HUi^MMaŠILO SLOVENSKE' •^^^mlmBw/W/// r£/mll'\/' /////// / / / / / / / / M ■ Mrs. Mary C. Terlep, Treasurer branch 110. 20, Joliet, Illinois Mrs. Terlep secured 114 new members in our recent campaign and was honored with the title of "Convention Queen". Congratulations! ^OFFICIAL ICA TION of the Slovenian Women's Union of America Number 6 JUNE, 1949 Volume 21 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽEN. ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Organi*od December 19, 1926 In Chicago, UL Ustanovljena 19. dec, 1920 ▼ Chlcagl, Illinois Incorporated December 14, 1927 In the State of Illinois Inkorporiana 14. dec., 1927 v državi Illinois * Mimrmnw OF: National Council of Catholic Women ' The Catholic Association for International Peace Women’« Action for Victory and . Lasting Peace Common Connell for American Unity Spiritual Advisor — Rev. Matthew F. Kebe.................. 223 - 67th St, Pittsburgh, Pa. Founder-Honorary President—Marie Prisland 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wls. President — Albina Novak.............................G516 Bonna Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. !• Viee-Prealdent — Mary Godez........................526 Water Street, Sheboygan, Wls. S. Vlc*hPrealdent — Mary Urbas .....................15312 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. t. Vloe-Prealdent — Mary Theodore........................2529 - 4th Ave., Hibbing, Minn. 1 Vioe-Preeldent — Mary Markezlch....................2S09 East 95th St, South Chicago, 111. I. Vice-President — Mary Tomsic.....................................Box 102, Strabane, Pa. 0. Vice-President — Anna Paohak......................2009 Oakland St, Pueblo, Colorado. Beoretary — Josephine Erjavec.................... 627 North Chicago Street Joliet Illinois. Treasurer — Josephine Muster........................... 714 Raub Street Joliet, Illinois. 1. Trustee — Mary Lsnlch..............................609 Jones St, Eveleth, Minnesota. S. Trustee — Josephine Zelesnlkar........................2046 W. 23rd St, Chicago 8, DL «. Trustee — Ella Starin.........................17814 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland 10, Ohio. STANDING COMMITTEES ADVISORY COMMITTED President —• Frances Susel..........................16900 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Helen Corel......................................67 Scholes Street Brooklyn, New York. Anna Kameen......................................Depot Street, Forest City, Pennsylvania. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE President — Albina Novak.............................6516 Bonna Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Anna Petrlch.................................840 E. Foothill Blvd., U3 148A, Fontana, Calif. Gladys Buck ........................................ 10036 Avenue L., South Chicago, 111. Sophie Golob .............................. 768 Arnolda Ave., Indianapolis 22, Indiana. Marie Schlamann..................................322 West 7th Street Leadvllle, Colorado. YOUTH AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Director of drill teams — Marie Flory&n........... 6830 W. Mineral St, West Allis Wls. Director of Juvenile Activities — Evelyn Krlray..............83 -29th St, Barberton, Ohio. Athletlo Directors: Midwestern Division — Josephine Ramuta Sumlo, 81 No. Chicago St, Joliet-111. Eastern Division: Mary Perdan, 19303 Shawnee Ave., Cleveland 19, Ohio. ZARJA - THE DAWN i!ri URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽEN8KE ZVEZE V AMERIKI ' OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE 8LOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA PUBLISHED MONTHLY — IZHAJA V8AK ME8EC Annual Subscription $2.00 — Narofinlma $2.00 letno For SWUA members $1.20 annually — Za Članice SZz $1.20 letno Publisher, “Zarja”, 1637 Allport St., Chicago 8, 111. Managing Editor • Albina Novak Editorial Office: 6516 Bonna Avenue, Cleveland (3), Ohio Telephone Express 2812 “Entered as second class matter November IS, 1946, at the post office at Chicago, Illnols, under the Act of August 24, 1912." All communications for publication must be In the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month for the next Issue and must be Indorsed by the writer. If typewritten ■a« donble-space and If hand written use Ink. Writ* plainly, especially names and on one side of paper only. Vsi dopisi morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. ▼ mesecu u prihodnjo Udajo In podpisani po pisateljici. Pilite s ftrnllom in samo na eno stran papirja. Pri Imenih pazite da se razločno pisana. LETO XXI—ŠT. 6 JUNE, 1949 VOL. XXI—NO. 6 NOVOIZVOLJENI GLAVNI ODBOR Na osmi redni konvenciji naše Zveze, vršeča se v Pueblo, Colorado, 15. do 18. maja, 1949, je bil izvoljen sledeči glavni odbor za dobo treh let: Duhovni svetovalec - Rev. Matthew Kebe, 223-57th St. Pittsburgh, Pa. Častna predsednica - ustanoviteljica Mrs. Marie Prisland, 1034 Dillingham Avenue, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Glavna predsednica - Albina Novak, 6516 Bonna Avenue, Cleveland Ohio. Glavne podpredsednice: Josephine Livek, 331 El m Street, Oglesby, Illinois, Mary Tomsic, Box 202, Strabane, Pennsylvania, Anna Pachak, 2009 Oakland Street, Pueblo, Colorado, Mary Golik, 3016 Gantenbein Street, Portland, Oregon, Mary Urbas, 15312 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, Barbara Rosandich, 846 E. Champan Street, Ely, Minnesota. Glavna tajnica - Josephine Erjavec, 527 No. Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois. ;(? Glavna blagajničarka - Josephine Muster, 714 Raub Street, Joliet, Illinois. * ^ Glavne nadzornice: Mary Lenich, 609 Jones Street, Eveleth, Minnesota, Josephine Železnikar, 2045 W. 23rd Street, Chicago, Illinois, Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Road, Cleveland, Ohio. *?r" Glavni svetovalni odsek: ^ Frances Susel, 15900 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, - “ Helen Corel, 67 Scholes Street, Brooklyn, New York, 4 Rose Racher, 2005 Burton Street, Warren, Ohio. '■(. Mladinski in izobraževalni odsek; '£*; Josephine Sumic, 81 No. Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois, Evelyn Krizay, 83-29th Street, Barberton, Ohio, Mary Theodore, 2529-4th Avenue, Hibbing, Minnesota, Zora Yurkus, 9516 Ewing Avenue, So. Chicago, Illinois, Mary J. Habjan, Universal, Pennsylvania. Urednica in upravnica “Zarje” - Albina Novak, 6516 Bonna Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Resignacija ni bila sprejeta Zbornica osme redne konvencije je odklonila ♦ 4^ sprejete resignacijo Albine Novak iz urada glav- ■ ne predsednice ter je soglasno zahtevala, da do- ^ ,q, konča svoj termin, ki poteče s prvim julijem, • - 1949. Sestra Novak je bila ginjena nad tem ve- 0S likim izkazom zaupanja in spoštovanje ter se S?-* sy- ..m j uklonila želji zbornice in ostane v uradu do kon- "H S ca. Pri volitvah je pa zbornica ponovno pove- ^?<3 rila sestri Albini Novak urad glavne predsednice ' '• in urednice “Zarje”. * ^ Kar si Mrs. Novak želi je, da bi jo Bog še dolgo let blagoslovil z zdravjem ter jo vodil do nadaljnih uspehov v težkem in napornem ura- * *■!>■ dovanju. Zbira Ivan Zorman: Ji^i-i-cLLJLr !/•'YovL~-is&_ 7\cLn--PJ£Jb sft-- V SPOMIN BLAGI SOSESTRI GERTRUDE DELOPST Dne 14. aprila letos je za vedno zatisnila svoje oči sestra Gertrude Delopst, ustanovna članica ter vesčasna predsednica podružnice št. 43, v Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Zelo se je veselila, da bo šla na konvencijo, za katero je bila izvoljena kot delegatka; a prehitela jo je smrt. Sestro Delopst sem poznala vsa leta, odkar je bila voditeljica svoje podružnice, kot razumno in za Zvezo vneto članico. Zelo se je zanimala za našo organizacijo; naša pravila je znala skoro na pamet. Lepo je svojo podružnico vodila ter vedno skrbela za njen napredek. Bila je delegatka tudi sedme konvencije, vršeče se v Indianapolisu. Jako mi je žal, da nisem bila obveščena o smrti Mrs. Delopst, ker bi se zelo rada vsaj ob grobu od nje poslovila. Zadnjič sva se videli lansko leto na proslavi podružnice v West Allisu. Takrat me je vprašala, če bom prišla na proslavo njih podružnice, kadar bo imela 20 letnico. Tako je rajna Mrs. Delopst skrbela za podružnico dva leti naprej. Vse prekmalu legajo v grob naše delavne članice. Edina tolažba nam je, da njih delo živi dalje ter osrečuje tiste, ki ostanejo za njimi. Zveza bo vedno ohranila v najlepšem in hvaležnem spominu vse tiste, ki so jo pomagale graditi. Delopstovi družini izrekamo naše globoko sožalje, članicam pa rajno sosestro priporočamo v molitev ter v blag in trajen spomin. Marie Prisland Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — To je moj prvi dopis v naši Zarji in bo vseboval mojo iskreno zahvalo vsem dragim sestram naše podružnice. Ko smo se meseca marca zbrale pri sestri Kamin za sejo, se mi je čudno zdelo, zakaj se naše članice na skrivem pogovarjajo in zapazila sem tudi, da se tudi njih o.či obračajo nekam čudno po sobi. Potem mi je pa še naša zapisnikarica izročila svoj posel, toda nisem pa takrat vedela, da je to zaradi mene. Ko smo končale sejo, so pa zaklicale "Surprise”. Jaz sem jih kar strmo gledala in nisem mogla verjeti, da je bilo vse to urejeno za moj rojstni dan. Bila sem zares presenečena in zraven pa še obdarovana s krasnim birthday kejkom in darilom. Nimam besed, da bi se zadostno zahvalila in skoraj nisem vev-jela, da imam toliko prijateljic. Rada bi vam povrnila, če bom imela priliko to storiti. Zabavale smo se prav po domače. Pa kako bi se ne, saj so naše pridne članice prinesle raznovrstne dobrote! Potem smo še prilivale z dobro božjo kapljico in prepevale lepe pesmi, čeprav je bil post. Saj pra- vi pregovor, da veselega človeka, še Bog ljubi! Ne bom vas pozabila dokler bom živela. Zato naj velja moja srčna hvaležnost vsaki posebej in vsem skupaj! Najlepše pozdrave sprejmite vse članice po širni Ameriki, posebno pa tiste ki ste Čateža pod Zaplazom doma. — Matilda Zupančič, tajnica. Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio — Zadnja seja je bila prav dobro obiskana. Po seji imele malo zabave v počast materam. Vabim vas v obilnem številu tudi na prihodnjo sejo. Naš šivalni klub je tudi precej aktiven in imamo mnogo zabave pri sestankih in napravile smo že več lepih stvari. V juliju in avgustu ne bomo šivale. To bodo naše počitnice. V septembru bomo pa spet začele z rednimi sestanki. Naša mlada dekleta prav pridno stopajo v zakonski stan. Zadnji mesec sta se poročili Jennie Čopič in Mary Svigel. Ta mesec se boste pa poročili Wilma Baraga, ki je kapitanka pri vežbalnemu krožku in Dorothy Stefančič. Vsem novoporočenim izrekamo iskrene čestitke ter jim želimo, vso. srečo in zdravje v zakonu. Sedaj moram poročat pa tudi žalostne novice. Zadnji mesec je smrt pobrala, kar dve naši članici, Frances Jeran in Frances Perko. Obe sta bili dobri članici in skrbni materi. Njuni družini ju bodo težko pogrešali, kakor tudi naša podružnica. Prizadetima družinama izrekamo globoko sožalje. Njima pa naj sveti večna luč. Spominjale se ju bomo v molitvi. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja. Najlepše čestitke vsem, ki so se potrudile v zadnji kampanji in nad vse pa naš poklon “konvenčni kraljici” Mrs. Mary Terlep, ki je pridobila nad sto novih članic. Vsa čast Vam, Mrs. Terlep! Pozdrav vsem članicam! Frances Sušel, tajnica Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Naša seja v maju je bila dobro obiskana. Želim da bo večkrat tako. V mesecu juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele seje. Torej prihodnja seja bo meseca septembra. Na bolniški listini je več naših članic. Prosim, da jih obiskujete ter jim olajšate dolge ure. Med članicami, ki bolehajo že več časa, je sestra Mary Raspor. Želimo vsem skupaj hitrega okrevanja. Ko bomo zopet začele s sejami, vas prosim, da bi se potrudile pridobiti kaj novih članic, da bomo imele tudi pri nas lep napredek. Vsem članicam, ki obhajate v juniju svoj rojstni dan, želimo vse najboljše in še na mnogo zdravih let! Pozdrav vsem glavnim odbornicam in članicam naše Zveze, posebno pa pri št. 12! Vaša tajnica, Mary Schimenz Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. _________ Prihod- nja seja se bo vršila 19. junija ob dveh popoldne v cerkveni dvorani. Potem bomo prekinile s sejami za dva meseca, to bo za julij in avgust, tako> je bilo sklenjeno na glavni seji. Poročilo o konvenciji bo podano na seji v juniju. Dobila sem več vprašanj, če bomo-šli tudi letos skupno na Zvezin dan v Lemont, ki se vrši v nedeljo 17. julija. Pridite na sejo, če se zanimate ali me pa pokličite po telefonu številka BL. 8-7399. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja v nadi, da se vidimo na prihodnji seji! Pozdrav vsem članicam. — Marie Floryan, tajnica. Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio — Najlepše-hvala vsem cenjenim sestram in prijateljem, ki ste posetili našo Card Party 10. maja. Bil je lep in prijazen večer, kdo pravi, da ni tako.? Agilnim članicam za ves njih trud in požrtvovalnost ob vsaki priliki, najtoplejše besede zahvale! ga. Hoffert, ga. Do-dich, Rose Schaberl, ga. M. Poje in ga. Medveš, v resnici zaslužijo vse-priznanje. Bog vam povrni z zdravjem in najlepšo zemeljsko srečo. Naša predsednica, ga. Nettie Strukel, ki je-isto vedno na mestu z dobrim zgledom za podvigo podružnice, praznuje ob prihodnji seji, v juniju, svoj rojstni dan. Zato pa drage sestre, na gotovo veselo svidenje, takrat! Iz daljne Kalifornije smo prejele praktično darilo, ki bo oddano ob tej priložnosti. Sestri Alice Kokal najlepša hvala za pošiljko in prisrčne pozdrave od vseh članic! V ročno blagajno ste prispevali isto gg. Kotnik in. Jos. Gorjup. Hvala lepa, obema! Objavljam, da si zakasnelo, da je 24. marca preminila naša zvesta članica,, sestra Mary Kuhel, ki je prestala težko bolezen, a bila vedno bistrega duha do zadnjega ter se je vrlo zanimala za obstoj podružnice. Naj ji bo-ohranjen blag spomin! V bolnišnici se-to časno nahaja ga. Malči Oswald. Dal Bog slcorajšnega okrevanja, ta najdražji biser življenja! S pozdravom in na gotovo svidenje-14. junija! Josephine Praust, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, Illinois — Pomladna, veselica, katero so priredile uaše ka-detke na soboto po velikonoči, je bila: prav uspešna. Načelnik je bil Mr. Robert Kostelec, ravnatelj krožka. V odboru so bile ž njim: Mary Anna Ju-ričič, Anne Snitzer, Dolores Troppe in Theresa Mikolič. Dvorana je bila zelo lepo okinčana v pomladnih barvah. Godba pod vodstvom Roy Gordona vedno privabi mladino, tako je bila dvorana zopet polna plesoželjne mladine. Čistega dobička so napravile $210.00. To je bila zadnja prireditev pred odhodom na konvencijo, katera svota se je porabila za vožnje stroške. Tem potom se, v imenu kadetk, prisrčno zahvalim vsem prijateljem, delavcem istega večera in sploh vsakemu, ki je na katerikoli način pripomogel do tako lepe svote. Kadetke se pridno trudijo in je lepo od vas, da sodelujete ob njihovih prireditvah. Meseca aprila je slavila svoj rojstni dan predsednica Emma Planinšek. Ker imamo letos pri podružnici navado, da slavljenka prinese na sejo kake dobrote, tako je tudi Emma Tlaninšek pogostila navzoče članice. Ž njo je praznovala rojstni dan tudi Jennie Smolich iz Homewood, ki nas je presenetila s potico. Članice so obema zapele: “Happy birthday!” Bil je prav lep sestanek in zabava. V maju so praznovale svoj rojstni dan sestre Frances Gaspich, Mary Terlep in Mary-Kunstek. Vsem slavljenkam kličemo: še na mnogo let! Pri družini Henry (Hank) Adamich, so rojenice pustile krepkega sinčka, ki je bil rojen na Materni dan. To je sedaj drugi sinček v družini. Lansko leto je na Materni dan daroval sveto mašo Rev. Albert Adamich, brat od Henry, ki je zdaj za pomožnega župnika v Waukegan, Illinois. Mr. in Mrs. John Adamich iz Highland Avenue sta pa ponosna stara starša. V nedeljo 29. maja je bila naša fara zopet oblečena v praznično obleko, ko je imel svojo prvo sveto mašo Rev. Edmund Gregorich. Vsa društva in farani so se lepo odzvali. Kaj več o tem bo poročano prihodnjič. Vabim vse članice, da pristopijo k sv. obhajilu na Očetov dan 19. junija. Zbirale se bomo v Ferdinand dvorani in skupno šle v cerkev. Popoldne isto nedeljo, se vrši naša seja, na katero vabim vse članice, da se gotovo udeležite. Vas vse skupaj pozdravljam. Josephine Erjavec ZVEZIN DAN 17. JULIJA, 1949 LEMONT, ILLINOIS Romanje na ameriške Brezje v Lemontu, Illinois, bo letos v nedeljo 17. julija. Dopoldne ob enajstih bo darovana pri groti sveta maša. Popoldne bo piknik in zvečer pa procesija s svečami, pete litanije in blagoslov. Vabi se vse članice in prijatelje na poset! KONVENČNA KAMPANJA — CONVENTION CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN RESULTS (continuation of final report) Posamezne Agitatorke — Individual Workers: jV.. Razred A Razred B Mlad. Skupaji Lillian Kozek (2) 3 1 4 Jennie Zupančič (15) 1 3 4 Anna Trontel (26) 1 3 4 Anna Mikan (63) 3 1 4 Angelina Andolshek (63) 4 4 Johanna Aubel (90) 1 3 4- Mary Tratnik (90) 4 4 Mary Lenich (19) 1 2 3 Antonia Nemgar (19) 3 3 Mary Otoničar (25) 1 2 3 Anna Trdan (38) 2 1 3; Mary Bevtz (43) 3 3 Mary Stusek (49) 3 S Anna