Skin carcinoma and malignant melanoma in Slovenia C/inica/ study TRENDS IN INCIDENCE OF SKIN AND LIP CARCINOMAS AND MALIGNANT MELANOMA OF THE SKIN IN SLOVENJA V. Pompe-Kirn, A. Kansky and l. Planinšič ABSTRACT The incidence of skin and lip carcinomas as well as malignant melanoma of skin is greatly varying in the world. Reliable cancer incidence data can be obtained only in regions where population-based cancer registries are operating. In Slovenia the Cancer Registry has been operating since 1950 at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. The average annual crude incidence rate per 100000 ofskincarcinomas was during the period 1950-195214.4 inmales, and 19.4 infemales; it rose to 20.9 inmales and25.8 in females during the 1986-1988 period. The crude rate for lip carcinoma was 6.2 in males and 1.4 in females in this first period, and it was 2.2 in males and 0.8 in females in the last period of observation; for malignantmelanoma it increased from O. 7 in males and 0.8 in females to 5.0 in males and 5.2 in females. Trends in crude and cumulative incidence rates in the 1974-1988 period were analysed in details. In cruderates the trendfor skin carcinoma was stable (-0.1 % inmales and -0.4% in females), for male lip carcinoma it was decreasing (-6.1 % ), whereas in malignant melanoma it was increasing in males (7.5% ), and in females (7 .8% ). When cumulative rates till the age 74 were tak:en into account, a decrease of skin carcinoma in females was evident (- 2.1 % ) , the decrease of male lip carcinoma was steeper (-7 .3 % ), whereas in malignant melanoma the increase was greater in male s (8.2% ), and lower in females (7 .1 % ). Cohort-analyses showed in skin carcinoma in males a tendency of higher rates in younger birth-cohorts up to the age of 70 only; in male lip cancer younger birth-cohorts were less affected in all age groups, whereas in malignant melanoma younger birth-cohorts were more affected in both sexes in almost ali age groups. KEYWORDS: skin and lip carcinomas, malignant melanoma, incidence, Slovenia INTRODUCTION Accurate population studies based on incidence figures for carcinoma and malignant melanoma (MM) of the skin are relatively few, most of the studies are unreliable from an epidemiological point of view because they are based on selected series of cases observed by clinicians or by acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. 2-92 pathologists ( 1 ). Among the first adequate approaches to this problem were the studies by MacDonald and MacDonald and Bubendorf (2,3). With a larger number of population-based cancer registries data on the incidence of malignant skin tumors in various countries became more reliable. There is an ample evidence that carcinoma of the skin and 41 Skin carcinoma and malignant melanoma in S/ovenia lips are not evenly distributed in various populations. A number of reports show that the incidence is greater in geographical areas with expressed insolation and high proportion of population engaged in outdoor activities. Such observation concerns specially people of Caucasian origin. The most susceptible are the fair-skinned people with blue irises, red hair and freckles. People of Irish and Scottish descent are particularly endangered as it was observed in Australia and the USA (4). An extremely high incidence of non-melanotic skin cancer was established among the whites in Australia: an investigation covering a population sample of30 976 people (Carlton South, Victoria) gave a standardized incidence of 823 per 100 000 inhabitants. The rate for basal carcinoma (BCC) was 657 and for squamous celi carcinoma (SCC) 166, giving aBCCto SCCratio of about4: 1 (5). Inthe USA an incidence of 71.5 for men and 4 7 .2 for women was observed in Minnesota which is a rather northem country and whose populationhas a relatively low actinic exposure (6). In contrary to this a much higher incidence of 3 79 (539 for men and 259 for women) was detected in the area of Dallas and Forth Worth which are characterized by high insolation (7). In United Kingdom an