Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 155 Word Sense Disambiguation Using an Evolutionary Approach Mohamed El Bachir Menai Department of Computer Science, College of Computer and Information Sciences King Saud University, P.O.Box 51178, Riyadh 11543, Saudi Arabia Keywords: evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms, natural language understanding, word sense disambiguation Received: July 22, 2013 Word sense disambiguation is a combinatorial problem consisting in the computational assignment of a meaning to a word according to a particular context in which it occurs. Many natural language processing applications, such as machine translation, information retrieval, and information extraction, require this task which occurs at the semantic level. Evolutionary computation approaches can be effective to solve this problem since they have been successfully used for many NP-hard optimization problems. In this paper, we investigate main existing methods for the word sense disambiguation problem, propose a genetic algorithm to solve it, and apply it to Modern .Standard Arabic. We evaluated its performance on a large corpus and compared it against those of some rival algorithms. The genetic algorithm exhibited more precise prediction results. Povzetek: Razlocitev pomena besedje v tem prispevku izpeljana z evolucijskim pristopom. 1 Introduction Ambiguity is a key feature of natural languages. That is, words can have different meanings (polysemy), depending on the context in which they occur. Humans deal with language ambiguities by acquiring and enriching common sense knowledge during their lives. However, solving computationally the ambiguity of words is a challenging task, since it relies on knowledge, its representation, extraction, and analysis. In Arabic language, ambiguity is present at many levels [30], such as homograph, internal word structure, syntactic, semantic, constituent boundary, and anaphoric ambiguity. The average number of ambiguities for a token in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is 19.2, whereas it is 2.3 in most languages [30]. Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is a challenging task in the area of natural language processing (NLP). It refers to the task that automatically assigns the appropriate sense, selected from a set of pre-defined senses for a polysemous word, according to a particular context. Indeed, the identification of one word sense is related to the identification of neighboring word senses. WSD is necessary for many NLP applications and is believed to be helpful in improving their performance such as machine translation, information retrieval, information extraction, part of speech tagging, and text categorization. WSD has been described as an AI-complete (Artificial Intelligence-complete) problem [53] that is analogous to NP-complete problems in complexity theory. It can be formulated as a search problem and solved approximately by exploring the solution search space using heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms. Several approaches have been investigated for WSD in occi- dental languages (English, French, German, etc.), including knowledge-based approaches and machine learning-based approaches. However, research on WSD in Arabic language is relatively limited [5,6,17,24-27,38]. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are search and optimization methods inspired by biological evolution: natural selection and survival of the fittest in the biological world. Several types of EAs were developed, including genetic algorithms (GAs) [41], evolutionary programming (EP) [32], evolution strategies (ES) [69,76] and genetic programming (GP) [45]. EAs are among the most popular and robust optimization methods used to solve hard optimization and machine learning problems. They have been widely and successfully applied in several real world applications [55] and research domains. These include NLP research, such as query translation [20], inference of context free grammars [43], tagging [8], parsing [7], and WSD [22,35,84]. Araujo [9] has written a survey paper on how EAs are applied to statistical NLP, which is highly recommended. In this paper, we study the potential of GAs in formulating and solving the WSD problem, apply them to MSA, and compare them with some existing methods. We implemented and experimented different variants of GAWSD (GA for Arabic WSD) resulting in the introduction of a competitive approach for WSD. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section presents a brief overview of EAs. Section 3 contains a brief introduction to WSD, and presents the main approaches to solve it. Section 4 describes Arabic language peculiarities and challenges. Section 5 presents the proposed approach to WSD, and describes in detail the proposed algorithm. Section 6 reports the test results, and Section 7 discusses them. Finally, Sec- 156 Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 M.B. Menai tion 8 concludes this paper and emphasizes some future directions. 