390 Documenta Praehistorica XLVII (2020) The megalithic builders> new data on old bones from Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) Ana Maria Silva University of Coimbra, Research Centre for Anthropology and Health, Department of Life Sciences, Laboratory of Prehistory, Coimbra, PT University of Coimbra, Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, Coimbra, PT UNIARQ – University of Lisbon, Lisbon, PT amgsilva@antrop.uc.pt ABSTRACT – Between the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, António dos Santos Rocha excavated several prehistoric megalithic monuments in the region of Figueira da Foz (Por- tugal). Some of them revealed human bones, albeit very disturbed and fragmented, which ended up forgotten in the Municipal Museum of Santos Rocha (Figueira da Foz), as did the individuals to which they belonged. Here, I revisit the human bone collection preserved from Megalitho do Facho to access demographic and morphological data; physiological stress indicators; pathologies and in- juries that these individuals suffered, thus revealing insights on the lives of those who were deposited in this dolmen. The majority of this collection is composed of unburned bones and a small subsam- ple of burned ones. Both were radiocarbon dated to the Chalcolithic period (first half of the 3rd mil- lennium BC). The analysis confirmed that non-adult and adult individuals of both sexes were deposit- ed in this dolmen. These individuals were affected by biomechanical stress since early in life and dis- play mild signs of physiological stress associated with remodelled lesions, suggestive of a relatively good health status. These data are discussed in the context of other coeval sites. IZVLE∞EK – António dos Santos Rocha je konec 19. in v za≠etku 20. stoletja v regiji Figueira da Foz na Portugalskem izkopal ∏tevilne prazgodovinske megalitske spomenike. Pri izkopavanjih so odkri- li tudi ≠love∏ke kosti, ki so bile zelo uni≠ene in razdrobljene ter so ostale v lokalnem muzeju Santos Rocha (Figueira da Foz) skoraj tako pozabljene kot posamezniki, katerim so pripadale. V ≠lanku predstavljam zbir ≠love∏kih kosti iz najdi∏≠a Megalitho do Facho za pridobitev podatkov o demogra- fiji in morfologiji, o kazalnikih fiziolo∏kega stresa, o patologijah in po∏kodbah, ki so jih utrpeli ti po- samezniki, s ≠imer bom razkril vpogled v ∫ivljenje tistih, ki so bili polo∫eni v ta dolmen. Ve≠ji del zbira sestavljajo ne∫gane kosti, o∫gane kosti pa predstavljajo le manj∏i vzorec. Obe skupini kosti smo datirali s pomo≠jo radiokarbonske metode v ≠as halkolitika (prva polovica 3. tiso≠letja pr. n. ∏t.). Analiza je potrdila, da so bili v dolmen odlo∫eni tako neodrasli kot odrasli posamezniki obeh spolov. Ti posamezniki so bili v zgodnjem ∫ivljenju izpostavljeni biomehanskemu stresu in ka∫ejo na blage znake fiziolo∏kega stresa, povezanega s preoblikovanimi lezijami, kar ka∫e na njihovo razmeroma dobro zdravstveno stanje. O teh podatkih razpravljam v kontekstu drugih so≠asnih najdi∏≠. KEY WORDS – megalithic tombs; unburned and burned human bones; biological and paleopatho- logical profiles; Chalcolithic; Western Central Portugal KLJU∞NE BESEDE – megalitske grobnice; ne∫gane in ∫gane ≠love∏ke kosti; biolo∏ki in paleopatolo∏ki profili; halkolitik; zahodna osrednja Portugalska Graditelji megalitov> novi podatki iz starih kosti na najdi[;u Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugalska) DOI> 10.4312\dp.47.21 The megalithic builders> new data on old bones from Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) 391 tombs, but also because they come from a period and geographic area that are poorly represented by human remains, and thus they represent one of the few ways we have of gaining biological knowledge of these past populations. Megalitho do Facho Santos Rocha published data on this tomb in his last volume of Antiguidades Prehistoricas do Concelho da Figueira (1900). This dolmen is located on the eastern limit of the necropolis (Fig. 1), in the Serra de São Bento (Maiorca, Figueira da Foz). It has a po- lygonal chamber and a small corridor (Fig. 2), whose largest axes are 2.5m and 1.1m respectively, orient- ed NW-SE, with the entrance at SE. The chamber was around 1.55m in diameter at its mid-point, and 2m at its NW end. It is formed by 10 orthostats described in Table 1, and a small area of dry masonry. It was discovered without the roof slabs and with signs of old and recent disturbances in the archaeological levels (as attested by the presence of fractures and hoe blow marks observed on some bone fragments). As such, it is not surprising that all of the contents of the tomb were mixed at the bottom of the mo- nument. According to Santos Rocha’s descriptions, mixed charcoal, human bones and artefacts were re- covered scattered throughout the debris. The 0.7m Introduction Between the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the archaeologist António dos Santos Rocha excavated several megalithic tombs in the Serra da Boa Viagem, located in the region of Fi- gueira da Foz (Coimbra, Portugal). This Necropolis is composed of approx. 