rr 4788 ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 6 JUNE, 1967 VOLUME 39 VSE JE VESELO na pikniku v Sloveniji, kjer se bo to poletje zopet zbralo mnogo naših elani)' Želimo jim prijetno razvedrilo in srečni povratek! ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXIX—NO. 6 JUNE, 1967 ŠT. 6 OI\ THE COVER . . . Our Europe-bound travelers can expect to see similar sights throughout Slovenia this summer as the gay-spirited dancers on this photo, dancing to beautiful Slovenian folk music. The first S.W.U. sponsored group leaves June 12th with Supreme Secretary Albina Novak as guide, followed by another group in July. Bon voyage to all! DATES TO REMEMBER . . . June 12—Departure for Slovenia, S.W.U. Excursion Group June 13—Dinner for Guests of Br 14 at Br. 68, Fairport, O. July 7—Departure for Slovenia, S.W.U. Excursion Group July 16—Trip to Canadian Shrines, departure Chicago, 111 July 16—Lemont Illinois Zveza Day Sept. 6—Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 24—OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Barberton, Ohio Sept. 24—PENNA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 26 Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 28—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, W. Allis, Wis. Oct. 22—Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio Prayer Lord, thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing older, and will some day be old. Keep me from getting talkative, and particularly from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody, helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest, Lord, that I want a few friends at the end. Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains — they are increasing, and my love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by. I ask for grace enough to listen to the tales of others’ pains. Help me to endure them with patience. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally it is possible that I may be mistaken. Help me to extract all possible fun out of life. There are so many funny things around us, and I don’t want to miss any of them. Amen. HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V JUNE! Supreme Officer: June 21—Marie Prisland, Founder of S. W. TJ., Sheboygan, Wis. Branch Presidents: June 13—Mary Vidmar, Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. June 18—Barbara TJmeck, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS June 1—Anne Pavelich, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. June 14—Anna Schuster, Member Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. June 15—Wilma Zagar, Br. 72, Chicago, 111. June 22—Mary Ann Mehalco, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio June 27—Pauline Stolec, Br. 61, Braddock, Pa. June 29—Anna General, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY TO OUR FOUMDER: Happy Birthday, Mrs. Marie Prisland!!'. on Junv 21st Since you've always been so special It means more than you can guess To send these loving wishes For your birthday happiness To hope the year that’s coming Is your nicest one so far And to add a line in closing Just to say how dear you are! J MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT RESULTS T earn Zefran Funeral Home Marquette Super Service St. Paul Federal Savings S. W. U. Headquarters S. W. U. Sports Club Jelenc Funeral Home Tie Bluth’s Sausage S. W. U. No. 17 Doubles Pat Kitt West Allis 1129 $20.00 Helen Ruthenberg & Trophy Tie Helen Fitzgerald Stella Gorka Chicago i 107 $14.00 Charlotte Tomazin 1 -eon a Foys Chica.uo 1107 $14.00 Ann Kobe Victoria Bernickas Joliet 1106 $12.00 A. Preskar J. Gervase Chicago 1100 $11 00 Ann Batty Helen Komater Oglesby 1097 $9.00 V'icky Kastelic Marion Marolt West Allis 1087 $8.00 Antoinette Pakiz Mary Kriza n West Allis 1079 $8.00 A. Russell J. Železnikar Chicago 1069 $7.00 A. Vucko Toni Brant Chicago 10(16 $7.00 Dorothy Jaksetich Mitzie Mrozek Joliet 1065 $7.00 Lil Putzell Elsie Klassovity Chicago 1059 $4 70 Elsie Statkus Chicago 1059 $2.35 All Events Stella Gorka Chicago 1716 $10.00 & Trophy Shirley Melissa Chicago 1705 $ 8.00 H Ruthenberg West Allis 1701 $ 7.00 June Gervase Chicago 1699 $ 6.00 Ann Persa Chicago 1696 $ 5.00 A. Vucko Chicago 1695 $ 5.00 Leona Foys Chicago 1693 $ 5.00 Marion Marolt West Allis 1679 $ 4.00 11. Komater Oglesby 1675 $ 4.00 E Klassovity Chicago 1667 $ 4.0(1 E. Statkus Chicago 1665 $ 4.00 A. Kobe Joliet 1652 $ 3.00 Lill Anderson Joliet 1619 $ 3.00 Caroline Dawson Oglesby 10-13 $ 2.00 Virginia Guertin Joliet 1639 $ 2.00 Libbie Hasak Chicago 1636 $ 2.00 V. Kastelic West Allis 1633 $ 2 On Helen Fitzgerald Chicago 1632 $ 2.00 Elsie Kroschel Chicago 1628 $ 2.00 V. Bemikas Joliet 1627 $ 2.00 Singles Stella Gorka Chicago 611 $12.00 & Trophy Agnes Ostrowslci LaSalle 600 $10.00 Elsie Statkus Chicago 592 $9.00 Chicago 2872 $70.00 & Trophy Chicago 2691 $50.00 Chicago 2636 $40.00 Chicago £'632 $30.00 Chicago 2599 $25.00 Milwaukee 2581 $22.50 Joliet 2581 $22 50 West Allis 2575 $20.00 Gloria Schiffler Chicago 589 $7.50 Virginia Guertin Joliet 589 $7.50 Marge Buikema Chicago 586 $6.00 Victoria Bernickas Joliet 581 $5.00 Carol Waitkus Chicago 580 $5 00 Marion Marolt West Allis 580 $5.00 Libbie Hassek Chicago 579 $5.00 Ann Vucko Chicago 578 $5.00 Evelyne Gregory Joliet 576 $4.00 Ann Persa Chicago 572’ $4.00 Toni Brant Chicago 571 $4.00 Ann Hozzian Chicago 570 $4.00 Shirley Rybak Chicago 569 $4.00 Mary Omerza Chicago 568 $3.00 Angie Preskar Chicago 568 $3.00 Elsie Klassovity Chicago 567 $3 00 J. Gervase Chicago 566 $3.00 Shirley Melissa Chicago 566 $3.00 Lill Anderson Joliet 564 $3.00 Geneva Niedzilko Chicago 563 $1.50 Jo Mlakar Joliet 563 $1.50 HIGH GAME Mary Lou Bluth Joliet 255 $ 5.00 Agnes Kovacs Chicago 248 $ 3.00 Mother and Daughter Trophy Bernie Bluth Joliet 168 Mary Lou Bluth Joliet 255 423 Sisters T rophy Adeline Bovdik Chicago 212 Shirley Rybak Chicago 200 412 Grandmother Trophy Mary Kodrich West Allis 229 Most Visiting Teams Trophy Joliet 6 teams There were 32 teams entered for this, the 32nd Midwest Bowling Tournament — which seems an appropriate number! There were also 48 doubles and 96 singles entries. We were especially proud of our 20 juvenile bowlers who not only bowled up a storm, but had a marvelous time doing it! This should be an annual feature of the tournament as the children were very interested and happy to be a part of the event. This Tournament was held 'at I he Town Hall Bowl where our Chicago league meets regularly. Next year we hope to see you all again — time and place to be announced' Have a nice summer - keep bowling! Liz Zefran, Secretary Midwest Bowling Association No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. Zefran Funeral Home emerged the victor in the S. W. U. bowling league, but it took some pretty tremendous bowling the last night of the season to accomplish this feat. They had led the league throughout the greater part of the season, but had run into some bad luck during April and found themselves a half game behind. Position night brought out the champion in them as they went on to beat Reliance Federal by a half game. Final standings were: 1 Zefran Funeral Home 68% 36% 2 Reliance Federal 68 37 3 Marquette Service Sta. 65% 39% 4 John F. Cuneo 57 48 5 St. Paul Federal 54% 50% 6 Blue Arrow-Douglas 52 53 7 Dr. Grill 49% 55% 8 Barbara’s Beauty Shop 47% 57% 9 Wagner’s Bakery 38% 66% 10 Zarja 24 81 Other winners were: high team handicap game—Marquette, 1022; high team handicap series—John F. Cuneo, 2909; high individual handicap game—A. Scambiatteria, 260; high indvidual handicap series—L. Putzell, 703. S. Gorka lead the league with a 174 average. She also had the highest scratch series of the season—631. Ann Scambiatteria shot 248, 211 and 159 for a 618 series, to lead the league Sweepstakes night. She ACTIVITIES OF No. 2, Chicago, III.— We, too, celebrated May in a most enjoyable way. The evening Mass and Litany was beautiful and our members came in nice numbers. Afterward we adjourned to the lower hall for an a-bundance of delicious home made goodies. Mrs. Zugich brought a large potica and flancate Mary Polden, a strudel and Mrs. J-Z, cookies; cakes were brought by Liz Zefran, Millie Paisoli, Mitzi Krapence, Julia Pavlin and Alma Helder. The “golden drop” was brought by Mary Tomazin and a number of gifts arrayed the table, all donated by Liz Zefran, Sophie Petrovič and Alma Helder. We celebrated birthdays, too and extend all our wishes to the fine members celebrating last month including our own President, Josephine Železnikar. May is a very popular month! We heard reports of our ailing members. Twelve of our good-hearted ladies paid a special visit to Mrs. Frances Sardoch who was oh, so happy to see them. They brought along all items for a very festive lunch at her home. She sends her fondest wishes to all our members. And our faithful member and lovely friend, Pauline Ozbolt who is at Burr Oak Nursing Home wrote her BOWLERS CONCLUDE 1966-1967 SEASON was 129 pins over average. Her 248 game was the highest scratch game of the season. Lorraine Ovnik ran a close second in Sweepstakes with a 544- series—124 pins over her 140 average. The last month of the season brought out nine other bowling stars who managed to shoot over 200: A. Kovacs, 230; A. Persa, 2'15; C. Tomazin, 214; B. Zurek, 214; S. Melissa, 212; H. Fitzgerald, 209; E. Kroschel, 205; G. Schiffler, 203; S. Gorka, 201. Railroad pick-ups this month: E. Statkus, 3-10 and 5-7-9; M. Reinholz, 2-7 and 5-10; A. Hozzian, A. Vucko, C. Waitkus and T. Toplak, 5-7; S. Melissa and P Engels, 5-6-10; K. Esposito, 4-7-9; M. Smyth, 5-7-9; L. Putzell, 3-5-10. That’s all for this season. See you in September! Barbara Zurek OUR BRANCHES wishes for Mother’s Day and said that she is with us in all our activities — thinking about us and praying for us. Our member, Mrs. Pri-mozich is also in a nursing home now and we hope she finds comfort and help there. Best wishes. Mrs. Persa is recovering in St. Ann’s Hospital. We hope she will be home soon and feeling fine again. 525HS252S25HS2S2SHS2SHS2S25H52S2525HSH525H5HSH525252 Members of Br. 2 and Friends are invited to: LEMONT ZVEZA DAY, JULY 16th! TRIP TO CANADA, JULY14th-21ST! We have had a meeting of the committee of officers for Lemont Zveza Day and will have another fine pilgrimage and picnic at the Shrine of Marija Pomagaj on Sunday, July 16th. NOTE: WE WILL HAVI5 A CHARTER BUS leaving that morning from St. Stephen’s church at 9 a.m. to accommodate all the members who have no other means of transportation. For reservations on the bus call Mrs. J-Z or Mrs. Zefran. Fare is $2 round trip and you will be home about 6 p. m. In June the committee will meet again and we hope that our fine members will all be No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. And, so the bowling season ends! Congratulations to the champs, Dames Funeral. Losing out by just a half game was Bluth’s Sausage. Merich-ka’s Restaurant came in a close third followed by American Slovenian Home. Sheps DX Service Station and Northwest Recreation Club. The “Sweeper” was held on tne last night of bowling. Capturing the first prize with 93 pins over her average was Kay Skule. Kay had a 107 average and bowled 150, 155 and 106 for a 411 total series. This was her first 400 series! Bowling 73 pins over her average was Gert Padovic and with 58 pins over average was Mickey Briski. Congratulations, girls! Our Banquet was held on Monday, May 1st at Merichka’s. Special guests were Mrs. Theresa Muhich, Frances J. Gaspich and our faithful subs: Bernice Bluth and Beverly Zaletal. The favor’s and decorations were made and donated by Marge Gas-perich. Thank you, Marge! A short meeting was held afterwards. President, Helen Golobic presented trophies to the winning team. Receiving the trophies for Dames Funeral Home were Agnes Verbiscer, Mary Rezick, Ann Papesh, Theresa Pavnica and Captain Marilyn Ne-manich. The most improved bowler award went to Mary Lou Bluth. She raised her average from 