2 Evolutionary algorithms EAs are built around four key concepts [21]: population(s) of individuals competing for limited resources, dynamic changing populations, suitability of an individual to reproduce and survive, and variational inheritance through variation operators. EAs are categorized as "generate and test" algorithms that involve growth or development in a population of chromosomes in genotype space (individuals containing genes) of candidate solutions in phenotype space (real features of an individual). An evaluation function called the fitness function, defined from chromosome representation, measures how effective the candidate solutions are as a solution to the problem. Variation operators such as recombination (or crossover in case of recombination of two parents) and mutation are applied to modify the individual content and promote diversity. Algorithm 2: Genetic algorithm input : PopulationSiZe, ProblemSize, Pcrossover, P P mutation output: Sbest Population ^ Initialize(Populationsize, Problemsize); Evaluate(Population); Sbest ^ BestSolution(Population); while not exit criterion do Parents ^ SelectParents (Population); Children ^ for Parenti, Parent2 € Parents do (Childl,Child2) ^ Crossover (Parent! , Parent2, Pcrossover ); Children ^ Mutate (Child\, Pmutation); Children ^ Mutate (Child2, Pmutation); Evaluate(Children); Sbest ^ BestSolution(Children); Population ^ SelectToSurvive (Population, Children); Return(Sbest) Algorithm 1: Evolutionary Algorithm Initialize P (1); t ^ 1; while not exit criterion do evaluate P( t) ; selection; recombination; mutation; survive; t ^ t + 1; The basic steps of an EA are outlined in Algorithm 1. An initial population, P (1), is randomly generated and a selection process (selection) is then performed to select parents based on the fitness of individuals (evaluate). The recombination and mutation operators are applied on parents to obtain a population of offspring. The population is renewed (survive) by selecting individuals from the current population and offspring for next generation (t + 1). This evolutionary process continues until a termination condition, exit criterion, is reached. GAs [41] are the most traditional EAs which are based on biological genetics, natural selection, and emergent adaptive behavior. They are associated to the use of binary, integer, or real valued vectors for the chromosome representation. The crossover and mutation are the genetic operators. The crossover is the main operator (applied with a high probability), and the mutation is the secondary one (applied with a low probability). The main steps of a GA are outlined in Algorithm 2 [15]. GP [45] can be considered as an extension of GAs in which each individual is a computer program represented by a rooted tree. In this case, the fitness function determines how well a program is able to solve the problem. 3 Classification methods for word sense disambiguation WSD can be described as the task of assigning the appropriate sense to all or some of the words in the text. More formally, given a text T as a sequence of words or bag of words [w\, w2, ■ ■ ■ ,wk}, the WSD problem asks to identify a mapping A from words wi to senses SensesD (wi) encoded in a dictionary D. A(w(i)) is the subset of the senses of wvi which are appropriate in the context T [62]. A WSD system includes mainly four elements: word senses selection, external use of knowledge resources, context representation, and selection of automatic classification method. The first element, selection of word senses, is concerned with the sense distinction (sense inventory) of a given word. The second element, external knowledge sources, involves a repository of data consisting of words with their senses. Two main kinds of resources are distinguished: structured resources and unstructured resources. The third element of WSD is concerned with the representation of the context that aims to convert unstructured input text into a structured format to become suitable for automatic methods. The last element of WSD is the choice of the classification method. The key distinction between classification methods depends on the amount of knowledge and supervision quantified into them. In the following, we survey the main classification methods used for WSD, as they represent a key issue in designing a WSD system. Classification methods can be achieved using different Word sense disambiguation using evolutionary algorithms Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 157 approaches [62]: knowledge-based and machine learning-based approaches. Knowledge-based methods rely on external lexical resources, such as dictionaries and thesauri, whereas machine learning methods (supervised, unsupervised, or semi-supervised methods) rely on annotated or unannotated corpus evidence and statistical models. Other methods use both corpus evidence and semantic relations. They can be further categorized as token-based or type-based approaches. While token-based approaches associate a specific meaning with each occurrence of a word depending on the context in which it appears, type-based disambiguation is based on the assumption that a word is con-sensually referred with the same sense within a single text [62]. Other approaches have been considered, such as word sense dominance-based methods [46,54,59], domain-driven disambiguation [37], and WSD from cross-lingual evidence [33]. 