Documenta Praehistorica XLIV (2017) Chronology of Kama Neolithic culture Evgeniia L. Lychagina1, Aleksandr A. Vybornov2 1Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm, RU 2Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara, RU ABSTRACT - The concept of the Kama Neolithic culture was proposed by Otto Bader, but lacked radiocarbon dates in the 20th century. Now, we have more than 50 radiocarbon dates that can be attributed to the Kama Neolithic culture. The results of radiocarbon analysis of organogenic materials of the Kama culture allow us to determine its chronological limits between the second quarter of the 6th and the beginning of 4th mill. cal BC. The early phase of the Kama culture is now dated between the second quarter of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th mill. cal BC, the middle phase is dated to the first half of the 5th mill. cal BC, and the late phase is dated between the second half of 5th and the beginning of 4th mill. cal BC. KEY WORDS - Kama Basin; Neolithic; radiocarbon dating; comb ware pottery; stone tools; dwellings Kronologija neolitske kulture Kama IZVLEČEK - Koncept neolitske kulture Kama je predlagal Otto Bader, vendar je bila kultura v 20. stoletju brez radiokarbonskih datumov. Danes imamo zanjo že več kot 50 radiokarbonskih datumov. Rezultati radiokarbonskih analiz organskih ostankov nam omogočajo, da postavimo njene kronološke meje med drugo četrtletje 6. tisočletja in začetkom 4. tisočletja pr. n. št. Zgodnja faza kulture Kama je trenutno postavljena med drugo četrtletje 6. in začetek 5. tisočletja pr. n. št., srednja faza je datirana v prvo polovico 5. tisočletja pr. n. št. in zadnja, njena pozna faza, je datirana med drugo polovico 5. in začetkom 4. tisočletja pr. n. št. KLJUČNE BESEDE - porečje reke Kama; neolitik; radiokarbonsko datiranje; lončenina z glavničastim okrasom; kamena orodja; bivališča Introduction The study area is situated in the Cis-Urals flatlands in the basin of the Kama River (Fig. 1). This is a high plain intersected with river valleys and hollows. The Kama, Vishera, Chusovaya, Belaya, and Vjatka rivers are the largest in the area. Shallow-lying resistant Pre-Quaternary rocks outcropping in the sides of the river valley form specific relief features. The valleys cut into these deposits and therefore have box-shape cross sections: relatively wide bottoms composed of loose alluvium, and steep solid sides, including cliffs of basement terraces. The climate of the study area is moderately continental. Precipitation is relatively high for this latitude and longitude due to the piedmont position of the area. The peak of the hydrologic regime of the rivers is mostly during the spring flood; in the winter season, the rivers are frozen. The landscapes of the floodplain are comprised mostly of willow-poplar forests on sod-fibrous sand floodplain soils. The high right bank landscape is forest-steppe (grassland); the left bank terrace is covered with pine forest (Lychagina et al. 2013b.210). 152 DOI: io.43i2/dp.44.9 Chronology of Kama Neolithic culture Fig. 1. Map of the research area. 1 Pezmog IV; 2 Chirva II; 3 Vasjukovo II; 4 Khutorskaya; 5 Lake Chashkinskoye I; 6 Lake Chashkinskoye IIIa; 7 Lake Chashkinskoye VI; 8 Ust-Zalaznushka II; 9 Posyor; 10 Lake Borovoe I; 11 Lyovshino; 12 Mokino; 13 Krjazhskaya; 14 Chernashka; 15 Chernushka; 16 Tarhan I; 17 Ust-Shizhma; 18 Srednee Shadbegovo; 19 Kyilud III; 20 Chumoytlo; 21 Mullino; 22 Ziarat; 23 Sauz II; 24 Caen-Tubinskaya; 25IILebedinskaya; 26Podlesnoe III; 27 Podlesnoe IV; 28 Lake Molebnoe I; 29 Otarskaya VI; 30 Nizhnaya strelka V; 31 Ozimenki II; 32 Lesnoe-Nikolskoe III). The 'Neolithic package' in the Kama region includes the emergence of pottery, new kinds of stone tools, an increase in subterranean dwellings, the transition to sedentism through the development of active fishing and hunting without a transition to a productive economy, and changes in worldview. The concept of the Kama Neolithic culture was proposed by Otto Bader (Bader 1970.165-169). Based on the results of typological analyses and stratigra-phic evidence, he proposed two stages of this culture: the Khutorskoy stage (developed or middle Neolithic) and the Lyovshinskiy stage (Late Neolithic) (Bader 1978.72-74). Early Neolithic sites were discovered in the Kama basin in the 1970 and 1980s. At present, Kama culture is divided into three stages: Early Neolithic, Khutorskoy and Lyovshinskiy stages (Lychagina 2013a.55-67). 153 Evgeniia L. Lychagina, Aleksandr A. Vybornov Unfortunately, no radiocarbon dates were available for this culture in the last century. Therefore, the chronological frameworks of the culture were based on analogies with other cultures, for example, Polu-denskaya, Dnieper-Donets culture, and others. Otto Bader dated the Khutorskoy (middle) stage to the second half of the 4th millennium BC (5500-5000 BP) and the Lyovshinskiy (late) to the first half of the 3rd mill. BC (5000-4500 BP) (Bader 1978.73). At the beginning of the present century, extensive radiocarbon dating of the Neolithic in the Kama region was done. These studies allowed a chronology of Kama culture to be created. Early phase of the Kama culture were 25.5-66m2 in area and had rectangular ground plans. Their sunken floors were cut c. 30-40cm into the bedrock, with one fireplace near the exit, and household pits (Fig. 2.1-2). Pottery: The ceramic assemblages are rather small and include only up to 250 fragments. Irina N. Vasi-lyeva of the Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities carried out technological analyses of the pottery from the Ziarat site (Fig. 5). The results show that iron-rich clays were used as raw material. The clay was mixed with tempering materials, resulting in various paste recipes: clay and cha-motte in 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 concentrations mixed with an organic solution (Vasilyeva, Vybornov 2012.36-40). Basic sites: Mokino, Ust-Bukorok, Ziarat, Ust-Shizh-ma I, Tarkhan I, Scherbet II, Mullino, Podlesnoe III, and Pezmog IV. Site location: Most of the sites are located on the remnants of the floodplains of small rivers flowing into the Kama and Vyatka rivers, or on the first terrace of the Kama River and its tributaries (Fig. 1). Dwellings: The remains of Kama dwellings were discovered at the Ust-Bukorok and Tarkhan I sites. They The surfaces of all of the vessels were smoothed with a soft object; the average thickness of the wall is 0.9-1cm. The bases are either rounded or bevelled. A slight overlap of a rim was noted only on a vessel from the Mokino site. Most of the vessels have a semi-elipsoid form with a straight or slightly covered neck. The ornamentation is composed of impressions of small and middle-notched long stamps, with the use of oval short stamp impressions, mostly to divide Fig. 2. Neolithic dwellings. 1 Ust-Bukorok; 2 Tarkhan I; 3 Khutorskaya; 4 Ust-Zalaznushka II. 154 Chronology of Kama Neolithic culture the ornamental areas. Rows of oblique stamp impressions, vertical zigzags and rows of long stamp impressions divided by short impressions prevail among the patterns (Figs. 3-5). The distinctive features of this complex include the prevalence of long stamp impressions, the rare occurrence of the overlap on the rim, and the rare use of 'walking comb' patterns in the vessels' decoration (Lychagina, Tsygvintseva 2013.23). Stone tools: The use of pebble and tabular flint as a raw material, as well as mixed blade and flake industry with a prevalence of narrow and medium blade tools are typical of the Kama lithic industry (Vybornov 1992.98; Gusentsova 1993.141; Mel'ni-chuk et al. 2001.154-155, 159; Lychagina, Tsygvintseva 2013.35, Fig. 5). The main categories of tools are blades and fragmented blades with retouching (Fig. 6.1-6, 11-12), end-scrapers (Fig. 6.7-10), truncation burins made on broken blades (Fig. 6.1316), and points made on blades. At the same time, the group of bifacially-knapped tools such as knives and arrowheads made of tabular flint, is also quite important (Fig. 6.17-20). Polished tools (axes, adzes) are also found. The Kama lithic tools bear the features of both the Mesolithic (the active use of blades with edge retouch, end scrapers on blades, truncation burins) and the Neolithic (bifacial tools made of tabular flint and polished tools). Similar tools can be traced at Late Mesolithic sites in the Kama region: Ust-Polovin-noye, Shabunichi, Golyi Mys, and Ust-Mechkar (Mel'-nichuk et al. 2001.143-153). All of this shows that the Kama Neolithic culture could have emerged from the local Late Mesolithic. Chronology: There are 14 radiocarbon dates known from seven early Neolithic sites (Tab. 1). Unfortunately, more than half of the dates obtained are based on organic matter in pottery. However, these dates do not contradict the dates obtained from other materials (carbon, organic crust) (Lychagina et al. 2013a.247-253). The earliest dates were acquired for the Pezmog IV site, which is the northernmost Kama site, located in the Vychegda River basin (Fig. 3) (Karmanov et al. 2012.331-338; 2014.733-741). This could be evidence to support the hypothesis of the emergence of Fig. 4. Early Fig. 3. Early comb-ware pottery. Pezmog IV site (modified from Karmanov et al. 2014.737, Fig. 4). Kama-type pottery first in the north, and its gradual spread to the south. The closest analogy to the Kama pottery can be found in the Northern Trans-Ural region, where pottery of Yet-to type has been recorded (Kosinskaya 2014. 30-40). The sites of both types were contemporary with each other; however, older dates have recently been obtained for the Yet-to I settlement. Thus, the pottery of Yet-to type can be considered as a possible source for the early comb pottery in the Cis-Ural region. Thus, the early stage can be dated between the second quarter of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th mill. cal BC (Lychagina 2013b.53; Karmanov et al. 2012.331-338). Middle (Khytorskaya) phase of the Kama culture Basic sites: Khytorskaya, Lake Borovoe I, Krjazhska-ya, Lake Chashkinskoye Ilia, Chirva II, Vasjukovo II, comb-ware pottery with crust (1 Ziarat, 2 Mokino). 155 Evgeniia L. Lychagina, Aleksandr A. Vybornov Krasnoye Plotbische, Posyor, Kjun II, Sauz II, Lebe-dinskaya II, Murzihinskaya IV, Kyilud III, Srednee Shadbegovo, Lake Zabornoye, Neprjaha VI, Podles-noe IV, Kaen-Tubinskaya, and Otarskaya VI. Site location: The sites are located on the lower first terrace or high floodplain on the banks of large rivers (Kama, Vishera, Vyatka, Belaya) and oxbow lakes (Fig. 1). Dwellings: They were rectangular or square, deep in the bedrock at 20-90cm, 40-200m2 in area. One to three long-term fireplaces and household pits were found inside the dwellings (Fig. 2.3). Pottery: The ceramic assemblages exceed 1000 fragments at most sites. The technological analysis has shown that the usage of clays (71%) and silty clays (29%) was typical of vessel manufacture in this period. Both dry and wet raw materials were used. The paste remained unchanged: clay and chamotte in 1:3, 1:4 concentrations mixed with organic solution (Vasilyeva, Vybornov 2012.36-40). The surface of all the vessels was smoothed over with a soft object; the average thickness of the wall is 0.9-1.1cm. Pottery of the Khutorskaya stage is characterised by semi-elipsoid forms, with a slightly rounded or conical bottom and a slightly narrowed Fig. 5. Early comb-ware pottery. Ziarat site. neck (Figs. 7-8). The inner sides of about 60-70% of the rims were slightly thickened. The outer surface of all pots was densely decorated; decoration included comb stamp impressions along with rounded impressions. The patterns consisted of 'walking comb' impressions (up to half of all vessels), zigzags, verticals, and the inclined and horizontal lines of the stamp (Figs. 7-8). Some vessels' decora- Fig. 6. Stone implements of the early phase of Kama culture (1-16 Ziarat site; 17-22 Mokino site). Artefacts are numbered according to the discussion in the main text. 156 Chronology of Kama Neolithic culture Fig. 7. Comb-ware pottery of the middle phase of the Kama culture. Khutorskaya site (from Denisov 1960. 41, Fig. 7). tion was complex, consisting of shaded triangles, have been contaminated, because part of the cultural diamonds, and rectangles. Stone tools: The stone tools are characterised by blades and flakes, and the use of pebble and tabular flint as a raw material. Approximately a third the tools was manufactured on blades and has an edge-sided retouch. The main categories of tools include knives, arrowheads, chisel tools, and scrapers (Fig. 9). A polishing technique was used to make tools for woodworking: axes, adzes, and chisels (Bader 1970. 167; Lychagina 2013a.62-63). Chronology: Twenty-nine dates were obtained for 16 sites attributed to the Khytorskaya stage (Tab. 1). The comparison of dates obtained for various materials showed that the dates of the organic material in the pottery appeared to be nearly 1000 years older than some of the dates obtained on charcoal. It might be supposed that dates from carbon material could have been younger due to the presence of the Chalcolithic complex at the Khutorskaya and Chash-kinskoe Lake Ilia sites. In addition, the samples could Fig. 8. Comb-ware pottery of the middle phase of the Kama culture. Lake Chashkinskoye IIIa site. layer was destroyed by modern pits. This assumption is also supported by the fact that the AMS-date 5705 ± 35 BP (Poz-57870) of organic crust from the pottery from the Posyor site appeared to be contemporary with the dates of the ceramics (Tab. 1). Thus, the middle stage of the Kama culture can be dated to the first half/ middle of the 5th mill. cal BC (Vybornov 2008.143-146; Lychagina 2011.28-33; 2014.86-92). Late (Lyovshinskaya) phase of the Kama culture Basic sites: Lyovshino, Lake Chashkinskoye VI, Cher-nashka, Ust-Zalaznushka II, Chernushka, Boitsovo I, Pisanyi Kamen, Kochurovskoye I, Kochurovskoye IV, Chumoytlo, Sauz I, Ryssko-Azibeyskaya, Tetyushska-ya II, Balahchinskaya VIa, Neprjaha VII, Bachki-Tau II, Nizhnaya strelka V, Ozimenki II, and Lesnoe - Ni-kolskoe III. Site location: Campsites located on the first terrace of the Kama River and its tributaries, as well as oxbow lakes (Fig. 1). Dwellings: They were rectangular, deep in the bedrock at 20-60cm, 30-60m2 in area. Household pits were found inside the dwellings, whereas hearths were not clearly traced (Fig. 2.4). Pottery: The ceramic assemblages exceed 1000 fragments on most sites. According to the technological analysis of the raw material, the tradi- 157 Evgeniia L. Lychagina, Aleksandr A. Vybornov Fig. 9. Stone implements of the middle phase of Kama culture. Khutorskaya site (from Denisov 1960.57, Fig. 16;. tion of using clay (75%) and silty clay (25%) remained, while there was less use of crushing dry clay. Chamotte and organic solution were still used as a temper, but the concentration of chamotte decreased (Vasilyeva, Vybornov 2012.36-40). The surface of all the vessels was smoothed over with a soft object; the average thickness of the wall is 0.8-1cm. The pottery of the Lyovshinskaya stage is characterised by large vessels ornamented by a comb stamp, with a slightly covered or straight cylindrical neck, with a conical or rounded base, and rims without overlap. The decorative pattern consists of oblique, vertical and horizontal stamp impressions, zigzags and 'walking comb' impressions. Rounded impressions and stamp impressions made at an angle were often used to the divide ornamental areas (Figs. 10-11). The decoration is not as dense as on the pottery of the Khutorskaya stage. Undecorated areas could be up to 2cm (Lychagina 2013a. 66). It should be noted that Kama culture pottery is characterised by its homogeneity and the stability of skills in the manufacturing technique. The use of clays in a dry state tempered with chamotte and organic solution, semi-elipsoid vessel forms, and ornamentation made with comb stamp impressions are typical for this phase. The appearance of other raw materials (silty clay) and technological methods (use of wet raw materials) could be associated with the influence of other cultures (Volga-Kama culture). Stone tools: Tabular flint and flat flint pebbles, an absence of sustainable core forms, and a flake industry typify the stone industry. Bilateral pressure retouch played an important role as a secondary treatment technique (Fig. 12). The main tools included various types of scraper (30-60% of the total number), knives on flakes, leaf-shaped points, chisel tools, arrowheads and polished adzes (Lychagina 2013a.66). Chronology: Fourteen dates were obtained for nine sites (Tab. 1). Some of the dates appeared to be beyond the time frames of this stage; perhaps some sites (Chernashka, Ust-Zalaznushka II) should be attributed to an earlier stage. It is necessary to date the organic crust of the comb ware from the Lyov- Fig. 10. Late phase Kama culture comb-ware pottery. Lyovshino site. 158 Chronology of Kama Neolithic culture Fig. 11. Late phase Kama culture comb-ware pottery. Lyovshino site. shino site to better define the chronological timeframe of the late stage of the Kama culture. The Lyovshino stage can now be dated approximately to the second half of the 5th and beginning of 4th mill. cal BC (Vybornov 2008.143-146; Lychagina 2011. 28-33; 2014.86-92). This subject needs to be further investigated. Conclusion Due to the radiocarbon dating of Neolithic sites in the Cis-Urals region conducted over the past ten years, the Kama culture appeared to be 1000 years older than previously thought. The results of radio- carbon analysis of organogenic materials from the sites attributed to the Kama culture allowed us to precisely fix its chronological boundaries and date it to the second quarter of the 6th and beginning of 4th mill. cal BC. The early phase of the Kama culture can be dated between the second quarter of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th mill. cal BC, the middle phase is dated to the first half of the 5th mill. cal BC, and the late phase is dated between the second half of the 5th and the beginning of the 4th mill. cal BC. In the future, it will be necessary to continue dating various types of organogenic materials from Kama sites in order to better define the chronological timeframes of the different phases and sites. Fig. 12. Stone implements from the late phase of Kama culture. Boitsovo I site (from Bader 1960.127, Fig. 11;. 159 Evgeniia L. Lychagina, Aleksandr A. Vybornov -ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS- Special thanks to Professor M. 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No. Site Age (BP) Age, calBC (2 a) ndex Material 1 Pezmog IV 6730+50 5724-56°3 CIN-12322 Charcoal 2 Pezmog IV 6760+50 5749-5558 CIN-12324 Cultural deposit 3 Pezmog IV 6820+70 5849-5617 GIN-11915 Crust 4 Pezmog IV 6130+100 5307-4830 Ki-15428-2 Pottery carbon 5 Pezmog IV 6410+90 5544-5213 Ki-15428-1 Pottery carbon 6 Mokino 6219+42 5305-5055 Hela-2990 Crust 7 Ziarat 6323+43 5465-5210 Hela-2991 Crust 8 Ziarat 6110+80 5280-4800 K -15087 Pottery carbon 9 Ziarat 6070+80 5300-4700 K -15061 Pottery carbon 10 Tarhan I 6280+90 5470-49 90 K -14433 Pottery carbon 11 Mullino 6290+80 5470-5040 K -15638 Pottery carbon 12 Ust-Shizhma 6020+90 4940-4490 K -14435 Pottery carbon 13 Podlesnoe III 6110+80 5280-4800 K -14565 Pottery carbon 14 Podlesnoe III 6070+90 5300-4700 K -14564 Pottery carbon 15 Khutorskaya 5840+80 4860-4490 K -14419 Pottery carbon 16 Khutorskaya 5930+80 5000-4590 K -14414 Pottery carbon 17 Khutorskaya 5750+80 4790-4440 K -15093 Pottery carbon 18 Khutorskaya 5920+90 5030-4540 Ki -14420 Pottery carbon 19 Khutorskaya 5040+130 4053-3628 SOAN-6817 Charcoal 20 Khutorskaya 4990+110 3995-3627 SOAN-6818 Charcoal 21 Khutorskaya 5130+250 4500-3300 CIN-14226 Charcoal 22 Lake Borovoe I 5760+90 4810-4440 Ki-14415 Pottery carbon 23 Lake Borovoe I 5950+80 5050-4610 Ki-15094 Pottery carbon 24 Krjazhskaya 5620+90 4690-4320 Ki-14416 Pottery carbon 25 Lake Chashkinskoye I 5700+80 4720-4360 Ki-16166 Pottery carbon 26 Lake Chashkinskoye IIIa 4920+30 1a 3707-3656 CIN-14769 Charcoal 27 Lake Chashkinskoye IIIa 5000+60 1a 3806-3705 CIN-14770 Charcoal 28 Lake Chashkinskoye IIIa 5040+70 1a3945-3775 GIN-14771 Charcoal 29 Chirva II 6158+150 5500-4700 Spb-741 Pottery carbon 30 Vasjukovo II 5270+80 4260-3950 Ki-16857 Pottery carbon 31 Posyor 5705+35 4620-4458 Poz-57870 Crust 32 Posyor 4020+110 2900-2200 Spb-742 Pottery carbon 33 Srednee Shadbegovo 5960+90 5100-4550 K -14437 Pottery carbon 34 Kyilud III 5820+90 4860-4450 Ki-14438 Pottery carbon 35 Sauz II 5930+80 5000-4590 Ki-14585 Pottery carbon 36 Sauz II 5620+90 4690-4320 Ki-14581 Pottery carbon 37 Podlesnoe IV 5930+80 4960-4520 K -14459 Pottery carbon 38 Podlesnoe IV 5920+120 5250-4450 Spb-726 Pottery carbon 39 Lake Molebnoe I 5980+90 5250-4600 Ki -14442 Pottery carbon 40 Otarskaya VI 5890+80 4950-4540 K -14423 Pottery carbon 41 II Lebedinskaya 5670+100 4720-4330 Ki -14905 Pottery carbon 42 Caen-Tubinskaya 5680+80 4710-4350 K -14107 Pottery carbon 43 Caen-Tubinskaya 5620+80 4680-4330 Ki-14141 Pottery carbon 44 Lake Chashkinskoye VI 5695+80 4720-4350 Ki-14538 Pottery carbon 45 Chernushka 5400+70 4360-4040 CIN-13449 Charcoal 46 Chernushka 5960+80 5060-4670 Ki-14418 Pottery carbon 47 Chernashka 5840+90 4860-4490 Ki-16645 Pottery carbon 48 Ust-Zalaznushka II 6330+40 5464-5217 Poz-52698 Crust 49 Ust-Zalaznushka II 5880+80 4940-4540 Ki-14417 Pottery carbon 50 Ust-Zalaznushka II 5790+100 4900-4350 Spb-738 Pottery carbon 51 Lyovshino 4850+100 3950-3350 Ki-16849 Pottery carbon 52 Chumoytlo 5720+90 4730-4360 K -14439 Pottery carbon 53 Chumoytlo 5544+42 4460-4330 Hela-3114 Crust 54 Nizhnaya strelka V 5510+90 4550-4210 Ki -14422 Pottery carbon 55 Ozimenki II 5650+80 4690-4340 Ki-14589 Pottery carbon 56 Ozimenki II 5490+90 4500-4040 Ki-14138 Pottery carbon 57 Lesnoe-Nikolskoe III 5400+90 4370-3990 Ki-14582 Pottery carbon back to contents