117 to 126. The W.I.B.C. Award was given to Jo Mlakar for high series of the league Election of our officers was held and the new president is Marilyn Nemanich. Vice-Presidient is Frances McCarthy, Secretary, Mary Lou Bluth, Treasurer, Bernice Suski and Reporter, Tneresa Pavnica. Sergeant-at-arms is Dorothy Hrovat, Sunshine Club is Barb Terlep and Social Chairman is Jo Mlakar. SO, we'll be seeing you at Rivals come next September! Theresa Pavnica, Reporter willing to help out in the various jobs that have to be done to make it a successful day. We will be calling on you and also hope there will be some volunteers. Thanks in advance. We also will welcome your donations of prizies for the stand and any baked goods. This is one time in the year that we all must work together. The Canadian Shrine trip is all set for July 14th — one week at Montreal and other places in Canada. Mrs. Zefran reported a nice number of members have reserved their places. We really are a busy group this year with the Washington trip — over 100 members from the Chi-cagoland area, — the Canadian trip and the large group leaving for Europe this month. To all, best wishes for a fine time and safe trip! Corinne Leskovar Supreme President’s Message Congratulations to Branch 83, Crosby, Minn, celebrating their 30th Anniversary 011 June 8th. Their organizer is Caroline Kozina. The Month oi June brings us graduations, Father’s Day and Weddings! To all Graduates, we wish great great success in your chosen careers. Happy Father’s Day to all our dads and luck and happiness to the newly-weds. We wish a pleasant and safe journey to all members who are going abroad under the auspices of S.W.U. and guidance of Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. At this time, I wish to all the officers and members for the wonderful Slovenian spirit that floats thru the air from our many settleiments straight to Washington, D. C. the site of our Convention in May. At this writing, the success of the Convention was still anticipated, but with such a grand crowd of over 350 delegates and guests and such marvelous arrangements, I know that I’m able to say: IT WAS WOiN-DERFUL! Thanks to all members for writing in so many new members to be presented at the Convention. All reports 011 the Convention and its activities will begin in next month’s Zarja. On the sick list is our Supreme Auditor Vicki Faletič of Cleveland, Br. 25 and President of Br. 50, Frances Sietz who has been hospitalized for two months. They both had planned on attending the Convention and we missed them both. A very sincere wish for a speedy recovery to Vicki and Frances. Happy Birthday to all especially our Founder, Marie Prisland, celebrating her day on June 21st. Best wishes to all our ailing members. Toni Turek No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — We were happy to see so many ladies attending our May meeting which was o-pened with prayer led by our president. May being the month we honor all mothers, a beautiful corsage made by Antoinette Zabukovec was presented to our Mother of the Year. Theresa Skur. A few poems were read honoring all mothers. We all enjoyed the after-meeting games and refreshments served which were delicious. Thanks to the following ladies for the delicious goodies donated: M. Eskra, A. Whichich, F. Globokar, and A. Schuster. Theresa Skur, with her mother and sister, Mary Gerl, attended the 25th Wedding Anniversary of her brother and sister-in-law, Joe and Genevieve Yanchar in St. Paul, Minn, on the weekend of April 9th. This was Theresa’s first plane trip and she said she enjoyed it very much. A Mass was celebrated in honor of the 30th Wedding Anniversary of Hose and Wesley Mickovic at St. Paul’s cnurch in Euclid, O. on April 24th. Congratulations, Rose and Wesley. We wish you many more years of happy and healthy wedded bliss. Belated good health wishes go to Dorothy Simins who is recuperating at home after a stay in the hospital. Get well wishes to all other ill members. Thank you, Jennie Podborsek and Mary Bubnik lor your donation to our goodtime club. Another reminder to keep Oct. 22nd in mind for our card party to be held at the Slovenian Society Home 011 Rechar Ave. Ladies, if you have any news that 1 should report in Zarja, I would appreciate your call at 481-7473. Hope to see you all at the June meeting. Vera Bajec No. 20, Joliet, III. — Within one month we lost three good members. First was Catherine Matesevac, whose last residence was at Lockport. She is survived by husband Paul, stepdaughter and two step-sons, her two sisters and many other relatives. She was buried from St. Mary’s Nativity church and rests in the church cemetery. She was 73 years of age. Catherine Judnick recommended her as a member. Louise Dusa died at age 72. Her late husband, Frank, was a proprietor of the tavern across from the parish house where they also had their home. She joined our branch 011 Jan. 19, 1943 recommended by our late member, Clara Blaess Buchar. She was a member of various organizations. Mary Miihelic was our third member that passed away. She was ill lor some time and passed away at the age of 82. She was recommended for membership by Frances Bebar on Nov. 19, 1943. She had many setbacks in her life — at one time their home burned and destroyed all their belongings. She is survived by 4 sons and G daughters, several are teachers in local schools. She was also a member of other Slovenian and Croatian organizations. Her husband passed away several years ago. The family was well-known in our community. Mrs. Mihelič was buried from St. John’s church to St. Mary’s cemetery. To all our members we wish to extend an invitation to join us for prayers at the bier of our deceased and at the funerals. We also pray for them at our meetings. May all that survive be consoled, for it is God’s will and may the souls of our members rest in peace. The relatives and friends of our branch mourn the loss of John Kobe who passed away here while visiting his molher and other relatives. Mr. Kobe’s resting place is in Cleveland where he made his home. Survived are his wife and two sons and a number of close relatives here who are also are members. At the age of 78 years, John Bo-zlch passed away, leaving his wife Frances, our long-time member, one son and two daughters. Also, Jacob Gomback died at the age of 83. His wife who was our member, passed away some years ago. He is survived by two daughters and two sons, and other relatives. Barbara Scoff, an invalid for several years, also died. Her daughters and family took such nice care of their mother, especially Mary Ambrosich who is our member for many years and works at the parish house and takes care of the Golden Age Club, devoted much of her time with her husband, Joseph, in taking care of the ailing mother. Two other daughters, Mrs. Hrvatin and Mrs. Slack and seven sons remain, also a sister, Mrs. Theresa Zlogar, a member of our branch for many years and two brothers. Deceased Barbara Scoff left a long line of grieving relatives. Steven Racki, funeral director, is another departed neighbor. He is survived by his wife, son and sister, Ann Cox, our member and bowler for many years. Eileen Terlep is survived by a number of relatives and Rose Semrov also our member. May all the above who passed away rest in peace and our sincere condolences to the relatives. Those in the hospital at St. Joseph’s at tho present time are: Mrs. Anna Pucel who broke her hip — 011 the opposite side from the one she broke a few years ago. (She is my son-in-law Rudy’s mother.) Also, my sister-in-law, Frances Hubert, is confined to the hospital. Her only son is at this time home on leave after 18 months in the Air Force, on a four year tour of duty. He was transferred from the east to the west coast, now stationed in California. Still convalescing in the hospital is Catherine Butala, while Jean Tezak is now at home as well as Rose Jagodnik and many others of whom I have no reports. We wish them all speedy recoveries. Our last meeting for this season will be in June, so please come and pay up your dues. Our next meeting will be in September. In June we will show slides of Washington and will hear the reports from our del- Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. RESPONSIBLE DUTY The following story is old-fashioned and yet so true. A young engineer applied for a highly paid post offered by a mining company. He needed the salary to help his parents in their old age. He knew that there would be a keen competition for the position offered and he considered himself fortunate to be one of the six single*! out for an interview. Doubtless he owed this to the excellent references he had from his late employer for whom he had worked conscientiously for over three years. This firm owned important oilfields and the young man had been in charge of some of the recent boring. The momentous day of the interview arrived. At first all seemed to go well and the board seemed satisfied with his answers. Then suddenly his hopes fell with a flop for the chairman fixing him with an eagle eye said: “Can you tell the board at what depth the company for whom you worked struck oil at such and such boring?” For one moment the young man hesitated and then he answered firmly but politely: “I am sorry, sir, but I do not feel at liberty to disclose information that I came by when working for my previous employer.” The board relceived his answer in silence, and the chairman intimated that the interview was at an end. With a heavy heart the young man made liis way out of the board-room. Perhaps he had been a fool, and by being overscruplous had lost the job. Then the early training his father had given him reasserted itself: “Honesty is the best policy”. "Never have one standard for business and another for your private life,” and so on. When he told his parents what had happened they both assured him warmly that he had done the right thing. He went to bed somewhat comforted and came down next morning prepared to begin afresh his search for a job. The first post brought him a long envelope, and when he had opened it he could hardly believe his own eyes for the letter offered him the envied position. It was many years afterward that the young man learned that it was his refusal to give away a secret that had secured the job for him. The question was asked by the chairman simply to test his loyalty and trustworthiness. It still holds the old axiom: It pays to be honest. egates and others attending the Convention will be one of the main features of the meeting. So, do come. Joanne Kennick, daughter of our member, Bertha, was selected as member of the year for the Beta Sigma Phi sorority. She is a teacher at Trinity school. Congratulations, Joanne! With best wishes to all members. Josephine Erjavec No. 24, La Salle, 111. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Emma Shimkus on the loss of her beloved husband, the father of Wanda Helmer and grandfather of two. May God reward him for he was a very wonderful friend to all. Among the members on the sick list is Mary Pyska who is suffering with a fractured arm and Mrs. Kotar broke several ribs in a fall. A speedy recovery to 'all! Have a nice time on your vacations this summer. Sincerely, Angela Strukel, Sec’y. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Br. 43’s April meeting was held at Vicki Sporis’ home and after the routine of business, movies were shown of Washington, D. C. The National Convention and our forthcoming luncheon were the main topics of discussion. The luncheon, in spite of all the cancellations, turned out very well. We had a three week bus strike that meant several ladies had no means of transportation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members who participated in any way and also Branches 12 and 17. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Frankowski were the most astonished couple ever on Saturday, April 22nd as a surprise 25th Wedding Anniversary party was held in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Marolt. It was held at St. John’s Lower Hall with a very large group attending. We wish them a Happy Anniversary and many more years of good health, so that they may celebrate their 50th Anniversary! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spende, who are the proud grandparents for the first tiime of a granddaughter and a grandson. Grandpa Joe had to purchase a new suit, because of the chest expansion! The Spende’s have been looking forward to this title for a long time. Dorothy Frangesh and Mary Ann Bentz were two of the 5 women bowlers who won first place in the ICSKJ Midwest Bowling Tournament in Waukegan, 111. Congratulations to them and their team bowling under the name of St. John’s Boosteretts Prepare yourselves for the next Zveza Tournament, as I’ll pester the daylight out of you! Bon Voyage to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kiel and Mrs. Herta Majhenich who left for a trip to Europe last week. The Kiels are visiting relatives and also touring Yugoslavia. Mrs. Majnenich is visiting her very sick sister. May your trip be enjoyable and memorable. The Matt Pugels are leaving for Europe with the Gnaders to meeting their daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gnader, a nun, at Alverno College who is now studying music abroad. A pleasant and safe journey to all. Our branch’s most recent fund raising project is the sale of Vigilantes, a whistle, flashlight, and key ring combination, being sold by our members. We’re hoping every member and their friends will own and use this method for assistance if needed. The whistle has a shrill sound, like a police whistle, and should be used only in case of emergency. It is not a toy and should not fall into the hands of children. The selling price is $1. Several of our shut-in members are either hospitalized at convalescent homes or ailing at home. We pray that they will have a speedy recovery. Sorry to hear of the auto accident involving your nephew and his family, Mary Musich. We all hope for a full and speedy recovery. All vacationers, a safe and enjoyable trip, whether it be by boat, plane, train or automobile. June celebrations: congratulations and best wishes, whatever the oc-ceasion may be, but especially on “Father’s Day!” Lastly, your dues. Please try to send them as early as possible in June. No meetings in July and August. Any changes of beneficiaries, class or address, notify me immediately. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. BR. 50 TRIBUTE SONG FOR MARY BOSTIAN Written by Carole Traven and sung to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”) Mary had a little club It's name is S.W.U. And everywhere that Mary went, She campaigned thru and thru. She formed our women’s Beattie group The drill team started anew Gay Nineties then came next in line Batons and Juniors, too! (Tune of Mary is a grand old name): For it is Mary, Mary, Mary Bostian is her name She has her heart and soul in No. 50 Slovenian Women’s Union. For it is Mary, Mary, She’s our State President, And we all know, she's always on the go! — We must tell her so Two — Four — Six — Eight Who do we appreciate? Mary, Mary, Mary Bostian! I Beyond the Lahe B’yond the lake so clear, By those pastures dear, There’s the home I miss, With my cradle’s bliss. My mother’s lullaby Haunts me still today; When she stilled my cry, — Haji, hajo! Oft I sang at play As a child so gay! Those were happy days, Sweet in many ways! The above popular song — GOR ČEZ JEZERO — was translated by Mr. Ed Krasovich, Denver, Colorado. I But now all that is done. : Now the earth I roam. ( Gone is all the fun— jj My home, sweet home. £ I Since Mr. Krasovich has translated songs for us be- \ fore, I would like to present this Slovenian-American poet j to our readers. 5 Edward Krasovich was born in Eaton, Colorado, May • 24, 1909. He attended schools in Denver, was married \ January 28, 1910. They have 6 children; 4 boys and 2 > girls, also 5 grandchildren. He taught school for 5 years j (Latin, English and Spanish.) Worked in the traffic de- : partment of the Colorado Milling and Elevator Co. for ( ) 14 years; for the past 14 years he has been with the / : Western Slavonic Association (Slovanska Zapadna Zveza). i ( At the last convention he was elected Supreme Secretary s \ of this fine and lively organization. [ j Mrs. Krasovich and the two daughters are members of j ■ our Branch No. G3 in Denver. Son Richard is attending 5 f the Dominican College at Racine, Wis. j I Mr. and Mrs. Krasovich participate in Catholic action. t J They are Oblates of St. Benedict and were regional of- j[ \ ficers of the Christian Family Movement for five years i and delegates of this organization to the national con- j \ vention held in Notre Dame, Indiana. t Ž We are grateful to Mr. Krasovich for his interest in \ j our organization and ara proud of him and his family. jj ^ May God bless them! Marie Prisland \ I____________________________________________________________________________________2 No. 50, Cleveland, O. — Our March meeting had a terrific turnout, as all the ladies were interested in our most imjiortant coming events, such as the Rummage Sale and the Convention in Washington. Our meeting was a little on the despondent side, as our President Frances Sietz was re-admitted in the hospital in a very serious condition, and couldn’t be with us. Ladies, you all know how important and necessary Fran is to our Branch, so won’t you give a little of your time and send her a get-well card, and show her that we all really miss her. It’s just too bad that she couldn’t be with us this past month, as we have really gone out of o ur way to make our Rummage Sale a big success. How can we thank all the wonderful ladies who contributed their time and donations for the e-vent? The contributions and baked goods went so fast, that we could not keep up with the sales!. Our Supreme President, Toni Turek donated 24 poticas and some apple strudels and home-made noodles, that were cut by hand by none other than her husband, Frank! Imagine the time that Frank put into those noodles? And our State President. Mary Bostian came through with flying colors by donating strudels and cakes. Ladies, they are only two of the many donors, but we feel that they should be recognized, as they never fail their responsibilities. Now you can see why they were elected to these offices! I couldn’t possibly mention the other ladies who so graciously donated, then I wouldn’t have room for anything else; but you all know that Branch No. 50 appreciates everything you’ve done to make the Rummage Sale such a success. I myself couldn’t attend, but I heard thru the grapevine about all our wonderful ladies that worked and donated, so again ladies, a big hearty THANK YOU!!! We the ladies of Branch No. 50 would like to wish Emil Trunk (husband of Josie) a speedy recovery, as he has been ill for sometime. God be with you Emil. Till next month when the reports of the Convention come through, I remain — Your reporter, Angie Lube No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Dear sisiters, the month of May has rolled around and it is report time again. Our meeting was held at the Little Grove and we had a wonderful turn out. Although our weather has been not what we would like, it was nice to see such a crowd. We had a discussion with our delegate, Rose Chiodi, who represented our branch at the National Convention in Wash-tion. We wish to take this time to extend our wishes to her — though bel'ated — for a good time and very exciting trip. We also have a note of sadness to relate. Sister Rose Trombley lost her dearly beloved husband, Ray Trombley who departed from our midst. We wish to express our heartfelt sympathy to her. We all feel the emptiness that his departure has left in our lives and we hope and pray that in some way this message may help Rose to sustain the emptiness and loneliness. May God rest his soul in peace. May his soul and all the souls of our faithful departed rest in peace. We then concluded our meeting with a prayer by our president, sister Josephine Oswald. Our social of the evening contin- ued at which time our hostesses outdid themselves with apple strudel and pohanje. Leave it to our oldsters: sisters, Mary Musech, Ivana Prelesnik, Frances Shega, and Ann Mansfield. They sure put a lot of work in making the strudel which was delicious and also the pohanje. Cards were played and prizes went to sisters: Angeline Russ, Angeline Hrovat, Rose Chiodi, Mildred Bai'batto, Dorothy Russo, Alice Bar-atto, Mary Techar and Ann Roberts. Our door prize was also won by sister Angeline Hrovat. We then concluded a very wonderful evening. May God bless you all until we meet again. Yours truly. Gertrude Kochevar Hermine Prisland Dicke: * * * When our eldest son was married last year, a friend sent me the following prayer which some of you may appreciate as new mothers-in-law. PRAYER OF A NEW MOTHER-IN-LAW Dear hord, thank you for giving my son and his bride minds of their own. Help me to zipper my lip when I disagree with both their minds. Please make their wedding day sunny and balmy. Please guide the caterer, the florist, the ushers, the rented-suit people, the shoe dyer, and all others whom this wedding may concern to perform their tasks well and on time. Please help me not to be so helpful. Help me find a tactful way of letting my son’s wife find a comfortable way of addressing me, besides “Mrs. Jones” or “Mother.” I prefer being called “Mary.” Please don’t let me turn up at the wedding in the same dress as the bride’s mother. Please hint to these designers that I don’t mind being my age, but do I have to look it? Please bring my son and daughter home safe from their wedding trip. Thanks, O Lord, for sending me a daughter and please bless her and my son! * « * Our son, Bob, and Christine Johnson from Madison were married on the same day last August as President John’s daughter, Luci, and Patrick Nugent. For your benefit and for this June issue I saved the recipe of Luci’s wedding cake as it was published in the local newspaper. The information was released by the Press Secretary to Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson. After testing and tasting cakes for several weeks, a fruit cake was chosen to allow the chef to prepare it well ahead of the event. It was prepared by Ferdinand Louvat, pastry chef at the White House since 1962, who estimates he has made more than 300 wedding cakes in his career as a pastry chef in France and the United States. Mr. Louvat baked the pastries served in 1957 when Queen Elizabeth visited France at reception in her honor at the Louvre and at the Palace of Versailles. The entire wedding cake included seven layers; however, for home-size proportions the following recipe was given to the public: LUCI’S WEDDING CAKE Cover % cup white seedless raisins with apple juice, and let soak in refrigerator 2 or 3 days (or until raisins are plump). Drain and spread on towel to dry surface moisture. 1% cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon double acting baking powder teaspoon salt ]/ž cup butter % cup sugar 5 egg whites — unbeaten 1 cup chopped pecans % cup chopped candied pineapple y2 cup soaked raisins Vz teaspoon vanilla extract V2 teaspoon almond extract Sift flour once and measure. Add baking powder and salt and sift together three times. Cream butter thoroughly and add sugar gradually, creaming together until light and fluffy. Add egg whites, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each. Add fruit, nuts, and flavoring and mix well. Add flour, a little at a time, basting after each addition until smooth. Bake in a loaf pan which has been greased, lined with heavy paper and greased again. Bake in a slow oven (300 degrees) about one hour and 15 minutes or until done. For loaf cake, use pan 8x4x3 which serves 8 to 10 people. A white fondant icing was used to ice the entire cake which served as a background for the decorations; sugar swans, roses, lilies-of-the-valley. That recipe was not published, but here is one as given to me by a home economist: Fondant icing: V2 cup vegetable shortening % cup unbeaten egg whites 1 pound sifted powdered sugar Pinch salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon glycerine (optional) — (this is used to give the frosting a little luster and can be purchased in the drag store.) 