ZARJA* DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1976 VOLUME 48 ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 3 MARCH, 1976 VOLUME 48 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne članice.40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION NATIONAL OFFICERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARIE PRISLAND Founder — Honorary President MARY BOSTIAN National President FANIKA HUMAR National Secretary OLGA ANCEL National Treasurer ANN KOMPARE Nationa Auditor BARBARA ROSANDICH National Auditor MARION MAROLT National Auditor REV CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. Spiritual Advisor MARIE A. FLORYAN National Vice-President LILLIAN PUTZELL 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. 53081 19617 Mohawk Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 8101 Edgewater Road, No. Riverside, III. 60546 1115 Frederick Joliet, III. 60435 9132 So. Constance Ave., Chicago 111. 60617 1212 E. Sheridan Ely, Minn. 55731 1512 So. 53rd St., West Allis, Wise. 53214 * 8500 W. Cold Spring Rd., Greenfield, Wis. 53228 1512 So. 53rd Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53214 3731 S. Home Ave. Director Women's Activities ON THE COVER ... Prayers will be flowing heavenward from St. Joseph’s church in Joliet as parishioners view the picture of Bishop Frederic Baraga, newly installed there. His beatification is sought. Prav and be a member of the BISHOP BARAGA ASSOCIATION. Send $5 for yearly membership to the Association at 239 Baraga Ave., Marquette, Mi. 49855. HAPPY BIRiHDAY IN MARCH: CORINNE LESKOVAR Managing Editor HERMINE DICKE Secretary, Scholarship Committee STATE PRESIDENTS Honorary State Presidents: ANNA PACHAK MARY TOMSIC OLGA MESOJEDEC Colorado-Kansas-Missouri ROSE KRAEMER Wisconsin SOPHIE MAGAYNA Ohio-Michigan ANNA TRONTEL Pennsylvania - New York 30SE SCOFF Calif. - Wash. - Ore. San ANN LUSTIG Illinois - Indiana ANGELINE KARiSH Minnesota 2032 W. Cermak Road Chicago, III. 60608 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wise. 53711 2009 Oakland Pueblo, Colo. 81001 Box 202 Strabane, Pa. 15363 2330 E. Evans St. Pueblo, Colo. 81004 2623 S. Howell Ave. Milwaukee, Wis. 53207 315 E. 284th St. Willoughby, O. 44091 701 Kendall Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15201 2208 Mariposa Francisco, Calif. 94110 10412 Ave. L., Chicago, III. 60617 Box 428 Biwabik, Minn. 55708 Presidents: March March March 5 8 11 March 13 15 15 March March March 16 March 20 March 21 March 23 March 25 March 31 Theresa Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. Anna Mae Melle, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Josephine Artac, Br. 102, Willard, Wis. Mary Ann Brletich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. Betty Matjašič, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., 0. Paula Kokal, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Betty Ann Murphey, Br. 77, N. S. Pittsurgh, Pa. Mary J. Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. Sylvia Stanfield, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Maria Bernik, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Mary Kolegar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Berwyn, III. 60402 BEiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitJiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiHiii^iiiiiiiiiiiouiiiiiiiiinjiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiniiniiiifsnimiiiiiiriilim^ I EVERYONE INVITED!-!iW.l). MIDWEST BOWLIN« TOURNEY I I Is April 10-11, 1976 It you have not as yet called me or written to me that you want | to participate in the Midwest bowling Tournament, do so now. If there are any openings I will be able to accommodate you. | The tournament will be held in West Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the : | Kuglitch’s Lanes, 4401 W. Greenfield Ave. I am hoping for a large turn- § out. If you don’t bowl please come and watch and see some of your | 1 old friends from out-of-town, in the Milwaukee area. LIL PUTZELL, | 3731 Home Avenue Berwyn, III. 60402 Phone 312-484-5573 | 7iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiE]iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii(]iiiiiiiiiiiic}iiiiiiiiiii!C]U!!iiiiiiiiE]iiiiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHfiii:iK]iiiiiiiiiiiir]iiiiiiiiHiir]iii^ Secretaries: March 3 — Jennie M. Flisek, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. March 8 — Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, III. March 9 — J'ulia Klemenčič, Br. 90, Bridgeville, Pa. March 15 —Ann Dickovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. March 25 — Frances Kucic, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. DATES TO REMEMBER ... March 7 — ANNIVERSARY PARTY, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. April 10-11 — MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. April 25 — 40TH ANNIVERSARY MASS, Br. 73, War rensville Hgths., 0. WELCOME TO PITTSBURGH! Hostess Branch, No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, exsnds a cordial invitation to all the National Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends of the Slovenian Women's Unior of America attending the 17th NATIONAL TRI-ENNIEL CONVENTION, MAY 23-26, 1975 in the fair City of Pittsburgh, the Gateway City of America in The Bi-Centennial State of Pennsylvania! The Program of the Convention is as follows: Registration upon arrival Saturday and Sunday at the Hotel. SUNDAY: 11:00 a.m. SOLEMN HIGH MASS at St. Mary Assumption Church officiated by Rev. Ferdinand Demšar, Pastor 1:00 p.m. Brunch at the Church Hall 6:00 p.m. GRAND BANQUET AT THE PITTSBURGH HILTON followed by dancing MONDAY — TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY: Convention Sessions begin Monday morning at 9 a.m. continuing all three days. Lunch will be served at the Hotel for Officers and Delegates and is also available to visitors each day. MONDAY EVENING: Free time. TUESDAY EVENING: Dinner and Show at the Holiday House. Cost for all the above (except hotel lodging) is $50.00 per person. CchOenticn Hahcfuicrk CxhiOit and £a!e SCHOLARSHIP ROOM will be open during the Convention Sessions days and delegates are asked the bring their donations to this area early Monday. Sales of handwork will continue until the supply is sold out. All proceeds for the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. ONE OF PITTSBURGH’S FINEST The site of this Convention will be the PITTSBURGH HILTON HOTEL, located on the "Point” of the Golden Triangle, across from the Point State Park where the Allegheny and Moncngahela Rivers merge to form the Ohio. The scenic beauty of the area and downtown Pittsburgh is a perfect Conventioneer's setting. Reservation Cards for the Pittsburgh Hilton will be mailed to every delegate and officer. Additional cards are available from the local committee or the SWU Home Office. Room rates are as follows: $28.50 Single Room for one person $36.50 Double Room for 2 or 3 persons Room payments will be the responsibility of the individual. For further information, Hotel Reservation Cards, pre-payment of $50.00 food cost package, and individual or group tours, please contact the secretary of Br. 26: Mrs. Mary Slaney, Chairman 1513 Hawthorne Pittsburgh, Pa. 15201 Telephone: Area 412 - 781-8886 For Transportation arrangements to the Convention City, contact your local National Officer Branch officer or the S.W.U. Home Office. IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT "I baptize thee, Veonica Cuculič, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” The year was 1894, in the city of Mrkopalj and as a tiny infant I was unaware of the long hard life which awaited me. Every bit of grace in those drops of blessed water would be needed to strengthen me for difficult days ahead. Being the second oldest child in a family of nine, I remember helping deliver some of my younger brothers and sisters when they were born. Out of nine youngsters only three survived. We were so poverty-stricken that our education stopped after third grade, when we were expected to go to work. My first job was as a cow herder for $1.00 a year. The family who employed me promised that I would be allowed to continue my schooling — a promise they never kept. My next job, at seven years of age, was with a Jewish family who owned a store and tavern. They liked the way I washed and dried the dishes and would give me a little rice to take home to my parents. There was no other pay! Their three daughters, Eda, Gize and Annie were teachers and when they went out on dates to Zagreb, they asked me to rub their backs and necks with kerosene to make their skin soft and white., They even asked my advice as to what they should wear and I also helped them with their makeup. In 1913, at the tender age of nine, a wealthy family in Fiume now Rijeka, employed me. There were eight priests rooming and boarding with them and my work was never done. I cleaned all the bedrooms and bathrooms, made the beds, and polished the parquet floors on my hands and knees until they sparkled. In addition I also milked the cows, assisted with cooking and prepared the charcoal fire so that the priests could have coffee after they were done with masses — which seemed to last all day long. An incident which I remember vividly was the day I had to clean an eel for supper. As I stood near the open window on the third floor of the building, the slippery eel suddenly fell out of the window to the courtyard below,. I dashed down the three flights of stairs as fast as I could run and out into the court yard where I searched frantically for the eel. Luckily, I found it, rushed back up the three flights of stairs, washed the eel, cut it up into little pieces and began to prepare supper. All this at the ripe old age of nine. One day Miss Schwartz, a good friend of my employers, introduced me to her brother who had just arrived from America for a visit with his parents. Ignace was his name and he told me of the United States and of his work in the copper mines in Michigan . . . We talked of many things and eventually of marriage. My mother thought I was too young for marriage but after I one mcnth, I gave him my answer, “Yes.” At the age of 15£ I was married to Ignace Schwartz in Lokve. We bought a little house but after only one month, he went back to America where he would work hard, earn more money and then return to me. For five long years, I lived with my husband’s parents waiting for his letters and his return to Yugoslavia. But he never returned. In 1914, I sailed for America on the very last boat able to leave Europe. Shocking announcements of King Ferdinand’s assassination appeared in all the newspapers. World War I was now inevitable. Flags flew at half mast and troops were marching in Belgium. The air seemed as though it would explode. Everything around us looked frightening. Our boat had to sneak by Havre, France through the English Channel to England and then finally on to Canada. I don't recall in which country I was, when they gave me money with holes in it. I cried and cried. At one point, I was put on the wrong train and had to ride to the end of the line. It was dark when I was taken off the train. The depot had already closed for the night. Alone, frightened, tired and cold, there was no one I could turn to for help. All night long, I sat outside the depot huddled in a corner, hoping that no one would come along and kill or rob me. Drawing my big wool shawl around me, I waited through the cold dark night fearful and alone until the train came down the track al 6 o’clock in the morning. While in England, I remember that sleeping quarters were limited. All the women travelers were required to sleep in one long community building. Here we all contracted lice. Continually we brushed and brushed our hail to rid ourselves of the lice. Crossing the Atlantic took twenty-one days. Many people became ill and were never seen again, so I assumed they died. But there was never word of any burials. Fortune was with me at sea because I was able to eat anything and felt well the entire voyage. When we arrived in Canada, I was held for questioning. They locked me up in a room with bars for three days, without any food. On the third day, I was finally given some food — the first fried egg I had ever eaten and toast which was paper thin. For some reason which I shall never know, the Canadian officials considered me a spy and marked my back with a big X for deportation. Because of the language barrier they took me to the library to see if I could find a book in my language. I couldn't find Croatian but took a Slovenian book because I understood a little. From the library we went into a spacious room with a large oblong table. The officials questioned me and the interpreter would translate my answers. Suprisingly, I was not afraid because I knew that I didn’t do anything wrong. "Do you have a picture of your husband?” I showed them my locket with our two pictures. ‘‘Where is your husband now?” ‘‘In Michigan.” The officials immediately sent a telegram to my husband requesting him to forward a $100 check to prove that we were married. When the money arrived, I was feed a'nd sent on my way to Victoria, Michigan now a ghost town. Finally, Ignave and I were reunited, after five ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. In my January report the following was omitted in the print shop: The two couples names for anniversary wishes were: Mr. ad Mrs. Edward Melanz and Mr. and Mrs. John Plesetz. Our deep sympathy was to the Frank Bibich family. Our annual card party will be held June 16th. Again we need your cooperation for a successful event. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Chuck who observed their 60th wedding anniversary. (See photo P. 17). Please try and enroll a new member — the Campaign is drawing to a close. Get well wishes and speedy recovery to the sick. Come and see us at the next meeting — date March 21st. MARGARET FISCHER. Secretary. No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Due to very bad weather for our Jan. 11th meeting, we postponed it until Feb. Sth a the Slovene Center. Our December meeting was wel! conducted. Had a littie party after ward and played a game — enjoyed by all. Do hope our ladies will come to our meetings. Elections resulted in the same officers, only new secretary, Mary "Mit-zi” Swaggard in place of Mary Lauter who had a knee operation and is unable to take on the extra duty. Mary Lauter is our Mother of the Year for 1976. Good luck and good health to her-our wishes! Ladies, meetings are the second Sunday. Please come., Thank you. Respectfully. MITZI. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. January really hit us with snow and wouldn't you know, the meeting date had to be on one of the worst snowfalls; but in spite of it, the rugged Slovenes showed up in greater number than we expected, so our meeting was quite well represented. The new officers were all present and the business and reports were all given and discussed. We decided to wait for more response on the patron ads for the convention. Keep watching and reading your “Zarja” for more detailed information and start making your plans to attend as you won’t be disappointed in this one, I’m sure, as it’s also our country’s Bicentennial Year and we'll be in a lot of the original territory. Tickets to help pay your group's expenses for a delegate were distributed to all branches so be sure you contact your officers about them. The prizes are all cash money for the winners and the delegate is still to be elected, so let’s hope more of you can attend the next few meetings to have a voice in the election and decisions to be made. It was also decided to run a card party and the date will be May 16th, 1976 at Rebernisek’s. So, mark ..hat date as one of your socials. A cash attendance prize was stared with Mary Starich being the .lumber one winner. Stavia donated three door prizes, a bottle of home-made wine, a pin and 3 bars of soap. Thank you, Stavia. Mary Evanich donated a cake for her December birthday and Olga Fredericks brought an apple strudel, so we again enjoyed a light lunch on a beautifully set table by the president, Jo Wilhelm and her twin sister, Anne Meier. In spite of the late hour and the snow, the women still wanted to play some games and because it helps the Sunshine Club, we had our usual pasttime. We welcome Ann Gorishek into our branch. She transferred from Br. 43. We also learned that Christine Boyance’s husband was in the hospital. She was missed at the meeting becaue of it. Pray for them. At this writing I also regret to report that one of our oldest and most loyal as well as generous ladies is in a coma at St. Joseph's Hospital, Celia Novak. You all know her, so pray for her and her family as well. She is the mother of Mary Starich and has granddaughters also in our lodge. We certainly miss her as she has been very active attending all meetings, even the January one. Pray for her and any others whom you may know about. It was heartening to hear that Rose Schroeder is coming along. She has been confined to a wheel chair at home for several months, and too, she needs prayers. God bless you all! MARY DEZMAN. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Thanks to all the ladies for making our February meeting such a well-attended one. This is a good omen for the new year. Our newly appointed officers were installed by our State President, Rose Scoff. We wish all officers a good year ahead! We were pleased to have Mary Pecavar, a Junior Member and Katie Radovich, a Charter Member, present at our meeting. Michele Seril, our Financial Secretary read the initiation pledge and three new members were sworn in the Slovenian Women's Union. They are: Ivanka Lukezic, Katica Pecavar and Mary Pecavar. Welcome aboard, ladies! Mrs. Helen Sustarich was appointed chairman of the Mother of the Year Brunch. For those of us who like to plan ahead, May 2 has been designated for our Mother of the Year Brunch honoring Mrs. Anna Fabian. Beginning with 9:30 a. m. Mass at the Church of the Nativity. There will be more information on this special day in the next issue of Zarja. We have been given tickets to sell which are important to our lodge as they will help us towards sending a delegate to the convention. It is important to our branch to be represented. Congratulation’s to Doris and Tony Lovrin who recently celebrated their 25th. Wedding Anniversary and to Anna and John Stich who celebrated their 50th. year together as man and wife. Our very best wishes to them. At the close of our business meeting our social followed. We sang Happy Birthday to officer, Michele Seril, and to Ruth Zwyssig. We celebrated in grand style with 5 beautiful and delicious cakes that were brought by president, Jtosephine Aiuto, Vice President, Anna Fabian, Agnes Lovrin, Katie Radovich and Mary Wraa. Many "Thanks”, Ladies! We also send years and a hectic journey to the United States. We had a house and decided to take in boarders, nine of them in all. I fixed lunch pails, washed clothes by hand and cooked big hearty meals. All the immigrants worked very hard, but many of them were accustomed to hard work from the old country. There was one difference though — here in America the rewards were greater! Our first daughter was bom in 1915. There were no mid-wives as in Europe, only male doctors, which was hard for most immigrant women to adjust to. When she was born, the baby was so blue, that the doctor didn't expect her to live. He immediately plunged her into a copper boiler full of hot water and she has been tough and hardy ever since. In 1919, we heard about all the work on Minnesota’s Iron Range, so we moved to Keewatin with our five children and then eventually to Hibbing. Our youngest child was born in Minnesota. After 6 children, 19 grandchildren and 18 greatgrandchildren, I can look back over a lifetime of hardship, tears, smiles and happiness and thank God for the strength, endurance and blessings he gave to this Immigrant from Mrkopalj. birthday happiness to ail those members who shared birthdays in February. Our next meeting will be held the first Thursday of March; looking forward to seeing you then. JACQUELINE LOWE, Reporter. No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Our February meeting was quite well attended considering the cold and snowy weather conditions we have been having here. Meeting was opened with prayer at 7:15 p.m. and the reading of minutes of the last meeting and the financial report. The election of delegates to the 1976 S.W.U. National Convention was held and our Secretary, Vera Bajec was e'ected as delegate and our President, Pauline Krall as alternate. Speedy recoveries are wished to all our ill members, especially, Olga Klanchar, Mary Koljat and Mary Ver-hovsek. Our best wishes and prayers are with them. Thank you to all the members who donated monies to our Treasury, Goodtime Fund and Sunshine Fund. We have belated 50th„ Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Mr. & Mrs. Anton Kobe of Willughby, Ohio and Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., who celebrated the great event on November 14, 1975. Mrs. Christine Kobe has been our member a long time. Sorry we're a little late but we wish them both the best for many more years to come. Last month two of our members passed away, Mary Paskevich and Josephine Poje, May they rest in peace. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. Our member, Olga Zimmerman, and her husband are spending some time in Florida. Hope they are enjoying themselves in the warm sunshine. Our Vice-Pres. Mary Stražišar is going to Argentina to visit her brother. Bon Voyage, Mary. I wish to thank all the members of Br. No. 14 for their prayers and kindness at the time my Mother passed away. Special thank you to Vera Ba jec for writing the article for the Zarja — I really appreciated everything the ladies did at that time. May God Bless You and keep you in good health. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter. No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. We had no meeting in January so the most important thing on the agenda is to remind you that our Games party will be held this Spring. Please bring in your prizes as early as possible. On Sunday, January 25th, eight members attended Mass at St. Stephen’s Church and the Chicago area premiere of the new movie on Bishop Frederick Baraga. Joseph Zelle worked on the movie for ten years, filming in Slovenia and on various trips through Baragaland sites in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Canada, highlighting Bishop Baraga’s life among the Indians and early immigrants. Prospects are good that the beatification of Bishop Baraga may take place during our Bicentennial year. Members attending the meeting were Marge Prebil, Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak, Alvina Sreboth, Elise Star-cevich, Josephine and John Blasovich, Pauline and Ferd Klobučar and Emma and Ed Kucic. Welcome to new member Gia Maria Menconi whose mother, Pamela, and grandmother, Olga Castiglia, are both members of Br. 16. JENNIE SASEK On January 11th, we were saddened to hear of the death of one of our pioneer members, Jennie Sasek, in St. Petersburg, Florida. Jennie, age 93, was the beloved wife of the late Frank, Loving mother of Daniel (Mary) Sasek, Mrs. Jean Paine and Mrs. Mary Ho!t. She had four grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. She always welcomed visits from our members who were travelling through Forida and sent back messages and donations to our many activities. Many of our members joined Father Bogolin in the recitation of the Rosary at Kompare Funeral Parlor in Chicago. Mass was at St. George's Church and interment at St. Mary's Cemetery where Josephine Blasovich read the burial rites. Our heartfelt condolences go to all the family members. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Helen Magnus on the death of her brother, John Nyiri, Jr. On the sick list is Mary Dreshar, one of our new members from Br. 72. Get well soon. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter. No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. The welcome mat is extended to the SWU Bowlers to the Midwest Tournament hosted by our branch which will be held on April 10-11 at Kug-litsch’s Arcade, 4401 W. Greenfield Ave. Marion Marolt is getting the teams lined up and other preparations are in the making for a most enjoyable time for all. We hope to see many of our members and friends present and also to renew our acquaintances with old and new friends. Mrs. Pat Kitt crocheted and donated a beautiful afghan, and to make it more enticing, officers and mem- bers are donating more prizes which will be awarded at the tournament. At our January meeting, Victoria Kastelic was e.ected the delegate to the 17th. National Convention in Pittsburgh, with Frances Piwoni as an alternate. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Frances Miklich, Dousman, Wise., who was 93 years young, and our oldest member. Before the family moved from West Allis she was a faithful member who attended all the monthly meetings. Even though the distance was a little greater, she managed to come in periodically so she could visit with her sister members. Our sincerest sympathy is also extended to the families of Mary Kastner, who was “Mother of the Year, 1975”. Mary had endeared herself to all who knew her, altho confined to a wheelchair due to a painful arthritic condition. Since she resided at St. Camillus Health Center, she found a new interest in the field of crafts of which she was very proud. During the past years Mary served as vice-president, recording secretary, sargent-at-arms and was a delegate to several conventions until her sickness unabled her to be active. Mary had SWU always in her heart and was always a strong supporter. The branch will miss these members. May God grant them eternal peace. To the sick members,1 Mary YuVan, and Agnes Matko, and to al the shut-ins, a speedy recovery. Best wishes are extend to them. If possible, drop in to see them or send them a card, it would be greatly appreciated. MARIE A. FLORYAN. a®.-.—. <3-------------------------- No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. At our first meeting this year the members were cheerful and many in number. We were all glad to see each other after the holidays. After prayer, Msgr. M.J. Butala came in to install the officers for this year, namely: President, Emma Planinšek, Vice-President, Mary Ivanic, Secretary, 0!ga Ancel, Recording Secretary, Josephine Erjavec and our new Treasurer, Mary Marolt. Since our Jo Su-mic was unable to take part in all our events, she declined the office. Mary’s husband, Stanley is our township officer and her well-known mother-in-law is Jennie Marolt. Mrs. Sumic was named as Honorary Treasurer in recognition for her long years of work for our branch that will not be forgotten and we hope she keeps the branch at heart for many more years to come. Trustees are Frances Stonich, Theresa Marentich and Emma Nosse, Sargent-at-Arms is Theresa Muhich and Spiritual Director is Msgr. Butala. 40th Anniversary Congratulations and best wishes are extended to our devoted pastor, Rev. M. J. Setnicar on his 40th ordination anniversary and his 38 years of service. In the fall of 1938 he was sent to our parish, St. Mary’s Help of Christians. He also served as a notary -in the Archdiocesan Matrimonial Tribuno'. Under his guidance, the youth of the parish were organized and various groups ware formed. Due to the increase in activities for both young and old, the parish was given cn assistant priest to aid Father in the difficult tasks ahead. Ke hss to his credit, the repairing of the old St. Mary’s Church b~so-iT-nt. In 1947 he bought one parcel of lend north of the church which was to be used for the convent and the other parcel of land on So. 60th. Street for a future auditorium. The parish grew and we were in need of a school. On August 1947 that project was started and later an additional wing was added to the convent house, in 1952 it became necessary to repaint the interior of the church, so new tinted windows were superimposed over the old plain glass panes. In 1956, the new liturgical altars were installed, and also a new campaign was launched for construction of a new gymnasium, as well as a meeting p'ace for societies and social events. The project was completed for the 50th. anniversary of the parish on November 3, 1957. Then in 1967 the old St. Mary’s church and rectory was razed. Church services were held in the auditorium, and the erection of the new church and rectory was completed in 1968, plus an addition Members 85 years of age are now free from paying their dues to our branch. We shall take care of their payments. A thank-you letter was received from Mrs. Hermine Dicke, the Secretary of the SWU Scholarship Fund. Another letter from Br. 26, hostess branch of the forthcoming National Convention in Pittsburgh, Pa. ?'?o was received. Those on the sick list were Helen Dufour, Pat Sterle, Mary Bruck and Mary Lu Barbick. To all of these, a card wishing them speedy recovery was signed by all members and later mailed. Congratulations to Judy and Chns Pucel, new mother and father of the first grandson of Rudy and Millie Pucel and first great grandson of yours truly and my Joe. The new young father visited Europe a few years ago and later continued his schooling until he was married. Now a handsome baby son was born. Our very best! At the meeting our Prominent Rev. Mathias Setnikar to the school. On December 10, 1975, the children of St. Mary's Help of Christian School gave a program to honor him and to thank him for his 38 years of service to the parish and his 40th. ordination anniversary. We, the people of St. Mary’s are very proud of Rev. M. J. Setnicar, S.T.D. and all his accomplishments in our St. Mary’s He'p of Christians Parish. We have so much to be thankful to him, our pastor and spiritual advisor of our branch, for his untiring time and work through the years. May God bestow on him good health, happiness and success in the years to come and with these blessings our St. Mary’s parish will still continue to grow. M. FLORYAN. Mother for Br. 20 was chosen. She is our own Ann Papesh, a long-time bowler and participant in many Zveza affairs. We all extended our congratulations to her and accepted her warm thanks at the meeting. Our pastor, Rev. Roman Malovasich came and spoke of the life of Bishop Baraga and told of some events that we didn't know. It was interesting. Also, our assistant pastor, Rev. David Stalzer visited us. A program followed with dancers under the direction of our member, Marilyn Goss, namely, Cathy Jo. Goss, Susan Plese and Anna Marie Di’Amico. Following this, beautiful song selections were sung by Anna Mae Lukan-cich, daughter-in-law of Pau'a Lukan-cich and relatives of Emma Planinšek. Hostess for the Dec. meeting were Frances Stonich, Mary Marolt, Mary Ivanich, Agnes Troutman, Millie Pucel, Olga Ancel, Marie Malnerich, Emma Nosse, Dorothy Koncar and Jo Mlakar. After the delicious lunch was served, the members returned home with most pleasant memories of an afternoon at the meeting well spent. Hope to see you again next month. A SPECIAL APPEAL TO ALL MEMBERS AND MOTHERS! For this important 50th Anniversary Campaign of Zveza, I wish to ask every mother and sister, to please enroll your daughters into our branch. You will never be sorry to help out in this very important endeavor. Come to our next meeting; it will be worthwhile. We will welcome you sincerely. So, please join us soon and be a part of our happy family. It was a beautiful affair on Sunday, Jan. 25th when the parishioners attended the special consecraticn of a painting of Bishop Frederic Baraga, painted by our sister-member, Emilija Razman-Bucik of Chicago. Those taking part in the blessing were Rev. Roger Kaffer, principal at Providence High School, Rev. David Stalzer, assistant pastor and Rt. Rev. M.J1. Butala, pastor emeritus. Later a movie of the life of Baraga in Slovenia and in the Upper Pen-ninsuia of Michigan was shown in the hall and officers of Br. 20 served lunch. We were glad to meet Miss Agnes Rufus, secretary of the Baraga Association who for many years is dedicated to the work of the spreading of the Cause of Bishop Baraga. She is the secretary of the Association and Editor of the Baraga Bulletin and was here from Marquette. Mr. Jos. Gre-gorich and others were also in attendance. Thank you all who came to this celebration from Cleveland, Chicago, and Joliet JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB Our Dawn Club members' Christmas Party was at Vertin’s Pub with 74 members present. Cocktail hour was from 6 to 7 with the dinner following. Slovenian fried chicken or roast beef with all the trimmings was served. Music was provided by Mary Gotchnik with her accordien — what a peppy gal! We all sang Slovenian and English Christmas carols and a good time was had by all. The Jan. 21st meeting was opened with prayer by our newly elected president, Angela Mobilia. Good luck, Angie, in the coming year! Plans and decisions were made to have a Valentine Card Party in February and each member was asked to invite a guest. The following ladies were on the lunch committee: Mary Persherin, Margie Gornik, Louise Pe-trich, Fran Strukel, Agnes Zaverl, Mary Deyak, Orphea Likar, Jennie of noted Pastor beautiful! ciwaits theAe C^inderefic Hear ye! Hear ye! Great expectations are coming for the Slovenian Women’s Union Cotillion Ball in Cleveland ,Ohio. Date: JUNE 12, 1976 Place: St. Clair Slovenian National Home Cocktail Hour' 5:30 p.m. Presentation: 7:00 p.m. Dinner: 8:00 p.m. Dancing: 9:00 p.m. to 12 midnight. Yes, it’s that time again, the S.W.U. is going to have their fourth Cleveland Presentation Ball and all Cleveland and surrounding area branches are invited to join in presenting their young ladies. Applications will be accepted now, before April 1st. Don't wait! Because of limited space, the first 14 girls ages 16 to 21 will be accepted. Call Mary Bostian, 481-4710 or Frances Sietz 261-2856. Miss Carol Globokar is the first new Debutante to be entered in the Fourth Debutante Cotillion Ball being held by the Combined Branches of Cleveland, Ohio on June 12, 1976. Carol is a Junior at Villa Angela Academy and is following in her sister’s footsteps as Mary Ann Globokar was a Deb in December, 1974. After being at the last ball, Carol could hardly wait to be able to become a Deb herself. This will be a special evening for her when she’ll really be her daddy’s little girl and the center of attraction for hev family and friends gathering at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home in the S.W.U. salute to youth. She is a member of Br. 14 and a former S.W.U. Baton Twirler. She has been a member since baby-hood Her mother, Mitzi, one of the active members of Br. 14 and late grandmother, Mrs. Frances Globokar, remember- ed for h<:r dedication as an officer of S.W.U., signed up all the little members of the Globokar family a,s soon as they appeared on this earth! When Carol graduates from high school, she plans to attend Ohio State University and enroll in their physical education courses. She is an excellent diver and spends mcst of her summer swimming or occupied in part-time work. A hobby is playing the piano and listening to the music of the Beat'es, ranking tops as her favorites. Carol has two brothers and two sisters who really have a time just keeping up with her energy. All the family is looking forward to Carol’s "big” night! Cleveland area girls are invited to follow Carol’s lead and call the co chairmen cf the Cotillion, Mrs. Fran Sietz, 261-2856 and Mrs. Mary Bostian, 481-4710 by April 1st. Zupančič, Rose Perushek and Angie Mobilia. One of our faithful members, Frances Zakrajšek, underwent surgery at the Duluth Hospital. At present, she is at her daughter’s recuperating and doing very well. Hope to see you scon, Frances! Good luck! I must mention that again the Zveza had a Christmas party in December at the church hall. The special guests were invited from the Ely Nursing Home and that seems to be about the only chance they have of getting out of their confines. I'm sure they had a very enjoyable evening. In behalf of the club, very special 45th anniversary wishes on Jan. 23rd to Theresa and John Koschak. May you have many more happy and he.Vthy years together. To all our sick members, shut-ins, we wish cheer and a speedy recovery. Our sympathy goes to Agatha Glavan and family on the loss of her sen and brother. May he rest in peace. Daughters, Mary Toljan and Jean Erchul are members of Zveza and the Dawn Club. MARY ZGONC, Reporter. No. 24, LASALLE, ILL. A meeting was held on Feb. 1st with 14 members braving a snow bizzard to attend. Dues were collected and will be co'lected from now on at meetings cn!y. The meeting is on the first Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. at St. R-cYs School Hall. Th° members nominated and elected tmma Shimkus to attend the 17th fat oral Convention of S.W.U. as our de r . 