3.1 Knowledge-based methods for word sense disambiguation Several knowledge-based methods for WSD have been proposed, including gloss-based methods, selectional preferences-based methods, and structural methods. Gloss based-methods consist in calculating the overlap of sense definitions of two or more target words using a dictionary. Such methods include the well-known Lesk algorithm [50] and one of its variants proposed by Banerjee and Pedersen [11]. Selectional preferences (or restriction) based methods exploit association provided by word-to-word, word-to-class, or class-to-class relations to restrict the meaning of a word occurring in a context, through grammatical relations [62]. Several techniques have been proposed to model selectional preferences, such as selectional associations [70,72], tree cut models [51], hidden Markov models [1], class-based probability [2,19], and Bayesian networks [18]. An application of such associations to expanding an Arabic query of a search engine [5] shows that the performance of the system can be increased by adding more specific synonyms to the polysemous terms. Structural approaches are semantic similarity-based methods and graph-based methods. The main idea behind these approaches is to exploit the structure of semantic networks in computational lexicons like WordNet [31], by using different measures of semantic similarity. Some examples of knowledge-based systems include Degree [61] and Personalized PageRank [3]. Similarity-based methods are applicable to a local context, whereas graph-based methods are applicable to a global context. Similarity-based methods select a target word sense in a given context based on various measures of semantic similarity, such as those introduced by Rada et al. [68], Sussna [77], Leacock and Chodorow [47], Resnik [71], Jiang and Conrath [42], and Lin [52]. Elghamry [27] proposed coordination-based semantic similarity for dis- ambiguating polysemous and homograph nouns in Arabic, based on the assumption that nouns coordinating with an ambiguous noun provide bootstraps for disambiguation. Graph-based methods select the most appropriate sense for words in a global context using lexical chains (sequence of semantically related words by lexicosemantic relations) [62]. Many computational models of lexical chains have been proposed, including those of Hirst and St-Onge [40], Galley and McKeown [34], Harabagiu et al. [39], Mihalcea et al. [57], and Navigli and Velardi [63]. 3.2 Machine leaning methods for word sense disambiguation There are three classes of machine learning methods: supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised methods. All of them have been largely applied to WSD. The most popular supervised WSD methods include decision lists [82], decision trees [60], naïve Bayes classifiers [66], artificial neural networks [60,79], support vector machines [29,48,85], and ensemble methods [28]. Farag and Nürnberger [6] used a naïve Bayes classifier to find the correct sense for Arabic-English query translation terms by using bilingual corpus and statistical co-occurrence. Unsupervised WSD methods usually select the sense from the text by clustering word occurrences. Through measuring the similar neighboring words, new occurrences can be classified into clusters/senses. Since unsupervised methods do not use any structured resource, their assessment is usually difficult. The main approaches to unsu-pervised WSD are context clustering [67,75], word clustering [14,65], and co-ocurrence graphs [80]. Diab [25] introduced an unsupervised method called SALAAM (stands for Sense Annotations Leveraging Alignments And Multi-linguality) to annotate Arabic words with their senses from an English WordNet using parallel Arabic-English corpus based on translational correspondences between Arabic and English words. Lefever et al. [49] used a multilingual WSD system, called ParaSense, where the word senses are derived automatically from word alignments on a parallel corpus. To address the lack of the training data problem, semi-supervised WSD methods use both annotated and unanno-tated data to build a classifier. The main semi-supervised WSD methods are based on a bootstrapping process which starts with a small amount of annotated data (called seed data) for each word, a large corpus of unannotated data, and one or more classifiers. The seed data are used to train the classifier using a supervised method. This classifier then uses the unannotated data to increase the amount of annotated data and decrease the amount of unannotated data. This process is repeated until achieving an amount threshold of unannotated data. Co-training and self-training are two bootstrapping approaches used in WSD. Co-training uses two classifiers for local and global information (e.g. [56]). Self-training uses only one classifier that merges the two types of information. An example of self-training ap- 156 Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 M.B. Menai proach is illustrated by Yarowsky algorithm [83]. 