mA ii DL our lapi„i lAMic dedicated to Walkers, ^jf'andmothet Q/fc/ cHailieS of 2uez(i! *Ver spotlight on: Rollers with t nuj ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 5 MAY, 1975 VOLUME 47 Abundant blessing of 13 children to JOSEPHINE BAYUK who lives in Willard, Wisconsin At 90, she’s our oldest Mother, and married the longest, 73 yrs.! MARY L. GORUP cf Stealton, Pennsylvania Youngest mother is lovely, SHERRY CARRICATO Crested Butte, Colorado LUCIA PANTZAR of Forest City, Pennsylvania is grandma to 32! ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 5 MAY, 1975 VOL. XLVII Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhafa vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne članice .40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, HI. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of putHica-tion must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Ul. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY National Officers: May 1 — Marie Floryan, Vice-President, West Allis, Wise. May 10 — Mary Tcmaic, Honorary State President of Penna.—fJ. Y., Strabsne, Pa. Presidents: May 1 — Antonia Stokar, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio May 9 — Agnes Klarich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 11 — Christine Konte, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. May 19 — Mary Macek, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio May 15 — Anna Hren, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. May 21 — Ange'a Voje, Br. 84, New York, N. Y. May 24 — Antonia Kastelic, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio May 29 — Rose Kocko, Br. 21, Cleveland, West Park, 0. May 30 — Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. Secretaries: May 3 — Ann M. Andersen, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. May 6 — Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 9 — Catherine Hcefler, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. May 13 — Helen McFarland, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. May 13 — Mary F. Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. May 22 — Jennie Tavchar, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER. . . May 1 — RUMMAGE SALE, Br. 24, La Salle, 111. May 1 — MOTHER OF THE YEAR DINNER, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. May 4 — MOTHER OF THE YEAR DINNER, Br. 24, LaSalle, III. MAY 8 — MOTHERS’ MASS & PARTY, Br. 2, Chicago, III. May 8 — MOTHER OF THE YEAR DINNER, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio May 11 — MOTHER OF THE YEAR DINNER, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio May 13 — LUNCHEON, BIRTHDAY PARTY, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 18 — MEMORIAL MASS, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. May 18 — 45th ANNIVERSARY & MOTHER’S DAY DINNER, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. May 20 — MOTHER’S DAY LUNCHEON, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio May 21 — ANNUAL DINNER, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 25 — OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION & 45th ANNIVERSARY, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. I4ENIK RECORDS Ed Kenik, Vocalist LP’S Track My Kind of Music $5.50 $6.50 More of My Kind of Music 5.50 6.50 Wine and Song 5.50 6.50 Sing With Us 5.50 6.50 Do You Remember? 5.50 6.50 Slovenian words available on these LP’S June Price & Dolores Mihelich with Den Slogar Oreh. Spomin $6.00 $7.00 A merica n-S loven e Xmas 5.50 6.50 (Organ Accompaniment) Don Slogar Oreh. with Marie Pivik, Vocalist Slovenia $4.50 All of the above prices include cost of mailing. Kenik Records o" June Price 2136 Glenridge Road 3323 West 95th St. Euclid, Ohio 44117 Cleveland, Ohio 44102 FUN WITH MOM! “To get my son cut of bed in the morning, I just open his door and toss the cat on his bed,” explained a resourceful mother. “He sleeps with his dog.” Optimist News, Sanford, N.C. The mother's heart is (he child’s schoolroom.—H.W. Beecher. Nine-year-old: “Why does your grandmother read the Bible so much?” Ten-year-old: “I think she’s cramming for her finals." A mother is a mother still, the holiest thing alive. — S. Coleridge. Young Husband (in early morning): “It must be time to get up.” Wife: “Why?” Young Husband: “Baby’s fallen asleep!” All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.—Lincoln. Mother was telling stories of the time she was a litt'e girl. Little Harold listened thoughtfully as she told of riding a pony, sliding down a haystack, and wading in the brook on the farm. Finally he said with a sigh, "I wish I had met you earlier. Mother." Visitor: “And what will you do, little girl, when you get as big as your mother?” Little Girl: "Diet." Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: tytctke/j Trust in (jc4 A mother once wrote: “Marriage is an adventure into a real unknown. It is good to plan as best as you are able but it is a real mistake to worry about tomorrow. Work and pray and plan but just for today. Tomorrow anything can happen: a ivar, a fire, an accident, sickness, relatives moving in. The finest bit of collateral any young couple can have is a deep faith and trust in God. That, as far 1 know, is the secret of family finance: trust in God. My husband said when he found out that our first child will soon be born: How can we possibly pay for this baby, when we can’t even support ourselves? Still strangely enough, every time a child was born a special fee came in. We never had a bank balance but ue were never deeply in debt either. My husband worked hard and we saved what we could; but over and above our private planning God took care of us from, day to day, from week to week, from child to child. I have been congratulated at times on my family, as though children were a burden, a cross that I had to carry through the years. But they were not a burden nor a cross. A mother’s life seems to grow more rich, more colorful when she has many children. You love each new born baby with all your heart. Your love doesn’t divide itself among the family; it just multiplies as the family grows. God was good to our family. Of all children he gave us he took only one back. It was my sixth child, said to me while I was holding the dead child in my arms: “The baby is dead, there is nothing you can do about it. That’s the way God wants it.” He thought about it being the will of God, even at a time like that. I knezu it was the way God wanted it, but it. was an agony all the same. It is a strange thing: You love every child as if it were the only one. It looks like a risk to raise a family, it looks like a dangerous thing to put your trust, in God arid live from day to day, but it is a wonderful feeling to have trusted God and to know that he really did take care of you. If there are hardships in being a mother, well, happiness is built on hardships, on suf- t fering and sacrifice and pain. The only real jrfK difficulty with the xiocation of marriage is \ / that, your husband, your children, your home, » are usually all you have. But they arc enough ^ \ for any woman. These thoughts are very en- I couraging for Mother’s Day. V HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALI. MOTHERS. HE GREW IN WISDOM by Marion Arnes Taggert He grew in wisdom day by day Close nestling at His Mother’s knee; She taught His baby lips to pray, Her own voice joining reverently. From Her He learned our human speech, The lessons of the birds and flowers, Such simple lore as she couid teach, Through all those precious hidden hours. Sometimes He paused with tiny hand Laid softly on His Mother's cheek; She thought a thrill passed o'er the land, To hear the words His tongue would speak. And deep within her mother-heart She hid His wisdom through the years, And when He slept she sat apart, And pondered it 'mid falling tears. My husband . X President’s Message Many anniversaries are coming up in these months. I have received a number of letters from our branch officers and am happy to be informed. Best wishes to the following branches celebrating their 45th year: No. 40, Lorain, Ohio, organized by Margareta Poznick, April 21, 1930; No. 41, Collinwood, Ohio, organized by Mary Loushin, May 19, 1930; No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio, organized by Josephine Hočevar, May 31, 1930. Celebrating their 40th year: No. 62, Conneaut, Ohio, organized by Jennie Sedmak, May 18, 1935; No. 63, Denver, Colo., organized by Frances Raspet, May 18, 1935; No. 64, Kansas City, Kans., organized by Teresa Cvitkovich, May 25, 1935. I hope you feel proud of these fine branches and never let them down. You can do this by always enrolling more new members to keep your branches alive. Remember, any Catholic or any Nationality can be signed up to be a member of our S.W.U. Compliments to all the active branches who are ready to offer programs to keep their members active and working at all times. Congratulations also extended to all members who were chosen by their branches to be Mother of the Year. This is a great honor and only our S.W.U. does it in this way. I am delighted that Br. 15 in Cleveland, Newburgh, and Br. 41 in Cleveland, Collinwood, Ohio are perking up again. Best wishes to the new officers of these branches. At Br. 15, Antonia Stokar is president and Marie Pabjan is secretary. These women are really going out of their way. I hope Br. 15 members will cooperate with these nice ladies and help them build up the branch again to becoming very active. Br. 41 has a new president, Rose Pujzdar and she tries very hard to accommodate all the members. Their new secretary is Jane Kaplan who also is asking for the members to cooperate. It can be done with good will. So, members, remember your new officers and attend the meetings. Please do. My advice to all is to never stop holding your monthly meetings. This is very important. This is the time and place the interest of the members is built and kept. Your activity will be based on your successful meetings. Cleveland Branches are again planning to attend Zveza Day in Lemont, III. July 20, 1975. This is actually a two day event. Members who attended last year were so delighted, many of them are ready to go again. So, make your reservations early with yours truly for the bus ride and overnight accommodations. You won’t be disappointed. Call me at 481-4710. Ohio State President, Sophie Magayna, is all set for the big Cleveland Combined Branches Bazaar Sept. 21st. at the Holmes Ave. Slovenian National Home. Read up on this in her articles. I want to thank everyone who sent me beautiful get well cards while I was in the hospital for 16 days in February, due to double pneumonia. Your prayers and God’s help pulled me trough this ordeal. Now, I’m feeling better and am ready to start working again. Our deepest sympathy to our members on the loss of their dear ones. Especially are we saddened to lose Mr. Joseph Nemanich, president of KSKJ and our St. Vitus church Pastor, Rev. Rudolph Praznik, To their families, namely, Mrs. Frances Nemanich who mourns her husband and Mrs. Praznik who mourns her only son, our deepest sympathy. Get well wishes to all our sick members and Happy Birthday this nice month of May to all our many celebrants. May God bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN. Golden Anniversary Convention May 23-25,1976 Believe it or not, our Zveza will be 50 years in existence in 1976! It will also be the year of our tri-ennial National Convention. According to the decision of the 1973 Convention in Chicago, it will be held in Pittsburgh, Penna, hosted by Br. 26. The dates that have been set are Sunday, May 23, thru Tuesday, May 25, 1976. The place is the beautiful Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel located on the Golden Triangle of downtown Pittsburgh. State President of Pennsylvania-New-York-Washington, D.C., Mrs. Anna Trontel, and the local committee of Br. 26 have already begun to prepare the program which includes Holy Mass on Sunday at St. Mary Assumption Church, the Grand Banquet that evening and two days’ business sessions at the Hilton Hotel. The above outline was approved by the National Board of Directors at the recent annual meeting, April 21-22, in Chicago. In connection with the Convention, a new Membership Campaign is now immediately in effect, to be concluded March 31, 1976. It is our GOLDEN EMBLEM CAMPAIGN. Everyone is invited to work to increase our membership ranks in honor of this, our Golden Anniversary of Zveza! 52 Members Honored Shortly after I became the Editor of ZARJA, we began Zveza’s annual tribute to Mothers and Members in the May issue. This year, with 52 life stories and photos, we have come to one of the greatest years since the tribute was started in 1953. And, it’s the largest ZARJA, 36 pages, since the Convention issue of 1973. The Founder, National President, Father Claude and many reporters have special thoughts on this subject. We hope you will enjoy reading them, along with the touching poems of Ivan Zupan, who will soon be commemorated on the 25th anniversary of his passing, June, 1950. For interest, we have added several drawings of Emilija Ražman Bucik. The humble biographies contained within will inspire you and awaken feelings of love and pride — in the magnificent contributions our Mothers have made to the present world. May God shower upon them, and all the members of S.W.U., blessings of good health and contentment. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! C.L. ROGENE B. GRABNER AGNES CHERNE i' VIRGINIA SUSTARIGH AGNES ANDROJNA ltl»tlicr — Mom We Love You All! Mati — M a ■■■ a MARY KASTNER Helen miklich Antoinette Zabukovec mary culkar No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. (Zcaehe S. (jtabnet Rogeeie BruJIa Grabner, a member since birth, is Branch No. l's Mother of the Year. She graduated from our Parish's elementary school and Sheboygan High School. She has the loveliest personality and is very popular. For many years she was secretary-recep-tionist for Dr. Joseph F. Kovccic and presently is employed at James Ma dison School as a Teacher's Aid with Mentally Retarded Children. She is a member of SS. Cyril and Methodius School Board while her husband is the Church's Council president. Rogene was married to Anton F. Grabner on May 22, 1954. They have three children. Kathy, the oldest, is graduating from the Sheboygan High School in June and in the fall, will major in Medical technology, at St. Norbert CoHege where she was award ed a Presidential Scholarship of $3,000.00 showing outstanding ability as an excellent student.—Mary Jo will graduate this spring from SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish School. She is known to all our members since she has appeared on Mother Day’s programs for the past 10 years with lovely recitations performed with a smile much to the enjoyment of the audience. She is quite a young lady! — Tom, the youngest in the family, is in third grade of our Parish's school. Rogene and her family are real Zveza boosters! All the children are members as well as her mother, and mother-in-law, sisters, three aunts and her 10 nieces. Rogene is very cooperative in helping out with the programs sponsored by Branch 1. She loves to sew, finding time to make lovely dresses for herself and daughters. To our Mother of the Year and her family we extend our sincere congratulations and the best of wishes for a happy life! MARIE PRISLAND. No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO Helen ttiiklich Our Mother of the Year, Helen Mik-lich was enrolled in Zveza as a child, since her aunt, Frances Glach was a charter member of Br. 3. It was 1929 then, when He!len was 7 years old. -Her birthday is August 2nd and Pueblo is her home town. Helen and her husband-to-be, Edward Miklich set their wedding date on his birthday and the 36th anniversary of her in-laws, June 5th, 1951. This was a triple-headed celebration and one to be remembered forever. The Miklich family is proud of their two daughters, Edlyn, a member since birth, who attends college at the Univ. of Colorado at Boulder. This is her second year. She was a S.W.U. scholarship winner in 1973. Their second daughter, Mary Ann is abo a member since birth and is now a senior in high school, planning to attend college at Southern Colorado State. She will study in the field of Medical Technology. This Mother of the Year is an active fraternal ist, holding many positions cm committes for Br. 3 and other organizations. She does fancy hand work, .loves to cook for her loved ones and bowling is her favorite sport. God b’ess her and all our mothers! No. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. AqweA flhcfrcjha Agnes is a Dolenka, born in S'cvenia back on October 18th, 1903. She was just a little tot when her parents left their village and brought her to this country to live. In her late teens, she married Louis Androjna who passed away 6 years ago. They reared two sons and a daughter, Louis, Jr., Frank and Agnes Brown. The family has expanded to include 6 grandchildren, William and Cindy Brown, David, Mike, Diana and Phillip Androjna. Agnes and her sister, Mary Brown, went to Slovenia in June, 1971 to visit their relatives and spent 3 happy weeks there. She attends all the meetings and enjoys the company of friends. At home, which is at 726 N. Holmes Ave., she tends to a garden and crocheting. She also sings at the Slovenian Mass. Our heartfelt wishes to her. No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO 'JtawceA lit. £pice Mrs. Frances Spice is a native of Bradley, Illinois where she was born cn Sept. 5th, 1915. She and her husband celebrate their wedding anniversary on July 4th. They have three children, a son, David and daughters Donna and Karen. There are 10 grandchildren now. For 15 years, Frances was employed as a dental assitant to a local dentist, a job that she liked very much. She enjoys baby sitting for her grandchildren, and sings with the church choir every Sunday. At Br. 6, she has been recording secretary for a number of years. She is seen on the photo with her mother and husband. All our good wishes to Mrs. Spice —Happy Mother’s Day! m ' -------- No. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. iucia Pahtjar Can you imagine having 32 wonderful grandchildren? It staggers the mind to imagine them all together, or each separate, visiting grandma! Mrs. Pantzer is a lucky grandma, indeed. She came by this glory by having married Ignatz in 1909 and bearing 9 children of their own. Her husband has passed on, since 1951. The family consists of Mrs. Louis (Mary) Volk, Mrs. Frank (Frances) Dutchman, Mrs. Anthony (Agnes) Oven, Mrs. Vincent (Teresa) Saul, Mrs. Leo (Mildred) Groom, Mrs. Anthony (Dorothy) Mihelič, Joseph, a Supreme Officer of KSKJ, Edward and Evelyn. Besides the 32 grandchildren — there are 28 great grandchildren! The home of Mother Lucia is at 245 Delaware St. right in Forest City. There she does quilting, gardening and baking good bread. She was born on Dec. 14, 1891 at Čatež pod Zaplasam, in Slovenia and came to the U.S. a year before she married. Altho she was never an officer of Br. 7, she has been a good member and all of us wish her all the best — she’s an exceptional lady. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Ckrtitihe Sc^ance Christine Boyance, although a new member of the Slovenian Women’s Union, is as enthusiastic and active in this group as in all her undertakings. Altho a young mom, she understands the Slovenian language and speaks it beautifully to bridge the generation gap between younger and older members. She is a loyal member of three church choirs and also volunteers to help in other areas at St. Rita's church in West Allis, Wisconsin. Her daughter, Beverly Marineilo says "To me, every year she has FRANCES SPICE WITH HER MOTHER, GRANDSONS, JASON & DOMINIC MRS. IENNIE O/liOET AND HUSBAND. MARINELLO WITH GRANDMA DWIGHT. been Mother of the Year for what she gives to me and my children: constant love and encouragement. We love you, Mom!” Here are a few bits of information about Mrs. Boyance. She was born Feb. 4, 1917 at Calumet, Michigan. On Sept. 3, 1946, she married Joseph Boyance and their two children are Ellen Jo Boyance and the afore- mentioned Beverly — also she has two grandsons, Jason and Dominic Ma rinello with whom she is seen on the photo in this issue. She is an avid knitter and keeps her hands going with all sorts of pro-;ccts. Mr. & Mrs. Boyance recently celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary and spent three weeks traveling in Europe, mainly to visit her mother's homeland in Slovenia, Yugoslavia. She has enrolled many member.-, of her family in Br. 12. We can only add “Amen” to her daughter’s tribute and send along a'l c; r best wishes, too. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Virginia £uAtarich Virginia is the sister of the Piesi-c’ont of Br. 13, Josephine Aiuto and aunt of the Treasurer, Michele Seril f’nd Secretary, Moreen Susterich. He: sister, Helen, is also a member. One cf their staunchest members of the branch was her mother, Mrs. Katie Judnich who passed away in January, 1972. Theie are others among the nvrrrbeis who a related to Virginia — all one big happy Zveza family that We are very proud of. She was born and raised on Po-trero Hill in hilly San Francisco. Nov. 1st, 1924 is the birth date she cele- CH brstes each year. Another date is Sept. 21, 1947 — the day she said I DO to Rudolph (Rudy) Susterich.. They have a daughter and two sens: Ann is 23 and a student at S^n Francisco State University, a member of Br. 13, too. Mark is 20 years cf age and a student at S.F. State also while 17 year old son, J'ohn, is a senior at George Washington high school. Virginia is always interested in neighborhood projects and is on the Board of Directors of Slovenian Hall. MII,I,IF. I.IPNOS with her Woman of the Year 1 ?>74 Award RI STINE BOYANCE. She is also the treasurer of the Slovenian American Fraternal and Beneficial Society of S.F. at Br. 13, she was financial secretary for 5 years, a sentinal and is now auditor for the second time as is her niece, Doreen Susterich. By this information, one can see that she is a wiWing participant in this kind of work. She claims membership in S.W.U. for 30 years. All these golden activities have made her beloved by her sisters and wel'-deserving this recognition as Mother of the Year. —■ <—■------------------------------ No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Antoinette 'Jabukctfec We love to read the reports of our many branches and each reporter has a certain style of writing her news. One of them is our Mother of the Ye*.r, Antoinette (Tonchi) Zab::kov:c who has been writing for Br. 14 for the past two years. This is a good time to compliment Tonchi and all our other reporters for doing such a masterful jcb of reporting and assembling the news of their branches. Tonchi is the Mother of a daughter, Joyce and unjoys bowling, sewing and singing with the Dawn Choral Group of Cleveland. Their concert successes prove that these ladies can reaMy sing! A few years ago, she became intovested in the work of the J'_nior Baton Twirlers in Cleveland and assumed the roe of their director two years ago. This involves many hours cf weekly rehearsal and coordinating these children also in performance schedules. It takes a dedicated kind of person to do this, and Tonchi fits that description to a tee! MARY SANKER We hope she will enjoy her hobbies, traveling and being at home at 215 E. 328th St. for decades more! She and her hubby, Joe, will be married 27 years this month on the 8th. Hearty wishes! No. 16, So. CHICAGO, ILL. fyheJ Cketne Our honored Mother of the Year for 1975 is Mrs. Agnes Cherne who was unanimously elected by the membership at the February meeting. Mrs. Cherne was born in Gorenja Vas, Fara Mirna, Dolenjska on January 21, 1888. She arrived in South Chicago on May 31, 1912 and was married to John Zupančič on June 30, 1912. They were blessed with 4 children in this marriage, Frank, John, Olga and William. Her husband passed away in 1928 and in 1942 she married Frank Cherne who passed away in 1959. She has 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Her life has not been an easy one having suffered several tragedies and she endured a lot of hard work, but she will always greet you with a happy smile and a cheerful word. For many years she resided at 9757 Avenue M, but in 1969 her youngest son, Willy, lost his wife and was left with 2 young daughters. Mrs., Cherne moved in with her son’s family in Lansing, Illinois and assumed the duties of managing the home for the family at the age of 81. She tells me one of the happiest days of her life was when she saw one of Willy's daughters married last November. Her hobbies are crocheting, cooking and sewing; in fact, all of the homemaking qualities that are responsible for rearing the good families CHRISTINE ZI VODER that our Slovenian Mothers are noted for. And now for some of the S.W.U. part of her life — you might say that Branch No. 16 was born in her home because the very first meeting was held there on February 22, 1928 with 15 members in attendance. The meetings continued to be held in hei home for quite some time until they were moved to St. George’s Church Hall where they are still held today. At that first meeting she was elected the President and she held that title for 2 years. Her next office was that of Treasurer which she held for 4 years. Before moving to Lansing, she attended meetings regularly and faithfully supported all Branch No. 16 sponsored events. We hope our Mother of the Year will be blessed with good health so that we will have the honor of having her present at our 50th Anniversary celebration in 1978 since she is the only living Charter Member in our branch. GLADYS. K. BUCK Secretary. No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. fflatij HaA thet As a member oT the community residing at St. Camillus Health Center in Wauwatosa, Mary Kastner has endeared herself to all. Altho confined to a wheelchair due to a painful arthritic condition, she makes all sorts of creative items for their gift shop and recently was spotlighted in their house publication. Here is an excerpt from that story which tells us JACKIE RUKAVINA a lot about Mother of the Year, Mary Kastner. Writer is Christine Wussow. Mary Kastner was bom January 24, 1902 in a part of Austria which is now Yugoslavia. She was the eldest of Anna and Joseph Somrak’s family of six. Forty-four years ago on October 28, 1920, Mary’s family who already had settled in America, sent to Austria for her to join them. She arrived in New York, a stranger to the big city, speaking not a word of English. She then moved to Springfield, III., were she took a job as a maid for four years. During the time she was employed there, a girlfriend invited her to come to live in West Allis. She did, and it was there she met her husband, Joseph Kastner. On June 12, 1926, Mary Somrak became Mrs. Joseph Kastner. Joe had a job at a grocery store and the newly-wedded Kastners spent some of their married life living above the store. During their early years together, Mary worked in a lock shop and later became a "housemother” in the Kastner home and rooming house. Mary was busy by this time with two small sons, Ed and Art and a part-time job renting out rooms, which was often done in those days. After the boys had grown, Mrs. Kastner went back to her original occupation as a maintenance maid at the old Nathan Ha!e High School, where she worked for nine years. Now a new field of interest ha3 entered Mary’s life. She has found a place in the world of artistic ability. Mrs. Kastner and her artwork can be found in the Recreation Therapy De- ANGELA JAMNIK MITZI MOHORKO MARY ANN EVANISH partment each afternoon or anytime on our first floor, if you are interested in an honest, yet warm-hearted conversation. We would just add that her son, Edwin is an officer of the Wisconsin State Medical Society of Milwaukee County and son, Arthur is owner of the Kastner Insurance Agency. She has 8 grandchildren. Back in 1936 to 39 she participated as an officer of Br. 17, following that with a period of service from 1941 and 1945, even as a delegate to several conventions. She is still a strong supporter of S.W.U. We pray God blesses this exemplary Mother with happiness and contentment in a most fulfilling lifetime. No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Jennie 'Jupec Eveleth is a community where our Zveza began in its earliest days. Many of the members are still with us and we hope the younger daughters and granddaughters will join forces to keep alive the glowing spirit of officers like Mary Lenich, Rose Jerome and others of the pioneers. We heartily salute the new officers, among them Mrs. Jennie Zupec, treasurer and this year, Mother of the Year. Mrs. Zupec is a native Minnesotan, altho she lived in Barberton, Ohio for 16 years with her second husband. She is the mother of a son, Walter Sustarich and daughter Margaret (Sus-tarich) Lenich who were born during her first marriage. Margaret was the daughter-in-law of the late Anton Lenich. It was the hope of all the family that grandma and grandpa, Mary and Anton Lenich would live to see the day grandson, Michael got married, but, alas it was not possible as God took them both within a short time, just months before the wedding. Mrs. Zuipec is the treasurer of Br. 19. She also was chairman of the 1974 Minnesota Zveza Day which came at a time when the branch was hard pressed for new officers and workers to carry on after losing Mrs. Lenich. But, she did a masterful job, and had the help and cooperation of many members. She is a good cook and loves to crochet and sew, activities which keep her busy during the long Minnesota winters. Her home is at 526£ Hayes St., and her birthday faHs on Nov. 17th. There are four grandchildren to complete the family. Our heartiest best to Mrs. Zupec and thanks for her spirit and work for Br. 19. No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Jehhie Htall Adlesic in Bela Kranjina was the birthplace of Jennie Gabrijan just 84 years ago this coming July. Her parents’ tavern on Sunday afternoons was the scene of much get together-ness and relaxation from the week’s labors for town and country folk alike. It was at home that Jennie learned the art of baking; long loaves of their own-baked bread were offered with the wine and other beverages. Perhaps it was here that she met her future husband Matt Krall, also from Adlesic, who after service in the Austrian army left for the States in 1912. Jennie came to the States in 1913 when she was 22 and a year later she was married to Matt at St. Josephs in Joliet by the late pastor Rev. John Kranjec. Of the marriage there were four children — Mary Plankar, Frances Kimak of Naperville, Bernice Scuteri and one son Eddie, who passed away eleven years ago. Birthdays of the children and their offsprings — 8 grandsons, 2 granddaughters, 1 greatgrandson and 1 gneatgrand-daughter — are occasions for family get-togethers. Reading, gardening and baking are her principal hobbies. When the family was young she sewed for her own children, friends and neighbors. Her two eldest daughters had identical confirmation dresses, which she made as well as the First Communion dresses for her eldest daughter and daughter’s classmate Katherine Via-sich Pavnica, whose mother also came from Adlesic. She learned to drive a car in the early 1930’s; and drove until eight years ago or around her 75th birthday. Jennie enjoyed her first air flight in 1972 to Florida. And in the following year she joined the charter grou'p which flew to the dedication of the Immaculate Conception Slovenian shrine in Washington, D. C. Our 1975 Mother has held no office in the branch; yet both she and her husband Matt who died fifteen years ago worked at the branch’s picnics, banquets and Zveza Days. Throughout the branch’s existence the products of her kitchen were and are enjoyed at our meetings and affairs. J'ennie has held offices in St. Joseph's church Altar and Rosary Society, St. Genevieve’s KSKJ and St. Cecilias of the Holy Family Society. Mrs. Krall, whose home is at 1265 Hickory, was the middle child of five children. Her oldest brother died in Slovenia in 1972 and two years later her youngest sister also in Slovenia. A brother Michael lives in Long Beach, California, while another brother Rudolph lives in St.. Louis, Missouri. The latter’s wife Theresa is president of branch No. 46. God bless our loving mother and a great lady! “<7 . ./... / >krjcinchi of /—.1 MR. & MRS. GEORGE VV. (ROSALIE) BROWN ve z ti Ten of the Mothers of the Year honored in this issue of ZARJA are ladies who participate in chc al singing, either in their churches or in community groups. They are Lucia Pantzar, Agnes Androjna,, Nežka Gaber, Frances Spice, Scphie G’oga., Christine Boyance, Antoinette Zabukovec a member of DAWN CHORAL GROUP of Cleveland, Millie Lip-nos PLANINA, Mary Culkar of TRIGLAV and Josephine Susel. This unusual co-incidcnce came to light as the Editor was preparing the stories of our Mothers for publication. This is the first year in memcry thr.t we have had so many singers among our Chosen Moihers. May they continue to brighten the lives of all their audiences as song is one of the pleasures of life and especially enriching to Slovenians who are known for their love of choral singing. No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO ifiatif Ranker Mary Sanker was selected to represent Br. 21 of Cleveland, West Park, as Women of the Year! Her birthday place is Cleveland Ohio on March 10, 1907, the daughter of the late Julia and Joseph Sankor. She joined our organizatien in 1941, thirty four years ago. Mary Sanker is a good member, giving of her time, willing, helping out at all affairs. She also has been consistent in her attendance at the monthly meetings. The members wish her the heartiest good luck and haippiness. God bless her for many, many years to come. REPORTER. and extend to her, one of their outstanding members, long life and happiness on this special day and always. No. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. fflarqatet Planton The 9th of 14 children, bom to Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Spreitzer in Ely, Minnesota, is Margaret Planton. Her ■sister Mary, is the oldest in the family and has been a member of the same branch for many years. Margaret came to Bradley when her husband left for the service in 1942 during World War II and has lived there ever since. But each year she visits Minnesota to see relatives and friends. Her two daughters era Darlene Arnold and Dcnna Lamie and she has three grandchildren whom she enjoys very much. Sewing and crocheting are her favorite occupations, besides gardening and reading. She looks forward to the branch meetings and being with all her friends once a month. The members love her No. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO CkriAtihe 'JiUcdlet We have a member whoro hobby is FRATERNALISM! That’s a most de-sireable and admirable hobby! Thanks to her for guiding it toward her work with Zveza. Christine Zivoder is the secretary of Br. 25, is the protege cf Mary Otoničar and is keeping a fine coordinated group of members in Cleveland. She was their vice-president for some years, too. Everyone knows she loves to visit the sick and ailing, and to help people, that's why she’s a good secretary. Chris was bom on June 10th, 1910 at Cleveland where she has lived ail her life. Since 1963 she has been married to Frank Zivoder and has a step son, Frank, Jr. and one grandchild. This year she celebrated her 51st year anniversary of employment at Central Lithograph Co. That’s some kind of record! Her home is at 106S E. 67th St., near St. Clair, that great street of Cleveland known from coast to coast. It keeps her in the center of activities in and around St. Vitus parish, too. She is a member cf the parish Altar Society as well as being a member of a nearby church, S;. Phi'ip Neri and of their Ladies Guild. St. Catherine Lodge of Western Slsvonic Association is another of her interests se:ving as their president. Chris thinks nothing cf driving all over town, seeing peop'c end doing things for others. We knew God will bless her for this type of humanitarian work which she loves. No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Angeline (Angie) VeAelic Angie’s birthday cake on the photo with her husband, Nick shows four cradles, three for the past, present and future and one for good luck. She will soon be celebrating another birthday on July 29th of which this photo is a reminder. Angie and family live at 5236 Duncan St. in Pittsburgh, the same town where she was born in 1908. The Veselics have a sea, Robert Francis, who lives in California and daughter, Rose Marie Woods in Pittsburgh., They have seven grandchildren. This year, they observed their 46th wedding anniversary on April 25th. Angie is an avid "B” player, just loves it — and she loves to travel, too. She does arts and crafts and knitting indoors while tend'ing to her flowers keeps her busy in the summer. She is treasurer of the KSKJ' lodge for 35 years and is a very wil ing worker for Br. 26, S.W.U. Sincere wishes for a v„ry Happy Mothers Day! No. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Anna Hlcl/ucarich An officer of Br. 28 is Anna Kio-buearich, Mother of the Year for 1975. She is their recording secretary for the past 11 years. By keeping their good records, she performs a very good deed for the Branch and attends all their meetings and functions to shew her loyalty. She is a native of Calumet since June 23, 1912. She has four children and 9 grandchildren and her husband is new deceased. (Continued on page 10) ANG IF VESFLIC ANI) HUSl.AND, NICK THE TIJSHARS, MARY & JOHN (j rancln by THERESA STRLE, {ranama Junior Member, Branch 20 Her cries are not heard by anyone For she keeps them hidden away She's happy when you’re happy She’s always in a mood for yon She’ll help you on your way She’s a prophet of the Lord A gray day never comes She teaches a better way. her way. She’s life She’s love She’s beautiful. She alone holds the key To the happiness of the world By the love she gives to me. JOSEPHINE PERIJSEK, AND EAMII.Y: DAUGHTER, CAROI. COPP SON, RILL, GRANDSONS. MILL (GRADUATE) AND TIM AND GR \NDDAUGH PER, KIMPERLV COPP. SOPHIE Sc El) GOGA With her friends, she enjoys playing cards and going to the neighborhood “B” games. Her home is at 114 5th St. in Calumet. To their loyal officer, the members extend best wishes on this happy occasion. No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Ijtarif TuAhar Mary and Ijhn Tushar 100k like they ere a very happy couple, from the accompaying photo. They are married 48 years as of January 26th. Mary comes from Moon Run, Pennsylvania where she was bom March 5, 1910. The Tushar’s family includes a daughter, Elizabeth now Mrs. Charles Pinney, son Raymond and another daughter, Marylyn who is Mrs. Lewis Valentine. They have 11 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. When asked about her favorite occupations, she immediately said: baking which the family must like to hear about. She also spends her leisure time covering metal hangars with rug yarn and giving them away as gifts. She tends to a large garden and likes her flowers especially. Both Mr. & Mrs. Tushar are active in the Senior Center of their area and enjoy group outings. Family birthdays and anniversaries are frequently celebrated with such a large family. They live at 2262 Larchmont Dr. in Wick-liffe, Ohio.. She is a willing and active member, donating all the time and taking part in the branch’s activities. To this ideal member, and ideal mother, too, our best wishes! ■*» ■—. »------------------------ No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. Jackie (ZukaViha With three children in the teen and pre-teen years, Jackie Rukavina is a busy mother. Robert, 16, and Mark, 12 keep her active in Boy Scouting as does Julie, 14, in school functions. Jackie is a very good mother and very good homemaker. She is also a part-time employee at Shoppers City. With her husband, Robert, whom she married March 16, 1957, they maintain their family home at 416 98th Ave. West in Duluth. She was born in the twin city of Superior on Oct. 16, 1929. She loves to sew, knit and bake while tending to her family at home. She is the secretary and treasurer of Br. 33 since 1970. This means she contributes much time and to their programs as Br. 33 is a very energetic group. JENNIE KRALL, a strudel expert She is the eldest of 11 children herself, having 8 sisters and 2 brothers. As a convert ot the Catholic Church she feels it her duty to work hard in the parish. This are all pluses that make the community better because of her. Our honor and respect that goes with the title Mother of the Year, to J'ackie Rukavina! No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Angela Jamih Mrs. Joseph Jamnick (nee Angela Koprivnik) was chosen as MOTHER OF THE YEAR for 1975 from Branch No. 34. She was born in Ely, Minnesota on May 10, 1918. She came to Soudan to live following her marriage to Joseph Jamnick in St. Antony’s Catholic Church there in Ey on October 19, 1940. To their union five children were bom, Janet, Joseph Jr., Nancy, Frank and John. Janet is married to William Hill and they live in Britt, Minnesota and have 4 children, Sherri, Nancy, Michael and Bonnie. Her husband William is a Construction worker. Nancy is married to Frederick Ka> lio, and they live in Two Harbors, Minnesota and have 3 children, Cari, Brian and Renee. Mr. Kallio is a school teacher in Two Harbors. Frank Jamnick is married to the former Nancy LaKoskey of Tower, Minn. They live in Soudan, have 2 children, Alesia and Jolene. Frank is employed at Erie Mining Company at Hoyt Lakes, Minn. Joseph lives at home and works for Reserve Mining Company at Babbitt, Minnesota and John, who also lives at home works at Erie Mining Company at Hoyt Lakes. Their father Joseph passed away on March 16, 1973. He had worked at the Soudan Mine until its closing in 1962, then transferred to the Ely Mine until its closing, and untiil his retirement worked for Kainz Logging Company at Winton when ill health caused him to retire.. Angela has been a member of Branch No. 34 for 22 years and though she didn’t hold any office is active in ad I endeavors of our Branch and attends meetings regularly. Her interests are amid her children and grandchildren. While her husband was living they enjoyed fishing on Lake Vermilion near McKinley Park where they have a small summer home, and where all the family gathers for summer picnics and cookouts and to enjoy fishing and swimming. Branch No. 34 salutes our MOTHER OF THE YEAR and we wish her many years of happiness with her lovely family — and with us in SWI activities. BARBARA YAPEL, Reporter. No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO ftiarif fan CtfahiA in her own words, Mother of the Year Mary Evanish says: "I have always been interested in the S.W.U. and helped whenever I could. Been a member for 40 years! “As many retired people, my husband and I moved from Lorain to Fontana, California (and I transferred my membership to Br. 100). We lived there 13 years until my husband passed away when I decided to return to Lorain and re-joined my old branch. In California we loved it, had a vegetable and f.ower garden and enjoyed life to the fullest. If he lived these last 6 years we would have reached our 63rd wedding anniversary.” Mary’s four sons and 7 grandchildren are her family, besides having 8 great grandchildren! One of her sons, Joseph and his wife celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary last fall and another, Edward, just cele- brated his 30th. Other sons are Anthony and Gilbert. Now how "young” can Mother of the Year Mary Evanish be? She’s 86 years, having celebrated this birthday last March 22. She lives in this country since 1906 and shorty afterward, married her beloved late husband. Having such a record of living makes Matv one of our most outstanding mothers this year. May God bless her and enrich her with good health for many years to come. JEAN TOMSIC, “Potica Queen” No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO ftitdwd iipMA Millie is very active in branch and community work and has brought in quite a few new members in her time. She is always willing to help and is always really an indispensible worker as she is so pleasant to be with. As the manager of the Slovenian National Home Clubroom, she has the personality to go with the job! ‘Millie was bom in Cleveland and is now a widow with a family of two children and 5 grandchildren. Her daughter is Marilyn Lonardo and son, Louis Lipnos. Her home is at 5087 Miller Ave. in Maple Hgts. but she’s never there! She's at the Clubroom or attending rehearsals for Planina, a singing society of which she is an active member. She has a lovely singing voice. She is a staunch member of 34 years. Her mother, Mrs. Theresa Glavic, was the organizer of Br. 42. She has been Secretary, Vice-President and Recording Secretary at various times spanning those years. As the photo shows, Millie was elected as Slovenian Woman of the Year from the Maple Hgts., Slovenian National Home last year. A very devoted woman, mother and friend is Millie Lipnos. God love her for it. -------^ — m --------- No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. ftfitji Ijtcbtkc A jolly person who is enthusiastic about everything she does, is Mother of the Year, Mitzi Mohorko who is a native Millwaukeean. She and her husband, John make their home at !714 W. Windlake Ave. for their four sons, John, Dick, Joe and Al. They have six grandchildren. Much could be said about Mitzi. She likes all sports including bowling, baseball, football and also crochets, dl°es artex painting, sewing, cooking a|nd works as a spot welder at Briggs ar>d Stratton Corp. Weekends in the summer are her favorite as the family gathers at their appreciate Alice’s work in this regard. lake cottage to enjoy the outdoors together. Mitzi has been the Vice-President of Br. 43 for three years and often serves on the lunch committee. Her birthday is Nov. 17th and she has been married 37 years as of last April. Her photo was taken at her youngest son’s wedding. All the members join in wishing Mitzi a wonderful Mother's Day! No. 45, PORTLAND, ORE /tlice Vidah The members of our far western branch at Portland have chosen their Vice-President to represent them in this annual feature. Alice Vidan is a long standing member, active in lodge work and interested in keeping alive the traditions and customs of the Slovenian and Yugoslav people. She has a terrific personality, according to her friends, and is especially thoughtful of the elderly people, doing a lot for them. She entertains and trys to show others the ways of our peop'e which make them different from others. Her ethnic spirit is very alive and eager. The members feel this is an impor-tant part of living today and She is the wife of Michael Vidan to whom she was married Nov. 6, 1938 as a 20 year old girl. They have two sons, Michael and Richard and two grandchildren, Stephanie Elizabeth and Michael Vidan, III. She loves to work in her garden, and we’re sure she must have lots of beautiful roses as Portland is known as the City of Roses. Their home address even has a flower for its name, 2017 S.W. Marigold St. A happy, happy day to this lovely mother! ~~ -<»> ■ ^_______________ No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Antoinette Jaith We in St. Louis are happy to have Antoinette Faith as our Member of the Year. Antoinette is the daughter of Eva Hozja-k who is a long-time merrier of Zveza and is a sister of Marie Gartner, another member. She is active in our group having participated m many of our functions. Her past-time activities include sewing and church work. Antoinette’s husband is recently eceased and she lives at 4017 Blow Ave. Her birthday is April 21st, being bom and raised in St. Louis. She is a very appreciated member of the branch who add: "Congratulations to a wonderful person!" No. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO A musical family is a happy family! So it seems to Mary Culkar who has devoted much of her Kfe to the enjoyment of music, her own personal happiness. Mary and her four children, sons Frank, Ronald and John and daughter, Mary Ann Drobnich all belong to singing society Triglav as do her litt.e graddaughters, Sharon and Mary Lou. Oftentimes, Mary and her children perform in solo or duet singing at the concerts.. All in all, Mary nas 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Her sister members are most proud that their Chosen Mother has such ded,c^on to the |odge gnd {h€ cu; Grand/ **** °f C,eve|a"d. Granddaughter, Mary Lou Culkar was an S.W.U. Debutante at the second Cotillion and now serves as a member of the S.W.U. Junior League. We all enjoyed reading the comments of our Mother of the Year in Zaria after the last Cotillion. Because of her this vTaSmHf0: the yOUng' Br' 47 ment T an inCreaSe "iron- S nrn? the new memt*r3 are uj* ? nan'Ce Culkar and mother Helen and Debra Flak and her mom Irene. ANTOINETTE FAITH MAYME SPORICH Mary soon expects to retire from her factory job and then, the members hope she will have a little more time to join them socially as they love her company. They hope their wishes are fulfilled and say to Mary: “We wish you from our hearts good health and happiness. Heartfelt greetings and may God bless you for many years!” ----------— i » of projects for Nursing Homes and Hospital (Gray Ladies) and also cooperate with the wellknown American Jugoslav Club which is dedicated to the preservation of Slovenian culture and tradition. We honcr Branch No. 23 and the DAWN CLUB for its spirit, enthusiasm and accomplishments! Br. 23, Ely, Minnesota, OFFICERS AND CHARTER MEMBERS pictured at their 40th anniversary party in 1968. They are from left, standing: Theresa Koschak, Katherine Grahek, both past presidents, Barbara Rosandich, secretary and National Auditor, the late Mary Shikonja who was treasurer and Mary Presherin, recording secretary. Seated are: Mary Gornik and Katherine Slogar, past presidents and Katherine Kapsch, all three charter members. A very happy Mother’s Day greeting to all of you wonderful mothers! I hope some day to meet all of the nice members of Br. 10. Hope you are all remembered by your loved ones. May the gcod Lord bless and keep you healthy. Our branch is having a Mass said for all living Mothers some time 'n May at St. Mary’s church on Ho'mes Ave., Coltinwood. You will see it in the bulletin., For the Mother of the Year, 1975, we have selected Mrs. Jennie Asscg, who is a real lady. For many years she and her husband, John, had a grocery store near the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Congratulations to Mrs. Asseg and we will help her celebrate on our May meeting, May 4th. The March meeting was well-at-tended and with the nice weather coming aicng, I’m sure we’ll have more ladies present. One of our members, Jennie Koren was 91 years old. You wouldn’t believe it! She is still so spry and very seldom misses a meeting. A true member! We had quite a few ladies celebrating in March. May hat is off to Jennie Koren! We are having our State Convention of all Combined Branches of Cleveland and Michigan on May 25th, 1975. We will help Br. 42 celebrate their 45th anniversary at the same time. Isn’t it nice that they will have us? This will be held at the Slovenian National Home, 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Hgts., Ohio. Our convention will be at 10:30 a.m., then we can all go to church at St. Wenceslas, Libby Road. Banquet will be at 1:30 p.m. and after that, music and dancing. Mrs. Mildred Lipnos is their Mother of the Year and she will be honored then. I also want to tell you, the Cleveland branches will hold a Bazaar on Sept. 21st, 1975 at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. That will be a good day for all you ladies to come and visit us and get acquainted. Get well wishes go to all who are ailing. ! wish I could visit you all in person. Once again. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! SOPHIE MAGAYNA. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Our March meeting was well-attended and started out just great. As we walked into the hall, there was the table all set up with Easter decoration with two huge bunnies extending their arms to welcome everyone. A real treat! We should have had a camera there, too. Sophie Stampfel got Mary Starich to take her home for one, but we’re not too sure the pictures will turn out well. After the usual prayer and roi: call, committee reports were all taken care of; we discussed the future card party, but no set date was decided on. Tours also were discussed with no definite decision cn that either. So, we're still open for discussion next month. Try to come as you’re really missing something if you aren’t there. It was good to see Mrs. Alpner as she had spent ten days in the hospital and felt good enough to even bake strudel for our luncheon. Anne Meier baked a cake, Jo Wilhelm prepared cole slaw and jeHo dish, the Twins even colored some eggs as well as made each of us a bunny face on a styrofoam egg along with a litt'.e cup of jelly beans. All these goodies we were abie to take come after eating up the fried chicken, potatoe salad etc. Regular banquet again, thanks to the goodness of the Twins, Anne and Jo, Stavia Dobersek, Mary Starich and Mary Evanich who all helped with the lunch and generous Mrs. Ceri who donated money towards it as well as LaVeme Korpnik who donates but never seems to get in on the lunches! Hope you make it at least once, La Verne! How about the rest of our members? We’d like to have you join us! Several games were played after the luncheon. Please report all sick members to Mary Evanich and any member who goes to a nursing home, etc. We planned to send Easter greetings to all known members and will try to resume visiting them again. MARY DEZMAN. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA The sweeping fragrance of spring is like a flowered valley after a rain. Perhaps that is why the month of May is designated for Mother’s Day. Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to all our gracious members. This issue of Zarja will contain an article on our Mother-of-the-Year Brunch honoring Mrs. Virginia Sustarich. Our April meeting was interesting as well as enjoyable. We exchanged thoughts and ideas on various upcoming activities such as our Pot Luck Dinner.. At the close of our meeting we sang Happy Birthday to my dear mother, Ana Kambick. We also send birthday greetings to Ann Stich and my cousin, Olga Kambick who share birthdays in March. We wish them all the good things, large and small and then to hope the year ahead will be the nicest kind one that brings ful- fillment of the plans they have in mind! Our lovely Vice-President, Mrs. Anna Fabian prepared a Crumple Topped Appleasauce Pie for our social. The recipe is in the March issue of Zarja. It was delicious and enjoyed by all! We send get well wishes to Doris Lovrin, our Financial Secretary. We wish Doris a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing her real soon; we miss her at our meeting. Branch No. 13 wishes to extend our deepest sympathy to our dear sister members, Rose Scoff, our State President, Katherine Lampe and Margaret Fager in the loss of their beloved sister, Agnes Lampe. In thinking of your sister’s life and the fine things she has done one knows that such a loss as this must be a heavy one but may your memories of her help to comfort you somehow and be a source of needed strength that will sustain you now. A number of our members are now living in Nursing Homes. We send our warmest greetings to them and we want them to know they are always in our thoughts and prayers. Due to vacation there will be no meetings for the months of July and August and so our social for June is going to be a bit out of the ordinary. We have decided on a Cheese and Wine Tasting Party. We feel this will be a special gathering as we will not meet again until the first Thursday of September. Friendship is the Melody of Life’s Song, whose tune is not complete until we all sing along. Hope to see all of you at our next meeting. JACQUELINE LOWE, Reporter. -------m ■ ^---------- No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Once again, it is a death that brings me back in print, a dear friend and devoted person. Our dear sister Helen Butala passed away February 21, 1975. This loss will be felt by many. Helen, a dear and devoted friend of my Mom’s was loved and respected by all who knew her. She and her sister Frances Schneller Sankovioh attended our functions always together. It will b® most difficult for Frances as she is not well and in need of the love of her sister. Helen had been ill for sometime but able to get around and enjoy her dear family; daughters, Josephine Bradshaw, Frances Rinaldi, Rose Mul-linix and her very sweet six grandchildren. This is a real together family, Helen a perfect Mother and Grandmother is a wonderful model for her children, in fact for her entire family. Making-Tasting-" * / '0,1 Slovenian style delicate KROFE were the specialty of the day at Br. 2 Chicago’s bake sale on Palm Sunday. A dozen workers made 1000 krofe that day and the editor’s camera caught them in the act —from left to right, Nežka Gaber, Rezka Marčič, Jennie Kitz, Millie Paisoli, Marija Kranjec and Cindy Kranjec. The success of this event proved that Slovenian kitchen products are still the most popular as well as delicious. I attended her wedding as a child and throughout the years have never known Helen to cause any gossip or any unkindness for anyone, it was a nea4 pleasure to spend time in her very delightful company. A ready smile awaited all who were in her company. The loss of her husband Pete caused Helen untold grief as they were so devoted and I remember while they walked together he would reach out and hold her hand, this impressed me as it was not the habit of the times. There are many friends awaiting Helen in Heaven as she made a friend of all who knew her, May Paradise be a place of complete happiness for you Helen as you leave much happiness behind with your sweetness and consideration. May God keep you all well. FRAN E. CHIODO. No. 14 EUCLID, OHIO Ouir April meeting was well attended and we had reports read about the activities of various things we discussed at the last meeting. Plans were made for our May meeting which is the combined celebration of Three Month Birthday Party and Mother of year party. The Mother of the Year is yours truly, Antoinette Zabukovec — and I am very appreciative of this honor. Be sure to circle the date of Sept. 16, 1975 on your calendar — this is the date of our Vanity Fair being held at Euclid Clubhouse. Mrs. M. Maurich was in the hospital for a check-up; hope it wasn't anything serious. We are reminded to to keep our ill members in mind and pray for them, especially Vida Kuhar who is in Shangri-La Rest.-home. It was nice to see our Mrs. Cebulj and Mrs. Baron at our meeting — since they both were on our sick list, recently. Happy to see you back and feeling better. We wish to thank all our members who donated monies to our Sunshine Fund, Goodtime Fund and Treasury. In closing, may God bless you and keep you healthy. Happy Mother’ Day to all. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter. ■ ^ ■ m-------- No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. It was like a fresh breath of Spring to see the nice group of members at our March meeting. President, Jean Bukvich installed her newly elected Vice-president, Helen Gornick, Recording Secretary, Phillis Peirko and Auditor, Mary Priesol. It was decided to hereafter hold our annual election in November. The Auditor’s report was read by Mary Priesol and Gladys Buck gave a final report on the success of our Games Party. The membership voted to donate $100.00 of the proceeds to St. George’s Church. Josephine Kani and Dorothy Perko were the lucky winners of our Sunshine Club. March birthdays were celebrated by Mary Brebrick, Mary Fugina, Antonia Krese, Virginia Matesavac, Mary Primožič, Mary Puterko and Julia Vrlich. Happy Birthday ladies and thank you for the delicious refreshments. Best wishes and congratulations to Christine Krai who was married to Joseph Tomasik on February 8th. Christine, with her sisters Mary Rago and Dolores Franko, sister-in-law Andrea Krai and niece Marian Franko made up our bowling team for this year’s tournament we hope to hear their report at our April meeting. Ouir annual chicken dinner this year will be held at the Jovial Club, 9615 Commercial Avenue on May 21st at 6 p.m. Ladies who have attended six or more meetings in 1974 will be entitled to a reduced rate on their dinner. This year 36 members are eligible. Hope to see you all there. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter. No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Our March meeting was very interesting and many bowlers who bowled in the "Jo Sumic Bowling Tournament" were present. No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. The following is our wish to Mary Menart, our secretary of Br. 19: BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS God bless your birthday With favors rare, And keep you always In His kind care. God give you daily His blessings anew ... May His goodness always Abide with you. Mary celebrated her birthday April 14th and so, this belated wish is sent with our love and thanks for all her good work. She had the task of taking over after our beloved secretary, Mary Lenich passed away. Mrs. Menart gave her energy and spirit into this work and we are very appreciative. So, Happy Birthday, once again. CATHERINE POLLAK, President. The members whose names were Josephine were specially congratulated on their namesdays. It was too bad Jo Sumic could not be with us, and we missed her! But we did not forget the wonderful welcome the bowlers gave her at the tournament and honored her for giving so much of her time and energy to the organization, and bowling association. She was surprised to receive the beautiful red roses and "plague” which consisted of a framed tribute and enlarged photo, plus all the other honors that went with it. Everyone was so happy to see her again after many months absence. The tournament turned out to be one of the best. The officers and members who had so much to their credit were photographed. It was a day not to be forgotten. At the meeting, president, Emma Planinšek thanked all the faithful workers who as usual, gave their time to the different committees, helping in the kitchen with Mrs. Planinšek, selling tickets and donating the many prizes. The names of those who brought baked goods and other items were read at the meeting. Again, many thanks to all of you and God bless you. And, our thanks to friend and parishioner, newly ordained, Rev. David Stalcer who spent all afternoon with us. He is now assigned to Westmont, Ml. Also, with him was his mother, our member. Other guests included the Jevitz’s, our editor, Corinne, Bowling Association officers, Lil Putzel, Rose Kraemer of Milwaukee with a large group, our SWU vice-pres., Marie Floryan and Auditor, Marion Marolt with their large group from West Allis and many others. Olga Ancel, our seoretary, read the full report of the financial standing and the names of the lucky members were Mrs. Mayme Atland, $50.00, Mrs. Catherine Putrich, $25.00 end Mrs. Fannie Petrovich, $25.00. Those in the hospital were reported as Theresa Zlogar, Mary Smrekar, Lillian Bozich and Mary Cohil who is convalescing at home. Hope they will soon recover. Our mem'ber, Helen Sak (nee To-dorovich) lost her husband, Richard who was ill six years. May he nest in peace and our condolences to Helen and their two children, a son and daughter. Within one week, we lost two members again. Mrs. Katherine Bostanche (Boštjančič) of RFD who died in De Kalb County Nursing Home is survived by two daughters and three sons, 11 grandchildren and 7 great grand children. She also has a sister in Slovenia and two brothers. Her husband, Joseph, passed on in 1965. She was a member of St. Mary's church in Plainfield for 55 years. Our officer Theresa Muhich and her daughters are related. The funeral was from St. Mary’s to St. Joseph’s cemetery in Joliet. Mary Papesh (nee Grayhak) is survived by three sons, two daughters, 13 grandchildren and one great granddaughter, two sisters in Europe and several nieces. She was preceded in death by her husband, John, as well as a daughter, Mildred and two sons. She was buried from St. Joseph’s church and interred at St. Joseph’s cemetery. May all our members rest in peace and our condolences to the mourning relatives. The president thanked all members for coming to pray at the deceased members’ funerals. A delicious lunch was served for the members at the close of the meeting. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. No. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Our branch members met at St. Roch’s Hall on April 6th and attendance numbered 14 members. Plans for May include a Rummage Sale and a dinner at the Paramount Club in LaSalle on May 4th. It will take p’ace after our meeting at 3:00 p.m. We are looking forward to seeing quite a few members present, so please sign up for this dinner by calling Helen Gorgol or Gale Hoffman who are the co-chairmen for the May meeting and dinner. ANNE MEGLEN. No. 24, LASALLE, ILL. We’re hoping for warmer weather so our attendance will be larger. We lost another member, Johanna Cigolle, age 91. She is survived by three daughters and three sons. Justine An-glevar lost her husband; Evelyn Kas-tigar, her brother and Mary Gramc, her sister. We extend our deepest sympahty to them. Our member, Fannie Piletič had heart surgery and recovered beautifully. Our oldest member now is Theresa Terselic. She is at the Turtle Creek Nursing Home. Josephine Horzen broke her hip and is at St. Margaret’s Hospital. Ann Planton is at St. Mary’s and our pastor. Fr. Michael was at St. Margaret's. Frances Baznik’s husband is convalescing at home. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Let’s cheer them up with cards, ladies. Some of our ladies went to the Grand Ole Opry in Tennessee: Emma Shimkus, Mary Gornik, Theresa Savnik, Agnes Ostrowski and Agnes Kas-tigar. They reported having a wonderful time. We welcomed Mrs. Mary Uranich from Orlando, Florida. It was a pleasure to have her with us. Justine An-glevar just returned home after spending two months in Alexandria, Va. with her daugher, Marlene and family- Mary Piletič and Theresa Gende became grandmas again. Congratulations. Our recording secretary, Ann Me-glan, retired from her job. We wish her a long and healthy retirement. Fannie Kobilsek and Nellie Mochnik served the refreshments. It was delicious, ladies. Reminder, for those who are in arrears with their cl'ies. Come to the meeting on the first Sunday of the month. REPORTER. No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Thank God, our meeting in March was back to normal again. By that I mean that our president was well enough to be with us again. She was in her usual good spirits and she thanks everyone for their prayers, cards and everything. Yours tru.'y also got my wrist cast taken off and the pen now can glide more easily. Hope you all had a very nice Easter and we know that spring is around some corner, but which one? Our meeting was short as we had Julia Zak getting ready for her demonstration of French pastry. She made lady-looks and we sampled them, very good they were! Her apple strudel was delicious. This was very educating and coming from Julia, she’s quite prepared to answer any questions. Her right hand helper was Marilyn Freck, her daughter. Our vice-president set out get well cards to Jennie Gustinčič who had surgery, to M. Vodichar, B. Baron and Toni Skvarča was also ill. To all we wish a speedy recovery. Anna Kmavner passed away March 5th. We prayed a rosary for her with two Honor Guards present. Eternal rest grant unto her, o, Lord. May she nest in peace. We received cards and pictures from sunny Florida from M. Drobnick who has a great time wherever she goes. Who knows when she'll be back? For May we honor the Mother of the Year, Mary Tushar and we’re inviting all our members to come to this affair. We always look forward to May as a special honor to all mothers and our own Mother of the Year. So, in closing, may God bless you all. Attend the meetings and please sign up early if you plan to go to Lemont in July with our charter bus. Pres., Mary Bostian is working on this now. See you May 21st. P. S. Pay your dues. Let me know if you have news, going on vacation or something else we’d like to know. Yours truly, A. TEKAVEC. No. 34, SOUDAN, MINNESOTA Mrs. Margaret Mesojedec and Agnes Mattson were hostesses at our February meeting when I was absent, having spent 2 weeks in St. Paul at our son Anthony’s home with his family. However will report now that Mrs. Theresa Pahula presided at the meeting and following regular business a social hour was held with Louise Chiabotti and Mayme Musich winners at ‘‘500” and Agnes Tekautz and Agnes Mesojedec in SCRABBLE., Ann Stefanich won the attendance prize donated by Adeline Mustonen. Hos- tesses named for the March 19th meeting were Victoria Bobence and Agnes Mesojedec. 0O0----------- The March meeting was he!d with Mary Vollendorf presiding in the absence of Theresa Pahula, our president, who was in Duluth. Twenty members attended-following the Lenten evening devotions,-Stations and Benediction on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mary Pahula collected dues and gave a report on our financial standing. Following business, the ladies paired off for cards and POKENO. Winneirs at “500” were Angela Planton, Sophie Zavodnick and Julia Lilya and at POKENO Ann Vesel and Ann Myre. The attendance prize donated by Mayme Musich was awarded to Lorraine Berg. Victoria Bobence and Agnes Mesojedec served a delicious luncheon to conclude a warm friendly meeting. Hostesses for the April meeting were to be Mary Gornick and Ann Skala and Mary Pahula was to donate the attendance prize. In two days as I write, two months will have passed by since the death of my beloved brother, Joseph J. Ne-manich former Supreme President of the KSKJ. Even though "his family” knew he was ill, none of us were aware that he would leave us so soon for his heavenly reward. My brother George Nemanich from Soudan and sister Rose from Nopeming, Minn, and I, flew to Cleveland to be at his wake and funeral. As it was all reported in the official newspaper of the "KSKJ GLASILO” you have all read the beautiful tributes about him and his work so I won’t repeat. He was a dear person a loving husband and — close to his brothers and sisters — we all miss him so very much. To his family, Branch No. 34 members send their deepest sympathy and understanding — we have so many widows in our Branch. May God comfort them and grant eternal rest, and happiness to a dear brother. BARBARA YAPEL, Reporter. No. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. The April meeting was held at the Slovenian Home with Mrs. Frances Hren, presiding. Twenty-seven members were present, including all the officers. The new social members were introduced as follows: Carmen Cardinal, Joan Mehle, Mary Margo and Ann Walach. The treasurer's report by Anna Trdan was read and accepted. A belated Easter greeting from Mary Bostian, national president, was read. The group decided to have a celebration on May 18 to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establish- ment of Zveza in Chisholm and also to honor our MOTHERS. A smorgasbord will be served between the hours of 2 and 3 p.m. on Sunday for all members and invited guests. Jtennie Samsa, chairman, will be assisted by the following members in the kitchen: Ann McAlpine, Helen Kochevar, Ann Kotchevar, Mary Mlachnik, Sophie Ti-burzi, and Ann Walach. The program headed by Frances Bizal and Ann Bradach will follow beginning at 3 pjm. Sylvia Russ will be in charge of decorations, assisted by Jessie Pustovar, Frances Rupar, Rose Niemi, Irene Valentini, and I-rene Sinko. An invitation will be extended to the members of Br. No. 52 of Kitz-vi!le to attend our May 18 celebration. It was Mrs. Anna Trdan of Chisholm who helped organize the Kitz-ville Zveza. A new member, Joan Mehle, was initiated into the union by Vice-president, Jennie Samsa. The next meeting will be on May 7 to finalize plans for our May smorgasbord celebration. The meeting concluded with a delicious lemon fluff dessert served by Mildred Bashel and Helen Kochevar. Prizes were won by Johanna Perko-vich, Frances Rupar, and Anna Trdan. FRANCES A. BIZAL, Reporter. --------m ■ ^ ------- No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our meeting in March was well attended. After our usual business meeting we sang happy birthday to our Birthday Girls; Agnes Buchar, Angeline Voytko, Helen Sekular, Mayme Erjavec, Angeline Zgonc, Mary Evanish and Gertrude Betka. And, thank you for a lovely and nicely-served lunch! Our sick members are Bertha An-zelc and Agnes Jancar (Vermillion family). Please remember them in your prayers for a quick recovery. It is with a sad note that I must tell you the husband of Agnes Jancar passed away. John Jancar was 90 years of age. They were to have been married 62 years on April 12th. Their daughter is Mrs. Agnes Mros-ki, a member of our lodge along with her mother. Frank Dougan of Lorain, son of the late Mr. & Mrs. John Dougan passed away suddenly. He was 57 years of age. His mother, Frances, was our member for many years and held the office of Treasurer. His sister, Carolyn Pandy is a present day member. Our deepest sympathy to both families. We discussed our coming 45th an-niverary. Final plans were made for April 20th and tickets made ready for the branch. We hope to report a huge success. By the time this is in print, it will be warm and time for Mother’s Day. Mary Evanish is our Mother of the Year and a fine choice to represent aM mothers. It also beings tj miriti two mothers, my own mother who bore me and the one who gave me her son. A day does not go by that I do not think of them. I am now a mother and grandmother. But, I will never get too old to long for my two mothers! How lucky I have been to be blessed with two — are you? This subject bring to mind a poem I always keep posted on my bulletin board. My rose is white, your rose is red. Your mother lives, but mine is dead. And looking on your red, red rose, Which you wear, oh, so happily, I wish some lucky wind that blows Would bring my mother back to me. That I might take her hand again And press it so tenderly. I would dry the tears and ease the pain, That in her life she bore for me. That chance is yours, not mine, tonight, Your rose is red, but mine is white. I don’t know who the poet is, and I have not copied it entirely. But, it’s a lovely thought, isn’t it? All you lucky people, give your mothers an extra hug, not only on Mother’s Day, but every day. Mother’s Day will find me at Lourdes, France. But, I can pray very easily there, and I’ll think on all of you. Happy Mother’s Day. MARY PLOSZAJ. Ed. Note: We thought you would like to know who Mary’s mother was, since she writes so beautifully about her. She was Mary LaVriha, a long time member of Br. 40. Wishes to Mary for her own very happy Mother's Day. BOWLING TOURNEY Scores of the “Jo Sumic Midwest Bowling Tournament” held in March at Joliet, III. will be announced in the June edition of Zarja. Congratulations to all winners! LIL PUTZELL, Secretary Midwest Bowling League. OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1975 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME, 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple, Hgts., Ohio 10:30 a.m. Meeting 12:00 Noon, Mass at St. Wenceslas Church 1:30 p.m. Banquet in conjunction with 45th Anniversary of Br. 42, Maple Hgts. k. -*■ ■■■ *- *- —- ~ - ,n, *. Notes from our members! Mrs. Jennie Strunrbel just got back from a Florida vacation visiting her daughter. She was there from last August until March of this year. She is also planning a European trip in the near future. Good luck, Jennie. Mrs. Mary Prelogar likes to crochet afghans, booties and ladies’ hats. She has donated many items to our church. She will be making one for our branch for a special project of ours, plus some other prizes., Keep tab in these monthly reports for news of same. Flash! Mary Cebul was confined to the hospital from December to February. She is home now and anyone wishing to send her a get well card may do so by writing: Mrs. Mary Cebul, 466 East 143rd St., Cleveland, 44110. Caroline Gricar just got back from New York, celebrating her grandson’s birthday. She also had several mishaps. First she fell on the ice and hurt her back and then she fell again and sprained her wrist. Better luck in the future, Mrs. Gricar! Thanks to all ladies who gave so generously to our treasury — it was depleted. Thanks again to: Louise Pahiz, Frances Karis, Mary Prelogar, Julia Tavzel, Josephine Bonach, Rose Pujzdar, Dorothy Ferra, Louise Simončič, Frances Potočnik, Mary Luzar and yours truly. Dues are payable at this time. Please bring them up to date. Any who paid Ella $6 or $9 for 1975 still owe the treasury $1.20 additional for 1975, for either Class A or B. Please remember my address and phone number as follows: Jane Kaplan, Secretary, 19309 Preston Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44128, tel. 475-2644., Thanks. JANE KAPLAN. No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Hello ladies! It’s here, our big month of this year! We celebrate our Mother of the Year, Millie Lipnos, and the 45th Anniversary of Br. 42. Mass will be held at 12 noon at St. Wenceslaus church and banquet will follow at 1:30 p.m. It will also be the day for our Ohio State Convention. We are proud to say that it was Millie's mother, Mrs. Theresa Glavic (deceased) who was our organizer and started it on May 30th, 1930. Millie is a great member and a good and loyal worker. She is our recording secretary. Congratulations go out to you, Millie! Our meeting of the State Convention will be held at the Slovenian National Home in Maple Hgts. Hope a lot of Zveza members plan to come. Happy birthday to Mary Filips, Tonka Kastelic, Dorothy Ponikvar, Angela Zupanc, Joanne Kastelic and Mary Champa. Congratulations also to Tonka Kastelic on being elected Woman of the Year. These two honorees deserve that wonderful honor., A wedding of this coming fall, in October, will unite Ann Langan and Frances Tomsic’s son, Tom. We wish them all the best. She’s a nurse at St. Alexis Hospital. To all our ill members, we wish you well. A very Happy Mother's Day greeting to all our wonderful mothers and grandmothers. See you May 25th. Your Reporter, MARY LOU PRHNE. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The April meeting took place a week later due to the previous com-mitt ment by the proprietor and couldn’t be changed. From now on, the meetings will continue as before, on the first Thursday of the month at Rebemisek’s Club 36, 3400 W. Loomis Rd. No meetings July or August. The branch will have their Mother’s Day Dinner on Thursday, May 1st at Rebernisek’s Club 36. Members will be contacted by phone as to the time and reservation. Our Mother of the Year is Mitzi Mohorko, our vice-president, who is well deserving of the title. Mitzi is very active in the branch and also in bowling. She is in charge of the bowling league and bowls every Wednesday even'rig at Uofii/iek s. Most of her family, with the exception of her husband, John, are members. The Mother’s Day Dinner is a yearly event and we are expecting a good attendance in honor of our Mother of the Year. Mothers are very special, be they young or old, their love for you is within them, and no love on earth is as Mother’s love. The greatest gift you can give your "mom” whether she is alive or in heaven, is saying "Mother, I Love You!” Happy Mother’s Day! ROSE KRAEMER, Secretary. NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Green was a papular color last month as we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at our meeting., All of ouir lovely ladies wore something green. A beautiful dessert table featured a green centerpiece, and delicious "green” pastries. A good time was had by all. We honored all our "Josephines” by presenting little surprises to all those who were in attendance. Our deepest sympathies to the following people: Ann Kelly on the death of her mother (in Calif.); Laura Shan-teiry on the death of her grandmother; Josephine Minello and Elsie O'Hara on the death of their mother, Mrs. Frances Ostrelich. Jean Paik, our Recording Secretary, on the death of her brother, Milan Jaksic. May God Grant Them Eternal Peace. "Get Well Wishes" to Ann Trebar, Cecelia Žnidaršič, Mary Petrie, and Helen Bonac. Hope to see you ladies at our next meeting. Thank you cards received from Mary Bostian (Nat’il. Pres); Bernice Somrack, Frances Nemanich, Mary Champa and Arlene Debelak. Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries to all our members this month. Special Birthday wishes to ouir Pres., Ann Hočevar. "Congratulations” to Mr. & Mrs., Anthony O'Kicki. They will be celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary on May 25th. God bless both of you. "Congratulations” to Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Somrack (Jane Somrack), on the recent marriage of their son, Lawrence, to Miss Coletta Lang. Our best wishes to the newlyweds and congratulations to all the family. Cookbooks (Woman’s Glory) are now available from our Vice-President, Do-rothyann Winter. A big “Thank You” to all of our baking “leprechauns” this month, for using their “green” thumbs and pro- BOWLING NEWS As of 3-26-75, the team standings are as follows: 1ST PLACE: Bluebirds; 2ND PLACE: Cuckoos; 3RD PLACE: Owls; 4TH PLACE: Doves. BLUEBIRDS ARE: M. Dudley, J. Pierman, H. Bonac. OWLS ARE: A. Shine, M. Kovelan, A. Winter, M.. Delost. CUCKOOS ARE: D. Winter. S. Pajor, R. Dobray, F. Marold. DOVES ARE: M. Mauer, J. Gilles, S. Vegney, P. Klemenc. H I-GAM ES: H. Bonac — 211, S. Vegney — 202, M. DeiLost — 190. Despite the "aches and pains” the bowlers wene experiencing a few weeks ago, you can see that everybody is “hanging” in there. "When you’re hot, you’re hot.” Goood luck Girls!!!! W. viding us with delicious and “no-calorie” baked goods. A very happy “MOTHERS DAY” to ail of our members who are Mothers. See you at the next meeting. ANN WINTER. i ^ ^ — No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Dearest Sisters. Our meeting was again held at the Little Grove, the first Wednesday. There was a large turn-out and this made a success of our White Elephant Sale which netted us a nice sum. We also were informed that we must find a new meeting place so if anyone knows of a suitable place, please let our president, Rose Trombly know about it. We would appreciate this very much. Our community is small and we don’t have any buildings available. The minutes were read by our recording secretary, Dorothy Russo. We had a sick member in the hospital, sister Phyllis Pavich. We hope she is on the road to recovery. And, to all the other sick members, we also wish you Gods speed to a rapid recovery. Our deepest sympathy is expressed to Dorothy Russo on the loss of her neice in Milwaukee, Wis. Sister Margaret Kochevar lost her nephew, Verne. We hope and pray that these wishes may in some way lighten your grief. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Mother’s Day is here and to all our Mothers, we wish them a happy Mother’s Day. Especially, sister Jessie Bunetto, who was chosen Mother of the Year. She has so many chores to do, but yet finds time in her busy days to lend a helping hand. With our prayers and God’s help we hope you all have a beautiful day. We concluded our evening with prayer led by our president and then enjoyed a social evening at which time sisters Muriel Sabittini, Frances Jer-kovich, Dorothy Ban, Phyllis Pavich and Dorothy Pavitich served a delicious lunch. Games were played with honors going to the following: Ivana Prelesnik, Angeline Russ in B, Marge Andrican, Jennie Crea, Dorothy Russo, Gertrude Kochevar in Smear, Celia Palitano, Rose Chiodi in Bridge. Door prize went to Gertrude Kochevar. Thus a very delightful evening came to a close. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. Yours truly. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR. ^ 1—■«»» ■ ^--------------------- No. 54, WARREN, OHIO April meeting was very well attended. All details were ironed out about our Mothers Day dinner. Each member will be responsible for her own order. We ask for you to bring something towards our “Basket” which will be given to some lucky person. There will be door prizes, too. So, be sure to call the chairman of the day, Vioky Zuga, if you plan to attend on May 20th. By the time this etter is printed, our dinner plans will be all set. let’s hope for a big success. Our sick members will receive cards, signed by members. Hope they are all in better health: Marion Horvath, Mrs. Anna Glavin, Mary Ponikvar and Mrs. Tomsic. We were glad to hear that Mary Zuga and her son, Gary had a nice trip to Mississippi. Our June meeting will be at Betty Vadas’ home, June 17th. Hostesses will be Betty and Ann Savor. Also, if your birthday is in J’une, you c?n be a hostess if you wish. I hope the Warren members circled the months of our meetings this year. They are June, September, November and December. Thank you. ANN SAVOR. ^ ^------------------------ No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Our meetings in the past two months have been very well-attended. Despite the cold weather we’ve been having, it was very nice to see all of you ladies turn up. I will brief you up on some of the news since my last article. It’s a boy! John Michael for Marcia and Armand Spano, born March 2nd. He was welcomed home by his two little brothers, Armand and Larry. Congratulations! That makes Betty and John Majovsky grandparents for the sixth time and Frank and Mary Macek great grandparents for the 6th time, too. Three new members, Carol Copp, Mary Louise Profato and Margaret (Continued on page 24) I** Iff ft Hunts** in Mooring There’s an open gate at the end of the road, Thru which each must go alone, And there, in a. light We cannot see, Our Father claims His own. Beyond the gate ytour loved ones Find happiness and rest, And there is comfort in the thought That a loving God knows best. Members of Br. 50 Cleveland, Ohio Death took away from us our Ann Kumse, a loyal member and an ardent Marie Prisland Cadet. Following a lingering mishap, results of a robbery in her place of work, Ann received serious injuries by the intruders. During her convalescence, she never complained, even tho it did leave her with a hearing defect. Ann was never one for public speaking at our meetings, but she was, in her own quiet, humble way, always there to help our branch on alJ occasions. She never knew the words: I just can’t or I’m too busy. Her greatest assets were: A Good Homemaker; a Loyal S.W.U. Member; a Good Bowler, A Fine Marie Prisland Cadet. In the days of active bowling, Ann always was our anchor man, she also attended all our bowing tournaments here and if we went out of town, she was willing. Since 1964, she was a Cadet. Ann never missed a festive occasion, and always attended the wakes and funerals of our members wearing her Cadet uniform. Ann Kumse will be missed by all of us; we’ll always remember her as a mighty fine person with h#r own Mona Lisa smile. God grant her eternal rest. FRAN SIETZ, Captain and Drill Team Cadets. No. 55: Young joined our branch. Welcome, ladies. Congratulations to Cindy Majovs-ky who was selected first runner-up in the Queen Contest for the annual Region II Conference of the Ohio Office Education Assoociation at Salt Fork Lodge, Cambridge, Ohio. She has the opportunity of competing for the State honors for Business Office Education Queen Contest at the Ohio State Fair in August. Cindy is in her senior year at the Girard High School and is working at the Findley Welding Supply for her C.O.E. training. Wedding bells will ring for August Selak and Maria Kregar on Aug. 9th. They will be married at St. Rose Church in Girard. Congratulations to both of you. A very happy but belated birthday to Helen Biscan who just recently celebrated her 75th birthday. To all others who are celebrating birthdays in May and have had them in April, Many Happy Returns! Vacationers at Daytona Beach, Florida are my daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and John Popovich and sons. They drove down and enjoyed many interesting sights including Disney World. Bud and Honey Macek and family spent two weeks in Coco Beach, Florida. Stan and I plan to fly down to Tampa, Fla. for a 10 day vacation. We hope to take in many sights. Our son, Stan and wife, Mary Lou and children are going to spend a week's vacation in Orlando, Fla. to see Disney World and visit many other places. So, it seems that everyone is headed for the sunny south. Our Mother's Day Party will be held at the Slovenian Home on May 8th and will be combined with the Slovenian Ladies Club. Mary Svesko will prepare the dinner. She is tops in cooking and is also a caterer, so you can be sure of a good meal. To all mothers everywhere, a Happy Mother’s Day and hope that all are treated like queens as you deserve to be. 1 forgot to mention those April birthdays before, so here they are: Lena Modic, Jo Perusek, and yours truly. A belated birthday wish to Mary Kristian which I accidently missed. Happy Birthday to all. To those who are on the sick list, a speedy recovery. Hostesses for the April meeting were Jo Perusek and Ronnie Dolsak. See you all in May. FRANCES HRIBAR. No. 56 HIBBING, MINN. SPRING! Most people first think of it as a season when beautiful new life appears in the form of budding trees and blooming flowers. But alas! Somethings must remain constant to retain stability. This is the reason for the needed continuance of good attendance to our few remaining regular meetings which are so important to providing a smooth and important program for our forthcoming Minnesota Day Festivities — hosted by our branch in September. The regular meeting recently held at Assumption Club Hall, was opened with a prayer offered for a "Special Intention” — led by Pres. Rose Maras. Following, reports were heard from different committees., A new member, Margaret Polich, was formally introduced and happily accepted as a new sister-member. We are greatly encouraged with the many new ideas and the interest shown by members in the progress of our convention program. To-date, all goes well, and we hope it will continue in this direction. Social plans were finalized in preparation for the recognition of our Mother of the Year — Mrs. Frank (Mimi) Puhek, who will be honored at our next meeting of May 13th. In the writers opinion — considering the capability and experience of the committee in charge, it is bound to be a lovely tribute to “Our Mimi" who is so deserving of this recognition. Now — you wouldn’t believe this — but — just EVERYone is talking about it! Nope! Not about Pres. Ford’s tax rebate — but the “New Women’s Glory” cook book! The Swedes, Italians, Irish, French, German, etc.! Hotel chefs and even new brides — are cooking sarmas, goulash, zuulitsa, zgance; making potica, strudel, pohanje, krofe — you name it! They love it! We ran short of cook books. More are now on order to meet the requests. Which all proves what a little advertising will do. In the tradition of the Holy Year observance, interest was shown in the Holy Year Pilgrimage which many of our members from this Area planned to make on April 13th. The site of this occasion was in the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Duluth. Bishop Paul Anderson greeted and prayed with the people from our diocese. Our branch consistes of the most enthusiastic travelers! I don't mean travel within a radius of 1 to 5 hundred miles — but into foreign countries! This is what makes our regular meetings so interesting — the "to-gether-ness” in everything we do. Of course, business is business — and it is always conducted in “apple-pie” nrder under the direction nf our presi dent. Once this part is settled and set aside — our socializing takes us to — not only card games — but discussions on travel throughout these United States, and foreign countries. Someone is always somewhere! A small group has just recently returned from a (as described) wonderful holiday vacation in Hawaii —and now, the majority of members are panning on the tour to Slovenia, Jugoslavia in June. The 1st trip for some, but the 3rd and 4th trip for others. How wonderful to do this while they can still enjoy it all! And, what’s this? Someone planning a trip to “India” — later? Those of us who enjoy staying near home wish our sisteremembers much enjoyment and good health in their adventures. Be seeing you! A. SELVO, Pub. ^ ^------------------------------ No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS. OHIO Attendance at our March meeting was below par this year, due to so many of our members having been on the sick list with the aches and pains accompaying the w i n t e r y “March” winds and shivery cold weather. Hope that the spring season makes everyone healthier and happier. Members Emma Sklenicka and Molly Danicic were hospitalized recently but both are home now recuperating and we all wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yoger (Ann), and Mrs. & Mrs. Lee Epley (Louise), are winter vacationing in Florida at this writing. Mr. & Mrs. John Tomsick (Joann) and children are spending Easter in Florida, also. Ladies, don’t forget our annual Mother's Day and Pot Luck Dinner to be held on May 5, 1975, and we are hoping for a large attendance. Everyone is excited as to who will be the Mother of the Year from our branch this year. Ladies — our Secretary would like to remind those who haven’t kept their dues up to date, to get in touch with her as soon as possible. When—ever I have room in my article, I like to remind all the members that we are still saving the Betty Crocker box lop coupons, cancelled [xistage stamps, all coupons (even those past their due date) for any type of article, food, sundries etc., as well as Campbell Soup labels. We are also still collecting paper back books for the Veteran’s Hospital. Until the next time — don’t try to do all your spring cleaning in a short period of time — as tomorrow is another day. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary, O A ti alfa Jitftij tfearA Mr. & Mrs. Louis Oswald, 22261 Chardon Rd.; Euclid, Ohio, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary with a Thanksgiving Mass at St. Mary’s Church, March 1st. They were married there Feb. 21st, 1925. On Sunday, March 2nd a gala reception at the Slovenian Home on holmes was attended by relatives and friends. They are the parents of Wilma Smith, Rochester, N. Y., and Walter of Cleveland Hgts. Also, they have seven grandchildren. To help them celebrate this occasion came Mrs. Johanna Zallar of Biwabik Minn. She is the sister of Louis and the former president of Br. 39 for many years. With her was a daughter, Jennie and her husband, Joseph of McKinley, Minn. The Oswalds were born in Slovenia and until retirement in 1971 operated a grocery and meat market on Grovewood Ave. for 45 years. Mrs. Oswald is a member of Br. 41 since 1939! REPORTER. This lovely couple is a picture of grace, charm and loving happiness. We wish them many happy years of retirement — many years of good health and love in abundance. Ed. No. 95, S. CHICAGO, ILL. With all the meetings we have held, none was anticipated with more pleasure than our March meeting with 42 members attending. Briefly reviewing the accomplishments we have made and the most encouraging one is the donation of $25 to the St. Mary’s Seminary, Perryville, Missouri in honor of Anthony Dosen, C.M. the son of Manda Dosen, with high ideals and who has dedicated himself in studying for the priestthood in the St. Vincent Order. Our branch’s name will be registered in the Seminary so that all the seminarians may remember all of our deceased and living members in their Masses, prayers snd good works. St. Mary's Seminary is structured in such a way that members enjoy the spiritual benefits of participation in St. Vincent Order. Our most humble best wishes to Anthony. After the business session, table decorations using a St. Patrick, St. Joseph and Easter theme were lovingly prepared by Emma Yergovich, Irene Evans, Virginia Kwiatkowski, Ann Pave, Mary Possedi, Ann Granich, Marge Innis, Mary Jurko, Helen Golich, Evelyn Driscoll and Yours Truly. Cash donated by: $2.40—Marge Si-munic, $2—Ann Loncar, Manda Dosen, Antonia Mrkobrada, $1.80—Lucille Svalina and Lucille Sarich (Texas), $1.15—Carrie Plebanski, $1— Helen and Marie Zeffero, and Fran Seabloom. I thank all of you for your services and cash donations. We are sorry to announce that Ed, the husband of Michalene Pujdak, has been ailing. Please pray for his quick recovery. Happy to hear that Virginia Kwiat-koski is on the mend after her stint in the hospital. Many happy returns to the following May celebrants: Mary Barcevac, Eva Cora, Lucille Svalina, Matilda Turioa, Julia Twohig, Mayme Holmes and Francis Rodase-vich. Again, with unexpected suddeness, death has come among us. Two members have passed on; Ann Sabljak and Mary Provich, who silently closed the door of life. Their deaths were visibly and profoundly felt by those with whom they have had daily contact. We pause to pay our tribute of affection and respect to their memory. Our branch mourns the loss of our two members, and our deepest sympathy to both of the families. We join in extending to Ann Nago-da, Rose Krneta and Mary Jurko our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of their beloved brother, George Sertich. May he be rewarded with eternal happiness. I urge all of our members to circle your calenders for June 4th, 7:30 p. m. when we will have on our program Mr. Jordon from the Jewel Food Store at 91 St. He will make a presentation of Meats. Pastries, Produce and Groceries. We appreciate the support you have given our branch and we are sure that this program will be made more impressive by your attendance. Tickets will be $1; this will assure you a chance to win one of the items mentioned. I am looking forward in seeing all of you and please bring a friend. This will be our final meeting of the spring session; we will resume our meetings in the fall. As we are preparing to honor our Mother of the year, Mildred Poropat, my thoughts turn to all of our deceased and living mothers whom we dedicate in a special way with love and understanding! The best theme for Mother’s Day, that I will always remember, is “Blessed art the hands labored for you”. And on that note permit me to send you all my love, and best wishes for a most enjoyable day with your loved ones. MILDRED JAMES. Pres. No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. The Corporate Communion was partaken at the Resurrection Church and the Breakfast following at Lucky’s Restaurant manifested itself beautifully. We really had a lovely turn out and more of the same occasions are planned for the near future. President Jasina wishes to thank all the members who participated in this lovely event. Plans are progressing nicely for the pot luck dinner that is in the offing to honor our Mother of the Year, Josephine Susel. No doubt this dinner will be as scrumptious as all those in the past. Our ladies are terrific cooks and bakers so we can expect double Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Cresl Madison. Wis. 53711 * When a member writes: "Everybody enjoys Olga Ancel’s OVEN CHICKEN FRICASSE. We had it again on Sunday.” — it is a recipe worth repeating. Four years have gone by since it appeared in ZARJA. Your Mother's Day dinner could be centered around this succulent dish. OVEN-CHICKEN FRICASSE One 2J to 3 pound broiler-fryer chicken, cut up (or legs and breasts). 3 tablespoons soft butter or margarine 3 tablespoons enriched flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning i teaspoon paprika ' 1 can condensed cream of mushroom, celery or chicken soup 6 ounce can evaporated milk % cup water Wash chicken and dry. Place skin side up in foil-lined shallow baking dish. Blend the butter or margarine, flour, salt, poultry seasoning and paprika; spread over top of chicken. Bake covered in moderate oven (375 degrees) for 30 minutes. Mix 1 can of soup with the evaporated milk and water; pour over chicken. Bake at the same temperature uncovered 30 to 45 minutes until tender. 4 servings. When Sister Anna Marie Haiar’s recipe for MANDARIN CHICKEN SALAD appeared in St. Coletta’s (outstanding school for the mentally retarded) magazine I wrote her for permission to publish it. She replied: “Surely, but please send me a copy”. Sister was one of three top winners in the Pasta Recipe Contest in Chicago with more than 500 entries, open only to food service professionals and students in the field. As food service manager for St. Coletta’s of Jefferson, Wis., Sister was eligible. MANDARIN CHICKEN SALAD Makes 8 serving. Ideal for luncheons, picnics or a cold main dish particularly during the approaching hot weather. 2 cups cooked cubed chicken 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup seedless grapes, halved 1 cup diced celery 1 can (lloz.) mandarin orange seg- ments, drained 1 cup salad dressing (Sister uses Miracle Whip) Y3 cup slivered almonds 1 tablespoon lemon juice i teaspoon grated lemon peel, optional 1 cup (4 oz.) enriched durum ma- caroni rings or elbow macaroni 1 cup whipping cream Combine chicken, onion and salt; refrigerate several hours. Add grapes, celery, orange segments, salad dressing, almonds, lemon juice and peel to chicken mixture. Cook macaroni rings or elbow macaroni in boiling salted water (2 quarts water plus 1 tablespoon salt) until tender, yet firm, about 5 to 6 minutes. Rinse with cold water; drain. Stir into chicken mixture. When ready to serve, whip cream and fold into chicken mixture, on lettuce leaves. « # # Anne Mansfield of Br. No. 52, Hibb-ing, Minn., sent her unsual reciipe for a delightful and delectable dessert: TOASTED SQUARES. TOASTED SQUARES 1 package Knox gelatin 4 tablespoons cold water 1 cup boiling water 3 egg whites l/3 cup sugar 'A teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Graham crackers (about 6 double crackers) Dissolve gelatin in 4 tablespoons cold water; stir in 1 cup boiling water then add the egg whites, sugar and salt. Beat until real stiff. Add vanilla last. Put into a pan so mixture will be about 1 inch thick (a 9 x 13 inch pan). Refrigerate for several hours. Crush graham crackers until very fine. Cut chilled mixture into 1 inch squares and roll in graham cracker crumbs. Serve in sherbet or parfait glasses with the following sauce: Sauce: 2 egg yolks l/a cup sugar l/s cup melted butter 1 tablespoon lemon juice (with a bit of grated lemon rind) y3 cup whipping cream Beat yolks until thick. Gradually add sugar, butter and lemon juice with rind. Fold in the whipped cream. Pile “toasted” squares in sherbert glasses and pour sauce over top. Garnish with a maraschino cherry. Delicious! fv i 4 delicious serving of food. Visiting in Fontana from LaSalle, III. are Mayor and Mrs. John Foley. Mrs. Foley is sister to our Mayor, Frank Horzen. How do you like that, some families don't even have a nodding acquaintance with any official and here is a family that can lay claim to two Mayors! Pretty good for our Slovenians, don’t you think? Every possible speedy recovery is wished for our sick members. Birthday celebrants for the month of April are: Louise Janes, Patricia Videgar, Jennie Zornada, Jtohn Pierman, Frank Tennant and Lisa Vidergar. Happy returns, lots of them. The attendance at our April meeting was very gratifying. Keep up your attendance schedules; we were all so happy to see the new faces and are looking forward to seeing them again. EDITH DRAWENEK. m i i m---------- No. 101 BEDFORD HEIGHTS, OHIO Easter Greetings, to one and all a little late! Hope everyone had a Joyous Easter and enjoyed all the rich traditional food of kolbasi, zalutos, potica, the fancy colored eggs and the candies we helped the little ones with. March Meeting was held at the home of Rita Tilisky, in Bedford Hts. Our discussion mainly pertained to our -Mother’s Day affair. Our Mother’s Day Mass which will have taken place by the time you read this was on April 27th, 8:00 A.M., at Holy Trinity Church in Bedford Hts ... Arrangements confirmed by Treasurer Florence Mirte I. Mary Laskowski explained the procedure for the Ceremony at the Mass for the new members and the old members that have never attended the Mass. Hope we have a nice attendance. Following Mass members may go to breakfast on their own if they wish; we will not go in a group. We will be having our Dinner at the Gust Haus (Guest House) in Bed- An unforgettable lady... When I was in the hospital in January for hand surgery (nothing serious) my roommate was a 93 year old woman weighing 67 pounds who before her recent fall was in fairly good health doing her own housework. I soon became very fond of the unmarried, independent, quite sprightly for her age, Marne, who loved jewelry and pretty clothes. After teaching for one year in an elementary school she became a seamstress for two of Madison's fashionable stores for 57 years. She talked of remaking silk suits to fit which took a lot of work. She also loved to cook. Before Christmas she baked pumpkin, cranberry and banana bread; hundreds of cookies and rolls — and gave it all away. Since the death of her brother two years ago she lived alone, proud of her rose garden which was the envy of the neghborhood and canning most of the vegetables produced from her vegetable garden. The nurses, technicians, aids — everyone was so nice to Mame. All her wants were satisfied if at all possible. She had prunes with lemon juice every morning, buttermilk three times a day, and hot (not lukewarm) Sanka with her meals. One noon we were served chicken. Indignantly she said to me: "I told the hospital two years ago when I was here how to fix chicken and they still don't know how". Amused I asked: “How do you cook chicken?” She explained: “Wash and dry the pieces. In paper bag put 3 tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon salt, Vt teaspoon pepper and £ teaspoon paprika. Shake eaoh piece in bag to coat. Fry slowly to a golden brown in 3 tablespoons melted oleo — this takes out the animal gas (whatever that means?). Put the chicken in a casserole and add £ cup water for 3 pieces or 1 cup for a whole chicken. Bake covered in a slow oven (325 degrees) for 2 to 2i hours removing the cover during the last 20 minutes to brown, if desired”. Her niece said she adds diced onion and celery to the chicken which her aunt couldn’t eat. Marne led a fruitful happy life and peacefully met her God in heaven two months after our acquaintance. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Love, HERMINE. ford, Thursday, May 1st, they serve German Food. The Mother of the Year will be presented at the dinner. This will give the members a chance to enjoy a relaxing night out. There will be no meeting in May; attending the Dinner will be our meeting. Our Toy and Book Sales will be put off till June, still working on a location. We received a Thank You card from Father Minich for our monetary gift with his Blessings. Rita Tilisky’s daughter became a new Junior member, welcome to the Club honey! (She’s three years old). Guests at our March Meeting were, Josephine Gilak, friend of Florence Mirtel, Barb Yuzawa daughter of Agnes Pederi, and Mary Vadnal, Celebrity jewelry Fashion Director. Our Hostesses were Mary Ann Stopar and Dorothy Kastelic; they served yummy goodies and coffee. We had the pleasure of welcoming Mary Vadnal a Celebrity Fashion Director to our meeting. After our regular meeting we enjoyed watching Mary demonstrate the latest in Jewelry Fashion. With the purchase our members made we receive a percentage from the sales which will go into our treasury. Thanks, Mary for your helpfulness!! We have an addition to the Mertel Family, Congratulations to Elizabeth Mertel and Husband Frank, they are Grandparents for the second time, to a lovely little 7 pound girl, Jessica Josephine was born on March 31st. The proud parents are Michael and Debbie Mertel. The Family welcomed Mike and Deb Home in February from North Carolina, where Mike was stationed in the Marine Corps. They will reside in Maple Heights., Best Wishes to All . . . We hear that Mary Bradac will be having a Wedding in her family in early Fall, her daughter Lee Ann will be the blushing bride. I'm sure we’ll have more details on the event later. Madame President Rosalie Brown has been getting around on crutches the last few weeks, as a result of a knee operation March 10th. We sincerely hope she’ll be off the crutches and feeling better soon. Get Well Wishes to Florence Mirtel, she had a Gall Bladder operation March 14th, sure hope she had a Speedy Recovery. Opps!!! We have a few spelling corrections, names spelled incorrectly in April, my apologies to Helen Jurek, Agnes Pederi and Florence Mirtel. In the March Publication of the Roster of Officers there were a few errors; Florence Mirtel’s address is 6235 Hathaway Road, Mildred Hetzel is our Secretary, and Dorothy Kastelic is our Membership Chairman. Happy Belated Birthday to Karen Laskowski January 25th, Agnes Pederi February 27th and to Vicki Matjašič March 15th, Vicki was Legal 21 years old. Better late then never with the Greetings Happy Happy to you all and Many Many more.... Toodles till next time! Have a nice day ... Every Day . .. RITAMARIE MERTLE, Your Roving Reporter. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Snow and bad roads caused cancellation of our February meeting, but March came in like a lamb so we were able to gather together for our regular meeting. Father Blatnik, our spiritual advisor, celebrated Mass on March 2 in the Slovenian Chapel of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for all living and deceased members of 103. In the afternoon we met to discuss our participation in the Northern Virginia Folk Festival and Bazaar on May 2, 3, and 4. Festival Coordinator, Priscilla Urner showed slides of previous festivals, undertaken biennually to keep alive the diverse cultures and heritages in the Washington area. Plans for the 1975 Festival include music, dance, food, crafts and games. An original drama based on folk lore of Northern Virginia will be presented all three days. Ethnic and old time games will encourage participation of the 15,000 people expected., Our group will demonstrate making of flancate and sell samples of traditional Slovenian foods. These recipes will be included in a Festival Cookbook of demonstrated foods. Some unsual craft demonstrations, including pewter spinning and flint napping (Indian arrowheads), as well as quilting, pottery, dulcimer making and tapestries are scheduled for the purpose of passing along these skills to present generations. A program of traditional religious music will start off the Sunday activities. The friendships nurtured by this festival are illustrated by the experience of a Latvian woman who wanted a special headdress for a wedding. She sent to Latvia for the directions, then an American woman whom she met at the festival wove it perfectly for her. We are looking forward to participation in the foods and music portions of the festival. Our Mother's Day program is scheduled for the third Sunday in May. ELIZABETH L. ČESNIK, Reporter. MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET jf^ripoue M a o materi Čujte — poslušajte — da vam povem, kaj o materah lepega vem. Kako bi mamicam se prikupila, vso noč sem skrbno tuhtala. Veste kaj sem si izmislila? Svojo mamo bom opisala! Saj mi pritrditi mora vsaka — mamica, mamici je enaka. Ko otrok se zjutraj prebudi; “Mama, mama” vpije in kriči- Mamica ga sliši — prihiti — glejte, že otrok se ji smeji. Ko je večji sem in tja koraca; hodi, miga sem in tja kobaca. Včasih pa mu spodleti — joj, iz noska teče kri. Strašne zdijo se mu bolečine; Pride mama, vse gonje brž mine. Ko odhaja v šolo, pismouk, mama poravna mu še klobuk. Za slovo na čelo ga prekriža, da se malčku nezgoda ne približa. Ko otrok odhaja v daljni svet, dobra mamica v skrbeh je spet. Kaj bo z njim, ko sam odhaja v službo? Bog zna v kako morda pride družbo. Za ra pot mu da svetinjico, da ga čuvala Marija bo. Mama misli najn zvesto. Mama — vedno mama. Pri družini, ali sama. Iz daljave v duhu ga pozdravlja, v duhu noč in dan ga blagoslavlja. če me torej danes vpraša kdo; “Naše ljube mame, kakšne so?” Vsakemu bom brž odgovorila: Nič ni boljšega kot mama mila! Ni jih zvezdic svetlih tak’ blestečih kot oči so dobre matere. Ni jih žarkov sončnih tak' žarečih kot je zlato mamice srce. Srečen, komur mama še živi, moli naj zanjo do konca dni! Mati govori Otroci so veselje in bogastvo. Otroci so ljubezen. Kaj ima žena več, če ima le enega otroka. Jaz sem polovico moje ljubezni razdelila med štiri otroke, polovico pa dala možu in nihče ni bil prikrajšan, sama pa sem bila mnogokrat neizmerno srečna.