V) S •a Si ;s> S iš i Qs « CVJ ’-'H SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN ★ ★ ★ ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Z veze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! The deadline for all copy to be published in the August issue is July 5th! From then on, the monthly deadline is the 5th of the month! This will enable earlier delivery of Zarja to your homes. Those with meetings after the deadline date should anticipate a little in advance the doings of the branch that month. This is a Convention recommendation and one which will succeed with your help. Also recommended was strict observance of the one column limit to all reporters. Needless to say, your help is requested in this matter, alscr. In this issue, in order to have the complete Minutes of the Convention in the English language, most reports are only of current news and announcements. Lengthy reports will be continued as space permits. Thank you. Corinne Leskovar, Editor VAZNO OBVESTILO Rok za vse dopise za augustovo številko Zarje je 5. julij. Odslej je mesečni rok za dopise 5. v mesecu! To bo omogočilo bolj zgodnji izid Zarje. Ta sklep konvencije bo uspel z vašim sodelovanjem. Prav tako je konvencija priporočila strožje izvajanje omejitve dopisov do ene tiskane kolone. Prosi se upoštevanje tega. V tej številki so objavljeni dopisi samo v kolikor so to— časne važnosti. Daljša poročila se bodo nadaljevala v kolikor bo prostor dopuščal. Hvala za potrpljenje! O/V the COVER Supreme Officers, Delegates, and visitors of the 12th National S.W.U Convention, are seen before the beautiful, new, St. Anthony de Padua Church in Ely, Minn, on a sunshine-bright morning, May 25, 1961. In the front row are the following officers left to right; Auditors: Frances Gaspich, Ann Podgoršek, Katie Triller, M. Otoničar, Vice-Pres., Frances Globokar, Secretary, Albina Novak, Fr Claude Okorn, Hon. Preš., Marie Prisland, President Josephine Livek, Treasurer Josephine Železnikar, State Pres. Barbara Rosandich, Hon. Delegates, Anne Zorko and Marie Floryan and Editor Corinne Leskovar. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . July 16—Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2 hostesses at Lemont, Aug. 12— Colorado Zveza Day, Br. 63, Denver Colo. July 20—Picnic for members and families, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 6 — Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Sept. 10—Minnesota' State Convention, Chisholm, Minn. Sept. 24—Pennsylvania State Convention, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oct. 8 — State Convention and 35th Anniv. Br. 2, Chicago, Nov. 12—35th Anniv., Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JULY Supreme Officers: July 28 — Rose Scoff, State President of California, San Francisco, Calif. Branch Presidents: July 2 — Anna Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3 — Anna Trontel, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4 — Anna Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 7 — Angela Bezlay, Br. 72, Pullman, 111. July 10—Margart Sustersic, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. July 25—Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July 26 — Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. July 30 — Josephine Prebil, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. July 31—Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! LEMONT ZVEZA DAY - July 16, 1961 Sunday, July 16, 1961 is the day of the annual S.W.U. Zveza Day at Lemont, Illinois, the shrines of Our Lady of T urdes and Marija Pomagaj. Holy Mass at the Grotto is at 10:30 a.m. All members and friend* are cordially invited to attend. Committees of Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Udeležite se — v nedeljo 16. julija, 1961 ZVEZINEGA DNE V LEMONTU, ILLINOIS Poromajte k Mariji Pomagaj na Ameriško Slovenske Brezje! Vljudno vabi, Odbor podr. št. 2, S.Z.Z. Chicago, Illinois ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Vol. XXXIII - No. 7 JULY, 1961 LETO XXXIII - Št. 7 Officers Elected at the 12th National Convention Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—ANTONIA TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Trtasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, III. * * * DIRECTORS of Women’s Youth and Sports Activitiess Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Junior Z)w;.?/on^CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling. Pa. » * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN 17814 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-W ashington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of lllinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. Stale President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TANKO, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TANKO, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS has been selected as the Convention City for 1964! MINUTES OF THE 12th NAT’L CONVENTION OF S.W.U. May 21, 24, 1961, Ely, Minnesota The 12th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America being held May 22-24, 19G1 at St. Anthony’s Church Hall, Ely, Minnesota, is called to order by the Supreme President, Josephine Livek, at 9:15 a.m Chairman of the Credential Committee, Mary Shi-konya (23) reports a convention of 55 regular delegates and 17 Supreme Officers present. She recommends that the Honorary Delegates present be given the same status as regular delegates with privilege to vote. Her recommendation is brought before the assembly and approved. Invocation is given by the organization’s Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn of Milwaukee, Wise. OFFICERS OF THE 12th CONVENTION Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Claude Oltorn Marie Prisland — Founder Josephine Livelc — President Frances Globokar — Vice President Albina Novak — Secretary Josephine Železnikar — Treasurer Mary Otoničar — Auditor Katie Triller — Auditor Ann Podgoršek — Auditor Corinne Leskovar — Editor Elizabeth Zefran — Director Women’s Activities Christine Menart — Director Juvenile Activities Anna Pachak — State President — Colorado, Kansas, Missouri ; Rose Kraemer — State President, Wisconsin; Antoinette Tanko — State President, Ohio, Michigan; Rose Scoff — State President, California, Oregon; Mary Tomsic — State President, Pennsylvania, New York; Barbara Rosandich — State President, Minnesota. (Delegates are listed on page 14G.) Recording secretaries elected are: Albina Novak and Corinne Leskovar. President Livek greets the Convention with thanks to the many who participated in the success of the convention, primarily, the State President of Minnesota, Barbara Rosandich, whose leadership provided for the many enjoyments of Sunday, May 21st and under whose direction the hostesses carried out their work. She commented on the fine Convention body in readiness for three days of sound, constructive work ahead.. Report accepted. DELEGATES: 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 2. Chicago, Illinois S. Pueblo, Colorado 5. Indianapolis, Ind. 7. Forest City, Pa. 9. Detroit, Mich. 10. Cleveland, Ohio 12. Milwaukee, Wis. 13. San Francisco, Cal. 14. Euclid, Ohio 15. Cleveland, Ohio 16. So. Chicago, 111. 17. West Allis, Wis. 19. Eveleth, Minn. 20. Joliet, 111. 21. Cleveland, Ohio 23. Ely, Minnesota 24. La Salle, 111. 25. Cleveland, Ohio 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 29. Broundale, Pa. 32!. Euclid, Ohio 33. Duluth, Minn. 34. Soudan, Minn. 38. Chisholm, Minn. Mary Godez Sophie Petrovič Ursula Kerzisnik Frances Simonich Angela Škerjanc Joanne Sekula Josephine Gostlsha Mary Jamsek (67-105) Mary Camloh Millie Novak Frances Plesko Rose Scoff Pauline Cesar Mary Iskra Frances Lindich Gladys Buck Marie A. Floryan Mary Lenich Josephine Muster Frances J. Gaspich Stella Dancull Mary Shikonya Angela Strukel Pauline Stampfel Vickie Faletič Dorothy Sternisha Anna Trontel Mary Pristavec Anna Godlar Frances Danko Mary Pahula Anna Trdan 39. Biwabik, Minn. 40. Lorain, Ohio 41. Cleveland, Ohio 42. Maple Heights, Ohio 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 47. Cleveland, Ohio 50. Cleveland, Ohio 52. Kitzville, Minn. 54. Warren, Ohio 55. Girard. Ohio 56. Hibbing, Minn. 57. Niles, Ohio 64. Kansas City, Kansas 65. Virginia, Minn. 71. Strabane, Penna. 73. Warrensville, Ohio 83. Crosby, Minn. 89. Oglesby, 111. 90. Presto, Penna. 93. Brooklyn, N. Y. 95. So. Chicago, 111. 96. Universal, Penna. 99. Elmhurst, 111. Honorary Delegates: 2. Chicago, 111. 33. Duluth, Minn. 73. Warrensville, Ohio Angela Karish Angela Kozjan Ella Starin I.ouise Prhne Rose Kraemer Jennie Pugely Ann Dekleva Mary Musich Rose Racher Theresa Lozier Anne B. Satovich Mary Macek Antonia Kostelec Jennie Tavcliar Anne Sterle Rose Zbasnik Helen Kovali Sophie Frank Mary Rupnik Helen Corel Mildred James Pauline Kokal Molie Remec Anna Zorko Rose Ann Munsell Louise Epley (Mrs. Otoničar (25) and Mrs. Floryan (17) are also regular delegates.) The Secretary of Finance Board and President of Scholarship and Benefit Committee reports to the TWELFTH NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OP AMERICA Members of the Supreme board and Delegates of the Convention: Glavne odbornice in delegatke konvencije: My financial report will cover the period from March 1, 1958 to March 1, 1961. During this time several U.S. Government and state bonds matured in the amount of $40,000.00. These capital gains and other surpluses were invested in the following securities: $32,217.00 in U.S. government bonds. $ 3,783.00 in state bonds $ 5,000.00 in Savings and Loan Associations. $35,674.60 in Catholic bonds. $20,234.00 in Mutual bonds. Total $96,908.60 Od 1. marca 1958 do 1. marca 1961 je skupna investirana vsota znašala $96,908 60. Total Investments as of March 1, 1961 are as follows: Skupno Zvezino premoženje 1, marca 1961 je naloženo sledeče: U.S. Bonds—Vladni bondi ..................... $105,329.64 State Bonds—Državni bondi ..................... 38,558.50 Catholic bonds—Bondi katoliških ustanov .... 35.674.60 Mutual bonds—Vzajemni skladi ................. 20,234.00 Savings & Loan deposits—Hranilnice in posojilnice ................................ 235,000.00 Central Bank of Cleveland, O.—Hranilna vloga ....................................... 3,297.05 Read Estate fully depreciated—Zvezino posestvo ................................... 12,394.20 Checking account March 1, 1961—Čekovna vloga .......................................... 2,404.16 Total Investments—Skupno premoženje .... $452,892.15 Name Interest Date due Face Value Book Value Ime Obresti Dozorelost Vrednost Kupna cena U.S. Treasury 2%% Sept. 1961 $ 5,000.00 ? 4,887.50 U S. Treasury 2%% Nov. 1961 18.000.00 17,368.13 U.S. Treasury 2%% June 1962 5,000.00 5,000.00 U.S. Treasury 2%% Nov. 1961 3,000.00 2,969.00 U.S. Treasury 3%% Aug. 1963 23,000.00 21,708.13 U.S. Treasury 2%% Feb. 1965 15,000.00 14,015.63 U.S. Treasury 3% Aug. 1966 7,000.00 6,571.25 U.S. Treasury 2%% June 1972 9,000.00 8,650.00 U.S. Treasury 2%% Jan. 1972 S,000.00 8,000.00 U.S. Treasury 2y2% Dec. 1972 4,000.00 4,000.00 $97,000.00 $93.169.64 U.S. Series H 3.25 Jan. 196S 4,000.00 4,000.80 U.S. Series H 3.25 Mar. 196S 6,000.00 6,000.00 U.S. Series J 2.76 Rep. 1967 2,000.00 1.440.00 U.S. Series J 2.76 Apr. 1967 1 000.00 720.00 $13,000.00 $12,160.00 State Bonds Državne obveznice Louisiana 3% Jan. 1967 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Georgia 3% Dec. 1972 10,000.00 10,000.00 Florida 3% Dec. 1974 5,000.00 4,963.00 New York 3 20% Jan. 1974 5,000.00 5,000.00 Pennsylvania 3% Jan. 1974 10,000.00 9,812.50 Massachusetts 3.90% Jan. 1976 5,000.00 3,783.00 $40,000.00 $38,558.50 Catholic Bonds Obveznice katoliških ustanov St. John Kanty, Milwaukee, Wis. 4%% Dec. 1967 $ 6.000.00 $ 6,000.00 Sisters of Mercy, Freemont, 111. 4%% Mar. 1968 5,000.00 4,817.00 Missionary Sisters, Techny, 111. 5%% May 1968 5,000.00 5,000.00 Diocese of Joliet, IU. 5%% Feb. 1970 8,000.00 7,857.60 Diocese of Buffalo, N.Y. 5.G0% May 1971 S,000.00 8,000.00 Sisters of St. Francis Peoria, 111. 5%% Oct. 1971 4,000.00 4,000.00 $30,000.00 $35,674.60 Mutual Funds Vzajemni skladi Boston Fund 500 shares 4% $18.98 per share $ 9,494.00 Massachusetts Investors 300 shares 4% 14.40 per share 4,320.00 Massachusetts Growth 400 shares 4% 16.05 per share 6,420.00 $20,234.00 DEPOSITS IN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS VLOŽBE V HRANILNICAH IN POSOJILNICAH Reliance Federal Savings and Loan, Chicago, Illinois 4'/2% $ 10,000.00 St. Paul Federal Savings and Loan, Chicago, Illinois 4% 10,000.00 Sterling (Jugoslav) Savings and Loan, Chicago, Illinois 4%% 10,000.00 Security Savings and Loan Asso., Milwaukee, Wis. 4Vz% 10,000.00 St. Francis Savings and Loan, Milwaukee, Wis, 4>/2% 10 000.00 Home Savings and Loan, Milwaukee, Wis. 4%% 10,000.00 Home Unity Savings and Loan, Philadelphia, Pa. 4% 10,000.00 Lawn Savings and Loan, Chicago, Illinois 4%% 5,000.00 Republic Savings and Loan, Chicago, Illinois 4 >4% 5,000.00 Clvde Savings and Loan, Cicero, Illinois 4y2% 5,000.00 Universal Savings and Loan, Chicago, Illinois 4V2% 5,000.00 Peoples Savings and Loan, Chicago, Illinois 4% 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan, River Forest, 111. 414% 5,000.00 City Federal Savings and Loan, Milwaukee, Wis. 4% 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan, Milwaukee, Wis. 4% 5,000.00 Beacon Federal Savings and Loan, Milwaukee, Wis. 4% 5,000.00 Sheboygan Savings and Loan, Sheboygan, Wis. 3%% 5,000.00 Standard Federal Savings and Loan, Los Angeles, Calif. 4]/s% 5,000.00 Pomona Federal Savings and Loan, Pomona, Calif. 4%% 5,000.00 Great Western Savings and Loan, Los Angeles, Calif. 4V£% 5,000.00 Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan, Glendale, Calif. 4%% 5,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, Laguna Beach. Calif. 5% 5,000.00 Coast Federal Savings and Loan, Los Angeles, Calif. 4%% 5,000.00 Trans-Bay Savings and Loan, San Francisco, Calif. 4%% 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan. Millvale, Pa. 4% 5,000.00 Lamesa Savings and Loan, Lamesa. Texas 4% 5,000.00 Alice Savings and Loan, Alice, Texas 4% 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan, Baltimore, Md. i\i% 5,000.00 Fraternity Federal Savings and Lean, Baltimore, Md. 3%% 5,000.00 Vermont Savings and Loan, Baltimore, Md. 4% 5,000 00 St. Clair Savings and Loan, Cleveland, O. 4% 5,000.00 Enterprise Savings and Loan, Cincinnati, O. 4% 5.000.00 Farm and Home Savings and Loan, Nevada, Mo. 4% 5,000.00 Postal Mercantile Savings and Loan, St. Louis, Mo. 414% 5,000.00 Farmers Building and Loan, Ravenswood, W. Va. 4% 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan, Florence, Ala 4% 5,000.00 Decatur Building and Loan, Decatur, Ga. 4% 5,000.00 Mutual Savings and Loan, Grand Junction, Colo. 4V4% 5,000.00 Home Federal Savings and Loan, Fayetteville, N.C. 4% 5,000.00 Gary Federal Saving and Loan, Gary, Indiana 4% 5,000.00 Total deposits — Slcupno ........................... $235,000.00 Central Bank of Cleveland, O. 3%. — Hranilna vloga $ 3,297.05 Real Estate. — Zvezino posestvo ......... 12,394.20 Checking account. — Čekovna vloga ...................... 2,404.16 Total Investments March 1, 1961. — Skupno premoženje ........................... $452,892.15 Remarks: Bonds are carried on the books at purchase price. Investments yield is approximately 3 %%. Pripomba: Bondi so vknjiženi po kupni ceni. Investicije nosijo približno 3 % % obresti. Standing of Funds Razdelba Skladov Class A ......................... $293,567.08 Class B ........................ 118,774.25 Junior Class ...................... 41,510.10 Total ......................... $452,851.43 Less: Deficit in Expense Fund ............... 575.95 Depreciation on Real Estate .... 383.33 Total in all Funds Skupno v vseh Skladih ....... $152,892.1? Gain in all Funds from March 1, 1958 to March 1, 1961 Napredek od 1, marca 1958 do 1. marca 1961 ..................................... $58,332.17 Membership Članstvo Class A and B March 1, 1958 10,018 members Class A and B March 1, 1961 9,351 members Decrease. — Nazadovali za 667 members Junior Class March 1, 1958 2,776 members Junior Class March 1, 19G1 2,855 members Increase. — Napredovali za 79 members Total membership March 1, 1958 12,794 Total membership March 1, 19G1 12,206 Scholarship and Benefit Funds Šolninski in Dobrodelni sklad Balance in Scholarship Fund March 1, 1958. Preostanek ..................................... $7,574.48 Income. — Dohodki ...................................... 989.20 Total. — Skupno ..................................... $8,563.68 Scholarship awards. — Šolnina...................... 1,500.00 Balance March 1, 1961. — Preostanek 1, marca 1961.................... $7,063.68 Scholarship awards have been received by the following: Šolnina je bila izplačana sledečim: Rudolph Otoničar, Cleveland, Ohio Ronald Puhek, Hibbing, Minn. Maxine Krolnik, Sheboygan, Wis. Mary Godec, Warrensville, Ohio Patricia Hren, Chisholm, Minn. Joseph Widmar, Pittsburgh, Pa. Frances A. Bresak, Lorain, Ohio Larry J. Pfeil, I^akewood, Cleveland, Ohio The Scholarship Committee is greatly satisfied to have been able to help our young people to continue their education and to reach their goal. A total sum of $5,000.00 has to date been paid from Scholarship fund for scholarship awards and 18 students were so rewarded. Among them we have: — 6 teachers, 2 doctors, a nurse, 2 accountants, 2 dentist students, 1 sociologist, 1 scientist and 3 theology students are on their way to priesthood. Šolninski odbor je srečen, da je imel priliko z šolnin-skim skladom pomagati našim mladim ljudem do izšolanja. Od pričetka do dan®s je bilo za dolnino izdano $5,000.00. Osemnajstim študentom je bila šolnina naklonjena. Med njimi imamo: — 6 učiteljev, 2 zdravnika, eno bolničaiko, 2 računska izvedenca, 2 zobozdravniška študenta, eno sociologinjo, enega znanstvenika, trije študent e se pa pripravljajo na duhovski stan. Zveza je upravičeno lahko ponosna na svoja plemenita dela. Benefit Fund. — Dobrodelni sklad. Balance March 1, 1958. Preostanek 1 marca 1958 .......................... $ 10.00 Income. — Dohodki ......................... 293.65 Total. — Skupno ..................................... $S03.65 Expense: Charity. — Dobrodelnost ................... 147.50 Balance March 1, 1961. — Preostanek 1. marca 1961 ...................... $156.15 Investment of Scholarship and Benefit Funds Investicije Šolninskega in dobrodelnega sklada Community Federal Savings & Loan, St. Louis, Mo. 4% $5,000.00 Sheboygan Savings and Loan, Sheboygan, Wis. 3%% 2,207.06 Checking account March 1, 1961 12.77 Total March 1, 1961. — Skupno 1. marca, 1961 $7,219.83 State conventions. — State conferences of officers, delegates and members brought new life to our branches and an added interest in our work. In state conventions we have an excellent medium for future progress. I am most happy that my recommendation — to hold state conventions — worked out so good. Državne konvencije. — Državne konference odbornic, delegatk in članic so prinesle novo življenje podružnicam ter povečale zanimanje za Zvezo. Državne konvencije nam nudijo izvrstno sredstvo za nadaljni napredek. Besides making investments, managing the scholarship and benefit funds, I send a letter of congratulations to every branch when it celebrates an anniversary. I also write two columns for ZARJA. The Slovenian — OH, TA SVET — appears monthly for the 15th year, the English — POTS & PANS and PASTIME — since last September. Soon it will be 35 years since I am with Zveza. I am deeply grateful for the friendship and co-operation I have received during this time. I am proud of the organization $200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 and proud of our officers and members. May God bless you all and keep you well and happy! Poleg finančnih zadev, uprave šolninskega in dobrodelnega sklada, pišem čestitke vsaki podružnici kadar slavi pomembno obletnico. V ZARJO pišem dve koloni; slovensko — OH, TA SVET — ki izhaja že 15-to leto in angleško kolono — POTS & PANS and PASTIME. Letos poteka 35-to leto odkar sem pri Zvezi. V tem času sem bila deležna iskrenega prijateljstva in so-delo-vanja od strani naših odbornic in članic, zakar sem globoko hvaležna. Ponosna sem na Zvezo, ponosna pa tudi na naše članstvo! Naj vas vse dobri Bog blagoslovi in ohrani zdrave in zadovol ne! This concludes my convention report. With best wishes for a harmonious and successful convention, Sincerely yours, Marie Prisland, Finance Committee Seceretary, President Scholarship and Benefit Fund Report accepted. CONVENTION REPORT OF SUPREME SECRETARY My dear officers and Delegates, In these pleasant surroundings, I greet you with a sincere wish that our 12th National Convention will be all we hope it to be, full of fine, constructive thinking and planning for the welfare of our members and our Slovenian Women’s Union Here in Ely, Minnesota, we have been given the opportunity of seeing God’s country—beautiful and scenic northern woods and lakes. And. with the scenery has come the warmest kind of hospitality from our sisters of Branch 23, who have done everything possible to make the Convention successful and interesting. The Convention preparations have been organized under the leadership of our State President, Mrs. Barbara Rosan-dich, who recently has been busily at work for over a year making plans for our benefit so that our visit to Ely will be a memorable one. We .are deeply grateful to her, the officers, members and friends whose co-operation and work went into the program of activities. Compliments to them also, for the Souvenir Convention Program book—a display of their enthusiasm for our organization. Once again, thank you, officers and members of Branch 23 and the Dawn Club; we shall always remember your kindness and many considerations. Financial Report In the May issue of ZARJA, the three year Financial Statement was published along with my Slovenian report. As conscientious delegates, you have, no doubt, studied it carefully. I would like to hereby recall a few of the most important figures with a brief explanation. In Class A, the Income was $90,608.05 and we had 448 death claims, amounting to $44,650.00. The standing of Class A as of Dec. 31, 1960 is $290,716.06, an increase of $29,945.21 since March 31, 1958. The 5£ increase in assessment paid by members in Class A since Jan. 1, 1959 helped this standing by $10,000.00. I need not tell you, I’m certain, that in Class A we will continue to have more and more claims to pay out and the increase of 50 per month, per member, is helping to keep this fund as sound as possible. Class B has an altogether different look; a beautiful one, so to speak. The Income in Class B for the 3 years was $43,428.95 and 20 death claims were paid out, amounting to $4,050.00. The standing of Class B as of Dec. 31, 1960 is $118,774.25. The additional 50 in assessment paid in this class since Jan. 1, 1959 and the Interest earned by this Fund, has been a substantial support to our Expense Fund which needs all the help we can give it. In the Juvenile Dept., Ihe Income in the last three years was $8,850.00; only 4 claims have been paid out, amounting to $250.00 The standing in this fund has therefore increased from $32,909 50 in March 31, 1958 to $41,510.10 as of Dec. 31, 19G0. Naturally keeping up the Expense Fund is our major problem, because of the small contributions we have to this fund. On March 31, 1958 we had $9,335.01 in the Expense Fund and as of Dec. 31. 