ANNAiES Ser. hist. nat. • 11 - 2001 • 1 (23) original scientific paper UDC 597.8;497.4) received: 11.4.2001 SEXUAL SiZE DIMORPHISM AND LIFE HISTORY TRAITS OF TWO EUROPEAN SPADEFOOT TOADS (PELOBATES FUSCUS AND P. SYRIACUS) IN ALLOPATRY AND SYMPATRY irena ROT-NIKČEVIČ Institute for Biological Research "Siriiša Stankovic", YU-11000 Beograd, 29. novembra 142 and Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, CA-Ha!;fax, Nova Scotia B3H 4H7, 5359 University Avenue, E-mail: Vesna SIDOROVSKA Macedonian Museum of Natural History, FYR Mact'donia-91000 Skopje, Boulevard (linden Ceorg DŽUKiČ Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stankovicf", YU-11000 Beograd, 29. novembra 142 Miloš L KALEZIČ Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, YU-11000 Beograd, Študentski trg 56 ABSTRACT We studied the variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSO) and life history traits in two spadefoot toad species (Pelobates fuscus and P. syriacus) across the part of southeastern European geographic distribution (Panonnian Plain and the Balkans), including ihe area of their sympatry. Species differ considerably in the body size of adult individuals, in the direction and the extent. ofSSD, while the differences in tadpole and juvenile sizes prior to or after metamorphosis, as well as in longevity and time of attainment of sexual maturity, appeared to be much smaller and without consistent variation pattern. Significant intraspecific variation was found in both species for body size, magnitude of SSD, average longevity and time of sexual maturity attainment. Intraspecific variation in these traits was much more pronounced in P. syriacus than in P. fuscus. Adult individuals of P. syriacus from the zone of strict sympatry were significantly smaller but larger as tadpoles and with the lower level of SSD. Also, these individuals had shorter life span and earlier sexual maturity (at least one year) than conspecific individuals from the geographically remote allopatric. part of the species range. Key words: spadefoot toads, body size, longevity, sexual maturity, intersex size difference DiMORFISMO SESSUALE D! TAG LIA E TRATT! EVÛLUTIV1 Dl DUE SPECIE Dl ROSPO EUROPEO (PELOBATES FUSCUS E P. SYRIACUS) IN ALLOPATRIA E SIMPATRIA S1NTESI Cli autori hanno studiato le variazioni nel dimorfismo sessuale di taglia (SSD) e nei tratti evolutivi di due specie di rospi polobati {Pelobates fuscus e P. syriacus) dell'Europa sud-orientale (Pianura Pannonica e Balcani), considérando anche I'area della loro simpatria. Le specie si differenziano considerevolmente per Ic dimensioni degli individu! adulti, che ne caratterizzano, inoltre, il dimorfismo sessuale di taglia. Le differenze riscontrate nelle dimensioni di girini ed individui in stadi giovanili, prima e dopo la metamorfosi, nella longevità e nel tempo di raggiungimento della maturità sessuale, appaiono minori e sprovviste di un modello di variazione consitente. Alcune significanti variazioni intraspecifiche sono state invece riscontrate in entrambe le specie per quanta riguarda le dimensioni corporee, ¡'ampiezza deU'SSD, la longevità media ed il tempo di raggiungimento della maturità sessuale. Le variazioni intraspecifiche di questi tratti sono risultate più marcate in P. syriacus che in P. fuscus. Cli individui adulti di P. syriacus provenienti dalle zone di simpatria stretta, esattamente come i girini, si sono rivelati significativamente più piccoli ma più tozzi, e con un livedo minore di SSD. Questi individui hanno inoltre manifestato una durata della vita inferiore e una maturità sessuale anticipata (di almeno un anno) rispetto ai loro conspecifici provenienti dalla geograficamente distante parte allopatrica dell'estensione della specie. Parole chiave: rospi pefobati, dimensioni corporee, longeviîà, maturità sessuale, differenze intersessuali cli dimensioni 107 ANNALES • Ser. hist. naí. 11- 2001 • 1 (23) l 0.05). Neither females nor males of this species differed significantly in hindlimb lengths and the size of metatarsal tubercle relative to body size (ANOVA, p > 0.05). However, forelimbs were much larger in males in comparison to females (ANOVA, p < 0.001). Contrary, intersexuai differences in ailopatric P. syriacus individuals from FY-ROM+Bu!garia were statistically significant in respect to all analyzed traits. Males appeared to be larger than females. The most prominent differences were in weight, body length, fore- and hindiimbs and toe length (ANOVA, p < 0.001). Mahalanobis distance between the sexes of P. syriacus from this sample was significant (D1 - 41.22, p < 0.05). Elongated fore- and hindiimbs in males vs. females appeared to be statistically significant (ANOVA: Lpa/I.., p < 0.05; Lpp/L, p < 0.01), but the size of metatarsal tubercle relative to body size failed to show dimorphism (ANOVA, p > 0.05). Males being larger than females is a very interesting result for it is not common in amphibians. Yet, both male and female samples lack young adults (Fig. 3) and the individuals that we compared might have been close to the maximum size they would reach. Interpopulation comparison within the eastern spadefoot revealed that ailopatric females and males (FYROM + Bulgaria) were significantly larger than individuals living in sympatry with the common spadefoot (Utrine) for most morphornetric traits in females (except in nostrils to anterior eyelid commisure distance) and all traits in males with the most prominent differences being in total body length and weight (ANOVA, p < 0.001). Again, in ailopatric population both male and female samples lack young adults and the differences in body sizes could be due to differences in age classes in samples compared, and not to presumable allopa-try/sympatry differences. Peiobates syriacus (Utrine) Males (N--21) Females (N^30) Variable X±SD range X ±SD range SSD signif. Weight 28.91 ±13.49 10.26-60.76 32.01 ±15.68 11.63-71.92 1.15 n.s. L 61.13 ±8.97 47.55-75.62 60.8.3 ±8.93 47.84-79.56 1.00 n.s. F 28.90 ±4.92 20.47-37.81 23.27 ± 4.75 22.47-40.47 1.01 n.s. T 23.86 ± 3.60 18.54-32.45 23.77 ± 3.13 17.84-32.54 1.00 n.s. P 30.63 ± 5.04 22.64-38.44 28.15 ± 4.65 18.51-37.39 0.92 n.s. L pa 41.65 ± 8.47 30.90-58.18 38.85 ±6.41 28.20-53.04 0.93 n.s. Lpp 9.3.52 ± 14.95 67.81-121.91 92.96 ± 1 3.21 73.63-128.22 0.99 n.s. Dp Pa 10.24 ± 1.57 7.66-12.81 9.99 ± 1 -59 7.22-14.33 0.98 n.s. DsPa 8.92 ± 1.76 6.12-12.43 8.61 ±1.66 6.40-13.09 0.97 n.s. DpPp 5.69 ± 'i .25 .3.65-8.12 5.41 ±0.95 3.56-7.80 0.95 n.s. Cint 5.78 ±0.97 4.40-7.53 5.73 ±1.1 2 4.12-8.24 0.99 n.s. l_c 16.47 ±2.92 12.30-20.37 16.44 ± 2.62 11.24-23.62 1.00 n.s. Ltc 20.01 ± 3.83 14.46-26.55 19.42 ± 2.73 14.53-30.76 0.97 n.s. Spp 7.26 ±1.10 4.76-9.81 7.30 ± 1.03 4.78-9.67 1.01 n.s. Spi 4.38 ±0.70 3.49-5.89 4.67 ±0.68 3.46-6.44 1.07 n.s. Spcr 8.72 ± 1.02 6.64-11.08 8.93 ±1.21 6.34-11.26 1-02 n.s. 1.0 6.62 ±0.91 5.01-8.40 6.81 ±0.87 4.98-8.88 1.03 n.s. Ltp 5.30 ±0.54 4.60-6.37 5.04 ± 0.79 2.77-6.79 0.95 n.s. Dro 9.42 ±1.28 7.42-11.33 9.62 ± 1.37 6.65-12.79 1.02 n.s. Dno 5.84 ±1,01 4.30-7.64 5.94 ±0.73 4.48-9.30 1.02 ri.s. Tab. 2a: Differences in morphornetric characters between sexes in syriacus from Utrine locality. X - mean value> SD - standard deviation, SSD ■ female/male size ratio values. Symbols (* P<0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001; n.s. - non significant) denote the significance level of SSD, obtained by ANOVA test. Tab. 2a: Morfometrične razlike med spoloma Peiobates syriacus z lokalitete v Utrinah. X - srednja vrednost, SD - standardni odklon, SSD (VRS) je velikostno razmerje med spoloma. Simboli (* P<0,05; ** P<0,01; *** P0.05). P. fuscus juveniles reached ort average only 35.7% (Cavolj) and 33.8% (Utrine) of the tadpole size prior to metamorphosis, while in P. syriacus