3 Sprejeto (accepted): 2006-12-20 The RepFIIA replicon of the natural Escherichia coli plasmid pRK100 Replikon RepFIIA naravnega plazmida pRK100 bakterije Escherichia coli Marjanca STARČIČ ERJAVEC & Darja ŽGUR-BERTOK Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Fax: 00386 1 257 3390, E-mail: Marjanca.Starcic.Erjavec@bf.uni-lj.si, Darja.Zgur@bf.uni-lj.si. Abstract. The aim of the presented study was to identify the similarity of the plasmid pRK100 RepFIIA replicon (replication region) with similar replicons of other known plasmids of Enterobacteriaceae. For this purpose, within the determined nucleotide sequence of pRK100, the RepFIIA replicon rep genes/regions were identifi ed. The nucleotide sequences of the pRK100 determined rep genes/regions were subsequently compared with the nucleotide sequences of other RepFIIA replicon rep genes/regions deposited in GenBank. Further, the nucleotide divergence between them was calculated. The obtained results clearly demonstrated, that the individual pRK100 rep regions are the same/most similar to rep regions from different plasmids. RepA2 of pRK100 is most similar to repA2 of pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501 and R1, copA is the same as copA of plasmids pC15-1a and R100, repA6 of pRK100 is the same as repA6 in plasmids pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501, R1 and R100, repA1 is most similar to repA1 of the plasmid p1658/79, and repA4 of pRK100 is most similar to repA4 of pC15-1a. Hence, the composition of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon is mosaic and unique among the plasmids. Key words: plasmid, RepFIIA replicon, Enterobacteriaceae, nucleotide divergence Izvleček. Cilj raziskave je bil označiti podobnost replikona (replikacijske regije) RepFIIA z drugimi podobnimi replikoni znanih plazmidov enterobakterij. V ta namen smo v nukleotidnem zaporedju replikona RepFIIA plazmida pRK100 poiskali posamezne gene/regije rep in njihovo nukleotidno zaporedje primerjali z drugimi, deponiranimi, nukleotidnimi zaporedji RepFIIA ter izračunali nukleotidno divergenco. Dobljeni rezultati so jasno pokazali, da so različni geni/regije rep v replikonu RepFIIA plazmida pRK100 enaki/zelo podobni rep različnih plazmidov. RepA2 od pRK100 je najbolj podoben genu repA2 plazmidov pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501 in R1, copA je enak genu copA na plazmidih pC15-1a in R100, regija repA6 plazmida pRK100 je enaka regiji repA6 plazmidov pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501, R1 in R100, gen repA1 je najbolj podoben genu repA1 plazmida p1658/79, in regija repA4 plazmida pRK100 je najbolj podobna regiji repA4 plazmida pC15-1a. Povzamemo lahko, da je replikon RepFIIA plazmida pRK100 sestavljen kot mozaik in da ga v takšni sestavi do sedaj še niso našli na no- benem drugem plazmidu. Ključne besede: plazmid, replikon RepFIIA, Enterobacteriaceae, nukleotidna divergenca ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2006 Vol. 49, [t. 2: 3–12 4 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 49 (1), 2006 Introduction Plasmids, extrachromosomal DNA elements, can be found in all three domains of the living world, in Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya (HOLMES & al. 1995, SOLAR & al. 1998, ZILLIG & al. 1998). These elements encode a remarkable array of phenotypic traits of medical, agricultural, environmental and commercial importance (HELINSKI & al. 1996). Encoded traits include resistances to heavy metals, supplementary metabolic pathways and pathways for degradation of xenobiotics, as well as virulence factors and resistances to antibiotics (KADO 1998). Further, plasmids can have the machinery to transfer themselves and other parts of the genome into different species, genera, or sometimes even families (FIRTH & al. 1996). Plasmids can also incorporate and deliver genes by recombination or