Naslov—Ariilrrs* nova dob G233 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Oblo (Tel. IIRndersnn 3889) (NEW ERA) URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION Lel,os obhajamo 40-letnico J. S. K. Jednote. Poskrbimo, da bo ta mejnik bratstva tako proslavljen kot še ni bil noben dosedanjih jubilejev. as Second Class Matter April 15th, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio Under the Act of March 3rd, 1870. — Accepted for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage, Provided for In Section 1103, Act of October 3rd, 1917, Authorized March 15th, 1925 ST. ]7. a CLEVELAND, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27tjh — SREDA, 27. APRILA, 1938 VOL. XIV. — LETNIK XIV. RAZNO IZ AMERIKE IN INOZEMSTVA « POVEDANO V ROŽICAH Predsednik Roosevelt je pretekli teden po znanem reku “say it with flowers” povedal na kongresu Hčera ameriške revolucije (Daughters of the American Revolution) par trpkih, članice omenjene organizacije so po-jtomke Američanov, ki so se z j orožjem uprli angleški nadvladi, pa si zaradi tega domišljajo, da so nekaj boljšega in nekako prezirajo priseljence poznejših j časov. Roosevelt je rekel, da so bili tudi vsi njegovi predniki med revolucionarji, dasi on tega ni kriv, in da je naša dolžnost (poučevati mladino zakaj so njeni predniki vrgli raz sebe fašistični jarem. Rekel je ženskem naj pomnijo, da so bili njihovi kakpr njegovi predniki priseljenci in revolucionarji. Indirektno jim je s tem povedal, da one nimajo nikakih zaslug za to, da so potomke revolucionarjev, da so tudi one potomke na-j seljencev in da vsled tega nimajo nikakega vzroka vihati nosov j nad poznejšimi priseljenci. Ob-lenem je udaril po fašizmu in se j zavzel za demokracijo. ZMAGA DELAVCEV Federalni delavski odbor v Washingtonu je te dni odločil, da je Douglas Aircraft Co. v mestu Santa Monica, Cal., kršila znano Wagnerjevo delavsko postavo, ker je odslovila 45 svojih delavcev zaradi “sedeče stavke” v letu 1937. Družbi je bilo naloženo, da mora omenjene delavce spet sprejeti na delo, če ni za njihov odpust drugih vzrokov kot njihova delavnost v uniji. JAPONSKA JE PLAČALA Poslaništvu Zedinjenih držav v Toki ju na Japonskem je bila od japonskega zunanjega urada dne 22. aprila izročena denarna nakaznica za vsoto $2,-214,007.36, namreč do centa vse, kar je ameriška vlada zahtevala kot odškodnino za topničarko Panay, katero so japonski letalci z bombami potopili dne 12. decembra lanskega leta na reki Jangce na Kitajskem. ZAUPANJE V KOGA? Kongresnik Keller iz Illinoisa si je oni dan pošteno privoščil tiste, ki zadnje čase tako vpijejo, da je treba znižati davke na veliki kapital in mu dati proste roke, da dela po svoje, pa se bo v deželo z zaupanjem vred vrnila prosperiteta. Ironično je vprašal, da-li naj ljudstvo še v bodoče zaupa finančnim špekulantom, kot je bil Sam Insull, ki je zapravil tisoče milijonov dolarjev ljudskega premoženja, ali wallstreetski Richard Whitney, ki je bil nedavno poslan v ječo, ker je zapravil pet milijonov dolarjev ljudskega denarja, ali Charles Schwab, ki je vladi prodajal ničvredne oklopne plošče za vojne ladje, ali Tom Gird-ler, ki se je izkazal za zagrizenega sovražnika organiziranih delavcev, itd. Poudaril je, da sc finančni mogotci pred letom 1933 imeli skoro popolnoma proste roke, pa so nam nakopali najsijajnejši gospodarski polom in depresijo. PERSHING OKREVAL General John J. Pershing, po veljnik ameriške armade v svetovni vojni, ki je bil pred tedni nevarno bolan, je že toliko okreval, da se je pretekli teden ude-1 (Dalje na 4. str.) Of: % / :tr! * 7TVENE IN DRUGE l ŽENSKE VESTI —______ .|C fljiijj uradniki in sploh / (»h Q. ki bivajo v naselbina W0ma v bližini naselbin K W*hap ConemauRh’ Pa” Sbr •’ 111 Ij0r:l*n> Ohio, •J fe^vJeri'> da se udeležijo ses-*1 \ ^avn‘m tajnikom so- ji*! ^ nt°nom Zbašnikom, ki !’? ClreJ'eni te dni. V Sloven- 'OtV White Villley’ Pa-’ / ^2« ^bašnik govoril v če-‘aPHla ob 8. uri zvečer; W m (1,’uštva št. 36 JSKJ v V,^u, Pa., v petek 29. 0 7:30 zvečer; v Sloven-b0t^u v Pittsburghu, Pa., jV„v aprila med 7. in 8. ( J*’ v S. N. Domu v Lo-' , v nedeljo 1. maja 1 Popoldne. društev JSKJ v zapad-CQSy Ivani ji priredi veliko e v soboto 30. aprila. Vr- 0 v Slovenskem domu e‘sti v Pittsburghu. * '^Uelnico J. S. K. Jed-vJr°slavilo društvo št. 21 >ri] enverJu> Colo., v soboto 0 7‘ banketom in plesno j benskein domu v Hacket-! ’Se ^0 v soboto 30. aprila ,Jelica društva št. 148 JJpu svoj sedež v Fin- \ . ( >S J lVan” Pevsko društvo s la v ^ro°Wynu, N. Y., bo ] k ■ B. C. radio postaji j 6, ^ °to 30. aprila od 5.45 ? J Popoldne, vzhodni l ^ !Sott ' * 1 » rh\ni€ ^beračije dru- I ^ * ''eri ,V. C^ržavi Ohio se bo vr- i f' 1 W?.J0 ma j a v S. N. Do-i/ St/!nu- Ohio. Zborovanje e*° ob 10. uri dopoldne. \\\ rU*tvo st- 120 JSKJ 1 ltia- lnn-> vprizori v nede- ( Tn * a*Javno iffr0 “Micki v Igra bo vprizor- ; ^hington avditoriju, .Jvpv (^Veh popoldne za 0-, Cei’ ob 8. uri pa za od-* Na? C^Van&j stletnice usta-’Ojg^nja žensko društvo H05J v Chicagu, 111. Vr-• ^aja. L * V p “Soča” v Ca' ’"ai ’ ’ vPrizori v nede- *lo.” p jepo dramo “Miklo-'\l)j r'reditev se bo vršila \ „ ^uštva Postojnska V >0 Pepela ob 2. uri ^Jfce * Pr°slavo 40-letnice : ''aša n°^e naznanjajo sle- S oh- uštva: št 155 v Za !2. junija; št. 1 V Inn- ’ za 26> jutlija > /''ja- lvlnaPolisu, Ind., za lw’ *a ^ v Calumetu, %e • iulija; št. 225 v za 24. julija. \\ * učencev Jugo-Moderne umet-0 v v Clevelandu, 'kO, Kdi naš znani umet-, 4ia, M'ušek, bo otvorjena \ trif/n,/* Pa■> Je dne 22-S V p?evn^ bolezni umrl star 29 let’ 1 ^ • ^9 JSKJ in dru- fe^nvtPJ- Pok°jnik- ki ill eJ deželi, zapušča *0, hčerko, mater, !< Pred približno 80 milijoni let Iso gospodarili na naši zemlji dinosavri, ogromnim kuščarjem podobni grduhi. Okamenela 0-kostja teh velikanov, ki jih la-;hko vidimo v raznih muzejih, dokazujejo, da so bili po 60, 70 in studi po več čevljev dolgi ter se-veda temu primerno težki. Zoologi, ki te prastare kosti študirajo, so pronašli, da so ti dav-| ni dinosavri pogostoma trpeli na revnatizmu. To je .bil vsekakor revmatizem in pol oziroma jnajvečji revmatizem, ki je kdaj mučil živa bitja na tem planetu. * Včasih mislimo, da je velikost vse, pa ni. San Marino, na pri-;mer, je najmanjša nominelno neodvisna država na svetu, saj ;meri le 38 kvadratnih milj, pa se ponaša z odličnostjo, s ka-koršno se ne morejo ponašati niti največje in najbogatejše dr-1 žave. Nima namreč nobenega 1 javnega dolga. I j * II Veliki finančni magnat nevv- ’lyorSkega Wall Streeta, Richard \ 1 : Whitney, je bil nedavno obsojen ’ v zapor in odveden v glasovito " jetnišnico Sing Sing, ker je za-J frečkal pet milijonov dolarjev ljudskega denarja. Kazen mu je ' odmerjena od petih do desetih 1 let. če bo mož sedel 10 let, kar J je dvomljivo, bo vsako leto od-(Dalje na 4. str.) - .’l.-- .v ■ j*«__-'L■■ ■■■ ODKOD SADNO DREVJE Vse današnje sadne vrste seveda izvirajo iz divjega sadnega drevja. Mnoge teh divjih vrst sadnih dreves se še najdejo po gozdovih svojih prvotnih domovinskih krajev, druge so izumrle. S kultiviranjem in izbiranjem boljših vrst so ljudje v raznih krajih sveta vzgojili sadje odličnih kakovosti. Sadje divjih dreves je mnogokrat trpko in skoro neužitno. To dokazujejo lesnike, drobnice in lesnače, ki rastejo divje po gozdovih Slovenije. V Zedinjenih državah se dandanes prideluje več in finejšega sadja kot v kateri koli drugi deželi sveta. In menda se v nobeni drugi deželi ne použije tolike množine svežega in suhega sadja kot v naši republiki. Pri tem je zanimivo, da je Amerika dobila večino svojih plemenitih sadnih vrst iz starega sveta, največ iz Evrope. Mnoge sadne vrste pa so ameriški sadjarji z izbiranjem in križanjem zelo izboljšali. Jablane so bile v Zedinjene države importirane iz Evrope. Kje je njihova prvotna domovina, se ne ve za gotovo. Dandanes se v Zedinjenih državah prideluje ogromne množine izbornih jabolk, tako za domačo porabo kot za izvoz. Jablane najbolje uspevajo v zmerno gorkih krajih. Mrzlega severa in prav gorkih južnih krajev ne ljubijo. Najbolj sloveča ameriška jabolka so ona iz države Washington. Tudi hruške so bile v to deželo importirane iz Evrope. Prvotna domovina hrušek sta bili Južna Evropa in Azija. Za hruške je ugodno prilično tako podnebje kot za jablane, le da se hruške ne branijo tudi prilično gorkih krajev. Znano je, da se v Californiji prideluje velike množine hrušek. Sploh je pridelek hrušek v Zedinjenih državah le malo manjši kot pridelek jabolk. Raznih vrst slive in češplje pa imajo domovinsko pravico v različnih delih sveta: v Evropi, v Aziji, v Ameriki in celo v Avstraliji. Današnje ameriške slive in Češplje izhajajo deloma od domačih ameriških prednic, deloma iz njihovih importiranih sester iz Evrope, Japonske in od drugod. Črešnje te dežele so priseljenke iz Evrope; za njihovo prvotno domovino se smatra Srednja in Južna Evropa. Po našem srednjem zapadu najdemo večinoma le tako imenovane kisle črešnje; sladke črešnje se pridelujejo večinoma na pacificni obali, posebno v Californiji, do neke mere pa tudi v državah ob atlantski obali. Domovina breskev je Kitajska, odkoder pa so že davno našle pot v Evropo in od tam v Ameriko. Marelice so doma v Arabiji, odkoder so bile zane-šene v Evropo in od tam v A-meriko. Tako breskve kot marelice ljubijo prilično gorko podnebje; v naših severnih dr žavah se ne obnesejo in celo po zmerno gorkih krajih srednjega zapada dostikrat pozebe jo. Oranže so že v davnih časih gojili v Indiji, odkoder so se razširile v zapadno Azijo in Evropo, od tam pa v Ameriko. To sadje zahteva gorko podnebje, zato se v Zedinjenih državah goji le v Californiji in Floridi in v malem obsegu v Arizoni. (Dalje na 4. str.) J 'A Ni V ' IH I PRIDOBITVEJELAVSTVA Skrajšanje ur dela, kar je a-; meriškirn delavcem otvorilo priložnost za zabavne aktivnosti, večja industrijalna varnost in zaščita zdravja, zaščita ženskih delavk in regulacija otroškega dela, pripoznanje kolektivnega pogajanja in ustanovitev sistema javnih posredovalnic dela so najvažnejše pridobitve delav-! stva v zadnjem četrtstoletju. To! so poudarjali govorniki na nedavnem banketu v Washingto-' nu v proslavo petindvajsetletni-! ; ce ustanovitve federalnega de-j partmenta dela. Do leta 1913 je bilo devet ek-sekutivnih departmentov federalne vlade. Že mnogo let je ; organizirano delavstvo predla-1 galo ustanovitev posebnega de-| partmenta, upravljanega od člana predsednikovega kabineta, ki bi proučeval dejanske raz-! mere ur, mezd, varnosti in zdravja, pod katerim so delavci ; zaposleni. Samuel Gompers, tedanji predsednik Ameriške delavske federacije, je 1. 1910 izjavil pred kongresom: “Mi zahtevamo department v vladi: Združenih držav, ki bi se bavil j z delavskimi vprašanji in z vsem, kar k njim spada.” Prav za gotovo —- je dejal — tako j obsežno število ljudi bi moralo I imeti pozornost predsednika: Združenih držav v njegovih po-1 $&&&'bi* stvena vprašanja, ki se njih tičejo. Zakonski predlog za usta-1 novitev Labor Departmenta je bil sprejet od kongresa in potr-; jen od predsednika Tafta dne 4. marca 1913, ravno ob koncu njegovega predsednikovanja. Par ur kasneje je novi predsednik Woodrow Wilson imenoval za prvega tajnika (Secretary of Labor) William B. Wil-sona, nekdanjega voditelja organiziranih premogarjev. Svrha ?| novega departmenta je bila o-1 značena kot pospeševanje in ■ razvijanje dobrobitja delavcev ' i Združenih držav, izboljševanje ‘ njihovih delavnih razmer in > podpiranje njihovih priložnosti 1 za koristonosno zaposlenje. } Tekom 25 let, ki so od tedaj pretekla, se je delo Labor De-; partmenta znatno razširilo. V dobesedno izpolnitev proglašene svrhe glede priložnosti za zaposlitev se je department prizadeval privesti delavca, ki je potreboval delo, k delu, ki je ’ njega potrebovalo. Dandanes deluje vsenaroden sistem jav-. nih posredovalnic dela in take pripomožne vladne agencije, kot J so Public Works Administraci-ja (WPA), Civilian Conserva-G tion Corps (CCC) in National ’Youth Administration (NYA), ki sodelujejo z javnimi posredovalnicami dela pri tem, da se najde delo za one delavce, ki nimajo mesta v industriji in trgovini. V izvršitev obširnega programa za večjo ekonomsko stabilnost je bil ustanovljen sistem zavarovanja proti nezaposlenosti. Z daljnim razvejem in udejstvovanjem tega sistema bo ameriški delavec zavarovan proti nevarnosti, da bi on nosil vse breme nezaposlenosti, kakor je to bilo poprej. Department dela je izvedel neštevilne študije o obsegu, vzrokih in gospodarskih stroških industrijalnih nezgod in ravno tem študijam je treba pripisati razvoj zakonov o odškodninah za delavske nezgode, ki so sedaj v veljavi v vseh državah. Zaščita delavk in nedoletni-kov je bila poverjena dvema po-(Dalje na 4. str.) PGMEMBNASirOLETNICAi Letos v januarlju je preteklo 100 let, odkar je bjil izumljen br-zojav ali telegrafi Kakor marsikateri drugi izunj, je tudi telegraf dala svetu lAmerika. Oče telegrafa je bil Samuel F. B. Morse, r o j e n . leta 1791 v S Charlestownu, Mass. Po poklicu je bil izumitelj ir^ umetnik in je bil leta 1835 nastavljen kot pro-l fesor umetnosti na univerzi v! New Yorku. Idejo za telegraf je! dobil že leta 1832, toda šele v letu 1838 je izgotovil ^prvi primi-1 tivni telegrafski stroj. Prva brzojavka je bila posla-j na po 1,700 čevljev dolgi žici, ki je bila napeljana v učni sobi univerze, v navzočnosti njegovih prijateljev. Med njimi je bil tudi general Cummings in eden izmed njegovega spremstva, je za šalo napisal vsebino brzojavke, ki naj se pošlje. Glasila se je: “Attention the Universe! By Kingdoms, Right Wheel!” Sprejemni aparat na drugem koncu žice jo je v telegrafskih znakih točno sprejel. Morse je svoj izum izboljševal, toda m oral se je boriti z ne-zaupnostjo, kakor je navada skoro pri vsakem novem izumu, šele leta 1843 je »vezni kongres dovolil vsoto $30,000 za poskusno napeljavo telegrafske zveze med mesti Washington in Baltimore. Poskus sefje dobro obnesel in .telegrafSRifžice so bile kmalu potegnjene med vsemi važnejšimi mesti Zedinjenih držav. Morse je tudi imel srečo, da je doživel, da so vpeljale njegov telegraf Francija, Nemčija, Danska, švedska, Rusija in Avstralija. Leta 1858 je za svoj izum prejel mednarodno nagrado v znesku $80,000. Izumitelj je umrl leta 1872. Za brzojav je seveda potrebna posebna abeceda, katere posamezne črke so sestavljene iz gotovega številka pik in črtic. Tudi to abesedo je sestavil Morse in je še danes v rabi. Dandanes je ves svet prepre-žen z telegrafskimi žicami. Seveda, v teku sto let smo' dobili še druga komunikacijska sredstva, kot telefon in brezžični brzojav ali radio. Danes je mogoče po radiu pošiljati ne samo glas, ampak celo slike. Toda vse to telegrafa ni izpodrinilo, kakor niso avtomobili in traktorji popolnoma izpodrinili konja. Telegraf kakor konj še vedno vršita važno službo v "moderni civilizaciji. NEVARNI DNEVI Največ avtomobilskih nesreč se pripeti v nedeljo; na drugem mestu je sobota, na tretjem petek, na četrtem ponedeljek. Najmanj nesreč pa se pripeti ob sredah. Od avtomobilskih nesreč s smrtnim izidom se je v Zedinjenih državah lani pripetilo 8,500 ob nedeljah, 8,220 ob sobotah, 5,680 ob petkih, 4,800 ob ponedeljkih, 4560 ob četrtkih, 4,430 ob torkih in 4,110 ob sredah. Skupni enoletni avtomobilski pokol j je lani znašal 40,-300. Poškodovanih pa je bilo v avtomobilskih nezgodah lansko leto 1,221,090 oseb. ameriški filmi Na svetu je bilo lani 89,097 gledališč za kazanje premičnih slik in od teh jih je bilo 17,000 samo v Zedinjenih državah. V 90 državah, na katere se nanaša zadevna statistika, je bilo v letu 1937 predvajanih 70 odstotkov filmov ameriškega izdelka. X- 1937 For Publication — Illinois Fraternal Benefit Societies VALUATION REPORT Made by South Slavonic Catholic Union of America as of December 31, 1937, to the Insurance Department of the State of Illinois, pursuant to the requirements of law. IMPORTANT BEFORE FILLING OUT THIS REPORT NOTE CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This report must be filed on or before the 31st day of May, 1938. 2. Each item in the blank should be carefully filled out, in accordance with the information required. 3. The Valuation Exhibit must give in separate items for each form of cer- tificate the present mid-year value of future net contributions as contingent assets and the present mid-year value of promised benefits as contingent liabilities, or in lieu thereof the mid-year net value of such certificates. Societies which use the mean of terminal reserves in valuing their certificates must include as advance assessments in item 11, page 5 of annual statement, the pro rata unearned portions of all assessments covering insurance protection beyond December 31 of current year. 4. All death losses of whatever nature must be included in accrued liabilities in the Valuation Exhibit. 5. The present value of future extra assessments should be included as a part of the contingent assets only in the event that the society has by its authorized governing board or body actually provided for the specific levy of a fixed number or amount of extra or additional future assessments. G. If the laws of the society provide for segregation of the funds between the various classes of members, separate Valuation Exhibits should be made for each such class in addition to a combined Valuation Exhibit, so as to define more definitely the status of the members in each class. It is not necessary to make complete separate Valuation Reports. The combined Report should of course be complete. 7. Loans and interest thereon which are secured by tabular reserves or accumu- lations actually maintained on the corresponding individual certificates should be treated as a part of the assets. Liens and interest thereon not in excess of the difference between the present value of the promised benefits and the present value of the future net contribution on the corresponding individual certificates, should be treated in the Valuation exhibit as a deduction from the contingent liabilities. This is on the assumption that the liens provide for the payment of interest annually or for compound interest at a rate at least as high as that assumed in the valuation of the certificate liabilities. In the case of liens which do not bear interest or which bear interest at a rate less than the assumed in the valuation of the certificate liabilities, they should not be entered at their full face amounts, but should be entered only in the amounts of their actuarial equivalents, i. e., the single premiums at current attained ages which would provide for Insurance equal in amount to the liens and interest thereon where such single premiums are calculated on the same mortality and interest assumptions as used in the valuation of the certificate liabilities. In lieu of following the plan outlined above, a society may show the reserve liability for an amount of insurance equal to the face amount, less the insurance purchased by the accumulated lien as a single premium at the current attained age. In this connection the rate of interest provided for in the liens must be taken into consideration, e.g.: If the lien does not bear interest, the reserve liability may be calculated on the net amount of insurance after deducting the amount of the lien. 8. The Valuation Exhibit is made up on the basis of excluding the expense, sick and accident (when the benefits are not valued) and special funds (1rm kaj vmes, kakšen zims*1 P ^ ali kaj drugega, da seje ^ 1 ritev odložila do 1- llia^ q Ji, mo, da do takrat bo )s zStoi l Vloge so dobro razdeljen^ jj smemo pričakovati, da .. ^ je j (a) izvrstno rešene; samo 11 ^ ve, kako bo kaj z ^r®°’ sni$j 1 menda bolj na jok k° . ^ (j»j (c) sililo. Vsekakor je lia^jnseH gremo vsi igro P°Sle orjž#j fo; lastne oči in ušesa P* ^oP0 Vstopnice se prodajaj0 ^ iej ^ 25 centov, kar je (o^0 1 prireditev, ki bo nu > fBj smeha in zabave, 101 zVe$ t dveh bo igra za °troke'le, # * ob osmi uri pa za °^ra ,i ® lim, da bo naš “Ely- rl W f( nekaj narodnih pesiflj’o ravno prav prišlo me ^\tf ^ a da bomo lažj.e čaka j* o društva št. 120 jS.K vSe,K#f « vabijo na to priredite' ^V *] leze in gre, in obetaj0’ \ebi[ 8| nikomur žal, ki pride to lepo igro. V Wash11* It ditoriju je tudi dovoli ' tP!:' (k) >. torej se ni treba nik° _ In da bi moral trpeti %11 *,0\je poučuje Mr. Matij3^ ^ pravi, da vsebuje sme 1 , še. Bomo videli! Miss Katie Bukovi* f pl- ^ j dni vrnila iz San J«* kjer sc je nekaj časa n’ ij ^ svojih dveh bratih jel^ J Scoi Georgu. Poroča, da (ani 3>n razmere pod ničlo. 1 t dospela na Ely na 0»^#^ Murgel tudi D. ’ JRHaj Meyers; slednja sala Mrhar in" n». ■ . Murgel iz prvega z#* ^ ^ Dne 21. maja jC ta veliko” žlico tw1 krat bomo namreč otvoritev novega , pr. ^ Center” poslopja. pr' nAfc se vršijo velike prip,. i :b hi ft* 1 Yes 1 :„Ni:.| * 1.11.1,7.111 $ .107,532 1». \m. Kx. 4% | Am. .10vp. 4% lOndmvmcut ! Yes | 2831 172,7.10 8.730 1 <\ \m. Ex. 1% i Am. U\;>. \ y raid- I p and Ext'd Ins. 1 1 i Vos j 2I4| 17 1.117 10,101 i (1, .v v. c. \'i | \. r. <’. 1% Ufc !!•:; 1 No 7.7 00 j .1,700,7.10 ’ 1,120,00.1 : e. total adci/i 1 1.07^1 lo^So.uor 1 1.017,037 i. Indust. \c/v Term ' Yes 1 8,83S| 3,070,8.10 28,100 Hr Am. lOxp. Craltf’s Ext. 1' V Ltd. I’ay Life Yes | 31| 2i.rioo None 1 TOTA 1. .It VEN. X.8UPI 4.W.1.S*,10 28,100 | • Totals i-i 2.1* iu S1 1.21*1,7 17 | $1.073.0311 EXPECTED AND ACTUAL MORTALITY ON GKOSS AMOUNT AT HISK 78. tExpected mortality on gross amount at risk adult certificates onl.