populations figures were 34.9% (FYROM5 and 35.2% (Utrine). It was also interesting to compare juvenile with the adult body size. On average, P. fuscus juveniles were from 58.1% (Cavolj) to 61.0% (Utrine) of adult females, and from 68.5% (Cavolj) to 73.2% (Utrine) of adult male body size. In P. syriacus, on average, juveniles reached 53.1% of adult female body size in Utrine population and 43.9% of female body size in the FYROM+Buigaria population. Age and time al sexual maturation The life span of adult spadefoot toad species studied ranged from 3 to 16 yr. in P. fuscus, and from 2 to 16 yr. in P. syriacus species (Tab. 4). Such an old individuals in both species has not been recorded so far. Biegler (1966) noticed an 11 years old P. fuscus in captivity, while Eggert & Guyetant (1999) and Wiener (1997) reported 9 years old individuals in the field. On average, the oldest were males of the common spadefoot from Cavolj locality (10.21 ± 2.73 yr.), while the youngest were females of the eastern spadefoot from Utrine (4.59 ± 1.56 yr.). Distributions of age classes are given in figures 2 and 3. Differences between genders within locality, as well as differences between localities within sex appeared to be insignificant except in few cases. Males from Cavolj were significantly older then males from Lesino kopovo (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.05), and males from Utrine locality (p < 0,01). Also, intersexual difference in age was significant in the Utrine population sample (females were older than males, MannWhitney U test, p < 0.05). However, as we managed to score age for only four Utrine males, these differences should be taken with caution, if we exclude an exceptionally old male of 16 yr. from the Utrine sample of P. syriacus, even nine years older than the oldest other males, difference between genders in this population appeared insignificant. 113 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 20D1 • 1 (23) lf«na ROT NIKČEVKi «f i!.: SEXUAl SIZE DIMORPHISM AND IffE HISTORY TRAITS .... 507-12(1 Tab. 2e: Differences in morphometry characters between sexes in Pelobates fuscus from Lesino kopovo locality (for legend see table 2a). Tab. 2e: Morfometrične razlike med spoloma Pelobates fuscus z lokalitete Lesino kopovo (legenda: glej tabelo 2a). Pelobates fuscus (Lesino kopovo) Males (N=16) Femafes (N=27) Variable X ±SD range X±SD Range SSD sign if. Weight 8.43 ± 3.10 4.00-14.83 12.81 ±4.37 4,50-24.01 1.52 ** L 43.93 ±3.89 36.36-49.51 45.38 ± 9.17 41.40-57.94 1.03 n.s. F 18.63 ± 3.16 14.41-23.13 20.79 ± 3.18 12.46-26.19 1.12 * T 17.23 ±1.76 14.12-20.16 18.20 ± 1.77 13.87-21.85 1.06 n.s. P 20.59 ± 2.33 16.98-24.92 21,55 ±2.56 16.25-25.14 1.05 n.s. L p a 29.25 ±3.71 22.67-36.56 29.77 ±3.65 22.43-38.64 1.01 n.s. Lpp 63.55 ± 6.79 51.42-72.46 68.20 ± 7.87 49.02-82.09 1.07 n.s. DpPa 6.93 ±0.71 5.83-8.62 7.24 ±0.95 4.54-9.25 1.04 n.s. D s Pa 5.88 +. 0.87 4.47-7.38 6.23 + 0.97 4.32-9.11 1.06 n.s. DpPp 3.46 ±0.50 2.62-4.16 3.46 ± 0.43 2.80-4.31 1.00 n.s. Cirit 4.02 ± 0.61 3.15-5.05 4.35 ±0.65 2.92-5.67 1.08 n.s. Lc 11.85 ± 1.52 9.57-15.14 12.63 ± 1.48 9.85-14.94 1.07 n.s. Ltc 14.68 ±2.16 11.93-18.32 15.37 ± 3.75 10.18-19.95 1.05 n.s. Spp 5.27 ± 0.47 4.53-6.12 5.74 + 0.57 4.48-7.04 1.09 ** Spi 4.00 ± 0.54 3.24-5.10 3.98 ±0.52 2.66-4.86 1.00 n.s. Spcr 6.09 ± 0.89 4.74-7.55 6.37 ±0.67 5.17-8.05 1.13 ** Lo 5.23 ± 0.83 3.82-6.52 5.05 ± 0.90 3.40-6.69 0.97 n.s. Ltp 3.44 ± 0.33 2.88-4.15 3.69 ± 0.52 2.91-5.15 1.07 n.s. Oro 7.09 ± 0.69 6.04-8.13 6.67 ± 0.78 3.58-7.62 0.94 n.s. Dno 4.16 ± 0.39 3.56-4.84 4.36 ± 0.37 3.72-5.02 1.05 n.s. The average life spans of females and males of the other P. syriacus sample (FYROM+Bulgaria) were also very similar in spite of the presence of an exceptionally old female of 15 years. Intraspecific difference in age between albpatric and sympatric individuals was statistically significant