ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 6®"o S.W.U. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS ! Miss Beverly Hlasta x $ v- "V" 4 ❖ *$* ❖ 4 Miss Kathleen A. Kikel Two lovely young ladies have received the Slovenian Women’s Union scholarship award for 1964-6S. MISS KATHLEEN A. KIKEL is a member of Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio. She is a diligent worker for her Branch, following the tradition of her entire family. Being a member of the National Honor Society, she will be a sophomore at Kent State University of Ohio this Fall, and will major in maihe-rr.utics and minor in art. Her wish is to become a teacher. MISS BEVERLY HLASTA is a member of Branch 55, in Girard, Ohio. She is an honor student at Youngstown High School and will enroll this Fall at Youngstown University of Ohio. Miss Hlasta is the recipient of the Betty Crocker National Award, attained for her superior aptitude in her Home Economics class. She plans to major in languages and eventually become a teacher. Both scholarship winners were highly recommended by their superiors as well as by the officers of their respective branches. To our talented young students we extend our sincere wishes for success in their chosen fields. MARIE PRISLAND, President Scholarship Committee, S.W.U. SEPTEMBER, 1964 NUMBER 9 VOLUME 36 ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. \XXXVI — NO. i> SEPTEMBER, 19G4 LETO XXXVI — ŠT. 9 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ZENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1926 in the State of Illinois Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v drtavi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 19170 Monterey Ave., Euclid 19, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—‘JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 204S W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. Director of Women’s Sports Activities: ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Director of Youth Activities: LOUISE EPLEY, 20294 Emery Rd„ Cleveland. 28, O. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, S830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Micltigan— MARY BOSTIAN, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid 19, O. State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of lllinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. » * » Finance Committee: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR • * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TUREK, ALBINA NOVAK * :|c * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Sept. 12 — Minnesota Zveza Day, Biwabik, Minn. Sept. 13 — Junior’s Wiener Party at St. John’s Hall, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Sept. 13 — Penna State Day at Acmetonia, Pa. Sept. 14 — Annual Picnic, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio Sept. 1G — 35th Anniversary, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Sept. 20 — Colo. State Convention, Pueblo, Colo. Sept. 20 State Convention, Colo.-Kans.-Mo., Pueblo, Col. Sept. 20 — 35th Anniversary, Br. 32, Euclid. Ohio Sept. 27—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, W. Allis, Wis. Oct. 11 OHIO Bazaar, Rechar Ave Hall, all day Oct. 14 — 25th Anniv. Br. 95, S. Chicago, III. Oct. 17 — Dance, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Oct. 20 — Rummage Sale, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis., St. John’s Hall. Oct. 22 — Annual Birthday Celebration, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Oct. 27—Usinfler Sausage Demonstration, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Dec. 7 —Christmas Party, Br. 73, Warrensville. Ohio HAPPY H1RTHDAY IN SEPT EM HER Supreme Officer: Sept. 1 — Barbara Rosandich, State President, Ely, Minn. Branch Presidents: Sept. I — Rose Hribar, Br. 104, Johnstown, Pa. Sept. 5 — Geraldine Adami, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Sept. <> — Sophie Mumaugh, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. (i — Mary Stusek, Br. 49, Noble, Ohio Sept. 23 — Antonia Matis, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio Sept. 2« - Roseann Munsell, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. CLEVELAND HATON TUIRLERS Darlings of the Cleveland Combined branches are: Dorothy Bouha, Arlene Neustiel, Georganne Burcliard, Nancy Snyder (her article appears on Jnr. Page), Linda Kikel and Laura Nausok. They performed beautifully at Convention. SEPT. and OCT. - MONTHS OF ACTIVITY! Br. 91, Oakmout, Fa. invites all Pennsylvania and members of neighboring branches to the annual PENNA STATE DAY Sunday, Sept. 13, 1964 at ACMETONIA HALL Beginning at 2 p.m. the STATE CONVENTION will be the first order of business followed by the BANQUET at 3 p.m. All members are asked to make reservations by contacting Mrs. Amalia Sorcli, President of Br. 91. . MARY TOMSIC, STATE PRESIDENT Dear Sisters! Branch 3, Pueblo, Colo, will be hostesses to this year’s COLORADO - KANSAS - MISSOURI STATE CONVENTION taking place on Sunday, Sept. 20, 1964 Holy Mass at 11 a.m at St. Mary Church, 217 E. Mesa Afterward, the State Convention is scheduled. The Banquet and Program will take place al 1 p.m. at the Minnequa Club. A social time will conclude the day. Everyone is most cordially invited! ANNA PACHAK, STATE PRESIDENT Biwabik prepares another grand event: MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, SUNDAY, SEPT. 13, 1964! The officers and members of Br. 39, Biwabik, are aranging many wonderfid things for the Minnesota members attending this year’s annual Minnesota Zveza Day. Holy Mass is at 10:30 a.m. at their new church. The Banquet and program follow at 1:30 p.m. at St. John’s Ilall. Honored Guest of the day is Minnesota Congressman, Hon. John A. Blatnick All Minnesota is expected to attend! See you there! BARBARA ROSANDICH, STATE PRESIDENT TO ALL OHIO-MICHIGAN BRANCHES: BAZAAR IS OCT. 11, 1964 Bazaar Program: State Convention for states of Ohio and Michigan at American Jugoslav Hall on Rechar Ave. At Noon, the luncheon will be served to be followed immediately by the Bazaar, Style Show and Baking Demonstration, all running concurrently. During the afternoon, there will take place the Style Show, Distribution of Door Prizes, Baking Demonstration and Sale, Drill Team Exhibit and a Singing Program. Something newl Never before seen will be a “Liquid Embroidering Demonstration.” It’s a fascinating and beautiful thing to watch! Chairman of three major events, Fran Seitz, and the entire Cleveland Committee is most anxious that a big crowd attends, so, we'll see you at the Rechar Hall, Sunday, Oct. 11th! My first experience conducting the meeting of the Combined Branches of Cleveland dealt with the main topic — our BAZAAR and State Convention which will be held on Oct. 11, 19G4. Our meeting was a large one and I thank you all for attending. I am certain that no one will let me down — your cooperation was evident on all faces. Everyone seems to want good things and that, too, is my aim. Let us all boost the big affair and make it worthwhile. It is for your branch benefit if we all succeed. We must all participate and cooperate — work together! Our State convention meeting will be at 10 o’clock in the morning. Afterward, we will have a luncheon and the Bazaar starts at noon. There will be 10 booths representing our branches. If there is any other group of members wishing to take over a booth, please contact me at once. We will have a large style show, door prizes, baking demonstration, drill team exhibit and a program of singing. It will be exciting! We must work hard and make it just as fascinating to outsiders and guests! Our hostesses will be Br. 14 and Br. 32. They are very good cooks and bakers. We will have a bake sale, too! Any further information is available thru any of the officers, and, of course, yours truly or Toni Turek, our Supreme President. So, gals, work, work, work! We’ll have a marvelous success, I’m certain! Mary Bostian, State President Ohio-Michigan “MY KNOWLEDGE OF THE ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF S.W.U.” Scholarship Awardees for the school year 1964-65 are Miss Beverly Hlasta, Br. 55 and Miss Kathleen Kikel, Br. 25. When applying for the Scholarship Grant they submitted the following essays to the President of the Scholarship Committee, Mrs. Marie Prisland. The young girls' photos are on the cover page. To them and all students, from kindergarten to graduate school, heartiest wishes for many successful attainments! The Slovenian Women’s Union is an organization which assists, helps and works in various projects. For one thing, it makes it easier for many students to attend college. With the expense of college today, the Slovenian Women’s scholarships are very helpful. The Union does various things to earn the money for these scholarships. It is possible to join the Slovenian Women's Union no matter how young one may be. My mother placed me in the Union at the age of four years. I therefore have had the privilege of being a member for thirteen years. Because there is no age limit, it makes possible for one to get to know people both young and old. The branches of the Slovenian Women’s Union also have a Mother of the Year selected yearly. She is given this great honor by her sister members and really deserves it. The Union has a Mother-Daughter Banquet in celebration of Mother’s Day. This is to honor all mothers in the Union. At the banquet, children get to perform for their mothers. The Slovenian Women’s Union is truly a worthwhile organization. Beverly Hlasta, Member, Br. 55 ^ The Slovenian Women’s Union of America was established in Chicago on December 19, 192G and was incorporated in the state of Illinois on December 14, 1927. Mrs. Marie Prisland, now the honorary president, headed the move for the incorporation and became its founder and first president. We now have 12,000 sister members and juveniles. Many of the branches across the United States have organized singing clubs, sewing clubs, bowling leagues and drill teams both for children and adults. The drill team to which I belong has had many exhibitions and have advertised our Union of Branches No. 25 and No. 50. There were many picnics and Bazaars where the women got their goodies together and raised money for their charitable work. It is a wonderful organization to promote education and help members with their Scholarship awards. The Zarja (The Dawn) is an interesting magazine because it gives educational articles, news and financial reports. Mrs. Toni Turek, our supreme president, is really a good worker and with all the other wonderful people who head the organization is why our S.W.U. is such a success. Every three years the S.W.U. holds a National Convention and this year it was held in Chicago, Illinois. Our Convention Queen was Vicki Faletič. Our Secretary is Albina Novak, Treasurer is Josephine Železnikar, Spiritual Adviser is Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. We have a very good Cook Book (“Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen”) that should be owned by every housekeeper. I am very proud to be a member of this fine organization. Kathleen A. Kikel Member, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio LETTERS FROM OUR STUDENTS 1820 East 22nd Street Lorain, Ohio 44055 Dear Mrs. Prisland, I thought perhaps you would like to know that another of your scholarship winners has completed her education — at least in a sense. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in C h e m i -stry from St. Francis College, Loretto, Pa., on June 7. In September, however, I will be going to the U-niversity o f Detroit, Detroit, Michigan, where I have been a-warded a full fellowship in the Graduate Department of Chemistry. At the University I will begin work towards a Master of Science degree in Chemistry. I am sincerely grateful to the Slovenian Women’s Union for the scholarship which I was awarded. Sincerely, Ann Bresak, Member Br. 40, Ix)rain, Ohio Our S.W.U. Scholarship Students of the recent year have taken pen in hand to keep in touch with us as to their endeavors. Misses Bresak and Savol represent the finest ideals of young womanhood and we are proud of them as of all our past and future scholars. L. --------------------------------------- I 205 Midland Ave. Joliet, Illinois Dear Mrs. Prisland, It’s hard for me to imagine that one year of college is completed. This past year has been filled with new friends, new experiences, and new decisions. One of these decisions concerns my major. Instead of majoring in medical technology as I had planned last year, I chose chemistry with a minor in art. Someday I hope to do research in the areas of chemistry that deal with colors, or perhaps be an industrial artist. And so, now that I am no longer busy with long-range assignments and exams, I thought I would send this thank you to you and the SWU for helping me during this past school year. I will always be grateful. Sincerely, Rosanne Savol, Member, Br. 20 ACTIVITIES No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Since we have had no meetings in the summertime, will try to catch up on the news of the past months. We were very disappointed at not having a picture of our Mother of the Year, Marietta Sustersic. Since I haven’t any information on her, I would just like to say that she is a most jolly person and a good and active member. At one time she was an officer of Br. 5. Best wishes, tho belated to Mrs. Sustersic. A little late, but a sincere wish to Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tomasetig, 25th anniversary celebrants of this year. They were married by Rev. Edward Bockhold, who is now a Monsignor on Feb. 4, 1939 at Holy Trinity Church. Attendants were Mr. & Mrs. George Luzar, brother and sister-in-law of Mrs. Tomasetig. Tony Tomasetig was born in Italy and his wife, Josephine is a native of Novo Mesto in Slovenia. A surprise anniversary party was given them on Feb. 2nd by daughter, Dolores, (our treasurer) and son-in-law, Louis Kon-echnik. It took place at the Slov. Nat’l Home with music by Pete Barbaricli. The tables were decorated in silver and white and the buffet was centered with a silver and white wedding cake. Guests were feasted with many kinds of delicious food. The couple received many gifts and cards. No one was more surprised than the celebrants when they walked down the steps to Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. MAN’S LINK WITH GOD One of the basic things in religious life is prayer. It is lifting our hearts and minds to God. Prayer is not a me chanic gimmick like a vending machine In which one Inserts money, pulls the lever and out comes a pack of cigarettes. It is not a form of magic or any other verbal formula and right away one receives what he requested. Neither is it the asking of the Almighty simply to rubber-stamp one’s desires and plans without a single change. Prayer is essentially conversation with Almighty God. Conversation means both speaking and listening, and in prayer the latter is not less important than the former. God wants us not only to speak to Him, to pour our hearts in homage, praise and love but also to listen to Him in return. The good resolves which well up within us come as the echoes of His voice, caught by the sensitive ear of conscience. Otto Whitington of Louisville, Kentucky relates the following incident: ‘‘My wife and I were standing on a street corner waiting for a bus. We saw a youngster suddenly dart up the steps of a fine brick residence, ring the doorbell vigorously, and then run away. Then a kindly-faced gentleman opened the door, looked up and down the street, but could see no caller. Disappointed and a bit perplexed, he closed the door. “I am afraid, I remarked to my wife, that’s the way many of us pray.” “Yes,” she agreed, “many of us call on God for guidance but do not wait to receive it. He, too, must be disappointed.” You have had persons call you on the telephone, saying that they wanted to have a little chat with you. Then they talk continously for five or ten minutes, scarcely allowing you to get a word in edgewise. Didn’t you feel that it was really no conversation at all because you were reduced to the status of a mere listener? In conversing with God, pause occasionally to meditate and listen, and you will find God responding with words of cheer, encouragement, guidance and help. New resolutions for a better and holier life will crystalize in your mind under the influence of divine inspiration and grace. see the crowd of friends — they had expected to see a movie. Both of their granddaughters, Linda and Nancy are members of our junior dept, and grandson, Frankie was one of the two original Indianapolis boys in the organization. The other was Andy Lambert. At our last meeting, we heard a nice report by our delegate to the convention, Sophie Turk. We will have a special meeting Sept. 13th concerning the supper our ladies are planning on Oct. 17th. So, please attend as we will need all the help and cooperation we can get. How about our young ladies attending? We’d like to talk over the possibilities of having a bowling league and hostessing the bowling tournament here one year. Now about our trip to Lemont, 111. The committee in charge of arrangements for our branch excursion to I^emont were our hard-working gals, Sylvia Stanfield and Josephine Lam-pert. They came up with two men to acompany the 22 women, namely John Mumaugh and Frank Velikan. When we hit the highway, Frank led the rosary in Slovenian. We had a little drizzle almost all the way there. Songs were also sung in Slovenian and English. Frank was our conductor, standing in the aisle and directing the singing. We stayed over-night and woke up to a wonderful day. Everybody enjoyed that weekend. I also had the pleasure of meeting Albina Novak, our Supreme Secretary and other officers at the affair. On August 12th, Sister M. Ignatia, (Nancy McCraken) made her profession of temporary vows at the Immaculate Conception Convent at Oldenburg. Her sister, Jackie, will be invested with the religious habit, also. They are daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Harry McCraken. Linda Little, granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Javanclc, also was invested with the religious habit on the same day. The mother of Nancy and Jackie and grandmother of Linda are members of our lodge. Anne was a past officer at one time. Congratulations to all three and wishes for a happy and holy lifetime. Sophie Mumaugh No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. At our July meeting, we were pleasantly surprised by having in attendance one of our branch members who now resides in California, Mrs. Mary Strukel, who was visiting her friends in Cleveland for several weeks. Mr. & Mrs. Vincenc Povirk, (Amelia) experienced one of their greatest lifetime thrills recently with a short three week reunion with two of their daughters they were forced to leave behind In Europe when they fled the Germans In the last World War. They last saw Frances 20 years ago and Marie 19 years ago. Frances and Marie were also overjoyed to be reunited with 5 sisters, as well as their parents. Mrs. Mary Stražišar, our vice-president, and her husband spent a week’s vacation at our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. and enjoyed their trip very much. Donations for the good-time treasury were made by Stana Grill, Mary Udovič and Mary Bubine. Mrs. Bubine also donated for sick members. Many thanks to these people. We are sad to report that we lost three members through death in one week. Mrs. Anna Ban of Geneva, Ohio passed away after a lengthy Illness, and is survived by a stepdaughter. Mrs. Pauline Kapel, who lived in Tucson, Arizona, suffered a fatal heart attack in Chicago while enroute to Cleveland to visit her family and friends. Mrs. Kapel left five children, and was also a grandmother and great grandmother. Mrs. Helen Urbanlc died after a few days illness, and is survived by her husband, three sons and two grandchildren. Our deepest sympathy is extended relatives of these three deceased members. Another reminder to deliquent members to pay up their dues. Molly Sodja, Secretary No. 20, Joliet, III. We mourn the loss of our member, Anna Vranich, who passed away July 25th. She was born June 24th, joined Zveza on Mar. 18th, 1945 recommended by Josephine Muster. Survivors include her four daughters and four sons, sisters and many other relatives; her husband preceded her in death in 1962. Our members came to pray at the bier and accompanied the funeral on the last journey to St. Mary Nativity church and the parish cemetery. May she rest in peace. Our condolences also to Helen Babich whose mother, Mrs. Catherine Verschay of Dearborn St., passed away at the age of 84 years. She is also survived by another daughter, Betty, and many relatives. May she rest in peace. Mrs. Ann Ferlin has been confined at the hospital for a few weeks and is now recovering at home. Mrs. Emma Planinšek returned home from a wonderful visit to Washington, D.C. where she also visited the grave of our late president, John F. Kennedy. Since this is the closing of vacation time, many of our members and their families will return home from various parts of the country. We will be glad to see them at our meetings hoping to hear of their many unforgettable experiences. To all our members confined at, home, or in the hospital wishes for a speedy recovery. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. Steak Pry! We met for a steak fry at the beautiful home of Mr. & Mrs. Gene Klensak assisted by Mr. & Mrs. A1 Lovati. It was in honor of the winning S.W.U. team, Merichka’s Restaurant team which brought home the trophy from the Midwest Tourney in West Allis in the spring. Wonderful steaks were prepared by the boys, Gene and A1 and served in their patio on individual tables decorated with flowers and a trophy. Later in the evening, pinochle was played. The team consisted of Mrs. Klenzak, Mrs. Lovati, Mrs. Ann Ster-nisha, Mrs. Jos. Wejchert and Mrs. John Rudman, Capt. We had a wonderful time and so, from the girls to our hosts, Gene, Al, Gen and Agnes, a big thank you! Mary Rudman, Capt. No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Happy Silver Anniversary congratulations to Marie and Anton Hosta who observed their anniversary on July 2Gth at Annunciation church. Pastor Fr. John Farrell celebrated Mass in their honor at 8 a.m. Their children, Charles, La-Verne and Nancy, surprised them with a party at the West Park Slovene Home on 130th St. The entire wedding party was present to honor these two swell folks. The best of everything to both of you and may our Blessed Mother keep you in her care. Sorry to hear that member, Vickie Brach from Florida who had a happy visit with her children, took sick suddenly and had to be confined at Deaconess Hospital. We all wish her a most sincere and speedy recovery. I wish more members were interested in working to sell tickets for our Bazaar Oct. 11. It will mean so much to our branch if you help in the drive for lovely prizes. We hope you all enjoy summer vacation time and best wishes to members celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. Please let us know of any news items so we can acknowledge them in Zarja. News about our members makes interesting reading for all. Notify the undersigned on all such occasions. With best wishes to all. Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Attention members! We urge you all to attend our Sept. 1st meeting and to help all you can to make our 25tli anniversary on Sept. 20th a success. Each member has been sent two tickets and we ask you to use them or to sell them if you can’t attend yourself. How about each member VICKI’S BACK! No. 25, Cleveland, O. With vacations over, then school, jobs and other busy schedules to fill there will be little time to occasionally remember summer-time, its hot weather, beaches and sun-tanning. Looking forward to September in the rain and autumn leaves upon your window. Paging through the Zarja magazine surely helps in knowing of the goings-on in other branches. For instance, No. 73 certainly is mrimfull of news, a short article but covers a lot of interesting activities. No. 14 also gives a brief report that makes good reading. No. 2 of course and naturally is by far doubly interesting; just observe who the reporter is? Do you ever read hr. No. 25’s news? We’ve been kept pretty busy too. The meetings are well attended although we miss our friends and members who haven’t had time to come down or forget the meeting date. Mrs. Stanich, Mrs. A. Hočevar, Oley Urbas and a few other long-time members why don’t you visit with us more often? Pridite na obisk! Oct. 10 and 11th the Bazaar dates of combined branches will be held in Euclid, O. We should make arrangements to meet and make it a good get-together, for us and for Zveza. This is an invitation to all branches. Anyone wishing to contribute something either baked goods or articles to sell at booths contact your branch. Gratias! When shopping why not stop in at Cimperman’s or Mramor’s Market, they have everything you could wish for in the line of groceries, besides the ladies are our members and that’s a nice way to show our loyalty. Vicki Faletič taking along her family and making this a truly family affair. We will prepare a wonderful meal — so forget about cooking at home on this day. The committee headed by our sister and chief cook, Mrs. Mary Klune will have everything ready. Our president, Theresa Potokar has a program fitting for this day arranged. So, from the officers of Br. 32 — a cordial invitation to all our members and combined branches to be our guests. I hope that everyone who is asked to help will not hesitate to give her fullest cooperation. Let’s make it our big effort to have a day worth remembering for our 35th anniversary! Holy Mass will begin the day’s program at noon at St. Christine’s church. It will be offered for our living and deceased members. This will give us the needed spiritual guidance for the future. So, we’ll all look forward to seeing you and serving you on Sept. 20th at the big celebration of Br. 32’s 35th Anniversary! Anna M. Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Our August meeting was very well attended considering the numbers away on vacations and the very hot weather. Our chartered bus for Minnesota Zveza Day has been arranged for Sunday, Sept. 13th to go to Biwabik. Many have already made reservations but those who still plan on going should contact our president immediately. In October our branch will celebrate the 35th anniversary. It has been decided that the smorgesbord dinner originally planned for November will be held earlier so that we may celebrate this occasion in October. More complete details will be made at our Sept. meeting. We hope and pray our vacationers have arrived home safely. Among these are Mr. & Mrs. John Barich who went abroad with a Zveza group. They are expected home very soon. An old pioneer of our locality, Mr. Joseph Janchar passed away recently after a long illness. He was father of Mary Hennis, Anna Mrak, Betty Mrak and Deloris Janchar. They are all members of our branch. Our sympathy to the family and may his soul rest in peace. We wish a speedy recovery to all our sick members even though we are unable to visit each and everyone of you — we remember you in our prayers. God bless you all. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. A sincere invitation from our branch is out for every member of S.W.U. to attend our annual Minnesota Zveza Day on Sept. 13th here in Biwabik! The day will begin with 10:30 a.m. Mass at our beautiful new church. Fr. Hannon will officiate. Then, at St. John’s hall, the banquet will be served at 1:30 p.m. There will be lots of good food and entertainment. Our president, Ann Kosteliz, heads the committe and they are hard at work to make this a memorable day for all. Where can you find a happier group than at our S.W.U.? Ann and Fran have been at it for sometime and have just about completed all preparations for this day and we want to give them a big thank-you! Our toastmaster for the banquet will be our Mayor, Walter Osby and the highlight of the day is an address by our outstanding young statesman, Congressman John A. Blatnick. You all know him to be a distinguished person and leader. So, see you all in Biwabik, Sept. 13th! Let’s remember Mrs. Antonia Vidmar in our prayers: she was seriously hurt in a car accident in May. Bless you and yours and see you all Sept. 13 th! Angeline Karish, Reporter ZARJA — THE DAWN "LONG LIVE THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION!” Excerpt from the address of Mr. JOHN A ZVETINA presented at the Grand Coronation Banquet of the S.W.U. Convention, May 19, 1964 at the Cotillion Room of the Morrison Hotel. America is an amalgamation of many races and people i— each has made a distinctive contribution to our present country. I like to think of the Dalmatians as bringing to America something of the spirit of the sea, the bold and daring seaman. The Slovenian people who have settled in many parts of these United States have brought with them something of the courage and enterprising spirit of the mountaineer. No one who has visited Mojstrana — the gateway to Triglav — cannot help but be inspired. It takes a sure foot, daring and spirit to scale Triglav and many a young Slovenian man and woman has done it. I was browsing through a recent book on mountain climbing written by the grandson of former President Woodrow Wilson — he is a professor at Tufts College by the name of Prof. Sayre — who wrote about the subject: “Society tends to submerge our self-reliance and individuality in a great mass-handling of people, treated almost as statistics. Mountaineering reverses this. It forces self-reliance.” There is an element of challenge in any mountaineering. From the point of view of society, it is good for men to meet their challenges. In fact, if man ever loses his at- traction for the impossible, all that is generally called “progress” would cease. It is not how long you live, but how well that is important. More security is a barren ideal. Men climb mountains because they are not satisfied to exist, they want to live! Climbing the heights is one way . A great American who in my opinion typifies this self-reliance and courageous spirit is an American of Slovenian background — the great Senator from Ohio, Sen. Lausche. In the same spirit of the Slovenian mountaineer, he typifies independence of thought, courage and just plain common sense, a quality so much needed in public life today. I am, as you all are, proud of his American-Slovenian ancestry. He is one of the “Profiles in Courage.” Let me say to this fine society of the Slovenian Women’s Union: Carry on, continue in the spirit of majestic Triglav, to climb the heights and continue to make this society one of the finest in the United States, cherishing our American ideals but not forgetting the great corner of the world from which you and your heroic ancestors have come. Long live your society and the great contribution it is making to our United States! No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Here we are, in the month of September and all vacations are now memorable events. In August no meeting was held and on Sunday, Sept. 13th our fall meeting will be held at St. John’s Hall. At that meeting our Children’s Weiner Party will be held and all children thru 12 years of age are eligible to attend. Be sure and inform the secretary as to how many youngsters will be there.’s have a good showing. Congratulations are in order for Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Metsa who were blessed with a son, Dean William. Their grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dybul; both mother and grandmother are S.W.U. members. Our heartiest congratulations to Sophie Rifelj wrho was married on August 29tli to John Staut. May the future keep on bringing you happiness in every way, Mr. and Mrs. J. Staut. The Zinko Family spent a week in Pennsylvania visiting Mr. Zinko’s father and sisters. Their trip was very pleasant. The Majhenich’s also were vacationing and visiting a son in Duluth, Minn. Mr. & Mrs. John Rebernisek were hosts for friends from the Bast, and later were vacationing in Pennsylvania. Christine Rebernisek spent her vacation at home. She made a few doctor visits to find herself in perfect condition. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dybul were on a nice long trip to Colorado and said they enjoyed every minute of the trip. The Schulta and Groth Families were visiting friends up North and from all hearsay had a wonderful time. Mary Bushnik and Stella Yernesek were the lucky gals who toured thru Europe, and I do hope they will come to the meeting and tell us all about their trip. The Hillers and their children and grandchildren were vacationing in Manistique. Mich with their father, grandfather and great grandfather. Jim and Josie Verbich spent their vacation in the wrooded North. Jim loves his fishing and Josie is the chief cook who prepares all the fish that Jim catches. Our get-well wishes go to Florence Ureda and Josephine Kramer who have been convalesing for sometime, and also our vice-president’s husband Mr. Krasl, w'ho has been ailing. Sympathy goes to the Sofosnik and Szmania Family who recently lost their mother. She was a long-time member of our branch. May God bless her. On Tuesday, October 20th a Rummage Sale will take place at St. John’s Hall. Any member who wishes to dispose of anything, please call yours truly, so that it can be picked up. We can sell anything and everything that we can obtain. We have excellent salesladies in our president, Josie Kolar and Josie Verbick. Lastly, the dues! Please check your books and pay up. Will be seeing you at the September 13th meeting. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y No. 45, Portland, Ore. This is hello again from Portland, Oregon after a couple of months vacation. Now that September is knocking at our door again we are ready for our first meeting after summer. Remember, the second Tuesday of the month is meeting night. Let us try to make this first Fall meeting a good one with a large turnout of members. Check your book and be sure to bring your dues up to date at this time. Help our secretary Florence Lolich bring her books up to date with one and all paying their dues. First, it has come to our attention that there have been a few members wrho have been sick or laid up for a-while during the summer. We hope that everyone is up to par now and stays in good lialth. Some of the members have been made new grandmothers and we also understand that there have been two new great-grandmothers. Mrs. Lucre-tia Babich is now a great-grandmother. Congratulations! Also Mrs. Betich who had a new great-grandson born recently, much to our sorrow, lost him at the age of two months. Our heartfelt sympathy. Another item of news is our dance to be held on October 17th, at the Portland Police Athletic Association Hall. We are going to have the music of the very popular Vivian McCarthy and her all-girl orchestra. You won’t want to miss them, and we were very lucky to get them for our dance. Be sure to tell all your friends and members of your family, and let us make this dance a great success. It only takes a little effort on the part of each and every member to do their very best for their club in the selling of tickets. This will be our first dance in a long time and we are looking forward to it. So at this time yours truly will sign off. See you all at the September meeting. Ann Carlisle G R E E T / N G S T O T H E C 0 N V E N T 1 O N Warmest greetings to the Officers and Delegates with sincere wishes for a very successful Convention. Officers and members of Br. #1, Sheboygan, Wis. All succes to the Thirteenth National Convention. Branch Number 3, Pueblo, Colo. Our best wishes for a successful Convention. Br. #4, Oregon City, Ore. Compliments and best wishes to Officers and Delegates for a successful Convention. Branch #6, Barberton, Ohio. Best wishes for a successful Convention. Branch #7, Forest City, Penna. Mrs. Anna Kameen, Pres. Best wishes to SWU 13th National Convention, also extend best wishes for a happy time to Delegate Margaret Fager and Supreme State President Rose Scoff. San Francisco, Branch 13. Best wishes for a successful Convention from Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio. Podružnica 15 pozdravlja Delegatinje in goste Konvencije, posebno Prances Novak. Želimo uspeha in napredek. S Ž Z #15, Cleveland, Ohio. Greetings from West Allis. Best wishes for a successful convention. Branch #17, West Allis, Wise. Congratulations and good luck to All. Sorry I could not attend, but am there in spirit. Marion Marolt, President #17, West Allis, Wise. Greetings to Spiritual Director, Founder, Supreme Officers, Delegates, Minnesota Delegates, and our Delegate, Sister Sterle, and best wishes for a most successful convention. Mary Lenich, Secretary-Treasurer, Branch #19, Eveleth, Minn Please convey my deepest regret that I am unable to attend and participate at the Convention. My thoughts will be with you constantly, wishing you most successful 13th Convention to be of benefit to the Organization and individual members, with God’s blessings. Mary Lenich, Eveleth, Minn. Greetings Slovenian Women’s Union Convention. Best wishes to Mrs. Prisland and Joliet Branch 20 Delegates. Josephine Erjavec, Joliet, III. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful Convention. Officers and members, Branch 21, Cleveland, O. On behalf of Branch #23, Ely, Minn, we send greetings to all of you. We are all with you in spirit if not in person. Hope you enjoy having your most successful convention and a safe trip home, from all of us to all of you personal mesage for unity. Br. 23, Mary M. Shikonya, Treasurer, Ely, Minn. Greetings and best wishes for a successful Convention. Br. 23, The Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. Sorry, I was unable to be with all of you today. Best of luck for a very successful Convention, my heartiest greetings to all. Mary M. Shikonya, Ely, Minn. Best wishes to Mary Tomsic and all Delegates. Mary Bahor, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Best wishes for a successful Convention. Branch 33, Duluth, Minn. Greetings to Officers, Delegates, and our Delegate Mrs. Angeline Karish with best wishes for a successful convention. Ann Kosteiiz, President, Frances Anzelz, Secretary, Branch #39, Biwablk, Minn, We wish a huge success and hardy greetings to our Delegates, Kay Angela Kozjan from Branch 40, Lorain, Ohio. God's blessing and best wishes for a most successful Convention. Ella Starin, Cleveland, O. Greetings and best wishes to all Officers and Delegates and especially our Delegate, Mary Debevec. Officers of Branch 41, Cleveland, Ohio. Best wishes for a successful Convention. Hi, Louise, Branch 42. Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 42, Maple Heights, Ohio. Best wishes to our Supreme President, Supreme Officers and Delegates for a successful Convention. Branch #50, Cleveland, O. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful and productive Meeting. Br. #52 President, Mrs. Josephine Oswald, Hibbing, Minn. Sending our very best wishes and congratulations to all Officers and Delegates to the Slovenian Women’s Union. Also, wishes for the best luck to our Delegate and President, Christine Konte. Sincerely, Cecile M. Adamic, Sec’y, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. Congratulations and best wishes to all. Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Best wishes from each and every member of the Oglesby Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 89. Officers of Branch 89, Angelina Nico, Secy. Greetings and best wishes for a successful Convention. Br. No. 90, Presto, Pa. Best wishes for a successful Convention. May God bless you all. Branch No. 99, Elmhurst, III. Our sincerest best wishes to all Officers and Members of the S.W.U. for a successful convention. Slovenian Women’s Union Branch #100, Fontana, Calif. Greetings and best wishes to you and your Organization for a happy and successful convention. From the Membership of the Educational & Dramatic Club Slovenia, San Francisco, Cal. Our best wishes for a successful Convention and our love to my Mother Rose Scoff. Tom and Rose Gallagher, La Fayette, Calif. Best wishes for a successful Convention and best wishes to our Louise Prhne. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kastelic, Cleveland, O. Congratulations and best wishes to you, Mary Bostian, the Drill Team, the National and State Officers, Delegates and Members, for a successful Convention. Best of luck and good health. Anne Kumse, Cleveland, O. Best wishes for the success of your Convention. The Lorain Slovenian Club (27), Lorain, O. Congratulations and best wishes. Pachak Hardware, Pueblo, Colo. Supreme Officers, Delegates, Guests and Branch No. 24, best wishes and much success on your 13th Annual Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Nowik, Mary Jean and Eddie Jr., La Salle, III. Wishing each and all a successful and memorable Convention. May The Slovenian Women’s Union grow and prosper. God be with our Mother and Grandmother Ann Podgoršek. The William Podgoršek Family of Campbell, Calif. To Members, Delegates and Friends of S.Ž.Z. of United States of America. Wishing you the best of luck, great hopes for the future S.