- ..................................................................$132,954.04 79. Total death losses incurred during the year determined as follows: Death losses paid during the year including the commuted value of installment death losses $134,737 (item 1, page 3 of annual statement), plus such death losses unpaid December 31 of current year $12,250.00 (line 1, cols. 1—4, incl., page 5 of annual statement), and less such death losses unpaid December 31 of previous year $12,000.00 (line 1, cols. 1—4, incl., page 5 of annual statement for said year), giving actual mortality on gross amount of risk $134,987.00 80. Ratio per cent of actual (item 79, above) to expected mortality (item 78, above) on gross amount at risk during 1037 101.52% 1936...... 91.05'; 1935....... 82.5 % 1934 ....101.7 % 1933... —■% ‘Exclude all Certificates reported in lines 1 and 2, col. 4, page 5 of annual statement. ISee instructions under item 89, next page. ilf form no longer Issued, show year in which its issuance was discontinued. “If other than tabular net premiums are used in formula, give full explanation. INTEREST INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS (Excluding items belonging to general or expense funds) NOTE. The figures entered in items 81 to 88, inclusive, below should relate to benefit funds only. The general or expense fund figures arc to be excluded from these items. For example: The interest, dividends and rents and investment expenses of general or expense funds are to be excluded from items 81 to 87, inclusive, below: and in calculating the percentages shown in items 86, 87 and 88, below, the assets of general or expense funds are; to be excluded. 81. Interest, dividends and rents received during the year, per items 12 to 18, inclusive, page 2 of the annual statement (less itelh 41, page 3, and less $22,615.61 amortization and plus $300.00 accrual) ...» t........................................................$ 72.428.03 82. Add the excess of interest and rents due and accrued over interest and rents paid in advance December 31 of current year determined as follows: Item 18, page 4, less the sum of item 33B, page 4, and the interest in item 10, page 5, of annual statement 28,820.55 83. Total ....... $101,248.58 j 84. IX'tlwl the excess of interest and rents due and accrued over in- (CdiitiNUbtl <_>!' tiaat >il 55. I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing answers and to the correct- [ ness of items 37, 48, 50, 59, 72 and 74 of the Valuation Exhibit. (Signature) ANTON ZBASNIK (Official title) Supreme Secretary 23. A synopsis of the forms of certificates and the formulas employed for valu-; ing the benefits and contributions under each form, together with the amount of insurance in force, must be given by the actuary or accountant with answers to the following questions: 24. State the method of valuation used (whether level net premium, full pre- liminary term, straight modified preliminary term, Illinois Standard, etc.) Answer: Illinois Standard except Ordinary Life N. F. C. 4%—Net Level Premium. Has the society during the past five years for any class of certificates changed its valuation procedure or formulae so as to affect its solvency percentage? No. If so explain fully. — Did the Society exclude from the valuation required in Schedule A any suspended certificate where the member under the bylaws was eligible for reinstatement without evidence of insurability? Answer: No. 25. State the Mortality and Interest Assumptions employed in the Valuation. Answer: (Use schedule A 011 last page.) 26. (a). Have the negative reserves on individual certificates been eliminated from the Valuation Exhibit? Answer: None. (b). What is the total amount of negative reserves on individual certificates? Answer: $—None. The term, “Negative Reserve" refers to the excess of the present value of the future net contributions over the present value of the promised benefits. (c). Does the society charge redundant net rates of contribution, i. e., net rates in excess of the tabular net rates (on the basis of the mortality table and interest assumptions used in the valuation)? Answer: No. (cl). If so, state the amount of the present value of such excess contributions, and also state the intended purpose thereof. Answer: $—None. '(e). If a society which uses tabular values in making its valuation, charges net rates of contribution lower than the tabular net rates (on the basis of the mortality table and interest assumptions used in the valuation), it must set up an additional reserve to cover the deficiency in such rates calculated 011 a basis not less than one providing for the accumulation as a pure endowment under a level net annual rate of contribution of a sum at the end of not more than 20 years from the Issue of each certificate equal to the present value at that time of the difference between the net rate charged under each certificate and the tabular net rate of contribution used in the valuation of the same certificate. (f). Has the requirement of item 26 (e) been complied with? Answer: Yes. If so, on what basis was deficiency reserve calculated? Answer: None. (g). State the amount of such deficiency reserve, if any. Answer: $—None. 27. In tire determination of the ratio per cent of assets to liabilities, according to the method of valuation prescribed by the Fraternal Insurance Law of the State of Illinois, there must be eliminated the funds not available for the payment of future claims under contracts of insurance and the "non-admitted assets” other than certificate liens, loans and interest thereon; provided that the total of such indebtedness on any certificate included in the Valuation Exhibit shall not be greater than the excess of the present value of the promised benefits over the present value of the future net contributions under said certificates, as shown by the method of valuation assumed by the society, in accordance with the laws of the State Of Illinois. Have the above requirements been complied with? Answer: Yes. VALUATION EXHIBIT (Section 23-a Method—Basis other than Accumulation.) ASSETS—Actual and Contingent (Excluding assets of expense and special funds) "28. Present mid-year value of future net contributions on following forms of certificates: "29. . ......................... .........' death only $... *30. death and disability ..... *31. sick and accident .'............ *32............................................: ......................... *33...........-...■>•«............................................................. j 1 *35. : ............. *36. Total ...............................................................$............ 37. Assets available for payment of death losses determined as follows: Admitted Assets, item 38, page 4 of annual statement j (including loans and interest thereon secured by reserves or accumulations actually maintained on the corresponding , individual certificates) $2,214,747.08 less sum of vgeneral or expense funds $20,149.36, isick and accident fut$ft when not , valued $31,521.59, and 'special funds (include all funds other than general or expense funds not available for payment of , benefits) $15,440.77 ......:.................................. $2,1*47,635.36 38 Assets—Actual and Contingent—sum of item 36 and 37, above .. $2,147,635.36 LIABILITIES—Actual and Contingent (Excluding liabilities of expense and special funds) :|:39. Present mid-year value of promised benefits, or liet tabular . mid-year values, on following forms of certificates: , 40.................. ....................... death only $............................. , :i'41............................... death and disability .............. 1:42................................... sick and accident .............. 5:43. See Sell. A—Adult Certs ............................... 1,647,037.00 ,44. See Sell. A—Juvenile Certs................................ 28,599.()0 :j:45. Contingency Reserve .................................. 251,345.40 •46....................................................................... $47. Total r $1,926,981.40 48. Deduct liens and interest thereon, not included in Admitted Assets, and not in excess of required reserves in the corresponding . individual certificates valued according to Sec- . tion 23-a Method—Basis other than Accumulation................................. i 49. Balance, item 47 less item 48, above ............................... $1,026,981.40 50. Liabilities of mortuary or benefit funds determined as follows: Total Liabilities, except reserve, pžEge 5 of annual statement $69,177.70 less sum of liabilities of general or expense funds, page 5 of annual statement, not in excess of balance in corresponding funds item 37, above) $910.89; liabilities of sick and accident funds when not valued, page 5 of annual statement, not in excess of balance in corresponding funds (item 37, above); and liabilities of special funds (funds other than general or expense funds not available for payment of benefits) , page 5 of annual statement, not iii excess of balancc in corresponding funds (item 37, above) $24,090.84 44,175.97 51 Liabilities—Actual and Contingent—sum Of items 49 and 50, above ........................................................... $1.971.157.37 Dec. 31, 1937 108.95% 52 Ratio per cent of Assets—Ačtual Dec. 31, 1936 *'109.53% and Contingent—(item 38) to Dec. 31, 1935 108.91% , Liabilities—Actual and Contin- Dec. 31, 1934 106.51';; gent—(item 51) ................................. Dec. 31, 1933 102.69%' Dec. 31, 1917 87.87% *—Ratios for 1936 and prjor years are exclusive of Juvenile Department. Form of Explanation for Publication: 'N. B. The following is to be used only where the ratio of assets to liabilities is equal to or in excess of 100 ^ .) 53. The above valuation indicates that, on the basis of the N. F. C. & Am. Exp. tabl: of mortality with interest at 4 per cent., the future assessments of the so- 1 . ciety, at the net rates now being collected, together with the now invested assets, j ' arc sufficient to meet all certificates as they mature by their terms, with a margin of safety of $176,447.99 (or 8.9;V; ) over and above the statutory standards. (N. B. The following is to be used when the ratio of assets to liabilities j is less than 100'i.) ! 54. The above valuation is in conformity with statutory requirements, and is not to b': ’•;.-ga”d429.62, qx_|_n times insurance in force December 31 of previous l j (b) year, less reserve liens and interest thereon. 2.936.35, qx_(_n times insurance in force December 31 of current i* (c) . year, less reserve liens and interest thereon. pH I 3>562.12, qx_|_n times death incurred during the current year, J less reserve liens and interest thereon. f ^65.928.09, Sum of items (a), (b) and (c), above. Divide item (d) by j* (sj two to obtain: p ti, 4, Expected gross death losses during the current year. Nat- a*)0ve calculations were made on basis of American Exp. & • lg) Th Erat. Congress table of mortality. $ („,e insurance in force and death losses tabulated according to at- ijj. sta?6^ ages may he taken from Schedule VI, page 6, of the annual anri S ^or t!le Previous and current years. The insurance in force *P a.'‘ death losses in Schedule VI should be reported according to the W re ^lr>ed ages on the anniversaries of the certificates during the cur-Ili*1 of n ar’ Por example: The insurance in force and death losses as •j a December 31, 1937, should be reported according to the attained I*1 (h) -p.68 °h the anniversaries of the certificates during the year 1937 (jllO 'e qx_|_n to be used in any particular instances is the probability Hf j, flying or death rate, on the basis of the mortality table used in W am Va'Uati°n, at the attained age shown in Schedule VI opposite the 6 (I) jk °Unt of insurance or death losses by which it is to be multiplied, »d® a 111 (a), above, is the sum of the products of the q for each attained SV ^J^ltiplied by the amount of insurance in force at each such age rj ^ It« cerr>ber 31 of the previous year. . in ^ (b), above, is similarly calculated on the basis of the insurance W" (k) j. orce on December 31 of the current year. Ijff1’ a 111 (O, above, is the sum of the products of the q for each attained 'm d« ,*au^tiplied. by the amount of death losses incurred at each such 5 (1) Tj. 8 the current year. 1 an* SUm of items (a)> (b) and (c), above, divided by two gives the . Proximate amount of the expected mortality on the gross amount . t! ^ 8ori°r^a*^y on Amount at Risk. 0‘' ‘eties whose percentages of valuation solvency are 100% or better .if! °f the 0Ption of calculating the expected mortality on the net instead I ;5 ^ fen61,088 amount at risk. Such societies may also calculate the inter- II ^ ace lre<^ maintain reserve and the gains and losses from interest l' ^bc0l!irdance with the methods outlined in the printed report of the jij ^tW ^ee on Fraternal Blanks to the Committee on Blanks of the 1 m Convention of Insurance Commissioners Re: Adoption of a c*6tiesari^ ijOSS Exhibit for Fraternal Societies, dated May 17, 1920. So-)!■ V ..v,hlch avail themselves of the above options must attach an out-JBtOiwtheir calculations which conform to the methods in the Sub-®*|Tic(i4 tee’s report referred to above. s for Obtaining Investment Expenses of Benefit Funds raid It Ontl>e Year. I j^Se 3 of the current year’s annual statement take the sum of ■ ati(l* (other than legal expenses included in insurance expenses), ■V al1 ltem in lines 35 to 39, inclusive, applying exclusively to in-ijjB t expenses. To the foregoing sum add unallocated expenses ' itJ ** properly be considered as investment expenses (but not in l/i of l per cent of mean ledger assets) and deduct any income fjl' 1 ^ich may properly be considered as an offset to investment ex-6 investment expenses of general or expense funds should be .(idl Ha, the above calculations. Attach exhibit. '4 '•> h r i ^yio ^ , |(( J r’ being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the actuary (ac 1 n. C tof^L tn&de the foregoing computations and answers to the questions 1 3i Cotlcerning the condition of South Slavonic Catholic Union as ,4ti2 i, ’ l937, and that the same are correct and true to the best of his ’ J Xr^ee and belief. • .o (|. sworn to before me this 17th day of February, 1938 F, (Signature of actuary or accountant) R. D. TAYLOR M U (Signature of notary or other officer) OLGA NAJT ^tinv, (Official title) Notary Public ° J °ns «nder item 91. P' ____________________________ A Annual Statement / °f th ^°r year en^e^ Decemker 31, 1937 e condition and affairs of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America Home Office; Ely, Minn. ^ ii^ Laws of the State of Minnesota, made to the Commissioner A* j llCe of the State of Illinois pursuant to the Laws thereof 1° d V r0>n trevio“s Year ................................... $2,107,727.75 > 7? t II—INCOME r i o 6eS actually received......................................... None .. i,! :VMcha,f Premiums during first 12 months of membership ^ f ac., 0r an extra percentage is used for expense* 12,682.26 I hi,411® t)J;S'Sments or premiums* ............................ 323,756.14 , V1 ^CapIta tax.................................................. None ^yrhov.?er8’ fees actually received .............................. None ^ s by members, viz: * ^ id - ■nj v ^ StIeCe*Ve^ from members................................... 336,438.40 ‘juti V etlts returned to applicants and members....................... 232.69 ----------- <*0 l*' ^rom members................................ 336,205.71 >6 i* \:- ati°n for supplementary contracts not involving ’ / Aj'11^wand involving $ contingencies 15,538.01 ■V ?V%eB°n Mortgage loans less $.................accrued interest V1 f \ Squired during the year............................. None if ! West011 c°ilateral loans per Schedule C.................... None vf i tS tk °n bonds $91.155.21 and dividends on stocks, \ 6 ye»SS $1'765-03 accrued interest on bonds acquired dur- 1V Per Schedule D ....................................... 89,390.18 'XfSst liens and loans on certificates of members 7,976.78 JV, r\ ,ule vr otl deposits in trust companies and banks, per tcONsw:................................................................... None )]fJ r°tn all other sources ................................... None I f society’s property, including $1,200.00 for so- Uy of its own buildings (less $.............interest to I iS si!0(W nces^> per Schedule A ................................ 1,200.00 S iC°vSUpplies.......................................................... 15700 ;,tl- f' V*t t subsci-s°urces' vlz: uiijl clSonptions.................................................. 477 13 « N!11 bv n°n-sufficient fund checks from lodges...................... 4.79 )S / \VvLmember ........................................................ 5.00 k ^ members who were reinstated from extended 8341 51V t ^0flt on 6y eross $...........le3S amount repaid $.................. None |1 h Kt ,Sa'e °r maturity of ledger assets, viz: None % s Schedule D ................................................ 300.00 r Schedule ............................................... None 38. 38. Gross increase, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets, viz: (a) Real Estate ....................................-...................... None (b) Bonds per Schedule D (including $................for accrual of discount) ......................................—..................... None (c) Stocks per Schedule D ................................................ None • _______________________________________________ 39. TOT AT, INCOME .................................. $.451,338.01 40. Amounts carried forward .......................... $2,559,065.76 Amount brought forward ..................................-.................$2,559,065.76 III—DISBURSEMENTS 1. (A) Death claims ..............................$ 137,890.00 2. (A) Disability claims ...................................... 8,140.35 3. Sick and accident claims .................................-.............. 103,139.67 4. (A) Old age benefits .................................-.......... None 5. Surrender values .....................................-........ 3,288.72 6. Dividends to members .................................-.......... None 7. (A) Other benefits (specify purpose): 8. Adjustment of liens on extended Insurance certificates................... 1,760.21 9...........................1...............................-........... 10 :....................................................................... 11. Total benefits paid ......................................254,218.95 12. Paid for claims on Supplementary Contracts l^ot involving $.............and involving $ contingencies........ 14,016.73 13. Commissions and fees to agents, deputies and organizers: First Year Assessments or Premiums $., Rei^ewal Assessments or Premiums $.....................:..................... 3,556.50 14. Compensation of managers and agents not paid by commission for services in obtaining new insurance..................................... None 15. Reserve Credits paid to members who transferred to Adult Dept. 2,046.31 16. Salaries of managers or agents not deputies or organizers None 17. Salaries and all other compensation of officers, trustees and committees ............................................................ 13,078.50 18. Salaries of office employees, No. 7 ........................ 6,535.00 19. Medical Examiners’ fees $...............Inspection of Risks $............. 2,647.15 20. Traveling and other expenses of officers, trustees and com- mittees ....................:........................................... 1,208.06 21. For collection and remittance of assessments and dues.................... None 22. Insurance Department fees and expenses ....................... 362.00 23. Rent including $1,200.00 for society’s occupancy in its own buildings .............................................................. 1,200.00 24. General office maintenance and expense ....................... 1,311.13 25. Advertising, printing and stationery ........................ 6,891.07 26. Postage, express, telegraph and telephone...................... 1,515.97 27. Lodge supplies ....................................... None 28. Official publication ................................ 9,240.47 29. Expense of Juvenile Convention ........................... 5,882.19 30. Legal expense in litigating claims .......................... 137.00 31. Other legal expenses .........................1.............................. 204.00 32. Furniture and fixtures ................................. 430.89 33. Taxes, repairs and other expenses on real estate.................... 589.82 34. All other disbursements (specify purpose): || 35. Actuary ....................................... 1,617.09 36. Surety Bond premiums ................................ 1,117.53 37. Social Security and Excise Taxes .......................... 