for both sexes (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.01). Individuals from Utrine were much younger than spadefoot toads from the southern part of the species range (FYROM+Bulgaria, Tab. 4). Frequency distributions of age classes in females and males were similar in P. fuscus, regardless of population, and in P. syriacus (Koimogorov-Smirnov test, p > 0.05). The common spadefoot toads reached sexual maturity at the age of two to five years, while those of eastern spadefoot species at the age of two to four years (Tab. 5). Intersexual differences in this life history trait were negligible in both species (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.05). Still, male sample from Cavolj lacks young adults (younger than 6 years) which may not allow to obtain accurate results when compared with female sample from the same locality (our analysis shows that both sexes matured at the same age). Also, our male sample from utrine was not large enough, so these results should not be taken as definite ones. However, within-species variation existed. Thus, both genders of the Cavolj population matured earlier than individuals from Lesino kopovo (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.05), while males from Utrine locality matured much earlier than males from Lesino kopovo (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.05). The eastern spadefoot toads of both genders from FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria attained sexual maturity significantly later than individuals from Utrine population (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.001). Comparison between spadefoot toads from the zone of sympatry (Utrine) revealed that P. fuscus females had a significantly longer life span and they matured later than P. syriacus of the same gender (see labs. 4 and 5; Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0-001 and p < 0.05, respectively). On the contrary, P. syriacus males were older and they attained sexual maturity later than P. fuscus ones (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). Relation between age and size None of the morphometric characters in the analyzed samples showed significant correlation with age (Rs test, p > 0.05). From our data, we concluded that body length is a poor predictor of age as there is considerable size variability observed within most age-classes. For example, 10 years old males of the common spadefoot toad from Cavolj can be as large as 40 to 56 mm, or females of that age from L esino kopovo range in size from 42 to 65 mm (Fig, 2). Among the eastern 114 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 1 (23) Irenû KOI NlkCEviC ri SEXUAL SIZE DIMORPHISM A S'il i.lFE HISTORY TRAITS ..., W-UO spadefoot toads females in the fourth year of age varied in size from 50 to 77 mm (Fig. 3). One should bear in mind that anuran growth generally follows Von Berta-lanffy curve, that is, growth is faster at earlier stages than after reaching sexual maturity. After sexual maturation annual growth rate will strongly decrease and become quite low. But, young adults are smaller than old adults because growth does not stop at sexual maturity, but only decreases rapidly. Tab. 3: Ranges, mean (X) and standard deviations (SD) for body length (mm) in analyzed tadpole and juvenile spadefoot toad samples. Tab. 3: Razpon, srednje vrednosti (X) in standardni odkloni (SD) v dolžini telesa (mm) pri analiziranih paglavcih in mladostnih osebkih česnovk. Tadpoles Juveniles sample N X±SD range N X±SD range Peiobates fuscus U tri ne 3 96.89+9.06 80.93-113.16 14 32.74+3,08 27.38-36.64 Cavoli 20 84.61 ±6.99 70.42-96.19 17 30.26+1.46 27.97-34.01 Peiobates syriacus U tri ne 10 91.50+8.54 79.93-104.71 15 i 32.16±3.41 26.30-37.90 FYROM 10 88.74±1 5.25 60.63-108.18 10 30.94+1.78 28.18-33.44 70 65 60 55 ? _) 50 45 40 35 A à b ' i Ô À « D i A B A a Û A "A A a ž ID A A i 6 8 10 12 Age (years) 14 16 13 o Ulr ine-males • Utrine-femaJes a Cavolj-males a Cavolj-females o Lesitio kopovo-males m Les. kopovo-females Fig. 2: Distribution of body size (L) and age in the adult Peiobates fuscus individuals. St. 2: Velikostna (L) in starostna razporeditev pri odraslih osebkih Peiobates fuscus. 115 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Irena ROT NIKČEVIČ ef at.: SEXUAL SIZE DIMORPHISM AND UFE HISTORY TRAITS .., In?-120 6 8 10 Age (years) 12 14 15 18 o Utrine-males » Utrine-females a FYROM+Boil.-males a FYROM+Bul.-females Fig. 3: Distribution of body size (L) and age in the adult Pelobates syriacus individuals, SI. 3: Velikostna (L) in starostna razporeditev pri odraslih osebkih Pelobates syriacus. Tab. 4: Descriptive statistics for the age in Pelobates fuscus and Pelobates syriacus samples (for legend see table 2a). Tab. 4: Opisna statistika za starost osebkov Pelobates fuscus in Pelobates syriacus (legenda: glej tabelo 2a). Females MaJes sample N X ± SD range N X ± SD range sign. Pelobates fuscus Utrine 15 7.53 ± 2.55 4 -14 4 5.00 ± 2.00 2-6 t Cavolj 22 8.32 ± 2.10 3 -13 37 10.21 ±2.73 6-16 n.s. Lesino kopovo 11 8.00 ± 2.64 4-13 9 7.89 ± 2.80 4-14 n.s. Pelobates syriacus Utrine 22 4.59 ±1.56 2-8 14 6.00 ± 3.26 3-16 n.s. FYROM & Bul. Macedonia 8 9.63 ± 2.39 7-15 16 9.38 ±1.78 6-12 n.s. 116 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Irena ROT NMKCEVlL etsl.: SEXUAl SIZE DIMORPHISM AND Lll:£ HISTORY TRAITS .... !07-120 Tab. 5: Descriptive statistics for the time of attaining sexual maturity in Peiobates fuscus and Pelobates syriacus samples (for legend see table 2a). Tab. 5: Opisna statistika za starost, ko osebki Pelobates fuscus in Peiobates syriacus dosežejo spolno zrelost, (legenda: glej tabelo 2a). Females Maies sample N X ± S D range N X ± SD range sign. Pelobates fuscus Utrine 11 3.27 ±0.79 2-4 2 2.00 ± 0.00 2-2 n.5. Cavolj 12 2.75+0.62 2-4 18 2,78 ±0.55 2-4 n.s. Lesino kopovo 10 3.60 ±0.84 2-5 6 3.50 + 0.84 3 - 5 n.s. Pelobates syriacus Utrine 10 2.30 ±0.49 i 2-3 9 2.67 + 0.50 2 - 3 n.s. FYROM & Bulgaria 4 3.50 ±0.58 j 3-4 10 3.10 + 0.52 3 - 4 n.s. Apparently, spadefoot toads are among many tailless amphibians where body size is strongly influenced by juvenile growth rate followed by a reduction in somatic growth after sexual maturation (Hailiday & Verreli, 1988; Piatz & Lothrop, 1993; Hota, 1994). A sudden decrease in bone growth and concomitant rapprochement of LAGs in P. fuscus and P. syriacus was obvious in approximately 56% of the individuals studied. In other individuals the absence of such a pattern was probably due to a prolonged period of growth after the onset of sexual maturity. However, if we take into account only individuals which did not show such a LAG pattern {i.e. that did not show sudden decrease in bone growth and grew rather evenly), a statistically significant positive correlation between size and age was found for the P. syriacus (Rs - 0.672, p < 0.001), but not for the P. fuscus where correlation was negative, though insignificant (Rs =-0.191, p > 0.05). There were significant differences in size among age-classes when tested on pooled data for species. Age-classes were organized in the following way: I (2-7 yr.), II (8-11 yr.) and HI (12-16 yr.). In P. fuscus intersexual differences in body size in all age-ciasses were statistically significant (Mann-Whitney U test; I: p < 0.001, il: p < 0.001 ; III: p < 0.01), females being larger than males. In P. syriacus most individuals belonged to age-class ¡1, and intersexual differences in body size were significant (p < 0.001), but males had larger body length than females. A posterior analysis among age-classes did not reveal significant differences in size between age-classes (Tukey-Kramer test, p > 0,05). Distribution of total body length in respect to age clearly showed, especially when analyzing P. fuscus population from Cavolj, that females had greater body length than males from the same age class (Fig. 2). In P. syriacus such relation was not present (Fig. 3). DISCUSSION Sexual size dimorphism Among anuran species females appear to be larger than males in 90 % of cases (Shine, 1979). This pattern was found to be true in P. fuscus, P. cultipres and P. varaidii (Hailiday & Tejedo, 1995) in many parts of their range. The magnitude of sexual dimorphism (average body size of females vs. males) in the common spade-foot toad known so far range from 1.03 (l.esino kopovo, this study) to 1.13 (Poland, Andrzejewski ef al., 1977). However, the eastern spadefoot toad males and females show more similar body lengths (1.01, Serbia, this study) or males are significantly larger than females (0.88 in Turkey, Zaloglu, 1964; 0.93 in FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria, this study). In the case of FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria sample we fail to have young adults in both sexes and the intersexual comparison was done on individuals that probably, in both genders, were close to the maximum size they would reach. Therefore, an interesting result appeared - males were larger than females which is not common in amphibians. In general, sexual size dimorphism in any species may be a consequence of differences in some life history traits and the action of sexual and/or natural selection, including fecundity selection. Thus, the direction and the degree of SSD may be the result of different selective regimes usually acting separately on females and males. The importance of these regimes varies among species and populations, or even with time in the same population (e.g. Howard, 1981; Hailiday & Verreli, 1986). Several hypotheses, not mutually exclusive, have been proposed for the evolution of sexual size dimorphism. The most fundamental ones are (1) sexual selection (competition between males and female choice which mostly favors large males), (2) fecundity selection which favors large females, and (3) intersexual niche divergence (for 117 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Irtna ROT NIKCSVK1 s»af:S£XUAt SIZE DIMORPHISM AND LITE HISTORY TRAITS .. .. 107-120 amphibians see reviews in Hailiday & VerreN, 1986; Shine, 1989; Hailiday & Tejedo, 1995). The evolution of SSD is likely to evolve by interrelationships and correlated trade-offs between life-history adaptations, sexual selection and parameters of fecundity In genera), as far as proximate determinants of sexual size difference in poikilothermic vertebrates are concerned, of especial importance are difference in age at maturity, longevity, differential growth and mortality rates, in relation to either body-size and age during preadult (larval and juvenile) and adult phases of ontogeny. Among life history characteristics, the timing of maturation is a critical event influencing both morphology and fitness (i.e. lifetime reproductive success) of the individuals, as well as the demographic structure of populations and species (Stearns, 1992; Ryan & Sem-litsch, 1998). A delay in first reproduction, as large as two years, by females in comparison to males is common in amphibian populations (Hailiday & Tejedo, 1995). By delaying maturation, females attain larger body-size at first breeding with a resulting benefit in reproductive performance. The timing of maturation seems to be rather conservative in the genus PeJobates, regardless of the region studied, ranging from 2 to .5 years in both genders (Hailiday & Tejedo, 1995; this study). Interestingly, in one population of the western spadefoot toad females breed at earlier age than males, which is correlated with a lower level of SSD in comparison with conspecific. populations, where females breed later than males, showing higher level of SSD in favor of females (Talavera, 1989). However, in both spadefoot toad species we studied, the time of sexual maturity did not vary significantly between sexes and concomitantly did not affect SSD extent. In comparison to other life history traits with potential effect on the magnitude of SSD studied here, individual age appears not to be sex-specific in any of the spadefoot toad species studied. Intra-and interspecific differences in life history traits Size is a dominant ecological factor, particularly among groups with indeterminate growth. Together with age, size is important in determining mortality and fecundity, and in influencing competition within and between species. The importance of body size in the ecology, life history, and reproductive success has been widely acknowledged for years (e.g. Fairbaim, 1997). Thus, the pattern of interspecific variation in body size is expected to reflect, pattern of adaptive divergence within the species range. That is why one may expect differences in size between individuals of species living in sympatry with other cognate species in comparison to conspecific individuals living in allopatry to decrease and/or escape between-species competition. Contrary to the expectations, spadefoot toads of species living in sympatry appeared not to be consistently larger than conspecific individuals from allopatric parts of the species range. Moreover, sympatric eastern spadefoot toads are significantly smaller than individuals from allopatric populations. However, this finding appears not to be related to sympatry/allopatiy at all as deficit of young adult males and females was observed in the allopatric population. Also, males and females reached maturity later and were older in allopatric than in sympatric population, which resulted in larger individuals in the allopatric situation. As for the interpopulation differences in some life history traits assessed by means of skeletochronology, significant variation was found in both species in the average individual longevity and time of attaining sexual maturity. Of special interest is the fact that P. syriacus from the zone of sympatry with P. fuscus have shorter life span and breed at least one year earlier in comparison to individuals from allopatric parts of the species range. Thus, our study provides evidence that local environment influences some intraspecific variation in life history traits. However, syntopic spadefoot toad individuals, which share habitat features to a large degree, show number of differences in life-history traits. First, P. syriacus adult individuals are significantly larger than P. fuscus ones. Most fifceiy this is due to substantial difference n the growth rate of juveniles. Namely, our preliminary results (unpublished) revealed that the juvenile growth rate during the first month was almost twice in P. syriacus than in P. fuscus living syntopicaHy (Utrine locality). In addition, these two species differ in the magnitude of SSD. They have a different life span and reach sexuai maturity at a different age, especially in the females. It might be that our analysis substantiates the possibility that lineage-specific effects can explain some of the pattern of covariation in life history data within the European spadefoot toads. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Miroslav Markovic for collaborating in fieldwork and sharing his da*a on spadefoot toads distribution and chronology in the Deliblato Sand. Polar Kubatovic and jovan Bradvorevic (Serbia Forest) kindly provided facilities and logistic support through the study. Our colleagues Dr. Vladimir Beskov and Dr. Svetozar Petkovski assisted with fieldwork in Bulgaria and FYROM, respectively. We also thank Katarina l.jubi-savljevic? and Ljiljana Tomovif. for their technical assistance. ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat 11 2001 1 (23) iren» ROT NIKČEVIČ