Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Sloyenians - 89S6-t80W HO AaiOd 133^15 OIHO ££68 NOHVl/\PIAI NViaVl/M American Home Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Phone: (216) 431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com / vFS* Devotional to Our Lady of Brezje On Monday, May 23, at It is anticipated that various 7:30 p.m., all are invited to meet at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Road in Euclid, Oho for the annual May devotions in honor of Our Lady of, Brezje, Patroness of Slovenia. The Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges is sponsoring this devotional. Rev. Joseph Boznar, pastor of St. Vitus Church, is planning the liturgical program. Slovenian clergy will be joining him to participate in the devotional. The prayer service will include the recitation of the Rosary in conjunction with a candlelight procession. Benediction, and the singing of Slovenian Litanies to the Blessed Virgin Mary. —Joseph V. Hočevar Federation President St. Vitus Class of ’55 Reunion the 8" grade class of St. Vitus 1955 will JL reunite on Saturday, May 28 for its 50th year class reunion. Mass is at 4 p.m., followed by a tour of the school building and then dinner and social at Sterle’s Country House on E. 55,h Street. The committee consisting of Breda (Osenar) Lončar, Barbara (Polz) Folger, Richard Zele, and Tony Petkovšek are still looking for classmates Donald Clark, Frank Faletič, Alex Gover-dovski, Douglas Urbic, Alfred Wallace, Elaine Barzellato, John Petranic, Cecilia Hiti, Margaret Miller, and Joanne Salomon. Anyone knowing their bara at (216) 941-5044. ■J All others in the class f were notified by mail and 1 should have responded by i now. m The only other reunion that took place was 25 years ago. Slovenia is Popular Spot Among Italian Tourists »-\1 C"._. - Slovenia places first in the business tourism sector, second in family tourism, and 4th in traditional tourism, the Slovenian Tourist Board (STO) said, quoting the results of the TMT Pragma survey. According to the STO, Pragma carried out a com Mexico and ahead of Austria, Morocco and Spain. In the category dubbed traditional tourism, Slovenia placed 4th after Mexico, Belgium and Austria. The importance of the Italian market for Slovenia’s tourist industry is also evident from the 2004 data of ^ — - —* nuni uie zuu^ oata or prehensive survey at most of the national Statistics Office. Ttnlv’c TY'VO/I **o11 11 > .. . . Italy’s road, rail, port, airport border crossings. The results showed that in business tourism Slovenia was the preferred choice most tourists followed Spain, the Czech Republic, Austria, Egypt, France, and Croatia. In family tourism, Slovenia placed second after of by Italians were the biggest group of tourists visiting the country with 786,130 overnights (up 8% from 2003 figures), and 313,296 arrivals (up 9%). Italians accounted for 18% of the total overnights by foreign visitors in 2004. Submitted by Phil Hrvatin Newspaper Printing Schedule The American Home newspaper (Ameriška Domovina will not be published the first week in June. Hospitality is Native to Slovenia LJUBLJANA, Slov. - Wed., May 4 - U.S. Senator George Voinovich, (R-OH) (with cap), met with International Trust Fund for De-mining and Mine Victims Deputy Director Goran Gačnik (left) and ITF Director Dorijan Marsic (far right), to discuss I F s efforts to demining in Southeast Europe. Voinovich was on an eight day trip to Slovenia and Croatia to meet with government officials. George’s wife Janet Voinovich, is also pictured. Slovenia Has Good Fresh Water Underground water accounts for as much as 95% of the drinking water in Slovenia, which is fairly well preserved compared to the situation in other European countries, the National Environmental Agency said on Tuesday, World Water Day. There is little awareness in Slovenia that the entire territory of the country is in fact a water collection area, which means that everything that is dumped eventually ends up in underground water, Marjeta Krajnc of the agency said. She pointed out that about 60% of ground water comes from alluvial aquifers, while the rest comes from karst and fissured aquifers. Fresh water supply mainly depends on shallow alluvial aquifers, Kranjc explained, emphasizing that these aquifers were completely unprotected, vulnerable to pollution from intensive industrial and agricultural activities on the land’s surface, transport infrastructure and dumpsites. Even more vulnerable are karst and fissured aquifers, which have lower purifying capacity since waters flow more swiftly there. “Fortunately, these aquifers are well protected by forests," said Kranjc. She said some sources of fresh water do not require any additional purification, which is a great advantage for Slovenia. As for pollution of ground water, Kranjc said the levels of nitrates and pesticide antrazine often exceed the allowed levels. However, she noted that a drop had been noted in the concentration of atrazine. Kranjc said that the EU water directive, passed by Slovenia upon EU accession, calls for a good condition of all underground, surface and coastal waters to be in effect by 2015. The main theme of this year’s World Water Day is “Water for Life,” stressing the importance of water as a source of life. Submitted by —Philip J. Hrvatin IT) S CA < S < Z > O s o Q AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 19 May 19, 2005 Happy Birthday, Susie by RUDY FLIS Today is May 15 th, my daughter Sue’s birthday. Sue lives with her husband, Chris, and three children in Moxville, North Carolina in a home they had built last year. I phoned Sue yesterday to see how she was doing. She told me she was just finishing cleaning some strawberries on Friday afternoon by her kitchen sink and window whqn a face appeared on the other side of her window, on their deck. It was her sister Carolyn who had just arrived with her sister Monica and Ray, her boyfriend. Carolyn lives in Lake Jackson, Texas and has never been to Sue’s home. To see the new home and to help celebrate a birthday is the reason for the surprise visit. Sue and her kids had no idea of the impending visit. Hats off to my son-in-law who kept the secret for about two weeks, when Carolyn and Monica decided to try to pull off the surprise. This morning they called up for our “pancake” recipe, and were having great fim reminiscing and discussing the family get-together plans for this summer. This will include a Flis family picnic, a custom started by my family in 1946, while my brothers were overseas. I think we are reserving August 21 for the picnic. I forgot to mention there was another involved in the surprise visit to North Carolina, Monica’s puppy, “Hustler.” Therese and I don’t think “Hustler” is a proper name for a young lady. Do you? This pup is really starting to get large, but she is most friendly and even likes the ranger’s horse in the Metro Parks. Monica is a doting mistress and tends to spoil her little friend, although she does train Hustler. All hope is not lost that Hustler will be a well behaved dog, although she is filled with energies that tire me when I watch her never-ending adventures. Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec 1 see by the morning newspaper that the Diocese of Cleveland ordained one priest last weekend. Besides writing about the good news of the newly ordained, the reporter used a lot of words writing about most of the malcontents who showed up. They were females and former priests who married. It brought to mind a book I had read, titled, “Goodbye, Good Men” written by Michael S. Rose. It gave the author’s views why there are so few priests being ordained in the United States. In the book, right off the bat on page 2 they mention Archbishop Elden F. Curtiss who in 1955 wrote an article in Our Sunday Visitor implicating vocations directors and others directly responsible for promoting vocations as having a ‘death wish’ for the male celibate priesthood.” Curtiss, the archbishop of Omaha, Nebraska said the priest shortage is “Artificial and Contrived.” Furthermore, he wrote, “It seems to me that the vocation ‘crisis’ is precipitated by the people who want to change the Church’s agenda, by people who do not support orthodox candidates loyal to the magisterial teaching of the Pope and bishops, and by people who actually discourage viable candidates from seeking priesthood and vowed religious life as the Church defines these ministries.” He says he knows of vocations directors who turn away candidates who do not support the possibility of ordaining women,... “or who exhibit a strong piety toward certain devotions, such as the rosary.” The Diocese of Omaha, by the way, each year, has one of the highest number of men becoming priests in the U.S. Archbishop Curtiss will be the main speaker at the annual meeting of the Bishop Baraga Association on Sunday, Sept. 4 in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) community center after the 2 p.m. Mass. Slovenian National Home Welcomes Ekart Ansambel We are pleased to announce that the Ekart Ansambel will be appearing at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland on Friday, July 15. The group hails from Prepolja in the Štajerska region of Slovenia. The band has entertained Slovenians at home and abroad for over 25 years. They performed in Australia, Canada, America, Austria, Germany, and all over Slovenia. They are one of the top groups in Slovenia and have won many competitions for their polka and waltzes at various festivals. The ansambel has produced nine CD’s and cassettes and make regular appearances at Avsenik’s famous restaurant in Begunja in the Gorensko region of Slovenia. The Ekart Ansambel appeared in Cleveland in July, 2003 and was very well received. As with all groups that tour from Slovenia, a night of fun with wonderful melodies is in store for everyone. Come join us for a great evening of fine music for your listening and dancing pleasure. Doors open at 6 p.m. Music starts at 7 p.m. Advance tickets are $8.00. Admission at the door is $10.00. Food and refreshments will be available. Security parking will be provided. For more information please call (216) 361-5115. —Sylvia Plymesser 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina FREE ADVICE ON LIVING WILL (Sent by a Slovenian lawyer, author unknown) “Many of my clients have been asking for a living will, in response to the Schiavo case in Florida. I have drafted the form below which I ask that you read carefully. If you feel that it meets your needs, you should sign it and place it with your other important documents. There is no charge for this valuable legal service.” %__________ (fill in the black with your name), being of sound mind and body, DO NOT wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means. Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of stupid politicians who couldn’t pass ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it. If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to sit up and ask for a scotch/beer/glass of Slovenian wine (circle one), it should be presumed that I won’t do so ever again. When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my spouse, children and attending physicians to pull the pluc reel in the tubes and call it a day. Under no circumstances shall the members of the legislature enact a special law to keep me on life-support machinery. It is my wish that Jes,e———7------.mind *heir own business, and pay attention instead to the health, education and future of the millions of Americans who are not in a permanent coma and who nevertheless may be in need of nourishment, Under no circumstances shall any politicians mix in with this case or offer me Slovenian sausages to keep me alive. I couldn’t care less if a hundred religious zealots send e-mail to legislators in which they pretend to care about me, I don’t know these people, and I certainly have not authorized them to preach and/or crusade on my behalf. They should mind their own business. If any of my family goes against my wishes and turns my case into a political cause, I hereby promise to come back Irom the grave and make hispf bcr vxistsiicc.aUving.iielU:. MR**«:-KT yr* wv • Beware of a concrete mind: it’s probably all mixed up and permanently set. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Žakelj Family Chronicle Father Boznar Goes For 500-Mile Walk by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued from last week) World War I Every evening my aunt cooked something like bean flour soup for us. These were large beans which the government provided without ration cards. Many of the beans had worms in them, so my daily job was to take a needle and get the worms out of each bean. On Saturdays I would take the clean beans to the mill where they ground them into flour. My aunt then used that to make the bean soup, without milk or meat. But school only lasted a few weeks. In October, the school was closed due to an outbreak of “Spanish” flu, and all the children were sent home. I had the flu myself, but got over it (at that time, many people died from the flu). On about Nov. 1, while I was walking back to the school (it was about 8 miles away from our home village), I met a column of 25 military wagons. Each Wagon was pulled by a pair of horses, most of them without drivers. The war had just ended, and they were bringing military supplies back from the front. There was a driver on the first wagon and he asked me where I. was going. I told him I was going to the school in Idrija, but he said the school was closed since all the teachers were in the national guard. He invited nie to get on the wagon with him and get a ride back to Ziri, my home village. He also asked me to keep an eye °n the wagons that had no drivers. That night, we deliv-ered 50 nice Bosnian horses t° the national guard in Ziri. Around that time (All Saints Day, November 1, 1918), Ata finally returned from the war. All we had left to eat were a few potatoes, a little cabbage and some carets. I don’t know how we '''ould have survived that 'vinter if he hadn’t come home. After World War I Within a week after Ata returned from the war, he and my older brother Joze ^ent on a trip, walking to arms in the nearby hills, ooking for food. They found °ne farmer who said he had some eggs, but his own family needed them. At another farm, a horrible accident had just occurred. At that time, many people had weapons which were left over from the war. A farmer’s son was learning how to shoot a rifle that his father had brought home. He leaned against one comer of their house and aimed at something that was just past the other comer. As he pressed on the trigger, his mother stepped from behind the house. The bullet hit her and she died instantly. My father and brother continued on, but I don’t remember if they found any food. I think the miners from Idrija and already been through that area and bought up whatever was available. I remember feeling sorry for one of those miners. He had bought a 100-pound sack of turnips and was struggling to carry it on his back many miles to his home. About a week later, a friend (Frančiškov Andrejc) suggested to Ata they go to Stara Vrhnika to make and repair shoes for the people in that area. He had heard there were a number of farmers there who still had some supply of food. Ata agreed and so they put their tools in their knapsacks and left. A week later, they returned very satisfied, with a nice quantity and variety of food. The food included pieces of yellow com bread which Ata had saved for us out of his lunches. Ata and his friend returned to Stara Vrhinka a number of times, until they had made or repaired shoes for everyone in the area. Soon after, our neighbor Zelman suggested to Ata that they make some women’s shoes and try to sell them at the market in Zagreb, Croatia. So they worked hard, filled their knapsacks and went on the long trip to Zagreb. They returned very satisfied and repeated that a couple of times. But on one of those trips, the Croatians robbed them and Ata decided that was enough. (To Be Continued) For Rent 4 rooms E. 52 St., garage. Very clean. 216-881-8709 S°n8! Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEl/RAX we>: www.wcsb.org In the May 15 St. Vitus church bulletin, pastor, Father Joseph P. Boznar, wrote to his parishioners: I would like to share with our parishioners my vacation plans for this summer. My cousin priest and I will be undertaking a walking pilgrimage of nearly 500 miles in Spain. The purpose of the pilgrimage will be to visit and pray at the tomb of St. James the Apostle. The entire pilgrim way (most of it a solitary foot trail) is about 500 miles (or 800 kilometers) long from the borders of France, across the whole of Spain, to the Atlantic Ocean. The distance is comparable to walking from Cleveland to New York. How long does it take? When all goes well, it takes about 37 days to complete the pilgrimage. But, if the feet talk back, then it takes longer. If that happens to me, I wrote to the bishop to get his permission to take a few extra days in case I will need them on the way. My cousin priest from Argentina, Fr. Anton Bidovec, is going with me, and he just happens to speak,... well, Spanish. Father is on a sabbatical-study-- leave for one year, and I invited him to come to St. Vitus later in the year. Father was visiting with me for two weeks last year ‘at which time we discovered that we both wanted to do the same thing. So we decided then and there to go this summer... Join Cystic Fibrosis Walk-a-Thon The Rainbow Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation announces it will hold its Annual Lake County “Great Strides” Walk-a-thon on Saturday, May 21 at the Cleveland Metroparks - North Chagrin Reservation, Strawberry Lane to raise money and awareness toward a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF). Great Strides is nationally sponsored by American Airlines®, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Bank of America, Hill-Rom and Airgas Puritan Medical. Walkers register at 9 a.m., and begin their 10K (6.2) mile hike through the park at 10 a.m. that day. The walk will wrap-up with a celebration of food provided by Outback Steak-house of Lyndhurst, fun and music by WNCX 98.5 FM at the Strawberry Lane Pavilion. Walkers can register for the walk online at www.cff.org/great strides or by calling 800-368-2150. Walkers are also welcome to simply show up at Great Strides and are encouraged to col- lect $150 in donations for their participation in the walk-a-thon. The CF Foundation has been recognized by Smart Money Magazine for the fact that nearly 90 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to CF research and treatment programs. CF is a complex, genetic disease that effects about 30,000 children and adults in the United States. It causes the body to produce an abnormally thick, sticky mucus, due to the faulty transport of sodium and chloride (salt) within cells lining organs such as the lungs and pancreas. This abnormal mucus clogs the lungs leading to life-threatening lung infections. The thick CF mucus also obstructs the pancreas preventing enzymes from reaching the intestines to help break down and digest food. Since its inception in 1989, Great Strides has become the CF Foundation’s largest and fastest-growing fund-raiser to support cutting-edge science and has raised millions of dollars to fight the disease. Ohio Boychoir Spring Schedule The Ohio Boychoir, under the direction of Jon Simšič, presents Rains, Rivers and the Rolling Seas on... Friday, June 3rd, 7:30 p.m. in St. Christine Catholic Church, 840 E. 222nd St., Euclid, OH. Saturday, June 4, 7:30 p.m. in St. Mark Lutheran Church, 11900 Chillicothe Rd., Chesterland. Sunday, June 5, 3 p.m., at St. Luke Catholic Church, 1212 Bunts Ave., Lakewood. Friday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, 3649 E. 65th, Slavic Village, Cleveland. Saturday, June 11 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Ann Catholic Church, 2175 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Hts. Sunday, June 12 at 2:30 p.m. in St. Charles Borromeo Church, 5891 Ridge Rd., Parma. Hear the Ohio Boychoir sing folk songs and sacred music that resound to a nautical theme. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. ‘ - Frankie Mlakar Euclid Travel’s Exclusive Offer Savings up to 56% ms Zuiderdam 7-nights, Eastern Caribbean Ft. Lauderdale, Half Moon Cay, St. Thomas, Road Town, Nassau Call for 2005 dates. Oceanview from $799pp* C based on double occupancy) Book now to receive a complimentan, One-category upgrade for oceanview or Two-category upgrade for verandah / Holland America I Jne A Tradition of Excellence EUCLID%i*& TR/W/O«« 22078 Lakeshore Blvd Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-261-1050 euclidtravel@aol.com www. euclidtravel .com 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 19, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 19, 2005 ^ Mlakar Walks bown Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Ray is back and to tell the truth I don’t know if I should put my winter clothes away yet and I guess it holds true that if you don’t like the weather, just hold on for 24 hours, as sure as God made green apples, it will change, but I do know for a fact that Sunny Days are ahead, although my legs tell me rain is in the forecast. Well I let you off school for a few weeks and time to get your pencils and papers for we are going back to WD-40. Are you ready for finals? Take notes for I intend to give a quiz in a few weeks and I am sure you don’t want to repeat the course. Keeps pigeons off the balcony, they hate the smell. Removes all traces of duct tape. Now that I think of it, I even heard of “us old folks” spraying it on their arms, hands and knees to relieve arthritis pain. (I personally don’t recommend that one for I did that one night before I went to sleep I slipped right out of the bed and into Harry. What a bummer. Florida’s favorite use is “cleans and removes bugs from grills and bumpers. The favorite use in the State of New York - WD40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements. WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you will be catching for the Big One in no time. Also it’s a lot cheaper than the chemical attractants that are made for that purpose. Keep in mind not allowed in some states. Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the itch. WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with a clean cloth. Also, if you’ve discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the lipstick spots with WD-40 and re-wash. Presto. Lipstick smear is gone. (Hey, husbands, remember that one, too, just in case.) Guys, if you spray WD-40 on the distributor cap, it will displace the moisture and allow the car to start. WD-40 long known for its ability to remove left-over tape, sticky label tape, is also a lovely perfume and air freshener. Spray liberally on every hinge in the house and it leaves a distinctive clean fresh scent for up to two days. It also removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor. Just remember to open the windows if you have a lot of marks. Last but not least. Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if you do not remove them quickly. Use WD-40. Okay, there you have it in a nut shell. Keep these hints in mind, for a test will be given. ED NOTE: Remember, this newspaper takes no responsibility for the accuracy of Ray’s statements regard- ing WD-40, especially the perfume part.) Well, I guess it is almost time to close, but we have to get at the joke which you have been waiting for anyway. The subject is “Bra banded.” Man walks into the ladies department of Macy’s and shyly walks up to the woman behind the counter and says, “I’d like to buy a bra for my wife.” “What type of bra?” asks the clerk. “Type?” inquires the man, there’s more than one type?” “Look around,” says the saleslady as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size and material imaginable. The saleslady says there are really only about four types of bras to choose from. Relieved the man asked about the types of bras. The saleslady said there are Catholics, the Salvation Army, the Presbyterian, and the Baptist types.” Now that really befuddled the man so he asked the difference between them. The saleslady says, “It is really quite simple... the Catholic type supports the masses. The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen. The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright, and the Baptist makes mountains out of mole hills.” That is it but here again I have to thank brother Frank Mlakar for keeping me informed. Time to say so long and in the meantime may the Good Lord bless and watch over you and keep you in good health. Because of Medicare, less than one percent of Americans 65 and over are without health insurance, compared with 15 percent of the general population. St. Vitus Village 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV, and much, much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any questions on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. How Well Do You Remember ‘The Wizard of Oz?’ (Continued) 31. - Who was last into the tornado shelter when the twister approached Dorothy’s home? 32. - What animals passed the revolving farmhouse during the tornado? 33. - Where did Dorothy say she was when she landed in Munchkin Land? 34. - What did the Witch of the North call Dorothy in Munchkin Land? 35. - What killed the Wicked Witch of the East? 36. - How many horses pulled the coach when Dorothy was driven around Munchkin Land? 37. - How many people were riding the coach in Munchkin Land? 38. - How many babies were in the nest? 39. - How did the Witch of the North describe the slippers when they first appeared on Dorothy’s feet? 40. - What did Dorothy tell the Scarecrow he could be if he only had a brain? 