PSIHOLOŠKA OBZORJA Slovenska znanstveno-strokovna psihološka revija (uradna revija Društva psihologov Slovenije) Glavna in odgovorna urednica izr. prof. dr. Cveta Razdevšek Pučko HORIZONS OF PSYCHOLOGY Of.cial Journal of the Slovenian Psychological Association Editor-in-Chief Assoc. Prof. Cveta Razdevšek Pučko, PhD Izdaja / Published by Društvo psihologov Slovenije (Slovenian Psychological Association) Ljubljana ISSN 1318-1874 Letnik (Volume) 20, številka (Number) 1, 2011 PSIHOLOŠKA OBZORJA HORIZONS OF PSYCHOLOGY Slovenska znanstveno-strokovna psiholo ka revija Official Journal of the Slovenian Psychological Association Letnik (Volume) 20, tevilka (Number) 1, 2011, ISSN 1318-1874 Izdaja / Published by Dru tvo psihologov Slovenije / Slovenian Psychological Association ulica Stare pravde 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Glavna in odgovorna urednica / Editor-in-Chief Cveta RAZDeV eK PU kO univerza v Ljubljani, Pedago ka fakulteta Oddelek za temeljni pedago ki tudij kardeljeva plo čad 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Tel. +386 (0)1 5892 328, Fax: +386 (0)1 5347 997 email: Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board Ga per CANkAR Maja FuRLAN Luka kOMIDAR Anja PODLeSeK Vlasta ZABukOVeC Uredniški svet / Scienti.c Board Tiziano AGOSTINI Darja kOBAL GRuM Meta ShAwe-TAyLOR karin BAkRA eVI VukMAN Lidija MAGAJNA Gregor SO AN Valentin BuCIK Vlado MIheLJAK Lea uGMAN BOhINC Zlatka CuGMAS Aljoscha NeuBAueR Vladimir TAK I Petra DOLeNC Sonja PE JAK Predrag ZAReVSkI Mojca JuRI eVI Vesna RADONJI MIhOLI Maja ZuPAN I Tina kAV I Argio SABADIN Lektoriranje angleških kljuenih besed, vsebinska obdelava in razvrstitev besedila: Maja FuRLAN Oblikovanje ovitka: Jana LeSkOVeC Tehnično urejanje in prelom: iga hR eK Tisk: Tiskarna Vovk d.o.o., Dom ale Pogostost izhajanja: Na leto izidejo tiri tevilke Ustanovitelj, izdajatelj in založnik: Dru tvo psihologov Slovenije Naročniški naslov : Psiholo ka obzorja, Dru tvo psihologov Slovenije, ulica Stare pravde 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, telefon/fax: +386 (0)1 282 1086 Davčna tevilka: SI 51264218; Poslovni račun: 02010-0091342732 © 2011 Dru tvo psihologov Slovenije. Revija je za čitena z zakonom o avtorskih pravicah. Revija v celoti ali katerikoli njen del ne smeta biti razmno evana ali posredovana na noben način (fotokopije, mikrofilmi, elektronsko posredovanje, snemanje, prevajanje) brez predhodnega pisnega privoljenja izdajatelja. Bibliografski zapisi o prispevkih, objavljenih v reviji Psiholo ka obzorja, so ustrezno kategorizirani in vključeni v slovensko podatkovno zbirko COBIB. Revija je opredeljena kot pomembna in odmevna znanstvena in strokovna periodična publikacija v psiholo ki znanosti, torej so objave v njej visoko referenčne za napredovanje v znanstvenih in strokovnih nazivih. Psihološka obzorja so indeksirana v Psyc%N$O! svetovni bibliografski bazi psihološke literature" Revija izhaja s finančno podporo #gencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije ter Vnanstvenoraziskovalnega inštituta $ilozofske fakultete Univerze v &jubljani. Vsebina Vlasta ZABukOVeC 5 uvodnik Znanstveni empiričnoraziskovalni prispevki Sergei A. ShCheBeTeNkO 7 Potreba po spoznavi in stališča do priseljencev med ruskimi študenti Barbara ŠTeH in Petra MRVAR 17 Stališča in pričakovanja učiteljev, svetovalnih delavcev in staršev drug do drugega v kontekstu sodelovanja med šolo in domom Tina PODLOGAR in Boštjan BAJeC 43 Povezanost časovne perspektive z osebnostnimi lastnostmi in subjektivnim blagostanjem Strokovni raziskovalnoempirični in pregledni prispevki eva BOŠTJANI in Marina VIDMAR 63 karierna pričakovanja študentov psihologije Tinkara PAVI MReVLJE 79 Sodni izvedenec psihološke stroke Marko DIVJAK in Vlasta ZABukOVeC 95 Predstavitev priročnika za evalvacijo medijskih kampanj v prometu Ocena knjige Barbara ŠTeH 101 Ocena priročnika »Posodobitve pouka v gimnazijski praksi. Psihologija« Novi doktorati Drago ŽAGAR 105 Predstavitev doktorske disertacije "Stres in izgorelost učiteljev v odnosu do njihovih pedagoških prepričanj in pričakovanj! (dr. katja Depolli Steiner) Predvideni