c------ Kullmann / Rehabilitacija - letn. VII, supl. 2 (2008) ___________ _ QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIEIVTS WITH CAIVCER Prof. Lajos Kullmann, MD National Institute tor Medica! Rehabilitation, Budapest, Lorand Eotvos University of Sciences, Faculty of Special Education, Buda pest Summary Quality of life evaluation of cancer patients is a chal­ lenging task due to the great variety oj possibilities. The paper first gives an overview oj the methods of quality of life assessment. Main target areas and conditions of the applicability are reviewed, including the use of proxy raters. For rehabilitation purposes the application oj quality oj life profiles are recommended. According to most researchers generic measures should complete the use of condition diagnosis or symptom) specific instruments. The second part oj the paper is based on a literature review. Review of the effects of therapeutic BACKGROUND Quality of life is a relatively new and a rather challenging broad ranging concept with a multitude of different defini­ tions. The definitions published in literature differ both conceptually and methodological ly. In the present paper we shall use the definition of WHO that was developed by the multi-national and multidisciplinary WHOQOL-Group. According to this "quality of lije is an individu al's percep­ tion of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person 's physical health, psychological state, personal beliefs, social relationships and their relationships to salient features of their environment" ( 1 ). Thus, quality of life is different f r om health status, even if health is interpreted by WHO's broad health concept. Health status assessment is restricted to assessment of dimensions directly influenced by the health care, such as physical health, mental health, social participa­ tion adequacy of interpersonal relations), role-functions e.g. job, schooling), and perceived general health (2). If quality of life is a challenging concept, evaluation of cancer patient's quality of life is even more challenging. The diagnosis of cancer is bound to a pathological process. This pathology has great variability, it may affect ali organs, and may create metastases in a variety of other organs. The pathology may affect people in different ages, and age has specific influence on the quality of life (3). The cancer may be in different stages, end stage malignant disease is charac- lil interventions at different cancer pathologies on the quality oj /ife is mainly based on randomized controlled studies. Very few studies reported on significant improvement. Severa! systematic reviews evaluate methodological que­ stions concerning quality oj life assessmentlmeasurement in cancer patients. The multitude oj available measures may make any comparisons difficult. Weil established, frequently used direct measures are preferred. Finally a few papers repo rt on the effects oj quality of life assessment on the communication between clients and professionals, and consequently on possible beneficiat effect on quality oj life of the assessed pe rson. terised by decreasing quality of life. Additionally ali forms of therapy chemo- and radiotherapy, surgery) and their combina­ tion may seriously affect the person's quality of life. This paper aims at discussing some of the difficulties and problem areas of addressing and evaluating cancer patient's quality of life. It presents the personal view of the autho1 based on a literature review. METHODS OF QUALITY OF LIFE EVALUATION As mentioned briefly there are numerous different definitiom of quality of life. The measurement approaches are also mul­ tiple. Table I provides an overview of different approaches. Table 1: Methods of quality of lije assessment. questionnaires • profiles - generic - specific - indexes visual analogue scale • administrated in itself • administrated with questionnaires observation • without personal participation with personal participation ____________ Kullmann / Rehabilitacija - letn. VIL supl. 2 (2008) ____________ _ Questionnaires instruments, measures To date the most frequently used way of quality of life measurement is the use of questionnaires. Basically two types are available, profiles and indexes. Pro.files usually have relatively large number of items connected to many different determinants of quality of lite. Weil developed profiles may help therefore understand a single person 's quality of life influencing factors in detail, thus those have more importance in clinical practice. Also specific groups may be assessed and population related consequences may be drawn. Yet, this has to be done with great care due to the individual nature of quality of life and the great variety of e.g. cancer pathologies. Quality of life i11dexes on the other hand are usually composed of a few items of which one common index number may be calculated. These are more frequently used in healthcare pol­ icy-making although indexes have been used also in clinical practice including cancer care. One of those, the Spitzer-indcx composed of five items each with three point answer scales has been used also in recently published papers (4-6). Getting back to profiles these