Elektrotehniški vestnik 84(1-2): 39-47, 2017 Original scientific paper A combined boundary element and an analytical approach to grounding mesh modeling in a multi-layer soil Adnan Mujezinovic1, Ajdin Mulaosmanovic2, Alija Muharemovic1, Irfan Turkovic1, Zijad Bajramovic1 'Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Department of Power Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2Public Electric Utility Elektroprivreda of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hydropower Plants on Neretva E-mail: adnan.mujezinovic@etf.unsa.ba Abstract. This paper deals with a combined computer-aided numerical - analytical approach to calculation of the grounding. The electromagnetic theory on which the presented mathematical model is based is described. The model which is based on boundary element method, Aitken's S2 algorithm and grounding potential non-uniformity correction factors is explained in detail. A special attention is paid to the selection of an appropriate Green's function in the calculation of parameters of a large and complex grounding mesh for a homogeneous and a two-layer soil. Finally, the model is used to calculate the grounding mesh parameters of a real power substation with complex geometry. Keywords: grounding mesh, potential distribution, boundary element method (BEM), Aitken's S2 algorithm, non-uniformity correction factor. Združeni numerično-analitični pristop za modeliranje ozemljitvenih mrež V prispevku obravnavamo združen numerično-analitičen pristop za izračun parametrov ozemljitvenih mrež z uporabo računalnika. Najprej je predstavljena elektromagnetna teorija, na kateri temelji predlagani matematični model. V nadaljevanju je podrobneje opisan matematični model za izračun parametrov ozemljitvenih mrež, ki temelji na Aitkenovem 52 algoritmu z metodo končnih elementov in upoštevanju korekcijskih faktorjev ozemljitvenega potenciala zaradi nehomogenosti ozemljitve. Posebna pozornost je namenjena izboru ustrezne Greenove funkcije pri izračunu parametrov velikih in kompleksnih ozemljitvenih mrež pri homogeni in dvoslojni ozemljitvi. Predlagani matematični model smo uporabili za izračun parametrov ozemljitvenih mrež obstoječe transformatorske postaje s kompleksno geometrijo. 1 Introduction Thanking into account safety, the most important element of power substations are the grounding systems. The primary role of a grounding system is to provide safety of personnel and integrity of equipment during faults [1]. This important function of the grounding systems is performed by conducting the fault current into the surrounding soil in which they are placed. In order to properly perform their function, the grounding systems should have a low resistance, thus limiting the potential values at the ground surface during the highest values of the fault currents and to keep a large enough value of fault current for the protection devices in power substations to react. To satisfy this, the grounding systems are designed in complex geometries consisting of a large number of horizontal, vertical and inclined uninsulated galvanically coupled conductors [2,3]. For large power substations, complex grounding meshes are mostly used as a grounding system [4]. To model grounding meshes, many authors have developed different analytical and numerical approaches. Nowadays analytical expressions are poorly represented in the literature because they are not able to give accurate results for most of the real cases. Inaccuracies of analytical models are usually caused by stratification of the soil in which a grounding system is placed as well as geometric factors. Therefore, numerical techniques are used to calculate the potential distribution around the grounding system. Numerical techniques that can be used for modeling the grounding system are the finite difference method (FDM), finite element method (FEM) [5-9], charge simulation method (CSM) [10-12], boundary element method (BEM) [1318] and hybrid combinations of these methods, like the FEM/BEM method [19]. The first two methods, FDM and FEM, are rarely used to calculate the current field generated by a grounding mesh because they require discretization of the entire domain (grounding mesh conductor and surrounding soil). Also, large differences in the size between subdomains that need to be discretized result in a large number of segments. All this leads to large matrix systems that need to be solved. Received 11 April 2015 Accepted 23 January 2017 40 MUJEZINOVIC, MULAOSMANOVIC, MUHAREMOVIC, TURKOVIC, BAJRAMOVIC The next two mentioned methods, CSM and BEM, unlike FDM and FEM, do not require discretization of the entire domain, but only the boundary surfaces. Also, these two methods do not need the infinite boundaries to be discretized. By applying an appropriate Green's function, the need for discretization of the boundary surface soil-air (earth surface) and boundaries between two soil layers is avoided, which ultimately leads to the need for discretization of only boundary area of the grounding system. The result is a significantly smaller matrix system compared to FDM and FEM. But