Metastasizing squamous celi carcinoma of the skin Clinical study METASTASIZING SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF THE SKIN P. Holl6 and B. Somlai ABSTRACT Metastases from carcinomas of the skin are rare. During 1994-1996 six patients, 4 males and 2 females, aged from 52 to 94 years, were treated at the Department of Dermato-Venereology of the Semmelweis University of Medicine far metastasizing squamous celi carcinoma of the skin. After being operated far the primary tumors they developed metastases within 13 months. Presenting these cases, the authors discuss the main risk factors far metastasizing squamous celi carcinoma of the skin: the anatomical localization, thickness of the tumor, invasion of the subcutis, and the grade of dedifferentiation. KEY WORDS carcinoma, squamous cel!, skin, metastases INTRODUCTION PATIENTS AND METHODS The incidence of cutaneous squamous celi carcinoma has increased. The most common localization of the primary cutaneous squamous celi carcinoma is the skin of the hands, arms, face, and neck. The majority of these tumors are easily cured by surgical treatment. The incidence of metastases is between 2% and 5%, usually in patients with primary tumor of the hands and face (1,2). The metastases develop consistently in the regional lymph nodes in 85% of the cases. Very rarely other organs can be seeded as well: lungs, !iver, bones and the central nervous system. Fram 1994 to 1996 we treated 6 patients ( 4 men, 2 women) with metastasizing squamous celi carcinoma. They were between 52 and 94 years old, mean 71,5 years. In one case the metastasis and the primary tumor were diagnosed at the same tirne. The longest symptomless period lasted 13 months, the mean tirne until appearance of the metastases was 7 months. The data of the patients and the main histological features of their primary tumors are summarized in Table No.l. The tumors were classified according to the Broders grading (3). The metastases acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 1 13 Metastasizing squamous celi carcinoma of the skin Fig.l . Large exulcerated lesion on the left hand caused by primary squamous celi carcinoma. are described in Table No.2, as well as their treatment and their actual status. Fig.3. Exulcerated retroauricular metastatic lymph node,. 14 Fig.2. Enlarged axillar lymph node due to metastases RESULTS During the 1994-1996 period 229 patients were treated for squamous celi carcinoma at the Department of Dermato-Venereology, Semmelweis University of Medicine. Metastases were found in 6 cases, 2.6% of the total number of patients. These six cases of metastasizing squamous cell carcinoma have been presented in this study. In five cases, the primary tumors were localized in areas where malignant tumors are more prone to metastasize, namely the hands and the face . One tumor developed on the basis of a chronic venous leg ulcer. Except for this case, the primary lesions were treated surgically. In all instances the metastases appeared within 13 months after the diagnosis of the primary lesion. In one case, the primary tumor and the regional lymph node metastasis were diagnosed at the same tirne. The metastases developed in the regional lymph nodes in 5 cases, in one case in the lungs. The thickness of the primary tumors was more than 2 mm in all cases. 4 tumors had invaded the subcutis, and all were classified histologically as non-diffe- rentiated (according to Broders grades III-IV.). The regional lymph node metastases of 2 patients were excised, in 4 patients they were irradiated (Telecobalt, 30 Grays ), and in 2 cases systemic chemotherapy was initiated. Of these 6 patients, 3 had died within 2 years. DISCUSSION Severa! studies dealing with metastasizing squamous cell carcinoma have been published. In Southern Australia Czarneczki et al found that at least 2% of acta dermatovenerologica A.P A. Vol 7, 98, No 1 Metastasizing squamous celi carcinoma of the skin Table l. Metastases from squamous cel! carcinomas of the skin: patients' sex and age, tumor localization and characteristics. N.P. male 64 years left hand, 9.6 mm yes III. 4th finger M.P. male 69 years left face 2.4 mm yes IV. K.I. male 52 years right hand 3.5 mm no III. 2nd. finger K.N. female 94 years left side 6.4 mm yes IV. preauricular Sz.S. female 72 years right leg ulcer >2 mm III-IV. F.J. male 78 years scalp patients with squamous cel! carcinoma of the skin would develop metastases within 3 years ( 4). In the United States Epstein et al. mentioned the same incidence (5). The most important risk factors for metastases are tumor localizations in the areas predisposed to metastasize, and the histological characteristics of >2 mm yes IV. the tumor: the thickness, the degree of invasion of the subcutis, and the grade of differentiation (6,7). Dedifferentiated tumors (Broders grades III-IV.), thickness greater than 2 millimeters and invasion of the subcutis are indications of an increased risk for metastases (8,9). We reported six patients with metastasizing squamous Table 2. Metastases from squamous cel! carcinomas of the skin: interval between detection of primary tumor and appearance of metastases, treatment and outcome. N.P. lungs 1 month Vincristin, Adriamycin death M .P. lymph nodes 13 months blockdissection dissemination submandibular irradiation K.I. lymph nodes axillar, 12 months blockdissection death neck irradiation, Bleomycin K.N. lymph nodes 4 months irradiation dissemination preauricular Sz.S. lymph nodes inguinal at the same tirne death F.J. lymph nodes 12 months irradiation dissemination retroauricular acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 1 15 Metastasizing squamous celi carcinoma of the skin Fig.4. Multiple irregular strands of tumor cells cell carcinoma. All of them belonged to the high- risk-group for developing metastasis. Although most patients with squamous cell carci- noma are easily cured by surgical treatment, the Fig.S. lnvasion of tumor into a lymph node. possibility of metastas1zmg must always be taken into consideration, the rate of occurrence being 2- 5%. Taking the clinical and histological risk factors into account, the long-term follow-up of the patients is essen tial REFERENCES l. Lund H How often does squamous celi carcinoma of the skin metastasize? A rch Dermatol 1965; 92: 635-7. 2. Molier R, Reymann F, Hou-Jensen K Metastases in dermatologi,cal patients with squamous celi carcinoma Arch Dermatol 1979; 115: 703-5. 3. Broders AC. Squamous celi epithelioma of the skin. Ann Surg 1921; 73: 141-60. 16 4. Czameczki D, Staples M, Miles G, Mehan C. Metastases from squamous celi carcinoma of the skin in Southem Australia. Dermatology 1994; 198: 52-4. 5. Epstein E, Epstein N, Bragg K, Linden G. Metastases from squamous celi carcinoma of the skin. Arch Dermatol 1968; 97: 245-50. 6. Breuninger H, Langer B, Rassner G. Untersuchungen acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. 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