21 dolmens that are located between Cabo Mondego and Serra de São Bento (Santos Rocha 1900.239) in Western Central Por- tugal. The majority of the intervened tombs dated to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods were found very disturbed. Some revealed human bones, al- though very fragmented, poorly preserved and com- mingled. The collected data then were published in four volumes of Antiguidades Prehistoricas do Con- celho da Figueira (1888; 1895; 1897; 1900). This work contains very complete descriptions of the finds, taking into account the science at the time, and an inventory of all the recovered remains (arte- facts, human and non-human bones). Anthropologi- cal considerations, such as flattening of the tibia and severe dental wear were briefly discussed, along with ethnographic data. Later, in 1969, Vitor Guerra (at the time the director of the Municipal Museum of Santos Rocha) published a series of manuscripts prepared by Santos Rocha for a scientific meeting he would attend in April 1910 that unfortunately did not occur, since he died the previous month. These collections thus ended up forgotten in the Municipal Museum of Santos Rocha (Figueira da Foz) without ever having been studied in an exhaustive manner, with occasional exceptions such as the pub- lication of an incomplete trepanation observed in one adult male skull recovered from the Dolmen Megalitho da Capella (Silva 2003a). Moreover, in view of how long ago the excavation of these tombs took place, an unknown part of these collections has been lost due to, among others, reorganisations, mo- vements, loaning and/or offers of subsamples. My primary objective here is therefore to provide a complete anthropological analysis of the human re- mains now curated in the Municipal Museum of San- tos Rocha/Museu Municipal Santos Rocha (MMSR) to obtain insights on the biological profile, lifestyle, and health status of the individuals that were depo- sited in the Megalitho do Facho1 one of the dolmens of this remarkable necropolis. The importance of these remains derives not only from their recovery from a large necropolis of at least 21 megalithic Fig. 1. Map of Iberian Peninsula showing the loca- tions of Megalitho do Facho and other sites men- tioned in this study. Tombs 1 and 2 belong to the Megalithic necropolis excavated by Santos Rocha. Legend: 1 Megalitho do Facho; 2 Cabeço dos Moin- hos; 3 Dólmen de Ansião; 4 Dólmen do Carrascal; 5 Anta da Sobreira 1. 1 The original designation of Santos Rocha, Megalitho, is used. However, Megalitho, dolmen and the Portuguese expression Anta, represent tombs without major architectural differences. Ana Maria Silva 392 wide corridor was nearly completely covered by two limestone slabs, measuring between 1m to 1.25m in length, 0.48m and 0.5m in width, and 0.12m to 0.14m in depth. The height of the chamber and cor- ridor are around 1.7m (Santos Rocha 1900.209). The human bones were only found in the chamber, including a group of bones that, due to their good preservation, led Santos Rocha to suggest that they were recent. However, AMS radiocarbon dating con- firmed their Chalcolithic chronology (see below). Two mortuary deposits were detected near the en- trance of the gallery, probably still intact. However, their very poor state of preservation only allowed a few fragments to be recovered by the team working for Santos Rocha. Next to them, a flint blade and pot- tery fragments were recovered (Santos Rocha 1900. 209). The artefact assemblage includes stone axes, hand stones, blades, retouched tools scrapers, arrowheads, bone flints, flint retouched tools, lignite beads, se- veral fragments of schist plaques, one black clay vase and fragments of three others. One triangular red flint arrowhead measuring 3cm long was found ce- mented in the internal part of a human rib fragment. However, when the tuff was dissolved it was con- firmed that it was not embedded in the bone. Still, the most peculiar artefact is a polished grey schist plaque that represents the outline of a human foot (Fig. 3). It has a plan surface on one side and the characteristic curve of a foot sole, including the heel, which is in relief on the opposite side. The toes are not represented by divisions or strokes and it seems to represent the right foot. The analysis of all these artefacts by Carlos Batista (technician of the Museu Municipal Santos Rocha) and Raquel Vilaça (Univer- sity of Coimbra) is still under way. Anthropological data: the documentary sources Santos Rocha attributed the human bone remains to 11 skeletons, including very young individuals. His descriptions comprised an exhaustive inventory of the recovered bone pieces, which included skull and hip bone fragments, jaws, six loose teeth, vertebrae, ribs, clavicles, humerus, cubits, radius, femurs, tibias, fibulae, patellae, and hand and foot bones (Santos Rocha 1900.214–216). He noticed that skull remains were under-represented compared to postcranial bones, and attributed this to the perturbations that the monument suffered. The inventory includes bones from all parts of the skeleton. Santos Rocha also emphasized that ribs, hand and foot bones were numerous, but strangely, only two patellae were re- covered. The non-human bones include rabbit, sheep and some unidentified species, some of them burned, besides fragments of Triton nodiferus (some also with evidence of burning) and valves from Cardium edule and Mytilus galloprovincialis. In 1899, at the request of Santos Rocha, this bone assemblage was briefly studied by Ricardo Severo (da Fonseca e Costa) and Fonseca Cardoso (Artur Au- gusto da Fonseca Cardoso). According to their notes, Fig. 2. Plan of the dolmen of Megalitho do Facho after the intervention according to Santos Rocha (1900.Fig. 310). N Nature of the slab Height Width Depth 1 Sandstone ±1.7m 1.65m 0.27m 2 Grey sandstone (|) ‘almost’ 1.7m – 0.25m 3 Grey sandstone 1.7m 0.9m 0.4m 4 Grey sandstone 1.7m 0.9m 0.4m 5 Portion of dry – – – masonry forming a wall 6 Grey sandstone 1.7m 0.56m 0.2m 7 Grey sandstone 1.7m 0.54m 0.3m 8 Limestone ±1.7m 1m 0.15m Small slab that crosses the gallery 9 Grey sandstone forming a step with 0.1 to 0.2m height. 