because CSM and BEM take into account the mutual impact between segments, these matrices are completely filled, while in FDM and FEM the matrices are rarely filled. The major difference between the CSM and BEM method is the way of solving the integral equation that describes the distribution of the current field in the soil. In the CSM method, this integral is solved analytically, setting the point current source in the center of the grounding segment. This approach is very easy to implement, but its use is limited by the requirement for the discretization of the grounding system into a large number of elements [20]. This problem can be overcome by applying the BEM method in which the solution of the field integral equations is evaluated numerically. The last method, FEM/BEM, is based on hybridization of the FEM and BEM methods. This method is organized so that the grounding system and the soil near the grounding system is solved with the FEM method, while the problem of the infinite boundaries and layered soil is solved with the BEM method. The problem of this method is the need to determinate the dimension of the FEM domain which can significantly affect the precision of calculation of the relevant parameter grounding [20]. In this paper, an approach based on the BEM method and non-uniformity potential correction factor is used to calculate the grounding mesh parameters. For the solution of the infinite series that appear in the case of modeling the grounding mesh in a multi-layer soil, the Aitken's 52 algorithm is used. 2 Grounding Mesh Current Field The Maxwell's electromagnetic theory can be used to model the phenomenon of the fault current dissipation in the soil around a grounding mesh [13]. Calculation of the current and potential distribution of the grounding mesh comes down to the solution of the Laplace's partial differential equation with the use of appropriate boundary conditions [21]. The Laplace's partial differential equation can be obtained from Maxwell's equation: curl E = 0 (1) In stationary-current fields, the first Kirchhoffs law must be satisfied [22], which is in a differential form given as: div a = 0 (2) where a is the vector of current density. The analytical relationship between electric potential y at some point and electric field vector E is given as: E = —V p = —grad p (3) In the case of a stationary-current field, calculation of distribution of the current density and potential is based on the assumption that the Ohm's law can be applied on the flow of the current in the soil. The potential and current are distributed so that the total Ohmic losses are reduced and distribution adjusted to the boundary conditions. From the above it follows that the vector density in a linear environment must meet the generalized version of the Ohm's law: a = y • E = —y- gradp (4) where y is the soil conductivity. Substituting equation (4) in relation to the first Kirchhoff's law in a differential form, the following is obtained: diva = —div(y • gradp) (5) Assuming that the soil conductivity is a scalar value and by applying a standard vector identity: div(grad p) = Ap (6) By applying a standard vector identity on the equation (5), the Laplace's partial differential equation is obtained, which has the form: Ap = 0 (7) The potential at any point of the soil can be obtained by solving the Laplace's partial differential equation (7). In order to obtain a unique solution, it is necessary to use appropriate boundary conditions in addition to the Laplace's partial differential equation. 3 Mathematical Model As mentioned above, distribution of the grounding mesh potential is described by the Laplace's partial differential equation. To solve the analyzed problem, it is necessary to introduce the Green's function as follows: where E is the vector of the electric field. A COMBINED BOUNDARY ELEMENT AND AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO GROUNDING MESH MODELING IN 41 G(p, q) = 4n (8) p - q where |p - q\| is the Euclidian's distance between source pointp and observation point q. By applying the Green's symmetrical identity on both the Laplace's partial differential equation (7) and Green's function (8), the potential of any point of the domain can be calculated by using the following integral equation: cpk ) = ^ G(p, q)-Ç,(p)^ dn dn dT (9) ¿q) = ^ Gp, q)dT (10) The following mathematical shift can be used: dv(p) = m( p) dn y (11) where a(p) is the unknown current density of source point p. Now, integral equation (10) can be written in the following form: 1 f v(q)=- Mp)G(p, q)dT y J (12) section/length is very small, so that the grounding conductors can be discretized with the 1D boundary elements. Also, after discretization of the grounding mesh conductors, transformation from the global to the local coordinate system is performed [23]. In this paper, geometry and current density on one 1D boundary element is approximated with the second-order polynomial as follows: ^^ ())=Z xe-w, ()) i=1 3 r ())=Z ye-w, ()) i=1 3 where dq/dn is a derivative of the potential in the direction of the outward normal vector, and dG/dn is a derivative of the Green's function in the direction of the outward normal vector, r is the surface of the grounding mesh conductors. By applying an adequate Green's function, the whole analysed system is characterized with only the Dirichlet's boundary conditions. Therefore, one of the two planar integrals can be eliminated. Integral equation (9) now takes the following form [23]: z '())=£ ze w ()) i=1 3 M ()) = ^M-w, ()) (13 a) (13 b) (13.c) (13 d) The used 1D boundary elements for discretization of the grounding mesh in the global and local coordinate system are shown in Fig. 1. Shape functions yt(£) of the second-order polynomial approximation are shown in Fig. 2. £ 4 = -1 4 = 0 4 = 1 t //2 X //2 3 Figure 1. 