205 Jože Štukl ŠkoFJEL oŠkI P aSIJon oD SLovEnSkEga rEgIStra Do UnESC a škofjeloški pasijon je spokorna procesija Velikega petka, ki se je prirejala v škofji Loki. besedilo te spokorne procesije je v Loškem kapucinskem samostanu napisal pater Romuald (Lovrenc) Marušič (1676–1748), ko je v letih 1715–1727 deloval v škofji Loki kot pridigar in magister processionis – voditelj procesije. škofjeloški pasijon velja za najstarejše ohranjeno dramsko besedilo v slovenskem jeziku in je kot izjemna nesnovna dediščina ne le lokalnega, ampak tudi državnega in od konca leta 2016 celo svetovnega pomena. SKRB ZA ZAŠČITO NESNOVNE DEDIŠČINE ŠKOFJELOŠKEGA PASIJONA NA LOKALNI IN NACIONALNI RAVNI Z namenom zaščite in ohranjanja nesnovne dediščine š kofjeloškega pasijona so bili že v preteklem obdobju narejeni nekateri pomembni koraki. Tako je občinski svet občine š kofja Loka 15. novembra 2007 sprejel Odlok o gledaliških uprizorit- vah Škofjeloškega pasijona, s katerim je bilo zagotovljeno njegovo uprizarjanje v procesijski obliki v postno velikonočnem času v izvirnem okolju znotraj starega srednjeveškega mestnega jedra škofje Loke, ki je bilo leta 1988 razglašeno za kul- turni spomenik. Leta 2003 je bila sprejeta UnesC o va Konvencija o varovanju nes- novne kulturne dediščine, ki je povzročila velike premike pri varovanju nesnovne kulturne dediščine tako na mednarodni kot tudi na nacionalni ravni. slovenija je Konvencijo ratificirala leta 2008 in nesnovno kulturno dediščino, poimenova- no živa kulturna dediščina, 1 vključila v novi Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine (2008), ki je pred tem vključeval le nepremično in premično kulturno dediščino. V skladu z določili UnesC o ve Konvencije in Zakona o varstvu kulturne dediščine je bil tudi v sloveniji vzpostavljen Register žive kulturne dediščine, škofjeloški pasijon pa je bil še istega leta vanj vpisan kot prva dediščinska enota. naslednji korak pri varovanju nesnovne dediščine škofjeloškega pasijona je bil storjen štiri leta kasneje, ko je Vlada Republike slovenije na seji 19. julija 2012 sprejela Odlok 1 Unescova konvencija uporablja poimenovanje »nesnovna kulturna dediščina«, medtem ko je bil pri nas v skladu z novim Zakonom o varstvu kulturne dediščine iz leta 2008 uporabljan termin »živa kulturna dediščina«. poimenovanje se je iz »živa« spremenilo v »nesnovna« v skladu s 1. členom Zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o varstvu kulturne dediščine – ZVKD- -1D z dne 6. maja 2016. Glavna razpravna dvorana centra Združenih narodov, a dis a beba, etiopija. Foto: jože Štukl 207 206 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 jože š tukl, š KoF je Loš Ki pasijon oD s LoV ens KeGa R eGis TRa D o U nesC a o razglasitvi Škofjeloškega pasijona za živo mojstrovino državnega pomena. s tem je enota dediščine dobila najvišjo možno zaščito na ravni države – status kulturnega spomenika državnega pomena. Tako so bili sprejeti vsi možni ukrepi s področja ohranjanja nesnovne kulturne dediščine, predvideni v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo. s tem je država enoti dediščine potrdila izjemen strokovni in širše družbeni pomen in sprejela varstvene ukrepe, ki škofjeloškemu pasijonu zagotav - ljajo njegovo ohranjanje, javno dostopnost ter prenašanje iz roda v rod. Vse nave- dene aktivnosti so pripomogle k še večji prepoznavnosti škofjeloškega pasijona v lokalnem in nacionalnem okolju. PRVI KORAKI DO UNESCA Ko je bilo vse to doseženo, je na pobudo loškega župana Miha ješeta sledil naslednji logični korak, in sicer začetek aktivnosti za vpis škofjeloškega pasijona na Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine pri UnesCU. V zvezi s temi aktivnostmi je bil 6. novembra 2012 na občini š kofja Loka sklican prvi informativni sestanek za začetek priprave nominacije za uvrstitev škofjeloškega pasijona na Reprezentativni seznam. na sestanku so bili poleg župana občine š kofja Loka Miha ješeta prisotni še špela s panžel kot predstavnica Ministrstva za kulturo Republike slovenije, Metod benedik, kapucin, aleksander igličar, pred- sednik Muzejskega društva škofja Loka, andreja Megušar iz občine š kofja Loka, alojzij pavel Florjančič, urednik pasijonskih doneskov in j ože štukl, predstavnik Loškega muzeja škofja Loka. Župan Miha ješe je v uvodnem nagovoru pozdravil vse prisotne in se hkrati za- hvalil za udeležbo in pripravljenost na sodelovanje pri zahtevnem projektu. nato nam je špela spanžel z Ministrstva za kulturo Republike slovenije predstavila ce- loten postopek in vse zahteve na poti do priprave končne nominacije. ob tem je poudarila, da sta prvi oviri že bili uspešno premagani, saj je škofjeloški pasijon uspešno vpisan v register žive kulturne dediščine in razglašen za živo mojstro- vino državnega pomena. Tako nas čaka še zadnji zahteven korak za prepoznavo na mednarodni ravni - priprava nominacije. najprej nas je seznanila z osnov - nim nominacijskim obrazcem iCH-02, ki je dostopen na spletni stran UnesC a v angleškem (http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/en/forms) ali francoskem jeziku in ga je potrebno natančno in skrbno izpolniti, pri tem pa upoštevati točno do- ločeno število besed v posamezni rubriki, ki jih uporabimo pri pojasnjevanju v odgovoru. še pomembnejša so vsebinska izhodišča, zlasti upoštevanje poudarkov Konvencije. Vseh določil in priporočil UnesC a se je potrebno strogo držati, saj v nasprotnem primeru ocenjevalna skupina vlogo zavrne zgolj zaradi enega nezado- stno, nepopolno, oziroma nepravilno formuliranega odgovora. besedilo nomina- cije sme vsebovati zgolj tekstualne odgovore, brez dodanih ilustracij ali fotografij. nominacijskemu obrazcu je potrebno na ustreznem nosilcu priložiti 10 novejših fotografij v digitalni obliki, ustrezni resoluciji in enem od predpisanih formatov. seznam vseh priloženih fotografij mora biti naveden na obrazcu iCH-07-photo, pri čemer morajo biti fotografije proste vseh avtorskih pravic. poleg fotografij je potrebno nominaciji priložiti tudi video posnetek v dolžini od 5 do 10 minut, ki je lahko posnet v angleščini, francoščini ali v maternem jeziku in podnaslovljen angleško ali francosko. pri pripravi videa je priporočljivo pred tretjeosebnim pri- povedovanjem dati prednost skupnostim, skupinam ali posameznikom nosilcem dediščine, ki jo edini lahko prikažejo v vsej pristnosti. prav tako je potrebno tudi video oddati v ustrezni kakovosti in v enem izmed predpisanih formatov. Za po- pis video prilog je potrebno uporabiti poseben obrazec in sicer iCH-07-video, ki mora biti tako kot fotografski material prost vseh avtorskih pravic. ob vsem tem je potrebno priložiti čim več podpisanih in žigosanih izjav o podpori nominaciji s strani posameznikov, skupin, skupnosti, društev, kulturnih ustanov, skratka vseh vpletenih v ohranjanje pasijonske dediščine, ki naj bodo čimbolj raznolike. Vse te izjave morajo biti pripravljene v izvirnem jeziku in prevedene v angleščino ali francoščino zaradi lažje razumljivosti v mednarodnem prostoru. Končna oblika besedila nominacije na predpisanem obrazcu mora biti oddana na Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike slovenije do konca januarja. V februarju bodo potekala še zadnja usklajevanja, dopolnitve in popravki. Marca pa mora biti izvedena še for- malna potrditev na vladi. nominacijo skupaj z vsemi prilogami bo potrebno do 31. marca 2013 dostaviti na sedež UnesC a v parizu. p oudarila je tudi, da bo po- trebno oblikovati delovno skupino, katere člani zastopajo posamezne strokovne institucije in so koordinatorji za posamezno področje. PRIPRAVA NOMINACIJSKEGA OBRAZCA Delovna skupina za pripravo nominacije š kofjeloškega pasijona za vpis na Re- prezentativni seznam nesnovne dediščine pri UnesCU je bila s strani župana Miha ješeta uradno imenovana 12. decembra 2012, sestavljalo pa jo je že občutno manj članov kot se jih je udeležilo prvega sestanka. Tako so ostali Tine Radinja, podžupan občine š kofja Loka, Metod benedik, kapucin, alojzij pavel Florjan- čič, urednik pasijonskih doneskov, jože štukl, Loški muzej škofja Loka, andreja Megušar, občina š kofja Loka, Marta Gartner, knjižničarka Kapucinske knjižnice, špela s panžel, Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike s lovenije in a dela pukl iz s loven- skega etnografskega muzeja. Člani delovne skupine smo si medsebojno razdelili posamezna delovna področja in se odločili, da bomo nominacijski obrazec izpol- njevali v slovenskem jeziku in ga na koncu prevedli v angleščino. sprejet je bil tudi terminski plan za pripravo nominacije po posameznih segmentih. andreja Megušar je kot predstavnica občine š kofja Loka prevzela tehnično koordinacijo 209 208 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 jože š tukl, š KoF je Loš Ki pasijon oD s LoV ens KeGa R eGis TRa D o U nesC a priprave nominacije. Vse je kazalo, da bo delo potekalo hitro, usklajeno in v tim- skem duhu. Toda v naslednjih tednih so člani delovne skupine postajali vedno manj odzivni. Ker pa čas ni bil naš zaveznik in se je s pripravo nominacije vedno bolj mudilo, so me župan Miha ješe, špela spanžel in andreja Megušar pozvali, če bi bil pripravljen prevzeti strokovno koordinacijo delovne skupine oziroma kar avtorstvo nominacije v celoti, pri čemer bi na koncu preostali člani delovne sku- pine le še pregledali pripravljeno gradivo in »dodali ali odvzeli kakšno vejico,« kot se je slikovito izrazil alojzij pavel Florjančič. po tehtnem premisleku sem sklenil, da bom vseeno sprejel odgovorno in zahtevno nalogo priprave celotnega besedi- la nominacijskega obrazca. Tako sem se intenzivno lotil pregledovanja sorodnih že sprejetih nominacij, dostopnih na UnesC o vi spletni stran in študiranja vseh mogočih knjižnih objav, kjer je bilo mogoče dobiti uporabne informacije na temo škofjeloškega pasijona. ob pomoči pridobljenega znanja sem oblikoval končno besedilo. V sodelovanju s preostalimi člani delovne skupine: županom Miho ješe- tom, andrejo Megušar, a delo pukl in predvsem špelo s panžel, smo pripravljene tekste v slovenskem jeziku na nekaterih mestih še izboljšali in jim dodali določe- ne vsebinske poudarke. pripravo besedila nominacije v slovenščini smo zaključili do 25. februarja 2013, ko smo ga oddali v prevajanje v angleški jezik. To delo je hitro in profesionalno opravila gospa nika Marenk. prevedeno besedilo je bilo sedaj potrebno na nekaterih mestih skrajšati, drugod pa mu še kaj dodati, da je ustrezalo predpisanim zahtevam o številu besed pri posameznem geslu, pred- vsem pa ga izpiliti, poenotiti in uporabiti najprimernejše izrazoslovje v skladu z zahtevami in pričakovanji UnesC a . Za dokončanje naloge so bili tako potrebni še nekateri delovni sestanki, ki sem se jih udeležil na Ministrstvu za kulturo. svoje so h končni redakciji s pregledom in konstruktivnimi pripombami prispevali še nekateri uslužbenci Ministrstva za kulturo Republike slovenije: Ksenija Kovačec naglič, Ciril baškovič, Gojko Zupan in silvester Gabršček. andreja Megušar je v tem času zbrala izjave o podpori nominaciji s strani posameznikov, skupin, sku- pnosti, društev, kulturnih ustanov, skratka vseh vpletenih v ohranjanje pasijonske dediščine, ki so segale od uradnih pisem institucij, na roko napisanih prispevkov aktivnih udeležencev pasijona, do otroških risbic. s kupaj sva pripravila scenarij za predstavitveni film in naredila izbor fotografskega materiala. Tako sva v dogovor- jenem roku, 18. marca 2013, dostavila vse zbrano gradivo na Ministrstvo za kul- turo Republike s lovenije, kjer so poskrbeli za nadaljnje korake. nominacija za vpis škofjeloškega pasijona na Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine je bila tako skupaj z vsemi prilogami in s podpisom veleposlanice v parizu gospe Veronike s tabej uspešno oddana na sekretariatu za nesnovno dediščino UnesC a v parizu, dne 28. marca 2013. s edaj nam je preostalo le še čakanje do novembra 2014, do zasedanja Medvladnega odbora, ki je odločal o vpisu. ODLOČITEV OCENJEVALNE SKUPINE MEDVLADNEGA ODBORA Konec oktobra 2014, štiri tedne pred zasedanjem 9. Medvladnega odbora za ohranjanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine pri UnesCU, so bili objavljeni rezultati ocenjevanja nominacij ocenjevalne