prispevki v številki 2 letnika 20 (2011) PSIhOLOŠkIH OBZORIJ 110 Navodilo avtorjem prispevkov Contents Vlasta ZABukOVeC 5 Introduction Scienti.c papers (empirical research papers) Sergei A. ShCheBeTeNkO 7 Need for cognition and attitudes toward immigrants among Russian students Barbara ŠTeH in Petra MRVAR 17 Mutual Attitudes and expectations of Teachers, School Counsellors and Parents in the Context of Co-operation Between the School and the home Tina PODLOGAR in Boštjan BAJeC 43 The Connection of Time Perspective with Personality Traits and Subjective well-Being Professional papers eva BOŠTJANI in Marina VIDMAR 63 Psychology students’ career expectations Tinkara PAVI MReVLJE 79 Forensic psychologist Marko DIVJAK in Vlasta ZABukOVeC 95 evaluation tool for road safety campaigns - a short overview Book review Barbara ŠTeH 101 Review of the manual »updating instruction practice in grammar school. Psychology« New PhD theses Drago ŽAGAR 105 Presentation of the doctoral dissertation "Teacher stress and burnout in relation to teachers' beliefs and expectations! (katja Depolli Steiner, PhD) Content of the next issue, No. 2, Vol 20 (2011), of hORIZONS OF PSyChOLOGY 110 Instructions for contributors Spoštovane članice, spoštovani člani, drage kolegice in dragi kolegi! ovolite, da vas ob izidu prve letošnje številke Psiholoških obzorij nagovorim v imenu novega vodstva° ruštva psihologov Slovenije. Ožje vodstvo, v katerem smo Vlasta° Zabukovec° (predsednica),° Vita° Poštuvan° (generalna sekretarka),° Anita Celarec (podpredsednica za organizacijske zadeve), Robert Masten (podpredsednik za finančne zadeve) in Ana Arzenšek (predsednica strokovnega sveta) smo si v tem mandatu° zastavili° cilje,° ki° izhajajo° iz° novo° oblikovane° vizije° PS:° »Vizija članov DPS je aktivno povezovanje in sodelovanje psihologov z namenom uveljavljanja stroke in kompetenc psihologov, nudenja medsebojne strokovne podpore in zaščite, izobraževanja, usposabljanja in informiranja psihologov.« Prva naloga se veže na povezovanje članov in njihovo informiranje. Tesno je povezana s prenovo spletne strani, ki trenutno poteka in bo zastavljena tako, da bo možna kar največja komunikacija med člani. Pomemben člen povezovanja med psi­hologi so° nevi psihologov. Letošnji, z osrednjo temo »Izobraževanje, zaposlovanje in identiteta psihologov«, bodo omogočili strokovno povezovanje članov različnih strokovnih° področij.° Pretekle° izkušnje° kažejo,° da° se° člani° v° večji° meri° povezujejo znotraj sekcij. Zato smo se odločili, da pripravimo tudi neformalno srečanje psiho­logov in s tem dosežemo spoznavanje in povezovanje članov med sekcijami. Za nove člane pa pripravljamo poseben sprejem.° Poleg° ožjega° vodstva naj° bi za realizacijo teh ciljev skrbele tudi sekcije. Informiranju članov bomo namenili posebno pozor­nost. Potekalo naj bi preko spletne strani in drugih elektronskih poti komuniciranja, sestankov,° strokovnih° in° neformalnih° srečanj. Za° letošnje° leto° predvidevamo° eno strokovno° srečanje° vsake° sekcije,° kamor° bodo° povabljeni° tudi° člani° drugih° sekcij. Na osnovi teh izkušenj bomo za naslednje leto pripravili načrt rednih sekcijskih sre­čanj za vse člane DPS in intervizijskih srečanj znotraj strokovnih področij.° Druga naloga je vezana na Zakon o psihološki dejavnosti. Glede na to, da se je postopek priprave osnutka Zakona o psihološki dejavnosti na Ministrstvu za zdra­vje ustavil, bomo v° DPS iskali različne možnosti, da bi osnutek kmalu prišel v par­lamentarno obravnavo. Oblikovana je bila delovna skupina, ki je prevzela operativne naloge za sprejem Zakona o psihološki dejavnosti. Zakon bo omogočil priznanje psi­hološke° stroke° in° hkrati° nudil° zaščito° svojim° članom° in° uporabnikom° psiholoških storitev. Delovno skupino vodi predsednica DPS. Naslednja ključna naloga je promocija psihologije kot stroke. K temu v veliki meri prispeva tudi Zakon o psihološki dejavnosti. Je sicer dolgoročna aktivnost, ven­dar lahko že prvi koraki prispevajo k prepoznavnosti, predvsem znotraj različnih for­malnih° struktur° (ministrstva,° delovne° organizacije). V° letošnjem° letu° poteka° tudi prenova koncepta revije Psihološka obzorja. V skladu s predlogom naj bi Psihološka obzorja postala mednarodno priznana znanstvena revija. Ob njej pa naj bi se razvila tudi strokovna revija, ki bi nudila sveže informacije iz prakse.