1 to 2 teaspoons of cream or milk if needed for easier spreading. Blend shortening and unbeaten whites on low speed. Gradually add sugar and salt. Continue beating ai low speed to avoid air bubbles. Add glycerine and vanilla. If necessary, thin with cream or milk. Spread on cake. Decorate. With the lovely month of June comes FATHER’S DAY. He may appreciate a Yugoslavia Wine Liqueur as given in the cookbook entitled, “The Calvert Party Encyclopedia” sent to me by Miss Frances Gaspich, Auditor of the Slovenian Women’s Union, of Joliet, 111; Branch 20. (YUGOSLAVIA) WINE LIQUEUR Serves 8 16 oz. brandy 1 quart red wine 1% cups sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Combine wine and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to boil and cook over medium heat for ten minutes. Cool for 1 hour. Add vanilla and brandy. Chill and serve cold; preferably in mugs. * * * NEVER FAIL STRAWBERRY JAM 4 cups sugar 4 cups strawberries 2 tablespoons lemon juice Hull strawberries. Leave whole. Mix thoroughly with sugar. Start to cook, stirring occasionally until su gar is entirely dissolved, 12 to IT, minutes. When sugar and berries start to boil, boil a lull live minutes. Take from heat and stir in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Pour into shallow pans. Let stand overnight uncovered. Do not reheat. Pour into sterilized jelly glasses or jars. Seal with paraffin. (Berries vary with the growing season. If there is a higher moisture content, the consistency of the jam will be thinner.) Note: A question came up regarding the recipe in the March issue for liver dumplings. How much liver is used and is it used raw? I used whatever liver came with the chicken; chopped it very fine uncoocked and added it to the other Ingredients. Tne dumplings were most delicate and tasty. However, you can use up to % pound of raw chicken liver without changing the other ingredients. * * * Thank you, Miss Gaspich, lor the Calvert Cookbook. Have fun, everyone, in the great outdoors. Fondly, Hermine HOUSEHOLD HINTS 1. Three tips for the highest and moistest angel food ever: 1. Use egg whites at room temperature 2. Gently fold in the flour mixture 3. Bake on the lowest shelf of the oven 2. Cook cheese at low temperature. High heat or overcooking makes cheese tough and stringy. 3. To remove iron rust on a garment, squeeze lemon juice on the stain and then spread the garment in the sun for a time. Then rinse. 4. To remove hard water or other deposits from vases, just fill with one-third part water and two-thirds vinegar. The vase will be clean after a short soaking. GIRL SCOUT WEEK CELEBRATED IN MARCH Hermine Dicke, editor of POTS and PANS, recently received an Award and a Citation by the Black Hawk Council of the Girls Scouts of America in Madison, Wisconsin. Herniine, in five years as Chairman of the Black Hawk Council, efficiently supervised the distribution of over one million boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Five thousand Girl Scouts, living in seven counties, sold over 200,000 boxes every year. The Council has 1,200 Adult volunteer workers. Hermine’s sister, Margaret Fischer, secretary of Sheboygan branch, is a Scout leader in her own town of Kohler, Wisconsin, where she has been active for many years. Kohler Girl Scouts and their leaders marked the 55th birthday of girl scounting with special festivities. Highlight of the program was cutting the traditional birthday cake. Girl Scouting has grown from 12 girls in the original troop founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912, to more than three million girls today. Many of our Juniors are Girl Scouts. We are proud of them! GIRL SCOUT LEADER, MRS. DICKE, with her two daughters, Mary (left) and Kathy. Mary appears in her Senior Girl Scout uniform and Kathy as a Cadet. Kohler Girl Scout Leaders are seen with their festive birthday cake. Margaret Fischer is first on the left. No. 54, Warren, Ohio — All members are urged to attend our June meeting on Tuesday, June 20th at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Betty Vadas, Brier St., S. E. Our Convention delegate, Rose Itacher will be there to report on all the wonderful accomplishments and good times she had at the Convention in Washington, D. C. Show some interest, members! And come! Congratulations to our member, Angela Petrich, who became the bride of Frank Kaferle of Madison, Ohio. She was the widow of Frank Pet-rich and tne mother of two sons. She will make her home in Madison. Wo wish you much happiness and good luck, Angela! Congratulations also to our member and my cousins, Helen and Lou Gorsick, on the celebration of their 25th Wedding Anniversary. They are the parents of two children, Lou, who is married and Carole, who works for the Warren Telephone Co. We will be having no meetings in August. Happy vacations during the summer and drive carefully wherever you go. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec.-Treas. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The April meeting was opened with a prayer led by President, Mrs. Barbara Umeck. It was offered for the sick and deceased members of our branch. This meeting was very well attended. Plans were completed for the Mother-Daughter Covered Dish Dinner. After the business meeting, a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Nettie Juvančič, chairman assisted by Mines. Rose Juvančič, Frances Juvančič and Virginia Bestic. Games were enjoyed and awards went to Mines. Matilda Cigolle, Anna Umeck, Mary Gabrovšek, Gail Hlasta and Maria Cvetnic. There will no meetings during the summer months of June, July and August, so at this timie, I would like to wish you and your families a happy vacation. May God bless and protect you in what ever you do. Enjoy yourselves at home or traveling. On our sick list we have Mrs. Josephine Perusek and Mrs. Katherine Russ, both spending time in the hospital. Mrs. Frances Wodogaza was ill at home. Get well wishes were sent to them. Since there will be no meetings feel free to call at my home to pay your dues. So, until we gather again, enjoy your long summer months. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 57, Niles, Ohio. — We are happy se have such a nice attendance at our meetings. I tun sure everyone has a very enjoyable time. At our last meeting we were surprised by the attendance of a long- standing member, Frances Mollis of Cheyenne, Wyoming. She was visiting her mother, Theresa Racher and her sisters Mary Strah and Virginia Zevkovich. We are happy to announce that Mary Macek has become a greatgrandmother as Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Majovsky had a baby girl; also new grandmas are Jennie Logar, Mary Moler and Frances Stanec. Congratulations to Esther Logar on the birth of a son. Mary Strah accompanied our delegate, Frances Yerman to the Convention at Washington, D. C. We envy you girls and hope you had fun. As hearty welcome to our new member, Joyce Lasalandra, granddaughter of Hose Spala and Elaine Marie Majovsky, great-granddaughter of Mary Macek. I’m happy to report that Leona Moler and her husband who were in the hospital within one month of each other are both doing fine; also Adela Sabot is doing well. Our Mother’s Day banquet was held at Alberlni’s. With God’s blessings to all — see you at the next meeting. Mary Moler No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Congratulations to sons or daughters graduating this month. Many of our members are parents of graduates! Our best wishes to member, Anna Riegler who was ill at St. Mary Corwin Hospital in Pueblo. Hope she is better. It was nice talking to Frances Korek who Informed me that all our Rainbow Park members are doing nicely, enjoying the outdoors and crocheting. We have some members over 80 years old there. A visit with Hananh Adamic was enjoyed. She is doing very well for her age, too. We have much to ad mire in our older groups. Sometimes we younger ones like to give up — and seeing our oldsters is encouragement to all. Seeing Mrs. Bandi visiting the sick was very thoughful of her and her companion. Our best wishes also to Johanna Plautz who will do some visiting in Europe, soon! Hope you have a nice trip. 1 know it will be. Don’t forget it’s nearly picnic time. Hope as many as possible attend. The picnic is being planned by our branch. Please come. Cecile Adamic No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O. Our Pot-Luck Mothers Day dinner was well attended with 33 members. Sally Kunka and daughter-in-law came in from Pennsylvania. Nice to see you, gals ■— come back soon gain! Oh yes, our Mother of the Yea> was Ann Yoger. She had a lovely corsage and a pretty nightgown was given her. She was really thrilled Congratulations, Ann, you well deserve your new honor. At our pot-luck dinner we had a real smorgasbord anything and everything to eat. Thanks ladie«, another blue ribbon for each and ev eryone. Also, we had a piece ol Gloria Dusek’s sister’s wedding cake to eat. Very good, thank you and many happy years of wedded bliss to the couple. On our sick list are: J. Turk’s sister, L. Lubanovich, D. Hrovat, R Spremulli. Hope they are getting better. Our grandmom for the 6th time is Helen Kunka. Congratulations. It was nice to see'all our gals again who drove in with Sally Kunka as now that she has moved away, they don’t get a chance to come oftener to out meetings. Come again, soon. We had two birthday gals. M. Turk and C. Quella. Happy birthday and many more. Twelve ladies wento the National Convention from our branch. Hope they had fun!. In all my excitement I almost forgot to mention one new member Rosemary Prasek. Nice to meet you and hope you enjoy being a member. June is our last meeting until Sept. Have a good summer and Happy Father’s Day to all dads! I just about forgot another new member — Elinor Pasek, a baby girl We all hope you both are fine. At the end of our meeting the officers surprised us with a gift for the oldest member, E. Sklenicka. The mother with the youngest baby was G. Dusek and last, the member with the most members in oiir branch, R. Xbasnik, with 1 daughters, 2 daughters-in-law and 8 grandchildren. Congratulations, ladies! B. Bayus, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. At our last meeting held on April 25th, only 8 members were in attendance due apparently to the Style Show that was in progress at the high school across the Avenue. We also had three guests who joined us later to play cards. We discussed the National Convention which was to be held in Washington, D. C. in May. We were in hopes of sending a delegate. Mrs. Anna Boll’ and Mrs. Katie Stimac served a very delicious lunch and many thanks are extended to them. Prize winners in cards were Mrs. Ida Menard, a guest, won the Bridge prize and Mrs. Elizabeth Zakrajšek won in Canasta. We hope that all of our members will attend our future meetings. See you then, girls. Anne Mazar, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. We feted the Mother of the Year and Best Worker of the year at a dinner at Norm’s restaurant Monday, May 1st. The Mother of the Year was Mrs. Josephine Livek, a charter member, who has served as president of Branch 89 for 12 years. She also served three terms as the Supreme President of S.W.U. from 1952-1961. She also was Supreme Vice-President from 1949-1952 and also served as Auditor. She is the mother of six, the grandmother of seven and greatgrandmother of two. Branch 89 is very proud of her. Mrs. Ann Vogrich, best worker of the year, served two terms as president, two terms as Recording Secretary and one as Financial Secretary. She is the mother of five and grandmother of ten. Gifts were presented to both honorees. In keeping with the spring season games were played and potted plants were given as prizes. Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 101, Bedford, Hgts., Ohio. — We had our Annual Communion Sunday on April 30th at Holy Trinity this year. It was such a delight to see so many members present. We all were presented candy colored carnation corsages before Mass. Pauline Svette presented the Blessed Mother with a beautiful bouquet. Following,...\ve. weut to.JUncle John's Pancake House for breakfast. It was nice to see that even two of the husbands were present. Out-only regret is that they wouldn’t sit at the table with all the ladies! How about that, boys. The following night, Monday, May 1st, we had our Mother’s Day Dinner at Johnny Garneau’s, where a delicious smorgasbord was eaten by all. Following dinner, we announced our Mother of the Year for 1967, who is Elizabeth Mertel. With tears in her eyes, she accepted a bouquet of roses and a Mother’s Prayer Plaque from our President, Betty Matjašič. I’m sure that everyone had a truly enjoyable evening. Sorry to hear that Doris Burdy-shaw was once again hospitalized. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to you, Doris. It is very gratifying to hear that our past spiritual advisor, Father Paulin, is coming along very well. As you will recall, Father Paulin was transferred down to West Virginia. Let’s all pray for his continued good health. Dorothy Matjašič, your reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Our meeting was held at Julia Panzika’s residence. There were twelve mem bers present. We were honored with two guests. Frances Snyder, (Julia’s sister and Audry Krulic, another friend of Julia’s. Our meeting opened with a prayer. Mr. Zimmerman is still a very sick man and Mary is unable to attend our meetings. We hope that by the time this article is published, he will lie up and around again, feeling better. We unanimously decided to have out' Mother of the Year dinner at the Metropole in Canada. As I have written before, Zorka Maisel is our Mother of the Year.. We will write more about you later. Fulvia Rosa’s son is arriving home for good from Vietnam. We are all happy for her and her husband, Frank. They left lor Minnesota in May for her mother’s birthday. They motored and stayed a week. A big kiss from us and hope that you will have many more birthdays to come. Good health and God bless you! Incidently, Fulvia also drew the winning ticket, a prize of a love ly pair of sail and pepper shakers. We had a few other details to talk over, then the meeting was adjourned. Our last meeting and the last until September was held at Ann Anzick’s home May 21st. When we smell the delicious aroma from the kitchen, we run, not walk to our respective places around the table! Who wouldn’t with a lunch like: swedish meatballs, noodles, hot rolls,, assorted pickles, tomatoes, home-made cream puff shells filled with custard, chocolate poured over the top? Fattening? Yes, but good! How does one leave the table and go directly to the bowling alleys to try to bowl as some of our members do ? I wonder? Thank you very much, Julia! I neglected to mention that we all had our glass of "relaxation” before the meeting started. Julia’s friend, Audrey, assisted with the lunch preparations and liquid refreshments. Hope you all have these nice friendly meetings as we do in Detroit. Until next time, God bless you all. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter MOTHER OF 12 IS CHOSEN AS MOTHER OF THE YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1967 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC JANUAR, 1967 No. 103, Washington, D. C.— Congratulations are sent to Ivanka Anto-lin who was chosen by the membership as Mother of the Year, 1967. Ivanka, a charter member of our group, is serving her second term in office as Auditor. She can also claim the distinction of having four young daughters as junior members-Ivanka, Vida, Ana, and Helena. Even though her home is one and a half hours drive away, she still manages to be an active member and attends miany meetings during the year. In June, 1966, a picnic-meeting was held at her home in Emmitsburg, Maryland and the group has been invited lo attend another gathering this year along with a tour of the famous Gettysburg Battle Field. As a young woman her education was broad, studying law at Universities in Rome, Prance, and Spain. In 1949, she received her Master’s Degree in law and began further studies for a Doctorate, during which time she married Victor Antolin. While residing in Spain, three children were born to the Antolins. In 1956, they moved to Toronto, Canada, and in 1962, arrived in the IT. S. Mr. Antonin is presently a Professor of Philosophy at St. Joseph’s College in Emmitsburg, Md. Mrs. Antolin also enjoys attending French and Spanish seminars there. To know Mrs. Antolin is to like her immediately for she is a vibrant individual with a friendly manner and a sparkling personality. Congratulations again to you, Mrs. Antolin, your husband, and your wonderful family. Congratulations to Matilda Ausicli, our recording secretary who recently received an award from the Dept, of the Air Force for meritorious Civilan Service. Tillie is a secretary' for the Air Force Council Headquarters in Washington, D. C. She received this award, which reads in part, “. . . . for outstanding initiative, unique understanding, superior secretarial ability . . . Her accomplishments reflect the highest credit upon herself and the civilian employees of the United States Air Force.” Tillie brings these same skills to her office in our organization and we are proud to have her a part of our group. Congratulations Since July and August are such hot months and vacation season at that, it was decided that the monthly meetings would be discontinued until September. Notices will be sent out to acquaint the members with the time and place. Irene M. Planinšek Br. Assessment Adults Juniors 1 $103.35 181 59 2 204.70 354 16S o o 151.05 272 165 4 4.65 15 — 5 95.80 109 28 * 6 50.55 115 9 7 61.25 106 88 8 21.80 52 — 9 — 31 2 10 151.45 344 36 12 73.55 182 32 13 55.50 110 20 14 143.45 289 24 15 '114.15 229 16 16 70.35 132 77 17 80.10 153 60 19. 61.10 130 27 20 140.85 324 21 21 59.75 119 51 22 — 19 — # 23 112.75 233 57 24 78.10 161 78 25 361.40 679 188 26 47.65 106 9 27 — 61 4 28 45.45 84 9 29 11.15 27 5 30 — 18 — # 31 51.95 100 30 32 64.55 111 89 33 94.50 160 90 34 19.15 38 7 35 34.90 58 41 37 — 34 — 38 55.60 142 2 39 19.50 47 11 40 49.45 100 3 41 96.60 229 33 42 23.50 47 3 43 79.50 141 73 45 .— 43 6 46 14.25 30 5 47 56.95 114 28 49 29.90 36 8 * 50 128.40 193 118 51 — 15 — 53 29.50 52 19 54 10.15 72 56 55 33.65 67 10 56 45.80 100 16 57 40.10 68 30 59 18.05 33 3 61 — 10 — 62 32.90 31 — * 63 398.55 112 31 @ 64 38.70 47 2 * 65 50.80 56 22 * 66 27.90 51 16 67 40.10 69 12 68 35.05 55 8 70 — 14 3 71 54.55 112 19 72 — 2-8 73 61.00 108 79 74 226.20 35 3 ; 77 26.80 53 32 78 61.00 25 15 & 79 18.05 31 21 80 25.65 19 — % 81 13.15 27 — 83 11.70 22 — 84 124.30 59 5 85 10.85 28 4 86 11.95 21 — 88 18.30 28 5 89 35.90 79 31 90 22.95 47 22 91 39.25 58 13 92 15.25 24 2 93 — 64 — 94 — 16 1 95 171 38 96 23.70 49 2 97 18.55 17 5 99 8.50 20 — 100 25.85 61 9 101 22.90 32 16 102 29.55 19 4 103 17.60 26 10 104 8.30 19 105 12.75 22 6 106 13.50 22 1 Totals $4,907.90 8,452 2,351 * Jan Feb.; # Dec.; @ Bal. 1966, Jan; ! 12 mo. 1967; & Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. % Nov. Dec. Jan; / Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb; , 1966 #5, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Medvešček, Rose March 30, 1965 Kovach, Anna July 28, 1965 Mausar, Anne (Jr.) Oct. 29, 1965 Kronosek, Josephine Jan. 17, 1966 #,6, BARBERTON, OHIO Casserman, Jennie Dec. 5, 1965 Zagar, Mary Feb. 6, 1966 Doles, Jennie May 30, 1966 Usnik, Mary Aug. 15, 1966 #7, FOREST CITY, PA. Romig, Mary March 9, 1965 Kandziola, Kathryn Dec. 17, 1965 Medved, Frances Feb. 23, 1966 #8, STEELTON, PA. Jakofcic, Mary Pilsitz, Anna Bucar, Mary Matesevec, Mary Stouffer, Agnes Spisic, Mary Jan. 7, 1965 Jan. 31, 1965 Sept. 24,1965 Dec. 2, 1965 March 17, 1966 May 14, 1966 Mat sevac, Barbara Aug, 4, 1966 #9, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Molec, Agnes Dec. 6, 1965 Rozman, Katherine Oct. 28, 1966 #10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Sustarsic, Ursula Dec. 27, 1964 Tomazic, Rose Jan. 3, 1965 Jelercic, Jennie Jan. 22, 1965 Hribar, Rose Feb. 15,1965 Trunkely, Angela March 29, 1965 Otoničar, Anna April 29, 1965 Erjavec, Mary May 15, 1965 Perusek, Mary June 1, 1965 Grmovšek, Caroline July 12, 1965 Hočevar, Mary Feb. 16, 1966 Kersman, Ivana Mar. 14, 1966 Salmich, Frances May 9, 1966 Sluga, Rose May 20, 1966 Krall, Agnes July 20, 1966 Kovacic, Josephine July 28, 1966 Gustetic, Rose Trampuš, Jennie Panchur, Mary Pavsek, Mary Gerbec, Frances Simenc, Rose Nainiger, Mary Zaman, Josephine Aug. 14, 1966 Sept. 1, 1966 Sept. 10, 1966 Oct. 20, 1966 Dec. 20, 1966 Dec. 27. 1966 Dec. 26, 1966 Dec. 27, 1966 #12, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Oreakovich, Anna Koropec, Mary Erman, Mary Berginz, Josephine Schober, Matilda Tevz, Lucy Jaklich, Josephine Weborg, Kath. (Jr) Plaznick, Anna Tomsich, Theresa Luksich, Mary Grahek, Anna Stuller, Katherine Feb. 1, 1965 May 8, 1965 Aug. 8, 1965 Nov. 27, 1965 Jan. 3, 1966 Jan. 4, 1966 Mar. 12, 1966 April 11, 1966 May 22, 1966 May 25, 1966 July 4, 1966 Aug. 10, 1966 Aug. 10,1966 #13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Nemanič, Barbara July 15, 1965 Yerman, May July 2, 1965 Hugel, Mary Oct. 29, 1965 Sporar, Josephine Nov. 16, 1965 Fere, Mary Stariha, Mary May 15, 1966 Oct. 2, I960 #14, CLEVELAND, OHIO Jevec, Katherine Pilhar, Anna Cernelich, Theresa Somrak, Helen Hoffart, Jennie Kolar, Frances Koren, Mary No vine, Mary Mukavetz, Anna Gregorich, Emma Gersin, Mary Mezget, Frances Jalovec, Anna Virant, Jennie Kaucic Helen Marn, Rose Troha, Vera Willem, Katherine Jan. 28, Jan. 12, Jan. 19, Jan. 21, Feb. 25, Feb. 27, April 4, April 8, July 30, Sept. 22, Oct. 29, Dec. 22, Aug. 25, March 4, March 6, March 26, April 24, May 23, Dragolic, Frances Oct. 16, 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1905 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1966 1966 1966 1966 ,1966 1966 #15, CLEVELAND, OHIO Jeric, Mary Feb. 7, 1965 Zala, Jennie Gliha, Frances Papes, Elizabeth Prijatel, Mary Aidisek, Mary Jakich, Anna Tekaucic, Jennie Hrovat, Mollie June 28, 1965 July 14,1965 July 18, 1965 Aug. 20, 1965 Nov. 8, 1965 Jan. 30, 1966 Feb. 19, 1966 Oct, 8, 1966 #16, SO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Martich, Boja Periinski, Stella Sintich, Angeline Banich, Dorothy Osowski, Agnes Matasich, Mary Kompare, Mary #17, WEST ALLIS Godec, Anna Sudich, Ethel Horvath, Katherine Takve, Elizabeth Senica, Anna Barborich, Louise Raly, Mary Zevnik, Agatha Schwigel, Mary Yamnik, Frances Dec. 31, 1964 Dec. 24, 1965 April 27, 1966 June 1, 1966 July 2, 1966 Sept. 1, 1966 Sept. 16,1966 , WISCONSIN Jan. 27, 1965 Feb. 15, 1965 Mar 17, 1965 Apr. 23, 1965 June 16, 1965 July 6, 1965 July 9, 1965 Sept. 11, 1965 Nov. 23, 1965 June 28, 1966 #19, EVELETH, MINNESOTA Skriner, Anna Feb. 26, 1965 ' * * ~ OIV1 mex, iVIlIla, 6D. ZO, lyoo Tusar, Leopoldina March 3, 1966 Bodner, Mary Feb. 28, 1966 Filipovich, Magd. May 25, 1965 13K Kerzisnik, Frances July 4, 1965 Agosic, Nell Ann May 10, 1966 #20, JOLIET, Majnaric, Agnes Mahalik, Isabelle Gregorash, Barbara Skul, Agnes Wilhelmi, Barbara Gragrian, Ursula Plut., Jennie Ivegan, Mary Tadej, Veronica Janes, Julia Zugel, Johanna Zelko, Amalia Kolenc, Josephine Petrie, Catherine Musich, Anna Jamnik, Antonia Pluth, Anna ILLINOIS Jan. 7, 1965 April 4, 1965 April 12, 1965 Aug. 6, 1965 Aug. 7, 1965 Oct. 10, 1965 Oct. 14,1965 Nov. 7, 1965 Jan. 25,1966 Feb. 9,1966 Feb. 13, 1966 