Radiol Oncol 1994; 28: 26-33. Prognosis of patients with non-Hodgkin's Iymphoma (NHL), the influence of Kiel classification on survival Berta Jereb1, Janez Stare2, Gabrijela Petrič-Grabnar1, Janez Jančar1 1 The Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, 2 The Institute for Biomedical Information, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia The effect of treatment modalities on the survival of patients with NHL and the prognostic impact of Rappaport's and Kiel classifications was analysed with the multivariate Cox model. Between 1978 and 1986, 482 adult patients received their first treatment for non Hodgkin's lymphoma at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. We compared a group of 317 patients classified according to both Rappaport and Kiel classification (Group K) with a group of 165 patients classified according the Rappaport classification alone (Group R). Group K was divided into subgroups of high grade or low grade lymphomas, which again were analysed separately. The Kiel group patients had 1.5 times better chances far cure than the R- group. Stage was significant for the predicting of outcome. Chemotherapy and radiation significantly improve the survival in the high-grade (K) group but do not seem to have any bearing on the outcome in the low-grade (K) group of patients. Key words. iymphoma, non-Hodkins; prognosis; Kiel classification Introduction In recent decades, considerable progress has been achieved in the management of patients with non Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The biology of this disease with its multitude of biologic variations has become better understood.1-10 New chemotherapeutic regimens have been introduced, enabling the treatment to be Correspondence to: Berta Jereb, Ph. D., M.D., Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Zaloška 2, Slovenia. Tel.: ( + 386 61) 323-063 (ext. 37-17). Fax: ( + 386 61) 1314 180. UDC: 61.6-006.441-036 more "individualized"11-18, i.e. adjusted to the aggressiveness of the disease. 1'>26 As a result, the survival has improved, mainly in the group of patients with highly malignant lymphomas. 17 A number of new prognostic factors have been recognized. While the significance of some of these is undisputed ( extent of the disease, primary site), there is still some diversity of opinions concerning others: age, sex, histology of the tumor, its cellular proliferation and DNA content.27 28 In an earlier report, we analysed patients with NHL by means of a multivariate model and have found sex, age, stage and some treatment methods to be of significance for the Prognosis of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 27 outcome. We could also show the survival to have significantly improved during the long period of time under investigation. In that analysis, however, neither the primary site nor the histological type of the tumor were included among the variables.29 In this paper we report on the results of our analysis of a more recent group of patients, with these two variables included in the multivariate model. We aimed to find out whether Kiel classification serves us better in daily work with these patients. Therefore, no reclassification was attempted. We also tried to establish the effect of treatment methods on the survival in different groups of patients. The prognostic impact of Rappa-port's30 as well as Kiel classification31 has been evaluated separately. Material and methods Between 1978 and 1986, 482 adult patients had their first treatment for NHL at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. Patients younger than 15 years, those with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and those admitted for recurrent disease were not included in the study. The extent of disease was assessed by clinical examination, biochemistry and blood status, chest X-ray, bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest, and radionuclide scanning of the liver and spleen. After 1980, the investigations also included an abdominal sonogram, or CT and bone marrow biopsy. For histological classification the Rappaport system was used before 1980, and an updated Kiel classification after 1980. The treatment approaches used during these two periods were different: in the earlier period, one drug or a COP combination (Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Prednison) was, as a rule, complemented by radiation to the bulky lesions. After 1980, CHOP (including also Adriamycin) combination was most often used for high grade NHL. Patients with low grade histology and stages I and II were treated by radiation, whereas those with advanced stages were often only observed and treated only if symptomatic. Radiation therapy was applied to bulky lesions, and surgery for gastrointestinal tumors was more favoured after 1980 than before. Ann Arbor system was used for clinical staging throughout.32 Our aims were: 1. to find out whether the histological classification system did influence the survival and disease free survival presumably owing to better adjustment of treatment methods to the biological behaviour of disease; 2. to find out whether the independent variables significant for survival were the same in Group K (classified according to Kiel) and Group R (classified according to Rappaport); 3. to find out whether the variables significant for the survival of patients with high grade tumors were the same as for those with low grade tumors. Statistical analysis For each patient the following data were recorded for statistical analysis and used as independent variables: - sex: 245 males, 237 females - age at the time of diagnosis: between 16 and 89 years mean 55.6 median 58.0 - stage: stage I - 117 stage II - 147 stage III - 76 stage IV - 