10 Limestone (|) 1.7m 1 m 0.2m 11 Limestone 1.45m 1.3m 0.33m Note> All measurements were taken from the present sur- face level< | – not indicated. Tab. 1. Summary of the data of the orthostats of the Megalitho do Facho, according to Santos Rocha (1900.209). The megalithic builders> new data on old bones from Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) 393 this sample was very fragmented, and it was only pos- sible to measure one femur “420 + 2, corresponding to a stature of 1625mm and living size of 1605mm” and the observation of flatness in some tibia frag- ments (Santos Rocha 1900.268–271). Material and methods The human bone assemblage was cleaned, labelled and marked, and an inventory of the bone sample was prepared using an Excel database. The mini- mum number of individuals (MNI) was estimated based on the adaptation by Silva (1993) of the me- thod of Herrmann et al. (1990). For the non-adult sample, skeletal maturation was also taken into ac- count, as recommended by Silva (1996; 2002). Age- at-death of the non-adults was estimated using den- tal mineralization according to AlQahtani et al. (2010) and, for long bones, the recommendations of Scheuer and Black (2000). For adult individuals, epiphyseal union of the iliac crest (Ferembach et al. 1980) and the fusion of the sternal end of the clav- icle (MacLaughlin 1990) allowed the identification of young adults (< 30 years). Degenerative altera- tions of the auricular surface (Lovejoy et al. 1985) and the obliteration of cranial sutures (Masset 1982) were considered for estimating age-at-death for the adult sample. Sex diagnosis was only possible based on morphological traits, scored according to Ferem- bach et al. (1980) and metric analysis of talus (Sil- va 1995). Morphological analysis included metric parameters and an estimation of the platimeric and platicnemic indices (Martin, Saller 1956) to provide data on the flatness of lower long bones, and thus inferences on daily behaviours. To assess the varia- bility and affinity of these individuals, several non- metric postcranial traits were recorded following Saunders (1978) and Finnegan (1978). Dental non- metric traits were scored following the ASUDAS pro- tocol (Turner et al. 1991; Scott, Irish 2017) and the mandibular molar pit-tubercle (MMPT) according to Marado and Silva (2016). To evaluate the childhood illness experience of these individuals, linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH, a non- specific stress indicator), cribra orbitalia and poro- tic hyperostosis (specific stress indicators) were re- corded. All bones were carefully examined for evi- dence of pathologies or lesions. The bone weight methodology proposed by Silva (2002; Silva et al. 2009) to evaluate bone represen- tation in a sample was adapted to infer the represen- tation of some types of bones of this collection, such as the skull, femurs and tibias. It was not possible to include all skeletal elements due to the known loss of a considerable number of bone pieces. Results What can the surviving bone collection tell us about these individuals? At present, the human bone collection curated in the MMSR is comprised of 361 fragments from all parts of the skeleton. Of these, eight exhibit chromatic changes compatible with exposure to fire, revealing a bluish colour. This set includes remains that cor- respond to at least one adult individual and one non-adult. The latter includes three cranial frag- ments, a crown of a lower right first molar and a small fragment of the diaphysis of a long bone. All are compatible with a non-adult of approximately three years of age, using the dental calcification scheme of AlQahtani et al. (2010), although it can- not be excluded that they belong to different indi- viduals. A small accessory cusp, C6, is visible on the crown of the preserved tooth. The remaining non- metric dental data are provided in Table 2. The cra- nial remains include a left orbit with mild signs of cribra orbitalia (Fig. 4), an indicator of specific phy- siological stress generally associated with chronic anaemia, although other suggested aetiologies in- clude eye infections (Walker et al. 2009). A small fragment of parietal bone and two of long bones compose the adult subsample. The majority of bone fragments do not exhibit any changes related to exposure to temperature. They display other taphonomic changes, such as the pre- sence of limestone concretions, small cracks related to exposure to water, the presence of root marks, and small black or orange spots. While the black spots can be attributed to the presence of manga- nese in the soil, the orange spots are compatible with the use of pigment. The bones are very fragmented, but well preserved. All parts of the skeleton are re- presented, including small hand and foot phalan- Fig. 3. Original drawing of the schist podomorph (apparently a right foot) found in the Megalitho do Facho (in Santos Rocha 1900.Fig. 317). Ana Maria Silva 394 ges. Despite the considerable number of bone frag- ments, cross-checking with the descriptions publi- shed by Santos Rocha confirms the loss of a consi- derable number of pieces, including some with pa- thologies, as well as maxillary fragments, patellae and loose teeth (with exception of one). To confirm the chronology of these human remains two samples were selected for AMS dating: a rib frag- ment from the unburned set and a cranial fragment with signs of fire exposure. The results confirm that both are contemporary and date to the Chalcolithic period, that is, to the first half of the 3rd millennium BC (Tab. 3). Currently, considering all human remains (burned and unburned), at least 11 individuals are represent- ed. Interestingly, this is an identical estimation as the one advanced by Santos Rocha. They include se- ven adults (based on tibia fragments) and four non- adults. The latter were identified by several bone types and include non-adults who died at approx. 