° Do konca leta lahko pričakujemo zasnovo portala in koncept razvoja obeh revij, ki ga pripravlja posebej za to nalogo oblikovana delovna skupina, ki jo vodi Luka Komidar. Psihologijo kot stroko pa je potrebno predstaviti tudi širše, zato bomo v° PS poskrbeli za njeno pro­mocijo. To nalogo je prevzela Petra Lepoša in trenutno intenzivno dela na strategiji promocije. K promociji stroke pa lahko v veliki meri prispeva tudi euroPsy – evropski certifikat° iz° psihologije,° ki° določa° standarde° izobraževanja° psihologov° in° omogoča mobilnost znotraj Evrope. V naslednjem obdobju ga bomo predstavili zainteresirani strokovni javnosti in pripravili vse potrebno za njegovo implementacijo. Nacionalni odbor za podeljevanje euroPsy certifikata vodi Anja Podlesek. To je le del nalog, ki smo si jih na začetku svojega mandata zastavili. Želimo si, da bi načrti, ki smo jih na kratko predstavili, vzbudili pri vas radovednost in željo po aktivni vključenosti v naše strokovno združenje. Vaša aktivna vloga pri soobliko­vanju profesionalne identitete psihologov je zelo pomembna. Predsednica DPS Dr. Vlasta Z Psihološka obzorja / horizons of Psychology, 20, 1, 7-16 (2011) © Društvo psihologov Slovenije 2011, ISSN 1318-187 Znanstveni empiričnoraziskovalni prispevek Need for cognition and attitudes toward immigrants among russian students Sergei A. Shchebetenko Perm State university Ab ac : The author examined how need for cognition may contribute to the attitudes toward immigrants among Russian students. It was shown that although need for cognition may not correlate with attitude toward immigrants directly it might either interact with other factors or in.uence several relations of at­titudes. Speci.cally, low need for cognition may facilitate the application of immigrants’ ethnicity as a cue for the attitudes toward immigrants. On the contrary, those participants having highneed for cognition probably may not use immigrants ethnicity as a cue for attitudes. Additionally, need for cognition might make attitudes toward immigrants more positive among Russian women comparing with Russian men. Furthermore, a positive correlation between perceived stereotypicity and attitude toward immigrants was eliminated among lowneed for cognition participants. Moreover, this correlation has become even negative among lowneed for cognition males. The results of the study are discussed. Jeywords: attitudes toward immigrants, need for cognition, students, Russia° Potreba po spoznavi in stališča do priseljencev med Rusi Sergei A. Shchebetenko Perm State university Povzetek: Avtor je raziskoval vpliv potrebe po spoznavi na stališča do priseljencev med Ruskimi študenti. Ugotovil je, da čeprav lahko potreba po spoznavi neposredno ne korelira s stališči do priseljencev, lahko bodisi vstopa v interakcijo z drugimi dejavniki ali pa vpliva na več stališčnih odnosov. Predvsem lahko nizka° potreba° po° spoznavi° spodbuja° uporabo° narodnosti° priseljencev,° kot° znaka° za° stališče° do° njih. Nasprotno pa tisti udeleženci, ki so imeli visoko potrebo po spoznavi, verjetno ne bodo uporabili narod­nosti priseljencev kot znak za stališča. Obenem potreba po spoznavi spodbuja pozitivnejša stališča do priseljencev pri Rusinjah v primerjavi z Rusi. Nadalje je bila pozitivna korelacija med zaznano stereotip­nostjo in stališčem do priseljencev odstranjena med udeleženci z nizko potrebo po spoznavi. Ta korelacija je bila celo negativna med moškimi udeleženci z nizko potrebo po spoznavi. V zaključku avtor razpravlja o rezultatih raziskave. Jljučne besede: stališča do priseljencev, potreba po spoznavi, študenti, Rusija CC = 3297 Introduction Immigrants are one of major sources of maintaining the population in Russian Federation nowadays. Thus,° according° to° Federal° State° Statistic° Service of° Russian Federation (2010), in 2009, the immigration growth in Russia compensated for the nu­merical loss