M. POHANKA, H. VOTAVOVÁ: OVERCOOLING IN OVERLAP AREAS DURING HYDRAULIC DESCALING 575–578 OVERCOOLING IN OVERLAP AREAS DURING HYDRAULIC DESCALING PODHLADITEV IN PREKRIVANJE PODRO^IJ MED HIDRAVLI^NIM RAZ[KAJANJEM Michal Pohanka, Helena Votavová Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory, Technická 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic pohanka@fme.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-07-28 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.164 The production and processing of high-quality grades of steel are connected with the oxidation at high temperatures. Unwanted scales are formed on the steel surface, which is usually heated to over 900 °C. These scales are often removed by hydraulic descaling during the production. In most cases where long, flat products are produced, one row of descaling nozzles is used. As these flat jet nozzles are arranged in a row, the water spray from one nozzle interferes with the spray from the neighboring nozzles. This zone is called an overlap area and often even more scales remain here after the descaling process. An increased amount of the scales left behind results in a lower quality of a final product. A typical configuration with an inclination and twist angle of 15° was studied. Heat-transfer coefficients (HTC) and surface temperatures were measured in the overlap area and compared with the values obtained from undisturbed areas. It was found that the overlap area is grossly overcooled. The results were compared with a new configuration, where the twist angle was changed to 0°, and it was found that the overcooling was significantly reduced. The temperature measurement showed that an increased thickness of the scales in the overlap area can also be caused by surface overcooling because the scales change the material properties with the temperature, and they are therefore more difficult to remove. The new configuration with the twist angle of 0° seems promising for improving the quality of hydraulic descaling. Keywords: scales, steel, water, hydraulic descaling, overlapping, temperature, heat-transfer coefficient, surface Proizvodnja in predelava visoko kvalitetnih jekel je povezana z oksidacijo pri visokih temperaturah. Neza`eljene {kaje nastajajo na povr{ini jekla, ki se ga obi~ajno segreva nad 900 °C. Te {kaje se med proizvodnjo pogosto odstranjujejo s hidravli~nim raz{kajanjem. V ve~ini primerov, ko se proizvaja dolge, plo{~ate proizvode, se uporablja ena vrsta raz{kajevalnih {ob. Ker so {obe s plo{~atim curkom razporejene v vrsti, vodni curek iz ene {obe vpliva na vodni curek sosednjih {ob. To podro~je se imenuje podro~je prekrivanja in pogosto na tem podro~ju ostane ve~ {kaje po od{kajanju. Pove~an dele` preostale {kaje pa povzro~a slab{o kvaliteto kon~nega proizvoda. Analizirana je bila zna~ilna postavitev z naklonom in kotom zasuka 15°. Na podro~ju prekrivanja je bil izmerjen koeficient prenosa toplote (HTC) in temperatura povr{ine ter primerjava s podatki iz neprizadetih podro~ij. Ugotovljeno je, da so podro~ja prekrivanja mo~no podhlajena. Rezultati so bili primerjani z novo konfi- guracijo, kjer je bil kot zasuka 0° in ugotovljeno je, da se je podhladitev mo~no zmanj{ala. Meritve temperature so pokazale, da je pove~ana debelina {kaje v podro~ju prekrivanja lahko tudi posledica podhladitve povr{ine, ker {kaja s temperaturo spreminja lastnosti materiala in se jo zato tudi te`je odstrani. Zdi se, da bo nova postavitev, s kotom zasuka 0°, omogo~ila izbolj{anje kvalitete hidravli~nega raz{kajanja. Klju~ne besede: {kaja, jeklo, voda, hidravlika, raz{kajanje, prekrivanje, temperatura, koeficient prenosa toplote, povr{ina 1 INTRODUCTION Hydraulic descaling (also called high-pressure water descaling) is a very common and effective way to remove unwanted scales on steel products before the hot-rolling process. However, this process is coupled with intense cooling.1,2 The intense cooling can also influence the final microstructure.3 J. W. Choi4 studied the correlation of the heat-transfer coefficient (HTC) with the impact pressure within a pressure range of 0.48–0.8 MPa and found the following relationship: h IP= × + ×( . . )44 265 73670 10 4 (1) where h is the convective HTC (Wm–2 K–1) and IP is the