Forget all those embarrassing jokes on TV where the nerdy boyfriend plays “Lady of Spain” on the accordion and everyone snickers and laughs. The accordion is alive, well and thriving everywhere. In the past 15 years button box clubs have been springing up all over until there are now 43 button box clubs. Thirteen clubs will participate in the Bash, including the newly organized Simcic’s Button Box Club, which will start the musical bonanza at 1 p.m. Besides more than 150 instrumentalists, the 45-member Slovenian Junior Chorus SNPJ Circle 2, which is sponsoring the event, will present a one hour musical program, featuring kids from ages 5 to 15 beginning at 2 p.m. There will be music in the lower hall throughout the day and home cooked meals, sandwiches, and refreshments will be served there. A bake sale will be goinc on in the Annex, as well as a souvenir booth. Th«. booth will have button box aprons and slickers, Slovenian song books, and the Button Box Cook Book goes on sale that day. The recipes were contributed by members of button box clubs from across the USA, and parents and children of Circle 2. If you want to sing along in Slovenian, dance to Slovenian music, play it or listen to it, we promise you a good time for as short or as long as you want to make it at Super Bash. The best part is only $3 admission for adults, free for children and musician with instruments (bring your accordion). Bring the whole family. Tickets are available at Tony’s Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St., and at the door on the day of the Bash. Say hello to the happy musicians from Simcic’s BB Club, including Don Mulec, Justine Skok, Frank Doblekar; West Park BB Club with Ella Samanich, Andy Pixel; the folks from Barberton’s Magic City Club and leader Frankie Spetich; Fred Benvin and the friendly people of Western PA BB Club; Rose Intihar, Tony Fortuna, and Holmes Ha" Buttonaires; Caroline Kusaf and Ron Likovec frofl1 Kusar’s Gang; Ray Kranjc and the happ)[ drummer/vocalist John Get' with the Fairport Ensemble from Fairport Harbor; R°f Bradich and Northern Ohi° BB Club making their debut a’ the Bash; Bill Ziemak an" Mario Poropat of SL Stephen’s Band; Stephan*6 j Fryger and Maple FJeigh15 Button Box Club; Da*e Ragazinskas and Joey To*11' sick of Euclid SqueezeboxC5’ and Rudy Kershishnik 0 Lake Erie BB Club. Cecilia Dolgan Two Cities Host Baraga Days St. Peter’s Cathedral in Marquette, Mich., and St. Paul’s Parish in Negaunee will be the sites for Bishop Baraga Days, 1988. This year’s celebration will begin with the Annual Slovenian Mass on Saturday, September 3 at 7 p.m. in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Marquette. The Sunday Liturgy on September 4 will be at 4:00 p.m. in St. Paul’s Church in Negaunee. Bishop Mark Schmitt of Marquette will be the primary celebrant and Bishop Aloysius Wycislo, retired bishop of the neighbof- w'i" ing diocese of Green Bay, be the guest homilist. ReV' Charles Olivier is the b°s pastor. |1 The banquet and the Ann*'3 I Meeting of the Bishop ' Association will begin at 6“ ; Mich< ! p.m. at Northern University in the Great La Room at the Don H. Boda f , University Center. Tickets >° < the banquet are $8.00. _ f!| Negaunee is an approp*'1^ j site for Baraga Days- J! November 10, 1867, Bisbjl Baraga made his last appearance for the lay*1’^ , pan* the cornerstone at St. Church in Negaunee. ... Some of the active members of the Collinwood 89, Joseph Jeric, 86, Joe Ferra, 87. Standing Pensioners Club who attended the March are John Grill, 88, Toni Kausek, 83, and An-meetine are, seated, left to right, Louis Jerkič, toinette McGrath, 81. (Photo bv Carl and Jennie Schultz) Soviets vow ‘Equal Rights, Security9 to Yugoslavia 80-year young Coll. Pensioners 7 On March 9 the meeting of the Holmes Ave. Pensioners was called to order by President Gus Petelinkar. After minutes were read, Jennie Schultz, trip coordinator, gave her report on a trip to Carousel Theater (Akron) on March 30. Also a trip to downtown Cleveland to visit the Galleria and lunch is scheduled for April 20. Other trips are being planned. There were 198 members present. John Strancar was the guest speaker talking about the Health Program, Dept, of Aging and Social Security and Medicare. We welcomed our sick members who attended. On the sick list are John Jevnikar, Ann Kuhel, and Emily Križman, Frank Beck and Mary Grill. Our deepest sympathy to our member Faye Moro on the death of her husband, A1 Moro. We thank all members and friends who attended the Venison dinner which was held for the benefit of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. It was a big success. ^ Antoinette McGrath gave a 5 report on a meeting she at- oi tended. It was very infor > mative; thank you, Antonia, o Our annual dinner will be held ^ on Sunday, March 27. O Active members who attend- — ed our meeting who are over > 80 years of age were Louis > Jeric, Joseph Jeric, Joe Ferra, 3 John Grill, Toni Kausek, An- r-toinette McGrath, Donna 9° Jasko, Joe Somrack, and ^ Mary Habat. We thank all oo ladies who baked for the meeting. We appreciate the pictures that Jennie and Carl Schultz take at our meetings and our trips. Head of the Nominating Committee is Jennie Schultz. On the committee are Ann Pausic, Emeric Pausic, Sue Pečjak, Frank Pečjak, Ann Stefančič, Caroline Stefančič. Our guest speaker at our next meeting on Wednesday, April 13 at 1 p.m. will be K. Am-poso. Please try to attend. Ann Stefančič Reporter by John Tagliabue The New York Times The Soviet Union and Jugoslavia issued a formal document on March 18 pledges to respect the “equal rights a*id equal security” of all states regardless of their power 0r political structure. The document, issued as ^'khail S. Gorbachev con-c'uded a five-day visit to Yugoslavia, reaffirms devious Soviet-Yugoslav a8reements banning inference by one Community ar,v in the affairs of another. Soviet officials were at pains Uring Mr. Gorbachev’s visit to stress the document’s