of population and exceeded them by 1,4% which led even to the growth of Russian population for the .rst time throughout last 18 years. Although the rates of immigration growth are far from those observed in the 1990's, immigration to Russia still remains at a relatively high level, primarily at the expense of citizens of the former Soviet republics who have decided to immigrate to Russia (Federal State Statistic Service of Russian Federation, 2010). Stable and substantial in.ow of immigrants against the background of natural population decrease in most regions of Russia leads to an increase in interethnic ten­sions. Vivid examples of this are such landmark events as the con.ict in Kondopoga ( , 2006) or nationalistic riots in Moscow in° ecember 2010 (Time, 2010). Against this background, not only sociological statements and analyses of the situation play an important role, but also a research of psychological mechanisms of perception of immigrants by Russians is needed. Such a research would contribute to the identi.cation of mechanisms underlying ethnic tensions among Russians and help to reduce them. In such a way, the study presented in this article concerns the contri­bution° of° several° sociopsychological° factors° to° the° attitudes° towards° immigrants among Russians. Theoretical Background Over the last several decades, the need for cognition (N ) has become one of the° most investigated° phenomena° in several° areas° of° social° cognition° including atti­tudes, persuasion, and stereotype research. The term of N was used by John° acioppo and Richard Petty ( acioppo & Petty, 1982) to refer to individual differences in ten­dency to enjoy and be involved into a task solving that requires substantial cognitive efforts. In a recent review Petty,° rinol, Loersch, and Mc aslin (2009) have stated that to date there are about 1,000 publications have either cited the original article on N ( acioppo & Petty, 1982) or the short version of the Need for° ognition Scale ( a­cioppo,° Petty,° &° Kao,° 1984). Additionally,° N ° has been examined° in well° over° 150 empirical investigations (Tormala &° eSensi, 2009). Initially,° N ° has° been° considered° as° a° differential° application° to° the° dual­process° models° of° judgment° including° Elaboration° Likelihood° Model° proposed° by Petty and° acioppo (1986). However, in the long run N has been given a status of an independent construct engaged in a wide variety of psychological problems. Need for cognition and attitudes toward immigrants among russian students Thus, it has been repeatedly shown N to be involved in attitudes formation. For instance, it predicts the reliance on effortful versus low-effort processing of social information (e.g.,° acioppo, Petty, & Morris, 1983; Tormala &° eSensi, 2008). In­dividuals high in N tend to engage in metacognition (i.e., thinking about their own thoughts;° Petty,° rinol, Tormala,° & Wegener,° 2007)° in° comparison° to° those° low° in N . Moreover, N moderates some attitudinal effects like mere thought effect (Smith, Haugtvedt, & Petty, 1994), sleeper effect (Priester, Wegener, Petty, & Fabrigar, 1999), or primacy and recency effects ( rinol & Petty, 2005). There is a strong evidence that N ° plays° a° substantial° role° in° decision° making° process° in.uencing° false° memories production° (Graham,° 2007),° halo° effect° (Perlini° &° Hansen,° 2001),° or° subtle° versus blatant priming (Petty,° eMarree,° rinol, Horcajo, & Strathman, 2008). Last but not least, N has been shown to affect even the behavioral constructs like effectiveness of interpersonal relations. Particularly, Shestowsky and Horowitz (2004) revealed that people who were high in N took a more involved role in small-group settings speak­ing longer than those low in N . N is° of° special interest° in° context° of intergroup perception. Thus, there is° a strong evidence that N is involved in stereotype utilization. Particularly, individuals low in N are more likely to rely on stereotypes alone in judging other people ( arter, Hall,° arney, & Rosip, 2006; Schaller,° oyd, Yohannes, & O’ rien, 1995) than those who are high in N .