Uvodnik Introduction Ob izidu petindvajsetega zvezka naše revije, ki je hkrati tudi peti zbornik Neolitskih študij, predstavljenih na petem Neolitskem seminarju v Ljubljani, je prijetno razmišljati o vseh prejšnjih. Lahko je spregovoriti o razvoju revije, težje ga je ocenjevati, še posebno od blizu. Kljub temu sodimo, da so bili pri razvoju revije ključni trije mejniki. Prvega, ki presega vse ostale, je z ustanovitvijo revije zagotovo postavil profesor Josip Korošec. Drugega povezujemo s sistemom stabilnega finaciranja. Tega je vzpostavila profesorica Tatjana Bregant, ki je urednikovanje nadaljevala po Koroščevi smrti. Zadnjega predstavlja koncept, s katerim smo revijo povezali z Neolitskimi seminarji in ji določili program, v katerem se predstavljajo in soočajo raziskovalni pristopi ter relevantne in aktualne pojasnitve, ki nastajajo na univerzah in raziskovalnih inštitutih po svetu. Revija je prvič izšla leta 1964. Izdala jo je Univerza v Ljubljani, založila pa Univerzitetna založba. Njen prvi urednik je bil profesor Josip Korošec. Revija je nastala zatem, ko je profesor Korošec v neprijaznih okoliščinah najprej zapustil Sekcijo, danes jo poznamo kot Inštitut za arheologijo in nato še uredništvo Arheološkega vestnika, četudi je oba na koncu štiridesetih in v začetku petdesetih let formalno in vsebinsko oblikoval prav on (Pleterski A. Inštitut za arheologijo polstoletnik. Ljubljana 1997:24-34, 48-49). Izid nove revije je bil povezan s predstavitvijo rezultatov prvega petletnega raziskovalnega programa Oddelka za arheologijo na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Program je bil usmerjen v raziskovanje neolitskih in eneolitskih najdišč na Ljubljanskem barju, zato ni naključje, da je revija nosila ime Poročilo o raziskovanju neoli-ta in eneolita. Tretjemu zvezku je nova urednica, profesorica Tatjana Bregant dodala še podnaslov Kultura Ljubljanskega barja. Revijo od takrat dalje izdaja Oddelek za arheologijo. S širitvijo raziskav in novimi izkopavanji so se pojavile vsebine, ki so narekovale "obravnavo celotne kulturne dediščine predkovinskega obdobja", zato je uredništvo četrtemu zvezku ponovno spremenilo podnaslov, petemu pa tudi naslov. Revija je tako postala Poročilo o raziskovanju paleolita, neolita in eneolita v Sloveniji (1976), s podnaslovom Predkovinske kulture Slovenije. Poleg razprav o paleolitskih, neolitskih in eneolitskih kulturah so bile v reviji objavljene številne študije paleooko-lja in predstavljene analize paleolitskih in neolitskih gospodarstev. Pri tem velja posebej poudariti, da so bila Poročila na področju nekdanje Jugoslavije edina arheološka revija, ki je sistematično objavljala podatke o paleookolju in predstavljala "C datacijske nize. V zadnjih letih je revija prestopila slovenski nacionalni okvir. Ocenili smo namreč, da je v arheologiji mezolitika in neolitika nujno vzpostaviti uravnotežen program izme- On the publication of the twenty-fifth volume of our jour-nal, which is at the same tirne also the fifth Neolithic Stu-dies anthology, comprising papers presented at the fifth Neolithic Seminar in Ljubljana, it is pleasant to contem-plate earlier volumes. It is easy to talk about the devel-opment of the journal, but much harder to evaluate it very closely. Nevertheless, we believe that three turning points were of key importance. The first and most im-portant was that Professor Josip Korošec established the journal. The second is linked to a system of stable finan-cing established by Professor Tatjana Bregant, who be-came the editor of the journal after Professor Korošec died. The last is embodied in the concept which linked the journal with Neolithic seminars and determined the JournaPs programme and content, in which different re-search approaches as well as relevant and topical expla-nations from various universities and research institutes around the world are included. The first issue was published in 1964 by the University of Ljubljana, under the editorship of Professor Josip Korošec, after he resigned as head of the Section, now known as the Institute of Archaeology, and also as the editor of Arheološki vestnik in unpleasant circumstances (Pleterski A. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeo-logy. Ljubljana 1997:24-34, 48-49). The new journal was connected with the presentation of the results of the first five-year research programme of the Department of Ar-chaeology on the Ljubljana Marshes, and it is no coinci-dence that the journal was named A Report on the Research of the Neolithic and Eneolithic. A new editor of the journal, Professor Tatjana Bregant, added to the third volume the subtitle Culture of the Ljubljana Marshes. The new researches appeared, which demanded "the treating of the entire cultural heritage of Stone and Copper Age". This is why the editorial board again changed the subtitle of the fourth and fifth volumes. Thus the journal first became A Report on Research into the Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic in Slovenia (1976), with the subtitle Stone and Copper Age Cultures in Slovenia. Parallel to discussions on Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic cultures, a number of studies on palaeoenvironment and pa-laeoeconomy were published. What needs to be emphasi-sed here is that the Reports was the only archaeological journal, which