1960, there is a deficit of $575.95. As manager of the Home Office, it has been my duty to keep all expenses down as much as possible. Only the most necessary office equipment and supplies have been purchased so that the work in the Office is done efficiently while at the same time economically. A great added boost to the Expense Fund in the past years has been the proceeds from the sale of cookbooks, “Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen.” For this convention, $1,000.00 was deposited in the Expense Fund, bringing the total contribution 1'rom the cookbooks as of this date to $10,371.57. From this amount, $520.00 was given to the ZARJA Publishers Fund some years ago in payment of the columns of advertising so generously given to this project. The cookbook has given no expense to the organization, but rather, added prestige and substantial financial assistance. My personal thanks to the many officers and members who have diiigently helped with the promotion and sales; and, now that the end is in sight, with only a few more copies available, it is my desire that the project be concluded Needless to say, it has involved a lot of time and effort. The hundreds of complimentary letters I have received from satisfied homemakers all over the world, is a testimonial which I shall always cherish. It gives me confidence that the work done was worthwhile and of benefit to the organization. The Total Income for the past 2% years was $195,128.55. This amount was accumulated by monthly assessments from the branches. Most of the checks received are less than $50.00 and those over $100.00 are in the minority. This means that is has required much handling month after month and a lot of bookkeeping and careful accounting. The Investments since the last Convention amounted to $96,908.60. Every Investment check is made and recorded in my office as well as the interest paid on each investment. An itemized report is presented to the Auditors at each semi-annual meeting. In the past term, the total Interest from Savings & Loans amounted to $28,428.46 and from Bonds, $13,427.65 giving a total of $41,856.11. The Interest rate in the Savings institutions and Bonds, in some cases, has been increased from 1% to 2%, which, of course, is a most welcome addition to our funds. The listing of the Savings institutions and the Bonds will be given in Mrs. Prisland’s report. The disbursements since April 1, 1958 amounted to $138,811.28. Checks made for the payment of disbursements numbered over 8,000 in the period of 2% years. All checks are issued in duplicate form which makes the auditing more precise and complete. Needless to mention, it takes quite a bit of time to issue every check before it is written, mailed for signature to the President, itemized in the general ledger, signed by the officers (Secretary & Treasurer) in Chicago and mailed. Funeral benefit claims—sometimes as many as 25 in a month, must be processed the same way, plus there is often delay before documents are checked and checks can be made. All in all, I have tried to be most efficient in this procedure. The last .audit of our ledgers and all books concerned with the operation of business by the Examiners of the State Insurance Dept, was made in May, 1959. They were in the Office for five days and doubly checked each and every ledger—all our investments—and also questioned me on the entire structure of the organization. Their report to the Insurance Dept, in Springfield, 111. included some complimentary statements on the managing of the Office as well as some questio as to the solicitation of business in States other than Illinois. They issued an open reprimand on this point. I made it clear at the time that our 11th National Convention took the matter RECAPITULATION Balance, April 1, 1958 ................... $394,502.36 Total Gain in all Funds .................. $ 56,317.27 Total Assets, Dec. 31, 1960 .............. $450,041.13 (Depreciation of 3% on real estate totals $778.50 for the period.) STATEMENT IN LEDGER ASSETS Total U.S. Bonds ................................. $105,329.664 State Bonds ......................................... 34,775.50 Catholic Bonds ...................................... 35,674.60 Mutual Bonds ........................................ 20,234.00 Savings & Loan deposits ............................ 235,000.00 Central Bank of Cleveland ............................ 3,297.05 Real Estate ......................................... 12,394.20 Metropolitan State Bank ............................ 3,336.14 Total Ledger Assets, Dec. 31, I960 ................ $450,041.13 into serious consideration and we will gradually move the organization within the code and statutes of the State Insurance Dept. As you have read in the Minutes of the Directors' Meeting of Jan., 1961, Mrs. Prisland and I were authorized to meet with the head of the Burial Ins. Society Dept, in Springfield at a time before this Convention. Mrs. Prisland was not. able to attend, therefore, I asked our Editor, Corinne Leskovar, to join me because I was certain that one person could not follow the preceedings as carefully and exactly as two. Furthermore, I knew that Corinne was well-versed on the structure of our Union and has its future at heart. A meeting was arranged with Miss Lillian V. Skogli on May 12th. It was a most interesting conference with Miss Skogh and Mr. Risse, head of the fraternal division. They gave us a brief account of what should be done to assure our future growth and since we have every possibility of securing the necessary permission to operate as a fraternal society, we were shown the steps which should be taken to this end. A letter on the outcome and accomplishments of this meeting was not received at the time of this writing, but, I’ll have the papers ready to present at the time this report is given. Membership & Campaigns: Following is the statement of Membership Standings: April 1, 1958: Dec. 31, 1960: Class A 7687 Class A 7261 Class B 2084 Class B 2099 Juvenile 2786 Juvenile 290S Total 12,558 Total 12,268 These figures show an overall decrease of 290 members. We lost 515 members by death. There were three membership campaigns since the last Convention: Post- Convention Campaign, 1958: State Presidents’ Campaign, 1959 and Pre Convention Campaign, I960. Results were: 1958— Class 1959- A, 59 Class B, 63 Junior, 144 Total 266 Class 1960- A, 56 Class B, 52 Junior, 222 Total 330 Class Total- A, 118 Class B, 167 Junior, 289 Total 574 Class A, 233 Class B, 282 Junior, 655 Total 1170 Considering the problem of collecting dues and the trend of the times and many other obstacles which cannot be overcome, our loss in membership is considerably small. To the diligent secretaries who keep their membership in good standing and especially to those who try to show an annual increase, we owe our deep appreciation. Zarja — The Dawn In our organization we are very fortunate to have a monthly guest in the homes of our adult members, in the form of an interesting publication. I’m certain that ZARJA is the heart of our organization which keeps us alive. I know that I’m expressing the wish of many of our members that it would be printed on 32 pages every month. We wish it could be every month because there is relatively more work in 16 pages. I know that many members would be more than willing to contribute towards it; but, again, there are those who prefer to do without if there is a cost connected with it. Maybe someday we will change our attitude about this and willingly contribute to a cause if it is for the benefit of the organization and its members. Every nationality in this big country of ours is doing all it can to promote its importance and tries to let the rest, of the world know who they are—we Slovenians have every reason to do the same. Cost of printing ZARJA has been reasonable. There has been no increase in the rate since the last Convention. A total of $32,136 08 has been paid in the three years, including printing, postage and changes of address. The Benedictine Abbey Press contemplates no raise in the near future. For this, we can be grateful and happy knowing that ZARJA is as effective as we can make it and produced as economically as possible. In closing, I wish to thank our Spiritual Advisor, all the Directors, every member and friend who is with us in work and spirit for the welfare of our S W.U. ALBINA NOVAK Report accepted. Report of Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar follows. She gives a verbal greeting, in addition to her report which was printed in Zarja. She states that all business connected with her office — as treasurer has been ably reported by the Secretary and Finance Committee Secretary. Report accepted. Report of First Auditor and Pres, of Supreme Auditing Committee, Mary Otoničar follows. Her report is also verbal, stating that the operation of business in the Home Office has been thoroughly examined twice a year in the past term, according to the statutes and that at every time this was found to be in complete order. She compliments the Directors under whose leadership the organization has progressed. Report accepted. Report of Second Supreme Auditor, Katie Triller follows She also gives a verbal report commenting that she agrees implicitly with Ihe report of the previous officers, especially that of Mrs. Otoničar, in particular that all the business of the organization has been under their careful examination at the semi-annual meetings. Her written report was also in the pre-convention issues of Zarja. Report accepted. Report of the Third Supreme Auditor, Anne Podgoršek follows. “Greetings, Supreme Officers, Fr. Okorn, Delegates and friends—this 12th Slovenian Women’s U-nion Convention in our wonderful state of Minnesota. During my term of office as Supreme Auditor, I have endeavored to do everything possible for the betterment and welfare of our great organization. I have attended all Board meetings, each time checking all the books of the Supreme Secretary, Supreni Treasurer, Managing Editor, Pres, of Scholarship Fund and all the Union’s investments and bonds at the bank, and found everything in perfect order. I would like to compliment all of the above for their wonderful work. We have every reasqn to be proud of them. “To Corinne, our Editor, many compliments for the wonderful job she does on our monthly magazine, the ‘Dawn.’ The membership is very enthusiastic about our magazine and looks forward to receiving it. “Congratulations to the branches who helped make the Pre-Convention membership campaign a success. There is much work, great effort and co-operation necessary to achieve this aim. Credit must be given to the five branches who have honorary delegates, who have worked hard and are attending the Convention. We also have one of the honorary delegates from our branch, Rec. Sec’y of Br. 33, Rose Ann Munsell. "By reports seen in Zarja, many state day activities were held in various states which means we have progressed. In Minnesota, our state days are very successful, bigger and better each time. Whenever they are held there is much enthusiasm to attend. Our branch has attended every State Day so far with a full chartered bus. “With God’s help, I sincerely hope for a very successful Convention, one which will be beneficial to all branches and members.” Report accepted. Report of Director of Women’s Activities, Elizabeth Zefran follows. She has a verbal report, stating that in the past 25 years, 833 teams have bowled under the auspices of the S.W.U. and more branches should be encouraged to have bowling as their sport to invite the young ladies to join. In Chicago there are 10 teams bowling weekly and in Joliet, 8 teams. Other branches have teams for the tournaments, but not bowling regularly. She urges more promotion of this sport as it is important for each branch to be active in some way. Children’s activity in Chicago has been more and more encouraged by the branch (no. 2) and programs for Christmas and other holidays, such as Mother's Day have now become traditional under the direction of Mrs. Leskovar. She suggests that this type of activity be encouraged also. The committee of Youth will have more to say in this respect when it meets in the next two days. Report accepted. Report of the Director of Juvenile Activities, Christine Menart follows. Her report stresses the need for increase in Juvenile activities. In her home branch, the parties for children have been changed to co-incide with off- season occasions, so that the children are given a party when there are no other doings, such as St. Valentine, Easter, etc., instead of only Christmas. She states that it is the mid-year child that is most interested in organized activity—not too young and not yet teen. It’s her philosophy to keeping trying, for without the effort, there is nothing that can be accomplished. Also, Bowling has been attempted in her locale and she hopes this will be a new sport in the future. She represents br. 7 with 237 juvenile members. Report accepted. Report of First Vice-President, Frances Globokar follows. “Madam President, Hon. Pres. Mrs. Prisland, Rev. Okorn, Supreme Officers, and all delegates and guests to this, our 12th national convention. “I always look forward to our National Conventions for it gives us an opportunity to renew the friendships that are so much a part of our Zveza. Here we have a chance to gather and tell of our labors, our good deeds, and our rewards. Also, to receive encouragements for some of our set-backs that at times take some of the joy out of our work, but never stops us completely. Although it w-as three long years ago since we last met, it seems time is shorter with the addition of state conventions in between. The good work from these smaller conventions is too numerous to mention However, one outcome that deserves all our congratulations is the showing of the junior members Their activities displayed at our recent Ohio State Days show the willingness they have to be a strong part of the Slovenian Women’s Union. For those of us who are now trying to build our Union even stronger, this all-out effort by our junior members, gives us an added boost. “Not all of us can say that our local branch has these active juniors, but, maybe here at this convention, we can all get that inspiration to get us started back home. “All our members are waiting for each and everyone of us here to bring home successful reports of this convention. With God’s help, may we work in harmony and in a co-operative spirit that will not only benefit our present organization, but also the even more productive union that future conventions will assemble. I wish to thank the officers and members of Br. 23 for all the hospitality shown. May God bless you all. Thank you.” (The Slovenian report was in the May issue of Zarja.) Report Accepted. REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENTS FOLLOW: OHIO—MICHIGAN — Antonia Tanko. “Rev. Claude Okorn, sister Officers and delegates. When elected State President of Ohio, I immediately went to work and called all the branches to a meeting, with a representation from each of the Cleveland branches. Our state officers were thus elected and started to work. Our first project was Zveza picnic, July 4-5, 1951). The branches faithfully attended meetings and prepared for this affair and the picnic was a complete success. Sec’y Novak attended this function. Snd day was full with a Mass in the morning, business meeting and banquet to climax the day on July 5th. Pres. Livek attended the event of July 5th. Both days were very successful. A promotional idea was suggested and carried out -— that we have an Ohio State Queen. The project concluded with the branches each participating and getting financial profit at the same time. Br. 14, as an example, made about $450. for their treasury (also in 1960 at our similar affair) and there had the Queen in their president, A. Legat. Ail branches got back 80% of the proceeds. “At that time, our first junior drill team was organized, under the capable leadership of Br. 50 president, Frances Sietz who not only taught the children but also made and designed their uniforms. Their debut was marvelous to the amazement of all our guests. They performed later at several city functions and did our S.W.U. proud. “The first juvenile Christmas party of combined Cleveland branches was Dec. 1959. This was undertaken with the assistance of Mrs. Sietz and the late Mary Loushin. The Christmas party of 1900 was held on the same basis, 90tf per child paid by tile branches who took part. “Our Eastern get-together Bowling tourney was held in 1959 with 12 teams entered and in I960, we increased to 18 teams. Prize distribution after the tourneys and luncheon for the bowlers makes it a very lovely social and sport event. “In i960, we held our 3rd Zveza Day at Collinwood. The program of the day was as before and again, very successful. Queen for 1960 was a young member of Br. 50. Joanne Arko. Again all branches received 80% of the total profit. This is a great incentive to co-operation among the branches. “March 11-12, 1960, we held our Fair, Style Show and Baking Demonstration with each branch displaying their handwork in booths and articles were put up for sale. A beautiful style show was enjoyed and most of all the comments were for the models who made their own clothes. Awards were given to our talented members. The baking demonstration was very interesting to members and visitors alike who were shown how our good Slovenian dishes are made. The public came in droves to see the Fair and are already asking when there will be another. The branches which took part were given a share in the profit and a check for $110 was our contribution to the Sister’s Old Age Home in Lemont. “Our Juveniles again took part in the Fair — 50 girls were in the drill team and 12 were baton twirlers. We had 12 little girls in peasant costumes dancing Slovenian dances and 8 little drummer boys who put on a show. Most of the junior work was done by Frances Sietz and assisted by Vickie Faletič, Margaret Rebol, Mrs. Ki-kol and Louise Vovko. We had with us Mrs. Prisland representing the organization and Mrs. Novak who came as a visitor. They were amazed and impressed at this affair. “None of this would have been possible without the help of my co-workers who attained many achievements. We have the honor of leading in the state presidents’ campaign with the most new members in 1959. We are on the top in activity as well. At this time, I wish to thank all the national officers, officers of Ohio branches and those who have worked with us the past three years. It was a pleasure to work with you. I was also happy to be in Penna. for the state day in Strabane, with Secretary Novak. My wishes for a successful convention.’’ Report accepted. Report of President of COLORADO — KANSAS — MISSOURI, Anna Pachak. Mrs. Pachak gives a verbal report stating her interest in the organization is very sincere. She is a regular reporter in Zarja and compliments the publication on its fine work in keeping the members informed. In Colorado the state day was in Pueblo last year and very successful. She is sorry to know that Hon. Delegate Barbara Kramer of San Francisco is unable to be with us because of illness and she wishes her a speedy recovery. She also extends the heartfelt greetings of Rev. Daniel Gnidi-ca, spiritual adviser of Br. " and Mr. John Butkovich, of Slov. Radio Hour of Pueblo, and most of all from officers and members of Br. 3. Report accepted. WISCONSIN — Rose Kramer. “Greetings to all, with best wishes for a successful convention. During my term of office as State President of Wisconsin, I have tried to promote and achieve progress for the organization. With the friendship, co-operation and assistance of the combined Wisconsin branches, my work has been both interesting and educational. “Our state convention meetings have proven themselves very successful, the first being held in Sheboygan in 1959, the second in Milwaukee, and the 3rd held just recently in West Allis. At each convention, Fr. Okorn, Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Livek have attended. Each year, a greater representation attended these convention meetings, and this was accomplished only by the excellent co-operation of the membership. "As vice-president of the Midwest Bowling Ass’n., I have attended all meetings and have contacted all the branches to participate in bowling tournament. The 25th Anniversary of bowling was a great event with 32 teams participating, 12 here from Wisconsin. I am trying to do my utmost to stimulate .activities in all classes, especially in the juvenile. We must inspire the youth in our organization; in order to gain and achieve certain purposes and to carry out these activities, it is necessary for branches to foster a closer working relationship. “I wish to congratulate our Editor, Corinne Leskovar, for the grand work she has done on the Zarja and a special “thank you” for the Dates to Remember. Congratulations to our spiritual advisor, Fr. Claude Okorn for his interesting monthly messages — to our Hon. Pres, and Founder, Mrs. Prisland for her Pots & Pans column, our Supreme Pres. Josephine Livek for her write-ups and reports and our Supreme Secretary Albina Novak for her reports.” Report accepted. PENNSYLVANIA — NEW YORK, Mary Tomsic. “Rev. Father, esteemed officers, delegates, and visitors. My report was published in Zarja, which you no doubt have read. At this time, I wish to report that our state convention in the past was very successful. We were very happy to have as guests, our Supreme Sec’y, Albina Novak and State Pres, of Ohio, Antonia Tanko. This year, the convention will be in September in Pittsburgh. No. 26 has consented to be in charge. We are hoping for a large attendance from members of Pennsylvania and also Ohio. Br. 71, of which I am president celebrated its 25th anniv. on April 23rd with a successful banquet. Thanks to Mrs. Novak for the Slovenian records she sent to us for the occasion. I’m trying to do my best for the progress of the branch. All my relatives are enrolled in the organization. I have also helped in the selling of cookbooks. If my health was better, I would travel more — but, in my small community, it’s the best that I can do. Compliments to our editor for the work done in Zarja which we all love every month.” Report accepted. MINNESOTA — Barbara Rosandich. “Our state is happy to have your visit—especially, the members of our Ely branch and this community of Ely. All has been said before, of our pride to have you here and of our hopes that this will be a memorable convention. In every undertaking, the officers and members have done their best.” Report accepted. CALIFORNIA — OREGON — WASHINGTON, Rose Scoff. A verbal report is given by sister Scoff in which she expresses her happiness to be in Minnesota, the state of her birth. She also reports that State Conventions in California are almost impossible because of the distances between our branches. However, in San Francisco, they have had very enjoyable Zveza Day celebrations among their own members. She invites all present and all members to participate in the tour of Hawaii, being promoted as an observance of the 35tli anniversary of the Union. Br. 13 is busy at work in preparations and hopes that many members will make the trip, in July. Frances Chiodo, chairman of the tour is complimented as a very hard worker and promoter for the tour and one who has her heart in its success. In conclusion, she extends thanks to all for the warm hospitality. Report accepted. ILLINOIS — INDIANA, Mary Muller (not present) The President reads the report of sister Muller who is not present due to circumstances beyond her control. In her report, she states that fine co-operation has been given to the past three state days. This year, the 35th anniv. of Br. 2 will be held in conjunction with the state day on Oct. 8th. All neighboring branches are invited to attend. She is thankful for all the courtesies extended her and for having the opportunity to work with such fine officers and members who have the organization at heart. Report accepted. President calls on Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude O-korn for his remarks at this time. He states that although it’s a long way from his parish in Milwaukee to Ely, he was happy to make the trip to give spiritual assistance to these deliberations. He asks that the delegates convey his hopes that all members read his messages in Zarja because in them he wishes to give spiritual insights into our work and to ask God’s blessing on our daily life. He says our goal in life is to save our souls, not to save our pocketbooks. — Thanks to all who made this trip so pleasant. The Secretary, Mrs. Novak offers thanks to Fr. Okorn for his effort to write his messages in both languages. A letter from Hon. Delegate, Barbara Kramer is read by the Secretary. In the letter she extends best wishes to the assembly for a successful convention and expresses her sorrow at not being present. But, she is here in spirit each and every moment of the days. Report accepted. The President calls the roll of Honorary Delegates present at the Convention. They are introduced and in reply give their greetings. 1. Br. 2, Chicago, 111. ANNA ZORKO. 2. Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. MARIE A. FLORYAN 3. Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, MARY OTONIČAR 4. Br. 33, Duluth, Minn., ROSE ANN MUNSELL 5. Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio, LOUISE EPLEY Also introduced is regular delegate of Br. 25, Vickie Faletič, who enrolled 72 members in the last year. She replies that she enjoys promoting progress! The Convention is visited by a guest, Mr. Frank Tomšič, Supreme Secretary of the American Fraternal Union, Amer. Bratska Zveza, with home office in Ely. He is accompanied by his assistant, Miss Barbara Matesha. They also offer their warmest welcome to Ely and invite the assembly to visit them in their quarters. Another guest at the afternoon meeting is Mrs. Mary Petrich, Supreme Officer of K.S.K.J. and member of Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., who is a visitor in Ely. She also offers her best wishes on behalf of the K.S.K.J. and West Allis. Report of delegates follows. They all list the activities of their respective branches and the greetings conveyed from their members. Proposals which are stated will be acted upon at a later time. The extra feature of the Convention is the Exhibit and Sale of Handwork which is done for a charitable cause, the Old Age Home to be built at the Slov. Sisters in Lemont. For this sale, Mrs. Angela Križman, 83 year old member of Br. 25, has made and donated a beautiful afghan which is displayed along with the other items on sale. The afghan will be a special project, one which all members (delegates) are asked to join. The drawing for the afghan will be a separate one, and all branches will be asked to purchase a $5.00 book ■— winner to have the opportunity to use it for further drawings. All proceeds will be for the Sisters in Lemont. The first session is adjourned at 12:10 p. m. for lunch. Hostesses for lunch are the ladies of the Dawn Club and guests are Mr. Tomsic and Miss Matesha. # * * Second session convenes at 1:30 p. m. First to report are the delegates who continue from the morning session. The President calls on the Editor for her report. It is of some length due to the outlining of the process by which Zarja is printed. The Editor gives a detailed report of how this is done and shows by actual sample, the various steps in this process. She also explains the following points: 1. What it means as to work and schedules when the issues of Zarja are on 16 pages as compared to 32 pages. 2. How earlier mailing and delivery of Zarja can be affected by advancing the deadline and by limiting reporters to one column of space each month. S. Cost of printing Zarja — no change in the last G years. Economy in printing is being done now to satisfaction of all concerned in putting out Zarja each month. Editor does not have worry that cost will go up according to past agreement with Press. Publishers’ Fund absorbs extra costs so that organization pays only for printing — 4. Changing form of Zarja is not favored by Editor, due to unique literary style of present publication and because of the prestige Zarja has earned in the last 30 years. Also, other forms of publication are not more economical as is thought. Stated: “I believe in economy, but not when quality suffers.” Editor asks for additional time to make award presentations at the Wednesday session. Report accepted. On a motion by R. Racher (54) seconded by T. Lozier 155) Wednesday meeting will begin with elections of officers to give ample time to this order of business. President announces the following committees for the convention. Greetings: Antoinette Tanko, pres. (50) Jenny Tavchar, sec’y (65) Frances Plesko, (12) Dorothy Sternisha, (25) Ursula Kerzisnik, (2) Frances Danko, (33) Anna Godlar, (32) Resolutions: Pauline Stampfel, pres. (25) Angela Kozjan, sec’y (40) Mary Lenich, (19) Rose Racher, (54) Mary Iskra, (14) Helen Corel, (93) Joanne Sekula, (5) Theresa Lozier, (55) Sophie Frank, (89) Angela Karish, (39) Salaries & Per Diem: Ella Starin, pres. (41) Sophie Petrovič, sec’y (2) Angela Strukel, (24) Josephine Muster, (20) Vickie Faletič, (25) Frances Simonich, (3) Anna Trontel, (26) Elections: Mary Otoničar, pres. (25) Frances Gaspich, sec’y (20) Millie Novak, (10) Frances Lindich, (15) Rose Scoff, (13) Marie A. Floryan, (17) Gladys Buck, (16) Angela Škerjanc, (3) Youth and Women’s Activities: Liz Zefran, pres. (2) Corrine Leskovar, sec’y (2) Stella Dancull, (21) Josephine Gostisha, (7) Angela Karish, (39) Louise Prhne, (42) Mary Pristavec, (29) Pauline Kokal, (96) Christine Menart, (7) Sentinals: Mary Jamsek, (9) Mary Pahula, (34) Mary Macek, (57) Helen Kovali, (83) Sophie Frank, (89) Mary Rupnik, (90) By-I^aws: Marie Prisland, pres. Rose Kraemer, (43) Ann Dekleva, (50) Antonia Kostelec, (64) Mary Godez, (1) Second session was adjourned at 3:00 p. m. MINUTES OF THE SECOND DAY’S PROCEEDINGS 12th NATIONAL CONVENTION OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1961 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a. m. by the President. Prayer was led by Rev. Okorn, followed by the roll call of delegates and officers. All were present except one delegate, absent due to a slight accident. The Minutes of the proceedings of the previous day, May 22nd, were read by the Rec. Sec’y and approved as read. The President, Mrs. Livek extends a sincere thank you to those taking part in the morning Memorial to our Deceased Members, namely, the arrangers of the program, Mrs. Novak and Mrs. Leskovar and Mary Hutar for her lovely singing. Thanks also to Rev. Okorn for his appropriate message of inspiration in memory of the deceased members, of S. W. U. Report is given by pres, of committee on Greetings, Mrs. Tanko. The following will be sent greetings from the Convention: Pres. John F. Kennedy, Congressman John A. Blatnik, Senator Frank J. Lausche, Rev. John J. Oman and former Supreme secretary Josephine Erjavec. Get well cards to Barbara Kramer, San Francisco, Anton J. Grdina, Jr. Also to be remembered with greetings are officers of S. W. U. who have served their branches the longest, namely, Mary Polajner, pres. Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore., Anna Kameen, pres. Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. and Mary Urbas, pres. Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio, all 30 yr. officers. On a motion by Anne B. Satovich (56), seconded by Mildred James, (95), greetings are concluded and the committee is directed to send the above out as soon as possible. Motion is passed. Brief reports are given on the progress of the Handwork Sale. Mrs. Prisland thanks all who donated and bought items which were on the sale. Mrs. Novak donates two hand painted pictui-es for a special project to raise more money for the Sisters Fund. Mrs. Zefran reports the proceeds on the sale of tickets for the afghan. Secretary Novak announces that badges (regalia) have been ordered for use in the branches when funerals or other such events take place. The badges are available to all branches for 60(f each. She has them here for the delegates to take. Payments may be made in the monthly statement from the branches. Report is heard from president of Scholarship Fund, Marie Prisland. Discussion is held from the floor on the subject of whether or not the scholarships shall remain as they are, or if the grants be changed to $100.00 each for four students. After lengthy discussion, it is moved by Mrs. Tanko (50) and seconded by Marie A. Floryan (17), that the Scholarship grants stand as they are, that is, $200.00 per student, per year, and they are to be given to boys as well as girls. Motion is passed. Members thanking the body for scholarship help given their relatives are Mrs. Epley (73) and Mrs. Otoničar (25). Following further discussions, it is moved by Angela Kozjan (40) and seconded by Ann Dekleva (50), that the by-laws be changed providing for scholarship grants to two students yearly and when there is no boy applying, that two girls be chosen. There is to be not more than one year’s scholarship given to any student and none to be repeated. Motion is passed. The assembly feels that the Scholarship Committee has full power in this matter. Further on this subject, it is the opinion of the pres, of the Scholarship Committee that a student’s scholastic record is of primary importance in the selection of a worthy student and need is secondary, because every student would qualify as to need. The committee should rather not give a scholarship if there is no proper scholastic qualification. Motion is passed. A complete explanation is also given of the way scholarships are applied for. Taking part in this discussion are also Pres. Livelc and delegates R. Racher (54), Angela Kozjan (40) and A. Tanko (50). A report is heard by the Secretary on the standing of the S.W.U. Honor Roll of diligent workers who have solicited new members. The highest degree is held by Mary Otoničar with 1150 members to her credit. In the 2nd degree, Angela Strukel (24) is tops with 403 members. The Secretary, Albina Novak, announces the names of those moving into higher degrees in the last tabulation of the Honor Roll. Anna Pachak, (3) goes into the 2nd degree with 212 members; moving into the 3rd degree are Marie A. Floryan (17) with 147 members, Rose Kraemer (43) with 101 members and Antoinette Lucich (31) with 103 members. A new member-worker to attain the 4th degree standing is Vickie Faletic(25), with 73 members. The President calls a recess for Committee meetings. Convention will resume after lunch. The afternoon session of the day’s proceedings is called to order at 1:30 p. m. The President calls for committee reports. First to report is the Resolution Committee with Pauline Stamp- fel (25), President. She recommends the following resolutions : 1. The Delegates of the 12th National Convention extend to the Board of Directors of Slovenian Women’s Union a vote of confidence for their conscientious work of the past three years; also, commendation to Rev. O-korn for his excellent messages in our monthly publication. 2. The Delegation offers sincere thanks to State President of Minnesota, Barbara Rosandich and her committees for their work in preparing for this Convention and for their complete arrangements in connection with the Convention. 3. The Delegation is grateful to Rev. Mihelčič, the pastor of St. Anthony’s church for his kindness and hospitality. 4. Heartiest thanks are extended to Mis Mary Hutar, for her lovely singing and excellent choral and musical entertainment which the delegates had the pleasure to participate in at functions of the last two days. The same to Mrs. Charles Merhar, Jr. and her group of fine musicians. 5. To the Dawn Club, special thanks are extended for the work and arrangements connected with the food service each day of the Convention and for their many other courtesies. G. To the city of Ely for their warm-hearted reception of our delegates and visitors, sincere thanks. Special mention for the courtesies of the School Board for use of their bus for the excursion and to the Police Chief for his services, to the donors of cars for the excursion, to Supt. McDonald, Mr. Block, Mr. Forter and the Forest Rangers for all their courtesies. The recommendations are accepted. Greetings Committee pres. A. Tanko reads the wording of the telegrams to be sent today and it is approved as read. Women’s Activities and Juvenile Committee report is called upon by the President, Mrs. Livek. Committee pres. E. Zefran (2) reports that money-raising in the branches is of utmost importance for the continuance of activity. She gives a full explanation of how to raise money by selling items from candy to jewelry. Bowling, the favorite sport of many, is also praised as the best sport for young ladies. She urges teams in all cities, and they need not be regularly weekly teams. Any type of bowling is to be encouraged among the younger members. Committee-member, Christine Menart (7), stresses the need for increased activity in juvenile circles suggesting that each branch have an exhibit of the handcraft done by the young members during the summer vacation. A drawing of those items would create added financial assistance for youth activities in the branch. The Secretary, Mrs. Novak gives an additional idea to this report stating that the way to keep the meetings interesting and well-attended is by giving some kind of educational or demonstrative feature to the meeting so that the members and the juveniles learn something from each meeting. In this way, we will encourage pride in the organization by offering something other than collecting dues. Baking demonstrations, sewing and singing clubs, teaching Slovenian, as it was brought up in the report of delegate Pauline Kokal (96) and other such education activities will give an added incentive to the members we want to keep and to make them proud and willing to promote further, the organization. Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar recommends that singing clubs are very favorable in communities where there is a teacher available. Music books with notes are still in stock and she will mail any number of them to groups wishing to organize — also Slovenian records of Br. 2 Choral Clubs are still available. Rev. Okorn adds that as women, the members of this organization should give thought to the spiritual values of life and not only the fun and profit of a project. According to the words and thoughts of the guest speaker of Sunday's banquet, Miss Idelia Loso, Dean of Ely Jr. College, we must develope our moral responsibility and sense of values more in our homes and in the branches. V. Faletič (25), recommends a Kiddy League for small children who would bowl under the supervision of the older members. She knows of great success being achieved by groups who try this form of sport for juvenile members. After the discussion, it is moved by L. Epley (73) and seconded by J. Muster (20), that the report of this committee be accepted. It is so passed. The President then calls on discussion on the State Conventions. She commends the State Presidents for their work in achieving great strides forward in the States where successful state conventions have taken place—-and each of the seven state presidents offers grateful appreciation for the work they are and have been doing. State Pres, of Ohio, A. Tanko, gives a resume of the work done with the juveniles in Cleveland to organize them into drill teams, baton twirlers, drummers and dancers. The description is very interesting to the delegation. The juvenile groups have been encouraged to elect their own officers and pay a small fee for their own treasury. Her point is that with help by the branches, who provide necessary money through combined and individual projects, the junior activities in Ohio are gaining in interest and prestige. She is thankful for having cooperative and progressive minded co-workers to help in these ideas. Pres, of By-Law Committee, Marie Prisland, opens discussion on the status of our organization and brings out the comparisons between S.W.U. and other organizations such as the Catholic Daughters of America and Daughters of Isabella. She wishes to present by-law change proposals, but first, brings to our attention, a decision of the last semi-annual Board of Directors meeting. The Board felt it necessary to meet with the Dept, of Insurance in Springfield, 111., regulators of our society’s insurance operation, at some time prior to this convention in order to ask several questions and secure their opinion on ways and means we could increase our business by offering more interesting policies to prospective members. Two Directors were authorized to meet with the Director of Insurance, namely, Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Novak. Due to the inability of Mrs. Prisland to travel to Springfield, the Editor was asked to accompany Mrs. Novak. The meeting was held May 12th at the office of the Director of Insurance with Miss Lillian V. Skogh, head of the division on Burial Societies. The Secretary, Mrs. Novak, gives the delegation a complete report of the proceedings of the meeting. She states that the discussion was held on the basis of what can be done to encourage the interest of the young potential members as well as to benefit the present members. Under the statutes of the Dept, of Insurance, there is strict state control of our society, that no payment of certificates can be granted until death of the member. On the question of whether or not we can have conventions every four years instead of every three, the answer is that only with a Fraternal Charter is this permissible — otherwise, officers must be elected every three years. The Secretary and Editor also met with Mr. Risse, head of the Fraternal Dept, of the State Office. He outlined the ways such a conversion could be affected with our organization. The Secretary urged the delegation to realize that in a matter of time, the organization will have to move into the conversion or else, face the possibility of losing good future business. No sense of competition with other organizations is desired, however, if the future progress of the organization is at stake, all must be done to take proper steps. The cost of conversion into fraternal is discussed as well as the status of present members. Secretary Novak states that the status of present members would remain unchanged and that all new business would be conducted under the fraternal charter. Mrs. Prisland main- tains that if other American Women’s organizations can operate and prosper under similar charter as is our own, why can’t we? A little more hard work and more enthusiasm is needed. After lengthy and serious discussion, the proposal is made that the Board of Directors is empowered to study the plan left open to this organization and to prepare it for the next convention. This plan may attract young members who are unwilling to pay assessment all their lives. On a motion by Ann Satkovich (56) seconded by Rose Racher (54) the motion is. That the organization operate as a burial society, as it is operating under the present charter. The Board of Directors has the authority to prepare a plan for conversion to fraternal society and have it ready for the next convention, when it will be given serious study. Motion is passed. The following by-law changes and revisions are proposed by the by-laws committee: Article 8, (add) NATIONAL to Title Article 10, (omit) First in title of Vice-President Article 10, (change) shall be elected from among the convention members present. Article 15, (change) (The convention year is considered from the first day of January of the previous year to the first day of January in the convention year.) Article 22 a (new article) State Conventions To create additional interest, sociability and to foster new ideas benefiting the welfare of the organization, state conventions shall be held once a year in the state or in the group of states, the host being a different branch each year. To this convention every branch in the state or in the group of states shall send a representative — at large, at her own expense. The State convention shall elect a secretary who also serves as the recorder. The minutes of the convention shall be published in Zarja. There shall be seven groups of states, each one to be entitled to one state president. The groups are: First group: Pennsylvania — New York; second group: Ohio — Michigan; third group: Illinois — Indiana; fourth state: Wisconsin; fifth state: Minnesota; sixth group: Colorado — Kansas — Missouri; seventh group: California — Oregon — Washington. Article 2S, (add) The Supreme Board shall consist of: The Founder as Honorary President, President, Vice-President, seven State Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, three Auditors, Editor of Official Organ. These officers assume their respective offices on July 1, of the convention year. Article 39, (omit) First (Vice-President) and add) The state presidents can attend the convention as delegates of their respective branches. If they attend the convention representing only their office, they are entitled to per diems for the duration of the convention and the fare of transportation. Article 42, (change) meetings shall take place in month of February and month of August of each year at the Home Office. Article 50a (new article) Scholarship and Benefit Com-mitee. The Union shall maintain a scholarship fund managed by the president of the Scholarship and Benefit committee. She accepts applications for scholarships and distributes the a-wards in conformity with the Committee composed of three members of the Board of Directors. Article 67, Article The Benefit Fund is distributed according to decisions of the Committee. Article 58, (new) State Presidents. In case of vacancy in the office of the Supreme Vice-President, the state presidents are eligible for appointment to this office in order of their succession. The candidate for state president shall have leadership ability. She presides at the state convention, prepares for the convention a program of interest and new ideas for improvement and expedience within the branches and the Union. In her state or in her group of states, the state president assumes the leadership in membership campaigns. (omit) Before a member is expelled from the Union. Supreme Secretary shall remind her that her assessments are due the fourth month. She will also notify local secretaries of juvenile transfers. 77 (new letter b) To make a certified report at the meeting of the Board of Directors of their examination made semi-yearly or oftener if necessary, in the presence of the Supreme President, of the accounts and records of the Supreme Secretary, the Supreme Treasurer, Editor and the Manager of the Scholarship and Benefit Fund and any other accounts connected with the Union. In the event that the Auditors find a discrepancy in the work of any of these officers, it shall be their duty to notify the Supreme President of the same. Upon finding that such discepancy exists, such Supreme Board member shall be suspended until the Board of Directors at their meeting shall pronounce their decision. (omit letter c; letter d becomes letter c) 78, (add) be 25 years of age and a member . . . 97, (add) The Organ shall be published in English and Slovenian languages. (omit) include an English section for the benefit of English speaking members. Article 102 (change) 14 years of age to 50 years of age. add: Class B members age shall be from 14 to 57 years. (omit) entire article 117b (change) $150.00 for all who joined between the ages of 40 and 56 years inclusive, change: Girls to Children ranging from birth to 20 years. (omit) and boys from birth to 14 years of age. (change) When a junior attains the age of 14 she or he may become a member of the adult dept. At the age of 21 years, such junior members shall be classified as adult members at the expiration of the junior certificate. If a junior member who joins before attaining the age of one year does not wish to transfer, she or he may continue paying junior assessment until the end of his or her life. (add) If the beneficiary named on the certificate precedes the decedent in death, the funeral benefit is paid for funeral expenses, (add) Upon death of the member, and after the death benefit has been received, the certificate shall be properly signed by the beneficiaries and returned to the Home Office, (add) and shall make an accurate monthly and semi-yearly report. 188b (omit) 189 (add) Meetings shall be held monthly. 