Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 30/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 17. 8. 2014 20. NEDELJA MED LETOM 20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@stgregoryha Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@stgregoryhamil Žena, velika je tvoja vera ... Jezusovo srečanje s poganko v evangeliju je na videz trdo, v resnici pa prisrčno. Prosila je zdravja za svojo bolno hčerko: »Usmili se me, Gospod, sin Davidov! « Jezus seje delal, kot da je ne sliši, tako da so učenci posredovali, ker jih je dražilo| njeno vpitje. Jezus pa odgovarja: »Poslan sem le k izgubljenim ovcam Izraelove hiše,« kar pomeni samo k članom izvoljenega ljudstva, a ne k poganom. Ko žena v svoji stiski ni odnehala s prošnjami, ji Jezus pove isto misel, čeprav kar grdo: »Ni prav, da bi se kruh vzel otrokom in se vrgel psom.« Izraz je bil v navadi kot oznaka za nevernika ali pogana. A začuda, velika stiska in zaupanje v Kristusovo moč sta premagali navidezno ponižanje. Prav po žensko je odgovorila Jezusu: »Saj tudi psički jedo od drobtinic, ki padajo z mize njih gospodarjev.« Ženino zaupanje in njena blagost sta, če tako rečemo, premagali sicer veljavno pravilo, ki se ga je Jezus držal. Njenega otroka je ozdravil in še javno pohavlil njeno vero: »O žena, velika je tvoja vera, zgodi se ti, kakor želiš.« Bog očitno hoče, da gremo s svojo vero prek vidnih meja človeške zmogljivosti. Bog, Oče vseh ljudi! Prosimo te za milijone, ki te še ne poznajo, a te potrebujejo in hrepene po tebi. Nam pa pomagaj, da jim bomo varna pot k tebi. 70th Anniversary of Branch Bled Planica 13_ A few weeks ago (Sunday July 27th, 2014) at Bled park in Beamsville, an important event marked a historic day -- another milestone, for Slovenians in Canada as we commemorated a special anniversary celebration to proudly acknowledge the 70th Anniversary of Branch Bled Planica 13. This event was a great success thanks to the many supporters—members, non-members, special and honoured guests. We also give thanks to the hard work, efforts, loyalty, and good intentions of many wonderful, dedicated and hard working people at Bled. It is important to acknowledge and appreciate how they still continue to be involved in one way or another, until this very day. The schedule of the day's events began with a special mass celebrating another Anniversary of the dedication of Mary's chapel (Our Lady of Fatima) by Father Marjan Lamovšek, followed by the cultural program. During the presentation of the history of this branch, many key and important events were noted by Masters of Ceremony, Mrs. Margarette Antolin-Labricciosa and Mr. Ivan An-tolin. It was the intention to recount the detailed and rich history surrounding how this branch began. The origin of this branch is not small- yet, there is a rich spoken and strong documented history. In addition, guests enjoyed heart-felt poems written by Mrs. Kristina Mes and Mr. Joe Gimpelj. Songs were also sung by the Men's Chorus "Bled", under the direction of Mr. Edi Kodarin and music was provided for entertainment by special guests and musicians from Slovenia by Manca Špik and Hajni Blagne. Children and youth were invited to participate in the fun-filled games and activities prepared especially for them, throughout the afternoon. For all sports enthusiasts, there was a soccer game under the direction of Mr. Joe Černelič. Thanks to all the pioneering efforts, now branch Bled Planica 13 (Beamsville), is still a successful and active branch today. There still remains to be a strong sense of pride and spirit in keeping traditions alive amongst its members and guests. Considerable help additionally came from all the other Slovenian clubs, with which this branch had friendly and supportive relationships. It would not have been possible to realize this dream without the countless contributions of our members and non-members alike. After many years of hard work, commitment and dedication, we look back at our 70 years with immense pride and integrity and reflect on the countless memories and rich