Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 36/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 6. 9. 2015 23. Nedelja med LETOM 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Znamenje Sporočilo današnje božje besede bi lahko povzeli z besedo znamenje. Bog se razodeva z ranimi znamenji. Posebno znamenje božje navzočnosti in božjega delovanja so ljudje, ki mu prisluhnejo, ki so dobri do vsakega človeka brez ozira na njegovo siceršnjo veličino ali majhnost. Največje božje znamenje pa je sam Kristus. Ta je delal velika znamenja svojega božjega poslanstva in moči. Po daljšem času slišimo spet preroka Izaija, ki z izbranimi slikami kaže na močnega Boga in njegovo delovanje. Prav to nam daje pogum, moč in zaupanje. Pa pravi: »Močni bodite. Nikar se ne bojte! Glejte, vaš Bog! On sam pride in vas reši.« Sv. pismo mnogokrat v božjem imenu obljublja odrešenje, se pravi pose-ben božji poseg, ki bo v prihodu samega Boga. Dokaz ali razpoznavni znak, da je Bog prišel med Ijudi, bodo posebna znamenja. Prerok pravi: »Tedaj spregledajo slepim oči in gluhim se odpro ušesa.« Gotovo prerok misli obojno ozdravitev, duše in telesa, in težko je reči, kateri čudež ali poseg je večji ali kaže večjo moč tistega, ki ga je povzročil. Kristus prihaja v svojo ožjo domovino Galilejo, da bi oznanil veselo vest -odrešenik je tukaj. Zato izkoristi priliko, ko »mu pripeljejo gluhega in nemega in ga prosijo, da bi položil roko nanj«. Da bi se čim bolj posvetil prav temu bolniku in da ju ne bi motila zvedava množica, ga je vzel »od množice vstran, mu vtaknil prste v njegova ušesa in se mu s slino dotaknil jezika«. Ganljivo je videti to Jezusovo preprostost in nagnjenost k znamenjem, ki so za človeka tako zgovorna. Dotik je neke vrste most med dvema človekoma. »Odpri se!« je vzkliknil Jezus, »in kar odprla so se mu ušesa,« nadaljuje Marko, »in razvezala se je vez njegovega jezika.« Kolikih stvari in Ijudi, kolikih nas kristjanov, samskih, poročenih, ovdovelih, duhovnikov in redovnikov bi se Kristus moral dotakniti, da bi se v nas odprlo, kar je še zaprtega, pa ne bi smelo kako biti! Če pa je v nas že kaj dobrega, je to gotovo sad njegovega: »Odpri se!« Gospod, da bi se nam vedno znova odpiralo, kar so zaprle: naša omejenost, slabost in slepota! brigita suler in ansambel pustotnik pri savi »Našo turnejo po Kanadi in ZDA smo nadvse uspešno začeli! Prvi koncert v klubu "Triglav" (London Canada) in drugi "Slovenska pristava" (Cleveland ZDA). Naši rojaki so bili navdušeni nad našim koncertom, mi se pa kar ne moremo navaditi na njihovo gostoljubje in prijaznost. Naravnost čudoviti so in komaj čakamo naslednje koncerte::)))))« so zapisali na Facebooku. Brigita Šuler in ansambel Pustotnik (Duo Pustotnik in Maks) so v nedeljo 30. avgusta nastopili v dvorani društva Sava v Breslavu. Ob enih smo imeli sveto mašo, nato kosilo in za tem program, ki se je raztegnil do poznih večernih ur. Ob glasbi, petju, raznih zabavnih igrah so se gostje dodobra razgibali. Canda assisted suicide decision_ On July 17, the Canadian government appointed an expert panel to examine the Supreme Court of Canada assisted suicide decision, with the intent of seeking consultation from individuals and groups. The input gathered will be used to make recommendations to the government about assisted suicide legislation. As Catholics we uphold the value and dignity of every human life and so Bishop Crosby encourages every person in the Diocese of Hamilton to sign up to receive consultation updates from the official website at On the site you will see various ways you can provide your input. Please visit the Diocesan website at for more information on this topic. You may also wish to consult the material developed for the "Life-Giving Love" Campaign, launched last September by the Catholic Organization for Life and Family; more information is available on their web site at f-N 23ND Sunday in OT s__ Response: Praise the Lord, O my soul! First Reading Isaiah 35:4-7 Isaiah rejoices in the hope of Israel's return from exile. Among the first to enjoy the blessings of restoration will be those who are deaf or dumb, blind or lame. Second Reading James 2:1-5 James points out the contradiction of believing in Christ yet treating those who are poor as inferior. Gospel Mark 7:31-37 The miracle reflects the first reading and is a sign that Jesus fulfils the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. "It was those who are poor according to the world that God chose." Illustration The divide between rich and poor people in the world seems to grow ever wider, but it is nothing new. In late nineteenth-century London, for example, the divide had expanded to extreme proportions. In his book The Victorians, A.N. Wilson writes, "The gulf between rich and poor and the numbers of the poor, the grinding degradation of their state and the ever-greater prosperity of the rich: these things escaped the notice of no one with eyes to see in the 1880s." He says that no government or political party of the time took responsibility to provide housing for working people