systematically published data on the palaeoenvironment and presented "C data series. In the last few years both the form and content of the journal has expanded beyond the Slovene national frame-work. We felt that studies on the archaeology of the Me-solithic and the Neolithic needed to develop a more balan-ced exchange of research data concerning the transition to farming in Eurasia. In the last five years the Department of Archaeology at the University of Ljubljana has organised njave podatkov, povezanih s procesi prehoda na kmetovanje v Evraziji. Na Oddelku za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani smo zato v zadnjih petih letih pripravili na to temo pet mednarodnih Neolitskih seminarjev. Vse razprave smo v obliki zbornikov Neolitskih študij izdali v okviru revije v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Petega zaradi omejenih finančnih sredstev tiskamo le v angleškem. In ne nazadnje, slovenskemu naslovu revije smo pritaknili še Documenta Praehistorica. Na vsebinskem področju sicer še ohranjamo stik s kulturnimi, periodnimi in tipološkimi paradigmami, vendar je težišče že na strani konceptov in modelov, ki jih poznamo kot "meja kmetovanja", "demska difuzija", "val napredovanja", "proces neolitizacije", "model dosegljivosti", "sekundarni centri neolitizacije", "dvojni model neolitizacije", "pionirska morska kolonizacija Evrope" itd. Opozorili smo na tafonomske filtre, ki delujejo pri odkrivanju in interpretiranju mezolitsko-neolitskih palimpsestov. Poleg analiz prehoda na kmetovanje v Evraziji in z njim povezanim spreminjanjem logistik in poselitvenih vzorcev ter oceni njegovega vpliva na okolje, je bila posebna pozornost namenjena analizam razvoja in uporabe kamnitih orodij in lončarskih tehnik. V XXV. zvezku - 5. Zborniku neolitskih študij, objavljamo kitajske poglede na proces neolitizacije na eni ter analizo socialno-ekonomske strukturiranosti predneolitskih in zgodnjeneolitskih skupnosti na Bližnjem Vzhodu na drugi strani. Ocenjujemo fenomen kompleksnega simbolizma v Catalhoviiku ter predstavljamo kontinuiteto staro-selskega, mezolitskega, simbolizma v Karpatski kotlini. Predstavljamo genezo "obpontske kulturne zone", kulturno in kronološko strukturiranosti traškega neolitika ter ti-pološko identiteto severnega obrobja kulture Starčevo v Transdanubiji. Sledimo kontemplativnemu pristopu k analizi mezolitsko-neolitskega prehoda v srednji Evropi. Poseben poudarek namenjamo analizam genetskih razmerij med kultiviranimi žiti, rastočimi zunaj naravnih habitatov in njihovimi divjimi predniki, ki so temeljnega pomena pri pojasnjevanju procesa njihovega kultiviranja. To velja tudi za analize stabilnega ogljika ("C) in dušika ('^N), ohranjenega v kostnem kolagenu, ki služijo ocenam spreminjanja prehrambenih vzorcev, povezanih s prehodom na kmetovanje na atlantski obali severozahodne Evrope. five international Neolithic Seminars. Ali the papers pre-sented were published as part of the journal in the form of five Neolithic Studies anthologies. They were published in both Slovene and English. Now, due to limited financial means, they can only be published in English. The latest novelty is the name, since we have added Documenta Praehistorica to the Slovene title of the journal. As far as content is concerned, we have maintained the link with cultural, periodic and typological paradigms, although the focus has been shifted to concepts and mo-dels such as "agricultural frontier", "demic diffusion", the "wave of advance" model, the "process of Neolithisation", "the availabilitv" model, "secondary centres of Neolithisation", "double model of Neolithisation", "maritime pioneer colonisation of Europe" etc. The taphonomic filters, which operate in a studies of Mesolithic-Neolithic palimpsests, were also discussed. Besides the analyses of the transition to farming in Eurasia and changes in logistics and settle-ment patterns, as well as the earliest discernible environ-mental impact arising from the transition to agriculture, special attention was paid to the use wear traces on stone tools and Neolithic pottery techniques. In volume XXV - the 5"' Neolithic Studies anthology, we publish Chinese views on Neolithisation on the one hand, and an analysis of the social and economic structure of the Pre-Neolithic and Early Neolithic communities in the Near East on the other. The phenomenon of complex symbo-lism in Catalhov uk is evaluated and the continuity of Me-solithic symbolism in the Carpathian Basin is presented. The genesis of the "Circumpontic cultural zone", cultural and chronological structure of the Neolithic in Thrace and the typological identity of northern rim of the Starčevo culture in Transdanubia were presented. We also follovv a contemplative approach to the analysis of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Central Europe. Special attention was paid to analvses of genetic relationships between cul-tivated types occurring outside their natural habitat and their wild relatives, which clarifies important aspects of plant domestication. The same holds for the analysis of stable carbon ("C) and nitrogen (l5N), preserved in bone collagen, which served to the estimates of changes in nu-tritional patterns linked with the transition to farming at the Atlantic coast in north-western Europe. Ljubljana, december 1998