annual incidence of 100 is suggested (1). The incidence of carcinoma of the lips differs also a great deal between different population cohorts. White farmers seem again to be most endangered (8). According to Whelan et al. (9), thehighest age-standardized incidence was detected inmales inNewfoundland where itreaches 15.1, and in South Ireland 11.6. In females the disease is rare, the highest incidence being reported for South Australia 1.6 per 100 000. It is worth to mention that in certain countries, e.g. in former East Germany (10) and in Polland (11) a clear tendency to decrease is expressed. The highest age standardized incidence of MM of the skin was again observed in Australia; in Queensland it reaches 30.9 in males and 28.5 in females, whereas the figures for New South Wales are 17.1 formalesand 16.1 forfemales (9). In the USA the incidence rate for MM rose from 4.5 in 1970 to 11.2 in 1987 (12). From Denmark too an elevated number of patients with cutaneous MM was reported between 1943 and 1982: 3509 men and 5305 women, yielding a fivefold to sixfold increase of the age standardized incidence rate (13). In Finland the incidence rose during the 1953 to 1973 period from 1.3 to 3.8 for men and from 1.5 to 3.5 for women (14). The main factors contributing to the development of cutaneous carcinomas may be listed as follows: 1) exposure to UV light, 2) exposure to other carcinogens, 3)genetic disposition, 4)viruses, 5)old age etc. Various mechanisms may induce cancer, e.g. physical and chemical damages to DNA, liberation of deoxyribonucleases from lysosomes, impaired or exhausted DNA repair in keratinocytes, suppression of cellular immunity, the presence of oncogens. It is highly probable that similar contributing factors are 42 operational in MM, but this remains to be proved. Reliable cancer incidence data can be obtained only in regions where population-based cancer registry is operating. In Slovenia the Cancer Registry has been operating since 1950 at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. In the present article detailed data on the incidence of skin and lip carcinomas as well as skin MM in Slovenia are presented. In addition, the recent knowledge in carcinogenesis for these three cancers is shortly reviewed. Carcinogenesis In man UV radiation, specially the so-called UV B range, including 290 to 320 nm wave lengths, is believed to be the most important skin carcinogen. A dose which provokes a given tumor end point represents a cumulative figure deri ved from many exposures. Blum demonstrated the quantitative nature of tumor response in the ears ofhaired mice and Forbes in hairless mice (15). Data from animal studies indicate that both fractionation and attenuated delivery ofUV increase the carcinogenic effectiveness of given dose. On molecular leve! the process of photocarcinogenesis is characterized by absorption of UV light by a molecule, so- called chromophore: DNA, RNA, proteins (keratin, collagen, elastin), porphyrin and other substances. During this process photoproducts, e.g. thymine dimers, otherpyrimidine adducts, free radicals, DNA crosslinks with proteins and other substances are being formed .The enzymatic DNA repair which normally follows the UV-induced damage is often deficient in photocarcinogenesis (16). Histological changes may be divided in acute and chronic. The acute damage includes spongiosis of theepidermis, celi edema, v acuolisation and eosinophilia of cytoplasm, pyknosis of nuclei in the keratinocytes (sunbum cells) . The main chronic damage is represented by elastosis of the dermis, parakeratosis and atrophy of the epidermis, dilatation of superficial capillaries, followed by atypia of keratinocytes. hnmediately after a single exposure to the UV B radiation, a dose-dependent arrest of mitotic activity for 6-24 hours, followed by a reactive proliferation on days 2-7, can be observed ( 17). Besides keratinocytes, melanocytes and fibroblasts too are important targets of the UV carcinogenesis. Further factors which may contribute to the development of skincarcinomas