and that, because there was no central planning, speculative building of poor quality housing was given free rein. Wilson quotes from George Sims, a social reformer, journalist and author of those times who said that poor people "must put up with dirt, and filth, and putrefaction; with dripping walls, and broken windows; with all the nameless abomination of an unsanitary hovel, because if they complain the landlord can turn them out at once, and find dozens of people eager to take their places who will be less fastidious". Gospel Teaching Today's second reading suggests that discrimination between rich and poor people had even infiltrated the early Church. James invokes the Old Testament belief that God's special care is given to poor people, choosing them to be "rich in faith" and "heirs to the kingdom which he promised to those who love him". Such teaching goes against the grain for in every age the overriding inclination is to go with wealth and the power it brings, and to look on poor people with indifference. Yet Jesus chose the life of a poor man; he had "nowhere to lay his head" and, in Paul's words, "he became poor for your sake, to make you rich out of his poverty". In his public ministry Jesus' love embraced everyone, and he bridged the great divide between rich and poor people, not in a material way but through increasing their love and faith. The miracle in today's Gospel, in which Jesus cures a man who is deaf and speaks with difficulty, can be seen not only as physical healing but also as a spiritual gift that brings the man to a deeper faith. Mark gives the incident a symbolic meaning: the man is taken apart from the crowd and receives the ability to hear and to speak of what he has heard and understood, whereas the disciples, though they were privileged to be constantly in the presence of Jesus, so often failed to understand what they had heard. Significantly, Jesus' injunction to tell no one about what has happened is given to the onlookers but not to the man; for he believes in Jesus and knows the meaning of what the Lord has done for him. Application In Paradiso, the final canticle of the fourteenth-century Italian poet Dante's epic Divine Comedy, Dante and Beatrice travel to the fourth sphere of heaven and meet the souls of wise people whose wisdom has enlightened the world. Among them is St Thomas Aquinas who, in the following words, puts before them the love of St Francis of Assisi for "Lady Poverty" as an example of true wisdom: "For while young he rushed out to battle / With his father, for the sake of a lady to whom, / As to death, no one willingly opens the door; / Before the spiritual court, and in the presence / Of his father, he was united with her; / After which he loved her more every day... / Francis and Poverty are these two lovers." Francis was the son of a wealthy cloth merchant but as a young man, after returning from war, he made a pilgrimage to Rome. There his heart was moved by the sight of the beggars. He exchanged clothes with one of their number and, discovering for himself the reality of poverty, he resolved to commit his life to prayer and to serve all who were poor. Like the man in the Gospel, his ears were opened and he rejoiced to proclaim what the Lord had said to him. Francis was known as "Il Poverello", the poor man. He embraced poverty in imitation of Christ and by his way of life increased love and faith, healing the gap between rich and poor. It is by imitating Christ that we too can bridge whatever divides us from each other. Obvestila - Announcements pevske vaje Po dveh mesecah počitnic bodo v četrtek , 10. septembra, po večerni maši pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Pripravljali se bomo za jesenski banket-farno žegnanje, ki bo 27. septembra. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 5-6. sept.: Slovenski Park: Basebal Tournament - igra ansambel Murski Val ♦ 5. - 6. semptember: Župnijsko romanje na Baraga Days v Cleveland ♦ 7. september: Bled-Planica 13 - Piknik-Bocce Tournament - Brigita Šuler ♦ 12. september-sobota: Midland -Komemoracija, križev pot in maša. Mašo vodi koprski škof v pokoju Metod Pirih. ♦ 13. sept.: London-Triglav: Piknik. Lipa Park: Harvest Fest ♦ 19. sept.: Slovenski park: Vinska trgatev, Member's Banquet - igra ans. Brajda ♦ 27. sept.: St. Gregory the Great -JESENSKI BANKET - FALL BANQUET ♦ 4. oktober: VSKO - Dobrodelna prireditev s kosilom. Maša ob 10:00 a.m. oktoberfest2015: kitchener-sava Saturday October17th. Bus leaves at 12:00 -noon from St. Gregory's parking lot. Package includes coach transportation, hall admission, dinner, German dancers entertainment, great music for your listening & dancing, visit to St. Jacob Market, Taxes & Gratuities *all for $59.00 per person. - Reservations may be now made with full payment by cheque payable to St. Joseph Society. Contacts: Frank Erzar @ 905-643-0285 or Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813. Cleveland Polkafest Weekend - November 2628th, 2015. Details to follow! scholarship banquet Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation organizira 19. letni Scholarship Banquet in "Fundraiser" v nedeljo, 25. oktobra 2015 v Župnijski dvorani sv. Gregorja Velikega. Zbiranje ob 12:30 popoldne in ob 1:00 p.m. kosilo (Dinner). Slavnostni govornik bo g. Jerry Ponikvar. Prijavnice so ob vhodu v župnijsko cerkev. Vstopnina za odrasle je $40 in za študente $25. Rezervacije sprejemajo: Karl Ferko (905-5785890), Rosemary Pavlič (905-643-7394), Ed Kodarin (905-309-4050), Andy Habjan (905-8993876) in Irene Glavač Petrič (905-379-3667). talk about marriage and family Everyone is invited to hear Dani and Vilma Siter from Slovenia talk about relationships in the family. The presentation will be given in our hall on Tuesday, September 8th, at 7:45 pm. following Mass. Dani and Vilma are chosen to represent the Slovenian Conference of Catholic Bishops at Philadelphia's Papal gathering of families. Pizza and light refreshments will be served after the presentation. You can view more information about Dani and Vilma on slovensko romanje v midland_ SLOVENSKO ROMANJE V MIDLAND je v soboto, 12. septembra. Ob 10.30 je spovedovanje v cerkvi ter slovesnost pri križu, v počastitev žrtev revolucije (pripravlja društvo Tabor). Za tem je križev pot. Ob 12.00 je sveta maša, pete litanije Matere Božje in blagoslov. Pri somaševanju bosta škof Metod Pirih in g. Primož Erjavec iz Slovenije. Lepo vabljeni na vseslovensko romanje v Midland! cwl -initiation mass_ Hello CWL members and ladies of our parish. Hope everyone has had a nice summer. Our past and newly voted executive are very busy with personal commitments at the present time. Our plans are for an Initiation Mass at 7pm, followed by a meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 23. We have some important discussions that will be taking place. Our members are encouraged to come, to support our new executive at the mass and meeting. As always any ladies interested or considering membership to the CWL are very welcomed to join us. Štefan ray 90_ V soboto, 5. septembra je Štefan Ray praznoval 90. letnico. Domači vabijo, da se v soboto 12. septembra po večerni maši zaustavite v atriju in z njim popraznujete. prinašanje darov Ob nedeljah, pri slovenski maši, darove prinašajo: ♦ 6. september: Stanko in Jožefa Vegelj ♦ 13. sept.: Gizela Hauzar in Cecilija Lehner ♦ 20. september: Jože in Jožica Groznik ♦ 27. september: Adam & Heidy Novak & family ♦ 4. oktober: Sonya bo organizirala ♦ 11. oktober: Karol & Milka Ferko ♦ 18. oktober: Stanko & Jožica Vegelj ♦ 25. oktober: Sholarship recipient family ♦ 1. november: Jožica Vegelj & Eva Erzetič ♦ 8. november: Ivan & Angela Antolin ♦ 15. november: Max & Jožica Pavličič ♦ 22. november: Zorka Rev & Sonja Peternel Hvala vsem za sodelovanje! thank you_ My family and I wish to thank Father Drago Gačnik and the ladies who sang so beautifully at Ivan's funeral. To all the people who came to the funeral home and to Ivan's mass; sent flowers and mass cards a special thanks to you. God bless each and every one of you. I have a special thank you to Joe and Verona, Maria Tompa, Agatha and Alois Sarjaš, Martin and Dragica Tompa, nieces, nephews and cousins who came everyday, the two weeks, Ivan was in the hospital. He is gone from us, but will never be forgotten. With love, Norma, John, Mercy, Kathleen, Tony, Aprilyn, Rhiannon, Ethan God Bless Everyone yi^ svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in i\r Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti/baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v DON BOSCO bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. svete maše - masses 23. Nedelja med letom za žive in rajne župljane 6. September ff Pokojni iz družine Cerjak 11:00 A.M. Jožica in Stanko Vegelj Angelska nedelja f Ivan Tompa Jože in Marija Magdič z dr. Ponedeljek - Monday 7. September Za verne duše v vicah 8:00 a.m. N.N. Regina, mučenka TOREK - TUESDAY f Ivan Tompa 7:00 p.m. Štefan in Marija Horvat 8. September f Ivan Tompa Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Rojstvo D. Marije f Paul Richard Novak Maryann Kutleša Sreda - Wednesday 9. September Peter Klaver, redovnik f Tugomir Šribar f Elizabeth Ftičar 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič Veronika Čurič ČETRTEK - THURSDAY f Theresa Halas 7:00 p.m. Pavel in Jožica Novak 10. September f Štefan Ftičar Sestra Marija Ines, mučenka f Marija Petek Štefan Vinčec z družino Petek - Friday f Tomaž Gerfolja 7:00 p.m. Oče Marko 11. September f Terezija Hajdinjak, obl. Lojze Ferenčak z družino Helga, Bonaventura, red. f Ivan Tompa Božica Pleša SOBOTA - SATURDAY P° - v MIDLANDU 12:00 Noon N.N. f Jože Bregar 5:30 p.m. Kathy in Joe Prša 12. September ff Jožef in Eufemija Tompa Hčerke Mariji™ ime Bogu v zahvalo za 90 let življenja Štefan in Gizella Ray z druž. Taciian, mucenec .. . . „ .. n , . .. n , „ J ff Ivan in Marija Ray Štefan in Gizella Ray z druz. 24. Nedelja med letom 13. September Janez Zlatousti, šk.uč. za žive in rajne župljane ff Pokojni iz družine Balažic f Albin Žagar 9:30 A.M. Matilda Bratuž 11:00 A.M. Družina Troyanovich (OH)