Customary approach to ^defining Soviet policy 0vyard other Communist sta,es , Yugoslav officials who , ®'ped to draft the paper said ^ enjoined the Soviet Union 0rn repeating the kinds of in-Slons it carried out in Utlgary jn 1956 and in ^ohoslovakia in 1968. c Uch reassurances are signifi-th ^0r Yugoslavia, where ,,ere 's lingering concern over sio POssibility a Soviet inva-asse A** bougb Yugoslavia ^/rts that it maintains a com- plete defense strategy, its armed forces are in fact concentrated primarily on its borders with Warsaw Pact nations. But the document added little of substance to a similar Soviet-Yugoslav declaration issued in 1955, one year before Soviet troops crushed the anticommunist uprisings in Hungary. The new document pledges respect for the “unavoidable rights” of political movements on the left, including Communist, Socialist and Social Democratic parties. It supports efforts by movements of national liberation “to decide independently their own roads of social development.” It also affirms the “equal rights and equal security of all states,” regardless of their size and power, their social and political systems, their philosophical convictions, or the forms and nature of their international alliances or their geographic position. Soviet spokesmen were not available for comment. But Stanislav Stojanovič, the Yugoslav party official responsible for international relations, and one of the officials who helped to draft the SLOVENIAN PILGRIMAGE TOURS .30 I / : ^ ! t.f1 : for ialC 0" [lOf , o' JOIN YOUR HOSTS Fr^V. Tome and Fr. V. Cimperman to Medjugorje - Brezje Gospa Sveta DEPARTING MAY 29_____ Visiting Also Birthplace of Bishop Baraga and Mass in Ljubljana 3 or 3 If VrA Stays JPfiaorc information, brochure*, and reicrvation* please call: Kollander World Travel 971 E. 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216)692-2225 call toll free: 1-800-321-5801 "v'nt.y S,„ ,Kl' World a nc® 192J Economic outlook looks inconsistent paper, said his understanding was that the principle of noninterference by one Com-munitv Party in the affairs of another applies not only to the Soviet party’s relations with Yugoslavia but also to its ties with the Warsaw Pact states. Asked whether the document precluded a repetition of invasions like those in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, Mr. Stojanovič replied, “We could hardly expect the Soviet Union to react in the same way.” Armed intervention, he said, “would be in crying opposition” to Mr. Gorbachev’s “new thinking” on international matters. But in a similar declaration issued in Belgrade in June 1955, both sides also pledged to respect the “principles of mutual respect and noninterference,” adding that the principles applied “for whatever reasons of an economic, political or ideological nature.” That declaration went on to say, “Questions of the internal order of different social systems and different forms of development of Socialism are the concerns exclusively of the peoples of individual countries.” A year later, the Soviet Union invaded Hungary. The new document also appeals for nuclear disarmament, a ban on space weaponry, more egalitarian economic relations between states and the protection of the environment. Before boarding a jet to return to Moscow, Mr. Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa, toured the city of Dubrovnik on the Adriatic. by Dan Pavšek Economist, AmeriTrust In the months since the stock market crash, the economic data has been consistently inconsistent. In January, the economic indicators pointed toward recession. The index of leading economic indicators declined for the third consecutive month in December, an occurrence that, more times than not, precedes a recession. During this period, the consensus economic outlook turned gloomy as a growing number of forecasters, ourselves included, considered the possibility of a recession. In February, the economic signals turned positive, dashing the hopes of a discount rate cut and pushing long-term interest rates back up to 8.5%. As this report goes to print, the probability of a recession in 1988 is extremely remote. Economic growth will slow during the first half of 1988, but not enough to fit the definition of a recession: two consecutive quarters of negative growth in the GNP. The economy is displaying a surprising resiliency, especially when one considers that it is in its sixth year of expansion. Signs of the economy’s endurance have not been limited to the consumer sector. Factory orders for nondelense capital goods, considered a reliable barometer of future manufacturing activity, have also increased in the latest report. The gains in consumer and business spending, combined with the already undeniable strength of U.S. exports, will provide enough momentum to carry the economy through 1988. Our revised forecast for GNP translates into 2.3% annual growth for 1988 and 2.9% for 1989. Last year, GNP expanded 2.9%. In early February, the 30-year treasury bond interest rate dropped to 8.25%. That may have been the bottom for the year. The likelihood, however, is that interest rates will gradually increase this year. The probability of an easier monetary policy anytime soon has vanished. When the Fed eventually does alter its policy, which will not be for some time, it will be a move to tighten in order to quell a pickup in inflationary expectations. This is not to say that inflation will be a problem this year or next, but with the economy most likely will continue to expand. Inflation, which is currently running at approximately 3.5% to 4.0% is expected to remain within this range for the remainder of the year. However, as we move into 1989 the inflation rate is projected to rise to 4.5%. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to Ashley Rovanšek on her first birthday, April 20th. Congrats and love from family. I-----------------------"J jAl Koporc, Jr. i j Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 j \ Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 fcRlSKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, 1988 VFAI Missct '"»ZT"' "’-law L She was a member of AM LA Lodge No. 38 and Slovenian Women’s Union No. 50. She was the wife of John (dec.), mother of Barbara LaMaida (nee Pečjak), and the sister of Velma Gričar and the following deceased: Florian (Bill) Champs, Anna Škufca, Marie Cross, Joseph Champa, and Olga Champa. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., where services were held Saturday, April 2 and at St. Mary Church at 9:30 a.m. for a blessing. A Memorial Mass was held Tuesday, April 5 at 9:30 a.m. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. ANTOINETTE MALNAR Antoinette (Nettie) Malnar (nee Svete), 70, was the beloved wife of the late Louis; sister of Maria Mozek; and aunt. Mrs. Malnar was president of St. Anne Lodge No. 4 AMLA, a member of St. Clair Pensioners, and St. Vitus Mothers Club. Visitation was Tuesday, April 5 at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair. Funeral Mass was Wed., April 6 at St. Vitus Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. JULIA MAROLT Julia Marolt (nee Troha), 86 was the wife of the late Anton; mother of Herman; grandmother of Kris, Dane and Jeffrey; mother-in-law of Evelyn (nee Braschwitz); sister of Tony Troha and Mary Poje (both dec.). Funeral Mass at St. Vitus Church. Visitation was at Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair. Burial Thursday in Calvary Cemetery. Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families. Roy G. Sankovič, director GRDINA runeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 85 years. V BLAG SPOMIN DEVETE OBLETNICE, ODKAR NAS JE ZA VEDNO ZAPUSTILA NAŠA LJUBLJENA, NEPOZABNA MAMA | JENNIE PETRICK ki je preminula dne 13. aprila 1979 ŠTIRIINDVAJSETE OBLETNICE, ODKAR JE NAS ZAPUSTIL NAŠ LJUBLJENI, NEPOZABNI OČE JOHN PETRICK ki je preminul dne 20. maja 1964 No one knows how much we miss you. No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered — since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear dad and mother, That we do not think of you. Žalujoči: Hči — Jean Sin — Stanley ter drugo sorodstvo tukaj in v stari domovini. I tidid, ()., K.aiprila, IdHS. What Are Blood Fats and 9 Their Acceptable Levels? I Cholesterol and triglyceride are two of the fats that circulate in the bloodstream. Cholesterol is transported in the bloodstream in two forms — high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The first, HDL, is thought to be protective against heart disease; thus the higher its level, the better. The other, LDL, is thought to contribute to heart disease, and the lower its level, the better. Triglyceride has not been identified as a risk factor for heart disease, although high levels are associated with excess weight, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption and other unhealthy habits. But high triglyceride levels have been linked to low levels of protective HDL-cholesterol. In people with high triglyceride (above 200 mg/dL) and low HDL-cholesterol (below 35 mg/dL) levels, triglyceride-lowering medication may actually raise HDL levels. Within normal limits, blood fats serve a useful purpose: they provide energy for the body. However, when the concentration of all fats in the blood is higher than 500 mg/dL, the risk of developing acute pancreatitis, enlarged liver and spleen, and other diseases increases. Most importantly, mn elevated total cholesterol level is a definite risk factor for heart disease. Other risk factors for heart disease include smoking, high blood pressure, genetics, obesity, lack of exercise, history of stroke, stress and being male. New cholesterol guidelines were established by the Na- tional Heart, Lung and BloodS Institute in 1987. Under these?/? guidelines, which are not age-> related, people with totalg cholesterol levels under 20() 239 are considered borderline> high-risk; those with levels of5 240 and higher are considered1- at high risk. -00 HDL levels greater than 35^ mg/dL, LDL levels less than°° 130 mg/dL, and triglyceride levels less than 200 mg/dL are considered to be healthy and acceptable. Dr. Herbert K. Naito (Ph.D.) Head, Section of Lipids, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Cleveland Clinic Life Group Backs Voinovich The Ohio Right to Life Political Action Committee has unanimously endorsed Cleveland Mayor George V. Voinovich in his bid for election to the United States Senate against pro-abortion incumbent Howard Metzen-baum. George Voinovich has a solid pro-life history and reputation since he first held political office in the early 70s. He has stood up for the rights of the unborn to be safe from abortion, the elderly and the handicapped to be safe from euthanasia, and the infant retarded and crippled to be safe from infanticide. Prolifers therefore, will now stand up and work for him to unseat one of the most anti-life members of the United States Senate, Howard Metzenbaum, a news release from the Ohio Right to Life Society says. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euelid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euelid, Ohio ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • No Branches nor Affiliations p Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, 1988 Many Enjoy Glasbena Matica Beinj> pari of Ihe Glasbena Malica dinner, dance a! (he Slovenian National Home on Saturday, March 26 are concert-goers Sophie Genovese, Susan Vadnal, and August Pusl. ?'