Umeck (55) 2 1 3 Mary Kovac (63) 3 3 Anna Sterle (71) 3 3 Anna Loushe (88) 3 3 Mary Markezich (95) 3 3 Marie Prisland (1) 1 1 2 Katherine Ujcic (6) 1 1 2 Dorothy Dermes (8) 2 2 Frances Baraga (25) 2 2 Fanny L. Glatch (31) 2 2 Hedwig S. Gole (32) 1 1 2 Frances L. Udovich (37) 2 2 Frances Puhek (56) 2 2 Helen Chenburg (63) 1 1 2 Amalia Svigel (63) 2 2 Antonia Kostelec (6) 1 1 2 Mary Tomsic (71) 1 1 2 Josephine Richter (79) 2 2 Mary Lovse (88) 2 2 Kathryn Pauline (94) 1 1 2 Mary Godez (1) 1 1 Frances Plesetz (1) 1 1 Frances Seiko (1) 1 1 Mary Fidel (6) 1 1 Evelyn Krizay (6) 1 t Mathilda Zupančič (7) 1 1 Frances Salmich (10) 1 1 Filomena Sedej (10) 1 1 Elizabeth Doherty (13) 1 t Katherine Judnic (13) 1 t Frances Medved (14) 1 1 Betty Filipovič (15) 1 1 Theresa Klobučar (16) 1 1 Mary Ujcich (17) 1 Louise Wamberger (17) 1 1 Josephine Erjavec (20) 1 1 Anna Mahkovec (20) 1 1 Helen Less (21) 1 1 Anne Vidmar (21) 1 1 Angela Križnar (23) 1 1 Frances Brancel (25) 1 1 Julia Brezovar (25) 1 1 Mary Langer (28) 1 1 Katherine Holmberg (33) 1 1 Helen Krall (33) 1 1 Ivana Perkovich (38) 1 1 Frances Mese (41) 1 1 Mary Golik (45) 1 1 Margaret Dolence (46) 1 1 Josephine Oswald (52) 1 1 Anne Dolence (57) 1 1 Anna Kish (57) 1 1 Rose Spirko (57) 1 1 Frances Kasher (61) 1 1 Julia Novosel (61) 1 1 Jennie Tavchar (65) 1 1 Katherine Yekovec (66) 1 1 Jennie Orazem (72) 1 1 Anna Filak (77) 1 1 Jennie Beaver (79) 1 Ivana Chacata (79) 1 Jennie Martincich (84) 1 ? Remlinger (84) 1 Mary Jermene (85) 1 Mary Yazbec (89) 1 Amalia Sorch (91) 1 Mary P# Klemenčič (96) 1 Kristina Bombach (105) 1 Kate Petrich (105) 1 Agnes Zitko (106) 1 MLADINSKA KAMPANJA končana 31. decembra 1948 JUNIOR CAMPAIGN closed December 31, 1948 Junior Workers: Marianne Salopek (94) 10 Frances Pauline (94) 9 Jonita Erjavec (20) 6 Elsie Basa (94) 4 Irene Planinšek (20) 1 GRAND TOTAL 225 109 317 651 Št. 21, Cleveland (West Park), Ohio Prav lepa hvala za tako obilno udeležbo na zadnji seji, katera je bila tudi prijetna. Iskrena hvala naši podpredsednici, Anna Šuštaršič, ki nam je preskrbela tako dober povečerek in naši mladi sestri Nettie Jones, dekliško ime Zakrajšek, za tako dobro torto. Lepa hvala za darila sestram Mary Hosta, Josephine Weiss, Ivana Zalar, Agnes Zakrajšek, Theresa Kožuh, Bose Kovach in Edith Gaersteck. Bog vam plačaj! V bolnišnico se je morala podati mlada sestra Bertha Glau. Želimo, da bi se kmalu vrnila zdrava k svoji družini, kjer jo težko čakajo. Prvič je postala mamica zali hčerki sestra Evelyn, dekliško ime Joselj. Čestitke vsej družini in stari mamici Rose Joselj kot tudi sestri Josephine Hočevar. Le tako naprej! Vesele svatbe so obhajali pri naših sestrah Rose Šinkovec, kjer se je oženil najmlajši sin Johnny; pri sestri Frances Blatnik se je poročila hčerka, Betty, in pri sestri Theresa Lah se je'oženil sin, Stanko. Vsem novo-poročenim želimo največje sreče in božjega blagoslova. Naj bo vaša pot v življenju posuta z najlepšim cvetjem. V nov krasen dom, se je preselila sestra Anni Vuk. Želimo, da bi vsa družina srečno uživala nov dom. Sestra Cecilija Brodnik in njen soprog Štefan sta praznovala 45 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. Želimo, da bi ju Bog obvaroval še nadaljnih 45 let v zdravju in družinski sreči. Rojstni dan so v maju obhajale sestre Mary Komačar, Bertha Glau in Anni Klun. Še na mnogo srečnih elt želimo vsem skupaj! Z najlepšimi pozdravi, Ančka Pelčič, tajnica Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — Nahajamo se v cvetočem mesecu juniju. Minili mesec majnik je bil pri naši fari svetega Roka prav slovesno praznovan. Veličastno je bilo kronanje naše Matere Marije in vsak vernik je bil gi- njen do solz, ko je prisostoval lepim obredom. Cerkev je bila polna do zadnjega kotička in vse je pristopilo k mizi Gospodovi. V poletnem času ne bomo imele mesečnih sej. Zadnja seja se je vršila 5. junija. Prihodnja seja bo v septembru. Prosim vse tiste, ki ste zaostale s plačevanjem asesmenta, da poravnate na mojem domu. Dalje Vas opominjam, da se prijavite za skupno romanje v Lemont, ki se vrši na tretjo nedeljo v juliju, to bo na 17. Torej, če hočete, da dobimo svoj bus, prosim, da se prijavite ob času. Ne čakajte do zadnjega, ker se mora pred časom vedeti število, da potem ni razočaranja. Torej ne odlašajte, ampak mi takoj sporočite svoje mnenje. Težke operacije so prestale naša nadzornica Josephine Rogel, Gel Koh-man, Helen Božič in sestra Karolina Hrovat, se tudi nahaja v bolnišnici na domu se pa zdravi sestra Mary Diskipna. Vsem bolnim želimo sko-rajšno okrevanje. Teta štorklja je obiskala družino Mr. in Mrs. Bob Polan ter pustila v spomin zalo hčerkico. Dekliško ime matere je bilo Anna Oklejsen. Naše čestitke! Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam SŽZ in na svidenje v Lemontu! Angela Strukel, tajnica POZOR, CLEVELAND! Tisti, ki želite potovati v Lemont, Illinois za Zvezin dan in romanje k Mariji Pomagaj, na ameriške Brezje, ki bo v nedeljo 17. julija, 1949, se zglasite pri predsednici Albini Novak, telefon Express 2812, za vse informacije glede vožnje in prenočišča. Letos se lahko peljete z avtobusom ali vlakom, ker cena je približno enaka. Št. 27, No. Braddock, Pa. — Kako lepo zelena in razcvetljena je zdaj narava! Človeško srce z veseljem občuduje, kako mogočna je božja roka, ki nam vse to da! Cenjene sestre, ne vem, kako bi se zahvalila vsem, ki ste zvesto sodelovale skozi vsa pretekla leta. Pred 20 leti, je naša ustanoviteljica, sestra Uršula Pierce, hodila od hiše do hiše in zbirala skupaj lepo število članic ter s težkim trudom ustrojila našo podružnico št. 27. In zdaj se je zopet sijajno izkazala ter je vpisala 13 novih članic v podružnico. Najlepše hvala, sestra Pierce, za Vaše delo in požrtvovalnost. Naj Vam Bog da zdravje, da boste še naprej zdravi in veseli delali za naš napredek, da bomo ponosne na našo žensko zvezo. Cenjene sestre, kakor vam je znano, smo na glavni seji sklenile, da bo vsaka članica prispevala v ročno blagajno, kakor je bilo že poročano v Zarji. Ker nismo imele drugih prireditev ali piknika, zato moramo pa tem potom poskrbeti, da dobimo skupaj denar za tekoče stroške. Katere še niste plačale vas lepo prosim, da storite to takoj, da bomo imele denar na rokah. Saj veste, da asesment 35 centov gre na glavni urad, to je za smrtnino in za Zarjo. Me pa imamo tudi stroške in ni drugega izhoda kot da vsaka nekaj prispeva. Znano vam je, da smo imele pet smrtnih slučajev v enem letu in pol in samo to nas je stalo $75.00 za vence in svete maše. Imele smo tudi nekaj za dat materam in nevestam in še druge stvari. Torej vas lepo prosim, da upoštevate ta opomin. Moram poročat, da več naših zvestih sester plačajo takoj prvi mesec v letu za vse leto in nekatere pa zmeraj odlašajo. Katere članice ne boste plačale bom ob koncu leta dala imena v Zarjo. Jaz vem, da ni nobena izmed vas tako revna, da ne bi mogla plačat, saj, če samo dvakrat ostanete doma od movies pa boste imele dovlj za plačat Zvezi. Naše seje se vršijo na drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob treh popoldne. Pridite vse i poskrbite, da imate plačan svoj asesment pa bomo vse zadovoljne. Nenadoma je zbolela naša sestra Katarina Urban in se je nahajala v bolnišnici. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. Vsem, ki bodo obhajale v juniju svoj rojstni dan želim vse najboljše in med slavljenkami je tudi naša častna predsednica Marie Prisland. Pozdravljene in na svidenje na seji! Anna Tomašič, predsednica Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Najprvo moram poročat, da je naša mestna administracija napravila lep korak, ker je dobila žensko uradnico v svojo sredo. Izvoljena je bila za alderman Mrs. Foster in smo vse ženske ponosne, da bo tudi naš spol zastopan v mestni upravi. Mr. in Mrs. Ahačič, ki tukaj lastuje-ta pralnico, sta šla v Florido, ,da se malo odpočijeta. Mr. Ahačič bi si rad utrdil zdravje. Želimo vama lepega razvedrila in trdnega zdravja! Dne 8. marca sva bili s sorodnico Mrs. Makovec, iz Chicago, na cvetlični razstavi (flower show), v Chicago Planetarium. O, ko bi vam mogla opisat kako krasne rdeče, roza in rdeče pisane lilije so bile uvrstene takoj ob vstopu! Saj že samo poslopje pove, da mora biti notri nekaj posebnega. Videli sva vsakovrstno tropično drevje in nizke rastline kot je praprot (fern). Med drevesi je bil zelo velik kokosov oreh (cocoanut) drevo. Dreves s perjem kot je slovenska lipa, doma iz Afrike in Damagaskar; dreves, ki ima perje kot koruza iz južne Afrike;; sabat palme iz Mehike, velikansko perje iz Sumatra; palme iz otoka Java; zi-bra drevo iz Azije (je pisano kot zi-bra); palme iz Porto Rico in Brazilije. Kar je nizkega zelenja, sem videla prave starokrajske sladke koreninice ter lepo resje z brez števila majhnega belega cvetja; nizke rasli-ne prav kot vejice, cipres in praprot (birds’ nest fern) iz West Indies. Kar se pa tiče cvetlic, pa ne morem opisat, kako so bile lepe azaele, ki so kakor mala drevesa, vsa pokrita s cvetjem, belim in rdečim. Prekrasne so alpske vijolice, bele rdeče in pisane ter vseh barv camelije. Nemogoče je popisat lepoto teh cvetk. Najboljše je, da greste same pogledat, kar vas živi v Chicagi in okolici. Pa tudi zunanje, kadar ste v Chicagi, ne pozabite iti v ta cvetlični paradiž, kjer se vrše razstave štirikrat na leto. Azela show, March 8-20; Easter show, April 10-24; Chrisanthemum show, Nov. 13-Dec. 5; Christmas show, Dec. 18-January 2. Pojdite pogledat, ne bo vam žal. Dne 8. aprila smo pa imeli v mestu velik požar. Pogorela je komaj dobro prenovljena Aurora Motor Sales Garage. Eksplozije gasolina so metale opeko na vse strani. Nekaj gasilcev je bilo ranjenih, med njimi tudi Slovenec, Rudy Mlakar. Požarne hrambe so prihitele iz vseh okoliških mest. Skoda znaša $250,000.00. Tako velikega požara še ni bilo v Aurora najmanj 15 let. Arnold Verbič, sin naše članice Julie Verbič, je učitelj v višji šoli v Leecenter, Illinois. Njegov brat Richard je pa šel igrat' žogo (baseball) v Mekun, Ga. Z denarjem, ki ga bo zaslužil tam, bo šel v jesen pa spet v šolo in tako bo fant dovršil College. Slovenci smo pa res lahko ponosni na podjetnost svojih otrok. In to vedo drugi. Ko je moja hči živela v Wash-ingtonu, (zdaj je z možem v Nemčiji), je govorila z nekim višjim uradnikom, ki ji je rekel: "Mary, jaz mislim, da noben narod tako tr,do ne dela in varčuje kot slovenski. Starši so prišli v Ameriko brez denarja in tudi niso razumeli jezika, njihovi sinovi pa študirajo po visokih šolah za zdravnike, profesorje, inženirje, sploh v vseh panogah življenja.” Mary mu odgo- vori: "Res je tako. Moj tata je prišel sem pred veliko leti.” “In kaj je Tvoj oče zdaj,” vpraša uradnik. Mary pravi: ‘‘nočni čuvaj v tovarni.” “In kaj delajo Tvoji bratje?” Morala je povedat vse po vrsti: “eden je inženir in prodajalec, eden optometrist, dva pa še poskušata za inženirstvo.” Nato se uradnik z obema rokama za glavo prijel rekoč: “Tvoj oče, nočni čuvaj v tovarni, bratje pa vsi visoko izšolani! Saj sem rekel, da boljšega naroda ni na svetu kot je slovenski in vsa čast Tvojemu očetu, ko tako vzgaja svoje sinove!” Nazadnje je vprašal: “Kako pa živijo Tvoji starši, da so vse to zmogli?” “Revno in pa pošteno,” odgovori Mary. Uradnik ni pričakoval tako odločnega odgovora in je rekel: “To je najlepši odgovor, kar sem jih še slišal v mojem življenju. Narod s takimi ljudmi ne more nikdar propast!” — Ko mi je hčerka pisala o tem dogodku sem bila tudi jaz kar ponosna na bistroumnost naših otrok. Zelo nevarno je zbolela Antonija Gorenc. Njej in vsem bolnim iz srca želimo ljubega zdravja. Mr. in Mrs. Richey Fajfar sta se preselila v nov dom blizu mesta Batavia. Vso srečo in blagoslov vama. Prav danes, ko to pišem vidim v lokalnem listu celo stran oglas od Aurora Laundry, katero lastujeta Mr. in Mrs. J. Ahačič. Oglas pravi, da imajo poleg pralnice tudi naprave za čistiti kožuhovine in da shranijo suknje čez poletje. Mrs. Ahačič je naša članica. Meseca aprila sem šla zopet na razstavo cvetlic v Garfield Park Conservatory v Chicagu, kjer so imeli velikonočno razstavo cvetlic. Vidla sem tudi precej rož, ko so rastle v starem kraju po grmovju ter sem občudovala, kako krasno je bilo tukaj vse urejeno. Med drugimi sem vidla tudi drnulje drevo in tako imenovano “tin-tovje”. Kako sva se s sinom smejala, ko sem mu pripovedovala, da sem v starem kraju kuhala tinto (črnilo), ko sem hodila v šolo in sem mešala in mešala, misleč, da bom dobila tinto, pa voda nikakor ni hotela biti tin-ta. Nazadnje sem pa morala vse odstraniti. Videla sem tudi kaktuse vseh vrst in nekateri so tako strupeni, da če primeš za list, lahko za par dni oslepiš. Century plant iz Mehike ima perje tako debelo, da lahko pišeš nanj svoj ime. Magnifica, Philipino cvetje, je kot rdečkasto grozdje. Nizko lepo perje iz Malaje je pa kot velike kače. Iz Brazila - Uruguay, so pa bile rožce bot slovenska Fuksija. Od stropa sta pa viseli dve prekrasni Washington geraniums, več kot dva jarda dolgi ter nastržen vseh barv, nad meter dolg. Videlo se je tudi črne barve tulips. Res je, kot je rekel sin: Tukaj je lepše kot v vsakem gledišču. Na velikonočno nedeljo je obiskalo ta prostor nad 50 tisoč ljudi. Prihodnja razstava bo v novembru. Najlepše pozdrave do vseh, Frances Kranjc Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio — Po majski' seji smo se zopet dobro zabavale, ker smo obhajale materinski dan in rojstne dneve članic. Prisrčna hvala sestri Katarini Golinar in Helen Kovačevič za okusne kejke in sestri Ančki Godlar za dobro pijačo, Josie Fe-mec in Helen Hadik pa za tolarje.. Bog vas ohrani še mnogo let! Zadnje čase sta bili v bolnišnici, kjer sta prestali operaciji sestri Rose Molek in Karolina Kaljope, ki se sedaj zdravita na domu. Naj ljubi Bog povrne vsem našim sestram ljubo' zdravje! Sestri Fanny Istenič je pa smrt vzela ljubljenega soproga Franka. Naše-globoko sožalje. Naj mu sveti večna luč! Oženil se je William Janes, sin naše sestre Josie Janes, ki je dobil' ljubko nevesto, Patricia Marie Pamway. Poročne obrede je imel stric neveste, ki je duhovnik pri svetem Križu. Želimo, da bi imela srečno in ljubezni polno življenje! Zopet opominjam vse tiste, ki ste zaostale s članarino, da storite svojo* dolžnost in plačate svoj dolg. Vabljene ste vse na seje, saj imamo vednot lepo zabavo in se prijazno pogovorimo medseboj, da je veselje! Pozdravljene! Frances Perme, poročevalka Št. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Kakor vam je znano bo naša podružnica obhajala 20 letnico obstoja meseca oktobra. Umestno bi bilo, da bi se čim prej začelo razniotrivat, kako bi obletnico proslavile bolj pomembno. Želimo, da bi prišle vse na sejo meseca junija in. bi imele mnogo koristnih razprav in dobrih nasvetov. Našo podružnico je-zastopala na konvenciji sestra Frances Ambrožič iz Buhi, Minnesota in smo uverjene, da je svojo nalogo prav dobro izvršila, za kar smo ji hvaležne. Sprejmite vse članice najlepše pozdrave in na svidenje na seji! Mary S'hubitz, tajnica. Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Pri naši podružnici sta še vedno bolni sestri Terezija Mlakar in Frances Pluth. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo ljubega zdravja. Umrla je naša sestra Josephine Vesel, po domače Jerkova, doma iz Loškega potoka, vas Hrib. Bila je delj časa rahlega zdravja in se nahajala v bolnišnici ob času smrti. Bila je dobra krščanska žena ter rada pohajala v cerkev in k svetim zakramentom. Ona ni maše zamudila, čeprav je živela oddaljeno od cerkve. Vsak pot, ki je bila v cerkvi je prižgala svečko pri srcu Jezusovemu in tako je tudi živela vzorno življenje. Umrla je na 1. maja, v Marijinem mesecu. Ravno, ko je prebila zadnje trenutke na tem svetu je bila v kapelici darovano za njo sveta maša. Skozi okno je v njeno sobo zasijalo sonce v najlepši svetlobi in njeno obličje je bilo prevzeto z najlepšimi žarki, ko je izdihnila svojo blago dušo. Pokojna sestra je bili darežljiva žena in zelo postrežljiva do vsakogar. Njen dom je bil vedno odprt in vsakemu obiskovalcu je lepo postregla, čeprav niso živeli v razkošju. Bog ji bodi plačnik! Naj počiva v miru božjem. Naša globoko sožalje preostali družini. Preminula je hčerka naše članice Josephine Mihelič, stara 29 let in je bila vse svoje življenje v onemoglem stanju. Morali so jo nositi in tudi govorila ni. Njana dobra mati ji je pa potrepežljivo stregla, kakor zna samo prava materina ljubezen, ki stori vse za svojega otroka, kar more na tem svetu. Naj ji Bog dobro poplača njena dela! Družini izrekamo naše iskreno sočutstvo. Naši sestri Mary Centa je umrl soprog Frank Centa, ki je bil dobro poznan in priljubljen trgovec v naselbini. Bolehal je dolgo časa na raku. Njegov pogreb je bil veličasten. Spremili so ga prijatelji od blizu in daleč. Naj mu Bog da večni mir in pokoj! Sestri Centa in vsej družini gre na-■še čuteče sožalje. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam SŽZ! — Mary Knaus, podpresednica. Lepa hvala št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio Še ni tako dolgo, ko sem dala dopis v Zarjo in popisala moje potovanje po zapadu. In ravno, ko ste čitale tisti .dopis sem bila jaz resno zbolela, .skoraj na mrtvaški postelji. Zdravnik je že zmajal z glavo, čes, ne bo nič več! Jaz se pa v božjo voljo uda-la in Mariji priporočala. Odločila sem se za v bolnišnico na resno operacijo. Hvala Bogu in Mariji, da se je zdravnikom posrečilo in upam, da bom z božjo pomočjo počasi ozdravela. Št. 43, Milwaukee, Wisconsin—Vem, da se vse dobro zavedate, kako huda nesreča je zadela našo podružnico, ko smo izgubile priljubljeno predsednico, Gertrude Delopst, ki je bila soglasno izvoljena za delegatko osme redne konvencije. Mrs. Gertrude Delopst Pokojna sestra Delopst je vodila našo podružnico skoraj 20 let. Delovala je neumorno za dobrobit članstva in podružnice. Nepopisno jo bomo pogrešale, posebno pa jaz, ker mi je vedno pomagala pri pobiranju asesmenta in se trudila, da nismo po nepotrebnem zgubile kakšne članice. Kolikokrat je bila reva okregana od članic in še doma, ampak to ji ni nikdar vzelo veselja do društvenega dela. Vedno je rekla: dokler bom zdrava, bom delala za Zvezo in te besede je do zadnjega držala in tudi izpolnjevala. Na kegljaški tekmi, ki se je vršila v začetku aprila v Milwaukee, je še korajžno vabila vse kegljačke na sejo ter jim obljubila potico. Kegljačke so se v lepem številu udeležile seje, ampak žal naša predsednica je bila že preslaba, da bi bila navzoča. Zbolela je 6. aprila in 12. aprila je bila previdena s svetim zakramentom in nato dobila trikrat srčne kape in 14. aprila, ob devetih zvečer, je zavedno zatisnila svojo trudapolne oči. Gertrude je prišla v Ameriko od Šoštanja na Štajerskem leta 1907. Vzgojila je šest otrok in je takoj od začetka pokazala zanimanje v slovenskih društvih in to zanimanje je živelo v njej do zadnjega izdiha. Drage sestre, najlepši spomin, kar moremo izkazati naši rajni Gertrudi, je, da držimo zvesto skupaj in napredujemo z delom, katerega je ona začela in za kar se je tako pridno zanimala. Pokažimo tej dobri Slovenki, pionirki, da smo zveste sotrudnice, ker jaz vem, da to je ona najbolj želela. Tebe, draga Gertrude, ne bomo nikdar pozabile! Spominjale se te bomo z molitvijo, dokler se zopet snidemo nad zvezdami! Naj Tl bo lahka ameriška gruda. Njeni družini pa naše globoko sožalje. Predrage sestre, pridite na sejo in boste slišale poročilo svoje delegatke, ki vam bo povedala, kaj se je naredilo dobrega za članice in za korist naše ženske zveze. — Tudi prosim tiste članice, ki ste zaostale z asesmen-tom, da pridete na sejo in poravnate, ker jaz nimam denarja za zalagat. Če ne morete priti na sejo, pa pošljite money order in knjižico, pa bom tudi tako nazaj poslala, če, katere na prejema redno Zarje, prosim, da mi naznanite svoj pravilen naslov. Članice, vzemite si malo časa in prečitajte Zarjo, vsaj dopis od svoje podružnice, in boste videle koliko zanimivega čtiva je v Zarji. Med nami imamo tudi vedno katero bolno članico. Prosim obiskujte jih, ker to je en lep način s katerim se lahko razveseli bolno sosestro ter ji skrajša dolg čas v bolezni. Želim vam vsem ljubega zdravja! Da ste ml zdrave in vesele vse članice, katere spadate pod okrilje SŽZ! Mary Bentz, tajnica 2122 So. Allis Street, Milwaukee 7, Wis. Iskrena zahvala Želimo se najlepše zahvaliti vsem sorodnikom, sosedom, prijateljem in članicam podružnice št. 43 SŽZ Milwaukee, Wisconsin za vso izkazano sočutje ob času smrti naše drage soproge in matere GERTRUDE DELOPST. Preminula je 14. aprila, 1949 v starosti 69 let. Rojena je bila 12. februarja, 1880 v Šoštanj, na Štajerskem, Jugoslavija. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1908 in se takoj naselila v Milwaukee. Najlepša hvala za vence in za svete maše in za vse Izraze sočutja, kakor tudi za lep sprejem na zadnji poti. Posebna hvala nosilkam krste sestram Mary Bentz, Cila Marolt, Mary Schuster, Mary Jelenc, Josephine Tramte in Mary Schimenz. Ml jo bomo zelo pogrešali in žalovanje za našo drago je nepopisno. Žalujoči ostali: Frank, soprog, Rudolph, Francis, Raymond in Andrew, sinovi, Ange- lyn in Paula, hčeri. Mrs. Anna Skolar Želim se najlepše zahvaliti vsem sestram podružnice št. 41 za obiske, kartice in cvetlice. Samo bolnik zna ceniti zdravje in pa prijaznost prijateljstva. Žal, da na sejo nisem še mogla iti. Želim, da ste delegatinje na konvenciji prav lepo in stvarno zborovale v slogi in krščanski ljubezni. Da ste imele srečno potovanje v prelepo Colorado in zdrav povratek. Slovenski ženski zvezi pa mnogo napred-■"ka! — Anna Skolar. V BLAQ SPOMIN POKOJNIM SESTRAM, KI SO PREMINULE PRI SLEDEČIH PODRUŽNICAH: 2—Elsie F. Jusina, 1845 W. 21-st Place, Chicago, III. Rojena 5. aprila 1914, pristopila 30. marca 1943, umrla 4. marca 1949. 2—Rose Skriner, 2628 S. Avers Avenue, Chicago, III. Rojena 1. septembra 1885, pristopila 6. aprila 1939, umrla 1. marca 1949. 2—Margaret Majcen, 3110 W. 54th Place, Chicago, III. Rojena 6. januarja 1891, pristopila 13. aprila 1937, umrla 26. marca 1949. 3—Mary Kožak, 1131 Egan Street, Pueblo, Colo. Rojena 15. maja 1882, pristopila 16. maja 1934, umrla 17. aprila 1949. 7—Gertrude Puntar, 547 Main Street, Vandling, Pa. Rojena 17. marca 1849, pristopila 6. junija 1927, umrla 6. marca 1949. 13—Mary A. Murphy, BO|X 71, Danville, Cal. Rojena 17. marca 1878, pristopila 5 avgusta 1928, umrla 29. januarja 1949. 14—Anna Maver, 17601 Harland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Rojena 4. septembra 1881, pristopila 18. februarja 1930, umrla 23. januarja 1949. 16—Caroline Bach, 3501 E. 95th Street, South Chicago, III. Rojena 23. aprila 1883, pristopila 16. aprila 1936, umr-la 27. marca 1949. 18—Mary Kuhel, 16321 Arcade Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Ro. jena 8. septembra 1882, pristopila 15. maja 1929, umrla 24. marca 1949. 13—Maria Periclc, 601 20th Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Rojena 9. novembra 1895, pri- stopila 23. maja 1941, umrla 15. marca 1949. 20—Margaret Malli, 2210 Clement Street, Joliet, III. Rojena 12. Julija 1868, pristopila 18. novembra 1928, umrla 4. aprila 1949. 21—Anna Zupančič, 12520 Carrington Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Rojena 23. aprila 1885, pristopila 1. februarja 1933, umrla 12. marca 1949. 23—Mary Shober, Route 1, Box 68, Ely, Minn. Rojena 26. marca 1881, pristopila 6. maja 1934, umrla 27. marca 1949. 27—Frances Bock, 1310 Dunbar Street, North Braddock, Pa. Rojena 25. oktobra 1916, pristopila 12. oktobra 1947, umrla 28. februarja 1949. 28—Angeline Kovachich, 2019 Calumet Avenue, Calumet, Mich. Rojena 12. oktobra 1892, pristopila 3. septembra 1931, umrla 23. marca 1949 31—Mary Grebenc, Box 92, Gil bert, Minn. Rojena 9. feb ruarja 1877, pristopila 12 septembra 1929, umrla 23 aprila 1949. 40—Antonia Škapin, 1779 E. 36 th Street, Lorain, Ohio. Ro jena 12. decembra 1894, pri stopila 13. marca 1934, umrla 13. marca 1949. 40—Mary Jug, 1685 E. 29th Street, Lorain, Ohio. Rojena 2. februarja 1879, pristopila 8. maja 1930, umrla 16. aprila 1949. 41—Martha Kordich, 388 E. 160-th Street, Cleveland, Ohio, Rojena 1. decembra 1889, pristopila 2. junija 1932, umrla 30. marca 1949. NAJ JIM SVETI VEČNA LUČI 43—Frances Kollentz, 1825 S. First Street, Milwaukee, • • Wis. Rojena 26. marca 1876, pristopila 5. novembra 1930, umrla 6. marca 1949. 43—Gertrude Delopst, 3016 S. Clement Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Rojena 12. februarja 1881, pristopila 3. junija 1930, umrla 14. aprila 1949. 47—Ida Brozic, 7811 New York Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Rojena 3. marca 1878, pristopila 17. junija 1931, umrla 15. aprila 1949. 49—Mary Lukek, 18971 Monterey Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. Rojena 20. junija 1885, pristopila 24. februarja 1933, umrla 6. marca 1949. 56—Mary Benchina, 3005 7th Avenue E, Hibbing, Minn. Rojena 13. decembra 1892, pristopila 6. maja 1936, umrla 29. marca 1949. 88—Mary Grandel, 547 Summit Avenue, Johnstown, Pa. Rojena 13. februarja 1887, pristopila 5. marca 1939, umrla 30. marca 1949. 89—C a t h e r i n e Zupančič, 320 Clark Street, Oglesby, III. Rojena 25. novembra 1876, pristopila 11. novembra 1928, umrla 16. aprila 1949. 93—Sophie Triessl, 488 Onder-donk Avenue, Ridgewood, New York. Rojena 23. avgusta 1902, pristopila 17. oktobra 1944, umrla 25. aprila 1949. 96—Mary Demshar, Reiter Road, Box 345, Universal, Pa. Rojena 18. aprila 1886, pristopila 23. marca 1939, umrla 4. aprila 1949. ROMANJE K MARIJI POMAGAJ - ZVEZIN DAN 17. JULIJA, 1949 V nedeljo 17. julija, 1949 se vrši naš letni Zvezin dan pri Mariji Pomagaj na ameriških Brezjah. Dopoldne oh enajstih bo sveta maša pri groti Lurške Gospe sa šive in umrle članice Zveze. Popoldne ho skupni piknik in v mraku ho pa procesija s svečami k votlini, kjer hodo pete litanije in blagoslov. Kdor še ni prisostvoval lej večerni procesiji, tisti je nekaj zelo lepega zamudil. Torej, letos se odločite in pripravile, da boste ostali malo del j časa in se udeležile procesije, ko se bo delal mrak. Vsi, ki boste prišli v svojih posebnih bu-sih, tudi skušajte tako urediti, da boste ostali za večerno procesijo, če le mogoče. Torej na svidenje na ameriških Brezjah na Zvezin dan v nedeljo 17. julija, 1949! Št. 57, Niles, Ohio — Seja v maju je bila lepo obiskana. Sestra Širok-man nam je pa preskrbela okusen prigrizek. Razmotrivale smo, kako bi nekaj napravile v korist naše ročne blagajne in sklenile smo, da bomo priredile veselico in dale na listke električni roaster. Katera bo prodala največ listkov bo proglašena za kraljico in obdarjena z lepim šopkom (corsage). Torej članice, prosi se vašega sodelovanja. V nedeljo 1. maja smo imele party v počast materam. Zbralo se nas je 43 skupaj, ki smo imele "dinner” in lep program. Sestra Jane Logar je podala lepo deklamacijo v slovenščini. Sestre Mary Sirokman, Carol Sirk in J. Logar, mlajša, pa v angleščini. Na zadnje je pa še naša predsednica lepo pozdravila vse matere. Hvala lepa vsem skupaj. Vsaka članica je dobila lep nagelj, katerega je vsaki pripela naša predsednica. Dobitek (door prize) je dobila sestra Helen Petrila. Pozdrav vsem članicam širom Amerike in obilo napredka naši ljubi Zvezi! — Johanna Prinz, poročevalka. Tajnica št. 79 se zahvaljuje Enumclaw, Wash. — Najlepša hvala vsem tistim, ki so obiskali naš dom na dan moje 35 letnice poroke. Moj soprog in jaz izrekama prisrčno hvalo za dar, katerega ste nam poklonili. Ob priliki bova z veseljem povrnila. Tukaj smo imeli bolj slabo vreme, toda zdaj pa imamo že par tednov krasno ozračje, tako, da po vrtovih rijemo ko krti. Prosim članice, da pomagate naši podružnici do napredka in pripeljete vsaj nekaj novih članic na prihodnjo sejo! Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Na zadnji seji, ki se je vršila pri sestri Tornada je bilo sklenjeno, da se bodo v poletnem času vršile naše seje ob osmih zvečer, kar si zapomnite. Čast vsem tistim članicam, ki točno plačujejo mesečni asesment. Nekatere se pa preveč zanašate na tajnico In primeri se slučaj, da plačujem po šest mesecev za katero, in potem mi pa pove, da bo odstopila, a jaz naj pa trpim škodo. Torej lepo prosim, da bi se se v tem oziru izboljšale in redno odrajtale svoj dolg, za kar vam bom zelo hvaležna. Na konvenciji nas je zastopala sestra Mary Mihelich, ki bo gotovo imele zanimivo poročilo za nas na prihodnji seji, zato se vse udeležite. Pri nas na zapadu smo imeli hud potres dne 13. aprila, ki je napravil veliko škode, posebno v večjih mestih kot Tacoma in Olympia in tudi v Seattle. Sedaj imamo zopet lepo vreme In upamo, da tako ostane. Vas vse skupaj lepo pozdravljam, Ivana Chacata, tajnica Cerkev sv. Jakoba, Banjaloka pri Kočevju V Zarji bi rada predstavila našo farno cerkev svetega Jakoba od fare Banjaloka pri Kočevju. Ta cerkev ni velika, pa je bila za farane od Banje-loke imenitna. Mnogi smo razstreseni širom Amerike in vem, da bo vsak vesel jo še enkrat videti. Lepi spomini iz stare domovine nam ostanejo neizbrisni. Posebno se radi spominjamo na običaje ob gotovi praznikih v starem kraju, ko smo imeli lepe pro-1 cesije, kakor ob svetem Rešnjem Telesu, ko so bile postavljene kapelice skozi Bansko vas. Bilo je nebeško lepo, ko je šla procesija od postaje do postaje in čez vas zgoraj pred Hera-kavo hišo, kjer je bila tudi postaja. Kako veličastno so zadoneli glasovi: Terogamus Audinos! — trikrat kakor nebeška glorija, hiše pa okinčane po oknih, da ni mogoče pozabiti teh krasnih prizorov. Vem, da se bo vsak spominjal na tiste lepe dni v mladosti, ki ne pridejo več nazaj. O preljuba banska fara, bo,di mi zdrava in vesela, tem, kjer sem se jaz rodil. Sam Bog ve, kje bom pa smrt storil ali na polju ali na cesti. Sam Bog ve v kateremu mestu! Oh, Marija Zagorska, o prosi za nas Jezusa! Dragi mi sošolci in sošolke širom Amerike! Ker vidim, da naša Zarja povsod zasije, ker je res lepa in družabna, da se ženske zmeraj bolj spoznavamo in zanimamo za svoj narod, zato sem malo opisala za vas, o naši cerkvici tam v daljni domovini. Lepa hvala uredništvu Zarje, ki nam prinaša lepo branje, kakor tudi vsem, ki lepo pišejo kot naš duhovni svetovalec Rev. Kebe, naša spoštovana častna predsednica Mrs. Prisland in drugi sotrudniki. Bog vam plačaj vsem skupaj za lepo zanimanje! Pri naši podružnici št. 93 v Brooklyn, New York, so vse članice pridne in dobre, kakor tudi lepe. Če mi pa ne verjamete, pa pridite pogledat V našo newjorško vas. Pozdravljeni, Helen Corel, predsednica Št. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Sejo, katero smo imele 1. maja pri sestri Ko-chevar ni bila preveč dobro obiskana, čeprav je bil dokaj lep dan. Nekatere ste bile zadržane radi bolezni in druge ste pa gotovo imele važne opravke. Želim, da bomo imele v juniju boljšo udeležbo, ker to bo zadnja seja to poletje. Prekinile bomo, kakor vsako leto za par mesecev s sejami. V slučaju važnega vzroka, se bo sklicala posebna seja. Tebi pa draga Mary Kochevar, ki živiš v krasnem domu, prav prisrčna zahvala za gostoljubnost in postrežbo. Pozdravljene in na svidenje! Christina Bombach NAŠIM MATERAM (Zadnji mesec ni bilo prostora, da bi priobčili naslednje lepe misli našim, materam v spomin. Pravijo, da boljši pozno Ijot nobenkrat, torej naj bo ta rek nam v izgovor. — URED.) Pravijo, da en dan v letu, naj otrok prav posebno misli na mater svojo; naj ji izreče zahvalo, podari cvetko, pride iz daljine k njej ta dan in naj jo poljubi. In kdor nima več matere? Oj, materin dan ti bodi dan, ko poiščeš jo na pokopališču ob gomili, ki jo krije. Prinesi ji cvetic, mnogo cvetic, in z vsako cvetko misel, za vsak cvet besedo, za vsak listič solzo: mnogo mis- li, mnogo besed in mnogo solz. Mamica mrtva! Ne ... Mati ne umre nikdar. Mamica je v tebi, ti je blizu, ah, morda še bliže kot tedaj, ko si še čula njen glas. Ti govori, te vodi, te-podpira, te tolaži. Kolikokrat v tužnih trenutkih, ko si se čutila osamljeno v svetu, ki je tvoja mrtva mati dvignila; glavo mehko in božajoč, kakor nekoč: “Bodi močna! Glej, to je življenje; tako je; večno trpljenje. In bilo bi le solza in bridkost, ako bi ne bilo ognja borbe, ako bi ne bilo luči zmage. Zato se boriš in zmaguješ! Da, mati tvoja mrtva je vedno s teboj. Časih vidiš njen pogled v vsakem, sladkosti polnem pogledu matere, ki zre svoje dete v naročju. In vedno vidiš v onem jasnem smehljaju, v mehki kretnji v trenutku žrtvovanja in slišiš glas, ki je glas tvoje matere,, glas, ki mu ni enakega: “Otrok! Otrok moj!” Ti, ki imaš še srečo, največjo srečo, sveto srečo, da vsak dan, vsako jutro' lahko poljubiš čelo mamice, ali ne bi vsak dan, vsako uro, posvetila tej veri,, ki se imenuje mamica: Bodi ti materin dan vsaj en dan tega meseca v tem, da si dobra, da odpuščaš, daruješ, pomagaš, tolažiš v čast še žive-mamice. # * * Nekaj nepopisno težkega je slovo od: matere! — Kako velika, sveta je ljubezen matere. Mati je sonce življenja; na zemlji... ŽIVELJ, OČETJE NAŠIH ČLANIC! V nedeljo 19. junija je Očetov dan. Čeprav se je ta praznik splošno razširil zadnja leta, je pa med nami toliko zanimanja, da gotovo vsak oče čuti, da je svet spoznal tudi njegovo važno mesto v družini. Otroci se bodo očeta spomnili z darili, mati l>o pa poskrbela, da bo ta dan vsa družina skupaj ter jim pripravila najboljše kosilo, kar jih zmore njena kuhinjska znanost. Torej čast vsem očetom in Bog vam daj še mnogo let družinske sreče in nad vse pa ljubega zdravja in veselja! Jvan Zorman (Iz POTA LJUBEZNI): ZDRAVICA KOZARCE, bratje si nalijmo, po stari šegi si napijmo! Vrag vzemi naših src bridkost, daj, vince žarko veselost! Ne bomo dolgo se družili, več nismo kakor nekdaj čili. Tujina skopo meri dni, oblastno jemlje nam moči. Zapojmo pesem o pomladi , o domu, o ljubezni mladi, o zvonu, ki se v sončni dan razlega čez pšenično plan. V spominu fantje spet veseli dekletom brhkim bodo. peli. Mladost od mrtvih vstala bo, spet srečna se smejala bo. Kozarce, bratje, si nalijmo, po stari šegi si napijmo! Vrag vzemi naših src bridkost, daj, vince, žarko veselost! ŽOLČNI KAMNI. Piše p. Kazimir Zakrajšek Morda bom kaki članici pomagal s tem člankom, saj je več kot tretjina starejših ljudi, ki imajo težave z njimi. Veliko jih mora tudi na težko operacijo. + + + “Danes je sobota. Torej v pone-delje ob devetih greva v boj v o-peracijski sobi.” “Dobro! Če mora biti, mora biti! “Da, mora! Izboljšalo se vam je sicer, vendar vedno boste v nevarnosti še hušjih, celo smrtnih napadov. Žolčni kamni imajo svoje muhe! Ven morajo!” “Dobro!" “Sicer jih