may be generic or specific. Generic quality o.f life profiles are measurement tools appli­ cable at the population at large or at least at the majority of it, excluding e.g. children, or persons with major cognitive or communication disturbances. The profiles are developed according to the interpretation of the quality of life concept of the developers. For this reason their content may be largely di fferent. Some are rather health status measures, yet interpreted widely as quality of lite assessment instruments. Another problem may arise f r om the method of development. Measures e.g. developed in one single cul ture may have bias if utilized in other cultures. Specific quality oj lije i11strw11e11ts target different population groups. The specificity of these groups may be based on their social status minorities, refugees, etc) or on their health condition. Under health condition we may further differenti­ ate. Some instruments target specific diagnoses, e.g. HIV patients, cancer patients, and may go into further detail based on the affected organs or body parts brain tumour, breast cancer, head and neck cancer. etc). Other instruments have been developed on symptom basis pain, nausea, fatigue). The aim of such developments is usually the creation of an instrument specific enough to demonstrate the effects of some therapeutic interventions. Often drug manufacturing firm s attempt to demonstrate the superiority of their products compared to other medicaments. However, this approach may also have a challenge. namely the broad range of qual­ i ty of life affecting factors may be neglected thus only a few aspects of quality of life of the evaluated person may be learned at the single use of such instruments. Fram the ICF point of view quality of life- if its definition by WHO accepted - is largely but not solely) related to the participation di mension of the person · s I i fe. Some question­ naires contain almost only items related to the existence of specific symptoms. Thcse fit into the body function, or body structures dimension. In some other instruments the major­ ity of items may relate to activities. It can be argued that health care workers are more familiar with these dimensions they may feel more comfortable and sate if their evaluation process is restricted to these areas. The aim of rehabilitation. however. is to improve the perso11 's quality oj lije as the_,, experience it. Patient's functional performance and quality of life do not correlate necessari ly moreover functional gain during rehabilitation does not necessarily improve patient's quality of life (7). As people's quality of life is largely influenced by factors of the participation dimension, not to forget the environmental factors. we advocate for the com­ bined use of generic and specific measures even at studying specific therapeutic intervention of cancer patients. The use of combined measures is supported in severa( recent publications as well (8-9). Visual analogue scale In the early years of quality of life assessments in health care visual analogue scales have been widely used. As the instrument development has been improved and the instru­ ments became scientifically well founded thc use of visual analogue scales have been decreased but not disappeared. Yisual analogue scale may be used for the assessment of the overall quality of life. Important is the well conceptualized and well and widely understandable definition of the two cndpoints of the scale. If these requirements are satisfied reliable answers may be expected from the rcspondents. As mentioned above Spitzer·s visual analogue scale. with cancer specific end-point definitions is stili in use over two decades following its introduction (6). Another use is bound to questionnaires. usually indexes. In such cases each item of the instrument may be answered on the visual analogues scale bound to that specific item. Observation If cognitive and/or communication problems prevent the use of either questionnaires or visual analogue scales observa­ tion of the person and his/her bchaviour may be useful in studying their quality of life. One may observe the behaviour, the communication, and the interpcrsonal interactions of the person assessed. Observations may be described as narra­ tives or perhaps more practically previously defined actions or features may be counted and documented. Observations may be performed with or without personal presence of the observer from behind a mirror-window or by videotaping in the later case). Both have advantages and draw-backs. lf the obser ver is presen! everything may be well - ____________ Kullmann / Rehabilitacija - letn. VII, supl. 2 (2008) ___________ _ seen but his/her presence may disturb the real life situations. On the other hand if the observer is not present some actions, signs or other features may remain hidden. Proxy In case of doubt of the feasibility of questionnaire's use by the patients proxy information may be gathered. In cancer care this is often the situation at the end-stage of the disease course. Only persons who know the patient substantially well may act as proxies. These are usually partners, family members and often health or social care staff