transposi- tion and by this means increase the genetic exchange in- and between bacterial populations (SOLAR & al. 1998). All plasmids harbour a replicon (replication region), which is needed for the stable propagation and maintenance in the host cell. Regardless of plasmid size, the replicon of a plasmid generally consists of a contiguous set of information that includes a defi nable origin, where DNA replication initiates (ori), a structural gene encoding the plasmid-specifi c protein required for the initiation of replication, and one or more adjoining controlling elements. All this information is often contained within a segment that is 3 kb or less in size (HELINSKI & al. 1996). The replicons are designated and grouped into families (COUTURIER & al. 1988). Replicons belonging to the RepFIIA family typically consist (Fig. 1) of repA2 encoding a repressor, the copA gene that encodes an antisense RNA molecule, a repA1 gene whose protein initiates plasmid replication by binding to the downstream ori, the repA6 region encoding a short leader peptide, and a repA4 region. The RepA2 repressor is assumed to regulate transcription of repA1 mRNA, while the antisense RNA CopA which is complementary to the leader region of repA1 mRNA (CopT), regulates translation. When CopA binds to CopT, repA6, which is necessary for RepA1 synthesis, is not expressed (BLOMBERG & al. 1992). The repA4 appears to be important for the stability of plasmid maintenance (JIANG & al. 1993). Further it is known, that the replicons of this family are mosaic (OSBORN & al. 2000), i.e. individual genes encoded in this replicon originate from different sources. pRK100 is an ~145-kb plasmid isolated from a uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain and it has been to a large extent characterised. It belongs to the IncF incompatibility group and encodes two antibiotic resistances, ampicillin and tetracycline, two colicins, ColV and ColIa, and the aerobactin (iuc) and enterochelin (iro) iron uptake system. Further it was demonstrated that pRK100 harbours two different replicons, a RepFIB and RepFIIA replicon (ŽGUR-BERTOK & al. 1990, AMBROŽIČ & al. 1998, STARČIČ ERJAVEC, 2003). In the presented study the genes/regions of the pRK100 RepFIIA rep- Fig. 1: Map of the RepFIIA replicon. Genes/regions of a typical RepFIIA replicon are depicted. To clearly show the individual studied sequences, some boxes representing genes/regions are offl ine. The direction of mRNA transcription is also marked. ori is the origin of replication, where the RepA1 protein binds and starts the replication. Slika 1: Mapa replikona RepFIIA. Označeni so geni/regije tipičnega replikona RepFIIA. Zaradi razvidnosti lege preučevanih zaporedij, so nekateri okvirčki, ki prikazujejo gene/regije, premaknjeni. Označena je tudi smer prepisa mRNA iz posameznega gena. ori je regija, kjer se veže replikatorski protein RepA1 in prične s podvajanjem plaz- mida. 5M. Starčevič Erjavec & al.: The RepFIIA replicon of the natural Escherichia coli plasmid pRK100 licon were analysed for their similarity with the RepFIIA replicon’s genes/regions of related plasmids p1658/79, pB171, pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pO157, pTUC100, pWR501, R1 and R100. The nucleotide divergence between pRK100 and the other plasmids was determined. The results of our study show that the RepFIIA replicon of pRK100 is mosaic and unique in its composition. Method Sequence analysis for open reading frames (ORF) The determined RepFIIA replicon nucleotide sequence, 2159 bp in length, (GenBank accession number AY234375) was analyzed for open reading frames with the help of the program “ORF Finder” available on the web site http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gorf/orfi g.cgi. Sequence analysis for DNA similarity The program Nucleotide-nucleotide BLAST (ALTSCHUL & al. 1997) available on the web site