© Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), Ljubljana ISSN 1581–0267 1 UDK/UDC: 556.52:630*1 Prejeto/Received: 21. 9. 2004 Izvirni znanstveni članek – Original scientific paper Sprejeto/Accepted: 23. 6. 2005 DOLO ČANJE INDEKSA LISTNE POVRŠINE LISTNATEGA GOZDA NA POVODJU DRAGONJE – 2. DEL: REZULTATI IN DISKUSIJA ESTIMATING LEAF AREA INDEX OF THE DECIDUOUS FOREST IN THE DRAGONJA WATERSHED – PART II: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mojca ŠRAJ Meritve in dolo čanje indeksa listne površine (LAI) so se izvajale v listnatem gozdu na eksperimentalnem povodju Dragonje. Poleg teh meritev so bile so časno narejene natan čne meritve in analize posameznih komponent hidrološkega kroga gozda in drugih parametrov vegetacije s sodobno mersko opremo. V prvem delu članka (Šraj, 2003b) so bile predstavljene metode dolo čanja indeksa listne površine in meritve LAI. Prav tako so v prvem delu članka natan čno opisane lastnosti dreves na obeh izbranih raziskovalnih ploskvah. V tem delu članka so predstavljeni rezultati meritev in dolo čanja indeksa listne površine ter njihova analiza. Meritve so se za čele v jeseni 2000. Najpogostejšim drevesnim vrstam (hrast, jesen, gaber, javor, dren) je bila dolo čena specifi čna površina listov SLA. Indeks listne površine LAI se je dolo čal po treh metodah: neposredni metodi zbiranja odpadlega listja, metodi hemisferi čnega fotografiranja in metodi merjenja fotosintetskega aktivnega sevanja (PAR). Z analizami je bilo ugotovljeno, da metodi hemisferi čnega fotografiranja in merjenja fotosintetskega aktivnega sevanja PAR v obdobju z listjem podcenjujeta vrednosti LAI. Dobljeni vrednosti za LAI po metodi zbiranja listja sta 6,7 za južno pobo čje in 7,3 za severno. Manjša vrednost LAI na južnem pobo čju je bila pri čakovana, saj ima gozd na tem pobo čju bolj odprt zna čaj kot na severni strani. Klju čne besede: indeks listne površine (LAI), specifi čna listna površina (SLA), Dragonja, gozdna hidrologija, raziskovalno polje Measurements and estimation of leaf area index (LAI) were carried out in the deciduous forest in the experimental watershed of the Dragonja River. At the same time precise measurements and analysis relevant to single elements of the forest hydrological cycle and other vegetational parameters with modern measuring equipment were made. In Part 1 of the paper (Šraj, 2003b) the methods of delineation of the leaf area index and measurements of LAI were discussed. An accurate description of characteristical features of trees on both chosen plots was also given. In this part of the paper, results of measurements, LAI estimation and analysis are given. The measurements commenced in autumn 2000. The specific leaf area (SLA) was estimated for the most abundant tree species (for example oak, ash, hornbeam, maple, cornelian cherry dogwood). Leaf area index was estimated according to three methods: direct method of litterfall collection, method of hemispherical photography, and method of measuring photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The analyses revealed that the methods of hemispherical photography and of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) underestimated the value of LAI in the full-leaf period. LAI estimated according to the litterfall collection method was 6.7 on the south plot and 7.3 on the north plot. The lower value of LAI on the south plot was expected, since the forest on the south plot has a more open character than the one on the north plot. Key words: leaf area index (LAI), specific leaf area (SLA), Dragonja, forest hydrology, experimental plot Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 2 1. REZULTATI MERITEV IN RAZPRA V A 1.1 SPECIFI ČNA POVRŠINA LISTOV SLA Za izra čun indeksa listne površine po neposredni metodi je potrebno najprej dolo čiti specifi čno površino listov SLA (Šraj, 2003b). SLA se je dolo čila za pet najbolj tipi čnih drevesnih vrst na vsaki ploskvi posebej (hrast, gaber, jesen, javor, rumeni dren), poleg tega pa tudi za kategorijo “ostali listi” ter za droben listni material. Dobljene vrednosti SLA so prikazane v preglednici 1. Kot je razvidno iz dobljenih rezultatov, so specifi čne površine listov posameznih drevesnih vrst na severnem pobočju ve čje kot na južnem, z izjemo gabra. Razlike v SLA med obema pobo čjema se gibljejo od 2 % (hrast) do 30 % (rumeni dren). Vrednosti specifi čnih površin za listopadne vrste dreves je v literaturi malo. Eden od razlogov je tudi vedno ve čje število raziskav, kjer se uporablja