D. KOCÁB et al.: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE ... 657–665 EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE CURING ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ITS ELASTIC MODULUS OVER TIME EKSPERIMENTALNA ANALIZA VPLIVA UTRJEVANJA BETONA NA RAZVOJ MODULA ELASTI^NOSTI V DALJ[EM ^ASOVNEM OBDOBJU Dalibor Kocáb, Monika Králíková, Petr Cikrle, Petr Misák, Barbara Kucharczyková Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveøí 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic kralikova.m@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-08-08; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-12-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.248 The modulus of elasticity is one of the most important properties of concrete, especially during structural analyses of buildings. It is, among others, an important parameter in the calculation of the concrete-element deflection or during the design of pre- or post-tensioned structures. The modulus of elasticity is not a specific number. It is a property with a high variability of the final values, which depend on the concrete composition (together with other factors). Some of the significant factors, which influence the final value of the elastic modulus of concrete, are also the means and quality of its curing, especially at the early stage of its setting and hardening. Apart from maintaining the temperature within the correct limits, it is important to focus on the moisture content of concrete while it is being cured. The purpose of the experiment described herein was to determine the development of the dynamic as well as static modulus of elasticity for structural concrete while using different curing methods. The experiment used four series of beam specimens with nominal dimensions of 100 × 100 × 400 mm made from air-entrained and non-air-en- trained concretes of the C 30/37 strength class. A half of the specimens in each series aged in laboratory conditions and the other half was stored under water. Based on the evaluation of the experimental measurements, it can be said that the manner of storage has a significant influence on the development and final values of the static and dynamic modulus of elasticity. Keywords: concrete, curing, modulus of elasticity, compressive strength Ena od najpomembnej{ih lastnosti betona je modul elasti~nosti. Njegovo poznavanje je {e posebej pomembno za strukturno analizo stavb. To je, med drugim, pomemben parameter pri izra~unu deformacij betonskih elementov pred ali med oblikovanjem prednapetih struktur. Modul elasti~nosti ni specifi~na {tevilka; je lastnost z zelo razli~nimi kon~nimi vrednostmi, ki so odvisne od sestave betona (skupaj z drugimi dejavniki). Pogoji njegovega utrjevanja so zelo pomembni. Vplivajo na kon~no velikost elasti~nega modula betona, zlasti v zgodnji (za~etni) fazi utrjevanja. Razen ohranjanja temperature v pravilnih mejah, se je pomembno osredoto~iti na vsebnost vlage v betonu, medtem, ko se le-ta utrjuje. Namen opisanega preizkusa je bil dolo~iti tako razvoj dinami~nega kot tudi stati~nega modula elasti~nosti konstrukcijskega betona, z uporabo razli~nih metod utrjevanja. V preizkusu so bile uporabljene {tiri serije preizku{ancev v obliki nosilcev z nazivnimi dimenzijami 100 mm × 100 mm × 400 mm, izdelanih iz zra~no tretiranih in netretiranih betonov iz trdnostnega razreda C 30/37 (N/mm2). Polovica vzorcev v vsaki seriji je bila starana v laboratorijskih pogojih, druga polovica pa je bila shranjena v vodi. Na podlagi vrednotenja eksperi- mentalnih meritev, lahko re~emo, da na~in shranjevanja pomembno vpliva na razvoj in kon~ne vrednosti stati~nega in dinami~nega modula elasti~nosti. Klju~ne besede: beton, utjevanje, modul elasti~nosti, tla~na trdnost 1 INTRODUCTION The recent development in civil engineering has been the cause of concrete being subject to far stricter require- ments than several decades ago.1,2 The compressive strength is no longer the single governing parameter in the design of concrete structures. Attention is paid to other properties, which affect mainly the deformation of the structural element in question and the knowledge of their real values is more frequently sought and required. Next to the very frequently discussed durability,3,4 these properties include mainly deformation properties, among which the most important is considered to be the modulus of elasticity.5–8 The modulus of elasticity is one of the most important physical properties, which charac- terise a material. This applies to concrete as well, especially when it comes to the structural calculations of the structures sensitive to deformation.6,7,9 The development of new kinds of