INFORMATICA MEDICA SLOVONICA Strokovni prispevki 2 Surface EMG Decomposition Using a Novel Approach for Blind Source Separation 15 Measurement and Analysis of Radial Artery Blood Velocity in Young Normotensive Subjects 20 PICAMS: Post Intensive CAre Monitoring System 27 Concepts for Integrated Electronic Health Records Management System 38 Testing the Suitability and the Limitations of Agent Technology to Support Integrated Assessment of Health and Social Care Needs of Older People 47 Non-Invasive Methods for Children's Cholesterol Level Determinatione 56 Objectifying Researches on Traditional Chinese Pulse Diagnosis 64 Uporaba računalniških inteligentnih sistemov v kardiologiji 69 Razvrščanje profilov izražanja genov z metodami strojnega učenja 81 Avtomatiziran video nadzor Centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Trbovljah Poročila 86 Poročilo o obisku Informacijskega oddelka univerzitetne bolnišnice v Tokiju 87 AMIA 2002, 9. do 13. november 2002, San Antonio, ZDA 88 Poročilo o udeležbi na sestanku IMIA - NI Sig, 12. november 2002, San Antonio, ZDA Revija Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko Informatica Medica Slovenica LETNIK 8, ŠTEVILKA 1 ISSN 1318-2129 ISSN 1318-2145 on line edition GLAVNI UREDNIK prof. dr. Peter Kokol SOUREDNIKA dr. Jure Dimec doc. dr. Blaž Zupan BIVŠI GLAVNI UREDNIK Martin Bigec, dr. med. UREDNIŠTVO dr. Janez Demšar Ema Dornik (novice) Mojca Pavlin (novice) doc. dr. Vili Podgorelec doc. dr. Marjan Premik mag. Vesna Prijatelj prof. dr. Vladislav Rajkovič prof. dr. Janez Stare doc. dr. Milan Zorman prof. dr. Tatjana Welzer O REVIJI Informatica Medica Slovenica je interdisciplinarna strokovna revija, ki objavlja prispevke s področja medicinske informatike, informatike v zdravstvu in zdravstveni negi, ter bioinformatike. Revija objavlja strokovne prispevke, znanstvene razprave, poročila o aplikacijah ter uvajanju informatike na področjih medicine in zdravstva, pregledne članke in poročila. Se posebej so dobrodošli prispevki, ki obravnavajo nove in aktualne teme iz naštetih področij. Informatica Medica Slovenica je strokovna revija Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko. Izhaja trikrat letno (en letnik, tri številke). Revija je dostopna internetu na naslovu Avtorji člankov naj svoje prispevke v elektronski obliki pošiljajo odgovornemu uredniku po elektronski pošti na naslov Revijo prejemajo vsi člani Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko. Informacije o članstvu v društvu oziroma o naročanju na revijo so dostopne na tajništvu društva (doc. dr. Drago Rudel, VSEBINA Uvodnik 1 P. Kokol, odgovorni urednik Strokovni prispevki 2 A. Holobar, D. Zazula Surface EMG Decomposition Using a Novel Approach for Blind Source Separation 15 D. Oseli, I. Lebar Bajec, M. Klemenc, N. Zimic Measurement and Analysis of Radial Artery Blood Velocity in Young Normotensive Subjects 20 I. Lebar Bajec, D. Oseli, M. Mraz, M. Klemenc, N. Zimic PICAMS: Post Intensive CAre Monitoring System 27 M. Končar, S. Lončaric Concepts for Integrated Electronic Health Records Management System 38 H. Mouratidis, G. Manson, I. Philp Testing the Suitability and the Limitations of Agent Technology to Support Integrated Assessment of Health and Social Care Needs of Older People 47 P. Povalej, P. Kokol, J. Završnik Non-Invasive Methods for Children's Cholesterol Level Determination 56 L. Xu, K. Wang, D. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Wan, J. Wang Objectifying Researches on Traditional Chinese Pulse Diagnosis 64 M. Molan Štiglic, P. Kokol Uporaba računalniških inteligentnih sistemov v kardiologiji 69 T. Curk, B. Zupan, G. Vidmar Razvrščanje profilov izražanja genov z metodami strojnega učenja 81 B. Ikica, A. Ikica, U. Prelesnik, A. M. Caran Avtomatiziran video nadzor Centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Trbovljah Poročila 86 P. Kokol Poročilo o obisku Informacijskega oddelka univerzitetne bolnišnice v Tokiju 87 P. Kokol AMIA 2002, 9. do 13. november 2002, San Antonio, ZDA 88 P. Kokol Poročilo o udeležbi na sestanku IMIA — NI Sig, 12. november 2002, San Antonio, ZDA Informatica Medica Slovenica 2003; 8(1) 1 Uvodnik ■ Dragi