posredne metode dolo čanja LAI, kjer specifi čna površina listov ni potrebna. Drug razlog pa je gotovo zamudnost metode. Za približno primerjavo so bile najdene le vrednosti Chasona in sodelavcev (1991), ki so za hrast v ZDA dobili vrednosti SLA 10–12 m 2 /kg, za rde či javor pa 16,5 m 2 /kg. 1. RESULTS OF MEASUREMENTS AND DISCUSSION 1.1 SPECIFIC LEAF AREA SLA For calculation of the leaf area index according to the direct method one first has to estimate the specific leaf area SLA (Šraj, 2003b). SLA was estimated for the five most typical tree species on each plot separately (oak, hornbeam, maple, ash, cornelian cherry dogwood), and also for the “other leaves” category and for fine foliage material. SLA values are shown in Table 1. As is apparent from the results obtained, the specific leaf area of single tree species on the north plot is higher than that on the south plot, with the exception of hornbeam. Differences in SLA between both slopes are from 2 % (oak) to 30 % (cornelian cherry dogwood). SLA values for deciduous tree species are not often found in the literature. One of the reasons is that a growing number of studies use the indirect methods of LAI estimation, where the estimation of specific leaf area is not needed. Another reason is that the direct method tends to be time-consuming. For an approximate comparison only the values by Chason et al. (1991) were available, who acquired for oak (in USA) the SLA values of 10–12 m 2 /kg, and for red maple 16.5 m 2 /kg. Preglednica 1. Specifi čna površina listov SLA za posamezne drevesne vrste na južni in severni raziskovalni ploskvi. Table 1. Specific leaf area SLA for each tree species on the south and north research plots. DREVESNA VRSTA/ TREE SPECIES JUŽNA PLOSKEV/ SOUTH PLOT [m 2 kg -1 ] SEVERNA PLOSKEV/ NORTH PLOT [m 2 kg -1 ] Hrast/oak 15.95* 16.25* Gaber/hornbeam 30.60* 26.27* Javor/maple 32.41 37.61 Jesen/ash 36.61 48.90 Rumeni dren/cornelian cherry dogwood 30.63 43.47 Ostali listi/other leaves 26.55 27.68 Droben listni material/fine foliage material 5.35* 5.01* * te Linde (2001) Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 3 Preglednica 2. Povpre čne koli čine zbranega odpadlega listja [kg/m 2 ] po posameznih drevesnih vrstah v sezoni 2001/02 na severni raziskovalni ploskvi. Table 2. Average quantity of collected litterfall [kg/m 2 ] of single trees species in the season 2001/2002 on the north research plot. Datum/date HRAST/ OAK GABER/ HORNBEAM JAVOR/ MAPLE JESEN/ ASH DREN/ DOGWOOD OSTALI LISTI/ OTHER LEAVES DROBEN LISTNI MATERIAL/ FINE LEAF MATERIAL SKUPAJ LISTJE/ TOTAL LITTERFALL 7.9.01 0.006 0.028 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.003 0.046 23.10.01 0.011 0.007 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.023 8.11.01 0.006 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.016 30.11.01 0.037 0.026 0.014 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.012 0.099 11.12.01 0.081 0.020 0.011 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.125 19.12.01 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 9.1.02 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.002 30.1.02 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 8.3.02 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.002 22.5.02 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.001 0.008 SKUPAJ/ TOTAL 0.145 0.088 0.033 0.010 0.008 0.017 0.026 0.326 % 44.52 26.96 10.01 3.01 2.35 5.16 7.99 100.00 Preglednica 3. Povpre čne koli čine zbranega odpadlega listja [kg/m 2 ] po posameznih drevesnih vrstah v sezoni 2001/02 na južni raziskovalni ploskvi. Table 3. Average quantity of collected litterfall [kg/m 2 ] of single trees species in the season 2001/2002 on the south research plot. Datum/date HRAST/ OAK GABER/ HORNBEAM JAVOR/ MAPLE JESEN/ ASH DREN/ DOGWOOD OSTALI LISTI/ OTHER LEAVES DROBEN LISTNI MATER./ FINE LEAF MATERIAL SKUPAJ LISTJE/ TOTAL LITTERFALL 7.9.01 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.007 23.10.01 0.005 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.007 0.001 0.003 0.021 8.11.01 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.003 0.003 0.000 0.001 0.010 30.11.01 0.009 0.010 0.000 0.047 0.008 0.004 0.004 0.082 11.12.01 0.061 0.001 0.000 0.014 0.004 0.005 0.003 0.088 19.12.01 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.003 0.001 0.044 9.1.02 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.008 30.1.02 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.004 8.3.02 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.012 