3.3 Evolutionary algorithms for word sense disambiguation Gelbukh et al. [35] used a GA as a global optimization method (the total word relatedness is optimized globally) to tackle WSD problem. An individual is represented by a sequence of natural numbers of possible word senses retrieved from a dictionary, and the Lesk measure [50] is used to evaluate its fitness. The experimental results obtained on Spanish words show that this method gives better results than existing methods which optimize each word independently. Decadt et al. [22] used a GA to improve the performance of GAMBL, a WSD system. WSD is formulated as classification task distributed over word experts. A memory-based learning method is used to assign the appropriate sense to an ambiguous word, given its context. The feature selection and algorithm parameter optimization are performed jointly using a GA. The experimental results obtained on Senseval-3 English all-words task, show the constructive contribution of the GA on system performance with a mean accuracy of 65.2%. Zhang et al. [84] proposed a genetic word sense disambiguation (GWSD) algorithm to maximize the semantic similarity of a set of words. An individual is represented by a sequence of natural numbers of possible word senses retrieved from WordNet. The length of the chromosome is the number of words that need to be disambiguated. The fitness function used is based on the Wu-Palmer similarity measure [81] in which the domain information and the frequency of a given word sense are included. The evaluation of the algorithm gives a mean recall of 71.96%. 4 Arabic language 4.1 Arabic language characteristics Arabic language belongs to the Afro-Asian language group. Its writing is right to left, cursive, and does not include capitalization. Arabic letters change shape according to their position in the word, and can be elongated by using a special dash between two letters. The language is highly inflectional. An Arabic word may be composed of a stem plus affixes (to refer to tense, gender, and/or number) and clitics (that include some prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, and pronouns). Words are obtained by adding affixes to stems which are in turn obtained by adding affixes to roots. Diacritization or vocalization in Arabic, consists in adding a symbol (a diacritic) above or below letters to indicate the proper pronunciation and meaning of a word. The absence of the diacritization in most of Arabic electronic and printed media poses a real challenge for Arabic language understanding. Arabic is a pro-drop language: it allows subject pronouns to drop, like in Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese [30]. Dealing with ambiguity in Arabic is considered as the most challenging task in Arabic NLP. There are two main levels of Arabic ambiguity [10,30]: (1) Homographs are words that have the same spelling, but different meanings. The main cause of homographs is due to the fact that the majority of digital documents do not include diacritics; (2) Polysemy is the association of one word with more than one meaning. Ambiguity in Arabic can be also present in other levels, such as: internal word structure ambiguity, syntactic ambiguity, semantic ambiguity, constituent boundary ambiguity, and anaphoric ambiguity [30]. MSA is the subject of this research. It is the language of modern writing and formal speaking. It is the language universally understood by Arabic speakers around the world. In contrast, Classical Arabic (CA) is the language of religious teaching, poetry, and scholarly literature. MSA is a direct descendent of CA [12]. 4.2 Arabic text preprocessing Text preprocessing consists in converting a raw text file into a well-defined sequence of linguistically-meaningful units, such as characters, words, and sentences [64]. It includes the following tasks: - Tokenization or sentence segmentation is the process of splitting the text into words. - Stop-word removal is the process of filtering a text from the stop-words, such as prepositions and punctuation marks, assuming that they do not deeply alter the meaning of the text. - Stemming is the process of removing prefixes and suffixes to extract stems. - Rooting is the process of reducing words to their roots. There are some well-known algorithms for morphological analysis, such as Khoja's stemmer [44], Buckwalter's morphological analyzer [16], the Tri-literal root extraction algorithm [4], MADA (Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation for Arabic) [38,73], and AMIRA [23]. 5 Proposed approach Amongst the various methods presented in Section 3, the mostly used methods for WSD are supervised WSD and knowledge-based methods. Supervised WSD methods achieve better performance than knowledge-based methods given large training corpora, but they are generally limited to small contexts. Knowledge-based methods can exploit all available knowledge resources, such as dictionaries and thesauri, but they require exponential computational time as the number of words increases. Our approach consists in approximating solutions to WSD problem by using GAs Word sense disambiguation using evolutionary algorithms Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 157 to improve the performance of a gloss-based method. We adopt a similar individual (or chromosome) representation to the one presented in [8,35], but different evaluation functions of the individual fitness and different selection methods. To the best of our knowledge, there is no published research proposing an evolutionary computing-based approach to solve the WSD problem in Arabic language. Algorithm 3 outlines the main steps of the genetic algorithm for Arabic