ima marsikdo veliko let, pa niti ne ve, da jih ima. Pri drugih se potuhnejo za več let, naenkrat pa zdivjajo in huda je! Žolčni mehur se vname in ognoji in zastrupi še vsa jetra, celo telo in posledice so hude!” “Dobro, gospod doktor! Pripravljen sem. Velja!” Tako sva tisto soboto odločila z zdravnikom, ko sem ležal v bolnici sv. Antona na žolčnih kamnih. Drugi dan me obišče sestra Urška. Povem ji, kaj ine čaka drugi dan ob devetih v operacijski sobi. “Bodi pameten, pa se ne daj operirati! Za operacijo je vedno čas. Praviš, ,da se ti je izboljšalo. Počakaj! Jaz bi že!” Pa me je pregovorila. Vzel sem telefon v roke in poklical zdravnika. “Gospod doktor, premislil sem se. Jutri ne bo operacije. Bom še počakal.” “Dobro! Kakor hočete. Vendar svarim vas. Morda se bova kmalu zopet videla, pa ne bo dobro za vas. Obžalovali boste!” odgovori zdravnik nekoliko nejevoljen. Pa sem odšel iz bolnice. In danes, po skoraj štirih letih? Pred nekaj meseci sem bil zopet pri zdravniku in mu trdil, da nimam več žolčnih kamnov, da se že od januarja počutim kar dobro, vedno bolje. “Ni mogoče!” Ne vrjamem!” se zavzame in me gleda nevrjetno. “Jaz sem pa prepričan o tem!” Povem mu, kako sem ugotovil ,da so sami odšli in kako sem to dosegel. Ni mi vrjel. “Dobro! Me zelo zanima. Ali bi šli v bolnico za nekoliko dni, da vas bomo zopet preiskali in vam vzeli sliko jeter in žolča, da vidim, kaj in kako je.” “Zakaj pa ne? Prav rad, ker tudi mene zanima, da bom gotov!” In šel sem v bolnico. Vspeh preiskave? “Popolnoma normalno vse. Res, izgubili ste jih. Odšli so,” mi pove zdravnik, ko je preiskal poročila raznih raziskovalcev, zlasti pa slike “X-ray”. “Častitam Vam! Srečni ste!” Vesel sem odšel iz bolnice. + + + Nisem zdravnik, vendar pa bom morda kaki članici, ki trpi na žolčnih kamnih, pomagal, kakor zgoraj omenjeno, če opišem svoj slučaj, kako je bilo z menoj in kako sem dosegel, da so odšli. Saj poskus nič ne stane. Če se pa da uiti operaciji, je pa le vredno poskusiti. Morda bo moje zdravljenje pomagalo kaki članici. + + + Jetra so precej velika “tovarna” tudi za žolč. Leže pod pljučami nad želodcem. Žolč, ki ga proizvajajo, spravljajo v malo vrečico, žolčni mehur, ki je pod jetrami, nad želodcem in sicer takoj poleg zadnjega rebra spredaj. Iz te vrečiče je napeljana drobna cevka v želodec, po kateri kaplja v želodec žolč, katerega rabi želodec, da “prekuha” nekatere jedi, ne more prekuhati s svojimi drugimi soki, ki jih sam proizvaja, ali pa zelo težko. Pa se lahko zgodi, da se iz kakega uzroka ta mala cevka zamaši: ali oteče, ali je žolč pregost, in žolč ne more v želodec. Pa se počasi ta žolč zgosti, da, celo strdi ali v nekak pesek, ali v drobne kamenčke ali v en sam velik kamen. To so žolčni kamni. Ko pride v želodec jed, za katero potrebuje žolč, da jo “prekuha”, skuša žolčna vrečiča storiti svojo dolž- nost in dati mu žolča, zato se stiska, da bi iztisnila žolč, ki ga želodec zahteva. Pa je cevka zaprta in ne gre. To pa povzroči vnetje te vrečice in človek” zboli na žolčnih kamnih.” Včasih se naredi tudi gnoj v vrečici, in hude bolečine nastopijo, človek je zelo bolan. Sedaj pa hitro zdravljenje! Zdravniki poskušajo najprej z raznimi zdravili, če bolezen ni šla že predaleč. Če to ne pomaga, potem pa samo nož! Kamni morajo ven! Ali je pa smrt gotova in sicer zelo mučna. Pri žolčnih kamnih se najprej začuti okrog želodca neka neprijetna napetost, kakor bi se človek preveč najel. V “žlički” začne nekako čudno tiščati, da, boleti. Tam, kjer je žolčna vrečica se začuti, kakor bi kdo s živanko vbadal v kožo. Pod plečetom zadaj na desni strani nekaj tišči. Če se pritisne na kraj, kjer je vrečica, se začutijo otekline in zaboli, če je napad hujši, bolnik začne bruhati. Tako sem jaz začutil svoje žolčne kamne. Kako sem jih dobil? Prevečkrat sem jedel svežo svinjino in preveč orehov. Oboje sem imel rad. To je ugotovil zdravnik pri prvem napadu pred veliko leti, ko še nisem vedel, kaj mi je. Bil je milejši napad in sem ga ozdravil samo z zdravili in strogo dijeto. Drugi napad sem dobil po desetih letih, ki je bil pa že hujši. Takrat je pa bilo, da sem moral v bolnico, kjer bi moral biti operiran, da sem se skesal tisti dan pred operacijo. Tudi ta napad sem premagal z zdravili, ki mi jih je predpisal dobri zdravnik. Vendar pa ni bilo dobro, čutil sem vedno, da nekaj ni v redu z menoj. Izgubil sem vsak okus do jedi in vsak apetit. Za 40 funtov sem izgubil na teži. Čakal sem samo, ke-daj se bo izpolnila napoved’ zdravnikova, da “se bova zopet videla” in da “takrat ne bo dobro!” Pa me je predlanskim moj prijatelj povabil, da bi šel z njim v nekake kopeli, kjer zdravijo z vodo, ki prihaja iz zemlje črna kakor črnilo. V tej vodi mora bolnik ležati vsaki dan pa pol ure in sicer v tako vroči, kolikor največ je prenese. So te kopeli sicer proti revmatičnim boleznim, vendar “morda bo pa še tebi pomagalo za tvoje kamne”, mi je pisal. In šel sem. (Dalje prihodnjič DOMAČA KUHINJA V AMERIKI prodajajo dober kruh. bi lahko vsak trdil, ampak iz zdravstvenega stališča pa kruh, ka-koršnega pečejo, ni najbolši. Dr. C. M. McCay, veščak iz Cornell univerze v Utica, N.Y. je poslušal zaslišanja radi kruha v Washingtonu in ta tako pravi. Kruh vsebuje primesi, za katere vemo, da niso dobre za naše zdravje. Nitrogen trichloride bo postavno prepovedan in prav tako bi morali prepovedati druge substitute. Gospodinje, zahtevajmo kruh iz moke, ki ni nič beljena. Da se kruh delj časa drži svež in da je rahel, zato peki rabijo ‘‘bread softeners”. Kruh je res za oči jako vabljiv in dolgo ostane svež, a naše zdravje lahko trpi škodo vsled vživanja takego kruha. Da je tako, se lahko prepričamo, kadar spečemo kruh doma. Dr. McCay pravi; do sedaj ni bilo še dokazano, da bi taki dodatki ostali brez učinkov na zdravje. “Preskusijo naj to prej na raznih živalih, da bomo vsi brez skrbi jedli kruh s takimi primeski, če so res neškodljivi.” Pri peki bi bilo treba dodati pšenične kali (wheat germ), ki so bili pri mletju moke odstranjeni. Dodatek suhega mleka bi tudi kruh izboljšal in redilnejši bi bil ako bi primešal nekaj soja moke. To pa bi kruh zdražilo in ker se mlinarji in peki bojijo povišati ceno kruhu, še naprej rabijo moko in pečejo kruh, kakor so navajeni. Jaz bi še dodala, da je kruh vse preveč drag in če gredo cene produktom doli, zakaj moramo plačevati za naš vsakdanji kruh tako visoko ceno? Moka iz soja fižalo. Kitajski ali soja fižol je zelo tečna hrana in prav tako je moka, ki jo napravijo iz tega fižola. Sploh delajo iz soja fižola vsopolno izdelkov med temi tudi neke vrste mleko, tako da je ta sadež res pravi blagoslov, ker je tudi jako rodoviten. Posušen soja fižol je bolj trd in ga moramo delj časa kuhati kakor pa razno druge vrste, ki jih navadno kupujemo. Dobi se pa tudi ta fižol tako prepariran, da se prav hitro skuha, ampak zato tudi precej več plačamo zanj. Kar se pa moke tiče je tako, sama soja moka ne napravi rahlega kruha, pač pa kot primes k beli moki, je pa jako priporočljiva. Kadar moramo primešati nekaj žlic moke kakor za kakšno omake in polivke, je soja moka kot nalašč. Ta soja moka je veliko bogateljša raznih vitaminov in za zdravje potrebnih snovi, kakor vse druge moke. Sedaj, ko plačujemo meso po tako silno, visokih cenah, pa se spomnimo, da ima soja moka zelo dosti proteinov, katere najdemo v mesu. Veščaki v dijeti trdijo, da ima soja moka petkrat več proteinov, kakor pa bela moka. Kalcija premore petnajstkrat več, fosfor ja sedemkrat več, desetkrat več železa in tiamina. V enakem delu soja moke najdemo devetkrat več riboflavi- na, petkrat več niacina in primeroma desetkrat več druzih mineralnih snovi, katerih bela moka ne premore v takih količinah. Če vse to premislimo, bomo gotovo kupile vrečico te moke in jo rabile ob vsaki priliki pri kuhi in peki. Dišave in začimbe Zelo važna panoga kuhe je prime-šavanje različnih dišav k jedem, da jim damo boljši okus in duh ter jib napravimo bolj užitnim in lažje pre bavljivim. Tu navajamo nekaj glavnih dišav in začimb, ki se jih ameriška kuhinja v precej obsežni meri poslužuje. BRINJEVE JAGODE (Juniper berries) so umestne pri divjačini in nekaterih mesninah, ki se pripravljajo kakor divjačina in tudi pri mesnih kvašah. CIMET (Cinnamon) je dišava, katero pozna vsaka kuharica. Rabi se zelo pogostokrat. DROBNJAK (Chives), ld je znan pod imenom (šnitloh), se lahko rabi pri krompirjevi solati, omakah, na juhah, pri siru, itd. Ker ga lahko gojiš v zimi v hiši, je zelo praktičen pripomoček v kuhi, INGVER (Ginger), je v Ameriki med najbolje znanimi dišavami, a bolj po pijačah, kakor pri kuhi; a tudi kuharice ga precej rabijo. JANEŽ (FENNEL) se rabi za omake in mariniranje rib itd. Zmletega devajo celo v jabolčni paj. META (Mint) se rabi sveža in posušena. Rabi se pri grahovi juhi, novem krompirju, pri omaki za pečeno jagnjetino itd. PIMENTO (Pimento) je med na. šimi kuharicami bolj malo znana dišava čeravno spada med najboljše. Ona daje učinek več drugih dišav. Zato je v ameriški kuhinji poznana pod imenom “Alspice”, to je vse-di-šavna dišava. Rabi se pri močnatih in mesnih jedilih, pri mehkem siru in pri omakah. ŽAJBELJ (Sage) se rabi suh in svež in sicer pri nekaterih nadevih In raznem mesovju. RIŽEVI ŠTRUKELJCI (Rice Rolled Dumplings) Napravi vlečeno testo iz 1% šalčke moke. Naj stoji vsaj pol ure. Skuhaj pet žlic riža, ga odecdi in shladi. Umešaj dve žlici masla in 1 žlico dobre masti in dva rumenjaka, da bo zmes rahlja. Prideni riž in premešaj. Dodaj že trd sneg iz dveh beljakov ter ga na rahlo primešaj v riž. Razvleci testo, namaži s pripravljenim nadevom. Obreži rob testa. Zvivaj od dveh strani in po sredi prereži, da tako dobiš dva zvitka. Zreži s krožni-kovim robom na dva prsta dolge štru-keljčke ter jih zakuhaj v vrelo juho. PEČENKA IZ PŠENIČNEGA ZDROBA. V en kvart mleka zakuhaj pol šale zdroba (cream of wheat). Mešaj dokler se ne zgosti. Vtepi tri rumenjake med pol šale skladkorja, kani žličko vanilje in potem polagoma za- mešaj med kuhan zdrob, ko ga vzameš z ognja. Postavi nazaj nad plamen, da se vse še enkrat pregreje. Zamešaj še četrt šale strebljenih rozin in vse stresi v namazan model. Potresi po dnu tudi nekaj sladkorja, da se v peči potem karamelizira. Povrhu tudi potresi sladkor in rezine kakor — šnega sadja moreš. Postavi v peč za deset minut potem pa še pod plamen, da se vrhnja plast lepo zarumeni. Vzemi iz modelčka, razreži in serviraj če moreš z vtepeno smetano. ANGLEŠKI STEIK PUDING. En funt (round steak) in dve jan-čevi ledvici drobno zreži. Dodaj drobno zrezano čebulo, eno žličko peteršilja, ščepec timeza (thyme), žličko soli in malo popra. Med to zmes prilij kozarec vode ali če imaš juhe. Napravi testo kakor za paj iz; dve šali moke, eno šale sesekanega loja (suet), pol šale mleka in malo soli. Pogneteno testo razvaljaj in položi v model za puding. Testo napolni z mesom in testo malo čez zavihaj. Po-krij in kuhaj v sopari dve uri. To lahko serviraš za štiri porcije in če postaviš poleg še malo solate, toliko bolje. Nič čudnega če pravi pregovor, da snaga in red vzdržujeta svet. V Ameriki smo tako srečni, da ni treba vsak lonček vode posebej greti. Skoro pri vsaki hiši so kotli za vročo vodo in nevem če vsi cenimo koliko je to vredno za naše lfubo zdravje. Tisti, ki so navezani na delo v zaprtih prostorih, morajo že iz obzirnosti' do sodelavcev gledati na snago. Saj je večina ljudi precbzirnih, da bi po potu smrdečega soseda opozorili na njegovo napako. Mesece in mesece sede skupaj v enem in istem prostoru, pa mu nihče ne pove, kakšen smrad širi okoli sebe. Še veliko grše je, če ženska zastruplja zrak svoji okolici. Vsaka mora gledati na to, da se čisti, kolikor se da. in da vpraša svojo prijateljico, kako je z njenim potenjem. Poznam uradnico, ki trdi, da se vsak dan okoplje, njen smrad in umazani vrat jo pa postavljata na laž. Tudi mlada dekleta, ki si domišljajo, da so lepa in privlačna, se čudijo, zakaj se jih znanke in unanci ogibajo. In še nekaj. Nekaterim ljudem prihaja iz ust strašen duh. Ti imajo ali gnile zobe ali pa bolan želodec. Zobe je treba popraviti in vsak dan po trikrat o,čistiti, želodec pa pozdraviti. Veliko ljudi ne ve, da se slina ponoči med spanjem usmradi. Vsak človek, ki si zjutraj ne umije zob, smrdi. Da to sami preizkusite, nalijte vodo ne čisto do roba kozarca. V ta kozarec potem dahnite, ko zjutraj vstanete, in nazaj vam bo udaril slab duh, če imate le količkaj dober nos. To so reči, ki se težko povedo in jih ljudje rajši prenašajo, kakor da bi nanje opozorili. Torej skrbite sami za snago! No. 6 — Vol. XXI The Datvn OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 181 June, 1949 RESIGNATION NOT ACCEPTED! The Assembly of our eighth regular convention declined to accept the resignation of President Albina Novak. She was urged to complete her term of office which expires July 1. Upon seeing such sincere display of confidence, Mrs. Novak consented to remain in office until the expiration of her term. At the election of officers for the coming three years, Mrs. Novak was unanimously elected to serve another term of office of President and Editor. Mrs. Novak’s one hope is that she be blessed with good health and the much needed guidance of God throughout her term! A CONDENSATION AND TRANSLATION OF THE SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT FOR THE EIGHTH CONVENTION OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA HELD IN PUEBLO, COLO., MAY 15-18, 1949 A most sincere welcome to our foundress and honorary president, supreme officers and delegates convening at the Union’s eighth convention here in Pueblo, Colo. The preparatory committee under the chairmanship of supreme vice-president, Mrs. Anna Pachak, and the branch no. 3 officers has exerted much time and effort in making our stay most pleasant, all of which will be greatly appreciated by each one of us. Convention days are not vacation days, since each delegate was assigned a great task — the progress and welfare of the Union in the future. You were undoubtedly chosen as a delegate because you were one of the most loyal, cooperative and hard-working members. During my secretaryship I have dedicated two-thirds of my time for the organization. No task was too great and my assistance was given freely wherever possible towards the Union’s achievements, pride and welfare. The Age Classification shows that there is a greater percentage of us older members. Therefore, in order to induce new young girls to join, as well as to retain active members, various activities ought to be introduced at this convention. Remember that youth is an integral part of our organization. The Union is indeed proud of those branches in which the supreme officer willingly cooperates at every branch activity or affair, regardless of the title she holds in the supreme board. I am most appreciative of the hard-working branch secretaries with whom I correspond. Without their door-to-door collections to prevent cancellations, our membership would show a great decrease. Their love for the organization is displayed by their faithful execution of the duties of their office. Recognition must also be given to the presidents, who are the impelling forces in the branches, as well as to the other cooperative officers. Since the last convention all newborn girls whose mothers are members are free of assessment up to their first birthday. For the past three years this amounted to $128.50. The organization’s financial administration is audited not only by the Union’s supreme trustees, but by the Illinois auditors of the Department of Insurance. The latter arrive approximately every two years without warning, ever demanding exactness and thorough explanations. Whenever a surplus in our checking account exists, the president of the finance board is advised. She then stu- dies various investments as to their soundness and yield of interest. For the past three years we have received $13,995.78 in dividends and interests. In order to determine our solvency, the monotonous tedious and exacting task of compiling the Age Classification was completed an,d sent to the actuary. The latest report is that our solvency is almost 100%. Because of yearly increasing death claims, we must be careful in maintaining our present standing. Four membership campaigns were sponsored since the last convention: the 20th anniversary campaign held during the last three months of 1946 which netted 365 members with branch no. 3 and its president, Mrs. Anna Pachak, in first place; the Mother-Daughter campaign in 1947 which netted 619 with Joliet and the secretary of branch no. 12, Mrs, Mary Schimenz, in first place; the Vice-president’s campaign in 1948 netting 386, with supreme vice-president, Mrs. Mary Tomsic, of Strabane, Pa., who founded branch no. 106 in Meadowlands, Pa.; and lastly the pre-convention campaign giving us 651 new members with branch no. 20 and the 1943 and 1946 Convention Queen, Mrs. Mary C. Terlep, in first place. For this convention I again prepared the Honor Roll, which lists all campaign workers, who, since the Union’s founding, obtained fifty or more new members into the organization. Missing were many present-day supreme officers, who through their indifference, failed in this one