22.5.02 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.008 SKUPAJ/ TOTAL 0.140 0.016 0.000 0.071 0.023 0.021 0.013 0.284 % 49.24 5.80 0.10 25.10 7.97 7.23 4.56 100.00 Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 4 1.2 LAI PO METODI ZBIRANJA ODPADLEGA LISTJA Iz rezultatov tehtanja odpadlega listja je razvidno (preglednica 2; slika 1), da skoraj polovico zbranega listja [kg/m 2 ] na severni strani predstavljajo hrastovi listi. Dobra četrina je gabrovih listov, 10 % javorjevih, medtem ko je vseh ostalih vrst manj kot 10 %. To se na videz ne ujema popolnoma z deležem zastopanosti posameznih dreves na severnem pobo čju, kjer gabrova drevesa predstavljajo 47 %, hrastova pa 34 % vseh dreves. To lahko razložimo z ve čjo specifi čno površino listov gabrovih dreves (preglednica 1), kar pomeni, da so gabrovi listi lažji od hrastovih, to pa rezultira k ve čji masi zbranih hrastovih listov. Drug razlog pa bi lahko bil v naklju čnosti razporeditve desetih zbiralnih košar. Tudi na južni strani približno polovico zbranega listja [kg/m 2 ] predstavljajo hrastovi listi (preglednica 3; slika 2). Četrtina je jesenovih listov, vse ostale vrste pa predstavljajo manj kot deset odstotkov. Tudi na južnem pobo čju prihaja do navideznih neujemanj z deležem zastopanosti posameznih drevesnih vrst, kjer imamo 54 % jesena ter 26 % hrasta. Razlog je enak. Specifi čna površina jesenovih listov je ve č kot enkrat ve čja od specifi čne površine hrastovih listov (preglednica 1), kar nam da precej ve čjo maso zbranih hrastovih listov. Če pogledamo koli čine odpadlega listja v odvisnosti od časa, ugotovimo, da ve čina listja odpade v obdobju od za četka novembra do konca decembra, torej v dveh mesecih (sliki 1 in 2; preglednici 2 in 3). Primerjava obeh ploskev kaže na nekoliko ve čje koli čine listja na severnem pobo čju (~ 0,04 kg/m 2 ). Na severnem pobo čju imajo vse drevesne vrste višek odpadanja listja v prvi tretjini decembra (slika 1). Na južnem pobočju pa listi jesena in gabra dosežejo višek odpadanja približno 14 dni prej, torej v drugi polovici novembra, listi ostalih drevesnih vrst pa tako kot na severnem pobočju v začetku meseca decembra (slika 2). 1.2 LAI ESTIMATED WITH DIRECT LITTERFALL COLLECTION METHOD The results of weighing the leaf litterfall show (Table 2, Figure 1) that almost half of the leaves collected [kg/m 2 ] on the north plot consists of oak leaves. Over a quarter of leaves are represented by hornbeam, 10 % by maple, while all other species make up less than 10 %. Apparently, this does not completely coincide with the representation of single species on the north plot, where hornbeam trees represent 47 %, and oak 34 % of all trees. This can be explained by larger specific leaf area of hornbeam (Table 1), meaning that hornbeam leaves are lighter than oak leaves, which results in bigger mass of collected oak leaves. The other reason could be the randomness of distribution of 10 collection baskets. Oak leaves represent approximately a half of collected leaves [kg/m 2 ] on the south plot as well (Table 3, Figure 2). A quarter is composed of ash leaves, all other tree species represent less than 10 percent. There are apparent discrepancies in the share of representation of single species on the south plot as well, where ash is represented by 54 % and oak by 26 %. The reason remains the same. Specific leaf area of ash is more than one time the size of specific leaf area of oak leaves (Table 1), which results in a greater mass of collected oak leaves. By considering the litterfall quantity in dependence of time, it can be established that most of the leaves falls off in the period from the beginning of November to the end of December, that is in two months (Figures 1 and 2; Tables 2 and 3). Comparison of both plots shows somewhat higher litterfall volume on the north plot (by approx. 0.04 kg/m 2 ). On the north plot all tree species reach their peak in litterfall in the first third of December (Figure 1). On the south plot, however, ash and hornbeam leaves reach their peak in litterfall approx. 14 days earlier, that is in the second half of November, whereas leaves of other tree species reach their peak in the beginning of December (Figure 2), as is the case on the north plot. © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), Ljubljana ISSN 1581–0267 5 Slika 1. Kumulativna vsota odpadlega listja za posamezne drevesne vrste v odvisnosti od časa na severni raziskovalni ploskvi v sezoni 2001/02 (Šraj, 2003a). Figure 1. Cumulative total of litterfall for single tree species as a function of time on the north research plot in the 2001/02 season (Šraj, 2003a). Slika 2. Kumulativna vsota odpadlega listja za posamezne drevesne vrste v odvisnosti od časa na južni raziskovalni ploskvi v sezoni 2001/02 (Šraj, 2003a). Figure 2. Cumulative total of litterfall for single tree species as a function of time on the south research plot in the 2001/02 season (Šraj, 2003a). Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 6 Preglednica 4. Indeks listne površine, dobljen z metodo zbiranja odpadlega listja v sezoni 2001/02 za vsako posamezno raziskovalno ploskev po posameznih datumih zbiranja. Table 4. Leaf area index acquired by the method of litterfall collection in season 2001/02 for each research plot and different collection dates. SEVERNA PLOSKEV/ NORTH PLOT JUŽNA PLOSKEV/ SOUTH PLOT Datum/date SKUPAJ LISTJE/ TOTAL LITTERFALL [kg/m 2 ] LAI SKUPAJ LISTJE/ TOTAL LITTERFALL [kg/m 2 ] LAI 7.9.01 0.046 1.150 0.007 0.121 23.10.01 0.023 0.462 0.021 0.490 8.11.01 0.016 0.306 0.010 0.291 30.11.01 0.099 2.306 0.082 2.541 11.12.01 0.125 2.691 0.088 1.802 19.12.01 0.004 0.096 0.044 0.797 9.1.02 0.002 0.045 0.008 0.154 30.1.02 0.001 0.029 0.004 0.084 8.3.02 0.002 0.043 0.012 0.228 22.5.02 0.008 0.185 0.008 0.151 SKUPAJ/ TOTAL 0.326 ( ± 0.045) 7.312 ( ± 0.99) 0.284 ( ± 0.032) 6.658 ( ± 0.84) Preglednica 5. Indeks listne površine, dobljen z metodo zbiranja odpadlega listja v sezoni 2001/02 za vsako posamezno raziskovalno ploskev po posameznih drevesnih vrstah (Šraj, 2003a). Table 5. Leaf area index determined with the method of litterfall collection in the season 2001/02 for each research plot and for single tree species (Šraj, 2003a). SEVERNA PLOSKEV/ NORTH PLOT JUŽNA PLOSKEV/ SOUTH PLOT VRSTA/ SPECIES SKUPAJ LISTJE/ TOTAL LITTERFALL [kg/m 2 ] LAI SKUPAJ LISTJE/ TOTAL LITTERFALL [kg/m 2 ] LAI HRAST/OAK 0.145 2.362 0.140 2.230 GABER/ HORNBEAM 0.088 2.311 0.016 0.504 JAVOR/MAPLE 0.033 1.229 0.000 0.009 JESEN/ASH 0.010 0.480 0.071 2.608 DREN/ DOGWOOD 0.008 0.333 0.023 0.693 OSTALI LISTI/ OTHER LEAVES 0.017 0.466 0.021 0.545 DROBEN LISTNI MATERIAL/ FINE LEAF MATERIAL 0.026 0.131 0.013 0.069 SKUPAJ/ TOTAL 0.326 ( ± 0.051) 7.312 ( ± 0.95) 0.284 ( ± 0.049) 6.658 ( ± 1.04) Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 7 Zgodnejše odpadanje listja na južnem pobočju je bilo zaznati v obeh letih merjenja. Po vsej verjetnosti je to posledica pomanjkanja vode v zemljini na južnem pobo čju, kar izhaja tudi iz ve čje evapotranspiracije na tej ploskvi. Primerjava obeh sezon merjenja daje zelo podobno sliko, tako po času kot v koli činah. Časovna primerjava sicer v ozkem časovnem obdobju kaže manjša odstopanja, ki so po vsej verjetnosti posledica vpliva burje, kažejo pa se tako na severni kot južni strani. Z množenjem specifi čne površine listov posameznih drevesnih vrst s koli čino zbranega listja dobimo indeks listne površine LAI. Dobljeni vrednosti za najve čji indeks listne površine sta 6,66 za južno pobo čje in 7,31 za severno pobo čje (na višku rastne dobe) (preglednici 4 in 5). Manjša vrednost LAI na južnem pobo čju (za približno 10 %) je bila pri čakovana, saj ima gozd na tem pobo čju bolj odprt zna čaj. Podobno se tudi skupna koli čina zbranega listja na obeh ploskvah razlikuje za približno enako vrednost. 1.3 METODA HEMISFERI ČNEGA FOTOGRAFIRANJA Izra čunane vrednosti LAI za posamezna časovna obdobja po metodi hemisferi čnega fotografiranja so zbrane v preglednicah 6 in 7. Dobljeni vrednosti najve čjega indeksa listne površine v sezoni 2000/01 sta 5,24 za južno pobočje in 4,81 za severno pobo čje, v naslednji sezoni pa 3,50 oziroma 3,22. 1.4 MERJENJE FOTOSINTETSKEGA AKTIVNEGA SEVANJA (PAR) Za merjenje fotosintetskega aktivnega sevanja PAR je bil uporabljen Sunflect Ceptometer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). LAI se je izra čunal iz razmerja med izmerjenim PAR pod krošnjami (prepuš čeno sevanje) in nad krošnjami (vpadlo sevanje), koeficienta pojemanja posamezne vegetacije (angl. org. extinction coefficient) in Beer- Lambertovega zakona. Uporabljeni koeficient pojemanja svetlobe skozi krošnje κ je bil privzet 0,70 (po Campbell, 1986; Ross, 1975). Meritve so bile izvedene le na južnem pobočju, saj na severnem pobočju v času meritev skozi krošnje ni prehajalo ni č Earlier falling off of leaves on the south plot was recorded in both years of measurements. In all likelihood, this resulted from water shortage in the soil on the south plot, which is also the consequence of bigger evapotranspiration on the plot. Comparison of both seasons of measurements gives a very similar picture in terms of time and quantity. Comparison in terms of time shows minor deviations, which are probably the result of the north-east burja wind, and they occur on north and south plots alike. The specific leaf area of single tree species multiplied by the quantity of collected litterfall gives the leaf area index LAI. The highest values of leaf area index were 6.66 for the south plot and 7.31 for the north plot (at the peak of growth) (Tables 4 and 5). Smaller LAI value on the south plot (by approx. 