http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/ was used to search for nucleotide sequences similar to the pRK100 RepFIIA nucleotide sequence. The DNA sequences of rep genes/regions were compiled and analysed using the CLUSTAL W (THOMPSON & al. 1994) program for sequence alignment. The program DNADIST in the PHYLIP package (FELSENSTEIN 1993, FELSENSTEIN 1989) was used for calculating distance matrixes. Results Genes/regions of the RepFIIA nucleotide sequence of pRK100 The pRK100 RepFIIA replicon has been deposited in GenBank under the Accession Number AY234377. In this deposited nucleotide sequence, the RepFIIA replicon is harboured from Nt 1401 to Nt 3559. To identify the rep genes/regions in the deposited nucleotide sequence of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon, the internet program “ORF Finder” was used. To further defi ne the rep genes/regions, the pRK100 RepFIIA sequence was compared to other known rep genes/regions of similar replicons. The RepFIIA replicon was found to harbour repA2, copA, repA6, repA1, and repA4 sequences (Tab. 1). Table 1: Predicted genes/regions in the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon (AY234377). Tabela 1: Predvideni geni/regije replikona RepFIIA (AY234377) plazmida pRK100. Assumed gene/region Frame From (bp) To (bp) Length repA2 +3 1401 1661 261 copA +1 C 1874 1782 93 repA6 +2 1886 1960 75 repA1 +3 1953 2810 858 repA4 +2 3173 3556 384 A pRK100 RepFIIA-like replicon can be found on many other plasmids With the goal to fi nd plasmids with similar replicons, which could be compared with the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon, a BLAST search with the nucleotide sequence of pRK100’s RepFIIA was performed. The search revealed that many other plasmids carry similar replicons (Tab. 2). The most similar RepFIIA replicon was harboured by the Escherichia coli plasmid p1658/9. Most of the plasmids with similar replicon sequences were harboured on plasmids hosted by Escherichia coli or 6 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 49 (1), 2006 Shigella fl exneri however, some plasmids with less similar sequences were harboured also by other enteric bacterial species, as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella sonnei and Salmonella Typhimurium. All plasmids exhibiting similarity with the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon belong to the broad RepFIIA family of replicons, those with higher similarity are members of the same Inc group – the IncFII, and plasmids with lower similarity belong to other Inc groups (IncFIA, IncFIC, IncFIV,..) Table 2: BLAST hits for the nucleotide sequence of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon with a score higher than 200. Tabela 2: Zadetki z BLAST z rezultatom več kot 200 bitov za replikon RepFIIA plazmida pRK100. GenBank Acc. Number Plasmid Host BLAST score (bits) AF550679 p1658/9 Escherichia coli 3733 V00351 R1(RSC13) Escherichia coli 3527 AF177050 pWR100 Shigella fl exneri 3213 AL391753 pWR100 Shigella fl exneri 3166 AF348706 pWR501 Shigella fl exneri 3166 AF386526 pCP301 Shigella fl exneri 2a strain 301 3152 AY458016 pC15-1a Escherichia coli 3019 AP000342 R100 Shigella fl exneri 2b strain 222, Escherichia coli 2948 AY206448 pINV_F6_M1382 Shigella fl exneri 2843 AB011549 pO157 Escherichia coli 2773 AB024946 pB171 Escherichia coli 2759 AY091607 pTUC100 Escherichia coli 2746 M26937 pSU316 Escherichia coli 2627 V00318 R6-5 Escherichia coli 926 M13472 ColV2-K94 Escherichia coli 924 X55895 pSU212 Escherichia coli 759 M93064 pEI545 Klebsiella pneumoniae 702 AP001918 F Escherichia coli 420 M16167 P307 Escherichia coli 414 M28098 pSU221 Escherichia coli 394 M27528 R124 Escherichia coli 339 AP005147 R64 Salmonella typhimurium 311 AB021078 ColIb-P9 Shigella sonnei (E. coli) 303 K02675 pCG86 Escherichia coli 274 AP002527 R721 Escherichia coli 230 The pRK100 RepFIIA replicon is mosaic and