ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT VENEZIA GIULIA THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 17-1 June 194-7 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor. Editoriale Libraria, S. A. Trieste - 1947 Allied Milif ary G overnmenf VENEZIA GIULIA Order No. 361 ABSORPTION OF ISTITUTO GENERALE DEI POVERI BY ENTE COMUNALE DI ASSISTENZA WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), to provide for the absorption by Ente Çomunale di Assistenza of Trieste of the Istituto'Generale dei Poveri of Trieste, NOW, THEREFORE, /, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I REPEAL OF ROYAL DECREE 22 JUNE 1919 ThefRoyal Decree 22 June 1939, providing for the decentralisation of Istituto Generale dei Poveri Vittorio Emanuele III of Trieste from Ente Comunale di Assistenza of Trieste, is hereby repealed. ARTICLE II ABSORPTION OF ISTITUTO GENERALE DEI POVERI BY ENTE COMUNALE DI ASSISTENZA With the effect from the date hereof the Istituto Generale dei Poveri of Trieste, is absorbed by Ente Comunale di Assiëtenza of Trieste unifying thereby the two administrations. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall come into force in this Territory on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 2 A ‘ / • ' - - r. ' ;. 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' ’ ' CONTENTS PARTI HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE Page Ordef No. 361 Absorption of Istituto Generale dei Poveri by Ente Comunale di Assistenza.................................................... 639 No. 364 Amendment and addition of provisions concerning railway tariffs 639 No. 365 Compensation to teachers of State schools subject to alternate working hours.................................................. 641 No. 366 Adjustment of working capital of commercial insurance enterprises ................................................... 642 No. 370 Special earnings for post and telegraph personnel .... 642 No. 371 (244 A) Charges for R. R. waggons and irregular forwardings . . . 644 No, 374 (298 A) Procedure relating to arbitration by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture ................................ 645 No. 377 (64 A) Abolition of Forestry Office and re-organization of . Forest Guard Branch of the Civil Police.................. 645 No. 383 (273 A) Additional provisions relating to payment of winter bonus 646 No. 384 Rates of contribution for compulsory insurance against occu pational accidents ............................................... 648 No. 385 Terms for unification of compulsory workmen’s compensation insurance ........................................................ 649 No. 386 (82 A) Prorogation of special unemployment indemnity . 650 No. 387 Amendments to regulations governing the annual leave of wage earning State personnel and the dismissal indemnity payable to temporary workers depending on the State ...................... 650 No. 388 Authorization to „Ordine di S. Francesco d’Assisi“ for transfer of legal seat .................................................... 651 Administrative Order No. 105 Confirming of mortgage owned by the insurance company „Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà“.......................... 652 No. 113 Inscription in rolls of economie secretaries of technical institutes 653 No. 114 Liquidation of „Ditta Enrico Krisa Succ.“ Trieste .................. 653 Notice No. 23 Cancellation of Orders .......................................... 654 663 PART II TRIESTE AREA No. 53 A Amendment to limitations of speed of traffic on the road from Trieste to San Giovanni .............................. 655 GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 136 Repeal of Area Order No. 131 and 132 and appointment of „Ente Gestione e Liquidazione Immobili“ as administration to provide for the temporary management of the properties belonging to the British citizen Gutiers Pegna Alfredo and the Greek citizen Paleólogo Rodolfo ................................................ 656 No. 137 (107 C) Appointment of Mr. Micotti Eugenio as director of the Housing Office for the Commune of Gorizia............. 656 POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 92 Custodian of the Rolls ................................ 657 No. 93 Appointment of Director „Opera Maternité Infanzia“...... 657 PART III Appendix Analyses of the work done by the Epuration Commissions and by the Territorial Epuration Commission of Appeal in Venezia Giuüa from July 1945 to 31 March 1947................................ 659 664