GEOLOGIJA 34, 77-79 (1991), Ljubljana UDK 56:551.761(497.16)=20 Calcareous Nannofossils in Middle Triassic (Anisian) - A preliminary note - Paola De Capoa Dipartamento di Sc. della Terra, Università di Napoli Largo St. Marcellino 10, 80138 Napoli, Italia Rajka Radoičić c/o Geozavod, P. O. Box 275, 11001 Beograd, Yugoslavia Abstract In this note nannofossils of Anisian age are reported in a Middle Triassic flysch sequence in southern Montenegro (Dinarides). The rich and various nannofossils are largely different from those described either in Paleozoic-Upper Triassic or in younger rocks. Anisian »flysch« discontinuously outcrops in a belt extending from some km north of Budva dov^^n to the SW slope of the Rumija Mountain (Dimitrijevic, 1967), at a length of about 50 km and width of about 16 km. The complete Lower to Middle Triassic sequence includes terrains spanning in age from Werfenian to Anisian (»flysch« and Han Bulog limestones) and Ladinian (Porphyrite-Chert For- mation). After the Carnian tectonic events, the southern sector of the »flysch« area evolved into the Cukali-Budva Basin, and the northern sector evolved into the Dinaric Carbonate Platform (Radoičić, 1987). The Lower-Middle Anisian age of the »flysch« is proved by a rich macro- and microfauna that includes, crinoids, brachiopods, bivalves, ammonites, algae (dasyc- lads) and benthic foraminifers, and that was described by many authors (Bešić, 1959; Pantić-Prodanović, 1975). The studied sequence (above 30 m thick) outcrops in the village Tudjemili, NNE of Bar (southern Montenegro), and is made up of pelitic clayey-marly and calcareous- marly deposits, which actually represent the distal deposits of the Anisian »flysch«. Nine samples were collected, and they all contained calcareous nannofossils, gene- rally in associations rich both in abundance of specimens and in morphologic variety. All the forms we individuated represent new species (PI. 1, Figs. 1-5), except a form showing affinities with Tetralithus pseudotrifidus Jafar, described in Upper Triassic (Carnian-Rethian) of Austria and Southern Germany (Jafar, 1983). This species is present with some specimens in the Tudjemili sequence. The individuated species are being studied by optical microscopy and SEM. 78 Paola De Capoa & Rajka Radoičić References Bešić, Z . M. 1959, Geološki vodič kroz Narodnu republiku Crnu Goru. Geol. društvo NR Crne Gore, 559 p., Titograd. Dimitrijevič, M. N. 1967, Sedimentološko-stratigrafskiproblemi srednjotriaskog fliša u terenima između Skadarskog jezera i Jadranskog mora. Geol. glasnik 5, 223-310. Titograd. Ja far, S. A. 1983, Significance of Late Triassic calcareous Nannoplankton from Austria and Southern Germany. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 166, 2, 218-259, Stuttgart. Pantić-Prodanović, S. 1975, Trijaske mikrofacije Dinarida. Društvo za nauku i um- jetnost Cme Gore, 4, 257 p., Titograd. Radoičić, R. 1989, The Dinaric carbonate platform: adjacent basins depressions. Mem. Soc. Geol. It. 40 (1987), 309-311, Roma. Plate 1 1-5 Some of the recognized species 1 sp. 40, SEM, X 4000 2 sp. 38, SEM, X 4500 3 sp. 5, LM, X 1500 4 sp. 7, LM, X 1500 5 sp. 8, LM, X 1500 Calcareous Nannofossils in Middle Triassic 79