skupine in na podlagi teh priporočil predlagane odločitve Medvladnega odbora. Ker je bilo ocenjevalno telo mnenja, da vloga za vpis škofjeloškega pasijona na Reprezentativni seznam ne izpolnjuje vseh kriterijev, sta se Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike slovenije in občina škofja Loka odločila, da se predlog nominacije za š kofjeloški pasijon umakne še pred zasedanjem Medvladnega odbora, ki je potekalo v parizu od 25. do 28. novembra 2014. V tem primeru je bila namreč dopuščena možnost, da lahko države, ki so to storile, svoj ustrezno dopol- njen in utemeljen predlog vložijo takoj v naslednjem ciklusu do konca marca 2015, v nasprotnem primeru, če bi Medvladni odbor potrdil predlog ocenjevalne skupine, da se škofjeloški pasijon ne vpiše, pa ponovna vložitev nominacije ne bi bila več mogoča. poročilo ocenjevalne skupine o oceni nominacije škofjeloškega pasijona s konca oktobra 2014 je dostopno na spletni strani UnesC a (http://www.unesco. org/culture/ich/en/10-representative-list-00748), spodaj pa ga objavljamo v celoti: DRAFT DECISION 9.COM 10.41 The Committee 1. Takes note that Slovenia has nominated skofja Loka Passion play (No. 01014) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity: The škofja Loka Passion play combines an early Mediterranean penitential procession with the Passion drama of Central Europe. Performed once every six years, the play depicts the suffering and death of Jesus Christ in twenty scenes, turning the entire town into a stage. The play is performed during Lent and Easter along the streets of škofja Loka on foot, horses, carts and portable stages and at fixed locations, with different groups of actors per- forming each scene. The play draws on the knowledge and skills of groups of brotherhoods and guilds, all of which contribute to the colourful event. The Passion play inspires and unites the local municipal and rural population. The Municipality of škofja Loka, the bearer of the play, ensures the continu- ity of its staging and the active participation of communities, individuals, and formal and informal groups. Workshops are organized at the Centre of Arts and Crafts to ensure that the traditional knowledge, crafts and skills are transmitted among masters, apprentices and volunteers. At the time of performances, visitors flood the town, drawn by the religious message of the play as well as the hospitality of the residents. 2. Decides that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satis- 211 210 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 jože š tukl, š KoF je Loš Ki pasijon oD s LoV ens KeGa R eGis TRa D o U nesC a fies the following criteria for inscription on the Representative List: R.1: The škofja Loka Passion is a dramatic performance with a spiritual and religious dimension that aims at strengthening integration between social classes and groups and has become emblematic of its community; R.4: Community members have participated in the preparation of the nomi- nation and their free, prior and informed consent was demonstrated; R.5: The element was included in the National Register of Living Cultural Heritage of Slovenia maintained by the Ministry of Culture in 2008; the Register is publicly accessible on the Ministry’s website. 3. Further decides that, from the information included in the file, the nomina- tion does not satisfy the following criteria for inscription on the Representa- tive List: R.2: The nomination does not describe how inscription of the element on the Representative List would ensure visibility of the intangible cultural heritage more generally or raise awareness of its significance; R.3: While some past promotional activities carried out by local authori- ties and the State are described, the interruption of the performance from 1939 to 1999 is not adequately addressed; the file does not describe safeguarding measures to ensure the viability of the element as under- stood by the Convention and instead takes a conservationist approach, neglecting to describe measures to address possible negative effects of increased tourism; 4. Decides not to inscribe skofja Loka Passion play on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity; 5. Recalls the importance of using vocabulary appropriate to the spirit of the Convention and avoiding expressions such as ‘authenticity’, ‘magnificence’, ‘masterpieces’ and ‘uniqueness’ . o cenjevalna skupina je nominacijo ocenjevala v petih vsebinskih kriterijih R1–R5. pri kriterijih R1, R4 in R5 ni imela zadržkov, medtem ko so se zadržki pojavili pri kriteriju R2, pri katerem v nominaciji ni bilo v zadostni meri pojasnje- no: »kako bi vpis na Reprezentativni seznam prispeval k splošni prepoznavnosti nesnovne kulturne dediščine Škofjeloškega pasijona oziroma k večji ozaveščenosti o njenem pomenu.« Ustavili so se še pri kriteriju R3, kjer so pričakovali natančnejše pojasnilo: »zakaj med leti 1939 in 1999 ni bilo uprizoritev Škofjeloškega pasijona« ter da v predlogu nominacije »niso predstavljeni varovalni ukrepi za zagotavljanje dolgoročnega obstoja Škofjeloškega pasijona in možnih negativnih vplivov narašča- jočega turizma, ki bi jih lahko prinesel vpis elementa na Reprezentativni seznam.« ob tem jih je zmotila tudi uporaba nekaterih izrazov kot so: avtentičnost, ve- ličastnost, mojstrovina, unikatnost, ki niso v popolni sinergiji z UnesC o vo Kon- vencijo. iz vseh navedenih razlogov se je ocenjevalna skupina odločila, da se š kofjeloški pasijon ne vpiše na UnesC o v Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dedi- ščine človeštva. Čeprav se z mnenjem ocenjevalne skupine nismo v celoti strinjali in smo pričakovali drugačen izid ocenjevanja, smo tudi zaradi pomanjkanja izkušenj z nominacijami, odsotnosti boljših stikov z državami članicami medvladnega odbora, predvsem pa iz spoštovanja do strokovne ocene odbora, nominacijo umaknili pred zasedanjem v upanju, da bomo z dodatnimi pojasnili uspešno ute- meljili vpis v prihodnjem ocenjevalnem obdobju. PRIPRAVA IN VLOŽITEV PONOVNE KANDIDATURE Decembra 2014 so stekli pogovori med Ministrstvom za kulturo, slovenskim etnografskim muzejem kot nacionalnim Koordinatorjem varstva nesnovne kul- turne dediščine in občino š kofja Loka o začetku aktivnosti za pripravo in vložitev ponovne kandidature škofjeloškega pasijona za vpis na Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine človeštva pri UnesCU. Tako je 14. januarja 2015 župan občine š kofja Loka Miha ješe sklical prvi sestanek za oblikovanje delovne skupine, ki bo do 31. marca 2015 pripravila dopolnitev predloga za vložitev po- novne kandidature za vpis škofjeloškega pasijona na Reprezentativni seznam. K sodelovanju smo bili kot člani ožje delovne skupine povabljeni: s ilvester Gabršček z Ministrstva za kulturo, nena Židov in anja j erin iz slovenskega etnografskega muzeja, aleksander igličar, predsednik Muzejskega društva š kofja Loka, alojzij pavel Florjančič, urednik pasijonskih doneskov, Metod benedik, kapucin, jernej Tavčar z občine škofja Loka in j ože štukl iz Loškega muzeja škofja Loka. na sestanku sem bil s strani župana Miha ješeta imenovan za strokovnega koordi- natorja delovne skupine in hkrati zadolžen za pripravo in dokončno oblikova- nje nominacije. jernej Tavčar je prevzel nalogo tehničnega koordinatorja, ki bo poskrbel za organiziranje sestankov, spremembe in dopolnitev predstavitvenega filma, izbiro foto materiala in ostale dokumentacije ter izjav o podpori nominaciji s strani posameznikov, skupin, skupnosti, društev, kulturnih ustanov, skratka vseh vpletenih v ohranjanje pasijonske dediščine. Dogovorili smo se tudi, da bo vsak od članov delovne skupine pripravil dopolnitve besedila nominacije do naslednjega skupnega sestanka 30. januarja 2015. Ker pa časa za dopolnitev vloge ni bilo veliko in glede na pretekle izkušnje o počasni odzivnosti članstva delovne skupine, sem se odločil, da sam pripravim predlog nove prijave, ki jo bomo potem posredovali vsem članom delovne skupine v pregled in dopolnitev. pri tem mi je priskočil na 213 212 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 jože š tukl, š KoF je Loš Ki pasijon oD s LoV ens KeGa R eGis TRa D o U nesC a pomoč aleksander igličar, ki se je skupaj z anjo j erin in neno Židov iz e tnograf- skega muzeja v Ljubljani udeležil zasedanja Medvladnega odbora v parizu med 25. in 28. novembrom 2014 in je lahko iz prve roke postregel z nekaterimi upo- rabnimi informacijami in zahtevami UnesC a pri dopolnitvi naše nominacije. Takoj, ko sva se lotila dela, je postalo jasno, da se ne bo mogoče zadovoljiti samo z dopolnitvami besedila, ampak bo potrebno precej gesel temeljito preoblikovati in uskladiti z novimi zahtevami in pričakovanji UnesC a , nekatere pa celo napisati povsem na novo, če želimo biti v naslednjem ocenjevalnem ciklusu uspešni. Začr- tala sva nekatere glavne smernice, potem pa sem se v naslednjih tednih lotil ustre- znega dopolnjevanja in ponovnega pisanja gesel nominacijskega obrazca. Delo mi je šlo precej lažje od rok kot pred dvema letoma, saj sem v tem času poleg obilice dodatnega strokovnega znanja pridobil tudi precej izkušenj z izpolnjevanjem no- minacijskih obrazcev in se dodobra spoznal z željami in pričakovanji UnesC a . ob tem se je potrebno zavedati dejstva, da je š kofjeloški pasijon predstavljal prvo nominacijo Republike slovenije na Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine. Zato nihče od vpletenih v projekt v začetku ni imel potrebnih izkušenj s tega področja. Vse kar smo imeli na voljo so bile že sprejete nominacije dosto- pne na UnesC o vi spletni strani, navodila za izpolnjevanje in možnost učenja na lastnih napakah. nominacijo sem dopolnil tudi v skladu s pripombami in z dopolnili, ki so jih prispevali posamezni člani delovne skupine, s katerimi smo se dobili na dveh delovnih sestankih v sejni sobi občine š kofje Loka 30. januarja in 20. februarja 2015 in na številnih srečanjih v s lovenskem etnografskem muzeju in Ministrstvu za kulturo. Zadnje popravke in dopolnitve smo naredili z anjo j erin, neno Židov in s ilvestrom Gabrščkom na sestanku v slovenskem etnografskem muzeju, dne 26. februarja, kjer smo natančno pregledali ustreznost uporabljene terminologije, dodali nekatere vsebinske poudarke in skušali upoštevati Unes - Co ve vrednote, ki naj bi se odražale v nominaciji (vloga lokalne skupnosti pri pripravi nominacije in oblikovanju ukrepov varovanja, poudarek na vlogi žensk, otrok in mladine pri izvedbi pasijona, pomen prenašanja pasijonske dediščine iz roda v rod, medsebojno spoštovanje in dialog z drugimi skupnostmi, ki prav tako uprizarjajo pasijon, kot tudi do skupnosti z drugačnimi verskimi nazori; primeren in spoštljiv odnos do živali, trajnostni razvoj, ipd.). Dopolnjeno nominacijo smo tako 27. februarja poslali gospe niki Marenk v prevajanje v angleški jezik, nato pa je jernej Tavčar poskrbel, da smo jo v predpisanem roku z vsemi prilogami oddali na Ministrstvu za kulturo. nena Židov in anja j erin sta si pred oddajo ogledali še predstavitveni film in ugotovili, da so v njem prizori, ki niso v sinergiji z UnesC o vimi priporočili, po katerih film ne sme vsebovati nasilja, zato so dan pred oddajo nominacije z jernejem Tavčarjem in montažerjem filma Marjanom Cerarjem posnetek še nekoliko premontirali. nato je sledila le še dostava gradiva na sekretariat za nesnovno dediščino UnesC a v pariz, za kar so v predpisanem roku do konca marca 2015 poskrbeli sodelavci Ministrstva za kulturo Republike slovenije. MEDNARODNA PROMOCIJA ŠKOFJELOŠKEGA PASIJONA V vmesnem času, ko smo čakali na odločitev glede nominacije škofjeloškega pasijona, sem aktivno skrbel za njegovo mednarodno promocijo. prvega junija 2015 me je župan Miha ješe imenoval za Uradnega predstavnika občine š kofja Loka v združenju europassion. Tako sem se od 5. do 7. septembra 2015 udeležil uradnega obiska v Tegelenu na nizozemskem z ogledom njihove pasijonske igre. obisk sem v največji možni meri izkoristil za promocijo škofjeloškega pasijona in škofje Loke tudi z razdelje- vanjem propagandnega gradiva. o d 31. marca do 4. aprila 2016 sem se udeležil 32. letnega kongresa europassi- ona v Cieszynu na poljskem, kjer sem zbranim delegatom in ostalim