members. The same or very similar instruments are used in such cases as for direct patient interviews. However, a number of problems arise with proxies. How reliable and valid is their assessment? Is there an over or under estimation of prob­ lems of the patient in different life areas? These questions have no definitive answers yet, further studies are needed. Patient-proxy agreement was higher in the case of patient's significant others e.g. partners as in the case of professional proxies. Proxy raters tended to report more quality of life problems compared to patients themselves in a comparative study ( 10). On the other hand some evidence support the view that patient's and family carer's quality of life in severe malignant disease correlate ( 11 ). LITERATURE SURVEY Publications on quality of life of cancer patients and the effect of their treatment on quality of life are numerous. Many papers, however, report on symptoms, co-morbidities or on leve! of functioning, and interpret these and their changes as quality of life and its improvement or decrease. This approach is not fitting into the WHO's quality of life concept and definition, the starting point of our present paper. Direct assessment of quality of life is preferred. Experiencing the numerous uncertainties concerning quality of life assessment of cancer patients a literature survey was performed with restricted titles f r om the Pub Med database. We used the combination of the terms cancer, quality of life, and assessment or measurement. As for study methodology randomized controlled trials, well designed controlled clini­ cal trials and review papers, for language English or German were preferred. The search was limited to publications of the years 2004-2007. However, some references of these papers were also reviewed. Altogether 61 papers have been reviewed of these 27 have been selected for drawing conclusions due to methodological quality. Based on their contents and conclusions the studied papers could be classified into the following three categories: • randomized controlled studies and some well designed controlled clinical studies) on the effects of therapeutic interventions at different cancer pathologies and differ- 111 ent stages, including effects on quality of life utilizing well established valid, reliable) quality of life assessment instruments, • reviews, meta-analyses evaluating methodological ques­ tions concerning quality of life assessment/measurement in cancer patients, • papers on the effects of quality of life assessment on the communication and on the quality of life of the assessed person. A concise discussion of these study categories is given in the next part of the paper. Effects of therapeutic interventions on the patients' quality of lite Altogether 16 papers met the inclusion criteria into this cat­ egory of studies (9, 12-26). Methodologically the majority reported on randomized controlled trials, and two clinical trials were also added. As for the diagnosis the papers rep­ resented rather heterogeneous cancer groups including oral, gastrointestinal, haematological, breast, gynaecological, prostate, head and neck cancers as well as brain metastases and end stage cancer. The majority of interventions were drug treatments often comparing two different medicines or combinations bul surgery, radio-, nutrition-, and psy­ chotherapy and palliative care have also been reported in some studies. Ali papers reported the use of established direct measures of quality of life. These had a large variety. Out of the generic instruments the Medica! Outcome Studies Short Form SF-36) was most frequently utilized but some oth­ ers like EuroQol EQ-5D) and WHOQOL-BREF have also been used. Of the cancer specific instruments the European Organi­ sation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire EORTC-QLQ-C30) seems to be the most popular followed by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Treatment - General Yersion FACT-G) developed in the USA. Both of these have organ specific modules e.g. EORTC-QLQ-PR25 for prostate, EORTC-QLQ-LC 13 for lung, FACT- C for colorectal cancer. Additionally also symptom specific FACT modules have been used e.g. FACT-F for fatigue, FACT-An for anaemia. In addition further site specific quality of life measures and a variety of symptom specific instruments have been utilised. Worth to mention are six different pain scales, as well as measures of distress, depression, anxiety, memory, emotional well being, sexuality, and social well being. We may conclude that this richness of instruments utilised creates difficulties in comparing studies. Regarding the outcomes most of the papers draw ca r eful con­ clusions. In the majority of the studies no or non significant _____________ Kullmann / Rehabilitacija - letn. Vil , supl. 2 ( 2008 ) ____________ _ improvements of quality of life have been found following the intervention, or there was no or 11011 significant differ­ ence between the outcomes of the study arms comparing alternative interventions. In one study the improvement was temporary. On the other hand out of three studies with only short-term follow-up. two reported on significant quality of life improvement. The authors point out the necessity of longer follow-up. Methodological questions concerning quality of life assessment in cancer patients Discussion of this category or papers is based mainly on literature reviews (8-9. 