208.19 38. Unemployment Compensation Commissions ........................ 396.94 39. Miscellaneous ...................................... 643.31 Athletics .............................................................. 1,721.93 40. Fine paid by member in 1936 Refunded.......................... 20.00 41. Interest collection fee .............................. 300.00 42. Gross loss in suspended bank............................. 5,700.00 (b) Bonds per Schedule D .................................................. None (c) Stocks per Schedule D ................................................ None 43. Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets, viz: (a) Real Estate ............................................................None (b) Bonds per Schedule D (including $..............for amortization of premiums) .................................................. 22,615.61 (c) Stocks per Schedule D ....................................ij|jf• None 44. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ........................................$ 359,412.34 45. Balance before transfers........................................,...; 2,199,653.42 46. Increase by transfers ......................................sB 4,463.00 47. Balance „$2,204.116.42 48. Decrease by transfers .............................. 4,463.00 49. Balance ...................................$2,199,653.42 IV—LEDGER ASSETS 1. Book value of Real Estate (less $150.00 incumbrances), per Schedule A ....................................... $ 22,530.77 2. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, per Schedule B, first liens, $........; other than first liens, $.........,.... None 3. Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks or other collateral, per Schedule C.............................. None 4. Liens, loans or other credits on certificates of mem- bers .................................................. 150,429.93 5. Book value of Bonds, $1,977,158.95; Stocks, $—None, per Schedule D ...................................... 1,977,158.95 6. Cash in society’s office.......................$ 200.00 Cash in transit to the Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minn........................... 6,686.16 7. Deposits in trust companies and banks not on interest, per Schedule N ................. 42,647.61 8. Deposits in trust companies and banks on interest, per Schedule N................................ 49,533.77 9. Bills receivable, $.........; Organizers’ bal- ances, $.................................................... None 10. Other ledger assets, viz: ........................... 11 ................................................................... 12. Total Ledger Assets, as per “Balance,” column 6, page 3 $2,199,653.42 NON-LEDGER ASSETS 13. Interest due, $ and accrued, $............. on Mortgages None 14. Interest due, $.......... and accrued, $......... on Col- lateral Loans, per Schedule C, Part 1...................... None 15. Interest due, $525.00 and accrued, $25,363.08 on Bonds not in default, per Schedule D, Part 1 ................... 25,888.08 16. Interest due, $....None and accrued, 2,932.47 on Cer- tificate loans .......................................... 2,932.47 17. Rents and interest due, $ and accrued, $................... on Society’s property or lease................................ None 18. ‘ Total interest and rents due and accrued................... 28 820.55 19. Market value of Real Estate over book value, per Schedule A ................................................................. None 20. »Market lvalue (Not including interest in item Amortized or investment] 15) or bonds over book value, per Schedule D ................................... None 20.A Market value of stocks over book value, per schedule D .................................................................... * None 21. Assessments actually collected by subordinate Lodges not yet turned over to Supreme Lodge................................ 20 862.79 22. All other assets (Give items and amounts.................................. ’ None 23. Office fixtures and supplies............................... 10,500.00 24. Ads and Subscriptions ....................................... 190.88 2 5................................................................... ... 2 6........................................................................ 27......................................................................... 10,690.88 28. Gross Assets....................................................$2,260,027.64 DEDUCT ASSETS NOT ADMITTED 29. Balance due from organizers not secured by bonds .... None 30. Bills receivable ................................................ None 31. Deposits in suspended banks, less $.............. estimated amount recoverable .......................................... None 1 32. Book value of Real Estate over market value, per 1 Schedule A ................................................... None 33. Book value of bonds over amortized or investment I value, per Schedule D .................................... 33 949,27 1 33A. Book value of stocks over market value, per sched- 1 ule D .......................................................... None 33B. Interest due and accrued on mortgage loans (state basis) ...................................................... None 33C................................................................... None : 34. Liens, loans or other credits in excess of net value of individual certificates ....................................... None : 35. Other assets not admitted, viz: Assessments over 60 ) days due ..................................................... 640.41 ; 36. Office fixtures and supplies.............................. 10,500.00 37. Ads and Subscriptions ............................................ 190.88 45,280.56 38. Total Admitted Assets.............................................$2,214,747.08 V—LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND IINASSIGNED FITNDS § jTjj jr« ■ -------- a fig Ssg si a I ® 9*." & 2 >-S •Jn'2 a s< 2 ^ j« c ^ 5 a 33 S-s og £i=>« E"1 o o a______cu q. Dollars Cents 1. Deaths ..................................................................$ 14,526.00 2. Disability.................................................................. 6,047,34 3. Sickness and Accident...................................................... 1^)43.50 4. Old Age ....................................................................... None 5......................................................................... 6......................................................................... 7. Total Claims .....................................................$*...38,615.84 8. Salaries, rents, expenses, commissions, etc., due or accrued ..................................................... 972.14, 9. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes........................... None 10. Borrowed money, $.............., interest due or accrued on same, $................................................... None 11. Advance assessments or premiums ................................... 10.54 12. All other liabilities, viz.: 13. Supplementary contracts ....................................... 29,363.55 14. Reserve credits due members who transferred to Adult Dept...........................................v... 215.63 I5........................................................ *...........:....... 30,561.86 16. Total Unpaid Claims and Other Current Liabilities ........... 69,177.70 17. Reserve (specify basis of computation): 18. Am. Exp. 4% Adult Certificates .............................$ 526,372.00 19. N. F. C. 4% Adult Certificates............................ 1,120,665.00 20. Standard Industrial 4% Juvenile Certificates 28,599.00 21. Craig’s Ext. Am. Exp. 4% ...............................;........... None 22 ......................................................................... 23. Total Reserves ................................................ 1,675^636.00 24. Special and contingency reserves: ...............,............ 251,345.40 25........................................................................... 251,345.40 26. Total Liabilities ......................................................$1,996,159.10 27. Unassigned Funds ...................................................... 218,587.98 28. Total to Balance With Admitted Assets.............. $2,214,747.08 VII—EXHIBIT OF CERTIFICATES Total Business of the Business in Illinois Year During the Year No. * Amouttt No. 'Amount 1. Benefit certificates in force December 31 of previous year, as per line 8 last statement ..................20,348 $13,045,138.00 1,657 $ 1,017,430.00 2. Benefit certificates written during the year ........................... 3,707 1,819,400.00 460 215,000.00 3. Benefit certificates revived during the year .................................. 54 32,450.00 4. Benefit certificates received by transfer during the year .......................................... 5 2,750.00 5. Benefit certificates increased during the year ......................................... 13,250.00 6. TOTALS ..........................24,109 $14,910,238.00 2,122 $ 1,235,180.00 7. Deduct terminated, decreased or transferred during the year (total of lines 9-13 inclusive) ............. 1,168 645,521.00 154 78,434.00 8. Total benefit certificates in force December 31 of current year ..........................22,941 $14,264,717.00 1,968 $ 1,156,746.00 9. Benefit certificates terminated by death reported during the year .... 179 142,937.00 9 6,700.00 10. Benefit certificates terminated by lapse reported during the year .... 741 238,800.00 76 35,550.00 11. Benefit certificates transferred reported during the year................................................. 14 9,700.00 12. Benefit certificates terminated by Cash Surrender, Expiry, Maturity and Transfer to adult reported during the year....................... 518 250,408.00 55 26,270.00 13. Benefit certificates decreased during the year ........................................ 13,376.00 214.00 14. ( Received during the year from members in Illinois — Mortuary, ( $12,219.06; Reserve $0; Disability, $1,004.25; Sick and Accident, $7,360.65; ( Expense, $3,809.71; Total, $24,393.67. •Accident and health societies need not fill the amount column in this exhibit. VIII—EXHIBIT OF DEATH CLAIMS TOTAL CLAIMS ILLINOIS CLAIMS Adult Only No. Amount No. Amount 15. Claims unpaid December 31 of previous year, as per line 22 last statement .........'.....'............. 13 $ 10,000.00 1 $ 1,000.00 16. Claims reported during the year.... 166 136,987.00 8 6,250.00 17. TOTALS ......................... 179 $ 146,987.00 9 $ 7,250.00 18. Claims paid during the year (Item 1, page 3) ..................J.......... 165 134,737.00 6 4,250.00 19. Balance ........................... 14 $ 12,250.00 3 $ 3,000.00 20. Saved by compromising or scaling down claims during the year None None 21 Claims rejected during the year None None 22. *Claims unpaid December 31 of current year ............................ 14 $ 12,250.00 3 $ 3,000.00 •Should include all claims reported in line 1, under columns (1), (2) and (3) of page 5. IX—EXHIBIT OF DISABILITY CLAIMS TOTAL CLAIMS ILLINOIS CLAIMS No. Amount No. Amount 23. Claims unpaid December 31 of previous year, as per line 31 last statement Estimated ..................... 84 $ 7,222.41 6 $ 632.68 Decrease in estimated liability during the year ................................... 1,870.69 29.37 24. Claims reported during the year 85 8,864.97 6 1,007.99 25. TOTALS ........................ 169 $ 14,216.69 12 $ 1,611.30 26. Claims paid during the year (Item ' 2, page 3) .....................i 81 8,140.35 2 807.30 27. Balance ......................... 88 $ 6,076.34 10 $ 804.00 28. Saved by compromising or scaling down claims during the year None None 29. Claims rejected during the year 3 29.00 None 30 crease in the disability claim reserve during the year ............. None None 31. ‘Claims unpaid December 31 of current year ......................... 85 $ 6,047.34 10 $ 804.00 •Should include all claims reported in line 1, under columns (1), (2) and (3) of page 5. X—EXHIBIT OF SICK AND ACCIDENT CLAIMS TOTAL CLAIMS ILLINOIS CLAIMS No. Amount No. Amount 32. Claims unpaid December 31 of previous year, as per line 38 last statement, estimated liability .... 422 $ 23,040.50 28 $ 1,682.00 33. Increase in such estimated liability during the year ................................... 4,372.17 1,167.38 34. Claims reported during the year 1,883 94,411.50 106 6,567.00 35. TOTALS ........................ 2,305 $ 121,824.17 134 $ 9,416.38 (Continued on p*go 6) \ DOPISI (Nadaljevanje 7. 2. strani) dela], da se ideja zadruge v doglednem času uresniči. Pozdrav ! Katherine Krainz. New York, N. Y. — NARODNI ADRESAR, za vse potrebna in koristna knjiga. — Vsi naši časopisi so prinesli lepe članke o “Narodnem Adresarju,” ki pa je z mnogim trudom in troski sestavil in uredil moj pokojni soprog Ivan Mladineo. Jaz sem sama dobila več pisem, v katerih so mi pokojnikovi in moji prijatelji prostovoljno ponudili vsako pomoč za razprodajo preostalih 1500 iztisov “Narodnega Adreserja.” Seveda sem jako hvaležna za take izraze prijateljstva in prostovoljne pomoči, žalibog pa moram reči, da vsa lepa priporočila časopisov in prijateljev niso do sedaj niti od daleč prinesla tak rezultat, kakršen bi se moral pričakovati. Znam prav dobro, da časi so slabi in da mnogi pri najboljši volji ne morejo kupiti to za vsakega našega človeka potrebno in koristno knjigo, vendarle vzlic vsemu temu mislim, da je še mnogo naših ljudi, ki bi knjigo kupili, da le imajo priliko jo videti in prelistati. Da se temu odpomore, odločila sem se, po nasvetu prijateljev, vkolikor toliko nadoknaditi ta strošek s tem, da bom za vsak prodani iztis dajala po en dolar, tako da se knjiga more čim prej razprodati in da si sama prihranim stroške, spojene z nadalj-nim razprodajanjem knjig. V to svrho se posebno priporočam društvenim odbornikom, ki bi z malim trudom mogli na sejah prodati nekoliko komadov knjige, tako da bi mogli v najkrajšem času tudi mene rešiti velike skrbi in stroškov in mi omogočiti, da ves svoj čas posvetim delu za vsakdanje življenje svoje družine. Prosim vse naše časopise in prijatelje, da kot do sedaj mi pomagajo dovršiti to nalogo, ki mi je preostala kot težka dolžnost po smrti mojega soproga Ivana Mladineo. Za vse poizvedbe in naročila pišite na naslov: Ana vdova Ivana Mladineo, NARODNI ADRESAR, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Brooklyn, N. F. — Slovensko pevsko društvo “Slovan” v Brooklynu, N. Y., bo pelo na radio v soboto 30. aprila od 5.45 do 6. ure zvečer (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) na postaji WJZ National Broadcasting Co. Program s postaje WJZ bo lahko dobiti pri lokalnih postajah, ki imajo večino svojih programov z glavne postaje v New Yorku in pripadajo National Broadcasting Co. Ako bo petje “Slovana” rojakom ugajalo, lahko pišejo na: “Slovan, c. o. W. J. Z., R. C. A. Building, New York, N. Y.” Piše se lahko v angleškem ali slovenskem jeziku. Pisma so potem na postaji pregledana in izročena društvu. In čim več je takih priznalnih pisem, tem večjo priliko ima društvo za zopetni slovenski program. — Za pevsko društvo “Slovan”: Ivan Ručigaj, tajnik. Chicago, lil. — Nekoč je bil premožen farmer, ki ni bil nikoli zadovoljen. Njegov sosed je bil pa bajtar in vedno vesel. Neki dan pride k njemu tuj človek in ga prosi za prenočišče. Drugi dan vpraša gospodar tujca za nasvet, zakaj je bajtar vesel, on pa nikoli. Tujec malo ogleda 0-koli hiše in mu reče, naj vsak dan trikrat obhodi polje, kleti in hleve; čez tri dni da se tujec vrne, nakar se bo začelo razmo-trivanje. Gospodar se poda prvi dan na preiskavo. V hlevu opazi (Dalje na 8. str.) rr NOVA DOBA rr GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE Lastnina Jugoslovanske Katoliške Jednote ___________________IZHAJA VSAKO SHEDO__________________ Cene oglasov po dogovoru Naročnina za člane 72c letno; za nečlana $1.50; za inozemstvo $2 OFFICIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION, Inc., Ely, Minn. Owned and Published by the South Slavonic Catholic Union, Inc. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Subscription for members $.72 per year; nonmembers $1.50 Advertising rates on agreement Naslov za vse, kar se tiče lista: DOBA 6233 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. VSAK PO SVOJE (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) NOVA VOL. XIV. • . 10Jf NO. 17 ODVISNO OD ČLANSTVA Kakšen bo uspeh naše jubilejne kampanje, je v glavnem odvisno od članstva. Ako se bo članstvo z navdušenjem odzvalo pozivu za pridobivanje novih članov, bo uspeh povoljen, kljub zaprekam, ki jih stavijo na pot nepovoljne gospodarske razmere v deželi. Upoštevati moramo, da novi člani nobeni organizaciji ne trkajo sami na vrata. Treba jih je poiskati, treba jim je razložiti, da J. S. K. Jednota nudi svojim članom vsa zavarovanja, kakršna ponujajo različne zavarovalne družbe, ir) v mnogih ozirih za nižje pristojbine. Skoro povsod se še dobijo posamezniki, ki imajo vse pogoje za vstop v podporno organizacijo, pa niso še nikjer zavarovani, ali pa smatrajo dosedanjo zavarovalnino za prenizko in bi bili pripravljeni vzeti nadaljno, če bi jim bila vabljivo in v pravi luči predstavljena. Vsaka organizacija je tako živa in aktivna kakor so živi in aktivni njeni člani. Naša J. S. K. Jednota je zadnja leta pokazala toliko mlade življenjske sile, da je moralo v dno srca veseliti vsakega dobrega člana. Da bi ta aktivnost tekom naše jubilejne kampanje odpovedala, ni za misliti. To bi pomenilo, da se je lojalnost našega članstva napram njihovi organizaciji ohladila. Z ozirom na to se lahko izjavi, da kdor kaj takega veruje, ne pozna našega članstva. '"•*/** Oganizacijo kot je naša more vsak član z mirno vestjo priporočati svojemu najboljšemu prijatelju. Gospodarsko trdna, visoko nadsolventna, točna, poštena, nestrankarska, izključno bratska podporna organizacija, to je J. S. K. Jednota. Nobene boljše tovrstne organizacije ni pod zvezdnato zastavo. Glavni odbor je ob razpisu letošnje kampanje s sigurnostjo računal, da se bodo iste aktivno udeležila vsa naša društva, četudi morda le po posameznih članih. Pri vsakem društvu je nedvomno vsaj en član, ki se bo zavzel, da postavi svoje društvo na “mapo”. Kvota je določena tako nizka, da je tudi v nepovoljnih razmerah skoro povsod dosegljiva. Samo pet novih odraslih članov jo doseže. Če je kje boljša prilika za pridobivanje članov v mladinski oddelek, je na razpolago ugodnost, da dva nova člana mladinskega oddelka štejeta za’enega novega člana odraslega oddelka. Jubilejne kampanje se lahko udeleži vsak član ali članica odraslega oddelka, brez ozira kako malo ali kako veliko je društvo, h kateremu spada. Ako vpiše pet novih članov v odrasli oddelek oziroma odgovarjajoče število novih članov v mladinski oddelek, mu je Jednota pripravljena dati javno priznanje s tem, da bo njegova ali njena slika s kratkim življenjepisom priobčena v Novi Dobi. Za toliko število novih članov odraslega oddelka, da znaša njihova skupna zavarovalnina vsaj $20,000 (za Minnesoto $10,000), pa bo predlagatelj ali tisti, kateremu so novi člani kreditirani, deležen proste vožnje na slavnost 40-letnice J. S. K. Jednote, ki se bo meseca julija vršila v Elyu, Minnesota. Za dosego tega častnega clele-gatstva mu zamorejo pomagati s krediti tudi drugi predlagatelji novih članov pri njegovem ali sosednih društvih. Pozabiti tudi ne smemo, da bodo predlagatelji novih članov, kateri bodo sprejeti, deležni tudi denarnih nagrad, ki so navedene v vsaki izdaji Nove Dobe. Dotične nagrade veljajo za čas kampanje prav tako kot izven istega. Tekma za eno ali drugo kampanjsko odlikovanje je “free for all”, to se pravi, da se je lahko udeleži poljubno število članov ali članic od katerega koli društva. Naklonjenost sočlanov je sicer zaželjiva, toda ni absolutno potrebna. Agilen član ali članica pri pravih pogojih in s pravo taktiko lahko doseže eno ali drugo kvoto, brez ozira na to, če mu sočlani pri agitaciji pomagajoči ne. V tem oziru ni nikake omejitve, ki bi dobre in agilne člane “dol držala”. Javno priznanje in častno delegat-stvo je dostopno vsakemu članu in članici. Kampanja je zdaj v drugem mesecu in se bo zaključila 31. maja. časa ni nič preveč, toda še vedno dovolj za lojalne agilne člane, da za 40-letnico Jednote pokažejo svojo lojalnost v praksi. Navdušene besede so lepe, toda napredek Jednote je lepši in potrebnejši. Najlepša proslava jednotine 40-letnice bo dober uspeh jubilejne kampanje. Kako dober in časten bo ta uspeli, ua je odvisnu od njenih lojalnih elanov. sedel pol milijono dolarjev, in če bo sedel pet let, bo na leto odslužil milijon dolarjev. In kdo bi ne sedel eno leto za milijon dolarjev! * V Kansas City ju že vrsto let gospodari veliki politični boss Thomas J. Pendergast, kateremu je bil te dni od diktatorja Mussolinija poslan red italijanske krone. Zakaj je mož dobil to odlikovanje, nihče v Ameriki prav ne ve, pa se tudi nihče kaj dosti ne razburja glede tega. Kaj pa naj pomeni v Ameriki red italijanske krone, ko še prava italijanska krona s kraljem vred v sami Italiji nič ne šteje