24 months, three years (burned sample, described above), six years, and nine to ten years of age. Some fragments of long bone diaphyses suggest the pres- ence of adolescents, but the absence of epiphyses makes confirmation impossible. Among the adult in- dividuals, there are at least two who died between the ages of 20 and 25 (due to the presence of two non-compatible fragments of iliac crest in process of fusion). The presence of older adults, including those over 30 years old, is attested by the observation of fused sternal ends of clavicles (n = 2) and by a cra- nial fragment with the sutures close to being com- pletely obliterated. If the burned and unburned frag- ments were analysed separately, the number of adults would increase by one (burned sample: one adult and one non-adult; unburned sample: seven adults and three non-adult individuals). The presence of individuals of both sexes is con- firmed by the hip bone sample, as well as by the sexual dimorphism observed in some long bone fragments. The metric analysis of a left talus allowed us to identify a female individual. Also noteworthy is skull fragment 122, formed by the parietal and occipital bones belonging to a young adult (all cra- nial sutures are open), which display a very marked nuchal crest (Fig. 5). Due to the magnitude of bone fragments that were lost from this collection it was not possible to use the bone weight methodology proposed by Silva (2002; Silva et al. 2009) to check for any abnorma- lity in the representation of all skeletal elements, a valuable approach for inferences about the burial practices (Silva et al. 2017). However, the represen- tativeness of the three most common skeletal ele- ments recovered were investigated using this me- thod: skull, femur and tibia. Considering the MNI of seven adults, it was also possible to estimate the percentage of preserved to expected bones in these three bone categories (Tab. 4). The obtained percen- tages are very similar, at 50%, and about half of the expected value. Among the metric analyses, flatness of the femurs and tibias was investigated. The mean value of the cnemic index was 73.31 (n = 4), confirming the pre- sence of flatness in the proximal region of the tibia diaphysis. The only fragment of a femur that allowed this analysis also confirmed the presence of flatness (right femur; 71.43) (Fig. 6). The bone remains of this collection are small, but robust. A thick cortical layer was observed in small fragments of the diaph- ysis of one femur and one fibula. The search for non-metric characters allowed obser- vation of a septal aperture in the only distal hume- rus recovered, two femurs display a hypotrochante- ric fossae (n = 3) (Fig. 6) and an acetabular fold was Fig. 4. Cribra orbitalia in the left orbit of a non- adult individual recovered from Megalitho do Fa- cho. This bone also displays chromatic alterations compatible with the exposure to high temperatures. Traits Observation\Grade Number of Cusps 5 Groove pattern Y Presence of C6 2 Presence of C7 0 Deflecting wrinkle 0 Protostylid 0 Mandibular molar pit-tubercle 0 Tab. 2. Non-metric dental traits observed in the only preserved tooth from Megalitho do Facho (lo- wer first right molar). The megalithic builders> new data on old bones from Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) 395 noted in one left acetabulum fragment. The last fea- ture is rarely documented, either in prehistoric or historical populations. Pathologies were observed that reflect signs of infec- tion and physiological stress indicators, entheseal changes and degenerative joint pathology. The last was observed in a right fragment of the temporo- mandibular joint, in the coxo-femoral joint of a frag- ment of one iliac bone, and in the body of a thora- cic vertebra that also displays flattening of its body. In fragments of the proximal diaphysis of two left femurs, entheseal changes of the gluteus maximum are marked. Signs of infection are registered in the medullary canal of a distal diaphyseal fragment of one left femur (Fig. 7). In some cranial fragments, porosity compatible with porotic hyperostosis is re- gistered, a specific physiological stress indicator usu- ally related to anaemia. It should be noted that all observed pathologies and lesions are remodelled. Discussion Between the end of the 19th and the first decades of the 20th centuries, numerous megalithic tombs were excavated in the present-day Portuguese territory. Despite the fascination they created, the recovered human bone assemblages usually ended up forgot- ten in museums or private collections, waiting for an exhaustive analysis to be performed by an expert. This situation changed in the late 1990s when a sys- tematic analysis of these collections was initiated due to the recognition of their potential in provid- ing valuable information about the biological pro- file, health status and lifestyle of these individuals (Silva 2003b; 2004; 2005; 2008; 2012; 2017; Silva et al. 2006; 2012; 2014; 2019; Silva, Ferreira 2007; 2016/2017; Boaven- tura et al. 2013; 2014b; 2016). This analysis was achieved through the combination of appropriate anthro- pological methodologies and approa- ches, specifically adapted to these types of assemblages that are very disturbed, fragmented and commin- gled (Silva 2017; Silva, Ferreira 2016/7; Silva et al. 2019). It was under this scope that the analysis of the human remains from the dif- ferent dolmens of the necropolis excavated by San- tos Rocha and currently curated in the MMSR was un- dertaken. To date, besides Megalitho do Facho, other collections exhumed from dolmens with an exhaus- tive anthropological study include Megalito do Ca- beço dos Moinhos, another tomb from this necropo- lis, the Dolmen de Ansião (Coimbra, Silva 2002), Ref. Bone sample Conventional cal BC cal BP Beta 542625 Rib fragment 4180 ± 30 BP 2817–2666 cal BC (73.7%) 4766–4615 cal BP (73.7%) (Facho 82< unburnt) 2887–2835 cal BC (21.7%) 4836–4784 cal BP (21.7%) Beta 549966 Cranial fragment 4170 ± 30 BP 2819–2662 cal BC (73.7%) 4768–4611 cal BP (73.7%) (Facho 312< burnt) 2882–2833 cal BC (20.0%) 