41. - What fork in the road did Dorothy and the Scarecrow take at the junction of the Yellow Brick Road? Answers: zmb siqi joj >}3Sao§ -oyi ouoSng oj sjjueqi (panupiuo ^8 <>JL) •jjjojjqgu 3M1--U7 uiooun Jaqjouy - ‘0F sjod -dqs Xqm jo jmd y - -gf 3A!d ~ '8£ (UBUiqOBOO 9ip PUB ‘jOAIjp 3ip ‘XqjoJOQ) qjL - 'Li 0M1 - '9£ joq uo ipj }Bqt ssnoq oqi - •££ •OUIOJOq [BUOIJBU tsui5iqounpv oqi - >£ lt‘MOqUlBJ oqi J9A0 aq jsmu aaouiXuB sbs -uByi ut jou 3JB 9av„ - TC •de| s.uig juny uo Suipis jbo b pue sua -jpiqo anoj ‘moo y - •££ >l«nH--l£ Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, Pork Chops, and Goulash Dinners 100 Words More or Less... by JOHN MERCINA Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a bar in Bandera, Texas, stake out, the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so intoxicated he could barely walk. The man stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing. After what seemed an eternity and trying his keys on five different vehicles, the man managed to find his car which he fell into. He sat there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off. Finally, he started the car, switched the wipers on and off (it was a fine summer night), flicked the blinkers on, then off a couple of times, honked the horn and then switched on the lights. He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and then remained still for a few more minutes as some more of the other patron vehicles left. At last, the parking lot empty, he pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive down the road. The police officer, having patiently waited all this time, now started up the patrol car, put on the flashing lights, and promptly pulled the man over and carried out a breathalyzer test. To his amazement the breathalyzer indicated no evidence of the man having consumed any alcohol at all. Dumbfounded, the officer said, “I’ll have to ask you to accompany me to the police station. This breathalyzer equipment must be broken.” “I doubt it,” the truly proud Texan said. “Tonight I’m the designated decoy.” You have two choices in life: You can stay single and be miserable, or get married and wish you were dead. _____________________________ -Emma Pogačar LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Affordable Slovenia evokes Europe of old by ARTHUR FROMMER Budget Travel T f your heart is set on Europe but you hesi-I tate because of the high prices and weak -M-dollar, why not consider a peek behind the old Iron Curtain at the highly underrated country of Slovenia? This northernmost section of the former Yugoslavia is slightly smaller than New Jersey, yet it is a land filled with baroque cities and Alpine lakes, fine wines and Adriatic resorts, all of it virtually unaffected by Yugoslavia’s civil war in the 1990s. Yet Slovenia is so little-known to American tourists that most confuse it with Slovakia - and couldn’t find it on a map either way. This relative anonymity is a boom, as Slovenia - tucked under the Julian Alps just south of Austria and east of Italy - receives only a fraction of the crowds that drive up the hotel prices and travel costs in its Western neighbors. Hotels that go for around $80 in the capital, Ljubljana, would easily cost twice that just across the borders in Vienna or Venice, and a restaurant meal with multiple courses and a bottle of fine Slovenian Riesling rarely rings in above $25 per person. Slovenia is a slice of Europe as it was 20 years ago - affordable, accessible and just waiting to be explored. Ljubljana is a mere 314 hours by train from Trieste (www.raileurope.com), a three-hour flight from London, from around $90, or I'A hours from Berlih, for as little as $10.50 on some flights aboard the no-frills airline easyJet (although prices vary widely by date.) However, the most scenic and historical way to ease into Slovenia is to catch a train from the bisected border of Gorizia, Italy, and Nova Goricia, Slovenia, which for years was divided right down the middle by the Iron Curtain. The 99-year-old Transalpina rail line travels from Nova Gorica up the gorgeous Soca River valley. The river’s beauty - waters tinged emerald by calcium carbonate from the surrounding limestone mountains - belies its bloody role in World War I, when as many as 1 million lives (by some estimates) were lost near the river between 1915 and 1917. If that sounds familiar to Hemingway fans, it’s because he set “A Farewell to Arms” here - though he used the Italian name for the river and called it the Isonzo'Front. Hop off the train in Bled-Jezero to leave behind mementos of past wars in favor of the fairy-tale scenery of Lake Bled, Slovenia’s premier Alpine resort. The little blue lake is surrounded by the craggy Julian Alps peaks of Triglav National park, popular for rafting and mountain climbing. There’s a modest resort town at one end of the lakes, where accommodations range from Penzion Bledeč youth hostel, with $22-$25 dorm beds to the Penzion Mayer, a family-run hotel with spotless $80 rooms and an excellent restaurant (www.mayer-sp.si). But Bled’s real claims to fame is the lake’s tiny wooded island, spiked with a baroque church steeple, and the 1,000-year-old castle sitting atop a cliff at the water’s edge. It’s a quick train ride from Bled to Ljubljana, a city blessed with streets lined by Baroque and Art Nouveau buildings, a bustling daily market in the square between the cathedral and the cafe-lined promenades of the Ljubljanica River, and a castle watching over it all from a bluff high above the narrow medieval alleys of the ancient city core. Ljubljana is often touted as an alternative to Prague, and while it does enjoy a similar look and style, that’s stretching things a bit. This tiny capital lacks Prague’s great museums and superlative sights - but it also lacks Prague’s crowds and hyper-inflated prices. One of the most popular places to stay is the Hostel Celica, converted from a former prison and a five-minute walk from the train station. Each cell has been transformed into a unique designer room sleeping two or three people for $23 to $28 each;' standard dorms sleeping 14 start at $19. From the city, take a day trip to the Adriatic coast and the tiny, ancient port town of Piran on the Istrian Peninsula. The flavor of this overgrown fishing village is decidedly Italian, with pasta and fish on the menus and Venetian architecture on the buildings. Pop into a cafe near Piran’s main square, order a glass of wine or Union Beer, breathe the sea air, and get a taste of the Europe that used to be. Thanks to Tony Ravnik of Piedmont, CA who sent in this article from the San Francisco Chronicle. Slovenia’s Environmental Project includes bears Miha Marenče * i Sinfo More and more attention Is being paid to the attempts to restore the little that is ^own about the conditions ’ °f ecological diversity of former times. The European kbiion is a leader in this field and among other things, puts ^fld animals on the priority bst in the area of environ- i jnental conservation.. The financial Instrument for the Environment - LIFE - was Established in 1992 by the European Community to I ^nnage its environmental Policy In the middle of 2002, the ^Uropean Commission rati-„letI the project of conservation of Large Car-P'Vores in Slovenia - phase The European Commu-n,ty has pledged the highest E°ssible share of co-'hancing, which represents /o of the project value. The purpose of the project is to ensure the long-term life of the bear and its habitat in Slovenia as it makes its natural migrations towards the Alps. Special care is given for the cohabitation of the brown bear and people. The habitats of the brown bear is environmentally protected area. Bears, as any other wild animal or plant species, have the right to live. Wild animals, and the bear are an / important part of bio diversity. They play an important role at the top of the food chain. The bear is endangered in Europe. Its habitat is under great strain. Fortunately, international regulations give special attention to the bear, but unfortunately even perfectly written protection does not ensure the long-term survival of the brown bear. Only cohabitation of man and bear can provide the rieht formula for thp cnrrpsc- ful protection and consequent survival of the bear. As the bear is an animal with a wide area of movement, it is necessary to ensure regulated management between the countries involved in its roaming range. Although legislation is appropriate, there is a great lack of funds and many organizational problems and the lack of good will regarding the protection of the brown bear. This is a great opportunity for collaboration between national institutions and other organizations. Slovenia’s work will not finish at the expiration of the project in 2005. On the contrary, it should be the beginning of wider agreement, which shall continue with or without the help of the European resources. The present life of the brown bear and its habitat that have been preserved over the past centuries shrtiilH rnntirme indftfinitelv Slovenia implements E-Register s of births, deaths and marriages An-electronic registry of births, deaths and marriages was brought on-line on Monday, which Public Administration Minister Gregor Virant said will make public administration more efficient. According to Virant, all records will be managed electronically, which will make the work of administrative units easier and save citizens time. The register will include all information associated with births, deaths and marriages, as well as name changes, adoptions, recognition of fatherhood and divorces. Virant noted that the e-register will also make public administration more user-friendly, as “There will be no need to send people from counter to counter.” The project was launched in 2004 and cost SIT 216m (EUR 0.9m), which includes the upgrade of the population register as well as the registration of foreigners and citizenship. Submitted by --Philip J. Hrvatin Slovenian Cultural Garden News The dedication of the Bishop Baraga bust will take place this year on the Labor Day weekend at the Slovenian Cultural Garden. Therefore, it is most important to have and maintain the garden in the best possible order. The first cleanup day will take place on Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone interested in our Slovenian heritage, who would like to have our garden seen in its best condition, is invited to stop by and help prepare the flower beds, assist in planting, etc. Bring your favorite tool and join in this venture to promote Slovenian cultural events. We hope to see you there. Future cleanup dates will take place this summer on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6 p.m. to dusk and on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., weather permitting. Mark your calendar for cleanup on Tuesday,. June 13, Saturday, June 18, Tuesday, July 12, Saturday, July 16, Tuesday, Aug. 9,h, and Saturday, August 20. Your help and support are greatly appreciated. Hvala lepa. *7o*tty 'Pet6ovče& ^ ‘Pot&a, America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 3-5 pm / Saturdays 12-2 pm Kollander World Travel, 971 East 185th St, Cleveland OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor \CftVv Simulcast in Lake County on Ch. 99 Comcast Cable and Wi3 jo Wor1d orvline www.247polkaheaven.com (216)481 -8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK'S over 40 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety” 7U the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community" Offering complete Community News Daily and phone in Polka Opinion every Monday Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women’s Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) MARK SEDMAK (Alternative Music) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 19, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 19, 2005 6 Senator Voinovich Known for Independence by STEPHEN BARR Washington Post Senator George V. Voinovich - former mayor of Cleveland, former governor of Ohio and Republican senator since 1999 - was speaking to the Cleveland Club of Washington, which was honoring him with an award. With Nicholas E. Calio, the former Capitol Hill lobbyist for President Bush, at his right, and Samuel Žbogar, the ambassador of Slovenia, at his left, Voinovich took the luncheon crowd through a nostalgic tour of his Ohio days, when he helped a city and state ride out the Rust Belt slump and regain their financial footings. But his first question from the audience was not about Ohio. It was about John R. Bolton, the president’s choice to become U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Voinovich unexpectedly held up Bolton’s nomination last month after listening to Democratic complaints that the State Department official had mistreated subordinates who disagreed with him on policy issues. “I am concerned about people’s interpersonal skills,” Voinovich said, adding that respect for others and how a person handles disagreements is important. “Leadership makes a difference,” he told the crowd, which gave him a round of applause. Voinovich’s decision to slow down Bolton’s appointment in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee came as no surprise to Cleveland exiles here or friends back home. Voinovich, 68, has earned a reputation for independence over the years. He called for reducing the cost of Bush’s 2003 tax cuts, and he opposed the president’s No Child-Left Behind education law as an unfunded mandate on the states. The Bolton controversy concerns Voinovich because it touches on his longtime belief that the federal government needs to take better care of its “A-team,” as he calls career employees. As a mayor and governor, he learned that no program can succeed if it does not have the support of rank-and-file workers. In the Senate, he has pushed initiatives aimed at improving the federal government’s hiring practices and has chided federal agencies that cut back on training programs for employees. At congressional hearings, he often tries to emphasize the positive and encourages efforts to create a smarter and more efficient federal workforce. Voinovich chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee on the oversight of government management, the federal workforce,' and the District of Columbia. For the most part, the subcommittee’s issues draw little interest from many of Voinovich’s colleagues in the Senate. But the low-profile subcommittee appears to suit Voinovich. In the past seven years, the panel has held 18 hearings on federal personnel issues. Among the topics: “Training Federal Employees to Be Their Best,” “An Overlooked Asset - the Defense Civilian Workforce,” and “The Key to Homeland Security: the New Human Resources System.” Paul C. Light, a New York University professor who specializes in public service issues, said: “I love the guy. He’s one of the very few members of Congress who really cares about public management.” Noting that Voinovich was a mayor for 10 years and a governor for eight, Light added: “Very few members understand the linkage between management, personnel and program success. They assume that all legislation is somehow selfexecuting.” “He’s been around long enough to know that success depends on giving public employees, including labor unions, the tools to do their jobs,” Light said. Max Stier, president of the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, called Voinovich, “someone willing to labor in some of the least glamorous vineyards in order to bring out the best wine.” Unions, in particular, value Voinovich’s pledge to evaluate changes in pay and management rules at Defense and Homeland Security before allowing them to ripple across government, said Colleen M. Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union. She also praised Voinovich for helping pass a new law that permits federal agencies to give their employees compensatory time off for travel when they fly on weekends or on other off-duty hours. In the coming year, Voinovich said his top priority will be to help federal agencies find solutions to “the human capital crisis.” He sees a government faced with an aging workforce that is nearing retirement. He said federal agencies are at risk of not being able to recruit top-notch tal- ent because fewer college graduates express an interest in public sector careers. The Republican senator from Ohio notes that the Medicare program is using more flexible hiring rules that he championed in Congress as the program bolsters its staff to deliver a prescription drug benefit next year. “In any organization,” Voinovich said, “you need good finances and good people.”___________ Submitted by: --Philip J. Hrvatin Janša Re-elected PORTOROŽ, SLOV., May 14 - Janez Janša has been unanimously reelected as president of the ruling Slovenian Democrats (SDS) for a fifth consecutive term. With no votes against, 368 delegates endorsed the incumbent, who was the only candidate for the post. —Submitted by: —Phil Hrvatin Stores Closed LJUBLJANA, SLOV. -Most stores will have to close on Sundays in Slovenia starting in 2006 under a ruling of the Constitutional Court which was published on Friday, May 13th. .It's Cool To Be Slovenian! FISH FRY Every Friday by Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo-Cleveland Fish - Shrimp -Pork Chops Goulash, etc. Take-oyts: 216—481-5378 Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com hUp-./lstimburysaccountlng.com Bmled Id Practice Bet&e lie internal Revenue Senice SenndnQ Int^nduels Cogtorelions l Smeš Businesses. Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F' 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Coming Attractions Sunday, May 22 Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH, served 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. $5. For details call Joe Blatnik at 440—943-1191. Sunday, May 22 Slovenian National Home, Newburgh salutes Honoree Father Dominic Mondzelewski, OSB, Administrator of St. Lawrence Church. Dinner served 2 p.m. Music for listening & dancing 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. by Wayne Tomsic Orchestra. Donation $18.00. Reservations (216) 662-3339 or (216) 475-7946. Monday, May 23 Our Lady of Brezje service at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26 Pre-birthday party at Re-cher Hall in Euclid, Ohio for George Knaus (90’A) and Joe Petrich. Music by Jeff Pecon, Joey Tomsick, and The New Generation starting at 6 p.m. Free admission. Saturday, May 28 St. Vitus class of 1955 reunion at 4:00 p.m. Mass in St. Vitus church followed by dinner at Sterle’s. Sunday, May 29 Chicken Barbecue dinner and dance with Frank Moravcik Orchestra at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing 3:30 to 7:30. For details phone Joe Blatnik at 440—943-1191. Sunday, May 29 60th anniversary Memorial Mass sponsored by DSPB at 12 noon at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio, for all victims of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. - On same Sunday, at 3:30 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio will be Slovenian services for all our deceased relatives and friends. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Dance with the Joe Grkman and Wayne Tomsic Orchestras at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. For details call Val Paw-lowski (440) 286-1786. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Picnic at Triglav Picnic Grounds, Milwaukee, Wis. Monday, May 30 Bicycle riders travel from St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish to Slovenska Pristava. To participate please call Fr. Kumse at (216) 761 -7740. June 3, 4, 5 Rummage Sale Slovenian National Home, Newburgh (Fri.-9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat.: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.) (216) 341-6136 for more information. Sunday, June 5 Cleveland Athletic League dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Fred Ziwich Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Gerri Trebets at 440-951-9611. Saturday, June 11 “Dolenjski Večer” with Vinogradski Oktet from Šentjernej, Slovenia concert at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s parish community center. Music and dancing to follow by young musicians from Šentjernej. For tickets please call 440-877-9044. Sunday, June 12 Mimi Raj 142 95,h anniversary picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; entertainment Bob and Shelly Orlandi 2 to 3; Dancing to music of Ray Polantz Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details Dolores Dobida (440) 943-5559. Tuesday, June 14 Third meeting of Bishop Baraga ad hoc committee, St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian room 7 p.m. Everyone wishing to help is most welcome to attend. Sunday, June 19 Spartans annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Joe Novak and Friends 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Lou Novak (216) 461-6476. Sunday, June 26 SNPJ Lodge 126 annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Captain’s Crew and Sumrada Brothers Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Grace Marinch at (440) 269-1334. Sunday, June 26 First Picnic (Prvi Piknik) at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, June 26 Ohio KSKJ Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava, from 12 noon to 8 p.m. Music from 3 to 7 by Joey Tom-sick Orchestra. Games at 4. Sunday, July 3 Joe Fedorchak with the Jack Vasko Orchestra a1 SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, OH. Hosted by Cleveland SNPJ Federation. Dinners 1 to 3; dancing from 3:30 to 7:30-Details call Sophie Matuch at (440) 951-6906. Friday, July 15 Ekart Ansambel frofl1 Slovenia concert-dance at Slovenian National Home-Doors open at 6 p.m., music at 7. Advance tickets $8, door: $10. Information cal (216) 361-5115. Sunday, July 17 St. Vitus Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Noon Mass with dinner following-Activity until 8 p.m. Death Notices EDWARD RABAT Edward “Eddie” Rabat, 78, passed away on Friday, May 13, 2005 at Grande Pointe Healthcare in Richmond Heights, Ohio. Mr. Rabat was bom on September 16, 1926 in Cleveland. He lived in Wickliffe for 18 years; prior tpVthat he was a resident of Euclid, Ohio. Edc}ie w^s a bandleader of the Eddie Rabat Orchestra, having received the Lifetime Achievement Award and was an inductee into the Polka Hall of Fame and nationally recognized for his polka music, especially the “Go Man Go” polka. Mr. Habat was a painter. He was also employed by the City of Euclid for 12 years, retiring in 1991. Mr. Habat is survived by his wife Patricia (nee Lenardič); children Mark (Sandi), Edward Jr., Wayne (Mary Jo), Jeffrey (Jude), Paul, and Patricia Habat; step-daughter, Monica Mikolič; 19 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; siblings John Habat Jr., Betty Kosar, and Anna Trost. His first wife, Diane (nee Kaiser) and brother Herman Habat, are deceased. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH on Saturday May 14 from 4-8 p.m. and Sunday, May 15, from 2-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was at St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland with Fr. George Balasko, officiating. Burial in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, OH. MILDRED KUŽNIK PERKO Mildred Kužnik Perko of Lehigh Acres, Florida died on Monday, May 9, 2005. Her devoted children survive her. They are Joseph Jr., Donna, Marlene, James (Mary), and John. She also leaves many loving nephews and nieces, including Bob Hunt (Marika), Bill Moore, Betsy Lynch, and Maryann" Olsen (Richard). She leaves eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Her husband, Joseph and one son, Richard, preceded her in death. A Mašs of Christian Burial was Held’1 on Monday, MayJ'i‘8< at '10 a.m. in St. Vitus «11.-r - ' ’ Arrkh’gefnelife'5 by Zak •nA —njjjfaf---— Funeral Home. Family would appreciate having Masses said in her honor. In Loving Memory of Stephanie Rahne nee Dezelan Who was born Dec. 26, 1917 and died May 21, 1998 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep. Her memory we shall always keep. Sadly missed by: Brothers Joseph and Louis Dezelan and many nieces, nephews, and friends. Cleveland, OH, May 19, 2005 In Loving Memory of the 8th Anniversary of the death of Caroline Mihelich Died May 17,1997 A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. We have to mourn the loss of one We did our best to save, Beloved on earth, regretted still, Remembered in the grave. T’was hard to part with one so dear, little thought the time was near, Farewell, dear one, life is past, Cur loye for you till the end will last. Sadly missed by son, 1 sister Pauline.Sasa brother-in-Iauf Steve Sasa ‘ In Memory Thanks to Eddie and Fran Adamic of Warren, Michigan who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of parents, Anton and Frances Adamic, and Joseph and Mary Koshir. They write, “As we have told you many times before, we really look forward to receiving the informative American Home which lists Cleveland events as well as the coverage of national and international news. The articles by your writers, including humorous ones by Phil Hrvatin, are very good.” In Loving Memory Joe and Frances Stariha 2002 ~ 1996 Dearly remembered and never forgotten. Sadly missed by all their friends. May they rest in God’s peace. Mary Podlogar John & Alba Plutt In Loving Memory Of the 34th Anniversary of the death of Joseph Mihelich died May 20,1971 34 years have gone by since you were at our side. Remembered,' how rough things, were. Now, ! understand what they were. In my heart you still live in all the things I do. Now mom’s at your side. I hope it’s a pleasant ride. Sadly missed by Son,Joseph and Family nrch-riuanou nina Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 In Memory Thanks to Ed Furlich of Cleveland, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Furlich and Trunk Families. In Memory Thanks to Agnes Koporc of Bratenahl, OH who sent in a $10.00 donation in memory of parents John (died May 22, 1975), and Agnes Kosec (died Sept. 6, 1900). Donation Thanks to Sonja and Stefan Durjava of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Congratulations Congratulations to Beanie Zimmerman of Cleveland, Ohio who has completed 25 years of volunteer service at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. She was recently honored at a reception at Shaker Heights Country Club. Interesting Thanks to Violet Rupar-cich of Pittsburgh who renewed her subscription and included a note, “Keep the news and interesting stories flowing. Thoroughly enjoy the paper.” New subscriber Editor, Enclosed is a check for one year subscription to the American Home newspaper. I used to read my sister-in-law’s paper and enjoyed it. Now I miss it, especially the English part as I can read it better. My dad came from Ljubljana and married my mother from the Newburgh area. I am looking forward to reading the informative newspaper once again. —Mary L. Kociancic Garfield Hts., OH There is no lesser or greater gift if the gift is love. Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry,Treventive Dentistry Two Convenient Locations • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 CLEVELAND 5227 Fleet Ave. 641-1760 In Loving Memory and with Lasting Appreciation and Gratitude Josephine Kovač Jože Kovac Born 1898, died April 15,1995 Born 1899, died May 20, 1956 Martin Bac and Family May God give them peace and may Eternal Light shine upon them. UUMUV1NA, MAY 19, 2005 Remembering the Music of Eddie Habat LynnMarie Holds Benefit for Breast Cancer Survivors by RUDY FLIS My friend Father George Balasko called me last Saturday. He asked me if I had heard of Eddie Rabat’s passing. That is why this morning I was at St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood for a Mass of Christian Burial. Many gathered to pay their last respects to a great musi-2 cian. Family, friends, fellow u musicians and fans like me S were present as Fathers George Balasko and John Kumse celebrated 11:30 a.m. Mass for Eddie Habat. My first memory of appreciating Eddie Habat’s unique talent was in a record shop on Prospect Avenue in downtown Cleveland in the middle of summer of 1952, at the “Record Rendezvous.” A few weeks from entering the Army, my sweetheart Therese and I were cramming all our time together, and the “Rendezvous” had nice cozy booths we could squeeze into. That was fun, but when I put the record “Jack on St. Clair-Strawberry Hill” polkas on the turntable, Eddie Habat and I became friends forever. I knew Eddie Habat and I enjoyed his music, so much so that Therese bought that record for me to take home. To this very day, when Tony Petkovšek plays either of those two tunes, 1 am shot into some type of orbit, which is a combination of young love, heritage, family, and my love of music of my mom and dad. All that is precious to me is mine again, now, as 1 listen to Jack on St. Clair or Strawberry Hill. Of all the music of my heritage, these are the two most sentimental to me and I don’t really know why. It might be because of the uncertainty of our future back then, or the tremendous amount of family love I experienced in my family, plus the girl of my dreams was in my life. Do you know I don’t ever remember saying thanks to Eddie Habat. I have never spoken to him. But today I made it up to him. I prayed a rosary before Mass and offered my Mass and Communion up for Eddie Habat and all his family. It doesn’t seem like much, but it was from my heart. On June 15, a Wednesday evening, there will be a Polka Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid, Ohio, when we will remember all of our polka greats at this special Mass. Fr. George Balasko will celebrate this Mass as he does every year. 1 plan to be there, and I will again thank Eddie Habat and all the polka greats back to Matt Hoyer, who I think may have been the first to play “Jack on St. Clair.” Eddie Habat, may your soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen. Three time Grammy nominated Nashville recording artist LynnMarie & The Boxhounds will hold a Breast Cancer Survivor’s Celebration in Cleveland on Thursday, May 26,h at The Beachland Ballroom on Waterloo Rd. This cause is close to the heart of the Cleveland native. “My sister is celebrating her five year cancer-free mark, and I wanted to do an event to honor her and all the other women in my hometown who have fought so hard to survive. My mother also had breast cancer, so this is a very important cause for me,” said LynnMarie Rink, daughter of Lud Hrovat. LynnMarie’s sister, Karie Lovano, whom the event will honor, is a Patient Service Representative at the Cleveland Clinic. “I’m so glad my sister will do this for me and other women. It is the love and support of family and friends that gets us through the hard times,” said Lovano. Proceeds from the event will go to benefit The Cleveland Clinic’s Barb Leslie Patient Care Fund, which provides financial aide to women in need during treatment. The emcee of the evening will be Nan Kelley, host of ‘Grand Ole Opry Live’ seen every Saturday night on the GAC Television Network. Kelley, a former Miss Mississippi, is also a vocalist and will perform in addition to hosting the evening. The night will feature eclectic rock/polka music by LynnMarie and her band “The Boxhounds,” as well as traditional style music by Wisconsin’s Award Winning accordion player Steve Meisner, and from Canada, Kathy Zamejc Vogt. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the event will begin at 6:30 p.m. The Beachland Ballroom is located at 15711 Waterloo Road. There will be food and beverages available for purchase, as well as door prizes and raffle tickets. Tickets can be purchased on-line at www.beachlandballroom. com or by calling (216) 383-1124. Health Awareness Recognizing Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease (NAPS)—Many people think that confusion, forgetfulness, and changes in behavior arc normal signs of aging, but these may actually be signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Although Alzheimer’s affects one in 10 people over the age of 65 and one in two over the age of 85, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, the symptoms are often not recognized until the disease has progressed, sometimes considerably. Research shows that nearly half of Alzheimer’s disease patients are first diagnosed in the moderate to severe stages of the disease. Being able to identify symptoms of the disease is the first step to a timely diagnosis. Although there is no cure, there arc medications to help alleviate symptoms associated with the disease. According to Dr. Leslie Blake of Eastern State Hospital in Spokane, WA, “Once the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is made, we need to start treatment almost that very same day. If you delay' treating, then you are going to de' the response and potential eff f treatment.” i ou have noticed any of the fo:. ig changes in a loved one’s behavior, cognition and daily fu oning. consider this an op tunity to address potential sig n of Alzheimer’s disease with a doctor. The Alzheimer’s Associ- Recognizing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease may help lead to earlier diagnosis. ation recommends that adults be familiar with the symptoms, which include: • Difficulty performing familiar tasks, such as forgetting how to do routine chores, prepare a meal, participate in lifelong hobbies or dress appropriately for the weather. • Disorientation, such as forgetting where the toothbrush was placed the night before or where one lives. • Changes in behavior—as Alzheimer’s progresses, behavior changes, such as restlessness, sleeplessness, delusions, hallucinations, and pacing back and forth. • Changes in mood—mood swings from calmness to anger and fearful or suspicious thoughts , about one’s surroundings may occur. (Adapted in part from the Alzheimer’s Association’s Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease and Steps to Getting a Diagnosis.) For more information about Alzheimer’s disease research, treatment and care, contact the Alzheimer’s Association at 1-800-272-3900 or www.alz.org. Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, there are medications that can treat the. progressive symptoms of the disease. Namenda* *' (memantine HC1) is the only medication approved for moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s disease and is available by prescription in the U.S. Ask your doctor about Namenda, go to www.Namenda.com or call 1-877-2-NAMENDA (1-877-262-6363). Namenda is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to memantine IIC1 or to any excipients used in the formulation. The most common adverse events reported with Namenda vs. placebo (>5% and greater than placebo) were dizziness, confusion, headache, and constipation. In patients with severe renal impairment, the use of Namenda! has not been systematically evaluated and is not recommended. ---------------------------------------------------- : Ajmoht" - (Veal Soup) | 2 lbs. veal shank 1 3 medium size potatoes, diced 1 medium size carrot, diced 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon chopped parsley I 1 j Dice the veal in small pieces and boil with 3 quarts of! I water in covered kettle for '/2 hour. Add potatoes, carrots,! j bay leaf and parsley. Let boil until done. I I j While soup is cooking, prepare the following: ! j “AJMPREN”-(Brown Roux) 2 tablespoons shortening J j 2 tablespoons flour ; Melt shortening and add flour, stirring slowly until,' j brown. Add the brown roux to the soup and boil 10 minutes 3 drops of vinegar. Season to taste. Breathe Easy In findings presented at the American Society of Hypertension’s recent annual meeting, patients who didn’t respond to hypertension drugs practiced slow-breathing exercises for 15 minutes a day, three to four days a week. Their systolic (top-number) readings soon fell by close to 14 points, while diastolic (bottom number) readings fell by about nine points. Slovenians: A Class Fact Memorial Day Bike Ride There will be a Memorial Day bicycle ride to Slovenska Pristava. Riders will leave St. Mary’s parish grounds (Holmes Ave.) at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 30lh for the 47-mile trek to Pristava where the participants will have a picnic. If you wish to participate, please call Fr. John Kumse at (216) 761-7740. To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. —Bertrand Russell Concert at St. Mary’s On Saturday, June 11th, the “Vinogradniški Oktet” from Šentjernej, Slovenia will present a concert in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish center beginning at 7 p.m. Following the concert, Ansambel “Blagur Gluhm” will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. Tickets for the evening are $7 and may be purchased at the rectory office. Tables for the event may also be reserved by calling the rectory office at (216) 761-7740. Traveling with the group will be the pastor, and the mayor of Šentjernej. St. Mary's Church Memorial Day ride to Pristava May 30, 2005 9:00 Depart St. Mary's Church 9:45 Depart Denny's Restaurant 34725 Euclid Ave ( Rt 91 ) All ages and skill levels are invited Approximately 47 miles Slovenska Pristava 1024 Brandt Rd. Harpersfield, OH Specialists in , Conective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HA IR SA L ON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989^461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 ^ f d'4 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina g; iiT> i ^ f i reft ii !t*»T) ’i i ' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 0241 00) Thursday, May 19, 2005 AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY if--------------------------- - Vesti iz Slovenije - tol si, tov, ški Janez Janša ponovno izvoljen za Predsednika Slovenske demokratske stranke, tokrat brez glasu proti Preteklo soboto je bil v Portorožu redni °ngres SDS, kateremu od leta 1993 predaje Janez Janša, hkrati predsednik tudi genske vlade. Na kongresu je bil za nasaja štiri leta ponovno izvoljen za pred-Se(lnika stranke, tokrat je pa prejel kar vseh oddanih 371 glasov. Geslo kongresa je 'ovenijo, na novi poti. Poleg drugih gosje bil na kongresu prisoten tudi hrva-premier Ivo Sanader. On in Janša sta Se Privatno dobila in je to sprožilo veliko u8'banj o tem, kako sta se lotila odprtih vPrašanj med Slovenijo in Hrvaško. Razprava o zakonu o vojnih grobiščih na •iunijski seji parlamenta - Predlagano uradno priznanje domobranskih enot Kolegij pri predsedniku parlamenta je na evni red junijske seje uvrstil tudi zakon v°jnih grobiščih (namesto . napisa Žrtve vojne in povojnih usmrtitev naj bi na pri-k ‘oh grobiščih pisalo Žrtve revolucije in ^tounističhega nasilja), koalicija pa uradne aJ priznava domobranske enote, saj bodo na grobiščih domobrancev zapisane tudi boj-m ^note> v katerih so služili. Pri tem pa ružena opozicija meni, da hoče vladajoča ^°alicija (vključno DeSUS) s temi zakoni novo pisati polpreteklo zgodovino in Vrednotiti zgodovinska dejstva vojnega in PVojnega časa. ^Han Kučan še pooseblja gledanje bivših borcev in komunistov na medvojna in povojna dogajanja Preteklo nedeljo je bila v Osilnici spo-faš' 3 s^ovesnost ob 60-letnici zmage nad . 'Zrnom in nacizmom, slavnostni govornik ^ bil bivši slovenski predsednik Milan Ku-n> ki je hvalil OF in partizane ter vse, ki so z njimi sodelovali, prav tako da so bili vsi na strani zmagovite koalicije. Nato se je dotaknil vprašanje kolaboracije in se tako po poročilu v ponedeljkovem Delu izrazil: “Toda v času vojne so se dogajala tudi dejanja, na katera ne moremo biti ponosni. Eno takih je kolaboracija, politično in vojaško sodelovanje z okupatorji, za katero ni in ne more biti opravičila. Enako velja za povojno maščevanje nad tisoči slovenskih fantov brez sojenja in ugotavljanja njihove resnične krivde, za kar ne more biti nikakršnega razumevanja in ne opravičila, ampak zasluži le strogo obsodbo in obžalovanje.” Kučan je dodal, da so iz njegove strani bile besede opravičevanja zaradi storjenih zločinov, kaj takega za njih zločine pa še ni bilo slišati od nasprotne strani. Časopisno podjetje Delo kupilo skoro petino delnic mariborskega Večera Ker so bile delnice, ki predstavljajo malce manj kot petino vseh razpoložljivih pri podjetju, ki tiska vodilni mariborski list Večer, se jih je odločilo odkupiti podjetje, ki tiska osrednji slovenski dnevnik Delo. Predstavniki uprav obeh listov trdijo, da gre le za investicijo in da o kakšnem združevanju ali povezovanju Dela in Večera ne bo. V Sloveniji bo 16. junija maša zadušnica za v državi pobite četnike Znano je, da so bili v Sloveniji po drugi svetovni vojni številne žrtve povojnih pobojev tudi mnogi, ki niso bili Slovenci. Dne 16. junija bo v Kamniški Bistrici maša zadušnica v spomin okoli 20.000 ljudi iz Črne gore, Hercegovine in Srbije. To je povedal Črtomir Vukmanovič, član nevladne organizacije Odkrili bomo resnico. Tečaj tolarja: Tečajnica Banke Slovenije za 17. maja: 1 US$ = 189,65’ SIT, 1 kanadski dolar = 149,37 SIT. hb^BARA BREZIGAR NA SPREJEMU PO PRISEGI KOT SLOVENSKA GENERALNA teh TOŽnJCA - Barbara Brezigar je zaprisegla 4. maja in tako postala tretja 2(1 era*na državna tožilka v Slovenci od leta 1990. Na to mesto jo je na predlog vlade »lo rfRr‘la potrdil Državni zbor. Mandat traja šest let, mnogi pa pričakujejo, da bo lok >r^a Brezigarjeva ponovno kandidirala za mesto predsednika Slovence, kakor je to z OUj J Presenetljivo pozitivnim učinkom storila proti eventuelnemu zmagovalcu Janezu r^^Lu. Na fotografiji je 51-letna Brezigarjeva skupaj z ministrom za pravosodje Lov* ^urinom (na levi) in (v sredini) predsednikom parlamenta Francetom Cukjatijem. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Pobožnost— V ponedeljek, 23. maja, zv. ob 7.30 bo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. v Euclidu pobožnost v čast Marije Pomagaj z Brezij, ki jo sponzorira Ohijska federacija KSKJ društev. Pobožnost obsega: molitev rožnega venca, procesija z lučkami, pete litanije Matere božje z blagoslovom. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Prodaja krofov in peciva— V petek, 27. maja pop. in v soboto, 28. maja dop. vabi Oltarno društvo Marije Vnebovzete na prodajo krofov in peciva, v župnijski dvorani. Pridite! Novi grobovi Mary T. Hiti Umrla je 97 let stara Mary T. Hiti, rojena Line, vdova po Josephu, mati Josepha in Mary Trebar, 9-krat stara mati, 10-krat prastara mati, dva brata in tri sestre so že pok. Pogreb je bil 17. maja v oskrbi Žele-tovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Edward Habat Dne 13. maja je v Grande Pointe Healthcare na Richmond Hts. umrl 78 let stari Edward “Eddie” Habat, rojen 16. septembra 1926 v Clevelandu, zadnjih 18 let živeč v Wickliffu, pred tem v Euclidu, mož Patrcije, roj. Lenardič, vdovec po prvi ženi, Diane (roj. Kaiser), oče Marka, Ed-warda ml., Waynea, Jeff-reya Paula in Patricije Habat, očim Monike Mikolič, 19-krat stari oče, 3-krat prastari oče, brat Johna ml., Betty Kosar, Anne Trost in že pok. Hermana, pred leti vodil takrat zelo znan Eddie Habat orkester, izbran za člana Polka Hall of Fame, ki domuje v Euclidu. Pogreb je bil 16. maja v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Rose Debevec Umrla je Rose Debevec, rojena Leotta, vdova po Edwardu ml., mati Roberta, Donne, Darlene in Diane, 11-krat stara mati, prastara mati. Spominska sv. maša zanjo bo danes v cerkvi sv. Pavla. Drugih podrobnosti nimamo. Občni zbor— Jutri zvečer ob 7.30 se bo pričel občni zbor Slovenskega doma za ostarele in to v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Registracija se bo pričela ob 7h. Sestanek je odprt javnosti, pravico do gla-slovanja pa bodo imeli le posamezniki in uradno imenovani predstavniki društev, ki so v preteklem letu (do 31. marca letos) darovali najmanj $25 v podporo tej ustanovi. Pristavski upokojenci— Klub upokojencev SP ima sejo v sredo, 25. maja, ob 1.30 pop. na Pristavi. Imeli bodo šmarnično pobožnost na Orlovem vrhu, po sestanku. Članstvo vabljeno! Društvo S.P.B. vabi— V nedeljo, 29. maja opoldne Društvo S.P.B. vabi na spominsko sv. mašo, ki bo na svetišču Lurške Matere božje v Euclidu. Popoldne ob 3.30 (in ne ob 3h, ' smo zadnjič zapisali) bouo molitve za vse umrle na pokopališču Vernih duš. Dolenjski večer— V soboto, 11. junija, bo v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti nastopil s koncertom Vingoradniški oktet iz Slovenije. Pričetek bo ob 7. uri, vstopnice so po $7 in jih dobite v župnišču. Če se zanimate za rezervacijo mize, pokličite župnišče na 216-761-7740. Z oktetom' prideta tudi šentjernejski župnik in župan. Spominski darovi— Robert Blatnik, Rowlett, Texas, je daroval $25 v podporo našemu listu, v spomin Vide Blatnik Her roth. Agnes Koporc, Brate-nahl, O., je darovala $10, v spomin staršev Job in Agnes Kosec. Jean Miller, Concord Twp., O., je darovala $15, v spomin moža Edwarda. Hvala vsem! V tiskovni sklad— Joseph in Magdalena Urankar, Wickliffe, O., sta darovala $25 v podporo Ameriški Domovini. Marija Holjevac, Parma, O., je darovala $20. Neimenovani z Broadview Hts., O. je poklonil $40. Jennie Mramor, Euclid, O., je darovala $15. Frank Krašovec, Southampton, Pa., je daroval $65. Sylvester Subotnjicki, Pembroke Pines, Fla., je daroval $50. Frank in Eleanor Zernic, Highland Hts., O. sta darovala $15. Hvala! AMERIŠKI SPOMINSKI DAN CLEVELAND, O. - Uradni ameriški Spominski dan praznik je letos 30. maja. Ta dan se bo ves ameriški narod z velikim spoštovanjem spomnil svojih rajnih in to še posebej svojih najboljših sinov in hčera, ki so v cvetu življenja darovali svoja mlada življenja za svobodo naroda in to še v veliko večji meri za svobodo drugih narodov. Zadnji čas velja to posebej v Iraku, kjer ameriški vojak nosi glavno breme pri prenovitvi iraške svobode in je stalno izpostavljen nevarnostim. Skozi vse 20. stoletje je Amerika oz. njeni državljani so plačali veliko ceno tako v človeških žrtvah kot materialno. Veliko je vprašanje, kje bi bila danes Evropa, če bi Amerika ne posegla v borbo za vsaj delno svobodo te celine. Velika ironija je, da za vse žrtve in dobroto Amerika prejema bore malo hvaležnosti. Kot svobodni državljani, ki nam je dano uživati svobodo in blagostanje te blagoslovljene dežele, smo dolžni ameriškemu vojaku veliko zahvalo in hvaležnost za vse žrtve, ki so jih doprinesli, da preživimo svobodo, ki po božji postavi pripada slehernemu človeku. Zato: Čast in slava na veke vsem, ki so darovali življenje za našo svobodo! In sedaj: Slovenski Spominski dan Mesec maj, ko se narava pokaže v vsej svoji lepoti in novem življenju, je mesec lepih spominov. Za mnoge pa, ki so preživeli drugo svetovno vojno, je maj mesec tudi žalostnih spominov. Maj je posvečen naši nebeški materi Mariji, je mesec, ko praznujemo materinski dan, čas, ko se vsaj skromno želimo zahvaliti materam za njihovo dobroto in ljubezen. Ne morem si pa kaj, da se ne bi še posebej spomnil naših že pokojnih mater, ki so v času revolucije in po koncu 2. svetovne vojne izgubile svoje najdražje in vrh vsega bile še izpostavljene sramotenju, zapostavljanju in celo (mnoge) zaporom ter prisilnemu delu. Da so vzdržale vse to gorje, jim je bila v pomoč močna in trdna vera v večnega Očeta in Jezusa Odrešenika. Čast in slava Tebi, slovenski materi! Mesec maj je bil pred 60 leti mesec, ko je naš slovenski narod doživel največjo tragedijo v svoji zgodovini. Doživel je “slovenski holokavst”, ko je brat-komunist masovno ubijal svojega brata. Le- tos je šestdesetletnica, ko si je mala skupina moralno najbolj pokvarjenih tovarišev v imenu komunistične partije prilastila popolno oblast nad življenjem in smrtjo slehernega državljana Slovenije. 60 let je, ko so rojaki-rodoljubi vseh slojev, nasprotniki komunizma, v desettisočih z veliko bolečino zapuščali rodno domovino in odhajali v neznano usodo, v mrzlo tujino. 60 let je, ko se je zgodila velika prevara naših “zaveznikov”, Angležev, v katere smo imeli vero in upanje, da bodo rešitelji našega naroda, a so z lažjo nas prevarali in izročili v roke komunističnim rabljem-morilcem cvet slovenskega naroda v mučenje in - v veliki večini primerov - muče-niško smrt. 60 let je, ko so “rdeči bratje” komunisti zasužnjili slovenski narod in mu po njih učitelju Stalinu in ruskih komunistih krojili usodo več kot 50 let. 60 let je, ko je bila komunistična partija pripravljena žrtvovati sloven- (dalje na str. 12) c 0ng& Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEIAC RDC Program Dirtttor WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday $-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/iAA web: www.wcsb.org Major Paul Barre: Zadnje slovo SYRACUSE, NY - Kanadski major Paul Barre zasluži posebno mesto v slovenskem spominskem obeležju druge svetovne vojne. Nekoč ne bo ne nas ne naših potomcey, ki smo prav v zadnjem trenutku ohranili življenj^ v maju/juniju 1945 po zaslugi in intervenciji majorja Barreja in dr. Valentina Meršola. Da pa major Barre ne bo nikoli pozabljen ali izbrisan iz zgodovinskega spomina, je za vedno zapisano tudi v analih Royal Montreal Regimenta in njegovem spominskem muzeju, v kanadskem mestu Montreal. Major Barre je bil častnik te bojne skupine. Maja 1945 je bil major Barre postavljen kot zvezni oficir za upravitelja slovenskega begunskega civilnega taborišča v Ve-trinju/Viktring v Avstriji. Na tem položaju, v pomoč dr. Valentinu Mer-šolu, slovenskemu zastopniku taborišča, se je do kraja zavedal svojih odgovornosti in je s svojim odločnim nastopom preprečil še večjo tragedijo Vetrinjskega polja, tragedijo, ki je bila tiste dni že v teku. Royal Montreal Regiment je določil 7. maj 2005, da z vsemi vojaškimi častmi izroči kanadski zemlji posmrtno žaro Paula Barreja na pokopališču Pointe Claire Field of Honour v Montrealu. Ob skrbno pripravljenem in okrašenem odru so bile razporejene čete tega polka kanadske vojske ves čas spominske svečanosti. Polkovni kurat John Zoellner je vodil poslovilni program. Po njegovem kratkem uvodu je stopil na oder poročnik Harry Hall, pripadnik Royal Montreal Regimenta, da se poslovi od dolgoletnega in, vzornega kolega v imenu zdajšnjega in tudi prejšnjega članstva tega polka. Za njim je govorila veleposlanica Republike Slovenije Veronika Stabej, ki se je z lepo izbranimi besedami zahvalila v imenu Slovenije temu vzornemu oficirju. Nekdanji soborec, član častne straže. Cliff Hyman, se je spomnil majorja Barreja kot svojega dolgoletnega sodelavca. Sledil je govor zastopnika Slovencev, katerim je major Barre rešil življenja, Matije Kozine. Za zaključek pa je Štefka Pavlin prebrala spominsko sporočilo kardinala Alojzija Ambrožiča, ki je kot petnajstletnik sam doživljal Vetrinjsko tragedijo. Vsi govorniki so poudarjali dejstvo, da se je major Barre zavedal svojih odgovornosti, imel razumevanje, srčno kulturo in osebni pogum, da je brez ozira na svoj položaj nastopil skupno z dr. Meršolom za rešitev okrog šest tisoč slovenskih beguncev vseh starosti in vseh slojev. Vse to se je zgodilo v času, ko naj bi se vsi veselili tako težko pričakovanega konca vojne ter zloma in izgona okupacijskih sil. Za mnoge tisoče pa je bil konec drugačen, neverjetno tragičen, in te k strahote so se vršile še * > ■ f nekaj let. Major Paul Barre je svetla osebnost teh ča' sov,...Vžgled človeka s, -h prepričanjem, ki ga Je bil pripravljen obdržati oiqlfii brart iti (kljub zelt> težkim okoliščinam. Vojaško spremstvo nas je popeljalo h grobovom junakov. Sončni dan mehkim vetrom, ob db kanju vedno prisotnih ptičkov, je bil spremlja samo z zvoki udarce' vojaških čevljev čet, ^ so korakale druga ^ drugo k temu izrednen"1 prostoru časti in spon11' nov. V popolni tišini sII1<, obkrožili zadnje počiva'i šče majorja Paula Banj ja. Po kratki molitvi ^ je iz dalje oglasila tn benta, naznanjajoč U&j stitev žare v kanads^ zemljo. Polkovni trobent se je oglasil še zadnji v pozdrav. Posebna ^ na četa pa se je posl0<1| la s tremi salvami, k1 f močno pretresle sicer P® polno tišino. Royal ^ofl treal Regiment se Je j vsemi vojaškimi čas^ poslovil od enega svnJ' najzaslužnejših oficirje'1 Še so se slišali kor j vojaških enot, ki so hajale preko pokopal1^ ko smo mi bivši civil1* Vetrinjskega taborišč enkrat izrekli zahvalo cirju, ki je obdržal. težkim vojnim časom-za sočloveka, za pra nost, in razumel pod11 eit! kij11' bnost tistega časa povelju, ki mu je nad lo drugače. i dr. Metod M- ^ < 12. maja 2' Žara in odlikovanja majorja Paula Barreja. Posnetek napravljen na pokopališču v Montrealu pred pričetkom poslovilnega vojaškega pogrebnega obreda. Pogled na križ;, na vojaškem pokopališču v Montrealu, to pred prihodom čet Royal Montreal Regiment. Obe fotografiji: Michael Milač PREMINIL JE Naš ustanovni Član, svetovalec, neumorni delavec, ustanovni član Družbe za slovenske študije, član Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, znanstvenik, publicist in profesor na Kolumbijski univerzi, gospod Rado L. Lenček ki je s svojimi pronicljivimi študijami o vzhodno in južnoslovanskih jezikih, o zgodovinskih in slovničnih posebnostih slovenščine in slovenskega prostora doprinesel ogromno za pravilno razumevanje in razpoznavanje dežele in naroda, ki ga je s ponosom imenoval za svojega. Hvala Ti, Rado, pogrešamo Te. Ameriški Slovenski Kongres Prof. Rado L. Lenček počiva v rodni zemlji Novo mesto - Kakor smo napovedali v spominskem članku meseca februarja (ur. AD: v Novem glasu, nato ponatis tudi v AD), so prof. Ra-Lenčka, ki je umrl v New Yorku 27. januarja. Položili k večnemu poči-tku v njegovi domovini. Pogrebni obred Je bil na šmihelskem pokopali-Šču v Novem mestu 4. maJa 2005. Udeležili so Se ga vdova ga. Nina Lorenčič Lenček z obema hčerkama, drugi sorodnici- prijatelji in slavisti. odprtem grobu se Je 0cl pokojnika poslovil nje-S°v prijatelj, dolgoletni Predsednik Slovenske akademije znanosti in umet-n°sti (SAZU), akademik Prof. dr. France Bernik, ^8ar nagovor objavljamo v celoti: ^ragi prijatelj! krniti se, vrniti se do-^0V. je bila Tvoja želja, adnja in največja želja, 1 Se je danes izpolnila. uJina spodbudi in stop- njuje hrepenenje po domovini. Čim dlje od doma, tem močnejše je hrepenenje, tem silovitejša je želja po prijaznem, varnem zavetju. Pri Tebi, Rado, svetovno znanem in priznanem slavistu, kulturnem zgodovinarju in tenkočutnem preučevalcu jezika, je imelo hrepenenje po domu poseben pomen. Tvoj dialog z domom in domovino v dne, ko si se poslavljal, Je bil tak, da mu globine ne moremo izmeriti. Človek in dom, ta dvojina, o kateri si znanstveno razmišljal že dolgo predtem in o njej napisal eno svojih najtehtnejših razprav. Te je v zadnjih trenutkih v celoti prevzela. Zarisala je obzorje, v katerem se Ti je ponovno, ne vem že kolikič, odvil film bridkega in hkrati lepega življenja, od rojstne Mirne na Dolenjskem, Novega mesta in Ljubljane do Trsta in Go- rice, od Chicaga, Cambridgea do New Yorka, kjer si se ustalil in domala štiri desetletja z vso umsko energijo nesebično služil znanosti. Dom, v katerega si se v zadnjih dneh in tednih v mislih vračal, je bila Tvoja Nina, obe hčerki, vsi Tvoji najbližji, živi in mrtvi, ne nazadnje lepota dolenjske porkrajine, po kateri si hrepenel, odkar si jo moral zapustiti. Ti in Tvoj dom, ta dialog, ki si ga vodil, preden si odšel, je bil v resnici poskus, da bi še enkrat dosegel bližino, intimno bližino, da bi uresničil ljubezen, vrednoto vseh vrednot. IVO ŽAJDELA Ko se poskušam vživeti v Tvoje zadnje trenutke, domnevam, da si takrat že čutil drugače od nas in si v koncu videl začetek, zaslutil si skrivnost bivanja, nisi pa mogel, kot ni mogel in ne bo mogel nihče, izreči zadnje besede, o kateri pravi Cankar, da bi nam povedala, “kar je edino vredno in potrebno povedati”. Z dobro mislijo spre-mljamo danes, dragi Rado, Tvoje vrnitev k nam in Tvoj odhod v večno domovino. France Bernik Novi glas, 12. V. 2005 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Ljubljana PREVETRITEV ZGODOVINE Dne 4. maja je Televizija Slovenija oddajo O-mizje namenila razpravi o “starih delitvah”, ki da se spet pojavljajo, vprašanju, ali je z zamenjavo oblasti napočil čas “za nov pogled na polpreteklo zgodovino” in ali “gre za prevrednotenje zgodovine ali za različne poglede” ter “s kakšnimi nameni” naj bi se to počelo. Iztočnice so sicer dobrodošlo polemično naravnane, vendar vseeno poudarjeno tako, da že vnaprej z njimi nekomu “drugemu” pripišeš slabe namene. Ti drugi so seveda vsi tisti, ki se zavzemajo, da ne bi bilo več dosedanjih monopolov v zgodovinopisju, starih idealiziranih in mitiziranih podob o našem predvsem medvojnem dogajanju, in ki želijo, da pridejo v Javno zavest tudi mnogi pomembni dogodki in procesi, ki so bili do zdaj skoraj v celoti zamolčani. Tako je zgodovinar Božo Repe dejal, da so zgo- Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik BM 440-944-2538 devinske raziskave “v glavnem narejene” oziroma da je naša polpreteklost “dobro raziskana”. Dodal je, da pa ima lahko ob tem kdo tudi “različne poglede”. Tudi glede šolskih učbenikov je dejal, če kdo najde kaj narobe v njih ali pri interpretaciji dogodkov, naj to stori (seveda, zdaj, ko so že napisani, op. p.). To je seveda zavajanje javnosti. Še zdaleč nimamo raziskane naše polpretekle zgodovine, saj se nihče od množice naših