history of this branch and its members and supporters. Today, we look back and are proud that we celebrated this momentous occasion at Bled as it demonstrated that the Slovenian-Canadian community is still very strong and vibrant. It is with great hope that this Slovenian branch- Bled Planica 13 continues to flourish for yet another 70 years, with the best of intentions of its supporting members and special guests. Let's continue to make it our goal to display with enthusiasm, our Slovenian heritage, by respecting values, traditions and history. It is essential to promote the Slovenian culture with enthusiasm and great pride! only though a joint effort amongst our communities and clubs will we be able to reach our fundamental goal in preserving our Slovenian culture and identity and the history of Slovenians in Canada. Written by: Margarette Antolin-Labricciosa (Member of Branch Bled Planica 13- Beamsville, Ontario) Slovenia Credit Union Announcement Slovenia Credit Union would like to thank everyone that submitted their completed ballots during the Slovenski Dan festivities held at St. Gregory's Parish in June . The winning ticket was selected by one of our main office staff on Thursday July 3rd, 2014. Slovenia Credit Union would like to congratulate Joe Slobodnik for being the lucky winner of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet! For rates such as our 5-year 2.89% mortgage or other promos, check out our website at: THE RED MASS The Annual "Red Mass" will be celebrated at the Cathedral-Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton on Tuesday, September 9 at 9:30 a.m. The St. Thomas More Lawyer's Guild sponsors this annual Mass. The tradition of the Red Mass dates back to the 13th century. The faithful come together to invoke the wisdom of the Holy Spirit upon all those who work in the court system, law enforcement and protective services: we pray for Divine guidance and strength upon them and all that they do for society. The celebrant of the Mass is Bishop Daniel Miehm, Auxiliary Bishop of Hamilton. Father David Wynen, rector of the Cathedral-Basilica, is the homilist. All are welcome to this great annual tradition of worship and prayer. ZAKRAMENT SV. ZAKONA Zakrament sv. zakona sta v soboto, 16. avgusta 2014, v slovenski cerkvi sv. Gregorija Velikega sklenila nevesta NANCY DUNDEK in ženin ROHAN TAYLOR. Veliko sreče in božjega blagoslova na skupni življenjski poti jima želimo, da bi ob otrocih vedno našla veselje in radost, da je samo darovanje zares izraz medsebojne ljubezni in predanosti. SLOVENIAN SUMMER DAY CAMP - 2014 As you know, we held our 14th annual Slovenian Day Camp at the beginning of August and were happy to see that 46 campers came out to enjoy the week of fun. There was a lot of laughter shared among friends and bonds were made that will last a life time. This camp is made possible because of the support we receive from our parish. We again thank the unwavering support of our St. Joseph's Society, Slovenia Parishes Credit Union, Our Catholic Women's League, the Ferletic Family and our parish community. In saying this, we must also remember that the camp would not be possible without the help of our volunteers. Parents and Grandparents, aunts and uncles were quick to always lend a hand, but we cannot forget the enthusiasm and energy brought to our camp by our Leader volunteers. This year, we had so many kids willing to help out that we initiated a Jr. Volunteer program. Following is a list of our Young helpers. Leader/Activity Volunteers: Joel Antolin Jr. Volunteers: Adriana Erzar Steven Horvat Julia Labricciosa Amalia Lukezic Maya Marincic Nadia Miklavcic Amanda Novak Jessica Novak Nichola Scarcelli Leah Skerl Adam Antolin Christopher Dunn Jason Horvat Sofia Labricciosa Sofia Labricciosa Isabelle Marincic Vanessa Scarcelli BARAGOVI DNEVI 17. - 20. oktober 2014 Naša župnija organizira avtobus za letošnje baragove dneve, ki bodo zopet v Marquettu (Michigan). Za to priložnost bodo blagoslovili NOVO KAPELO, kjer bo odslej Baragova krsta. Ker je vseeno