'ta. M:■ ’ i'l.'ig adjourned so that members attend a bicentennial cele- b"a';r being held :m St. Roch’s that day >?■ s.sectfu-lly submitted: ANNA MEGLEN. No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO D to severe weather conditions, we p : tponed our Jan. meeting. It was also so slippery that your best place was a home. Getting away from it all is Mary and Frank Drobnik. They left Jan. 14th for Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. and will be visiting there two months. Mary’s sister is there and many friends. Anne Godlar does a lot of visiting of our sick. In the Neff Road Old Age Home are Frances Korencic and Mary Volpe. Also, Mary Kos is seriously ill, Frances Grjevic, too, and Angela Bar-kovich is recuperating at her daughter’s home. Anne Chinchar is recovering at home after surgery. Our best wishes for health to them and a speedy recovery to each and everyone. Our prayers to you all. We lost a member, Jan. 1st. Antonia Mocilnikar pas-sed on. May she and all departed rest in peace. Our sympathy to the family. This is about all for now and we hope to see you at the meeting March 17th and ask that you check your dues book. Don’t give the secretary a hard time, she has her responsibilities and duties. Thanks. Rec. Secretary. A. TEKAVEC, No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. In spite of the snow and cold outdoors, our first meeting of the New Year — BICENTENNIAL YEAR 1976 — brought out over half of our members National President: MARCH MESSAGE Many people are getting ready for spring planting of their gard'Cns and they will be hopefully waiting to see the seeds sprout beautiful flowers and vegetables in the summer. Th's brings to mlud our S.W.U. which started its seedling existence 50 years ago by Mrs. Marie Prisland of Shoboygcn, Wis. This organization blossomed into active groups numbering over 100 branches throughout the United States of America. In all the past years, we have had success among all our branches for we had loval women who truly loved and worked to bring American-Slovenian ideas to the second and third generations. It’s now ne-C0EGc;y in cur 50ih year, to bring new ideas to our S.W.U. and discuss them at the National Convention in May. It will be up to the delegates to start planting new seeds into our organization so we will again increase our members to what it was in its blossoming years, well over 12,000. I lavo you checked your families and friends to ask them to join during our present Campaign, the Golden Emblem Campaign? Being National President is a big job and at times you need the help of the members to keep interest going. I ask you now again, to help in this Campaign. Recently, I called upon Frances Sietz, a very hard working member of Cleveland to help me. Through her efforts, I have learned three important words: ACTION, COMMITTEE and PUBLICITY! Even before one venture is over, another is beginning — that’s action., Each affair has been a success. Thank you, Frances! To date, our Dawn Choral Group has been doing great things. Due to the resignation of Mr. Frank Gorensek because of too many other committments, the Group now has a new director, Mr. Frank Zupan. To Mr. Gorensek, e big THANK YOU for all the work he did to inspire the ladies to sing so well. The Good Lord helped us to find a new instructor who is well-qualified and we thank him for taking on the task. God bless you, Mr. Zupan, for considering this work to keep our Dawn Choral Group going. Next month we’ll have more news about travel to our Convention by Chartered buses to Pittsburgh, Pa. Anyone wishing to visit the National Convention from May 23 to 26th, 1976 is more than welcome. Please call me with your comments and reservations, 481-4710. Happy Birthday to all our March celebrants. Congratulations to all the branches celebrating their anniversaries this rncnth and prayers to all our sick members so that all will be up and .around scon again. A special note to Ohio branches: Please sign up your daughters for our mo:t popular Cotillion Ball that takes place June 12th. Call me for information,. If interested call by April 1st. And, a final appeal to branches to initiate some new activites for their junior members. Ta k to moms, talk to kids! There’s so much to do and we have the juniors ready to do it! Wary IX MEMOHIAM In loving memory of our beloved mother, grand-X mother and great grandmother, \ s \. y \ v IftrA. JcAeph (flhgela) £tmkel, •;ho passed away 6 vears ago on Sunday, February G, 1976 and whose birthday anniversary would have been this month on Mjrch 31st. ^ Her hands once warm with life and love, \ So lily white and still and cold, We folded in the shape of prayer And made our own to Him above; "O, Lord," we prayed, ‘Our darling take ‘‘Where joy and love shall never cease; ^ “And when Thy will on earth we’ve done, ‘Grant that we join her in Thy Peace”. '' Sadly missed every day, by her Children, 'v Grandchildren and 'v Great Grandchildren. LaSalle, Illinois. ^ Mrs. Angela Strukel was the Secretary of Br. 'v No. ,24, LaSalle, III. for many, many years and serv-ed as delegate to the National Conventions. ^ ^ She loved her work with our S.W.U. and the $ £ good fellowship with all the members of Br. 24 and surrounding area branches. She is missed by all her '«• friends and members. ^ Three years after her passing, her beloved hus- v \ band, Joseph, went to his eternal peace now sadly ^ mourned by family and friends. end after regular business, election of officers was the next thing on the agenda. As in so many other organizations, the entire slate was unanimously re-elected as follows: President, Mrs. John (Theresa) Pahula, Vice-pres. Mrs. William (Mary) Vollen-dorf, Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Mary Pahula; Recording Sec. Mrs. Nick (Angela) Tekautz; and Trustees, Mmes. John (Sophie) Zavodnik, Frank (Angela) Pirn ton and J’oseph (Mary) Gornick. and Reporter Mrs. Anthony (Barbara) Yapel. Next, Nominations were in order for MOTHER OF THE YEAR for our Branch resulting in Mrs. Mary Vollem-dorf as the choice of all. Members all agreed we should try to enroll new members for SWU, especially this year when SWU celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Members try to get your daughters or daughters-in-law to join-not only will you be doing her a good turn-but it will help to continue and preserve our ethnic heritage. Mrs. Mary Pahula entertained the ladies with a humorous reading on the "infirmities" of old age. The meeting concluded with prayer for living and deceased members of SWU. A social hour followed and prizes were awarded to Mmes. Julia Lilya, Mary Pahula and Angela Plainton, at “500” and “Yahtze” winners were Mollie Wilson and Margaret Mesojedec. The evening was concluded with refreshments served by the hostesses, Ann Myre and Barbara Yapel. The attendance prize furnished by Ann Skala was awarded to Margaret Mesojedec. Hostesses named for the February 18th meeting are: Angela Planton and Sophie Zavodnick. The attendance prize will be furnished by Ann Ste-fanich. May 1976 be a good year for all SWU members and their families — and most especially for our beloved Country in this our BICENTENIAL YEAR. BARBARA YAPEL. No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO We had an interesting meeting, also important one, on January 14th and 22 members were present. We first had the business of electing a delegate to the 17th National Convention in May. Angela Kozjan was elected delegate and Albina Uehlein is alternate. Other business pertaining to the convention was also discussed and before you know it, it’ll be May. We sang Happy Birthday to our Birthday girls: President, Agnes Jančar, Mary lomazic, Sophie Pugachar, Sue Tomaz.c, Lee Pav.ovcic and Antonia Udovich. Happy Birthday to you all and may you have many more ii^ppy ones. We have a lot of travelers in our group. Albine Uehlein and her husband Milo motored to New Orleans and ihen boarded a cruise ship for the Carribean. Rose Knezetic is in Florida ior the winter end Ann Udovich in California, Fr. Paul Kraynik, our Spiritual Advisor, will soon be winging his way to South America, namely, Uuenos Aiies, Argentina. Fr. Kraynik will visit his fami.y there and will be gone two weeks. He was recently honored on his 25th years in the priesthood so this is certainly a memorable year for him. Our get well wishes to Bertha An-zelic, Agnes Celik and Rose Ceme and a speedy recovery to all our of members who are ill. Death came again to take a prominent Slovenian man, Joseph Urbas. His family has been in business for many years, a truly fine man. Our sincerest sympathy to the family. Frances Russ also lost a member of her family. Daughter-in-law, Kathy Russ lost her sister, Dorothy Wood-ings. Another sister, Jean Balogh and Dorothy's husband also survive. May her soul rest in peace. Missed telling you about the nice article about our member, Ann Delillo, in our only newspaper, her picture and all. So glad to read such a nice article about such a nice person. It certainly jogged my memory back nearly 40 years when she was Ann Mahnic. It’s nice to go back down memory lane once in a while. I just read something I would like to share with you. It pertains to Love and Death and this whole article seems to be filled with both. "You must look at things not only as if you were seeing them for the first time, but as if you were seeing them for the last time ... as if you were never to see them again and have to take them all in and remember them forever.” This moved me so profoundly that I wanted to share it with you. .fust think, we will have had the start of Lent and a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all. Until next month, good health and good cheer. May the sun shine, too. MARY PLOSZAJ. No. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our meetings are the second Sunday of the month. There will be no meeting in May because it is Mother's Day. So our Mother of the year will be held on June the second Sunday, 13th. More details In the next issue. Going thru my files I found we have some charter members still living. Ann Fabian, the first secretary, is now living in Florida, Mary Mauser, our organizer; Cecelia Wolf, Mary Perpar and Antonia Erjavec, all from Cleveland. I want to extend welcome to social member, Marian Gilbert. To our treasury donaters, a big thank you. Mary Zdesar, Louise Sever, Mary Prelogar, Anna Skoko, Lucille Romih, Marian Rolih, Agnes Bojc, Mary Dacar, Katarina Potočnik, Mary Cipo. I have a lot of cook books to sell; they are 4.50 each. These make excellent gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Easter, Mother's Day, Prizes or something nice to a special friend who did something for you. Jane Kaplan husband’s was selected the "Man of the Year’’ from the National Home on Stanley Ave. in Maple Heights. He and the other Men of the Year will be on Polka Varieties in March. So please watch the program. A big dinner will be held at the S'ovenian Home on St. Clair honoring all of them also in March. Congratulations. Happy Birthdays to all in March. Also, St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s Day. Jane Kaplan, your secretary, will be ceetorating her 25 silver anniversary this August. There will be a 1:15 Mass at St. Wencelas, August 1. in celebration on of the occasion. JANE KAPLAN, Sec’y. ---- No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Spring is just around the corner, so well all be very busy soon getting our yards in order and planning our vacations. A big hello to older members who don’t go out much: Mrs. Josephine Stavec, Antonia Legan, Agnes Vrcek, J'ohanna Perko, Frances Prhne, and Ann Glivar. Get well wishes to all our ill members. Happy Birthday in March to Mary Hočevar, who is 75 years young this month, also Frances Legan, Margaret Lipnos and Millie Rizzo. A real warm welcome to our new member, Arlene Legan, daughter-in-law of Frances Legan. New grandparents for the first time, Angie Gruden and husband, Frank. Their daughter had a baby girl. Also, great grandma is Angela Perko. Congratulations, folks! We had some travelers last month and some are still away. Petty (Kosak) Gowar and her husband went to see her granddaughter get married in New Orleans. She also had on her trip her daughter, Betty Ann Harr and her husband. This bride is David Kosak’s daughter. Best wishes to all. In Florida is Tonka and Louis Kastelic for several months at Bradenton and Ann Draganic is in No. Miami with her daughter. Lucky people in all that nice warm climate. Ladies, our ženska Zveza Convention and 50th Anniversary is this May. Please, anyone interested to travel to Pittsburgh, notify me. So, until next May. MARY LOU PRHNE. I ^------------ No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. In spite of a very cold day with temperatures going to 9 and 10 below zero, we had a wonderful attendance at the meeting on the 8th of Jan. with a group of 25 members who deserve much credit for coming. The new officers were installed and now it is up to the members to give them their full cooperation in all activities. An organization as well as a branch is what the members make it. To our outgoing officers, we wish to extend our thanks for their fine work, and hope they will continue to help in the future. The delegate to the National Convention is our president, Vickie Sporis and alternate is Beatrice Brophy. As you know, it will be held in Pittsburgh and anyone interested in going should please let me know. Reservations can be made a little later as long as I know how many would like to go. I have a bus already chartered, so please call me as soon as possible. Come on, Wisconsin, let’s get into the Bi-centeniial celebration. The Frank Bevsek, Sr., 's spent a few weeks in Hawaii. I’ll bet Frank had his eyes wide open watching all the Hawaiian gals! Anyway, Frank and Sophie came home very much relaxed and said they had a lovely trip which they are much deserving of. Donna Prijic is also leaving for Hawaii in April with a group of graduates from Greenfield High School. They had a choice of the Carri'bean or Hawaii and the class voted on the later. Donna was one of our beautiful debutantes and another was our Joann Vodnik who was recently engaged to Peter Matzuak. They met at the Ball and have been going together since. Congratulations to both of you. Our dear Anne Rebemisek, who was chosen Mother of the Year, is slowly recuperating at home. Pray for her health and all our other sick and shut-in members, for a speedy recovery. Also, for Fr. Claude Okorn and Fr. Mark Hočevar our former pastor and current pastor. Fr. Mark is now recuperating in Lemont. Welcome to Fr. Blase Chemazer who is now taking his place at our church. We also would like to welcome Eleanor Rozek who joined our branch. ifi—ifr-'ifi nyi'^yi m» ^|i ifi ' '^» V V V V '' ^ FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT -11176 SCHOLARSHIP HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: April 15th is the final date to mail all the required material to compete for a 1976 scholarship. There is still ' time tis request for application information. Please write to Mrs. Hermine ‘ Dicke, 3717 Council Cr^st; Madison, Wis. 53711. < Winners for the four $300.00 scholarships will be chosen by tha , scholarship committee on the basis of academic achievement, financial need and participation in the organization’s activities. A minimum of three year's membership is required for eligibility. We have received a number of letters cf gratitude from the winners: > "With the cost of schooling so expensive, we are grateful for the monetary gift” or "I am deeply grateful for the scholarship; without this help, I . ^ would not be able to be attending the University. God bless you for your ; fine work!" and another “Let me say thank you for the scholarship . from the bottom of my heart. It means a great deal to me, and I hope your organization will continue to help young students as you have help- > ed me”. Then last October came this letter from Jerry Kosanovich of > Duluth, Minnescta — (exerpts): ‘‘I was a recipient of a S.W.U. college scholarship in 1971. It was, after all, the generosity of your organization that was cf assistance to me in fulfilling my educational goals. My entire junior year was spent at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan as a student in Government and East Asian Studies. I am now back in ‘ Tokyo in graduate school. I plan to be in Japan for a year to regain > some of the language proficiency besides taking graduate courses. In 1976 I will be enrolled in The John Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. or at their Institute for European Studies in Northern Italy. My sincere thanks for the confidence you exhibited in me those four years ago. My best wishes to the S.W.U.”