19S (change) By-laws accepted and approved at the 12th regular convention held on May Article Article Article Article 10S Article 120 Article 125 Article 131 Article 131 Article 163 Article Article Article 23, 24, 19C1 in the city of Ely, state of Minnesota and shall become effective July 1st, 19G1. Article 199 (omit) Article II of the Constitution will have to be changed to read 57 years instead of 55 years. It is moved by Mrs. Prisland and seconded by Helen Kovali (83) that the changes and revisions recommended by the committee on by-laws be approved as read. Motion is passed. Printing of new by-law books is left to the Board of Directors, who are advised to have it done as economically as possible and only in the English language. During the discussion of by-laws a motion was made by A. Kozjan (40) and seconded by Pauline Kokal (96) that the branch secretaries should send a full list ot' members in good standing to the Editor once a year for checking with the mailing list of Zarja. Motion is passed. The Secretary reads the list of greetings received by the Convention. Also, a letter of welcome and compliments to the assembly is received from Br. 23, Ely, Minn. The President calls adjournment at 5:30 p.m. MINUTES OF THE 3rd DAY’S PROCEEDINGS 12th NATIONAL CONVENTION OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION WEDNESDAY MAY 24, 1961 The meeting is called to order at 9:30 a.m. by the President. Prayer is led by Father Okorn followed by roll call of delegates. Minutes of the previous day’s meeting is read. Discussion is opened by Elizabeth Zefran (2) on a proposed by-law change setting up a committee for women’s sports and juvenile activities. She and many others from the floor do not favor this proposal. Discussion on the pros and cons of a committee instead of the two present Directors charged with supervising activities among the branches results in a motion by Mildred James (95), seconded by Sophie Franks (89) that the two Directors be retained in their present capacities and Director of Women’s and Sports Activities and Director of Juvenile Activities respectively remain as specified in the present by-laws. It is passed that this be added to By-laws article 28, and the Minutes are approved. Presiding at the convention is the Vice-president, Frances Globokar. She calls for reports of the committees. First to report this morning is the committee on salaries and per diem. Chairman Ella Starin (41) gives an introductory remark and recommends that the proposals be adopted as they are given. Secretary of the committee, Sophie Petrovič, (2) gives the following report: Being that Class B fund is over-solvent since the increase in assessment as of January, 1959, the committee recommends that part of this fund be put into the Convention expense fund and from this, that the delegates of this convention each be entitled to three per diems at $15.00. This raises the per diem from the present $12.00. Other t.han this raise, there are no other raises proposed in awards or salaries. For the amount of donation to be given to St. Anthony de Padua Church in Ely, for the use of their facilities and a gift to Father Okorn on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee, the committee wishes the convention to decide these two items. Convention awards: Convention President, $50.00 award; Secretary, $150.00 award; Chairman of By-laws committee, $100.00 award; Editor, $50.00 award; Recording Secretary, $50.00 and $10.00 respectively. Salaries: Spiritual Advisor, $100.00 yearly award; Hon. President, $50.00 monthly plus $25.00 administrative expense; President, $75.00 monthly plus $25.00 admin exp.; Secretary, $300.00 monthly plus $40.00 admin, exp. and $100.00 for office help; (Taxes will be paid by the Union.) Treasurer, $200.00 annual award; Editor, $300.00 monthly plus $40.00 admin, exp. (Taxes will be paid by the Union.) Auditors, $25.00 annual award; Directors of Women’s Sports and Juvenile Activities, $25.00 annual award and $25.00 for promotions made and reported; State Presidents, $10.00 annual award and $25.00 for presiding at State Convention. The Union shall also pay the additional Actuarial fee for Yearly Report in the amount of $250.00 per year and also for last year. Discussion is opened on the proposals made. Agreement is wide-spread among the delegation that the three per diem to be paid the delegates is fair and reasonable. However, Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Novak warn that this additional expense will add substantially to the cost of the convention and that the expense fund, which already has a deficit, will not allow it. It is stated by Angela Strukel (24) and agreed by many, that the promise was made at the last convention that if possible, the 5(J increase in assessment decided at that time would cover the cost of this added expense. The recommendation that these proposals be accepted is seconded by Angela Kozjan (40) and passed. That the three per diem paid to all delegates for this convention and the convention expenses be paid from the Class B Fund is moved by Ella Starin and seconded by A. Kozjan. It is passed. Convention donations will be discussed at a later time. Committee on Elections is next to report. Chairman of this committee, Mary Otoničar (25) greets the delegation and makes the following report. The nomination for Spiritual Advisor is Claude Okorn, O.F.M. By acclamation, the delegation approves this nomination. The committee also extends a vote of confidence to Mrs. Prisland in her capacity as honorary president and re-nomi-nates her as Secretary of the Finance Committee and President of Scholarship and Benefit Fund. She is given acclamation by the delegation for her work in these fields. There are two nominations for the office of President, namely, Josephine Livek and Antonia Tanko. Mrs. Livek declines due to ill health. A tribute to Mrs. Livek for her conscientious handling of the office of President is given by Mis Prisland. She thanks Mrs. Livek for her friendliness and kindness all the years of her presidency. Mrs. Prisland then moves that the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Tanko as President. Mrs. Tanko accepts with sincere gratitude. Two nominations are offered for the office of Vice-President, namely, Frances Globokar and Marie A. Floryan. Mrs. Globokar declines the office and the secretary is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Floryan a* Vice-President. Mrs. Floryan accepts with thanks and the promise to do her best. Mrs. Prisland expresses thanks to Mrs. Globokar and commends her for her work as vice-president. There is one nomination for the office of Secretary, namely, Albina Novak. She accepts with gratitude for the confidence given her by the committee and delegation. The chairman is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Novak as Secretary. There is one nomination for the office of Treasurer, namely, Josephine Železnikar. She accepts with thanks and the secretary is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Železnikar. For the office of President of Auditing Committee, there are two nominations, namely, Mary Otoničar and Vicki Faletič (25). Mrs. Otoničar declines in favor of Mrs. Faletič. Mrs. Prisland offers the thanks and commendation of the entire society to Mrs. Otoničar stating she is Zveza’s “No 1 Gill" and has her heart in this work—with hopes that she’ll continue to be a guiding force. The secretary is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Faletič. There are two nominations for the office of second Auditor, namely, Katie Triller and Frances Gaspich (20). Both candidates accept the nomination and the delegates vote by ballot. Results of the election show that Miss Gaspich is duly elected with 51 votes to 23. Mrs. Novak expresses gratitude to Miss Triller saying that Katie always went into her work as Auditor as she would for her own household, with full zest and using all her integrity. Miss Gaspich extends sincere thanks for the confidence shown in her and hopes to be a worthy officer. There are two nominations for the office of third Auditor, namely, Ann Podgoršek and Angela Karisb (39). Mrs. Karish declines. The secretary is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Podgoršek, thereupon Mrs. Podgoršek offers her heartfelt thanks to the assembly for the confidence shown in her. For the office of Director of Women’s and Sport's Activities, there is one nomination, Elizabeth Zefran (2). Upon her acceptance of the nomination, the secretary is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Zefran. Juvenile Activities Director receives one nomination, that of Christine Menart (7). She accepts the nomination and the secretary is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Menart. For the office of Editor, there is one nomination, namely, Corinne Leskovar. She accepts the nomination and the secretary is requested to cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Leskovar. The seven State Presidents are nominated by the committee in the following order: Colorado-Kansas-Missouri: Anna Pachak; Wisconsin: Rose Kraemer; Pennsylvania-New York: Mary Tomsic; California-Oregon-Washington: Rose Scoff; Minnesota: Barbara Rosandich; Illinois-In-diana: Mildred James. Nominations for Ohio-Michigan State President are open and the unanimous choice for nomination is Ella Starin. Upon the acceptance by the seven nominees, they are duly elected and the secretary casts a unanimous ballot for each. The convention recesses for lunch at 12:00 noon. *>!<>•* Before the opening of the afternoon meeting, the delegation is entertained by the appearance of the Marie Prisland Cadet drill team—25 years later—■ comprised of members of the assembly. The captain, A. Tanko, has instructed the team in intricate drills which are performed with march music accompaniment by Mary Hutar. The comical aspect of the team brings laughter and added enjoyment to the convention with all delegates, visitors and local members joining in on the fun. The convention is called to order at 1:30 p.m. Presiding is Mrs. Globokar, who opens the discussion by calling for recommendations for the good of the organization. The Secretary asks for approval of the Minutes of the morning session and after it is read, is so approved. The subject of Zarja, the official publication of the organization is introduced by Mrs. Prisland who gives a resume of her work as a writer. From the discussion which is entered into by various members of the delegation, the Editor and Secretary, it is promised that all be done to have Zarja issued earlier in the month and specifically, the December issue, that it be delivered before the 1st of December. The Editor suggests an earlier deadline and adherence to the one column per report limitation as possible aids in achieving an earlier issue each month. She is authorized to do what is necessary in this matter. The delegation offers an expression of confidence to Mrs. Prisland for her writing in Zarja and her work in compiling the material in her column and ask her to continue. Father Okorn gives an expression of confidence to the Editor and states that “Zarja is beautiful”—and that considering the gross amount of material which she receives for publication, the Editor does the best she can to produce an interesting magazine each month. The Editor suggests that the delegation consider asking the branches for only one report a month, alternating Slovenian and English, to conserve space, avoid repitition, and give more opportunity for features in Zarja in the general interest. Fr. Okorn continues with the request that we must keep the spirit of sisterhood strong and that through Zarja it is most easily possible to do so. He also gives a word to the outgoing officers, complimenting them on their dedication to their work. Still on the subject of Zarja, Mrs. Prisland asks for comments from the delegation on the possibility of changing the style of the publication into a newspaper form. She stresses the economic aspect of such a change as it would affect a saving in the long run. The Editor wishes that Zarja be retained in its present form. The Secretary offers her opinion also that Zarja must not be changed for reasons of prestige and individuality which has been growing through the years. She reads from a message of the late Rev. Alexander Urankar, as he wrote in Zarja in 1958, stating the advantages the Union has in having Zarja in its present form. The delegation is in hearty approval of this statement. The Editor’s presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to worthy reporters follows. She introduces the subject by naming the 11 reporters who have been writing for over 30 years, or since the first Zarjas were printed. The awards are presented by the Editor as a measure of thanks for the cooperation shown during all these years. There are GG awards given in all, according to the years of service. The delegates are very appreciative of the presentation and on behalf of the awardees, Antonia Kostelec (64) expresses heartfelt thanks. Mrs. Prisland states her pleasure in seeking the performance of the M. Prisland drill team as they appeared during the noon hour and thanks all the participants for the treat. She is given a souvenir of the performance, the captain’s whistle. The Secretary takes a portion of time to explain various points to the secretaries in the assembly on the filling of forms such as change of beneficiary, transfer forms, death notices and others. She gives Instructive points and asks that they follow them in the future. A motion is made by Mrs Prisland is seconded by Mary Lenich (19) that state presidents will be authorized to represent the Supreme Board at state functions and the Directors will assign representatives to S.W.U. functions. The topic of Juvenile activities and their promotion is introduced by Anna Pachak who asks for some financial aid in the branches for Christmas parties, etc. Mrs. Tanko moves that a Fund be appropriated for use in juvenile activities and socials—the fund to come from Juvenile Dept, assessment. It Is seconded by M. Floryan and passed. It is moved by Secretary Novak that 25(i per child be given from the Fund for branch Christmas parties, etc. when the report is received as to how many children are expected to attend. It is seconded by Mildred James and passed. Mrs. Tanko gives an outline of the juvenile activities in her state of Ohio and especially commends the work done by her officers, namely, Frances Sietz, an outstanding juvenile worker, also Vicki Faletič, Margaret Rebol, Louise Vovko and Mrs. Kikel. They have worked without compensation and Mrs. Sietz herself lias made and designed uniforms for the jr. drill teams and baton twirlers and instructed as well. She asks for a small sum from the newly formed Juvenile Fund to help defray the cost of drums for the boys in the drum corps. It is moved by Josephine Muster (20) seconded by J. Železnikar that $25.00 per year be given to support the junior teams, since they are the only form of drill groups we have today. A motion is made by M. Prisland that the senior Auditor serving on the committee be elevated to presidency of the Supreme Auditing Committee, namely, Ann Podgoršek. Second and third Auditors will be Mmes. Faletič and Gaspich respectively. It is seconded by Ang. Karish and passed. Report on Handiwork sale at the convention is made by Mrs. Prisland. From the sale the past two days a total of $255.70 was brought in. $100.00 from the Benefit Fund will be added to this amount as well as other donations from the branches. An estimate well over $1,000.00 is made for the total contributions from S.W.U. to the Sisters’ Bldg. Fund for St Joseph’s Home for the Aged in Lemout. For the special afghan project, delegates are urged to take a book apiece and sell the tickets at the home branch. The afghan will be awarded In Lemont, July lGth and sent to the winner. Convention awards are discussed and it is the suggestion of Secretary, made into a motion, that $100.00 per day be given to the parish for use of their facilities, total $300.00. Also two awards of $25.00 each are granted to Mary Hutar and Mary Golobic with sincere thanks for their kindness to the delegates and helpfulness to the convention. In remembrance of his Silver Jubilee, an award is recommeded by the Secretary to Father Okorn in ihe amount of $100.00. It. is seconded by Mrs. Livek and passed. The Secretary recommends that tie intended trip to Hawaii in honor of the Union’s 35th anniversary be sanctioned by the Union. It is so approved. The delegation wishes a happy and safe trip to all officers and members who will be making the trip and thanks to br. 13 in San Francisco for their hospitality to the travelers. Also recommended at this time is a trip to Washington, D.C. in the spring of 1962 for members and friends. This trip is also sanctioned by the Union with hearty approval. A letter is read from the All-Slav Day committee inviting everyone lo attend the event at Eveleth, Minn, on July 30th Also, Br. 38 in Chisholm, Minn., hostesses of this year’s Minnesota Zveza Day, sent written invitation to all to attend the festivities on Sept. 10th. A warm welcome is offered by Mrs. Lenich of Eveleth and Mrs. Trdan of Chisholm for these two events. On a motion by Ella Starin, seconded by Mary Lenich, the convention city for 1964 is Chicago, 111. The officers and delegates representing that city extend a warm invitation to all visitors and friends to join the delegation in seeing Chicago. The approval is given the Executive Committee to read and approve the Minutes of the 3rd day’s proceedings — moved by Louise Eppley (73) and seconded by Theresa Lozier (55). The President requests all newly-elected officers to the stage for the formal installation of new officers. Installing Officer is Father Okorn who administers the oath of office to the group. After the acceptance by President Antonia Tanko, she gives the formal address of appreciation to the out-going officers. To complete the cere-money, the assembly joins in singing hymns of praise. The convention is adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Josephine Livek, Supreme President Albina Novak, Recording Secretary Corinne Leskovar, Recording Secretary Minutes of the third day’s meeting approved by the Executive Committee. GREETINGS TO THE CONVENTION The Grand Carniolian Slovenian Catholic Union of the U.S.A. sends greetings to the Board of Directors, delegates and members of the Slovenian Women’s Union assembled at the National Convention. May your deliberations bear success for the future of your fine organization. Louise Železnikar, Supreme Secretary, Joliet, III. * Congratulations to you and your officers and delegates. Best wishes for a very successful convention. Officers and Members Slovenian American Fraternal and Benefit Society, San Francisco, Calif. * Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention. SS.B.U. Sloga, Milwaukee, Wis. * Please convey my very best wishes and warmest personal regards to all assembled on the occasion of vour twelfth National Convention. John Blatnik, Member of Congress, Washington, D.C. >i« In behalf of the late Anton Grdina, vour friend, we wish to extend lo you our sincereset congratulations and best wishes for a successful and prosperous meeting. We prav God be with you in your deliberations. Anthony J. Grdina, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio * Greetings and best wishes to the convention of the Slovenian Women’s t^nion of America. I know that vou will accomplish much for the future progress of the society. Carl A. Tiffany, Chicago, III. Our congratulations to you and fine organization. Best wishes for a successful, constructive and harmonious convention. Dan Burke, Mayor, City Oglesby, III. * God’s Blessings upon your proceedings. Proud National President, member of our parish. Rev. Carl Mayes, Pastor of Holy Family Church, Oglesby, III. * Best wishes for a successful convention. It is with regret I am unable to attend the activities of illness, but I am there in spirit. Mrs. Katherine Grahek, Evanston, III. * Greetings and best wishes for a successful convention. Branch #1, Sheboygan, Wise., Margaret Fischer, Sec’y * Greetings to all, especially the Sheboygan Ladies. John Piisland, Sheboygan, Wis. * May your convention be a huge success. Mary Muller, Branch #2, Chicago, III. * Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention. John Železnikar and Family, Chicago, III. Best wishes for a successful convention. Mary Muller, Chicago, III. * Zastopnicam Ameriško slovenskega zenstva zbranim na konvenciji Slovenske zenske Zveze pošiljam izraze najboljših voščil in zelj za plodnosno in uspesno delovanje Zveze tudi v booc-nosti. Naj Bog blagoslovi vaša plemenita prizadevanja za napredek našega ženstva in vseh Slovencev v Ameriki. Dr. Ludwig A. Leskovar, Chicago, lil. * Supreme President Mrs. Joseph Livek, supreme Officers and the delegates and guests. We send congratulations for a successful convention. May the good Lord bless you all. Mrs. Mary Tomazin and Family, Chicago, III. * Greetings and best wishes. from John William and Elsie Pachak, Pueblo, Colo. * Najlepše čestitke in uspeha 12 konvenciji želijo odbornice in članice. Podr. št. 3, Pueblo, Colorado * Congratulations and best wishes to all officers and delegates to the J2th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Branch #4, Oregon City, Ore. * Greetings and best wishes to the officers and delegates of the twelfth regular S.W.U. Convention. Mary Urbas, President Branch No. 10, Cleveland, O. * We wish you a successful convention. S.W.U. Branch #12, Milwaukee, Wis., Mary Schimenz, Sec’y * Have a happy and successful convention. Branch 13, San Francisco, Calif. + Greetings from San Francisco. Best wishes for a successful convention. Fran Cliiodo, San Francisco, Calif. * Congratulations for a big success, many blessings. Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio * Congratulations and best wishes for the success of your S.W.U. convention. Branch #17, West Allis, Wise. THANK YOU MINNESOTA! The people of Ely, Minn, are to be complimented of their true hospitality toward the Officers and Delegates at the National Convention held in their city May 21 to 25 —The handsome Toastmaster, Doctor J. P. Grahek, who is also the Mayor of Ely, not only entertained us with his rapid-fire eloquence, but gave us much to think about that knowing two languages is better than one. The welcome extended to the delegates by the president of No. 23 the ever-loyal officer of many years, charming and witty, Mrs Mary Jerich made us all feel at home at once. The constant attention given by the Arrangements Chairman and State President, charming Barbara Ro-sandich and her assistant Mary Shikonya was most appreciated 1 am sure. The speech given by the gracious Miss Idelia Loso on “Teaching Values” was immensely enjoyed as was proven by the long applause. She is the Dean of Ely Jr. College. The Concert given Tuesday evening by the personable Miss Mary Hutar was well received by all present. I wonder if Miss Hutar realizes how much good she is doing by giving so much of her time and energy to humanity. I know she is appreciated by everyone that likes singing and especially by the parents for her untiring efforts. May the Almighty keep her in good health so she may continue giving her charity to mankind. Our appreciation also to Rev. Mihelčič for his accomodations, our Spiritual Adv. Rev. C. Okorn and to Mr. Charles Hutar, Toastmaster on Tuesday evening. So, ELY, MINN., THANKS A LOT! GOD WILLING, WE WILL MEET IN CHICAGO 3 YRS. HENCE. I believe by now the delegates have given a report to their branches of the conclusions of the convention. It was a good convention, a successful one. There is a change of officers in the Supreme Board. I have informed the Board before the convention that I would be unable to take the office anymore because of my health, therefore I declined the nomination. I am happy to say that we have as our new Supreme President the ever-alert Mrs. Antoinette Tanko, former state president of Ohio, who I am sure will be a good leader. She was the delegate’s choice and mine. So, let’s all pull together and help her in every way possible to attain the goal she will set for us. WE HAVE A GOOD TEAM! LET’S GO ALL OUT FOR THEM! In closing, let me thank you all dear members everywhere for the courtesies extended to me while your three term SUPREME PRESIDENT. Sincerely, JOSEPHINE LIVEK Greetings to the delegates and officers of the twelfth National Convention. Nettie Strukel, Branch #18, Cleveland, Ohio * Thank you for the greetings. Best wishes to delegates of Joliet Branch 20. Wishing success. Josephine Erjavec, Joliet, III. + Officers and delegates. Wishing a successful 12th National Convention. Mrs. Mary Krogulski, Mrs. Mary Kastigar, Branch #24, La Salle, III. * Congratulations and good luck. Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Nowik and Faintly, La Salle, IU. * Congratulations delegate! Anna Trontel. Branch 26 Committee and Members, Pittsburgh, Pa. * Greetings and love to all Mrs. Mary Coghe, Pittsburgh, Pa. * Best wishes and success for the 12th convention from Euclid 32, Ohio Mrs. Theresa Potokar, president, Eucltd, Ohio * Greetings and best wishes to the delegates and officers for a very successful convention. Branch 33, Duluth, Minn., Elizabeth Smolnikar, president * Best wishes for the success of the National Convention. Biwabik S.W.U. Branch 39 Margaret Setnicker, Pres., Biwabik, Minn. Greetings to the Supreme Officers, Delegates and especially our delegate, Angela Kozjan, from Lorain, Ohio and wishing every success in your decision for the good of our union. Officers Branch 40, Lorain, Ohio * Greetings and best wishes for a successful convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Branch #41, Rose Pujzdar, Pres., Mary Market, Vice Pres. * Greetings to all Officers and Delegates on the success of the 12th National Convention S.W.U. Branch 43, Milwaukee, Wise., Josephine Kolar, President Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Branch 45, Portland, Ore. * To the Officers and Delegates attending the twelfth National Convention best wishes and success in all proposals. May they be for the good and welfare of all. Theresa Bizjak, Antonia Dolinar, Helen Tomazic, Charter Members Branch 47, Cleveland, Ohio * We wish success to your undertaking, you and our delegate, Rose Racher, during the convention. Branch 54, Warren, Ohio * Best wishes for a successful convention. Members of Branch 50, Frances Sietz, President, Cleveland, Ohio * Congratulations and best wishes to all officers and delegates. Members of Branch 66, Canon City, Colo., Cecile M. Adamic, Sec’y * Greetings from Members of Branch 73. Our best wishes for a most successful convention. Kay Yuralovac, Pres., Wurrensville Hgts., Ohio * Hope you and Louise are having a wonderful time. May you have a pleasant journey back home. Kay and Mary Yuralovac, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio * Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention. Branch 88, Johnstown, Penn. * Greetings from Branch #89, Oglesby, Illinois. Mary Kerns, Oglesby, III. * To Mom and Sisters of S.W.U.. The Lord’s Blessings and best wishes for a successful convention. Max and Josephine Schmidt and Sons, OSlesby, III. * Sincere congratulations and may God shower His Blessings upon your worthy efforts. Benedictine Press REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. WHO ART IN HEAVEN Heaven is our home. It is a home of saints. Are we sad anrl discontented when we think of the home of the Saints? We should not be, for heaven is our home, and we can enjoy it in some degree even now; we can at least enjoy it through anticipation. On earth it will always be difficult to get an adequate idea of heaven St. Paul almost defies us to do it: “Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man. What things God has prepared for those who love Him.” Yet we are bound to hope for and desire it. So we must be capable of forming some conception of heaven, whereon to base our hope and desire, For God does not demand the impossible. St. Augustine says in heaven we shall be emptied and see, we shall see and love, we shall love and praise. This shall be in the end without end. Heaven will be the realization of all our desires. We shall possess God Himself who created all the good things of this world, and who is infinitely more desirable than all the things A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Congratulations to State President, Barbara Rosandich and her staff, the Dawn Club and members of Br. 23 in Ely, Minn, on their hard work and efforts to make the 12th National Convention so successful and enjoyable to all of us. With such beautiful weather, we had marvelous days in Ely. On Sunday, the Mass at St. Anthony’s new church offered by Rev. Claude Okorn and the choir under the direction of Mary Hutar gave us a beautiful beginning. The banquet dinner was delicious and the toastmaster, Dr. J. P. Grahek who is the Mayor of Ely, kept the audience in a hilarious mood during the program. The main speaker, Miss Idelia Loso, who spoke on teaching values to our children was so marvelous that each and everyone was so engrossed in her words, you could have heard a pin drop. Community singing led by lovely and peppy, Mary Hutar made us sing from our hearts and we really sang so good, I believe no other chorus could do better! Thanks, Mary. We shall all remember the Tuesday morning Mass and Memorial for all deceased members which was very impressive and solemn. He made. In heaven there will be no need of labor, sweat, worry, and struggle to keep body and soul together. On earth we often ask to be forgiven. In heaven the past will be a closed book; and since sin is no longer possible, there will be perfect harmony in our family. In heaven there will be but one heart and one soul. There will be no temptation, no struggle between the desires of our lower nature and our hearts which are satified only with God. Then nothing will be able to separate us from the love of Christ, What of our sufferings and sacrifices that are now so painful? In heaven all need for effort will have passed, and we will say with St Paul that the sufferings of our lives were not worthy to be compared with the glory that is ours. We are alive with God’s grace now. So our inheritance is the blessed vision of God in His home. Heaven is ours. We should not therefore, be like the poor who look longingly into the homes of the wealthy, and then turn away in discontent. Heaven is ours. That is of what we are reminded when we say: Our Father who art in heaven. We express our wish to be with Him in His home, also our home—heaven. The ceremony with Corinne Leskovar, our editor, dressed in Slovenian costume placing a heart-shaped wreath of fresh red and white carnations on the altar of the Blessed Virgin was touching. The altar was decorated with white flowers and in front, an open book with the names of all deceased members. Rev. Okorn’s sermon and Mary Hutar’s singing gave the proper mood to this observance. wmjmMM. Police Chief Joe Markovich and State President Barbara Rosandich, headed the delegates’ excursion to the Lakes surrounding Ely. Miss Mary Hutar, left, and Judge and Mrs. John Som-rok of Ely with Secretary Albina Novak at Convention Banquet. Our sightseeing tour of Monday afternoon was very interesting as we saw how the Forest Rangers take care of the woods and lakes around the territory of Ely. We also saw a mine in operation. (A delegate from a city in Ohio, upon entering Ely. made the remark that "Gee, how can the people make a living around here with all the woods and the ground is so rusty!” We told her that the ground is rusty from the ore and that that meant livelihood for all these men who mine it for steel.) The Smorgasbord of Mon. evening was enjoyed by all and the dancing later by Mrs. Charles Merhar’s orchestra was very, very nice. The talent show of Tuesday evening, composed of local talent under Mary Hutar’s direction was another pleasant evening. The Convention itself went very smoothly and a great A.F.U. Supreme Secretary Frank Tomsich and Assistant Miss Barbara Matesha visited the Convention. They paused with Secretary Novak for this picture. deal was accomplished for the good of the organization. I was very impressed with the interesting branch reports showing us that more activities have been planned with adults and juniors. I hope that all the officers and members of their respective branches will keep up this spirit and put life into it with new ideas and new activities. New members, too, are so important—and they are more available now than ever. Let’s promote all these ideas at our meetings and keep them growing. Great compliments were shown to our Editor, Corinne l^eskovar for her work in editing Zarja—The Dawn. Our Founder, Marie Prisland was complimented on her columns in Zarja and Rev. Okorn, our spiritual advisor was commended for his educational and inspirational articles. Compliments to all the reporters for their interest in our publication. Awards to the reporters who have been writing for years—some as long as 30 years—were presented at the convention by the editor. They were very grateful for being remembered in this way. To all the National Officers who have given up their duties I wish to extend wishes for good health and May the Good Lord watch over you and keep you with us for many, many more years; they are, President, Josephine Livek, Supreme Vice-President, Frances Globokar and two Supreme Auditors, Mary Otoničar and Katie Triller. There is really so much that can be said and reported from the convention, but at this time, I again wish to thank all the officers, delegates, members and friends who had faith in me and supported all my efforts. To be elected Supreme President is an honor I hope to share with my fellow-workers so that hand in hand, we will continue to work hard to keep our Zveza on top and to make you all proud to belong to such a noteworthy organization. Let’s keep it that way and keep on building it by bringing in new members Summer time is travel time and to all our vacationers, European and Hawaiian tourists, safe and happy trip! Toni Tanko, Supreme President ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III.—The main discussion of our June meeting was the impending Lemont Zveza Day on July 16th. We do invite everyone from far and near to attend the pilgrimage. Holy Mass at the Grotto is at 10:30 a.m. Our Choral Club will sing at Mass. Afterwards, the Fathers Invite you all to have dinner at the Baraga Home. We will also have sandwiches, potica, coffee and refreshments at the outdoor stand. Chairman of the food arrangements is Anne Zorko and the “thirsty dept.” is in the charge of Mayme Muller and Mary Tomazin. Note: There will not be a charter bus from Chicago. Interesting reports from the convention brought smiles of happiness to all in attendance: especially were they pleased to hear that the next Convention will be in Chicago. Best to Sophie Simec, who is reported ill this month. Regards to all. Corinne Leskovar THE POST-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN FOR NEW MEMBERS BEGINS JULY 1ST. THE AWARDS WILL BE DECIDED AT THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. — ALBINA NOVAK, SUPREME SECRETARY No. 7, Forest City, Pa.—We wish to extend our sympathy to the Skar-bez family on the loss of their mother, Anna Skarbez who passed away on Mar. 21st. May her soul rest in peace. She was one of our pioneer members, always faithful. Special thanks and appreciation from the family to all who helped in any way, for flowers, food, Masses and other thoughtful deeds, in particular the recitation of the rosary, led by Miss Mary J. Ka-meen, daughter of our president. Christine Menart No. 14, Euclid, Ohio—Our three convention delegates, Sisters Frances Globokar, Mary Iskra, and Pauline Cesar, reported to the numerous members who attended the June meeting the results of the convention in Ely, Minn. We delegates wish to express our thanks to the members of Br. 23, their friends and especially to the State President Barbara Rosandich for the warm welcome we received while in Minnesota. We also thank our spiritual advisor, Father Okorn, for the inspirational words delivered during our conventional meetings. In May, another long time member, Frances Susman, passed away. Our deepest sympathy to her family. May her soul rest in peace. Sister Zdravje was hospitalized during May and is presently recuperating at the home of her daughter. We hope that by the time this article goes to press she will be up and about. A safe and happy summer to all. Pauline Cesar, sec’y No. 16, So. Chicago, lli.—We are accomodating a bus for those desiring to go to Lemont for "Zveza Day” on Sunday, July 16th. The bus will leave St. George’s, 96th and Ewing Ave., at 9 A.M. and be back by 6 P.M. Round trip will be $1.50 and 500 for children. As was decided at one of our meetings, members attending six or more meetings would be eligible for a free bus trip. These members are: Mary Breberick, Anna Buck, Gladys Buck, Jean Bukvich, Agnes Cherne. Josephine Krol, Mary Krgnarich, Mary Maricich, Angeline Novak, Rose Salakar, Marge Spretnjak, Sylvia Spretnjak, Katie Triller, Mrs. Katie Triller, Katie Zlogar, Frances Wine. Marie Cieslik, Antonia Krese, Kate Vidmar, Marge Prebil, Mary Mata-sich, Mary Burke and Mary Borota. So, members, let’s plan on this outing. I am sure it will be enjoyed by all. Try to attend our July meeting. The following birthdays will be observed: Mrs. Zee, Anna Springer, Anna Buck, Marge Prebil, Mrs. Cho-lak, Marie Cieslik and Gloria Serapin. Rose Salakar, Rec. Secretary No. 17, West Allis, Wise. Our sincer-est congratulations to Rev. Claude O-korn, the S. W. U. Spiritual Advisor on his Silver Jubilee Anniversary of Priesthood. May God bless you, Father, now and always and bestow His grace on you for your many years of service. With vacations coming, there will be no meetings during June, July, Miss Vida Ponikvar, Publisher of the Chisholm Free Press and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Merhar, Jr., prominent Ely residents. The Scholarship Committee has this year granted the Slovenian Women’s Union scholarship awards to the following worthy students: NANCY BECK, member of branch No. 50 in Cleveland, Ohio, a member of National Honor Society and an excellent student. Her goal in life is to obtain a college education to become a professional dietitian. She chose the Notre Dame College for Women to further her education. Her mother, Mrs. Marie Beck, is the efficient secretary of branch No. 50. RICHARD L. GRILL, Cicero, Illinois, is the son of Mrs. Rose Grill, member of branch No. 2, in Chicago. He was highly recommended by his superiors for our scholarship award. In the fall he will enter the De Paul University in Chicago to major in music. He has been showing talent in this field since he was four years old. Mr. Grill’s “Thank you” letter follow* Sincere best wishes to the two recipients of our scholarships. May they graduate in their chosen field with honors! For the Scholarship Committee, Marie Prisland, president NANCY BECK Dear Mrs. Prisland: I would like to thank you and the Slovenian Women’s Union of America for the scholarship grant you have awarded me. It will help me very much while I am in college. I will be grateful all my life to all who have helped me in my musical training. I shall always remember the Slovenian Women’s Union for what it has done to help me. You can expect to hear from me in the future regarding my progress. Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter accepting me by De Paul University. Again, thank you very much for helping me. Very sincerely and respectfully yours, Richard L. Grill RICHARD L. GRILL " ' SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS FOR 1961 - 1962 August — so will see you on Sun. Sept. 17th at 2 P. M. all nicely rested from you vacations. Our hats off to you, California, for making this trip to Hawaii possible for the 35th anniversary of S.W.U. honoring Mrs. Marie Prisland. This trip should be one to remember, as so much is said about Hawaii. Our Pres. Josephine Schloser told us that she is going on this trip. Bon Voyage and have a good time. Best wishes and a speedy recovery to all the sick members. Have a nice vacation and we will see you in the fall at the Sept. 17th meeting. Frances Piwoni, treasureer No. 20, Joliet, III.—Our last meeting in May was well attended. Mrs. Mary Terlep was honored at that time as the most popular mother in the branch for 1961. Our president, Mrs. Planinšek, presented her with a corsage and seated her next to the president and vice president. Mrs. Planinšek named the various honors Mrs. Terlep received for her untiring work for the branch and organization. Our delegates Miss Frances Gas-pich, and Mrs. Josephine Muster gave a full report of the activities of the convention. After the meeting, refreshments were served and our glee club sang. Since Mrs. Planinšek is leaving for her native land in Slovenia very shortly after an absence of 40 years, a corsage was presented her in the name of the branch by secretary, Frances Gaspich. Bon Voyage wishes were also extended to Mrs. Sprengel, Mrs. Jagodnik Mrs. Anna Mahkovec-who is returning after three years and Mrs. Jennie Benedik, who with her husband Luke is making the trip also. Mrs. Benedik visited at the time of your reporter’s trip five years ago and Mr. Benedik after 60 years. They are all traveling with the Glas Naroda tour. We hope they will have a good time in their home land of birth, meet many good friends and relatives, and a happy reunion upon their return to Joliet. Joining the group also is Mrs. Theresa Oblak. We also wish all the travelers to Hawaii a very good time. Mrs. Jo Sumic gave a fine report at the meeting about the good time in store for everyone interested in attending this special trip in honor of our honorary president, Mrs. Prisland. And will be seeing you at the next meeting in September. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, 111. Bowling News. — On Monday evening, May 8th, the Joliet S.W.U. Bowling League consummated their season with a banquet at the American Slovenian Home. The cuisine offered by the “Slovenski Dom” was superb. This, to my knowledge, was the first Spring Banquet where bowlers were in attendance one-hundred percent. Invited guests enjoying the repast were: Frances Gaspich, our branch sec’y; Edith Rosen-quist, who incidentally was the recipient of first place money in our local sweeper; Lill Berge, with a promise to return as a regular next season; Nancy Rothlisberger, daughter of league’s "LIFE-LINE” Lorraine; and Rosemary Horvath, wife of sponsor Ed of Horvath Bakery. Out-going president Bee Kostelc, presented individual trophies to the season’s top team, The American Slovenian Home. Jo Mlakar captained the team this season. Other members were Helen Golobic, Therese Pavnica, Ann Černetič, who also earned the WIBC Achievement Award by showing the greatest points of increase in her average after the first twelve games, and Bernice Suski newly-elected treasurer. Newly-elected officers were installed. Mary Rudman received the gavel from Bee Kostelc; Bernice Suski received the balance on hand from outgoing treasurer, Edna Grohar; Terese Trishner accepted Mary Rudman’s duties as Sgt. at Arms; and incumbents retaining their duties were Agnes Koerber as sec’y and Jo Mlakar as vice-pres. PRIZE LIST OF S. W. U. MIDWEST TOURNEY OF 1961, MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN TEAMS: 13. S. Melissa Chgo 541 4.00 1. Marquette Service Chgo 2653 $70.00 & Trophy 14. L. Ovnik Chgo 53S 4.00 2. Joliet Five Joliet 2605 55.00 15. J. Ziebert Chgo 535 4.00 3. Prima Lanes Chgo 2577 40.00 16. A. Grossa Oglesby 536 4.00 4. Ermenc Fun. Home West Allis 2563 35.00 17. S. Rybak Chgo 530 4.00 5. Dr. Grill Chgo 2546 30.00 18. C. Holmberg Milw 528 4.00 6. Reliance Federal Chgo 2532 25.00 19. L. Haselc Chgo 529 4.00 7 S.W.U. No. 12 Milw 2521 20.00 ALL EVENTS: 8. St. Paul Federal Chgo 2516 20.00 1. E. Statkus Chgo 601-553-622—1776 $11.00 & Tro. DOUBLES: & Trophies 2. M. Jerin Oglesby 533-630-538—1701 9.00 1. L. Putzell 606 3. L. Putzell Chgo 606-562-513—1681 7.00 E. Klassovity Chgo 623 1229 $23.00 4. V. Bogolin Chgo 557-524-607—1678 6.00 2. G. Niedzielko 507 5. J. Kovacic Chgo 617-589-439—1645 5.00 E.Statkus Chgo 601 1108 20.00 6. L. Zefran Chgo 558-593 489—1640 4.00 3. E. Jasien 484 7. E. Klassovity Chgo 623-546-466—1635 3.00 J. Kovacic Chgo 617 1101 16.00 8. A. Leben Chgo 539 568-527—1634 2.50 4. A. Vucko 541 9. E. Jeray Milw 540-518-569—1627 2.50 A.Leben Chgo 539 1080 13.00 10. R. Venskus Chgo 535-549-542—1626 2.50 5. L. Ovnik 530 11. C. Dawson Oglesby 552-477-570—1599 2.50 J. Železnikar Chgo 536 1066 10.00 12. S. Melissa Chgo 555-541-500—1596 2.50 6. S. Rybak 512 13. M. Gawlik Milw 546-506-543—1595 2.50 E. Kroschel Chgo 541 1053 8.50 14. A. Vucko Chgo 541-550-500—1591 2.00 7. V. Bogolin 557 7.00 15. E. Kroschel Chgo 541-526-517—1584 2.00 B. Mladic Chgo 493 1050 16. J. Železnikar Chgo 536-518-513—1568 2.00 S. S. Melissa 555 7.00 17. J. Leben Chgo 493-511-554—1558 2.00 T. Krapenc Chgo 494 1049 18. J. Squok Chgo 510-524-515—1549 2.00 9. M. Zefran 486 19. S. Rybak Chgo 512-530-507—1549 2.00 L. Zefran Chgo 558 1044 7.00 HIGH GAME IN ANY EVENT WITH HANDICAP: 10. A. Picco Joliet 519 1041 7.00 1. L. Putzell Chgo 225-18—243 $5.00 A. Sternisha 522 2. E. Klassovity Chgo 231- 9—240 3.00 SINGLES: GRANDMOTHER’S TROPHY: 1. M. Jerin Oglesby 630 $12.50 & Trophy Liz Zefran 191-40—231 2. L. Zefran Chgo 593 10.00 SISTER’S TROPHY: 3. J. Kovacic Chgo 589 9.50 Jean Železnikar 160-35—195 4. E. Jeray Milw 569 8.00 Amelia Russell 168-37—205 ■400 5. A. Leben Chgo 568 6.50 6. R. Mershnek Milw 568 6.50 MOTHER AND DAUGHTER TROPHY: 7. L. Putzell Chgo 562 6.00 Marilyn Zefran 144-40—184 S E. Statkus Chgo 553 4.00 Liz Zefran 191-40—231 -415 9. R. Venskus Chgo 549 4.00 MOTHER-IN-LAW & DAUGHTER-IN-LAW TROPHY: 10. A. Vucko Chgo 550 4.00 Fran Zefran 140-40—180 11. E. Klassovity Chgo 546 4.00 Liz Zefran 191-40—231 -411 12. M. Taylor Milw 545 4.00 Submitted by: Liz Zefran, Sec’y Midwest Bowling League This article brings to a close my obligations as league’s reporter. Although reporting is by far not one of my favorite interests, it has been educational. Your kind remarks, constructive criticism and patience were received with respect and deep appreciation. J. G. No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowlers Notice! — The Slovenian Women’s Union br. 20 Bowling members met recently at the American Slovenian Home club rooms for their annual spring banquet. Mrs. John Rudman, entertainment chaiman was assisted by Mrs. Marko Cerne-tich, Mrs. Robert Kostelec and Mrs. Jerome Koerber. Tables were spread with white linen cloths and centered with fresh-cut spring flowers. Mrs. Kostelec, President, opened the meeting with a prayer followed by a short businness meeting and also thanked all the members for their support during the year. First place winning team were the American Slovenian Home team. Mrs. Cernetich, Miss Josephine Mlakar, capt., Mrs. Method Pavnica, Mrs. Fred Suski, and Mrs. Helen Golobic. Mrs. Cernetich was also awarded achievement award for 1961. Newly-elected officers for the coming year are: Mrs. Rudman, Pres., Miss Mlakar, Vice-Pres., Mrs. Koerber, Sec’y, Mrs. Suski, Treasurer, and Mrs. Louise Thrishner, Sargent-at-arms. Next meeting will be held at Rival’s Lanes sometime in September. May God be willing, we’ll see you then. Mary Rudman No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio—Now that we have returned from the convention in Ely, Minn., I’m sure we all brought back memories and interesting reports. I wish to thank State President of Minnesota, Barbara Rosandich, and her group of committee chairmen for their kir.deness and warmest hospitality. We had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect. Also Minn. has some wonderful cooks who just can’t be given too much praise. No. 21 made a donation of $25.00 to the Slovene Old Age Building fund, which will be built on Neff Road, Cleveland, Ohio. The Very best wishes to all the ladies celebrating their Birthdays; Anne Zamon, Cecilia Brodnik, Anne Vuk, Mary Less, Angella Prisel, Vicky Urtancik, Loretta Vidmar. Our sincerest sympathy is extended to Alice Sabol, whose brother passed away recently. May he rest in peace. To our sick members Helen Banker, also Mollie Strle from Petersburg. Fla., God’s speed to a rapid recovery. A reminder to all the ladies there will be no meetings July and August. The next meeting will be Sept. 6th. Stella Dancull No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio—Once upon a time not so very long ago there in a far away place was a bit of heaven. The land was filled with fresh growing pine trees and vast splendor of forestry beauty. The gleaming, rippling waters of its many lakes (perfect for fishing and boating) added a romantic touch by the magic of nature. In this town live the most wonderful, loving folks. They treat everyone with kindness and respect. This, by our good fortune was where our convention was held. A “never to be forgotten” inviting atmosphere. We, the delegates were made so happy by the constant assistance and well-planned schedule by the fine committee of Branch 23, Ely, Minn. Thank you, from all of us for making such a pleasant convention stay a complete success. The S.W.U. of Branch No. 25 will continue to have their regular meeting continuous through the summer months, every second Monday of the month In the Panel Room downstairs in St. Vitus School. See you then. Vicki Faletič No. 26 — Pittsburgh, Pa. The committee and I thank all the members who attended our card party in May, also thanks to all who donated prizes and baked goods for this affair. There will be no meetings during the months of June and July. We will have a meeting in August to discuss and make plans for Zveza Day which will be held on Sept. 24 here in Pgh. There will be a banquet in the afternoon at the Slovenian Hall on 57th St. We urge all members from near and far to attend and celebrate with us. In my May report I omited to mention that the members wish to extend their deepest smympathy to our charter member Mrs. Magdalena Widina on the loss of her husband Joseph, who died on Feb. 18. He is survived also by three sons, Frank, William, and Albert, and three grandchildren. One grandson, Joseph, is at Saint Fi-delis Seminary studying to become a priest. Mrs. Magdalena Widina organized Zveza here in Pgh. hack in 1928 and has always been a loyal member. May her husband’s soul rest in peace. Members who are in arrears with their dues kindly try and pay as soon as possible. The best of health to our members. God bless you all, Ann Frankovic, sec’y. No. 34, Soudan, Minn.—Since delegates will be writing of what transpired in Ely, I will proceed with the report of our final meeting, May 25th, before the summer recess. The first thing on the agenda after business matters were taken care of was a detailed report of Convention proceedings by our delegate, Mary Pa-liula. She had us laughing over the lighter, more humorous events and informed us of the business matters which were brought up before the convention. After her report, a social hour was enjoyed, with prizes in Cootie going to Mmes. Herman Me- sojedec and Joseph Skala, and at “500” to Mmes. Nick Tekautz and William Lilya. Mines. Frank Planton and John Za-vodnick served a delicious luncheon to conclude the evening’s activities. Meetings will resume again in the fall—the date of the next meeting being Wed., Sept. 20th, when Mmes. Victor Chiabotti and Herman Mesojedec will be hostesses. May I wish at this time—a happy vacation time to all SWU members and a cheery "It was nice meeting you” to the many delegates I met in Ely. Be seeing you in Chisholm in Sept. for “Zveza” Day! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 45, Portland, Oregon — I am happy to report that the Social held Saturday, April 22nd was a success. We want to thank Mildred Queen and her husband, Violet Fazio and her husband, and the other members who helped make the event a success. We also want to thank Violet Fazio and her husband for donating the use of their home for our Social. We are not having any meetings during the months of June, July and August We hope all of you enjoy a happy vacation time. Mrs. Pauline Conratt and her husband left for Yugoslavia to visit their relatives and friends. We wish them Ron Voyage, and a safe return. We still have some members on the sick list, and to them we extend every hope for a speedy recovery. I am sorry to report that one of our oldest members, Maria Banich, passed away in March. May her soul rest in peace. Louise Stružnik, Secretary No. 52, Kitzville, Minn.