% « ^ w y -..vmilM"-wiCL' (Photos by Emilee Jenko) 1 Enjoying a meal before the concert are Glasbena Matica dircc-for Marija Ashamalla, left, and her co-worker Dolores Colan-tonia, Mrs. Frances Kristanc. Back row, Ivanka Majer Yuko. South Florida Slovene Club Membership Is Growing Volunteer Golf Starters Needed Have you ever been “teed off’’ waiting for your turn “on the green”? Here’s a great opportunity “fore” golf buffs to “putt” their golf experience to good use. Project MOVE (Mayor’s Operation Volunteer Effort) is currently recruiting volunteers to be Golf Starters. Those interested should have knowledge of the game and be able to work well with the public. Golf Starters enjoy Free golf privileges and should be able to volunteer a minimum of eight hours per week. These positions are available immediately. Become actively involved in making Cleveland Happen Now! Further information is available by calling Project MOVE at 664-6683. Attention Future Brides Now is the time for brides planning a Spring or Summer wedding to order your wedding invitations. The American Home Publishing Co. offers a wide variety of invitations and accessories to choose and suit everyone’s budget. In addition, all subscribers of Ameriška Domovina will receive a 20% discount on all orders. Stop in today and see Mary, Mollie or Madeline. Call 431-0628 for further information. Šuster appointed to court panel Ohio House Speaker Vern Riffe has appointed State Representative Ronald Šuster (D-Euclid) to a select committee to study the organization of Ohio’s court system. The committee is charged with studying the current system to determine whether justice is being administered efficiently and expeditiously. The concern is that due to the numerous specialized divisions and overlapping juridsdictions, changes may be needed. “After reviewing the existing court’s structure, jurisdictions, operations, and overlapping powers, the committee wil evaluate whether justice is being administered promptly and fairly,” explained Riffe. “The committee is expected to report on the feasibility of reorganization, and make recommendations for legislative changes.” “Drawing upon his years of experience as a trial attorney, in both the publice and private sectors, Ron will be able to make an invaluable contribution to this effort,” Riffe said. “He is one of our foremost legal experts.” Šuster said he was pleased with the appointment. “The people of Ohio have a court system that has served them well. But we must be open to change if we want to continue that tradition of excellence. As our entire legal system becomes more complex, some modifications may be necessary.” The American Slovene Club of South Florida met on Sunday, March 6 in Nob Hill Hall, 10400 Sunset Strip, Sunrise. Our membership is growing with five more new members. We welcome Paul and Julie Krasna of West Palm Beach, Martin Gabriel of Pembroke Pines and Frank and Geraldine Smerdel of Hollywood. Frank and Geraldine spend their summers in Pittsburgh. At our January meeting we had the installation of officers. They are Elbe Meuser, president; Jennie Washio, vice president; Paula Beavers, treasurer, Stephany Urbanic, financial secretary; and Mamie Willis, recording secretary. The trustees are Cyril Grilc, Bill Zupanc and Edward Blatnik. Our meetings begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and then the singing of the Slovenian anthem. The March birthday celebrants were Theresa Clements, Edward Phillips, Andrew Makar and Mary Premur. We wish them many Stiffen penalties for pornographers Ohio State Representative Ronald Šuster (D-Euclid) is pleased to announce that a bill he co-sponsored to strengthen Ohio’s pornography and child endangering statues, recently passed the Ohio floor by a vote of 92-1. “This legislation can go a long way toward protecting children from pornography and prostitution, a very real concern for me, and obviously many of my colleagues.” House Bill 51 stiffens 4fie penalties for pandering obscenity involving a minor, disseminating material harmful to juveniles, and pandering sexually oriented material involving a minor. The bill also offers more protection for store owners from reprisals to their franchise or from their suppliers for refusing to accept merchandise reasonably believed to be obscene. House Bill 51 offers stronger prohibitions against parents or guardians involving their children in prostitution or in preparation of obscene or sexually-related materials. Promoting a minor for prostitution would be raised from a third degree felony to a second degree felony. House Bill 51 requires that a sentence of imprisonment be served consecutively, not concurrently, to any other prison sentence, if the sentence is im-/ posed for compelling prostitution involving a minor; pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor; endangering children through their exposure to materials or performances that are obscene, sexually oriented matter, or nudity-oriented matter or prostitution. The bill, which now goes to the Senate for consideration, has generated widespread public support. more years of good health and happiness. We were happy to see Andy Jartz make his appearance at this meeting after a lengthy absence. He looks great and is feeling much better since his surgery. Club members Al and Vivian Nels of Beavercreek, Ohio are the proud parents of Albert Leon Nels who became “World Hot Air Balloon Champion” in Graz, Austria in September. Al and Vivian attended the competition and Al carried the United States flag at the awards ceremony. On a side trip to Slovenia, Albert flew his balloon over the homesteads of his paternal grandmother and grandfather to fulfill his dream. Congratulations, Albert! You are a great tribute to all Slovenians and everyone should be justly proud of your accomplishment. A delicious dinner of roast beef was prepared by our member Dusan Bekar and assisted by his wife, Louise, and Mary Grilc. Dusan is a retired chef. The vegetables and salads were brought in by our lovely, generous group ladies. Andy and Mary Makar gave us a treat with a huge, delicious Black Forest Cake for our dessert. After dinner we were entertained by Stan Gorton. Stan leads us in songs from the Slovenian song sheets and plays for our dancing pleasure. Easter Sunday is on April 3rd, therefore our April meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will be on May 1st at 2 p.m. Hope everyone will