. Respectfully submitted, HERMINE DICKE, Sec. Scholarship Com. A very dear member passed away recently. Anne Hren was a member of our branch for many years and was active until the last couple of years. Recently, she took ill, suddenly, and was taken to St. Francis Hospital where she then passed away. Members gathered at the Ermenc Funeral Home, to St. Florian’s Church and to Holy Cross Cemetery. Our deepest sympathy to the Hren, Strukel and Salaimik families. Mary her soul rest in peace. Mext meeting March 4th. ROSE KRAEMER, Secretary. No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Our Christmas party this year was held at the home of Jo Prebil. A delicious meal was prepared and small gifts were exchanged. I’m sure everyone had a good time. We were saddened to hear of the death of Rudy Gabrian, husband of Teresa and father-in-law of Audrey. Our deepest sympathy to the family. Congratulations to Olga and Raymond Papish on the occasion of theii 30th Wedding Anniversary, Feb. 16th. After a party with family and friends, the coup'e will spend a week at the Tan-Tar-A Resort, Osage Beach, Mo. Olga is formerly from Pueblo and was thrilled to see the picture on the J'anuary cover of Zarja, of the old-time members of Br. 3. She knew all of these ladies and one was even the mid-wife who helped bring her into this world! As for me, I can’t remember when I had a better laugh than I did while reading "Tončka” in the “Half and Pol" skit. It was just great! JO ANCEL. —-------------------------------------- No. 50, CLEVELAND. OHIO Started the first monthly meeting of the new year with another fine attendance despite the cold and nasty weather. Our president, Ann Tercek, opened the meeting with a prayer and proceeded with the business at hand. Auditors, Marie Dolinar and Toni Turek, reported they had audited the books for the past year, and highly praised our Sec’y-Treas., Irene Jagodnik, for her excellent work in keeping good order. (As usual). Member Cynthia Jagodnik (Irene’s daughter) will be written up in the 1975 edition cf "Who's Who” in American Col'eges and Universities. She has just returned from a month long theatre tour of London, England, with Mount Union professor and students. Get we'l wishes were sent out to: Jean Trezeciak, Mary Stusek, Frances Ogrinc, Helen Tofant, Jane Ferra, Vera Nosan, Louise Križman. Thank you cards rec’d from Mary Stusek, Katherine Dush, J'ean Trezeciak, Fran ces Ogrinc. Baby cards to: Bischof, daughter of Frances Seitz, who gave birth to a baby girl; also to Barbara Zgonce, daughter of Jean Gercar, another a baby girl. Heartfelt Sympathy to Jean Jansa on the loss of her brother, Joseph Perusek, Mary Susnik lost her sister-in-law /'ntonia Mocilnikar, Ann Stanonik (nee Dekleva) lost her husband, Ben, of three months, and Rose Želodec, lost her husband, Max, who occasional entertained us with his button box p'aying which we all enjoyed. An added sad note: two days after our meet'ng. we were notified of the death of our member. Louise Križman. May they all rest in peace. Congratulations to Molly Mauer, on the marriage of her daughter, Diane, who became Mrs. Nicholas Sutyah; also to her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Raplanovich, who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding rnniversary. Installation of new officers elected for the coming vear took place. Officers were listed in last month’s issue, with one change made, Ann Winter as Rec’d Sec’y and Mae Fabec, Zarja Reporter. Happy Birthday was sung to all members who have birthdays this month, and one new member was introduced, Mary Bajec! Welcome! A big thank to our newly elected Mother of the Year, Vi Zak, and her "Kitchen aides” for the lovely table display of homemade goodies, and to all the ladies who baked. Plans were mentioned for tha Feb. meeting to have a “Valentine Queen” party, so ladies, we'll report on this next month. A parting thought: It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice. God Bless All. MAE FABEC, Sincerely. —■*31*1 C S r- THE ROAD TO NEW MEMBERSHIP BECKONS Yes, the road for new membership beckons, and how well we follow it depends on our constancy and determination. Our journey must be characterized by continually reasuring ourselves that all our efforts are in tho best interest of Zveza. Our Gw'oen Membership Campaign is in progress. I don’t know how well it is going. Everything is too quiet for me. I sincerely hope to be pleasanlly surprised at the end of the campaign with satisfactory ' results. Some cf our Branches reported good attendance at their meetings last year; others complain of lack of interest. May I suggest to the officers and committees to plan interesting programs for their meetings this year and then try to follow them. You may meet many obstacles and be disappointed along the way; but if you give the best you have, you will get setisfactory results. To the members: Your officers have been giving many thoughtful hours to the preparation of activities in the past and they deserve < your appreciation and support. When they invite you to attend the meeting, try to attend! If you show consistent interest, your friends will join your Branch because they will see that they are missing something, but you will not enroll any nsw members if nobody hears that anything is going on. Let’s fan the spark of interest into a flame which will attract other women in the community. A little effort on the part of . every member will lead the Branch into greater success. Flection of some of the convention delegates took place in January and continued in February. I sincerely hope that competent and understanding delegates were elected, delegates who will be willing to accept a respcnsible position, delegates who are aware of the importance of Zveza as wsH as their own Branch, delegates who will attend the convention with new ideas worthy of exploration. Zveza needs more courageous leaders especially those who are interested in further developing our Youth programs. Let the Golden Year of 1976 be the most successful year of Zveza! — If every member responds to her obligation — it will be! May God b'ess you and your work! HI. YOUNGSTERS! Are you active in the present Membership campaign? I hope you > are since three awards will be given away to the best workers; First award $30.00, second award $20.00, third award is $10.00. How to receive them? By enrolling one Junior member, you receive one point, for Class A member 2 points, for Class B member 3 points. The workers < witii the highest points will get the awards. Assessment for Junior members is on'y 10 cents a month, which is less than an ice cream cone. Show us what you can do! No. 95, So. CHICAGO, ILL. Our branch held no meeting in January, however, we were to return in February hoping that more of our members would attend our meetings, participate on one of our committees, support all of our money-making projects, and make a worthwhile contribution of new ideas on activities and present them to our group. We will make every effort to try them. Please don’t be bashful, speak up! Again, I am sorry to report that through death we have lost a member of our branch, Mrs. Milka Miljak, 9337 Saginaw Ave., who was an active member in the formative years of our brcneh. She died peacefully in a nursing home. She had many friends in her community, but judging from all the people that attended the wake and funeral, she was well-known outside of her community mostly. Mrs. Miljak was unable to attend our meetings in her later years due to her lingering illness, but her son Paul always took care of her needs. We will miss him too as even at the time of her death, he kept in touch with us. Our most sincere and prayful sympathy to her loving daughter and son Paul and may God b'ess you in your hour of sorrow. Her passing leaves a void in our hearts and in our branch. May she enjoy her eternal rest. My sincere thanks to Jacob Golich for his kind expressions to me and to the members of our branch. We are very sorry to hear that our Vice President, Ann Sertich has been hospitalized again. She is in need of your prayers because ill health has fallen on her. Please pray for her and all of our members who arc in ill health. Many happy returns to the following March birthday ce'ebrants: Catherin Alfirevich, Manda Dosen, Karen & Helen Golich, Ann Granich, Elaine Grankowski, Cecelia Isek, Mary Jurko, Lucy Kopilash, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson, Catherine Placzkowski, Helen Rapaich, Viola Spitz, Eva Starce-vich, Jbsephine Zadro, Kathleen Rose Quinn, Shirely Duich, Catherine Ann H.anson, Virginia Pilarski, Virginia Kwiatkowski, Beverly Ann Kropenc and Marie Zeffiro. In conclusion: I would like to extend to all of our Irish members and to their families a very warm and enjoyable St. Patrick’s Day and to our Polish members a special joyous day, who for centuries have pronounced the month of March with devotion to St. Joseph, the most powerful patron of the church and saints. MILDRED JAMES. No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Best wishes for a happy 1976 to all. Our Christmas party was attended by a lovely group of ladies and a lovely Christmas atmosphere prevailed with decorations and cake and coffee by our hostess, Jennie Flisek. A short business meeting was held and our Mother of the Year was chosen. It was my pleasure to have my sister in law, Janet Avcin chosen as Mother of the Year. Our meeting will be held the second Tuesday of March so let’s have a nice group as it is a very important meeting. So, please, let’s have as many ladies as possible attend. Our well wishes and prayers go to a very dear friend and past president, Anne Kastelic. She is a patient at Shadyside Hospital. God bless you, Anne, and get well soon. See you all at the next meeting in March. MARGE BOŠTJANČIČ. FR. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. EMPTINESS Id Chicago Sun-Times was reported the following story. Religious writer for the daily paper was contacted by a young man. He would like to tell about the starting of the new church. First reaction of the writer was not to see him because ha met the founders of the new churches practically every week. He went out of the office to see him anyway. When he introduced himself he was strucked by his lack of enthusiasm. The reason for that soon became clear. Conversation went something like this: "I understand you are starting a new church”. "That’s right”. ''What's it called?” “The church of the Living Apathists.” “What is an apathist?” "Someone who’s apathetic.” "Why did you ask for religious writer?” "Because we are religious apathists. If we were apathetic about sport, I would ask for the sports writer.” ‘‘You said ‘we’. That means you have got some cohorts, right?”, “Right”, “Have you gotten yourselves organized?” “We have had a few meetings. We have got the appication blanks to organize as not-for-profit corporation in Illinois”. “Do you plan to file them?” “I do not know. So far we have been too apathetic. Besides, we do not have an address. Or any money. And we never will.” “Do you have any scriptures?” “Yeah. It is a book filled with b'ank pages.” “What is your symbol?” “It is gray rectangle. It symbolizes nothing.” "Are you the high priest or are there any ministers in your church?” "A true priest in our faith would be one who would not show up for the meeting." "Doesn’t that make you a phony? Why did you bestir yourself to ccme in and tell me about your new church?” “I guess you would have to say, I am not a true believer. I am a borderline apathist.” "Why did you come in?” "I just happened to be walking by the building and decided to stop.” “Do you plan to call any meeting to get your church under way?” "We are thinking about it.” “How do you rate your chances of success?” "Great. If we call a meeting, chances are no cne will come. And that will mean the meeting is successful." "What is your potential membership”? "Already, I th:nk ten per cent of the American people are members. Maybe it is a hundred per cent.” "Just one more thing, one more question: As you see it, what must 1 do to be saved?” “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” “I see, well, keep the faith, friend.” Thank you and the god of emptiness be with you.” What a sad story! How it describes the mentality of many nowadays Christians and Catholics. They are so inactive, so indifferent, really apathetic to what is going on There is no real life according to religion and no conviction. We should be glad that we posses Good news that enswers to all our problems and fills our heart with satisfaction. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D. C. On Saturday, October 25, 1975, the Hall of the Church of the Little Flower was a very busy place and much chatter filled the air as guests began to arrive to celebrate our Tenth Anniversary Dinner-Dance. The evening was a successful one. Our growth and progress reflects our membership, past and present during this period. Featuring the music of Eddie Li-zewski and his Slovenes from Creek-side, Pa., was once again our pleasure. We appreciate their making the long trip. We glimpsed many members of the Catholic Alumni Association of Washington and the “Circle One Club” on the dance floor. We wish to thank Stane Sustersic for his continued support in seeing that they attend. The teen-age children of Mrs. Antolin kept her busy. They really had fun. Among the missing were some of Diene Moffet's group. We did miss them as they are so lively. Tillie Terselic, Jana Bevec and Mara Chokel provided their expertise in arranging the beautiful garden flowers raised by Tillie’s husband. Our menu featured beef stroganoff prepared with the culinary perfection of Mimi Mejac and lea Zebot. Assisting with the remainder of the menu was Maria Paulin, Nikka Kovacic, Molly Thomas and Becky Nagel. The dessert table arranged by Tillie Ausich and Tillie Terselic, was a thing of beauty. Some of the delicacies were poticas, flancate, app'e strudel, cheese strudel, assorted cakes, brownies and fancy cookies. Sincere thanks to our ladies for their generosity and time given to preparing the above. Many of our prize winners experienced a sense of joy in winning one of the numerous blooming begonia plants donated so generously and grown by Mr. Tony Terselic. Our gratitude is extended to him for this thoughtful gesture. Thanks to his grandchildren (Junior Members), Susan and Ricky Terselic for assisting. Mrs. Gloria Cesnik, our new member, baked and beautifully decorated a large cake featuring bi-centennial colors. This was served during the last intermission period. Thank you Gloria and so sorry you could not be present to see that cake disappear in a very short time. Many thanks go to our members for the effort and time spent in making this a memorable social function. November came in a hurry and we elected our Officers for the coming year. The following officers were elected: President, Freda H. Mich el itch; Vice President, Maria Paulina; Secretary, Mimi Mejac; Treasurer, Mary Lou Terselic; Recording Secretary, Matilda Ausich; Reporter, Betty Cesnik; Program Committee Chairman, Matilda Terselic; Committee Members: Re- becca Jo Nagel, Betty Cesnik; Auditors, Matilda Podbersek, lea Zebot, Mara Chokel. Hostesses, Nikka Kovacic, J'ane Bevec. To our outgoing Vice President, Molly Thomas, we express our sincere thanks for her fine spirit of cooperation and a job well done. Mr. Bill Husic then entertained us by showing slides and narrating his tour through Yugoslavia which was enjoyed by all present. AH do thank him for being with us. Maria Paulin topped the afternoon by serving Klobase! Several of our members attended the Testimonial Dinner honoring Senator Frank J. Lausche on his 80th birthday in November at the Kenwood Country Cub. This was a most impressive occasion. Our December meeting was cancelled due to conflicting activities. Installation of officers was held at our January meeting and presided by Father Franc Blatnik of Patterson, New Jersey, our Spiritual Advisor. We are grateful to him for comjng for this occasion. Three delightful guests were present, Mrs. Hilda Fedrizzi, mother of Maria Paulin of Hartford, Conn., Mrs. Mayme Cesnik, mother-in-law of Betty and Gloria of Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Mrs. Rosemarie Russ of Spencer-ville, Md. Members and families were served Tillie Terselic’s "sloppy Joes” and assorted desserts prepared again by our willing ladies. Again a continuous thanks you to all who helped with the preparation. It is nice that the following are recovering from illnesses, lea Zebot, Mara Chokel, Mary Lou Terselic and Matilda Podborsek. Get well wishes to Mr. Joseph Yasbec one of our silent helpers. Our thoughts are with Maria Mejac during the long and continued illness of her mother. FREDA H. MICHELITCH, President. No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Our Feb. meeting was held at Angie Jtenkin’s home where we enjoyed a very nice dinner with refreshments. The members nominated Steffie Hometz as the Mother of the Year This is a great honor and no one deserves the honor more than Steffie. AH the members are very proud and happy to have such a dedicated person. For those of you who don't know Steffie, I’d like to tell you a little bit of her background. Steffie has two children and five grandchildren. She has gone through several operations on her eyes and is getting along fine. Being handicapped by not being atole to see, Steffie still manages to come to the meetings, thanks to her husband, Anton. All of the members take over, then, and assist her in various ways after she arrives at the hall. Steffie missed only one meeting last year and that was when she was in the hospital. Doesn’t that put a lot of you to shame? So, do come out and attend our meetings. I was very sorry to miss the Dec. meeting, the only one I have missed, too, as that very same day I was rushed to the emergency room at Oakwood Hospital with a heart attack. Now, it’s just a slow recovery, but with all the prayers and get well cards, I’m doing fine. Thank you. Our president, Pauline Adamic gave me the highlights of the Christmas Party held after the Dec. meeting at Catherine Musich’s home. Gift exchange and a very nice dinner with refreshments was enjoyed. Get well card and also a Christmas card was mailed to Anna Plazor who is recovering from a broken hip. Hope you received the gift of money from the Br. 105 members, Anna. We have 16 new members in Br. 105 — they merged with our group, so please ladies, get active. Thank you, Helen Troha for the beautiful birthday cake you baked for Steffie Hometz’ birthday. Sorry I missed it. The same officers were elected for 1976 with Pauline Adamic, Pres., Jennie Bole, Sec.