—Our June meeting at the Little Grove was interesting for the members. Sister Mary Musech gave her convention report, saying it was the most enjoyable 4 days at Ely. Ill member is Lena Strazishar at Hibbing Gen’l Hosp. To her and others who are ill, God’s speed to a rapid recovery. Deepest sympathy to Sister Mary Divjak who lost her dearly beloved husband, Andrew and to Sister Mary Bartol, a charter member on the loss of her husband, Ludvik. We pray that it may be a comfort to you to know that we are with you in thoughts and prayers at this time. May their souls rest in peace. Thanks to sisters Josephine Oswald, Angeline Hrovat, Betty Strazishar, Gertrude Kochevar, Genevieve Zldar-ich and Julia Mancuso in lending their help when needed. Recipients of prizes at the meeting were: J. Oswald, A. Hrovat, R. Chiodi, M. Russo, It. Zidarich, J. Crea, M. Musech and G. Kochevar. Hostesses were V. Krizmanich, A. Kochevar, G. Dimatteo and M. Pogorelz. Next meeting, Aug. 2nd, at Little Grove. God bless you. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 55, Girard, Ohio—The luncheon committee for the March meeting were Matilda Cigolle, Josephine Gorence, Profie Costarello, and Jerry Westhart. Our members who had birthdays in March were Helen Biscan, Mary Cek-ita, Beatrice Matuszewski, and Gertrude Zimmerman. Our Bake Sale was a success and the Chairlady was Mrs. Theresa Lozier. She wishes to thank everyone for their donations and help. One of our members, Sophie Cekuta wants me to pass this information to all our members planning to take the trip to Hawaii. She has been there before and hopes maybe some of this information will be of help. Take very little clothing because when you get out there you’ll want to wear MuMu’s. Take a plastic rain hood for the quick rains they have there, send cards by air-mail so they’ll get to your friends before you get home. Take no hat, but a good babushka or the lace chaplets, be sure to try and Visit St. St. Augustine’s in Waikiki, and St. Patrick’s in Honolulu. Best gift shopping is in Waikiki because they have more of a selection and reasonable. She hopes all of you have a wonderful time and come back with a beautiful Hawaiian suntan and many wonderful memories. I’ll close this article with hopes that all of you will have an enjoyable vacation with your families. Anna Marie Racick No. 63, Denver, Colorado—Our May monthly meeting and the last one for the summer was very well-attend-ed. We are always glad to see our older members present and give some suggestions. Our deepest sympathy to the families of Agnes Krasovich and Jennie Bryzinski, both buried recently after long illnesses. At this time we are reminded of our 2nd Annual State Convention to be held at Slovenian Home, Sat., August 12th. We are hoping that all officers and members of each Colorado branch will attend. A fancy article booth will be offered to everyone attending. The articles on sale, we are asking each member to donate. Any crocheted or homemade articles will be greatly appreciated. The meeting will begin at 5:00 P.M. followed by the banquet at 7:00 P.M., and dance. Hoping to see all members and guests for a happy and successful state convention. Mary Kovac, President No. 72, Pullman, III. — In April our branch was 25 years old. A large number of our members have been with the Union since the beginning of this branch, and well we remember its beginning and the people who were instrumental in getting it started, some of whom have long since Brilliance Shows in the Faces of These Young Students No. 73, Warrensville Hts., Ohio — Our meeting this month was postponed to a later date therefore there is no business news to report. Congratulations to high school graduates Rita Hensee who graduated from Hoban and Linda Yager who graduated from Orange. Also our congratulations to Fred Sawyer who graduated from The University of Louisville m Kentucky. Our wishes for the best of luck in their future years to these young people. Congratulations also to Josephine Novak on the marriage of her son Eugene last month. Our best wishes to the newlyweds. It was reported that our delegates to the convention, Rose Zbasnik and Louise Eppley, had a wonderful time and also the hospitality of Ely was just wonderful, too. The ladies who attended Branch No. 47’s 30th anniveseary Banquet also had a very nice time. Member Stella Kneazak will undergo open heart surgery in July. V ARLENE VOYTKO Attaining her goal, to become a teacher, is the ambition, of Miss Arlene Voytko, member of Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Voytko, 1517 W. 29th St., and the granddaughter of Mrs. Angela Kozjan, secretary of Br. 40. She is an excellent student with grades between 3.5 and 3.99 at Miami Uni versity in Oxford, Ohio. She was on the Dean’s List for the first semester and kept that envied position throughout the year. In Arlene’s family there are three members of S.W.U., her grandmother, mother and herself. Needless to say, the family is a proud and happy one with many hopes for a wonderful future for Arlene. EDWARD SADAR APPOINTED TO WEST POINT Edward S. Sadar was notified by Senator Frank J. Lausche that he has been appointed to the United States Military Academy on the basis of the Civil Service Commission Test. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. sadar, 19302 Kildeer Ave., Edward was vice president of his senior class at Collinwood High School; president of the National Honor Society; Supervisor of the Honor Study Halls; Student Council representative; member of College Club and president of Junior Council on World Affairs. He is also a member of the Knights of the Altar, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Unit. Edward’s mother, Sister Sadar, is a member of branch 14 as are his two grandmothers, Sister Margaret Sadar and Sister Mary Mandich. VIRGINIA GLADD VALENTINA GLADu Seventeen year old, popular twin sisters of Hubbard High School in Hubbard, Ohio, are Valentina and Virginia Gladd, members of br. 54, Warren, Ohio, and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gladd. They are both straight “A”5 top students who graduated this June and will go on to further study at college in the fall. Valentina wishes to take up medicine and nursing and Virginia is interested in making education and teaching her career. Both girls are honor Ijatin students and two year members of the National Honor Society with Valentine as vice-president and Virginia as secretary of the Honor Society. Both students were girl leaders in school gym classes and served as officers of the school yearbook, Valentina as a business manager and Virginia as an editor. Valentina was chosen as one of the five top science students going to Sharon, Pa. for a series of eight special lectures sponsored by Westinghouse. She has written a poem that was accepted by the National Anthology High School Poetry. She has a letter of recommendation from the National Merit Scholarships and was chosen to be a foreign exchange student this past summer spending three months with the Giovannelli family in Pesaro, Italy, all expenses paid. Virginia has written an essay that was accepted by the National Anthology Magazine and she also received the Optimist Youth Citation Certificate. The girls are from a truly loyal and long-standing Zveza family; their mother, Mrs. Valentina Gladd, aunts and other relatives are all members. passed on. We’ve enjoyed the associations all these years and hope and look forward to many more years of being together. We celebrated the event with a little social gathering after the meeting, and at the same time we helped celebrate the birthdays of Mrs. Zadnik and Mrs. Dre-shar. Congratulations to No. 72 and also to the birthday ladies! We are sorry to report that Mrs. Angela Arko was not well enough to attend the May meeting. Hope she will be completely well by June. Also sorry to report that Mrs. Shee-hy’s husband and my husband are both hospitalized. Best w'ishes for a speedy recovery to both of them. Wilma Zagar EDWARD SADAR M.P. I and »ASt'"* Have you tried the recipe tor lemon strudel published in this column in May Zarja? It is the same recipe used by Mrs. Furlan from Geneva, Ohio, in her demonstration at the Fair in Cleveland last March. I sampled the strudel at that time. It’s delicious! This month’s recipe is for raised doughnuts or “krofi” as are made by Mrs. Mary Otoničar of Cleveland. (If the recipe is too large for your family, cut the ingredients proportionately.) Raised Douhnuts—Krofi 5 lbs. sifted flour 1 quart milk 3A lbs. butter 1 pt. sour cream 2 cups sugar 6 small cakes yeast 8 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon lemon extract 2 table spoons salt Soften yeast in a cup of lukewarm milk; add a little flour. Set aside to raise. Sift flour into bowl. Make a well in the flour and add sugar and salt. Melt butter in a pan and add milk. Heat, but not boil. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon col- ored, then add sour cream and beat well Add vanilla and lemon extract and beat again. Add the milk and butter to this mixture. Put the raised yeast into the flour then add to the above mixture and make the dough. Beat or kneed the dough until smooth; about 10 minutes. Place it in a greased bowl and let raise until double in bulk. Spread the dough on a table covered with cloth and sprinkle with flour. Do not roll the dough but only pat it. Cut the doughnuts and let them raise for y2 hour. Fry it in Crisco or Spry. The light ring around the doughnuts signifies their flakiness. ,* DETERGENTS — Synthetic detergents are a boon to the industry and the housewife alike. But valuable as they are in keeping America spic-and-span, there is growing evidence that the detergents may become our major water pollutant in the not-too-distant future. It is an everyday oc-curance to see urban streams loaded with foam. Detergents refuse most attempts to be removed and flow on and on to kill fish and create a nuisance all the way to the sea. Manufacturers of synthetic detergents are seeking an answer to these problems. Meanwhile, an appeal is made to every housewife to stop using excessive detergents. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation as to amount. Help cut down the waste of detergents—and the pollution of our waters. — Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association. Anyone interested in donating blood, please contact her family or the branch. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Stella. Congratulations to Sophie Mauer on the birth of twin granddaughters. To all who are clebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month “The Very Best To You” and to all a very happy summer vacation. Rosemary Mauer, Reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa.—We were, happy to honor our Mother of the Year, Stephanie Plese at the special mother’s day party we held in May. A corsage and gift was presented to her as well as to our oldest mother, Jennie Svigel, youngest mother, Dorothy Russo and mother with the most children, Mary Mutz. After lunch, games were played. Our members enjoyed it very much. Deepest sympathy to Mary Mutz and her family on the loss of her husband and their father. May he rest in peace Speedy recovery to my sister and brother-in-law, Anna and John Petrich in Fontana, Cal. and congratulatioins to my niece, Dorothy Petrich for having been chosen Mother of the Year in Fontana. Happy birthdays and anniversaries to all celebrants. Mary Habich, Pres. The convention was informative, interesting, and she enjoyed every aspect of it. The members of St. Joseph Catholic church surprised the pastor Rev. Father Joseph Cashen on his birthday and 40th anniversary of his ordination Sunday, June 4th. The church parlors were filled to capacity with well wishers as Father Cashen was handed the keys to a 1961 Merc. My son, Robert, is at home and recuperating slowly after his surgery May 11. This has been his 7th surgery since his car accident in 19C0. July meeting at M. Perpich’s home. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa.—Our June gathering was poorly attended so after a brief meeting we closed with prayer, after which we played our favorite game. Now that summer is here I hope to see a larger group at the meetings. We would like to offer our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Betty Potetz, whose father passed away in May. We are all anxiously anticipating our annual branch picnic on Thursday, July 20th, at the Old Cherry Grove in North Park. To assure everyone a good time, I would like to ask all members to attend the meeting on Thursday evening, July 13th to help complete the plans for our picnic. At this time, I would like to thank all those ladies who attended our Anniversary party and helped to make it such a grand success. Be seeing you at Javor Hall for our meeting. Betty Ann Murphey, President No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Our meeting in May was held at Frank’s Cafe. Several members were absent. Mrs. Ann Mufich and Mrs. Donna Christoff were initiated into our group. Congratulations to both ladies; we hope you will enjoy being members. Hostesses for the evening were: Georgia McDaniels and Frances Po-gorlez. At this writing, our weather is very cold and windy. School is out. Eight seniors graduated from high school and four girls from the eighth grade. For the month of June we held our meeting at the home of Mrs. Carolyn Kochevar. We decided to postpone our meetings until September. Hostesses for this meeting were Pauline Stajduhar and Josephine Somrak. I hope that all the girls who are going to make the trip to Hawaii will have a most enjoyable trip. Have fun. May God bless you all. Helen Cobai, Reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. We held our monthly meeting with Mary Vukelich acting as hostess. A lovely luncheon was served, and games were played. Helen Kovali, delegate to the 12th National Convention at Ely gave a report on her activities while there. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — There’s just one bad thing about going to a convention, sooner or later you have to leave! It’s all over now and I can honestly say, I never had such a good time Clean, tidy, Ely, the home of many Slovenes, friendly people living in a lovely countryside who are genuinely interested in making a visitor feel like she’s a V.I.P. To all who participated in planning the convention, those who gave of their time in committee work, to all who arranged the church ceremony and took part in the festivities my deepest gratitude. May I just say, again, “Thanks for the wonderful time we had together.” Congratulations to Fr. Okorn on his 25th Anniv and sincere thanks for the kindness shown at the convention. All members are urged to attend Lemont Zveza Day, July 16th. We’d like to charter our own bus, but if not, we can double up with the group from Br. 16. Call me at ES 5-5789 for reservations. (More on br. 95 next month.) Milderd James, Pres. HONOR ROLL ai^zmsp=HTMr; i miš ČASTNI RED As of Jan. 31, 1961, prepared for the 12th NATIONAL S.W.U. CONVENTION IN ELY, MINN. Adults Juniors Total Adults Juniors Total First Degree — Prvi Red Mary Snezic (67) 63 3S 101 Mary Otoničar (25) 792 358 1150 Emma Planinšek (20) 76 21 97 Mary C. Terlep (20) 441 334 775 t Frances Ponikvar (25) 95 1 96 t Agnes Mahovlich (95) 534 35 569 t Mary Glavan (10) 93 2 95 f Frances Mule (61) 68 27 95 Second Degree — Drugi Red Mary Strukel (14) 47 44 91 t Frances Susel (10) Mary Hrovat. (15) Angela Strukel (24) Frances Raspet (3) Mary Schimenz (12) Mary Marltezich (95) Christine Menart (7) Mary Lenich (19) Anna Petrich (54) Josephine Erjavec (20) 330 253 252 281 202 176 46 157 193 109 103 129 136 68 116 75 227 70 15 98 433 382 388 349 318- 251 273 ■ 227- 208 207 Rose Kraemer (43) Marie Floryan (17) Antoinette Lucich (31) t Theresa Cvitkovich (64) Josephine Muster (20) Ursula Pierce (27) t Mary Lusin (41) Julia Zupančič (5) Christine Rupnik (1) Helen Yurcich (22) Prances Medved (14) 28 71 50 79 29 81 86 36 73 79 45 73 71 53 11 60 6 1 50 8 34 101 147 103 90 89 87 87 86 81 79 79 Third Degree — T rel ji Red Johanna Dolinar (38) t Nellie Tratar (17) 77 78 2 79 7S f Frances Rupert (14) 134 64 198 Mary Lovse (88) 31 48 79 Magdalena Widina (26) 180 1 181 Mary Yasbec (89) 54 23 77 Mary Tomazin (2) 149 31 180 Jennie Okolish (6) 69 8 77 Ursula Zajc (56) 158 18 176 Bara Kramer (13) 76 76 Anna Pachak (3) 80 113 193 Mary Shepel (23) 47 29 76 Pauline Ozbolt (2) 135 29 164 Frances Bresak (40) 74 4 78 Albina Novak (2) 105 60 165 f Theresa Zdesar (32) 64 10 74 t Dorothy Dermes (8) 133 26 159 f Lillian Kozek (2) 46 28 74 Josephine Železnikar (2) 80 86 166 Helen Vodnik (12) 55 19 74 Helen Corel (93) 133 17 150 Anna Kameen (7) 57 16 73 Theresa Skur (14) 148 148 Pauline Osolin (7) 71 71 Mary Urbas (10) 99 44 143 Frances Martahaus (61) 71 71 Rose Jerome (19) 88 53 141 t Pauline Zupančič (15) 68 68 Karolina Kozina (56) 140 1 141 Mary Tratnik (43) 33 35 68 Mary Usnik (90) 134 134 t Mary Kocjan (28) 63 63 Christine Bradish (3) 80 52 132 Frances Klucevsek (88) 03 63 Pauline Stanley (95) 57 74 131 Angela Satkovich (97) 45 18 63 Mary Coghe (93) 96 35 131 Anna Sterle (71) 45 17 62 Angela Schneller (65) 82 45 127 Frances Glach (93) 59 59 Barbara Rosandich (23) 87 45 132 Zora Yurkus (16) 17 14 58 Rose Racher (54) 66 67 133 Helen Krall (33) 53 12 65 Helen Tomazic (47) 96 25 121 t Josephine Barbarich (5) 53 4 57 Anna Trdan (38) 108 7 115 t Gertrude Delopst (12) 33 24 57 Marie Prisland (1) 94 20 114 Margaret Kozjan (3) 52 2 54 Josephine Seelye (50) 104 6 110 t Jennie Juzina (17) 54 54 Mary Sluga (10) 108 108 Vickie Faletič (25) 38 15 53 Mary Starika (66) 106 106 Mary Shikonya (23) 31 31 62 Mary Tomsic (71) 103 11 114 Frances Lovsin (34) 51 51 Agatha Dezman (12) 86 19 105 Johanna Prinz (57) 44 7 51 Frances Bradach (35) 38 66 104 t Katherine Verant (35) 50 50 Antonia Nemgar (19) 76 26 102 Josephine Richter (79) 35 15 50 t Deceased Member of Honor Roll. These members have during the course of their membership enrolled 50 or more new members. The Honor Roll is published tri-cnn\ally. ALBINA NOVAK, Supreme Secretary SLIČECE IZ KONVENCIJE Zvezin duhovni svetovalec c. g. Klavdij Okorn v prijateljskem razgovoru z domačim župnikom slov. fare Sv. Antona v Ely, č.g. Frankom Mihelčič. 3 tajnice smehljajočih obrazov: Mary Lenich, taj. št. 19, Albina Novak, gl. taj. in Ella Starin, taj. št. 41. ki je tudi novoizvoljena drž. preds. za Ohio in Pa. Gl. nadzornica Ann Podgoršek iz Dulutha z tajnico št. 16 Gladys Buck in bivšo gl. nadzornico Kati Triller obe iz So. Chicaga. Prijazni obrazi posneti na razstavi ročnih del izražajo zadovoljstvo nad uspehom prodaje ročnih del. Prizor ob zaključku konvencije, ko so delegatinje proslavile rojstni dan 83 let mlade Angele Križman, ki je mama gl. tajnice in stara mama urednice. Pridne delavke iz Ely, so se slikale z urednico C. Leskovar, ki je v narodni noši, po spominskem programu. Rose Ferderber je imela v oskrbi prehrano, Mary Hutar, program (njeno lepo petje bo ostalo nepozabno) in Florence Markovich, je skrbela za prodajo ročnih del. Jolietske delegatinje Josephine Muster in Frances Gaspich, ki je novoiz voljena gl. nodzornica. Novoizvoljena gl. preds. Antonia Tanko (na desni) v prijateljskem objemu z znano pevko M. Hutar in minnesotsko drž. preds. Barbara Rosan-dich. Mrs. Mary Gornik iz (Jhisholm, Minn. je upravičeno ponosna na svojo hčerko, ki je nova gl. preds. A. Tanko. Marie Prisland: Oh, Ta Svet... Kako naglo se svet vrti! Kako hitro čas beži! Letos bo poteklo 35 let odkar je bila naša Zveza ustanovljena po nas, ki smo takrat bile mlade, polne življenja, navdušene in goreče za svojo mlado organizacijo; na zadnji konvenciji smo pa slišale vzdihe: “Nadelale smo se! V delu za organizacijo smo ostarele; čas je, da mlajše primejo za plug in orjejo dalje!”—In tako se je zgodilo, da smo v glavni urad dobili pet mladih odbornic. Naša Zveza je vseh 35 let imela smo tri glavne predsednice—vse tri smo bile rojene v stari domovini—nova predsednica pa je mlada slovenska Amerikanka. S tem je prenehalo vodstvo starejših in mladina je prevzela odgovornost za organizacijo. Iz vsega srca jim želimo obilo sreče, da bi Zvezo—z ostalim odborom—vzorno vodile, da bi napredek naše organizacije tudi v bodoče bil dober in odličen. Naj vam predstavim nove glavne odbornice: Predsednica, sestra Antonija Tanko, je bila rojena v Chisholmu v Minnesoti. Ko se je poročila, sta v Clevelandu z možem odprla trgovino z mesom in grocerijo, katero sta uspešno vodila nad 20 let. S trgovino sta prenehala pred par leti. “Tončka," kot jo prijateljsko nazivljemo, je prikupne zunajnosti. Silno je delavna in iznajdljiva v načrtih za Zvezin napredek. Ima trgovske izkušnje in kar je najbolj važno—rada dela. Pri podružnici št. 50, katere članica, je, je bila več let odbornica, zadnja tri leta pa izvrstna državna predsednica za Ohio in Michigan. Prepričane smo, da bo nova glavna predsednica svoj važen urad odlično upravljala. Podpredsednica, Marie Floryan, je bila rojena v She-boyganu. Z družino zdaj biva v West Allisu. Pri ta-mošnji podružnici št. 17, je vestna tajnica že 19 let. U-posljena je v veliki Gimbles trgovini v Milwaukee, kjer zavzema važno pozicijo. Ima veselje do dela, je pri članstvu priljubljena in letos je bila častna delegatka konvencije. Svoj urad bo prav gotovo vzorno vodila. Nova nadzornica, sestra Victoria Faletich, podpredsednica Zvezine največje podružnice, št. 25, ki šteje nad tisoč članic, je kot živ ogenj. Kampanja za pridobivanje novih članic je bila že davno zaključena, ona pa nabira nove kar naprej. Zdaj jih ima že nad 70. Saj ji nobena ne more odreči ker jo zna tako ljubko povabiti naj pristopi. V Clevelandu se mnogo udejstvuje med mladino in je priljubljena povsod. Nova nadzornica, sestra Frances Gaspich, je tajnica druge največje podružnice, št. 20, v Jolietu. Ta podružnica ima okrog 700 članic. Frances je knjigovodkinja in računska izvedenka pri veliki družbi v Jolietu. Njene izkušnje ji bodo kot nadzornici veliko koristile. Francka je še dekle, ki za svojo ljubo mamico lepo skrbi. Članice jo imajo rade, ker je z vsemi vljudna in prijazna. Sestra Mildred James, predsednica podružnice št. 95 v So. Chicagi, je nova državna predsednica za Illinois in Indiana. Njeni starši so hrvatske narodnosti. Mildred bo menda najmlajša izmed mlajših odbornic. Je zelo prikupne zunajnosti. Ko sem ji k izvolitvi čestitala, je rekla: “Pazite na našo podružnico! Boste videli, kako bo rastla!”