UDK 621.74.047:519.61/.64 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni članek ISSN 1580-2949 MTAEC9, 47(6)807(2013) PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELLING OF A NON-STATIONARY STEEL FLOW THROUGH A SUBENTRY SHROUD WITH AN INNER METERING NOZZLE FIZIKALNO IN NUMERIČNO MODELIRANJE NESTACIONARNEGA TOKA JEKLA SKOZI POTOPLJEN IZLIVEK Z NOTRANJO ŠOBO Karel Michalek1, Marketa Tkadleckova1, Karel Gryc1, Jiri Cupek2, Michal Macura3 iVSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Foundry and Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre, Ostrava, Czech Republic 2Tiinecke Zelezarny, Inc., Tiinec, Czech Republic 3Vesuvius Česka republika, a.s., Tiinec, Czech Republic karel.michalek@vsb.cz Prejem rokopisa — received: 2013-04-02; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2013-05-23 The paper presents new knowledge about physical and numerical modelling of a non-stationary steel flow into a mould through a subentry shroud with an inner, pressed metering nozzle. The physical and numerical modelling was realized under the conditions of the Department of Metallurgy and Foundry at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. A special type of the subentry shroud is used during continuous casting of steel in Tiinecke zelezarny, a.s. During continuous casting of steel, two unfavourable phenomena were observed. In the first case, it was not possible to increase the casting speed, though the diameter of the metering nozzle was extended. In the second case, a fluctuation of the casting speed among individual casting strands was detected. These two problems did not allow an improvement of the performance of the casting machine. Therefore, the physical and numerical modelling was performed. Attention was focused on the verification of the effect of the inner diameter of the nozzle body and internal diameter of the metering nozzle on the resulting volume flow rates. Four diameters of the metering nozzle - (16; 17; 17.5; 18) mm - were tested. The physical modelling was done on a 1 : 1 model constructed from Plexiglas. The numerical modelling was realized in the ANSYS FLUENT software. On the basis of the results of the modelling study and in cooperation with the VESUVIUS company, a new type of the profile of the subentry shroud with a metering nozzle was designed. The first experimental results in the steel plant led to an increase in the productivity of the continuous-casting machine. Keywords: steel, continuous-casting machine, subentry shroud, metering nozzle, physical and numerical modelling Članek predstavlja novo znanje o fizikalnem in numeričnem modeliranju nestacionarnega toka jekla v kokilo skozi potopljen izlivek z notranjo šobo. Fizikalno in numerično modeliranje je bilo izvršeno v Oddelku za metalurgijo in livarstvo na VSB Tehniški univerzi, Ostrava. V Tiinecke zelezarny, a. s., se uporabljajo posebne izvedbe potopljenih izlivkov med kontinuirnim ulivanjem jekla. Pri tem sta bila opažena dva neželena pojava. Pri prvem ni bilo mogoče povečati hitrosti litja, čeprav je bil povečan premer notranjega izlivka, pri drugem pa je bilo opaženo spreminjanje hitrosti litja med posameznimi žilami. Ta dva pojava nista omogočila izboljšanja zmogljivosti livne naprave. Zato je bilo izvršeno fizikalno in numericno modeliranje. Pozornost je bila usmerjena na preverjanje vpliva notranjega premera telesa izlivka in notranjega premera izlivne šobe na stopnje pretoka. Preizkušeni so bili štirje premeri (16; 17; 17,5 in 18) mm notranjega izlivka. Fizikalni model je bil izdelan na modelu 1:1, izdelanem iz pleksi stekla. Numerični model je bil izdelan s programsko opremo ANSYS FLUENT. Na osnovi rezultatov in s sodelovanjem podjetja VESUVIUS je bila konstruirana nova vrsta potopnega izlivka z notranjo izlivno šobo. Prvi preizkusi v jeklarni so omogočili povečanje produktivnosti naprave za kontinuirno ulivanje. Ključne besede: jeklo, naprava za kontinuirno ulivanje, potopni izlivek, izlivna šoba, fizikalno in numerično modeliranje 1 INTRODUCTION A special type of the subentry shroud with an inner, pressed metering nozzle is used during continuous casting of steel on the CCM No.2 in Trinecke zelezarny, a.s. (TZ, a.s.). A metering nozzle serves here as a stabilizing element adjusting the volume flow rate of the steel. However, while using this type of the nozzle two adverse effects were observed: 1) It was not possible to increase the casting speed when increasing the diameter of the metering nozzle. 2) Fluctuations of the casting speed in individual casting streams were detected. Both of these factors eliminated the possibility of increasing the performance of the entire casting machine. Due to a long-term mutual cooperation, the TZ, a. s., team contacted the research team at the Department of Metallurgy and Foundry at VSB-TU Ostrava, which has extensive experience in the optimization of metallurgical processes using modelling methods.1-4 The sophisticated methodology of the experiments and a well-selected system of physical and numerical modelling results, transformed into the operational experience with verified use of the similarity theory, provide an opportunity to address the other fundamental technological problems.5-7 Physical and numerical modelling was used to study the behaviour of a steel flow through an inner metering nozzle. Its goal was to assess the behaviour of the steel flow through the nozzle, analyse its causes and propose solutions in the form of a new geometry of the inner, pressed metering nozzle of the subentry shroud. The parameters such as the influences of the inner diameter of the body of the subentry shroud and the inner diameter of the metering nozzle on the resulting volume flow rates at a constant hydrostatic (ferrostatic) height above the subentry shroud (a constant steel height in the tundish) were tested. The efforts were aimed at finding the limiting factor that restricts the increase in the rate of the steel flow through the subentry shroud even when the diameter of the inner metering nozzle is increased. 2 ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM Fluctuations of the casting speed during the casting of steel on the CCM No. 2, equipped with the shrouds with inner metering nozzles, are perfectly evident from Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the casting speed on individual casting strands (CS) during a sequence of heats cast using the subentry shrouds equipped with inner metering nozzles. See Figure 2 for an example of the behaviour of the casting speed at a constant steel weight in the tundish. The following was determined: • When using the subentry shrouds equipped with metering nozzles, the variability of the casting speed is much greater than when regulating it with the stopper rods only. • The casting speed (or the steel flow through the nozzle) is slightly dependent on the weight of the steel in the tundish (or on the steel height in the tundish) - Figure 1. • Despite the nearly constant weight of the steel in the tundish, the casting speed increased in some cases -Figure 2. —casting_speed_CS_No.l —casting_speed_CS_No.3 —casting_speed_CS_No.5 —casting_speed_CS_No.7 weight of steel in tundish A —casting_speed_CS_No.2 —casting_speed_CS_No.4 —casting_speed_CS_No.6 —casting_speed_CS_No.8 —weight of steel in tundish B