bralci, Pred vami je nova številka Informatice Medice Slovenice. Prvi del (avtorji Povalej, Holobar, Mauratidis in Končar) predstavljajo najboljši študentski članki s konference Computer-Based Medical Systems, ki je bila ob sodelovanju Društva za medicinsko informatiko in pod pokroviteljstvom mednarodnega inženirskega združenja IEEE ter Univerze v Mariboru, Fakultete za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko izvedena v začetku junija 2002 v Mariboru. Drugi del vsebuje zanimive prispevke slovenskih in tujih avtorjev in poročila s konferenc. prof. dr. Peter Kokol, glavni urednik ■ Infor Med Slov 2003; 8(1): 1 2 Holobar A, Zazula D: Surface EMG Decomposition Research Paper ■ Surface EMG Decomposition Using a Novel Approach for Blind Source Separation Aleš Holobar, Damjan Zazula Abstract. We introduce a new method to perform a blind deconvolution of the surface electromyogram (EMG) signals generated by isometric muscle contractions. The method extracts the information from the raw EMG signals detected only on the skin surface, enabling longtime noninvasive monitoring of the electromuscular properties. Its preliminary results show that surface EMG signals can be used to determine the number of active motor units, the motor unit firing rate and the shape of the average action potential in each motor unit. ■ Infor Med Slov 2003; 8(1): 2-14 Author's institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor. Contact person: Aleš Holobar, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor. email: Informatica Medica Slovenica 2001; 7(1) 3 Introduction The activity of muscles has been the subject of many studies of bioengineers, physiologists, neurophysiologists, and clinicians for more than 100 years. Many different methods of gathering and interpreting the physiological data and information have been developed. In the past few decades, the assessment of the electrical activity of muscles has proved to be very important. Using the computer based digital processing, many valuable knowledge has been extracted from the electromyographic signals enabling precise medical diagnosing and prevention of possible neurological and muscle disorders1,2. The muscle movement in all human beings is controlled by the central nervous system. It generates the electrical pulses that travel through the motor nerves to different muscles. The neuromuscular junction is called innervation zone and is usually situated about the middle of the muscle body. Each muscle is composed of a large number of tiny muscle fibres, which are organized into so called motor units (MU). Each MU gathers all the fibres that are innervated by the same nerve, i.e. axon. When electrically excited, fibres produce a measurable electrical potential, called action potential (AP), which propagates along the fibres to both directions towards muscle tendons and causes the contraction of the fibres. The electromyograms (EMGs) are taken with different kinds of electrodes whose uptake areas vary according to the electrode size. The majority of the EMG recordings is based on the invasive methods with the needle electrodes3, whose invasive character prevents the long-time monitoring of the electromuscular parameters. The non-invasive method of the surface EMG (SEMG) has been developed recently and has numerous advantages. There is significantly less discomfort, no tissue damage and therefore no subsequent tissue scarring. This allows for unlimited repetition of tests in exactly the same place. Furthermore, recording of SEMG is inexpensive and gives global information about muscle activity1. Finally, linear surface electrode arrays can be used providing additional information about innervation zone location, fibre length and conduction velocity4. The main disadvantage of SEMG is poor morphological information about the MU action potentials (MUAP), caused by different filtering effects of several tissue layers (skin, fat, muscle, etc.)5. In the case of needle electrodes we can selectively observe the action potentials of only a few active motor units, or even of a single muscle fiber3. In the SEMG case, on the other hand, we deal with several