° Present research The primary goal of the current research was to investigate the contribution of N to attitudes toward immigrants to Russia. There is a huge body of results concerning attitude toward immigrants to date (e.g.,° ambrun, Taylor, Mc onald,° rush, & Méot, 2006; Vaughan & Thompson, 1961). Some of them demonstrate that attitudes toward immigrants are affected by personality traits like authoritarianism, neuroticism or locus of° control (Kornienko,° Shchebetenko, &° aleva,° 2007;° Maio, Esses,° &° ell, 1994; Shchebetenko, 2010; Siegman, 1961).° Speci.cally, there are some empirical results supporting the idea that the degree of N can predict if one either relies or doesn’t rely on stereotypes in judging immi­grants. At least, considerable research has suggested that low-N individuals are more likely to rely on stereotypes in judging other people ( arter et al., 2006) than are high-N individuals. Still, there is no evidence of is this is the case in relation to Russians judging immigrants. Additionally,° previous° research° has° revealed° that° attitudes° toward° an° out-group could be depended on stereotypicity of outgroup image invented (e.g.,° urris & Rempel, 2004). Therefore, we have manipulated the degree of immigrant’s stereo­typicity as well.° Method Participants and design. 128 participants were recruited at economical and philosophical-sociological faculties° of° Perm° State° University. The° average° age° was° 20.0° (S° =° 1.74).° Of° the 128 participants 49 (38%) were males. Procedure Participants were told that they will participate in two different studies. First, they completed several questionnaires including Russian version of 18-item Need for° ognition Scale (N S;° acioppo et al., 1984)1. The scale contains items such as “The notion of thinking abstractly is appealing to me”, and “Thinking is not my idea of fun” (reversed). All items were completed on a five-point scale anchored at (1) completely disagree and (5) completely agree. After that, participants read an autobiographical text written ostensibly by a 25-years old man describing him­self as either Georgian or Uzbek immigrant in Russia. “The immigrant” has written about° his° habits,° lifestyle,° interests,° values,° etc.° The° texts° were° invented° on° the basis of descriptions of traits typical to Georgians and Uzbeks. These descriptions were° obtained° from° an° independent° sample° of° participants° (n° =° 30).° They° were told to list habits, lifestyle artifacts, interests, values, etc., Uzbeks and Georgians they° believed° to° have. The° qualities° indicated° the° most° were° selected° to° prepare the stimuli. Additionally, they were asked to list habits, lifestyle artifacts, interests, values, etc they believed are typical for Russians. All the participants of this sample identified themselves as “Russians”. Dependent variable. The attitude toward immigrants (ATI) was measured by the Scale of Immi­grants’ Perception (Shchebetenko et al., 2006) consisted of five self-report items. The items are as follows: “I like the narrator”, “I share many values with the nar­rator”, or “The narrator repulses me” (reversed item). The scale uses a 7-point Lik­ert-type° response° format° anchored° from° -3° =° very° strong° disagree° to° +3° =° very strong agree. The internal consistency° ( ronbach’s .)° was .75, and° the° means° of the scale’s items were distributed normally, z = .059, p > .90. uring this series participants also completed Eysenck Personality Questionnaire which results are out of our con-sideration in this article. Need for cognition and attitudes toward immigrants among russian students Independent variables. Need for =ognition. As° far° as° I° know° there° had° been° no° Russian° version° of° Need° for° ognition Scale (Petty et al., 1984) so far. Therefore, .rst, I needed to develop such a version. The° translation° of° the° scale° on° Russian° language° was° prepared° by° the° author.° Re­versed translation was prepared by a Russian translator, speaking English .uently. The .nal version of 18-items scale was derived as a result of discussion among the author° and° the° translator. The° inter-item° reliability° of° the° scale° was° high,° .