concrete, such as self-compacting concrete (SCC), high-strength concrete (HSC), ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) or freshly compressed concrete (FCC) pushes the boun- daries of their material characteristics and properties and thus also their usability in civil engineering.10–13 The compressive strength can be significantly improved with a simple addition of state-of-the-art admixtures and additives; however, an improvement in the modulus of elasticity is much harder to guarantee. This fact is visible in a very interesting comparison of the relationship between the compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity as proposed by EC214 and the relationships described in other sources.2 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 657–665 657 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 620.16:666.97.035:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(4)657(2017) The concrete modulus of elasticity is not a con- stant15–18; on the contrary, it is a property with a result variability, which depends mainly on the composition of the concrete in question. The resulting value of the elastic modulus is influenced mainly by the type, frac- tion and amount of coarse aggregate, while a decisive factor is often the ratio of the coarse aggregate to the total volume of cement paste. The value is also affected by the type of admixtures, especially the air-entraining ones, their content or the resulting w/c ratio.5,9,16,19 The curing of concrete, especially during the setting and early hardening, is another significant factor. Apart from maintaining the correct thermal conditions during the concrete manufacture, placement and curing, it is also necessary to pay attention to the moisture conditions after the concrete has been placed and while it ages.20,21 Especially during placements at high ambient tempe- ratures, it is necessary to cure the concrete carefully for the first few hours or even days in order to prevent rapid water evaporation from the concrete’s surface, which can result in the formation of microcracks not only on the surface but anywhere inside it as well. A lack of water, especially at an early age, has a criti- cal impact on the overall advancement of hydration, which is further reflected in rapid shrinkage; this is typically the first cause of the microcracks forming inside of a concrete element’s structure.22,23 These micro- cracks further influence the development of physico-me- chanical properties of the concrete throughout its ageing and can greatly affect the durability of the whole con- crete structure. It was demonstrated that curing time (not only the curing method) also substantially influences the resulting values of the concrete’s material properties.24,25 The composition, the water content, the curing method and the time are interlinked throughout the whole dura- tion of the concrete ageing and can be considered as influential factors, which affect the final value of its modulus of elasticity.21 Another aspect, which is reflected in the final value of the modulus of elasticity, is the choice of the test method for its determination. The methods commonly used in civil engineering are the dynamic ones, e.g., the ultrasonic-pulse velocity test, resonance or impact-echo method6,26, and the static methods, such as the compres- sive-strength test, flexural-strength test or modified-com- pact-tension test (MCT).15,27–29 The result of the dynamic tests is the initial tangent modulus of elasticity16 and it reaches higher values than the elastic modulus obtained with the static tests. The fact of the matter is that during static tests, the loading and unloading reduce the sub- sequent creep, which causes a change in the steepness of the stress-strain curve. The static modulus of elasticity is thus often called the secant and its values are lower.16 The resulting values of the modulus of elasticity ob- tained by means of each of the dynamic methods are not identical and this fact applies to the values obtained with the static methods as well. Apart from the choice of method, the final result is also influenced by the shape and slenderness ratio of the specimen used (beam9 vs. cylinder15) or its size.6 The issue of the modulus of elas- ticity of concrete is, therefore, still open and topical. One of the key factors described above is the method of curing after concrete has been placed in a formwork. Not only the method and quality of curing have an effect, the curing time does as well. The longer and more inten- sively concrete is cured, the higher is the chance of im- provement in its properties, including the modulus of elasticity. For this reason, the authors of this paper fo- cused on a detailed analysis of the influences the method and time of concrete curing have on its modulus of elas- ticity. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The purpose of the experiment described herein was to determine the development of the elastic modulus of concrete (this particular one was designed for the con- struction of bridges) cured under different conditions. Half of the specimens were immersed in water and the other half was stored in standard laboratory conditions with no direct contact with liquid water. The goal was to analyse the influence of the method and the time of curing on the development of the concrete’s elastic mo- dulus and its final value. Apart from the static modulus of elasticity, the concrete was tested for the dynamic mo- dulus as well. Two non-destructive methods were used for this purpose. 2.1 Test method The experiment used the ultrasonic-pulse velocity test and the resonance method for the determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity. The static modulus of elasticity was determined by means of subjecting the specimens to a cyclic compressive stress. 2.1.1 Ultrasonic-pulse velocity test The principle of the ultrasonic-pulse velocity test is the repeated releasing of ultrasonic impulses into the sample and measuring the time T required for them to travel through, which is then used for determining the velocity of ultrasonic-wave propagation vL through the concrete. This velocity is, to some extent, a matter of consensus as the real distance the ultrasonic-pulse travels is not precisely known (i.e., the velocity is calculated with the measured time and the length of a specimen). In the end, the dynamic modulus of elasticity is calculated using Equation (1): E D v kcu L = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ −2 2 61 10 (1) where Ecu is the dynamic modulus of elasticity in MPa, D is the material’s bulk density in kg/m3, vL is the ultra- sonic-pulse velocity in m/s and k is the dimensionality coefficient. D. KOCÁB et al.: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE ... 658 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 657–665 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS The dimensionality coefficient k equals 1 for a one- dimensional environment and in the cases of two- and three-dimensional environments, it depends on the value of Poisson’s ratio μ, which can be determined by means of the resonance method (as was done in the experiment described here). The velocity of the ultrasonic-wave propagation was measured using 82 kHz transducers. The time, for which the ultrasonic pulse travelled through each specimen was measured longitudinally in three positions, as illustrated by Figure 1. The ultrasonic-wave velocity was calcu- lated for each position and the average of the results was used as the velocity vL in the calculation of the elastic modulus according to Equation (1). High-plasticity mod- elling clay was used to ensure a sufficient acoustic coupling between the transducers and the specimens. Prior to the measurement of each specimen, the testing instrument was calibrated using a calibration rod. 2.1.2 Resonance method Every solid object vibrates upon a mechanical im- pulse, which can manifest itself in several ways. The dynamic material properties of a body with regular geometry are evaluated using the natural frequencies of longitudinal vibration fL, flexural vibration ff and tor- sional vibration ft. Using the measured natural freq- uencies, the dynamic moduli of elasticity EcrL of the material under tension and compression (longitudinal vibration) can be calculated according to Equation (2): E L f DcrL L= ⋅ ⋅4 2 2 (2) where EcrL is the dynamic compressive modulus of elas- ticity in MPa, L is the specimen length in m, fL is the natural frequency of longitudinal vibration in kHz and D is the material’s bulk density in kg/m3, while Ecrf (from flexural vibration) is obtained using Equation (3): E c L f D icrf f = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅0 0789 1 1 4 2 2. (3) where Ecrf is the dynamic compressive modulus of elas- ticity in MPa, c1 is the correction coefficient, L is the specimen length in m, ff is the natural frequency of flexural vibration in kHz, D is the material’s bulk density in kg/m3 and i is the cross-sectional radius of gyration of a specimen in m. Each specimen was placed onto a soft pad and vi- brated by a mechanical impulse produced by an impact hammer as seen in Figure 2. The natural frequencies of longitudinal fL, flexural ff and torsional vibration ft were determined by means of an oscilloscope with an acoustic emission (AE) sensor. 