udeležencem zasedanja iz vse evrope predstavil Loški pasijon v obliki kratkega predavanja in sedemminutnega filma. ob tem sem predstavil tudi pasijonske doneske, za katere se bomo v prihodnje trudili, da postanejo mednarodna publikacija, v kateri bodo lahko objavljali svoje prispevke pasijonska mesta in kraji iz vseh držav članic zdru- ženja europassion. najpomembnejša pa je bila udeležba na mednarodni konferenci v Krakovu na poljskem, ki je potekala v prostorih Zgodovinskega muzeja od 30. maja do 3. junija 2016. na konferenci, katere osrednja tema je bilo varovanje in ohranja- nje nesnovne kulturne dediščine v mestih, smo se zbrali strokovnjaki s področja muzejske stroke iz vse evrope. Zbranemu avditoriju sem predstavil škofjeloški pasijon v obliki strokovnega predavanja in naše skupne napore, ki so bili v zadnjih letih vloženi v pripravo nominacije za vpis škofjeloškega pasijona na Reprezen- tativni seznam. Za zbornik konference sem napisal obsežen strokovni prispevek o škofjeloškem pasijonu, ki je v pDF različici dostopen na spletu in sicer v polj- skem (http://www.mhk.pl/niematerialne-dziedzictwo-miasta) in angleškem jezi- ku (http://www.mhk.pl/intangible-heritage-of-the-city). ODLOČITEV OCENJEVALNE SKUPINE MEDVLADNEGA ODBORA Konec oktobra 2016 smo bili pred zasedanjem 11. Medvladnega odbora za ohranjanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine pri UnesCU znova seznanjeni s pripo- ročilom ocenjevalne skupine, ki je bila mnenja, da škofjeloški pasijon izpolnjuje vse vsebinske kriterije R1-R4 za vpis na Reprezentativni seznam. edini zadržek, ki ga je navedla, je bil pri formalnem kriteriju R5, da iz vloge ni razvidno, da se s lovenski register nesnovne dediščine redno posodablja. Zato je ocenjevalna sku- 215 214 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 jože š tukl, š KoF je Loš Ki pasijon oD s LoV ens KeGa R eGis TRa D o U nesC a pina v predlogu odločitve Medvladnemu odboru predlagala, da se vloga dopolni in ponovno vloži v naslednjem ocenjevalnem obdobju (http://www.unesco.org/ culture/ich/en/decisions/11.CoM/10.b.29). Ker smo bili mnenja, da zadržek nima realne osnove in da je k takšnemu za- ključku pripomogla tudi tehnična težava (nedelujoča povezava v nominaciji, ki se je v vmesnem času od oddaje spremenila), smo se odločili za aktivno vlogo pri pojasnjevanju zapleta članicam Medvladnega odbora pred zasedanjem in tekom zasedanja v etiopiji. pod vodstvom Ministrstva za kulturo, v sodelovanju s s loven- skim etnografskim muzejem in predvsem dragocenim posredovanjem veleposla- ništva v parizu, so bila v naslednjih dneh pripravljena ustrezna vsebinska pojasnila in posredovana na UnesC o po ministrskih in diplomatskih poteh. Z avstrijskimi predstavniki je bil usklajen amandma, pripravljeno je bilo tudi besedilo pojasnila za predstavnike na zasedanju v etiopiji. navedene aktivnosti, v katerih so sodelo- vali mnogi sodelavci po strokovni in formalni plati, je koordinirala špela spanžel na Ministrstvu za kulturo. KONČNA ODLOČITEV IN VPIS NA REPREZENTATIVNI SEZNAM Zadnje dejanje naših prizadevanj je pomenila udeležba na 11. zasedanju Une - sCo vega Medvladnega odbora za ohranjanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine, ki je potekalo v a dis a bebi v etiopiji od 28. novembra do 2. decembra 2016. Zasedanja se je udeležila 4 članska slovenska delegacija (jože štukl iz Loškega muzeja, jernej Tavčar iz občine š kofja Loka, aleksander igličar, predsednik Muzejskega društva š kofja Loka) na čelu z gospo Magdaleno T ovornik. s skupnimi močmi smo ob spre- tni diplomaciji gospe Tovornikove pojasnili zadržke pri spornem kriteriju R5 in v četrtek 1. decembra 2016 ob 18.45 uri po lokalnem času dosegli zgodovinski uspeh za Republiko slovenijo in škofjo Loko, saj smo uspeli vpisati škofjeloški pasijon na Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine pri UnesCU. Celotna uspe - šna nominacija je dostopna na spletnem naslovu (http://www.unesco.org/culture/ ich/en/RL/skofja-loka-passion-play-01203), objavljamo pa jo tudi v prilogi. Jože Štukl mag. arheologije, muzejski svetovalec Uradni predstavnik Občine Škofja Loka v združenju Europassion Loški muzej Škofja Loka Grajska pot 13, 4220 Škofja Loka Tel.: 04-51-70-407 e-mail: joze.stukl@loski-muzej.si www.loski-muzej.si a leksander Igličar, jože Štukl in jernej Tavčar v družbi nekaterih delegatov 11. zasedanja UNeSc Ovega Medvladnega odbora za ohranjanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine, a dis a beba, etiopija. Foto arhiv: jože Štukl Pred cerkvijo sv. j urija, Lalibela, etiopija. cerkev je izklesana v kamnino v enem kosu. Foto arhiv: jože Štukl 217 216 Representative List Original: English RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 1 CONVENTION FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE Eleventh session Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia 28 November to 2 December 2016 Nomination file no. 01203 for inscription in 2016 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity A. State(s) Party(ies) For multi-national nominations, States Parties should be listed in the order on which they have mutually agreed. Slovenia B. Name of the element B.1. Name of the element in English or French Indicate the official name of the element that will appear in published material. Not to exceed 200 characters Skofja Loka passion play B.2. Name of the element in the language and script of the community concerned, if applicable Indicate the official name of the element in the vernacular language corresponding to the official name in English or French (point B.1). Not to exceed 200 characters Škofjeloški pasijon B.3. Other name(s) of the element, if any In addition to the official name(s) of the element (point B.1) mention alternate name(s), if any, by which the element is known. Processio Locopolitana in Die Parasceves Processio Locopolitana RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 2 Loška procesija na Veliki petek Škofjeloška pasijonska procesija C. Name of the communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals concerned Identify clearly one or several communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the nominated element. Not to exceed 150 words There are several communities, groups and individuals concerned with the Škofja Loka Passion Play: - individuals and families keep its heritage and transmit it to future generations - local communities and groups: village communities with their theatre groups and parishes - groups of musicians: local bands, singing choirs, brass band, soloists - societies: a museum society, education society, historical society, local culture centres, scouting and tourist associations, firefighters, horse-riding and photography clubs; societies of pilgrims - schools: primary and secondary schools, the region’s music school - institutions: Škofja Loka Municipality, Institute for Culture Škofja Loka, Group for Passion, Capuchin Monastery, Ivan Tavčar Library, Loka Museum, St. George Parish of Stara Loka, DUO Centre of Arts and Crafts. D. Geographical location and range of the element Provide information on the distribution of the element within the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s), indicating if possible the location(s) in which it is centred. Nominations should concentrate on the situation of the element within the territories of the submitting States, while acknowledging the existence of same or similar elements outside their territories, and submitting States should not refer to the viability of such intangible cultural heritage outside their territories or characterize the safeguarding efforts of other States. Not to exceed 150 words The Škofja Loka Passion Play takes place in the streets and squares of the Medieval town centre of Škofja Loka, situated in the central part of the Republic of Slovenia. Individual scenes of Passion Play are prepared and performed by the groups of residents coming from Škofja Loka and the nearby villages: Reteče, Gorenja vas, Bitnje, Gosteče, Pungert, Hosta, Godešič, Lipica, Zminec, Bodovlje, Dorfarje, Crngrob, Sveti Duh, Pevno, Moškrin, Stari Dvor, Virmaše, Trnje, Vešter, Suha, Trata, Binkelj, Fara, Puštal and Vincarje. All of these villages were once part of the Freising Bishops' Loka (Feudal) Estate (973 - 1803) with Škofja Loka as its administrative centre and were involved in staging the Passion Play as early as 1713. Passion plays are performed in some other places in Slovenia, as well as in Europe and beyond. E. Contact person for correspondence E.1. Designated contact person Provide the name, address and other contact information of a single person responsible for all correspondence concerning the nomination. For multi-national nominations provide complete contact information for one person designated by the States Parties as the main contact person for all correspondence relating to the nomination. Title (Ms/Mr, etc.): Mr. Family name: GABERŠČEK Given name: SILVESTER Institution/position: REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, MINISTRY OF CULTURE, DIRECTORATE FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE Priloga 1/1 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/2 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 219 218 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 3 Address: MAISTROVA ULICA 10, 1000 LJUBLJANA Telephone number: 00386 (0)1 36 95 900 E-mail address: gp.mk@gov.si E.2. Other contact persons (for multi-national files only) Provide below complete contact information for one person in each submitting State, other than the primary contact person identified above. 1. Identification and definition of the element For Criterion R.1, the States shall demonstrate that ‘the element constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the Convention’. Tick one or more boxes to identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage manifested by the element, which might include one or more of the domains identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. If you tick ‘other(s)’, specify the domain(s) in brackets. oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage performing arts social practices, rituals and festive events knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe traditional craftsmanship other(s) ( ) This section should address all the significant features of the element as it exists at present. The Committee should receive sufficient information to determine: a. that the element is among the ‘practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills — as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated therewith —’; b. ‘that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize [it] as part of their cultural heritage’; c. that it is being ‘transmitted from generation to generation, [and] is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history’; d. that it provides communities and groups involved with ‘a sense of identity and continuity’; and e. that it is not incompatible with ‘existing international human rights instruments as well as with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, and of sustainable development’. Overly technical descriptions should be avoided and submitting States should keep in mind that this section must explain the element to readers who have no prior knowledge or direct experience of it. Nomination files need not address in detail the history of the element, or its origin or antiquity. (i) Provide a brief summary description of the element that can introduce it to readers who have never seen or experienced it. Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words The Škofja Loka Passion Play is a form of folk's theatre and a penitential religious procession in 20 scenes demonstrating Christ's stations of the cross, along with other biblical scenes from the Old and New Testaments (Eden, Death, king David, Samson, Hieronim, the Ark of the Covenant). The play is ardently performed by local volunteers/amateur actors during Lent and Easter time at four locations lining the streets and squares of the old town centre. The staging involves around 900 performers and 400 other participants, among them are 75 spoken roles, 150 emphasized roles, 65 horsemen, 100 Adam's children, 160 platform carriers. Spoken texts are accompanied by music and singing and there are parades featuring horsemen, cross-bearers, flagellants, Adam's children, and a procession of Fraternities and Guilds, RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 4 musicians and singers. Due to the complexity of its staging, the Passion Play is only performed every six years. The performance is based on a dramatic text in a local dialect, written down in 1721 by the Capuchin monk Romuald, on the basis of prior stagings. The manuscript, which is kept in the Capuchin Monastery in Škofja Loka, is considered the oldest preserved dramatic book in Slovenian (and according to available data in Europe as well). The Škofja Loka Passion Play is strongly cohesive for everyone involved in its staging, safeguarding and transfer to younger generations. It has a huge impact on the visibility of Škofja Loka and its surrounding areas and is an important factor of local identity. (ii) Who are the bearers and practitioners of the element? Are there any specific roles or categories of persons with special responsibilities for the practice and transmission of the element? If yes, who are they and what are their responsibilities? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words The bearers and practitioners of the Passion Play are residents of Škofja Loka and the nearby villages who are safeguarding the passion heritage as individuals, families, local communities, associations, groups, schools and cultural institutions. The most important role is played by heads of amateur theatrical groups in local communities. During preparations, they cooperate closely with the Passion director, while during the time between performances they maintain a permanent connection between the actors and other participants in a particular community. A very important role in connecting all the participants at staging has Škofja Loka Municipality, which provides also a formal, legal and financial framework. Before staging, the Municipality establishes a technical committee whose responsibility is to choose the director and project manager and to monitor the preparations for staging. The main guardians of safeguarding Passion heritage between stagings are the Institute for Culture and Group for Passion, which, in colaboration with others, organize several meetings and events to maintain "Passion vitality" and accordingly, the vitality of the messages in the Škofja Loka Passion Play. Women and children have a special role in the Passion Play. Women both appear in the performance and participate in rehearsals (scenes, theatrical masks and maintenance of costumes and other props). Children and youth are most commonly involved in singing choirs. Through participation, young people absorb a sense of identity and learn how to volunteer and contribute to the benefit of the community, all of which raises their awareness about the importance of community life. (iii) How are the knowledge and skills related to the element transmitted today? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words The values, knowledge and skills connected to the Škofja Loka Passion Play are transmitted from generation to generation within families and local communities. In some families, Passion roles are passed from older to younger members, but several generations can be involved at once. Primary, secondary and music schools are involved in safeguarding this heritage by including the Passion in their curricula. In non-Passion years, the Group for Passion organizes Passion Days in Škofja Loka and the surrounding villages involved in the play. On such occasions, they organize thematic exhibitions, concerts, lectures, interviews etc.; also, the Passion cavalry presents itself in a festive parade. The periodical publication Passion Contributions (Pasijonski doneski) annually publishes papers on passion plays, personal testimonies and other contents and information on passion events in Slovenia as well as in Europe. In the tehnical team, there are a number of local craftsmen who are great experts in crafts which are indispensable for staging the play. They transmit the knowledge of Guilds and, through various workshops and classes, convey their knowledge to younger generations (the skills of a Priloga 1/3 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/4 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 221 220 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 5 blacksmith, a carver, a candle maker; people are taught how to weave, felt, make a Medieval or a Baroque dress or a costume, how to make paper). Thus local craftsmanship is not only being safeguarded, but even given greater visibility and spreading among the wider public. (iv) What social functions and cultural meanings does the element have today for its community? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words Staging the Škofja Loka Passion Play is of tremendous social and cultural importance for the people of Škofja Loka and nearby villages. If this were not the case, it would not have been preserved unto the present. Preparations for the play and its staging connect local residents, who participate voluntarily. In this way, through years of performing together, special bonds are formed among them. They socialize more and their sense of identification with local communities increases. Through performing in the Passion play, their self-esteem is raised and they feel useful, contributing to the common good. The Škofja Loka Passion Play unites men and women of all generations within families, cities, and rural communities. It is an important factor of local identity and the residents are aware of the need for the safeguarding of the play as the most important element of their cultural heritage, which also has an enormous impact on the visibility of Škofja Loka and its surroundings in both Slovenia and the rest of Europe. (v) Is there any part of the element that is not compatible with existing international human rights instruments or with the requirement of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, or with sustainable development? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words There is not a single part or element of the Škofja Loka Passion Play that is incompatible with existing human rights instruments or with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, or with sustainable development. The Škofja Loka Passion Play encourages mutual respect and sustainable development, due to its openness and creative approach, by safeguarding old craftsmanship and customs and by encouraging voluntary participation and active engagement of individuals and groups of different ages, genders, professions and backgrounds. Preparations for staging and staging itself closely connect all the participants. Their values of tolerance, co-existence and spirituality connect believers and non-believers and are conveyed unto the audience. "Passion pilgrims" travel on foot from Škofja Loka to Catholic dioceses and also to other religious and social communities in Slovenia and abroad to transmit the Passion message, which contributes to both, creating a better and socially juster world and returning of its lost values. 2. Contribution to ensuring visibility and awareness and to encouraging dialogue For Criterion R.2, the States shall demonstrate that ‘Inscription of the element will contribute to ensuring visibility and awareness of the significance of the intangible cultural heritage and to encouraging dialogue, thus reflecting cultural diversity worldwide and testifying to human creativity’. This criterion will only be considered to be satisfied if the nomination demonstrates how the possible inscription will contribute to ensuring visibility and awareness of the significance of the intangible cultural heritage in general, and not only of the inscribed element itself, and to encouraging dialogue which respects cultural diversity. (i) How can inscription of the element on the Representative List contribute to the visibility of the intangible cultural heritage in general and raise awareness of its importance at the local, national and international levels? Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words The inscription on the Representative List will contribute, on national and international levels, to raising awareness of the significance of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. It will increase its bearers’ awareness about the importance of endeavours connected with the staging of the Passion Play RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 6 to locals. At the same time it will encourage other communities and younger generations to safeguard their heritage. Since 1990, the Škofja Loka Passion Play has already encouraged other passion plays to be performed in several places in Slovenia, even among Slovenian minorities in Italy and Austria. Moreover, inscription on the Representative List will have a positive effect on safeguarding this kind of heritage in other European places and wider, thus contributing to the promotion of UNESCO Convention (2003). By attracting the attention of the media, the Škofja Loka Passion Play will reach an even broader range of people. (ii) How can inscription encourage dialogue among communities, groups and individuals? Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words Inscription on the Representative List will additionally enhance the interconnection of its bearers, who are involved in the performance of the Passion Play, both on the level of local communities and on the level of the entire region. The network of all participating individuals and societies, singing choirs, theatrical and music groups, will be further consolidated. Inscription will attract the attention of the youth who will consequently become more receptive to the transfer of local skills and customs, handed down from older generations. Inscription will encourage bearers of the element to cooperate even better with the researchers of the Passion Play, who study the subject from a range of perspectives and points of view, thus bringing it even closer to diverse audiences. (iii) How can inscription promote respect for cultural diversity and human creativity? Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words By inscription, one of many versions of passion plays will be presented, which will increase its visibility and promote the interest in other forms of passions in Slovenia and abroad. The Škofja Loka Passion Play has inspired many artists in various fields (drama: M. Mahnič, Trieste, 1965, M. Hočevar, Ljubljana, 2000; radio play: A. Jan, Radio Slovenia, 1992; music: A. Misson, T. Potočnik, 1999; A. Srebotnjak, 2000; painting: B. Kobe, 1967), and is thus a promotor of cultural diversity and human creativity. As a consequence of the inscription of the Škofja Loka Passion Play on the Representative List, such creativity will flourish even more, both in Slovenia and abroad, and will contribute to raising awareness about common cultural and passion elements and their variants within Europe and beyond. 3. Safeguarding measures For Criterion R.3, the States shall demonstrate that ‘safeguarding measures are elaborated that may protect and promote the element’. 3.a. Past and current efforts to safeguard the element (i) How is the viability of the element being ensured by the concerned communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals? What past and current initiatives have they taken in this regard? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words Before WWII, the Škofja Loka Passion Play was last staged in 1936. Further performances due to pre-war and wartime conditions were not possible. The political regime after WWII did not allow for a comprehensive staging, so it was staged only in reduced forms: 1973: The celebration of thousand years of the town and Loka Feudal Estate 1981: The entire text was performed in the Capuchin Monastery in Škofja Loka 1992: The Škofja Loka Museum Society prepared "Škofja Loka Passion Play Evening" 1992: The entire text accompanied by music was recorded by Radio Slovenia, issued on audio cassettes The comprehensive Škofja Loka Passion Play was staged again in 1999, 2000, 2009 and in Priloga 1/5 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/6 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 223 222 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 7 2015. In its performance, the greatest responsibility lies with the director and the project manager. One year before staging, the "passion office" starts operating by organizing several accompanying events. There are numerous associations, societies and individuals who are concerned with the safeguarding of Škofja Loka Passion Play heritage during "non-Passion" years. They prepare activities, important for the safeguarding of Passion heritage (Škofja Loka Passion Play Days, a periodical publication Passion Contributions, photographic exhibitions, evenings and concerts with Passion music). In the Capuchin Monastery there is a permanent exhibition and free access to the original manuscript. In 2006, Škofja Loka Museum Society and Museum Škofja Loka prepared two exhibitons. In 2009, an extensive scientific edition of Škofja Loka Passion Play was published by Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2014, a photomonograph was published. Tick one or more boxes to identify the safeguarding measures that have been and are currently being taken by the communities, groups or individuals concerned: transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education identification, documentation, research preservation, protection promotion, enhancement revitalization (ii) How have the concerned States Parties safeguarded the element? Specify external or internal constraints, such as limited resources. What are its past and current efforts in this regard? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words In 2007, Škofja Loka Municipality adopted a Decree on Staging the Škofja Loka Passion Play, ensuring its permanent staging in a procession form, within the town centre of Škofja Loka, which was proclaimed a cultural monument in 1988. In 2014, a thorough renovation of the town’s center was launched. In 2009, the Municipality created the Institute for Culture, responsible for the safeguarding and performing of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. All measures provided by the Slovenian legislation regarding the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, have been taken. In 2008, Passion Play was inscribed in the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Slovenia. In 2012, The Government of the Republic of Slovenia declared it Intangible Cultural Heritage of National Importance, which is regarded the highest legal status of intangible heritage in Slovenia. Thus the state confirmed a special professional and social significance of this heritage element and implemented measures to ensure its safeguarding, public availability and transmission from generation to generation. The national Coordinator for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is actively involved in the efforts to safeguard this heritage. As a public service, it provides identification, documentation, research, evaluation and interpretation of intangible cultural heritage. It also offers professional support to its bearers. All these activities have contributed to the increased visibility of the Škofja Loka Passion Play, both locally and nationwide. Tick one or more boxes to identify the safeguarding measures that have been and are currently being taken by the State(s) Party(ies) with regard to the element: transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education identification, documentation, research preservation, protection promotion, enhancement revitalization RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 8 3.b. Safeguarding measures proposed This section should identify and describe safeguarding measures that will be implemented, especially those intended to protect and promote the element. The safeguarding measures should be described in terms of concrete engagements of the States Parties and communities and not only in terms of possibilities and potentialities. (i) What measures are proposed to help to ensure that the element’s viability is not jeopardized in the future, especially as an unintended result of inscription and the resulting visibility and public attention? Not fewer than 500 or more than 750 words The Škofja Loka Municipality will continue to provide funds for the staging of Passion Play in the town centre, for the storage of all the necessary tools, costumes and props, for the issuing of the periodical publication Passion Contributions and for publishing a photomonograph after each performance. The Škofja Loka Municipality, the Institute for Culture, and the Group for Passon will continue to maintain a wide network of individuals, societies and groups associated with the production of Passion. They are aware of the fact that the human factor is of even greater importance for the safeguarding of the Passion Play than the material one. It cannot be "forced", but can only flourish through creating appropriate relationships and mutual respect among all the participants. Within its capabilities, the Municipality will encourage and co-fund academic research into various aspects of the Passion Play, as well as comparative international research. In this context, co-operation with the Europassion network is extremely important (more than 80 European cities included, Slovenia joined in 2008). Škofja Loka has in recent years developed close relationships with several passion cities: Oberammergau (Germany), St. Margareten (Austria), Horice na Šumave (The Czech Republic), Cantiano (Italy). On the ocassion of the 300th anniversary of the recording of the Škofja Loka Passion Play, the town will host the general annual meeting of Europassion in 2021. The municipality will encourage integration of universities and research institutes so that they study the Passion Play in terms of its language, music, history, theatre, cultural heritage and the like. In order to safeguard the Passion heritage, a much greater emphasis will be placed on youth. Young people who are trully aware of its importance will ultimately ensure that this heritage is transmitted from generation to generation. To this end, schools in Škofja Loka and in nearby villages will participate through special Passion programs as part of the curriculum, so pupils and students get acquainted with Passion heritage. Cvetko Golar Primary School, Poljane Primary School and Škofja Loka Grammar School are members of UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network. Within national and international Student Exchange Project, Škofja Loka Grammar School will continue to deal with the subject of Škofja Loka Passion Play through music, literary, painting and drama classes and workshops. Special attention will continue to be paid to raising awareness about the importance of the Passion Play for general audiences. To this end, the Group for Passion will still be annually organizing Days of Škofja Loka Passion Play with concerts, exhibitions and other events, going on not only in Škofja Loka but also in other places (Stara Loka, Poljane, Železniki, Žiri). During Lent and Easter time, the town and the castle will continue to be illuminated in the red light of Lent and Passion flags will fly, thus reminding the local residents and visitors of the Passion Play. The Museum Society, in collaboration with the Lonka Association, will continue to issue the periodical publication Passion Contributions, which has become a central passion publication in Slovenia. It would be practically impossible to have an increased number of visitors that might occur as an unintended result of the inscription, due to the limited spatial conditions of the old town centre. The town has 12,500 inhabitants and the town centre is very small, with narrow streets and just slightly larger Town and Lower Squares, where there can be a maximum of 5,000 spectators (3,000 seats and 2,000 standing places) at all four venues, which is also the total of tickets issued for one performance. The number of tickets will remain unchanged. All those people who, due to this limitation, are unable to attend the performance will be provided with video recordings, available on the website http://www.pasijon.si/ and on non comercial DVD media. Another factor that prevents a too large influx of spectators is the fact that the Passion Play is Priloga 1/7 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/8 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 225 224 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 9 performed exclusively during Lent and Easter time, thus preventing its commercialization. In the year of staging, the performance is repeated eight times, one show being intended for school children and students. Special attention will continue to be paid to collecting different kind of materials associated with the staging of the Passion and the personal experience of the Passion Play by participants and visitors. The attention will also be paid to guarantee the accessibility to vulnerable groups. All of the above will contribute to the safeguarding and increased visibility of the Škofja Loka Passion Play, recognized as one of the significant elements of Slovenian intangible cultural heritage. (ii) How will the States Parties concerned support the implementation of the proposed safeguarding measures? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words The State will continue to support the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage by providing public services. Among the objectives of the National Programme for Culture there is also encouraging the bearers of intangible cultural heritage and increasing the awareness, visibility and sustainable development of this kind of heritage. In accordance with the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, mechanisms are in place to provide financial support for programmes and projects, carried out by individuals, groups and communities. Slovenia has included measures for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the framework of development strategy up to 2020 as a priority. Just as before, Passion Play will be given priority again. Aiming to safeguard the heritage of Škofja Loka Passion Play, the Ministry of Culture financially supported Škofja Loka Passion Play in 2014 and 2015. On the basis of the painting entitled Škofja Loka Passion Play by Boris Kobe, kept in the Slovenian National Theatre Institute, a tactile scale model of Škofja Loka Passion Play has been made. The Coordinator for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will, besides offering professional and research support, continue to pay close attention to the promotion and awareness raising about the importance of Passion and include it in educational and promotional programmes. The Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO will continue to focus on the implementation of the Convention of 2003, in particular through its Committee for Heritage as well as through the institutions that are its members. (iii) How have communities, groups or individuals been involved in planning the proposed safeguarding measures and how will they be involved in their implementation? Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words Participation of institutions, societies, communities, groups and individuals, in planning and implementing the proposed safeguarding measures is coordinated by Institute of Culture and Group for Passion. During preparations and rehearsals, the director and organizational manager, who are employed by Institute of Culture, establish close contacts with all the participants in the project: groups of actors, horsemen, technical personnel, firefighters, security guards. Following the common desire for Passion not to be just an "excellent performance" but also a deep spiritual inspiration for all involved, prior Joseph was chosen as spiritual guide in 2015. As a guardian of Capuchin Monastery he is practically the successor of father Romuald, who wrote down the text of Škofja Loka Passion Play. Municipality is formally, organizationally and financially responsible for the safeguarding of Passion heritage. Group for Passion is responsible for maintaining "Passion vitality" during the years when there is no staging. They keep permanent contacts with all societies, groups and individuals, associated with Passion Play. Each individual group can implement their initiatives and projects through Group for Passion, which is the umbrella non-governmental association of "passion makers". Group for Passion is also responsible for the maintenance of costumes, props, stage and other RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 10 theatrical elements, for safekeeping of documentation, including audio-visual media etc. At both documentary and professional levels, the Museum Society records all the events and points of interest to do with Passion by publishing passion texts, scientific and professional articles and reports. Museum Society has been issuing annual periodical publication Passion Contributions since 2006. 3.c. Competent body(ies) involved in safeguarding Provide the name, address and other contact information of the competent body(ies), and if applicable, the name and title of the contact person(s), with responsibility for the local management and safeguarding of the element. Name of the body: OBČINA ŠKOFJA LOKA (MUNICIPALITY OF ŠKOFJA LOKA) Name and title of the contact person: MIHA JEŠE, MA, MAYOR Address: MESTNI TRG 15, 4220 ŠKOFJA LOKA Telephone number: 00386 (0)4 51 12 317 E-mail address: miha.jese@skofjaloka.si Name of the body: KAPUCINSKI SAMOSTAN ŠKOFJA LOKA (CAPUCHIN MONASTERY SKOFJA LOKA) Name and title of the contact person: JOŽE SMUKAVEC, MONASTERY PRIOR Address: KAPUCINSKI TRG 1, 4220 ŠKOFJA LOKA Telephone number: 00386 (0)4 50 63 000 E-mail address: kapucini.loka@rkc.si Name of the body: REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA, MINISTRSTVO ZA KULTURO, DIREKTORAT ZA KULTURNO DEDIŠČINO (REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, MINISTRY OF CULTURE, DIRECTORATE FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE) Name and title of the contact person: SILVESTER GABERŠČEK Address: MAISTROVA ULICA 10, 1000 LJUBLJANA Telephone number: 00386 (0)1 36 95 900 E-mail address: gp.mk@gov.si Name of the body: SLOVENSKI ETNOGRAFSKI MUZEJ - KOORDINATOR VARSTVA ŽIVE KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE (SLOVENE ETNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM - COORDINATOR FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE) Name and title of the contact person: BOJANA ROGELJ ŠKAFAR, PhD, DIRECTOR Address: METELKOVA ULICA 2, 1000 LJUBLJANA Telephone number: 00386 (0)1 30 08 700 E-mail address: bojana.rogelj-skafar@etno-muzej.si Name of the body: ZAVOD ZA KULTURO ŠKOFJA LOKA (INSTITUTE FOR CULTURE ŠKOFJA LOKA) Name and title of the contact person: HERMINA KRAJNC, ACTING DIRECTOR Address: MESTNI TRG 26, 4220 ŠKOFJA LOKA Telephone number: 00386 (0)4 51 12 331 E-mail address: hermina.krajnc@skofjaloka.si Priloga 1/9 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/10 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 227 226 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 11 4. Community participation and consent in the nomination process For Criterion R.4, the States shall demonstrate that ‘the element has been nominated following the widest possible participation of the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned and with their free, prior and informed consent’. 4.a. Participation of communities, groups and individuals concerned in the nomination process Describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated actively in preparing and elaborating the nomination at all stages. States Parties are encouraged to prepare nominations with the participation of a wide variety of all concerned parties, including where appropriate local and regional governments, communities, NGOs, research institutes, centres of expertise and others. States Parties are reminded that the communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals whose intangible cultural heritage is concerned are essential participants throughout the conception and elaboration of nominations, proposals and requests, as well as the planning and implementation of safeguarding measures, and are invited to devise creative measures to ensure that their widest possible participation is built in at every stage, as required by Article 15 of the Convention. Not fewer than 300 or more than 500 words A lot of knowledge and endeavors have been invested in preparing and elaborating the nomination of Škofja Loka Passion Play for inscription on the Representative List. This type of project is one of the first not only for the town of Škofja Loka and the surrounding villages, but for the entire Republic of Slovenia, which is why we approached it in a very serious, comprehensive and inclusive way, at both local and national levels. After more than 300 years, the spontaneous unifying power of Passion still connects people from different places and ways of life. Preparing the nomination coincided with the last phase of preparations for the 2015 Škofja Loka Passion Play, with the first performance on 21 March. All the participants were eager for the performance to start again. Each of them accomplished, through their dedication and heartiness, their own mission, leaving part of themselves on the stage in front of numerous crowds. Photographs and films record many of these events as well as the emotions and sensations that are running among participants while rehearsing and performing. When collecting confirmations of participation and consents, we paid many visits to various associations, schools, village communities, groups, families and individuals who all were on that occasion thoroughly acquainted with the proposed safeguarding measures and were invited to devise their own, where necessary. Also, many personal stories and confessions were told, not only by the Passion participants but also by the individuals from the audiences, which touched us deeply. An important step was taken on the initiative of the Mayor of the Škofja Loka, Mr. Miha Ješe, MA, by establishing a working group, which consisted of the experts from Škofja Loka Museum, Capuchin Monastery, Museum Society, Slovenian Ethnographic Museum and the Directorate for Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture. They have met in a number of meetings, weighting and forming different proposals, discussed them with actors, singers, horsemen and other participants involved in the performance of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. Members of the working group listened carefully to the suggestions, wishes and opinions of the bearers and tried as much as possible to include their ideas in the nomination form. 4.b. Free, prior and informed consent to the nomination The free, prior and informed consent to the nomination of the element from the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned may be demonstrated through written or recorded concurrence, or through other means, according to the legal regimens of the State Party and the infinite variety of communities and groups concerned. The Committee will welcome a broad range of demonstrations or attestations of community consent in preference to standard or uniform declarations. Evidence of free, prior and informed consent shall be provided in one of the working languages of the Committee (English or French), as well as the language of the community concerned if its members use languages other than English or French Attach to the nomination form information showing such consent and indicate below what documents you are providing, how they were obtained and what form they take. Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 12 Nomination of the Škofja Loka Passion Play has been supported by all professional institutions both in the Škofja Loka region and in Slovenia, non-governmental organisations, different associations, communities, groups and especially individuals who as the volunteers participated in Passion performances and want to continue so, as well as all those individuals who actively support the safeguarding of this heritage. The teachers and pupils/students from all Škofja Loka Primary Schools and Škofja Loka Grammar School and Music School as active participants in individual scenes have expressed their support. Special heartfelt suport came also from the Mayor of Škofja Loka, president of the Technical Committee and from the Group for Passion. Nomination was endorsed by the official letter signed by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia; we received further letters of support from the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenian Etnographic Museum, Slovenian Theatre Institute, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, and Slovenian Capuchin Provinces. We have also obtained signed expressions of support for the nomination from the following institutions: Museum Society Škofja Loka and Škofja Loka Museum, Group for Passion, Capuchin Monastery in Škofja Loka, Library Ivan Tavčar Škofja Loka and Development Agency Škofja Loka - SORA. 4.c. Respect for customary practices governing access to the element Access to certain specific aspects of intangible cultural heritage or to information about it is sometimes restricted by customary practices enacted and conducted by the communities in order, for example, to maintain the secrecy of certain knowledge. If such practices exist, demonstrate that inscription of the element and implementation of the safeguarding measures would fully respect such customary practices governing access to specific aspects of such heritage (cf. Article 13 of the Convention). Describe any specific measures that might need to be taken to ensure such respect. If no such practices exist, please provide a clear statement that there are no customary practices governing access to the element in at least 50 words Not fewer than 50 or more than 250 words In the Škofja Loka Passion Play there are no customary practices that would in any possible way hamper its staging or restrict the access to the elements of intangible cultural heritage. Neither are there any secrets or other restrictions in terms of copyrights or other substantive rights. Societies, associations, communities, groups and individuals participate in the event solely on voluntary basis. 4.d. Concerned community organization(s) or representative(s) Provide detailed contact information for each community organization or representative, or other non-governmental organization, that is concerned with the element such as associations, organizations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.: a. Name of the entity b. Name and title of the contact person c. Address d. Telephone number e. E-mail f. Other relevant information a. Prosvetno društvo Sotočje Škofja Loka (Cultural Society Sotočje Škofja Loka) b. Hiacinta Klemenčič, President c. Mestni trg 26, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 5122744 e. – f. Cultural Society Sotočje participates with its numerous members in the passion play performance in various acted passion play scenes, they cooperate in the preparation and implementation of the passion play. a. Muzejsko društvo Škofja Loka (Škofja Loka Museum Association) b. Aleksander Igličar, MA, President Priloga 1/11 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/12 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 229 228 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 13 c. Grajska pot 13, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 517 04 00 e. info@mdloka.si f. Museum Association has been researching and examining the historical facts that are linked to passion play performances for years, and it has been spreading the knowledge about it also by issuing a special annual publication Pasijonski doneski (Passion Play Contributions). a. Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Škofja Loka (Regional Chambers of Craft and Small Business Škofja Loka) b. Jože Misson, President c. Spodnji trg 2, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 50 60 200 e. ooz.sk.loka@siol.net f. Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business, under the auspices of which numerous craft sections and craft masters are gathered, continues the tradition of former guilds, which have been component parts and bearers of the passion play tradition ever since its beginnings. a. Gimnazija Škofja Loka (Škofja Loka Grammar School) b. Jože Bogataj, Headmaster c. Podlubnik 1b, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 51 83 330 e.e. info@gimnazija-skofjaloka.si f. Grammar School, especially its singing and music assemblies continuously provide for a lively and youthful singing contribution to the Passion Play performance. a. Rokodelski center DUO Škofja Loka (DUO Arts and Crafts Centre Škofja Loka) b. Katarina Sekirnik, Chief c. Mestni trg 34, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 511 24 60 e. rokodelskicenter@skofja-loka.si f. DUO Arts and Crafts Centre provides for the transfer of the most distinguished traditional handicraft and artisanal knowledge and skills, which present the material basis (clothing, footwear, scenes) of the passion play. a. Društvo Mestni pihalni orkester Škofja Loka (Škofja Loka Town Wind Orchestra) b. Andreja Štrekelj, President c. Partizanska cesta 1, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)31 624 138 e. andreja.strekelj@ozs.si f. Town Wind Orchestra gives a peculiar music colouring to the performance of the passion play. a. Društvo Lonka Stara Loka (Lonka Society Stara Loka) b. Klemen Karlin, President c. Stara Loka 26, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)31 360 369 e. lonka.staraloka@gmail.com f. Lonka Society with its numerous members performs several acted scenes in the performance of the Škofja Loka Passion Play, it cooperates in the preparation and organization, and together with the Museum Association, it issues the publication Pasijonski doneski (Passion Play Contributions). a. Glasbena šola Škofja Loka (Škofja Loka Music School) b. Peter Kopač, Headmaster c. Puštal 21, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 51 55 371 e. peter.kopac@guest.arnes.si f. The Music School with its numerous music assemblies, choirs and soloists, who come from several local communities in the region, continuously provide for a fresh and youthful musical expression of the passion play. a. Osnovna Šola Škofja Loka – Mesto (Elementary School Škofja Loka – City) b. Doris Kužel, Headmistress RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 14 c. Šolska ulica 1, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 506 00 11 e. os.sl-mesto@guest.arnes.si f. Pupils and teachers of all the listed elementary schools in Škofja Loka actively participate in the performances of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Osnovna Šola Cvetka Golarja (Elementary School Cvetko Golar) b. Karla Krajnik, MA, Headmistress c. Frankovo naselje 51, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)(04) 51 30 400 e. info.c-golar@guest.arnes.si f. Pupils and teachers of all the listed elementary schools in Škofja Loka actively participate in the performances of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Osnovna Šola Jela Janežiča (Elementary School Jelo Janežič) b. Marjeta Šmid, MA, Headmistress c. Podlubnik 1, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 506 14 11 e. jela.janezica@os-jela-janezica.si f. Pupils and teachers of all the listed elementary schools in Škofja Loka actively participate in the performances of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Osnovna Šola Ivana Groharja Škofja Loka (Elementary School Ivan Grohar) b. Marko Primožič, Headmaster c. Podlubnik 1, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 506 11 13 e. os.ivanagroharja@guest.arnes.si f. Pupils and teachers of all the listed elementary schools in Škofja Loka actively participate in the performances of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Kulturno društvo Loški oder (Theatre Association Loški oder) b. Matej Čujovič, MA, President c. Spodnji trg 14, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 51 20 850 e. gledalisce@kd-loskioder.si f. Members of the Theatre Association Loški oder participate in acted scenes of the passion play. a. Kulturno društvo dr. Janez Evangelist Krek Selca (Cultural Society dr. Janez Evangelist Krek Selca) b. Jure Thaler, President c. Selca 88, 4227 Selca d. - e. kd.dr.janez.ev.krek.selca@gmail.com f. Members of the Cultural Society dr. Janez Evangelist Krek from Selca always like to participate in acted scenes and they cooperate in the preparation and implementation of the passion play. One of the directors of the passion play also comes from this society. a. Kulturno društvo Bukovica – Bukovščica (Cultural Society Bukovica – Bukovščica) b. Bojan Dolenc, President c. Bukovica 42, 4227 Selca d. - e. - f. Members of the Cultural Society Bukovica – Bukovščica participate in acted scenes and cooperate in the preparation and implementation of the passion play. a. Kulturno društvo SCENA (Cultural Society SCENA) b. Matej Šubic, President c. Trnje 39, 4228 Železniki d. - e. - f. Members of the Cultural Society SCENA from Železniki participate in acted scenes and cooperate in the preparation and implementation of the passion play. Priloga 1/13 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/14 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 231 230 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 15 a. Kulturno umetniško društvo Grudnove Šmikle (Cultural Society Grudnove Šmikle) b. Alenka Šifrar, president c. Dašnica 104, 4228 Železniki d. 00386 (0)+386 40 87 48 48 e. - f. Members of currently the best choir in the region and one of the best in the state – Girls’ Choir Grudnove Šmikle, embellish the singing side of the passion play with their singing. a. Kulturno društvo Pevski zbor Lubnik (Cultural Society Lubnik Choir) b. Marija Bergant, President c. - d. - e. - f. Lubnik Choir with its repertoire forms the central core of the passion play singing. a. Kulturno društvo dr. Ivan Tavčar, Poljane (Cultural Society dr. Ivan Tavčar, Poljane) b. Izidor Jesenko, President c. Poljane, 4223 Poljane d. - e. - f. Members of the Cultural Society dr. Ivan Tavčar from Poljane participate in two acted passion play scenes and they cooperate in the preparation and implementation of the passion play. a. Foto klub Anton Ažbe, Škofja Loka (Photo Club Anton Ažbe Škofja Loka) b. Izidor Jesenko, President c. p.p. 75, 4220 Škofja Loka d. - e. info@fkaa-klub.si f. Members of the Photo Club Anton Ažbe from Škofja Loka record interesting moments of this passion play procession. They have held several resounding photo exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad on the topic of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Pasijonski doneski (Passion Play Contributions) b. Alojzij Pavel Florjančič, Editor c. - d. - f. Alojz Pavel Florjančič is the editor of journal Pasijonski doneski (Passion Play Contributions), which is published once a year and spreads and deepens the knowledge of the Škofja Loka Passion Play and its meaning. a. Društvo šmarničnih romarjev ŠMAR (Society of May Devotions Pilgrims ŠMAR) b. Ciril Vidmar, President c. Jobstova ulica 34, 4220 Žiri d. - e. - f. Society of May Devotions Pilgrims ŠMAR from Žiri unites pilgrims from everywhere, and they spread the message and the spirit of the Škofja Loka Passion Play on their pilgrimage routes (over Slovenia and abroad). a. Kapucinski samostan Škofja Loka (Capuchin Monastery Škofja Loka) b. Jože Smukavec, Prior c. Kapucinski trg 1, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 506 3000 e. kapucini.loka@rkc.si f. Capuchin Monastery Škofja Loka, guardians and custodians of the script. a. Knjižnica Ivana Tavčarja Škofja Loka (Ivan Tavčar Library Škofja Loka) b. Matjaž Eržen, MA, Director c. Šolska ulica 1, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 511 25 00 e. sik.it@guest.arnes.si f. Ivan Tavčar Library Škofja Loka organizes a series of lectures and exhibitions on the RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 16 topic of the Škofja Loka Passion Play a. Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana, Enota v Škofji Loki (Ljubljana Historical Archive, Škofja Loka Unit) b. Mitja Sadek, MA, Acting Director c. Partizanska cesta 1c d. 00386 (0)4 506 0700 e. - f. Ljubljana Historical Archive, Škofja Loka Unit, keeps archive material, which belongs to the time of the origin of the passion play, and defines its time and place. a. Loški muzej Škofja Loka (Škofja Loka Museum) b. Jana Mlakar, Director c. Grajska pot 13, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 51 704 12 e. info@loski-muzej.si f. Škofja Loka Museum, organizes a series of lectures and exhibitions, and it also issues publications connected to the topic of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. Individual museum collections put us in the time, the place and the cultural and spiritual context of the origin of the passion play. a. Razvojna agencija Sora, PE Turizem Škofja Loka (Development Agency Sora) b. Andreja Križnar, Head of BU c. Kidričeva cesta 1a, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 50 60 220 e. - f. Development Agency Sora has recognized the Škofja Loka Passion Play as the fundamental identity and the connecting point of the entire Škofja Loka area. a. Zavod za kulturo Škofja Loka (Institute for Culture Škofja Loka) b. Hermina Kranjc, Acting Director c. Mestni trg 26, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 51 12 331 e. hermina.krajnc@skofjaloka.si f. Institute for Culture Škofja Loka is the umbrella organisation for the activites of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Občina Medvode (Municipality of Medvode) b. Nejc Smole, Mayor c. Cesta komandanta Staneta 12, 1215 Medvode d. 00386 (0)1 3619 550 e. obcina@medvode.si f. Individuals and groups from the Municipality of Medvode cooperate in the preparation and performance of the passion play. a. Občina Žiri (Municipality of Žiri) b. Janez Žakelj, MA, Mayor c. Loška cesta 1, 4226 Žiri d. 00386 (0)4 50 50 700 e. obcina.ziri@ziri.si f. Individuals and groups from the Municipality of Žiri cooperate in the preparation and performance of the passion play. The Škofja Loka Passion Play is a part of the identity and tradition of this common area. a. Občina Železniki (Municipality of Železniki) b. Anton Luznar, MA, Mayor c. Češnjica 48, 4228 Železniki d. 00386 (0)4 500 00 00 e. uprava@obcina.zelezniki.si f. Individuals and groups from the Municipality of Železniki cooperate in the preparation and performance of the passion play. The Škofja Loka Passion Play is a part of the identity and tradition of this common area. a. Občina Gorenja vas – Pojane (Municipality of Gorenja vas – Poljane) Priloga 1/15 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/16 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 233 232 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 17 b. Milan Čadež, Mayor c. Poljanska cesta 87, 4224 Gorenja vas d. 00386 (0)4 518 31 00 e. info@obcina-gvp.si f. Individuals and groups from the Municipality of Gorenja vas – Poljane cooperate in the preparation and performance of the passion play. The Škofja Loka Passion Play is a part of the identity and tradition of this common area. a. Občina Škofja Loka (Municipality of Škofja Loka) b. Miha Ješe, MA, Mayor c. Mestni trg 15, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 511 23 00 e. obcina@skofjaloka.si f. Municipality of Škofja Loka is the town where the Škofja Loka Passion Play is performed, and it is one of its fundamental identity points. It watches over the organization and performance of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. The largest portion of participants come right from the town and its immediate surroundings. a. Gasilsko poveljstvo