tens of active motor units and the measurable contributions from other muscles not being under the clinical investigation, what is often referred to as muscle cross-talk. Many attempts to enhance the MUAP information and to suppress the cross-talk in SEMG were maid in the past as different surface recording technique, such as double differential, Laplacian, etc., were investigated6. Nevertheless, the manual decomposition of SEMG to separate MUAPs is, even with lower muscle contractions, virtually impossible and computer assisted decomposition is required. The non-invasive assessment of muscle properties through the information extracted from the surface EMG signals has introduced new issues also in the field of the EMG signal processing. Despite the numerous efforts7-11, no final technique for SEMG decomposition has been proposed yet. The main problem, as mentioned above, is a very high complexity of the SEMG signals. They are composed of a high number of individual, filtered MUAPs being superimposed into the surface signal. In addition, no a priori information on the number of active motor units and the nature of their mixture is available, either; hence the SEMG signals should be decomposed blindly. The blind separation of the sources has been widely studied in the past and many solutions exist for both instantaneous and convolutive mixtures12. The problem of instantaneous mixtures is most often addressed by exploiting the Actually, this 4 Holobar A, Zazula D: Surface EMG Decomposition possible non-Gaussianity of the sources. is the only possible route when the source signals are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d)13,14. When the first 'i' of 'i.i.d.' is not valid, i.e. when the source signals are correlated in time, another route is to exploit these correlations. Identifiability in such an approach is granted even when the signals are normally distributed, provided the source signals have different spectra15,16. The contributions from other authors17-19 have explored the case where the second 'i' of 'i.i.d.' is failing, that is the non-stationary case. The latter can be successfully applied to the problem of muscular cross-talk20. The problem of convolutive mixtures is much more complex and although many different attempts (wavelets and neural networks classifications, time-frequency decomposition, etc.) 12 were made there is no general solutions for their complete deconvolution. However, the theoretical model of SEMG signals is, under the assumption of stable measurements and isometric muscle contractions, usually based on convolutive mixtures of the nerve train pulses and MUAPs detected on different electrodes. Considering their time-varying nature, the SEMG signals can also be modelled as non-stationary signals. A. Belouchrani and M. Amin18, 19 have addressed general convolutive mixtures of non-stationary signals and exploited the differences of energy locations of sources in time-frequency (t-f) domain. They have proposed to deal with the convolution in the form of mixing matrix by adding delayed repetitions of sources. New sources then form the block diagonal source spatial t-f distribution (STFD) matrices. Hence, with joint block diagonalization24 of observation spatial time-frequency distribution matrices several versions of each source can be retrieved, but only up to a filtering effect19. In this paper, we present preliminary results of a new method for full deconvolution of surface EMG signals. Our approach is based on the work of A. Belouchrani and M. Amin, however, it additionally suggests the construction of diagonal source STFD matrices. These latter matrices are processed into a joint-diagonalization scheme (instead of joint block diagonalization), which provides an estimation of the transfer functions (MUAPs detected on different electrodes) and sources up to the scale factor and the phase shift. Section 2 briefly reviews the algorithms and the problems of joint block diagonalization of spatial t-f distribution matrices for the instantaneous (convolutive) mixtures. In Section 3 we propose a new method for the construction of diagonal spatial t-f distribution