unique in its composition In order to identify the similarity of the pRK100 RepFIIA rep genes/regions with other known rep genes/regions the computer programs CLUSTAL W and DNADIST were used. With these programs nucleotide sequences of rep genes/regions of pRK100 with rep sequences of other similar RepFIIA replicons, which were found with BLAST search and gave a BLAST score of more then 1000 bits, were compiled. For the compilation only those BLAST hits that had a complete RepFIIA replicon nucleotide sequence deposited were used, so that entire RepFIIA replicon could be compared. For the comparison of RepFIIA genes/regions harboured by different plasmids the original genes/regions, if denoted by the submitters of the sequence, were used, otherwise the genes/regions in the deposited sequence were searched for using BLAST (Tab. 3). All together the nucleotide sequences of RepFIIA replicons of 10 plasmids (p1658/79, pB171, pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pO157, pTUC100, pWR501, R1 and R100) were compared with the nucleotide sequence of pRK100 RepFIIA replicon. The fi rst region analysed in the RepFIIA replicon is the repA2 gene, encoding a repressor protein, which by binding to the promoter represses the synthesis of repA1 mRNA (VANOOTEGHEM & CORNELIS 1990). The repA2 gene is in plasmids pRK100, p1658/79, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501, and R1 261 bp long, in plasmids R100, pO157, pC15-1a and pTUC100 it is 255 bp long and in the plasmid 7 Ta bl e 3: Pl as m id s an d th ei r re p se qu en ce s us ed in C L U ST A L W a nd D N A D IS T c om pu te r pr og ra m s. T he s tu di ed s eq ue nc es a re d en ot ed e ith er a cc or di ng to th e da ta in G en B an k or m ar ke d as B L A ST to s ho w th at th e se qu en ce w as s ea rc he d fo r by B L A ST . F or ea ch s tu di ed s eq ue nc e th e po si tio n on th e de po si te d se qu en ce a nd th e le ng th a re g iv en . Ta be la 3 : Pl az m id i i n nj ih ov a za po re dj a re p, k i s m o jih u po ra bi li v ra ču na ln iš ki h pr og ra m ih C L U ST A L W in D N A D IS T. Pr eu če va na z ap or ed ja s o oz na če na ta ko k ot s o po da na v p od at ko vn i b az i G en B an k oz ir om a oz na če na z B L A ST , v p ri m er u če s o bi la p oi sk an a z B L A ST . Z a vs ak o pr eu če va no z ap or ed je je n av ed en a nj eg ov a po zi ci ja n a de po ni ra ne m z ap or ed ju in n je go va d ol ži na . re pA 2 le ng th (b p) co pA le ng th (b p) re pA 6 le ng th (b p) re pA 1 le ng th (b p) re pA 4 le ng th (b p) p1 65 8/ 79 B L A ST : 37 46 9– 37 72 9 26 1 B L A ST : c 37 85 0– 37 94 3 94 re pA 6: 37 95 5– 38 02 9 75 re pA 1: 38 01 1– 38 87 9 86 9 re pA 4: 39 24 3– 39 44 9 20 7 pB 17 1 co pB : c 39 42 0– 39 66 8 24 9 B L A ST : c 39 18 5– 39 27 8 94 B L A ST : 39 09 9– 3 91 73 75 re pA 1: c 38 24 9– 39 10 6 85 8 B L A S T : c 37 50 0– 37 88 7 38 8 pC 15 –1 a re pA 2: 88 55 8– 88 81 2 25 5 B L A ST : c8 89 46 –8 90 38 93 re pA 6: 89 05 0– 89 12 4 75 re pA 1: 89 11 7– 89 97 4 85 8 re pA 4: 90 33 7– 90 72 3 38 7 pC P3 01 re pB : 20 88 97 –2 09 15 7 26 1 B L A ST : c 20 92 78 –2 09 36 9 92 ta pA : 20 93 81 –2 09 45 5 75 re pA : 20 94 36 –2 10 30 5 87 0 B L A S T : 21 06 68 –2 11 04 9 38 3 pI N V _F 6– _M 13 82 re pB : 83 1– 10 91 26 1 B L A ST : c 12 12 –1 30 3 92 ta p: 13 15 –1 38 9 75 re pA : 13 82 –2 23 9 85 8 B L A S T : 26 02 –2 98 8 38 7 pO 15 7 re pA 2: 71 99 9– 72 25 3 25 5 B L A S T : c 72 38 7– 72 47 7 91 B L A ST : 72 48 9– 72 56 3 75 re pA 1: 72 55 6– 73 41 6 85 8 B L A S T : 73 77 5– 74 15 8 38 4 pT U C 10 0 re pA 2: c5 97 6– 62 30 25 5 re pA 3: 57 44 –5 87 2 12 9 re pA 6: c 56 65 –5 73 9 75 re pA 1: c 48 15 –5 67 2 85 8 re pA 4: c 40 66 –4 45 2 38 7 pW R 50 1 re pA 2: 20 86 03 –2 08 86 3 26 1 S0 29 4 (i nc –R N A ): c 2 08 98 0– 20 90 69 90 re pA 6: 20 90 87 –2 09 16 1 75 re pA 1: 20 91 42 –2 10 01 1 87 0 B L A S T : 21 03 74 –2 10 75 6 