precej daleč, bo odhod v petek zjutraj, v soboto si bomo ogledali razne znamenitosti, zvečer bo slovenska sveta maša in večerja. V nedeljo bo sveta maša v angleščini in nato banket. Okvirna cena za poln avtobus bo znašala: $140 CAN in $230 USA. Prosimo, da se čimprej prijavite, najkasneje pa do nedelj 17. avgusta. Zaenkrat imamo le 20 prijav, zato prosimo, da tisti, ki nameravate na romanje, to čimprej storite, sicer bomo morali romanje odpovedati. Prijave sprejemata: Terezija Sarjaš, telefon 905560-1218 ali Vera Gonza, telefon 905-560-0089. Christian Family Holiday, Camp Kumuntome is Celebrating its 50th Anniversary_ Labour Day weekend Camp Kumuntome is marking its 50th anniversary with many special events. If you have ever shared in the camp experience join us in renewing old friendships, sharing memories and enjoying each other's company. On Sunday August 30th at 1:00 His Excellency Bishop Daniel Miehm will be sharing Mass with us. For more information contact Barbara at 519-570-2456 or at Join us on Facebook https:// 20th Sunday in OT (August 17) First Reading Isaiah 56:1. 6-7 Isaiah highlights God's recognition of the foreigners among the Israelites who observe the covenant. All the nations will be blessed by God. Second Reading Romans 11:13-15. 29-32 Paul hopes that Gentiles, as well as the Jews, will enjoy the mercy of the Lord. Gospel Matthew 15:21-28 The story of the Canaanite women, whom Jesus hails as a person of "great faith". "Woman, you have great faith." Illustration The small French town of Bussy-Saint-Georges, just twenty miles from Paris, has been put on the map by its mayor. Over the past two decades, a tiny hamlet centred around a 400-year-old Catholic chapel has mushroomed into a town of 25,000 people, with a big immigrant community and many religious needs. What has drawn international interest is that the mayor, Hugues Rondeau, has developed a religious district in the new town. He has pressed Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and other faiths to create an "Esplanade of the Religions", which will include houses of worship for each of the faiths, side by side. Despite France having a totally secular public sector, the new places of worship are built on land sold by the State. Rondeau spent years urging the government to sell the parcels of land to religious groups. So, at the edge of town, Bussy-Saint-Georges already has a new Catholic church, and the construction is under way of a mosque, a synagogue, a Laotian Buddhist pagoda and an enormous Taiwanese Buddhist temple. "I've had some bad ide- as in my career," says Rondeau, "but on this one, I think I had a good idea." Gospel Teaching Contact and willingness to dialogue across cultural and religious divides is a message from today's Gospel. The Canaanite woman crosses the boundaries that separate the Holy Land from the lands of the Gentiles. In addition, despite not being Jewish, she is one of only two people in the Gospel of Matthew that Jesus commends for their faith. Jesus has left Galilee and is walking through the pagan region around the townships of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman, who has a daughter with an uncontrollable condition at home, recognises him and calls to him. Jesus ignores her, saying that he has been sent to the Jews alone, but she persists. Then Jesus says something you might not expect from him: "It is not fair to take the children's food and throw it to the housedogs." But the woman retorts immediately that "even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their master's table". In other words, she suggests that both Jews and pagans are fed by the same God. Jesus clearly approves of her speaking about the whole of humanity as one family of God. He heals her daughter. It is significant that the Canaanite woman publicly acknowledges Jesus' identity even before the disciples have done so. She appears to accept that Jesus' mission is to Israel first, but believes Jesus serves others too. Jesus responds to such striking faith. This unnamed woman dismantles the