matrices in the convolutive case. Section 4 reveals results of the proposed method on the synthetic SEMG signals. We end our paper with the conclusions and discussion in Section 5. Separation of convolutive mixtures in t-f domain Consider a general discrete convolutive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), linear, time invariant model given by N L (Os, (t -i)+n (t). (1) j=1 l=0 xi (i = 1,k ,M) is one ofM observations and s, (j = 1,...,N) is one of Nsources (M>N) that are mutually independent for every time/lag and have different structures and localization properties in time-frequency domain. h, is the transfer function between the j-th source and the i-th sensor with the overall extent of (L+1) taps. ni(t) (i=1,...,M ) is additive i.i.d noise, independent from the sources defined by. E[n(t + r)n(t)] = 8(z)a21m, (2) where E is mathematical expectation, I M the M X M identity matrix, 8(t) the Dirac impulse and sN(L+K)(t)] = = [si(t), si(t -1),..., si(t - (L + K) + 2, si(t - (L + K) +1, S2(t),..., sn (t - (L + K) +1)] (3) (4) x(t) = [x1(tX x2(tX^'' xK (tX xK+1 (t), v, xMK (t)] = = [x,(t),x,(t -1),...,^(t -K +1), (5) x2(t),...,xm(t - K +1)] are extended vectors of sources and observations, respectively, and A = with A = A11 A1N A • •• A M1 ^MN (6) h (0) 0 h (L) h (0) h (L) • (7) A is MK X N(L + K) mixing matrix with full column rank, but is otherwise unknown. AiJ- are K X (L + K) matrices where K is chosen such that MK> N(L+K). The covariance of vectors s (t) and x(t) is then19 Rss (t ,t) = E[s (t + T)s (t)] = = ^[R ~~ (t, r), ^,R ~N ~N (T, (8) Rxx (t,T) = ARss (t, t) Ah + s(t)o2\n(r. k), (9) N ( L+K ) ' where Rss (t ,t) = R (t, t) 0 0 R ~ ~ (t, t) sNsN v 7 y (10) is block diagonal, 0 is matrix with elements all equal to zero, and R~~ (t, t) denotes local (L + K) X (L + K) correlation matrix of vector ~ (t) = [s; (t),..., s; (t - (L + K) +1] R~~ (t, t) = E[~ (t + t)~ (t)]. (11) R— (0,0) is generally block-diagonal since the correlations between si (t + T1) and si (t + T2) are not necessarily zero19. In the time-frequency plane, equation (9) becomes19: D|x(t, f) = ADt(t, f )AH +s(t)^(Ov,SN(L+k)(0i whose pulses overlap at certain time tk . The source STFD matrix D ^ (tk, fk ) will then have p2 non-zero elements at the positions (ki,k2) where ki, kr^ G {l1,..., lp} as follows: Because U is a unitary matrix, the following relation is valid: Dts (tk, fk ) = Mp, Mpd (ki,k2) = \d if ki,k2 e {li,...,l } 0 otherwise (24) (25) where d denotes the energy of one pulse, and the assumption that all pulses have the same energy, like in (20), has been considered. Onlyp ofp non-zero elements in (25) lie on the diagonal and Mp is far from being diagonal. Selecting the observation STFD matrices at time tk strongly affects the performance of joint diagonalization18,21,25-28. eig(DZz (t, f )) = eig(UDSS (t, f )Ua ) = = eig (DSs (t, f )), (26) where eig(M) denotes the eigenvalues of the matrix M. Noting that the only non-zero eigenvalue of matrix Mp is eig (Mp ) = pd, we can exclude the STFD source matrices that correspond to overlapped source pulses from the process of the joint diagonalization by simply comparing the maximum eigenvalues of the whitened observation STFD matrices D ZZ (t, f ) . Criteria and algorithms for the selection of (t,f) points in which D ss (t, f) is diagonal are more in detail described by Holobar et al.28 and by Nguyen et al.29. Results on synthetic SEMG signals In this section, the preliminary results, as investigated via computer simulations, are reported. SEMG signals were generated by SEMG simulator31, that allows to simulate the main features of the surface EMG signal, including the generation and extinction phenomena of the action potentials at the end-plate and tendon regions and the size and shape of the recording electrodes without approximation of the current density source. The simulator models the volume conductor as an anisotropic layered medium with muscle (anisotropic), fat (isotropic) and skin (isotropic) layers. The model allows simulation of multi-channel spatially filtered surface EMG signals and is based on efficient numerical algorithms, which implement