10 %) was expected, because the forest in the area is of more open character. Similarly, the total quantity of collected litterfall on both plots differentiates for approximately the same value. 1.3 HEMISPHERICAL PHOTOGRAPHY The values of LAI for each time period according to the method of hemispherical photography are given in Tables 6 and 7. The highest values of the leaf area index in the season 2000/01 were estimated at 5.24 for the south plot and 4.81 for the north plot, and during the next season 3.50 and 3.22, respectively. 1.4 PHOTOSYNTHETICALLY ACTIVE RADIATION (PAR) The Sunflect Ceptometer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) was used for measuring the photosynthetically active radiation PAR. LAI was calculated from the relationship between PAR measured below canopy (transmitted solar radiation) and above canopy (incoming solar radiation), extinction coefficient and the Beer-Lambert Law. The extinction coefficient κ was set at the default value of 0.70 (according to Campbell, 1986; Ross, 1975). The measurements were carried out on the south plot only, since on the north plot there was no direct solar radiation transmitted Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 8 neposrednega son čnega sevanja. Izra čunana povpre čna vrednost LAI po tej metodi znaša 3,86 ( ± 0,24) (te Linde, 2001). during the time of measurements. The calculated average value of LAI according to the method was 3.86 ( ± 0.24) (te Linde, 2001). Preglednica 6. Izra čunane vrednosti LAI s pomo čjo hemisferi čnega fotografiranja za sezono 2000/01 (te Linde, 2001). Table 6. LAI values calculated by the method of hemispherical photography for the season 2000/01 (te Linde, 2001). DATUM/ DATE SEVERNA PLOSKEV/ NORTH PLOT JUŽNA PLOSKEV/ SOUTH PLOT 27.9.00 4.65 ( ± 0.48) 5.24 ( ± 0.78) 4.10.00 4.83 ( ± 0.71) 4.22 ( ± 0.35) 13.10.00 4.45 ( ± 0.21) 3.70 ( ± 0.26) 20.10.00 4.81 ( ± 0.17) 4.31 ( ± 0.35) 26.10.00 4.49 ( ± 0.23) - Preglednica 7. Izra čunane vrednosti LAI s pomo čjo hemisferi čnega fotografiranja za sezono 2001/02 (Šraj, 2003a). Table 7. LAI values calculated by the method of hemispherical photography for the season 2001/02 (Šraj, 2003a). DATUM/ DATE SEVERNA PLOSKEV/ NORTH PLOT JUŽNA PLOSKEV/ SOUTH PLOT 7.9.01 3.22 ( ± 0.46) 3.50 ( ± 0.55) 5.12.01 2.19 ( ± 0.39) 2.07 ( ± 0.43) 11.12.01 1.20 ( ± 0.26) 1.56 ( ± 0.25) 18.12.01 0.89 ( ± 0.19) 1.34 ( ± 0.30) 9.1.02 1.06 ( ± 0.19) 1.52 ( ± 0.42) Preglednica 8. Primerjava vrednosti LAI, dobljenih po razli čnih metodah za 20.–23.oktober. Table 8. Comparison of LAI values obtained by different methods for 20–23 October. ZBIRANJE LISTJA/ LITTERFALL COLL. HEMISFERI ČNO FOTOGRAFIRANJE/ HEMISPHERICAL PHOTOGRAPHY MERITVE PAR/ PAR MEASUREMENTS SEVERNA PLOSKEV/ NORTH PLOT 5.70 ( ± 0.49) 4.81 ( ± 0.17) - JUŽNA PLOSKEV/ SOUTH PLOT 6.05 ( ± 0.26) 4.31 ( ± 0.35) 3.86 ( ± 0.24) 1.5 PRIMERJAVA VREDNOSTI LAI DOBLJENIH PO RAZLI ČNIH METODAH Primerjava vseh treh metod za kratko obdobje (20.–23. oktober), v katerem so bile izvedene vse tri meritve, kaže, da dobimo 1.5 COMPARATION OF LAI OBTAINED WITH DIFFERENT METHODS Comparation of all three methods during a short period (20–23 October), when all three sets of measurements were carried out, shows that the highest values were obtained by the Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 9 najvišje vrednosti po metodi zbiranja odpadlega listja, najmanjše pa z merjenjem fotosintetskega aktivnega sevanja (PAR). Meritve PAR nam dajo skoraj za polovico manjši LAI, hemisferi čno fotografiranje pa v povpre čju okrog 20 % manjši LAI od metode zbiranja odpadlega listja (preglednica 8). Torej obe posredni metodi podcenjujeta vrednosti LAI. To ni presenetljivo, saj so do podobnih ugotovitev prišli tudi drugi raziskovalci po svetu (Chason in ostali, 1991; Chen in ostali, 1997; Levy in Jarvis, 1999). Chason s sodelavci (1991) je za mešani listnati gozd (hrast, hikori, bukev, javor) v