have a “Happy Easter.” Stephany Urbanic INCOME TAX ’87 Dennis A. Sušnik, CPA member American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 361-3635 6202 St. Clair Ave. Isn’t It Time You Had Your Taxes Prepared by a CPA? t c h o e o il ij t! JOIN THE SSS! The Society for Slovene Studies (SSS), a scholarly, nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of Slovene studies, invites you to become a sustaining member. The SSS, now in the fourteenth year of its activities, publishes its journal, SLOVENE STUDIES, a newsletter and other occasional publications, and organizes scholarly conferences. It is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies and participates with its sessions at the AAASS National and International Conventions. This year the SSS is soliciting new members for the category of Sustaining Membership, which includes those who may not be active scholars (Regular Members) but who wish to be supportive of the SSS and remain current with its activities and with scholarship in the field’ After this year the Sustaining Membership category wil1 be limited in number and future applications will be processed on a waiting list basis pending new openings f°r such membership. To join as a sustaining member of SSS for 1988, please complete the form printed below and mail it t° Prof. Timothy Pogačar at the address listed together with the dues for 1988 — $10.00. Application for Sustaining Membership — 1988 The Society for Slovene Studies Name of applicant (above) Address:_____ __________ Enclose check or money order payable to The Society f0< Slovene Studies, in the amount of $10.00, for 1988 dues-Mail to: Professor Timothy Pogačar Dept, of German and Russian Bpwling^reen ^.tate Univ. Bowling Green, OH 43403-0239 e $!(• be stei Us, % nt, SOq •ert Pr0 Par. or 'he, P Si f0r N % Is Hudolph M. Suscl The Slovene American Community (First in a series) Those of us who identify ourselves — some more, some less strongly — as Slovene Americans are part of a community which now is well into its second century as one of the broad mosaic of ethnic or nationality groups that together comprise our society. We know, too, that our Slovene American community is very diverse (many would use the word “divided”). We still have among us many from the “immigrant” generation, whether they arrived back before World War I or in the last few decades, here and there perhaps in just the last few years. Others are from the second, third, fourth, even later generations. Some can speak and read or at least understand/ Slovene, most others now can understand only a little or none at all. Some are very religious and so belong exclusively °r primarily to those Slovene American organizations, be they the still surviving Slovene parishes and the activities centered around them, to religious-oriented fraternals, singing and other cultural, social and political groups. Many Slovene Americans, on the other hand, have little or no interest in religion and are affiliated accordingly with organizations that are in accord with their views: This spectrum of differences ^akes it impossible to speak a single Slovene American immunity except in the very ^oadest sense of the term, ‘he fact is that we have multi-P*e “communities”, with the Same person often being a part several of them. In short, : °Ur Slovene American com-“tunity is in many respects a hatallel to the larger American s°ciety of which we are a part. This is why it is pointless to elieve that all Slovene Ameri- cans can ever “unite” into one °mogeneous group. Even ®r8anizations among us that caim to seek to do this are C ten themselves “united” on-• in the sense of excluding all .°Se who do not go along c ^ the ideology of the parti-ar organization; in short, n’W 's fine if it is in accord *Uh “our” ideas. ^hat we do need to recog-. e 's that even as Slovene ^fičans we are all indivi-ly a*s and so look at things ij,001 different perspectives. It to"01 so much that we ought « str‘ve for some unrealizable acce^", but 'h131 we ouBht to disa^ ^3Ct °* diversity and Sfernem among ourselves tlj- g‘ven, a constant, some-i°n ^ t*lat w'** ke with us as bie® as we exist as an identifia-nationality group. J,hnic’ don’t like the word to be applied to bei^ne Americans, because I 'eve u ster 'v 'I represents a l|s) s0tyPe that no longer fits Can ^Ce 1710x1 of us are Ameri-inte °rn ar>d as such fully ^Stated •lety into the American ^ ~~~ wc are now Ameri-'V*16 dullest sense of the ^u'd Ut. St'^ uware of^and ^‘ent °* t*1e heritage our lier S’ godparents or ear-rnerat'ons brought with .'^hrtj^?,01 ^l°veriia. The word '\|jesC ‘u common usage ^gativl t0 me at least. a °r t0[j connotation that is Co,,inii.a'V s Slovene American l, uUnily inaccurate.) a, 've pa,, edifr an accept that there ^ shoine.nces am°ng us, then >thatU J bc able to acc ’fferpn, „°Se whose views to accept ws are y "■ for l °urs have rea- Sons ,lnt ''rom rent believmg as they do. • thif : e?lPeri Bien ‘his is not the case. ence is that often those on one side or another of an issue — for one especially touchy example: attitudes toward the present government of Slovenia — literally can not bring themselves to talk with each other about the topic. Each side prefers to lock itself into its own position, its own mind-set, and to ignore and often denigrate those who are on the other side of the issue. Rare are the occasions when those who have sharply divergent views about an issue can come together, whether formally or informally, and carry on a discussion, with the different views being aired and talked out calmly, rationally. This situation is harmful. It reinforces and in many instances deepens already existing divisions among us. My own view, for example, is that many younger Slovene Americans have actually inherited the views they hold from their parents and grandparents without ever seriously thinking about them. People who feel one way or the other ought at least to know why they think as they do, and