° =° .84. The scale did not correlate with any of subscales of the Eysenck Personality Ques­tionnaire (EPQ-R; Eysenck & Eysenck, 1994), including social desirability subscale, all rs < .18, all ps > .05. Thus we can predict a suf.cient degree of reliability and di­vergent validity of the scale. Stereotypicity In this point, the procedure was substantially as that used by° urris and Rempel (2004).° In° both° stereotypic° and° counterstereotypic° conditions,° the° immigrant° .rst stated that “I am an Uzbek (Georgian). I was born in Uzbekistan (Georgia) and stay in° Perm° for° a° year”.° The° respective° self-descriptions° subsequently° diverged:° The stereotypic immigrant described himself sticking to those stereotypic descriptions of given ethnicity obtained from Russian sample during the pretest (see the section “Pro­cedure”° for° more° details). The° counterstereotypic° immigrant° described° himself° ac­cording to auto-stereotypes (i.e. Russian stereotype) obtained from the same sample during the pretest.° oth texts were equal in terms of text size and stylistics.° Perceived stereotypicity. In addition, we measured the perceived stereotyp­icity (P ) of immigrant’s image. Participants thus answered four questions relating to the degree to which “the immigrant” is “a typical one”. The items were as fol­lows: “The narrator behaves exactly in the way that most his countrymen usually behave”, “The narrator is a typical representative of his nation”, or “I see people of this nation in a different way” (reversed). The internal consistency of the scale was high, . = .83, and the means of the scale’s items were distributed normally, z = .778, p > .55. Results Given that the means of N S items were distributed normally, z = .687, p = .734, we could extract three subgroups by the degree of N using ranking procedure. These three subgroups° (high,° middle, and° low° levels° of° N ) differed° between° themselves extremely signi.cantly, F(2, 119)=259.34, p < .0001. Thus, our manipulation of the need for cognition levels was quite suf.cient. =orrelations of N= with 300 dpi) naj bodo shranjene v kar najboljši kvaliteti gra.čnega formata JPG, TIF ali PNG. Sheme in diagrami naj bodo iz izvornega programa prilepljene v datoteko kot° predmet, izjemoma kot slike navedenih gra.čnih formatov z visoko ločljivostjo. V primeru posebnih zahtev (npr. pri uporabi manj običajnih programov za generiranje slik ali če se določene slike ne da izdelati računal­niško), naj se avtorji o načinu priprave slik predhodno posvetujejo s tehničnim urednikom revije (e-naslov: Tabele naj bodo natipkane z enojnim razmikom. Nad tabelo naj bo (v datoteki s tabelaričnimi in slikovnimi prikazi) izpisana zaporedna številka tabele in za piko njen naslov (npr. Tabela 1. korelacije med …). Tabela mora biti informativna brez posebnega sklicevanja na besedilo, torej opremljena s potrebnimi informacijami in po potrebi z opombami. Avtorji se v besedilu sklicujejo na sliko ali tabelo (npr. z ‘glej sliko 1’, ‘v tabeli 2’ ...), saj prikaz ne bo nujno na mestu, ki ga je predvidel avtor. V poglavju o rezultatih naj bo isti podatek vedno prikazan le enkrat. Avtorji naj se odločijo, kateri način (slika, tabela ali prikaz v vezanem besedilu) je najbolj primeren in informativen. Opombe pod črto naj bodo vključene v prispevek le izjemoma. Citiranje, literatura Uporabljene reference drugih avtorjev naj bodo v besedilu citirane po harvardskem sistemu: npr. Rostohar (1952) ali (Rostohar, 1952). Kadar je citiranih več avtorjev, so navedeni v abecednem redu, npr. ( ujas, 1953; Rostohar, 1952; Trstenjak, 1953).° itati posameznih referenc so ločeni s podpičjem, npr. (Petrič, 1970; Petrovič, 1969). Kadar sta citirano delo napisala dva avtorja, se ves čas v prispevku navaja priimka obeh avtorjev (npr. Schutz in Gessaroli, 1993). Kadar so citirano delo napisali trije, štirje ali pet avtorjev, so pri prvem citiranju vedno navedena imena vseh soavtorjev, npr. (Toličič, Šebek, Pečjak in Zorman, 1957), pri morebitnih naslednjih citatih pa le ime prvega avtorja, za druge pa je dodano le “idr.”; drugi citat bi se tako glasil (Toličič idr., 1957). Kadar je citirano delo napisalo šest avtorjev ali več, se v vsem prispevku navaja le ime prvega avtorja in doda “idr.”