38 2 R 1 re pA 2: 44 2– 70 2 26 1 B L A ST : c 82 3– 91 5 93 B L A ST : 92 7– 10 01 75 re pA 1: 99 4– 18 51 85 8 re pA 4: 22 14 –2 60 0 38 7 R 10 0 re pA 2: 88 25 3– 88 50 7 25 5 in c: c 88 64 1– 88 73 3 93 re pA 6: 88 74 5– 88 81 9 75 re pA 1: 88 81 2– 89 66 9 85 8 re pA 4: 90 03 2– 90 41 8 38 7 M. Starčevič Erjavec & al.: The RepFIIA replicon of the natural Escherichia coli plasmid pRK100 8 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 49 (1), 2006 pB171 it is only 249 bp long. The sequence analysis showed, that pRK100 repA2 is most similar to repA2 of pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501 and R1, since the phylogenetic distance between them is the smallest, namely 0,0038 (Fig. 2A). The second region analysed in the RepFIIA replicon is the copA gene, encoding the antisense RNA regulating the translation of repA1 mRNA (VANOOTEGHEM & CORNELIS 1990). The copA gene is in most of the compared plasmids approximately 90 bp long. The only exception is the copA gene of the plasmid pTUC100, which is 129 bp long. The sequence analysis showed, that there is no nucleotide divergence between pRK100 copA and the copA genes of R100 and pC15-1a (Fig. 2B), and hence the pRK100 repA gene is identical to the appropriate genes in R100 and pC15-1a. The third region analysed in the RepFIIA replicon is the repA6. repA6 encodes a short leader peptide, whose expression is inhibited by CopA binding, preventing translation of RepA and conse- quently preventing plasmid replication. (BLOOMBERG & al. 1992). The repA6 is only 75 nucleotides long and it has the same size in all compared plasmids. The compared nucleotide sequences of pRK100 repA6 was completely identical (no nucleotide divergence) to repA6 of plasmids pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501, R1 and R100 (Fig. 2C). The fourth region analysed in the RepFIIA replicon is repA1 gene, encoding the RepA protein needed for the plasmid’s replication (HELINSKI & al. 1996). The repA1 genes of plasmids pB171, pC15- 1a, pINV_F6_M1382, pO157, pTUC100, R1 and R100 are 858 bp long, the repA1 of p1658/79 is 869 bp long, and the repA1 genes of plasmids pCP301 and pWR501 are 870 bp long. The phylogenetic distance between the pRK100 repA1 nucleotide sequence and the repA1 of plasmid p1658/79 is the smallest, only 0,0154 (Fig. 2D), hence the pRK100 repA1 is most similar to repA1 of plasmid p1658/79. The fi fth and the last region analysed in the RepFIIA replicon, is repA4. Though it encodes no product, it is important for the stability of plasmid maintenance (JIANG & al. 1993). The p1658/79 repA4 is 207 bp long, while the repA4 sequences of other compared plasmids are around 385 bp long. The phylogenetic distance between the pRK100 repA4 nucleotide sequence and repA4 of plasmid pCP15-1a is the smallest, 0,0520 (Fig. 2E), therefore the repA4 nucleotide sequence of pRK100 is most similar to repA4 of plasmid pCP15-1a. Since the individual pRK100 rep genes/regions are similar to rep genes/regions of different plasmids, it can be concluded, that the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon is mosaic in structure and unique among the RepFIIA replicons. Discussion Plasmid replicons are essential for plasmid maintenance in the host cell. The replicons can differ with regard to their replication control mechanisms, origin of replication sequences and replication proteins. Plasmids with very similar origin sequences and replication control mechanisms are as- signed into families. The pRK100 replicon described in this article belongs to the RepFIIA family of replicons. In order to characterise the RepFIIA replicon of pRK100 its nucleotide sequence was fi rst searched for genes/regions. Each RepFIIA replicon consists of fi ve genes/regions, repA2 gene, copA gene, repA6 region, repA1 gene and repA4 region. With the help of the computer programs “ORF Finder” and BLAST the fi ve