142 429 were classified as A and 53 had B symptoms. - primary site: nodal 250 extranodal 217 unknown 15 - with subgroups: peripheral nodes 185 28 Jereb B et al. mediastinum 26 abdominal 32 head and neck 75 skin 16 bone 10 gastrointestinal tract 88 other extranodal (breast 11, testis 6, spleen 7, soft tissue 6, central spinal 3, and ovary, kidney, uterus, parotis one each) 37 unknown 13 - histology: Rappaport's classification only (R-group): 165 nodular 20 diffuse 95 other 50 Kiel classification (K-group): 317 low grade 163 high grade 124 other 30 There were 174 cases classified according to both systems, and 31 could not be histologically classified. - methods of treatment: chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. The methods of first treatment are given in Table l. - duration of chemotherapy: < 6 months 6 months - 1 year >1 year The data were statistically evaluated by survival analysis methods, the time from diagnosis until death being the outcome of interest. The survival curves were calculated according to Kaplan-Meier method.33 To reduce the number of potential prognostic variables to a manageable level, we first did univariate analysis, subdividing the data by prognostic variables and comparing the survival curves by log-rank test. The variables which proved to be significantly associated with survival, as well as some other variables considered important by clinicians, were then included in Cox proportional hazards model34 which was used for the following two purposes: 1) to follow other prognostic variables when trying to confirm the connection between survival and histological classification, Table l. Treatment, combination of the 3 methods. Number of patients Number of patients percent of patients percent of patients Chemotherapy/ Surgery/ /RT none mono MOPP COP CHOP other Total /RT none surgery Total no RT 38 20 o 36 40 21 155 136 19 155 27 72 37 26 36 32 35 20 32 <2000cGy 7 4 o 17 30 1i 69 50 19 69 5 14 18 19 19 14 13 20 14 ;;a2000cGy 97 4 4 43 84 26 258 199 59 258 68 14 100 45 55 45 54 52 60 54 Total 142 28 4 96 154 58 482 385 97 482 Surgery/ChT none 113 24 3 80 121 44 385 80 86 75 83 79 76 80 surgery 29 4 1 16 33 14 97 20 14 25 17 21 24 20 Tota! 142 28 4 96 154 58 482 Prognosis of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 29 Table 2. Survival according to histological calssification. STATUS Histological Alive Alive Died Died Died Died Lost to classification no with of of of of follow- Total sympt. disease NHL other treatment unknown causes causes Kiel 127 23 112 13 5 28 9 317 66% NoKiel 48 2 75 12 3 21 4 165 34% Total 175 25 187 25 8 49 13 482 36% 5% 39% 5% 2% 10% 3% 100% 2) to identify important prognostic variables in some subgroups. We did this in order to see if the importance of prognostic variables varied between the subgroups. Results By the end of the study in December 1990, 200 patients were alive, 269 dead and 13 were lost to follow up (Table 2). The patients who had their tumors classified according to Kiel system (treated more recently) had significantly better chances for survival than those who had their tumors classified according to Rappaport system (Figure 1). On the whole, patients with extranodal primary sites did not fare better than those with primary nodal disease (Figure 2). However, patients with extranodal primary tumors of the bone, skin, head and neck, and gastrointestinal organs did significantly better than those with some years Figure l. Survival by histologic classification system. rare "other extranodal" tumors and those with the primary site in the lymph nodes. The patients with primary abdominal lymph node involvement had the worst prognosis while the prognosis of those with primary bone NHL was the best (Figure 3). Neither age nor sex appeared to be prognostically significant factors. The results of the multivariate analysis are presented in Tables 3- 6; the hazard ratio is the ratio between the hazard of patients in a specific group and the hazard of patients in a reference group; it is of statistical significance according to the log-rang test. The multivariate analysis confirmed the result of the univariate analysis, showing a 1.5 higher hazard ratio (risk value) for Group R than for Group K. The same prognostic variables were than used in the multivariate analysis for Groups K and R separately. Table 3 shows the values for Group K. The stage of disease, which emerged as a highly significant factor, was followed by the mediastinum as the primary nodal site, and Figure 2. Survival by primary site. 30 Jereb B et al. years Figure 3. Survival by primary site. by sex and histological type, respectively. The influence of chemotherapy did not emerge as significant. The results for Group R are similar, however, radiotherapy appeared among the significant factors while histology did not (Table 4). As to the survival of Group K patients with Table 3. Results of multivariate analysis for K-group patients. Predictors b hazard ratio p low grade + 1.00 high grade 0.1985 1.65 0.0472 other 0.6889 1.99 0.0228 sex female + 1.00 male 0.4450 1.56 0.0238 stage A + 1.00 B 0.5641 1.76 0.0402 chemotherapy yes + 1.00 no 0.4785 1.61 0.0977 stage I + 1.00 II 1.1497 3.16 0.0028 III 1.7490 5.75 0.0000 IV 1.7630 5.83 0.0000 primary site hand & neck + 1.00 peripheral lymph node 0.2486 1.28 mediastinum 1.0601 2.89 0.0182 abdomen 0.3884 1.47 bone --0.3253 0.72 gastro 0.3044 1.36 skin -0.1448 0.87 other 0.4467 1.56 Table 4. Results of multivariate analysis for R-group patients. Predictors b hazard p ration stage A B radiation yes no stage I II III IV primary site head&neck peripheral lymph nodes mediastinum abdomen bone gastro skin other + = reference group low-grade NHL, stage was the only variable which emerged as significant while