dividing wall of intolerance between Jews and Gentiles, and Jesus rewards her for it. Application The belief that God's blessings are limited to people of certain nationalities or cultures has been around for a very long time. Such a belief was very much alive in the society in which Jesus grew up. It is not clear whether he really believed it himself or whether he wanted to expose it and correct its false claims. Every people and culture has a handful of such prejudices and myths -from the myth that only one particular race or nation can possibly be loved by God, to that of no salvation outside the Catholic Church; from the myth of the superiority of men over women to that of the superiority of Western cultures. We are today invited to expose such myths and correct their false and exaggerated claims. The first thing the Canaanite woman teaches us, in our Christian vocation to reconcile all humankind to God, is courage. Her audacity and her refusal to take no for an answer finally paid off and we may remember this in our work for the common good. We can have the courage not to be afraid to challenge prejudice and elitism. God can use us to bring justice and healing to all of God's disadvantaged daughters and sons all over the world. The second thing we can learn from this woman is the power of persuasion and dialogue. When Jesus spoke to her in language that demeaned her people, she did not retaliate in anger but kept her eyes on the goal of her mission, which was to show that even non-Jews are entitled to God's blessing in Christ. Her gentle retort forced Jesus to rethink his response to her request. She is a model of nonviolence. Jesus gave in to her, saying, "Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted." And it was. VESTNIK 2014 | 261 Obvestila - Announcements BOCCE TOURNAMENT, 30. avgust 2014 TURNIR V BALINANJU bo v soboto 30. avgusta 2014 z začetkom ob 10:00 dopoldne. Za prijvo na turnirju se plača $12.00. Po končanem turnirju, okrog enin popoldne bo kosilo in podelitev nagrad zmagovalcem v društvenih prostororih Ville Slovenie. Gostje in člani društva ste vabljeni na kosilo, cena kosila je $8.00 po osebi. Porosimo, da potrdite udeležbo na telefon Franku Erzarju 905643-0285. Bocce Tournament will be held Saturday, August 30 and begin at 10 AM with lunch and awards presentations to follow in the Villa after 1:00 PM. Registration to play: $12.00. Guests and members are welcome for lunch at $8.00 per person. Please confirm attendance with Frank Erzar at 905-643-0285. OKTOBERFEST, Saturday Oct. 18th, 2014 Breslau - Kitchener - OBERKRAINER HAUS Hosted by "SAVA", sponsored by Slovenian Society St. Joseph Society - Društvo Sv. Jožefa, Hamilton Saturday, October 18th, 2014 - Departure - 12:00, St. Gregory's Parking Lot SPECIAL PACKAGE- $59.00 per person includes: • Visit to St. Jacob Market and Flea Market • Admission ticket to Sava Club • Visit to St. Jacob Market & Flea Market • Delicious Dinner (6:30 PM) • Dancing to live band • Kitchener German Oktoberfest Dancers • Taxes & Gratuities • Comfortable Motor Coach transportation Reservation only with full payment of: $59.00. Cheque payable to St. Joseph Society! One bus only! Contact: Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813 or Frank Erzar@905-643-0285 CLEVELAND 53rd ANNUAL THANKSGIVING POLKA - EXTRAVAGANZA Weekend — November 27-29th, 2014_ Special Fun Weekend Package — USA Thanksgiving Weekend - sponsored by: The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph, Hamilton Departure from St. Gregory's Parish parking lot on Centennial Parkway at 8:30 AM, Thursday, November 27th and returning Saturday evening, November 29th (late) Package includes: ♦ Deluxe Coach: Hamilton/Cleveland return ♦ Duty Free stop at Fort Erie ♦ 2 nights double occupancy at the beautiful Cleveland Marriott Hotel ♦ Breakfast (brunch) @ Marriott Hotel on Friday & Saturday AM ♦ Polka Party $20. Admission tickets on Thursday & Friday ♦ Awards Show $25. admission ♦ Dinner at Dubrovnik Gardens Restaurant on Friday ♦ Dinner at Sterles Slovenian Country