4831–4782 cal BP (20.0%) 2649–2636 cal BC (2.2) % 4598–4585 cal BP (2.2%) Tab. 3. Results of radiocarbon dating of both subsets from the collection of Megalitho do Facho. Fig. 5. Skull fragment 122 from Megalitho do Fa- cho with a very marked nuchal line. Fig. 6. Marked flatness and presence of the hypotrochanteric fossa (arrow) in a right femur from Megalitho do Facho. Bone Fragment Weight % Expected bone weight Skull 2013.92g 50% Femurs 2253.18g 52.5% Tibias 1319.82g 53.72% Tab. 4. Results of the percentage of expected bone weight of skull, femurs and tibias from Megalitho do Facho, considering the reference values of Sil- va (2002; Silva et al. 2009). Ana Maria Silva 396 Dolmen do Carrascal (Sintra, Lisbon, Silva et al. 2019) and Anta da Sobreira 1 (Elvas, Boaventura et al. 2014b) (see Fig. 1), here compared in discuss- ing the results on the scope of other coeval popula- tions that buried their dead in dolmen-style tombs. Tomb descriptions and chronology In Table 5, the architectural aspects and chronology of these tombs are synthesized. These dolmens have a polygonal chamber and corridor (Fig. 8). For all, chronology is confirmed by AMS radiocarbon dating of human bone samples; human bone loss is docu- mented, and thus interpretations are imposed with caution, but at the same time this is the only avail- able information about these past populations. All human remains were dated to the Late Neolithic pe- riod with the exception of the subset of burned bones recovered from Cabeço dos Moinhos and both sets from Megalitho do Facho, with AMS radio- carbon dating confirming their Chalcolithic chrono- logy (first half of the 3rd millennium BC). Human remains These tombs were found disturbed with very frag- mented and commingled human bones. The Mega- litho do Facho sample is composed of unburned hu- man bones and a small subsample of burned ones. The latter comprise only 2.2% of the collection (se- ven bone fragments and one tooth) and the ob- served colour changes are compatible with expo- sure to low temperature and thus do not allow ex- clusion of unintentional burning. Radiocarbon dates confirm the contemporaneity of both subsets. The coexistence of burned and unburned human bones was also attested for Cabeço dos Moinhos, another tomb from this necropolis. However, there are sig- nificant differences. For the latter, evidence of expo- sure to higher temperatures is apparent by the pat- tern of colour changes, including ten calcined frag- ments. So, for this collection, evidence of intentio- nal burning is more certain. Moreover, radiocarbon dates confirmed different chronologies for the two sets, Neolithic (unburned subset) and Chalcolithic (burned subset). In fact, the importance of fire in funerary practices has gained relevance in Chalco- lithic funerary contexts in the current Portuguese ter- ritory, including in diverse funerary contexts at Per- digões (Silva et al. 2014a; 2017; Valera et al. 2014). However, the architecture of the tombs discussed here is different from those at Perdigões and, the human remains, slightly older (Valera, Silva 2011; Valera et al. 2014). The conclusion of the study of the human remains from all tombs in this necrop- olis, supported by an expanded program of radiocar- bon dating, may contribute to a better understand- ing of the funerary practices of these communities. All anatomical parts of the skeleton are represented in the collection of Megalitho do Facho and, consi- dering the documentary sources, it seems that com- plete individuals were deposited in this tomb. San- tos Rocha had the impression that skull bones were under-represented in relation to long bones. How- ever, the bone weight approach applied here to skull, femurs and tibias indicated that all are represented in a very similar percentage of over 50% in relation to expected. The skull sample is thus not under-re- presented in relation to long bones. In sum, all the collected evidence, including the presence of two ap- parently still intact skeletons in the entrance of the gallery of this tomb, suggest that this tomb was a pri- mary place of deposition. Moreover, the documen- tary sources of other less disturbed dolmens from this Necropolis include descriptions of in situ skele- tons. One example is the Megalitho de Cabecinha, in which the chamber was found intact. Next to some of the supports of the chamber, Santos Rocha (1900. 198–199) documented the presence of skeletons in articulation. Fig. 7. Signs of remodelled infection in the medul- lary canal of a distal diaphyseal fragment of left femur from Megalitho do Facho. Fig. 8. Plans of the dolmens of Megalitho do Fa- cho, Cabeço dos Moinhos, Carrascal and Sobreira 1 (adapted from Santos Rocha 1900; Ribeiro 1880; Viana 1950). The megalithic builders> new data on old bones from Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) 397 More consistent evidence of manipulated funerary contexts in the present Portuguese territory, with possible co-existence of different mortuary practi- ces such as primary burials, secondary deposits, and removal of bones, is documented for collective bu- rials at tombs 1 and 2 at Perdigões, tholoi type tombs from the first half of the third millennium (Silva et al. 2017; Evangelista 2019; Garcia 2018; Valera et al. 2014). Moreover, later re-use of dolmens (and other types of tombs) extending to the Medieval pe- riod is also documented. Inside the Dolmen de São Gens (Nisa) where a non-adult individual of 12 to 15 years old at death was deposited between the 11th to 13th centuries according to AMS radiocarbon ana- lysis (Boaventura et al. 2014b). Population demography Non-adults and adults of both sexes are represented in all tombs, and no evidence of selection based on these criteria was noted. The proportion of non-adults is between 36 to 38%, with the exception of Sobrei- ra, where