in ne pomeni! * Poljaki so naši bratje, toda njihovo slovanstvo je zelo čudne vrste. V nekdanjem avstrijskem državnem zboru so se skoro pri vsaki priliki pajdašili z Nemci in sedaj se vežejo s Hitlerjem napram svojim slovanskim bratom. Amerika ima vse take in mnogo boljših sadežev, zelenjav in cvetlic kot stara Evropa, in v mnogo večji izbiri. Vse od navadnega majrona, planink (Edelweisa) in sončnic do orhidej, od stoterih vrst fižola, solate in kolerabe do artičok in špargljev, od najnavadnejših sliv in hrušek do oranž, banan in dateljnov—vse je mogoče dobiti pri ameriških vrtnarjih in sadjarjih. Zato človeka sili na smeh, ko sliši ali čita povpraševanje po starokrajskih semenih. Zakaj se nekateri ljudje ne potrudijo, da bi spoznali kaj ima in kaj je Amerika! * Včasih se je deklici dopadlo, če si ji rekel, da izgleda kot milijon dolarjev. Dandanes, ko se govori le še o stomilijonih in milijardah, pa gornji kompliment nima več veljave in učinka. # Nekdanji rimski imperator Kaligula se je nekoč hotel po-norčevati s postavodajalci svoje dobe in je poslal konja v senat. Dandanes pa se ljudje sami iz sebe norčujejo s tem, da pošljejo marsikaterega osla v po-stavodajne zbornice. * Pomladna vročnica, znana v tej deželi pod popularnim imenom spring fever, je v tem času najbolj razširjena bolezen. Ta bolezen je sicer včasih prav neprijetna, toda ni nevarna. Na gotov način je nekaj sličnega kot zaljubljenost: njena žrtev je lahko fizično čisto zdrava, vendar ji nekaj manjka. Značilno je, da se ta bolezen, namreč spring fever, ne loti tistih, ki so brez dela in bi imeli dovolj časa za zdravljenje iste. Svoje žrtve izbira med najbolj zaposlenimi ljudmi. Njen najbolj vidni znak je stoprocentna mrž-nja do dela oziroma idealna lenoba. človek bi najrajši legel v travo pod senčno drevo, nič ne mislil in si ničesar ne želel. Kvečjemu bi si morda želel lepo hurisko, ki bi ga branila muh in komarjev in ga pitala s hrano olimpijskih bogov, to je z nektarjem in ambrozijo, ali pa vsaj z ice creamom. Doktorji pri tej bolezni ničesar ne zaslužijo, ker se navadno ozdravi sama od sebe. To se pravi, ozdravi jo počivanje, kdor si ga more privoščiti, ali pa delo, katero mora žrtev opravljati kljub vsej lenobi. V Clevelandu je letos pomlad nenavadno zgodaj nastopila in avtorja te kolone je pomladna lenoba najbolj zapeljevala pretekla dva tedna. Pa je ni utegnil poslušati, kajti prav takrat so ga cenjeni sobrati in sosestre najbolj bombardirali z dopisi. To kaže, da pomladna lenoba našega članstva v splošnem ni okužila, kar je jako razveseljivo. Iz tega se da namreč sklepali, da bo naša jubilejna kampa-! n ja, ki bu trajala samo se dober mesec, jako živahna in uspešna. Bratje in sestre, če se te čase kje med vami pojavi pomladna vročnica ali pomladna lenoba, recite ji, naj pride po 1. juniju, če že mora priti. Zagovorite in panajte jo s kako primerno točko iz pravil ali pa ji samo zabi-čite: Hudoba, poberi se; zdaj ni čas za ljubimkanje s teboj, zdaj je kampanja! A. J. T. DRUŠTVENE IN DRUGE SLOVENSKE VESTI POTRES V TURČIJI V turški Anatoliji je hud potres porušil 22 vasi. Brez strehe je ostalo 50,000 oseb. število mrtvih in pogrešanih se ceni na 800. NACIJSKI AGENT IZGNAN V Braziliji so bile razpuščene vse fašistične in nacij ske organizacije in prepovedane so bile vse politične aktivnosti inozem-cev. G. Tender, vrhovni nacijski agent v pokrajini Rio Grande Do Sul, je dobil povelje, da naj zapusti Brazilijo. (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) liankela, s katerim je bila zaključena velika tekma kegljačev JSKJ, ki se je vršila preteklo nedeljo v Clevelandu, Ohio, so se, poleg treh v Clevelandu bivajočih glavnih uradnikov, udeležili še sledeči zunanji uradniki: Anton Zbašnik, glavni tajnik iz Elya, Minn.; Paul J. Oblock, drugi glavi podpredsednik iz Centra, Pa.; John Kumše, predsednik nadzornega odbora iz Lo-raina, O., Frank E. Vranichar, drugi glavni nadzornik iz Jolie-ta, 111., in Anton Okolish, predsednik gl. porotnega odbora iz Barbertona, Ohio. Stoloravna-telj je bil športni komisar L. M. Kolar, slavnostni govornik glavni tajnik Anton Zbašnik, dobitke pa je razdelil med zmagovalce John P. Lunka, četrti glavni podpredsednik. Četrta tekma kegljačev JSKJ. ki se je v nedeljo 24. aprila vršila v Clevelandu, Ohio, se lahko smatra kot vsestranski uspeh za J. S. K. Jednoto. K tekmi so prišli kegljači in gosti iz držav: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois in New York. Udeležba, tako pri tekmi kot na sledečem banketu, je bila obilna, razpoloženje kar najboljše in obnašanje vseh vzorno, dasi veselo in razigrano Priznanje zaslužijo vsi, mladina in starejši udeleženci. Bil je lep praznik za ugled in napredek J. S. K. Jednote in za pospeševanja bratstva in družabnosti med članstvom. Enkrat pozneje se bo urednik spomnil te lepe prireditve z daljšim člankom. * Nevarno obolel zaradi zastrupi jenja krvi je pred dobrim tednom Janko Kapelj, Jr., sin tajnika društva št. 71 JSKJ v Clevelandu, O., in bivši delegat na prvi mladinski konvenciji JSKJ, ki se je vršila leta 1935. Na drugi mladinski konvenciji je bila delegatinja njegova sestra Sophie. Janko je jako priden in nadarjen fant, ih vsi, ki poznajo njega in njegovo družino, mu odkritosrčno želijo skorajšnjega okrevanja. Zdravi se v kliniki na “Five Points” in glasom poročil se njegovo zdravstveno stanje obrača na bolje. Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Am®® ELY, MINNESOTA ZAPLEMBA PREMOŽENJA Nemške oblasti so zaplenile posestva nadvojvode Otona, sina zadnjega avstrijskega cesarja. Po svetovni vojni je avstrijska republika zaplenila vsa posestva Habsburžanov, to-i da Schuschniggova vlada jim j jih je pred par leti spet vrnila., Oton je tako zdaj že drugič prišel ob dediščino. KRALJEVSKA OHCET Kralj Zog, vladar male kraljevine Albanije, sosede Jugoslavije, se je dne 27. aprila poročil z madžarsko grofico Geral-j dino Apponyi. V Tirano, glavno! mesto Albanije, kjer se je poroka vršila, je bil za to priliko povabljen najboljši ciganski orkester iz Budapešte. GLAVNI ODBOR: a). Izvrševalnl odsek: „ fll. Predsednik: PAUL BARTEL, 225 N. Lewis Ave., Waukegan Prvi podpredsednik: JOSEPH MANTEL, Ely, Minn. n Drugi podpredsednik: PAUL J. OBLOCK, Box 105, Unity, ‘ nTef, Tretji podpredsednik: FRANK OKOREN, 4759 Pearl St., Colo. » ole,e* Četrti podpredsednik: JOHN P. LUNKA, 1266 E. 173ra d1" land, Ohio. Tajnik: ANTON ZBAŠNIK, Ely, Minn. Pomožni tajnik: FRANK TOMSICH, JR., Ely, Minn. Blagajnik: LOUIS CHAMPA, Ely, Minn. vwxs'O^' Vrhovni zdravnik: DR. F. J. ARCH, 618 Chestnut St., Penna. et (fl*® Urednik-upravnik glasila: ANTON J. TERBOVEC, 623J Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. b). Nadzorni odsek: _h(n Predsednik: JOHN KUMSE, 1735 E. 33rd St., Lorain, 1. nadzornik: JANKO N. ROGELJ, 6208 Schade Ave., w® Ohio. joHet’ 2. nadzornik: FRANK E. VRANICHAR, 1312 N. Center Illinois. 3. nadzornik: MATT ANZELC, Box 12, Aurora, Mlnn. ^ p* 4. nadzornik: ANDREW MILAVEC, Box 31, Meadow Lan^^ GLAVNI POROTNI ODBOR: wDl 0. Predsednik: ANTON OKOLISH, 1078 Liberty Ave., Barbecoio. 1. porotnik: JOHN SCHUTTE, 4751 Baldwin Ct., Denver, ^ 2. porotnik: FRANK MIKEC, Box 46, Strabane, Pa. 3. porotnica: ROSE SVETICH, Ely, Minn. nvn, N' 4. porotnik: VALENTIN OREHEK, 264 Union Ave., BrOOKO^ Jednotino uradno glasilo. . NOVA DOBA, 6233 St. Clair Ave., Clevelander^ Vse stvari, tikajoče se uradnih zadev, naj se pošiljajo na K1*™5®*) «4 “j. lenarno pošiljatve pa na glavnega blagajnika. Vse pritožbe in P {Ian0*'. rt' slovi na predsednika porotnega odbora. ProSnJe za sprejem noT ‘LmaJo °* nje za zvijanje zavarovalnine ln bolnUka spričevala naj »e P0B ^ bovnega zdravnika. imre®*® d. Dopisi, društvena naznanila, oglasi, naročnina nečlanov ln ’ •lovov naj se pošiljajo na naslov: Nova Dob*, 8238 St. Clair Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Ameriki Je najboljša *.rllti' varovalnlca v Zedinjenih državah ln plačuje najllberalnejše P . , i®' članom. Jednota Je zastopana skoro v vsaki večji slovenski nase in kdor hoče postati njen član, naj se zglasi pri tajniku lokainet, j|#al pa naj piše na glavni urad. Novo društvo se lahko ustanovi z 1 plemena, neozlraje se na njih vero, politično pripadnost ali narou" j0 sprejema tudi otroke v starosti od dneva rojstva do 16. leta in °*1* H mladinskem oddelku dn 18. leta Pristopnina la oba oddelka Je Pro Premoženj« znaša nad $2,000.000.00 Solventnoat Jednote zn»i* 1 I1 \ NAGRADE V GOTOVI^ ZA NOVOPRIDOBLJENE ČLANE ODRASl^^i r DINSKEGA ODDELKA DAJE J.S.KJEDNOTA N* Jnj, GOTOVINI. jia/ % Za novopridobljene člane odraslega oddelka so P % deležni sledečih nagrad: 25 za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 250.00 smrtnine, $ Ifir za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 500.00 smrtnine, ta za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,000.00 smrtnine, $ • <; za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,500.00 smrtnine, P' . p za člana, ki se zavaruje za $2,000.00 smrtnine, ? za člana, ki se zavaruje za $3,000.00 smrtnine, f ' so rW |)( Za novopridobljene člane mladinskega oddelku r lagatelji deležni sledečih nagrad: ®*0ty za člana starega načrta “JA” — $0.50; za člana načrta “JB” — $2.00; -nv^m J za člana novega načrta “J Cs $500.00 zava) e ij $2.00; ,y h za člana novega načrta “JC” s $1,000.00 z(tl , $3.00. % Vse te nagrade so izplačljive šele potem, ko s0 i rlnnp nlnnrtni /*•»//> nenamvnli .a FRANCIJA IN ITALIJA Med Francijo in Italijo so v teku razgovori o sklenitvi prijateljske pogodbe, kakršna je bila pred kratkim sklenjena med Anglijo in Italijo, članice j Male entente, namreč češkoslovaška, Jugoslavija in Rumuni-ja, so obvestile francoskega ministrskega predsednika, da se strinjajo s tem, da Francija prizna zavzetje Etiopije po Italiji. i i K Imel !fti] eir V! :a ft «ir INTRIGE V RUMUNIJI Kralj Karol skuša z drastičnimi odloki onemogočiti vse o-pozicijske stranke v deželi, posebno fašistično “železno stražo,” ki je plačana in ki dobiva svoja navodila iz Berlina. Za to organizacijo je nemški načrt pregnati kralja Karola ali pa ga podrediti volji Hitlerja, kar bi dalo Nemčiji dostop do važnih sirovin dežele, posebno do oljnih vrelcev, obenem pa tudi ope-J racijsko bazo za nemško nastopanje proti Rusiji, češkoslovaški, Madžarski, Balkanu in Bližnjemu Vzhodu. Kralj Karol je naklonjen Franciji, če-! škoslovaški in Mali ententi. Ma-lokatera evropska dežela je tako preprežena z domačimi in inozemskimi intrigami kot je Rumunska. cijev v češkoslovaški, je popol- : na avtonomija za tisti del republike, ki je pretežno nemški. : Da je neprilik še več, so se začeli oglašati še Madžari, ki bi hoteli dobiti nazaj slovaški del dežele, ' in zgago delajo tudi Poljaki, katerih je v češkoslovaški kakih 80 tisoč. Češkoslovaška republika preživlja težke čase. i PRIDOBITVE DELAVSTVA (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) sebnima uradoma Labor De-partmenta. Women’s Bureau je izvedel pomembne študije o so-cijalnih in gospodarskih činite-ljih, ki prizadevajo življenje, zdravje in dobrobitje žensk, zaposlenih v industriji, in posledica je bila, da so mnoge države jmejile urnik dela in določile minimalne mezde. Enako je Children’s Bureau povzročil vzakonjenje postav, ki regulirajo delo nedoletnikov, in današnje prizadevanje, da se odpravi otroško delo v industriji. Takozvana tehnologična nezaposlenost, ki izvira iz vpeljave novih mehaničnih procesov, zmanjšana priložnost dela za delavce preko srednje starosti, in primerna zdravniška oskrba za delavce in njihove družine spadajo med poglavitna vprašanja, ki vzbujajo stalno pozornost federalnega departmenta dela,—FLIS. ODKOD SADNO DREVJE (Nadaljevanje s l. strani) Dateljnove palme, ki rode sladke datelje, gojijo v Zedinjenih državah le v Californiji, Floridi in deloma v Arizoni. Domovinske dežele dateljnovih palm su Se verna Afrika, Jugo- RAZNO IZ AMERIKE IN inozemstva VOJNA V ŠPANIJI Rebeli so pričeli z ostrimi na-! padi na Madrid in so potisnili lojaliste znatno nazaj. Na severnem bojišču skušajo rebeli osvojiti železniško progo, ki veže lojalistično Španijo s Francijo. Na tej fronti baje vodijo vse operacije rebelov nemški častniki. (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) leži 1 poroke svojega sina F. W. Pershii^ga v New Yorku. NE BO NIČ S PRODAJO Harold L- Iekes, tajnik notranjih zadev, je za nedoločen čas prepovedal izvoz 7 milijonov kubičnih čevljev helijevega plina, ki naj bi se porabil za napol nen je nove nemške zračne ladje. Ickea boji, da bi Nemci ta plin porabili za vojne namene. Helijev plin se v trgovskih množinah dobiva samo v Zedinjenih državah in je najbolj pripraven za zračne ladje iz vzroka, ker ne £°ri- eksplozija v RUDNIKU V premogovniku Red Jacket Coal Co. nedaleč od mesta , Grundy, Virginia, je dne 2. a-prila nast*ila eksplozija, v kateri je bifo ubitih 45 rudarjev. Eksplodiral J« premogov prali. VOJNA NA KITAJSKEM Japonci so pričeli pošiljati velika ojačenja na kitajsko fronto tako iz Mančukua kot iz same Japonske. To dokazuje, da so jih uspehi kitajskih armad pričeli skrbeti. Kitajci se skoro na vseh bojiščih dobro drže. Japonci poročajo o nekaterih uspehih, ki jih pa Kitajci večinoma zanikajb. Vse kaže, da bo japonsko-kitajska vojna še dolgo trajala in da še nihče ne more z gotovostjo prerokovati, na kateri strani bo odločilna zmaga. IZ ČEŠKOSLOVAŠKE Republika Češkoslovaška ima zadnje čase hude neprilike s svojimi narodnimi manjšinami, posebno z Nemci, katerih je v republiki okrog tri in pol milijona. Ta nemška manjšina je postala posebno arogantna po Hitlerjevi zasedbi Avstrije. Najnovejša zahteva Konrada Henleiua, voditelja nemških lia- ----------------• rnd'J tr* t U zapadna Azija % ne so doma v tr ^ v f ^ ^ in zato uspevajo * . ^ podnebju. Nekaj cln \ prideluje v prav J1 ^ Californije. . f ne 'U V Vinska trta med drevje, ampa A p ke, toda grozdje v i da med važno L vinske trte je v E vi - ^ riki. V califorfl'J e' j dih gojijo večl”°h0di^/ % trtne vrste, na njem zapadu Pa 1 riških trt vzgoje^ Tipično ameris ^ t( avokadi (avoca te? j A torjeve hruške. nega drevja Jc . fd J i t Centralni Ame1'1. J Maji so v dotičn’ ,# ^ f'f| to sadje že stole J v ji* dom belih nase • je yr iskovalci ob r vfl davne srednj«air* v O ^ cije. V Floridi J« ^ je zdaj obs^eri^, akrov s temi a > ■ S mi drevesi. TO^ 4 A se uživa najve !0S^on to understand the subject matter. In plain k, e>. these officials simply -“did not click” with ^udience. the trend is to look forward for days and ^ .to the appearance of a supreme officer, who has L/vited to express himself on the subject of our !2ation. And the audience is not disappointed, be-^ I1] majority of cases the supreme official pre-Wia I11Self ^or ^e vel^ important address, looks up P V ^ t° substantiate his points, and in general 0 rp to make the talk an interesting one. Vt ’ ^00’ vaiue to the lodge in the local com-/ ^ciai to ^ave been h()st to a distinguished supreme k f1 has its merits. The local members become more A hLi^Hs their position with the SSCU, and the res-/ Vs attached to each individual member becomes / j taK°nal responsibility, instead of a general one with iff E ^].eve?’al members have written in the Nova Doba on A^Usibility of inviting supreme officers to their com- Where the various features of our Union may b ■the ifout‘ True, the various benefits are published c; ■0lJ oy-laws, but it is also true that a very small ratio u ■ t^^.mbers are even willing to sacrifice a little time ^ M the by-laws. a »j as a member pointed out, members and others 0 a., lfted to listen to facts expounded by an outsider, c Iwe somewhat loath to believe what the local lodge 1ty has to say, although the subject matter may be f I ucal. J \ aS°’ 0U1‘ members were too small-items-of- q 5| tj.e conscious, and they believed that it was a waste b rfmVp an^ money for a supreme official to visit t 0 we (,i nt communities. Not so today, for such expenses i k(Js &ed to advertising. Compare the full page, or t V cr Vet’tising cost estimated by various magazines and l srtSof advertising truly becomes an appreciable 1 nJVj. expense. But not a personal visit, where the rail * rl ^Us a daily allowance for food and lodgings < [0Jjk 0,f °nly items of expense. 1 ^embers will do well to encourage supreme • Jjlj s visit neighboring, or out-of-the-state lodges l ‘!oflVopriate occasions, for the supreme board mem- ; ;V 6 accepted leaders of our Union. 1 1 mi --------—----------- 11 til %amc in flia tournament from members of j ^vj ^ Western Pennsylvania Federa- b Aennin Tourney tion of lodges. i JAoinjv From Little Stan, national di- f!j 1^1 r-F-J. Arch, supreme rector of the juvenile publicity ^ wXarniner: Pittsburgh, committee: Ely, Minn. — Con-; lltC^m l0Ur ShinR you a success' gratulatioris to successful tour-fl1 M \ w nHlnent. May the best ney_ wish I were there with you. ln Bowl a pretty ■mean game my_ 'in11 of 50sePh Sneler, presi- self. Heh, heh. Stern Pennsylvania From J. Jevitz and J. Ada-: of SSCU lodges: mich Addressed to Frank Vrani-^a‘ — Greetings char: Joliet, 111. — Congratula-S you a successful! tion to Joliet bowlers. llH ' ifl IS IT WORTHWHILE? before in the history of our Union have such attractive offered to the membership in any campaign drive. msoj°n i°the free raii trip to Eiij’mnn"and reiurn’ pubii' iiilN ^ ^ember’s picture with a short biography, the following / J ^n^st ttlcait those who secure new members 1,1 Lhe adult ^ i c^j each member insured for $ 250.00 death benefit ,Jy\ ^0r each member insured for $ 500.00 death benefit A S’o ^0r each member insured for $1,000.00 death benefit ^ On each member insured for $1,500.00 death benefit $8<0 ^°r each member insured for $2,000.00 death beliefil I Vi V^Or each member insured tor $3,000*00 decilh benefit J l\n Heiv members enrolled in the juvenile department tin /1 C(i8h awards are payable: CeMs for each juvenile enrolled in plan “JA” 1 n 114 ^ ca°h juvenile enrolled in plan “Jli” i f°r each juvenile enrolled in plan “JC” for $500.0i ^#3 ^°r caeh juvenile enrolled in plan “JC” for $1,000.01 ii I % h(> f | ** tn e9°in0 cash awards are payable once the newly ai et>lber hcts paid assessments for three months. From the Assistant Supreme Secretary Betsy Ross Places 1st In Team Events Ely - 40th Anniversary City Twenty-four SSCU lodge teams, emanating from the states of Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio and New York, rolled for honors in the SSCU bowling congress last Sunday, April 24, in Cleveland, and when the last ball was thrown statisticans from the interested teams dis- 1 covered that Cleveland’s Betsy Ross “A” entry was the tops, Paced by lodge George Washing- < ton’s “A” entry, who made a strong bid for the championship, the flagmakers wound up the team events with a total of 2586, while the cherry tree choppers had to content themselves with 2526 and second place. Pittsburgher lodge of Pittsburgh, Pa., again surprised the Clevelanders by placing fourth with a total of 2330. The keystone entry is supposed to excel | only in duckpins, but surprisingly »enough the Pittsburghers stole the doubles championship last year almost under the noses of the Cleveland sharpshooters, and left behind many good teams in the standing this year, much to the chagrin of the Cle-I velanders. | Continuing to prove that Penn-Lsylvania must never again be considered lightly in tenpin competition, Center, Pa. Ramblers’ I doubles entry tied with Cleveland George Washingtons for 'first place. Each collected 1036 | pins. Joe Morris and Frank Možina, of Center, also won the draw to decide who was to re-j ceive the medals, as “Pugs” Opa-!: lek and “Ox” Kramer, the other first place doubles’ entry congratulated the winners. A mere seven pins separated A. Jelercic and A. Sluga from first place, the two collecting 1029 sticks, j George Kovitch from Retsy ! Ross placed first in singles, with r a score of 602. In second place r was “Pugs” Opalek with 564, ( who also took the all events A championship with a total of < 1651. The girls’ entries, always an ( interesting spot at the SSCU , tournaments, had the eyes and ears of the spectators locused _ on them. Cleveland George Washington “A” team placed first with 2018, while Betsy Ross came in second with 1983. In the doubles, Mary Perdan and Augusta Guzik stole the show with 843, followed by Anna Kotnik and Betty Jaklich with 816. Justine Skufca, also from Cleveland, with a total of 448 w;as awarded first prize in the singles’ entry. Helen Mestik was second with 441. Minnie Ko-goy with a combined total of 1309 easily won the all events title. The tournament banquet which followed at the Slovene 1 National Home on St. Clair A\e. ; i was everything the Cleveland committee in charge of preparations had hoped it would be. A nice crowd, an exceptionally list of good speakers, well prepared food, excellent music and thirst quenching refreshments. Supreme Secretary Anton j Zbasifik made an unusually good speech at I lie banquet, and many facts presented about the SSCU will be remembered by those who were in attendance. iBro. Zbasnik then introduced the other supreme officers present at the banquet: Second supreme i vice-president Paul J. Oblock of : Center, Pa.; fourth supreme vice-president John P. Lunka of By Little Stan “Actions speak louder than words,” and no truer words were ever spoken. How many are active in this our 40th anniversary campaign? Will we prove that we are active by enrolling at least a few members? Now is the time to prove to the membership if you ai'e 100% for the SSCU by showing results, by results I mean that each and every one of us will enroll at least one member. While it is true, that times are not the best for enrolling members, there are still members that would join with a little coaxing, in spite of the fact that they may not be employed full time. If a large certificate cannot be sold, perhaps a smaller one would be, if advocated. One never knows what the other fellow thinks or what his financial condition may be until one makes a personal contact. Getting new members is not the easiest thing in the world, for it requires a lot of individual effort on the part of the solicitor, but if one uses the proper argument and explains the various features of the many policies that our organization now has for selection, it is quite certain that somebody will be interested. Perhaps one will not sell a policy on the first visit, but if one is persistent, in most cases a policy will be sold event- 1 ually. We have a large field to ( work, for as the many creeds ^ and nationalities are no bar to ^ our membership, almost anyone 1 can be approached. 