16/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20. 4. 2014 VELIKA NOČ EASTER SUNDAY Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca Web page www.carantha.com IT.NTAJK ( Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Dear friends, Jesus Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Once again we hear the incredible promise that we will share His glory - "where he has gone, we will surely follow!" We understand that love motivated Jesus to willingly give himself overto death. Because He loved the Father, He did the Father's will - He was obedient. And because the Father loved the Son, He raised Jesus from the dead! Love is the motivation. Love is the way. God's love always leads to life! The Holy Spirit - the Spirit of love and life received in the Sacraments - makes us more and more like Christ. Light and water are the principle symbols of our new life, signs that we belong to Him - symbols that are evident at the Easter Vigil and at every Baptism! These days, when you light a candle or bless yourself with holy water, remember that you are loved, you are saved! May the 50 days of Easter celebration be a time of blessed joy, when our love for Him motivates us to love one another! Happy Easter! + Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton CVETNA NEDELJA PRI SV. GREGORIJU VELIKEM Kljub slabi napovedi smo imeli blagoslov zelenja zunaj pri kipu Marije. Nekateri so prinesli svoje butarice, drugi so jih kupili od »Soče«. Z bralci smo prebrali zapis Jezusovega trpljenja. Pri maši je pel mešani zbor pri drugi pa angleški zbor, mašo pa je vodil g. Frank Kelly iz Toronta. Na cvetno nedeljo smo imeli slovensko sveto mašo z blagoslovitvijo butaric in zelenja tudi pri slovenski skupnosti v Kitchenerju (levo) in pri društvu Triglav v cerkvi St. John the Divine (spodaj). Na obeh postojankah smo Pasion prebrali po vlogah in so sodelovali tudi mladi. Spletli so butarice in na koncu maše so pripravili, kot je že običaj, pogostitev. Pri društvu Sava so kuharja za to priložnost »uvozili« kar iz Slovenije. Hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali pri pripravi praznovanja cvetne nedelje. EASTER SUNDAY Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. First Reading Acts 10:34. 37-43 Peter and the other apostles give witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Second Reading Colossians 3:1-4 Now we must focus on the things of heaven, rather than the things of earth, because our true life is hidden with Christ in God. Gospel John 20:1-9 Peter and the disciple Jesus loved race to the tomb. Finding it empty, they begin to believe the teaching of scripture that he must rise from the dead. "He saw and he believed." Illustration What would the man carrying a red flag as he walked in front of a train in the early 1800s think about modern high-speed trains travelling at over 200 mph? Could he ever imagine thousands of planes flying all around the world carrying passengers and cargo from the remotest places? All the wonders of modern technology, which we take for granted, would be inconceivable to people just a few years ago. The same could be said of all the technological advances made at any period of history. It takes a special leap of imagination to move forwards to the discovery of new horizons. Of course, there are always the sceptics. There were those who denied the reality of the American moon landings, claiming they were merely propaganda created in Hollywood. But for most of us, seeing is believing, even if it is through the medium of television or the internet. But faith is something else. It is not a question of material or physical proof. There are things that cannot be proved to the senses, like the existence of God; like the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today's feast of Easter is about not seeing, but believing. Gospel Teaching We read in today's Gospel that when the beloved disciple entered the tomb, he saw and he believed. What did he see? Not Jesus, certainly, only the empty tomb with the grave clothes. The Gospel tells us that up to this point they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture that Jesus must rise from the dead. But still this was no momentary flash of illumination that made everything clear. The disciples were in a state of shock. Their world had been shattered as they witnessed the arrest of Jesus and his death on the cross. It took more than the evidence of an empty tomb to convince them that Jesus was truly risen from the dead. The empty tomb was the beginning of a process that led to faith. Gradually, over a period of forty days, they had a variety of experiences of meeting the risen Lord, which enabled them finally to proclaim with conviction, as Peter says in today's first reading: "they killed him by hanging him on a tree, yet three days afterwards God raised him to life and allowed him to be seen, not by the whole people but only by certain witnesses God had chosen beforehand. Now we are those witnesses." The relationship that the disciples had with Jesus began