are methylcholantrene, benzpyrene, certain tars, ionizing radiation and others. Many hereditary traits are poten ti ali y relev ant in skin carcinogenesis, e .g. the amount of pigment in the skin, enzymatic DNA repair system, the number of melanocytic nevi and others. The role of human papilloma viruses in skin carcinogenesis, specially the HPV 16 and 18 has stili not been unequivocally proven for non- immunosuppressed individuals . Inherited or acquired immunosuppressio~ is also an important contributing factor. The increased incidence of skin carcinomas in elderly people acta dermatovenerologica A.P A. 2-92 Skin carcinoma and malig11011t melanoma in Slove11ia 25-------------------~ § g 20 ~ w § 15 a: u 1 ~ 10 a: ~ i:j 5 a: I 1- 0-'--,----,--r--.-r---r--.-----r--.-------,--,---,--,---' 50-52 53-55 56'58 59-61 62-64 65-67 68-70 71-73 74-76 77-79 80-82 83-85 86-88 YEAR 1- UPCANCER --- MAUGNANT MELANOMA - OTHEA SKIN CANCERS Figure 1: lncidence of lip cancer, malignant melanoma, and other skin cancers in males; Slovenia, 1950-1988 is most probabl y due to an exhausted DNA repair mechanism and an impaired cellular immunity. There is convincing evidence that UV light and heredity play an important role in the genesis of MM. A number of investigations in experimental animals has shown that after exposure to UV light precursor melanocytes become activated and start to proliferate (18,19). Certain clinical studies make the information available of convincing trends towards increasing risk of MM with increased exposure to the sun (20, 21 ,22). Heredity seems to be also a contributory factor: blue eyes, fair or red hair, pale complexion. Since the report by Cowly (23) more cases of familial occunence of MM were observed; it is believed that the inheritance is polygenic (24). The presence ofbenign melanocytic nevi has been documented in 16 epidemiological studies on MM. Therisk with increasing number of nevi has general! y been higher in the category with the greatest number of nevi, the relative tisk being higher than 10. Other factors such as occupational exposure to chemicals, ionizing radiation, use of steroid hormones, diet and others from present evidence have only week effects if any (25). MATERIAL AND METHODS Data from the Cancer Registry of Slovenia conceming non-melanoma skin cancer, lip cancer and malignant melanoma of the skin were analysed. Time trends for the 1950-1988 period were studied, birth cohort analysis for the 1964-1988 period, and an analysis ofhistologic types in non- melanoma skin cancer for the 1984-1988 period was done. The Cancer Registry covers a two million population of acta dermatove11erologica AP.A. 2-92 30-r-------------------~ § 25 8 ~ ~ 20 w " ~ u w 15 ~ w ~ 10 ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ 50-52 53-55 56-58 59-61 62-64 65-67 68-70 71-73 74-76 77-79 80-82 83-85 86-88 YEAR 1-UPCANCER -- MAUGNANT MELANOMA - OTHER SKIN CANCERS 1 Figure 2: lncidence of lip cancer, malignant melanoma, and other skin cancers infemales; Slovenia, 1950-1988 Republic Slovenia. Registration is compulsory, strict data protection measures are respected when analysing the data. Non-melanoma skin cancer (other skin cancers) were registered since 1950 as ali other cancer sites. They were classified according to the 8th revision of the Intemational Classification of diseases under the number 173. According to the data of the Cancer Registry 98% ofnon-melanoma skin cancer cases were carcinomas. Registration of these carcinomas was certainlynot as complete asforbreast orlung cancer, but in Slovenia there were no privatefacilities to treat skin cancer, and at least ali inadiated cases were notified to the Registry because there were only three institutions in Slovenia with radiation treatrnent facilities. Some surgically treated lesions with favorable prognosis escaped the registration, however. In figures non-melanoma skin cancer is marked as "other skin" cancers. For data analysis, standard descriptive epidemiological methodology was used (18) . In birth-cohort analysis age-specific incidence rates are plotted according to the year of birth. This analysis shows whether persons bom in certain year carry with them throughout their life a relatively higher or lower rate of the disease studied. RESULTS Time trends of crude incidence rates are shown on figures 1 and 2. Three year averages were used to overcome the annual chance peaks. The crude rate of carcinomas was 14.4 in the 1950-1952 peti.od and rose to 20.9 in 1986-1988. Conesponding values forfemales changedfrom 19 .4 to 25 .8. 