Sept. 25, 1957 Mar. 17, 1966 May 19, 1966 June 24, 1966 Oct. 9, 1966 Nov. 7, 1966 #21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Kahne, Mary Dec. 30, 1964 Borek, Sophia Feb. 22, 1965 Slabe, Mary May 15, 1965 Maglicic, Katherine Mar. 10, 1966 #22, BRADLEY, ILLINOIS Hartman, Christine May 31, 1965 Vakofcich, Anna Sept. 21, 1966 #23, ELY, Ml Tkalcic, Johanna Adams, Mary Zbasnik, Mary Colarich, Frances Grahek, Ann Zupec, Frances Mosnik, Mary Kostelec, Josephine Stepec, Mary Zajc, Rose # 24, LASALLE Majcen, Josephine Strukel, Marion Kovacic, Theresa Kobal, Tneresa O’Keefe, Dorothy Brate, Veronica Gregorich, Antonia Scheuer, Anna Dular, Anna Aister, Theresa Raznik, Mary NNESOTA Dec. Aug. Nov. Nov. Dec. May July Sept. Oct. Dec. 14.1964 11, 1965 22, 1965 28, 1965 15.1965 25, 1966 30, 1966 22, 1966 15, 1966 1, 1966 , ILLINOIS Jan. 14, 1965 Feb. 1, 1965 Mar. 11, 1965 Dec. 15, 1965 Dec. 30, 1965 Feb. 1, 1966 May 27, 1966 June 10, 1966 July 16, 1966 Aug. 8, 1966 Nov. 17, 1966 #25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Klančar, Anna March 25, 1965 Muchitz Julia Ratkay, Anna Baznik, Mary Makse, Julia Zupančič, Anna Piks, Louise Fabian, Marie Poklar, Anna Sestan, Antonia Mihelčič, Frances Stražišar, Mary Hlad, Jennie Gnidica, Lucille March 24, 1965 April 11, 1965 April 24, 1965 May 21, 1965 May 22,1965 May 26,1965 Aug. 9, 1965 Aug. 18, 1965 Aug. 19, 1965 Sept. 5, 1965 Sept. 13, 1965 Oct. 24, 1965 Oct. 29, 1965 Smolic, Theresa Nov. 22, 1965 Kastelic, Anna Dec. 8, 1965 Urbančič, Agnes Dec. 17, 1965 Bartol, Kati Dec. 29, 1965 Gorišek, Mary Dec. 19, 1965 Krall, Jennie Jan. 7, 1966 Svete, Mary Jan. 17, 1966 Tekavec, Mary Jan. 23, 1966 Fortuna, Mary Feb. 11, 1966 Mulec, Amalia Feb. 25, 1966 Javornik, Mary Feb. 26, 1966 Klaus, Karoline April 12, 1966 Rihtar, Sophie May 13, 1966 Hočevar, Angela May 19, 1966 Wellkanja, Mary May 22, 1966 Mozic, Mary June 9, 1966 Rom, Katherine Aug. 16, 1966 Yurces, Susana Aug. 26, 1966 Kolenc, Josephine Sept. 1, 1966 Rutar, Jennie Sept. 5, 1966 Mramor, Mary Sept. 17, 1966 Hrovat, Louise Oct. 5, 1966 Mihalich, Anna June 1, 1966 Legan, Theresa Nov. 8, 1966 Bojc, Frances Nov. 14, 1966 Koprivec, Mary Dec. 20, 1966 Rebol, Frances Dec. 15, 1966 #26, PITTSBURGH PA. Starcevic, Anna March 15, 1966 Plantan, Katherine May 21, 1966 #27, NO. BRADDOCK, PA. Pavlakovic, Kath. Jan. 14, 1966 Fiedor, Catherine Oct. 9, 1966 #28, CALUMET, MICH. Klobuchar, Mary Oct. 22, 1966 #29, BROUNDALE, PA. Gerdin, Theresa Dec. 9, 1965 Kacpek, Mary Feb. 22, 1966 #31, GILBERT, MINN. Indihar, Rose Aug. 21, 1965 Presheran, Mary Dec. 9, 1965 Rauh, Mary April 2, 1966 Sustar, Theresa June 24, 1966 #32, EUCLID, OHIO Popovich, Julia Dec. 20, 1964 Cercek, Mary Feb. 12, 1965 Femec, Josephine May 19, 1965 Tekavec, Anna Sept. 29, 1965 Karaba, Antonia Nov. 28, 1966 . #33, DULUTH, MINN. Stilinovich, Mary May 23, 1965 Rukavina, Lucille June 27, 1966 Giacomini, Barbara July 20, 1966 Braye, Amilija Sept. 13, 1966 Collard, Rosemarie Sept. 13, 1966 Cragin, Johanna Oct. 14, 1966 #34, SOUDAN, MINN. Dragovan, Jane (Jr) Feb. 24, 1965 Erchul, Mary Feb. 27, 1965 #35, AURORA, MINNESOTA Bradach, Josephine July 9, 1965 Jerich, Angela Nov. 24, 1965 #37, GREANEY, MINN. Starich, Mary Oct. 21. 1965 #38, CHISHOLM, MINN. Zalokar, Mary Jan. 7, 1965 Lesnak, Frances Susnik, Mary Vesel, Alojzija Separovich, Mary Vodovnik, Mary Kutzler, Mary Sonchar, Mary Gersich, Mary Urbiha, Mary Podhainek, Mary April 29, 1965 June 1, 1965 Oct. 4, 1965 Dec. 16, 1965 March 2, 1966 Marcn 14, 1966 April 17, 1966 April 19, 1966 June 11, 1966 Sept. 27, 1966 #39, BIWABIK, MINN. Urich, Ursula Jan. 29, 1966 Krize, Katherine June 19, 1966 #40, LORAIN, OHIO Baraga, Fanny Sept. 23, 1965 Struna, Antonia Jan. 13, 1966 Soklich, Johanna Jan. 30, 196« Cerniles, Mary April 29, 1966 Scarpellinl, Frances May 14,1966 Bresak, Frances July 1, 1966 #41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Boštjančič, Rose Feb. 7, 1965 Stefančič, Anna March 10, 1965 Laurich, Mary July 24, 1965 Slapnik, Frances Oct. 7, 1965 Tibjash, Helen Oct. 31, 1965 Pintar, Frances Nov. 26, 1965 Skolar, Anna Dec. 25, 1965 Bencelich, Julia Dec. 30, 1965 Strauss, Theresa Feb. 10, 1966 Glavic, Rose March 2, 1966 Bayuk, Mary March 21, 1966 Mese, Frances March 11, I960 Kucler, Ursula April 22, 1966 Udovich, Josephine May 28, 1966 Sturm, Mary June 13, 1966 Mocnik, Ana Sept. 26, 1966 Boiko, Julia Oct. 16, 1966 Vadnal, Anna Dec. 5, 1966 #42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, O. Prhne, Louise May 22, 1966 Hrovat, Ivana July 21, 1966 #43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Krosi, Mary Dec. 29, 1964 Skruby, Caroline Aug. 28, 1966 #45, PORTLAND, OREGON Sincik, Maria Jan. 6, 1965 Mirkovich, Olga Jan. 22, 1966 #47, CLEVELAND, OHIO Bricel, Katherine March 29, 1965 Kastelic, Louise Oct. 4, 1966 Pigat, Pauline Oct. 6, 1966 Tomazic, Helen Oct. 16, 1966 Kortovicli, Caroline Dec. 7, 1966 #49, NOBLE, OHIO Papesh, Jennie Aug. 22, 1966 #50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Tomasic, Antonia Aug. 1, 1966 #52, HIBBING, MINNESOTA Strazishar, Lena Dec. 1, 1965 Mary Tool Dec. 30, 1965 #54, WARREN, OHIO Smuke, Carolyn Aug. 24, 1965 P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. ALI GA POZNAMO? Judje se govorili o Kristusu: “Tako kakor ta prerok ni še nihče govoril. Vse je drvelo za njim: ribiči, trgovci, kmetje, otroci, starci, bolniki, učenjaki, grešniki, celo prešustniee. Vse se je hotelo zgrniti ob njem. Množice ga zamaknjeno poslušajo. Prišel je, da vse pritegne k sebi. Tisoči in tisoči se šli mimo njaga, ne da bi videli kaj več kot milino njegovega obraza, slišali kaj več kakor nekaj čudovitih besed. Šli so mimo ne da bi ga spoznali. Jezus je prišel, da se ob srečanju z njim odloči njihova večna usoda. Ko je Jezus nekega dne hodil ob Galilejskem morju, je srečal Šimona in njegovega brata Andreja, ko sta ravno metala mreže za lov. Rila sta namreč ribiča. Jezus jima je rekel: “Hodita za menoj.” Takoj sta popustila vse in šla za njim. Šla sta za njim in vse življenje blagrovala dan, ko sta se prvikrat srečala z njim. Od prvega trenutka jima je postal vse. Tako se dogaja vsa stoletja. Kristusa srečavajo nešteti tisoči. Za vsakogar je to srečanje odločilno za vso več- nost. Nobeno srečanje v življenju in teh je nešteto ni tako važno kakor je srečanje s Kristusom. Tudi mi srečavamo Kristusa na naši življenjski poti. Tudi nam je rekel Hodi za menoj. Tu ni srednje poti; ali se odločiš za Kristusa ali pa proti njemu. In če se odločiš za Kristusa, moraš sprejeti vse posledice te odločitve. Kakor hitro pa smo se odločili za Kristusa, je naša sveta dolžnost spoznavati Kristusa. “Jaz poznam svoje in moje poznajo mene”, je rekel Kristus sam. Zgled v poznanju Jezusa Kristusa nam je sv. Pavel. Takole sam pravi: “Vse imam za izgubo zaradi vzvišenosti spoznanja Kristusa Jezusa, mojega Gospoda, zaradi katere,ga sem vse Zavrgel in imam ze smeti. Ko se je bližala smrtna ura kardnialu Odesclachiju, ki je 53-leten odložil kardinasko čast in stopil v Jezusovo družbo, je predstojnik prinesel križ in mu ga pokazal z besedami: “Ali ga poznaš?” Njegove trudne oči so se široko odprle, obraz mu je zažarel in poln ganotja je sveti mož odgovoril: “O da, poznam ga.” To so bile njegove zadnje besede. Kako bi bili srečni, če bi tudi naš zadnji pogled veljal križanemu Gospodu. Spoznavanje njega nam bi moralo biti “življenje našega življenja.” g #55, GIRARD, OHIO Zimmerman, Ger. June 12, 19G5 Debelak, Jean May 23, 1966 Serca, Prances Cekuta, Mary Zore, Emma Rosman, Agnes Aug. 26, 19G6 Sept. 27, 1966 Dec. 30, 1966 Dec. 19, 1966 #56, HIBBING, MINNESOTA Javorina, Margaret Jan. 20, 1965 Davich, Katy May 2, 1965 Chacich, Mary Dec. 14, 1965 /uvela, Mary Feb. 3, 1966 Wolfe, Mary Dec. 27, 1966 #57, NILES, OHIO Zurolo, Johanna March 4, 1965 Supek, Mary Aug. 9, 1965 Spoljaric, Eva Feb. 23, 1966 Mazza, Mary June 21, 1966 #59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Daurich, Jonanna Nov. 29, 1965 Pintar, Josephine May 28, 1966 #61, BRADDOCK, PA. Tomina, Helen April 8, 1965 Segina, Agnes Aug. 29, 1965 #63, DENVER, COLORADO Rostohar, Frances Oct. 15, 1965 Virant, Lor. A. (Jr) Jan. 27, 1966 Gerze, Frances May 29, 1966 #64, KANSAS CITY, KAN. Pintar, Julia Feb. 1, 1965 Scwab, Frances April 17, 1966 Stampfel, Helen April 17. 1966 Poje, Mary May 27, 1966 Stine, Amalia Nov. 24, 1966 # 65, VIRGINIA, MINNESOTA Babich, Rose March 12, 1965 Kraker, Margaret July 5, 1965 Zagar, Gertrude July 23, 1965 #66, CANON CITY, COLO. Straziscar, Ivana April 10, 1965 Dremel, Frances Nov. 21, 1965 #67, BESSEMER, PA. Germek, Helen Aug. 31, 1966 Magan, Barbara Sept. 19, 1966 #71, STRABANE, PA. Plovec, Julia Jan. 20, 1965 #72, PULLMAN, ILLINOIS Novak, Frances Sept. 2, 1966 Andrich, Philipna Oct. 25, 1966 #73, WARRENSVILLE, OHIO Drsek, Julie July 8, 1965 Mrklas, Pauline Aug. 5, 1965 #74, AM BRIDGE, PA. Samsa, Mary Oct. 25, 1965 Stepanic, Anna July 7, 1966 Zbisk, Angela Oct. 5, 1966 #77, PITTSBURGH, PA. Bajcic, Anna. Aug. 22, 1966 #79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. : Trilip, Josephine Dec. 6, 1964 #81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Knaus, Caroline Feb. 1. 1965 Shutte, Kate Jan. 30, 1966 Sersich, Angeline April 18, 1966 #83, CROSBY, MINNESOTA Zauhar, Mary Oct. 9, 1965 #84, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Osolin, Anna Nov. 18. 1964 #85, DEPUE, ILLINOIS Spular, Angela Jan. 26, 1965 Rettko, Juliana Aug. 24, 1966 #88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Noszak, Louise June 28, 1965 Respet, Mary Aug. 2, 1965 Ulle, Mary Aug. 20, 1965 Petrich, Frances Aug. 28, 1966 Popieilinski, Anna Nov. 18, 1966 #89, OGLESBY, ILLINOIS Mencin, Ursula Jan. 26, 1966 Kuhar, Frances Aug. 8, 1966 #92, CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. Somrak, Josephine Feb. 16, 1966 #93, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Pogačar, Mary Aug. 21, 1965 #94, CANTON, OHIO Krznaricn, Mary May 23, 1965 #95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Dean, Mildred Feb. 6, 1965 Cuzella, Florence April 8, 1965 Chorale, Johanna May 29, 1965 Andretich, Mar-y Oct. 10, 1965 Lisac, Anna Oct. 8, 1965 Mazar, Manda Sept. 27, 1965 Bandla, Katherine Feb. 22, 1966 Dorkin, Gospa April 12, 1966 Janes, Matilda April 17, 1966 #96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Prijatel, Victoria Sept. 30, 1965 Habjan, Frances Oct. 16, 1966 #97, CAIR N BROOK, PA. Jurjevsic, Frances June 6, 1966 Sustersic, Johanna July 15, 1966 #99, ELMHURST, ILLINOIS Komel, Frances May 24, 1966 #100, FONTANA, CALIF. Janesh, Jennie July 17, 1965 Avcin, Mary June 23, 1966 #104, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Gall, Johanna Feb. 12, 1965 Rovan, Ann May 24, 1966 #106, MEADOWLANDS, PA. Ferlich, Josephine July 1, 1966 Marie Prisland: Mnogo Zvezinili članic in njih družin bo letos potovalo na obisk v rodno domovino Slovenijo. Med njimi bo tudi naša gl. tajnica sestra Albina Novak, ki gre letos že dvanajstič čez morje. Tudi sestra Josephine Sehlosar, ustanoviteljica pod. št. 17 v West Allisu potuje tja. Zanjo bo letos trinajstikrat. Lep record! Obema, kot vsem drugim potnikom, želimo prijetno potovanje in zdrav povratek. * * * Vsem so poznani mladi ljudje, ki se postavijo ob cesto in z dvignjenim palcem opozorijo voznika, da bi radi imeli prevoz. Včasih voznik ustavi, največkrat pa ne, ker so se taki brezplačni “pasažirji” večkrat izkazali nevarnim. V Sloveniji so to reč rešili na lep način. Avtomoto Slovenije izda zanesljivim mladim ljudem posebne rumeno-rdeče izkaznice za prosto potovanje. Tako bo vsak voznik avta, ki se ustavi da sprejme potnika, takoj vedel, koga ima v avtomobilu. Letos bo z izkaznicami potovalo že nad 2000 fantov in deklet. Ob koncu potovanja bo mladec plačal vozniku prevožene kilometre v kuponih. Z izkaznico, ki stane 250 starih dinarjev vključno z zavarovalnino, namreč vsak prejme tudi kupone za 2000 kilometrov. Voznik, ki vso leto zbere največ kuponov, bo ob koncu leta nagrajen. Še pred lansko sezono so fantje in dekleta preizkusili, kako bo odslej uspevalo