-Treas., and I, Angeline Slapsak, Yours truly, will keep you posted in Zarja. Our next meeting will be at Agnes Putz’s home on 7619 Theisen, Dearborn, Mich., April 4th at 1 p.m. sharp. Please, ladies, let Agnes know if you will attend by either calling her or Jennie Bole. The hostess must know in advance so she can prepare. This will be an important meeting as we will decide where to go for dinner in May, to honor our Mother of the Year. ANGELINE SLAPSAK. (Zecfiwai HI BOYS AND GIRLS In yur local newspapers recently you perhaps noticed that an invitation has been extended to all of us to help select the official Bicentenial motto. More than a million slogans came from people across the country. The Bicentennial committee chose the six best: 1.—America is your past: you are her future. 2.—America — the possible dream. 3.—Honor the past; challenge the future. 4.—Take pride in America’s past; take part in America’s future. 5.—Stand fast, stand tall, stand American. 6.—Freedom’s way — USA. A slogan or a motto may be a word, a phrase or a sentence stating a position or a goal, especially of a religious or political nature. From as far back as ancient history, mottos and slogans were used by individuals, families, chivalric orders, organizations, schools, labor unions, political parties, armies, towns, countries, states and nations. Two hundred years ago many mottos and slogans made their appearance. "Don’t Fire Till You can. See the Whites of Their Eyes” originated June 17, 1775 by American Revolutionary officer William Prescott, while the Continental soldiers were waiting for the British troops under the command of General William Howe to make the (Please turn to inside cover) VISIT BEAUTIFUl SLOVENIA THIS SUMMER! Round trip air fare from CLEVELAND to Ljubljana from $398.00 on direct Jet flights: June 11 — July 6 July 17 — August 29 June 14 — July 28 July 20 — August 19 June 22 — August 30 August 2 — August 23 July 1 — July 22 August 6 — September 7 ju|y 3 — August 1 September 8 — September 28 Direct Jet flights from CHICAGO to Ljubljana Round trip air fare $455.00 June 30 — July 29 June 29 — July 20 from July 17 — August 29 MILWAUKEE August 28 — September 21 For information and reservations please write to: K0LLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. MAIN OFFICE: 589 East 185 th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Telephone: (216) 692-2225 CHICAGO OFFICE: 2032 West Cermak Road, Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-7199 According to Travel Group Charter regulations, reservations for flights have to be in as soon as possible. After 65 days prior to each departure, reservations can be accepted on a standby basis only. MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET RUSINJA 0 AMERIKI Pred nekaj časa sem poslušala predavanje mlade Rusinje Nile Magidoff. Govorila je tako interesantno in tako živo, da so navzoče Amerikanke kar strmele, češ, koliko vitalnosti, humorja :n naravne sile imajo ti “foreignerji.” Nila je preživela rusko bolševiško revolucijo, bila večkrat v ječi radi scvojega protikomunističnega mnenja, se končno poročila z ameriškim časniškim poročevalcem ter pred nekaj 'eti dospela iz Moskve preko Havajev v San Francisco, kjer jo je sprejel njen mož. Po pozdravu na letališču je on rekel naj malo počaka, da gre po svoj avto.” Kaj, Svoj avto? Da bi navaden reporter lastoval avto, tega ne verjamem! To so ameriške laži, pravimo v Rusiji”. “Prišedši v hotel sem uslužbencu pokazala moje legitimacije, katerih še pogledal ni. Rekel je samo, naj se v hotelsko knjigo podpišem. Ni pazil kako se bom podpi-sa'a in kako ime rabila. Smehljaje je odgovoril, da se nič ne briga s kakšnim imenom se bom podpisala, samo da se podpišem. V Rusiji hočejo v vsakem hotelu natančno videti legitimacije, katere pazno pregledajo in primerjajo, če ste se s pravim imenom podpisali in če podpis soglaša z legitimacijami, to je z ročno pisavo. “Nato so me poslali v mojo sobo. Moj Bog! Kako velika soba! In privatna kopalnica! Gotovo so se zmotili. V polomnjeni angleščini sem hotela povedati portirju, ki je prinesel kovček, da sem v napačni sobi in da nimam dovolj denarja za tak luksus. Fant je rekel, da je vse O.K. ‘‘Drugo jutro sem šla ven na cesto. Hodila in hodila sem gor in dol ter opazovala ljudi. V Rusiji so vse ženske skoro enako oblečene, tukaj je pa vsaka imela drugačno obleko in drugačen klobuk. Ljudje so se srečevali, se pozdravljali in smejali. V Rusiji se na cesti nihče ne smeje. "Šla sem v trogovino, da kupim čevlje. S strahom sem vprašala, če morda imajo en par čevljev moje mere. Uslužbenec je rekel, da jih imajo najmanj 50 parov. 50 parov! V vsej Moskvi nimajo 50 parov čevljev iste mere. ‘‘Prišla sem v New York. Postovala sem sama, ker je moj mož moral službeno odpotovati v Evropo. Z moževo sorodnico sva šli kupovati potrebne stvari za moje stanovanje. Ko sem zagledala ogromne zaloge vsakovrstnih stvari, bi skoraj ponorela. Hotela sem pokupiti vse! Ne zato, ker bi rabila, temveč iz strahu, da jutri vsega tega ne bodo imeli. Kupila sem 10 funtov soli, ki je v Rusiji jako draga in jo je težko dobiti. Kupila sem 20 kant graha, fižola, sardin, breskev in hrušk, 25 funtov sladkorja, 50 funtov moke in več ducatov jajc, več kartonov makaronov in rezancev. Sorodnica me je začudeno vprašala zakaj toliko kupujem, saj ne bom vsega v enem dnevu pojedla. Moj odgovor je bil, da se moram založiti, ker jutri tega ne bodo imeli. V Rusiji je tako. “Rusi smo vsi neumni na majhna orodja, ki jih nimamo. Kupila sem več kladiv, žagic, vsake vrste nožičev, en ducat rezil za lupiti krompir, ter 10 funtov žebljev, ki so v Rusiji redki. Prišedši v svoje stanovanje sem vse to izsula na tla. Sedela sem na tleh ter občudovala nakupljene stvari. V vsem svojem življenju nisem bila bolj srečna kot sedaj. “V restavraciji sem se čudila ljudem, zakaj ne pojedo vsega, kar jim je bilo servirano ter celo odklonijo kako jed. Najrajši bi se z njimi skregala. Taka potrata medtem ko pol sveta strada. Jaz bi najrajši oblizala vse krožnike. “Povabljena sem bi!a na večerjo. Novo čudo! Vsi krožniki so bili enaki; žlice in vilice tudi. V moji mladosti sta oče in mati imela leseni žlici, mi otroci pa plehnate, a vsaka je bila drugačna. Sklede ravno tako. Joj, kako sem občudovala ameriško svetlo posodo. Lonci in kastrole — menda je vse srebrno, ko se tako sveti. “Sveže cvetlice sem videla na mizi in goreče svečke pri večerji. V Rusiji so svečke samo v cerkvi. “Ameriški ženski klubi me vabijo za predavanje. Nič ne pomaga izgovor, da je moja angleščina pomanjkliva. Potrudila sem se sicer, da bi govorila kolikor mogoče razumljivo angleščino, a mnogokrat zamenjam besedo ali jo napačno izgovorim, kar povzroči smeha na koše. “Med vojno sem bila zaposljena pri ruski relifni organizaciji v New Yorku. Nastopala sem tudi na patrijoti-čnih programih, kjer smo priporočali nakup ameriških vojnih bondov. Enkrat sem bila na takem programu v Teksasu. Bil je to program kavbojev, veste tistih, ki jezdijo divje konje. Ker sem dobra jahačica, sem se zagovorila. Rekla sem, če kdo kupi ameriških vojnih bondov za 100 tisoč dolarjev, bom zajahala tistega-Ie divjega konja. Nisem znala, da je v Teksasu vse mogoče. Kmalu pristopi k meni mož z širokim klobukom ter mi pomoli ček za 100 tisoč dolarjev. “Tamle je pa konj,” reče. Kmalu bi od presenečenja omedlela. Prosila sem moža naj me še nekaj časa pusti prodajati bonde Ko bo program končan, pridem in zajašem konja. In tako se je zgodilo. Od takrat se od Teksasu vstran držim.” Nila Magidoff in njen soprog sta nekaj časa poučevala ruščino na Louisville univerzi v Kentucky. Točasno bivata v New Yorku, kjer ima on važno pozicijo pri American Press Association. V mesecu februarju se spominjamo rojstva dveh ve-ikih ameriških predsednikov, Washingtona in Lincolna, pa tudi rdeče-srčnega Valentina. Upam, da ste se veselile Valentinovih kartic ter se domislile, da je mesec Februar mesec ljubezni, resnice sreče in prostosti, kakoršno nam nudi ameriška ustava svobode. Ste že uredile svoj program za obhajanje ameriške 200 letnice? čas hiti, podvizajte se! Vsaka podružnica naj stori nekaj, da pokaže svojo hvaležnost državi, ki je naša nova domovina. » » • Muhasta prijateljica piše: "Še nikdar nisem bila bolana in ne iskala zdravnika. Letos me je pa prijelo, da nisem mogla dihati. Hčerka je poklicala zdravnika, ki mi je vsa najboljša jedila prepovedal kot: šunko, pork čapse in klobase. (če se bom pri jedi pazila bom še dolgo živela), je rekel zdravnik. To je že prav, a brez teh jedil sem kakor avto brez gasolina.” • * * Neki mož je vprašal protestantovskega pastorja, če bo smel v nebesih tobak žvečiti. "Seveda”, pritrdi pastor, "le pluvati boš moral hoditi v pekel." * • • Dva moža, ki nista mogla drug drugega videti, sta se srečala na ozki brvi. Prvi je šel naravnost proti drugemu in rekel: "J'az se oslu nikdar ne ognem” — "Jaz pa,” je rekel drugi in stopil v stran. P. KLAVDIJ OKORN, OFM. SKUŠIMJAVEC Sv. Luka v četrtem poglavju svojega evangelija govori o tem kako hudi duh izkuša Jezusa. Ta zgodba je zame vedno bila zelo privlačna. Napravi Jezusa tako človeškega. Opozarja nas obenem na človeške slabosti, ki se jih hudobni duh poslužuje, da človeka zapelije na svoja pota in ga tako odvrne od Boga. Vedno mu zna vse prikazati v tako lepih barvah, da če človek ne bi pazil ga potegne za seboj, še tako je vedno v nevarnosti, da pogreši. O tem nas potrjuje tudi sv. pismo, ki pravi, da celo pravični sedemkrat na dan greši. So to lahko le prestopki slabosti in se jih včasih človek še ne zaveda, a je tako. Hudobni duh seveda pa porabi vsako priložnost, da človeka skuša. Danes hoče posebno prepričati ljudi, da je vsemogočen in da se mu ni mogoče ustavljati. Zgodba Exorcist (Izgon hudiča) kakor je pretirana nam vseeno veliko pove.. V nekem kraju tu v Ameriki je živel zelo bogat kmet (farmer). Poleg tega, da je bil zelo bogat je bil tudi zelo skop. Ob neki priložnosti se je spreobrnil. Začel se je zavedati, da je pravzaprav le upravnik vsega kar ima. Zavedati se je začel, da mu je vse dano od Boga in da to posreduje drugim. V tem času je prišel k njemu neki ubog sosed, katerega hiša in gospodarska poslopja so pogorela. Potreboval je hrane. Bogatin se je določil, da mu da šunko iz svoje shrambe. Na poti v shrambo mu je hudobni duh šepetal: “daj mu najmanjšo, kar jih imaš.” Bogatin se je boril zopet s svojim skopuškim duhom, končno pa je njegova darežljivost le zmagala. Zagrabil je največjo Šinko, ki jo je mogel najti. “Norec”, mu je škodoželjno pravil hudobni duh. Toda kmet mu je odgovoril: “Če ne boš tiho mu bom dal vse šunke, ki jih imam.,” Primerno je, da se poslužimo J'ezusovega načina zavračati hudobnega duha. Treba ga je ponovno izgnati. S tem ni rečeno, da je sedaj odravljeno. Zopet in zopet se bo vrnil in poskusil svojo srečo. Ni čudno, da pravi sv. Peter: čujte in molite bratje, kajti hudič vaš sovražnik hodi okoli kakor rjoveč lev in geda koga bi požrl. On ni bog-sigavedi kako daleč štren, kakor bi on rad, da bi mislili, ampak je vedno blizu nas in vedno išče priložnosti kako bi nam škodoval. Nadeva si vsemogoče obraze samo, da b, has zapeljal. Včasih si nadene celo obraz pobožnega človeka in se nam tako hinavsko približa, da bi nas zmotil, da so mu na razpolago vsa moderna sredstva kakor ra-dijo, televizja, časopisje, je samo po sebi razumljivo. Postni čas je še posebej primeren, da se duhovno pripravimo za borbo z hudobnim duhom. Ta borba traja doker č'ovek živi. Duh je sicer voljan, toda meso je slabo. Zato čujte in molite, da ne padete v skušnjavo. DOPISI ŠT. 3, PUEBLO. COLO. Na nas'ovni strani naše Zarje v febr. je bil čudovit pogled na 20 članic ob ustanovitvi podr. št. 3. Krasna slika in tudi žalostni spomin. 18 članic že počiva na božji njivi mnogo let. Odšle so tja, kjer večno cvete pomlad. Živeče sta še ustanovne članice Mary Bozaich in Frances Raspet. V svežem spominu mi je posebno moja nepozabna Margaret Kozjan. Ko sem v letu 1949 sprejela urad preds. št. 3, mi je bila vedno desna roka z navodili in dobrimi nasveti. Zapustila je v meni najlepši spomin. Hvaležna sem urednici Corinne, da je ob 50 letnici objavila to sliko v spomin mnogim, ki niso več med nami. Sedaj ob 50 letnici prihajajo na dan njihova dobra dela, ki bodo z zlatimi črkami za pisana v hvaležnih spominih. Za njimi je ostala bo'eča praznina, ki jo tudi čas ne bo mogel izpolniti.. Vedno imamo dovolj smrtnih slučajev: v najlepši mladosti, je zatisnila svoje oči Violet Patrick, vnuk:nja naše čla. Kristine Težak. Mi vsi žalujemo za njo v tej solzni domovini. Smrt je tudi posegla v družino Jennie Lukanich ter jim iztrgala moža in očeta, žena je pokojnemu zvesto streg'a v njegovi dolgi bolezni. Boleče so še rane preostale, ker je bil dober kot malokdo. Na zadnji poti je imel lepo spremstvo, tudi nečaka in svaka Joseph Ausnik in Mike Oreskovich, dalje za njim žalujeta Anna Batiz in Anna Černač. Umrl je tudi dobro poznani zobozdravnik Dr. John Sabo. Vsi preostali pokojnih v težkih urah žalosti, prejmite našo iskreno tolažbo ob bridki izgubi vaših najdražjih. — Zahvala velja vsem, ki so jih tolažili v teh žalostnih dneh. Pokojnim pa blag spomin! Naša kampanja za nove čla. je v polnem tiru. Pokažimo kaj zmoremo za našo zlato obletnico, toje 50 letnico ustanovitve naše SŽZ. Naša častna preds., Marie Prisland je že večkrat opisala zgodovino naše organizacije, ki je neizpodbiten dokaz kaj se lahko doseže, če smo složne. Naj SŽZ napreduje in se širi kot vodnica našim ženam in dekletom v Ameriki! Ohranimo to kar še imamo, to je našo Zvezo! Konvcnčni listki so v prodaji. Čla. sezite po njih. Nagrade so bogate, katere boste srečne. Za našo zaslužno mater leta, smo izvolile vedno nasmejano in prijazno Frances Skul, katero bomo počastile na seji v mesecu maju. Že sedaj vabljene! V tukajšnji nase'blni se z vso vnemo pripravljamo za proslavitev 200 letnice ameriške neodvisnosti, kar je globokega pomena, ker smo skupna družina vseh narodov, po vsej naši prostrani deželi Ameriki. Nevarno ja bolen Charles Pičinich, brat naše č'a. Minie Pičinich. Charlie je velik prijatelj naše Zveze. Na dec. seji je bilo prečitano božično voščilo gl. preds. M. Bostian. Hvala Mary! Letna seja je bila povoljno obiskana. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor z izjemo podpreds., ker je Olga Mesojedec odklonila, je njeno mesto zauzela Frances Skul. Taj. je še vedno naša delavna Frances Simonich., Seje se vršijo vsako prvo sredo v mesecu ob eni uri v cerkeveni dvorani, ker je bilo splošno mnenje, da je nevarno za seje v nočnem času. Saj se zdi, da je v javnosti pešanje morale, ker so ljudje pri polnih loncih nesrečni. Sodniki so tudi preveč popustljivi z mladino. Bog daj, da pridejo na pravo pot. Pri skepu mojega poročila, sem prejela žalostno novico, da je umrla naša čla. Anna Pechek (Peček). Pri pogrebnih obredih, je bila njena krsta preobložena s cvetjem, kot cvetlični vrt. V življenju je zelo ljubila cvetlice. Pevski zbor ji je v slovo zapel: "V nebesih sem doma” in “Ko zarja rumeni”. Smrt je nastopila nepričakovano v lepi starosti 90 let. Otroci so ji vedno bili v tolažbo in postrežbo. Pokojna Anna je bila vzorna mati in dobra gospodinja veliki družini 11 otrokom, katere je odlično odgojila. Kot prava slovenska mati, je zapustila otrokom dediščino poduk slovenskega jezika. Vsi smo jo poznali pod imenom Zajčkova mama (po domače) in v njeni družbi je bilo vedno veselo in poskočno. Njen pokojni mož Jože je bil zomžen igranja na harmoniko, še vedno v duhu ponavljam pesmi, katere sta skupno prepevala. Pok. je bi'a sorodnica mojega moža. Vsej Pechek družini in preostalim naše sožalje. Čeprav pokojno mamo krije hladni grob, bo v našem spominu živela še naprej, čla. so jo spremile s svečami na njen poslednji dom. ANNA PACHAK. -----— o ^-cgf • ---------- ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Februarska seja je bila bolj pičlo obiskana. Članice ne morejo priti, ker tiste dni je bil res hud mraz. Komaj čakamo lepših dni. Pionirja slavita 50 let zakona Mr. in Mrs. John Chuck, sta 4. januarja praznovala svojo zlato poroko. Poročil jih je naš pokojni župnik James Cherne, 3, januarja 1916. Oba sta dospela v Ameriko leta 1913. On je bil rojen v Gornjem Logatcu, ona pa v vasi Rdeči kal, fara Dober-nič, kjer je bil rojen svetniški škof Frederik Baraga. John Chuck je bil mnogo let vposljen v Kohlerjevi tovarni, zdaj je upokojen ter s svojo ljubo ženico vživa mirne in zadovoljne dni v svojem modernem domu. V zabavo jima je krasen vrt, ki ga v poletju skrbno gojita. Slavljenca imata dva otroka: Sin Emil-na in hčerko Matildo, ki je poročena z Robert lmig-om, ki s svojimi sinovi obratuje veliko trgovino z možkimi oblekami. Imajo tudi čistilnico za obleke. Med petimi vnuki je ena učiteljica, zdaj poročena z advokatom John Schmidt-om, en vnuk pa je električni inženir. Družina ima 6 pra vnukov. Chukovim — Francka je naša radodarna članica — Iskreno želimo še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let! M.P. & ^rs J0fin Chuck V tem času so bolane: Olga Klančar, Mrs. Nikovič in Mary Vrhovšek. Bog jim daj hitrega zdravja. Zahvalno karto so poslali družina Paskovič za umrlo mamo, ker smo opravile pogrebne molitve za pokojno. Bog daj dobri članici večni mir in večna luč naj ji sveti. Druga umrla je Mrs. Paje, ki je tudi bila naša dobra članica in naj ji bo Bog dober plačnik. Obema družinama naše sožalje. Dne 31. oktobra, drugo leto bo 50 let odkar je bila ustanovljena naša podr. št. 14. že sedaj se razgovar-jamo kako bi vse najboljše pripravile za to lepo obletnico. Res, veliko jih je že umro, ki so ustanovile naše društvo, samo nekaj jih je še med nami. Naša podpreds. odpotuje ta teden v Argentino na obisk k svojemu bratu in njegovi družini, želimo ji srečno potovanje in veselo snidenje ter srečen povratek. Hčerka naše čla. Mrs. Baron je bila na težki operaciji. Zdaj je doma pod zdravniško oskrbo in mati Baron je že drugi teden pri njej, da ji streže in pomaga pri delu. Zadnji teden je umrl naš rojak Florijan Močilnikar. Podlegel je hudi bolezni.. Doma je bil iz Velike vasi, fara Moravče. Naj mu bo lahka ameriška gruda. Tega večera so članice v denarju darovale: Mrs. Žagar, Mrs. Guzeli, Mrs. Medved, Mrs. Pirc, Mrs. Valter, Mrs. Krajc, Mrs. Kovač, Mrs. Fajdiga, Mrs. Kožel, Mrs. Vidmar, Mrs. Koljat, Mrs. Ozanič in Mrs. Zajc. Seja je bila zaključena z molitvijo za pokojne Mrs. Paskovič in Mrs. Paje. Ob koncu vsem članicam na vse strani, lep pozdrav, A. ŠUŠTAR, Poroč. ZLATA JUBILEJNA KAMPANIJA SE ZAKLJUČI 31. MARCA! ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Na g!avni seji v dec. smo izvolile Josephine Imperl za častno ženo leta 1976. Josephine je navdušena delavka za SŽZ. Kot dogoletna članica, je že služila mnogo let v odboru. Rada se udeležuje mesečnih sej ter vedno rada pomaga, kjer le more. Josephine je dolgoletna organistka pri cerkvi Marije Pomoč Kristjanov v West Allisu ter je zelo priljubljena med Slovenci. Iskrene čestitke, Josephine! Naša podružnica tudi pošilja iskrene čestitke našemu župniku, Rev. Mateju Setničarju ob 40 letnici majniškega posvečenja. Preveč bi bilo popisati vse njegovo neutrudno delo za faro in težave s katerimi se je moral boriti, toda uspehi so mu v ponos: nova cerkev, šola, dvorana itd. Vse te stavbe so priča njegovega uspeha, kar pove več kot vse besede. Hvala g. župnik za vaše veliko delo. Bog naj čuva nad vami še mnogo let ter Vam da zdravja. Kakor je bilo že poročano, se bo vršila Midwest Kegljaško tekmovanje SŽZ tukaj pri nas v West Allis. Čla. št. 17 se bomo potrudile biti za vas “perfect hostess”. Upam, da bo udeležba velika ter vam vsem želimo sreče pri kegljanju ter veliko zabave 10. in 11. aprila. Dobrodošle in Na svidenje! Za zastopnico na konvenciji v Pittsburghu smo izvolile Vicky Kastelic ter upamo, da nas bo uspešno zastopala. Začetek leta 1976 je nekako žalosten — še ni konec januarja, pa smo že izgubile 2 članici. Prva je umrla Mrs. Frances Miklič, ki je bila dolgoletna članica SŽZ ter je rada prihajala na seje, tudi potem ko se je izselila iz West Allisa. Dočakala je visoko starost 92 let. Bila je trdna in zdrava, prava Slovenka, ki se je zvesto držala slovenskih običajev in slovenskega jezika. Naj počiva v miru. Sorodnikom izrekamo naše sožalje. Za Frances pa je Bog poklical k sebi Mrs. Mary Kastner, katero je dolga leta mučila artritis, skoro 30 let. Sam Bog ve koliko je trpela, pa pri vseh bolečinah ni dosti govorila o svoji bolezni. Bila je vedno vedrega obraza in se je zanimala za vse svetovne, društvene in osebne novice. Vedno je bila Zvezi zvesta članica in dokler je mogla je rada delovala. Služila je pri društvu kot podpreds., poročevalka in še razna druga mesta. Počivaj v miru, prijateljica moja! Spomin na Tebe pa bo ostal v naših srcih za vedno. Družina Kastner ter vsi sorodniki pa naj prejmejo naše sožalje. Molimo za umrle čla. Vsem bolim pa želimo zdravja. MARY MURN. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Prav živahne in dobre volje so bile vse članice, ki so se udeležile v velikem številu naše prve seje v letu. Duh. vodja, Msgr. M. J. Butala, je zaprisegel naše odbornice za to leto: preds. Emma Planinšek, (ki je preds. preko 40 let), podpreds. Mary Ivanič, ki je v odboru 3 leta, ta j. Olga Ancel (v odboru 5 let), zapis. Josephine Erjavec, ki je v odboru od ustanovitve, blizu 50 let, blag. Mary Marolt, ki je nova odbornica in je prevzela to mesto, ker prejšnja dolgoletna odbornica Josephine Sumic zaradi slabega zdravja, ni mogla biti več aktivna, čeprav je bila v odboru nad 20 let in Je sedaj prejela častni naslov kot “častna blagajničarka”. Nadzornice so: Frances Stonich, 9 let, Theresa Marentich, 8 let in Emma Nosse 6 let. Theresa Muhich pa je rediteljica preko 15 let. Duh. vodja Msgr. Butala je naš duh. vodja že preko 40 let. Vse članice so dobre delavke za kar jim velija čast in hvala za njihovo delo v prid naše Zveze. SLOVESNA BLAGOSLOVITEV BARAGOVE SLIKE V nedeljo dne 25. jan. so v jo-lietski slovenski cerkvi sv. Jožefa slovesno blagoslovili in za stalno izobesili v cerkvi novo krasno sliko škofa Frederika Barage. Veliko sliko ja naročila podr. št. 20, S.ž.Z. in je delo umetnice Emilija Razman-Bucik, članice Zveze. Slovesnost se je vršila ob veliki udeležbi ljudstva. UMETNICA EMILIJA. Na seji je bilo sklenjeno, da članice, ki postanejo 85 let stare, so proste prispevkov za podr. Prečitano je bilo pismo od Hermane Dicke, ki se zahvaljuje za naše prispevke v šolninski sklad. Prejele smo tudi pismo od podr. št. 26 glede prihodnje konvencije v Pittsburghu. Bolna članice so bile: Mary Brick, Pat Sterle in Helen Dufour v bolnišnici ter Mary Lu Barbick. Naše sožalje čla* iz Rockdale, Antonia Sustersich ob izgubi sestre A. Koren, ki je umrla v lepi starosti 92 let. Dalje sožalje preostalim pok. John Chepuran, ki poleg soproge in ostale družine, zapušča tudi naše čla. She-pich in Anna Kobe iz Crest Hill. Pošlje se tem kartico sožalja in bolanim želje za hitro ozdravljenje (Golf, Bar-bich, Lil Bozich) ter kartico s čestitkami naši mladi novi čla. Judy Pucel ob rojstvu sina. Tako je postala Millie Pucel stara mama in Vaša zapisnikarica pra-stara mama. (Pripomba: Krist Pucel, najstarejši sin od Millie je pred 4 leti obiskal Evropo, nakar je končal študije in se poročil). Želimo prvorojencu zdravja in sreče. Mladi materi čestitke. Za "častno mater podružnice” smo izbrale Anne Papesh, ki je naša dolgoletna dobra članica in kegljačica. Anne je bila med prvimi, ko se je ustanovil kegljaški krožek. Torej je več let kegljačica pri Zvezi in še vedno med vrlimi kegljačicami. Ann je bila vesela te časti in se zahvaljuje odbornicam in članicam. Na seji nas je obiskal naš župnik Rev. Roman Malavašič ter nam mnogo lepega povedal o škofu Baragu. Bile smo vesele njegovega obiska. Kasneje nas je obiskal tudi kaplan Rev. David Stalzer. P.ed zaključkom seje, preds. vabi matere, da pripeljejo svoje hčerke v našo sredo in za vzgled je ona sama pripeljala sorodnico, ženo vnuka, ki se je komaj pred par mescci poročil. Torej sledimo ji! Dne 25. jan. se je v naši cerkvi vršila pobožnost na čast škofa Friderika Barage. Naša podr. št. 20 je naročila lepo veliko sliko delo čikaške umetnice in članice, Emilija Bucik Ražman, ki je bila ob tej priliki blagoslovljena in postevljena na častno mesto v cerkvi. Potem smo šli v dvorano, kjer nam je kazal slike Mr. Zele iz Clevelanda. Hvala njemu in vsem duhovnikom naše fare za njihov trud v delu, da bi naš rojak čimprej dosegel čast oltarja. Naše odbornice so postregle s prigrizkom. Hvala vsem. Z željo, da se vse članice vidimo zdrave na prihodnji seji, vsem lep pozdrav in na svidenje. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. ŠT. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Na prvo nedeljo v mesecu smo imele sejo kakor po navadi ob udeležbi dobrih članic. Poročila so bila sprejeta. Za delegacijo na konvencijo je bila izvoljena naša priljubljena čla. Mrs. Emma Shimkus. *-'W //'//rVAV//,vVV///,v , „VVV Proslava 50 letnice se bo vršila v mesecu maju. Hvala lepa ses. E. Shimkus, ki vedno pomaga društvu in pokaže svoja dobra dela. Bog jo blagoslovi! Ne pozabite priti na našo prihodnjo sejo, prvo nedeljo v mesecu v šolski dvorani svetega Roka. Naša sestra Ann Meglen je prišla na sejo in je zopet sprejela pisanje za Zarjo v angleškem delu., Hvala ji za to važno delo v prid društva. Zahvalim se vsem članicam, ki so prineslo plačilo mesečne članarine in tudi za tiste, ki sami ne morejo na seje. članica lahko da napraviti bančni ček za plačilo na ime: Slovenska Ženska Zveza. Tako imate tudi potrdilo plačila in samo pošljete po pošti na naslov tajnice; če pa pozabite njen naslov, morete poslati na naslov predsednice: 726 Chartres Str., La Salle, III. 61301. Še vedno imamo nekaj bolanih članic: Katarina Spitzmiller, Mary Fu-rar, Christina Drnach, Agnes Bartley in Mrs. Rolando Janesville. V Oglesby pa Mrs. Josephine Omahen, če je še katera druga bolana, mi prosim sporočite. Ob koncu želim vsem članicam po vseh naselbinah, mnogo božjega blagoslova, zdravja in da bi tudi v bodoče skupaj držale za napredek Zveze. Če sem katero članico izpustila, mi naj oprosti. Pozdravlja, Vaša zapisnikarica. MICI MARY PILETIČ. Na gornji sliki so od 1. proti d.: Fred Orehek, preds. čikaške podr. Baragove Zveze, dalje Fr. Roger Kaffer, načelnik katoliške višje šole “Providence High”, Fr. David Stalzer, pomožni župnik, Fr. Roman Malovašič, župnik, baragoslovec Jos. Gregorich, urednica Baragovega buletina, Agnes B. Rufus in Msgr. Matija Butala, častni župnik fare sv. Jožefa. V izbranih besedan je bil podan Baragov življenjepis. Bil je rojen in v duhovnika posvečen v Sloveniji, nakar je 37 'et deloval med ameriškimi Indijanci kot misijonar in učitelj. Po cerkvenih obredih je Klevelandčan Joseph Želle predvajal film o življenji: svetniškega škofa. Istega dne je bila tudi Baragova nedelja v Chicagu ob veliki udeežbi rojakov, g. Želleta in tajnice Baragove Zveze, gdč. Rufus iz Marquette, Mich. ŠT. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Srečno, veselo in zdravo novo leto, želimo vsem članicam in njihovim družinam ter gl. odboru. Naša tetina seja v dec. je bila lepo obiskana. Smo imele kratko sejo, nato pa Božičnico za stare in mlade. Odbor za to leto je bil izvoljen, kakor sledi: Preds. ALM E P P I C K, podpreds. CEAL ŽNIDAR, taj. JOSEPHINE CO-MENSHEK, blag. ANNE COOKE, zapis. ANNE TEKAVEC, ki je tudi po-1'j’evaika za Zarjo. Nadzornice: BARBARA BARON in MERILYN FRECK. Kuhinjske oskrbe: MARY BATIČ in ELEANOR JERAN. Častna mati za 1976 je MARY GOLOBIC, ki je veliko dobrega storila za Zvezo. Čestitamo! Na seji v dec. smo sprejele novo čanico VIDA FINK, mati Rev. John Fink iz Clewston, Florida. Z veseljem c mo jo sprejele. Dne 1, jan. smo izgubile čla. Antonia Močilnikar. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj, naj počiva v miru. Naše bolne so pa Tončka Skvarča, ki se zdravi na domu in Annie Chin-char, ki je bila operirana v Euclid General bolnišnici. Bog jim daj ljubo zdravje. Margaret Jamnik je v nursing home. Mary Drobnick in Frank sta 14. jan. odpotovala v sončno Florido, v Fort Lauderdale za dva meseca. Annie Godlar tudi večkrat obišče Frances Korenčič in Mary Volpe, ki sta v Neff Rd. nursing home. Tudi Frfnces Grjevic je že dolgo bolana in Mary Kos je tudi zelo bolana ter Angela Barkovich stanuje pri hčeri. Bog jim dal ljubo zdravje in molimo za naše bolne sestre. Po seji smo se zabavale in brezplačno kosilo so darovale naše dobre članice. Če bi imenovala vsako posebej, bi vzelo preveč prostora. Bog vas blagos'ovi za vse in tudi za darove za naše “baton" malčke, ko je treba tudi njim malo pomagati. Vse smo bile v kar najlepšem razpoloženju in tudi zapele smo. Hvala naši gl. predsednici, ki je vse tako preskrbela in oddale smo veliko dobitkov prisotnosti. V januarju nismo imele seje, ker je bilo preveč mrzlo in ledeno. Bog naj b'agoslovi vas in vaše družine. Se vidimo na seji dne 17. marca. Tajnica priporoča naj vsaka plača asesment pravočasno in ne odlašati. A. TEKAVEC. ------------—g> i; .'■el—-» » ----------- ŠT. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Naše seje se vršijo drugo nedeljo v mesecu. V maju ne bo seje, ker je materinski dan. Našo častno mater bomo proslavile dne 13. junija. Pri pregledu zapisnikov, sem ugotovila, da še imamo nekaj živečih ustanovnih članic naše podr. Ann Fabian, prva tajnica, sedaj živi v Floridi, Mary Mauser, naša organizatorka, dalje Cecilia Wolf, Mary Perpar in Antonia Erjavec so v Clevelandu. Dobrodcšico izrekamo družabni c'cnici, Marian Gilbsrt. Blagajničarka izreka prisrčno zahva- lo, darovalkam: Mary Zdešar, Louise Sever, Mary Prelogar, Lucille Romih, Maria Rolih, Anna Skok, Agnes Bojc, Mary Dacar, Katarina Potočnik in Mary Cipo. Imam za'ogo kuharskih knjig, ki so po $4.50 in so primerno darilo za vsa ko priliko. Moj soprog je bil izbran za “moža leta” od Narodnega doma na Stanley A ve. v Map'e Heights. On in drugi pred-tavniki narodnih domov, bodo kot "mož;e leta” v marcu na programu Po'ka Varieties. Velik banket bo tudi v marcu njim na čast v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu na St. Clarju. Čestitke. Vsse'e rojstne dneve vsem, ki jih slavite v marcu. Enako god Sv. Jožefa in Sv., Patricija. Podpisana bom z možem obhajala 25 letnico zakona dne 1. avgusta z mašo ob 1:15 v cerkvi sv. Venceslava. Pozdrav vsem, JANE KAPLAN, tajnica. -------------«*3;-o ----------- ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OHIO Ker je to prvi dopis v tem letu, bom poročala kaj je na sporedu za leto 1976. Najbolj važno za vse naše članice SŽZ je letošnje praznovanje 50 letnice obstoja in vse-narodna konvecija, ki se bo vršila v maju v Pittsburghu. Poleg tega bo naša podr. praznovala 45 letnico ustanovitve. To se bo vršilo prvo nedeljo v maju, kar bo združeno tudi z materinsko proslavo. Imele bomo skupno kosilo v SND, 5050 Stanley St., Maple Hts. Za članice bo kosilo $2.00, za goste pa po $3.50. Zaradi prostora, bomo morale vedeti v naprej koliko bo udeležbe, zato že sedaj opozarjam, da pokličete tajnico J. Pugely, 587-4230. Da bomo napravile kaj za blagajno, imamo konvenčne listke, prosim, da posežete po njih. Nekatere članice so že pridno na delu. Za častno mater smo izvolile dobro poznano Ann Harsh, poročena z Andy Harsh. Imata 3 otroke v družini, 2 hčerki in enega sina. Starejša hčerka Patricia bo graduirala to leto iz Višje šole in je prav dobra učenka. Ann je hčerka Mr. in Mrs. Leo Kreševič. Več o njej bo v majski številki Zarje. Božičnico smo prav lepo praznovale. Udeležba je bila zadovoljiva, posebno še ko so članice prinesle veliko dobrot. Vsem prav lepa hvala Naj še omenim, da je lani bil povišan asesment v razredu A na $7.20 letno in v razredu B na $10.20 letno. Nekatere ste poslale kar navadno svoto, zato prosim, da letos priložite $1.20 več kot gori omenjeno. Za 45 letnico, smo izvolile veselični, ali pripravljalni odbor v katerem so naslednje č’a.: Mary Culkar, Elsie Gozdecki, Ann Harsh, Josephine Gruden, Frances Persia, Mary Prosen, ■Mary Vlcek. To so poleg rednega odbora. Tiste članice, ki zaradi oddaljenosti, ne morete sodelovati pri naših aktivnosti, posebno za 45 letnico, ste prošene, da se spomnite podr, z darom v ročno blagajno. Tudi za nas so stroški večji v vseh ozirih. Na oddih so šle za božične praznike v Colorado: Stefania Mahnich in Rose Ban. Tam se nahaja s svojo družino sin od Mrs. Mahnich. Dobrodošle nazaj. Upam, da ste se dobro imele. Na oddih je odšla v Florido ta mesec Mary Vlcek, kjer bo ostala par mesecev. Upamo, da se zdrava vineš med nas. Pozdrave in novo letna voščila vsem članicam, posebno bolnim sestram. Prestale so operacijo na očeh sestra Jennie Cvelbar in Jennie Mezgec. Naša februarska seja je za nami. Hvala Mary Jelarčič za pozdrave iz Arizone, Mary Koman iz Californije in Mary Železnik iz Cal. Tudi me Vam vračamo lepe pozdrave! JENNIE PUGELY, taj. •—--------------- ŠT. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Drage čitateljice naše priljubljene Zarje: Božični prazniki so že za nami. V naši cerkvi smo jih prav lepo obhajali s polnočnico, katero je darova! domači g. župnik H. Mejak in pri deseti sv. maši mu je asistiral Rev. Ronald Cornish, sin župlanov sv. Dri'ž!ne, Mr. in Mrs. Nick Cornish. Oltarji so bili krasno okinčani, za kar tako lepo skrbijo naše čestite sestre reda Sv. Frančiška. Pevci na koru pod vodstvom Donald Lipovac, so se tudi močno potrudili za krasno petje, ki se je vsem zelo dopadlo. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj! Nastopili smo novo leto in Bog daj, da bi bilo srečno, brez vsake vojske. Naša tajnica, Catherine Lastelič in soprog Anton sta v jeseni obiska'a za dva tedna sina Johna, ženo in 3 vnuke v Tustin, Calif. Dobro so ze zabavali pri ogledu sončne Kalifornije. Čla. Marianne Zakrajšek, je pa zopet obiskala sorodnike v Ljub'jani, roistni kraj njene mamice vas MaMnišče, Osil-niško župnijo in tudi Maribor. Povsod se ji je dopadlo. Čla. Regina Cop je tudi obiskala rojstni kraj svojih staršev. Mati je doma iz vasi čačič. Osilnica, oče pa FINANCIAL REPORT - FINANČNO POROČILO JANUARY, 1976 Interest Bond sold Books sold 1,743.13 5,000.00 606.55 Br. No. Amount Adult: : Jr. Re.: Br. Nc. Amount: Adults: Jr. Re.: 11,997.83 1 $117.70 175 63 57 32.70 52 13 4,402.45 2 136.85 170.05 208 258 93 59 61 63.80 2.40 26 5 3 115 € l Total income $7,595.38 4 8.70 10 — a 62 23.20 20 6 a 5 77.00 76 10 a 63 91.80 76 9 d Bond book value 3,795.90 6 53.30 98 15 64 32.00 35 — a Books asset 606.55 7 48.00 83 23 65 40.20 35 18 a Total asset: $4,402.45 8 14.70 36 — 66 66.50 48 14 d 9 — 20 — 67 46.40 67 7 DISBURSEMENTS * STROŠKI 10 — 259 17 68 39.85 53 23 JAN. 1976 12 67.40 138 53 70 — 13 — 13 57.40 97 22 71 62.35 109 37 Death claims pd. p!. zavarov $1,750.00 14 158.60 269 40 73 61.00 102 63 Salaries — plače 928.82 13 90.55 148 2 74 26 1 Administration 300.00 16 116.10 159 61 77 18.45 34 18 Taxes withheld — davek 358.44 17 105.75 157 109 79 22.25 36 17 Social Security 71.68 19 49.45 84 8 80 8.50 12 — f Unemployment tax 5.75 20 — 358 110 81 16.15 28 1 Electricity, gas 72.46 21 68.45 104 44 83 7.35 15 January Zarja 2,332.91 22 — 15 — b 84 40.80 36 3 Office suplies 12.35 23 124.85 216 28 85 35 Donations 65.50 24 60.50 111 22 86 11.30 19 Telephone 19.80 25 296.40 495 122 88 45.60 41 o Total disbursements — 6 26 87.30 131 41 O 89 on 30.75 61 19 stroški Jan. $5,917.71 27 o*f /L yu 15.05 33 28 29 9.75 65 20 27 2 91 92 80.80 24.10 39 30 5 g 15 WaSe ftckcjne: 30 15.00 297 56 93 19.30 44 3 Anna Stare Br. 2 31 38.95 71 18 94 — 5 Anna Wihtelich Br. 2 32 123.10 185 83 95 120.00 162 11 Mary School Br. 6 33 127.55 173 109 96 — 43 Frances Miklich Br. 17 34 22.75 35 4 97 6.80 12 Jennie Sasek Br. 16 35 31.30 45 28 99 3.90 11 — Mary Uranich Br. 24 37 42.90 15 1 c 100 42.55 49 17 Mary Jerman Sober Br. 25 33 50.45 95 — 101 27.05 33 9 Margaret Habovsek Br. 26 39 27.30 47 3 102 69.30 35 2 g Margaret Stukel Br. 28 40 64.25 103 1 103 39.55 22 17 Frances Zuzek Br. 68 41 57.10 133 12 105 25.05 29 6 Antonia Mocilnikar Br. 32 42 32.00 54 2 106 15.45 24 — Mary Beton Br.. 31 43 45 157.95 21.25 204 39 125 11 Frances Križnik Br. 41 Br. 43 Total: $4,513.15 7,565 1,981 Anna F. Hren 46 15.75 31 3 Remarks: Pd. Jan . & Feb. a; Pd. in Milka Miljak Br. 95 47 69.45 108 41 Dec. B ; Jan to June c; Dec. & Jan. Mary A. Belin Br. 96 50 242.85 308 53 d; Sept. to Dec. 1975 e; Nov. & Dec. Počivajte v miru! FANIKA HUMAR. 52 35.70 50 12 1975 f; Jan., Feb., Mar. g. Sec'y. 54 80.15 49 30 d Income January — dohodki — 55 36.95 58 18 Assessment: $4,513.15 ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PENNA. 56 49.40 86 4 Rent 135.00 Dec. seja je bila slabo obiskana iz vasi Padavo. Obiskala je tudi 87 letnega strica duhovnika Jožeta Poje, ki je v pokoju v št. Vidu pri Ljubljani. Tudi ona se je pohvalno izrazila o Sloveniji. Mr. Frank Simonich in njegov brat Toni so tudi obiskali sorodnike v Ljubljani, Mariboru in teto, ki je pri č. sestrah v št. Vidu pri Stični. V največje veselje ji je bilo, ko so pri sorodnikih cel teden stanovali v rojstni hiši svojega očeta. To je bilo v vasi Drašiči pri Metliki. Ker je takrat bila trgatev, so šli tudi v vinograd grozdje obirat pri čemer so imeli veliko veselja. Tam so tudi obiskali nečaka mojega moža Edvard Kostelec in družino. Članicam podr. naznanjam, da ima tajnica tikece, katere je prejela iz gl. urada in mesto, da bi darovale $1 do'ar v blagajno, lahko kupite tiket za en dolar, kar bo v korist naše blagajne. Urednici Corinne in njenemu soprogu veljajo naše čestitke, da se tako lepo zanimata za Slovensko stvar, kot sem čitala v listih. Lepo je, da nadaljuje delo njene mame, nepozabne Albine, ki je bila velika voditeljica. Bog ji daj večni mir. Končno želim zdravo in veselo novo leto vsem gl. uradnicam in članicam Zveze. ANTONIA KOSTELEC, poroč. zaradi izredno mrzlega vremena. Zima in sneg se nas kar drži, ko pišem ta dopis v našo Zarjo. Vseeno smo imele lepo sejo, volitev odbora je potekala kakor po navadi, da skoro vse ostalo po starem. Edina izjema je novo-iz-voljena mlada nadzornica Margie Strajnar. Prevzela je mesto njene pokojne sestre Ani Gerblis, ki je preminula v oktobru 1975. Po seji smo obhajale božičnico. Bilo je vse prav lepo v zadovoljstvo vseh. Na seji smo ukrepale več točk, posebno, da pridobimo kaj novih članic, ker to leto je zelo važno, ko Zveza obhaja 50 letnico ustanovitve. Lepe čestitke Mrs. Prisland, ustanoviteljici Zveze. SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA Financial report for year 1975 LEDGER BALANCE DEC. 31,1974: INCOME: Assesment Class A $22,621.28 30,667.42 2.458.35 1.178.35 573.65 $594,439.86 Total: Class B Juniors Socials Miscell. Interest from Bonds & Stocks Rental Income Miscell. Income Profit on sale of Bonds (Book value under par) 57,499.05 40,477.76 1,705.00 707.41' 2,207.48 Total Income from Jan. 1, 1975 to Dec. 31, 1975 $102,596.70 * # * DISBURSEMENTS: Death Claims: Class A 175 $17,500.00 Class B 26 4,700.00 Junior 1 100.00 Salaries Taxes withheld Administration 22,300.00 11,034.84 3,683.98 6,694.07 0i - Department of Insurance fees 986.41 Elecrt. Gas, Water 498.56 Social Security 859.96 Unemployment tax 196.73 Real Estate & Corp. tax 1,357.14 Building improvements 1,990.15 Zarja — The Dawn 20,977.17 Rer|t 150.00 Office suplies 741.74 Postage & Telephone 589.67 Loss on Bonds sold (Book value over par) 118.20 Accounting exp. 90.00 Maintenance 75.00 Bowling exp. 401.00 Secretarial awards 800.50 Miscell exp. 275.22 Donations 250.00 Paid for accrued interest 179.24 $ 74,249.58 LEDGER BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1975.................... $622,786.98 FANIKA HUMAR Chicago, January 20, 1976 National Sec’y and Account. Konvencija se hitro približuje. Vršila se bo meseca maja v Pittsburghu. Prosim naše članice, da se potrudimo in pridobimo kaj novih. V januarju nismo imele seje zaradi prehudega mraza in snega. Hvala gl. predsednici, Mary, ki tako lepo vzpodbuja članstvo za delo v korist in napredek naše organizacije. Imamo več bolnih članic. Že 4 leta bo!eha Frances Battisti, ki ne more iz postelje, enako tudi Mary Cadez. Njima in vsem bolnim želim naj jim Bog nakloni ljubo zdravje. Hvala Co-rinne za lepo urejeno Zarjo. Lep pozdrav vsem! MARY TOMSIC. ŠT. 84, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Pri naši podr. smo imele sejo dne 10 jan., ker zaradi slabega vremena v decembru nismo imele seje. Pri volitvah v jan. smo bile zopet vse lanske odbornice izvoljene za tekoče leto. Knjige so bile pregledane in so v najlepšem redu. Hvala naši Betty Birk, ki je že veliko let tajnica in blag., da vestno vrši svoje delo. Seveda ima dosti nepotrebnega dela, kajti če bi vse članice pravočasno plačevale članarino brez opominov, bi si prihranili delo in stroške s poštnino. Prosim članice, da bi plačale pravočasno. Poročam, da je sestra Josephine Kukovec v nursing home, Holis Wood Care Center, 195-44 Woodhull Ave., Jamaica, N.Y. Prosim članice, ki ste zmožne voziti, ali vzeti bus, dajte jo obiskati, ali vsaj pošljite ji kako get well kartico. Imela je plučnico in je morala za nekaj dni v bolnišnico, a sedaj je zopet v domu. Bog Ti daj zdravja, Josephine, da bi zopet lahko prišla na seje. Marca bo 85 let stara. Druga čla. Mary Rode Moletz, je bila 9 tednov v bolnišnici, potem se je zdravila doma, pa ji gre počasi na boljše. Zelo trpi ter se je morala vrniti v Hospital na Long Island., Bog ji daj zdravja. Kmalu bo dosegla 80 let. Po seji smo imele zelo živahen party. Mrs. Kerc, kot vedno, je prinesla še gorko špehovko, Miss Ivanka Svet ham, kruh, Frances Hočevar cookies, jaz pa vino, kavo, čaj in mleko. Zelo smo bile vesele in smo zapele nekaj domačih. Zapis. Evelyn je prinesla zelo dobro lazanjo, kar smo pogrele. Evelyn je Slovenka, njena mati iz Forest City, Pa. po imenu Dusak in oče je Slovenec iz N. Y., Ciril Vadja. Njen mož je rojen tukaj in je holandskega rodu in se je na-vadla kuhati tudi italjanske jedi. Zelo dobro. Hvala vsem zavednim članicam, ki so vedno vesele na naših sejah. Zelo smo pogrešale Ano Cerar iz E. Northport, L.,!., kar je 50 milj od nas in zaradi mraza ni mogla priti. Je pa telefonirala. Za mater leta, pa so izvolile mene. Hvala. Seja bo 15. maja ob 1:30 pop. pri meni. želim ljubega zdravja vsem članicam. Pozdrav vsem in na svidenje 15. maja. ANGELA VOJE, preds. ŠT. 100, FONTANA, CALIF. Prazniki so se končali in tako smo že v novem letu ter želim, da bi bilo srečno za vse. Tukaj imamo prav lepo vreme, da si na soncu preje-mo naše stane kosti, včasih pa tudi kaj popiha, da očisti zrak.. Naše uradnice so kar ostale še za naprej, kar je najboljše, ker so tako složne. Letos bomo imele, kot prejšnje leto skupno sv. obhajilo pred Veliko nočjo in potem skupni zajutrek. Naše seje so zabavne, pa bi bilo še lepše, ako bi prišle vse. Vmes kaj zapojemo. Sestra Kukman je bila dalj časa bolana. Ima mali stroj, da ji pomaga biti srce. Ravno tako ima sestra Stru-kel, ki se nahaja v negovalnem domu že več let. Zelo bo vesela, če ji katera kaj piše. Tukaj je imela sestro iz starega kraj za 6 mesecev, a se je že vrnila. Od Ede Dravnikar mati je tudi tukaj v Fontani v negovalnem domu na Older cesti. Ako jih ne morete obiskati, pa molite zanje. Naslov sestre Strukel je: Mary Strukel, Convalescent Hospital, North Hollywood 12140 Chandler Bl. 91607, Cal. Sestra Mary Rek je tudi v Rest Home tukaj v Fontani. Vsi bolni so veseli obiskov, ali kake kartice. Vsem bolnim želimo preljubo zdravje in vsem tistim, ki praznujete rojstne dneve: Bog Vas živi še mnogo let zdrave in vesele. To želim vsem, kjerkoli ste. KRISTINA FILIPS. Roster of Officers 1976 No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, MS. 5J0I1 Pres.: Olga Saye, 1210 So. 20th St. Secy: Margaret Fischer. 515 Wash. Sq.. Kohler, Wij. 53044 Trcas.: Dorothy Brezonlk, 1108 Alabama Ave. Meetings: Third Sunday, Church Hall No. 2. CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 To be elected. Meeting: Second Thur., Church Hall, 7:S0 P.M. No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. 81004 1 Pres.: Frances Skul, 1107 Mahren Ave. Secy Ic Treas. Frances Slmonlch, II IS Mahren Meeting: First Wed., Church Hall, 1 p.m. No. 4, OREGON CITY, ORE. 97045 Pres.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Scc'y : Mary Gerkman. 16582 So. Livesay Rd. Treas: Stasia Petrich, 204 S. High Meeting: 2nd Tues. 8 PM member’s homes No. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 46222 Pres.: Sylvia Stanfield, 744 N. Haugh St. Sec'y fc Treas. Josephine Turk, 24S7 Allison Ave., Speedway City, Ind. 46224 Meeting: 4th Thurs. Jan.- Mar.- May-Sept.-Nov., S. N. D. No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO 44203 Pres.: Jeanette Killoran, 908 W. Tusc. Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Mitzi Swaggard, 566 Wooster Rd. Meeting: 2nd Sun.. 2 p.m. Slovene Center; Jan., April, May, Oct., Dec. No. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. 18421 Pres.: Mary Kamecn, 87 Depot St. Sec’y Ic Treas.: Josephine Gostlsha, 1010 No. Main Meeting: 1st Sunday, Sec’y’s Home 2 p.m. No. 8, STEELTON, PA. 17113 Pres.: Mary Messersmith, 1117 S. 19th St., Harrisburg, Pa. 17104 Sec’y: Anne Pavelič, 1490 Pieffer Lane, Oberlin, 17113 Treas.: Katie Belicic, Huekersville Rd. Meeting: Every three months. Last Sunday at member’s homes No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44110 Pres.: Anna Markovich, 15705 Holmes Av. Sec'y Ic Treai.: Sophie Magayna, 515 E. 284 St., Willowlck, O. 44094 Meetings: 2nd Sun., Jan., Mar,, Sept.. Nov., Dec.: SND on Holmes Ave., 2 p.m. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, 117.«;. 53215 Pies.: Josephine Wilhem, 1634 So. 53rd St., W. Milw. 55214 Secy Sc Treas.: Mary De/man, 649 S. 29th St. Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Lily Hall 2220 W. Nat’l Are. 1 p.m. No. 1), SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 94107 Pies.: Josephine Aiuto, 1907 Mariposa Sec’y: Moreen Spencer, 609 San Bruno Ave. Treas.: Michele Seril, 1907 Mariposa Meetings: First Thursday, Slovene Halt. No. 14, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 Pres.: Pauline Krail, 20740 Tracy Ave. Secy: Vera Bajec, 19613 Chickasaw Treas.: Mary Iskra, 18814 Mohawk Ave. Meeting: lit Tues. Slov. Society Home on Rechar Ave. No. 15, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44105 Pres.: Antonia Stokar, 6611 Chestnut Rd., 44131 Sec’y: Mary Jane Pabijan, 2118 W. 95th St. 44102 Meeting: 2nd Tues. S.N.D., 80th St. No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. 60617 Pres.: Jean Bukvich, 1507 Brown Ave., Whiting, Ind. Sec’y.: Gladyi Buck. 10036 Ave. L. Treas.: Anna Buck, 10036 Ave. L. Meetings: 2nd Thurs., St. George’s Hall. No. 17, WEST ALUS, WIS. 53214 Pres.: Marion Marolt, 1512 So. 53rd St. Sec’y.: Marie A. Floryan, 1512 So. 53rd St. Treas.: Frances Piwoni, 2635 So. 70th St. Meeting: 3rd Sun. 2 P.M. St. Mary’s Hall, none in June, July ic Aug. No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. 55734 Pres.: Theresa Thomas, 25 Telegraph Dr., Virginia, Mn. 55792 Sec’y: Mary Menart, 101 Hayes Treas.: Catherine Pollach, 516 Jackson St. Meetings: 2 times a year May & Dec. at Resurrection Church Hall No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. 60435 Pres.: Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth. Secy.: Olga Ancel, 1115 Frederick St. Treas.: Mary Marolt, 108 S. Reed Meetings: 3rd Sun., Ferdinand Hall, 2 p.m. No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 Pres.: Rose Kosko, 13128 Astor Ave. Sec'y Sc Treas.: Stella Dancull, 13390 Settlement Acres, Brook Park, Ohio, 41142. Meetings: 1st Wed. at West Park Slovene Nat'l Home, 4583 W. 130th St., Mar., April, May, Oct.. Nov., and Dec. No. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. 60915 Pres.: Anna Richards, 324 S. Blaine Sec'y: Gabrielle Lustig, 296 N. Michigan Treas.: Anna LaMontagne, 284 S. Grand Meeting: 4th Tues., Feb.-April-June-Aug. Oct.-Dec. at members’ homes. No. 23, ELY, MINN. 55731 Pres., Rose Pucel, 1220 E. Camp Sec’y Ic Treas.: Barbara Rosandich, 1212 E. Sheridan Meeting: 1st Tuesday, St. Anthony Parish Hall No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB Pres.: Mary Mavetz Sec’y.: Gertrude Mosnlk, 1123 E. Washington Treas.: Jennie Deyak, Box 375 1210 Main Meetings: Third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Room 132, Comm. Center. l,o. 24. LASALLE, ILL. 61301 I’res.: Mary Gramce, 802 Chestnut Sec’y & Trcas. Theresa Savnik, 232 — 5th St. Meetings: 1st Sun. 2 p.m. St. Roch’s School No. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 Pres.: Mary Kolegar, 17930 Windward (44119) Sec’y & Treas.: Christine Zivoder, 1068 E. 67 St. Meeting: 2nd Sun. 1:30 P.M. St. Vitus Social Room No. 26, PITTSBURG, PA. 15201 Pres.: Anna Trontel, 701 Kendall St. Sec’y: Mary Slaney, 1513 Hawthorne St. Treas.: Anna Bobel, 6004 Sawyer Meetings: Third Tuesday, Slov. Home No. 27, NO.. BRADDOCK, PA. 15104 Pres.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge. Secy: Mrs. Frances Kucic, 146 Churchill Rd., Turtle Creek, Pa. 15145 Treas.: Frances Celigoi, 1719 Poplar Way Meetings: First Sunday, 1629 Ridge Ave. No. 28, CALUMET, MICH. 49913 Pres.: Ann Hcineman, 1 Park Ave. Sec’y.: Mary Jakovich, 810 Oak St. Box 15 Treas.: Stephanie Ryan, 107 — 6th St. Meeting: 2nd Wed. St. Paul the Apostle Church Hall No. 29, BROUNDALE, PA. 18421 P.O. Forest City, Pa. Pres.: Fannie Harvatine, 336 Main St. Sec'y & Treas.: Mary Hadley, 217 Vine St. Meetings: First Monday. No. 31, GILBERT, MINN. 55741 Sec’y & Treas.: Antoinette Lucich, Box 7.« Meeting: 2nd Wed., Community Center No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO 44123 Pres.: Alma Eppich, 23231 Chardon Kd. Sec'y.: Josephine Comenshek. 924 E. 223rd St. , Treas.: Anne Cooke, 20971 Wilmoie Meetings: 3rd Wed. Rechar Hall exept July & Aug. No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. 55808 Pres.: Suntina Spehar, 402 — 98th Ave. YV. Sec’y & Treas.: Jackie Rukavi' , 416 — 98th Ave. W. Meeting: 1st Wed., St. E* 7:00 p.m. Roster of Officers — 1976 No. )4, SOUDAN, MINN. 55782 Pres.: Theresa Pahula, Box 91 Sec’y. Ic Treas.: Mary Pahula, Box 26. Meeting: 3rd Wed. St. Martin's Churrh Hall No. )5, AURORA, MINN. 55705 Pres.: Anna Hren, 401 N. Maine St. Apt. 2 See’y & Treas: Ann Hodnik, 706 Summit Meeting: 4th Wed. Church Hall. No. )7, GREANEY (Gheen), MINN. 55740 Sec’y: Mrs. Mary Jirall. Gheen, Minn. No. IS, CHISHOLM, MINN. 55719 Pres.: Jennie Sanisa, 619 1st, N W Sec’y & Treas : Sylvia Russ, Menor Apt. Meeting: 2nd Wed. Slovenian Hall. Alternate Months > No. )9, BIWABIK, MINN. 157OB Pies.: Ann Krager, 124 So. 6th Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Margaret Setnikar, 417i Pierce St. Meeting: 2nd Thurs. St. John’s Church Basement. j No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO 44055 Pres.: Agnes Jancar, 1686 E. S2nd St. Sec’v: Anuela Kozjan, 1628 W. 29th St. 44052 Treas.: Mary Klinar, 1326 W. 34th St. Meetings: 2nd Wed., S.N.D. 7.00 p.m. No. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44110 Pres.: Rose Pujzdar, 1238 E. 169th St. Sec’y & Treas.: Jane Kaplan, 19309 Preston Rd., Warrensville Hgts., Ohio, 44128 Meeting: 2nd Sunday, S.W. Home 15335 Waterloo Rd., 1:30 p.m. No. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO 441)7 (P.O. Bedford, Ohio) Pres.: Frances Glavic, 5169 Cato Ave. Sec’y: Mary Lou Prhne, S141 Miller Treas: Cecelia Hočevar, 16S12 Raymond Meeting: 3rd Tues., every other month, S.N. Dom, S050 Stanley Are., 7:S0 p.m. No. 4), MILWAUKEE, W1S. 5)207 Pres.: Victoria Sporis, 2242 A S. Allis St. Sec’y Rose Kraemer, 2623 S. Howell . Treas: Mary Bushnik, 1109 S. 6th St. West Allis, 53214 Meeting: 1st Thurs., Rebernisek’s Club 36, 3400 W. Loomis Rd. 7 p.m., except July & Aug. No. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. 97216 Pres.: Mar) E. Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Secy: Wilma Frandikovich, 10S1 "B" N.E. 90th. 972» Treas.: Rosemary Gordon, 6645 Downscas-ter, Gladstone, Ore. 97027 Meeting: 2nd Tues., 2815 W. Raleigh. No. 46. ST. LOUIS, MO. 63109 Pres.: Theresa Gabrian, 9281 Fayette Ave. Secy 8c Treas.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PI.. Meetings: 2nd Sun., Jos. Prebil’s home, 5110 A. Providence PI. No. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO 44125 Pres.: Jennie Gerk, 9103 S. Highland Ave. Secy: Jennie Pugely, 10724 Plymouth Ave., Treas.: Antonia Dolinar. 8803 Vineyard Meetings: 2nd Sun. SNH, 5050 Stanley Ave. Maple Hgts. No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44143 l’res.: Ann Tercek 21900 Maydale Ave. 4412S Sec’y & Treas.: Irene Jagodnik. 6786 Metro Park Dr. Meeting: 3rd Tues., Euclid Public Library. 222nd St. except July & August No. 52, HIBBING, (Kitzville) MINN. 55746 Pres.: Rose Trombley, 3748 E. 4th Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Virginia Krak, 3916 3rd Ave. E. Meetings: 1st Wed., Little Grove Club Rm. No. 54, WARREN, OHIO 44484 Pres.: Josephine Kassan, 360 Howland Wilson Rd. N.E. Sec’y Ic Treas.: Joanne Ponikvar, 4010 Greenmont Dr. Meeting: 3rd Tues. Feb., April, May, June, Sept., Nov., Dec. Member’s homes. No. 5), GIRARD, OHIO 44420 Pres.: Mary Macek, 12 Pittsburgh St. Sec’y & Treas.: Mary Kristin, 15 Townsend Meetting: 2nd Thurs., Slovenian Home. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. 55746 Pres.: Rose Maras, 2626J - 1st Ave. Sec’y: Mary Meadows, 1410 15th Ave. E. Treas.: Cathran Marolt, 1986 E. 25th St. Meetings: 2nd Tues., Assumption Hall No. 57, NILES, OHIO 44446 Pres.: Frances Yerman, 2110 Robbins Ave. Secy: Virginia Zerkovich, 2557 Chestnut St. Girard 44420 Treas.: Mary Strah, 318 Baldwin Ave. Meetings: 2nd Tues., Pres', home. No. 59, DURGETTSTOWN, PA. 15021 Pres.: Frances Korošec, Main St. Sec'y: Virginia Bendich, Box 21 S, Slovan (15078) Treas.: Rosemary Orenchuk, 24 Stella St. Meetings: First Tues., Slovenian Home. No. 61, BRADDOCK, PA. 15104 Secy: Pauline Stolec, 2019 Monroe, Pittsburgh, 15218 Treas.: Jennie Novosel, 901 Greensburg Pike, E. Pittsburgh. Meetings: Second Sunday, Croat. Home. No. 62, CONNEAUT, OHIO 440)0 Pres.: Mary Jane Dello, 542 Detroit St. Sec’y tc Treas.: Anna Mundi, 431 16th St. Meetings: 1st Sat. Treas. Home. No. 63, DENVER, COLO. 80212 Pres.: Adelaide Glavitz, 4760 Beach Ct., Denver, 80211 Sec’y & Treas.: Angie Wortman, 5160 Stuart St., Meeting: 4th Sun., Slovenian Hall No. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. 66101 Pres.: Antonia Kostelec, 617 Splitlog. Sec’y: Catherine Lastelic, 637 Orville. Treas.: Regina Cop. 317 Orchard Are. Meetings: 3rd Sunday, Holv Family Hall. No. 65, VIRGINIA, MINN. 55792 Sec’y Ic Treas.: Jennie Tavchar, 719 10th St. N. Meetings: 3rd Fri. 7:30 p.m. C. Simich’« Home. No. 66, CANON CITY, COLO. 11212 Pres.: Christine Konte, 112 Catlin Ave. Secy Ic Treas.: Helen L. McFarland, 1442 Chestnut St. Meeting: No regular meetings. Home of Sec’y No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. 16112 Pres.: Mary Snezic, Box 47 Scc’y Mary Percic, P. O. Box 546. Treas.: Mary Brodesko, Box 449. Meetings: 1st Sun. 7 P.M. Croatian Club, Poland Ave. No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, O. 44077 Pres.: Rose Bradack, 8189 Plains Rd. Mentor, Ohio 44060 Sec’y & Treas.: Frances Ulle, 156 Charlotte St., Painesville, Ohio 44077 Meeting: 3rd Wed. Amer. Slov. Club. Fairport Hrbr., O. No. 70, W. ALIQUIPPA, PA. 15001 Pres. Ic Treas.: Stella Clcconl, 104 Main Ave. Sec’y: Mary Derglin, 85 Maple Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, 104 Main. No. 71, STRABANE, PA. 15)6) Pres.: Mary Tomiic, 431 Chartien Ave. Sec'y.: Lucille Smith, 37 Latimer Are. Treas.: Mary Bostjandc, 32 Latimer Are Meeting: 2nd Wed., K.S.K.J.. 7 P.M. Roster of Officers 1976 No. 72, CHICAGO (Pullman), ILL. 60628 Pres.: Jennie Glusac, 209 Blackstone, Thornton, 111. 60426 Meeting: Every 3 months at members’ homes. No. 73, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44128 (P.O. Warrensville Hgts.) Pres.: Kay Yuratovac, 19511 Sumpter Rd. Secy: Louise Epley, 20294 Emery Rd. Treas.: Agnes Walters, 24717 Emery Rd. Meetings: 1st Mon. at 22714 Vera St. No. 74, AMBRIDGE, PA. 1500) Pres.: Mary Habich, 160 Maplewood Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Stephanie Plese, 151 Merchant St. Meetings: Second Sunday, Slov. Audit. No. 77, PITTSBURGH, PA. 15212 Pres.: Betty Ann Murphey, 1612 Walz St. Sec’y: Minka Chrnat, 9S7 Haslage Ave. Treas.: Elizabeth Conway, 1610 Walz St. Meeting: Twice a year: May-Dee. at St. Mary’s Lyceum, 938 Chesnut St. No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. 98022 Pres.: Mary Mihelich, 1730 Hillcrest Sec’y 8c Treas.: Anna Mae Anderson, 409 Rainer Ave. Meetings: 2nd Sun., Sept., Dec. and when necessary at members' homes. No. 80, MOON RUN, PA. 15136 Pres. Ann Petanovicb, Steubenville Pike, McKees Hocks, Pa. Sec’y.: Mary Christian, 23 McCormack Rd. Meetings: No regular meetings. No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. 55753 Pres.: Mary Ann Brletich Sec’y: Ann Dickovich Treas.: Mary L. Marolt Meeting: 4th Wed., every other momi , member’s homes. No. 83, CROSBY, MINN. 56441 Pres.: Frances Vidmar, 20 — 4th St., N.W. Secy: Louise Puchreiter, 403 4th St., N.E. Treas.: Mary Deblock, Riverton Rt., Ironton Meetings: 1st Mon. member’s homes. No. 84, RIDGEWOOD, N.Y. 11227 (New York City) Pres.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine St. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Elizabeth Birk, 61-20 67th St., Middle Village. 11379 Meeting: Approx. 4 times yr. at Pres, home. No. 85, DEPUE, ILL. 61)22 Pres.: Mary Oberch, Box 7, De Pue, II. Treas.-Sec’y: Mary Yermenc, Box 20G Meeting: 3rd Sun., 2 P.M. No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. 55769 Pres.: Mary Zakrajšek, 602 — 2nd St. Sec’y 8: Treas.: Christine Meyer, 225 — 4th St. Meeting: 4th 'lues., Church Hall, Linsmeycr Hall. No. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. 15902 Pres.: Mary Kuzma, 218 View Street Sec’y: Jennie Stusek, 541 Russell Ave. Treas.: Mary Zupan, 546 Forest Ave. Meetings: 2nd Mon. 7:30 P.M. Dickinson House. No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. 61348 Pres.: Frances Meglen, 321 Maple St. Secy: Mary Kemz, 125 E. 3rd St. Treas.: Emma Folty Meetings: 2nd Mon. 7:30 P.M. Dickinson House except Jan. 8t Feb. No. 90, BRIDGEV1LLE, PA. 15017 (Presto) Pres.: Sophie Sorcan, 900 Steen Rd. Ser’y: Julia M. Klemenčič, 202 Charlet St. Treas.: Anne Sorcan, Kirwan Hgts. Meetings: 3rd Sun. 3 p.m. St. Barbara’s Hall, Presto. No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. 15139 Pres.: Anna Mae Melle, 201 Fairview Ave. Verona 15147 Sec’y: Jennie M. Flisek, 721-3rd St. Treas,: Janet Kirn, 378 Hulton Rd. Meetings: 2nd Tues., 7:30 p.m. March, May Sept., Dec. Sec’y’s home. So. 92, GUNNISON, COLO. 81224 Pres.: Mary Lu Steenbergen, Rt. 2. liox 3) Sec’y: Myrna Krizmanich, 508 W. Tomichi, Treas.: Margaret Malenšek, Rt. 3, Box 8 Meeting': 2nd Wed. of Member’s homes No. 93, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11237 A v gtr? - :;r i. < / v Pres.: Agnes Klari ch, 61-29 Gates Avc._k Secy’:: Anna Kerkovich, 1920 Greene Aye. Treas: Helen Hodnick, 60-42 68th Rd. Meeting: 3rd Sat. Amer. Hall, 253 Irving Ave., 2 P.M. No. 94, CANTON, OHIO 44706 Dues Paid to Home Office. No. 95. SO. CHICAGO, ILL. t.0617 Pres.: Mildred James, 38 SW Florence Rd. RR 1, Mokena, 111. 60448 Sec’y:, Mildred Poropat, 15311 Sequoia St. Oak Forest, II. 60452 Treas.: Helene Golich, 9633 Manistee Ave. Meetings: 1st Wed. at Sarred Heart School 96th & Exchange Ave. No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. 15235 Pres.: Paula Kokal, 2820 Reiter Rd., Penn Hills, Pgh„ Pa. Sec’y: Mary J. Klemenčič, 3401 Clements Rd. Plumboro, Pgh., Pa. 15239 Treas.: Mary E. O’Block. G68 Center Rd., Plumboro, Pgh., Pa. 15239 Meeting: March 10, June 3. Aug. 11, Oct. G 8c Dec. 1, Slov. Ass’n Meeting Room. No. 97, CAIRNBROOK, PA. 15924 , \w. Pies.: Nancy Satkovich, Box 6 Sec’y and Treas.: Mary Satkovich, Box 125, Meetings: 2nd Sun., Sec’y’s home, 2 p.m. (H No. 99, ELMHURST, ILL. 60125 Pres.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Ave. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Mary Podgornik, 148 Maple Ave. Meeting: 1st Sun. Member’s homes No. 100, FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 Pres.: Mary Jasina, 1021 F.. Yale Ontario, Cal., 91764 Sec’y Sc Treas.: Mary Omaits, 9527 Juniper, Apt. 2 Meetings 1st Thurs., K.S.K.J. Hall 7 pm. No. 101, BEDFORD HTS, OHIO 44137 Pres.: Betty Matjašič, 24001 Aurora Rd., 44146 ’ .. . Sec’y.: Dorothy Kastellic, 5206 Joseph St., Maple Hgts. Treas.: Florence, Mirtel, 21100 Franklin, Mectingl.: 1st Thurs., Bedford City Hall. No. 102, WILLARD, W1S. 54493 Pres.: Josephine Artač, R. I Sec’y: Mary Djubinskl, R. 1 Meeting: Once every 3 mos. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D C. 20016 Pres.: Freda Michelitch, 9000 Old Dominion Dr. McLean, Va. 22101 Secy: Mary Mejac, 4445 Buttcrworth PI., N.W. Treas.: Mary L. Terselic, 5506 Grcystonc St., Chevy Chase, M<' 20015 Meetings: 1st Sun. St. Cokmba’s Hall No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. 48221 I’res.: Pauline Adamic, 16844 Griggs Ave. Sec’y.: Johanna Bole, 434 E. Webster, Ferndale, Mich. 48220 Treas.: Audrey Krulic, 15834 Sussex, Detroit, Mich. 18227 Meeting: 2nd Sun. at members homes. No. 106, MEADOWLANDS, PA. 15347 Pres.: Josephine Jacobs Sec’y.: Catherine Hofler, Box 197 Treas.: Anna Pavcllo -Ji. sJC r t :y i ; /j 1 •x i i’ i I / > \ 6 7 a 1’ fO n Vj / 14 is 16 17 '8 "V/ '0 .20 >\ -2-1 33. *■> 24 . . - av ao V V 'jO \ \\ J y // '{n** f/ >3'--/ -n / If DOWN: 2. — — and pepper 3. What you smell with 4. The —---------------------- — of Lex ington 5. Odd or — —-------------- 6. The Surrender at---------------------- ACROSS: 1. A clash between the redcoats and the townspeople on March 5, 1770 became known as the — — — -------------Massacre.. 4. The Star Spangled — — — — 7. Opposite of isn’t 8. The Boston — — — Party 9. The-------------------—----------- — — — Army 13. Washington Cross the Delaware — — — — — on Christmas, 1976. 14. If a bear steps on a clamp, he is------------------------------. 16. Narrow dirt road 17. The Continental — — — — — 19. Another word meaning in 21.------------------Ticonderoga 23. A chair that goes back and forth is a---------------------— — chair. 27. — — — — — — — George Washington 29. Colonial pots and kettles were made of this 30. The Surrender at Worktown marked 26. ODposite of young 7. The Declaration of — — — — 10. Valley-------------------- 11. The battle cf Bunker ----------------- 12. John-----------------------------signed the Declaration of Independence. 15. A proclamation was--------------------- 18. The flag is — — —. white and blue. 20. When you cock an egg in its shell, it becomes hard — — ■— 22. The colonists had to pay the Stamp-------------------. 34. Opposite of under 25. A mined product: Iron — — — the — — — of the war. 28. Ar.ctner word meaning one 'TOR llll YOUNG II IlfART ^Continued from page 14) attack at Bunker Hill. Christopher Gadshen, a delegate from South Carolina to the Second Continental Congress at Philadelphia presented to the Congress a yellow flag on which was inscribed the motto, "Don’t Tread on Me”. Above the wording a coiled rattlesnake ready to strike was depicted, signify ng a warning to the British that, if they tramp!ed on the rights of the colonists, the latter would strike back like a rattlesnake. In 1776, this same Continental Congress ordered a seal on which “E Pluribus Unum” appeared. This motto has been used on United States coinage since early America. “From many, cne" was the original interpretation referiing to the separate colonies being combined into one nation. As it is used on William Barton's design of the Great Seal, it means “He (God) has favored our undertakings.” One of the most popular Revolutionary s'ogans came from Patrick Henry’s memorable speech on March 23, 1775, before the members of the Virginia House of Burgesses, assembled in Saint John's Church, Richmond, in which he sard: “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." To help pay for the cost of the French and Indian War, the English Parliament decided that the American Colonies should help pay the debt by way of taxes and a new tax called the Stamp Act of March 1765. Bills, checks, college diplomas, deeds, leases, pamphlets and even news sheets had to be stamped. From this tax came the motto: Liberty, Property, No Stamp. In protest to the Tea Tax, Marylanders had their own motto: Liberty and Independence or Death. “No Taxation without Representation” is cherished by the American people since colonial times. During the Revolutionary War the rebelling colonists used this slogan to protest the British system of taxing them. "Trust in God and Keep Your Powder Dry” showed that the colonial soldiers had faith in the powers of Providence, yet had to be fully prepared to protect themselves and their supply of ammunition on the battlefield. One of the authors of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, had his own mottos. One was: A Vote for Every Man, Whether He Owns Property or Not, while another one of his was inscribed on his own personal seal: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God. Popular and relevant during the heated discussions over slavery and independence, the war between the States, capital and labor disputes and present day social legislation, the slogan "All Men are Created Equal” had its very first beginnings during the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the adoption of the Constitution. With our Bicentennial motto, the presidential election campaign will provide many new mottos and slogans. Will they serve as a meaningful heritage as those of two hundred years ago? For your choice of a Bicentennial motto from the listing above mai' d card to: Slogans, USA, Box 1976, Washington, D.C. It may be the winner. Your friend. REGINA. *' * v>'«\{\ | 3 O - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - |»]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]|i[ill!llil![3lilll!IIIIIIC]llllllllll!ir]||||||llllll[3llllllllllll[]llllll!ll!IIC]!;i!lli!ll!lL]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3lllililllll!C31illllllllllC]ll!IIIIIIIIIC2!li;illlllllC]IIIIEIIIIIIIC]ll>:^lllllillllll[]llllll[llliiCi:iilll!iijli:2iIi;!;:::!l!: 311111111111^ y _ S] clefighljiif ty'fl• —^ treasure jor ijottr hitchon! 'ti j Woman s Glory —The Kitchen fj | New supply of our famous cookbook is now on hand. It’s a MUST for every Slovenian household and [] I everywhere else, too! Get a copy for your friends and re'atives. Send $4.50 which includes postage to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION, 1937 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 I S EE ”it3MiiiiMiii::ii!iii:ii!iii[5i:::::!i::i:Kiii:!iiii!iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiK!iiiMiii!HniiMiiii:iiit]iiiiiiiiiiiiuiililiiiiiiit»S!iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiiiii[3ii:iiiiiiiii[3iii!!i!!'!!!!r:: :!. it:;::;!! Save with ST. CLAIR METROPOLITAN BAM & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDI€ GEREND-HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1 1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZELE FUNERAL HOMES. INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsir £!■ § tE a Š 13 1 B gj 1 m u E:B B C B D B U iB ffl E EE D B H B i BIIIIBillllBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIIIK Fr. Frank Perkovich Presents... SONGS & HYMNS FROM THE POLKA MASS Celebrated at Resurrection Church, Eveleth Minnesota With JOE CVEK and the VARIABLES ORCHESTRA AND CHORALEERS. Stereo record: $5.00 8—Track. $6.00 Cassette: $6.00 Add 0.50 for postage and handling. For orders: Write to: POLKA MASS BOX 586 Eveleth, Minnesota 55734 ■ n is as ra ■ fa n HI n sn pm 1 n D I« ra HI m 01 H ta Ql H ■ ifflUMemBMBRWIIEB -CKiiniBM! amiBBaBBnMKi m TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL. 459 North Ottawa Street Phone: 722-0524 “First in service since 1908” —HIIMII' ailttWIIBM n n ra ra I EJ n i n p H n r. I IIBn^ CLEVELAND, OHIO 813 EAST 185th ST. 26000 LAKE SHORE BLVD. 6235 ST. CLAIR AVE. 29001 CEDAR ROAD 25000 EUCLID AVE. 27801 EUCLID AVE. 6135 WILSON MILLS RD. 7481 CENTER ST., MENTOR "at St. Clair ... we care"