important requisite of becoming an exemplary supreme board member. From March 31, 1946 to March 1, 1949 the total membership by deaths and cancellations decreased 451 in number. During March and April — the last two months of the Pre-convention Campaign, this loss was covered by 487 new members. The four campaign awards amounted to $953.84, but the greatest awards ought to be presented to the secretaries, who grieve over the loss of one member and at every opportunity substitute the cancelled by a new member. Our organization sponsors various activities, which include Bowling, choral clubs, sewing circles, baton twirling groups and drill teams. The latter is most activily participated by the two Joliet Cadets, who throughout their existence, which total 17 years, appeared in national, civic, patriotic or ecclesiastical affairs. Over $3,200.00 was required to cover their traveling expenses to the convention city. I sincerely wish that the branches will once again reorganize their drill teams, in order that there will be many more besides those of branches 20 and 49, all of which would be the pride of our parishes, cities and our organization. Drill teams, too, are a great source of advertisement, as well as a source of much enjoyment founded on sacrifice and hard work. For the next convention I recommend that the Junior Department be recognized and given the opportunity of representation at the conventions. A branch of Junior members at least 150 in number would be allowed one delegate. The Union awards its secretaries annually 5c per member, if the branch’s membership in either the adult or junior department did not decrease. A few secretaries receive only 5, 10 or 15c checks, which are often returned since the secretary does not fully understand her award* believing she is entitled to more. Such small checks are-usually presented to secretaries, whose Junior membership, had not decreased during the year. As with every convention there is much work with the delegates, especially with those whose branches were joined. Many of the latter neglected to answer my first letters; others refused to sanction the candidate proposed by two or three of the joined branches. To help avoid: such difficulties I have presented my suggestions to the by-law committee. During the past three years the Scholarship Fund has reached its goal of $10,000.00, which indeed was no easy task. This fund is now ready to grant scholarships to any talented youngster with some or no means for higher learning. The president of this fund is Mrs. Marie Prisland to whom aspiring scholars are to write for applications. The work at the headquarters is increasing daily and I do my utmost in fulfilling it to everyone’s satisfaction. My right hand is my daughter Olga and her husband Edward Ancel, who are very interested and fully understand the Union’s administration. They are exceptionally well experienced in every phase of bookkeeping and accounting. To them I am most grateful because without their assistance this great and responsible task could not be accomplished. My sincerest words of appreciation are extended to honorary president, Mrs. Marie Prisland, who was ever willing to give me her assistance and advice; to supreme president, Mrs. Albina Novak, with whom I have worked most harmoniously for the organization’s welfare; to the supreme treasurer and trustees, as well as all other supreme board members for their cooperation; to our spiritual director Rev. Matthew Kebe, for his promptness in correspondence and his inspiring articles; and lastly to all local officers, members, families and friends, for their interests, cooperation and assistance at every turn. In closing I extend to the delegates a wish for a pleasant and harmonious gathering. May God guide your work for a greater and stronger Slovenian Women’s Union. Josephine Erjavec, supreme secretary BRZOJAVNI POZDRAVI POSLANI KONVENCIJI TELEGRAMS RECEIVED AT THE CONVENTION Every blessing and success to the Slovenian Women’s Union. — Martin McNamara, Bishop of Joliet, Illinois. ****** Sincere greetings and best wishes for a successful convention. — Joseph Zalar, Supreme Secretary KSKJ, Jo'-liet, Illinois. * * * * * * The American Fraternal Union extends greetings and best wishes for a successful convention — Anton Zbasnik, Secretary, Ely, Minnesota. * * * * * * Sincere greetings and congratulations to the officers and delegates of the Slovenian Women’s Union — Max F. Traven, Supreme Secretary SDZ, Slovenian Mutual Benefit Association, Cleveland, Ohio. ****** Sincere greetings and best wishes for a successful convention — Mrs. Frank Falle, President American Slovenian Organization, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. * H< * * >1« * Thanks for birthday greetings and congratulations. You ladies are great for remembering. God bless your work! — Father Oman, Cleveland, Ohio. * * * * * * Greetings and best wishes from the membership of St. John the Baptist Lodge no. 37 American Fraternal Union of Cleveland, Ohio, and a sincere wish that your deliberations and conclusions be for the best interest of your membership and progress of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America with true fraternal spirit — Cyril J. Rovanšek, Secretary; Charles Vertosnik, President and John Petrich, Treasurer. * * * * * * Wishing you all a most successful and harmonious convention and with personal regards to all — Atty. and Mrs. Alvin Gloyeck Jr., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. * * * * # # Greetings to the convention — Avsec Printers, Joliet, Illinois. ****** We wish you all success in your undertaking at the convention — Mr, and Mrs. John Kirincich, Joliet, Illinois. Welcome to Cleveland and Hotel Hollenden for your 1952 convention — Cordially, Douglas S. Lyons, Convention Manager. ****** Heartiest wishes for a successful convention. May this one be the best — Angeline Lepej, President Napredna Slovenka no. G JPZ Sloga, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ****** Pozdrave vsem glavnim odbornicam in delegatinjam in naši delegating Rose Racher ter želje za obilo uspeha osmi redni konvenciji i>ošiljata — John in Anna Petrich, Fontana, California. * * * * * * Wishing the convention all possible success — John Prisland and daughters, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. * * * Ms * * Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention — Branch no. 1, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. # * * * * * Congratulations and best wishes to you, Mrs. Rupnik and all the delegates and supreme officers of SWU and a very successful convention — No. 1 Sewing Club group, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. 4« * >1« * * # Greetings and best wishes to the officers and delegates — Branch no. 2, Chicago, Illinois. ****** Our sincere greetings and best wishes for a successful convention — Mr. and Mrs, Anton Tomazin and sons, Chicago, Illinois. ****** Best wishes from no. 2 SWU Choral Club to the officers and delegates and to our delegates — No. 2 Choral Club, Chicago, Illinois. ****** Congratulations to the 8th regular convention and to the SWU delegates and officers. Also belated birthday greetings to Josephine Železnikar — Mrs. Frances Kozel and daughters, no. 2, Chicago, Illinois. * # * * * * Congratulations to the Cleveland Noble Cadets. Enjoyed your Sunday performance immensely. Congratulations and best wishes — Fritzel Family, Pueblo, Colorado. ♦ # * * * * To the Joliet Cadets and Junior cadets of no. 20 we extend congratulations and best wishes. We enjoyed your Sunday performance immensely — Fritzel Family, Pueblo, Colorado. ****** Congratulations and a hearty welcome to the officers, delegates and visitors of the SWU 8th convention — St. Mary’s Lodge no. 173, National Croation Union, Mrs. Katherine Jerman, President, Pueblo, Colorado. * >1« * * * * Our heartiest greetings to all the delegates, supreme of- ficers and visitors at the 8th national convention. May your convention be a huge success for our future progress. — Josephine Elrjavec, Secretary no. 3, Pueblo, Colorado. * * * * * * Greetings and best wishes — Branch no. 6, Barberton, O. ****** Obilo uspeha in korajže! V duhu smo z vami — Jennie Ožbolt in Mary Nicolas, Barberton, Ohio. ****** Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention—Virginia, John and Anthony Urbas, Cleveland, O. ****** Congratulations on your 8th convention and best of luck! — Mrs. Sedej, Mrs. Martha Batich, no. 10, Cleveland (Col-linwood), Ohio. ****** Heartiest congratulations and best wishes for success — Sewing circle no. 10, Jennie Batich, Cleveland, Ohio. He * H< * # H« Cenjene glavne odbornice in zbornica S&Z! Srčno želim, da bi osma konevncija imela največ uspeha in vas lepo pozdravlja — Agatha in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Branch no. 12, Milwaukee congratulates you on your 8th convention. May it bring future success — Helen Bizjak, treasurer. * * * * * * Best wishes for a successful convention — Matt Schi-menz, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. * * * *1« * * Best wishes for a successful convention — Branch no. 13, San Francisco, California. ****** Wishing the officers and SWU delegates the best success at convention — Branch no. 14, Cleveland (Notting- ham) Ohio. ****** My best wishes for a successful 8th regular convention to the officers and delegates. Regret unable to be with you in body but I am wholeheartedly with you In spirit — Mrs. Prances Rupert, Cleveland, Ohio. ****** Best wishes to all delegates — Mrs. Veronica Skufca and Mrs. Mary Hrovat, no. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), Ohio. * * * * * * Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention — Branch 17, West Allis, Wisconsin. ****** Dear Sisters: Sincere greetings and best wishes for a successful convention — No. 19, Eveleth, Minnesota. ****** Greetings to all. Wishing you all success — Mr. and Mrs. Louis Korevec, Joliet, Illinois. ****** Wishing delegates best wishes and great success in your undertaking — Anna Pelcic - Ivana Zalar, no. 21, Cleveland (West Park), Ohio. ****** Greetings and best wishes — Branch no. 23, Ely, Minn. ****** Greetings and best wishes for a very successful convention from all the branch no. 24 members of La Salle, 111. ****** Best wishes for a successful convention and special greetings to Mrs. Albina Novak and also to Mrs. Angela Strukel of La Salle and Mrs. Levik of Oglesby, Illinois — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shimkus, La Salle, Illinois. ****** Pozdravljene odbornice in delegacija osme redne konvencije v Pueblo, Colorado. Želimo vam veliko uspeha za SŽZ. Bog z vami! — Mary Strukel, članica št. 24, La Salle, Illinois. ****** Best wishes for a successful convention — Mrs. Ann Cassidy, La Salle, Illinois. * + * * * * Mnogo uspeha in napredka konvenciji SŽZ — Mrs. Virant in Mrs. Lokar, št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. ****** Čestitke in najlepše želje za uspeh konvenciji — Mrs. Križman in Mrs. Mary Starc, št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. ****** Congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention — Branch no. 28, Mary Kocjan, president, Calumet, Michigan. ****** Best wishes from members of branch no. 29—Mrs. Mary Pristavec, president, Forest City, Pennsylvania. ****** Congratulations to all the delegates and wishing you lots of success. Have a good time — Sylvia Petrich, treasurer, branch no. 38, Chisholm, Minnesota. * * >K * * * Pozdrav glavnim odbornicam in delegatinjam osme konvencije SŽZ. Želeč vam mnogo uspeha v delu za obstoj in napredek SŽZ. Pozdrav naši delegatki Angeli Kozjan — Frances Brešak, predsednica, pod. št. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Greetings to the delegates and officers of SWU convention — Branch no. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. ****** Congratulations and best wishes to the 8th convention of Slovenian Women’s Union — Louise Struznik, secretary, no. 45, Portland, Oregon. * * * * * * Our warmest congratulations on your 8th triennial convention. Much luck and success — Branch no. 47, Cleveland, Ohio; Theresa Bizjak, president; Jennie Pugelj, treasurer. ****** Greetings to the delegates and officers of the 8th convention — Frances Sletz, branch no. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. He # * * * * Greetings from no. 53, Cleveland (Brooklyn) Ohio. ****** Greetings to the delegates and officers of the SWU convention and to our delegate Rose Racher. May this convention be a big success — Officers and members, no. 54, Warren, Ohio. He He * * * * Greetings to the delegates and officers of the 8th convention of Slovenian Women’s Union — Frank Racher and daughter, Warren, Ohio. *#**♦* Best wishes for a successful convention — Branch no. 56, Hibbing, Minnesota. ****** Bodite pozdravljene glavne odbornice in delegatinje osme redne konvencije SŽZ. Mnogo uspeha vam želimo odbornice in članice podružnice št. G3, Denver, Colorado — Mrs. Mollie Svigel. ****** Društvo Marije Pomagaj št. 190 KSKJ pošilja pozdrave zbornici SŽZ in želi mnoga uspeha — Anna Virant, predsednica in članica št. 63, Denver, Colorado. ****** Najlepše pozdrave in voščila vsem delegatinjam osme redne konvencije in veliko napredka želi podružnica št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas — Andrew Kostelac, podpredsednica in hčerka Genevieve Sambol. ****** Congratulations for your convention. Hope it is a successful one — No. 79, Enumclaw, Washington. * * H> * * * Just to let you know, mom, that everyone is okay. Hope you are enjoying yourself. Weather is fine. Grandpa is swell. Don’t hurry home — Joe, Wilma Mihelich and boys, Enumclaw, Washington. ****** Greetings from Enumclaw, Washington — Lodge no. 162, ABZ. ****** Sisterly greetings to the officers and delegates and best wishes for your success —• Ivanka Zakrajšek, president, no. 84, New York City. ****** Congratulations and best wishes to the Slovenian Women’s Union convention — Branch no. 89, Oglesby, 111. ****** Greetings and best wishes — Mary Rupnik, secretary, no. 90, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania. ****** Congratulations — Branch no. 93, Brooklyn, New York. ****** Cheers and congratulations for a good finish. All our love — Fahlstroms, no. 93, New York City, New York. ****** A SINCERE THANK YOU! We are most grateful for the many telegrams we received at the convention. It was wonderful to be remembered. Next month we will publish the letters and the responses we received from prominent persons and places. Results of the 13th Annual Midwest Bowling Tournament held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 1-2-3,1949 TEAM EVENTS 1. Mahkovec Tavern — Joliet L. Rothlisberger J. Murtaugh A. Mahkovec B. Kastelec H. Karcz 127 234 142—503 142 138 177—457 137 174 135—446 169 114 138—421 179 180 155—514 754 840 747-2341 $30.00 & Trophies 2. Jelenc Funeral Home Milwaukee 3. S. W. U. #43 Milwaukee 4. Susniks Bar Milwaukee 5. Walter’s Food Market Milwaukee 6. J—Z Fuels Chicago 7. Oseland Coal Co. Milwaukee S. S. W. U. #16 Team #4 So. Chicago 9. Kastigar Market LaSalle 10. Grohar’s Tavern Joliet HIGH TEAM GAME .Mahkovec Tavern Joliet SECOND HIGH TEAM GAME :£>usniks Bar Milwaukee DOUBLES EVENTS 1. Frances Day—Justine Ziemer, Milwaukee 945 Frances Day 147 184 136—467 Justine Ziemer 13o 165 178—478 2278 $27.00 2242 25.00 2222 20.00 2175 15.00 2127 12.00 2122 10.00 2062 8.00 2040 6.00 2020 5.00 840 $4.00 780 $2.00 $9.00 282 349 314—945 & Medals 2. C. Terselich—S. Železnikar Chicago 940 $8.50 3. F. Debelak—R. Luebke Milwaukee 936 7.50 4. A. Kastigar—A. Pelko LaSalle 931 6.50 5. M. Wuky—P. Krause Milwaukee 916 5.50 6. L. Hammel—E. Weber Milwaukee 903 4.50 7. E. Ovnik—J. Terselich Chicago 894 3.00 8. A. Mahokovec—L. Stepaniak Joliet 891 3.00 9. A. Gorishek—G. Goesch Milwaukee 881 2.00 HIGH DOUBLE GAME F. Day—J. Ziemer Milwaukee 349 3.00 INDIVIDUALS 1. J. Ziemer Milwaukee 201 298 179 678 $7.00 & Medal 2. R. Luebke Milwaukee 530 6.00 3. J. Terselich Chicago 490 5.00 4. E. Ovnik Chicago 481 4.00 5. J. Kovacic Chicago 477 3.50 6. I. Ulano So. Chicago 474 3.00 7. S. Bitenz Milwaukee 469 2.50 8. G. Goesch Milwaukee 468 2.00 9. E. Weber Milwaukee 466 2.00 10. M. Pesch Milwaukee 464 1.50 HIGH GAME IN ANY EVENT Justine Ziemer Milwaukee 298 3.00 ALL EVENTS 1. Justine Ziemer Milwaukee 473 478 678 1629 5.00 & Medal 2. Rose Luebke Milwaukee 1451 3.50 3. Jen Terselich Chicago 1440 2.50 4. Lorraine Rothlisberger Joliet 1414 2.00 GOODFELLOWSHIP AWARDS Teams $5.00 1. Milwaukee #2 Milwaukee 2. Parkview Laundry Chicago 3. Silver City Milwaukee 4. Bidda’s Kandies Chicago 5. S. W. U. #16 — Team #2 So. Chicago 6. Cameo Club Milwaukee 7. Cleveland Cleveland 8. Lustiks Tavern Milwaukee $2.50 1. Dr. Grill Chicago 2. Tominseks Milwaukee 3. Century Beauty Shop Chicago 4. Tony & Mary Starlch Tavern Milwaukee 5. Joliet Rivals Joliet 6. Oui Oui Bar Sheboygan 7. Zefran’s Funeral Home Chicago 8. Ribich Tavern Sheboygan 9. Repensheks Bros. S'heboygan 10. Rose Room Milwaukee 11. Linlow & Son Vault Works Sheboygan 12. S. W. U. #16 — Team #3 So. Chicago 13. Nemanich