8 How many will come to Ely, for that very attractive trip? ( While the first thought of the re- ‘ quired amount of insurance to be secured may seem large, all ( the added attractions such as insurance secured from the transfers from the juvenile department credited to the total help to secure the necessary ' amount. Of course one must not 1 only think about securing the 1 required number of members but must act. You still have plenty of time to work and I am sure if we all get to work and don’t wait for the other fellow to get the member, we can make1 I this campaign in connection with our 40th anniversary of the founding of the SSCU one of the most successful events in the history of our organization, which is not only in name, but I in fact the best fraternal organization in America. The United SSCU Lodges of l Ely, Minn., have already taken • I steps to make the celebration of • the 40th aniversary one of the - biggest and best conducted affairs in the history of the SSCU. i This event will be remembered as one of the banner events in j the city of Ely, Minn., there- j ? fore, Jet’s go to work. Frank Tomsich, Jr. Ass’t Supreme Secretary 7 ---------— t All Correct, Too He—“If you’ll give me your ’/ telephone number I’ll call you it up sometime.” It I She—“It’s in the book.” It He—“Fine! And what’s your it i name?” it\ She—“That’s in the book, le too!” “To what do you attribute your great age?” asked the city )0 visitor of Grandpa Eben Hoskins. 10 “I can’t say yit,” answered Grandpa cautiously. “They’s c- j several ’o them testimonial fellers a-dickering with me.” “It is a privilege to join the SSCUr and “For every dollar j of liability assumed by the SSCU, there is $1.24 to cover it— the South Slavonic Catholic Union is an American organization with no foreign affiliations —you shall inherit this fine institution and you must prepare to assume the responsibilities now—the South Slavonic Catholic Union never will lose its identity—its strong financial condition would be welcomed by any insurance group or fraternal—you need not be ashamed of the SSCU”—these are some: K of the interesting excerpts taken £ from supreme secretary Anton Zbasnik’s address to the bowler-1 members and guests at the tour- 1 nament banquet held Sunday!A evening, April 24, in Cleveland. , I ~ ( Supreme Secretary A n t on Zbasnik will be in White Valley, ' Pa. on Thursday, April 28, r where he will speak in the Slo-;( vene Hall. On Friday, April 29 he will be in Conemaugh, Pa., where he will be engaged as a speaker at the lodge No. 36, SS- ( CU halt, starting at 7:30 p. m. Saturday, April 30, will find him in Pittsburgh, Pa. at thei Slovene Home between 7 and 8|' p. m. And on Sunday, May 1, he will appear in Lorain, O. be- j fore the representatives to the Ohio Federation of SSCU lod- | ges, who will assemble in the 1 Slovene National Home. Bro. Zbasnik is scheduled to speak! at 3 p. m. ffiSf'.1' 11 Supreme Treasurer of Lhe SSCU, Louis Champa of Ely, | Minn., was re-elected president J of the Ely Rod and Gun club at the annual election held re- i cently. Janko Kapelj, age 16, juven-• ile member of lodge 71, SSCU of Cleveland, incurred a serious > case of blood poisoning recently 5 while at work in a drug store. 2 His condition was critical, but j now visitors are permitted to 1 visit him. Young Kapelj was a v delegate to the first juvenilis convention. j. e On Saturday, April 30 lodge 21, SSCU of Denver, Colo, will ^ celebrate its fortieth anniver- j sary with a banquet and dance, j At Finleyville, 1*0. lodge 48,j, SSCU will hold a dance on Sat- ‘ urday, April 30, at the local " Slovene Ilall. The seat of the ^ lodge is located in Hackett, Fa. ^ : i Ladies lodge, 170, SSCU of . Chicago will observe its 12th anniversary on Saturday, May 7 j with a program °f entertain-i ment. Ohio Federation of SSCU lodges will hold a meeting on Sunday, May 1, at the Slovene: Home of Lorain, O. Claride, Pa. lodge, A'o. 40, SSCU will celebrate its 35th anniversary and the 40th anniversary of the SSCU w’ith a picnic j on June 18, 1938 at Peter La-! i zar’s farm, near Bushy Run Battle Field. More details on the picnic will be published in , later editions. r Sit Down Teacher—“Johnny, can you 1 j define nonsense?” *| Johnny—“Yes, teacher — an - elephant hanging over a cliff 1 with liis tail tied to a daisy.” E 1 y, M i n n. — Swinging into the final month of our SSCU’s 40th anniversary campaign drive for new members, a genuine interest among candidates who are working for that top prize — a trip to the commemoration at Ely—is revealed. Indications are that many will qualify for the trip by the time May 31st rolls around. Setting the pace in this great drive is Brother Kovach, president of Lodge No. 1. Just recently you have seen his picture in Nova Doba—the first stepping stone to a bigger reward. He was the first to enroll the necessary five new members for the honor. Any day now, you must watch the columns of our paper for the announcement of the first who has qualified for the wonderful trip. Who will this person be??—Maybe somebody else, but Little Stan will bet his bankroll on Bro. Kovach! You know, it’s almost like bowling. Somebody sets the pace, and others try to keep in line, but always trying to pile up a larger score. Clean-up men are entered in fourth or fifth place. They are supposed to be the seige guns who will help roll the difference between winning and losing. Brother Kovach, of Lodge No. 1 is setting the pace. ARE YOU OTHER CANDIDATES GETTING SET IN THE CLEANUP POSITIONS? Last week end Little Stan! was a sad young man. He so wished he could attend the National SSCU Bowling tournament in Cleveland. Not being able to attend almost made him feel sorry he was a newspaperman and had deadlines to make. That w'as the big reason why he L couldn’t make the trip. But he * was there in spirit anyway! Couldn’t you tell?? L That big reward for enrolling: enough new members to equal $20,000 worth of insurance is L going to be well worth your ef-forts. j j It means a free trip to Ely | with all expenses paid, and yoii j will mingle with Minnesota ^ SSCU’ers who will gather at ■ the beautiful picnic grounds on ; the shores of Shagawa lake onj( July 17 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of our organization. There an impressive, program will take^place. On the eve of the picnic, July 16, a commemoration banquet will be held at which you will be able to feel the spirit of the SSCU, not only in the delicious ; Cleveland; John Kumse, chair-: man, supreme board of trustees, . Lorain, O.; Anton J. Terbovec, I editor-manager of Nova Doba, - Cleveland; Janko N. Rogelj, i first supreme trustee of Cleveland, Frank Vranichar, second supreme trustee of Joliet, and Anton Okolish, chairman of the supreme judiciary committee, Barberton. Others called upon to speak were: Lucille Kosick of Joliet, 111.; Edward Glavic of Struthers, O., “Mish” Strauss of Gowanda, N. Y., L. P. Boberg of Pittsburgh, Vatro J. Grill, editor of Napredek, SSPZ official organ and John Kardell, presi dent of Cleveland George Wash ington lodge. John P. Lunki completed the evening witl I awarding of prizes. ' - '"A' ‘ • 1 meal which will be served, but also the program to be presented. Between times, you will be able to enjoy the real genuine Minnesota climate. Situated in the heart of the Arrowhead country the center of Minnesb-ta’s Ten Thousand lakes and streams, you will find that Ely is the city you have dreamed about. When the thermometer sizzles at a 100 degree temperature in your home town, you will find Ely temperatures more moderate with cool evenings—so cool that sleep will be refreshing, and next day when you awake, you’ll be ready for more activity, sightseeing, and riding in the famed 1938 edition of the ahs-tin. Heh, heh! Fishing will be in mid-season about that time, and you can get tackle, hook line, and sinker, a boat and to a nearby resort or lake where you can spend the day, angling for those big great northern pike, lake trout, and those wall-eyed beauties. If you like to swim, a dip in those cool refreshing waters will just about add that final zip to your stay here. And when the day’s work is done, and twilight falls on the horizon, a big moon will slowly rise over the tree-tops and you will begin to feel sorta romantic like in this soft summer haze. Ah, Little Stan gets romantic just thinking about it. NOW IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU! A TRIP TO ELY IS RIGHT IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND. YOURS FOR THE TAKING! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?? Gratifying response was indicated by juvenile members in last w’eek’s excellent edition. Wonderful stories, short narrations, all combined to make our paper the most interesting of the week. Little Stan thinks that SSCU juvenile members have more pep and vigor and spirit than many of those in other organizations. Everytime the juvenile page makes its appearance, it certainly points to it. And now, another week is ebbing away into the annals of history. Those weeks fly by swiftly, and if you are one of those who will start work late in order to qualify for the trip, remember that by the time you get started, the campaign drive might be over! It’s up to you! Only a month to go, and if you start NOW, you’re a cinch, AND DON’T SAY WE DIDN’T TELL YOU! HEH, HEH! Stanley Pechaver No. 2, SSCU Five hundred men and HO < trucks of the Service Depart-,; ment will be put to work on day and night shifts cleaning up - Cleveland during the 26th an-1 nual Clean-up Week Campaign, 1 May 1st to 8th. Every street in - Cleveland will be swept and > flushed and 10,000 maple, elm ' and sycamore trees will be k planted throughout the city. f ---------- f /Is the Crows l)o f Bess—“I suppose you expect i- me to believe you came straight il home from the office?” i- Bill—“Sure I (hie) did. I i- came just like (hie) the crow :a flies.” h Bess—“So I see. Stopping fre Iquently for a little corn.” 1 - r ' - - NOVA DOBA, APRIL 27th, 1938 Fourth National SSCU Tenpin Scores MEN’S DIVISION Team Events Frank Haffner 422 Betsy Ross “A,” Cleveland 2586 Sammy Richter 446 868 George Washington “A,’ J. Champa 419 Cleveland 2526 J. Koren 439 858 George Washington “B,’ > John Batchen 435 Cleveland ..... 2347 Henry Zuzek 421 856 Pittsburghers, Pittsburgh . .2330 Alex Ribhi 406 Betsy Ross “B,” Cleveland . .2265 Tony Skerl 434 840 Alloys “A,” Lorain ??64 Dr. Boltey 416 Thirsty Five, Center, Pa. Smerdel 389 805 tuy 2164 S. Pogačnik 397 Betsy Ross “D,” Cleveland . .2140 S. Babich Pathfinders, G 0 w a n d a > M. Molk : 378 N. Y ?,098 Dr. Garbas 383 761 Alloys, Lorain “B” 2098 F. Kardell 395 Betsy Ross “C,” Cleveland 2096 P. Obloclc 358 753 George Washington “C/ F. Zakrajšek 402 Cleveland J. Merhar 341 743 Happy-Go-Lucky, Center, Singles Pa 1890 G. Kovitch 602 Gooi-ge Washington “D,’ F. Opalek 564 Cleveland 1830 F. Slugar 556 Cardinals, Struthers, O. ... 1796 Berdik 551 St. Michaels “A,” Claridge 1775 J. Kromar 511 St. Michaels “B,” Claridge 1742 F. Kovitch 505 Doubles S. Drobnič 504 Joe Morris 451 Tony Skerl 504 Prank Mozina 585 1036 John Tomsic 500 Frank Opalek 550 C. Wohlgemuth 499 Joe Kromar 486 1036 Alex Righi 498 A. Jelercic 489 L. Kotnik 495 A. Sluga 540 1029 M. Krall 494 Ludwig Vidrick 428 Joseph Baraga 494 John Tomsic 579 1007 A. Perdan 486 Frank Tomsic 480 Steve Cerne 485 Walter Guzik 492 972 S. Richter 484 Adolph Perdan 507 P. Krall 481 Frank Kovitch 452 959 A. Jelercic 479 P. Krall 484 Joe Morris 476 F. Yankovic 473 957 Lyod Phillips 475 J. Kardell 408 A. Sluga 473 Samson Drobnič 540 948 S. Arko 471 Frank Krall 415 W. Guzik 471 Lyod Phillips 529 944 C. Roffie 466 F. Sluga 474 A. Sagar 464 G. Kovitch 469 943 .J. Zelnik '454 Berdik 475 r B. Rupert 452 Eulert 465 940 P. Batchen 452 I. Brncic 467 F. Yankovich 448 M. Mestrovich 472 939 F. Krall 437 L. Kotnik 443 H. Zuzek 434 S. Arko 495 Michael Cerne 440 938 L. Vidrick 429 F. Eulert 423 Steve Cerne 498 938 M. Cerne 419 John Cerne 406 M. Mestrovich 416 Joseph Baraga 520 M. Krall 447 926 J. Batchen 397 J. Kardell 393 C. Wohlgemuth 475 922 F. Mozina 386 Joe Zelnik 493 Dr. Garbas 369 Charlie Roffie 405 898 , Smerdel Joe Merhar 435 All Events Gus Kikel 452 887 F. Opalek 1651 MY TRIP TO THE MEDITERRANEAN BY Doris Marie Birtic, Lodge 180 Editor’s Note: This is the ■ 20t.h installment of a series of articles which Doris Marie Birtic has 'prepared for publication in the Nova Doba. Readers will recall that Doris won a sixweelc cruise to the Mediterranean in a nationwide contest sponsored by The Cleveland Press and The Cleveland Propeller Club. Other installments will follow in subsequent editions. * * * Early the next morning we steered into the hai-bor of Beirut, Syria. Since we were stopping there for such a short time, it wasn’t worth the trouble of bringing the ship up to the dock, so we anchored some distance out at sea. The passengers desiring to see the sights hailed one of the large motor boats and were taxied to shore. Two Syrian graduates of the University and I decided to take a motor trip up the Lebanon Mountains. Upon reaching land, we passed through the customs office, and then took a taxi. Our ride to the mountains was most interesting. My companions, though native Arabians, were totally unlike the rabble we saw cluttering the streets. These young men had adopted the Western style of dress, and their tailored suits were up-to-the-minute. Their education had imbued in them the culture and refinement of the European, and their fluent, flawless English sometimes put me to shame. They were sailing to America on our boat. One had relatives in California, while his cousin hoped to start an oriental rug shop in New York. The latter was rather reluctant about leaving his country, and later I learned why. We drove through winding roads for nearly two hours. The lofty mountains, green cedar trees, and the sea below presented an overwhelming scene of beauty. Finally we reached Hotel Ka souf, a modern building on the summit of a high mountain, and had dinner. The many courses served were relished by my companions, but I could barely manage to take a nibble of everything. I wasn’t used to eating so much, even though I would have liked to, for it was delicious. Upon leaving the hotel, we found the complete scene changed. A thick, white cloud, or mountain mist, had blanketed the village. We could see only about ten feet ahead; beyond that was impenetrable. The atmosphere was chilled, and whereas it had been refreshing before, it now was a little too cool. Walking slowly down the middle of the road, we carefully avoided the edges, for, since they were unprotected, and hidden by the fog, one step might send us whirling into eternity. We stopped by a little stand where several women were selling hand crocheted articles. They had a large assortment of blouses, but the sizes weren’t marked. Since I wanted one, I had to try them on over my dress to see which would fit. This was quite embarrassing, but the blouse was worth it. After a while, the “homesick-looking” fellow asked me if I would mind very much if he would go to say goodbye to one of his dearest friends. I told him to go right ahead; we’d meet him later. He left, and we hired a black one-horse carriage with a collapsible top, and then started out on an all afternoon tour. Annual Statement (Continual from pagn 3) 36. Claims paid during the year (Item 3, page 3) ........................... 1,938 103,139.67 108 8,112.88 37. Claims rejected during the year 25 641.00 1 7.00 ! 38. "Claims unpaid December 31 of current year, estimated liability 342 $ 18,043.50 25 $ 1,296.50 ‘Should include all claims reported in line 1, under columns (1), (2) and (3) of page 5. XI — EXHIBIT OF OLD ACE AND OTHER CLAIMS TOTAL CLAIMS ILLINOIS CLAIMS No. Amount No. Amount 39. Claims unpaid December 31 of previous year, as per line 46 last statement ........................ 1. TOTALS .................. None None 42 Claims paid during the year (Items 4-10 inclusive, page 3) .......... 43. Balance .................. 44. Saved by compromising or scaling down claims during the year .... 45. Claims rejected during the year 46. »Claims unpaid December 31 of current year ..................... 'Should include all claims reported in line 1, under columns (1), (2) and (3) of page 5. State of Minnesota ] £ss County of St. Louis J PAUL BARTEL, President, ANTON ZBASNIK, Secretary, LOUIS CHAMPA, ‘Treasurer of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says, that they are the above-described officers of said Society, and that on the thirty-first day of December last, all the abovedescribed assets were the absolute property of the said Society, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as above stated, and that the foregoing statement, with the schedules and explanations herein contained, annexed or referred to, are a full and correct exhibit of all the assets, liabilities, income and disbursements, and of the condition and affairs of the said Society, on the said thirty-first day of December last, and for the year ended on that day, according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, respectively. PAUL BARTEL, President. ANTON ZBASNIK, Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA, •Treasurer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 24th day or February, 1938. (Signed) JOSEPH MANTEL, Notary Public. •Or corresponding person having charge of the accounts and finances of the Society. WOMEN’S DIVISION Team Events ,, George Washington “A,” Cleveland ................ 2018 Betsy Ross, Cleveland 1983j George Washington “B,” . Cleveland ................ 1704 Center Sharks, Center, Pa. 1622 Alloys, Lorain, 0............ 1577 Happy Five, Center, Pr. .. 1557 Ladies of SSCU, Joliet, 111. 1438 Doubles Mary Perdan 434 Ang. Guzik 409 843 Anna Kotnik 375 Betty Jaklich 441 816 Rose Milavec 371 Min Kogoy 433 804 Sylvia Jelercic .... 428 Helen Mestik 365 793 Justine Skufca 397 Ann Skufca 387 784 A. Mihalcik 365 J. Mozina 328 693 F. Vranichar 317 J. Adamfch 347 664 T. Štrukelj 330 V. Kumse 319 649 J. Shilfrar 296 A. Pintar 280 5761 H. Kozlica 238 L. Kosick 329 567 B. Knaflec 240 E. Schmidt 310 550; Singles Justine Skufca 1 .. 448! Helen Mestik - 441 Sylvia Jelercic 440 Mary Perdan .. 440 Min Kogoy - 430 Rose Milavec ; ......... .. 428 Betty Jaklich .. 404 Anna Kotnik ......... .. 401 August Zuzik .' .. 385 Julia Opalek .. 381 Anna Skufca .. 378 Vida Kumse !ZZ .. 375 Frances Vranichar 332 Jule Adamich .................. 331 Dorothy Loeffler .............. 304 Lucille Kosick................. 266 Helen Kozlica ................. 266 Tillie Štrukelj ............... 226 All Events Minnie Kogoy ............... 1309 : Did You Know That, .v I! I By Anna Prosen, Lodge 17J ... In 1889, Doctor Gustaf De Laval, a Swedish engineer, brought out the first practical rotary engine, a turbine? He took a disk or solid wheel and cut vanes in its rim, and against these vanes, nozzles, properly placed, shot jets of steam? And after having struck the vanes the steam was allowed to escape? .... The Hautboy Oboe is an important woodwind instrument played by a double reed? It is about 200 years old in its present form, has a peculiar nasal tone, piercing yet expressive? Essentially a lyric instrument, music of a tender pastoral character suits it best, but in skillful hands it is also Useful for the expression of melancholy and gaiety? . . . Peanut oil, a yellow oil with the characteristic odor and flavor of peanuts, from which it is obtained by pressure, is much used in the manufacture of soaps? Once refined it is also used as a salad oil and for cooking purposes? Iz urada gl. tajnika From the Office of Supreme Secretary PREJEMKI IN IZDATKI ZA MESEC FEBRUAR 1938 INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR FEBRUARY 1938 Odrasli Oddelek.