Ž.Z. Stare’s Floral, Cleveland, O. Our heartiest congratulations to Her Majesty The Queen: The Tops Gals Millie Chesnik, Kay Guist etcetera, Cleveland, O. Ob Vaši 13. Konvenciji Vam iskreno čestitamo. Vaša človekoljubna Organizacija ima za seboj dolgoletno plodno delo za dobrobit ameriških Slovencev, ki mu daje poseben poudarek Vaše plemenito prizadevanje za ohranitev materinega jezika in slovenske pesmi. Slovenska Izseljenska Matica, Ljubljana, Slovenija Predsednica: Zima Vraščaj. Lt. & Mrs. Howard Wilson WEDDING AT WEST POINT . . . . . . AND SAN FRANCISCO WONDERFUL 50th ANNIVERSARY (See Photo on Page 2'21) No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pavell of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, returned to Indianapolis, Indiana to renew their wedding vows of 50 years when they were married by Reverend B. Cicek at Holy Trinity Catholic Church on June 22, 1914. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Boclchold was celebrant of the Mass on June 2'8, 19G4 attended by four of the original wedding party: his brother, Mr. August Pavell, Mr. Ludwig Stanich, uncle of the bride, Mrs. Julia Hoff, and Mrs. Agnes Dezelan. A white corsage of roses and carnations trimmed with gold bells and a 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary pendant was worn by Mrs. Mary Pavell who appeared in a mint green dress. Similar corsages were worn by the attendants: Mrs. Julia Hoff, Mrs. Agnes Dezelan, and Miss Bernadette Stanich. Her husband and the ushers: Mr. August Powell, Mr. Ludwig Stanich and Mr. Louis Dezelan had carnation boutonniere trimmed with the same golden pendant. Following church services a breakfast for the wedding party was held at Frish’s Restaurant. During the late afternoon, a reception and bufl’et luncheon was given at the Slovenian National Home for 200 guests and relatives. A picture of the original wedding party framed in gold heart was of keen interest to many old friends. An attractive buffet was displayed in a setting of gold wishbones trimming the white tablecloth. The centerpiece was an open bible with floral roses and gold candles. A white and gold wedding cake dominated the buffet table. White trees with gold stars and candles decorated the other tables. Numerous floral tributes were received by the celebrants along with monetary remembrances and personal gifts as well as a large number of cards from the various parts of the United States. Formerly, Miss Mary Stanich, was born in Gorenje Polje, Yugoslavia, February 28, 1894. Her husband was born in Pittsburg, Penn., July 22, 1893. Leaving Indianapolis in 1930, they operated a restaurant in Sheboygan until their retirement in 1900. Both love to travel and have done so extensively in the United States. They also visited Europe to see relatives on two occasions. In his youth “Mike” was well known for his interest in community affairs. He is a charter member of the Slovenian National Home and promoted football games between the Holy Trinity and Sheboygan Merchant and South A.C. teams in Wisconsin. Mrs. Pavell is a member of No. 1 in Sheboygan. — Our best wishes. Sophie Mumaugh, Reporter At a military wedding June 0th at St. James Church, Springfield, New Jersey, Miss Nancy Kameen, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kameen became the bride of Lt. Howard Wilson, USArmy. Rev. George Matercho, the bride’s great uncle of St. John’s Church, Wilkesbarre, Pa., officiated at the ceremony and Nuptial Mass. Miss Ann Kameen, sister of the bride was her maid of honor and Miss Mary Ann Smith was a bridesmaid. Lt. Arthur Kelly was best man and ushers were Thomas Kameen, John Kameen, cousins of the bride. Lieutenants David Fishback, Edward Macky, Robert Rich and Robert Wynn, all 19G4 West Point Cadets were saber bearers. The bride attended St. Elizabeth’s College in New Jersey and has been employed at Ciba Pharmaceutical Co. Lt. Wilson is a 1904 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. After Nov. 1st they will make their home at Munich, Germany for a period of 4 years. The new Mrs. Wilson is a granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Kameen of Forest City, Pa. the charter president of Br. 7. She has been a member of S.W.U. since childhood and her sister, Ann, is also a member. Our heartiest felicitations to Lt. & Mrs. Wilson! I~ No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. San Francisco’s first junior member, Miss Marjorie Lovrin was married April 12th at the Church of the Nativity to Mr. Donald Schlieger in a ceremony officiated by Fr. Vital Vodušek. Margie, as she is affectionately called, is a past treasurer and very well-liked by all our members. For her wedding she was attired in a gorgeous formal gown of white silk organza with full chapel train Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schlieger and pearl alencon lace trim. She wore a coronet of pearl orange blossoms on her curls. Her bouquet was of stefanotis and white orchids. Her attendant, Mrs. Gerald Plut wore a powder blue frock and carried tiny yellow and brown orchids. The bridegroom was attended by Frank Motzkus. Their reception that evening took place at the Slovenian Hall with all the goodies on full measure including potica, klobase and all the trimmings. Our very best wishes to Margie and Don for a happy lifetime together. There will be a lull in my articles for the next three months as Mr. Chi-odo and I are touring Europe by car. We have made arrangements for a car to be picked up at Heidelberg, Germany from where we will tour all of Europe. It will be our dream vacation. So, gals. I’ll say “auf wieder-sehen” until our return in November. Frances E. Chiodo, Reporter Hermine Prisland Dicke: and * * * . * During the May Convention in Chi- cago, some 400 persons were served a most delicious dinner prepared by members of Branch No. 2. The women cooked for two days before the dinner date, and were back at 4 A.M. on the morning of the banquet. As I talked with some of the women present many asked for the “risoto” recipe as served for the dinner. That the recipe might be given in every detail, Corinne Leskovar personally interviewed Mrs. Anna Zorko, the top Chicago cook. They had lots of fun getting the a-mounts in proportion because, as you know, many of our good cooks do not have the amounts down in writing. RISOTO “For best results, use slow cooking, Uncle Ben’s Converted Rice, long grain,” says Mrs. Zorko, “this is important since another kind will give you a mushy consistency.” Rice Ingredients: 1 pound box Uncle Ben’s Converted, long grain rice 2 or 3 large onions, chopped fine Small amount of lard or shortening for sauteing onions. Method: Saute chopped onions. Prepare baking pan with just enough grease so that ingredients will not stick. (Use large enough pan to mix 2 quarts liquid, rice and 5 pounds of chopped cooked chicken gizzards and hearts). Mix 1 pound uncooked rice together with sautšed onions in greased pan. Leave uncovered and bake at 350° P. until rice is nice and brown, mixing occasionally. Takes about 40 minutes. Stock (Broth) Ingredients: 5 pounds chicken gizzards & hearts Whole pieces of soup greens: celery, parsley, carrots, onions, 1 tomato 1 tablespoon salt 3 quarts of water. Method: Make soup of above ingredients, cooking slowly for approximately 1 hour until gizzards and hearts are tender. Strain soup and pour about 1 to 1% quarts of this liquid over brown rice, using baking pan for mixing. Saturate rice and have enough liquid to cover. Continue baking until rice has absorbed the liquid and its consistency is neither too dry nor too soupy. You may have to add more liquid later. This process takes about 30 minutes. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Hope each of our lovely gals is enjoying vacation time. Wherever you may be, overseas or returning home, God bless you all. Our secretary, Marie Beck, is home from her European trip. Hope everyone remembers to mail in their dues to her. She is a lovely lady and will gladly take care of you. Marie is ready to work again — so let’s all cooperate. Get well wishes to Stephie Kobie, Prances Braidec, Cecelia Žnidaršič. Mary Bostian, Reporter No. 55, Girard, Ohio. Time is passing by so fast — since we do not have meetings during the summer months, I would appreciate receiving your up-to-date dues payments! Most of our members are enjoying the best of health but we still have a few that need our prayers and good wishes. On our sick list are Mmes. Helen Dagati, Mary Sveslco and a junior member, Anna Marie Raciclc. All spent time in the hospital. Get well cards and best wishes were sent them. Our deepest sympathy was sent to Mrs. Olga Rogel, on the death of her beloved father. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Niles, Ohio. Members discussing their vacations have made our meetings more interesting and they have been well-attended. On our sick list we still have Mrs. Barbara Flere and also, Johana Zuzulo. We miss a familiar face at our meetings — she is Frances Kosance who is also on the sick list. So, get-well wishes to them. Belated happy anniversary to Eva and Steve Daffalo and May and Joe Daffalo. Mary Polka and Eva Peltz spent a weekend in Washington, D.C. Good luck to you Mary Macek at the Canfield Fair - hope your adventure is a success. Our deepest sympathy to Nancy Segreto on the loss of her sister in New York. I’m wishing everyone a happy late summer and wishes for birthdays and anniversaries to all celebrants. Mary Moler, Rec. Sec’y No. 62, Conneaut, Ohio. In June the members convened at the home of Mrs. Sam Madonna, Chestnut St. for the monthly meeting which was preceded by a tureen supper. Pres. Mrs. Theresa Colangelo opened the meeting with the Lord’s prayer and secretary, Mrs. Leonard Dello, Jr. read the minutes and called the roll. The treasurer’s report was given by Mrs. Frank Mundi. Members then discussed how nicely the ‘‘entertainment fund” was growing. Program chairman was Mrs. Madonna and the door prize went to Miss Dorothy Notte. After the close of the meeting, a social was enjoyed. In July, eleven members enjoyed a SLOVENIAN ‘RISOTO" - When all broth is absorbed and consistency is just right, mix in the following: pound butter or chicken or pork drippings 1 tablespoon tomato paste 2 tablespoons tomato soup Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley All the gizzards and hearts which have been coarsely chopped. (Before putting gizzards in food