Florist Joliet 14. Wenzel’s Bar Milwaukee 15. Foley Market LaSalle DOUBLES $2.00 1. L. MacDonald—M. Nemanich 2. J. Zeibert—A. Marrazzo Joliet Chicago Chicago 3. A. Kregul—D. Ovnik 4. A. Modiz—M. Turk Sheboygan 5. M. Perdan—M. Kastelec Cleveland 6. A. Foys—M. Kregul Chicago 7. L. Ribich—J. Zorc Sheboygan 8. L. Zefran—J. Kovacic Chicago 9. V. Adams—M. Sypudt So. Chicago 10. M. Rom—W. Šinkovec Chicago 11. J. Gregorich—M. Radliff LaSalle 12. C. Kroschel—E. Kroschel Chicago SINGLES $2.00 1. M. Wuky Milwaukee 2. A. Sfchimenz Milwaukee 3. S. Železnikar Chicago 4. F. Day Milwaukee 5. M. Perdan Cleveland GOODFELLOWSHIP AWARDS $1.50 1. H. Rozich 2. M. Jamnik 3. J. Ribich 4. M. Nowick 5. M. Rom Joliet Joliet Sheboygan Milwaukee Chicago 1. J. 2. J. 3. A. 5. M. 4. J. 6. M. 7. C. 8. D. 9. F. 10. M. 11. E. 12. M. 13. D. 14. F. 15. S. 16. H. 17. C. 18. M. 19. V. 20. A. $1.00 Murtaugh Mlakar Gorishek Rudman Buchar Kregul Kroschel Ovnik Debelak Radliff Kroschel Ovnik Fisher Eccher Kowalkowski Karcz Terselich Nemanick Adams Žlebnik Joliet Joliet Milwaukee Joliet Joliet Chicago Chicago Chicago Milwaukee LaSalle Chicago Chicago Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Joliet Chicago Joliet So. Chicago Milwaukee RECAPITULATION 10 Team Prizes 23 Team Goodfellowships 2 High Team Games 9 Doubles Prizes 12 Doubles Goodfellowships 1 Double High Game 10 Singles Prizes 30 Singles Goodfellowships 1 High Game any event 4 All Events TOTAL $158.00 77.50 6.00 49.50 24.00 3.00 36.50 37.50 3.00 13.00 $408.00 Lillian Kozek, secretary ACTIVITIES OF OUR BRANCHES Do Something There would be ten times, perhaps a thousand times—more people who would be happier and more successful if they but did something about what they imagine that they would most like to do or be. Many a boy and girl has regretted not having a college education—but a far greater number have gained this goal, because they did something about it. All the comforts which we enjoy today are the result of what people had in mind and who did something about it. What debatois we all are. How true, this poem! (Sent for publication by a friend of SWU) There’s never a loss without a gain, And never a happiness free from pain; For every jewel there’s a price to pay, For each dark night a dawning day. We may keep the jewel and watch the dawn, Forget the price, bid the night be gone. By the choice we make for our treasure chest, We judge ourselves, accursed or blessed. No. 13, San Francisco, California — Our Spring dance is now but a memory, but the most pleasant one in a long, long time. The manner in which the committee and each member assumed her responsibility will long be remembered. The Dance was a huge success due to the efforts of the new officers, who left no deed undone to add pleasure to the occasion. Our guests remarked that it was the first time in many years that folks got together with a feeling of true fellowship uppermost in the mind of each. Let’s have more of such gatherings! The guests were impressed by the dozens of gorgeous red roses that made a backstop for the bar and the lovely roses and gardenias that donned the shoulders of every member and the entire committee adding to the expression of Spring. We are deeply grateful to the persons responsible for the wonderful gesture of supplying the flowers so graciously free of cost for the occasion. Of course, this wasn’t the first time lovely flowers were sent gratis, for at our anniversary dinner, election of officers and many other occasions, flowers arrived and our donors never expected or asked for anything else in return except: THANKS. It would be gratifying if every member would in the future, regardless of amount spent or the occasion, order flowers at IVAN’S FLOWERS. 1718 A Polk Street, San Francisco, California, telephone Ord-way 3-75G1. Proprietors are Jimmie Vlahovich Jr. and Ivan Copernich. Deliveries are made free of charge regardless of the amount. Now I ask you, who could expect more? In this way we can say: thank you, Ivan and Jimmie! — this is a gesture which will be beneficial to all. When you enter the shop, have Ivan or Jimmie show you the numerous floral arrangements for table centers, baby showers, wedding showers, anniversaries and holidays. They are really a work of art. Corsages are available in any floral combination. Once again we say: Thank you so much, Ivan and Jimmie. Mr. John Anzick, our “Hrib’s” tailor, was unable to attend our dance due to illness but he sent money to, buy each member on the committee a drink. Thoughtfulness such as this, will not be forgotten. “Hvala lepa, John!” To the untiring, harmonious committee we can only say: We are most grateful! If we continue to work together, much happiness and success will be enjoyed during the year 1949 and every meeting will be interesting if you attend them regularly. Frances E. Chiodo No. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O. — The St. Lawrence cadets were honored with the presence of Mrs. Filipovič as a guest at a recent meeting. She expressed the importance of keeping the cadets together and asked that we have full cooperation among us in everything we do, and she also made an appeal that we get more new members for the drill team. At this meeting, it was decided that we have a dance on Sunday, October 16, 1949 at the Slovenian National Home on 80th Street. The music will be furnished by Frankie Mullec and his orchestra. Other plans will be made later. We wish to extend a warm welcome to Rev. Max Sodja who came to our parish. He is replacing Rev. Rudolph Praznik who left our parish due ho his serious illness and we hope that he will soon recuperate completely. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Vida and Josephine Vidic who mourn the loss of their dear father Michael Vidic on April 3, 1949. He was ill for a long time. Surviving are wife Mary, three daughters and two sons. May he rest in peace! Dorothy Hren, Cadet President No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Our next meeting will be Sunday, June 19., at 2 p.m. at St. Mary's Hall. The convention report will be given at this meeting. There will be no meetings during July and August and we will resume with meetings in September, so be sure to attend. Anyone interested in the trip to Le-mont, Illinois on Sunday, July 17, 1949, please get in touch with me either at my home or call BL. 8-7399, for further details and information. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to all our members who are convalescing. Greetings! Marie Floryan, secretary No. 20, Joliet, Illinois — It was a beautiful Saturday morning on April 2, 1949 when we were on our way to the Milwaukee Bowling Tournament. Playing cards, singing and telling jokes was the main diversion on the bus going out there. The girls were hungry, so the bus driver was asked to stop and what do you think they had? Sandwiches so large that they had to finish them on the bus. But they were sure delicious! Loretta MacDonald, Lil Stepaniak and Helen Karcz were the entertainers. Everyone had a wonderful time at the Tournament, although we didn’t ST. LAWRENCE CADETS DANCE COMMITTEE Sitting left to right: Maureen Lambert, Dorothy Hren, Anna May Palek, Pauline Twaro, Veda Vidic. Standing: Josephine Hren, Mary Ann Ponickvar, Marie Pavjan, Beatrice Filipovič and Theresa Lausche. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH NO. 20 BOWLING LEAGUE, JOLIET, ILLINOIS .., ,Top :0W- '*** t0 r'9ht: Lorraine Benedick, Frances McCarthy, Ann Mihelich, Betty Florjančič, Frances Vonsh Jo a wi’htene ®Va"' Loretta McDonald, Doris Fabian, Mary Rudman, Lill Stepaniak. Middle row- Jean Murtaugh fhJll m nGre?°ry^ BeUy Surinak- Rita Lightner, Edna Grohar, Marge Jamnik, Ann Kovalcin, Rita Mit’ bac M^r M 3 h' PercniCe K°st,elc' Jo ^uchar. Bottom row: Helen Karcz, Lillian Bak, Isabelle Musich, Jean Gom- Ne™anich. Jo Sumic, Lillian Berge, Mitzi Morris, Frances Gaspich, Mary Gaspich. Kneeling in front: Fran-ces Vraničar, Mary Egizzio, Bertha Hofer, Frances Zelesnik. Not present for the picture: Betty Vershay, Lorraine Rothlisberger, Tillie Sorg and Ann Wieremann. all come back with a prize. All the girls from our league wish to thank each and everyone who worked so hard to make the tournament a success. We had a lovely time in the evening after the bowling, too. The music was very enjoyable. Thanks to all the boys who played o.n the accordions. They are good enough for any stage performance. It. was nice to meet the girls from Cleveland, So. Chicago. Chicago, LaSalle, Sheboygan and Indianapolis. Sunday was our big day for team events. We were very proud of the Mahkovec Tavern team which won first place. Thanks, girls, for bringing home the trophy. On the winning team were: Helen Karcz, Lorraine Rothlisberger, Bernice Kostelc, Jean Murtaugh and Ann Makovec. On the way home, Lil Stepaniak kept us awake, fed us and entertained. Thanks to Lil, she is a wonderful sport. Thanks also to our Secretary Frances Gaspich and Jo Sumic for all they did for us. Too bad, Mr. Sumic couldn't be with us. He missed a great time. I’m sure that we will be anxiously waiting for the next tournament. So thanks to everyone! My final report on the team standings on April 11, 1949 is: Erjavec Supremes won 48 games ; High team game: Gregory Bros. Builders 836; High team series: Nemanich Florist 2316 ; High invidual game: Loretta MacDonald 219; High individual series: Mitzi Morris 544. A Bowlers banquet was held at Pe-rush’s Tavern on May 2. It really was a lovely turnout. All the girls wore their Easter bonnets and they looked stunning. Chicken, steak and veal dinners were served. Our Master of Ceremonies Mr. Sumic was giving us his impressions of the hat styles. Mr. Kos-telec also made a good speech, short but sweet. It was nice to have Mrs. Erjavec and Mrs. Terlep among us. The officers elected for the coming season are the following: Jo Sumic, president; Marie Nemanich, vice-pres-ident; Frances Gaspich, secretary; Frances Vraničar, sergeant-at-arms; Jo Mlakar, reporter. Prizes were distributed and we really had a grand time. It was nice to have our good friends with us. We missed Helen Karcz, and also all who couldn’t be with us that evening. We all wish Helen a speedy recovery. I enjoyed writing the bowling news and also to bowl with you girls. You are a wonderful group of girls and I thank you for the cooperation and for electing me as your reporter for the next season. Wishing you all a summer of fun and frolic, and may you all have a restful vacation wherever you go! Good luck and good health! — Your ten pin reporter. Jo Mlakar (Photo by Gombach Studio) THE “RAINBOW RHYTHM” DANCE held April 23, 1949 at St. Joseph’s Hall, Joliet, Illinois, sponsored by the Championship Cadets of branch no. 20, wasi a grand success due to the efforts of the above committee and the all-around cooperation of the entire team and community. Sitting left to right: Marion Juricic (tickets), Theresa Mikolič (decorations), Anne Snitzer (publicity), Dolores Troppe (decorations). Standing is Robert Kostelc, manager of the cadets and general chairman of the event. Br. 20, Joliet, Illinois—The Slovenian Women’s Union Branch no. 20 Bowling League enjoyed a most successful season. It was a hilarious and enthusiastic gathering every Monday nite in the newly erected Rivals Club Bowling Alleys. The many SWU spirited meetings were fought with the keenest interest to promote in a most exemplar way our association in the SWU. The girls are to be complimented for finishing not only a successful season but also a season in which they displayed the most sportsmanlike attitude toward each other. From the top bowlerette to the lowest, from the leading team to the one on the bottom of the list, everyone was made to feel the same — they all bowled more for the sport than for the prizes that were offered. This was all due to the fine officers of the league and mostly to the courageous captains who maintained with their own good sports leadership the splendid cooperation of the members on their teams. The SWU in general and Branch No. 20 in particular congratulates all the members of the League upon the achievement of such a splendid season. They also appreciate all the efforts the girls made in promoting the SWU athletic interest in bowling and they thank most heartily each one. For the next season there may be more alleys available and all those girls who were most reluctantly put on the waiting list at the beginning of this season are asked to register with the secretary, Miss Frances Gas-pich, 619 N. Nicholson St., Joliet, phone 5105 on or before August 1, 1949. The officers of the league thank the captains and the members of their teams for the finest womanly cooperation received on all occasions. Respectfully yours, Josephine S'umic, president Marie Nemanich, vice-president Frances Gaspich, sec.-treasurer Josephine Mlakar, reporter Frances Vraničar, sergeant-at-arms No. 20, Joliet, III. — ‘‘Rainbow Rhythm" on Saturday evening, April 23, was a great success under the capable chairmanship of manager Robert G. Kostelc. It netted a profit a little over $200.00. The committee worked well together. The publicity under Anne Snitzer and Dolores Troppe did a wonderful job. Marian Juricic, as ticket chairman, requested her dad, of the Juricic Food Mart, to sponsor the dance tickets, while Theresa Mikolič was in charge of the unusual decorations. Incidentally, for me this dance was exceptional in two ways — I sold the largest number of tickets (22) and I was not asked to aid with the publicity, which proves that the two girls in charge of same showed their dependability and their talent. In the sale of tickets my sister Mildred Erjavec ran second with eighteen. Cadet graduates of the year include Katherine Skoff from the New Art Beauty Studio, Gloria Ann Papesh from St. Francis Academy, Marian Metesh from the Joliet Township High School and Genevieve Schmid-berger from the Lockport Township High School. .Our congratulations to each one of you! To our foundress Mrs. Marie Pris-land, of Sheboygan, Wis., sincerest birthday greetings are extended you on the 21st. May your future hold for you only happy and memorable hours. Olga Ancel No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Our annual banquet was held May 16th and served by Vertin’s at 6:30 p.m. A complete report on the event will be given next month. Mrs. Barbara Rosandich was very eager that all the members would join in receiving Holy Communion in a body. This has always been very successful in celebration of Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May. Mary Skufca brought her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Roos of St. Paul, as a guest. We were all very happy to see you, Ang., after all these years! The door prize went to Ann Rowe. We had a most enjoyable time listening to two selections played on the piano by Josephine Jamnik’s lovely daughter Joan. She played “Leiber-straum” and “Falling Waters”. Later in the evening we played bingo for fun and lunch was served. Everyone sighed because the calories were forgotten again. May Sershen is chairman of the lunch committee for June, assisted by Margaret Pecha, Ann Rowe and Barbara Rosandich. Angela Godec, reporter CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our most grateful thanks for the thoughtfulness and kindness to our relatives, neighbors and friends in our recent bereavement, the sad loss of our beloved wife and mother, GERTRUDE DELOPST, who passed away April 14, 1949, at the age of 69 years. The deceased was born February 12, 1880 at Šoštanj, Yugoslavia. She came to America in 1908 and settled in Milwaukee. She held the position of Recording Secretary of lodge Napredna Slovenka and was President of branch no. 43 S.W.U, Milwaukee, Wis. Special thanks to Lodge no, 6 and no. 43 for their timely eulogies, the Jelenc Funeral Home for all arrangements and conducting of the funeral, the pallbearers: Mary Bentz, Cila Marolt, Mary Schuster, Mary Jelenc, Josephine Tramte, Mary Schiment, also honorary pallbearers and the Rev. Frank Gabrovšek. Our heartfelt thanks for all floral and mass offerings. Sadly missed by husband, Frank, sons, Rudolph, Francis, Raymond, Andrew, and daughters, Angelyn and Paula. No. 55, Girard, Ohio — Our May meeting was dedicated to mothers of SWU. We met at “Ma Perkins” for a chicken dinner on Mother’s Day. After dinner we were entertained with a variety program. The oldest mother •was presented with a gift by the president and also the youngest mother and the mother with the most children. These gifts were presented to Mrs. Ursula Lukz, Mrs. Hren and Mrs. Barbara Umeclc. Our brief musical program included recitation of a poem by Loretta Racick. She then played several numbers on the piano and the group joined in community singing. We were entertained with a violin solo by Ruth Forsythe. She played Brahm’s “Lullaby.” The closing number for the evening program was the song “Mother” dedicated to all the mothers over the entire world and sung by the group. Please attend our next meeting! Our delegate Mary Macek will make an interesting report on the