Občine Škofja Loka (Fire-fighting Command of the Municipality of Škofja Loka) b. Andrej Štremfelj, Commander of Fire-fighting Command c. Kidričeva cesta 51 a, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)+386 51 642 106 e. gpo.skofjaloka@gzveza f. Fire-fighting Command of the Municipality of Škofja Loka unites operative firefighters from 8 voluntary fire brigades in the Municipality of Škofja Loka, who voluntarily cooperate in the preparation and performance of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Gasilska zveza Škofja Loka (Fire-fighting Association Škofja Loka) b. Andrej Ambrožič, Commander c. Kidričeva cesta 51 a, 4220 Škofja Loka d. 00386 (0)4 513 17 13 e. info@gzveza-skofjaloka.si f. Fire-fighting Association Škofja Loka unites 27 voluntary fire brigades from the wider Škofja Loka area, who voluntarily cooperate in the preparation and performance of the Škofja Loka Passion Play. a. Konjeniški klub Škofja Loka (Škofja Loka Equestrian Club) b. Andrej Štremfelj, President c. Groharjevo naselje 10, 4220 Škofja Loka d. - e. - f. Škofja Loka Equestrian Club comprises the core of the passion play cavalry, which is an indispensable part of the passion play procession. a. Pasijonska konjenica – konjeniki škofjeloškega pasijona b. - c. - d. - e. - f. United passion play cavalry is composed of the members of nearby larger-scale equestrian clubs and individuals with their horses. a. Člani pasijonskega prizora ‘’Gospodova večerja’’ (A group of individuals - play scene ‘’The Lord’s Supper’’) b. Alojz Bogataj, Group Leader c. Gabrška gora 11 a, 4220 Škofja Loka d. - e. - f. Performing group composed of individuals who come from village Log and other places in Poljanska valley, and who participate in the passion play scene named ‘’The Lord’s Supper’’. a. Kulturno prosvetno društvo Tone Šifrer, Žabnica (Cultural Society Tone Šifrer, Žabnica) RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 18 b. Matjaž Eržen, MA, President c. - d. - e. - f. Members of the Cultural Society Tone Šifrer, who come from villages Žabnica in Šutna, participate as actors and horsemen. 5. Inclusion of the element in an inventory For Criterion R.5, the States shall demonstrate that ‘the element is included in an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage present in the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s) Party(ies), as defined in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention’. a. Indicate below: − when the element has been included in the inventory, which should be prior to the submission of the nomination to the Secretariat (31 March), − its reference, − the inventory in which the element has been included, − the office, agency, organization or body responsible for maintaining that inventory, − how the inventory has been drawn up ‘with the participation of communities, groups and relevant non- governmental organizations’ (Article 11(b) of the Convention), − how the inventory is regularly updated (Article 12 of the Convention). b. Documentary evidence shall also be provided in an annex demonstrating that the nominated element is included in an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage present in the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s) Party(ies), as defined in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention; such evidence shall include a relevant extract of the inventory(ies) in English or in French, as well as in the original language if different. The extract should be, for example, the inventory record or file for the nominated element, including its description, location, community(ies), viability, and so on. It may be complemented by a reference below to a functioning hyperlink through which such an inventory may be accessed, but the hyperlink alone is not sufficient. The nominated element’s inclusion in an inventory should not in any way imply or require that the inventory(ies) should have been completed prior to nomination. Rather, a submitting State Party may be in the process of completing or updating one or more inventories, but has already duly included the nominated element on an inventory-in-progress. Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words The Convention was formally transferred into Slovenian legislation in 2008 by the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. In conformity with this act, Slovenia keeps the inventory of the intangible heritage present in its territory in the Register of Intangible Heritage, maintained by the Ministry of Culture. Inclusion in the Register is granted only after an expert evaluation of the intangible cultural heritage. Due to awareness of the importance of involving communities, groups and relevant non-governmental organizations in drawing up the inventory, special attention is paid in the presentation of an element of intangible heritage also to the presentation of its bearers. The Register is publicly available: http://www.mk.gov.si/si/storitve/razvidi_evidence_in_registri/register_zive_kulturne_ dediscine/seznam registriranih enot zive kulturne dediscine/ The Cultural Heritage Protection Act establishes also a mechanism for proclaiming an element to be intangible heritage of special national or local importance. This means official confirmation of the expert evaluation and the recognition of its social importance, representing a distinctive achievement of human creativity, or a valuable contribution to cultural diversity. The bearers that create, maintain and transmit that heritage actively participate in the process of inclusion in the Register and proclamation of the intangible heritage of special importance. The Coordinator provides the technical basis and implements measures, defined in Articles 13 and 14 of the Convention. The Škofja Loka Passion Play is included in the Register of the Intangible Heritage with reference EID 02-00001 and is declared by Ordinance proclaiming the Škofja Loka Passion Play an Intangible Heritage of National Importance (Official Gazette, volume 56, 2012). Priloga 1/17 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/18 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 235 234 RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 19 6. Documentation 6.a. Appended documentation (mandatory) The documentation listed below is mandatory and will be used in the process of evaluating and examining the nomination. The photographs and the video will also be helpful for visibility activities if the element is inscribed. Tick the following boxes to confirm that related items are included with the nomination and that they follow the instructions. Additional materials other than those specified below cannot be accepted and will not be returned. documentary evidence of the consent of communities, along with a translation into English or French if the language of concerned community is other than English or French documentary evidence demonstrating that the nominated element is included in an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage present in the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s) Party(ies), as defined in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention; such evidence shall include a relevant extract of the inventory(ies) in English or in French, as well as in the original language if different 10 recent photographs in high definition cession(s) of rights corresponding to the photos (Form ICH-07-photo) edited video (from 5 to 10 minutes), subtitled in one of the languages of the Committee (English or French) if the language utilized is other than English or French cession(s) of rights corresponding to the video recording (Form ICH-07-video) 6.b. Principal published references (optional) Submitting States may wish to list, using a standard bibliographic format, principal published references providing supplementary information on the element, such as books, articles, audio-visual materials or websites. Such published works should not be sent along with the nomination. Not to exceed one standard page. - BENEDIK, Metod, 1995: “La Pasione” primo testo drammatico della lingua slovena. In: Il teatro e la Biblia. Roma: Garamond. 192-201. - BENEDIK, Metod, 2000: Passionspiele von Škofja Loka. Wiener Provinzbote der Kapuziner, 57. Klagenfurt: Provinzaliat der Kapuziner. 154-158. - BENEDIK, Metod, 2008: Škofjeloški pasijon 1713 – 1715 – 1721 – 1999 – 2000. In: Liturgia Theologia prima: Zbornik ob 80-letnici profesorja Marijana Smolika. Ljubljana: Celjska Mohorjeva družba, Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Založba Družina. 416-429. - COSTA, Henrik, 1857: Ein Passions- Schauspiel in Krain. MHVK, 69-70. - DEBELJAK, Tine, 1936: Škofjeloška pasijonska procesija in razvoj pasijonskih iger sploh. In: Škofja Loka in njen okraj v luči gospodarskih in kulturnih prizadevanj. Škofja Loka: Odbor za 1. obrtno-industrijsko razstavo. 53-58. - FAGANEL, Katarina in Jože, 1999: Poskus slovarja Škofjeloškega pasijona, Loški razgledi 46. Škofja Loka: Muzejsko društvo Škofja Loka. 47-78. - KOBLAR, Anton, 1892: Pasijonske igre na Kranjskem. Izvestja muzejskega društva za Kranjsko 2. Ljubljana: Muzejsko društvo za Kranjsko. 110-125. - KODEKS Škofjeloškega pasijona 1721, Arhiv kapucinskega samostana Škofja Loka, http://www.dlib.si/rokopisi/pasijon/pasijon.html. - KOKALJ, Marjan, 1999: Režija Škofjeloškega pasijona v širšem smislu (Seznam igralcev). Loški razgledi 46. Škofja Loka: Muzejsko društvo Škofja Loka. 115-165. - KRIŽNAR, Franc, 2010: Genealogija glasbene dramaturgije Škofjeloškega pasijona. Škofja Loka, Puštal: Zasebna knjižnica Antolin-Oman. - MANTUANI, Josip, 1916-1917: Pasijonska procesija v Loki. Carniola 7-8. 222-232, 15-44. - MARIN, Marko, 2006: Evropske pasijonske igre med Čedadom in Škofjo Loko: Škofjeloški RL 2016 – No. 01203 – page 20 pasijon 2006: Katalog Potujoče razstave Škofjeloški pasijon. Škofja Loka: Muzejsko društvo Škofja Loka. 37-43. - MARUŠIČ, Lovrenc - Oče Romuald, 1987 (1999): Škofjeloški pasijon: Preprosta fonetična transkripcija s prevodom neslovenskih delov besedila. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. - MARUŠIČ, Lovrenc - oče Romuald 2009: Škofjeloški pasijon: Znanstveno kritična izdaja. Celje: Celjska Mohorjeva družba: Društvo Mohorjeva družba; Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti: Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede ZRC SAZU. - ŠKOFJELOŠKI pasijon 2006 : zbornik prispevkov ob uprizoritvi Škofjeloške pasijonske procesije v letu 2006. - Škofja Loka : Muzejsko društvo, 2006. - ŠKOFJELOŠKI pasijon 2007 : zbornik prispevkov ob uprizoritvi Škofjeloške pasijonske procesije v letu 2007. - Škofja Loka : Muzejsko društvo, 2007. - ŠKOFJELOŠKI pasijon 2008. - Škofja Loka : Muzejsko društvo ; Stara Loka : Župnijski zavod Sv. Jurija, 2008. - ŠKOFJELOŠKI pasijon 2009 : zbornik prispevkov ob uprizoritvi Škofjeloške pasijonske procesije v letu 2009. - Škofja Loka : Muzejsko društvo, 2009. - Pasijonski doneski… . (Alojzij Pavel Florjančič) Škofja Loka: Muzejsko društvo, 2010- . ISSN 2232-2434 --- http://www.mk.gov.si/fileadmin/mk.gov.si/pageuploads/Ministrstvo/Razvidi/RKD_Ziva/Rkd-08- 629-001-p.pdf http://www.mk.gov.si/si/storitve/razvidi_evidence_in_registri/register_zive_kulturne_ dediscine/seznam registriranih enot zive kulturne dediscine/ http://www.uradni-list.si/1/content?id=109456 7. Signature(s) on behalf of the State(s) Party(ies) The nomination should conclude with the signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State Party, together with his or her name, title and the date of submission. In the case of multi-national nominations, the document should contain the name, title and signature of an official of each State Party submitting the nomination. Name: H. E. MRS VERONIKA STABEJ Title: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to France, Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Slovenia to UNESCO Date: 30 March 2015 Signature: Name(s), title(s) and signature(s) of other official(s) (For multi-national nominations only) Priloga 1/19 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12 Priloga 1/20 pasijon s Ki Dones Ki 2017 12