. Kadar je citiranih več del istega avtorja, napisanih v istem letu, so letnicam dodane male črke po abecednem redu, npr. (Peršič, 1968a, 1968b).° V seznamu literature na koncu prispevka so navedena po abecednem redu avtorjev (in brez zaporednih številk) vsa v besedilu citirana dela (in samo ta).° Celoten seznam literature mora biti napisan v skladu z APA standardi citiranja. Pri navedbi vira so vedno izpisana imena vseh avtorjev prispevka, ne glede na to, koliko jih je.° Navedki prispevkov v revijah morajo vsebovati priimek avtorjev, začetnice imena, leto izdaje, naslov prispevka, polno (neokrajšano) ime revije (v poševnem tisku), letnik (v poševnem tisku), če se v vsakem zvezku znotraj istega letnika število strani začne z 1, tudi številko° zvezka (v° oklepaju,° stičnim° z° letnikom,° v navadnem tisku),° in navedbo strani,° na° katerih je natisnjen prispevek (pri° tem uporabljamo pomišljaj –, ne vezaj -). Paziti je potrebno na ločila, ki ločijo posamezne enote navedka. Primer navedbe: Plomin, R. in Caspi, A. (1998). DNA and personality. european Journal of Personality, 12, 387–407.° Navedba avtorske knjige vsebuje priimek avtorjev, začetnice imena, leto izdaje, naslov knjige (v poševnem tisku), kraj izdaje in za­ložbo. Primer navedbe:° Lazarus, R. S. (1991). emotion and adaptation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Navedba poglavja avtorja v knjigi z urednikom vsebuje priimek avtorjev, začetnice imena, leto izdaje, naslov poglavja v knjigi, za­četnice imena ter priimek urednikov, označbo, da gre za urednike, naslov knjige (v poševnem tisku), strani, na katerih je natisnjeno poglavje, kraj izdaje in založbo. Primer navedbe:° Schutz, R. W. in Gessaroli, M. E. (1993). Use, misuse and disuse of psychometrics in sport psychology research. V R. N. Singer, M. Murphey in L. K. Tennant (ur.), handbook of research in sport psychology (str. 901–917). New York: Macmillan. Vsaka navedba prispevka, katerega naslov ni v angleščini, mora imeti v seznamu referenc v oglatem oklepaju (v enakem tisku kot naslov prispevka) dodan tudi angleški prevod naslova prispevka. Primera navedbe:° Pogačnik, V. (1995). Pojmovanje inteligentnosti [Conceptions of intelligence]. Radovljica: Didakta. Tušak, M. (1998).° arvne preference, simbolika barv in osebnost [ olour preferences, colour symbolism and personality]. Psihološka obzorja, 7(4), 67–79. Oddajanje prispevkov Avtorji° besedilo° in° druge° dele prispevka pripravijo° v elektronski obliki.° atoteke, ki° naj° bodo° poimenovane° s° priimkom° prvega avtorja in dodano speci.čno oznako (npr. novak-besedilo.doc; novak-tabeleslike.doc), avtorji pošljejo glavni in odgovorni urednici na elektronski naslov° Ob prvem pošiljanju prispevka avtorji pripravijo dodatno datoteko (npr. novak-kontaktnipodatki.doc) z osnovnimi podatki o prispevku in avtorjih: izpišejo naslov prispevka, ime in priimek avtorjev, strokovne nazive, ime inštitucije, v kateri so zaposleni (v slovenščini in angleščini), in° natančen° naslov tistega avtorja,° s katerim bo uredništvo revije komuniciralo° (tudi° elektronski naslov, številko telefona in, če je možno, telefaksa ter URL naslov).° Če bo potrebno (npr. v primeru, da prispevek vsebuje veliko simbolov, ki jih računalniki recenzentov ne bi ustrezno interpretirali, ali v pri­meru, da recenzenti želijo pregledovati natisnjeno obliko prispevka), bo urednica naknadno zaprosila še za natisnjeno obliko prispevka. Po končanem redakcijskem postopku in strokovnih recenzijah bo avtor prejel recenziji prispevka in kratko mnenje urednice glede spre­jetja besedila v objavo. V primeru, da je prispevek sprejet v objavo, avtorji upoštevajo vse prejete pripombe, popravke in sugestije ter pripravijo končno verzijo prispevka. V končni verziji naj bo prva stran besedila takoj za naslovom prispevka dopolnjena še z imenom in priimkom avtorjev, imenom in krajem inštitucije, kontaktnimi podatki in morebitnimi dodatnimi informacijami