genes/regions in the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon were determined, however the genes are only putative and more experimental work is needed to confi rm the predicted gene lengths and their functions. To elucidate the similarity of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon with other known RepFIIA replicons, a BLAST search on the complete pRK100 RepFIIA nucleotide sequence was performed. More then 170 BLAST hits were found, most of them belonging to replicon sequences of plasmids from En- terobacteriaceae. This is not surprising as the broad RepFIIA replicon family is known to be highly prevalent in enteric bacteria (OSBORN & al. 2000). 9M. Starčevič Erjavec & al.: The RepFIIA replicon of the natural Escherichia coli plasmid pRK100 Fig. 2: Nucleotide divergence of pRK100 RepFIIA rep gene/region sequences and related sequences. Nucleotide divergence, as the measurement of the phylogenetic nucleotide distance, was calculated ac- cording to the Kimura-2 parameter. Nucleotide divergences between pRK100 sequences and sequences of other related plasmids are plotted: Panel A – nucleotide divergence of repA2, panel B – nucleotide divergence of copA, panel C – nucleotide divergence of repA6, panel D – nucleotide divergence of repA1, and panel E – nucleotide divergence of repA4. Slika 2: Nukleotidna divergenca dobljenih zaporedij genov/regij rep replikona RepFIIA plazmida pRK100 in sorodnih zaporedij. Nukleotidna divergenca, kot mera za fi logenetsko razdaljo, je bila izračunana po parametru Kimura-2. Nukleotidne divergence med zaporedji plazmida pRK100 in ostalimi sorodnimi zaporedji so prikazana: graf A – nukleotidna divergenca repA2, graf B – nukleotidna divergenca copA, graf C – nukleotidna divergenca repA6, graf D – nukleotidna divergenca repA1 in graf E – nukleotidna divergenca repA4. Nucleotide divergence repA2 0,0154 0,7928 0,8175 0,0038 0,0038 0,8175 0,8175 0,0038 0,0038 0,8175 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 p1658/79 pB171 pC15-1a -pCP301 pINV_F6_M1382 pO157 pTUC100 pWR501 R1 R100 Nucleotide divergence copA 0,0566 0,0572 0,0000 0,0691 0,0691 0,0833 0,0833 0,0742 0,0108 0,0000 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 p1658/79 pB171 -pC15-1a pCP301 pINV_F6_M1382 pO157 pTUC100 pWR501 R1 R100 Nucleotide divergence repA6 0,0134 0,0134 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0134 0,0134 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 p1658/79 pB171 pC15-1a pCP301 pINV_F6_M1382 pO157 pTUC100 pWR501 R1 R100 Nucleotide divergence repA1 0,0154 0,0546 0,0534 0,0597 0,0597 0,0447 0,0571 0,0597 0,0420 0,0534 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 p1658/79 pB171 pC15-1a pCP301 pINV_F6_M1382 pO157 pTUC100 pWR501 R1 R100 Nucleotide divergence repA4 0,0777 0,0989 0,0520 0,1220 0,1625 0,0841 0,0782 0,1157 0,0664 0,0665 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 p1658/79 pB171 pC15-1a pCP301 pINV_F6_M1382 pO157 pTUC100 pWR501 R1 R100 A B C D E 10 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 49 (1), 2006 The most relevant BLAST hits (BLAST score more then 1000 bits) were used for a detailed similar- ity analysis. The chosen RepFIIA replicons to be compared with the pRK100 replicon were harboured by plasmids p1658/79, pB171, pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pO157, pTUC100, pWR501, R1 and R100. Since it is known, that the RepFIIA replication family is mosaic in its composition (OSBORN & al. 2000), each rep region was analysed separately. Also from our analysis the mosaic structure of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon is evident, since RepA2 of pRK100 is most similar to repA2 of pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501 and R1, copA is the same as copA of plasmids pC15-1a and R100, the repA6 of pRK100 is the same as repA6 in plasmids pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501, R1 