WSD (GAWSD). A text T is transformed into a bag of words {w1,w2, ••• ,wk} in a preprocessing phase, including stop-word removal, tokenization, and rooting. The accuracy of Arabic WSD algorithms can be increased by reducing the words to their root form. A morphological analysis is then needed to extract the root form of the word. The comparative evaluation of Arabic language morphological analyzers and stemmers [74], namely Khoja's stemmer, the tri-literal root extraction algorithm, and the Buckwalter morphological analyzer, shows that Khoja's stemmer achieves the highest accuracy. In our algorithm, Khoja's stemmer is used to reduce words to their roots. The senses Senses awn (wi) of each word wi are retrieved from Arabic WordNet (AWN) [13] as word definitions which are reduced in turn to bags of words. An GA is used to find the most appropriate mapping from words wi to senses SensesAWN(wi) in the context T. The best individual Sbest returned by the GA, is decoded into the phenotype space to obtain the appropriate sense of words WordsSensebest. Algorithm 3: GAWSD input : T, k, Populationsize, Pcrossover, Pmutation output: WordsSensebest {■w1, w2, • • • ,wk} ^ Preprocessing(T); for i = l,k do Definitions(wi) ^ AWN(wi); SensesAWN(wi) ^ Preprocessing(Def initions(wi)); Sbest ^ GA(Populationsize, k, Senses AW N (wi)i=1,k, Pcrossover, Pmutation); WordsSensebest ^ Decode(Sbest); Return(WordsSensebest) To formulate the WSD problem in terms of GA, we need to define the following elements: - A representation of an individual of the population. - A method to generate an initial population. - An evaluation function to determine the fitness of an individual. - A description of the genetic operators (crossover and mutation). - Methods to select parents for the mating pool and individuals to survive to the next generation. - Values for the several algorithm parameters (population size, crossover and mutation rates, termination condition, tournament size, etc.). More specifically, we propose the following formulation to solve the WSD problem. Alternative solutions for key elements of the algorithm, such as generation of initial population, fitness function, etc., will be considered to find out the appropriate resolution. - An individual Indp represents a possible sequence of sense indexes assigned to the words in the context T. It is represented by a fixed-length integer string Indp = {SIl(w1),SIm(w2), ••• ,SIr (wk)}, where each gene SIj (wi) is an index to one of possible senses of the word wi: SI0(wvi),SI 1(wvi) ••• SIl(wi) •••. - The initial population is generated according to one of the following schemes: - Random generation: The value of each gene of an individual is selected randomly from 1 to SenseNum using the uniform distribution, where SenseN um is the number of possible senses for the corresponding word. - Constructive generation: All the senses of a given word are distributed in a round-robin way to the corresponding gene of individuals in the population. - The fitness function is measured by the word sense relatedness. Two different measures are considered: the Lesk measure [50] and one of its variants, called the extended Lesk measure. The Lesk measure calculates the sense which leads to the highest overlap between the sense definitions of two or more words. Formally, given two words w1 and w2, and their respective senses SensesaWN(wi) and SensesaWN(w2), for each two senses S1 e SensesAWN(wv1) and S2 e SensesAWN(w2), the Lesk measure is defined by Equation 1, scoreLesk(Si,S2) = \gloss(Si) l~l gloss(S2)\ (1) where gloss(Si) represents the bag of words corresponding to the definitions of the sense Si. The extended Lesk measure calculates the overlap between the sense definitions of a target word and the words in its context. Formally, given a word w and its context(w), for each sense Si of w, the extended Lesk measure is defined as by Equation 2, scoreextendedLesk(Si) = \context(w) n gloss(Si)\ (2) where gloss(Si) represents the bag of words corresponding to the definitions of the sense Si. 156 Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 M.B. Menai A single-point crossover operator combines two individuals (parents) to generate two new ones (children or offspring). The crossover point is chosen randomly. A single-point mutation operator creates a new individual by randomly changing the value of a selected gene in an individual. The new value of the gene is selected randomly from 1 to SenseNum, where SenseNum is the maximum number of possible senses for the corresponding word. Two parent selection methods are considered: the roulette wheel (or fitness proportionate) and the tournament selection methods. The Sigma scaling function can be used with the roulette wheel selection method to make the GA less susceptible to premature convergence. It is described as follows: ExpVal(i,t) = < . Fitness(i) — Fitness(t) 1 + if a(t) = 0 1.0 , otherwise RWS(i,t) ExpVal(i, t) ELi ExpVal(j, t) (3) (4) where ExpVal(i,t) is the expected value of individual i at iteration t, RWS(i, t) is the probability of individual i to be selected by the roulette wheel at iteration t, Fitness (t) is the mean fitness of the population at iteration t, a(t) is the standard deviation of the population fitnesses at iteration t, and n is the population size. - The elitist survivor selection method is considered as a combination between a generational and steady state schemes. The best sequence is then retained unaltered at each generation, which is found generally to significantly improve the performance of GAs. - Two termination conditions are considered: number of generations and number of fitness evaluations. 