zgodovinarjev še vedno -15 let po demokratizaciji - ni lotil nekaterih zelo pomembnih tem iz našega medvojnega in povojnega dogajanja. Popolnoma neraziskane ostajajo teme, kot so partijska monopolizacija odpora, vprašanje revolucionarnih prvin, vloga KPS in OF, izgradnja revolucionarnega aparata od poletja 1941 naprej, velika tema je partijsko-parti-zansko nasilje leta 1942 in jeseni 1943, demoniziranje političnih nasprotnikov med vojno, organiza-cija. predvsem pa praksa V ar nostnoobveščevalne službe ter kasneje Ozne in Knoja. Nimamo najosnovnejše biografije, ki bi Kardelja in Kidriča prikazala skozi mnoge dokumente, ki sta jih med vojno napi- sala in so pomenili vsesplošno opustošenje domovine. Prav tako se noben zgodovinar ni lotil tako velikih tem, kot so povojni množični poboji ter mnoge druge oblike povojnega nasilja (zapiranja, trpinčenje v preiskavah in zaporih, množične zaplembe). Vrednost t. i. NOB bi bila v tem, če bi njeni nosilci po vojni vzpostavili v družbi demokratične vzvode oblasti, tako pa smo namesto “osvoboditve” dobili udbovsko-komunistično diktaturo, ki je trajala dolgih 45 let. Popolnoma nedotaknjena je tema udbovskega režima. Mnoge od teh tem so vredne doktorskih disertacij. Dokler bodo ostale tako nedotaknjene, kot so še vedno, je vsakršno govorjenje o revizionizmu oziroma prevrednotenju le pesek v oči, ki ga mečejo tisti, ki so do zdaj vedrili in oblačili v naši zgodovinopisni stroki in varovali pridobitve revolucije. Omizje, ki je v bistvenih potezah sicer soočilo glavne nasprotujoče si poglede, je bilo koristno tudi zato, ker je spet postreglo s stališči nekaterih, ki so nevredne intelektualca. Razočaral je Matjaž Kmecl, za katerega obstaja samo okupatorjevo nasilje in nič drugega. Kot da revolucionarnega nasilja, ki je spretno izkoristilo okupatorjevega (da je bila stiska ljudi še večja in da so bili še bolj dovzetni “za gozd”) ni bilo. Zadnje številke govorijo, da je druga svetovna vojna zahtevala življenja 90.000 Slovencev in uničeno domovino. Vsaj polovica teh žrtev gre na rovaš revolucije. Prav mizerno je izpadel sociolog Veljko Rus s svojimi zadrtimi proti-cerkvenimi izjavami. Dal je predlog, da bi ob grobiščih bil napis: “Padli za vero”, kar je seveda podtikanje, saj so se domobranci borili predvsem za svoja življenja, vse drugo pa je bilo v drugem pla- nu' (dalje na str. 12) Prijatel’s Pharmacy Sr. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVICA 'ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Slovenski Spominski dan (NADALJEVANJE s str. 10) PAVLE BORŠTNIK Knjiga je izšla že lani in predstavlja doslej najtemeljitejšo obdelavo celotnega problema slovenskega domobranstva (ustanovitev, organizacija, idejno ozadje), in tudi celotnega niza dogajanj v zasedeni Sloveniji med drugo svetovno vojno. Mlakarjeva glavna zasluga je v dejstvu, da celotno problematiko obravnava strokovno, brez zapadanja v čustvene izlive ali celo obsodbe organizacije in njenih nosilcev. S tem je razpravo prenesel na raven, kjer je mogoč dialog in ne le enostransko navajanje “individualnih” resnic. Zato je njegovo del za neko predvidljivo bodočnost verjetno temeljno, če ne dokončno, težko pa mu je tudi oporekati vsaj “od zunaj”, saj je imel v domovini dostop do cele vrste dokumentov, ki jih v zdomstvu ne poznamo. Najbolj značilno je vsekakor poglavje o mednarodnih vidikih slovenskega domobranstva. V njem tudi Mlakar sam nedvoumno nakazuje osnovno spoznanje, ki v emgigra- PREVETRITEV ZGODOVINE (NADALJEVANJE s str. 11) Omenjal je “huskanje Cerkve”, kako da je Cerkev preganjala inteligenco in komuniste, kako da je svoje grehe “prenašala na drugo stran”, kar da je celo “dvojni greh”. To je ignoriranje najosnovnejših dejstev, ki govorijo, da so komunisti od vsega začetka Cerkev demonizirali, za kar obstaja gora dokumentov, ki zaprašeni ležijo v arhivih. Leta 1942 so na primer umorili šestnajst duhovnikov, med njimi tudi profesorja Lamberta Ehrlicha. Ali naj bi se nekdo, ki ga njegov sosed sramoti in strelja nanj, temu početju kar naprej mirno prepuščal?! Skrajni čas je, da se naše zgodovinopisje pošteno prevetri. DRUŽINA 8. maja 2005 PERRY, O. ciji prevladuje že vsa ta leta: fenomen slovenskega domobranstva je, ostaja in bo verjetno ostal, zavit v meglo nejasnosti, ker mu niti pristranski, niti nepristranski zgodovinarji in ocenjevalci ne morejo najti podobnega primera in ker tudi mednarodno pravosodje tega ali podobnega fenomena sploh ne pozna, zato o njem tudi ne razsoja in ne odloča. Če postavimo celotno dogajanje v Sloveniji od 27. marca 1941 do, recimo, 1. avgusta 1945, ko se je umiril glavni val nasilja, pod enotno zaglavje “Okupirana Slovenija”, potem moramo to celoto razdeliti na posamezna poglavja: časovno, regionalno in po organu okupacije. V BLAG SPOMIN Ob tretji obletnici smrti našega ljubega moža, ateka in starega ateka Franček Gorenšek Rojen 5. januarja 1924 Umrl 25. maja .2002 Tri leta so ie minila, odkar si nas tako prezgodaj zapustil. Čeprav Te še vedno tako zelo pogrešamo, nam je v najvsčjo tolažbo vera in upanje, da bomo nekoč spet združeni v kraju neskončne sreče, v Večnem življenju. Počivaj v miru, ljubi atek, in vedi, da živiš v naših srcih do konca naših dni. Žena: Julka Sinova: Milan in Tomaž Hčerka: Metka Snahi: Annemarie in Anna Vnukinje: Annelise, Natalie in Mary Grace Ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji Časovno obstaja jasna črta-ločnica: 8. september 1943, datum kapitulacije Italije. Ta datum ne pomeni samo dneva, ko je vsa Slovenija padla v roke nemški oboroženi sili, temveč tudi čas, ko je nemška okupacijska politika zadobila bistveno drugačen značaj od prvotnega, ki ga je nakazala aprila 1941. Regionalno Slovenija ni bila okupirana kot celota, pa tudi obravnavana ni bila kot celota. Nemci so zasedli Gorenjsko in aneksirali Štajersko; Italijani so aneksirali Ljub-Ijansko pokrajino. Po 8. septembru 1943 so Nemci okupirali tudi Ljubljansko pokrajino in ostalo “italijansko” Slovenijo. Pri tem so nominalno dopuščali, da je Ljubljanska pokrajina še vedno del Italije, istočasno pa so jo obenem s Primorsko vključili v novo enoto, vojno območje “Jadransko primorje”, ki je bilo pod njihovo vojaško in dejansko tudi civilno upravo. Na skrajnem vzhodu so Madžari okupirali Prekmurje. Z vidika mednarodnega prava je zato razumljivo, celo neodgovorljivo vprašanje: čigava zakonodaja je bila torej merodajna, odnosno, kakšen je bil v teh okoliščinah vpliv mednarodnega prava? Če zdaj dodamo še dejstvo, da je na ozemlju, ki je bilo objekt te okupacije, izbruhnil dvojen oborožen spopad, ki je bil po zatrjevanju enih uperjen proti okupatorju in torej narodno-osvobo-dilnega značaja, po zatrjevanju drugih pa navadna “socialna, se pravi komunistična revolucija”, uperjena proti slovenskemu prebivalstvu samemu, potem postane ta nejasnost še toliko bolj očitna. Vprašanje vojaške okupacije je res obravnavano tudi v haaških in ženevskih konvencijah izpred druge svetovne vojne, toda položaja, kakršen je nastal v zasedeni Sloveniji, ti dogovori sploh niso predvidevali, kaj šele, da bi o njem odločali. Kakšne so bile dolžnosti okupatorja do zasedenega prebivalstva? Kakšne so bile pravice tega prebivalstva? Kako so se te pravice in dolžnosti razločevale za prebivalstvo, ki je podpiralo obo- ski narod komunistični ideji, kar so jasno pokazali s pobijanjem najboljših narodnozavednih rojakov med in po koncu vojne. Še vedno mi prihaja v spomin udarna partizanska himna: “Slovenija, svobodna sovjetska bodeš ti!” O Dolgo sem premišljeval, ali naj zapišem prejšnje odstavke tega dopisa. Več kot lepo za vse nas bi bilo, ko bi se tako tragični dogodki nikoli ne zgodili. Kar se je zgodilo, je pa več kot tragična podoba naše polpretekle dobe in kulture naroda. Da je bil slovenski človek zmožen tako groznega zločina nad svojim lastnim narodom, to nam nikoli ne bo v čast kot narodu. Kot sem že v preteklosti zapisal, da smo bili v veliki večini vsi prizadeti verni in narodno zavedni. Zato smo bili kar naenkrat proglašeni od komunistične partije za narodne izdajalce, morilci poštenih rojakov so pa postali narodni heroji! Navkljub vsem grozotam in obsegu zločina komunističnih teroristov, smo kot kristjani dolžni zločincem odpustiti po Kristusovem zgledu, ki je na križu odpuščal svojim mučiteljem. Drugo pa je pozabiti. Obseg zločina genocida nad slovenskim narodom ne sme biti nikoli pozabljen. To smo kot bratje kristjani našim mučencem za večno dolžni zagotoviti, da njih žrtev ne gre v pozabo. Čast in slava mučencem za dom, roženo akcijo proti okupatorju, in za prebivalstvo, ki je tako akcijo odklanjano? V koliko na zasedenem območju še veljajo zakoni države, ki je bila poražena, in kakšne so dolžnosti okupatorja do teh zakonov? Kako in do katere meje Je obstoječe mednarodno vojaško pravo razlikovalo med redno vojsko neke države in med milico njene vodilne, se pravi edine, totalitarne stranke? Oba okupatorja v Sloveniji sta nastopala v (DALJE na str. 14) vero in za največjo njih žrtev - življenje za svojega bližnjega. O Vseh teh več kot tragičnih dogodkov, vseh žrtev fašizma, nacizma in komunizma, se bomo spomnili v nedeljo, 29. maja, ob 12. uri pri sv. daritvi (maševal po g. dr. Pavle Krajnik) pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. v Euclidu. Odbor DSPB lepo vabi vse rojake, da se nam pridružite, da se skupaj spomnimo in poklonimo spominu naših mučencev, ki so darovali svoja mlada življenja za vero in domovino. Lepo vabimo narodne noše, ki vedno zelo poživijo in olepšajo vsako prireditev. Kot je že dolgoletna tradicija, DSPB vabi ob 3.30 pop. na pokopališče Vernih duš, kjer bodo molitve za naše rajne, kakor tudi za rajne širom sveta, kjer je veliko zapuščenih in pozabljenih grobov. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Za odbor DSPB: F.Š. V BLAG SPOMIN Ob četrti obletnici naše stare mame Ivana Oražem Umrla je 21. m^ja 2001 Štiri leta so minila, odkar vas ni več; v grobu zdaj počivate, spomin je boleč. Duša vaša zdaj že biva tak1' kjer vlada večni mir. Svetega Boga uživate, večne sreče zlati vir. Draga stara mama, naj varfla s hčerko Marijo, našo mamo, sveti večna Luč! Žalujoči: zet - Pavle Andolšek vnukinje - Mojca, Branka in Jolanda Andolšek sin - Štefan, v Floridi sin - France z družino v Sloveniji sestri - Angela in Ana, v Sloveniji O pravnih vidikih slovenskega domobranstva (Nekaj misli ob knjig! Borisa Mlakarja -Slovensko domobranstvo) 29. oktobra 1918 so na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani razglasili slovensko vlado PREGLED SLOVENSKE ZGODOVINE: 1918 DO PRIHODA “DEMOSA” PRVA SLOVENSKA VLADA piše Mitja Volčanšek (Demokracija, Ljubljana, 5. maja 2005) Ob šestdeseti obletnici ustanovitve t. L ajdovske vlade ln njenem poveličevanju s strani dedičem revolucije ne moremo pozabiti na prvo slovensko vlado, ustanovljeno °b koncu prve svetovne vojne v okviru Država SHS Ta vlada je delovala samostojno v odnosu do Narodnega viječa v Zagrebu in pomeni prvi poganjek slovenske državnosti v nasprotju z vlado leta 1945, ki je bila le podaljšana roka jugoslovanskega komunističnega vodstva. Mediji so pozabili nanjo Stroka priznava, da je bila prva slovenska vlada ustanovljena oktobra 1918, Vendar to mediji radi Prezrejo, ker jim spomin na meščansko demokra-ClJo verjetno manj diši kot revolucionarna oblast. Uveljavljenost tovrstnih Vzrorcev v delu zgodovin-Ske stroke dokazuje izja-Va skupine 16 zgodovi-narjev. (Izjava je bila ob-JavlJena tudi v AD 12. maJa’ op. ur. AD.) Če ti ^godovinarji resno mislijo, ° med odločilna dejanja, so vodila k ustvajanju Jlovenske državnosti, uvr-ČaJo uveljavitev Slovenije ^ federativni Jugoslaviji, j lmaj° pri tem v mis-ajdovsko vlado, po-em ie na mestu, da os- eŽimo zgodovinski spojin. Majniška deklaracija Uržava SHS je bila za n 0Vence izrednega pome-nastajala pa je v kri-s eni obdobju konca 1. VOjne’ Za P0' uDnejši pregled smo se Pe r^1 na delo dr. Jurija r°vška Slovenska osa- v ietu 1918 °drljan, 1998). Večnacionalna monarhija, v okviru katere smo Slovenci že razvili lastno politično diferenciacijo in na deželni ravni delno u-veljavljali svojo voljo, ni prenesla krvavega konflikta, ki Je bil hud predvsem na zahodnem robu cesarstva, kjer je v letih 1915-1917 potekala soška fronta. V vojnih razmerah je kot plod prizadevanj južnoslovanskih poslancev v Jugoslovanskem klubu nastala Majniška deklaracija. V njej so 30 maja 1917 terjali, naj se ozemlja monarhije, na katerih prebivajo Slovenci, Hrvati in Srbi, zedinijo pod žezlom habsburške-lotarinške dinastije v samostojno državno telo. V dunajskem parlamentu je deklaracijo prebral dr. Anton Korošec. Deklaracija je sprožila deklaracijsko gibanje, ki je dokazalo, da je za izjavo politikov stal narod. Razmere so se naglo spreminjale, in ko je postalo jasno, da cesar Karel ne bo popustil zahtevam, so slovenske politične stranke poleti 1918 izoblikovale skupno stali- šče in vztrajale pri zahtevi po jugoslovanski državi tudi brez habsburške dinastije, pri čemer so poudarjali, da “naš narod ne bo izvršil samomora”, s čimer je bil mišljen nemški unitaristične pritisk. Narodni svet Naslednja stopnja je bila ustanovitev Narodnega sveta za slovenske dežele in Istro (NS) 17. avgusta 1918. Ta je pomenil temelj vzpostavitve južnoslovanske države zunaj Avstro-Ogrske. Kot nadstrankarska organizacija je deloval z namenom, da izrazi narodovo voljo po samoodločbi, in vase povabil vse politične dejavnike, ki bi hoteli “iz-vojevati samostojno jugoslovansko državo”. Predsednik NS Korošec je v komunikeju utemeljil nastanek NS kot zagotovilo uveljavljanja narodne samoodločbe in s tem lastne slovenske državnosti kot dela prihodnje jugoslovanske državne zveze. Narodni svet se je organizacijsko dobro pripravil z oblikovanjem osmih odsekov in se ukvarjal s kulturnimi, političnimi, socialnimi in gospodarskimi vidiki uresničevanja pravice do samoodločbe. Kljub soobstoju avstrijske države se je NS postopno razvil v organ oblasti, to pa je izvrševal s pomočjo okrajnih glavarstev in občin, v katerih so kmalu poslovali samo Slovenci. Še pred koncem vojne je avstrijska nadoblast na slovenskih tleh usihala, čeprav je formalno še obstajala. Z naglim vojaškim nazadovanjem je kljub poskusom cesarja, da s ponudbo federalizma ohrani monarhijo, zorela dokončna odcepitev. Tako je bilo v Zagrebu 6. oktobra ustanovljeno Narodno viječo (NV) Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov, vrhovno politično predstavniško telo teh narodov na ozemlju Avstro-Ogrske. NV je postavilo zahtevo po zedinjenju “vseh Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov, urejeno na demokratskih načelih”. Razglasitev neodvisne Države SHS 29. oktobra 1918 je prišlo do vrhunca osamosvojitvenega delovanja. V Zagrebu in Ljubljani je bila hkrati razglašena ustanovitev neodvisne Države Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov. Ta je razen Prekmurja, Medžimurja, Baranje, Bačke in zahodnega Banata obsegala vse jugoslovanske pokrajine nekdanje Avstro-Ogrske. Razglas je pozdravila navdušena množica, pridružili pa so se ji slovenski oficirji v avstrijski vojski, ki so bili tedaj v Ljubljani in so z obljubo zvestobe NV veliko tvegali, saj so bili v mestu nastanjeni trije avstrijski bataljoni. Nova oblast je stvari prevzela popolnoma v svoje roke dva dni kasneje, ko so odpravili (avstrijsko) deželno vlado, slovensko vojaštvo pa je Ajdovska Vlada je ie formalno Izvajala oblast na ožemlju Slovenite Glav ne odločitve kot tudi sestavo vlade je v resold določil slovenski politbiro. prevzelo nadzor v Ljubljani. Avstrijska vojska na slovenskem ozemlju se je na poziv Ljubljane razšla, slovensko vojaško poveljstvo pa je bilo že nekaj dni prej (25. oktobra) vzpostavljeno v Gorici. Podobno kot v zaledju fronte je slovenska vojska pod Maistrovim vodstvom prevzela oblast nad Mariborom in okolico. Prva vlada 31. oktobra so na seji predsedstva Narodnega sveta imenovali slovensko narodno vlado. Njen predsednik Josip vitez Pogačnik je avstrijskemu ministrskemu predsedniku sporočil, da so pretrgane vse vezi Slovenije s prejšnjo monarhijo in da prevzema vse vladne posle na Kranjskem, Primorskem ter slovenskem delu Koroške in Štajerske. Kot poudarja Perovšek, je Država SHS uresničevala temeljna mednaro- ’ dnopravna načela države: prebivalstvo, ozemlje, organizirano in neodvisno lastno oblast, sposobnost imeti zunanje odnose z drugimi državami ob izpolnjevanju svojih meddržavnih obveznosti. Tu je treba priznati, da so bile diplomatske dejavnosti za mednarodno priznanje Države SHS s strani antante neuspešne. Sicer pa je vzdrževala stike s Poljsko, Češkoslovaško, Madžarsko, Nemško Avstrijo in Srbijo. Kot razlaga Perovšek, je bilo NV nosilec vrhovne oblasti in je izvrševalo zakonodajno in izvršno oblast glede pravice pomilostitve, razveljavljanja zakonov in imenovanja višjih uradnikov, vodilo pa je tudi zunanjo politiko in vojaške zadeve. Druga področja so bila v pristojnosti narodnih vlad. Perovšek v delovanju narodne vlade ugotavlja mešanico federativnih in celo konfederativnih elementov. Ker je narodna vlada v Sloveniji pravno nadomeščala Zagreb, govori Perovšek celo o nekakšni realni uniji. Demokratična in pluralna Narodno vlado, ki je bila prva svobodna in demokratično oblikovana slovenska nacionalna vlada, so sestavljali predstavniki vseh slovenskih političnih strank. Vlada je imela 12 poverjeništev: (DALJE na str. 15) O pravnih vidikih slovenskega domobranstva (NADALJEVANJE s str. 12) dveh garniturah: z oddelki redne vojske in z oddelki nacistične odn. fašistične milice. Kako torej so bile okupatorjeve pravice in dolžnosti porazdeljene med ti dve foramciji? V takem nejasnem ozračju se je torej porodilo slovensko domobranstvo in v takem nestrpnem ozračju je tudi umrlo. In iz tega nejasnega ozračja tudi še ni izšla neka dokončna, jasna sodba o njem. Mlakar se tega dodobra zaveda. Haaške in ženevske konvencije, posebno iz časa pred 2. svetovno vojno, tudi ne obravnavajo problema državljanske vojne. Pojem “vojna" je za te dokumente predvsem ali zgolj spopad dveh držav. Ko torej ena vojska zasede ozemlje premagane države, naj bi bil problem popolnoma nedvoumen: zmagovalci in premaganci. Izbruh državljanske vojne na zasedenem ozemlju gotovo bistveno prizadeva ravnanje zmagovite vojske. Pri pri-meni te načelne ugotovitve specifičnemu položaju v zasedeni Sloveniji dobimo kričečo, paradoksno podobo. Nemška vojska je na področju, ki ga je zasedla, takoj uvedla brezobziren režim trde roke. Adolf Hitler je že v prvih dneh okupacije objavil zahtevo, da mora biti ta dežela spet nemška in njegovi hlapci so do kraja razumeli ta njegov ukaz. S tem pa je bilo ustvarjeno ozračje, v katerem naj bi - tudi po haaških in ženevskih konvencijah - zasedeno prebivalstvo dobilo moralno opravičilo za oborožen upor okupatorju Italijanska vojska je na svojem zasedenem področju uvedla povsem drugačen sistem; ohranjene so bile vse slovne-ske narodne ustanove, v Ljubljano so pričeli prihajati v goste razni italijanski umetniki, umetniški ansambli, uporaba slovenščine - v nasprotju s stanjem v nemši coni - ni bila v ničemer okrnjena. Med zasedbeno vojsko in prebivalstvom se je razvilo neko zno- sno sožitje in zabrstel je celo previdni optimizem, da bo celotna epizoda znosna vse do konca vojne. Pa vendar je do oboroženega odpora prišlo, odn. se je ta odpor raz-rastel in razplamtel, to ne na področju, kjer je bilo prebivalstvo izpostavljeno grobi sili nacističnega vojaškega stroja, temveč na področju, kjer so Slovencem prepevali solisti rimske opere, z Beniaminom Giglijem na čelu... Ta osnovna anomalija celotnega razvoja je razložljiva samo s tem, da so se organizatorji revolucije pač odločili za pot najmanjšega odpora, potem ko so Nemci prvi poizkus upora na svojem ozemlju brezobzirno zadušili v Udnem borštu. Oboji, Nemci in Italijani, v svojih akcijah proti oddelkom (komunistične) narodnoosvobodilne vojske niso delali nobene razlike med slovenskimi ljudmi, ki so podpirali to vojsko, ali se celo borili v njenih vrstah, in onimi, ki so tej vojski nasprotovali. Ko je tako število nedolžnih žrtev komunističnih akcij proti enemu ali drugemu okupatorju doseglo neko nesprejemljivo stopnjo, se je porodila ideja samoobrambe in njej sledeča "kolaboracija”. Kolaboracija, kot se je manifestirala v Sloveniji, ni nastopila v obliki slovenske pomoči nemški vojski v njenem boju proti zahodni koaliciji, temveč iz obupa porojeni prošnji za orožje, s katerim bi se slovenske vasi same zavarovale in branile pred izpadi komunističnih partizanov. Samoobramba pa je prvi in glavni naravni zakon. Nastanka slovenskega domobranstva v pogojih tuje okupacije torej ne moremo ne razložiti, ne zagovarjati, ne obsojati v smislu nekega mednarodnega zakona, ker takega zakona ni. Upoštevajoč objektivne pogoje, v katerih je nastalo in se razvilo, ga brez težav lahko razložimo, zagovarjamo in opravičimo v smislu naravnega zakona samoobrambe. Tu je zato potrebno še In še poudarjati ter opozarjati na dejstvo, da je komunistična tajna policija v izvajanju “druge faze” revolucije na slovenskih tleh pomorila okrog tisoč resničnih in možnih nasprotnikov te revolucije, predno je kdorkoli posegel po sa-mobrambnem orožju; da je torej bila ta komunistična tajna policija -VOS - resnični agent državljanske vojne v Sloveniji in da zato ta VOS in njegovi vodniki nosijo vso odgovornost za tragedijo, ki je zajela slovenski svet med sovražno okupacijo. Po drugi strani pa so partizanski oboroženi oddelki s svojimi pogosto povsem brezglavimi akcijami izzvali grozovite represalije okupatorja nad civilnim prebivalstvom, kar je bil drug močan ugib, da je rešitev samo v - samoobrambi. Slovensko domobranstvo (in pred njim vaške straže) je nastalo spontano iz ogorčenja in obsojanja neutemeljenega komunističnega terorja ter zato v smislu naravnega zakona o samoobrambi, zato ne more nositi odgovornosti za dogodke, ki so sledili njegovemu nastanku. Da je okupator iz te in take situacije potegnil določene koristi tudi zase, to bi morala komunistična partija, nosilka revolucije, predvidevati in se temu primerno odločati. In tega se komunistična partija v resnici JE zavedala, saj je njeno vodstvo namerno izzvalo nastanek vaških straž in slovenskega domobranstva, da ju je potem lahko ožigosalo kot izdajalski formaciji in pregovorilo naivne zahodne zaveznike, da so sprejeli njeno definicijo teh dogodkov. Ta manever komunistične partije zasluži samo eno oznako - zločin. Boris Mlakar vsega tega v svoji knjigi ne pove z istimi besedami. Splošen ton njegovega pisanja pa ni v kakšni kričeči disonanci z zgoraj navedenim. Leto dni po izidu njegove knjige je morda še prezgodaj za nek pre- obrat v splošnem dojemanju medvojnega dogajanja v zasedeni Sloveniji. ^ Ni pa nobenega dvoma, | da so zdaj vendarle od- ’* prta vrata do dokončne- ! ga, resničnega spoznanja ^ in razumevanja slovenske B tragedije v času 2. sve- F tovne vojne. (KONEC) I \ Odkrivanje resnice ne pomeni ponarejanja zgodovine Trst - Tudi v Sloveniji so s proslavami, zborovanji in na druge načine zaznamovali 9. maj, ki uradno velja za konec druge svetovne vojne in za zmago nad fašizmom in nacizmom v Evropi. Slovenska državna proslava je bila v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani. Začela se je s slovensko in evropsko himno, v izvedbi Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija pod taktirko Antona Nanuta. Slavnostni govornik je bil predsednik vlade Janez Janša. Na Lavričevem trgu v Ajdovščini pa so 7. t. m. tamkajšnji borci in župani primorskih občin priredili politično zborovanje, na katerem so utemeljevali svoja mnenja in poglede o vlogi slovenske narodne vlade, ki je bila v središču Zgornje Vipavske doline ustanovljena 5. maja leta 1945. Udeležencem je govoril akademik, pesnik, pisatelj in nekdanji partizanski učitelj, Ciril Zlobec. Proslavljanje šestdesete obletnice konca vojne, osvoboditve 'ter zmage nad fašizmom in nacizmom je potekal tudi pod vtisom posebnih značilnosti in obeležij, ki izhajajo iz vojne na slovenskih tleh. Slednja se v Sloveniji ni končala 9. maja kot drugod v Evropi, temveč šele 15. maja tistega dalj- nega leta 1945. Dotlej so namreč potekali boji med partizani in sovražnimi enotami, ki so se poskušale prebiti k angleškim silam v Avstriji. Končali so se z njihovo vdajo in marsikdo med tistimi vojaki je našel zadnje počivališče v slovenskih tleh. Zmagovalci so jih pobili tam, ker so jih zajeli, ali pa v bližini. Več sto tisoč žejnin in lačnih vojakov in civilistov pa je v prahu korakalo nazaj v notranjost dežele, v popolni negotovosti glede nadaljnje usode. V Sloveniji zgodovinarji različno tolmačijo in ocenjujejo dogodke med vojno in v “revolucionarnih” letih po njej. Razdvojeni so tudi ljudje, ki imajo o preteklosti različne iZ' kušnje in mnenja. V marsikaterem okoljn se je ponovno pojavilo vzdušje sumničenj in celo sovraštva med pripadniki različnih prepričanj, kar naj bi bilo sicer že zdavnaj preseženo. Nekateri politiki, med njimi je zlasti dejaven predsednik združenja borcev Slovenije dr. Janez Stanovnik, slehernega, ki razkrije kakšno novo oz-doslej zamolčano resnico iz osvobodilnega boja i° revolucije, obtožijo, da “hoče ponarediti zgodovi' no . Takšen ponarejevali zgodovine naj bi bil tudl * * ol Se Ul ga n d, sl iz fč k« Pi Hi Sc kj iv, de ctc So Po de it's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) premier Janez Janša, za' to, ker Je med govorom ob dnevu upora, 27-aprila na Mali gori nad Ribnico, poudaril, "da s° se tigrovci prvi v SloVe' niji uprli okupatorju • Sledil je očitek, da s° bili pripadniki te narO' dnoobrambne in protifa' šistične organizacije prav zaprav teroristi, zarad1 (DALJE na str. 16) BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! go iBP id v*, ko & go S - PRVA SLOVENSKA VLADA - ^ SOVJElSKO AtlERljRi n; Idi Nadaljevanje s str. 13) Za notranje zadeve, za P^hrano, za uk in bogo-za pravosodje, za B°cia]no skrbstvo, za fi-lance, za promet, za industrijo in trgovino, za pVna dela in obrt, za Puljcdeljstvo, za narodno hrambo in za zdravstvo. ^est članov vlade je ,Uo iz Vseslovenske Ijud-'^e stranke, pet iz Jugo-j**°vanske demokratske panke (liberalci) in eden Jugoslovanske social-pdemokratske stranke, i P°d Pogačnikovim vod-5tVom 'je vladalo vzorno p%teljstvo in vsi sklepi ^ bili storjeni soglasno”. ; ako visoko politično in i fdsko soglasje je kas-, eJe morda dosegla le še I emosova vlada ob osa-[posvojitvi. ( Slovenska vlada je te-v omejenem obsegu ° vzpostavila mednaro-^ne stike in skrbela za Arodno obrambo (raz- ^asila je npr Spi0§n0 .°biUzacijo) v kratkem L ^°bju svoje oblasti si Prizadevala za samo-°Jen slovenski gospodki razvoj. V ta na- daT s mih uredništvom. Zavz( narodnoobrambni delavf in publicist Milan Gre# rič je v daljšem članki objavljenem 6. t. na. Primorskih novicah, zap1 sal tudi naslednje: “Splošno priznano ®| stvo je, da pri tigrovske51 boju ni šlo za pobija11) K ljudi, ampak za uničenj nje potujčevalnih ustan®1 ter Je le v nekaj pr111'1 rih, bolj po nesreči. P1 šlo tudi do človeških ^ tev. Da ne omenjam P tem posebej dejstva, žigosanjem tigrovcev teroriste solidariziral11 tudi če nehote, s sodk mi posebnih fašistih sodišč, ki so jih kot roriste obsodila na smn Glede števila žrtev ^ ne, vojaških in civile je navdela nove vzneihj Ijive podrobnosti dr. sna Fischer, direktoi Inštituta za novejšo zi dovino v Ljubljani. ^ ustanovi namreč že ^ časa zbirajo podatke Slovencih, ki so zaradi vojne, pri čefl1'5 upoštevajo čas od za' tka vojne v aprilu pa do začetka leta ^ ko se je v Sloveni)1 glavnem končalo obd0*5 povojnih pobojev oz. mrtitev. “Menili smo, da vseh žrtev vojne okoli do 80 tisoč, zdaj pa kaže, da jih bomo ug° vili okoli sto tisoč. mrtvi bodo zapisani imeni in priimki, svojske žalne knjig6 bodo objavljene čez kaj let.” Članek napis3'' tv Marijan Dr° NOVI GLAS, 12. V. 2' ne .v Sloveniji. Natah' še podatke bo nem0 ugotoviti brez sistefl1^ nih raziskav, ki Pa nekatere ustanove že vajajo. Novi glas, 12. maja ^