©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, MAY 2002 Vol. 10, No. 1: 97-101 NON-EUROPEAN AUCHENORRHYNCHA (HEMIPTERA) AND THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION IN SLOVENIA Gabrijel S EL JAK Agricultural and Forestry Institute Nova Gorica, Pri hrastu 18, SI-5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia; E-mail: gabrijel.seljak@kvz-ng.si Abstract Four non-European species of Auchenorrhyncha have spread into Slovenia in the last 40 years: Metcalfa pruinosa, Stictocephala bisonia, Scaphoideus titanus and Japananus hyalinus. Their current distribution in Slovenia and the consequences of their appearance are discussed in brief. Key words: Metcalfa pruinosa, Stictocephala bisonia, Scaphoideus titanus, Japananus hyalinus, Slovenia, distribution Izvleček - NEEVROPSKE VRSTE ŠKRŽATKOV (AUCHENORRHYNCHA) IN NJIHOVA RAZŠIRJENOST V SLOVENIJI Štiri neevropske vrste škržatkov (Auchenorrhyncha) so se v zadnjih 40 letih razširile v Slovenijo; Metcalfa pruinosa, Stictocephala bisonia, Scaphoideus titanus in Japananus hyalinus. Na kratko je obravnavana njihova trenutna razširjenost v Sloveniji in posledice njihove naselitve. Ključne besede: Metcalfa pruinosa, Stictocephala bisonia, Scaphoideus titanus, Japananus hyalinus, Slovenija, razširjenost Introduction In the last 40 years, more than 40 new phytophagous species of insects that can be treated mainly as pests of agricultural and forest plants, have spread in Slovenia. In this period the following non-European species of Auchenorrhyncha also diffused 97 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieAaftliii«Sit>mologica sloveilica, 10 (1). 2002 Fig. 1: Metcalfa pruinosa, adult Fig. 2: Metcalfa pruinosa, current distribution in Slovenia Fig. 4: Stictocephala bisonia, known distribution 98 G. Seljak: Non-European Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) sand their geographical distribution in Slovenia Fig. 5: Scaphoideus titanus, female Fig. 7: Japananus hyalinus, female 789012345678901 2 3456789012 8901 234567890123456789012 Fig. 6: Scaphoideus titanus, current distribution Fig. 8: Japananus hyalinus, known distribution from the neighbouring states: Stictocephala bisonia (Kopp & Yonke), Scaphoideus titanus Ball, Japananus hyalinus (Osborn) and Metcalfa pruinosa (Say). Not even one of the mentioned species entered Slovenia directly from its original region. All ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieAetaifínápmologica slovenica, 10(1), 2002 these species, except Japananus hyalimis, gain in importance, causing damages on cultivated plants or they are known as vectors of harmful phytoplasmatic plant diseases. Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Flatidae) Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) has been present in the west of Slovenia since 1990 (Sivic, 1991; Seljak, 1993). At the moment it is widely diffused along the Slovene-Italian border, where it appears in numerous populations. It is a most inconvenient pest in agriculture as well as the urban environment. In 2000 an isolated population was also discovered in the surroundings of Ljubljana. Recently, in order to limit their population, the predator and parasitoid Neoclryinus typhlocybae (Ashmed) has been successfully introduced (Zezlina, 2000). Stictocephala bisonia Kopp & Yonke, 1977 (Membracidae) Originating from North America; it was probably introduced in Slovenia from the neighbouring states in the 50s and is now commonly diffused. Detailed data of its distribution are known for the western part of Slovenia, elsewhere the data are only general and incomplete (Seljak, 1993; Holzinger & Seljak, 2001). Very probably it is widely diffused in the lowlands throughout the country. Periodically, this species provokes serious injuries on young fruit trees and also rarely on grapevines causing economic damage. Scaphoideus titanus Ball, 1932 (Cicadellidae) Originates from North America. It has been established in western Slovenia since 1983 (Seljak, 1985, 1987, 1993). The species is now commonly diffused in vineyards in the southwestern and western parts of Slovenia - the Primorska wine-growing region (fig. 4). In other wine-growing regions it is not present (Bercon, Seljak & Milevoj, 1997). An important economic significance is attributed to this species because it transmits a harmful phytoplasmatic grapevine disease - Flavescence dorée, which at present is not yet established in Slovenia (Seljak & Osier, 1997). Japananus hyalinus (Osborn, 1900) (Cicadellidae) For Slovenia this is a new, probably non-European species originating from East Asia. In 1997 it was discovered in some places in western Slovenia. There are very few data regarding its distribution in continental Slovenia. Most frequently it appears on Acer campestre, A. monspessulanum, and A. pseudoplatanus. Further faunistic research of this species is needed. Conclusions Monitoring the distribution and spread of the introduced species, particularly the non-European ones, has a huge zoogeographical as well as ecological and economi- 100 G. Seljak: Non-European Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) and their geographical distribution in Slovenia cal significance. Also, the four non-European species of the Auchenorrhyncha point out the known negative effects of the globalisation processes on the autochthonous biocenosis, the environment, and agriculture. Species entirely imperceptible in their sites of origin (e. g. Metcalfa pruinosa) can become extremely invasive and competitive in a new environment. Besides, among the Auchenorrhyncha many species are known which can be effective vectors of harmful, endemic as well as introduced plant diseases frequently more harmful than the vectors themselves (e. g. Scaphoideus titanus). References Berčon, M., G. Seljak, L. Milevoj, 1997: Razširjenost škržatov (Homoptera, Cicadidae) v izbranih vinogradih. Zbornik predavanj in referatov 3. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin v Portorožu od 4. do 5. marca 1997: 85-89. Holzinger, W., G. Seljak, 2001: New records of planthoppers and leafhoppers from Slovenia, with a checklist of hitherto recorded species (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Acta entomologica Slovenica, 9 (1), 39-66. Seljak, G., 1985: Cikada Scaphoideus titanus Ball (=Sc. littoralis Ball.) u pri-morskom vinogradarskom rajonu zapadne Slovenije. Glasnik zaštite bilja, 8(2): 33-37. Seljak, G., 1987: Scaphoideus titanus Ball (= Sc. littoralis Bali), novi štetnik vinove lože u Jugoslaviji. Zaštita bilja, 38(4): 349-357. Seljak, G., 1993a: Medeči škržat Metcalfa pruinosa (Say.) za Slovenijo nova, potencialno škodljiva žuželčja vrsta. Zbornik pred. in ref. 1. slov. posv., Radenci 1993: 215-220. Seljak, G., 1993b: Škodljivi škržati vinske trte; medeči škržat (Metcalfa pruinosa (Say.)). Sad, IV (4): 9-11. Seljak, G., 1993c: Škodljivi škržati vinske trte; ameriški škržat (Scaphoideus titanus Ball.). Sad, IV (5): 12-13. Seljak, G., 1993d: Škodljivi škržati vinske trte; bivolček (Stictocephala bisonia). Sad, IV (9): 12-13. Seljak G., R. Osler, 1997: The confirmation of Grape yellow type 'Bois noir' (Grapevine bois noir phytoplasma) in Primorska, the Slovenian maritime region. Zbornik pred. in ref. 3. slov. posv., Portorož 1997, 63-71. Šivic, F., 1991: Medeči škržat že v Sloveniji. Moj mali svet, 23(19): 24-25. Zežlina I., 2000: Experimental appression of flatid planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa /Say/) with wasp Neodryinus typhlocybae Ashmed in Slovenia. Master of sci. thesis, University of Ljubljana, 101 pp. Received / Prejeto: 7. 3. 2002 101