impact pressure (MPa). Published heat-transfer simulations assume a con- stant HTC across the width of a sprayed product.5,6 How- ever, high-pressure flat-jet descaling nozzles are arranged in one or more rows because the product to be descaled is usually wider than the spray width of a single nozzle, and a more intense cooling occurs in the areas where the surface is sprayed with the water from more than one nozzle.7,8 This area is called the overlap area as water streams from two adjacent nozzles, overlapping in the direction parallel to the product movement. The over- lap area is often problematic and it is the first place where more remaining scale can be found after descal- ing. This area is also overcooled. This paper focuses on overcooling in the overlap area for a typical descaling- nozzle configuration and compares the results with a new configuration. Measured surface-temperature inhomo- geneities are presented as well as convective HTCs in both the undisturbed and overlap areas. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 575–578 575 UDK 621.78:620.191.32:621.793/.795 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(4)575(2016) 2 MEASUREMENTS The main purpose of the experiments was to simulate real descaling conditions with more than one spray nozzle and to obtain boundary conditions for numerical simulations. The experiments were carried out on the experi- mental stand9 shown in Figure 1. An austenitic test plate of (320 × 300 × 25) mm was attached to a moving carriage and heated with an electric heater to over 900 °C. The feed-water pressure was adjusted and the heated test plate moved under the spray nozzles. The velocity of the movement was 0.5 m/s. The temperature history inside the test plate, the surface temperatures, and the infor- mation about the carriage position were recorded during the motion. The surface temperatures were measured using a Raytek RAYTMP501M line infrared scanner lo- cated 350 mm behind the spray nozzles. The tempe- ratures inside the test plate were measured with shielded ungrounded type-K thermocouples. The outer diameter of the shield was 0.52 mm. They were placed in the holes drilled parallel with the surface. The distance of the measurement points from the cooled surface was 0.6 mm. Three thermocouples were installed in the test plate as shown in Figure 2. The thermocouple pitch was 25 mm and the middle one was in the overlap area. The measured temperature history from each thermo- couple is an input to the inverse computation.10 Com- puted results are the time-dependent HTC and the surface temperature of the cooled side of a test plate. The computed HTC is matched with the position information. Two high-pressure descaling nozzles at a spray angle of 45° were used during the measurements. The water- flow rate for each nozzle was 58 L/min at 40 MPa. The spray height was 55 mm and the nozzle pitch was 43 mm. Two configurations were tested. The first one was with a 15° twist angle (Figure 3) and the second one was with a 0° twist angle (Figure 4). 3 RESULTS It was found that the overlap area is extremely over- cooled compared to the region cooled by only one spray nozzle. The computed maximum HTC rose from 21 kWm–2 K–1 to 37 kWm–2 K–1 in the overlap area for the 15° twist angle (Figure 5). The removed heat is even higher, by 99 %, at the T2 thermocouple position com- M. POHANKA, H. VOTAVOVÁ: OVERCOOLING IN OVERLAP AREAS DURING HYDRAULIC DESCALING 576 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 575–578 Figure 3: Visualization of the nozzle configuration with the 15° twist angle. The spray width of each nozzle is 47 mm and the overlap is 4 mm. The arrow indicates the plate movement direction. Slika 3: Prikaz postavitve {ob s kotom zasuka 15°. [irina curka je 47 mm pri eni {obi in prekrivanje je 4 mm. Pu{~ica ka`e smer gibanja plo{~e. Figure 2: Thermocouple positions for HTC measurements Slika 2: Polo`aji termoelementov pri HTC meritvah Figure 1: Experimental stand used for experiments Slika 1: Stojalo uporabljeno pri preizkusih pared to thermocouple positions T1 and T3. It is also clear that the HTC for T1 is not aligned with the HTC for T3. This is because T1 and T2 are not exactly under the spray nozzles (Figure 2) and a