o .nancerju študije, o tem, da je bil prispevek predstavljen na kakšnem od kongresov, ali zahvalo. Za angleškim naslovom naj bodo dodani imena in priimki avtorjev ter ime, kraj in država njihovih institucij v angleščini. Avtorji tudi končno verzijo prispevka oddajo glavni in odgovorni urednici v elektronski obliki. Če je potrebno, natisnejo en izvod prispevka in ga pošljejo na naslov urednice (v tem primeru bodo tipkopis in slike mesec dni po objavi uničeni, če avtorji ne bodo posebej pisno zahtevali vrnitve originalnih gradiv). Zakljuene opombe Poslana končna verzija rokopisa pomeni tudi potrditev avtorjev, da prispevek v enaki ali podobni obliki ni bil objavljen v kateri drugi domači° ali° tuji° publikaciji° in° da° tudi° v° bodoče° ne° bo° brez° poprejšnjega° soglasja° izdajatelja° Psiholoških° obzorij.° S° spletnih° strani avtorji natisnejo, izpolnijo in podpišejo Obrazec za odstop avtorskih pravic ter ga po navadni pošti pošljejo urednici. Uredniški odbor, uredniški svet ter izdajatelj ne prevzemata odgovornosti za strokovna mnenja in trditve oziroma zaključke, ki so jih podali avtorji v posameznih prispevkih. Instructions for Authors Papers should be written either in Slovenian or English language (occasionally, the Scienti.c° oard might also accept for publication papers in other languages). Scienti.c and technical papers should be written in economic, intelligible, clear and concise style. An empirical paper should report original research, presenting all the standard elements of scienti.c investigation (introduction, method — including participants, instruments and procedure -results, discussion, references). A theoretic paper is expected to examine in detail and critically analyse selected models and/or theories, and empirical data are described only if they are directly related to the theory. A review paper is expected to evaluate previously published work and it is° typically° composed of the following sections: problem de.nition, summary of previous research, explanation of subject matter inter-relations, contradictions, problems, and sug­gestions for further research. Meta-analytic study is a particular type of article, based on the established meta-analysis methodology, comparing different empirical investigations addressing a common problem.° The manuscript must contain the English and Slovenian version of the title, keywords (about .ve, de.ning the contents) and ab­stract in up to 300 words (the authors that do not speak Slovene should ask the Editor for help). If the paper is written in some other world language, the title, keywords, and abstract must be provided in that language in addition to the English and Slovenian version. A typical empirical paper should be written in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. Introduction should not be too extensive, yet it should provide the necessary conceptual framework. 2. The problem should be clearly and consistently de.ned, following logically from the introduction. It should be of suf.cient relevance and novelty, whereby the new dilemmas opened should be emphasised. 3. Research hypotheses and variables of interest should be concisely de.ned; the observation and measurement procedures should be precisely described. A short but accurate description of psychological instruments applied and of the methodology in general (research design, selection of participants) is mandatory. 4. Application of statistical techniques should be described in suf.cient detail. The tables and .gures may only contain es­sential information (if necessary, details can be presented separately in appendix). 5. Discussion and interpretation of the .ndings should refer to the established concepts and theories, regardless of whether they are supported by the .ndings or not. The Editorial and Scienti.c Board assume no responsibility for the expert opinions, claims, and conclusions stated by the authors in their papers. Technical Aspects of Manuscript Preparation The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA Publication Manual (Fifth Edition, 2001). 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