chopper, cut off hard cartilage or little white hard tips on each end of gizzard for they do not grind too well). EVERYONE’S FAVORITE1 Mix thoroughly and place into oven for 5 to 10 minutes more until flavors are absorbed. Mrs. Zorko uses the drippings from roast pork or chicken for this last stage of the recipe and suggests these drippings for your use. The recipe serves 5 to 10 people. It is also delicious reheated after being frozen. Some cooks add canned peas to the finished recipe for added color and flavor. The entire cooking process takes about 2' hours. (Thank you Mrs. Zorko and Corinne lor this very excellent recipe. My husband enjoyed three servings when I made a trial run). cook-out at the home of Mrs. Harry Warren oi' Whitney Rd. Following the cook-out, the meeting was held. The roll call was answered by every member giving her vacation plans. All reports were given and approved. Mrs. Colangelo received the door prize. The Aug. meeting was planned for the home of Mrs. Charles Rose of Orange St. A special dinner was to be prepared by Mrs. Mundi and served on the pation. Popular games were to follow the meeting. This meeting will be reported later. Our July hostess, Mrs. Warren then guided us thru her newly remodeled kitchen to the accompanyment of our ooohhs and aaahhs! Mary Jane Dello, Sec’y No. 66, Canon City, Colo. At this writing, Mary Lauriski who was been an officer for so many years, is still hospitalized. Our best wishes to her and all those on our sick list. Our sympathy to member, Frances Fassler whose father, Andy Konty, passed away. May he rest in peace. Arlene Busch and son, Terry from Iowa, visited parents, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Legan. Hannah Adamic also had her sister from Minn, visiting her. Ila Javernik and sons spent three weeks with parents at Gunnison, Colo. Our family also spent a few days fishing and visiting the Blue Mesa Dam site at Gunnison. Members! Hope there will be a big turnout for the State Convention at Pueblo this month. Cecile Adamic No. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio. The Sept. 14th meeting is at J. Turk’s backyard for a picnic. Oh, by the way, L. Epley had our family picnic in July even tho it rained and a very small crowd attended. But everyone had fun anyway! Thanks, Louise, for the use of your place. Wedding plans for Sept. 12th are on the books for Leona Epley, Louise’s daughter. Congratulations and may all your troubles be small ones. On our vacation list are Ann Modic and family in Penna., Betty Adler and family in Detroit, Betty Bayus and family in New Orleans. I wish to all the members a lot of fun on their vacations and a safe trip home. Don’t forget to spend some of this summer selling tickets and booklets. A new granddaughter for Mrs. Lub-anovich — a darling girl! Congratulations and we hope all are fine. Molly Danicic is also a new aunt. Best wishes! Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 85, DePue, III. A goodly number attended Zveza Day on July 19th at Lemont, 111. The various members from our group met relatives and friends (here and had a nice social time, also a refreshing of the spirit after attending the religious services. I was greatly impressed with the Slovenian singing at Mass and at vespers. I couldn’t understand the Slovenian sermon or some of the prayers and hymns but one could feel the fervor and power of the prayers regardless of the language spoken. The happiness of the day was marred by the accident of one of our members, sister Angela Spolar, w'ho fell while walking into the Retreat House just before she was to leave for home. No visible breaks of the leg were noted at the time of her fall but upon arriving home, her family physician was called and the X-ray showed sister Spolar had suffered a fractured left hip. She is a patient at St. Margaret’s Hospital at Spring Valley, 111., where bone surgery was performed. Sister Spolar is now making good recovery and we wish her continued speedy recovery. And, to all who may be ill, may you soon enjoy better health. Hope to see you all at the meeting this month — third Sunday. Frances Machek, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Because this is our branch’ 2l5th Anniversary year plans are underway to make this affair the most successful ever held. The date to remember is Wednesday, October 14, 1961, at G:00 p.m. at the Jovial Club, 9615 Commercial Ave. Tickets will be 4 dollars per person. It will be celebrated with all due festivity and sentiment by all of the members and friends. Final preparations are in the capable hands of our committee and it’s up to all of the members to try to participate and attend this affair. On the program will be our talented and capable Editor, Corinne Leskovar with a lively group of singers and dancers to entertain us. Tickets lor the dinner have been mailed to all members with the request to attend and please make your reservations by October 7th. Birthday greetings to the following w'ho are celebrating in September: Katherine Bandla, Matilda Cacich, Gospa Darkin, Mary Hecimovich, Katherine Klepich, Kate Markulin, Mary Perkovich, (96th Muskegon) Kate Starcevich, Anna Trtanj, Anna Tum-pich, and Dragica Vukasovich. Do not forget to attend our October 7th meeting, we shall have a very impressive program narrated by Fedelia Svalina, which will be titled “The Beautiful State of Illinois.” I do know that all of you will enjoy this program. Bring your friends. A special thanks to Ann Kompare for being our delegate for the 13th National Convention. The stimulation we received from attending the functions of the convention will surely result in the betterment of our individual branches. Only at such a national gathering can we fully appreciate our organization. Mildred James .il* 1*1 III 111 , III ill lil lil lil 1*1 ill SYMPATHY It is with profound regret we report the death of our beloved member, Manda Perkovich, 10842 Ave. L., the wife of the late John, and mother of Matthew, Daniel, Robert, Helen, Katherine Buncich, Ann Dujmovich, Manda Dosen, Lucille Spudic, the late Marya and Stephen, dear grandmother of 14, dear sister of Mrs. Tonka Corak of Yugoslavia and sister-in-law of Mrs. Lucia Paun of Ely, Minn., dear moth-er-in-law of Mary, Helen, May Ann, Sophie Perkovich, Joseph Buncich, Thomas Dujmovich, Michiel Dosen, and John Spudic. Despite her very active life in fraternal activities before her lingering illness she was first and foremost a loving wife to her late husband and a affectionate mother to her children. You and me and those who were privileged to know Manda Perkovich will not forget that she gave fully of her time, energy and resources to extend the influence of her church, our branch and other organizations. Her genial personality and the generous instincts of this fine women will be missed not only by her immediate family but by everybody in our branch. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy and pray that in years that lie ahead the good Lord will sustain them and give them peace and health. She will never be forgotten by the many who knew her so well. May God bless her soul and may she find everlasting peace. Mildred James ■1i i|i m ^|« «^i lnici, kjer sem prestala težko operacijo. Res v bolezni človek spozna dobre prijatelje. Bog lo-naj vsem in naj vam povrne z dobrim zdravjem. Čestitke naši mladi članici Carol Cooke, hčerki Ann in vnukinji Anne Godlar, ki je dobila častni naslov “State Baton Twirler” in je v avgustu predstavljala našo državo Ohio v svetovnem finale v Baltimore. Dobila je 72 pokalov (trophies) 40 medalj. Good luck, Carol! Čestitke naši zapisnikarici Anne Tekavec, ki je s soprogom Math 3. jul. slavila srebrno poroko. Mislila sta, da bo šlo kar tako tiho mimo, toda prijatelji in otroci so ju iznenadill. Številnim čestitkam se pridružujemo tudi mi ter vama kličemo: Bog vaju živi še mnogo let v zdravju in zadovoljstvu! Naša dolgoletna predsednica Terezija Potokar je 22. avg. slavila z možem Tonetom, 50 letnico poroke. Vzgojila sta lepo družino 4 sinove in 3 hčere, ki so vsi poročeni in imata ze 20 vnukov in 2 pravnukinje. Želimo jima ljubega zdravja in Bog vaju živi še na mnoga leta! Žal moram poročati tudi žalostne novice. 25. jun. je bil pogreb naše čla. Agnes Koren. Preostalim izrekamo naše sožalje. — 20. jul. je pa smrt naglo odvzela Tony-ja, moža naše blagajničarke Molly Gregorc. Zadela ga je srčna kap. Zapušča poleg žene, tudi sina Tony-ja, sinaho in vnučka. Naj počiva v miru pri Bogu. Žalujoči družini iskreno sožalje! Prav lepo ste prošene, da ne pozabite naše 35 letnice, katero bomo obhajale 20. sept. Ob 12 uri pop. bo pa sv. maša pri sv. Kristini za žive in umrle članice. Ob 2 uri pop. bo pa kosilo v Društvenem domu na Rehar Ave. Vstopnice so na rokah pri odbornicah In upamo, da se bo vsaka odzvala in se potrudila, da bo pripeljala s seboj svoje prijatelje. — Ne pozabite tudi na bazar skupnih podr., ki bo 11. okt. istotam. F. Perme, poročevalka Št. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Zopet je posegla smrt v naše vrste. To pot je pobrala eno naših dolgoletnih članic, Agnes Mejak, ki je bila vedno pripravljena delati in pomagati za korist podr. Rojena je bila na Uncu pri Rakeku, njeno dekliško ime je bilo Ivan- P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. POHLEP PO DENARJU Slovenski pisatelj Ivan Cankar je bil nekoč na Rožniku, hribu zraven Ljubljane, priča žalostnemu dogodku. Popisal ga je v črtici: “Majsko veselje.” Na Rožnik je nekega majskega jutra privriščala, priv-riskala in se prismejala vesela procesija. Usulo se je pod orehe in kostanje, kakor, da je bil veter sunkoma zanesel ploho cvetja in listja na pesek. Preko dvesto otrok je bilo. Nekateri so bili trudni in so posedli za mize. drugi pa so se takoj love in igraje razbegnili po hribu. Čist maj je bil v srcih, nedolžen, brezskrben, poln veselja in blagosti. Nedolžnost, čistost, vesela brezskrbnost otroške duše je bela odeja pod katero dremljejo vse črne strsti izkušenega človeka. To je stara stvar. Ali strašno je kadar se to resnica pred živimi očmi razodene. Človeka obide prav tisti strah in prav tista žalost, kakor obide nedoraslega mladeniča, ko je bil prvikrat zdvomil o krščanskem Bogu. Nenadoma, ko se je največ otrok lovilo in trlo krog hiše, je stopil na prah človek. “Hej otroci,” je vzkliknil. V njegovem glasu je bila prikrita zloba. Sovraštvo je bilo, sovraštvo do mladosti, do pomladi, do sonca, do nedolžnosti. “Hej otroci.” Otroci so se počasi približali, kmalu je bila gosta gruča zbrana pred njim. Takrat je vzdignil roko, zamahnil ter zalučal v gručo pest bakrenih novcev. V vseh očeh je ugasnilo sonce, z usten je mahoma zginil smeh, mlada kri je usahnila v licih. Predrzna neusmiljena roka je potegnila z mladih duš belo odejo nedolžnosti, čistosti in brezskrbnosti, prikazale so se v svoji goloti vse kali nizkostne-ga, sebičnih skrbi, sovraštva, zlobe, poželjenja in zavisti razjedenega človeka. Vrgel je v drugič, v tretjič, na to stran, na ono stran. Gruča se je zgnetla, zvila in spojila v klobčič, ki se je metal v prahu. Vrišča je bilo manj nego prej. Slišalo se je ihtenje polno zavisti. Glasen jok, poln srda, zmagoslaven krik, zlohoten, škodoželen smeh . . . Blizu pred poldnevom so otroci odhajali s hriba tihi, trudni, prašni v očeh in srcih srd in zloba, zavist in škodoželjnost. Od jutra do poldne je otrok dozorel v starca. Resnica je, da je denar sveta gospodar in na žalost tudi gospodar mnogih duš, ki se mu popolnoma usužnijo. Če si ga ne morejo pridobiti na pošten način, si ga prilaste s krajami, poneverbami, goljufijam in podobno. Zakaj to? Zato, ker ne poznajo sedme božje zapovedi, ki pravi: "Ne kradi.” Ker ne poznajo Jezusovih besed: “Ne nabirajte si zakladov na zemlji. Kjer je namreč tvoj zaklad, tam bo tudi tvoje srce.” pri kateri je bil izpostavljen znak SŽ Z, katerega je delegatinja prinesla iz konvencije, in ki res značilen. Prav lepa hvala za njega. Vse odbornice naše podr. izrekajo prisrčno zahvalo za tako krasna darila, rožne vence in šopke cvetlic. Podpisana se še posebej zahvalim ustanoviteljici in častni preds. Marie Pris-land za poklonjeno zgodovino naše Zveze, katero visoko cenim. Naj še poročam, da je naša čla. Ann Frances Bresak, ki je pred 4 leti prejela šolnino SŽZveze, letos graduirala z odliko na St. Francis College. Prejela je tudi nagrado za pomožno učiteljico in nadaljnje študije v vrednosti $1,800 na University of Detroit, Mich. (Slika je v angleškem delu). Več mladih slovenskih fantov in deklet se je vpisalo na razne college za višje študije, med njimi tudi Joseph DeLillo, sin naše čla. Ann DeLillo in vnuk naše zapisnikarice, Louise Mahnič. Na bolniški listi se nahaja Jennie Černe, kateri želim v imenu članic hitrega in popolnega zdravja. — Vsem članicam, ki praznujejo v sept. in okt. rojstne dneve, pa kličem še na mnoga leta zdravja in sreče. Frances Brečak, preds. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. Na kraj miru in pokoja smo v dveh mesecih spremile tri naše sestre: Katarino Šuštarič, Anna Marinčič in Mary Nosan. Sorodnikom in prijateljem pokojnih, izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Pokojne sestre pa naj sladko snivajo v naročju matere zemlje. Globoko sožalje izrekamo ses. Frances Vičič in družini nad izgubo dragega soproga in očeta, Johna Vičič, enako tudi ses. Mary Mausar in družini ob izgubi soproga in očeta Josepha Mausar. Blagim pokojnikoma pa večni mir in pokoj! Kljub precejšnji zadnje mesece, je bila udeležba na sejah kar povoljna. Po končanem dnevnem redu smo imele vedno nekaj razvedrila. Za rojstni dan v juliju, nas je pogostila ses. Ančka Rebolj, v avg. pa ses. Anne Videnšek in Mary Rogell. K raznim dobrotam sta pa še ses. Mary Market in Mary Cerjak pridejali imenitna štrudla. Vsem prav prisrčna hvala. Slavljenkam pa še mnogo srečnih rojstnih obletnic. V blagajno so darovale sestre. lx)u-ise Pylik, Mary Dačar, Ann Božich, Ann Medveš, Pierina Duš in Rose Boštjančič. Vsem prisrčna hvala! Resno sta bolani ses. Kristina Urbas in Jennie Barbish. Vse jima želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja! Naša preds., ses. Mary Debevec se je srečno vrnila iz obiska rojstne domovine. Na prihodnji seji nam bo gotovo dosti zanimivega povedala. Dobrodošla domov, Mary! Želim, da ste tudi druge imele lepo razvedrilo tekom poletja. Sedaj ko ho lepo hladno, pa pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Tukaj v srcu Amerike imamo prav hudo vročino in naše seje smo odmaknile do oktobra. Tajnica pa vseeno prosi, da bi ji prišle plačat mesečnino. Od državne predsednice, Mrs. Anne Pachak iz Pueblo, Colo., smo dobilo povabilo, da bi izbrale delegatinjo in jo poslale na drž. konvencijo v Pueblo, Colo., ki se bo vršila 20. septembra. Po dolgem bolehanju je 11. jul. umrl John Blazevich, soprog naše čla. Anne. Poleg nje zapušča eno hčer, dva sinova, 7 vnukov, dve sestri in tri brate. Naj mu sveti večna luč. Sorodnikom naše sožalje. Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kostelec sta se podala na obisk stare domovine, kamor sta 24. jul. srečno prispela. Tam so jih nestrpno pričakovali, Tonetova sestra, ki živi v Karlovcu in brat Ivan, ki živi v vasi Drašiči pri Metliki. Tone je brat mojega moža, njegova žena Anna je naša članica. Obiskala bosta še ostale sorodnike v Ljubljani, na Bledu na Škofji Loki in tudi moj roj- stni kraj, Loški potok. Bog jima daj srečno potovanje in zdrav povratek nazaj med nas in k njihovim hčerkam, zetom in vnukinji. Najlepši pozdrav! Antonia Kostelec Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Želim urednici in vsem članicam SŽZ vse najboljše, posebno zdravja! Želim vsem, ki potujejo po krasni, ljubi in nikdar pozabljeni domovini Sloveniji, mnogo zabave. Tudi naša poročevalka v angl. Julia Grabeljsek iz Geneva se nahaja tam in piše, da se izvrstno zabava, le da pogreša svojega očeta, ker ve, kako je on užival tam v njegovem rojstnem kraju, v Žirovnici. Tudi jaz sem tam doma iz Dol. Jezera, torej v mojem srcu je najdražja dolina Cerkniško jezero. Oče Julie je dobro poznan farmar Tone Debevec iz Madison, tako Julia ve, kaj je oče mislil, ko je pripovedal razne štorije iz rojstne dežele. Pri naši podr. 68 v Fairportu smo prekinile seje črez poletne mesece, ker jih vse vleče narava na piknike in izlete. Tukaj se dobro razumemo in uživamo naše seje z priljubljenimi igrami, ker je vedno katera srečna in dobi lepo darilo, ld ga damo iz blagajne. Naša blagajna pa si odpomore pozimi, ko delamo riževe klobase in krvave, katere vsi radi kupijo in smo tako vsi zadovoljni. Škoda je, da je naša naselbina tako mala. Sedaj imamo tudi Balinčarski Klub, ki so ga napravili naši mlajši in pri tej Ligi nas je več članic. Skoro po večini smo udje Ameriško Slovenskega Kluba v Fairportu. Veselo nas je vidite ko se stari in mladi zberemo vsako sredo in četrtek in balincamo na žive in mrtve. Prav bi bilo, da bi tudi naša velika organizacija imela kakšno privlačnost, da bi se večkrat zbrali in vzbudili večje zanimanje pri mladini, saj vsaka slovenska mati je ponosna da more pustiti nekaj spominov svojim otrokom. Imeli smo tudi bolane članice: Mrs. M. Modic, Mrs. J. Ulle in Mrs. Jennie Lagina, ki si je zlomila roko. Sedaj so že vse okrevale in jim želimo ljubega zdravja. Torej srčno pozdravljene! Jennie Mohorčič, preds. Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Najprej se moram zahvaliti vsem članicam, katere ste se udeležile našega piknika in za vse kar ste darovale, da bomo zopet mogle imeti Christmas party. Žal je bilo precej hladno, da se otroci niso mogli kopati. Naša septemberska seja bo pri Franku Razinstan, Lake Sawyer. U-pam, da bo lepše vreme, da ne bodo otroci zopet razočarani. Imele bomo zopet pot luck lunch, da ne pozabite kaj prinesti in tudi vaše družine pripeljite s seboj, da nas bo več in prosim tudi, da bi kaj več članic prišlo, ker smo vedno ene in iste. Lahko bi se bolj zanimale za Zvezo. Torej upam, da se bomo videli na sept. seji in do takrat vam želim zdravja in vas najlepše pozdravljam. Mary Mihelich, preds. Hi Boys and Girls! The month of September ushers in another school year. Do you greet this new year with dread, indifference and dislike? Or do you anticipate school with zeal, eagerness for learning, and a loving, exciting attitude? I suppose every family has some symbol or sign declaring a new era has begun. As our first child entered school, it was very important that a pencil sharpener be purchased and installed in our home. This year the sharpener will begin its twelfth year — an able assistant in the world of school. For more pleasant days in school, it is well to remember that there should be cooperation and loyalty between teachers and parents, so that each child "may become an informed, responsible, virtuous citizen on earth, and a blessed, eternally happy citizen in heaven.” The only important national holiday of September is Labor Day — honoring the great American working class. This day grew out of an annual parade in New York City by the Knights of Labor and it was in 189-1 that Congress made the day a national holiday. September C, 1757 is the birthdate of a French statesman and soldier, who fought for America in the Revolutionary War. From Fifty Famous People this is a story of Lafayette as a lad: THE BOY LAFAYETTE AND THE WOLF by James Baldwin In France there once lived a famous man who was known as the Marquis de Lafayette. When he was a little boy his mother called him Gilbert. Gilbert de Lafayette’s father and grandfather and greatgrandfather had all been brave and noble men. He wished that he might grow up to be like them. His home was in the country not far Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. Danes želim malo opisati naše počitnice in obisk Chicaga in drugih krajev na osrednjem Zapadu. Prav vesela sem bila, da sem se osebno spoznala z urednico naše Zarje, le škoda, da je gl. taj. bila takrat na obisku v Sloveniji in je nisem mogla pozdraviti. V mestu Chicagu se je veliko spremenilo od leta 1937 ko smo se mi preselili odtam v Chisholm, Minn. V Chicagu smo obiskali tudi gl. urad SNPJ, Mr. Louis Zefran ter Mr. in Mrs. Anton Tomažin. Mary Tomažin je bila pred leti zelo aktivna in gl. odbornica Zveze. Upam, da nas pridete obiskati pozimi v sončno Cal. — En teden smo bili pri naši hčerki Helen Burk v Brookfield, 111. ter sinu Edwardu v Downers Grove, 111. — Za tri dni sem se odpeljala v Joliet, kjer, sem se nastanila pri sosestri Frances Bottari in v nedeljo smo šli v Slov. narodni dom, kjer smo se sestali s ses. Josephine Erjavec in Anno Mahkovec ter Jennie from a great forest. Often, when he was a little boy, he took long walks among the trees with his mother. “Mother,” he would say, “do not be afraid. I am with you, and I will not let anything hurt you.” One day word came that a savage wolf had been seen in the forest. Men said that it was a very large wolf and that it had