with an invitation to follow him. It grew through their interaction with him during his public ministry. They heard his words; they witnessed his miracles; they saw how he related to people with great love and understanding, and the conviction grew that he was the Christ, the Son of the living God. What this meant was severely challenged when they witnessed the betrayal of Jesus, his arrest and torture, and finally his death on the cross. They only really came to understand who Jesus was after the resurrection, when the Spirit came to lead them to the complete truth. Only then did they have supernatural faith. Application The risen Lord appears to those who have received the gift of faith, that gift of the Holy Spirit which brings us into a relationship with Jesus. It enables us to see beyond what is immediately obvious into the world of God, where we can experience a whole new life. St Paul expresses this experience of faith in terms of death and rebirth. When we believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, we are enabled to die to the things of this world and come alive to the things of God. All that used to be important to us is no longer so. MLADI GLAS DANCE GROUP 40th Anniversary Mladi Glas Dance Group is Celebrating its 40th Anniversary with a special performance Saturday May 24th at JOHN PAUL ll POLISH CULTURAL CENTRE 4300 CAWTHRA RD ( CAW-THRA & HWY 403) MISSISSAUGA For more information please see website WEBSITE www.mladiglasplanika.org or contact John Kajin [mailto:johnkajin@hotmail.com] MISIJONAR DANILO LISJAK_ Dragi prijatelji, dobrotniki in sorodniki ! Želim vam blagoslovljeno Veliko noč Jezusovega vstajenja! On je naša pot, bližina na razpotjih in preskušnjah življenja - nedoumnih Kalvarijah - in zmaga, ki je v moči Njegovega novega Življenja. Naše odrešenje je največji dar bogo-podobnemu človeku in dokaz prevelike božje ljubezni do nas po poti Jezusove žrtve na križu. Hvaležno v srcu se zahvaljujmo v teh svetih dneh za poklic božjega otroštva in nepreklicne obljube večnosti v Očetovi hiši! V občestvu s to mojo skupnostjo kristjanov v 12. kapelah misijona Atede na severu Ugande odpraimo srca velikonočnemu veselju in upanju! Hvaležni Danilo Lisjak, misijonar v Ugandi Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - PEVSKE VAJE Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so v četrtek po večerni maši. Naslednjič zbor poje 11. maja, ko praznujemo materinski dan. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ VELIKA NOČ: 20. april - slovensko sveto mašo začnemo z velikonočno procesijo, angleška maša je ob običajni uri. ♦ Velikonočni ponedeljek: maša ob 8:00 zjutraj ♦ Torek, 22. april: maša je samo ob 10:00 -pogrebna maša za Elizabeto Ferko ♦ 1. maj: sv. Jožef Delavec: začetek šmarnične pobožnosti pri večernih mašah. ♦ Nedelja, 11. maj: Materinski dan. Kosilo ob 12h in ob 2:00 p.m. Program otrok slovenske šole. ♦ Nedelja 25. maj: OBHAJILO in BIRMA. Mašo vodi hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby. ♦ Nedelja, 1. junij ob 2:00 p.m. - LondonTriglav, procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa. ♦ Nedelja, 8. junij ob 1:00 p.m. - Slovenski park, Maša, procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in praznovanje 40-letnice postavitve kapelice. ♦ Nedelja, 15. junij, ob 12:30 - Bled-Beamsville, maša ob praznovanju očetovskega dneva. ♦ Nedelja, 22. junij: SLOVENSKI DAN pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem v Hamiltonu - 25-letnica Slovenskih dnevov; maša ob 10:00 dopoldne, kosilo, kulturni program, otroška olimpiada in družabni večer ob melodijah ansambla SPOTLIGHT. Villa Slovenia Superintendent Position Opening Our Villa Slovenia has an opening for a new superintendent and is seeking interested applicants. The position is open to a couple who are interested in the maintenance and upkeep of our three storey 30 unit building. Yearly remuneration: $20,000. includes a unit. Please send resume to: Collin@tag.solutions.ca For further information, you may call Collin Maddern at TAG Tel.# 905-333-5006 or Jerry Ponikvar, Tel.# 905-333-5813 DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - »TRIP«_ The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph/Društvo Sv. Jožefa has organized a very exciting 5 days/4 nights excursion to New York City/Washington D.C. September 11-15, 2014. Tour Highlights include two nights stay at the Fairfield Inn, Lyndhurst, NJ & 2 nights at the Hilton Gardens just outside of Washington; 4 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners. Manhattan full island cruise; 911 Memorial; Guided tour of Washington, DC; Arlington Cemetery; visit National Catholic Basilica with Mass; spectacular guided tour of the Washington Capitol Building. Cost per person: $819. Dbl. & $ $749. Tpl. For information and booking: contact Frank Erzar 905-643-0285 or Jerry Ponikvar 905-333-5813. CWL-OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNCIL MASS Every year the CWL formally welcomes new members and recognizes milestone years of service. This year, we will be