especially to know why others disagree^ what the perspective and logic is of different points of view. The goal ought not to be so much one of changing points of view, of bringing the other person around to your way of thinking, but of becoming better informed, of being — to put it more bluntly — more civilized toward each other. We ought at least to be able to speak with one another about topics over which we disagree. Today this is often not the case. Another area that should be of concern to us and one we ought to try to do something about is the fact that despite Oj^r having so many very active Slovene American organizations of all kinds, many even of the most active members of our community really know little or nothing about Slovenia and its history and heritage, or about the present-day situation of Slovenia. This last and other topics will he discussed over the coining weeks. Those wishing to contribute to the discussion are welcome. Rev. Fr. Thomas l.oya and an icon. ‘Icons, Art and Theology’ are subject of next Art Guild Meeting Religious art of the Eastern Christian Churches will be introduced by the Slovenian American National Art Guild to members on April 18th when the Reverend Father Thomas Loya presents a slide lecture, “Icons: Art and Theology,” at Recher Hall beginning at 7:30 p.m. The Art Guild extends a warm welcome to the general public to come to meet Father Loya and explore with him the very different artistic expressions of icons (sacred images), artistic expressions which are closely interwoven with the theology of our sister Eastern Christian Churches. Early Warning Signs of Cancer Question: I know that cancer treatments arc most effective and that cure rates improve when the disease is detected early. Could you please print the list of Cancer Warning Signals, so that I can detect any symptoms. Answer: Keep in mind that experiencing one of these symptoms does not mean you have cancer. Many times, these symptoms are caused by something other than cancer. However, the only way to find out for sure is to see a physician. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a physician immediately. The Warning Signals of Cancer arc: 1. Change in bowel or bladder habits 2. A sore that does not heal 3. Unusual bleeding or discharge 4. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere 5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing 6. Obvious change in wart or mole 7. Nagging cough or hoarseness Also, for early detection of cancer in individual’s without symptoms, (he American Cancer Society has suggested guidelines for cancer-related checkups. If you are interested in these, please send for a free brochure. “Cancer-related Checkups.” Remember, April is Cancer Control Month. Get ahead of cancer through early detection and prevention. I homas 1 . Crawford, M.D. Prevention Detection Clinic Cleveland Clinic Cancer Ctr. The discussion of characteristics, styles, themes and media will be illustrated through the major Jesus icons, Mary icons and Trinity icons, opening a new world for both artists and those who appreciate exploring unfamiliar avenues of art for the purpose of achieving greater understanding of the human community of which we are all a part. Father Loya is pastor of St. John Byzantine Catholic Church in Solon, art editor of the Byzantine Diocese of Parma’s diocesan paper, Horizons, teacher and an iconographer of considerable talent. Educated at the Cleveland Institute of Art (Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1977), St. CyriL and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary and the Pontifical Colleges of the Gregorian and Angelicum in Rome (ordained, 1982), he has traveled extensively in connection with his studies. Father Loya is a most interesting speaker who encourages and welcomes audience participation. After hearing his presentation, during which his love of the art of the icon becomes very evident, audiences bring “new eyes” of understanding to the viewing of this religious art of the Eastern Christian Churches. After Father Loya’s presentation, there will be time to meet him personally and to enjoy the refreshment table. A door prize of Slovenian decorated Easter eggs (pisanice) will bring the evening to a close. The Slovenian American National Art Guild extends a cordial invitation to all to join its members for an evening of artistic exploration and inter-cultural sharing. Thanks 1 Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Rose A. Rodgers, Euclid, in memory of her parents John and Frances Grill — $25.00 Family of Josie Stwan, Mentor, Ohio — $15.00 Anonymous, Willowick, O. — $10.00 John and Nettie Zarnik, Euclid — $9.00 Jennie Zakrajšek, Willowick, O., in memory of her deceased brother. Stane Skrij — $5.00 Bogomir Kuhar, Glenshaw, Pa., in memory of father Luka Kuhar and victims of abortions — $4.00 Cyril Grilc, Pompano Beach, Fla. — $7.00 Joseph Butinar, Milwaukee, Wis. — $5.00 Josephine M. Ponikvar, Cleveland, in memory of John and Ursula Ponikvar — $10.00 Joseph Sojer, Euclid — $14.00 Anna J. Fischer, North Olmsted, O., in memory of Sophie Kasic — $25.00 Anton Malevich, Hamilton, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Max Music, Consort, Alberta, Canada — $15.00 Ljudmila Plečnik, Middletown, O., in memory of husband, Ivan Plečnik — $10.00 Miss Mary Winter, Cleveland — $10.00 John Jasbensek, Ontario, Calif. — $6.00 Mary Noggy, Euclid — $10.00 Mrs. Frances Vasle, Euclid — $14.00 Max Kopač, Aliquippa, Pa., in memory of Ivanka Kopač — $35.00 Joseph Prime, Euclid — $10.00 Mrs. Frances Cerar, Danvers, Ma. — $9.00 Alex and Dora Šimenc, Millbrae, Calif. — $9.00 Franc Lajner, Midland, Ont., Canada — $7.00 Mr. Michael Turk, Euclid, in memory of Joseph Zadnik and Elsie Turk — $50.00 Ann Filipič 90th year party benefits SNH Ann Filipič invites ALL of her friends to come help celebrate her 90th birthday on Sunday, May 1 at the Slovenian National Home, E. 65th and St. Clair Ave., from 2 p.m. until ? There will be food, refreshments, and music. Monetary donation to the “Friends of the SNH” will be your admission. If you wish to come, call 361-5115, or 531-7850, or 391-9761. Frances Babic, Program Co-Chair. Attention All Brides The American Home Publishing Co. offers a complete line of Wedding Invitations and Accessories for the bride-to-be. Several books are available to choose from and all at a 20% discount for Ameriška Domovina subscribers. Shop around and compare prices. You will agree the American Home offers the BEST IN QUALITY AND PRICES. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44102 Tel. 361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 3, 1383 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, 1988 12 Are Appearances of Mary at Medjugorje for Real? by Gerald W. Hughes, S.J. After an overnight stay at Split, Yugoslavia, 1 began walking to Medjugorje, some 130 kilometers distant. It took me the better part of four days to walk through the rain and cold to reach a crest of a hill where I could see the cross on the hill above Medjugorje. Off the main road, an even smaller road leads to the village, asphalted, but with borders crumbled into churned earth and mud by heavy tourist buses. In all my trip through Europe this was the most difficult two kilometers to walk with my cart listing again and often tipping over. A stream of buses, including the large German Luxus Reisen double-decker, were crawling their way to the Saturday evening Mass. The church was full. Outside, standing or sitting on benches under the trees, as Mass, was relayed to us by loudspeaker, was an overspill of about a thousand people. When the Serbo-Croat sermon began — and they tend to be lengthy — my worry about accommodations for the night prevailed on me to look for lodgings which were scarce. After finding a room in a basement of a farmhouse, 1 went out in the darkness to visit the church again meeting Luxus Reisen and other buses bringing pilgrims back to their hotels, while others made their muddy way home on foot. But in spite of all the traffic, crowds and noise, Medjugorje felt a peaceful place. On Sunday I rose early to climb to the cross on the hill above the village before the crowds began, but some pilgrims were already descending as I set out. Many locals and visitors claim to have seen this cross turn into a column of light and then into the figure of a woman. In the early days of the apparitions — they began on July 24, 1981 and ever since have continued daily to some of the children. Many claim to have seen the word MIR, the Croatian word for peace, appear in the sky over Medjugorje. When the children asked the apparition her name, she answered, “Queen of Peace.” The message of Medjugorje is peace and reconciliation, gifts for which we are to dispose ourselves by prayer and fasting. The Appearances The “visionaries,” as the children are called, meet for prayer, not in the church* but in a small room in the presbytery. Only priests, as many as the room can hold and the occasional doctor or special visitor, are allowed to be present. The appearances (or apparitions) occur at the same time each evening around 6:40, and may last anywhere from five to 30 minutes, beginning and ending simultaneously for each child. During this time their eyes are all focused on the same point, which is invisible to the onlooker. Tests done mean- while on their pulse, heartbeat and brain activity have led to the claim they are not in a state of coma or hallucination and their bodies are relaxed, and they are so absorbed in what they are experiencing that one of them did not notice, nor did she bleed, when a needle was stuck into her during the apparitions. On another occasion, a portly doctor placed himself between a visionary and the point on which she was focusing. When the apperance was over the doctor asked, “Did you notice I was in the way?” “No,” the girl said, “but there was a slight mist between me and Our Lady.” The Medjugorje appearances are exceptional in many respects, but especially in their length, daily for six years at a set time, and in their simultaneous occurrence to as many children as are present. During the apparitions the children sometimes move their lips, smile and show all the facial expression of someone engaged in conversation, but the onlookers hear nothing, to the surprise of the visionaries, who are conscious of speaking normally. They say the conversations are about matters personal to them, about the Church and the world, and that Our Lady appears as three-dimensional, real and tangible. The accounts of these conversations now form a mass of material. The essential message, as related by the children, is scriptural and simple in content: peace is a gift from God, urgently needed for today’s world. By faith,' prayer and fasting, we dispose ourselves for this gift. It is for all human beings, and we must therefore work for reconciliation where there is division and respect all religions. Are these appearances of Mary genuine? This will be answered by the commission involving all the Yugoslav hierarchy. Unless one denies the possibility of any appearances of Our Lady to anyone at any time, Medjugorje must be taken seriously. How is it that a group of six children, very different in character, temperament, intellectual ability, with no obvious leader among them, can claim to have seen apparitions daily over a period of six years and reveal wisdom, insight and theological assuredness? Where do they get their knowledge? How can they show such a remarkable consensus in their accounts, which vary as is to be expected, according to their different temperaments, but do not conflict? They claim the source is Our Lady herself and on this they have never wavered, as far as I have heard, in spite of long psychological testing, questioning by experts in theology and spirituality, and on one occasion, police threats, when a revolver was held at the head of one who, I heard, showed no