potovanje z izkaznicami. Štiri dekleta in štiri fantje so se v parih podali na glavne ceste: Koper, Jesenice, Maribor, Novo mesto. Obenem so tudi tekmovali kdo bo prišel prej na cilj: fantje ali dekleta. Nakateri namreč trdijo, da vozniki raje ustavijo dekletom. Tekma se je končala z zmago deklet, toda fantje so prišli na določene cilje kmalu za njimi. Nasveti za želodčne neprilike. Dr. Wayne O. Brandstadt, ki piše v ameriške časopise članke o zdravju, navaja sledeče nasvete za bolnike na želodcu: Kontrolirajte vznemirjanje in jezo! Vsaka čezmerna živčna obrementev, zlasti jeza, slabo deluje na bolan želodec. Ker se jezi ni vedno mogoče upreti, jo vsaj v sebi ne zadržujte. Skušajte se tega, kar vas jezi otresti, toda ne tako, da bi pri tem jezili druge in jim delali želodčne neprilike. Jejte vedno ob istem času in predvsem, vzamite si dovolj časa Med jedjo v nobenem primeru ne dovolite kakšnih neljubih pogovorov. Nikoli ne pozabite, da je za želodčne bolnike vedno bolje če jedo večkrat, pa manj, kakor veliko maenkrat. Olajšajte svojemu želodcu prebavo s tem, da vsak grižljaj dobro zgrizete preden ga pojeste. Slina je namreč odlično želodčno zdravilo. Ne jejte preveč mrzlih niti prevročih jedil in pijač. Kronični želodčni bolniki bi morali opustiti tudi kajenje, ali ga vsaj znižati na minimum. * * * Dr. Brandstadt v enemu svojih člankov trdi, da poročeni moški dalje živijo kot neporočeni. V tem oziru ima zaslugo žena, ki z ljubko in skrbno roko gladi moževo živ-Ijensko pot, kar samcem ni dano. * * * V današnjih modernih časih malokdo verjame v čudeže. In vendar se je zgodil velik čudež. V ateistični Rusiji, kjer so Boga popolnoma odpravili, so nedavno začeli tiskati sv. pismo, ki je vendar božja beseda. Še večje čudo je pa to, da so v Moskvi tekom nekaj ur Rusi pokupili sto tisoč izvodov sv. pisma. Pa recite če to ni čudež! Kdor je na TV poslušal Stalinovo hčerko, ki je zaprosila za bivanje v “kapitalistični” Ameriki, bo ta čudež razumel. Svetlana, hči ruskega diktatorja namreč trdi, da brez Boga v srcu ni življenja in zadovoljnosti, kar znači, da vera v srcu ruskega ljudstva še vedno živi. * * * Zadnja leta prihajajo na sever družine črne polti v vedno večjem številu. Južnjaki za mehanična dela in o-bratovanje strojev niso, ker jih ne razumejo, za težka dela tudi ne, ker so prepočasni — delodajalci celo trdijo, da so leni. Prihajajo pa z velikimi družinami in so kmalu na javni podpori, za katero niso prispevali ničesar. Vrh tega hočejo z kričanjem, izgredi, požigi in nasilstvom zase pridobiti enakopravnost in spoštovanje. Dasi se jim je ponekod rejs delala krivica, s takimi metodami ne bodo dosegli tega, kar želijo. * * * Starejši naseljenci se spominjamo časov in razmer, ko smo prišli v to deželo. Nismo bili z vsem zadovoljni. Če smo godrnjali, se nam je povedalo naj gremo tja, odkoder smo prišli. Dejali smo skoro noč in dan ter hranili in stiskali vsak cent, da smo si sčasoma kupili skromen domek, ga obdali z lepo zeleno tratico in vrtom polnim cvetja in zelenjave. Nismo si privoščili mnogo zabav; v gledališča nismo zahajali. Malokdo je jedel in pil po'restavracijah, le malo jih je kupovalo na kredit. V bolezni smo pomagali drug drugemu. Da bi zaprosili za javno podporo, čeprav v veliki potrebi, je našim ljudem bilo v sramoto. Raje so potrpeli kot prejemali miloščino. Kako so se časi spremenili! * * * Nekdo je hotel preizkusiti, če na moške vpliva ženska obleka, kadar vozijo avtomobil. Nagovoril je neko čedno, lepo obleče.no dekle, da se je vsedla za volan in peljala po cesti. Ustavila je avto češ, da ima defekt na kolesih ter prosila mimoidoče za pomoč. V lOtih minutah so ji štirje moški ponudili pomoč. Potem se je preoblekla v staromodno obleko, si zavezala ruto okrog glave in se spet vsedla za volan. V 20tih minutah se je samo en moški ustavil, da bi ji pomagal. * * * “Kako je kaj z razvojem turizma v vašem kraju, Micka?” Micka: "Eh, ljuba moja, za turizem pa res nisem navdušena. Moj stari že zdaj rad pogleda za domačimi dekleti kaj bi bilo z njim, če bi k nam prihajale še turistke?” * * * Ta mesec imajo naši očetje in stari očetjel svoj praznik. Želimo jim, da bi ga zdravi in z vsem zadovoljstvom praznovali! Naši soprogi so naši najboljši prijatelji! Rade jih imejmo in za njih praznik pogrnimo mizo z vsem najboljšim! MOŽ POJE: Sem se oženil, se kesam, za svoj preljubi ledig stan. Za ta preljubi lc)dig stan, se jokam noč in dan. Če enkrat le v gostilno grem, kozarček vinca popijem, Se žena krega sedem dni; miru po noči ni. Žena me krega, ker sem se malo napil, Tak grdo me gleda, kot njen bi ne bil. Al’ jaz ji pa pravim, nič name ne vpij, Le rajši ga z mano en glažek izpij! Gor čez jezero Gor čez jezero, gor čez gmajnico, Kjer je dragi dom z mojo zibelko. Kjer so me zibali, mamica moja in prepevali: Haji-liajo! K’ sem še majhen biv, sem biv prav vesev, Sem več barti k’tero pesem pev. Zdaj vse minulo je, nič več pev ne bom, Zdaj ni več moj ljubi, dragi dom. (Angleški prevod na str. 133). ROMANJE NA AMERIŠKE BREZJE V LEMONTU IN LETINI PIKNIK S. Ž. Z. BO 16. JULIJA, 1967 Olj 11. uri bo darovana Sveta maša pri groti, in isto tam ol> dveh popoldne bodo pete litanije in blagoslov. Na lepem gričku l»o pa običajni piknik Vabljene sle članice od blizu in daleč! DOPISI Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — Večkrat sem se namenila, da napišem par besed, da bi se zahvalila vsem, kateri so bili tako dobri in uslužni zame ob času mojega bivanja v bolnišnici. Tretjega Marca sem zbolela in v pur dneh se mi je stanje zelo poslabšalo tako, da so me v težavnem položaju peljali z ambulanco dne 5. Marca v St. Vincent’s bolnišnico. Po preteku dveh dni sem bila operirana in prepričana sem, da molitve in svete maše so mi pomagale tako, da mi je bila božja milost naklonjena,, da sem danes še med živimi. Strahovite bolečine človek pretrpi, ampak z Božjo pomočjo se počasi obrača na bolje. Prve dni po operaciji so mi stregle noč in dan, moje hčerka Theresa Lambert in žena mojega vnuka, Phyllis Bayt; obe sta bolniške- strežnice. Vrstili so se tudi drugi moji otroci in žene mojih sinov. Vsem se prav iz dna svojega srca zahvalim, ker vem, da njihova skrb in ljubezen mi je pomagala, da sem še tu med njimi. Vsem, kateri so zame molili, darovali za svete maše, pošiljali karte, katerih sem dobila nad 150, in razne darove in vsem tistim, ki so me prišli obiskati; srčno želim, da bi Vam Bog poplačal, ker jaz Vam ne bodem mogla nikoli, molila pa boin za Vas vse prav vse . . . Sem bila že precej boljša, in bližali so se Velikonočni Prazniki. Vedela sem, da ne bom mogla biti pri naši Slovenski sveti maši na ta lepi, veliki praznik! Kar težko mi je bilo pri srcu. Nimam besedi, da bi Vam popisala, kako veliko je bilo moje veselje na Veliki Četrtek, ko so prišli v bolnišnico naš dragi gospod župnik, Msgr. Edward Bockhold in pater Fortunat Zorman iz Lemonta, da sem se lahko spovedala v mojem slovenskem jeziku. Iskrena srčna hvala o-bema, ker večje usluge mi ne bi mogla napraviti! Na Veliki Petek popoldan me je bolniška-strežnica peljala v kapelo in isto tako tudi na Velikonočni dan. Lepo- je bilo; ampak misli moje so bile le na našo slovensko sveto mašo v naši cerkvi sv. Trojice in žalost je bila v mojem srcu ... Ko se vrnem nazaj v svojo sobo, zazvoni telefon, bila je moja dobra soseda Zofi Barbarich. Rekla mi je, da jej je Fr. Velikan povedal, da so posneli Slov. sv. mašo in petje na trak in vprašala me je, če se počutim dovolj dobro in če lahko držim telefon toliko časa, da bi vse slišala? Joj!!! ne morem povedati, kako mi je to razgrelo dušo in srce, ko sem poslušala. No, zdaj je pa res bila Velikanoč in vesela Aleluja! Hvala obema, Franku, ki se je domislil in Zofi za njen čas in trud. Bog Vama povrni! Ves dan so me hodili obiskati, otroci in družine, in prijatelji. Uverjena sem bila, da to je res pravo bogastvo, ker daje moč in željo do dobrega zdravja. Nikoli ne bom pozabila to Velikonoč! Prišla sem na dom svoje hčere, Mary Lambert, aprila meseca in stregle so ml hčerka Theresa in vnukinje Phyllis Cesnik in Rosemary Carl dokler nisem prišla do moči. Mary mi ni mogla dosti pomagati, ker sama ni pri dobrem zdravju, imela je hudo operacijo na hrbtenici, Januarja meseca. Še sedaj se more paziti, kako se obrača in hodi po hiši. Torej vidite, kako sem srečna, da imam tako dobre otroke, sorodnike in prijatelje; res me je Bog blagoslovil! Zahvalim se vsem prav iz srca, za vso dobroto, katero ste mi izkazali v moji bolezni; posebno se moram tudi zahvaliti moji sosedi, Mary Okey in njeni družini, ker tako lepo skrbijo za moj dom in, travo mi kosijo sedaj in pozimi so pa sneg odmetavali; Bog Vam daj srečo in zravje, prav lepa hvala vsem! Predno končam, pozdravim duhovnega vodja Rev. Okorn in vse glavne odbornice, članice Slov. Žen. Zveze;tistim, ki bodo potovali v staro domovino pa želim srečno pot in srečen povratek. Če Bog da, se mogoče vidimo meseca Julija pri Mariji Pomagaj v Lemontu, upam in molim, da pridem do zadostne moči. Lep pozdrav vsem skupaj in Bog Vas živi kar srčno želi Antonia Bayt Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — Ko vas bodo dosegle te vrstice, bo Materinski dan že za nami. Upam, da ste matere naše članice lepoi obhajale njihov praznik. Na naši pretekli seji je bila res lepa udeležba. Vse uradnice se vsem lepo zahvalimo. Bilo je lepo; zapele smo pesem “Angelsko češčenje” in na klavir nas je spremljala ses. Ujčič. Njen soprog pa nam je predvajal lepe slike iz Amerike in Slovenije. Naša mlada članica, Marcella Mover pa je deklamirala na čast materam. Vsem sodelujočim naša iskrena hvala. Enako tudi vnukinji sestre Ujčič, ki je več skladb zaigrala na klavir. Vse ste vljudno vabljene na naše seje. Pozdravlja, Mary Stražišar, zapisnikarica Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Najprej sporočam vsem članicam, da v juniju in juliju ne bomo imele seje. Zadnja seja bo 13. junija in naslednja 12. septembra. Prav lepo prosim članice, ki dolgujete na članarini, da poravnate, d,a se bodo zaključili polletni računi. Opozarjam vas tudi, da date 1 dolar v blagajno, mesto proslave 40 letnice ustanovitve podr., kakor je bilo že naznanjeno v marčni Zarji. Saj pregovor pravi, kdor hitro da, dvakrat da. Tudi naša tajnica pravi, saj ženske rade dajo, samo vprašat jih je treba. V prostovoljno blagajno so darovale; Mary Glinšek in Mary Korošec. Prav lepa hvala. Več članic je bolnih. Lojzka Čebular je bila v bolnišnici; nekatere pa se zdravijo na domu. Po vsaki seji molimo za njihovo zdravje. Smrt pa se tudi prepogosto oglaša V kratkem času so umrle: Mary Gril, Tina Jagodnik, Josephine Rotar in Mary Marolt. Naj počivajo v miru. Predno bo ta dopis objavljen v naši Zarji, bo že konvencija za nami in upam, da so delegatinje sklepale v dobrobit splošne Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Najlepše pozdravlja, Mary Komidar Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Dočakali smo zopet lepo pomlad in krasni mesec maj je že za nami. Teden naše majniške seje je bilo deževno vreme, toda zvečer se je razvedrilo in mnogo sester se je te seje udeležilo. Glede kosila smo zopet morale spremeniti ter smo se odločile za 3. junija, pa še to ni čisto gotovo, ker lahko kaj pride vmes. V aprilu je obhajala Mrs. Mikovič s soprogom 25 letnico poroke. Obema čestitamo in želimo še mnogo zdravih in sreče polnih nadaljnih let. Za našo jesensko kard party smo že naročile gornjo dvorano. Gornja dvorana je mnogo večja, kakor spodnja, tako bomo imele dovolj prostora za vse igralke priljubljenih iger. Ihansko leto smo imele spodnjo dvorano, pa nam je manjkalo prostora. Sestre so tudi odobrile, da se da naši predsednici iz društvene blagajne $100 za stroške in potovanje v Washington na konvencijo Zveze. Resno bolane so naslednje sestre: Mary Okički, in A. Strlekar. Obe sta doma pod zdravniško oskrbo. Molimo za nje, da jim Bog vrne ljubo zdravje. Ta večer smo obhajale trimesečno godovanje in Materinski dan. Počastile smo matere in posebno še našo letošnjo izbrano zaslužno Mater našo predsednico, Threso Skur. Sestre