convention. Barbara Umeck, secretary No. 57, Niles, Ohio—Our May meeting was very interesting. It was decided that we hold a dance and we will also give an electric roaster on tickets. The member who works the hardest in disposing of tickets will be crowned “Queen” and she will be presented with a lovely corsage. Sunday, May 1st we had a Mother’s Bay dinner and program. We had a wonderful time. Forty-three guests attended and Jane Logar gave an appropriate recitation in Slovenian and Mary Shirokman, Carol Sirk and J. Logar Jr., in English. Our President also recited a beautiful poem to mothers. Everyone present was presented a carnation by the president. The door prize went to Helen Petrilla. Greetings to all the members and will be seeing you at the meeting! Johanna Prinz, reporter No. 73, Warrenville, Ohio — It’s the the day after Mother’s Day as I write this report. This was my first REAL Mother’s Day, although I have been remembered on the day for the past two years. Perhaps this was just a coincidence but it sure happened at the right time and it certainly helped to make the day perfect. When Stephen Michael awakes in the morning, he usually jabbers in his own way and stands in his crib waiting for me to pick him up. But yesterday, he waited with outstretched arms and when I did pick him up, he gave me a big kiss (a wet one). It made me think of what a little expression of love can mean. It can’t be wrapped up pretty, bought for any price — but it means so much! Take it from Stephen Michael, his small lips made mommy feel wonderful all day. Remember your mother everyday, not with gifts, but with love — lots of it! We have several new members and we extend a warm welcome to each and everyone and invite them to our meetings. You 11 enjoy our sessions and we will enjoy having you. Our anniversary communion turned out to be a success. Many members attended and everything proceeded very well. Thanks to all for making it their important duty to be present. Anniversary congratulations go out to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Walters, 4858 Green Rd. They will mark up some 30 years in June, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Walters Mr. and Mrs. Walters are the parents of Joseph, Helen Truce, Elsie Ignaut, Madeline and yours truly. They have three granddaughters and three grandsons. Dad is the president of the Southeastern Bus Co., and Mom, well, she has the important job of housewife. Dad is 56 and Mom is 53. They both love to play cards and enjoy shows, although Dad would rather be outside puttering than doing anything else. Mom is president of the ladies sodality of St. Jude and past president of our branch no 73. Dad belongs to the K. of C.’s and the St. Jude Holy Name society. Congratulations to both of you! May God keep you both healthy and happy, so that you may reach your Golden Wedding anniversary. Next month, you’ll get a report on our dance and a few other notes. Evelyn Majercik No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — This is the first time I have taken time out to write. I know that if more of our younger members would do likewise, we would have even more reports in the English section. It’s interesting to open the magazine and find an article from your own branch. So it. was that I was happy to see an article by Mrs. Josephine Richter, as well as the lovely picture of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bradovich. I hope that this report will bring similar response from the young ladies in our branch. May was our convention month and our branch was represented by Mrs. Mary Mihelich who has been active in fraternal work and served in the capacity of president during the serious illness of our present president, Mrs. Richter. She also holds various official positions with other organizations and in 1948 was delegate to the AFU convention in Ely, Minnesota. No doubt she will have a very interesting report for us upon her return. As you have all read, we had a severe earthquake recently in the northwest section of our state. It really had the residents of this part in a state of panic. It was the most terrific earthquake ever recorded and much damage was done. Eight persons including one school child lost their lives as a result of the shock. Many automobiles were demolished in the larger cities when falling brick and other debris was showered upon them. Great cracks in the earth appeared in many places. Near Tacoma, Wash., a large section of earth slid into Puget Sound causing a tidal wave 12 feet high. A small community of 300 barely missed the slide. It was left in chaos and many of the homes have been abandoned, for fear of further slides continued. An earthquake of slightly higher intensity could very well bring disastrous results never before heard of. We pray and hope that such a terrible thing never befalls us! It may be interesting to the readers to mention that on July 4, all Slavs in the state of Washington will hold their annual picnic at North Lake. There will be barbecued lunches, entertainment and sports for young and old. May we see you there? — Good luck and God bless you! Mary Barquist INVITATION TO “ZVEZA DAY” JULY 17 — LEMONT, ILLINOIS Our annual Pilgrimage and “Zveza Day” celebration in Lemont, Illinois, will be held on Sunday, July 17, 1949. Holy Mass will be read at the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at 11 A.M. In the afternoon everyone will have a good time on the picnic grounds and in the evening, there will be a “candlelight procession” to the grotto where Litanies will be sung, followed by Benediction. By all means do plan to attend the evening services. This will be one of the most impressive and picturesque services of the day. Make every effort to be in Lemont, Illinois on Sunday, July 17( 1949 and take part in our memorable outdoor activities! *■■■ WOMEN’S GLORY The Kitchen Introducing Miss Frances Jance r, our new editor of the Home-making column. Miss Jan-cer is a member of Branch no. 24, La Salle, Illinois. Her recipies are ail tested and we are certain that you'll become an admirer and constant reader of this new column. Frances Jancer PRINCIPLES IN MEAT COOKERY The aim in cooking meat is to develop flavor and at the same time retain the flavor of the meat extract- ives and juices, to maintain or increase tenderness and to change the color. By browning the fat and the meat extractives on the surface, the flavor and color are improved. To avoid shrinkage (loss of natural meat juices and fat), the meat should be cooked under conditions that will preserve as much of the natural juices as possible. Tenderness is developed by softening the connective tissues. For today, the ever popular GOULASH that you have eaten since a -child, and wondered how mother made it just so, will be the lead-off. SLOVENIAN GOULASH 1 lb. lean beef, 1 lb. lean veal, 3 tblsp fat. 1 large onion chopped, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp paprika, 1 cup strained tomatoes, 8 small potatoes. Cut meat in cubes and saute with onion in fat, stirring occasionally to brown evenly. Add seasonings and tomato, and simmer 1 hour, adding potatoes after % hour of cooking; add more tomatoes if necessary. Serve hot. 6 portions. (Kidneys may be substituted for beef and veal.) BARBECUE SANDWICH 1 medium sized onion, sliced,- y2 cup chopped celery, 2 tblsp fat, 2 tblsp brown sugar, 2 tblsp prepared mustard, 1 tblsp Worcestershire Sauce, 1 cup water, % cup catsup, 1 cup tomato sauce. Cook onion and celery in hot fat until soft and yellow. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Cut up a three or four pound beef roast into small pieces, shredded as you like, pour sauce over the meat and simmer until meat is warm through and through. Serve hot in buns. This is good for picnics or outdoor brunches. SWEET SOUR STRING BEANS 1 lb. string beans, salt and pepper, % cup bean liquid, 2 tblsp vinegar, 2 tblsp sugar, 2 tsp flour, 2 tsp butter. Wash and pick over the beaus and cut into small pieces. Cook until ten- der in a little salted water. Save y2 cup of the liquid. Mix this with vinegar and sugar and thicken with the flour, diluted with a little water. Simmer two or three minutes. Add the beans and butter and simmer until " orouglily heated. SWEET SOUR CABBAGE 1 head cabbage (5 cups shredded), 2 cups boiling water, 4 slices bacon diced, 2 tblsp brown sugar, 2 tblsp flour, y2 cup water, % cup vinegar, salt and pepper, 1 small onion, sliced. Cook cabbage in boiling water 7 minutes. Fry bacon; remove bacon. Add brown sugar and flour to bacon fat; blend. Add % cup water, vinegar and seasonings; cook until thick, about 5 minutes. Add onion, diced bacon, and the cooked, drained cabbage; heat through. Garnish with additional crisp bacon slices if desired. Serves 6. HOMEMADE BREAD (2 loaves) 1 cup milk, scalded, % cup boiling water, 1% tblsp granulated sugar, 2 tsp salt, 2 tblsp shortening, 2 cakes fresh or dry granular yeast, ;% cup lukewarm water, about 5%, cups sifted all-purpose flour. Combine first 5 ingredients. Cool to lukewarm. Stir in yeast, which has been softened in the lukewarm water. Stir in flour by cupfuls until stiff enough to knead. Knead on floured board until smooth and satiny—about 8 to 10 minutes. Shape into smooth ball. Place in a greased bowl; brush with salad oil; cover; let rise in a warm place until double in bulk, about 1% hours. Knead down again. Shape into 2 loaves. Place in 2 greased pans 9x5x3 inches. Brush with salad oil; cover; let rise double again — about 1 % hours. Bake in moderately hot oven, 400 degrees, 20 minutes then at 350 degrees, 25 minutes longer. Set bread on top of pans to cool. ROLLED CINNAMON BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast, 2 tblsp lukewarm water, 1 cup scalded milk, % cup sugar, 1 tsp salt, i^4 cup shortening, 1 egg, beaten, 3% to 4 cups flour, 1 tsp cinnamon, % cup brown sugar. Soften yeast in water. Dissolve sugar and salt and melt shortening in hot milk. Cool to lukewarm. Stir in yeast and beaten egg. Beat in flour, using enough to make a soft dough. Beat or knead until elastic. Roll out on lightly floured board to ^4 inch thick. Sprinkle with combined cinnamon and brown sugar and roll as for jelly roll. Cut roll in half and fit into 2 small greased bread pans. Let rise until doubled in bulk, 30 to 45 minutes. Bake about 1 hour in moderate 350 .degree oven. QUICK APPLE STRUDEL, 2 cups sifted flour, 3 tsp baking powder, % tsp salt, 2 tblsp sugar, 4 tblsp shortening, % to % cup milk, 3 cups chopped apple, % cup sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Cut in shortening and add milk to make a soft dough. Toss onto floured board and knead gently. Roll out *4 inch thick and brush with melted margarine or butter, cover with chopped apples, and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll as for jelly roll and shape into large crescent on greased baking sheet. Bake in moderately hot oven 425 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. While still warm, frost with confectioner’s sugar frosting and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Yield; 12 one inch slices. ORANGE FLUFF CAKE Break 1 whole egg into cup, add enough egg yolks to fill % cup. Add % cup sugar, beat until light. Add % tsp salt, and 1 tsp grated orange rind, with 1 tblsp orange juice and % cup cold milk. Continue beating. Sift, measure and re-sift with % tsp baking powder, % cup flour. By hand, fold the flour into egg mixture, which should be quite thick, and lemon colored. Pour into pan and sprinkle with powdered sugar and grated orange rind. Place in 300 degree oven and bake 45 minutes. Invert until cold. Frost with Orange Confectioner’s frosting, by adding orange juice, with powdered sugar, instead of milk or water, until of the right consistency to spread. Hints to Remember Store your assorted buttons in an Alka-Seltzer tube from which the label has been washed. This will make it easy for you to locate the particular button you want. Rinse glasses in which you have had milk in cold water then in hot water. Try alcohol instead of gasoline to clean white kid gloves. It dries quickly and does not leave an unpleasant odor. A little vinegar used as a rinse to your hands after they have been in strong suds, will help to keep them in condition because it neutralizes the strong alkali of the soap. It is said that a pinch of baking powder makes vegetables cook faster. You will do a better job icing your cake if you ice the sides first then the top. This also permits you to use any extra frosting on top. A lemon heated before squeezing will produce a lot more juice than when it is squeezed cold. If you have been peeling onions and company comes, rub a little dry mustard on your hands, then rinse it off. It will destroy the odor. If you have been eating onions, swallow a cup of strong coffee. To remove stains of tea and chocolate — sprinkle with borax and soak in warm water and wash in warm soapy water. To remove grease, use gasoline, followed by soap and warm water. ■ Juniors* 'Page FAMOUS CELEBRANTS June 17th is Miss Evelyn Krizay's birthday. June 21st is the birthday of the Founder of our organization, Mrs. Marie Prisland. May God bless them with health and happiness for many years to come! FATHER'S DAY — June 19 Just as Mother's Day is observed on the second Sunday in May, it is eminently fitting that fathers should be honored by a special day on Sunday, June 19. Special honors and love should be extended to the fathers by their children on this special day. A cheerful greeting and handclasp will gladden his heart, and those sons and daughters away from the parental home can lighten and cheer the heart of the head of the family by a greeting to "Dad.” OUR FLAG “The only bond that unites every A-merican to every other, regardless of race, creed or condition of life.” For those who wish to know, the U-nited States Flag Association of Washington, D. C., gives the following information regarding the arrangement of stars on the flag, which represents the proper order, as each state was admitted to the Union. Reading horizontally, from left to right, beginning in the upper left hand corner: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina. New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee. Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, Missouri, Arkansas, Michigan, Florida, Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Oregon, Kansas, West Virginia, Nevada, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota. Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona. WE SAY— “That takes the cake,” because a cake made of wheat and honey was given as a prize in ancient Greece. “He’s a brick," because an ancient king said that his soldiers were a wall around his kingdom and in that wall every man was a brick. “Not worth his salt,” because the Roman soldiers used to receive an allowance of salt as part of their pay. Hence, a useless soldier was not worth his salt. “Burying the hatchet," because among the North American Indians the hatchet (or tomahawk) stood for war, and the tribes used solemnly to bury a tomahawk In the ground when they made peace. ON FATHER’S DAY Though June’s roses will fade away, And into night will turn the day; Though o’er mountains will sink the sun And many things of life be done, Dear Dad, I’ll never forget you Nor the things that for me you do; For you are ever my good friend, And my love for you will ne’er end. By: Marie Bombach Branch 105 Detroit, Michigan Ann - Once I was surrounded by lions and tigers and panthers. Jean • What did you do? Ann - Got off the merry-go-round. Mother • Did you catch those fish yourself? Son - No, some worms helped me. THE LUCKIEST TOY ..There were five toys in a shop-window-They were a motor car, golliwog, doll, sailing boat, and little tin soldier. The motor car said that a rich lilttlle boy would buy him, and the little doll said that she was fit for a princess. The sailing boat said it would be bought by a rich man for his son and the golliwog said he would be bought by a little boy and have a lovely time. AlasI The little tin soldier said nothing, for he was marked “one penny.” The motor car was sold to a little boy who grew tired of it and pushed it in an attic. The golliwog was bought for a little girl, who gave him to her dog to play with. The doll was given to a little girl who was careless, and soon her eyes were out and her pretty dress soiled. The sailing boat was also thrown to one side after a while. Thus all these four toys had a very unhappy time. As for the little tin soldier, a poor boy bought him, and when he grew up he gave the soldier to his son saying that he had found much pleasure in the tin soldier. ..So the little tin soldier was the luckiest toy of them all. GOD BLESS ALL OUR GRADUATES June is the month of graduations and commencement exercises. To all our graduates we extend congratulations and best wishes for their future success. Here's hoping that God’s blessings will be yours in every undertaking! A BAND OF FAIRIES Once upon a time there lived in the woods a band of fairies. These fairies had a king and queen who ruled over them. Each fairy owned a golden crown and a wand. It was the rule that these fairies should not be seen by any mortal, although they were to do all they could to help mortal beings. They should make sad people happy. They should kiss sick and unhappy people and make them well and happy. When ayone chanced to pass by they should quickly hide so as not to be seen. Now these fairies dressed in either yellow or purple. One day when they were dancing and singing around the queen, who was In the fairy ring, they heard someone coming. They could not hide quickly enough, so instantly each one climbed upon a green stem and held up her head between her wings. It happened to be a small boy who was walking through the woods, and the fairies looked so much like flowers that when the boy spied them he thought they were flowers, and picked a few, thinking he had found a new flower. He called these flowers violets. Still up to this time people go violet hunting In the springtime after the fairies have awakened from their long winter's sleep. If you take a violet and tear the outside leaves off you can find the fairy sitting there, with a golden crown upon its head. KITE-BIRD My kite, my dipping diving kite Pull* on the string with all its might It wants to be a bird set free And fly away, away from me But I shall hold the string Just so I shall not let my kite-bird go 'Twould only fall and break, poor thing Or tear its pretty paper wing If I should let it go astray It could not fly another day. AN ALTAR OF BREAD Bread was esteemed so highly in ancient times that the Egyptians raised art altar to it and decided always to eat it at the beginning of their meals. Certain tribes of Hindus baptize a loaf of bread by dipping it in the Holy Ganges River before eating it. There are two seas in Palestine. Both fed by the same river. One is brackish and dead; the other, sweet and living. What makes the difference? One receives and gives; the other receives and keeps. THEY WERE CATHOLICS Several historical characters, commonly believed to have been Protestants were Catholics. These include: Miles Standish, noted Pilgrim leader; Anne Glover, killed as a “witch” in Salem, Mass.; and Molly Pitcher, pioneer WAC. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM The prairie dog always lives in colonies. One of these dog “towns” extended one hundred miles and was five miles wide in place. . . The polar bear has a remarkable resistance to cold. Even when the temperature is many degrees below zero, it will jump into the Arctic Ocean and swim among pieces of broken ice for hours. . . The wolverine is the noted thief among animals. It kills animals in traps, eats the bait, and sometimes destroys the traps. It carries away things it cannot possibly use and seems to delight in destroying property. THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM The tallest tree in the world is the eucalyptus of South Australia, which reaches a height of almost five hundred feet. It is not, however, the longest plant known. On the coast of California is found a seaweed, the rattan palm, which sometimes exceeds nine hundred and seventy feet in length._______________________ THE FAIRIES I saw the fairies dancing, I saw them just last night; I saw them dancing, dancing Gayly in the moonlight. On their heads each wore a crown Made of the brightest stars; Their gowns made of the blue sky Surpassed our gowns by far. By: Marie Bombach Branch 105 Detroit, Michigan Open Wounds — Never neglect a scratch or other injury that breaks the skin as the part injured may become infected. It is a good idea to wash these minor wounds with clean water and apply iodine half strength or mercurochrome or some other mild antiseptic.___________________ Little Sister — What time do you have to go to work, sister? Bju Sister — Oh, I can go any time I feel like it, ju«t so it’s not after eight o’clock in the morning. Hotel Clerk—Did you take a bath, sir? Guest—Why? Is there one missing? Finančno poročilo S. Ž. Z za mesec April 1949 Monthly Report of the S. W. U. for the Month of April 1949 Dohodki: Družabne In Štev. Članic Štev. Podružnica “Zarja" članice Razno Skupaj Redni Mladinski 1. SHEBOYGAN, WIS . $ 64.70 3.00 .10 68.10 172 33 2. CHICAGO, ILL. 137.70 8.GO .20 .10 146.60 353 89 3. PUEBLO, COLO 89.25 5.90 .50 95.65 226 59 4. OREGON CITY, ORE. 9.95 .10 10.05 27 1 5. INDIANAPOLIS, IND 44.20 2.00 .20 46.40 127 20 6. BARBERTON, OHIO 67.65 2.00 .30 69.95 182 22 7. FOREST CITY, PA. 52.90 3.40 .10 56.40 138 35 8. STEELTON, PA. 90 9. DETROIT, MICH „ 19.70 .40 2040 52 4 10. COLLIN WOOD, OHIO _... ._ 211.50 5.90 217.40 553 64 12. MILWAUKEE, WIS 122.70 6.90 .40 130.00 352 69 13. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 54.25 .20 54.45 135 2 14. NOTTINGHAM, OHIO 137.50 7.30 .40 145.20 . 376 78 15. NEWBURGH, OHIO 131.60 8.10 .50 140.20 332 81 16. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. 164.55 7.80 .20 .20 172.75 204 39* 17. WEST ALLIS, WIS. 64.95 1.90 66.85 172 22 18. CLEVELAND, OHIO 38.50 1.00 39.50 105 10 19. EVELETH, MINN 62.49 8.70 .10 71.29 166 87 20. ■TOLIET, TT.L 247.75 29.30 .20 .45 277.70 679 298 21. CLEVELAND, OHIO ... _ 42.05 2.60 .30 44.95 118 29 22. BRADLEY, ILL. 26.00 26.00 30 23. ELY, MINN 86.40 1.50 .25 88.15 229 15 24. LASALLE, ILL 73.90 3.00 .10 77.00 200 32 25. CLEVELAND, OHIO 371.00 11.50 .10 3S2.60 944 117 2G. PITTSBURGH, PA 53.45 2.70 56.15 147 28 27. NORTH BRADDOCK, PA. 30.25 1.80 .25 32.30 75 18 28. CALUMET, MICH 36.65 .70 .40 37.75 100 7 29. BROWNDALE, PA - 15.95 1.40 17.35 42 14 30. AURORA, TT.T, . 10.40 .20 10.60 32 2 31. GILBERT, MINN 49.85 3.60 .30 53.75 125 36 32. EUCLID. OHIO 151 18 38. NEW DULUTH, MINN. _ 28.55 .70 29.25 78 8 34. SOUDAN, MINN 8.65 .10 8.75 26 35. AURORA, MTNTN 43.60 2.90 .10 46.60 98 29 36. McKINLEY, MINN 4.20 .10 4.30 13 37. GREANEY, MINN. _ 16.10 1.00 .10 17.20 44 10 38. CHISHOLM, MINN. _ 69.05 .10 .40 .20 69.75 190 1 39. BIWABIK, MINN 9.80 .10 .20 10.10 29 40. LORAIN, OHIO _ 44.85 1.00 .50 46.35 116 10 41. COLLINWOOD, OHIO 93.70 1.10 94.80. 258 11 42. MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO 15.00 15.00 40 43. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 40.55 2.60 43.15 107 26 45. PORT!.ANT) ORE. _ 24.90 .10 .10 25.10 64 1 46. ST. I.OUTS MO 11.70 .10 11.80 32 1 47. GARFIELD, HEIGHTS, O. 52.60 1.90 54.50 138 19 48. BUHL, MINN 6.90 .10 7.00 19 1 49. NOBLE, OHIO 33.15 1.20 .20 34.55 81 12 50. CLEVELAND, OHIO 36.80 1.70 38.50 93 20 51. KENMORE, OHIO 13.50 .40 13.90 30 4 52. KITZVILLE, MTNN 16.60 .20 16.80 41 2 53. BROOKLYN, OHIO 15.95 .50 16.45 42 5 54. WARREN. OHIO 28.70 2.20 30.90 76 22 55. GIRARD, OHIO 30.25 1.10 31.35 80 11 56. HIBBING, MINN. _ 43.75 .90 44.65 117 9 57. NILES, OHIO 23.95 2.00 25.95 62 20 59. BURGETTSTOWN, PA. 32 5 61. BRADDOCK, PA. 15.70 1.10 .10 16.90 42 11 62. CONNEAUT, OHIO 9.45 .10 9.55 27 63. DENVER, COLO. 34.25 2.40 .30 36.95 90 24 64. KANSAS CITY. KANS 20.80 2.40 23.20 61 24 65. VIRGINIA, MINN 28.10 1.90 30.00 76 20 66. CANTON OTTY, COLO 18.80 1.00 19.80 48 10 67.™, PA 33.85 .70 .30 34.S5 81 7 68. FAIRPORT HARROR, O. ....... 14.50 14.50 30 70. WEST ALTQUIPPA, PA 6.00 .20 .20 6.40 15 2 71. STRARANE PA 4S.40 .20 48.60 119 2 72. PTTT.T.MAN, TT.T. 19.95 .90 20.85 52 10 73. WARRENSVTT.LE, OHIO 22.75 .40 .20 23.35 65 4 74. AM RRIDtVK, PA 27.90 •4p 28.30 59 4 77. N S PTTTSRTTROH PA. 22.85 .70 23.55 65 9 78. LEADVILLE, COLO. 46 20 Štev. Dohodki: Podružnica Mesečnina Redni Mladinski Družabne In “Zarja’’ Članice Razno Skupaj Štev. Članic Redni Mladinski 79. 80. ENUMCLAW, WASH. MOON RUN, PA. 18.30 13.20 2.10 .80 21.20 13.20 47 32 22 81. 83. KEEWATIN, MINN. CROSBY, MINN. 13.65 8.65 .10 .20 13.75 8.85 39 24 1 84. NEW YORK, N. Y. 30.95 .80 31.75 84 85. DePUE, ILL. 13.00 .30 .10 13.40 35 4 86. NASHWAUK, MINN. 10 88. 89. JOHNSTOWN, PA. OGLESBY ,ILL 30.85 28.35 2.90 1.80 .60 .20 34.35 30.35 75 81 30 18 90. BRIDGEVILLE, PA. 23.35 .60 .20 24.15 66 6 91. VERONA, PA I 18-45 .60 19.05 42 6 92. CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. 34 93. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 36.95 .70 .40 38.05 96 7 94. CANTON, OHIO brni* i 23 27 95. 96. 97. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. UNIVERSAL, PA CAERNBROOK, P.A 72.80 23.70 I 14.90 4.60 .30 .60 .50 77.40 24.50 15.50 174 56 34 46 3 6 99. ELMHURST, ILL. 10.50 10.50 25 102. WILLARD, WIS. 3.85 3.85 11 104. JOHNSTOWN, PA.’ 12.95 .20 13.15 37 105. DETROIT, MICH. 4.55 .30 .30 5.15 13 3 106. MEADOWLANDS, PA. 13.45 .60 14.05 r 27~- Skupaj .. $3,946.24 180.80 9.90 3.95 $4,140.89 ( 10,481 1,882 STROŠKI: •Asesment za marc in april ; **asesment za april in maj. Za umrlo Margaret Majcen, podr. §t. 2, Chicago, 111.................................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Gertrude Puntar, podr. št. 7, Forest City, Pa.............................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Maria Pericic, podr. št. 13, San Francisco, Cal.............................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Molly Kuhel, podr. št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio .............................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Mary Shober, podr. št. 23, Ely, Minn..............................................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Martha Kordich, podr. št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio.....................................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Gertrude Delopst, podr. št. 43, Milwaukee, Wis....................................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Ida Brozic, podr. št. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio .................................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Mary Grandel, podr. št. 88, Johnstown, Pa.........................................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Catherine Zupančič, podr. št. 89, Oglesby, 111....................................................................$ 100.00 Za umrlo Margaret Malli, podr. št. 20, Joliet, 111........................................................................... 25.00 Za umrlo Frances Bock, podr. št. 27, North Braddock, Pa............................................................... 50.00 Bohemian Benedictine Press: Za marčovo in aprilavo izdaja “Zarje” Za tiskanje od dveh mesecev $1,538.00; za poštnino in delo pri spremembi naslovov 150.44 ............................. 1,688.44 Mesečna plače po odštetju davka: Predsednica-urednica $306.55; tajnica $184.40; predsednica finančnega odbora $21.00; pomoč v gl. uradu $66.90 .............................. 578.85 Thomas & Tiffany, Chicago, 111., aktuar ..................................................................................... 85.00 Letna nagrada kegljaški ligi v Jolietu....................................................................................... 40.00 Pred-konvenčni stroški ..................................................................................................... 20.00- Razni uradni stroški ....................................................................................................... 223.57 Skupni stroški .................................... Ostalo v blagajni 1. aprila 1949 Balance April 1, 1949 ................................................................. $242,154.20 Dohodki v aprilu — April income .......................................................... 4,140.89 Skupaj — Total .................................................... Stroški v aprilu — April disbursements .......................................... $3,710.86. $246,295.09 3,710.86 Preostanek 30. aprila 1949 Balance April 30, 1949 .................... $242,584.23 JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC, glavna tajnica. SAMO ENO NAVODILO Order Dr. Kern’s o zdravju, materinstvu, gospodinstvu itd., vam lahko koristi več. kot stane celoletna naročnina za NOVI SVET ENGLISH-SLOVENE DICTIONARY Poleg tega Novi Svet prinaša podučljive članke, lepe vesti, pesmi, zgodovino Slovencev v Ameriki itd. Pošljite naročnino $3.00 še danes na naslov: po- Second Edition, 25,000 Words, Phonetic Pronunciation of English Words for Home Study. NOVI SVET ENGLISH-SLOVENE READER (AnfleSko-elovensko berilo) 1845 West Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Order directly from our Zarja office 6516 Bonna Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio Ako omenite oglas v “Zarji” dobite lepo povest “ božjih ovetk" kot nagrado popolnoma brezplačno. Ena ' Dictionary IB.00 — Reader *2.00 Include money or check with order SAMO ŠE NEKAJ IZVODOV V zalogi .imamo samo še nekaj izvodov pesmaric “Zapojmo" v kateri najdete besedilo za 215 najbolj priljubljenih slovenskih pesmi. Knjižica je žepne velikosti in se prodaja po 50 centov komad. Ko naročite po pošti, priložite svoto v znamkah in bo najmanj sitnosti za vas in za nas. K svoti 50 centov priložite še tri cente za pošto. Naročila pošljite na urednico Albina Novak 6516 Bonna Avenue Cleveland 3, Ohio IZDALA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI WORDS TO SLOVENIAN FOLK SONGS If you would like to have words to the most popular Slovenian folk songs, you can get them in a pocket size booklet which sells for 50 cents plus three cents postage. There are about 215 songs in the booklet. Mail your order to the Editor Albina Novak 6516 Bonna Avenue Cleveland 3, Ohio There is just a limited supply available. Don’t delay your order but Write for the song book today. SLOVENSKO-AMERIŠKA KUHARICA, katero je izdala Mrs. Ivanka Zakrajše.k v New Yorku, ki je članica SŽZ, Podružnica št. 84. ZA DARILO Za svojo mater, za svojo ženo in druge sorodnice ter prijateljice boste težko našli primernejše darilc za tako nizko ceno kot je ta koristna knjiga, s katero bo vaša obdarovanka prav gotovo zadovoljna. Ako še ni te knjige v vaši kuhinji je v vašo korist da si jo takoj naročite. Stane $5. - skupno s poštnino Pošilja se tudi COD. Naročilo pošiljite na: MRS. ALBINA NOVAK, 6516 BONNA AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO a p o j m o! ZBIRKA PESMI ; PARK VIEW WET WASH LAUNDRY COMPANY ► A Service to Fit Every Budget ► 1727-31 W. 21st Street ► CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO R. JERIN & SON ] HOME OF CHOICE MEATS & GROCERIES < 1952 W. 22nd Place Phone Virginia 6689 Chicago 8, Illinois ^ JOS. ZELE & SONS FUNERAL D1RECTOR3 ► > Invalid Car Service , >502 ST. CLAIK AVE. 452 KAST 152nd ST. „ ENdicott 0583 IVanhoe 31 IS Cleveland, Ohio . * Za simpatično postreibo •« obrnite na , Zakrajšek Funeral Home, Inc. ] 6016 St. Clair Avenue. Cleveland 8, Ohio < UCENZIRANI POGREBNI ZAVOD < Invalid Car Service. Poatrelba noč In 4aa. < Avtomobila mo vse prilike. TeL: ENdicott lilt. < ► DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Kd., Phone Canal 4{>55 , Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SON COAL & OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. Phone VIr. 7-6891 Chicago 8, Illinois NOVIELLI MEMORIALS Nick Novielll, Prop. Markers • Monuments • Mausoleums You will enjoy teeing our beautiful granite memorial value« and will alwaya find a pleaaant welcome here 412 S. Chicago St, Joliet Illinois DIAL 9376 GEREND’S FUNERAL HOME Phone 7012 SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Bolezen nesreča smrt bo tri težke skrbi, ki se Jih ne more nihče ubraniti DaneB ali Jutri, bolj ali manj bo vsak prizadet Če hočefi dobro sebi ln drugim, pristopi v KRANJSKO-SLOVENSKO KATOLIŠKO JEDN0T0 Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Posluje že. 55 leto Članstvo: 41,500 Premoženje: nad $7,500,000.00 Sprejema molke ln ženske od 16. do 60. leta; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu ln do 16. leta pod svoje okrilje. Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprafiajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih druStev KSKJ ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, III. DR. MARGARET GUSTAFSON 75 Scott St. Joliet, Illinois EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED LENS DUPLICATED DR. GUSTAFSON, Slovenian Optometrist. I speak Slovenian and will give good service. Feel free to come in to talk with me about your eyes at any time. ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME Elizabeth Zefran, Registered Embalmer Louis Zefran — Funeral Director 1941 W. Cermak Rd. Phone Virginia 6688 Chicago, Illinois Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone Evergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin ft. Grdina $ Sons ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele ln žalostne dneve Nad 46 let že obratujemo naSe podjetje v zadovoljnost naSlh ljudi. To Je dokaz da Je podjetje 1* — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do naSega podjetja; prihranili sl boste denar ln dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 2088. Cleveland 3, Ohio. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEmore 1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio. Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62 n d 8treet. Tel. HEnderson 2088 Cleveland S, Ohio.