2.1.3 Method for the static modulus of elasticity The principle of the test for determining the static modulus of elasticity is cyclic loading of a specimen while recording its longitudinal deformation. The speci- men is first stressed with 0.5 MPa, after which the load is gradually increased to one third of the expected value of the compressive strength. The relative deformation at the corresponding stress is recorded and the modulus of elas- ticity is calculated with Equation (4): Ec a b a b = = − −     (4) where Ec is the static compressive modulus of elasticity in MPa, a is the upper loading stress in MPa, i.e., 1/3·fc, b is the basic loading stress in MPa, i.e., 0.5 MPa, a is the average deformation at the upper loading stress and b is the average deformation at the basic loading stress. In this experiment, the relative deformation was cal- culated from the deformations measured using mechani- cal strain gauges of 200 mm in length. Each specimen was always loaded with two preloading cycles and one reloading cycle, from which the value of the static mo- dulus of elasticity was calculated using Equation (4). The expected 28- and 90-day compressive strengths of the specimens were determined from their cube com- pressive strength and from the measured dynamic properties. At the ages of 365 d and 730 d, the expected beam compressive strength of the concrete was deter- mined only from the measured values of the dynamic moduli of elasticity. After the test of the static modulus of elasticity Ec, the 28-day beam strength of one specimen was deter- mined in order to verify the chosen upper loading stress a. The remaining specimens were left for the tests of the elastic moduli carried out at later ages. The same procedure was also performed at the ages of 90 d and 365 d. Thus, the static modulus of elasticity was per- D. KOCÁB et al.: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 657–665 659 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Diagram of the test arrangement for determining the reso- nance (natural) frequencies of a specimen; IH (impact hammer) indi- cates the place of the mechanical impulse, S is the position of the AE sensor, L is the measurement of longitudinal vibration, f is the mea- surement of flexural vibration and t is the measurement of torsional vibration Figure 1: Diagram showing the arrangement for the test determining the time of the ultrasonic-wave passage through a specimen; the ar- rows indicate the positions, at which the measurement was performed; R is the receiver, T is the transmitter formed repeatedly with some of the specimens at diffe- rent ages. However, it must be noted that the test beam was always loaded only up to 1/3 of its maximum compressive strength and thus Ec was only tested in terms of elastic deformations. The total maximum num- ber of the loading cycles per specimen was 12. This is a low number and with the multiple means of loading, it does not influence the final value of the static modulus of elasticity.16 2.2 Material Four series of beam- and cube-shaped specimens were made for the experiment. The dimensions of the beams were 100 × 100 × 400 mm and the cubes were 150 mm in size. All the specimens were made from a concrete of the C 30/37 strength class taken from the agitator trucks present at the construction site of the bridge on Hradecká Street in Brno (Czech Republic). Table 1 lists the concretes used for making each series, their production dates and the parts of the bridge being built when the samples were taken. Table 1: Specimens, type of concrete, production date Series Concreteformula Concrete ID Concrete type Date of casting Part of bridge 1 A A air-en-trained 17 March 2009 abutment 2 B B air-en-trained 1 May 2009 deck beams 3 C C-1 not air-en-trained 23 May 2009 deck slab (span 1) 4 C C-2 not air-en-trained 30 May 2009 deck slab (span 2) Table 2: Concrete compositions Component kg / 1 m3 of FC Concrete A Concrete B Concrete C Cement CEM I 42.5 R (Mokrá) 400 400 400 Aggregate 0–4 mm (Ledce) 700 700 700 Aggregate 8–16 mm (Olbramovice) 669 669 669 Aggregate 11–22 mm (Lomni~ka) 284 284 284 Water 172 172 172 Air-entraining admixture (Sika Aer200) 0.60 0.30 - Plasticiser (Sika ViscoCrete 5-800 multimix) 2.40 2.40 2.40 The first series of the specimens was made during the construction of the bridge abutment. The second series was made during the casting of deck beams, the third specimen series was made when the deck slab of the bridge’s span 1 was being cast and the fourth series of the specimens was made during the casting of the deck slab of span 2. Table 2 shows the composition of each concrete. Concrete A was taken from two agitator trucks; all the other concretes were sampled from three trucks. Fresh-concrete (FC) properties were always determined prior to the moulding of the specimens; their values are shown in Table 3. Table 3: Fresh-concrete properties (the air content was not determined for concrete C as it was not air-entrained) Concrete Agitatortruck Slump test (mm) Air content (%) Bulk density (kg/m3) A 1 130 4.5 2 240 2 120 4.2 2 270 B 1 120 3.7 2 290 2 120 4.1 2 280 3 110 3.3 2 320 C-1 1 140 - 2 330 2 140 - 2 320 3 110 - 2 340 C-2 1 160 - 2 330 2 150 - 2 340 3 150 - 2 330 Table 4: Division of the test beams from individual agitator trucks (mixes) into test sets Concrete A Concrete B Concrete C-1 Concrete C-2 Speci- men Mix Speci- men Mix Speci- men Mix Speci- men Mix A/N1 1 B/N1 1 C-1/N1 1 C-2/N1 1 A/N2 1 B/N2 2 C-1/N2 2 C-2/N2 2 A/N3 2 B/N3 3 C-1/N3 3 C-2/N3 3 A/N4 1 B/N4 1 C-1/N4 1 C-2/N4 1 A/N5 1 B/N5 2 C-1/N5 2 C-2/N5 2 A/N6 2 B/N6 3 C-1/N6 3 C-2/N6 2 A/S1 1 B/S1 1 C-1/S1 1 C-2/S1 1 A/S2 1 B/S2 2 C-1/S2 2 C-2/S2 2 A/S3 2 B/S3 3 C-1/S3 3 C-2/S3 3 A/S4 1 B/S4 1 C-1/S4 1 C-2/S4 1 A/S5 1 B/S5 2 C-1/S5 2 C-2/S5 2 A/S6 2 B/S6 3 C-1/S6 3 C-2/S6 2 All the specimens from each construction day were placed onto a flat surface at the construction site, covered with moist geotextile, sprinkled with water and then cov- ered with PE foil to prevent drying. After three days of curing, the current batch of the specimen was transported to the laboratory at the Institute of Building Testing at the BUT Faculty of Civil Engineering where they were demoulded. The beams of each series were then divided into two groups of six. The specimens from the first group were marked as N1–N6 and were immersed in wa- ter. The beam specimens from the second group were marked as S1–S6 and were stored in a normal laboratory environment with no additional water curing. The speci- mens with the N identification (stored in water at 20±3 °C) represented the concrete that was being cured for the entire period. The specimens bearing the S identi- fication (stored in normal laboratory conditions, at an ambient temperature of 20±3 °C, a relative humidity of 50±10 %) represented the concrete, the curing of which D. KOCÁB et al.: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE ... 660 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 657–665 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS ended three days after it was cast. The assumption was that the way the specimens were stored at the construc- tion site during the first three days was to simulate the concrete being thoroughly cured in the structure. The specimens made from the samples taken from each agita- tor truck were uniformly divided into individual sets (Ta- ble 4). Apart from the beams, 150-mm cube specimens were also made for the purposes of determining the concretes’ compressive strengths. Similarly to the beams, the cubes from each concrete were divided into two groups – N (cured under water) and S (uncured). The compressive strength was determined at the ages of 28 d and 90 d; Ta- ble 5 shows the results. Table 5: Cube compressive strength at the age of 28 d and 90 d in MPa; each value represents the average of three specimens Age 28 days 90 days Concrete Curing Averagevalue Sample’s standard deviation Average value Sample’s standard deviation A N 41.0 0.57 45.6 0.25 S 41.5 2.06 41.2 2.55 B N 46.4 3.12 48.1 8.70 S 50.3 1.68 52.0 4.16 C-1 N 51.7 3.44 60.5 1.56 S 52.4 1.55 57.7 2.19 C-2 N 49.2 3.80 58.1 1.26 S 50.5 0.55 54.2 3.59 The dynamic modulus of elasticity of the beams in every series was determined by means of the ultra- sonic-pulse velocity test (Ecu) as well as the resonance test (ErcL from the natural frequency of the longitudinal vibration and Ercf from the natural frequency of the flex- ural vibration) at the ages of (3, 7, 28, 90, 365 and 730) d. The beams were also tested for the value of their static compressive modulus of elasticity Ec at the ages of (28, 90, 365 and 730) d. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The dynamic modulus of elasticity of the 3-day-old concrete of all the series was tested after demoulding, i.e., before placing specimens N1–N6 in water and be- fore placing specimens S1–S6 under laboratory condi- tions with no contact with liquid water. For this reason, the values of both sets (N and S) of all the series are al- most identical. However, four days later, i.e., at the age of 7 d, a positive influence of curing the concrete under water is clearly visible. The dynamic modulus of elas- ticity for the cured sets N increased more rapidly com- pared to the uncured sets S. The concretes stored in laboratory conditions were not protected against drying in any way. In fact, massive water evaporation was permitted by the design. A drop in the relative