—Navdušenost je dober pričetek! Vrla Zvezina delavka, vestna tajnica podružnice št. 41 v Clevelandu, sestra Ella Starin, je nova državna predsednica za Ohio in Michigan. V svoj urad bo prinesla večletne izkušnje obilega dela za Zvezo. Med članstvom je priljubljena radi svoje prijaznosti in iskrenosti, ki jo po naravi krasi. Bila je več let glavna nadzornica, zato ji je Zvezino poslovanje dobro znano. Svoj urad bo odlično vodila! Te so toraj naše nove odbornice. Zdaj pa še besedo prejšnim glavnim uradnicam, ki se ta mesec poslavljajo iz uradov. Glavna predsednica, sestra Josephine Livek, je svoj urad upravljala devet let. Poprej je bila gl. podpredsednica 3 leta. Nominacijo je odklonila radi rahlega zdravja z željo, naj to mesto prevzame ena izmed mlajših. Bila Častna preds. Marie Prisland z bivšo gl. preds. Josephine Livek ter novo ohijsko preds. Ella Starin in clevelandske članice: A. Rebolj, M. Debevec, J. Pugelj in D. Sternisha, na konvencije v Ely. je dobra uradnica, vestna, iskrena in prijazna! Rade smo jo imele. Za Zvezo je delala povsod, kjer je mogla, zlasti se je zanimala za državne konvencije in za mladino, trpamo, da se bo njeno zdravje kmalu okrepilo, da bo lahko novi predsednici na razpolago s svojimi izkušenemi nasveti. Podpredsednica, sestra Frances Globokar, je urad odklonila iz vzroka, da ji nova trgovina, katero bosta s soprogom prevzela, ne bo dopuščala veliko časa za društvene aktivnosti. Bila je vzorna glavna odbornica 6 let. Udeležila se je Zvezinih aktivnosti, kjer je le bilo mogoče. Pogrešale jo bodo zlasti clevelandske podružnice, med katerimi je veliko delovala. Predsednica nadzornega odbora, sestra Mary Otoničar, se je svojemu uradu odrekla z izjavo, da ga hoče odstopiti mlajši članici, da bo imela priliko udejstvovati se za Zvezo. Sestra Otoničar je naša najboljša delavka. V Častnem redu zastopa prvo mesto. Pomislite! Pridobila je 1150 novih članic. Ni je organizacije, ki bi se mogla s tako delavko postaviti kot je sestra Otoničar! V glavnem odboru je bila nadzornica 21 let, tajnica pri svoji veliki podružnici št. 25, je pa že 30 let. Druga nadzornica, sestra Katie Triller, je poleg mene edina članica prvega Zvezinega glavnega odbora. Izvoljena je bila za podpredsednico takoj ob ustanovitvi Zveze. V glavenem odboru je vsega skupaj bila enajst let. Predsedniški urad svoje podružnice št. IG v So. Chicagi lepo in skrbno vodi vse od leta 1937. Tudi ona je svoje mesto oddala mlajši, češ, naj zanaprej dela mladina kot smo delale me vsa leta. Državna predsednica za Illinois ln Indiana, sestra Mary Muller, ni mogla dobiti dopusta od dela, zato se konvencije ni udeležila. Sestra Muller je bila v uradu 3 leta. Vsako leto je za državno konvencijo pripravila lep program. Kot tajnica podružnice št. 2 v Chicagi, vzorno deluje že več let. Vsem bivšim glavnim odbornicam, ki se ta mesec iz uradov poslavljajo, kličemo iz srca:—“Najlepša zahvala za ves vaš trud in požrtovalnost! Zveza vam poklanja venec hvaležnosti! Bodite zdrave! Pogrešale bomo vašo prisrčno družabnost!” Poteka konvencije ne bom navajala, ker boste v Zapisniku čitale vse, kar je bilo storjenega. Mesto Ely se je za konvencijo odelo v praznično obleko. Povsod so vihrale zastave in nas pozdravljali lepi napisi. Celo vreme je sodelovalo. Pred konvencijo je bilo hladno, med konvencijo lepo sončno in gorko, takoj po konvenciji pa spet hlad in dež. Konvenčni vspored bo gotovo katera druga opisala, tu naj bo omenjena le zahvala, izrečena od konvencije, podružnici št. 23 ter njenemu odboru, zlasti predsednici sestri Barbari Rosandich, za veliko delo, ki so ga s pripravami za konvencijo imele. Istotako iskrena zahvala slovenski naselbini na Ely za izredno prijaznost in gostoljubnost napram nam. Navzoče gl. odbornice in delegatke, kakor tudi obiskovalci, katerih je bilo lepo število iz vseh krajev Amerike, smo odnesli najlepše spomine na dvanajsto redno konvencijo Sloveuske Ženske Zveze. JANEZ JALEN OGRAD Z dovoljenjem cerkvenega oblastva (Nadaljevanje) Mama, se ji je zdelo, pravkar pristavljala kosilo. Oče bo pa med trs jem v vinogradu; ogleduje, kako kaže trta, in računa, koliko bi utegnil stržiti za vino. Težko se prebija skozi denarne stiske. Od časa do časa jezno zablisne z očmi proti Gorici in se togoti na zeta, doktorja Andrejčiča, ki je skvaril njegovemu edinemu otroku vse življenje in še njemu in ženi vsa preostala leta. Pavla se je živo zavedala, koliko krivico je prizadejala očetu. Samo enkrat se je bil oglasil pri njej v Gorici v preiskovalnem zaporu in je odšel ves strt od nje. Rada bi mu bila vsaj nakazala, da ni kriva, da obsoja moža, pa kaj, ko je smela z njim govoriti le pred uradno pričo. Pavla je opazila, da jo ciganka Kati čimdalje pomilovalno ogleduje. Skušala se je iztrgati iz kroga svojih žalostnih misli, pa se je venomer spovračala na dom in videla žalostni obraz matere in zagrenjene očetove poteze. Prav zares ji je odleglo, ko je sestra Donata ukazala oditi h kosilu. Pa ni bila lačna. Celo s težavo je zaužila odmerjeno ji hrano. Pokosilu se je šel njen oddelek sprehajat na vnanje dvorišče. Kati se je potrudila, da sta bili s Pavlo prvi par. Z drugimi kaznjenkami zadaj sta hodili v krogu naokrog. Ptiči so že kar vsi utihnili, le kukavica se je oglašala v zelenem bukovju pod Svetim Petrom. “Gospa,” je prijela Kati narahlo Pavlo za roko in pričela pogovor. “Kaj je, Kati?” se je zdramila Pavla iz zamišljenosti. “Grda sem bila danes dopoldne,” se je opravičevala ciganka. “Zakaj?” se je začudila Pavla. “Ker vam nisem ponudila nič kruha.” Pavla je spoznala iz glasu, da je ciganki res hudo. “Ne bila bi ga sprejela. Nisem bila lačna,” je odkimala Pavla. Kati je pa nadaljevala, kakor bi je ne bila slišala: "Saj bi vam ga bila prav gotovo ponudila, da sem vas prej prepoznala. Pa sem se šele po odmoru spomnila, kje sem vas nekoč videla. Pred leti je bilo. Naša družina je šla na pomlad iz Italije skozi Brda nazaj proti Ogrski. Dež nas je ustavil. Lačni in mokri smo bili. Vzela sem s sabo razcapanega fantka in šla prosit. Povsod so nama kazali vrata. Ljudje sami niso imeli. Tudi ukrasti nisva mogla nič. Nazadnje sva zavila še na dvorišče premožne hiše. Hlapec naju je hotel odgnati s psom. Pa se je oglasilo mlado dekle in naju poklicalo v hišo. Dalo nama je gorkega mleka in kruha. O, kako se je prileglo. Ciganček je dobil še suh suknjič, jaz pa obnošeno srajco. Tisto dekle ste bili vi. Se še spomnite, gospa?” Pavla ni še pozabila, da se je nekoč usmilila premra-ženega ciganskega dekletta in raztrganega cigančka; da je bila pa ravno Kati tista, bi pa ne mogla reči. Pa je moralo biti že res. Pavla je začutila ,da je breme, ki jo je že ves dan z neusmiljeno težo pritiskalo k tlom, in je grozilo, da jo stre, pričelo postajati lažje. Hvaležno je pogledala ciganko in se res mračno spomnila njenega obraza. Kakor bi ji bila Kati pogledala v dušo, je nadaljevala: “Gospa! Že več dni razmišljam, kako so vendar mogli vas obsoditi. Danes pa, ko sem gledala vaš pritajen jok, mi je nekaj reklo, da res po nedolžnem trpite.” “Misliš,” se je žalostno nasmehnila Pavla ciganki. Čutila pa je, kakor bi jo bila pobožala ljubeča orka. “Saj mi ni treba pritrditi, če ne marate izdati svoje skrivnosti, čeprav bi vas jaz bolj razumela kakor katera koli druga izmed kaznjenk. Kaj morate trpeti šele vi, vajeni vsega dobrega, ko že jaz včasih kar obupujem. Mene so obdolžili in obsodili zavoljo okrutnosti, ki bi je ne zmogla. Najhuje je pa to, ko mi nihče noče verjeti, da sem nedolžna. Vsak skomigne z rameni in si misli, da cigani samo lažemo.” Kati je začela hoditi počasneje. “Ali jaz še vedno upam, da se kdaj skaže pravica,” je tiho pristavila. Pavla je spoznala, da ciganka tipa, če bi ona bila pripravljena verjeti njeni izpovedi. Če bi bila tudi trdno prepričana, da se ciganka hoče delati samo lepo, bi ji sedaj ne mogla odreči, naj pove svojo zgodbo. Še celo sama jo je pozvala, naj se razgovori. Ciganki se razžare temne oči. Za hip je skoraj obstala, stisnila Pavli roko pa spet začela hitro hoditi naokrog po sprehajališču. Kaznjenke v parih za njima so zagnale vrišč nad mačko, ki se je priplazila k ograji. Sestra Donata, ki je stala na sredi dvorišča, jih je posvarila. Ciganke Kati vse to ni zmotilo. Kakor M se bala, da jo Pavla kasneje ne bo več voljna poslušati, je hitro začela pripovedovati. "Bilo je v jeseni. Taborili smo v lozi v bližini viaogradov ob ogrski meji. Drevje se je že barvalo in noči so bile hladne. Nič ne bom tajila. Ves dan sem hodila okrog vinskih hramov. Ljudje so bili veseli obilne trgatve in so mi kar radi dajali jesti pa tudi dokaj vina. Prav precej otmot-ljena sem prišla pod noč k našim ognjem. Poiskala sem si odejo, slekla vrhnjo obleko in legla malo v stran pod košat hrast. Kdaj sem zaspala sama ne vem. Sredi noči me je prišla budit stara ciganka Mici, naj grem jest in pit, da so naši moški staknili nekje prašiča, ki ga pečejo in tudi sodec vina. Ne, nisem marala vstati. Saj sta se mi jed in pijača že gabila. Proti jutru sem se spet prebudila. Divje vpitje se je razleglo pri ognjih, wnies pa se mi je zdelo, da slišim bolestno ječanje. Pa sem spet zaspala in se prebudila šele proti jutru. Vse naokrog je bilo tiho. Nikogar več ni bilo nikjer čutiti. Tudi moje obleke ni bil® nikjer več. Namesto nje je pa visela na grmu druga, skoraj nova, lepo živo pisana, v kateri ste me videli priti v Begunje. Kaj sem hotela. Oblekla sem jo. Mislila sem, da so se naši ljudje vsi upijanili in pospali okrog ognjev. Grem pogledat. Ognji so bili zapuščeni. Na hrast pa je bilo privezano vse razmesarjeno golo moško telo. Zgrozila sem se. Koža telesa, kolikor se je je videlo iz ran in krvi, je bila bela. Vedela sem, da ni kdo izmed naših ljudi. Obenem: sem pa že zagledala naokrog razemtano žandarsko obleko.” Kati je prenehala pripovedovati. Pavla je videla, da ciganko še sedaj stresa, ko se samo spominja groznega pogleda. “Zbežala sem od ugašajočih ognjev in skušala uganiti, kam so odšli naši ljudje. Pa še preden sem mogla razbrati kakšno sled, so me pograbili orožniki. ‘Poznam jo po obleki.’ Udaril me je v obraz, da se mi je ulila kri. Potem so me trdo uklenili in odpeljali v zapore. V nekaj dneh so polovili tudi vse druge.” “Kaj se imata pa doktorica in ciganka danes toliko pogovoriti,” je zbodla ena izmed kaznjenk od zadaj. “Malo hitreje stopita, da ne bomo zaspale,” je usekala druga. Pavla se ni mogla premagati. Jezno je pogledala nazaj. Občutila je vso zoprnost druščine, med katero je morala nepretrgoma noč in dan živeti, in ciganko Kati je pričela imeti rada. Ciganka pa je hitela pripovedovati, kakor bi se bala, da ne ho mogla dokončati, da pri razpravi ni mogla razložiti, od kod je dobila pisano obleko, pa so jo obsodili. Njenega brata in še dva druga cigana so pa obesili. Čas sprehoda je potekel. Sestra Donata je trikrat zapovrstjo plosknila v dlan. Pogovor je utihnil in pari so molče odšli po stopnicah navzgor spet šivat balo za Novakovo Minco. “Kakšne prte pa prav za prav delava?” je vprašala Kati. “To niso prti, da bi se pogrinjala z njimi miza za gostijo,” je pojasnila Pavla. “Saj vidiš, da segajo prav do tal. Rabijo se le redkokdaj. Samo takrat, če pridejo koga pre-videvat. Pa tudi takrat pregrnejo tak<5 mizo, če kdo leži na mrtvaškem odru, da stoji križ in gorč sveče na njej. In pa blagoslovljena voda. Mora pa te prte imeti na bali kar vsaka nevesta, da je z vsem do smrti oskrbljena.” (Dalje prihodnjič) Srečna zmagovalka TV aparata, Pauline Kokal, delegatka št. 9G, Universal, Pa. s Stephanie Vranesich, načelnica posebnega odbora iz Ely. Najstarejša članica ki je prisostovala konvenciji, Angela Križman iz Chicaga v krogu prijateljic, Ella Starin, Marie Prisland, Corinne Leskovar (vnukinja) in Ursula Kržišnik. ČAST PRIDNIM DELAVKAM PRED-KONVENČE KAMPANJE! PRE-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN — December 31, 1960 43 Rose Kraerner 4 4 Branch Worker A B Junior Tot. S Shulta 1 9 1 Margaret Fischer 1 9 13 23 46 M. Thompson 1 2 Anna Zorko 8 14 2G 48 Viola Pisoni 3 4 3 Anna Pachak 1 G 47 Helen Tomazic 2 3 Frances Simonič 3 10 Anna Kresevic 3 5 Julia Zupančič 1 1 M. Sholar 3 6 Mary Fidel 1 2 3 Jennie Pugely 1 1 1 7 Christine Menart 4 15 19 A, Christofek 2 16 10 Antonia Repic 1 49 Mary Stuaek 1 1 M. Komidar 1 2 52 Alice Barato 3 10 13 12 Mary Schimenz 3 3 54 Mary Waltko 1 1 13 Rose Scoft' 1 55 Theresa Lozier 1 1 Frances Chiodo 1 Emma Zore 2 K. Judnich 1 H. Biscan 2 J. Aiuto 1 Mary Lukz 1 7 E. Doherty 2 6 56 Mary Meadows 1 14 Pauline Cesar 1 Dorothy Oberstar 1 Amelia Legat 1 Mrs. Susie 2 1 Frances Globokar 3 Barbara Doshen 1 6 Mary Stražišar 2 7 57 Frances Yerman 1 15 Rose Vatovec 1 P. Logar 1 Frances Novak 1 1 Mary Macek 1 3 Fran-ces Lindich 1 4 63 Mollie Svigel 1 1 3 IG Katie Triller 2 2 Mary Kovac 1 1 Gladys Buck 1 A. Dyslcowsky 1 1 9 E. Starcevich 1 65 Jennie Tavchar 1 1 Pauline Druga 1 7 67 Mary Brodesko 1 1 17 Marie A. Floryan 11 8 IS 37 68 J. Grzely 2 19 Mary Lenicli 1 J. Mohorčič 1 1 Ann Shukle 1 E. Hrvatin 1 5 Mary Shukle 1 3 71 Mary Tomsic 1 1 20 Josephine Sumic 4 4 A. Senkinc 6 8 21 Stella Dancull 3 73 Louise Epley 4 19 10 Mary Nosan 1 Mary Szabo 12 2 9 Theresa Kožuh 1 5 Helen Kainec 2 23 Mary Shikonya 1 3 Wilma Russo 1 59 Barbara Rosandich 2 1 2 9 77 Elizabeth Conway 1 2 24 Angela Strukel 2 10 M. Zupank 1 4 Mary Krogulski 1 13 84 Angela Voje 2 2 25 Mary Otoničar 11 21 22 86 Mary Zakrajšek 2 2 Vickie Faletič 6 35 88 Mary Lovse 2 2 M. Bratkovič 1 89 Nancy Kleczewski 1 5 Dorothy Sternisha 1 97 J. Fulaxa 4 1 31 Antonia Lucich 5 5 J. Fedara 1 32 Anna Godlar 2 C. Bekeleski 1 Nancy Potokar 1 L Dawson 1 14 C. Zele 1 90 Mary Rupnik 1 1 M. Penrod 1 5 91 Amalia Sorch 1 33 Rose Ann Munsell S 15 16 39 Theresa Kirn 1 2 38 Frances Kren 1 95 Mary Barcevac 1 3 4 F. Jelenič 1 2 100 Mary Vidergar 1 40 Angela Kozjan 1 9 E. Drawenek 1 4 Frances Bresak 1 11 M. Ercul 1 7 41 Ella Starin 2 102 J. Aitac 1 1 Cecelia Wolf 1 _—.—. A. Skok 1 4 118 167 289 574 P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: KATERI Sl V NEBESIH O nebesih imamo kaj čudne pojme. Mislimo si, da so daleč od nas in za ljudi, ki pridejo tja po posebni božji dobroti. Nam samim se zdi skoraj nemogoče, da bi kaj takega dosegli. Ko molimo v očenašu: Oče naš Kateri si v nebesih, ostanemo kar pri očetu. Naše misli gredo zelo nerade dalje. Za nas so nebesa neznano polje. Tako se včasih ponašamo kakor da tam nimamo nebenega opravka. In vendar je beseda katekizma o nebesih jasna: Nebesa so kraj večnega blaženstva. večne sreče. To je kraj za katerega smo namenjeni. Kaj je potem bolj primernega, da ima Bog svoje bivališče v tem kraju. Ko torej molimo v očenašu: Oče naš, kateri si v nebesih je to za nas živ opomin, da si poleg očeta tudi mi želimo kraja, kjer oče prebiva. Ker nas je božji sin naučil molitev očenaša, je s tem pokazal, da naj delamo na tem, da ga dosežemo. Da je to nekaj dobrega biti pri očetu, nekaj o čemer je prav, da sanjamo, nam pove tudi zgodba o izgubljenem sinu. Premotile so ga slad-nosti življenja ali osrečile ga niso. Po dolgem tavanju in iskanju je sklenil: Vrnil se bom v očetovo hiso. Prebivališče pod očetovo streho je bil zanj višek sreče. To je tudi naš namen, da po tem življenju dosežemo srečo pri očetu. Kako lepo sveto pismo opisuje srečo nebes in nebesa sama. Takole pravi: Oko ni videlo, uho ni slišalo in človeško srce ni občutilo kar je Bog pripravil tistim, ki njega ljubijo. Mislim, da prav zaradi te lepote, ki si je ne moremo prestavljati in ki bo nas delež, ne moremo verjeti, da bo res in da tak kraj obstoja. Toda o tem ni nobenega dvoma. Tudi si ne nornero misliti manj kot to, da bo Bog izbral za sebe najboljši prostor. Tja vabi nas. Zato mi molimo in prosimo ko molimo: Oče naš. kateri sl v nebesih. Naš um ne more obseči te vilike resnice, kar pa ne pomeni, da zaradi tega ne obstoja Dobro je o tem zapisal sv. Pavel: Zdaj namreč gledamo v zrcalu, nejasno, takrat pa iz obličja v obličje. Zdaj spoznavam deloma, takrat pa bom spoznal kakor sem bil spoznan. Zares velika reč je priti k očetu, ki je v nebesih. Starega pobožnega meniha sta nekoč obiskala dva njegova mladostna prijatelja. V pogovora z njim sta se zelo čudila njegovi veselosti in sta ga vprašala, če ni nikoli izkusil nič hudega, da je vedno tako mladostne volje. Veliko žalostnega je šlo preko mojih let pravi redovnik, toda Bog mi je dal milost, da se mi vsaka žalost kmalu spremeni v veselje. Kadar sem potrt stopim samo k oknu moje celice in takoj ugledam nekaj, kar me potolaži. Eden od prijateljev stopi k oknu in ne vidi drugega kakor samostanski zid, ki je zapiral vsak pogled. Le natanko poglej mu prigovarja redovnik. Pri najbol jši volji odgovori prijatelj ne vidim drugega kakor zid in pa košček neba. To je tisto vzklikne starček . . . košček neba, košček neba . . . kar mi daje moč in tolažbo. V britkosti se ozrem v tisti košček neba in v srcu se mi vzbudi upanje večnih dobrin in mir se povrne v dušo. Misel na nagrado za zvesto službo Bogu nam mora dali poguma, posebno še, če vemo, da je ta nagrada sreča nebes brez konca. Nihče je nam ne bo vzel, Vse kar je potrebno, je malo prizadevanja sedaj. Besede, ki jih izgovarjamo ko pravimo: Oče naš, kateri sl v nebesih naj bodo pa prisrčne, da bomo ob zaključku življenja vredni doseči mesto v nebesih, ki nam ga je pripravil in obljubil nebeški oče. BISERNI JUBILEJ Č. SESTRE M. CYRILLE ZUPAN. OSB. Dne 11. julija, bo naša Slovenka č. sestra Cyrilla Zupan iz reda Benedik-tink slavila 60 letnico svojih redovnih obljub v kapeli zavoda Sv. Sko-lastike, 7430 No. Ridge Blvd., Chicago, 111. Slavljenka je rodna sestra pok. Sr. Ludmille, pok. č. g. Cirila Zupan, dolgoletnega župnika fare Marije Pomagaj v Pueblo, Colo., kakor tudi še živečega brata č. g. Peter Zupan v St. Vincent’s Abbey, I.atrobe, Pa. in sorodnica dobro poznanega g. Peter Zupan in soproge, sedaj živečih v Canon City, Colo. Kot Gorenjki doma blizu Kranja, vedno vesele narave, ji je sam Bog pripravil Benediktinsko celico v Ameriki. Posvetila je vse svoje moči in skrbno ter neumorno delovala mnogo let v slovenski naselbini Marije Pomagaj v Pueblo, kakor tudi več let v St. Skolastilca Academy v Canon City, Colo. ter tudi v glavnem zavodu v Chicagu. Zadnjih par let se nahaja tukaj v Materni hiši, kjer največ posveča svoje proste ure pred tabernakljem, kjer se hvaležno in vdano spominja v molitvah vseh živih in umrlih prijateljev — znancev in dobrotnikov, kakor tudi članic Slovenske Ženske Zveze, tako v glavnem uradu, kakor pri podružnicah. Zarja ji prinaša veliko veselja ter jo takoj vzame v roke, kakor hitro priroma. Pax. Ugledni slavljenki ob njenem visokem jubileju pošilja tudi Zarja, iskre- fSSr Čestita sestra M. Cyrilla in njen brat Rev. Peter Zupan. ne čestitke z željami, da ji dobri Bog nakloni še mnogo let in ji enkrat bogato poplača vsa njena dobra dela ne samo za Slovence, ampak za vso Cerkev. Urednica. STOLETNICA BENEDIKTINK V CHICAGU Dne 16. augusta bo potekla 100 let odkar so 1. 1861 prišle č. sestre Bene-diktinke v Chicago iz St. Mary’s, Erie, Pa. Ta dan bo daroval slovesno pon-tifikalno sv. mašo v kapeli na 7430 N. Ridge Blvd. v Chicago sam kardinal Albert Mayer v zahvalo za vse dobrote in milosti tekom zadnjih 100 let. Bogu hvala za vse! DOPISI St. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.—Po seji 12. maja, smo proslavile kar dve slovesnosti; imele smo lep program na čast materam in obhajale smo rojstne dneve članic, ki so bile rojene v aprilu, maju in juniju. Preds. je lepo čestitala naši letošnji častni materi ses. Rosie Carek in ji pripela lep šopek nageljnov ter želela vsem slavljenkam vse najboljše. Ses. Olga Saje je pripravila krasen program s svojimi študenti glasbe. 15 nadarjenih dečkov in deklic nas je zelo veselo iznenadilo, ker so največ igrali naše lepe slovenske polke in valčke. Mamice in stare mamice so bile posebno ginjene, saj so jih tako lepo počastili njihovi lastni otroci in vnučki. Še enkrat najlepša hvala ses. Olgi In vsem otrokom za veselje, ki ste nam ga pripravili s tako lepim programom. Iskrena hvala tudi vsem, ki ste prispevale k party po seji in programu, bodisi v denarju, ali jestvinah, kakor tudi vsem, ki ste stvari pripravljale in postregle pri mizah. Vsem sestram želim zdrave in srečne počitnice. V juliju in augustu ne bomo Imele sej. Glede konvencije bo gotovo opisano v Zarji, naj zapišem samo toliko: Thank you Ely, we had a wonderful time. Nikoli ne bomo pozabile prijaznih ljudi in naših sosester SŽZ, katere smo sračale. M. Godez, poročevalka Št. 2, Chicago, III.—Glavni razgovor na seji v juniju, se je sukal okoli priprav za Zvezin dan v Lemontu dne 16. ju- Na sliki so od leve proti desni: Mary Godec, preds št. 1, Sheboygan, Wise., June Plesko iz Milwaukee, Ann Zavrl iz SUeboygana, Kati Triller in Frances Plesko, preds. št. 12 v Milwaukee s soprogom. Minnesotske obiskovalke konvencije: Mary Dejak, Agnes Shega, Katherine Spritzer In Katherine Slogar. lija. Vse ste vljudno vabljene od blizu in daleč, da se romanja udeležite. Pri sv. maši v Lurski votlini ob 10:30 dop. bo pel naš zbor. Po maši bo kosilo v Baragovem domu v oskrbi č. g patrov. Imele bomo tudi sandviče, potico in okrepčila zunaj na prostem. Hrano na prostem Ima v oskrbi ses. Anna Zorko in za žejne bosta skrbeli May-me Muller in Mary Tomazin. Posebnega busa letos ne bo. Delegatinje in gl. odbornice so poročale o uspehu konvencije, kar je bilo z zadovoljstvom vzeto na znanje. Posebno so članice bile vesele, da bo prih. konvencija v Chicagu. Najboljša voščila ses. Sophie Simec, da bi kar hitro okrevala. Pozdrav vsem. Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo.—Naša 12 redna konvencija nam je zapustila nepozabne spomine Globoko sem hvaležna za ponovno mi poverjeni urad kot vaša drž. preds. za Colo in Kans. Ne vem če sem upravičena do tako lepega priznanja. Obljubljam, da bom storila vse v mojih skromnih močeh za napredek naše dične SŽZ. Vsem podr. Colo. in Kans. naznanjam, da se bo naša drž. konvencija vršila 12. augusta v Denver, Colo. Celotni odbor št. 63 se trudi, da bo postregel članicam in gostom. Podrobnosti bodo objavljene. Vse vljudno vabim, da pridete v krasno mesto Denver na počitnice v času naše konvencije. Vse podr. opominjam, da si izvolite delegatinjo, ki vas bo zastopala in poročala o aktivnosti podr. od zadnje drž. konv. v Pueblo. (Podrobno poročilo o gl. konvenciji in druge novice bodo priobčene prihodnjič. Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind.—Piknik naše podr. v Slovenskem narodnem domu je sijajno uspel. Hvala tistim, ki so pomagale pri delu in tudi kaj prispevale. Hvala ses. Mary Prhne, ki je darovala krasno ročno delo, žal se sama zaradi poškodbe ni mogla udeležiti. 21. maja sta slavila zlato poroko Frank in Mary Koničnik s sv. maso v cerkvi Sv. Trojice in krasnim slavjem v Narodnem domu. Želimo jima mnogo let ljubega zdravja.—V nedeljo dne 18. junija pa sta slavilo zlato poroko Joseph in Anna Smrdel v krogu svoje družine in prijateljev. Tudi njima želimo mnogo ljubega zdravja in zadovoljstva.—Enako bosta obhajala svojo zlato poroko Frank in Ana Gazboda v augustu. Želimo jima vse najboljše, da bi srečno dočakala to slavnost in še mnogo obletnic v bodočnosti. (Druge novice prihodnjič.) Bog Vas živi, Mary Markich, poročevalka Zali vala Zlatoporočencev Indianapolis, Ind. Frank In Mary Ko-nichnik se želita iz vsega srca zahvaliti vsem, ki so ju počastili ob prilike njunega 50 letnega jubileja zakonskega življenja. Posebna zahvala velja Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Bockhold za darovano sv. mašo in molitve v cerkvi Svete Trojice. Prisrčna zahvala otrokom, ki so z njima pristopili k zakramentom in jima priredili slavnostno kosilo. Globoko zahvala članicam in odbornicam SŽZ št. 5 za krasno darilo v obliki drevesa s 50 zlatimi dolarji. Lepa hvala Mr. in Mrs. Frank Velikan in pomočnikom pri bari in v kuhinji. Prisrčna hvala sosedom in prijateljem za krasne darove in izraze čestitk. Iskrena hvala sestrama Mr. in Mrs. Martin Mirtel in Mrs. Anna Glivar, ki so prišli iz Clevelanda na slavje. V najinih srcih bova ohranila hvaležnost in vdanost do vseh, ki ste pripomogli k proslavi zlatega jubileja. Naj Vam Bog povrne tisočero. Frank in Mary Konichnik. Št. 6, Barberton, O.—Na seji smo sklenile, da ne bo sej do oktobra. Prosim, da si zapomnite naslednja seja bo prvo nedeljo v okt. Ako želite plačati članarino pridite na moj dom vsaki četrtek do pol 6 ure bom doma in vas bom pričakovala. Pozdravljene, Mary Fidel, taj. Št. 10, Cleveland, O.—Naše delegatinje so se pohvalile, da je konvencija najlepše potekla.—Na seji v maju je bila lepa udeležba. Slavile smo Materinski dan in rojstne dneve ob do-bram pecivu in žlahtni kapljici. Tajnica je pripela lep šopek naši dolgoletni preds. M. Urbas, ki je tudi naša najstarejša čla., katero spoštujemo kakor našo mamico. 22. aug. bo 83 let mlada in ji želimo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih let.—Potem je tudi meni pripela krasen šopek, ker so me letos izbrale za častno mater in mi tudi podarile karto in dar $5.00, da si kupim novo pero, da bom lahko še naprej poročala novice v Zarjo, kar rada obljubim. Dobrim sestram se prisrčno zahvalim za vso čast, ki so jo nama izkazale.—Posebno smo bile počaščene, ko nam je odlična pevka Frances Potočnik zapela nekaj prelepih pesmi. Hvala ses. Potočnik In upamo, da boš še večkrat nred nami. (Nadaljevanje prihodnjič.) Pozdrav vsem, A. Repic, poročevalka Št. 15, Newburgh, O.—Na seji v maju smo se zbrale v velikem številu. Konvencija je za nami in je bila kar najbolj uspešna. Glede sprememb pravil boste čitale v Zarji.—Poročila se je čla. Ludmila Rožnik in ji vse želimo sreče v zakonu.—Naš duh. vodja Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Oman bo letos slavil svoj zlatomašniški jubilej. Bog naj ga ohrani še mnogo let med nami. Po seji smo obhajale materinski dan. Imele smo tudi krofe, štrudel in vse kar spada zdraven. Hvala Mrs. Srajer in Mrs. Česek, ki so toliko napekle. 14. maja smo imele sv. mašo za žive in umrle čla. in počastile smo majniško Kraljico. Vsem bolnim čla. želimo skorajsnje zdravje. Pozdravljene vse gl. odb. in sestre naše podr. Se vidimo na seji meseca septembra. Frances Lindich, poročevalka št. 16, So. Chicago, III.—Želim se iz vsega srca zahvaliti vsem v Minn., ki so nam tako lepo pripravili vse za prijetno bivanje v času konvencije in sestavile tako lep program. Hvala Miss Mary Hutar za krasno petje in enako cerkvenemu zboru. Ona je tudi pripravila krasen program. Vsa čast In hvala. Hvala vsem, ki so imele v rokah program za umrle članice, ki ni btl še nikdar tako lepo izpeljan. Posebna hvala našemu duh. vodji p. Klaudij Okorn za tako lepe pridige. Ob srebrni maši mu želimo, da bi še dolgo deloval v vinogradu Gospodovem.—Vsem in vsakemu posebej Bog plati za lepe dneve, ki smo jih preživele med vami. Za Zvezin dan v Lemontu 16. julija je naša podr. naročila Bus. Ob 9 uri bo prišel k cerkvi Sv. Jurija 96 in Ewing in ob 9:15 bo pri Hrvaški cer- NA OBISKU IZ SLOVENIJE Po 40 letih je naša ses. Albina Malavašič iz Clevelanda, št. 18, pozdravila svojega brata Leopolda Pirnata iz Ljubljane, ki je prišel k njim na obisk. Na gornji sliki je od leve ses. Malavašič s soprogom, g. Pirnat ter prijateljica Celia Zandar. G. Pirnatu želimo prijetno bivanje v Ameriki! kvi Vse katere se želite nam pridružiti, pridite, ker bo dovolj prostora tudi z tiste, ki niste članice, kakor tudi možički so vabljeni. Na svidenje v Lemontu, IG. julija. Katie Št. 17, West Allis, Wis.—V nedeljo dne 16. julija bomo poromale v Le-mont, če nas bo zadosti. Posim, da se priglasite pravočasno pri tajnici Mary Florjan.