so prinesle mnogoi okusnega peciva; imena dobrih sester so: Vičič, Krnel, Iskra, Globokar, Sadar in Sustar. V denarju so darovale za good time blagajno sestre: Smrdel, Podboršek, Bobnič, Stražišar (Keva-ni) in Kušar. Iskreno se zahvaljujem vsem darovalkam. Naj vam ljubi Bog stotero Mrs. Antonia Nemgar, Pred. št. 19, Eveleth, ki se nahaja že delj časa v bolnici, je praznovala častitljiv 83. rojstni dan v krogu članic in svojih hčerk. Sedita od levo na desno: B. Stnahan in Mrs. Nemgar. Stojijo: M. Lenich, F. Pollak, J. Setnikar, F. Sterle. V zadnji vrsti: A. Brklautz, M. Itebertz, J. Zadovich, A. Turk, A. Blince in J. Elersich. Na drugi sliki je pa Mrs. Nemgar z bolniško strežnico Alice Turk, in hčerki Julia Elersich in Antoinette Brinee. ČLANICE ST. 19 PODASTE SVOJO PREDSEDNICO poplača na vašem zdravju in da bi še mnogo let dočakale vaše rojstne dneve. Posebna zahvala velja našim pridnim sestram, ki delajo v kuhinji in to na vsaki seji skrbijo, da nismo brez kafetka in prigrizka. Ob koncu Vas vse lepo pozdravlja, Vaša poročevalka, Antoija Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland, O. — Naša prihodnja mesečna seja bo dne 14. junija ob pol osmih zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Vse članice ste vljudno vabljene na sejo, da boste slišale kaj bo de-legatinja povedala o sklepih narodne konvencije. V blagajno je darovala Mary Če-kada. Najlepša ji hvala. Vsem bolnim članicam želim, da jim ljubi Bog in Marija skoraj zdravje podeli. Najlepše pozdravljam ves Glavni Urad, ki je izvoljen in vse članice po Sirni Ameriki. Na svidenje na seji. Frances Lindič, poročevalka Št. 20, Joliet, III. — V teku enega meseca smo zopet izgubile tri dolgoletne članice. Prva je preminula v starosti 73 let Catherine Matesevic, ki je imela svoj dom v Lockport. Zapušča hčerko in dva sinova ter moža Paula, dve sestre in več drugih sorodnikov. V podr. je pristopila na priporočilo Catherine Judnich. Bolehala je dalje časa. Pred leti je živela v Jolietu. Pokopana je bila iz hrvaške cerkve Matere Božje na farno pokopališče. Dalje je umrla Louise Duša, stara 72 let. Njen mož Frank, ki je umrl pred leti, je vodil gostilno pred cerkvijo, kjer so tudi imeli svoj dom. K podr. je pristopila 18. jan. 1943, priporočena po pok. Clara Blaess-Bučar. Zapušča več sorodnikov. Bila je članica tudi več drugih organizacij. Pogreb je bil iz cerkve sv. Jožefa na farno pokopališče. Naslednja sestra Mary Mihelič, je nas za vedno zapustila v lepi starosti 82 let. Živela je v Jolietu 55 let. Zadnje čase je dalje časa bolehala. V Zvezo je pristopila 19. nov. 1943, priporočena po Frances Bebar. Njen mož je umrl pred leti. V življenju je prestala več nesreč, enkrat ji je dom do tal pogorel ter uničil vse premoženje. Bila je članica slovenskih in hrvaških organizacij. Zapušča 4 sinove in 6 hčera, 16 vnukov in enega brata. Več hčerk uči v lokalnih šolah. Pokopana je bila iz nemške cerkve Sv. Janeza na hrvaško pokopališče Sv. Matere Božje. Vsem trem pok. članicam so navzoče stoje izmolile za pokoj njihovih duš ter jih spremile na zadnji poti, kakor tudi jo šle na predvečer pokropiti. Vsem žalujočim sorodnikom naše iskreno sožalje; pokojniim pa naj sveti večna luč. Na obisku v Jolietu je umrl John Kobe, ki je bil nato prepeljan v Cleveland, kjer je bil pokopan. Zapušča ženo in 2 sinova, mater tukaj v Jolietu ter več drugih ožjih sorodnikov, katere so tudi naše članice. Po daljši bolezni je tudi umrl John Bozich, star 78 let. Zapušča soprogo Frances, ki je tudi naša dolgoletna članica, dalje 2) hčerki in enega sina. Umrl je tudi Jackob Gombač, star 83 let. Bil je soprog naše dolgoletne članice Frances, ki je tudi odšla v večnost pred več leti. Zapušča 2 hčerke in 2 sinova ter več drugih sorodnikov. Po večletni bolezni je umrla Barbara Škof, stara 82 let. Domači so ji lepo stregli v času hude bolezni, po- sebno še hčerka, Mary Ambrozich, ki poleg dela v župnišču in pri “Golden age klubu” je bila vedno na razpolago z možem Josephom, da so njeni materi lajšali trpljenje. Mary je naša dolgoletna članica in pokojna Barbara Skoff zapušča še 2 hčerke in 7 sinov ter sestro, Thereso Žlogar, ki je naša dobra članica mnogo let, dalje 2 brata in ostalo sorodstvo. Vsi so zelo poznani v naši fari. Umrl je tudi hrvatski pogrebni vodja, Steve Rački, ki zapušča ženo sina in sestro Ann Cox, ki je naša članica dolgo let in tudi kegljačica. Nadalje je umrla Eileen Terlep, ki zapušča več bližnjih sorodnikov, med njimi tudi našo članico, ltose Šemrov in več drugih sorodnikov, in sorodnic ki so članice Zveze. Izrekamo iskreno sožalje vsem družinam pokojnih, — umrlim pa večni mir! V bolnišnici se nahajajo te dni: Mrs. Anna Pucel, ki si je ponovno zlomila v boku, pred par leti eno stran, a sedaj drugo in to v kuhinji. Ona je mati mojega zeta Rudi; dalje moja svakinja (sister-in-law) Frances Hubert. Njen edini sin se te dni nahaja po enem letu in pol na oddihu doma, nakar gre v Califomijo. Je v Air Corps, kjer je vpisan za 4 leta. V bolnišnici se še vedno nahaja Catherine Butala. Na domu se zdravijo Jean M. Težak, Rose Jagodnik in več drugih katerih imena mi niso znana. Vsem želimo hitrega okrevanja. Naša zadnja seja tega poletja bo v juniju. Prihodnja bo v septembru. Vse, ki dolgujete, hitro poravnajte svoje prispevke. Želim vsem lepe dneve in mnogo razvedrila v poletnih mesecih ter vse skupaj pozdravljam. Josephine Erjavec Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Za nami je že prelepi mesec maj v katerem se praznuje Materinski dan. Da bi dočakale še mnogo praznikov je moja iskrena želja vsem materam. Naša sestra M'ary Pyska si je zlomila roko in se nahaja v Chicagi. Sestra Koyar je tudi padla in si zlomila rebra. Upamo, da se bo zdravje jima kmalu vrnilo in isto vsem bolnim sestram. Globoko sožalje izrekamo sestri Šimkus nad izgubo ljubljenega soproga in očeta. Preminil je 3. maja po daljši bolezni. Poleg žene zapušča hčerko Wando Helmer in dva vnučka. Naj mu bo Bog dober plačnik. Družini in vsem sorodnikom naše sočutje. Želim vsem vesele počitnice ter zdrav povratek. Lepo pozdravljam vse članice. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 32, Euclid, O. — Na majski seji smo se kar lepo imele, tudi udeležba je bila lepa. Imele smo prijazni obisk predsednice skupnih ohijskih podružnic, Mary Boštjan, ki je prinesla lep “door prize” ter navduševala članice za uspeh naše Zveze. Hval'a Mary. Naša predsednica, T. Potokar se je zopet pomladila, saj so dobili pri sinu Eddy-ju in Nancy Potokar zalega fantka, ki bo delal družbo sestrici in trem bratcem. S tem sta postala Thresa in Tony 2S-tič stara mati in oče. Čestitke; Smrt se je zopet oglasila pri naši podružnici in to pot je vzela Mary Bukovec, ki je preminula dne 15. a-prila. Bila je dobra članica, dokler je mogla se je rada udeleževala sej in rada darovala. Bog ji daj večno plačilo in preostalim naše iskreno so žal j e. Vsem našim bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja. Ker v juliju in avgustu ne bo seje, zato poglejte vaše plačilne knjižice in če ste zaostale, ste prošene, da poravnate članarino. Po seji smo obhajale rojstne dneve in počastile matere. Naše pridne članice so prinesle mnogo dobrot. Pecivo so darovale naslednje sestre: Thresa Potokar, Frances Klun, Anna Godlar, Anna Telcavec, Mary Drobnič, Katarina Golinar, Agnes Jazbec, šampanjca. Predsednica je preskrbela za sandviče in drugo. V denarju so darovale po en dolar naslednje sestre: Frances Perme, Mary Ercul in Karolina Peck. Frances So-kach je prinesla door prize. Prisrčna hvala vsem in tudi onim, ki so delale v kuhinji in vse tako lepo pripravile. Imele smo zopet en lep večer, ki nam bo ostal v lepem spominu. Žal je lahko istim, ki bi lahko prišle na naše seje, pa jih ni bilo. Tudi petje se je lepo glasilo. Pozdravljene z upanjem, da se vidimo na prihodnjih sejah. Frances Perme, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, O. Vsem našim gl. odbornicam, novo in ponovno izvoljenim, naše Iskrene čestitke in mnogo blagoslova ter dobre volje pri njihovem uradovanju. Vse najlepše, predvsem pa najboj-šega zdravja za rojstno obletnico, želimo naši ustanoviteljici, Mrs. Marie Prisland. Bog vas živi še na mnoga leta. Zadnjo sejo je vodila ses. podpredsednica, Thresa Mihevc, radi bolezni odsotne preds. Mary Debevec, kate- ri smo poslale kartico za boljše zdravje s podpisi navzočih. Upamo, da bo ob času ko bo te vrstice čitala že pri najboljšem zdravju, katerega ji prav od srca želimo. Ses. Cecilia Young je po prestani operaciji sedaj že na poti okrevanja, njej in vsem bolnim želimo čimprejšnjega zdravja. Ses. Nettie Strukel se še zdravi na domu, 14322 Aspin-\vell ter si želi obiskov. Za materinsko proslavo in počastitev rojstne obletnice ses. Anne Hatter, so nas imenitno pogostile ses. T. Mihevc, A. Rebolj, M. Cerjak, P. Dus, It. Pujzdar in M. Markel. Vsem prisrčna hvala. Prav lepa livala za dar v blagajno ses. A. Haffer, F. Kern, J. Bavetz in K. Kovach. Vsem, katere boste tekom poletja potovale kamorkoli, želimo lepega razvedrila in srečen povratek. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo. Iskrene pozdrave vsem, Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Naša seja se je vršila pri sestri Mary Brodar, toda žal nas je bilo samo 8 članic navzočih. Sklenile smo, da ne bo seje v juniju, toda bo v juliju ko bo toplo vreme. Seja se bo vršila pri Pete Spul, da se bodo otroci lahko kopali in da bomo imele pot lunch, kar bo katera prinesla naj sama pripravi, vse bo dobro. Pripeljite tudi svoje otroke. Upam, da se bodo tudi bolj oddaljene članice udeležile in se bomo tako vsaj enkrat videle. Saj vse veste kje je Pete pool, če bo pa prav vroče, se bomo pa tudi me ta stare šle kopati in hladiti. Za mene je dosti dva čevlja vode, da si le noge zmočim, ker plavati ne znam. V tistih krajih, kjer sem jaz doma v Suhi Krajini nismo imeli vode, smo jo pa morali na glavi nositi za kuhanje. Torej, prosim, ne pozabite in na svidenje dne 9. julija. Pri peljite tudi vaše prijateljice. Ko boste brale ta dopis, bo konvencija že za nami. Upam, da bodo udeleženke kaj dobrega sklenile. Želeti bi bilio, da bi članice v večjem številu prihajale na seje in da ne bi skoro vsaka imela kakšen izgovor. Pozdravljam vse članice in vas vabim na sejo in piknik. Mary Mihelich, predsednica Št. 84, New York, N. Y. — Članicam naznanjam, da imamo novo tajnico in blagajničarko, oba urada skupaj, in to važno delo je prevzela Anna Kepic, 6773 08 ltd., Brook- lyn, 11227, New York. Prosim vas lepo, da njej plačujete In tiste, ki dolgujete, da bi čimprej poravnale, ker ji lahko pošljete po pošti. Važno je, da imamo poslovanje in knjige v redu in vaše sodelovanje bo s prijaznostjo sprejeto. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam ter srečno potovanje vsem, ki se boste podale v staro domovino ali pa šle na počitnice od doma. Angela Voje, predsednica Št. 99, Elmhurst, III. — Zopet poročam žalostno novico, da smo od naše podružnice izgubile dobro članico. Frances Lisjak, ki nas je dne 29. a-prila tega leta zapustila za vedno po dolgi bolezni. Za blago pokojnico žalujejo dve hčerke in eden sin ter šest vnukov. Naj bo dobri sestri lahka ameriška gruda. Vsem preostalim sorodnikom izrekam globoko sožalje. Vsem članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Pozdravljam vse članice. Thresa Krkoch, Melrose Park, 111. Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. — V maju nismo imele seje,, ker smo praznovale Materinski dan. Imeli smo se prav dobro, ker so naše pridne čebelice nanesle vsega v obilju. Imele smo pot. luck dinner. To je bilo več kot na ženitnini. Tudi kuhanih štrukljev ni manjkalo. Pripravila jih je sestra Sušel, kot zna samo ona. Torej livala vsem in za vse. Ne bom mogla vseh imenovati, ker to bi vzelo preveč prostora. Po večerji smo se zabavale s priljubljenimi igrami, vmes smo pa tudi zapele in da se niso naša grla preveč posušila, smo jih zalivale z zlato kapljico, katero je darovala sestra Elizabeth Parkel. Hvala Lizabet. O-na je oskrbnica ali manager tukajšnjega slovenskega zavetišča (Rest Home), l