humidity in the concrete pore structure influences cement hydr- ation30 and simultaneously affects the mechanical D. KOCÁB et al.: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 657–665 661 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Diagram of the progress of the average values of elastic moduli for concrete B; the error bars indicate sample standard devia- tions; a) set of cured specimens N; b) set of uncured specimens S Figure 3: Diagram of the progress of the average values of elastic moduli for concrete A; the error bars indicate sample standard devia- tions; a) set of cured specimens N; b) set of uncured specimens S properties of the concrete body.20 This explains different increases in the dynamic elastic moduli of the cured and uncured concretes. The trend is clearly visible on all the concretes before the age of 28 d. The concrete stored in water saw a substantially steeper increase in the observed dynamic properties as opposed to the concrete stored in the air; Figures 3–6. Apart from the dynamic moduli of elasticity Ecu, EcrL and Ecrf, the static modulus of elasticity Ec was also determined at the age of 28 d. The cured concrete of all the series reached higher values of the static modulus of elasticity than the uncured concrete. However, the dif- ferences between the average values of 28-day elastic moduli of the individual test sets are not particularly significant. The influence of curing was of the greatest magnitude for the air-entrained concrete A, where the difference between the values of the static elastic modulus of the cured and uncured concrete was 12.8 %; Table 6. The data was compared and the conclusions were drawn using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of 0.05. There is a very interesting difference in the behaviour of the cured and uncured concretes at the age of 28 d and 90 d. While the concrete stored under water still shows an increase in the dynamic and static modulus of elastic- ity, the case of the uncured concrete is different. The av- erage 28-day values of both the static and dynamic modulus of elasticity of the uncured concrete begin to stagnate and subsequently even decrease. At the age of 90 d, the dynamic values of the uncured concrete S dropped approximately to the values of the 7-day uncured concrete of all the series. Comparing the results of the 90-day dynamic elastic moduli of uncured con- crete S with the results for cured concrete N at the age of 7 d, the values of concrete S are lower for all the series (Table 6). The fact that the uncured concrete S saw no continu- ous increase in the observed properties (in comparison with cured concrete N) can be explained with the lack of water necessary for the cement to fully hydrate.20,30 The rapid water evaporation from the surface of the concrete specimens affects the progress and the magnitude of concrete shrinkage. The stress created as a result of volume changes in the concrete at its early age can lead to the appearance of microscopic defects in the internal structure of the concrete, which further affects the devel- opment of its mechanical properties. A similar stagnation in the material properties of the uncured concrete com- pared with a cured one was also published by the authors of papers24,25, where the parameter observed was the compressive strength. Insufficient concrete curing was also reflected in the final values of the elastic modulus at the later ages of the concrete. The dynamic moduli of elasticity of uncured concrete S at the ages of 365 d and 730 d reach lower values than those determined for the same concrete at the age 3 d D. KOCÁB et al.: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE ... 662 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 657–665 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 6: Diagram of the progress of the average values of elastic moduli for concrete C-2; the error bars indicate sample standard devi- ations; a) set of cured specimens N; b) set of uncured specimens S Figure 5: Diagram of the progress of the average values of elastic moduli for concrete C-1; the error bars indicate sample standard devi- ations; a) set of cured specimens N; b) set of uncured specimens S (Table 6). The only exception is concrete C-2, for which these values are at the same level. The reason for this decrease is probably a change in the internal structure of the concrete manifesting itself as micro-defects. It was found that concrete drying causes its shrinkage, due to which microcracks and microscopic defects form in its internal structure.31 These microcracks further change the mechanical properties of the concrete and damage its quality, modulus of elasticity and