House Restaurant on Saturday ♦ Hospitality Room welcome with drinks and food on arrival Thurs. ♦ St. Joseph Society Hospitality room available for our gathering ♦ The Polka Mass — presided by Bishop Edward Pevec, Shopping trip; Gratuities, US exchange & taxes included. Join us for an uplifting, fun filled musical weekend! Don't delay! Reservations can be made - only with full payment $350 cheque made out to the St. Joseph Society or cash. For reservations & payment: contact Jerry Ponikvar @905-333-5813 or Frank Erzar @905-643-0285 Romanje v Midland - 6. sept. 2014 Tudi letos bo enodnevno romanje v Midland in sicer na prvo soboto v septembru, to je 6 septembra 2014. Zaradi lažje organizacije romanja z avtobusom se čim prej prijavite ge. Tereziji Sarjaš na telefon: 905-560-1218 ali ge. Veri Gonza, telefon 905-560-0089. Cena: $35.00. DAROVI_ V spomin na pokojno Veroniko Obal darujeta sin Frank in žena Sonja $100 za Oltarno društvo. Društvo Bled daruje $50 Oltarnemu društvu za rože. - Hvala vsem za vaše darove. ZAHVALA_ Družina Pinter se ob smrti Frančiške Napast zahvaljuje pevcem za lepo petje, župniku za opravljeni obred, vsem faranom, ki so jo obiskovali, prišli v Funeral home in k maši. Hvala vsem, ki ste prinesli pecivo in kuharicem v kuhinji za dobro kosilo. Še posebej hvala Katici in Martinu Simončiču za vso pomoč in bližino. Hvala vsem, ki ste nas spremljali z molitvijo in izrazili sožalje. CWL - KŽZ_ Ladies of our parish... This CWL invites all of you to come join us at our ANNUAL SUMMER LUNCHEON. We will again be going to the Mandarin buffet restaurant in Burlington. Even if you are not a CWL member, we hope that you will take this opportunity to come out for an afternoon social as we head towards the end of the summer. Our Mandarin luncheon will take place on Wednesday, August 20. We will have a bus available for anyone interested. Please contact Angela Kobe at 905662-5264 to reserve your spot on the bus. The bus will leave our church parking lot promptly at 11:30am so that we arrive for a 12 noon lunch. If you will be driving on your own, please contact us so that we know how many seats to reserve at the Mandarin. We look forward to seeing you all there! y«^ svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in i\r Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. Od 17. 8. 2014 do 24. 8. 2014 svete maše - masses 20. Nedelja med letom 17. Avgust Klara, red. za žive in rajne župljane ff Marija in Jože Groznik f Marija Rihar 9:30 A.M. družina Groznik 11:00 a.m. Rihar Family Ponedeljek f Veronika Obal 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Monday f Mary Hochevar Hči z družino 18. Avgust f John Turturea Marija in Karel Volf Helena (Alenka), cesar. f Marija Vinčec Marija in Karel Volf Torek - Tuesday 19 Avgust f Veronika Obal 8:00 a.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa " g, , , f Terezija Zorko in Terezija Gazvoda Lojzka Saje Janez Eudes, duh. Sreda „ Wednesday Protection of christians 7:00 p.m n.n. w f Rudi Hanc Zvonko Đurđa Bratelić 2°. AVGUST f franc Pelcar Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Bernard, op-c.uč. Četrtek f Alojzija Petrov Godina 7:00 p.m. Terezija Horvat Thursday f Jože Bregar Terezija in Ignac Sarjaš 21. Avgust f Alojzija Petrov Godina Terezija Prša z družino Pij X, papež f Jože Bregar Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Petek f Ivan Dobršek, obl. 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc Friday f Matija Vlašič Žena in otroci 22. Avgust f Ivan Dobršek, obl. Manja Erzetič Devica Marija Kraljica f Ferdinand Volf Žena in družina ff Jožef in Eufemija Tompa 8:00 a.m. Alojz Sarjaš z družino Sobota f Martin Glavač 5:30 p.m. Žena Marija z družino Saturday f Elizabeta Ferko Mož Tony z družino 23. Avgust f Jože Bregar Terezija Prša Roza iz Lime, dev. f Štefan Prša Žena z družino f Mary Hochevar Družina Gašpar 21. Nedelja za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. med letom 24 Avgust f Janez Zagorc Družina Erzar " ,, ff Frank in Vera Staniša 11:00 a.m. Sin Frank z družino Jernej /Natanael), ap.