—Umrla je čla. Marta G. Durben. Naj počiva v miru. Vsem želim, da bi kar najlepše preživele poletni čas in se vse zdrave in vesele videle na septemberski seji. Vsem bolnim pa daj Bog ljubega zdravja. Pozdravljam vse, Angela Kastelic, poročevalka (Poročilo o Wis. drž. konvenciji, ki se je vršila 23. aprila, bo priobčeno prihodnjič.) Št. 18, Cleveland, O.—Pozdravljene vse sestre SŽZ, posebno naš novi odbor. Bilo mi je zelo žal, da se nisem mogla udeležiti konvencije. Vesela sem bila lepe udeležbe na seji in hvala za počastitev za moj rojstni in im-endan, ki je istega dne. Lepa hvala Mrs. Glavič za pecivo, Mrs. M. Paje, Mrs. Grebenc za lepe robčke.— Bolne so Mrs. Ana Poznilc in Albina Malovašič. Želimo jima skorajšnjega okrevanja, da zopet pridete na seje, kjer se imamo prav luštno. Dekleta se zabavajo ob priljubljenih igrah, domov so nesle lepe henkije in jaz sem postregla tudi z dobro kapljico. Prihodnjič bomo počastile Ančke, zato pridite vse. Pozdravljene, Nettie Strukel, preds. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn.—Na seji v maju je bilo navzočih lepo število članic in smo se prav dobro imele. Razpravljale smo važne zadeve podr. in Zveze. Spomnile smo se umrlih članic. Bolnim sestram želimo, da bi jim Bog naklonil ljubega zdravja. Našo dobro ses. Annie Shulcle je Bog rešil trpljenja. Žalujočemu soprogu Johnu, 4 sestram, ki so vse naše članice, izrekamo globoko sožalje. Naj blaga ses. počiva v Bogu.—V bolnišnici se nahaja ses. Mary Heglar. Želimo ji hitrega ozdravljenja.—Slavljencem rojstnih dnevov, vse najboljše.—Naša podpreds. je postala stara mati, ker so pri sinu dobili zalo hčerko.—Sin naše ses. Jessey Bratulich je končal višjo šolo. Želimo njemu in vsem študentom graduantom vse dobro v življenju.—Čeravno malo pozno, vendar toliko bolj iz srca voščila ob rojstnem dnevu mame naše gl. tajnice Albine, Mrs. Angeli Križman in naši ustanoviteljici Mrs. Prisland. Naj Vama Bog podeli še mnogo veselih in zdravih let.— Očetom, ki so slavili svoj dan v juniju, mnogo sreče in zadovoljstva. —Prihodnja seja se bo vršila 2 četrtek v septembru. Torej na svidenje 13. sept., plačate pa lahko tudi na domu. Fr. Okornu želim ob 25 letnici maš-ništva, da bi še mnogo let srečno deloval v svojem poklicu v Zvezi in med svojimi farani. Srečno potovanje v staro domovino. Enako tudi Tebi Albina. (Podrobno poročilo o konvenciji bo objavljeno v prih. številki.) Pozdravljene vse delegatinje in vse članice Zveze. Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III.—Naša seja v maju je bila lepo obiskana. Počastili šmo našo popularno mater za to leto Mrs. Mary (Anton) Terlep, katera je letos dobila to čast. Naša predsednica ji je pripela šopek in navedla vse zasluge in dela, katere ima na svojem rekordu. Želimo je vse, da bi bila še dolgo med nami. Na tej seji so tudi naše delegatinje poročale o izidu konvencije vršeče se na Ely, Minn. Prav hudomušno je podala poročilo o potovanju Mrs. Josephine Muster kateri smo se vse smejali. Bile so lepo sprejete in je bilo res vse v prvem redu, kraj in postrežba Natančno sta poročale Josephine Muster in tajnica Frances Gaspich, katera je sedaj za gl. nadzornico. Vsa poročila so bila z zani-manjen sprejeta. Mrs. Muster je izročila zapisnilcarci J. Erjavec tudi “plaque” za 30 letno poročevalko v Zarji in pa Mrs. J. Sumic za 20 letno poročevalko o keg-laški aktivnosti. Obe sva bile iznena-dene. Lepo je, da se ob takih prilikah spominjajo urednica in delegatinje zaslužnih delavk. Mrs. Jo Sumic poda obširno poro- čilo o potovanju v Hawaii. Želimo, da bo s tem potovanjem mnogo uspeha, da bo imela naša častna predsednica Mrs. M. Prisland res lepe čase z ostalimi potovalkami. Srečno potovanje v rojstno domovino želimo tudi naši preds. Emmi Planinšek, ki gre tja po 40 letih, dalje članicam Jennie Sprengel, Hose Jagodnik, Theresa Oblak, Anna Mahkovec, in Mr. in Mrs. Luke Benedik. Vsem želimo prijetno bivanje in zdrav povratek. V bolnišnici se nahaja Miss Marge Papesh, iz bolnice se je vrnila Mrs. Mary Cohil, a Mrs. Frank Skul je še vedno v St. Joseph’s bolnišnici. Do prihodnje seje v septembru, Vas vse pozdravlja, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O.—Naša prihodnja seja bo v septembru. Tajnica se je zdrava vrnila iz konvencije in prinesla dobre novice o lepo uspelem zborovanju.—V zadnjem dopisu sem pozabila poročati, da je Anna Šušteršič darovala $2.00 v blagajno.—Nevarno je zbolela v Floridi ses. Mallv Sterle. Bolna je tudi hčerka Helen Less, Mrs. Banker. Obema želimo hit-hega zdravja.—Iskreno sožalje izrekamo Mrs. Sabal ob izgubi brata Joe Skruhal. Vesele rojstne dneve ses. Zamen in Cecilia Brodnik, ki je 75 let mlada. Bog ju živi!—Zahvala Fr. Okorn za lepe članke v Zarji. EnaUo tudi Marie Prisland. Pozdravljene vse, F. Kave, poročevalka Št. 23, Ely, Minn.—Veselilo nas je pozdraviti na 12 konvenciji prejšnje znanke, kakor tudi seznaniti se z novimi delegatinjami. Upam, da je konvencija uspela v prid celotne Zveze. (Več o konvenciji bo objavljeno v prihodnji ZARJI.) Omenim naj še, da smo 29. maja imele vse, ki smo kaj delale za ltonvenčne priprave skupno večerjo in vse načelnice odborov so bile nagrejene z malim darilom, kakor tudi taj. Barbara Rosandich, ki je imela največ dela ter Mary Hutar, ki je pripravila krasen program, katerega so vsi pohvalili. V bolnišnici se nahaja težko bolana dobra članica ses. Sophie Petrik. V Duluthu je tudi John Vidmar soprog naše čla. Mary. Tema in vsem drugim, ki niso pri dobrem zdravju, želimo hitrega olcravenja. Kath. Slogar, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III.—Vsem ses., ki odhajate na počitnice, želim mnogo veselega razvedrila.—V bolnišnici se je nahajala ses. Mary Baznik, ki se sedaj zdravi doma; enako tudi Agnes Bartlett, ki se tudi sedaj zdravi na domu; obema želimo ljubega zdravja,-Iskreno sožalje Mary Strukel nad izgubo ses. Alojzije Abel. ki je preminula v lepi starosti 85 let v domovini. Pokojni naj bo Bog dober plačnik. Še enkrat opominjam vse, ki boste SKUPNI SESTANEK oh 25 LETNICI USTANOVITVE PODR. ŠT. 6» šle v Lemont, da se priglasite čim-prej. Srečno potovanje želimo naši gl. taj. A. Novak in srečen povratek iz Slovenije. Pozdrav vsem čla. podr. in vsem, ki čitate Zarjo. Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Pozdrav vsem. V maju smo imele mesto seje družabnost s prikrivanjem številk in je prav lepo uspelo. Hvala vsem, ki ste se udeležile in prinesle veliko peciva. Junija in julija ne bo seje, toda v augustu bo važna seja, ker bomo 24. sept. imele Zvezin dan z banketom, zato je nujno, da pridemo vse skupaj in ukrenemo vse potrebno. Pozdrav celotnemu novemu gl. odboru in duh. svetovalcu, kakor tudi vsem delegatinjam konvencije. Priznanje gre podr. št. 23, v Ely za vse priprave in tako odlično postrežbo, da se je človek počutil, kakor doma. Posebno tudi za krasno petje, za kar velja čast vaši voditeljici Mary Hutar. Še enkrat vsem iskrena hvala za izraze prijateljstva in naklonjenosti.— Srečne počitnice in srečno vrnitev. Anna Trontel, preds. Št. 29, Braundale, (Forest City), Pa. ■—Pozdravljene vse delegatinje, posebno še tiste, s katerimi smo se skupaj vozili in prepevali. Žal, ko sem prišla domov, sem morala za 5 dni v bolnišnico, zato mi oprostite, ker se ne morem vsaki nekoliko zahvaliti za tako lepo prijaznost, katere sem bila deležna.—Obhajali smo očetovski dan in jaz se spominjam svojega dragega moža, ki počiva že 36 let. Bog mu bodi plačnik za njegova dobra dela in trpljenje na tem svetu. — Čestitam č.g p. Okornu k 25 letnici mašništva. Prosim, da pridete prih. mesec v obilnem številu na sejo. Pozdrave vsem gl. odbornicam, dalje mojima prijateljicama Menart in Mrs. Gostiša in Mr. Zalarju za potrpljenje z menoj. Mary Pristavec Št. 30, Aurora, 111.—Letošnje vreme je kakor pravi pregovor: 9 mesecev zima, 3 mesece pa mraz, saj je pomlad bila prav hladna. V sept. bo nastopil službo učitelja v Glen Ellyn blizu Chicaga poznani fant Jack White, sin naše rojakinje Mary, rojene Prapernik. Čestitke in vso srečo Jacku in ponosnim staršem. Iz naše male slov. naselbine je izšlo že več odvetnikov, eden mirovni sodnik v mestni administraciji, 3 inženirji, učitelji, računovadje, zobozdravnik, optometrist in ne vem kaj še. V resnici je vredno zgodovine kako so se naši možje in očaki trudili in mučili za boljše življenje svojih otrok. Seveda brez truda otrok tudi ne bi šlo, zato jih naj sreča spremlja povsod. (Nadaljevanje dopisa prihodnjič). Vas vse lepo pozdravlja, Vaša, Frances Kranjc št. 68, Fairport Harbor, O.—Preteklo je 25 let odkar smo ustanovile našo podr. Te lepe dobe nismo prezrle. Imele smo skupno večerjo ln ob veselem razpoloženju obhajale srebrni jubilej. Posebna želja vseh je bila, da bi ob zlatem jubileju bile zopet vse tako skupaj, pa še kaj več mlajših med nami. Nenavzoče so bile samo 3 članice, katere je zadržla bolezen, namreč: J. Komar, F. Skrabec in M. Snidarsic. Posebno smo vesele in ponosne, da smo bile vse ustanoviteljice navzoče na proslavi. Št. 32, Euclid, O.—Po lepo uspeli 12 narodni konvenciji SŽZ (poročilo bo v prih. Zarji), smo se z Mary Vodičar odpeljale v Lemont, kjer se nas je 4i zbralo na duhovnih vajah. Molile in pele smo ter se obenem tudi odpočile ob najboljši postrežbi. V nedeljo pridejo po nas Vodlčarjeva nečakinja in njen zet Mr. Duša. Odpeljali smo se na njihov dom v Rockdale in na Decoration Day smo se udeležile slovesnosti na pokopališču v Jolietu s sv. maso, ki jo je daroval Msgr. Butala. Pevci so krasno prepevali. Ogledali smo si St. Raymond katedralo in obiskale tudi Mr. Kostelic sr. Mr. Duša nas je zvečer peljal s svojo družino in M. Stariha v Cicero k moji sestrični Agnes Jurečič, kjer smo gostovale za par dni. Ona zaradi bolezni žal ne more biti več tako aktivna. V petek sva se vrnile po 2 tednih zopet domov. Prisrčna hvala vsem čla. in prijateljem na vse strani za prijaznost in gostoljubnost. Anna Godlar Št. 41, Cleveland, O.—Po zaključku uspešne konvencije smo se srečno vrnile v naš Cleveland. Vsem novo In ponovno izvoljenim gl. odbornicam iskreno čestitamo in želimo, da bo pod njihovim vodstvom Zveza lepo napi edovala. Prijaznim čla. od podr. 23 v Ely in vsem postrežljivim meščanom konvenčnega mesta še enkrat za vse iskrena hvala. Prav prisrčna hvala zvesti prijateljici Mary Lenich in sop- Zadnja seja je bila kar dobro obiskana. Med dragim smo razpravljale o pikniku, ki ga bomo imele eno nedeljo v juliju na Mohorcicevih prostorih.—Srečno številko in dobitek navzočnosti je prejela Jennie Lagina.— Oprostite mi če včasih nenamenoma pozabim omeniti in se zahvaliti tistim, ki kaj prispevajo. Pred zadnjo sejo je Krstina Mahne prinesla pohanje, da se je prileglo s kofetom. Res Iskrena hvala. Vse sestre bodite pozdravljene, dal Bog, da se vidimi zdrave na prih. seji. Angela Lunka, poročevalka rogu Tonetu za izvrstne potice, katere sta nam izročila ob odhodu, da smo se sladkale na busu. Lepa hvala čla. št. 19 za pozdrave. Bivanje med vami je Klo tako domače prijazno, da ne boste nikoli pozabljene. Na zadnji seji je delegatinja podala obširno poročilo o zaklučkih konvencije, kar je bilo z zadovoljstvom vzeto na znanje. V kratkem smo zopet izgubile kar 2 dobri čla , ses. Rose Pirman in ses. Ano Planinšek. Pok. Pirman zapušča sina, hčerko, vnuke in ostalo sorodstvo. Za s.es. Planinšek pa žalujejo soprog, 3 sinovi, 6 hčerk, 17 vnukov in 9 pravnukov in več drugih sorodnikov. Blaga pokojnica je bila mamica naše ustanoviteljice, nekdanje večletne tajnice ses. Ann Fabian-Stopar in stara mamica ses. Berthe Cup. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Pokojni sestri pa naj sladko snivala In ohranjen naj jima bo lep spomin. Iskreno sožalje tudi ses. Angeli Maček nad izgubo ljubljenega sina.—Ses. Angela Bohinc je že na potu okrevanja, po prestani operaciji na nogi. Njej In vsem bolnim članicam želimo čimprejšnjega zdravja. (Nadaljevanje dopisa v prih. Zarji.) S pozdravom in na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 54, Warren, O—Ker smo v času počitnic, zato ne bo sej julija in au-gusta. Prihodnja seja bo 7. sept.— Junijska seja ni bila preveč dobro o-biskana zaradi slabega vremena, radio je celo napovedoval tornado. Hvala Bogu ni bilo prehudo razdjanje razen prevrnjenih trejlerjev in velikega screen-a v drive-in. Ko je nevihta pojenjala smo se dobro imele ob obhajanju rojstnih dnevov sester: Mary Ponikvar, Louise Tomazin in Millie Habich. Vsem skupaj prisrčna hvala za vse in še na mnoga leta. Ses. Prances Ivock je srečno prestala operacijo. Želimo ji ljubega zdravja, saj ona rada prihaja na seje.— Vsem, ki so junija graduirali želimo mnogo uspehov v življenju. Med njimi so tudi naše članice, dvojčke ses. Gladd, ki se zelo nadarjene. Iz Kent U. je dokončale študije Roselyn Žuga za učiteljico. Vsem naše čestitke. Konvencija je za nami. Ker vem, da naši vrli urednici Corinne zmanjkuje prostora, ne bom opisovala, ker bo vse v zapisniku; naj samo izrečem prisrčno zahvalo vsem rajakom in rojakinjam, duhovnikom, županu in Mr. Vrtinu, lastniku hotela in sploh vsem na Ely, ki so nam bili na uslugo, nas tako lepo sprejeli in zabavali. (Več o vtisih iz konvencije prihodnjič). Pozdrav gl. odbornicam, čestitke novo izvoljenim, ostalim zaupnica in zahvala, pozdrav tudi vsem delegatinjam, —z eno besedo vsem skupaj. Rose Racher Št. 55, Girard, O.—Na zadnji seji je bilo navzočih 75 članic in njihove hčerke. Praznovale smo Mother — daughter banquet, ki ga nam je pripravila ses. Mary Svesko. Vršil se je v slovenskem domu v Girard. Počastile smo tudi našo častno mater Mrs. Anna Krivak in jo obdarile. Naša Theresa Lozier je pripravila krasen program. Mary Louise Umeclc je zaigrala na harmoniko pesem za katero je v nekem kontestu dobila prvo nagrado. Čestitke! Mildred Wolfard nam je prebrala recipe “Mater,” ki ga je posnela iz Zarje. Mary Mehalco nam je prebrala lepo pesem za Materinski dan, katero nam je poslal nekdanji kaplan lz cerkve Sv. Rose, Father Bremgartner. Hvala mu za v srce segajoče besede. Na klavirju so nam zaigrale duet Linda Costarella in Frances Racick. So prav lepo zapele nekaj pesmi. Ob zaključku smo vse lepo zapele nekaj krasnih slovenskih pesmi. (Ostale novice bodo objavljene prihodnjič.) S pozdravom do prihodnje seje, Emma Zore Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans . 12 redna konvencija se je vršila v najlepšem redu in je po mojem mnenju bila res uspešna. Delegatinje smo odnesle najlepše vtise in nepozabne spomine na prijazne ljudi v Ely. (Podrobnejši vtisi iz konvencije in potovanja bodo priobčeni prihodnjič.) Ob tej priliki smo se tudi prvič srečali s sorodniki mojega moža, Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Japel iz Soudan, Minn. Barbara je poročevalka št. 34 in je hčerka pokojne sestrične mojega soproga. Njen brat Joseph Nemanich je prvi podpreds. KSKJ. Obema iskrena hvala za vso postrežbo, kakor seveda vsem drugim, katere smo srečali. Sedaj naj prideta še ona v Kansas, da bosta srečala še ostale sorodnike. Nazaj grede smo v 111. obiskali naše hčerke Helen in Angela in njihove družine. Vse smo našli v najboljšem razpoloženju, nakar sva se srečno vrnila domov. Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Orel od naše župnije, sta v maju slavila 40 letnico zakonskega življenja. Mr. Orel je nad 40 let cerkveni pevec in Mrs. je naša dobra članica. Čestitke! Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Pozdravljene gl. odbornice in vse delegatinje. Upam, da ste se vse srečno vrnile na domove. Konvencija je potekla v najlepši slogi in imele smo se prav lepo v prijazni Minn. Žal, da je Mrs. Livek morala zaradi zdravja pustiti urad. Želimo ji vse najboljše, predvsem zdravja. — Mrs. Novak in njeni skupini, ki so odpotovali na obisk domovine pa želimo srečno rajžo in zdravo vrnitev. Enako skupini, ki potuje v Havaii želim veliko zabave, posebno še Mrs Prisland in prosim, da mi oprostite, ker sem pomotoma izpustila vaše ime v poročilu, ko ste poslali čestitke za našo 25 letnico. Naša čla. Mary Delost se nahaja v bolnici, kjer je srečno prestala o-peracijo in zdravje se ji polagoma vrača. Vsem bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Ne pozabiti priti na seje. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Pozdravljene gl. uradnice in delegatinje SŽZ. Lepo je biti članica SŽZ. da se snidemo in pogovorimo. Videla sem, da se tudi mlade članice zanimajo za našo organizacijo. Skrbeti moramo, da bodo povsod začele prevzemati urade starejših in da vpišejo svoje otroke v našo Zvezo, ker pristojbina je tako mala, da ne bi mogle dobiti nikjer drugje. — Hvala dotični delegatinji, ki mi je naravnala movie camero, da sem lahko posnela nekaj slik za spomin, med njimi tudi lepo cerkev sv. Antona ter stare in nove prijateljice. Naša dežela je tudi lepa, samo pogledati jo je treba. Hvala Bil Tom-sich, sinu naše preds. in njegovi soprogi Jennie, ki sta nas z Mary vozila in nama pokazala toliko lepega. V Wis. smo videli krasno umetniško izdelano katoliško cerkev in druge zanimivosti. Anna Sterle Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. Naše majske prireditve so se članice udeležile v lepem številu. Iz vsega srca se želim zahvaliti vsem, ki ste pripomogle k tako lepemu uspehu naše 25 letnice. Vsem iskrena hvala. 20. julija pa bomo zopet imele praznik naše podr. in ste vse lepo vabljene, da pridete na naš piknik (izlet) v North Park, v tako zvani Cherry Grove. Pripeljite s seboj svoje otroke, ker bomo kakor običajno poskrbeli, da mladinski člani dobijo mali dar. Obeta se nam vsem dosti zabave. Pridite tudi na sejo 13. julija, ker bomo razpravljale o pripravah za piknik. Iskrene čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Filak, ki sta 12. junija slavila 50 letnico zakona. Vzgojila sta 2 sinova in hčerko, ki je redovnica, sister Adele. Želim jima, da bi v zdravju in sreči obhajala še mnogo obletnic. Torej ne pozabite; seja 13. julija in piknik 20. julija. Minka Chrnart, tajnica Št. 85, De Pue, III. Čas gre hitro naprej. Naš hribček tukaj za našo vasjo je ves lepo zelen in v cvetju, narava sama skrbi za njega, med tem ko moram jaz svoje rožice negovati na vrtu. Materinski dan je tudi za nami. Lepo je biti v krogu svoje družine, saj samo zato živimo in naš trud je poplačan s hvaležnostjo naših o-trok in vnukov. Seja v maju je bila dobro obiskana saj smo tudi praznovale materinski dan. Imele smo se lepo in želeti je, da bi bilo tako še mnogo let. V poletnem času nimamo sej zaradi počitnic, to je Julija, augusta in septembra ne bo sej. Upam, da se boste to poletje pripravile, da gremo v Lemont. Pa bodite pridne in zdrave do svidenja, Jennie Blatnik Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. Radi bolezni naših poročevalk so fontanske novice prenehale že nekaj mesecev. Po dolgih mesecih bolezni, se je zopet podala med ljudi ses. Frances Lukanich, gotovo se bo kmalu oglasila v Zarji. Še vedno je na bolniški listi priljubljena Anna Petrich. Ančka je bila vedno bolj nežnega zdravja, a tudi soprog je bil odpeljan v bolnišnico in se mu sedaj zdravje na domu vrača. Vse želimo ljubega zdravja tem dobrim ljudem. Naša preds. Dorothy Petrich, sinaha Anne Petrich, je iskrena, mlada žena, ki je bila letos izvoljena za častno mater podr. Lepo smo jo počastile s party. Vsi smo se prav dobro imeli. Pred materinskim dnevom smo i-mele bake sale. Vse kar so članice prinesle se je lahko in hitro prodalo, žal, da je polovica članic pozabilo poslati. Vzelo bi preveč časa, če bi jih morala tajnica klicati po telefonu. Lepo je biti članica Zveze v slučaju bolezni ali smrti. Zato podpirajmo podr. kot dobre članice, da bo društvo podprlo nas. Dopis se bo nadaljeval v prih. številki). Pozdrav vsem, Mary Vidergar JUNIOR'S PAGE PEN PALS COLUMN Hi boys and girls! To all our “LITTLE COMMUNICANTS”, a very special prayer: May God bless you all! DONNA Introducing, MARY ANN TOMINC, Jr. Drill Team Reporter. Hi Juniors, Last Sunday, June 4th, we marched in the parade. I hope you all enjoyed the parade. Did you? Marching in the parade were 14 Drummers, 1G Baton Twirlers, 38 Juniors, and 4 leaders. All together 72 people marched from the Drill Team. Darlene Ludvik, one of our newest members, had an operation on her tonsils. Hope she’s better by now. I go to St. Vitus School. In September I will go to the 5th grade. I also go to Slovenian School. My brother and sister also belong to the Drill Team. That's all for this time. Mary Ann, Your Reporter Dear Patrick, Vacation time is just around the corner. I can see you are all set for an active summer. Belonging to the altar boys and the boy scouts is something to be proud of. I’m looking forward to reading big news from you, telling us all about your camping trips this summer. Keep up the good work and write again. Your pen pal, DONNA Dear Margie, I had a very nice Easter — and the Junior Members of our branches 25 and 50 were very busy too, for right after Easter, they had another Drill March Exhibition. I had the pleasure of meeting your grandmothers, Mrs. Prisland again, at the Ohio State Fair. This was a great honor for me. Won’t you please write again? DONNA What is the noblest musical instrument? An upright piano! • * * What is the best material for kites? Flypaper. Max Traven, Jr. First Holy Communicant, May 21, 1961. He’s a member of Br. 50, Cleveland, and Reporter Donna's cousin. A LETTER FROM JR. DRILL TEAM CHIEF The Junior members of the St. Clair group are just bursting with joy on the successful outcome of their performance at the Ohio State Fair. After months of diligent practice and in brand new uniforms, their first appearance was a complete success and they are hoping for more occasions to arise when they may make more appearances. They are ready at any time to help out at other branch activities. To make their debut possible, it took Quite a bit of work; but, thru the combined efforts of branches 25 and 50, the task was accomplished. There was a stumbling block along the way—How are we going to raise the money for drill team uniforms? Thank goodness that worry is over now, because we cleared enough to pay for all the outfits thru donations that were offered at the Junior's booth at. the Fair. Louise Vovko donated a beautiful statue of the Infant What is in that you must keep after giving it to someone else? Your word. of Prague and Mrs. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary, donated a beautiful Slovenian doll. Mrs. Margaret Rebol worked very hard and solicited ::11 our neighborhood stores for toys and dolls—the kind of things children like to play with and each item was beautiful. She even brought along quite a bit of baked goods, too. About three weeks of constant sewing was done at the St. Clair Recreation with about six ladies present for each sewing session. Thanks to Mr. Woods of the St. Clair Rec. for giving us use of the sewing room. Mr. C. Chinnici and Mr. Mordus, upholsterers, gave us white leather so we were able to make the hats. The children purchased their own white boots which was only right because in this way. with the parents investing a little bit, too, a drill team is more apt to stay active for a long time. The parents have been marvelous and thru their encouragement to the children, have made the practices more successful. Volunteer workers from no 25 were: Vicki Faletič, Margaret Rebol, Ann Brancel, Frances Kikel and from no. 50 there were: Toni Tanko, Carol Traven, Louise Vovko, Louise Mlakar, Marie Beck and yours truly. They did the sewing and also helped at each team and folk dance practice. Giving the Juniors a big helping hand at the fair were Mr. Kikel and Mr. Rebol; accordionists Mr. Vovko and Mr. D. Dekleva; pianists Mr. J. Urbas and Carol Traven. Pat Peters and Pat Sustarcic were the baton twirlers’ instructors. Mrs. Rebol was the dance instructor along with Mrs. Vovko. To all these outstanding people, we can only say, thank you very much! But this is not the end. Practice will continue and a junior singing group will be added this year. A larger drum corps will be planned with better drums for the boys. So, we will be all set and ready to go to our next big affair which should be in the summer. Practice takes place at St. Clair Rec. every Saturday at 2 o'clock with each group rotating so that each group has two practices a month. Remember, we have the Marching Unit—Senior and Junior teams—the Drum Corps, the Baton Twirlers and the dancers and singers. The Ohio junior group have started—now, who will follow so that one day we \vill again have competitive work. Will it be no. 10—or 73? 14 or 41? 47 or 15? We are ready , are you ? Frances Sietz and all the Junior Members of the Drill Corps PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ffmmmtiWWWTO DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojini članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO rfj&k SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA IIP JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,500,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 16. do GO. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois AVE AFELY 0 13 East tBSth St r««t 2SOOO Euclid A v • n u • 6230 Sl. Clair Av*nu« ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8 ILL ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin R.BRDINR & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio