37 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers Drivers of Global Competitiveness in the European Union Countries in 2014 and 2017 DOI: 10.2478/orga-2020-0003 Milja MARČETA1, Štefan BOJNEC2 1 Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Masarykova 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Cankarjeva 5, SI-6001 Koper, Slovenia, stefan.bojnec@fm-kp.si; stefan.bojnec@siol.net (corresponding author) Background and Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to find the key drivers of Global Competitiveness In- dex (GCI) in the European Union (EU-28) countries from the aspect of country’s global competitiveness: institutions, macroeconomic environment, infrastructure, higher education, market effectiveness, market size, technological readiness, innovation and business sophistication. Methodology: This paper investigates global competitiveness of the EU-28 countries with the use of GCI in the periods 2014-2015 and 2017-2018. The correlation analysis and regression analysis are applied for testing the set two hypotheses. Results: The empirical results confirmed our hypotheses that GCI is particularly significantly positively correlated with innovation and business sophistication, and universities-industry collaboration in researches, and clusters de- velopment. Conclusion: The paper contributes to the literature of global competitiveness, by examining the relationship of sub-indexes of competitiveness of the EU-28 countries, pointing out the influence of universities-industries collabo- ration in researches and cluster development with geographic concentration of companies. The results and findings can be relevant for science, economic and research policy, and managerial practices that enhance innovation and business sophistication for research in collaboration of companies, universities, higher education institutions, and decision makers. The implications of this study can be important for better understanding of drivers of the EU-28 countries global competitiveness. Keywords: competitiveness, economic activities, global competitiveness index, innovation 1 Received: September 29, 2019; revised: December 30, 2019; accepted: January 17, 2020 1 Introduction Global competitiveness of countries is a set of institution, policies and factors, which determine level of country pro- ductivity (World Economic Forum – WEF, 2009). This means that for global competitive economic system is important quality of institution, which has to be ensured by national instruments, and namely legal infrastructure, laws, regulations, legal titles and stable monetary policy. Strategic target of the Lisbon strategy for the Europe- an Union (EU) was that Europe would become the most competitive, dynamic and on knowledge based economy in the world, with more and better work places, bigger social cohesion and considering environment (European Commission, 2010, 2). Europe has to be capable to compete with numerous emerging economies in the global market such as BRIC (Brasil, Russia, India, and China) countries. The impor- tance of competitiveness is significantly increasing, not only for the companies, but for countries and nations. Glo- balisation usually means absorbing and expansion all over the world. The international trade was expanded by 73% from the year 1999 to the year 2009 (European Commis- sion, 2010). This can be a reason why there is countries 38 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers interest to attract inflow of capital that they can acceler- ate economic development, to raise living standards or to gain and retain growth of gross domestic product (GDP). Different institutions have developed different methods to measure competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Global Compet- itiveness Index (GCI), to find out its main drivers and to analyse the EU-28 countries from the global competitive- ness aspect. Focus is on factors of GCI according to WEF (2014, 2017) for the EU-28 countries: institutions and institutional environment, macroeconomic environment, development of infrastructure, higher education, market effectiveness, market size, technological readiness, inno- vation and business sophistication. Due to heterogeneity of the EU-28 countries, there are different phases in their developments and factors that influence on global compet- itiveness achievement. For this reason, we include GDP per capita to find out the key drivers of global competitive- ness. The main idea is to check correlation between GCI and level of economic development measured by GDP per capita, and other selected elements, which construct GCI. These evidences can be important for government compet- itiveness policy. Therefore, this paper aims to analyse relationship between indicators of sub-index and GCI, e.g. business sophistication and innovation, and influence of collabo- ration between companies and universities-industries in researches, and clusters development with geographical concentration of companies in the EU-28 countries. We aim to answer on the following three research questions: • Is there a significant correlation between three pillar groups of sub-index variables and GCI? • What is the relationship between three pillar groups of sub-index variables of GCI and competitiveness? • What is the influence of collaboration between uni- versities-industries in researches and clusters devel- opment on competitiveness in the EU-28 countries? The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in the next section are presented theoretical basis and review of the literature. The following sections present description of variables included in the empirical analysis and the em- pirical results of the statistical analysis of indicators with the discussion of the results. Final section concludes and derives main findings with policy and practical implica- tions. 2 Literature review and hypotheses development Smith (1776) studied competitiveness and developed the- ory of absolute comparative advantages based at low cost production. Ricardo (1962) developed concept of relative comparative advantages in international trade or com- parative advantages that come from differences in labour productivity. New competitiveness theories, neoclassical theories and new factor endowments theories were de- veloped. Modern theory Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson and competitive advantage of country is definite with endow- ments of production factors, instead of production costs (Sheppard, 2011). Among new theories is new economic geography (Krugman, 1998). Krugman (1994) on one side contradicts national com- petitiveness as “dangerous obsession” out of a reason, that causes unsuitable arrangement of sources and leads to protectionism or trade war. On the other side, connecting economy on world scale potentially strengthens agglom- eration of economy and specialization (Krugman, 1998). Satsysk (2015) shows that modern university can be globally competitive in the case when it is provided with opportunities for engaging its talented researchers, teach- ers and students with sufficient quantity and quality of ma- terial/financial resources, infrastructural base and with ef- fective governing/management model. In terms of limited resources, institutional and financial government support are aiming at modernization of university. In the literature we can encounter different definitions of territorial, national and regional competitiveness. Based on OECD (Garelli, 2002), competitiveness of nations is a stage, in which country can in circumstances of free and open market produce goods and services, which fulfil in- ternational standards on market, preserve and at the same time expand income of their own population for a long term. Reaching competitiveness is important at country level. Porter (1998) argued that competitive advantages, geographical integration of industry or industrial clusters are vitally important. Porter (1990) emphasized indirect effects that can play geographical agglomeration of clus- ters in particular field for strengthening of competitive ad- vantages. Clusters and geographical concentration among interactive companies, specialized suppliers, service pro- viders and with them related industries and institutions can play important role on an individual area, which can com- pete, but can also cooperate (Porter, 2000). Innovation can be one of the most important determi- nants of competitiveness (Kovačič, 2007; Shamout, 2019). Smaller countries can through clusters and updated strat- egies achieve that their relatively smaller country size be- comes advantage (Pitelis, 2008). In this regards dynamic industrial policy of cluster developments is important in the EU-28 countries. Reduction of unemployment can be linked to foster- ing small and medium enterprises development, changes on labour market, the educational system and the entrepre- neurship activities (Gričar et al., 2019; Južnik Rotar et al., 2019). These factors became more important for competi- tiveness in recent years. Nekrep, Boršič and Strašek (2018) indicated the link between expenditures for research and development (R&D expressed in % GDP) and labour pro- 39 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers ductivity based on observed data for the EU member states in the period 1995-2013. Liberalization of the economy can be important factor for international competitiveness (Fagerberg, 1988), new technologies, and innovations (Fagerberg et al., 2007). The process of trade liberalization can rise possibilities for ex- panding import and export for similar products, and thus encourage growth inside branch trade (Bojnec & Novak, 2005). Cross-sectional innovation platform can create a sym- biosis between the university, the economy, and local com- munities that manage innovation activities and technolo- gies to increase competitiveness (Gjelsvik, 2018). A special attention is to consider quality of institution- al environment and particularly the role of rules and legal infrastructure that can effect on a business location, such as elimination of limitations on setting-up firms and shops, factors mobility, and attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI) (Bojnec & Fertő, 2017; 2018). In addition, the per- centage of population of a certain age with finished tertiary education can be important for global competitiveness. The number of bachelors from the tertiary education in the EU countries has increased. Tertiary education expansion has had positive effects for incomes and wellbeing of in- dividuals and for growth of economies (Čepar & Bojnec, 2008, 2010; Čepar, 2009, 27). Knowledge-based econo- mies in rapidly changing markets require organisation and strategies to effectively use knowledge and skills (Kareem & Mijbas, 2019). Many countries have increased their na- tional competitiveness such as Israel, the Netherlands, Fin- land, and Germany, driven by education and skilled labour contributing to high level of productivity and investments in R&D, which further promotes innovative world-class clusters development (Paraušić et al., 2014). Camagni (2008) argues that institutions, rules and norms create conditions for reduction of market transac- tion costs. They can provide warranty for contracts and ob- ligations enforcements, and can help to resolve company’s problems related to conflicts of interests and monopoly power. They can create favourable business climate that is beneficial for local companies and can improve attractive- ness for external companies and investors. Petryle (2016) examined the relationship between the GCI and GDP growth of countries during the period 2006-2015. It was found that there is a weak or no relationship in the EU-27 countries plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, the United States, and the Russian Federation. The WEF methodology is the most known system of a country’s competitiveness assessment. The datasets are gathered from survey information comparing development and competitiveness between countries in the following areas: institutions, infrastructure, macro environment, health care and education, higher education, effectiveness of market, size of market, technological condition, inno- vation and business sophistication. Since 2005 the WEF analysis of competitiveness are based on the GCI as a tool, which measures microeconomic and macroeconom- ic foundations of competitiveness of the country (WEF, 2014, 4–5). The GCI is calculated as a cogent average of different components (factors), which measure specific as- pects of competitiveness. The GCI has passed a whole picture of territorial com- petitiveness by countries. Therefore, the GCI is aggregated umbrella index, which is composed from three sub-index- es of competitiveness development phases: (I) basic com- petitiveness requirements (factor driven), (II) efficiency enhancers (efficiency-driven), and (III) innovations and business sophistication (innovation-driven). If it is an efficiency-driven country, then GDP, inflation rate, trade, labour productivity, and costs are important de- terminants of competitiveness, while for innovation-driv- en country the determinants of competitiveness are GDP, inflation, tax rate, FDI, trade, and cost (Rusu & Roman, 2018). WEF defines different countries groups that are ar- ranged based on the level of economic development meas- ured by GDP per capita: low, middle, and high income countries. In addition, as an important criterion referred to amount of mineral resources exported in entire export considering development phases in a way of competition and country categories in the phase of transition. 2.1 Hypotheses Following previous literature and in accordance with aims of our study, we set the following two hypotheses (H): H1: Relationship exists between the level of the EU- 28 countries competitiveness and indicators of innovation and business sophistication, but weak correlation exists between the EU-28 countries competitiveness and sub-in- dexes of other two pillar groups (basic conditions and effi- ciency enhancers). H2: University-industry collaboration in researches and clusters development with geographical concentration of companies have statistical distinctive influence on na- tional competitiveness in the EU-28 countries. Empirical studies (Dima et al., 2018) have indicated that the highest correlation is between the GCI and R&D expenditure as a % of GDP (0.8257), a result that indicates a very strong positive relationship between innovation and competitiveness. 1 1 Some companies have an ‘employee first’ policy, with a basic premise that contented or happy employees perform better. South West Airlines is a well-known example. In such companies, serious demands are made on employees and strict selection pro- cedures are in place, and teams are responsible for performance. It is far from a free-floating culture. 40 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers Paraušić et al. (2014) argues that the coefficient of a simple linear correlation indicates that there is a strong positive correlation in the sample between state cluster de- velopment in a country and its national competitiveness. While studies indicated some similarities and differ- ences in results, in general there is expected positive im- pacts of the analysed variables on global competitiveness, including for the EU-28 countries. 3 Data and Methodology The collected publicly available secondary data are used in the empirical analyses. The source of data is WEF (2014, 2017) and data from Eurostat (2014 and 2017) for GDP per capita for the EU-28 countries. Due to the differences in the level of economic development between the EU-28 countries GDP per capita is included to check correlation between GCI and the level of economic development measured by GDP per capita, and other selected elements, as an additional control indicator in the analysis. For glob- al country’s competitiveness evaluation, the GCI is used. The GCI is constructed from indicators, which are evalu- ated based on scale from 1 to 7. We used 40 variables. The applied methodology was empirical the analysis of indica- tors: institutions, macroeconomic environment, develop- ment of infrastructure, higher education, market effective- ness, market size, technological readiness, innovation, and business sophistication. We used correlation and regres- sion analyses to test the hypotheses. The Pearson’s corre- lation coefficient is applied to investigate the relationship between GCI and indicators of country’s global compet- itiveness. Furthermore, the regression analysis is applied for validation of tested models and their assessed fittings. The IBM SPSS software was used for the data analyses. 4 Drivers of global competitiveness 4.1 Basic requirements and global competitiveness Indicators of basic requirements are referred to quality of institutions or institutional management, macroeconomic environment, infrastructure, health care, and basic edu- cation (WEF, 2014). In addition to basic competitiveness requirements, there are included the following drivers of global competitiveness (Table 1): Table 1 presents the analysed basic requirement var- iables and their expected a positive or a negative sign of correlation coefficient with GCI. Table 1: Expected sign of correlation between GCI and basic requirements Variables of basic requirements Sign of correlation Property rights and intellectual property – owners are not willing to invest their company shares in improvement and maintenance of their assets, if their ownerships on intellectual property rights are not protected, propert, intel. prop. + Corruption – means dishonesty at treatment of public orders, lack of visibility and reliability, inability to assure suitable services for business sector and political dependence of judiciary, what causes substantial economic costs to companies and slowdown process of economic development, corruption + Government regulation – government attitude to market and freedom is very important, as exaggerated bureaucracy can negatively effect on operation effectiveness, gov. reg. + Legal framework in setting disputes, legal and judicial system for company in which individu- al, companies and governments communicate, because they are important for creating wealth, leg. dis. + Quality of roads, ports, airports, qual road, qual port, qualia airport + Source: WEF (2014, 2017) Country economy profiles, 99-104. 41 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers Fixed telephone lines and per 100 inhabitants – the number of working landline telephone, telfix + Mobile telephone per 100 inhabitants – the number of subscription to a public mobile tele- phone service, tel. mob. + Government debt – is consisted from all obligations, which demand payment or interest pay- ments and is connected to main debtor to creditor relations, gov. debt + Budget – government balance, public finance balance as a percentage of net lending (+) / net borrowing (–) and is calculated as public finance salary minus expenses, budget + Savings-gross national savings as a percentage of GDP, joint national savings are defined as public and private savings and as a percentage of nominal GDP, savings + Inflation – influences changes in living standard through changes in prices, inflation – Primary school enrolment – is a stage, which suits child relationship (as it is described in na- tional educational system), who are enrolled to school in population of official schooling age, primarysch + Rating creditable of country –as assessing the probability of sovereign debt default, rating + Table 1: Expected sign of correlation between GCI and basic requirements (continued) Source: WEF (2014, 2017) Country economy profiles, 99-104. 4.2 Efficiency enhancers and global competitiveness To test the relationship between global competitiveness and efficiency enhancers, Table 2 presents the sub-in- dex efficiency enhancers variables that are based on WEF (2014). It is expected that these variables can be important in correlation with GDP per capita with an influence on GCI. Therefore, we check our assumption with expected theoretically positive signs of correlations. 4.3 Innovation and business sophistication and global competitiveness Innovation and business sophistication give signs of spe- cialization and contribute to a bigger effectiveness in pro- duction of goods and services and increases quality of business performance, especially in mutual relationships, for example clusters development with geographical con- centration of companies. Innovation means competence for innovations, knowledge and labour force experiences, technological innovations, namely availability of techno- logical products, scientists, and patents. Important indicators are value chains (companies of trade and production), clusters development and innova- tions. Clusters development with geographical concen- tration of companies can be linked with transactions and collaboration between companies, development of com- munication technologies, social and cultural relationships between research institutions and universities. Table 3 presents expected signs on correlation between innovation and business sophistication variables and GCI. Focus is on researches, universities-industries collabora- tion in researches and clusters development, in correlation with GCI. Clusters development stage can positively influ- ence on GCI as well as can geographical concentration of companies increase productivity of domestic competitors and increase rivalry. 5 Empirical Analysis and Results With correlation analysis is investigated the relationships between GCI and their explanatory variables for the EU– 28 countries. The GCI and explanatory indicators – basic requirements, efficiency enhancers, and innovation and business sophistication indicators – are taken from the WEF reports (2014-2015 and 2017-2018). The validation of the set two hypotheses is assessed by the applied regres- sion and correlation analyses. The variables are grouped into three sub-index pillars. To evaluate the validation of the model it is used the regression analysis and correlation analysis, which are based on 56 observations, and assessed is the validation of the model for the EU-28 countries. 42 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers Table 2: Expected sign of correlation between GCI and variables of efficiency enhancers Variables of efficiency enhancers Sign of correlation Import in % of GDP, import/GDP + GDP per capita at standard of purchasing power parity (in PPP), gdpp + Secondary education, share of enrolment in higher education ISCED 2, ISCED 3, second.educ + Tertiary education, enrolment in %, share of enrolment in tertiary education level ISCED 5, 6, tert. educ (in %) + Quality of educational system, qual. educ + Intensity of local competition, loc. compet. + Availability of technology – in what scope they are technologies available in country, tech.avail + Absorption of technologies, in what range company accepts new technologies, absorb. tech + Direct investments and technological transfers, in what extent FDI brings new technologies, nti- transf + Internet users, (in %), internet + Gross domestic product GDP (in PPP), valued in standards of PPP in billions of dollars, GDP + Domestic market, index of size of local market, aggregate value of GDP in value of import of goods and services minus value of export of goods and services, dom. market + Foreign market, index of size of foreign market is valued as aggregate value of export of goods, foreign. market + Export in % of GDP, export/GDP + Import in % of GDP, import/GDP + Source: WEF (2014, 2017) Country economy profiles, 99-104. Table 3: Expected sign of correlation between GCI and variables of innovation and business sophistication Variables of innovation and business sophistication Sign of correlation GDP per capita at standard of PPP, gdpp + State of clusters development – geographical concentration of companies, suppliers, producers, cluster develop + Value chains breadth – companies trade and production, chain + Innovation capacity, to what extent do companies have the capacity to innovate - capac. of inov. + Quality of research institutions assesses the prevalence and standing of private and public research institutions, qual. of research + Expenses for research in companies, to what extent do companies invest in research and develo- pment, expenditure on research and development (R&D) as a percentage of GDP, expenses for research + Universities-industry collaboration in researches, to what extent do business and universities colla- borate on research and development (R&D), univind + Government procurement of technological products, to what extent do government purchasing deci- sions foster innovation, gov.proc. + Availability of scientists, scientists + Number of registered patents, patent + Source: WEF (2014, 2017) Country economy profiles, 99-104. 43 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers 5.1 Correlation analysis between GCI and basic requirement variables Table 4 presents correlation coefficients between two pair of variables. Our focus is on the correlation coefficients with the GCI. Correlation coefficient points on the rela- tionship between pair of individual variables. Higher cor- relation coefficient means stronger relationship, which can be positive or negative. Among higher positive correlation between chosen variables, these are: intellectual property, clean of cor- ruption, governmental regulation, legal framework in dis- putes, resolving disagreements, and infrastructure quality. Table 4 presents the Pearson correlation coefficients for 17 considered basic requirements variables and their pairs of correlation with GCI. The highest correlation co- efficients are with the following variables with the GCI: intellectual property (0.88), property rights (80.90), cor- ruption (0.86), legal framework in disputes (0.83), qual- ity of roads (0.73), rating (0.84), and primary education (0.76). GDP per capita also shows high correlation with GCI (0.67) as well as government regulation (0.63). It is interesting to note that 9 variables are most ap- propriate drivers of GCI, because correlation coefficient is over 0.4. Finally, the correlations between the GCI and some variables are very low: quality of ports and quality of air, mobile and fixed telephone lines, budget, savings, inflation, and government debt. 5.2 Correlation analysis between GCI and efficiency enhancers variables Table 5 presents correlation coefficients between select- ed efficiency enhancers variables and GCI. The highest correlation coefficients for GCI are with the following variables: technological absorption (0.94), availability or accessibility of technology (0.93), quality of educational system (0.84), local competitiveness (0.80), and secondary education (0.76). It is interesting to note that GDP per cap- ita also shows high correlation with GCI (0.67) as well as domestic markets (0.62), and foreign markets (0.77). In all other cases the correlation coefficients between GCI and investigated variables are less than 0.5 or very low. For example, indicators of tertiary education do not affect significantly on GCI (0.43). It is surprisingly that variable enrolment into tertiary education has correlation coefficient with GDP per capita only 0.07, and internet users they also show on very low correlation with GCI (0.12). There is a negative correlation coefficient between tertiary education and variables of import/GDP. There ex- ists also very low correlation between GCI and variables of export/GDP and internet users (0.12). A correlation coefficient is lower between GCI and the share of import/GDP (0.19), and between GDP per capita and the share of export/GDP (0.21). 5.3 Correlation analysis between GCI and innovation and business sophistication variables Table 6 presents correlation coefficients between GCI and selected innovation and business sophistication variables. There is a strong correlation of GCI with all included var- iables, namely with GDP per capita (0.64), with clusters development (0.82), with chains (0.85), with capacity of innovations (0.91), with research expenses (0.94), with collaboration of companies and universities-industries collaboration in researches (0.89), and with patent of sup- pliers (0.86). However, the correlation coefficient is lower with availability of scientists (0.48). In addition, there is a strong correlation between variables of chains and de- velopment of clusters (0.89). If the cluster development is evolving and local suppliers are collaborating, then pro- portionately the role chains is increasing. To sum up, innovation and business sophistication var- iables are strongly correlated with GCI than with variables of the other two sub-indexes. 44 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers Pearson C orrelation C oeffi cients Global index competitivi- te, GCI GDP per capita, gdpp property rights, prop- ertyr intellectual property, intell. prop coruption government regulation, gov.reg legal frame- work quality of road, qualr quality of port, qualp quality of airport, qualair mobile telephone, elmob fixed telele- phone, telfix budget saving inflation governmen debt, gov. debt rating credit- able, rating primary school, primarsch G lobal index com petitivite, gci com petitivite, G C I 1.000 .609* .907* .888* .893* .632* .830* .732* .252 .300 .220 .307 .134 .436 .230 .083 .841* .831* G D P per capita, gdpp .609* 1.000 .726* .736* .704* .403 .674* .562* .064 .101 .162 .441 .169 .212 .053 -.006 .622* .323 Property rights, propertyr .907* .726* 1.000 .969* .944* .719 .922 .720* .326 .371 .088 .304 .159 .466 .306 .054 .829* .627* Intellectual property, intell. prop .888* .7363* .969* 1.000 .927* .674 .883 .730* .307 .352 .064 .339 .197 .450 .285 .124 .806* .617* C orruption .893* .704* .944* .927* 1.000 .614 .871 .740* .169 .213 .233 .295 .093 .323 .148 .013 .765 .646* G overnm ent regulation, gov.reg .632* .403 .719* .674* .614* 1.000 .752 .415 .796* .817 -.386 -.126 .372 .843 .785 -.068 .619* .388 Legal fram ew ork disput, leg.dis .830* .674* .922 .883* .871* .752 1.000 .643* .339 .378 .012 .203 .254 .464 .325 -.129 .813* .458 quality of road, qualr .732* .562* .720* .730 .740* .415 .643 1.000 .174 .215 .104 .480 -.113 .239 .154 .370 .548 .622* quality of port, qualp .252 .064 .326 .307 .169 .796 .339 .174 1.000 .998 -.747 -.337 .293 .944 .998 .075 .360 .115 quality of airport, qualair .300 .101 .371 .352 .213 .817 .378 .215 .998* 1.000 -.730 -.306 .294 .949 .994 .093 .394 .158 m obile telephone, telm ob .220 .162 .088 .064 .233 -.386 .012 .104 -.747* -.730* 1.000 .284 -.123 -.625 -.750 -.120 .067 .362 fixed telelephone, telfix .307 .441 .304 .339 .295 -.126 .203 .480 -.337 -.306 .284 1.000 -.183 -.260 -.351 .410 .110 .324 budget .134 .169 .159 .197 .093 .372 .254 -.113 .293 .294 -.123 -.183 1.000 .341 .284 -.306 .254 -.096 saving .436 .212 .466 .450 .323 .843* .464 .239 .944 .949* -.625 -.260 .341 1.000 .940 -.052 .547 .248 inflation .230 .053 .306 .285 .148 .785 .325 .154 .998 .994* -.750 -.351 .284 .940 1.000 .058 .352 .090 governm ent debt, gov.debt .083 -.006 .054 .124 .013 -.068 -.129 .370 .075 .093 -.120 .410 -.306 -.052 .058 1.000 -.238 .316 rating creditable. rating .841 .622* .829* .806* .765* .619 .813 .548* .360 .394 .067 .110 .254 .547 .352 -.238 1.000 .516 prim ary school, prim arsch .831 .323 .627* .617 .646* .388 .458 .622* .115 .158 .362 .324 -.096 .248 .090 .316 .516 1.000 Table 4: C orrelation m atrix betw een G lobal C om petitiveness Index (G C I) and basic requirem ent variables for the EU -28 countries, data for 2014 and 2017 **Statistically significant at 5% significance level. Source: A uthors’ calculations 45 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers Global index competitivite GCI GDP per capita gdpp Secondary education second. edu Tertiary education tert.educ quality of education qual.educ import/GDP Local compet, loc comp. Availability of technol- ogy, tech. avail. Absorption of technolo- gies, absorb. tech. Direct investments- technology nti-transf Internet us- ers internet domestic market foreign market export/GDP G lobal index com petitivite, G C I 1.000 .673* .764 .431 .842* .199 .803* .931* .940* .799* .121 .627* .777* .214 G D P per capita, gdpp .673* 1.000 .460 .075 .662* .340 .430 .635* .650* .558* .600* .321 .456 .406 secondary education, second. edu .764* .460 1.000 .582 .646* .140 .583* .749* .708* .659* -.022 .495 .617* .154 tertiary education, tert.educ .431 .075* .582* 1.000 .315 -.169 .377 .411 .402 .219 -.392 .390 .406 -.170 quality of education, qual.educ. .842* .662* .646* .315 1.000 .229 .630* .828* .851* .678* .098 .330 .464 .229 im port/G D P .199 .340 .140 -.169 .229 1.000 .349 .270 .269 .481 .501* -.341 .014 .984 Local com petition, loc com p. .803* .430 .583* .377 .630 .349 1.000 .808 .819* .776* .066 .464 .663* .322 availability of technology, tech.avail. .931* .635* .749* .411 .828* .270 .808* 1.000 .967* .802* .157 .491 .658* .277 absorption of technologies, absorb.tech. .940* .650* .708* .402 .851 .269 .819 .967 1.000 .821* .151 .466 .638* .275 direct investm ents- technology, nti-transf .799* .558* .659* .219 .678* .481 .776* .802* .821* 1.000 .214 .407 .645* .489 Internet users, internet .121 .600* -.022 -.392 .098* .501 .066 .157 .151 .214 1.000 -.192 -.053 .538 D om estic m arket, dom .m arket .627* .321 .495 .390 .330 -.341 .464 .491 .466 .407 -.192 1.000 .924* -.295 Foreign m arket, foreig. m arket .777* .456 .617* .406 .464 .014 .663* .658* .638* .645* -.053 .924 1.000 .063 export/G D P .214 .406 .154 -.170 .229 .984* .322 .277 .275 .489 .538* -.295 .063 1.000 Table 5: C orrelation m atrix betw een G lobal C om petitiveness Index (G C I) and efficiency enhancers variables for the EU -28 countries, data for 2014 and 2017 **Statistically significant at 5% significance level. Source: A uthors’ calculations 46 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers Pearson correlation coeffi cients Global index competitivit GCI GDP per capita gdpp state of clusters develop- ment, cluster develop. value chains breadth chain Innovation capacity innovation capac. inov, quality of research institu- tions qual. research expenses for research in companie, expens. research universi- ties-industry collaboration in researches - univind govern. procurement tehnology, gov proc. availability of scientists scients number registered patents, patent G lobal index com petitivit, G C I 1.000 .641* .828* .857* .918* .872* .943* .890* .742* .489 .867* G D P per capita, gdpp .641* 1.000 .659* .640* .665* .517* .674* .602* .620* .306 .561* state of clusters developm ent cluster develop .828* .659* 1.000 .896* .828* .770* .828* .801* .667* .540* .717* value chains breadth, chain .857* .640* .896* 1.000 .855* .765* .874* .764* .584* .566* .788* innovation capacity, capac. inov .918* .665* .828* .855* 1.000 .825* .950* .813* .663* .445 .791* quality of research institu- tions qual. research .872* .517* .770* .765* .825* 1.000 .854* .901* .593* .518* .724* expenses for research in com - panies, expens.research .943* .674* .828* .874* .950* .854* 1.000 .855* .676* .496 .867* universities-industry collabo- ration in researches univind .890* .602* .801* .764* .813* .901* .855* 1.000 .746* .559* .777* governem ent procurem ent technology, gov proc. .742* .620* .667* .584* .663* .593* .676* .746* 1.000 .362 .614* availability of scientists, scientists .489 .306 .540* .566* .445 .518* .496 .559* .362 1.000 .557* num ber of registered patents, patent .867* .561* .717* .788* .791* .724* .867* .777* .614* .557* 1.000 Table 6: C orrelation m atrix betw een G C I and innovation and business sophistication variables for the EU -28 countries, data for 2014 and 2017 **Statistically significant at 5% significance level. Source: A uthors’ calculations 47 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers 5.4 Regression Analysis The aim of the linear regression analysis is to determine the association between the GCI and two explanatory var- iables for cluster development with geographical concen- tration of companies, and universities-industries collabo- ration. Regression analysis is limited to only two variables and we want to test the hypotheses. We used partial re- gression analysis when we selected only one explanatory variable. Thus future studies could be focused on multiple explanatory variables of GCI in regression analysis. Data for the analysed variables are obtained from WEF (2014) and WEF (2017). The variables are grouped into two pillars (11th and 12th) innovation and business sophistication. Explanatory variables were selected individually because universities define the competitiveness of technological innovation, while the clusters development with geographical concen- tration defines the competitiveness of non-technological innovation. The regression analysis is based on 56 observations, which correspond to EU-28 country observations for the two analysed years 2014 and 2017. Table 7 presents the GCI association with companies and universities-industries collaboration in researches. Determination coefficient R2= 0.793 shows that 79% of GCI variability is explained with companies and universi- ties-industry collaboration in researches variable. Coefficient of correlation (R=0.891) suggests on a strong linear relationship between companies and univer- sities-industry collaboration in researches and GCI. Table 8 presents the analysis of variance (ANOVA). At a significance level less than 1% (p = 0.000), the ex- planatory variable universities-industry collaboration in researches is statistically significant. F-test shows that there is a linear dependence between variables (F=203.222), and variable is statistically highly significant. If the p-value is less than the critical signif- icance level (p<0.005), then sample data provides suffi- cient evidence to conclude that the regression model fits the data. Furthermore, Table 9 presents regression coefficients with t-test and p-value, and statistic characteristics of the regression model. Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Change Statistics R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change 1 0.891a 0.793 0.789 0.22681 0.793 203.222 1 53 0.000 a. Predictors: (Constant). Universeind b. Dependent Variable: GCI Table 7: Model Summary ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 10.455 1 10.455 203.222 0.000b Residual 2.727 53 0.051 Total 13.181 54 a. Dependent Variable: GCI b. Predictors: (Constant). Universeind Table 8: ANOVA 48 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers ANOVA with F-test shows that clusters development with geographical concentration of companies is statisti- cally significant at 1% level (p<0.001) (Table 11). The research hypothesis about the existence of strong positive correlation between GCI and clusters develop- ment with geographical concentration of companies can be accepted. This is further confirmed by statistically sig- nificant regression coefficient (Table 12). Regression line value is: GCI= 2.534+0.533cluster. The regression equation shows that the regression coeffi- cient that is pertained to cluster development variable is 0.533. If clusters development with geographical concen- tration of companies increases by 1 scale, then GCI in- creases by 0.533 scale of GCI, ceteris paribus. The regression line value is GCI=2.679+0.495 univer- seind. If companies and universities-industry collabora- tion in researches increases for 1 scale, then GCI increases by 0.495 scale, ceteris paribus. Table 10 shows to what extent GCI is associated with clusters development with geographical concentration of companies. Coefficient of correlation (R=0.831) shows a linear relationship between clusters development and GCI. Coefficient of determina- tion (R2=0.69) shows that regression model fits the data: 69% of variability in GCI is explained with clusters de- velopment with geographical concentration of companies. Higher cluster development values are associated with higher GCI. Table 9: Regression Coefficients Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-test Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 2.679 0.151 17.735 0.000 Universeind 0.495 0.035 0.891 14.256 0.000 a. Dependent Variable: GCI Table 10: Model Summary Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Change Statistics R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change 1 0.831a 0.690 0.684 0.27766 0.690 117.971 1 53 0.000 a. Predictors: (Constant). Cluster b. Dependent Variable: GCI ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 9.095 1 9.095 117.971 0.000b Residual 4.086 53 0.077 Total 13.181 54 a. Dependent Variable: GCI b. Predictors: (Constant). Cluster Table 11: ANOVA 49 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers 6 Discussion The correlation coefficients between three sub-indexes variables – basic requirements, efficiency enhancers, and innovation and business sophistication – and GCI for the EU-28 countries indicated a positive correlation. The stronger positive correlation of GCI is with innovation and business sophistication sub-index than other two sub-in- dexes. Some variables of the sub-index basic requirements have a weak correlation such as quality of port and quality of air, mobile and fixed telephone lines, budget, savings, inflation, and government debt. In addition, a lower corre- lation between GCI and sub-index of efficiency enhancers is for export/GDP, import/GDP, and internet users. While there are differences in the results, all three groups of sub-indexes variables are in a significantly positive corre- lation with GCI. This implies that improvements in basic requirements, efficiency enhancers, and innovation and business sophistication are crucial to increase GCI. The validity of the H1 cannot be rejected on the im- portance of the innovation and business sophistication sub-index for GCI. In addition, the regression analysis confirmed the H2 on the importance of universities-indus- tries collaboration in researches and cluster development for GCI (p-value is less than the critical significance level, p<0.005). To increase global competitiveness, a greater focus should be given to the importance of innovation and busi- ness sophistication at different levels. In addition, global competitiveness can be improved through universities-in- dustries collaboration in researches, which supported the networking approaches in ongoing funding of research in some of the EU-28 countries to contribute to rise of global competitiveness. The relevance of our study is that rises awareness for policy and decision makers on the importance of drivers of global competitiveness and possible ways for improving the EU-28 country’s global competitiveness. It can be rel- evant for science, policy formation and managerial prac- tices, that enhance innovation and business sophistication in relation to research and collaboration of companies and universities-industry, research institution management, and policy of higher education that create knowledge and training. The scientific contribution of the study is that devel- oped relationships between three pillar groups of sub-in- dexes variables of GCI and competitiveness. The paper contributes to the literature of global competitiveness, by examining the role sub-indexes of competitiveness for global competitiveness of the EU-28 countries, pointing out the influence of universities-industry collaboration in research and cluster development with geographic con- centration of companies. Our results are consistent with Rusu and Roman (2018) on the relationships between the sub-indexes of competitiveness and GCI. Paraušić et al. (2014) found that cluster development and innovation and business sophistication can have a significant influence on national competitiveness in emerging markets and devel- oping countries. Therefore, cluster developments and universities-in- dustries collaboration in researches can have important role in the improving global competitiveness for the EU- 28 countries, but it can also require well targeted invest- ments in uncertain global environment. 7 Conclusion The paper contributes to analyses of drivers of global competitiveness. Different drivers can explain global com- petitiveness in the EU-28 countries. To investigate this research question, we have applied the correlation and re- gression analyses in the years 2014 and 2017. There exists strong correlation especially between the GCI and expens- es for research, innovation capacity, universities-industries collaboration in researches, and patents. All these is relat- ed to investments, organization and management of R&D, and innovation and business sophistication activities. The relationships between GCI and variables in the sub-index of innovation and business sophistication are stronger than in other two groups of sub-indexes for basic requirements and efficiency enhancers. In the third group of indicators for innovation and business sophistication, there is a strong Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-test Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 2.534 0.211 12.018 0.000 Cluster 0.533 0.049 0.831 10.861 0.000 a. Dependent Variable: GCI Table 12: Regression Coefficients 50 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 1, February 2020Research Papers correlation of the GCI with cluster development, capacity of innovations, chain value, with quality of research in- stitution, with research expenses, with universities-indus- tries collaboration in researches, government procurement, and with patent of suppliers. It is interesting, that very low correlation is found only with availability of scientists and engineers. The regression analysis confirmed H1: Relationship exists between the level of the EU-28 countries competi- tiveness and indicators of innovation and business sophis- tication, but weak relationship exists between the EU-28 countries competitiveness and sub-indexes of other two pillars groups (basic requirements and efficiency enhanc- ers). Therefore, H1 cannot be rejected, because the exist- ence of strong relationship between the level of GCI in the EU-28 countries and the third group of indicators of sub-index, i.e., innovation and business sophistication. Im- provements in innovation and business sophistication can lead to increases in GCI. The statistical analysis showed that clusters develop- ment with geographic concentration of companies and uni- versities-industry collaboration in researches have strong positive influence on the GCI. The regression analysis con- firmed H2: University-industry collaboration in researches and clusters development with geographical concentration of companies are statistically significant drivers of the GCI in the EU-28 countries. Therefore, global competitiveness of the EU-28 coun- tries can be improved by widespread clusters development with geographical concentration of companies and other drivers of innovation and business sophistication on the international market, as well as with improved universi- ties-industry collaboration in researches. This can have policy implications for science and universities, innova- tion and business sophistication, and managerial practices for doing business in companies. Our study has more limitations. The analysis is limited to two WEF data calculations/reports in 2014 (2014-2015) and in 2017 (2017-2018) with comparable indicators. Among study limitations, the study investigated only two variables in the regression analysis. Therefore, an issue for further research is to expand analysis with investiga- tion of dynamics in longer time-frame in the multivariate analysis. The correlation and regression analyses are lim- ited to the sub-indexes of GCI. In addition, the regression analysis is limited to partial analysis of two explanatory variables, the companies and universities-industry collab- oration in researches, and clusters development with geo- graphic concentration of companies for the two analysed years. In the future research, first, the panel data analysis for more years can be applied. Second, the model specifi- cation can be extended on variables of higher education. Finally, it could be applied cluster analysis for three groups of the EU-28 countries according to the stage of WEF de- velopment. As the EU-28 countries are at different stages of WEF development, individual factors can have different meanings for the competitiveness of individual countries. Therefore, an issue for research in future is to introduce the heterogeneity of the EU-28 countries. Literature Bojnec, Š. & Novak, M. (2005). 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In 2008 he received the Slovenian state Zois recognition for important scientific achievements in the field of economics. Dejavniki globalne konkurenčnosti v državah Evropske unije v letih 2014 in 2017 Ozadje in namen: Glavni namen raziskave je ugotoviti ključne dejavnike globalnega indeksa konkurenčnosti (GCI) v državah Evropske unije (EU-28) z vidika globalne konkurenčnosti države: institucije, makroekonomsko okolje, infrastruktura, visoko šolstvo, učinkovitost trga, velikost trga, tehnološka pripravljenost, inovacije in poslovna prefi- njenost. Metodologija: Članek raziskuje globalno konkurenčnost držav EU-28 z uporabo GCI v obdobjih 2014–2015 in 2017– 2018. Korelacijska analiza in regresijska analiza se uporabljata za testiranje postavljenih dveh hipotez. Rezultati: Empirični rezultati so potrdili postavljeni hipotezi, da je GCI zelo pomembno pozitivno povezan z inova- cijami in poslovno sofisticiranostjo, sodelovanjem med univerzami in industrijo v raziskavah in z razvojem grozdov. Zaključek: Raziskava prispeva k literaturi o svetovni konkurenčnosti s preučevanjem razmerja podindeksov kon- kurenčnosti držav EU-28. Poudarja na vpliv sodelovanja univerz in industrije pri raziskavah in razvoju grozdov z geografsko koncentracijo podjetij. Rezultati in ugotovitve so lahko pomembni za znanost, ekonomsko in raziskovalno politiko ter vodstvene prakse, ki povečujejo inovativnost in poslovno prefinjenost raziskav v sodelovanju podjetij, univerz, visokošolskih zavodov in odločevalcev. Implikacije raziskave so lahko pomembne za boljše razumevanje dejavnikov globalne konkurenčnosti držav EU-28. Ključne besede: konkurenčnost, gospodarske dejavnosti, indeks globalne konkurenčnosti, inovacije