non-zero twist angle is used. T1 first passes through the spray on the left, from the left spray nozzle (see the 3D view on Figure 3) and T3 later passes on the right, through the spray from the right nozzle. The HTC peak is much wider for T2. This is because it passes through two sprays from both nozzles in the overlap area. We should see two peaks in the HTC curve but, due to the limitation of the sequential inverse method for computing the HTC from the tempe- ratures measured inside the test plate, the HTC curve is smoothed and these two peaks merge into one peak. The computed HTC curves for the 0° twist angle are shown in Figure 6. The curves for T1 and T3 are almost equal to the curves for T1 and T3 from the experiment with the 15° twist angle. The only difference is that they are not shifted because of the 0° twist angle. The HTC curve for T2 is also aligned with the HTC curves for T1 and T3 but it is higher by 52 %. The removed heat is higher by only 34 % for the T2 thermocouple position, compared to thermocouple positions T1 and T3. Surface-temperature measurements for both configu- rations are compared in Figure 7. It is clear that the temperature drop for both configurations is almost the same at the T1 and T3 thermocouple positions. The tem- perature drop is approximately 40°C. The major diffe- rence is found in the overlap area where the temperature dropped by 79 °C for the 15° twist angle and by only 55 °C for the 0° twist angle. The measured temperature profile is slightly smoothed by the relatively large measuring point because the minimum diameter of the area measured with the line infrared scanner is about 10 mm. 4 CONCLUSION Two descaling configurations were measured: a typi- cal configuration with a 15° twist angle and one with a 0° twist angle. Heat-transfer coefficients for both undis- M. POHANKA, H. VOTAVOVÁ: OVERCOOLING IN OVERLAP AREAS DURING HYDRAULIC DESCALING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 575–578 577 Figure 6: Measured HTC distribution for the 0° twist angle Slika 6: Izmerjena razporeditev HTC pri kotu zasuka 0° Figure 4: Visualization of the nozzle configuration with the 0° twist angle. The spray width of each nozzle is 49 mm and the overlap is 6 mm. The arrow indicates the plate movement direction. Slika 4: Prikaz postavitve {ob s kotom zasuka 0°. [irina curka je 49 mm pri eni {obi in prekrivanje je 6 mm. Pu{~ica ka`e smer gibanja plo{~e. Figure 5: Measured HTC distribution for the 15° twist angle Slika 5: Izmerjena razporeditev HTC pri kotu zasuka 15° Figure 7: Measured surface temperature across the test plate, 350 mm behind descaling nozzles Slika 7: Izmerjena temperatura povr{ine preko plo{~e, 350 mm za raz- {kajevalno {obo turbed and overlap areas were computed from the measurements as position-dependent values. To give a better idea of the cooling inhomogeneity across the test-plate surface, the temperature profile was measured 350 mm behind the descaling nozzles. It was found that the overcooling in the overlap area was very high and the heat removed was almost double that of the typical descaling configurations with the 15° twist angle. The results from the experiments show that the overcooling can be significantly reduced, by 33 %, when the twist angle is set to 0°. In this case, the measured temperature drop was also reduced by 24 °C, which is 30 % of the maximum temperature drop. The new configuration with the 0° twist angle seems to be very promising. It does not suffer from the washout effect8 and any overcooling is significantly reduced in the overlap area. Aknowledgement This work is an output of the research and scientific activities of project LO1202, with the financial support from the MEYS under the programme NPU I. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. ^arnogurská, M. Pøíhoda, Z. Hajkr, R. Pyszko, Z. Toman, Ther- mal effects of a high-pressure spray descaling process, Mater. Tehnol., 48 (2014) 3, 389–394 2 D. C. J. Farrugia, C. Fedorciuc-Onisa, M. Steer, Investigation into mechanisms of heat losses and mechanical descalability during high pressure water descaling, Steel Research International, (2008), 397–402 3 F. Wang, L. Ning, Q. Zhu, J. Lin, T. A. 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