it is at 50% (Tab. 6). However, all are in the expected range for an Archaic population, that is, between 36% to 50% of non-adults (Ascádi, Ne- meskéri 1970). Moreover, these values are also con- sistent with other Late Neolithic/Chalcolithic col- lections unearthed from other types of tombs from the present Portuguese territory, such as hypogea and natural and artificial caves (Cu- nha et al. 2015; Silva 2002; 2003b). Another common point is the under- representation of children younger than five years, particularly less than one year of age. There is no doubt that taphonomic agents play an im- portant role in the lack of preserva- tion of small and fragile non-adult bones, including post-excavation loss, but other explanations such as diffe- rent mortuary treatments cannot be ruled out. How- ever, frequently the presence of a significant num- ber of bones and/or teeth belonging to very young individuals were emphasized in the excavation notes, as for Megalitho do Facho, but these are unfortuna- tely now missing. Occasionally, these bones ended up stored with non-human remains, and thus lost or forgotten (Silva, Ferreira 2016/2017). Although sex was assigned mostly by morphological features, it was possible to confirm the presence of individuals of both sexes in these tombs. Therefore, sex does not seems to be a criterion for exclusion from these sepulchres. Morphological traits and bone pathologies The presence of the proximal shaft flatness is preva- lent in the femurs and tibias of individuals from all tombs (Tab. 7). Silva (2002) reported flatness indices for 535 femurs and 253 tibias from eight Late Neoli- thic graves and compared these results with other Mesolithic and Neolithic samples from the present Portuguese territory. For the femurs, no consistent pattern of flatness reduction was identified. For the tibias, a slight trend of decreasing flatness was dete- cted, with some groups revealing means in the range of mesocnemia (absence of flatness). Silva (2002) at- tributed these results to the continuity of high lev- Sample Monument Chronology (Conventional) Megalitho do Facho Polygonal chamber> 2.5m long< 2m wide 4180±30 BP (Beta 542625)* Corridor> 1.1m long< 0.7m wide 4170±30 BP (Beta 549966)** Cabeço dos Moinhos Polygonal chamber> 3m long< 3.5m wide 4960±30 BP (Beta 383084)* (Santos Rocha 1900) Corridor> minimum of 5m long< 1m wide 4360±30 BP (Beta 383085)** Dolmen de Ansião (Silva 2002) Destroyed 4640±90 BP (SAC 1559) 4766±30 BP (OxA 35900) Dolmen do Carrascal Polygonal chamber> ± 3.5m 4752±31 BP (OxA 35901) (Silva et al. 2019) Short corridor (2.4m) 4640±40 BP (Beta 225167) 4770±40 (Beta 228577) Anta da Sobreira 1 Polygonal chamber> 2.4m long< 1.5m (Boaventura et al. 2014b) maximum width< corridor – destroyed 4770±40 BP (Beta-233283) Legend> * Sample of unburned human bone< ** Sample of burned human bone. Tab. 5. Tomb descriptions and chronology based on human bones of the dolmens mentioned in the text. Sample Bone Teeth Adults Non-adults fragments Megalitho do Facho 360 1 63.6% (7\11) 36.4% (4\11) Cabeço dos Moinhos 1214 16 80% (8\10) 20% (2\10) Dólmen de Ansião 1670 533 62.2% (23\37) 37.8% (14\37) Dólmen do Carrascal 109 138 64.3% (9\14) 35.7% (5\14) Anta da Sobreira 1 128 21 50% (3\6) 50% (3\6) Tab. 6. Proportion of adults versus non-adult individuals obtained in several dolmens with human remains dated to the Neolithic or Chalcolithic periods in Portugal. Ana Maria Silva 398 els of biomechanical stress on the proximal end of the femurs of these individuals during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. This type of stress could be related to a high level of mobility of these human groups, even after the introduction of agriculture, and to activities such as pastoralism or trade. Among morphological traits, the presence of hypo- trocanteric fossae stand out in these assemblages (Tab. 8). This trait is frequently observed in prehi- storic populations from the present Portuguese ter- ritory, but rarely noted in recent individuals. This fossa seems to be a varied manifestation of the at- tachment of the gluteus maximus, a muscle respon- sible for the movement of the hip and thigh. Accord- ing to several authors, the development of this fossa may be related to the increased development of this muscle to reduce the mechanical stress on the fe- moral diaphysis. This biomechanical stress may be due to high levels of physical activity, such as pro- longed locomotion, which is worse on irregular ter- rain. The dolmens of Facho, Cabeço dos Moinhos, and Ansião are located in or next to slight mountai- nous regions where these high levels of physical ac- tivity would be easily achieved in daily locomotion. Other indicators of high levels of biomechanical stress are the observed flatness of the proximal fe- mur, marked and rugose gluteal ridge on proximal femur (Megalitho do Facho), signs of coxo-femoral arthrosis (Megalitho do Facho, Sobreira 1), and a thick cortical layer of long bones diaphyses of lower limbs (Megalitho do Facho, Carrascal). In the Sob- reira 1 collection, one right femur sexed as female stands out since although being from a young adult (it was still possible to observe the epiphyseal line, in some parts), several mechanical stress markers had already developed: slight enthesis alterations of the linea aspera, and the beginning of degenerative changes of the proximal end and flatness. It is not easy to draw the pathological profile of these samples due to their fragmentary and commingled nature, or to compare them, due to differential pre- servation of skeletal elements. For example, no data on oral pathologies is available for Megalitho do Facho, since only one tooth (in calcification) was preserved. Still, despite all these limitations, the observed pathologies give us relevant insights on the lives of these