—Adult Dept. Dr. št. Prejemki Izdatki Lodge Disburse- No. Income ments 1 ....................$ $ 536.33 2 ......................... 720.70 571.42 3 ...................................... 152.33 4 ....................................... 17.50 5 ......................... 153.28 6 ....................................... 49.83 9 ...................................... 278.67 11 ........................................ 5.00 12 62.00 13 ...................................... 224.29 15 ..................................... 92.67 16 ....................................... 31.99 18 118.00 20 1,218.00 21 ..................................... 69.00 22 ,... 111.00 25 ....................................... 96.33 26 ...................................... 397.00 27 ...................................... 105.50 28 ....................................... 9-67 29 ...................................... 178.00 31 ....................................... 49.00 33 ...................................... 165.83 35 ....................................... 42.67 36 ...................................... 442.85 37 ...................................... 595.16 39 106.00 40 ....................................... 78.00 42 ....................................... 27.00 43 ....................................... 65.00 44 ...................................... 658.00 45 .'.................................. 1,172.00 47 ....................................... 28.50 49 ...................................... 35.00 50 ........................................59.00 51 ..................................... 14.00 52 ....................................... 27.50 53 1,026.00 55 ....................................... 51.00 57 ....................................... 86.50 58 106.00 61 ...................................... 97.00 64 ..................................... 24.00 66 .................................... 458.68 68 ....................................... 35-00 70 ........................................ 1133 71 ...................................... 115.00 72 212.00 76 ....................................... 37.00 77 ....,.................... 109.21 11.52 78 .................................... 1,024.00 82 , 28.00 84 ....................................... 58.00 85 ....................................... 82.33 86 ........................................ 4.67 87 ....................................... 55.00 88 ..................................... 72.00 89 ....................................... 34.00 90 ....................................... 36.00 92 ....................................... 10.00 94 ....................................... 36.00 99 ....................................... 67.00 101 88.00 103 ....................................... 89.00 105 ....................................... 60.00 106 ..................................... 29.00 107 ....................................... 46.00 108 ....................................... 71.50 109 ....................................... 20.00 111 .................................... 277.00 116 ....................................... 63.00 120 ...................................... 142.83 121 28.00 122 28.00 124 ....................................... 96.00 125 ..................................... 31.00 126 28.00 129 ......................... 12659 10.00 130 ........................................... 10.00 131 ............................................ 27.00 132 ............................................ 28.00 133 ............................................ 59.00 135 ............................................ 14.00 136 ............................................ 27.33 137 ........................................... 44.33 138 ............................................ 20.00 139 ............................................ 18.00 140 ............................................ 67.00 141 ............................................ 10.00 142 ............................................ 23.00 144 ........................................... 122.33 147 .......................................... 13.00 149 ........................................... 133.00 150 ............................ 54.91 10.92 151 ............................................ 15.50 153 ............................................ 15.00 154 ............................................ 21.00 155 ‘ 91.50 156 ............................................ 78.00 158 .......................................... 100.00 160 20.00 162 ............................................ 87.33 163 ............................. 25.66 164 ............................................ 14.00 165 ........................................... 816.00 166 .......................................... 64.50 171 ......................................... 213.50 173 ........................................... 26.00 174 ........................................... 9.34 175 ............................................. 7.00 176 _........................................... 37.00 178 ........................................... 59.00 179 ............................. 19.81 180 .......................................... 23.00 182 11.00 185 .......................................... 15.00 186 6.00 188 .......................................... 75.50 190 ........................................... 728.33 198 ............................................ 14.00 199 .......................................... 32.00 200 .......................................... 155.33 203 ............................................ 61.00 204 ............................................ 12.00 207 ........................................... 89.00 209 ............................................ 24.00 218 _................._......................... 59.00 222 .......................................... 73.00 223 ............................................ 11.33 225 ........................................... 166.00 228 ............................................ 14.00 229 ........................................... 136.00 230 ........................................... 53.00 Za mesec januar 1 ......................$ 810.37 4 ........................... 123.81 9 ........................... 435.65 11 ........................... 185.73 12 .......................... 242.55 14 ............................ 31.37 15 ........................... 319.04 16 ........................... 197.70 20 ........................... 370.23 22 ........................... 154.01 25 ........................... 483.01 26 ........................... 629.11 28 ........................... 140.28 29 ......................... 302.04 30 .......,................... 715.58 31 ........................... 222.73 32 ............................ 64.16 33 ........................... 186.08 35 .......................... 197.42 36 ........................... 650.89 37 ....................... 1,026.22 39 ......................... 352.43 40 ........................ 312.68 42 ........................... 275.32 43 ........................... 192.38 44 .......................... 344.57 45 ........................... 409.75 47 ............................ 142.14 49 ........................... 251.43 51 .......................... 29.63 52 ............................ 32.64 53 .....................- 366.16 54 ......................... 133.78 55 ........................ 207.91 57 ........................... 212.43 61 ........................... 166.63 64 ........................... 24.42 1 66 ............................. 374.93 1 76 .....................- 117.52 1 77 ............................. 110.44 ) 78 ............................. 212.74 79 .......................... 23.35 81 ........................... C3.68 82 ------------------------ 156.10 83 .......................... 98.82 84 ....................... 233.02 87 ......................... 82.07 88 ......................... 171.11 92 .......................... 174.10 94 .......................... 435.70 99 .......................... 147.60 103 .......................... 228.57 104 ........................... 80.51 105 .......................... 179.68 106 .......................... 131.27 107 ........................... 60.22 108 ............../........... 187.53 110 ......................... 147.52 112 ........................ 131.02 116 ......................... 159.12 117 ......................... 48.46 122 ......................... 77.18 124 .......................... 71.43 125 .......................... 60.76 127 ......................... 47.56 128 ......................... 110.49 130 ........................... 66.67 132 ........................ 337.55 133 .......................... 173.56 135 ......................... 18.79 137 .......................... 210.76 138 ........................ 120.00 141 .......................... 126.80 142 ......................... 47.03 144 ......................... 241.30 145 .......................... 21.85 147 ......................... 69.67 148 .......................... 64.79 149 .......................... 232.59 154 ......................... 87.96 158 ........................... 64.82 159 .......................... 60.36 160 ........................... 70.75 162 ........................ 176.56 164 ........................... 49.37 165 ......................... 14.64 167 ........................... 55.56 170 ......................... 60.12 171 .......................... 107.88 172 ........................... 56.82 175 ........................... 89.98 176 .......................... 144.84 179 .......................... 19.81 180 .......................... 158.52 182 ......................... 83.55 184 ......................' 238.56 186 .......................... 143.67 188 .............-............. 36.67 190 ....................- 172.31 190 ......................... 104.62 194 ........................ 57.51 195 ............/.............. 29.93 196 ....................- 35.76 197 ........................... 56.43 199 ......................... 27.93 200 .......................... 559.45 201 ........................... 52.38 202 .......................... 107.58 205 ........................... 32.68 207 .......................... 103.99 211 ........................... 25.17 218 ............................ 72.29 220 ............................ 15.03 221 ........................ 172.29 222 i 164.70 225 ......-..........-........ 214.70 226 .........:................. 25.39 227 .......................... 55.62 228 ........................... 34.95 230 ........................... 123.56 231 ........................... 20.95 232 ........................... 29.49 Skupaj-Total ............$22,020.85 $16,835.47 PREJEMKI IN IZDATKI ZA MESEC FEBRUAR 1938 INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR FEBRUARY 1938 Mladinski Oddelek—Juvenile Department. Dr. St. Prejemki Izdatki Lodge Disburse- No. Income ments 2 .....................$ 21.30 $ 5 ............................ 2.40 37 ....................................... 25.00 77 ............................ 11.70 129 ............................ 4.50 150 ............................ 5.85 163 ............................ 2.10 Za mesec januar 1 ............—........$ 19.20 4: ............................ 2.95 9 .........-.......- 9.55 11 .........-.................. 5.05 12 .........-.................. ž.10 15 .........-.................. 4.65 16 ........................... 12.75 20 .......................... 10.05 22 ............................ 1.65 25 ........................... 8.70 26 .....—..................... 41.55 28 ......................... 13.05 29 ........................... 16.95 30 .......................... 31.80 31 •—......................... 18.45 32 .............................. 60 33 ......................... 13.20 35 .—..............-........... 8.10 36 ........ —................. 24.45 37 ............................ 44.40 39 ........................... 5.55 40 ......................... 21.10 42 ........................... 14.40 43 ......................... 12.45 44 ........................... 20.55 45 ........................... 18.00 47 ............................ 4.05 49 ............................ 8.40 51 ....................- .30 52 ...............................45 53 ........-.................. 5.55 54 ........................... 11.55 55 ........................... 8.10 57 .......................... 14.40 61 --------------------------- 4.50 66 ...............-........... 62.55 76 ............................ 2.25 77 .........-................. 11.70 78 .......................... 24.75 79 .........-.....................45 81 -......................... 2.40 82 ......................... 5.10 83 --------------------------- 1.20 84 --------------------------- 31.90 87 ............................ 9.00 88 .......................... 13.35 92 ............................. 6.90 94 -...........................18.15 7.05 103 ........................... 2.70 104 ............................ 2.55 105 2.10 106 ...................... G-00 107 .................... I-20 108 .................... 5.25 110 ...................... 2.50 112 ...................... 3-00 116 - 725 117 ..................... 2.40 122 .................. I'80 124 .................. 945 125 .................... 2.4° 127 1 m >» 130 ...................... 2.55 132 ..................... 20.85 133 .................. 137 .................. 4|? 138 ..................... I7’6® 141 .................. 2. 142 435 144 ...................... 315 145 ...................... U* 147 ...................... 3'®? 148 ...........-...... 149 .................... 26.55 154 ....................... 6l° 158 .................. 1'^ 15 9 -................ 160 3;„ 162 639 ..................... fo m:::::::::::::::::::::::: S S 172:::::::::::::::: a 175 .................. 1T6 .................. J.2 180 .................. 6 f. 182 ...................... I3®? 184 ...................... I4«® m = 3 1 S....................; S I9* .................. 196 .................. S6’90 200 .'............... S 'f S * 211 - S *5 S £ 222 7 225 .................... 153° -............... 1 05 226 ........................ 90 227 60 228 '°, 230 .................. 23 1........................ s ^ 232 ................. Skupaj-Total ......... 1)1 k* BOLNIŠKA PODPORAjL^m ČANA MESECA f£B M JA, M38 gM SICK BENEFIT PAID VJgfjiSf'M MONTH OF FEBRtM* VS°m Dr. St.—Ime A^ l Lodge No.—Name .0)I February 4, 1938. ..$ ft 18 Matt Tolar ................". fjj)» ft 25 Martin Skrjanc.............'.. jj) I 25 Anton Sterlekar -......'...... J 25 Antonia Kotnik ................. ^ I 25 Jacob Podbevsek................. Jo I 37 John Bittenc............... . ^ I 37 Anton Muzic .............'...- .*,#1 I 39 George Bolf ................ - I 39 Vinka Ozretich —..........".......^ I 39 Antonia ...................... ^ 39 Luka Butkovlch ..........''..... ^ 44 Frank Tonja ................ - ch.......................... 53.00 f;W T; Smole 12.00 f^foi fiRjnar 24.00 M ***** 35.00 t W ^Vescek 7.00 ,'V i, 0,c 37.00 6V„°ren 23.00 ShRen :........................ H.OO \% an«Vsek 15.00 'Sp“Sl0Vai' 31.00 *S g, ley 28.00 P>>>6th^an 14-00 ■ S R„ enlch 26.00 RoP&ncic 35.00 ,Sa ^r°ViCh 14-50 iSM,fdved 15'00 iS Sni bs 20 00 P| L ;ar ..................... 35.00 Pfo Br pjan.................... 23 00 i H v pezdirc ................. 9.00 St fi,"zan ..................... 5.00 iSk p aIa 24.00 lS Pni°Sti'Sa .............. 28 00 iSe Pi°Vlch ................ 23.00 I TuruS!Uk ................. 35 03 Hfe fc k ..................... 65.00 S M ‘ 34-°° Sti 5atlestar 21.00 S kr,aS0Cie ■ 36 00 Pi A °Vern ................... 20.00 Nfla w?nc!th ................. 15.00 SkRr alski................. i1 .oo Jtlfl pir5s 250.00 S>;Jr...................... 17.00 Sikap Crl ................ iS-OO. Pk r , m!c................. 23.00 iC 22.00 SoSUr .................... 28.00 H.OO H Si, - 18.00 Sk -i-, ec ................ 34.00 pCf0 3i()0 IN p, ozar 12.00 S Dr ai' 9'P° S v„e"ik 22.00 35.00 S&9 ........ 35-00 ’likman 15.50 m\ > Zo*J '36.00 8.00 i^eternel ----- 35.00 Ri&W .. :i ", *, Pllej K«80j ............ 35.00 u^ovetz ........... .. 25.00 IV j, ljftvec................ 25.00 Rla'Cetlsek 2,00 i>s t7 26-00! M' Dolcl - . 23.00 S O ' 7 00 » o."evac 27.00 10.00, pesti ek ................. 11.00 . £«Jebar 15.00 Pfira’t,Jr' ................... 600 gtL a«na 14.00 0viak 21.00 K>i P lČ ky ................... '18.00 i S' Gh 0nd 60.00 if? ........................ 11.00, C I S W 24-00 fSv «tangene 28-00 j ItVs * an°vlch 31.00 lhy W!nlk 25.00 j P« na .................... 4.00 1 i11 Mitgar 14-00 i 34.00 iS>Uch 28.00 HSa s°/ich 65 00 jJ «i’“8*r »*• V Sr^'n ............'•-■■■■ 65.03 \ t>lC(.na''Us 17.50 U,e lk 21.00 t W 17.50 jfif1 Pla^r ............ •' 27-00 -■ E R,®Sahr LN v, ai 39.00 » Su«ma ..................... 3S-00 &Niie j rsich 18:00 )Ca!i 1 & amuth 32.00 K*T’ f“ 18f %U Starit 2G-&0 SVh^an 35-00 \ r 3-00 Spi • ^onit nick 13-00 ' V JUhn ck 100-00 1! S 8-°° i K>ar h • ; 35-00 X Kri(,v 34,00 IS hJaksp Beneficiary 55.50 V%a 17.50 23.00 ;\,,0t>rlll(, 13.00 sV^o«' 36-00 Sfca 10-00 37.0!) l>l*^ka ]r,.oo SSiz 38-00 N>cVru- so.oo *S» c k«. 17-r'° HNveč 1000 c 32.00 . 51:00 ............ 65.00 ............. 14.00 29.00 ............. 35.00 35.00 39.00 .. 15.50 35.00 27.00 4.00 14.00 .............. JU.OU 36 Agnes Gall ...................... 35.00 36 Mike Raspet ..................... 17.50 36 Joseph Kausek.................... 34.00 36 Prank Vauter .................... 16.00 36 John Cernetich ................... 4.00 36 John Princ ...................... 35.00 36 Albin Gačnik .................... 19.00 36 Mary Rovanšek ................... 31.00 36 Mary Zupančič ................... 23.00 36 Helen T. Pavic................... 15.00 j 36 Edward Milavec................... 16.00 37 Ignac Plahutnik ................. 36.00 37 Andrej Bajt ..................... 65.00 37 Mary Milner ..................... 38.00 37 John Mlacek ..................... 35.00 37 Louis Ivaiic..................... 37.00 37 Frank Lindip .................. 17.50 37 John Jalovec 9.00 37 Jennie Potočnik .................. 8.00 37 Joseph Povh .................... 29.00 37 Mary Beck ....................... 15.00 37 Michael Arh ..................... 31.00 37 Frank Mihelič.................... 35.00 : 37 Frank Brancelj .................. 17.00 37 Anton Ulčar ..................... 28.00 37 Joseph Rudolf ................... 16.00 37 Frances Sernel ................... 3.00 37 Frances Sernel .................. 65.00 37 Anton Muzic ..................... 35.00 40 Mary Regina ...................... 5.00 42 Frank Lustik .................... 17.00 49 John Rahija ..................... 27.00 49 Emily F. Vraničar ................ 8.00 52 John Kastelic .................... 9.00 52 Ella Kokel ..................... 18.50 55 Michael Biskonick................ 37.00 58 Frank Brecelj ...............1. 39.00 58 Matt Fox ........................ 51.00 58 Louise Jerman ................... 16.00 66 Frank Pirc ...................... 25.00 66 John Živec ....................... 9.00 66 Frank Novljan ................... 34.00 66 Johana Zugel .................. 14.50 66 Anne Zivetz ..................... 24.00 66 Anne Zivetz ..................... 65.09 66 Margaret Groznik................. 11.50 68 Mijo Malezija ................... 35.00 71 Anton Lavrič .................. 19.00 71 Anton Bokal .................. • 36.00 71 Josephine Rotar ................. 14.0C 71 Anton Rojc ...................... 36.00 72 Mary Gorjup ..................... 35.00 72 Marko Miskulin .................. 28.00 72 Charles Brozovich ............... 29.00 72 Pauline Greglirich .............. 25.00 72 John Kapp ....................... 23.00 78 John Škufca ..................... 8.00 78 Joseph Florjančič ................ 9.00 88 Joseph Banovetz ............... 22.00 88 Edward Tekautz ............... 29.00 88 John Košak .................... 21.00 89 Anton Straus ................. 34.00 99 Anthony Urankar ............... 36.00 99 Matt Maček; .............. !..... 31.00, 01 Lawrence Kapusin .............. 35.00 '01 Andrew Spcndov ............... 27.00 01 Martin Mlekus ................. 16.00 03 Mary Laurich .................. 22.00 ,03 Mary Krai ... ................ 24.00 08 Anna Ponikvar.................. 19.00 03 Katherine Rejc ................ 19.00 05 Blazo V. Sarap .... 36.00 .05 Tony Petritz .................. 24.00 06 Frank Mahnich ................. 29.00 ; 08 Frank Prevec .................. 35.00 08 John Škufca ................... 17.501 08 Frank Tursic . . 19.00 .09 Karolina Knaus ............ 20.00 20 Catherine Merhar .............. 20.00 20 Mary Grebenc ........ 17.50 20 Ada L. Goarci ... 29.00 .20 Ada L. Goard .......... 65.00 .21 Anna Dučich ................... 28.00 .24 John Novak .................... 36.00 124 Matt Vogrich 16.001 .24 Anton Setinz .................. 19.00 125 Joe Mancobelli ................ 22.00 125 Louis Batištig .............. 9.00 126 Joseph Penich 28.00 129 Angela Chernivec 10.00 131 Martha Brajcich 27.00 133 Anna Starich .................. 25.00 133 Frances Tanko ................. 34.00 136 Martin Bervar 16.00 137 Louise Stražišar 34.00 136 Susie Yanko 20.00 142 Mathew Radocaj 19.00 147 Joseph Skrabec 13.00 154 Valentine Murn .; 21.00 158 Frank Speiser ................. 