43 Ski11 carci11oma arul maligMnt melanoma in S/ovenia 250•- ------------------- 200 g 150 g iii- i 100 50 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80+ AGE 1 &1Ql LIP CANCER - MALIGNANT MELANOMA ~ OTHER SKIN CANCERS Figure 3: A ve rage annual incidence of lip cance r, malig nant melanoma, and other skin cancers in males by age; Slovenia, 1984-1988 Carcinoma of the lips in males showed a steady decline of crude rates from 6.2 in 1950-1952 to 2.2 in 1986-1988. In females the corresponding values were 1.4 and 0.8. The crude rate of malignant melanoma rose from 0.7 during 1950-1952 to 5.0 in 1986-1988 inmales, and from0.8 to 5.2 in females. Taking into account the possibility that in the first years of cancer registration in Slovenia,the underreporting of cases 250 1 FEMALES 1 200 o 150 o o o o ii) . i 100 50 o 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80+ AGE 1 &1Ql LIP CANCER - MAUGNANT MELANOMA ~ OTHER SKIN CANCERS Figure 4: Average annual incidence of lip cancer, malignant melanoma, and other skin cancers infemales by age; Slovenia, 1984- 1988 44 1+--..--- -----~-..------------j --B- 1934 ---+-- 1929 ...... 1924 -><--- 1919 ----1914 --1909 m • ~ a w M w ~ ro n w+ AGE Figure 5: Age-specific incidence of other skin cancers in males by birth cohorts; Slovenia, 1964-1988 was greaterthen later-on, acloser look to the 1974-1988 tirne period was given. During this 15-year period the crude rates of skin cancer remained more or less stable in both sexes with an average annual percentage change of -0.1 % for males and of -0.4% for females; the rates of lip cancer in males were decreasing with an average annual percentage change of - 6.1 %, whereas the rates of malignant melanoma were increasing in both sexes with an average annual percentage change of7.5% and 7.8%. Cruderates do not take into account the eldering of Slov ene population during the analysed tirne period. As all studied cancer sites are more common in older age groups (figures 3 --B-- 1934 ---+-- 1929 ...... 1924 -><--- 1919 ----1914 ---1909 1+--.----r-~-.---,---,---r-~--1 m • ~ a w M M ~ ro n oo+ AGE Figure 6: Age-specific incidence of other skin cancers infemales by birth cohorts; Slovenia, 1964-1988 acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. 2-92 Skin carcinoma and malignant melanoma in Slovenia 100 8 g 10 ~ ~ --&- 1 MALES 1 1934 --+- 1929 __... 1924 ........ 1919 ----1914 1909 • ~ % oo ~ oo m ro ~ oo+ AGE Figure 7: Age-specific incidenceof lip cancer in males by birthcohorts; Slovenia, 1964-1988 and 4), this eldering of Slovene population influenced the crude rates and their trend. So, when cumulative rates till the age 74 only were taken into account, the calculated average annual percentage changes were slightly different. In other skin cancers in females the decrease was more evident (-2.1 % ), and so it was in male lip cancer (-7.3% ); in malignant melanoma in males the increase was greater (8.2% ), whereas in females it was lower (7 .1 % ). These results provoked us to analyse the data for the three cancer sites by birth cohorts for six five-years periods. In other skin cancers in males in younger birth-cohorts a tendency 100---------------------, § g 10 t --&- 1934 --+- 1929 __... 1924 ........ 191 9 ----1914 ---,..... 1909 • ~ % oo ~ oo m ro ~ oo+ AGE Figure 8: Age-specific incidence of malignant melanoma in males by birth cohorts; Slovenia, 1964-1988 acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. 2-92 100 --&- j FEMALES 1 1934 --+- 1929 __... 1924 ........ 1919 8 ----~ 1914 10 -----u) 1909 ~ 1-t--.----~----,-----,-------,---,----,-------,----,------, m • ~ % oo ~ oo m ro ~ oo+ AGE Figure 9: Age-specific incidence of malignant melanoma infemales by birth cohorts; Slovenia, 1964-1988 of higher rates was expressed up to the age of 70 years, whereas in females a tendency oflowerrates in these cohorts was indicated up to the age of 80 years (Figures 5 and 6). In male lip cancer younger birth-cohorts were les s affected than the older ones in all age groups (Figures 7), whereas in malignant melanoma younger birth-cohorts were more affected in both sexes (Figures 8 and 9). In the period 1984-1988, 26% of non-melanoma skin cancers were squamous cell carcinomas, 69% basal cell carcinomas, 1 % adenocarcinomas , 2% non specified carcinomas, and 2% were other malignancies, e.g. some 140 120 100 o o 80 o o o u) 60 .... ~ 40 20 o MALES No. of cases: 670 basal cen 252 squamous cel! Aatio: 2.7 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80+ AGE 1 ~ BASAL - SOUAMOUS 1 Figure 10: Average annual incidence of basal-celi and squamous-cell skin carcinoma by age in males; Slovenia, 1984-1988 45 Skin carcinoma and malignant melanoma in S/ovenia angiosarcomas, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, etc .. OnFigures 10 and 11 the age-specific incidence rates for squamous-cell and basal-cell carcinomas are given. Despite higher absolute numbers in females, the rates were higher in males. The reason is that there are more women older than 50 years in the Slovene population. 140 120 FEMALES No. of cases: 907 basal celi 323 squamous cell 100 Ratio: 2.8 o o o 80 o o iii ~ 60 a: 40 20 o 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80+ AGE ,~ BASAL -SQUAMOUS 1 Figure 11 : Average annual incidence of basal-celi and squamous-cell skin carcinoma by age infemales; Slovenia, 1984-1988 DISCUSSION The incidence of skin carcinoma in Slovenia is Iower than in Minnesota (6) or Iowa (7) and essentially lower than in Australia (5). The age-specific rates disclose that the highest values were in the age group over 80 years which corresponds to the data in the Minnesota study.lnteresting is that in Slovenia birth-cohorts show opposite tendencies in males and females. In contrast to the relatively steady trend of BCC and SCC in Slovenia, in British Columbia, which is relatively low sunlight area, the age standardized incidence rate rose during the 1973-1987 period for BCC from 70. 7 to 120-4. in males and from 61.5 to 92.2 in females. The increase for SCC wasfrom 16.6to31.2inmales andfrom9.4to 16.9 infemales (19). The ratio BCC to SCC was in our study 2.7 for males and 2.8 for females which seems to be in the normal range. However, higher ratios are mentioned in the literature: 4: 1 in Queensland, 6: 1 in Minneapolis and San Francisco and even 9: 1 in certain areas of USA (20). The steady decline of carcinoma of lips in Slovenia my be explained by the fact that the number of people engaged in outdoor activities was constantly dwindling. Birth-cohort analysis support this statement. There was a steep increase in malignant melanoma incidence in the studied period in crude and cumulati ve rates in Slovenia too; birth-cohort analysis indicate that more recent birth-cohorts experienced higher incidence rates in each age. This fact is possibl y related to a marked increase in sunbathing habits. Despite this increase Slovenia is in comparison with other countries in the world still on the lower side. REFERENCES l. MacKie RM. Epidermal skin tumors. In: Rook A et al eds. Textbook of dermatology. 5th ed. Oxford: Blackwell 1992. 2. MacDonald EJ. The epiderniology of skin cancer. J Invest Dermatol 1959; 32:379-382. 3. MacDonald EJ, Bubendorf E. Tumors of the skin. In: Curnley et al eds. Year Book Publishers. Chicago 1964. 4. Hall AF. Relationship of sunlight, complexion andheredity to skin carcinogenesis. Arch Dermatol Syphylol 1950; 61:589-606. 5. Giles GG, Marks R, Foley P. lncidence of non-melanotic skin cancer treated in Australia. Br Med J 1988;296: 13-17. 6. 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