killed some of the farmers’ sheep. “How I should like to meet that wolf,” said Gilbert. He was only seven years old but now all his thoughts were about the savage beast that was in the forest. Junior’s Page “Shall we take a walk this morning?” asked his mother. “Oh, yes!” said Gilbert. “Perhaps we may see that wolf among the trees. But don’t be afraid.” His mother smiled, for she felt quite sure that there was no danger. They did not go far into the woods. The mother sat down in the shade of a tree and began to read a new book which she had bought the day before. The boy played on the grass near by. The sun was warm. The bees were buzzing among the flowers. The birds were singing softly. Gilbert looked up from his play and saw that his mother was deeply interested in her book. “Now for the wolf!” he said to himself. He walked quickly, but quietly, down the pathway into the darker woods. He looked eagerly around, but saw only a squirrel frisking among the trees and a rabbit hopping across the road. Soon he came to a wilder place. There the bushes were very close together and the pathway came to an end. He pushed the bushes aside and went a little farther. How still everything was! He could see a green open space Smrekar. Imeli smo si veliko za pogovoriti. Iz Chicago smo se odpeljali k najstarejši hčerki Berti Townsend, ki že 18 let živi na farmi v Gleason, Wis. Tam smo imeli družinski piknik, ko smo se prvič snideli štirje rodovi in prvič sem videla svojega pravnuka. Bilo je prav lepo. Vsi hčerini otroci so zelo pridni, ena hčer živi blizu nje na farmi, ima štiri sinove. Mlajša živi pa v mestu, je učiteljica, kakor tudi njen soprog. Imata dva otroka. 21. jul. smo se z letalom odpeljali do Chicaga in od tam z jet ter smo bili zvečer že v Los Angeles in ob 10 uri zvečer pa žo doma v Fontani. — Zelo sem vesela, da sem videla vso našo družino in naše prijatelje in povsod je bilo lepo, toda najlepše je le doma. Opozarjam članice, da bo naša prih. seja 3 sept. Takrat bo naša preds. že nazaj iz domovine. Pozdrav urednici, njeni mami in vsem članicam. Frances Lukanich, poroč just beyond; and then the woods seemed to be thicker and darker. “This is just the place for that wolf,” he thought. Then all at once, he heard footsteps. Something was pushing its way through the bushes. It was coming toward him. “It’s the wolf, I’m sure! It will not see me till it comes very near. Then I will jump out and throw my arms around its neck and choke it to death.” The animal was coming nearer. He could hear its footsteps. He could hear its heavy breathing. He stood very still and waited. “It will try to bite me,” he tought. “Perhaps it will scratch me with its sharp claws. But I will be brave. I will not cry out. I will choke it with my strong arms. Then I will drag it out of the bushes and call mamma to come and see it.” The beast was very close to him now. He could see its shadow as he peeped out through the clusters of leaves. His breath came fast. He planted his feet firmly and made ready to spring. Ah, there was the wolf! He saw its shaggy head and big round eyes. He leaped from his hiding place and clasped it around its neck. It did not try to bite or scratch. It did not even growl. But it jumped quickly forward and threw Gilbert upon the ground. Then it ran out into the open space and stopped to gaze at him. Gilbert was soon on his feet again. He was not hurt at all. He looked at the beast, and — what do you think it was? It was not a wolf. It was only a pet calf that had come there to browse among the bushes. The boy felt very much ashamed. He hurried back to the pathway, and then ran to his mother. Tears were in his eyes but he tried to look brave. "Oh, Gilbert, where have you been?” said His mother. FROM THE JUNIORS OF CLEVELAND I would like to tell of our trip to Chicago. Six of us girls went for tlie opening ot' the Slovenian Women’s Union Convention in Chicago. We left Friday night May 15, by bus and arrived there Saturday morning. The Morrison Hotel was where we stayed. As soon as we reached Chicago we had a good breakfast across from our hotel. We often ate there later. Saturday afternoon we went on a bus tour of Chicago where we actually saw a fire. After the tour we went shopping. In the evening after supper, Mrs. Toni Turek, our Supreme President, treated us to a milk shake. It was time to have a good night’s sleep. But before we slept, we had an exciting pillow fight. Sunday morning we went to St. Stephen’s Church in our uniforms. After that we had a very good dinner. We went on stage about 3:00 o’clock and did our baton routine. The needle broke on the record player so we had to perform to an accordian accompaniment. At 5:15 P.M. Sunday, we left for home. All of us had a wonderful time. We would like to thank Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, for the beautiful bracelets the girls received. We also thank Bernie Vidmar for teaching us the routine. We cannot forget to thank Mrs. Ernestine Jevec for making the trip possible. So long for now. Nancy Snyder, Captain of the Junior Brill Team, Cleve., O. (See photo on 2nd cover page) Then he told her. His lips quivered and he began to cry. "Never mind, my dear,” said his mother. “You were very brave, and it is lucky that the wolf was not there. You faced what you thought was a great danger, and you were not a-fraid. You are my hero.” Marquis de Lafayette became a soldier when he grew up and helped the American people during the American Revolution. He was the friend of General Washington. He is remembered as a hero who helped the United States to become free and independent. Did you know that on September 17, 1787 following less than four months of drafting the Constitution of the United States — our very precious document — was finally completed? Of the 55 attending the Constitutional Convention, 3!) signed it. The average age of the great men who (bunded our national government was 13. Alexander Hamilton at 30 was the youngest, while Benjamin Franklin at 81 was the oldest. The most famous • nan was George Washington, who presided. Me was then fifty-five years old. A very important day in everyone’s life is his birthday. On September 8th Our Lady celebrates hers, (live her a FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1964 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC MAJ, 1964 Branch Assesments Membership No. Total Adult Junior 1. 82.85 165 46 2, 187.10 349 159 3. 112.85 2X8 161 4. 5.10 19 5. 91.79 108 37 # 6. 49.90 123 18 7. 66.50 1 11 132 8. 122.25 62 1 @ 9. 34 3 10. 148.711 367 45 12. 216 70 $ 13. 51.00 115 20 14. 139.05 318 30 15. 111.00 242' 27 10. 69.65 14(1 82 17. 75.15 163 57 19. 58.90 136 42 20. 177.SO 431 127 21. 42.90 89 53 22. 22' - $ 23. 100.25 232 60 24. 78.95 175 77 25. 372.70 760 261 26. 45.80 110 12 27. 63.00 64 4 '/ 28. 38.95 82 10 29. 12.60 32 7 30. IS $ 31. 50.45 117 40 32. 60.39 117 32 33. 79.25 149 91 34. 18.45 11 i 35. 37.25 69 II 07 27 38. 59.20 148 1 39. 23.00 56 23 ■In. 42.60 1110 5 41. 102.15 264 39 42. 2‘2.45 19 43. 58.60 120 75 45. 76.35 52 7 & 46. 13.211 30 5 47. 53.70 114 26 IS. 4.30 13 49. 28.80 36 ** 50. 97.60 162 86 51. 7.65 16 52. 26.05 53 15 53. 17.45 37 8 54. 38.30 73 66 55. 30.25 68 7 56. 47.00 110 20 57. 39.35 74 37 59. 33 1 61. 20 62. 17.10 35 1 63. 61.10 116 58 64. 57 2 65. 26.85 61 24 gift of a Mass, Communion or perhaps a visit to Church in celebration. Being born on Our Lady’s birthday is a special favor. Thus our children’s loving, hard-working daddy was so favored. Blessed birthday greetings to him and other celebrants. Pall makes its debut on the 22nd of September officially saying “adieu” to carefree summer days. May God Bless all your school days! Your friend, REGINA 66. 26.50 53 20 67. 39.70 74 27 68. 24.95 13 5 70. II 3 1 71. 53.20 106 21 72. 12.05 32 1 73. 50.70 1(17 58 74. 23.25 1 1 1 < i. 25.05 55 32 78. 25 !) 79. 18.90 3 1 21 80. I7.7H 19 81. 8.70 23 S". 1 1.70 5 84. 140.00 09 (1 r 85. 1 1.30 29 r, 86. 9.95 211 88. 30.05 IS !) 89. 98 :>x 90. 23.30 53 9“ 91. 30.90 54 13 92. 13.15 23 2 93. 45.75 65 94. 51 2 95. 99.65 171 3N 96. 23.65 18 1 97. 11.50 21 <; 99. 8.75 21 100. 21.45 13 w ini. 28.35 11 20 102. 21 $ 104. 8.55 22 105. —_ 22 5 106. 20 1 $4,292.28 8952 2<>70 # Paid for June and July; @ Paid lor January to May; $ Paid in April; Paid for February and March: * 1 Paid for March, April and May; ** laid for May and June; Paid for April and May; Paid for Nove'.n- her through February. INCOME — DOHODKI: Assessment from members Rental income in May Cookbook sales Interest on bonds Total skupaj DISBURSEMENTS $ 1,292.28 155.00 3,000.00 l ,18i!.tin 100,00 150.00 100.011 100.00 $8,634.18 STROŠKI: Elean. Jasien, br. 2, Chicago if 100.00 Antonia Bashel, br. 12, Milw. Mary Hudales, br. 12, Milw. Anna Burjak, br. 14, Euclid, O. Anna Korevec, br, 20, Joliet Hel. Krall, br. 33, Duluth, Minn. 100.00 Pauline Zajtz, br. 38, Chisholm 100.00 Eliz. Matko, br. 05, Virginia Ruby A. Judnick, br. 65, Virg. Anna Pugar, br. 71, Strabane 100.00 Sus. Hawkins, br. 101, Bedford 25.00 Zarja — May — 32 pages 1.810.00 Salaries and administation 055.00 Fuel, water, electricity 88.31 Rent. for Home office 75.00 Printing, postage, sundries 113.80 Convention, 13th National 6,592.90 Total — skupaj $10,740.16 Balance April 30, 1964 $490,978.54 Income in May. 1964 8,634.18 $499,612.72 Disbursements in May, 1964 10,740.16 Balance May ?1, 1964 $488,872.56 Albina Novak, Secretary IMPORTANT STATE C0NVEI PENNSYLVANIA DAY, Acmetona, Pa. Sponsored l>y Br. 91 UTI0NS! Sept. 13th, 1964 MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, Biwabik, Minn. Sponsored by Br. 39 SEPT. 20, 1964: COLORADO - KANSAS - MISSOURI STATE DAY AT PUEBLO, COLO., BR. 3, HOSTESSES PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOS. ZiLE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities R. GRDIM & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 61 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY na ■••« i • ■ t h str**« IIOOO luclld A v • n u • Basa at. ct*ir av**u* ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIl KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funaral Directors A Emb*lm«r» Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 SOMETHIN’ GOOD? See the delicious foods *ted in famous cookbook. ‘‘Woman's Glory — The Kitchen'' Postpaid $2.75 Order your copy now: ANTONIA TUREK 19170 Monterey Euclid 23. Ohio ■: ■■■ ■ Man \ 0 r •5 * wmmm' ? iu .TzSSr