6 Experiments In this section, we present results of experiments with GAWSD on an Arabic data corpus used in [38,78]. It contains 1132 text documents collected from Arabic newspapers 1 from August 1998 to September 2004. This corpus was used for Arabic classification tasks. It contains 6 different categories of documents (arts: 233 documents, economics: 233 documents, politics: 280 documents, sports: 1ElAhram:, ElAkhbar:, and ElGomhoria: 231 documents, woman: 121 documents, and information technology: 102 documents). In our experiments, we selected 60 documents (10 documents from each class) from which we collected 5218 words. With support of linguists, the corpus was manually sense-tagged using AWN. The corpus contains about 48528 sense-tagged instances, which gives an average number of senses per word of 9.3. Two groups of annotators were asked to select the sense for the target word they find the most appropriate in each sentence. The selection of a sense for a target word was made from a list of senses given by AWN. The agreement rate for a target word was estimated as the number of sentences which are assigned identical sense to the target word by the two groups of annotators over the total number of sentences containing the target word. The average inter-annotator agreement gave a score of 91%. We considered words within a text window to limit the context size (e.g. a window size of 2 means that the context of every word contains at most 5 words, including the target word). These data were used to evaluate the performance of GAWSD under different settings and to compare it with a naive Bayes classifier. All the results were averaged over 100 runs, and the sense proposed by the algorithm was compared to the manually selected sense. 6.1 Performance evaluation criteria The performance evaluation criteria were based on the number of True positives (TP), True negatives (TN), False positives (FP), and False negatives (FN). The fitness evaluation criteria were as follows. The best fitness value maxFitness and its occurrence number nb(maxFitness) were recorded in each run. The mean fitness Fitness and its standard deviation a (Fitness) were calculated over 100 runs. The performance evaluation criteria were as follows. 1. The precision P is the percentage of correct disambiguated senses for the ambiguous word: P = TP/(TP + FP), TP + FP = 0. 2. The recall R is the number of correct disambiguated senses over the total number of senses to be given: R = TP/(TP + FN), TP + FN = 0. 3. The fall-out F is the number of incorrect disam-biguated senses over the total number of incorrect senses: F = FP/(FP + TN), FP + TN = 0. The results are shown as convergence graphs of the algorithms in respective experiments (parameter setting, impact of parent selection methods, impact of fitness evaluation function, performance evaluation, and comparison of the algorithms). Detailed results of performance comparison are also reported in Tables in terms of mean precision P, mean recall R, and mean fall-out F, along with their respective standard deviations a(P), a(R), and a(F) over the corpus. The next Section presents the results of experiments conducted on GAWSD for parameters' tuning. Word sense disambiguation using evolutionary algorithms Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 157 6.2 Selection of the parameters The choice of the parameters is critical for the performance of GAs. The first set of experiments involves the numerical investigation of the GA parameters and their impact on the performance of GAWSD, namely, Population size Populationsize, Crossover rate PCrossover, Mutation rate Pmutation, and Termination condition rendition. In all experiments on parameters tuning, we used the same following settings: a window size of 2, a random initialization of the population, the roulette wheel as a parent selection method, the Lesk measure as a fitness evaluation function, and Tcondition = 50 generations (except when varying the termination condition). 6.2.1 Variation of population size We studied the effect of population size on the performance of GAWSD. We chose Pcrossover = 0.9, Pmutation = 0.1, and made the population size varying from 6 to 100. As shown in Figure 1 (a), the number of best fitness is increasing with the size of the population, but its value is relatively constant. Populationsize = 50 is a good compromise between the number of best fitness and mean fitness. 6.2.2 Variation of crossover and mutation rates The performance of GAs is always sensitive to the genetic operators' rate. In order to study the effect of varying Pcrossover and Pmutation on the performance of GAWSD. We carried out experiments on the test suite while setting Populationsize = 50. The results are presented in Figure 1 (b,c). The average best results were obtained with Pcrossover = °.7° and Pm,utation = °.15. 