fear, but told the policeman to put the gun away and not upset the economy further by wasting bullets. I saw Vicka, the oldest of the group, briefly when through an interpreter, she addressed a group outside her house. She arrived late, because she had been delayed by an earlier group and had to prepare lunch for some workmen. She is a beautiful-looking girl, whose normal expression is a very natural smile, but there is also suffering in her face. She has an inoperable cyst on the brain which causes her much pain and prevents her joining the others at the presbytery each evening. Her answers to questions were simple and direct, and she was not afraid to say, “1 don’t know.” While she was speaking, a lad on a bicycle wearing headphones tried to make his way through the crowd which was blocking the road, giving a wave to Vicka as he passed. This was Jakov, the youngest of the group, who was 10 years old when he first experienced the apparitions. Vicka preparing lunch for the workmen, Maria caring for the sandwiches and Jakov cycling past the pilgrims with his headphones on impressed I me more than all the accounts of the dancing sun. In spite ol all the publicity and harassment the children seem to haw remained unspoiled and natural. There has been a great renewal of faith in Medjugorje and beyond since the apparitions began, and many claim to have been cured miraculously. “The blind see, the lame walk, the poor have the Gospel preached t° them.”... From “The Abbe)' Chronicler, ” Feb. I98S. Gorbachev’s Yugoslavia Trip a Turning Point? The New York Times By Susan (ieenberg Belgrade, Yugoslavia — Mikhail S. Gorbachev hopes his visit to Yugoslavia recently will draw Moscow closer to the non-aligned nations and could also preempt any unrest that may be festering in those countries. However, Mr. Gorbachev might also reflect on some of the contradictions he witnessed as he toured a society that tries to reform while remaining a one-party state. For years, the Soviet Union was critical of Yugoslavia’s economy, based on the principle of “self-management,” which devolves responsibility to enterprises and their employees. But as Mr. Gorbachev pushes ahead with the similar policy of perestroika — economic restructuring — Yugoslavia is instead praised in the Soviet press for its “pioneering role” in this field. In many ways Yugoslavia has gone much further in restructuring than has the Soviet Union. Yugoslavia has not only self-management but also a more important private sector and greater financial freedom — for example, to send or receive foreign currency. But as Mr. Gorbachev himself noted, success depends on “deeds matching words.” No one in Yugoslavia has claimed self-management to be a success. Economic reform has proceeded in a stop-and-go fashion, which may have left the country with the worst of all worlds — no central planning and very little real grassroots control. Risko Bajalski, a Yugoslav commentator on Soviet affairs, suggested recently that Mr. Gorbachev could learn from Yugoslavia’s mistakes. “The U.S.S.R. keeps saying it’s on the edge of a crisis, but we are already in one,” he wrote. “I think Gorbachev will take an interest in how the country is coping.” Farts of it are coping quite well. When Mr. Gorbachev visited Ljubljana, capital of the prosperous northern region of Slovenia, he saw self-management at its best. Slovenia is where most Yugoslav high-technology exports to the Soviet Union come from. But Slovenia is also the part of Yugoslavia that is most impatient with the restraints put on its development by Communist orthodoxies upheld by officials in Belgrade. Moreover, organizations of all kinds have been pushing for greater pluralism. The Slovenian authorities recognized long ago that prosperity needs a climate of freedom, and they have tolerated a wide range of political activity. Unfortunately, this system still relies on tolerance rather than rights guaranteed by any independent body. In addition, the Slovenians are under constant pressure from conservatives in other parts of the country and in the capital. It is a political conflict that must mirror those in the Soviet Union. The Slovenians were pressured by the federal judiciary in Belgrade, for example, to press charges against the editor of a youth magazine, Mladina. The magazine’s offense was to publish an article attacking the Ministry of Defense for selling arms to unsavory regimes such as Ethiopia. The Trial began soon after Mr. Gorbachev* visit to the town. More importantly, Slovenia" peace activists will be among" wide range of Eastern EurO' pean opposition figures wM plan to issue a joint declat"'. tion calling for recognition the right of conscientious ob jectors and a civilian altd' native to military service. Th1* is a decisive issue in a regi0'' where armies have been usd primarily to quell their own0' neighboring Warsaw P3*1 peoples. Slovenia illustrates the fur thest point society can Tea0*1 under the one-party sta1^ before it leaps into politic pluralism, and the contrad'1 lions that arise as it makes tl" push. The freedom exercisd there is not yet considered 31 ceptable in the rest Yugoslavia. It is not c^3' whether Mr. Gorbachev cepts it either. As for contradictions, Gorbachev does at least sh° a wry appreciation. “Life full of them,” he told ‘and" gathering in Belgrade, seems abound in.” they particuD in the times we |iV<; How Mr. Gorbachev tri®5^ practice to resolve these c ,1 tradictions — that is what ^ prove this visit to be a tud1'^ point or just words wit^ I deeds. Slovenia President Visits Here France Popit, President of the Presidency of Sloven ^ Yugoslavia was in the Greater Cleveland area two weeks ag0 ( a mission of promoting more trade between his country a"* U.S. Pictured here also is Ann Tomsick, left, who mad® ^ cake, and Mary Blatnik who catered the event held at Slove" „ Society Home in Euclid where a reception was held in l,°P honor hosted by the United Slovene Society. (Photo by Emilee Jen