human communities and how they were adapted to their environment. For that purpose, relevant stress indicators, such as cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, enamel hypoplasia and periostitis, were studied since together they can be informative on the health status of the popula- tions. Childhood health is a particularly good indi- cator of community health status, since children are more susceptible to metabolic stress due to infectious diseases, poor nutrition and parasitism (Cunha et al. 2015). Overall, few pathologies were noted in the remains of these assemblages (Tab. 9). Cribra orbitalia was observed in one non-adult orbit from Megalitho do Facho and two (n = 4) from Ansião. This pathologi- cal condition is due to genetic or acquired chronic anaemia, most frequently caused by inadequate nu- trition, such as due to iron, magnesium, vitamin B deficiencies, parasitism, weanling diarrhoea or to chronic disorders (Novak et al. 2017; Rinaldo et al. 2019), although other pathological conditions can’t be excluded (Walker et al. 2009; Brickley 2018). This indicator was also observed in one adult from Ansião. Linear enamel hypoplasia was only observed on permanent teeth and in low frequen- cy. For Sobreira 1, the apparent high frequency of this type of stress marker results from having three out of the five teeth with enamel hypoplasia be- longing to the same individual, which confirms that this individual survived a very severe stress episode that left its mark on at least three teeth. Evidence of porotic hyperostosis was scarce in these individuals. It is notable that this pathological condition is eas- ily observed in fragmentary material but, even so, the careful observation of all cranial fragments from these assemblages detected only two cases: one at Megalitho do Facho and another at Carrascal. For the former, one fragment of parietal bone displays small holes compatible with this pathology (although taphonomic alterations cannot be excluded). In the Carrascal assemblage, mild remodelled porosity was observed in an incomplete skull (frontal and parietal bones). According to several authors, these skeletal changes are related to the healing of an infection or to metabolic disease. Among the latter, anaemia has long been suggested, whether acquired from para- sites, nutritional deficiencies or through genetic con- ditions (Rivera, Lahr 2017). Sample Platimeric Platicnemic index index Megalitho do Facho 71.43 (n = 1) 73.31 (n = 4) Cabeço dos Moinhos 75.5 (n = 3) – Dólmen de Ansião 77.94 (n = 21) 76.19 (n = 1) Dólmen do Carrascal 66.7 (n = 1) – Anta da Sobreira 1 81.5 (n = 1) 67.7 (n = 1) Tab. 7. Mean of platymeric and platycnemic in- dexes in the samples discussed in the present study. The megalithic builders> new data on old bones from Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) 399 Evidence of infections in the form of periostitis was observed in the human remains from all tombs with the exception of Sobreira 1. The affected bones include skull and long bones, in low prevalence, and with few exceptions represent remodelled and old lesions. At Megalitho do Facho, two bones display this pathology, a fragment of parietal bone and a diaphyseal fragment of a left femur. The latter ex- hibits evidence of remodelled intramedullary long bone infection. In the assemblage of Carrascal, pe- riostitis was noted only in adult bones as remodel- led lesions, with the exception of a fragment of a right parietal bone where it may be linked to a trau- ma (depressed fracture), and in one distal fragment of diaphysis of a tibia with deposition of new bone. Only at Ansião periostitis was observed in one non- adult bone, a distal fragment of the diaphysis of a right humerus with deposition of new bone, that is, an active lesion at time of death. The adult sample of this dolmen, including few fragments of skull, fe- murs, tibias and fibulae, display alterations due to remodelled lesions which were not active at death. The exceptions are one fragment of left tibia and a right one, that had active lesions at death expressed by the presence of new bone deposition. All these lesions reflect periods of physiological stress that these individuals endured. Similarly to populations today, it is expected that they had to face some periods of nutrition defi- ciencies and/or illness during their lives. Still, the low frequencies of observed stress indicators and the predominance of remo- delled lesions suggest that they were resi- lient and survived various health problems. This evidence is reinforced by the low fre- quencies of linear enamel hypoplasia, a per- manent record of physiological stress. Concerning oral pathology, another indicator of health and well-being of an individual, the carioge- nic lesions are not significant, with frequencies lower than 3%. Other relevant parameters of oral pathol- ogy such as antemortem tooth loss, periapical lesions and periodontal disease cannot be evaluated due to the total or almost total absence of maxillary bones. The exception is Ansião, were antemortem tooth loss (4.3%; 6/139) and periapical lesions (1.4%; 2/ 139) were registered affecting the individuals in low frequencies. Bone trauma The analysis of trauma patterns can provide rele- vant information on the lifestyle of past populations. Trauma was only observed in cranial bones from Carrascal and Ansião. In the former, signs of trau- ma include depressed cranial fractures, trepanation and two possible osteolytic lesions, despite the low number of preserved fragments. For Ansião, de- pressed fractures and two perforating lesions were described, probably due to arrowheads, all remod- elled lesions (Silva 2003a). Cranial lesions such as depressed fractures can result from either everyday accidents or interpersonal violence. Accidents related to daily activities can