6.2.3 Variation of termination condition We studied the performance of GAWSD according to the number of fitness evaluations which we made varying from 1000 to 10,000. The other parameters Populationsize, Pcrossover, Pmutation were fixed to 50, 0,70, and 0.15, respectively. Figure 1 (d) shows the results obtained. As expected, the number of best fitness is increasing with the number of fitness evaluations. However, the best fitness value is, in average, more or less indifferent to the number of fitness evaluations starting from 4000. 6.3 Effect of the initial population generation and sigma scaling function The results of this section are intended to show the combined effect of the method used to generate the initial population (denoted Rnd: randon generation; Cve: constructive generation) and the sigma scaling function (denoted Sig) as a smoothing function for the roulette wheel selection method. The best fitness is given by all the four variants: random or constructive generation of the initial population, with or Figure 2: Effect of the initial population generation and sigma scaling function. The abbreviations Rnd, RndSig, Cve, and CveSig stand for random generation, random generation + sigma scaling, constructive generation, and constructive generation + sigma scaling, respectively. The best, mean, and number of best fitness values are depicted over 100 runs. without control of the selection pressure of parents (sigma scaling). The highest number of best fitness and best mean fitness are given when the initial population is generated randomly without using the sigma scaling function (Rnd). The second best mean fitness is also obtained with the random generation of the population, when the sigma scaling function is applied (RndSig). A conclusion can be drawn about the parameter settings. The overall results presented in Figures 1 and 2, substantiate our choice of the following parameters and initial- ization method for the next experiments: Pc crossover 0.70, Pmutation = 0.15, Population size = 50, and Tcondition > 4000 fitness evaluations. The random generation of the initial population without sigma scaling function is chosen, since it gave substantial improvement with respect to the other schemes. 6.4 Effect of parent selection method We first investigated the sensitivity of the tournament selection method to variations of tournament size by experimenting with different tournament sizes (k = 10% ... 40% of the population size Populationsize). Results, presented in Figure 3 (a), show how the best fitness and its mean change with the tournament size. However, the number of best fitness is, in average, constant. The overall best results were obtained with k = 20. 156 Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 M.B. Menai (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 1: Selection of the parameters for the algorithm GAWSD. The best, mean, and number of best fitness values are depicted over 100 runs. (a) Variation of the population size Populationsize. (b) Variation of the crossover rate Pc (c) Variation of the mutation rate . (d) Variation of the termination condition Tcondition. - nrn c crwj^ r ■ Word sense disambiguation using evolutionary algorithms Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 157 (a) Variation of the tournament size k. (b) Parent selection methods. Figure 3: Comparison of the roulette wheel selection (RWS) and tournament selection (TS). The best, mean, and number of best fitness values are depicted over 100 runs. We then compared the two parent selection methods: roulette wheel selection (RWS) and tournament selection (TS). The tournament size k was fixed at 20. Figure 3 (b) shows that for the same number of fitness evaluations, the best fitness and its mean obtained with TSk=20, were always better than those achieved with RWS. 6.5 Sensitivity to fitness evaluation function The results of the experiments presented in this section are intended to show the influence of the fitness evaluation function on the performance of GAWSD. We compared four variants of GAWSD based on the parent selection method (RWS or TSk=20) and relatedness measure (Lesk or extendedLesk): RWS&Lesk, RWS&extendedLesk, TSk=20&Lesk, and TSk=20&extendedLesk. The graphs of Figure 4 show the results obtained in terms of mean precision P. The overall best results were obtained with the Lesk measure and the tournament selection method. 6.6 Performance evaluation To investigate the sensitivity of GAWSD to variations of target word context, we experimented with different text window sizes (Wsize = 1... 5). The Lesk measure and tournament selection were adopted in GAWSD (GAWSDts). The superiority of the tournament selection method on the roulette wheel selection is shown in Section 6.4. Two baseline algorithms, Random and FirstSense, were implemented to compare the performance of GAWSDts . Random algorithm selects randomly a sense for each word among its senses given by AWN. FirstSense algorithm selects the first sense that appears in the list of senses for each word. Results, presented in Figure 5, show how the performance of GAWSDts changes with the text window size for a given maximum number of fitness evaluations (set to 4000) and how it compares to the baseline algorithms. Convergence graphs of Figure 5 show that GAWSDts performs better than the baseline algorithms in terms of mean recall and mean precision. The performance improvement of the algorithm is more substantial with the increase in text window size. This behavior was expected, since adding new words to the context of a target word, results in reducing the set of potential word senses, and hence the size of the search space. 