35.00 158 Margaret Pintar 31.00 158 Martin Gerdar.c 34.00 165 Mary Spollar ....... 16.00 165 Mary Spollar 800.00 166 Martin Barborich .............. 17.50 166 Frank Sustarsich 10.00 166 Stanley Ule 37.00 171 Agnes Kajfez ....... 35.00 171 Agnes Kajfez ................. 65.00 17:1 John Pešec................. 35.00 171 Anton Ujcic 35.00 171 John R. Mezan ................... 17.50' 178 Josephine Delach 31.00 188 Nettie Kaplan ................... 10.50 188 Rudolph Agnich .................. 32.00 188 Mary Laurich .................... 11.00 188 Antonia Laurich ................. 22.00 190 Johana Matitich 74.00 190 Ann J. Semon ...... 10.00 190 Mary Weitzel .................... 25.00 203 Rose Cunko ....................... 5.00 204 Frank Demozier................... 12.00 225 Ignacij Lovretic ......... .... 37.0 0 225 Frank Zalar 12.00 225 Joseph Simonich ................. 16.50 225 John Vranesich .................. 21.00 225 Katarina Zavnrl ................. 17.50 225 John Koprivetz .................. 24.00 Total-Skupaj :....................$9,535.00 ONEMOGLOSTNA PODPORA IZPLAČANA MESEC A E EI! Ril A RJA im DISABILITY BENKIH PAID DURING TIIE MONTH OI FEBRUARY 1938 Dr. št.—Ime , Vsota Lodge No.—Name Amount February 4, 1938. 25 Barbara Miroslavic ............$ 24.33< 39 Mary Janecek ..................... 9.00 85 Theresa Gilach .................. 10.33 150 Assess, for Jennie Ambrozich 10.92 190 Mary Roncevich. ................. 11.33 February 15, 1938. 27 Mary Arko........................ 20.00 77 Assess, for Josephine Kosica 11.52 92 Anton Zupahcic 10.00 130 John Resetlch 10.00 144 Anna Klobučar 11.33 200 Frank Lunka 10.33 t ebruary '&Q, 1938. 1 John Kosil'..................... 11.33 2 Asess. for Mary Perushek 15.721 15 John Zobec ........... ......... 9.67 [ 45 Mary Lambert.................... 10.00; 45 Anton Smrdel.................... 10.00 57 John Radoviči; ................. 2.00 86 Gregor Zalac ................... 4.67 til Frank Rims ..................... 10.001 149 Anton Merlak ................... 20.00! 162 Joe Sinkovič ................... 16.33 229 Alex Penich .................... 9.00 February 28, 1938. 3 Johana Tomse..................... 10.33 6 John Cerne ...................... 11.33 j 9 Cecilija Prislich ............... 16.67 I 16 Frank Gunde 11.33 16 Ursula Krajc ................... 9.331 16 Joseph Rudar 11.33 22 Frank Cepuran ......... 10.00 26 Anton Trescec .................. 7.001 26 Joseph Krsul .................... 11.33; 26 Anton Gaspersic ................. 17.67 23 John Zebre ...................... 9.67 31 Katherine Nemanich .............. 20.00 33 Helena Kastelic .................. 6.33 35 Frank Zaletel j ................. 11.67 36 Mike Osaben ...................... 11.33 36 Joseph Ule ...................... 13.33 37 Joseph Korošec ................. 11.33 37 Anton Stih ...................... 11.33 42 Joseph Javornik ... .............. 10.00 66 John Prus ....................,14.35 66 Anton Peselj .................... 11.33 70 Matt Rasp ................. 11.33 71 John Znidarsich 10.00 101 John Tomsich 10.00 [20 Rose Maki ................... 11.33 [36 Anton Opeka ..................... 11.33 [37 Polona Lach .................... 10.33 [41 John Kolbezen ................... 10.00 [74 John Persin .................... 9.34! 190 Mary Roncevich ................ 9.00 >23 Guro Vujacich ................ 11.33 Total-Skupaj .......................$608.79 VREMEMBE V ČLANSTVU MESECA FEBRUARJA 1938 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP DURING FEBRUARY 1938 Odrasli Oddelek.—Adult Dept. Vovi člani načrta “D” — New Members Plan “I)” Dr. št. 2: Rose Mavetz, Amelia Shober. Dr. št. 3: Bernard Drost, Florian Orost. Dr. St. 12: Katarina Knaus. Dr. št. 15: William Merhar. Dr. St. 21: Josephine Glazar, Nellie Vlilavec. Dr. št. 26: Anna Cudvat, Freda Pod-.'asnik, Miroslav Pecman. Dr. št. 30: Julia Grahek, Agnes 3rahek. Dr. St. 35: Edward Arhar, Frank j'. \rhar, John Beatrice, Vera Beatrice. Dr.. St. 36: James E, Clark, Mary J. 31ark.' i Dr. št. 37: Andy Železnik, Mary Kuhel. Dr. St. 40: Katherine Bizich. Dr. St. 45: Joseph Ule. Dr. št. 71: John Kristoff. Dr. S- 78: Carl Botz, Lillian A, Pre-, 3ovich, Pauline Egan, Max J. Tekavec. Dr. št. 84: James Ozzello, Jr. Dr. St. 99: William J. Macek. Dr. št. 106: Joe Kerzic. Dr. St. 118: John Tamburelli. Dr. St. 174:Sophie Luin. Dr. St. 185: Edward Blazevich. Dr. St. 192: Ahti Poola. Dr. St. 200: Fred Povhe. Dr. št. 207: Anna Chelosky. Dr. St. 21'6: Anne Appie. Dr. St. 227: Mike Bahuriak. Novi člani načrta “E” — New Members Plan “E” Dr. St. 26: John F. Arch. Dr. št. 37: Joseph E. Zupančič. Dr. št. 40: Helen Stankewich. Dr. št. 53: Helen Masle. Dr. St. 66: Frances Železnik. Dr. št. 108: Albin Dobrovolec. Dr. št. 112: Frances Musich. Dr. St. 119: Sophie S. Dahm. Dr. št. 166: Slavko Mattes. Dr. št. 200: Rose Telich. Novi člani načrta “F” — New Members Plan “I”’ Dr. St. 28: Eltia G. Jiacolctti. Dr. št. 144: Cecelia Zabkat. 7,oi>et sprejeti — Reinstated Dr. St. 16: Rose Jurkovič 34138, Stana Vojkovic 34146, Stanko Vojkovich 34145. Dr. št. 25: John Kocsis 36386, Stephen Kocsis 31152. Dr. št. 30: Joseph Sterle 34496. Dr. št. 36: Michael Liljak 35014, William Krabel 39477. Dr. št. 37: William F. Skully 38810, John Champa 14166, Kato Mihelčič 25365, Louis Skube 16434, Sophie Vidmar 13310. Dr. .št. 40: Frank Patek 36509, Rudolph Yersina -34216, Carl Stepnick 37458. Dr. št. 61: Mary Matetich 38239, Frank Špehar .27511. Dr. St. 70: Louis Gradishar 399C9. Dr. št. 71: Joe Justin 36466, John Ku--mel 37534, Jacob Sedaj 34285, Jacob Trček 34582, Frank Justin 16693, Frank Justin 32470, Anna Justin 19614, Frank Zupon 38005. Dr. St. 103: Alvina Peruselc 31043. Dr. št. 122: Jof?. Mlinarich 18977. Dr. St. 132: Jožefa Bajt 35424, Anna Nose 37738, Karolina Keliop 34346, Frances Orazem 34887, John NOse 39779, Joseph F. Kozel 32898, Julia Gorenc 22431, Matija Orazem 5497, John Krince 39367, George D. Kaliope 39789. Dr. št. 183: Frank Tičar 34007. Dr. St. 186: Louis Pirc 36636. Dr. št. 188: Jennie M. Krainz 38531. i Dr. št. 192: Martin Bozich, Jv. B233. Dr. št. 198: Frank Crnich 39143. . Dr. št. 229: Mary DeLost 40013, Anna Radilovich 39627, Joseph DeLost 38708, Ann L. Radilovich 40028, Matthew Mes-trovich 38009, Katherine Kunce 37807. Suspendirani — Suspended Dr. št. 6: Frank Matičič 31552, Lewis Matičič 32814. ■ Dr. št. 12: Frances Agostinis 27562. Dr. št. 16: John Hribar 38680. Androw Tomec 34480. Dr. št. 18: Anton Zaversnik 22909. Dr. št. 26: John Koller 25917, Thomas Fabue 39131, Aima /jivltuviuh Anthony Zivkovich 38682, John Zivko-vich 40054. Dr. št. 29: Tony McClouchic 26950, Anna McClouchie 37637. Dr. št. 30: John H. Sterle B619. Dr. št. 37: Mary Perhavec 9411, Frances Oštir 9400, Gasper Mlakar 39674, Vladimir Žagar 35840. Dr. št. 39: Victor Gregorich 40112. Dr. št. 40: Anna Jakel 9532, Anton Jakel 4921, Joseph Jakel 23620, Joseph Esler 36255. Dr. St. 44: Olga Ausetts 32827. Dr. št. 45: Anton S. Beranisch 26026, Veronica Beranich 29624, William Chi-birko 25461, Joe Kocjan 27892, Frank Safer 10943, Anna Safer 10948, Lorenzo V. Allen 39682, Elsie Kocjan 38547, John Modic 36462, Mary Turk 38630. Anton Schuligoj 33327. Dr. St. 61: Mathew Vardijan 22967, Edith’ Vardijan 32633. Dr. St. 66: Anne Munich 39337. Dr. št. 71: Frank Šircelj 30540, Joe Ulle 34827, Louise Ulle 34826, Anton Praznik 39641. Dr. št. 77: John P. Zalich 39944. Dr. St. 78: William S. Rush 39205. Dr. St. 94: Fred Mesec 38634. Dr. št. 122: Ivan Mlinaric 33427, Edith Smith 38086. Dr. št. 124: Julia Kierski 37661. Fred Hopp 39855. Dr. St. 128: Leo F. Hanlin 37662. Dr. St. 128: Fabijan B. Mrsich 34876. Dr. št. 132: Jack Zagorc 29942, Frank Zagorc 24000, Daniel Jazbec 28855, Josephine Cimperman 39500, Alice Tomšič 38508, John C. Cimperman 39510. Dr. št. 137: Caroline Stanton 29007, Theresa Simon 28602. Dr. St. 140; Leslie V. Jett 39487, Ray V. Cahill 37987. Dr. St. 142: Milan Cupurdija 40124. Dr. St. 144: Katherine Kotzian 28714, Ludvik Lindič 20313, Mary Urbančič 29020, Frank Urbančič 35528. Dr. št. 145: Mike Ziro 36615. Dr. št. 158: Frank Klančar 35229, Verna Verbich 39974. Dr. št. 168: Mary Kimbal 35085. Dr. št. 172: Blaz Naglich 29769, Edward Golob 39982. Dr. St. 175: Mary Martinčič 38605. Dr. St. 182: Mary Weselich 37475. Dr. St. 186: Nicholas. Dietz, Jr. 37206. Dr. št. 190: Mary Crnich B122. Dr. St. 193: Jack Strazer 38499, Ignatz J. Dolinar 39313. Dr. St. 201: Frank J. Popish, Jr. 38777, Frank J. Judish 39000. Dr. St. 211: Adolph Alster 39722. Dr. št. 221: Frank O’Block 37909, Agnes Simlick 39315, John Shanter 37089, Frederick Gruphofer 393IO, Thomas Gravelle 37259. Dr. št. 222: George Kralesyn 38662, John Matekovich 39329, Rose M. Ma-tekovich 39330. Prestopili -7- Tra,jfti'arrcd Od dr. št. 54 k dr. štj 1: Anna V. Pov-sha B212. Od dr. St. 54 k dr. St, 112: Edward J. Oswald 39685. Od dr. St. 54 k dr. St. 112: Ivana Smole 18243, Joseph Smolz 38237. Od dr. št. 9 k dr. št. 144: Anton Pani-jan 28352. Od dr. št. 112 k dr..§t. 178: Edward Strazishar 29641. Od dr. St. 71 k dr. St. .180: Jennie Bou-ha 37144. Premembe v zavarovalnini — Changes in Insurance Dr. St. 1: Iz $1500.00 na $1000.00 Matt Kovach 40250. Dr. St. 159: Iz $250.00 na $500.00 Margaret Chernlck 36879. Odstopili — Withdrew Dr. St. 35: Andy Likovich 39836. Dr. St. 71: Frank Lamosck 37853. Dr. St. 172: Silvia Logar 32322. Umrli — Died Dr. St. 1: Mary Tekavetz 8066. Dr. St. 2: Ursula Prijatelj 34724. Dr. St. 9: Steve Rozich 34116. Dr. št. 13: Lina Schober 33637. Dr. St. 20: Mary Germ 20557. Dr. St. 37: Frank Matte 34205, Joseph Povh 28856. Dr. St. 44: Louis Krizay 39839. Dr. St. 45: Karl Brodnik 10575. Dr. St. 66: Steve G. Vertin 28361. Dr. St. 125: John Polugnak 34873, Dr. St. 190: Louise Kirkpatrick 38825. PREMEMBE V ČLANSTVU MESECA FEBRUARJA 1938 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP DURING FEBRUARY 1938 Mladinski Oddelek.—Juvenile Department Novi člani načrta “JA” — New Members Plan “.IA” Dr. St. 2: Josephine M. Zaic. Dr. St. 30™arcello F. Righino. Dr. St. 44: Edward A. Axner. Dr. št. 55: Rita A. Unetich. Dr. št, 66: Diana M. Ramuta. Dr. St, 78: Margaret M. Henneous. Dr. St. 84: Tano E. Ozzello. Dr. št. 108: Louise J. Rebrača. Dr. št. 138: Katherine S. Yanko, Clarence E. Skena. Dr. St. 185: Louis Hrebar. Dr. št. 200: Daniel F. Scufsa. Dr. St. 201: Leroy J. Gessar. Dr. St. 218: Dichard J. Mione. Dr. št. 230: Kaatlierine L. Udovich. Dr. St. 231: George Kanizar, Edward Kanizar, John Solcich. Novi člani načrta “JC” — New Members Plan “JC” Dr. št. 70: Warner R. Fiala. Zopet sprejeti — Reinstated Dr. št. 3: Joe Ajstcr 5329, Kristina Ajster 7919. Dr. št. 26: Stanislav Pecman 5252. Dr. St. 42: Jacqueline Skube 17764, Marilyn Skube 17765, Edward Skube, Jr. 17976, Elinor Skube 17220, Robert Skube 17221, Joann Skube 17977, Ralph Zaccardi 17225. Dr. St. 55: Tony Klemenc 14605. Dr. St. 61: Carl Garbigan 7835, Virginia F. Hasler 8226, Nobert Matetich 10691, Teresa Matetich 12993, Frank Speliar 17980. Dr. st. ‘m. Aliče M. Prestuu Joanne Preston 15168, Nancy Preston 18028. Dr. St. 84: Alice M. Gettardi 17522, Betty Gettardi 17521. Dr. St. 87: Dorothy R. Buban 18542, Gloria M. Buban 18543, Wanda M. Furlan 17846. Dr. št. 184: Betty Halamik 17869, La-vern Halamik 17870. Dr. št. 198: Ignac Crnich 13320, Joseph Crnich 13321, Margaret Crnich 15828, Milka Crnich 13322, Evelyn Fetz-ko 15998, Agnes Poliak 13317, Edward Poliak 13315, Frank Poliak 13316, Mary Poliak 13319. Dr. št. 204: Amalia Frank 13854, Joseph Frank 13855, Josephine Frank 13858. Suspendirani — Suspended Dr. St. 21: Josephine Mausar 5218, Gladys A. Gertz 16776. Dr. St. 26: Louise Fabec 12375, Lawrence Pavlakovich 15932, Anna M. Weselich 12618, Joseph F. Weselich 12619, Eugene Spudich 11767, George Spudich 11766. Dr. St. 30: Edward Sterle 6067. Dr. St. 31: Florence Rosner 18765, Lina Rosner 18766, Rose Rosner 18767, Dorothy Horvath 17945, Robert Horvath 17946, Rudolph Horvath 17947. Dr. St. 37: Andrej Kranjc 15393, Hermina Kopriva 16678, Mildred Kopriva 16679, John Petrie 16687, Vera Petrie' 16688, Helen Rupar 16691, Josephine! Rupar 16692, Anna Starič 17199, Ed-1 ward Staric 17200, William Staric lr'201. Dr. St. 42: Alvin Jersin 17229, Elsie F. Jersin 17230, Margaret L. Jersin 17231, Caroline F. Zupančič 16857, John W, Zupančič 16858. Dr. St. 45: Eileen G. Beranisch 9592, Albert Kocjan 9347, Frank Kocjan 14153, Frances Safar 4853, Joseph Safar, 10994, Jacob Safar 7018, Rose Safer 5683. Dr. št. 61: Anna Jaklich 6217, Helen Jaklich 822'?, Edith M. Vardjan 16425, Bernice E. Vardjan 16426, Theresa Vard- ! jan 12621. Dr. št. 66: Anthony Blaszik 14968,! Dolores Chrzanowski 13445, Bernadeese j A. Palcyn 18220, Rosemary G. Palcynj 18221, Louis Martincich 12381. Dr. št. 70: Warner R. Fiola 16293. Dr. St./8: Phillip Skufca 13359, Ada Adlock 14982, Robert B. Campbell 16906, William B. Campbell 16907, Helena A. Cherpeskl 16923, Thomas J. Clierpeski 16924, Joseph N. Jay 17996, George C. Jay 17995, Frank Mazzoca 18530, Sam Mazzoca 18531, Virginia Mazzoca 18532, Robert P. Rush 17270, William C. Rush! 17271, Margaret E. Stringer 18534, Rudolph Shober 17520, Mary Shober 17519. Dr. št. 87: Georgette Ivcic 13784, Dr. št. 138: Frank D. Raspotnik 14374, Louise N. Raspotnik 16032. Dr. St. 144: Frank Urbančič 10121. Dr. St. 147: Alice Pericin 14116, An-tonette PerickL 14115- Gertrude Pericin j 14118, Marion Pericin 14117. Dr. št. 149: Joseph Kuderca 13684, Tony Kern 14242, Betty Kumer 13302, Gloria Kumer 13301. Dr. St. 172: Dorothy Naglich 10927. Dr. St. 173: Jerome Borso 16482, John' Borso 16483, Ursuline G. Borso 18097, Barbara A. Gorndt 16.113, Richard Goerndt 16490, Josephine Lube 16496, Mary Lube 16497, Wiliam Oblak 16498, Daniel Petrich 16500. Dr. St. 182: Mauric J. Murphy 18108, Wililam Murphy 18109. Dr. št. 184: Edward Folio 13561, Arthur Debernardi 14759, Enricketta De-Bernardi 15525, Gloria DeBarnardi 14760, Louis DcBernardi 15523, Remo Garni 13533. Dr. št. 190:Bernice M. Hastie 18681, John V. Hastie 18682, Patrick L. Hastie 18683, William S. Hastie 18684. Dr. St. 198: Philippo Furioso 14258, Sa-verio Furioso 14259, Teresina Furioso 14260, Tony Furiso 14261. Dr. St. 200: Kathie Strucelj 5603. Dr. St. 201: Robert L. Judish 13152, John R. Popish 13158, Mary A. Poposh 13157, Philip L. Popish 13156. Dr. št. 211: Edward F. Yasak 18691, John B. Yasak 18692, Joseph A. Yasak 18693, Mary A. Yasak 18694, Peter J. Yasak 18695, Richard P. Yasak 18696, LeRoy Rose 17360, Ruth Rose 17361. Dr. št. 218: Aldo Draghi 16176, Lorraine Draghi 16177, Mary Draghi 16170,; Rose Draghi 16168, Tony Draghi 16172, Frances Draghi 16171, Theodore K. Ku-kich, Jr. 15532. Dr. St. 222: John Bazow 18820, Amelia Bratosh 15329, Anthony Bratosh 15328, John Matekovich, Jr. 16523. Dr. St. 225: Rosemary Baraga 17372, Leonard Barada 17371, Rose Urbančič 17688. Prestopili — Transferred Od dr. St. 163 k dr. St. 229: Joseph E. Udovich 16327, Frances Udovich 15902, Mary Udovich 15001. Odstopili — Withdrew Dr. St. 20: Stanley Verbich 6839. ANTON ZBASNIK, glavni tajnik—Supreme Secretary 71 ........................ 34587 37.26 82 ......................... 39170 62.40 85 ......................... 40402 38.64 85 ......................... 40403 17.28 85 ......................... 34595 392.16 103 ......................... 35040 87.44 104 35517 128.14 116 ......................... 39900 29.23 125 ........................ 40336 28.20 126 ......................... 35423 141.80 128 38579 84.57 137 ......................... 37626 75.74 137 ........................ 38794 52.68 140 ... . . 33991 112.90 140 ....................... 35699 79.16 145 ....................... 38675 8.84 145 ......................... 33360 141.91 145 ......................... 33361 107.15 ! 158 ........................ 35232 189.28 158 ......................... 35080 210.86 158 ......................... 40407 41.04 170 ......................... 35984 86.39 174 ......................... 34079 27.36 197 ......................... 37759 94.82 204 ......................... 34671 104.54 ! 221 ....................... 36667 24.93 221 ........................ 34627 78.65 >kupaj—Total .........................$12,475.60 107 ....................... 1 109 ....................... 1 112 1 114 ................. 1 116 2 119 ....................... 2 120 1 132 .......................................... 1 138........................1 149 ....................... 1 150 1 1 159 .................... 1 160 1 162 2 166 1 186 1 1 197 ....................... 1 190........................ 1 203 1 204 .................... 1 3 211 2 221 1 222 2 225 .......................................... 1 227 .......................................... 1 232 ......................................... 1 55 28 a#cupaj—Total ..................................83 NOVI ČLANI V FEBRUARJU 1938 New Members in February 1938 DruSt. št. Odrasli Mladinski Lodge No. Adult Juvenile 2 2 1 3 ....................... 2 12 1 15 ....................... 1 21 2 26 ....................... 4 28 1 30 ....................... 2 1 35 ...................... 4 36 ..................... 2 37 ....................... 3 40 ....................... 2 44 ......................................... 1 45 ..................... 1 53 ....................... 1 55 ......................................... 1 66 1 1 70 ......................................... 1 71 ....................... 1 78 ...................... 4 1 84 ....................... 1 1 99 ....................... 1 106 1 108 2 1 112 , 1 118 1 119 ....................... 1 138 2 144 ....................... 1 166 1 174 ....................... 1 185 ....................... 1 1 192 ....................... 1 200 2 1 201 1 207 ....................... 1 216 1 218 1 227 .................... 1 230 .......................................... 1 231 .......................................... 3 52 19 Skupaj—Total ...................................71 Iz urada gl tajnika Posojila na članske certifikate meseca marca 1938 Loans on Membership Certifi- cates in the month of March 1938 Dr. St. Cert. št. Vsota Lodge No. Cert. No. Amount 6 40324 $ 78.08 13 .......................... 34128 23.40 13 34126 13.98 16 33648 245.26 21 35159 386.S2 j 21 38019 6Q.94 21 .......................... 39161 189.81 21 ........................ 38575 118.65 26 33224 184.69 26 ......................... 33223 193.08 29 33671 112.45 30 34496 227.96 30 ........................... B452 24.12 31 33301 333.52 35 33699 100.69 35 33698 149.49 36 .......................... 35007 214.74 36 .......................... 35762 64.59 37 35764 121.06 37 35968 177.68 37 34191 283.23 37 33761 344.76 37 35603 240.01 j 37 ........................ 35271 394.79 37 ..................... 33726 202.74 37 ................ 34531 125.80 37 ........................ 34532 308.84 37 33720 247.81 37 33731 111.48 37 .................. 34527 229.61 37 ...................... 36526 149.74 45 .................. 40328 23.76 45 .................... 40327 28.68 45 33320 23.16 53 ................. 33803 231.17 53 ................. 33802 123.64 58 ............... 40398 22.95 61 ........... 35509 9.26 61 ........ 35285 128.40 66 .................. 36994 2.76 : 66 .............. 36368 8.64 66 34820 «6.30 e(i 33926 126.07 i G{! 33490 174.32 G0 ....... 33491 238.28 6(i 38518 187.03 ,j8 ............. 35512 159.55 68 .............. 36370 271.27 68 ............. 36369 170.51 68 ............. 36281 75.00 68 ...... 34278 242.31 68 ............ 34277 171.96 71 33246 362.39 71 .............. 34292 140.17 71 .......... 36673 48.47 71 ...................... 33240 416.92 71 ................ 35289 287.63 7, ................ 33241 126.37 71 ............... 35291 370.49 ,71 ............... 310U3 95.20 ANTON ZBASNIK, glavni tajnik—Supreme Sec'y SSCU Iz urada gl. tajnika Spodaj navedena tabela nam kaže v starostne skupine razdeljene člane JSKJ, vse od otrok, ki šc niso izpolnili enega leta, pa do najstarejšega člana, ki je star 84 let, in kolike obveznosti ima Jednota napram različnim starostnim skupinam. V prvi koloni je navedena starost, v drugi število zavarovancev do-tične starosti, v tretji pa jednotine obligacije napram zavarovancem. .71 Iz urada gl. tajnika NOVI ČLANI V JANUARJU 1938 New Members in January 1938 DruSt. št. Odrasli Mladinski Lodge No. Adult JiWenile 1 3 2 2 9 6 1 15 2 18 2 26 1 28 4 30 ....................... 1 33 ..................................... 1 36 ....................... 2 39 ....................... 4 45 ....................... 2 53 1 57 ..................................... 1 70 ....................... 1 76 1 ' 1 78 1 84 ........ 2 88 1 94 I 1 iOl ....................... 1 ! 0 81 $ 37,050.00 1 361 166.950.00 2 341 155,150.00 3 371 168.100.00 4 « 345 155.800.00 5 335 151,850.00 6 420 189,650.00 7 430 194,050.00 8 519 233,550.00 9 476 214,300.00 10 509 229,100.00 11 598 269,650.00 12 : 602 270,900.00 * 13 699 315,650.00 14 723 325,950.00 15 738 332,100.00 16 737 336.100.00 17 .. 524 245,800.00 18 461 238,650.00 19 412 223,750.00 20 .... 462 261,000.00 21 472 263,500.00 22 475 277,238.00 23 435 272.50Q.00 21 'j 467 291,500.00 25 375 241,250.00 26 423 274,750.00 27 349 247,659.00 28 ... 304 216,653.00 29 281 212,706.00 30 231 198.678.00 31 234 176.422.90 32 198 147,700.00 33 206 160,672.00 34 183 143,469.00 35 152 123.651.00 36 165 122,750.00 37 153 127,232.00 38 169 132,395.00 39 156 123.727.00 40 158 12).460.00 41 211 160.630.00 42 254 191,955.00 43 264 226,353.00 44 266 211,374.00 45 . . 