durability.31–33 The issue of removing concrete from direct contact with liquid water and the magnitude of shrinkage caused by doing this are documented in references22,23,31,34. The difference in the behaviour of the cured and uncured concrete is better and more conclusively reflected in the results of dynamic tests, which react to damage to the in- ternal structure with a much greater sensitivity than static compressive tests. Table 6 shows the differences bet- ween the average values of both static and dynamic moduli of elasticity; it shows the difference, in percent, between the elastic moduli of cured concrete N and uncured concrete S at the ages of 28 d and 730 d. The dynamic elastic moduli determined by means of the ultrasonic-pulse velocity test (Ecu) showed results similar to those obtained with the resonance method (EcrL and Ecrf); (Figures 3–6). Thus, the modulus of elasticity measured with the ultrasonic-pulse velocity test (Ecu) was chosen to represent the dynamic elastic moduli for the overall evaluation of the behaviour of cured and un- cured concretes as shown in Table 6. Figure 7 displays a diagram constructed from the data. For the sake of clar- ity, the diagram includes only two series of specimens – the air-entrained concrete of series 1 (concrete A) and the non-air-entrained concrete of series 4 (concrete C-2). Concerning the air-entrained concretes A and B, the differences between the 730-day dynamic moduli of elasticity Ecu for the cured and uncured concretes are 36.5 % and 30.9 %. The differences between the static moduli of elasticity Ec are 30.5 % and 24.9 %. The non- air-entrained concrete C again shows a greater difference in the dynamic modulus of elasticity at the age of 730 d (26.7 % and 29.0 %), compared with the static modulus of elasticity (19.9 and 19.8 %). In summary, the air-en- trained concretes saw a greater decrease in the observed parameters. 4 CONCLUSIONS The experiment results show a positive influence, which the curing method has on the concrete’s resulting modulus of elasticity. The concrete cured under water D. KOCÁB et al.: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF CONCRETE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 657–665 663 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Table 6: Average values of the static modulus of elasticity Ec and the dynamic modulus of elasticity Ecu determined by means of the ultrasonic-pulse velocity test; at the ages of 28 d and 730 d, a percentage difference between the elastic moduli of the cured and uncured concrete is calculated Concrete Type of elastic modulus Set Age (days) Difference at the age of 28 d (%) Difference at the age of 730 d (%)3 7 28 90 365 730 A Ec N - - 25 800 28 400 29 600 29 500 12.8 30.5 S - - 22 500 22 200 20 200 20 500 Ecu N 25 700 30 800 35 300 36 400 37 600 37 800 16.7 36.5 S 25 600 28 000 29 400 27 500 24 400 24 000 B Ec N - - 29 200 29 700 33 000 33 700 2.4 24.9 S - - 28 500 27 200 25 100 25 300 Ecu N 30 800 34 700 37 700 40 100 41 400 42 100 9.5 30.9 S 32 400 33 500 34 100 33 000 28 900 29 100 C-1 Ec N - - 31 200 33 000 34 600 35 100 4.5 19.9 S - - 29 800 29 200 28 600 28 100 Ecu N 33 900 37 200 40 000 42 300 43 300 43 400 14.3 26.7 S 33 100 33 800 34 300 34 000 32 300 31 800 C-2 Ec N - - 30 600 33 300 35 300 35 300 5.9 19.8 S - - 28 800 28 800 28 300 28 300 Ecu N 31 900 36 700 40 700 43 400 44 700 45 500 13.8 29.0 S 32 100 34 200 35 100 35 200 32 300 32 300 Figure 7: Diagram showing the influence of concrete curing on its dy- namic modulus of elasticity Ecu including the difference between the resulting values sees an increase in the value of both dynamic and static modulus of elasticity over time. This trend continues at much later ages as well (an age of 90 d or more). On the other hand, the modulus of elasticity of the uncured con- crete exposed to air demonstrably increases only during the first 28 d and reaches lower values than the concrete that was water cured. Between the ages of 28 d and 90 d, the dynamic modulus of elasticity of the uncured con- crete stagnates and begins to decrease. It was found that the value of the static modulus of elasticity of the un- cured concrete determined at the age of 730 d was lower than the value measured at the age of 28 d. In fact, the 730-day value of the dynamic modulus of elasticity of the uncured concrete was lower than the value measured at the age of 3 d. The decrease in the properties of the uncured concrete was significant. All the series of the tested concretes exhibited a similar trend in the develop- ment of the values of the elastic modulus over time for the cured as well as uncured concrete. 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