ZDA dobil vrednosti LAI po metodi zbiranja odpadlega listja 4,89, z dvema razli čnima posrednima metodama merjenja prepuš čenega sevanja pa 3,79 oziroma 2,91 (Šraj, 2003a). Časovna primerjava meritev skozi celo sezono nam kaže celotno sliko (sliki 3 in 4). V za četnem obdobju odpadanja listja, tj. nekje do sredine novembra, lahko vidimo, da nam metoda hemisferi čnega fotografiranja res daje konstantno nižje vrednosti kot metoda zbiranja odpadlega listja, kar smo že ugotovili pri prejšnji primerjavi. Na višku sezone odpadanja listja, tj. v drugi polovici novembra do sredine decembra, pa lahko vidimo, da se vrednosti LAI obeh metod ujemajo precej dobro. Po tem obdobju metoda fotografiranja precenjuje vrednosti LAI, kar je seveda pri čakovano, saj so pri tej metodi v površino krošenj zajeti tudi deblo in veje. Podobno ugotavljata v svoji raziskavi tudi Levy in Jarvis (1999). Ugotovila sta, da posredne metode (hemisferi čno fotografiranje, Ceptometer) podcenjujejo LAI pri velikih vrednostih in precenjujejo pri majhnih. Dobljene vrednosti so primerljive z rezultati študij, narejenih drugod po svetu v približno podobnih klimatskih razmerah za podobne gozdne združbe listopadnih dreves. Le Dantec s sodelavci (2000) je za hrastove in bukove gozdove v Franciji izmeril vrednosti LAI od 0,5 do 8,1, v povpre čju pa med 6 in 8. Chason s sodelavci (1991) je za mešani listnati gozd (hrast, bukev, javor) v ZDA dobil vrednosti LAI po metodi zbiranja odpadlega listja 4,9. Za listnati gozd na Nizozemskem je bil izmerjen LAI 4,9 (Lankreijer in ostali, 1993). Karlik in Mckay (2002) poro čata o vrednostih 4–6,75 za hrastov gozd v Sredozemlju (Šraj, 2003b). V študiji, ki je zajela raziskave dolo čanja LAI od leta 1932 do 2000 po celem svetu (Scurlock in ostali, 2001), pa so za listopadne gozdove v zmernem podnebju ugotovili povpre čno vrednost 5,12 ( ± 1,84). litterfall collection method, and the lowest values with the method of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). PAR measurements give LAI values smaller almost by half, and hemispherical photography on average 20 % lower LAI values from the litterfall collection method (Table 8). This is not surprising, since other scientists worldwide have come to similar conclusions (Chason et al., 1991; Chen et al. 1997; Levy & Jarvis, 1999). Chason et al. (1991) obtained for the mixed deciduous forest (oak, hickory, beech, maple) in USA according to the litterfall collection method LAI values of 4.89, and with two different indirect methods of transmitted solar radiation 3.79 and 2.91, respectively (Šraj, 2003a). Temporal comparison of measurements throughout the whole seasons serves as an overview (Figures 3 and 4). In the beginning of the leaves falling-off period, i.e. by mid- November, it can be established that the method of hemispherical photography indeed gives constantly lower values than the litterfall collection method, as established in previous comparison. At the peak of the season of leaves falling off, i.e. in the second half of November to mid-December, there is a good correlation between values of LAI acquired by both methods. After that the method of hemispherical photography overestimates the LAI values, which is to be expected, because the tree trunks and branches are incorporated into the canopy surface. Levy & Jarvis (1999) have reached a similar conclusion in their study. They concluded that indirect methods (hemispherical photography, Ceptometer) underestimate LAI with high values and overestimate with low values. The values obtained are comparable with the results of studies carried out elsewhere in approximately similar climate conditions for similar deciduous forests. However, Le Dantec et al. (2000) measured LAI values between 0.5 and 8.1 for oak and beech forest in France, and on average between 6 and 8. Chason et al. (1991) obtained LAI 4.9 for mixed deciduous forest (oak, beech, maple) in USA according to the the litterfall collection method. For the deciduous forest in the Netherlands LAI was estimated at 4.9 (Lankreijer et al., 1993). Karlik & Mckay (2002) recorded values between 4–6.75 for an oak forest in the Mediterranean (Šraj, 2003b). In the study that incorporated the LAI estimation from 1932 to 2000 worldwide (Scurlock et al., 2001) the average value of 5.12 ( ±1.84) was estimated for deciduous forests in moderate climate. Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 10 Slika 3. Primerjava meritev LAI po obeh metodah za severno raziskovalno ploskev. Figure 3. Comparation of LAI obtained with different methods on the north plot. Slika 4. Primerjava meritev LAI po vseh treh metodah za južno raziskovalno ploskev. Figure 4. Comparation of LAI obtained with different methods on the south plot. Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 11 Slika 5. Prostorska spremenljivost LAI pri merjenju PAR za južno raziskovalno ploskev (serije predstavljajo razli čne časovne meritve, n je število merskih to čk). Figure 5. Spatial variability of LAI in PAR measurements on the south research plot (series represent different time measurements, n is the number of measuring points). Slika 6. Prostorska spremenljivost LAI pri hemisferi čnem fotografiranju krošenj na severni raziskovalni ploskvi (serije predstavljajo razli čne časovne meritve, n je število merskih to čk). Figure 6. Spatial variability of LAI in hemispherical photography of canopy on the north research plot (series represent different time measurements, n is the number of measuring points). Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 12 Slika 7. Prostorska spremenljivost LAI pri hemisferi čnem fotografiranju krošenj na južni raziskovalni ploskvi (serije predstavljajo razli čne časovne meritve, n je število merskih to čk). Figure 7. Spatial variability of LAI in hemispherical photography of canopy on the south research plot (series represent different time measurements, n is the number of measuring points). Slika 8. Prostorska spremenljivost LAI po metodi zbiranja odpadlega listja v sezoni 2001/02 na severni raziskovalni ploskvi (serije predstavljajo razli čne časovne meritve, n je število merskih to čk). Figure 8. Spatial variability of LAI according to the method of litterfall collection in season 2001/02 on the north research plot (series represent different time measurements, n is the number of measuring points). Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 13 Slika 9. Prostorska spremenljivost LAI po metodi zbiranja odpadlega listja v sezoni 2001/02 na južni raziskovalni ploskvi (serije predstavljajo razli čne časovne meritve, n je število merskih to čk). Figure 9. Spatial variability of LAI according to the method of litterfall collection in season 2001/02 on the south research plot (series represent different time measurements, n is the number of measuring points). 1.6 PROSTORSKA SPREMENLJIVOST LAI Prostorska spremenljivost LAI pri merjenju PAR na južnem pobo čju je razvidna iz slike 5. Serije na sliki 5 predstavljajo razli čne časovne meritve tekom sezone odpadanja listja. V istem času se LAI po prostoru spreminja za približno 2,5 m 2 /m 2 . Izstopa prva meritev, ki pa je bila izvedena le v štirih to čkah, zato verjetno tako majhen raztros. Precej manjšo prostorsko spremenljivost dobimo pri hemisferi čnem fotografiranju krošenj, predvsem na severnem pobo čju. Spremenljivost na severnem pobo čju se giblje do 1,5 m 2 /m 2 , v ve čini serij pa pod 0,5 m 2 /m 2 (slika 6). Na južnem pobo čju pa je spremenljivost ve čja, in sicer se giblje od 1– 2,5 m 2 /m 2 (slika 7). To lahko razložimo z bolj odprtim zna čajem gozda na južni strani. Po metodi zbiranja odpadlega listja na severnem pobo čju v ve čini serij dobimo zelo majhno prostorsko spremenljivost, okrog 0,25 1.6 SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF LAI Spatial variability of LAI in PAR measurements on the south plot is shown in Figure 5. Series on Figure 5 represent different time measurements during the period of leaves falling off. During the same time, LAI changes by approximately 2.5 m 2 /m 2 in space. The first measurement stands out, it was carried out in only in four points, and thus the small fragmentation. Fairly less significant spatial variability is achieved with hemispherical photography of canopy, primarily on the north plot. Variability on the north plot is estimated at up to 1.5 m 2 /m 2 , in majority of sets, however, it is below 0.5 m 2 /m 2 (Figure 6). On the south plot the variability is higher, i.e. from 1 to 2.5 m 2 /m 2 (Figure 7). This can be explained by the more open character of the forest on the south plot. According to the litterfall collection method on the north plot in majority of sets a very small spatial variability is achieved, which is about 0.25 m 2 /m 2 , with the exception of three sets, i.e. the first set in September and two sets Šraj, M.: Dolo čanje indeksa listne površine listnatega gozda na povodju Dragonje – 2. del: Rezultati in diskusija – Estimating Leaf Area Index of the Deciduous Forest in the Dragonja Watershed – Part II: Results and Discussion © Acta hydrotechnica 22/36 (2004), 1–15, Ljubljana 14 m 2 /m 2 , z izjemo treh serij, tj. prve septembrske in dveh serij na višku odpadanja listja konec novembra in v sredini decembra, ko je bila spremenljivost malo manj kot 2 m 2 /m 2 (slika 8). Nekaj podobnega se pojavlja tudi na južnem pobo čju, kjer pa je v povprečju prostorska spremenljivost ve čja od tiste na severni strani. Podobno je bilo ugotovljeno že pri metodi hemisferi čnega fotografiranja. Na južni strani je spremenljivost v ve čini serij manjša od 0,5 m 2 /m 2 , z izjemo štirih serij v oktobru, konec novembra in v decembru, ko znaša do 2 m 2 /m 2 (slika 9). 