and R100, repA1 is the most similar to repA1 of plasmid p1658/79, and repA4 of pRK100 is the most similar to repA4 of pC15-1a. Further, it can also be concluded, that the composition of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon is unique. Even though all nucleotide sequences of genes/regions incorporated into this study, belong to the same replicon, the RepFIIA, the nucleotide divergence between different genes/regions is not the same, thus the repA6 region is very conserved, while other genes, as copA and repA1, are less conserved. A higher level of nucleotide divergence was observed in the repA4 sequence. This fact is not surprising, since this sequence has no product and hence no product-connected selection can infl uence the evolu- tion of this sequence. However, the greatest differences in nucleotide divergence were observed in the repA2 gene, encoding the repressor. It might be assumed that the observed differences are important for plasmid incompatibility and it would be very interesting to test the ability of the studied plasmids to propagate in the same host. The observed mosaicism of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon is not the only example of a mosaic sequence of pRK100. In a previous report (STARČIČ ERJAVEC & al. 2002) we also demonstrated, that the pRK100 tra region is mosaic. However, overall the studied tra region genes were most similar to the tra genes of plasmid F, but in the case of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon, no overall similarity with only one plasmid could be detected. This again illustrates, that plasmid genes are mosaic and formed by multiple recombination events between diverse ancestral genes (BOYD & al. 1996). Conclusions To summarise and conclude: 1. the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon harbours 5 genes/regions repA2, copA, repA6, repA1 and repA4; 2. the individual rep genes/regions of the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon exhibit different nucleotide divergence when compared with different related plasmids; 3. the pRK100 RepFIIA replicon is mosaic and unique; 4. many other plasmids of Enterobacteriaceae carry replicons similar to pRK100 RepFIIA replicon. Povzetek V predstavljeni raziskavi smo na nivoju nukleotidnih zaporedij preučevali podobnost replikona RepFIIA plazmida pRK100 z replikoni RepFIIA ostalih sorodnih plazmidov. S pomočjo računalniških programov “ORF Finder” in BLAST smo na zaporedju replikona RepFIIA plazmida pRK100 poiskali replikacijske gene/zaporedja repA2, copA, repA6, repA1 in repA4. Z računalniškima programoma CLUSTAL W in PHYLIP smo predvidene replikacijske gene/zaporedja primerjali z replikacijskimi geni/zaporedji drugih sorodnih plazmidov (p1658/79, pB171, pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pO157, pTUC100, pWR501, R1 in R100), ki so deponirani v GenBank in smo jih poiskali z računalniškim programom BLAST. Na podlagi dobljenih nukleotidnih divergenc je razvidno, da je gen 11 RepA2 od pRK100 najbolj podoben genu repA2 plazmidov pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501 in R1, copA je enak genu copA na plazmidih pC15-1a in R100, regija repA6 plazmida pRK100 je enaka regiji repA6 plazmidov pC15-1a, pCP301, pINV_F6_M1382, pWR501, R1 in R100, gen repA1 je najbolj podoben genu repA1 plazmida p1658/79, in regija repA4 plazmida pRK100 je najbolj podo- bna regiji repA4 plazmida pC15-1a. Če povzamemo vse rezultate, lahko zaključimo, da je replikon RepFIIA plazmida pRK100 sestavljen kot mozaik in da ga v takšni sestavi do sedaj še niso našli na nobenem drugem plazmidu. Literature ALTSCHUL, S. F., T. L. MADDEN, A. A. SCHÄFFER, J. ZHANG, Z. ZHANG, W. MILLER, & D. J. LIPMAN 1997: Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389–3402. AMBROŽIČ J., A. OSTROVERŠNIK, M. STARČIČ, I. KUHAR, M. GRABNAR & D. 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