for Group K patients with high grade NHL the results are quite different, the main difference being the impact of treatment on prognosis, which was significant in patients with high grade tumors but not in those with low grade tumors (Table ' 5, 6). Discussion This study confirms our previous report on better results in patients treated more recently. This time, however, the primary site of the tumor and its histological type according to Kiel and Rappaport classifications have been included among the investigated parameters. Table 5. Results of multivariate analysis for patients with low-grade tumors. Predictors b hazard p ratio stage I + 1.00 II 1.2940 3.65 0.0252 III 1.7150 5.56 0.0252 IV 1.8709 6.49 0.0005 + 1.00 0.9767 2.66 0.0109 + 1.00 0.6798 1.97 0.0137 + 1.00 -0.0128 0.96 1.1267 3.09 0.0135 0.3602 1.43 + 1.00 0.1124 1.12 0.8817 2.41 0.1482 1.7929 6.01 0.0002 -0.6023 0.55 0.4293 1.53 0.5259 1.69 1.2896 3.63 0.0151 + = reference group + = reference group Prognosis of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 31 Table 6. Results of multivariate analysis for patients with high-grade tumors. Predictors b hazard ratio p sex female + 1.00 male 0.8107 2.25 0.0142 chemotherapy yes + 1.00 no 2.0786 8.00 0.0013 radiation no + 1.00 yes 0.7647 2.15 0.0457 surgery yes + 1.00 no 1.2860 3.62 stage I + 1.00 II 2.0496 7.77 0.0039 III 2.4621 11.73 0.0008 IV 2.2096 24.77 0.0000 primary site head & neck + 1.00 peripheral lymph nodes 0.5562 1.74 mediastinum 1.7580 5.80 0.0127 abdomen 0.0392 1.04 bone -0.5180 0.60 gastro 0.9686 2.63 skin -0.0268 0.97 other 0.4575 1.58 + = reference group The finding that Kiel classification system had favourable impact on the prognosis (the patients of Group K had a 1.5 better chance for survival than those in Group R) suggest that the use of Kiel system enabled better identification of low-risk and high-risk patients, resulting in better adjustment of treatment to the patient and his condition than in Group R (Table 3, 4). However, regarding other factors, the results in this series were not in full agreement with those in the previous one. We could not confirm age or sex as significant for prognosis in the univariate analysis of the whole series of 482 patients nor did the group of patients with all extranodal primary sites have better survival than those with nodal ones. It is possible that the rather high proportion of patients who died of other causes made the evaluation of survival curves in the univariate analysis less accurate, thus rendering the differences less significant. In the univariate analysis, the following factors were found to be prognostically significant: stage of the disease, primary site and the system of histological classification. They were also confirmed by multivariate analysis of the whole group. On separate analysis of Groups K and R, stage and primary site remained significant in both, stressing their independent influence on the prognosis. There have been reports on a correlation of histological subgroups according to Rappaport system, but in our Group R histology did not emerge as a significant predictor of the outcome. In Group K, however, it did, thus confirming the reviews. The finding that males had a worse outcome in Group K but not in Group R is hard to explain. Chemotherapy as a predictor had only limited influence in Group K, while radiation in Group R was a stronger predictor of the outcome. Radiation was also used more often in the earlier group of patients and was to a lesser extent directed by different histological grading. The results of the separate analysis of the low-risk and the high-grade Group K patients are striking. Only stage I patients in the early stages, treated by radiation were curable, while the treatment had little or no effect on the course of the disease in more advanced stages. In the high-risk group, stage was a highly significant predictor, however, chemotherapy as well as radiation had a significant impact on the outcome of the disease. It is evident that for the high-risk patients in Group K an effective treatment has been introduced while for the patients with advanced low risk tumors the question how to treat and whether to treat at all remains open. We are well aware of the fact that treatment has changed over years, and full justification of our results could only be obtained by reclassification of the whole material. This being unfeasible, we nevertheless believe that the change of classification method had an influence on survival. We tried to check the possible effect of "treatment change" by including the year of diagnosis as a confounding variable. The "histological classification" variable remained significant in the multivariate regression model. We should also stress that all the patients diagnosed prior to the year 1978 were 32 Jereb B et al. excluded, so that only patients diagnosed between the years 1978 and 1986 were used in the analysis. Conclusions There are some conclusions that can be drawn from the analysis of the presented group of patients: 1. The group of patients that was classified according Kiel system and had their treatment adjusted to the histological grade had a 1.5 better chances for cure than the patients with tumors classified according Rappaport system. 2. Nodal abdominal primary site was associated with poor prognosis, while patients with gastrointestinal primary tumors did rather well. 3. Stage is a significant factor for predicting the outcome. 4. Chemotherapy and radiation are significantly improving the survival in the high-risk (K) group but do not seem to have any bearing on the outcome in the low risk (K) group of patients. Acknowledgement We are deeply indebted to Drs M. Vovk and M. 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