2. ZAKLJU ČKI Med gozdoma na severno in južno leže čih pobočjih so bile pri čakovane ve čje razlike, saj se opazno razlikujeta tako v strukturi, gostoti in velikosti dreves kot v sami sestavi. Primerjava rezultatov vseh treh metod dolo čanja indeksa listne površine je pokazala, da obe posredni metodi podcenjujeta LAI v obdobju odpadanja listja in precenjujeta v obdobju brez listja. To ni presenetljivo, saj so do podobnih ugotovitev prišli tudi mnogi drugi raziskovalci. Torej se z gotovostjo lahko zanesemo le na neposredno metodo dolo čanja LAI z zbiranjem odpadlega listja. Z meritvami LAI in analizami bi bilo potrebno nadaljevati še dve do tri leta, da bi dobili potrditev rezultatov. Predvsem bi bilo potrebno narediti ve č meritev fotosintetskega aktivnega sevanja PAR in pove čati število merskih to čk na obeh raziskovalnih ploskvah. ZAHVALA Za angleški prevod se zahvaljujem g. Mojci Vilfan, za finan čno podporo pa Slovenskemu komiteju IHP UNESCO in Ministrstvu za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije. Zahvaljujem se tudi izr. prof. dr. Damjani Drobne iz Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani za prijazno pomo č in uporabo njihovega laboratorija. Prav tako bi se rada zahvalila prof. dr. L.A. Bruijnzeelu in mag. A.H. te Linde iz Vrije University v Amsterdamu za strokovno pomo č. at the peak of leaves falling off at the end of November and mid-December, when the variability was a little less than 2 m 2 /m 2 (Figure 8). Something similar was observed on the south plot, where on average the spatial variability is higher than that on the north side. This was established earlier for the method of hemispherical photography. On the south plot the variability in the majority of sets was lower than 0.5 m 2 /m 2 , with the exception of four sets in October, at the end of November and in December, when it was estimated up to 2 m 2 /m 2 (Figure 9). 2. CONCLUSIONS Greater differences were expected between the forests on the north and south-facing plots, since there are considerable differences in terms of structure, density, tree size as well as composition. The comparison of results of all three methods of estimating the leaf area index revealed that both indirect methods underestimated LAI values in the period of leaves falling off and overestimated LAI in the leafless period. This comes as no surprise, since many other experts have come to the same conclusion. It appears that the only highly reliable method of estimating LAI is the direct method of litterfall collection. For verification of results, LAI measurements and analyses should be carried out for another two or three years. Further measurements of photosynthetically active radiation PAR should be carried out in particular and the number of measuring points on both plots should be increased. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Ms. Mojca Vilfan for the translation into English, and I greatly acknowledge the financial support of the Slovenian National Committee for the IHP UNESCO and the Ministry od Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. Furthermore, I would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Damjana Drobne from the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana for her kind support and access to their laboratory. I would also like to thank Prof. dr. L.A. Bruijnzeel and Msc. A.H. te Linde from Vrije University in Amsterdam for their professional support. 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Mojca ŠRAJ Univerza v Ljubljani – University of Ljubljana Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo – Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering Katedra za splošno hidrotehniko – Chair of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering Jamova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: msraj@fgg.uni-lj.si