27-33) and one randomised control­ led tria] (34). This last paper studied whether presentation order of the instruments influences the responses. Two of the following three measures, EORTC-QLQ-C30, FACT-G and the Functional Living lndex-Cancer have been used in randomly selected order. No effect of the presentation order was found. Fram the performed survey we may conclude that in-spite of the constantly increasing number of studies on the quality of life of cancer patients there is a considerable variety of interpretations of the quality of life concept. For this reason it seems to be appropriate that authors stale their understanding and use of the most important terms in ali publications. The most uniform conclusion of the review papers is the very wide variety of the instrurnents utilized in surveyed studies. One of those could not find the same instrument in more than 10% of the reviewed papers (32). Our experience is some­ what more favourable. The most frequently used instruments have been mentioned earlier. The measurement tools vary a great deal f r om methodological points. Not ali are validated. or the validation is based on small study samples. Quality of life assessment in paediatric age provides anothcr methodological problem. Usually children at the age of 7 or 8 years are able to give reliablc responses to questionnaires. Sometimes they may provide information that is not available from e.g. parents. However, the use of additional view-points of parents or health-care professionals can provide val id and important complementary in format ion (33). Such view points should always be evaluated with great care. Most papers report on increasing f r equency of quality of life assessment as part of the outcome assessment. The previous chapter summarized those seeking information on the effect of therapeutic interventions. The other area with increasing interest is palliative care in end stage cancer (28-29). Most important goal of palliative care is improving the quality of life through control of serious symptoms. and attention to the patients psychological, social and spiritual needs. Thus in care practice quality of life assessment is one or the most important outcome measure in this stage of disease course. Patient satisfaction and preference studies are added as well. Often the use of proxy opinions seems to be justified because of cognitive problems in end stage cancer. The decision power usually lies with the professionals. For this reason also family members or other important persons in the patient's life should be requested to act as proxy raters (29). According to the reviews most studies use more than one quality of life measure. including both general and specific instruments and a number of symptom specific measures e.g. for pain, depression or emotional well being. Some authors argue for the joint implementation of generic and specific quality of life assessment tools as a required standard for cancer outcomes studies (8-9). Additionally to the listed assessments economic evaluation. and cost-effcctiveness studies may be performed (8. 32-33). The papers list a large number of quality of lile influenc­ ing factors. like age. gender, emotional status, personality, behaviour. social support. income. functional performance. way of consultation and information provision. and types of therapeutic interventions (31. 34). Many of these are the basis of items in the different measurement tools. The eftects of therapeutic interventions have bcen summarized in the previous chaptcr. In rehabilitation the most important are those factors tlrnt may be changed. or influenced by the rehabilitation process. Finally based on the survey we may argue that instead of developing new instruments the use of established measures. validation and reliability studies on larger samples and prospective longitudinal studies would considerably help further development. Quality of life assessment and communication Three papers two revicws and a randomised controlled tria!) also deal with the importance of quality of lifc assessment as communication tool in the therapeutic process (27. 31. 35). On one side the application of quality of lite profiles may help patients express concerns otherwise reluctant to men­ tion. This knowledge may help members of the health-care team in providing more adequate services. More importantly this knowledge may also facilitate the discussion with the patients. by the communication their better involvement into the planning process of therapy and rchabilitation. at the same tirne decreasing their anxiety. depression and psy­ chological distress. The combination of these cffects may improve the outcomes. Our own experience also suggests that involvement of patients into positive planning or the future may considerably help improving their outcomes. Finally it is worth to mention that Yelikova et al in a longi­ tudinal randomized controlled tria! compared the use of a lil _____________ Kullmann / Rehabilitacija - letn . VIL supl. 2 ( 2008 ) ____________ _ cancer specific quality of life measure EORTC-QLQ-C30) and feed-back of results to the physicians formerly trained for the use of this information at their encounters with their patients, the simple use of the measure but no feed-back attention group), and finally no quality of life assessment in the third control) group (35). Patients in the intervention and in the attention group had significantly higher qual­ ity of life p=.006 and p=.01 respectively) than the control group. Also a positive effect on emotional well-being was associated with feed back of quality of life data without prolonging the consultations. Instrument completion alone attention group) did not have similar effect. These observa­ tions are also in concordance with ours. In a cross sectional study at the National Institute for Medica! Rehabilitation Budapest, performing quality of life assessments were associated with higher pacient satisfaction, although not of cancer patients. CONCLUSIONS Based on the review of papers and own experience the fol­ lowing conclusions can be drawn: • The richness of quality of life assessment instruments used at cancer patients creates difficulties in comparing studies and outcomes. • Direct measures of quality of life are preferred compared to indirect assessment. • Non significant quality of life impro vements have been observed following interventions in most studies. The nature of malignant diseases and their aggressive therapy may explain this observation. • Because of the above listed conclusion prospective lon­ gitudinal quality of life studies are needed. • Beside cancer specific quality of life measures generic ones should be used as well. • If due to cognitive or communication problems the information of proxies is needed the proxies should be selected and the outcomes interpreted with great care. • Last but not least, quality of life assessment may facilitate the communication between patients and professionals and through this effect may also improve the outcomes and the patients' quality of life. References : l. World Health Organization. WHOQOL: Measuring quality of life. Geneva: WHO, 1997. 2. Hopkins A. Measuring the quality of medica] care. London: Royal College of Physicians, 1990. 3. Tr6znai T, Kullmann L. Assessment of the quality of life of elderly people by the WHOQOL-OLD instrument: a validation study. 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Comment in: J Natl Cancer lnst 2005: 97(23): 1786: author replay: 1786-1787. ii ____________ Kullmann / Rehabilitacija - letn. VIJ, supl. 2 (2008) ___________ _ 34. Cheung YB, Lim C, Goh C, Thumboo J, Wee J. Order effects: a randomised study of three major cancer­ specific quality of life instruments. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2005: 3: 37. 35. Yelikova G, Booth L, Smith A, Brown PM, Lynch P, Brown JM, et al. Measuring quality of life in routine oncology practice improves communication and patient well-being: a randomized controlled trial. J Ciin Oncol 2004; 22: 714-724. 36. Cullen J, Schwartz MD, Lawerence W, Selby JV, Mandelblatt JS. Short term impact of cancer prevention and screening activities on quality of life. J Ciin Oncol 2004: 22: 943-952. Appendix 1. Topics not items) of the two most frequently used cancer specific quality of life assessment instruments. Source: Fayers PM. Machin D. Quality of life assessment, analysis and interpretation. Chichester, Wiley & Sons, 2000. pp. 358-363.) European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30) For permission to use contact: Quality of Life Unit, EORTC Data Centre, Avenue E. Mounier 83-B 11, 1200 Brussels, Belgium.) strenuous activities walking long distance short walk outside confined to bed or chair independence in ADL work and other daily activities hobbies, leisure tirne activities shortness of breath pain need to rest sleeping weakness appetite nausea vomiting constipation diarrhea tiredness pain interfere with ADL concentration at e.g. reading feeling tense worry feeling irritated depression memory condition/treatment interfere with family life condition/treatment interfere with social activities condition/treatment causing financial diffi culties rating overall health rating overall quality of life Functional As sessment of Cancer Treatment - General Version FACT-G) For permission to use contact: Dr David F. Cella, Center on Outcomes, Research & Education, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, 1000 Central Street, Suite 101. Evanston, IL 60201, USA) Physical well-being Jack of energy nausea trouble in meeting needs of family pain bothering side effects feeling iti forced to spend tirne in bed Social/family well being feeling close to friends emotional support f r om family support from friends family accepting illness satisfaction with communication in family feeling close to partner satisfaction with sex life - Emotional well-being feeling sad coping with illness losing hope in fighting against illness feeling nervous worry about dying worry of getting worse Functional well-being ability to work work fulfilling enjoying life acceptance of own illness sleeping enjoying things done for fun overall quality of life