welcoming two new members into the CWL and recognizing ladies for 10years, 25 years and 40 years of service. Our mass will be held on Friday, April 25th at 7:00 pm. We welcome all parishioners to join us as we welcome our new members and celebrate the dedication of a number or our CWL members. Mass will be followed with light refreshments for everyone to enjoy. We hope that many of you will be able to join us April 25th. baragovi dnevi 2014 Te dni smo zvedeli za novico, da so Baragovi dnevi za leto 2014 prestavljeni na 1819. oktober in sicer bodo v Marquettu. Lanko leto nismo šli, ker je bilo predaleč, upamo, da se nas bo letos zbralo dovolj, da bi lahko zopet poromali. Letos bo dokončana tudi Baragova kapela. POKOJNI_ V tem tednu sta odšla k Bogu po večno plačila dva naša farana. V ponedeljek, 14. aprila 2014 je v splošni bolnici v Hamiltonu umrl FRANC PELCAR, v svojem 87. letu starosti. Z ženo Pavlo sta skupaj preživela 61 let. Pokojni je ležal v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home na Lake Avenue Dr. V sredo popoldne smo se v velikem številu zbrali pri molitvi za pokoj njegove duše. Pogrebna sveta maša je bila v četrtek dopoldne ob 10h v naši cerkvi in potem pogreb na Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Iskreno sožalje ženi Pauli, sinu Stanley-ju, hčerki Josie Dube in možu Danielu, prav tako vnukom in drugim sorodnikom. Pokojni je bil član društva sv. Jožefa in Bleda in je veliko napravil za našo slovensko skupnost in župnijo. Gospod daj mu večni mir in pokoj in večna luč naj mu sveti. V torek, 15. parila 2014 pa je po daljšem trpljenju odšla k Bogu naša faranka ELIZABETH FERKO, žena Tonija Ferka. Od nje se boste lahko poslovili v ponedeljek 21. aprila v Markey Dermody Funeral home na Kingu, molitve bodo ob 8:00 zvečer. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v torek, 22. aprila ob 10:00 dopoldne v maši cerkvi in nato pogreb na slovenskem delu pokopališča Gate of Heaven. Pokojna Betka, kot smo jo klicali, je bila članica Katoliške ženske zveze, Oltarnega društva in župnijskega mešanega pevskega zbora. Zelo rada je prepevala, saj je pela tudi pri ansamblu moža Tonija. Iskrena hvala za njen zgled vere in prijaznosti. Sožalje možu Toniju, otrokom (Tanya, Elizabeth, Nicole, Tony, Amy) in njihovim družinam, prav tako tudi sestram in bratom (Marija, Albina, Franc, Slavica, Jože, +Amalija) in vsem vnukom in vnukinjam. Naj ji bo Bog stoteren plačnik za vse dobro, ki ga je storila. darovi_ V zadnjem časo ste darovali: za rože $200 Maks Pavlič in Milena; $50 Materi Božji in Bogu v zahvalo za rože družina Malevič; $40 za čiščenje in za rože Gizella Ray; $100 za gradbeni sklad N.N.; $50 za cerkev namesto cvetja na grob pokojnega Czeslav Janowski daruje Pavel Novak z družino; $100 za misijone daruje Veronika Čurič; $100 za gradbeni sklad daruje Herman Gomboc z družino. Ob smrti Franca Pelcarja so namesto cvetja darovali za cerkev: $50 Gizela Hauzar, $50 Ernest Zrim, $20 Anton in Marija Šverko, $50 Društvo sv. Jožefa (društvo je darovalo tudi za 5 svetih maš za +Franca Pelcar). Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam povrni. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in t\i Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. Od 20. 4. 2014 Do 27. 4. 2014 svete maše - masses VELIKA NOČ Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. Easter Sunday f Marija Marič, obl. Družina Marič 20. April f Ivan Jakovčič 11:00 A.M. Družina Berkovič Teotim, škof f Barbara Car Hčerka Marija Berkovič Ponedeljek-Monday ff Marija in Jože Zelko 8:00 A.M. Joe Kolenko z družino 21. April f Jospi Zoretič Franc Kapušin z družino Velikonočni ponedeljek f Franc Pelcar Gizela Hauzar Torek - Tuesday 22. April Aleksandra, mučenka f Elizabeth Ferko f Barbara Car 10:00 A.M. Pogrebna maša Družina Berkovič f Augušitn Berkovič f Franc Pelcar Družina Berkovič Sv. Jožef torkovi večeri Sreda ff Angela in Alojz Kocmut 7:00 p.m. Hči Elizabet Gimpelj Wednesday f Frank Gimpelj Tony in Marilyn Letnik 23. April f Peter Mihalič Žena Jurij, mučenec ff Starši, sestra in brata Štefan in Gizella Ray z druž. Četrtek Po namenu 7:00 p.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Thursday ff Marija Zelko in Marija Šlebič Rudi in Marija Horvat 24. April ff Pokojni Zorčič Jožica Vegelj z družino Honorij, škof Bogu in Mariji v zahvalo Majda Salajko Petek f Štefka Rihar 7:00 p.m. John in Ann Božnar Friday f Ivan Obal Marija Hočevar 25. April ff Marija in Tone Cesar Marija Hočevar Marko, evangelist V čast M. Materi dobrega sveta CWL - KŽZ Sobota Saturday 26. April Marija, Mati dobrega sveta f Luba Tomzatič f Debra Siricka f Martina Kolar f Martin Hozjan ff Pokojni iz družine Ramuš f Rick Tozer 8:00 a.m. Jožica Novak z družino 5:30 p.m. Marija Košir Mož Terezija Zadravec Sonja Peternel z družino Herman Gomboc z družino BELA NEDELJA 2ND Sunday of Easter 27. April Nedelja božjega usmil. Divine Mercy Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Barbara Car f Elizabeth Ferko f Rudi Hanc 11:00 a.m. Družina Berkovič Brat Jože Pinter z družino Jože in Marija Magdič