263 206,592.00 46 279 222.209.00 47 231 218.857.09 48 338 261,941.00 49 371 289.493.00 50 406 327,644.00 51 387 306,363.00 52 352 281,480.00 53 321 241,937.00 54 301 235,647.00 55 333 2-37,031.00 56 260 211,664.00 57 250 195,414.00 58 297 233,049.00 59 199 160,176.00 60 217 175,895.00 61 201 151,585.00 62 185 145.324.00 63 ... 144 115,430.00 64 125 102,959.00 65 ... 122 95,750.00 66 77 62,161.00 67 86 71,198.00 68 67 53,750.00 69 60 49,750.00 70 49 40,406.00 71 40 30,750.00 72 31 26,000.00 73 31 24,500.00 74 28 24,250.00 75 20 17,451.00 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 15 9 8 4 3 3 1 1 22,941 $ 12,750.00 8.500.00 6,000.00 3.337.00 2.000.00 2.500.00 1,000.00 500.00 14,264.717.00 POSLEDICE POTRESA Po nedavnem potresu na Hrvaškem so bili najbolj prizadeti kraji Koprivnica, Sv. Trojstvo, Kapele, Bjelovar, Našice, Pavlovec in šc nekateri. Človeških žrtev ni bilo, toda vsa večja starejša poslopja in stavbe so dobile močne razpoke, ponekod so se zrušile strehe in stene, po stanovanjih so se porušile peči in se prevrnilo pohištvo. Materialna škoda znaša več milijonov dinarjev. NOVA DOfetV, 27. A.'PftftiA., 103$ r o Q 0 Kil RAMVOJ REHAR: SEMISIRIS ROMAN BRANISLAV NUŠIČ: Občinsko dete n “Potem ga poiščem sama!” je kriknila princesa, planila kvišku in stekla mimo preplašene komornice na hodnik k vratom. Bila so zapahnjena; zaman jih je skušala odpreti. Zagnala se je vanje, udarila z roko po zapahu, da se je skoraj ranila, a vrata se niso odprla. Princesa je pobesnela. Kakor brez uma je planila k Uaji, ustavila se pred njo in zakričala: “Odpri!” “Ne smem, princesa.” “Odpri, ali te ubijem!” Ilaja je prestrašena odskočila. V princesini desnici se je zabliskalo zlato, z diamanti okrašeno bodalo. Njena levica se je iztegnila proti komornici, zagrabila jo za lase ... desnica je dvignila bodalo naj njeno srce . .. “Milost, princesa!” je zajavkala Ilaja. “Odpri! To je moj zadnji ukaz.” “Odprem dahnila komaj slišno komornica. Princesa jo je izpustila in povesila desnico z bodalom. Ilaja si je otrla pot s čela in odšla proti vratom. Skozi ozko odprtino v sklopu je dejala stražarjema nekaj v princesi neznanem jeziku. Vrata sd se odprla, toda na prag sta stopila stražarja, izbočila prsi in iztegnila mišičaste roke. Evalasta je planila med njiju, da bi pobegnila, a se je kakor žoga odbila od njunih rok in se opotekla nazaj. “Stran! Spoti!” je zakričala ih znova dvignila bodalo. Tedaj sta se stražarja skrčila kakor dve mački in planila proti njej tako naglo, da se jima ni mogla umakniti. Prvi jo je zgrabil od zadaj za komolce, drugi j; je izvil bodalo iz roke. Skušala ju je odsuniti, osvoboditi se, a njen napor je ves zamrl v ogromni moči njunih mišic. Kakor malo dete sta jo dvignila, odnesla v sobo in položila na blazine. Nato sta se tiho odstranila; vrnila sta se na stražo k vratom. Pri princesi je ostalo samo Ilaja z dvema sužnjama. Evalasta je vsa trepetala od razburjenja in togote, a genila se ni. Spoznala je, da je zares jetnica in bi bil ves odpor zaman. Tudi, če bi pobegnila iz svojih soban, kako naj bi prišla do ezteških slonov, vojščakov in sužnjev, in kako ž njimi iz dvora in Semisirisa? Bolečina, kakršne ni občutila nikoli prej, ji je presunila srce, toda zajokala ni. Nad bolečino je zmagal vladarski ponos, ki ji ni dovoljeval, da bi sužnjam kazala solze in ž njimi trpljenje poraza. Samo drhtela je, ker toliko moči vendarle ni imela, da bi docela obvladala svoje do skrajnosti razburjene živce. Obraz je položila med blazine in obležala tako skoraj brez misli. Glava ji je postala topa, popolnoma prazna. J^sli ji je izpila gosta megla, ki jo je obdala vso, da se ji je zazdelo ko da pada iz višav skozi nepredirne oblake nekam v brezkrajne globine. Šele čez dolgo se je umirila in pričela zopet misliti, sprva nejasno, potem vse bolj razločno in ostro. Spoznavala je svoj položaj... “Jetnica sem!” si je dejala. “Nisem prišla sem, da bi se naučila navad faraonovega dvora. Pripeljali so me kakor daritveno živinče, da me poklonijo Semišu Ofirisu. Da, sedaj razumem očetove besede in materine solze; razumem faraonovo laskanje in njegove ukaze. Toda zakaj so me darovali? Nisem hči kralja kraljev, vladarja Aztekov Ilamagada? Nisem potomka božanstev? Ni moj oče prijatelj faraonov? Je njegov podložnik in mu ne poklanja darov zaradi prijateljstva, marveč zaradi podložno-sti? In kje je Aftagad? Kakšna je njegova useda? Je tudi on jetnik?” Z neskončno muko je reševala vse te neštevilne uganke, ki so se bila tako nepričakovano pojavile pred njo. Počasi je uredila misli in si dejala: | “Ne, Aftagad je vedel, zakaj me vodi v Semisiris. Bil je izvrševalec očetovega ukaza. On je svoboden. Toda zakaj mi nihče ni povedal tega? Zakaj je molčal tudi on?” I Razočaranju se je pridružilo -sovraštvo. Zasovražila je naenkrat vse one, ki jih je bila do tistega trenotka ljubila: očeta, mater, brata ... Premislila je vse. Spomnila se je sedem ščebetajočih, sedem zlo oznanjajočih ptic, ki so bile preletele njeno pot, ko se je bližala mogočnemu obzidju srca sveta. “Teh sedem ptic mi odkriva resnico. Aftagadu so pomenile srečo, kaj mu je mar moje usode! Ženska sem, četudi princesa in hči vladarja. Sovražim vas vse, ki ste me izdali. Sovražim, so vražim, sovražim ...” Sedaj bi bila kmalu zajokala od togote in zlomljene moči toda premagala je tudi to slabost. “Vendar, motijo se,” si je dejala. “Nisem blago, ki bi se podarjalo in sprejemalo. Ce ni ponosa v očetu, materi in bratu, če ni ponosa v azteškem ljudstvu, potem je ponos v meni, ženski. Nihče ni moj gospod, razen njega, sončnega božanstva, velikegr Raja! Samo njemu sem lahko daritveno blago, samo na njegovem žrtveniku žrtvujem svojo mladost...” Dvignila je glavo iznad blazin in vstala. Vzravnana kakor čebra je stala pred Ilajo in obema sužnjama. Njeno obličje je bilo trdo, brezizrazno, ko je spregovorila: “Ne bom se upirala ukazu, ki si ga prejela, ker ti nisi kriva. Ne bom več skušala pobegniti in ničesar ne bom storila, kar bi lahke vznemirilo dolžnost tvoje službe. Zato pojdi! Biti hočem sama.” “Milost, princesa!” je dejala še vedno nezaupno Ilaja. “Odpusti mi, nesrečnici! Moja volja ni moja, ker ji ukazuje on, ki je moj in nas vseh najvišji gospod. Verujem ti, cvet orhideje, zveneča struna na harpi pesnikovi, in izpolnjujem tvojo visoko voijo. Umikam se.” Ilaja in obe sužnji so se poklonile in nato tiho odšle iz sobe. Evalasta je zopet ostala sama, stopila je k zlatemu kipu najvišjega božanstva, dvignila roke in molila: “Velik si in mogočen in svet si ustvaril, vladarje in gospodarje, podložnike in sužnje, ženske in moške. Velik si in velika je tvoja moč, vesolje objemajoča in rast dajajoča. Velik si in večjega od tebe ni in jaz sem samo droben del tvoje celote, samo iskrica tvojega plamena, duh tvojega duha, o mogočni, o silni Ra! (Dalje prihodnjič.) (Nadaljevanje) In gospod Sima začne z nekim čudnim glasom, podobnim onemu, s katerim je malo prej razodeval učitelj muzike svojo ljubezen: “Gospod, jaz imam z vami nek, zelo zaupen pogovor ” “Vem,” odgovori učitelj v tremolu, “ali . . . jaz sem to iz . . . velikega spoštovanja ... to je . . . kot nedolžno stvar . . .” Gospod Sima ostane še nadalje bled kot vosek in nadaljuje: “Vi mi lahko napravite veliko uslugo. Povejte mi odkritosrčno, kakšen je vaš rokopis, ali je lep?” Gospod učitelj ne razume vprašanja, zato ga gospod Sima ponovi. “Drugače je lep, popolnoma moški rokopis,” odgovori grešni učitelj, “ali zdaj ko se tresem, bo ženski, popolnoma ženski rokopis.” “Prav dobro, prav dobro,” odgovori gospod Sima, “potem sedite tukaj, glejte tukaj, in pišite, kar vam bom diktiral.” Zdaj šele uvidi učitelj, kaj hoče gospod Sima: rad bi od njega pismeno priznanje, pred-no ga pretepe, da bi imel v rokah dokaz, zato se je skušal opravičiti. “Ne razumem, pospod, kako naj pišem v takšnem stanju . . . vi boste razumeli . . . takšno stanje . . .” “Prosim vas, pišite, kar vam bom narekoval,” ukaže gospod Sima in grešni učitelj vzame pero. “Ne tega peresa, to je slabo.” “Saj je vseeno,” odgovori učitelj in pomoči pero. “Zapišit^e to-le: Jaz sem žena sirota in ne morem vzdržavati i '»'•'* I -t t 1 v v • ' , tega otroka vsTed revščine, zato ga puščam tukaj, da bi ga sprejeli in obdržali dobri ljudje -’ “Samo to?” vpraša učitelj začudeno. “Da, samo to,” odgovori gospod Simtf. “Dajte mi, da vidim, kako ste napisali.” Učitelju pade nekai z duše, za trenotek pobledi in oči mu za-žare veselo. “Samo to torej ?” ponovi še enkrat. “Pravzaprav ne samo to, še nečesa bi vas imel prositi, ali seveda vi mi daste častno besedo, da boste o tem molčali.” Komaj je izgovoril gospod Sima zadnjo besedo, zaječi nekaj strašno v omari, v kateri j,e bila njegova biblioteka. Učitelj se zbuni, a gospod Sima odpre zaupno omaro, kjer je neskrbno brcal na knjigah Nedeljko. “Fej!” napravi učitelj, ko o-pazi, da Nedeljko ni prav nič pazil na knjige, na katerih je ležal. Gospod Sima pogleda, katere knjige so poškodovane, in ko vidi, da je ponesnažen samo prvi zvezek Jarmekovih zbranih spisov s pisateljevo sliko, se potolaži. Vzame Nedeljka iz biblioteke in zaupa učitelju muzike skrivnost: “Glejte, gospod, to je moj o-trok.” “Vaš?” “Da . . veste to so mladeniške dogodivščine.” “Mladeniške? Ali za Boga, ta otrok nima več od dveh mesecev.” “Da, dva in devet pred rojstvom ,to je enajst . . . pred enajstimi meseci, veste . . . sem bil mlajši, takrat še nisem bil oženjen; z drugimi besedami, to je moj otrok. Saj menda vidite, da mi je podoben?” Učitelj pogleda malo bolje in najde, da mu je otrok nenavadno podoben. “Ko sem se sklenil ženiti, sem moral zapustiti njo, ki je rodila tega otroka.” “To se razume,” doda učitelj, ki mu je zdaj že odleglo pri duši. “Ali ona hoče, da se mi maščuje, in da razruši moje zakon-|sko življenje in glejte, kaj je napravila! Malo prej, ko sem odšel iz sobe, sem našel pred vrati tega otroka s pismom, naslovljenim na mojo ženo. Tista nesrečnica je vedela, da mene ta čas ni doma, pa je ukrenila tako, da bi moja žena našla otroka. V tem pa se je k sreči zgodilo, da sem bil danes jaz pri vaš j uri ter sem ostal doma.” “K sreči,” pristavi učitelj. “Poslušajte torej, kaj je pisala moji ženi: Spoštovana gospa! Vaš mož je mene pahnil v nesrečo za vse življenje in je šel z menoj tako daleč, da je rodil z menoj otroka.” “Ta baš ne pomeni iti bogve kako daleč,” pristavi zdaj že veselo učitelj. “Prosim, poslušajte samo dalje: To sem mu sporočila in ga prosila, naj mi pošlje denar za vzdrževanje otroka, ali on noče niti slišati. To je naj večja bi-i tanga . . .” j “To vendar ni mogoče,” reče učitelj iznenadeno. “Da, gospod, tako je zapisala, K'lejte, sami lahko preberete; ali poslušajte naprej: To je največja bitanja, ne pa oče, ki noče skrbeti za svojega otroka. Jaz sem sirota devojka.” “Pa kako devojka, ako ima o-troka?” ga prekine učitelj, ali zdaj že malo zlobno. “Ne, v tem ima prav, ker se ni omožila,” doda gospod načelnik zelo obzirno in čita dalje: Jaz sem sirota devojka in ne morem vzdrževati njegovega otroka, zato ga pošiljam Vam, gospa, pa ga Vi vzdržujte, ker tako z vami ne bo imel dece . . .” “E, to je že razžaljenje,” pristavi učitelj zdaj že popolnoma zlobno. H “To razžaljenje ji odpustim,” reče tiho gospod načelnik, “ker je pisala gotovo v jezi. Ali nečesa vas prosim, gospod,” nadaljuje gospod. Sima s spremenjenim glasom, “to kar sem vam zaupal, je največja moja skrivnost. Mislim, da jo boste znali čuvati.” “O, prosim, ako imate še kakega otroka v biblioteki, ga mi lahko brez skrbi zaupate,” doda brzo učitelj muzike, misleč na svakinjo, kateri bo zdaj svobodni govoril o svoji ljubezni pri urah, ko bo. gospod Sima sedel na straži. “Ali s tem še nisem izčrpal vašega zaupanja; storiti mi morate še eno uslugo.” “Prav rad, prav rad,” odgovori navdušeno učitelj muzike. “Midva bova torej ta listek, ki ste ga napisali, dala otroku v krilce, tega pa bova strgala.” “Prav dobro.” “Nato,” nadaljuje gospod načelnik, “boste otroka vzeli s seboj in ga odnesli.” “Jaz?” “Prosim vas, poslušajte me do konca: Odnesli ga boste in odložili n. pr. pred mojimi vrati.” “Ne dalje?” “Bog varuj, pred mojimi vrati z ulice. To mi lahko napravite.” “Kako pa naj skrijem otroka, vidite, da imam le ta mali suknjič.” “Vzemite moj stari plašč! Sicer bo malo širok za vas, ali tem bolje, ž njim zakrij^e otroka, ko boste šli čez dvorišče, da ne opazijo otroci, a kakor hitro stopite na ulico, ga odložite. Veste, da ne bom zapustil otroka, temveč bom skrbel zanj, ali boljše je, da se otrok najde na ta način, in da ga ne najdem jaz, temveč kdo drugi.” In tako se je tudi vsa stvar uravnala: Učitelj muzike, ki je zdaj zaupnik gospoda načelnika, obleče njegov plašč, pod katerega bi skril lahko še nekaj otrok, vzame pazno Nedeljka, da se mu ne bi izmuznil in odide po stopnicah, gospod načelnik pa se je oddahnil. TRIINDVAJSETO POGLAVJE v katerem Nedeljko predstavlja najprej glasbeni inštrument, ali bolj navadno rečeno, harmoniko, a potem uničuje s svojimi intrigami zapored dve ljubezni. | Učitelj glasbe je stopil torej čisto zbran v vežo in po načrtu, ki si ga je napravil sam grede čez dvorišče, je pogledal najprej, ko je stopil na ulico, na desno, kjer ni zapazil nikogar, nato je pogledal na levo, in ko bi tudi na tej strani nikogar ne opazil, bi bil Nedeljko rešen. Ali temu ni bilo tako. Ko je pogledal na levo, je zapazil namreč deset korakov pred seboj Zofijo Jankovičko, tetko gospodične Ane Subotičeve, kateri je — tej poslednji -— tri mesece dajal ure in ji v tem času že dva in parkrat priznal svojo ljubezen. Dvakrat ji je popolnoma priznal ljubezen, a ona je nato zardela, pokvarila škalo in bila sploh tako zmešana, da ga ni mogla v oči pogledati. Ker pa to še ni bil končen odgovor, se je odločil, da ji v tretjič ponovi svojo izjavo. Pri prvi priložnosti, ko sta ostala sama, je preletel trikrat z obemi rokami klavijaturo in začel: Gospodična, moji občutki, ki so vam že znani, in kateri . . . V tem trenutku pa, ko je bil sredi izjave, stopi v sobo Anina tetka, gospa Sofija Jankovička, ki je od smrti svojega moža bila spoštovana v družbah kot udovi-ca, kar ji je dajalo dovolj razloga, da išče tolažbe. V vrsto o-stalih tolažb je postavila tudi muziko, ki jo je rada poslušala, in kar je pripomoglo k temu, da se jie razvil pri njej poseben o-kus napram ljudem od muzike. (Dalje prihodnjič.) v ljubečem spominu do konca Inaših dni. žalujoča soproga: Uršula Nagode. Conemaugh, Pa. — članom društva sv. Alojzija, št. 86 JS-KJ se tem potom naznanja, da je bilo sklenjeno, da sc 28. maja vrši veselica v proslavo 40-let-nice J. S. K. Jednote. V zgodovini naše Jednote je 40-letnica nedvomno zelo pomenljiv jubilej, zato se spodobi, da ga njena društva primerno proslavijo, če jim je le mogoče, člani in članice našega društva so vabljeni, da se te prireditve polnoštevilno udeležijo in pripomorejo do boljšega uspeha. Za plesaželjne bo igral orkester rojaka Jos. j Korbarja, kateri upam, da bo zadovoljil stare in mlade. Vstopnina za člane in članice odraslega oddelka bo 25 centov za osebo; mladina v spremstvu star-l šev bo vstopnine prosta. Torej člani in članice društva št. 36 JSKJ, ne pozabite naše društvene veselice na dan 28. maja! —| Za veselični odbor: Mihael Rovanšek, John Brezovec in Frank Meserko. POTA MORSKIH TOKOV Raziskavanja so dognala, da pod ledovjem severnega tečaja neprestano teče morski tok gor- j ke vode. —111 SVILNATE ZASTAVE, slovenske zastavne trakove z društvenimi napisi, prekoramnice in re-galije. URE, prstane, demante, zlatnino in srebrnino, dalje Zenith in Sparton radio i.t.d. Vzorce in pojasnila pošiljam brezplačno. IVAN PAJK (PIKE) 24 MAIN ST., CONEMAUGH, I*A. VABILO V/l IZLET v ^8 DOMOV ISO ^ so Pr‘h Rojakinje in rojaki, k* ® to^*! »oletje namenjeni v stan ., • >ndru/.ijo izletu . ijev* 5VEZE V AMERIKI- Ta > #0 l]j Iveh skupinah in sicer- ^ id potuje na brzoparm'1 ^ . .junija i»nRUOA(GtAVVj^ ■JA odpotuje iz New * br,op/ IlU ia znanem in priljubi j gjiip tu 1LE DE FRANCE. * ‘gJUJ lotuje tudi podpisani |'P° jjptnu 10 skrbel za udobno in anje svojih potnikov. ^ Za udeležnike tega lZle,* sti, !L irane razne posebne ug° jr#" , tarniku, kakor tudi v s. 0()set>^ ^ parniku bodo imeli svoj |d 'Ovjj ek, imeli bodo skupne ® »j. pripravljeni po "»ožnos ^ f . 1 su, imeli bodo svoje P° ,.,nu»‘s jj) w eg' drugih koncertov. * vfijj aznih drugih '% la parniku ima biti ena ^ jo! . lava in tako ne bo časa fl n ne za morsko bolezen- ^ gJf *1 V starem kraju se Pr|'Lejefl1’!1', ^1) encem tega izleta vel* ^ Odobf’ ^ 11^, ;oslovanska vlada je I i0jo ) } Imerikance polovično v .jst''0 p ( , -lih železnicah. Dalje bo v leta organiziralo skup”\0so»1 '%t W Sloveniji in sicer z avl da*1 V 'žk bodo izletniki imeli pr'1 ,j 11 in v zabavni družbi s , igledajo vse kraje narav' ne, li01 J h limivosti nase rodne 7' j^'-jf #i. lohinj, Vintgar, BeloP*' Pl Camniške Bistrice, &av , iVq eva dolina/Zidani m°st’ to, W e, Kostanjevica, NoV0 j fe libnica, Cerknica m tndi JC Poleg tega je nart]eV^j)»l0^ JS' k Plitvičkim jezerom m kraje % prelepi Jadran in (llUf! , • jJji slavije. n po11" Razume pa se, da ni n°^ ^ zan se udeležiti teh 1*1® ° a . hotel. P Ta izlet ima biti i*leJ udflfI (jil V nu besede, kajti nudil . ° izredno veliko telesnih 1,1 kov. Zato sc Vam za ob,S j, I % ■ letos nudi tako ugodna jf *0 * lajbrže še niste imel j(e j« j|. »K bodete imeli zlepa. I* ® v3ni priglasite za ta izlet: J* te 1 več kakor vsak drug ■* ,.e n»' Ker pa bo letošnje pr^J°‘ nikov izredno velik i" ^pr11 jM ■ ( mnogih parnikih že sf glasit® 1 potrebno, da se takoj P1 -A/jPi! LEO ZAK^vicjljV GENERAL TRAVEL M 302 EAST 72nd NEW YORK’ ' Važno za l tari v *>ol KADAR pošiljate denar T ,, . , KADAR ste namenjeni J rejrn fL p*,** \ KAJUH želite koga Iz ’W1 (j KAMI E prodajamo ** 8evf“‘ m! ‘ 1)| najnižji ceni in izlete. redov Potniki so z našim P®* j ^ j v zadoy.rsujel,l ju ** A L *■ le cene podvržene spbr/,ojav",?h \ Pošiljamo tudi denar doi»rj ^ f , » (Ji izplačila; * .. je, “ e«‘ j %, V Vašem lastnem lnt*525u*l*e' Ka V predno se drugje^,*. Cf \\ Slovenic Pub^VfV^ , rTVA.VC'* (Glas Naroda— 216 West 18 St. DOPISI (Nadaljevanje s 3. str.) deklo, ki je kokoš prodala .sosedu; v kleti najde hlapca in njegove prijatelje pijane; na polju je sosed kosil njegovo deteljo za svoje govedo; repa, ki jo je bil posejal, je zrastla na sosedovem polju; v gozdu je manjkalo dosti smrek; sosed je imel dosti drv, gozda pa ne. Dalje je opazil, da je eden sosedov izkoriščal njegovo družino, drugi sosedje so pa od daleč prodajali grške modrijane. V par dneh se je tujec vrnil in gospodar mu je dal dobro večerjo. Potem je prišlo na dnevni red razmotrivanje radi nezadovoljnosti. Gospodar je povedal, da kamorkoli se je obrnil, je našel vse narobe. Nato pravi tujec: Danes je edina pot vrata zapreti, račun napraviti z izkoriščevalci in vsak naj drži za sebe grške modrijane. Sosedje so bili prisiljeni vso škodo povrniti in od tistega časa mora vsak sebi metlo kupiti, če jo potrebuje. Večkrat se pripeti, da volkovi pohrustajo ovce, namesto zahvale pa njihovi prijatelji medvedi nosijo grške modrijane okoli. Od tistega časa gospodar lepo v miru živi. Vpraša bajtarja, kako da je vedno vesel. Ta mu odgovori, da vsak človek je enkrat izkoriščan in da volkovi, medvedi, modrijani in vrabci so pa prijatelji. John Sikonja. Rockdale, III. — članom in članicam društva Vit. sv. Mihaela, št. 92 JSKJ naznanjam, da v bodoče ne bom več hodil od hiše do hiše prosit člane, da plačajo pravočasno svoje asesmen-te. Imena tistih, ki ne bodo ob pravem času imeli plačanih svojih asesmentov, bodo sporočena na glavni urad in tam naj storijo z njimi kar hočejo. Posledice naj vsak prizadeti sam sebi pripiše. Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 92 JSKJ: Louis Urbančič, tajnik. Export, Pa. — V BLAG SPOMIN ob priliki devete obletnice smrti nepozabnega soproga in očeta FRANKA NAGODETA, ki je preminil 24. aprila 1929, in ki je bil član in večletni blagajnik društva št. 57 JSKJ. Devet let že počivaš v hladni gomili, nepozabni soprog in oče, toda še vedno se Te spominjamo: soproga, pet hčera in trije sinovi, z ljubeznijo in tiho bo-i lestjo v srcih. Ohranili Te bomo August Koliander 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE Cleveland, Ohio v Slovenskem Nar. Domu PRODAJA parobrodne listke vse prekomorske parnike; za POŠILJA denar v staro domovino točno in po dnevnih cenah; OPRAVLJA notarske posle. Koliander ima v zalogi tudi jugoslovanske znamke. VLOGE v tej posojilnici zavarovane do $5,000.00 po Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne in društvene vloge. Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings & Loan Co. 6235 St. Clair Avenue HEnd. 5670 NAJCENEJŠI SLOVENSKI DNEVNI^X AMERIKI JE 1 5LUVEN5K.I ENAKOPRAVNOST Naročnina za celo leto izven Clevelanda Je ^ Društvom in posameznikom se priporoča111 tiskovine. Unijsko delo—zmerne 6231 ST. CLAIR AVE. Cleveland, Za uošUjanje d« « A -is Denarne po&iljatve 1 v Jf JUGOSLAVIJO: 1 Za $ 2.55 — I)ln. 100 I $ 5.00 — Din. 200 1 $ 7.20 — Din. 300 p $11.65 — Din. 500 | $23.00 — Din. 1000 S? $45.00 — Din. 2000 £ V ITALIJO: i Za $ 6.35 — Lir 100 * $12.25 — Lir 200 % $20.50 — Lir 500 i:; $57.00 — Lir 1000 | Izplačila tudi v i dolarjih. 1