1D boundary element used for discretization of the grounding mesh. The above equation is the Fredholm's integral equation of the first kind. The Fredholm's integral equation and adequate boundary conditions are the basis for solving the stationary-current field of the grounding mesh. To solve this equation, the indirect boundary element method was applied. 3.1 Boundary element method To solve integral field equation (12), the grounding mesh was discretized on boundary elements. As the length of the grounding mesh conductor is significantly larger than the cross-section, i.e. the ratio of the cross- -w) -w) w) / Figure 2. Shape function for the second-order polynomial approximation. 1 1 T i=1 T z t 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.5 0.5 42 MUJEZINOVIC, MULAOSMANOVIC, MUHAREMOVIC, TURKOVIC, BAJRAMOVIC After geometry discretization and coordinate system transformation, the collocation method at the point is applied on the integral field equation. After applying the collocation method at the point, integral equation (12) can be written as: & )pe &, q)det jy y =1 m=1 t=1 (15) where ng is the number of the Gauss-Legendre's integration points and wm is the m-th weighting coefficient. Finally, the above equation can be written in the following matrix form [16]: [r]-m=w (16) "e e 3 ^ =£ie =£ £ v - r (17) =1 t=1 where If is the fault current that enters into the grounding mesh, Ie is part of the fault current on the e-th boundary element and let is the calculated length in the i-th collocation point of the e-th boundary element. Then, matrix equation (16) can be written in the following form [24]: R11 R12 ' " R1" L"cp -1 R21 R22 ' Ri" -1 R"cp 1 R"cp 2 ' ■■ R" " cp cp -1 l1 l2 ' l"cp 0 v v„ Pg (18) where is the electric potential of the grounding mesh. Two most important parameters to determine when designing any grounding mesh are the grounding mesh resistance and potential distribution on the earth surface [25]. When the current densities of each collocation point and potential of grounding mesh are known, the grounding resistance of the analyzed grounding mesh can be easily determined using the following relation: R = - Pg "e 3 (19) ££ve - ie e=1 t=1 where [R] is the square matrix whose dimensions are "cp x "cp, while {a} and are vectors of unknown current densities and potentials with dimensions "cp x 1, respectively. Therefore, the number of the unknown variables is 2"p, where "cp is the number of collocation points on whole segments of the grounding mesh and is equal to 3me. Assuming that all conductors of the grounding mesh are on the same potential the number of the unknown variables is significantly reduced. With this assumption, the number of the unknown variables is reduced to "cp + 1. Therefore, it is necessary to add an additional equation to provide a unique solution. As the resistance of the grounding conductors is significantly lower than the resistance of the surrounding soil, it is permissible to assume that the entire fault current that enters the grounding mesh dissipates into the surrounding soil. This can mathematically be written in the following form: When the current densities of all boundary elements are known, the potential distribution on the earth surface can be calculated. As the potential on the earth surface varies from one point to another matrix equation (18) needs to be modified. The matrix equation to calculate the potential distribution on the earth surface can be written in the following form: R11 R12 ' " R1 "cp R21 R22 ' ' R2"cp R31 R3 2 ' ' R3"cp R'n„ 1 R "„2 R'„ Pp1 Pp2 Pp3 P p"p (20) where is the matrix whose elements are calculated with the Green's function that is suitable to calculate the potential on the earth surface. The dimensions of this matrix are "p x "cp where "p is number of the points on the earth surface in which the potential needs to be determined. Vector {^p} is the vector of unknown potentials on the earth surface. From the calculated values of the potential on the earth surface, the touch voltage and step voltage can be determined according to the definitions of the touch and step voltage given in IEEE Std. 80-2000 [26], by using the following equations [27]: Ut = max pm y 0) - Pp ta ± ^ y 0 ^ pm y 0) - Pp (xo, y 0 ±1(m)) (21) cp I F e a a e " cp p cp e e A COMBINED BOUNDARY ELEMENT AND AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO GROUNDING MESH MODELING IN 43 Us = max \