the simulation of signals generated during voluntary contractions by the activity of a large number of MUs. The detection systems can be placed either along the fibres direction (usual linear electrode array configuration) or transversally with respect to the Informatica Medica Slovenica 2003; 8(1) 9 muscle fibres. Motor units are placed randomly in the detection volume and are active at the selectable firing rates. In our experiment the surface EMG signals from the biceps brachii muscle during isometric voluntary contraction at low force level were simulated. The main parameters applied in our simulation were the following: 1. MA(4,4) model was chosen, so 4 active MUs were assumed and 6 surface electrodes using the double differential recording technique were simulated what resulted in 4 measurements of SEMG. 2. The length of muscle fibres in all MUs was set of 70 mm. The first MU with 9 fibres was assumed 6 mm, the second with 12 fibres 4 mm, the third with 15 fibres 5 mm, and the fourth with 10 fibres 3 mm deep in the muscle layer. 3. Fibres of the MUs were inclined by 2, 8, 4 and 7 degrees and shifted 7, -5, -2 and 6 mm in the transversal (x in Fig. 1) direction from the centre of the electrode array, respectively. 4. The spread of the innervation zone was taken 6 mm for the first, 6 mm for the second, 5 mm for the third and 5 mm for the fourth MU. 5. The conduction velocity was assumed to be normally distributed with the mean of 4 m/s and standard deviation of 1 m/s (4.54 m/s for the first, 3.83 m/s for the second, 4.33 m/s for the third, and 3.56 m/s for the fourth MU. 6. The thickness of the skin layer was set to 2 mm and thickness of the fat layer to 7 mm. 7. Mean firing rate of the first, second and the third MU were set to 13 Hz, 14 Hz, 13 Hz and 15 Hz with the variance of 3 Hz, respectively. 8. Rectangular electrodes of 5 by 1 mm were simulated with the 5 mm interelectrode distance. 9. The electrode array was assumed placed between the innervation zone and the tendons of fibres. 10. Transversal orientation of detecting system with respect to the muscle fibres was simulated in order to emphasize the differences in contributions (impulse responses) of different motor units to observations, that is to say, to improve the rank of the mixing matrix A. 11. The sampling frequency of 1024 Hz was used for the generated EMG signals. 12. The length of synthetic surface EMG signals was set to 5 s (5120 samples). 13. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was set to 15 dB. The position and orientation of the detection system and the MUs is schematically depicted in Fig. 1, respectively. The generated SEMG signals are partially depicted in Fig. 2. 20 « 0 20 ■4-TÎ~7 "¡rim Vl 6 mrri i i -50 0 50 100 z axis 4" ¡nervation zone I electrode o tendon t MU radius i number of MU fibers Figure 1 Position and orientation of the detecting system with respect to the simulated active motor units. The MUs are depicted by grey lines ending with circles (tendons), innervation zones by striped rectangular, electrodes by black rectangular. The depth, radius, inclination and the number of fibres in each MU is also depicted. 10 Holobar A, Zazula D: Surface EMG Decomposition Figure 2 Parts of synthetic SEMG signals at four different channels. The detection system was placed transversally with respect to the muscle fibres. The interelectrode distance was set to 5 mm and double differential recording technique was selected. Setting the length of impulse response hj, to 26 samples, 26 estimations of each source were calculated. The estimations were then classified, aligned, normalized, and summed together. They showed almost perfect match with the original sources. Almost all the triggering pulses were successfully recovered. The mean normalized energy of recovered pulses was 0.57 with the variance of 0.21 and the minimum value of 0.14. The ground jitter stayed bellow 0.18, with the mean value of -0.03 and the variance of 0.11. Note the ground jitter is proportional to the nose and exceeds the recovered pulses at the SNR of 8 dB. The results for all 4 train pulses are partly depicted in Fig. 3. $0.8 50.6 -o