6.7 Comparison with other methods Existing methods related to Arabic WSD, as presented in Section 3, include SALAAM [25], naïve Bayes classifiers [6], and coordination-based semantic similarity [27]. However, their results cannot be compared directly to our algorithms' results, since those methods are related to different WSD tasks and their results were generated on dif- 156 Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 M.B. Menai Table 1: Performance comparison of the algorithms GAWSDts, naïve Bayes (NB), Random, and FirstSense. Algorithm p a(P ) r a (r) f a (F ) GAWSDts 0.79 0.08 0.63 0.29 0.20 0.12 NB 0.66 0.21 0.68 0.24 0.32 0.31 Random 0.38 0.35 0.31 0.42 0.59 0.40 FirstSense 0.54 0.22 0.48 0.30 0.42 0.37 Figure 4: Mean precision of the algorithm GAWSD as a function of the number of fitness evaluations based on the parent selection method (RWS or TSk=2o) and related-ness measure (Lesk or extendedLesk). Figure 5: Mean precision and mean recall of the algorithms GAWSDts , Random, and FirstSense as functions of the window size. ferent corpora. For that reason, we implemented a naïve Bayes classifier to compare its results against those given by GAWSDts . Table 1 presents the average results obtained by GAWSDTS, naïve Bayes (NB), Random, and FirstSense algorithms on our corpus. The results show that the best mean precision is given by GAWSDts (P = 0.79). Moreover, the standard deviation of the precision (a(P) = 0.08) demonstrates its relative robustness. Although, the best mean recall is obtained by the naïve Bayes classifier (R = 0.68, a(R) = 0.24), the mean recall of GAWSDts is not significantly different (R = 0.63, a(R) = 0.29). This means that GAWSDts is not only able to find more relevant word senses than the naïve Bayes classifier, but can return most relevant ones as well. 7 Discussion We evaluated the performance of different variants of GAWSD on a set of 5218 words extracted from an Arabic corpus. The obtained results show that GAWSDts is the best performing algorithm. The results of GAWSDts consistently exhibited supe- rior performance compared with a naïve Bayes classifier and baseline algorithms. Much better precision and recall were obtained by other methods for more specific WSD tasks in Arabic, such as finding correct sense of query translation terms [6], and disambiguating polysemous and homograph Arabic nouns [27]. The results obtained with GAWSDts in Arabic corroborate those obtained in previous studies on GAs for WSD in Spanish [35] and English [22,84], even though they are not comparable. They confirm that GAs represent a promising approach to WSD and particularly suitable for WSD in Arabic. Indeed, GWSD [84] evaluated on SemCor (English corpora) [58] achieved a mean recall of 71.96%, and GAMBL [22] evaluated on Senseval-3 English all-words task achieved a mean accuracy of 65.2%. The GA component of the algorithm GAWSD is language-independent. Therefore, GAWSD can be easily adapted to solve WSD in other languages by using specific preprocessing and dictionary, given that a text in the target language can be transformed into a bag of words. Word sense disambiguation using evolutionary algorithms Informatica 38 (2014) 155-169 157 8 Conclusion and future work This study shows that only few research work has been conducted on WSD problem in Arabic. Indeed, many successful methods have not been investigated yet for Arabic language, comparatively to other natural languages. We have proposed an evolutionary approach to the WSD problem and applied it to an Arabic corpus. Several variants of the algorithm GAWSD were formulated and examined experimentally on a large set of words extracted from an Arabic corpus. They were assessed on the task of identifying AWN word senses, attaining 79% precision and 63% recall for GAWSDts . Our experiments showed that GAWSDts outperformed a naïve Bayes classifier in terms of mean precision, which means that GAWSDts found more relevant word senses than the naïve Bayes classifier. However, their performances in terms of mean recall were comparable, with a small advantage to the naïve Bayes classifier. Finally, this study opens other directions for future work. The tuning of the parameters remains a major issue to optimize the performance of the proposed algorithms. The results obtained can be improved by implementing a self-adaptive GAWSD that adjusts its parameters during runtime. Furthermore, examining other methods for tuning selection pressure, and thereby exploration/exploitation tradeoff of the algorithms, can have a positive impact on the performance of GAWSD. Another important avenue of research is a thorough study of memetic algorithms for WSD, since they have outperformed GAs on several hard optimization problems. Acknowledgements The author gratefully thanks the anonymous referees for their constructive comments on the manuscript. References [1] S. Abney, and M. Light (1999). Hiding a semantic class hierarchy in a markov model. 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