occur more easily in mountai- nous or irregular terrains, such as where Ansião is Sample Septal Hypotrocanteric Third Aperture fossa trochanter Megalitho do Facho 1\1 2\3 – Cabeço dos Moinhos – 3\4 1\4 Dólmen de Ansião 2\6 7\28 1\11 Dólmen do Carrascal – 1\1 0\1 Anta da Sobreira 1 1\1 – – Tab. 8. Morphological non-metric traits observed in the sam- ples discussed in the present study. Megalitho do Facho Dolmen Ansião Dolmen Carrascal Anta da Sobreira 1 Caries – 2.6% (2\40) 1.7% (2\117) 0% (0\21) LEH – 1.2% (6\506) 8.2% (8\97) 23.8% (5\21) Cribra orbitalia Left orbit non-adult Non-adults> 2\4< Not observed Not observedadults> 1\12 Porotic One parietal bone fragment Not observed 1 incomplete skull Not observedhyperostosis Infections One cranial bone< Skull and long bones Skull and Long bones Not observeddiaphysis of left femur Osteoarthritis Slight (skull, Slight Slight Slightlong bones and vertebrae) Entheseal changes Slight Slight Slight Slight Trauma Not observed 5 depressed fractures< 2 depressed fractures< Not observed2 skull perforations< Trepanation Legend> LEH – Linear enamel hypoplasia. Tab. 9. Summary of the pathologies observed in bones in the samples discussed here. Ana Maria Silva 400 located, although violence cannot be excluded. As for the two perforation traumas, probably due to ar- rowheads, violence may be a more plausible expla- nation. Besides these traumas, signs of a complete and re- modelled trepanation in an adult right parietal bone was described from Carrascal. This intervention was performed by a drilling method which, accord- ing to Silva (2003a; 2017), is described for older di- scoveries from this region of the Iberian Peninsula, being later replaced by the scraping method. No evi- dence of trepanation was found in the remaining samples, but the poor preservation of skulls in these assemblages, reduced to small pieces due to taphono- mic factors, makes recognition difficult. Although no postcranial trauma was detected in these collections, Santos Rocha (1900.215) mentioned the presence of a remodelled trauma on the distal part of a diaphysis of a right humerus from Facho. This trauma, with a long axis of 22mm, was observed on the medial surface of the bone fragment. Unfortuna- tely, this bone fragment is now missing. In sum, these individuals seem to have been affected by biomechanical stress since early in life, reflected by the flatness of their long bones and entheseal and osteoarthritic changes. Mild to moderate signs of physiological stress were recorded for these indivi- duals, which together with the predominance of healed lesions is suggestive of relatively good health status within these prehistoric populations. Final remarks The study of long excavated osteological collections, which are often poorly preserved, is always a chal- lenge. The magnitude of bone loss is variable and related to several actions over time, frequently start- ing before excavation due to prior disturbance of the archaeological levels in the tombs. The excava- tion procedure in itself can result in the loss of bone elements, particularly the smallest or more fragile ones. Other factors contributing to bone loss are the conditions under which the remains are stored and curated, reorganized and moved. However, their study continues to be irreplaceable for the under- standing of these human communities. Moreover, the application of similar criteria and protocols in the study of these collections in recent decades has allowed not only the assessment of their anthropo- logical profile, but also provided data for compara- tive analyses (Silva, Ferreira 2016/2017; Silva 2017). In these dolmen burials, individuals from both sexes and apparently from all age groups are present, although frequently individuals less than five years in age are under-represented. That can reflect egal- itarian groups where almost all members were able to be buried in the collective tomb of their clan/com- munity. Since early in life, these individuals were affected by significant biomechanical stress, attest- ed by the presence of several indicators (flatness of their long bone, entheseal and osteoarthritis chan- ges), that are strongly suggestive of high daily mobil- ity. Signs of physiological stress were mild to mode- rate, with the predominance of healed lesions, in- dicative of relatively good health among these pre- historic populations. More variability was found in the trauma patterns. This type of pathology was only described in cranial bones in two collections: Dol- men do Carrascal and Dolmen de Ansião. The ma- jority are healed depressed fractures that probably resulted from accidents, although interpersonal vio- lence cannot be ruled out. This last explanation fits better for the two perforation lesions reported from Ansião. According to Santos Rocha (1900.215), the collection of Facho included a trauma in a distal frag- ment of right humerus. Unfortunately, this bone frag- ment has been lost, but it attests the presence of trauma in postcranial bones. In sum, the anthropological analysis of old collec- tions, such as Megalitho do Facho, continues to be highly significant for our understanding of prehisto- ric populations, allowing unique insights into their way of life. The author expresses their gratitude to the Museu Municipal Santos Rocha (Figueira da Foz) for ac- cess to the collection, and all the collaborators from the museum, in particular Ana Margarida Ferreira, Rodrigo Pinto and Carlos Batista. Steve Emslie for the English revision and for useful suggestions that improved the manuscript. Thanks are also due to the two reviewers for their helpful comments. André Afonso Pereira helped in editing some of the Figures. CIAS (PEst-OE/SADG/UI0283/2020) provid- ed financial support for the radiocarbon dating. 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