—Za mater je največja sreča in najpomembnejši dogodek, ko zasliši prvi otroški glas in pozneje prisostvuje poroki svojega otroka ali vnuka. Škoda je le, da pritem spoznaš, kako se staraš in še nisi oddala vse ljubezni, ki jo nosiš v sebi. STARA MATI (BABICA) GOVORI Vprašali so me, če bi še enkrat bila mlada, ali bi še rodila osem otrok kot sem jih?—Bi! Zdaj pa sploh! Poglejte: tu je elektrika, tu so pralni stroji, ledenice, sesalci z*a prah, itd. Me pa smo poznale le en stroj — svoje roke. Materinstvo ni prevelik napor za današnjo ženo. Materinstvo je dragoceno poslanstvo, prvo in največje poslanstvo za katerega je rojena žena. Materinstvo ohranja nerede. Materinstvo je ljubezen do življenja. MATI PIONIRKA Prav ma o še ostaje tistih mater, ki so prišle v Ameriko pred prvo svetovno vojno. Vsako leto jih je manj. Kar jih js še med nami, so žive in zanesljive priče častne in čudotvorne slovenske zgodovine v Ameriki. To zgodovino prepleta peš.eno in trudapclno delo, tiho in hudo trpljenje boleče zatajevanje in prenašanje čuta manjvrednosti v tujini. Koliko potrpežljivosti je bilo treba, da se je vse to preneslo. Ko so pionirke prišle v Ameriko so bile navezane same na sebe. Nihče jim, ni pomagal z izkušenimi nasveti saj so takrat večinoma bili tujci vsi Slovenci. Nihče jim ni kaj podaril, a''i nekaj zanje pripravi!. Pričeti so morale prav na dnu. 0 trpljenju slovenskih mater-pionirk bi se lehko napisalo debelo knjigo. Zj-cdi o se je, da je mati postala vdova z kopico malih otrok. Kdo bo zdaj skrbel za družino? Mati sama se je z vso silo vpregla v voz življenja te vzgajala otroke, včasih tudi v pomanjkanju, ko ni bilo ne dela ne jela. Bi a je preponosna, da bi vprašala za javno podporo, ker jo je smatrala za miloščino. Zagrabila je tudi za najslabše plačano delo, da je nekaj prislužila otrokom za hrano in obleko. Marsikatera slovenska pionirska mati je s svojim trplenjem zaslužila svetniško krono. MATERAM SLOVENSKIM Vam, ki imate zlato srce, polno ljubezni Irnive za vse, pesem skromna bodi v pozdrav, glasno doni naj preko dobrav! Vam, ki poznate dušo otrok, vsega človeštva ve ste obok, svet res zadostne hvala ne da, ker vaše ljubezni ne pozna. Vam, ki prestale mnogo težav, ptice igolijo danes v pozdrav; sonce poljublja- vas gorko, klanja j prijazno se vam nebo. j IVAN ZUPAN. —kluci leže n ipomin V maju, prazniku Žen in Mater, se z globoko hvaležnostjo spominjamo vseh pokojnih članic. Spominjamo se njih prijateljstva, spominjamo se velikega dela, ki so ga vložile v našo organizacijo. Spomin na nje bo vedno svež in časten. Lansko leto so preminule tri bivše Zvezine glavne odbornice: — Mary Urbas, članica Zvezinega prosvetnega odbora ter bivša zelo delavna predsednica pod. št. 10 v Clevelandu. Zvezi je pridobila 143 novih članic. Viktoria Faletich, Zvezina gl. nadzornica in voditeljica mladine pri podružnici št. 25 v Clevelandu. Vedno aktivna, je vpisala 193 novih članic ter leta 1964 prejela naslov “KONVENČNA KRALJICA.” Teresa Skur, namestnica gl. nadzornicam ter predsednica pod. št. 14 v Clevelandu je svoj čas bila zelo aktivna odbornica. Pridobila je 236 članic ter s tem dosegla naslov “PRINCEZINJ'E” na konvenciji leta 1939. Meseca marca letos nas je zapustila Mary C. Terlep, si'no delavna članica pod. št. 20 v Jolietu. Vpisala je 783 novih članic zakar je prejela naslov "KONVENČNA KRALJICA” kar trikrat zaporedoma. Pokojnim, naš globoko hvaležen spomin z željo za miren počitek! j' p. KLAVDIJ OKORN, ofm: \ \ SPOMINI NA MATER l Mati ima vedno zavestno ali podzavestno vpliv na svoje ' S otroke. Ko otroci odraščajo zelo neradi to priznajo.. Šele poz- ' i ne e pridejo do te zavesti, in priznanja. $■ Nekaj dogodkov iz mojega življenja bo osvetilo to, kar ' » sem mislil povedat. Bil sem še student, in vendar sem si do-I mišljal, da sem ie nekaj. Nekega poletnega večera sem zelo f pozno prišel domov. Bilo je že precej čez polnoči. Moja soba ' ► je bila v prvem nadstropju. Da ne bi motil staršev v spanju, 'f sem sezul čevlje in prav počasi l>o stopnjicah v svojo ) • sobo. Bil sem ie skoraj na vrhu stopnjie, ko zaslišim mater iz ' kamre, kjer sta spala z očetom: “Ali si se kaj pokropil?" Pri f nas je bila navada, da smo se vsak večer, ko smo odhajali spal, ■ pokropili s sveto vodo, ki je bila v kropivčku v hiši na steni, j ' Njeno vprašanje ni kazalo očitanje ampak skrb. Vrnil sem se ’ skrušeno v hišo, se pokropil in šel spat. ’ Nekega nedeljskega večera sem pozno prišel domov. Bil ' sem lačen nič kako. V hiši je bilo vse mirno. Da ne bi koca . L • . 1 ■ motil sem. potihoma odšel v kuhinjo in začel stikati po raz-' ličnih posodah, če je kje kaj dobiti za jest.. Ni bilo nikjer nič. ' Bil sem razočaran, ker navadno je bilo vedno kaj dobiti. Kar nenadoma zaslišim mamiti glas: “Kjer si molil rožni venec i zvečer, tja pojdi in tam dobi tudi večerjo. Vedela je namreč, , da tega nisem napravil. Pri nas je bilo to združeno: večerja in , rožni venec. Ni bilo govora, da bi kdaj temu ugovarjal. Tak , je bil red pri naši hiši. , ; Pri nas je bila navada, da nismo nikoli zaklepali vrat, čc , je kdo bil zvečer zunaj po opravkih, razen, če so vedeli, da ga , ’ zares ne bo dolgo domov. Na to sem tudi jaz računal ko sem , se nekega večera malo dalj zadržal s fanti na vasi kakor sem , računal. V primeru, da je kdo pozno prišel domov so zaprli , vrata in dali ključ na kamri no okno, ki ga je bilo možno do- . seči od zunaj in si si tako pomagal notri. Ker sem bil pozen, . sem mislil, da so vrata že zaprta in sem seveda prav potihoma, < £ da ne bi koga zbudil, iskal ključ na kamrinem oknu. Še pred- < f no sem se prav zavedal, se je oglasila mati znotraj: “Kluča ni < L tukaj, je še v vratih.” Nobena kazen ni bila potrebna. To je < [ bilo dovolj. Mati je bdela in skrbela. < \ Prišla je vojska. Raztepli srno se na vse strani. Še le po ( { dvajsetih letih sem imel prvo priložnost zopet videti svoje l \ starše. Bilo je prisrčno svidenja kakor je pač po tako dolgih i letih le možno. Ves čas čakanja na prtljago in prevoz smo go- { . vorili o tem in onem. Kar naenkrat pravi mati: “Prav nič se i nisi spremenil. Prav tak si kot si bil pred dvajsetimi leti.” { . Rekel sem, ali hočeš, da bom drugačni. Rekla je, ne. Imela je * ( pred seboj sliko sina, ki se je poslovil in je bila vesela, da se < , ta slika ni spremenila. To je bilo zanjo večje veselje kot pa { , srečanje samo. ^ TAKE SO PAČ MATERE. BOG JIH BLAGOSLOVI. i PISMO PIONIRKE ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Preljub« moje glavne odbornice — skrbne in delovne odbornice naše podr. št. 2 in naše dobre članice: Ravnokar sem prebrala Zarjo, ki sem jo prejela 4. aprila — to je bilo včeraj. O, kako je vse zanimivo! Bom še vse enkrat prebrala. Prišla sem do tega, da primerjam članstvo št. 2 z drugimi podružnicami še posebno z največjo podružnico št. 25 v Clevelandu. Rekla sem si: Hurey — Hurey pozdravljena podr. št. 2! Čast konru čast! Ker stare čase je bilo zmiraj rečeno — v Chicagi ne moreš nič naredit. A poglejte danes, kje smo Mi! Moja malenkost, kako sem ponosna in vesela in le škoda, ker moja leta vse prehitro beže. Vse prehitro se staramo. S ponosom kažem moj krasen album, ki sem ga dobila od moje podružnice, ko sem bila častna mati leta. Gledam slike naših pridnih odbornic in jih kažem ljudem, ki vse preberejo. Se vidi, da se zanimajo za našo organizacijo. Koliko ljudi me je vprašalo kake narodnosti sem med temi tujimi ljudmi.. Vedno sem rekla Slovenian — ste že slišali za ta narod? No, never! She don't know what she is talking about. Pa me je potrlo. Pa pokažem moj album: Kapela v Washington'!!, ki jo imam na prvi strani Marijo Pomagaj, zgodovino o slovenski kapeli, kako sem ponosna na vse. Tukaj je 312 starih ljudi in so vsi radovedni in se čudijo, kaj vse delamo. Dala sem jim prebrat dopis od št. 2, naj vidijo kaj je vse na programu. Pokazala sem ime Mici Kna-penc, ki je 74 let stara pa je v Bowling league. Le tako naprej! Brala sem, da ste pele Luciji Če-mažar Vigred se povrne . . . tudi meni boste kmaiu pele, čutim, da bom kmalu dobila povabilo naj pridem . . . Moje drage odbornice in vse članice Slovenske ženske zveze prejmite moj veseli pozdrav, še več storite za našo Zvezo, ki je ponos slovenskemu narodu v naši Ameriki. Moj pozdrav častni materi 1975 in Bog vas živi! PAULINA OŽBOLT. ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, COLORADO To so naši spomini tisočerih prijateljev in znancev, ki nam zgovorno povedo; živel sem, ne pozabite me! In to je sedaj že pokojni Joseph Ne-manich, preds. KSKJ. Vsej družini in sorodnikom naše globoko sožalje. V naši naselbini so umrli rojaki: Frank Glach, Joseph Golob in Anton Kočevar. Vsi zapuščajo sorodnike, ki DRUŽINA TONETA GABER IZ CHICAGA. MATI NEŽKA IN OTROKA FRANCI IN KATI ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. /IgneA (flejka) (jaber Pri februarski seji smo izvoiile "ženo leta” ozircma "mati leta” in sem vesela da Vam naznanim, da je dosegla ta čast našo zvesto članico go. Nežko Gaber. Nežka je že dolga leta članica ženske Zveze in nekaj zadnjih let je tudi podpredsednica št. 2, tu v Chicago. V svojih mladih letih je Nežka dosegla veliko z svojo marljivostjo in vztrajnostjo. Rojena je bila na Igu pri JENNIE ASSEG 30 Šopek najlepsih voščil Ljubljani in kot pet leten otrok je pribežala s starši na Koroško v tistih usodnih dneh maja meseca 1945 leta. Kdor je poznal taboriščno življenje ve, da se tam ni lenoba pasla, temveč so se ljudje kmalu spravili na delo, in tako je Nežka hodila pet let v slovensko šolo. Tam se je dobro naučila slovenskega jezika ne le v govorici, temveč tudi v pisanju in branju. Še danes je tako lepo poslušati Nežko, ko tako lepo slovensko govori, čeprav je v tej deželi že skoro četrt stoletja. Ko se je možnost za imigracijo pokazala je Kraljičeva družina bila tako srečna, da je prišla v North Dakoto in tako se je življenje znova začelo. Nežka je z brati in sestro hodila v šolo in to pot se privadila angleščini, ki jo tudi zelo dobro obvlada. Po dokončani srednji šoli, je nadaljevala šolo za bolniške sestre in po treh letih bila kvalificirana v tej stroki. Ker se za življenje rabi dosti, Nežka ni bila s tem zadovoljna in je nadaljevala študij na univerzi Minesotta in pozneje na Loyola univerzi tu v Chicago. Boj za obstoj in vsakdanji kruh ni lahek in tudi Nežki ni prizaneslo, zato si je služila kruh z delom na Wesley Memorial Hospital, sedaj poznana bolnica Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Cilj-njenega življenja je dosegla leta 1967 ko je prejela B.S. v Nursing diplomo. Sv. štefanska okolica je slovenska naselbina v vseh ozirih in tako se tudi različne družabne prireditve prirejajo. Na eni teh prireditev je Nežka spoznala Toneta Gabra in njuna poroka je bila v fari njenih staršev v North Dakoti. Potem sta si pa Tone in Nežka ustanovila svoj dom tu v Chicago in sedaj živijo na 2034 W. 22nd Place. Njihov dom poživljata hčerka Kati in (Nadaljevanje na str. 32) ŠT. 8, STEELTON, PA. fttarif / (jetup Letos smo izbrale za našo zaslužno mater leta, MRS. MARY L. GORUP iz Steeltona, Pa. Rojena je bila 21. marca, 1885, torej je že dopolnila visoko starost 90 let. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1900 in dne 2. oktobra, 1901 se je poročila z Antonom Gorup in v zakonu je bilo rojenih 11 otrok: Mary, Anthony, Joseph Anna, Frances, Michael, Peter, George, Frank, Louis in Helen. Ima tudi že 10 vnukov in 22 pravnukov. Njeno posebno zanimanje je odgo-ja številne družine ter obdelovanje njihove lastne farme. Z možem sta že slavila visoko 73 letnico poroke, kar je res nekaj izrednega. Naša častna mati je dobra in zavedna članica Zveze, saj rada prihaja na seje in je delavna kadarkoli je potreibno pomagati za napredek organizacije. želimo ji še mnogo let sreče med nami. ■ m------------ ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Jennie flAAey Vse članice spoštujemo našo zaslužno mater podružnice, MRS. JENNIE ASSEG iz Euclida, ki je vkljub lepim letom, še vedno prav korajžna. Rojena je bila dne 15. aprila 1895 v Loškem Potoku pri Retju na Dolenskem v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišla dne 7. sept., 1912 tik pred drugo svetovno vojno in dne 1. febr. 1915 je stopila v zakon z Jbhnom, ki je prezgodaj umrl leta 1968. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen s štirimi hčerkami: Millie Planisek, Alice Kozar, Mary Jane Kure in Helen Bencic., Seveda je naša MARY ZOBEK MARY DEYAK ZARJA-THE DAWN Zvesinim materam! JANA BEVEC in se je poročila z Johnom S. Imela sta 6 otrok: Steve, Tony, Ann Janko-vich, Katherine Rued, Mary Poznano-vic in Magdalena Mahutga. Sveda je zelo ponosna na 22 vnukov in vnukinj. Je tudi izvrstna šivilja in vrtnarica. Pri naši podr. je bila ena izmed prvih članic in vedno je pomagala dokler je mogla pri delu za napredek organizacije, še vedno živi na farmi blizu sina Steve, ki je tudi farmer. Ima lepo hišco v krasnem predelu, ki nas spominja, da v nebesih ne bi moglo biti lepše. Vitke breze in cvetje krasi njeno okolico. Lansko leto smo imele kosilo pri njej in se nismo mogle ločiti od te lepe narave. Naša častna mati je vkljub lepim letom še vedno živahna in dobre volje ter se je prav prijetno z njo pogovoriti. Mene se spominja še iz mojih mladih let. Progreša pok. moža, vendar njeni ljubi otroci zelo lepo skrbijo za njo. Bog ji daj še mnogo srečnih in zdr?vih let! ANGELINE KARISH, Rec. Sec'y. slavljenka prav ponosna na njenih 21 vnukov in vnukinj ter 4 pravnuke. Vsa leta je pridno dela’a bodisi na njenem velikem vrtu in za razvedrilo tudi štrika afgane in klobuke. Naravno, da se rada udeleži raznih družinskih obletnic in proslav številne družine in pred moževo smrtjo sta slavila lepo 50 letnico zakona. Zvezi ji je zelo pri srcu, zato je naša dobra članica mnoga ' leta ter tudi rada daruje v pomoč organizacije. čestitamo ji k njeni 80 letnici in Bog daj, da bi učakala še mnoga, mnoga leta zdrava in srečna med nami. ŠT. 15, CLEVELAND, OHIO fttarij 'Jcbek Ses. Zobek je naša velikodušna, dobra in zaslužna mati za 1, 1975. Rodila se je 1, 1903 v Zagradcu na Dolenskem v Sloveniji. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Jernejčič. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1913 in leta 1920 se je poročila z gospodom Zobek. Prvi dom sta imela na 81 cesti v Newburghu in ona je še vedno v newburski naselbini na 78 & Union. Da si pomagata naprej in da preskrbita družina, sta 1, 1935 pričela z gostilno, katero sta vodila nekaj časa in 1, 1947 sta odprla drugo gostilno na 78 & Union, kjer še vedno pomaga sinu, ker leta 1961 ji je uimrl ljubi soprog in dober družinski oče. Bog ju je odbaril z 8 otroci od katerih še danes živi 7. Eden je umrl v zogodnji mladosti. Ses. Zobek je stara mamica 10 vnukom in dvema pravnukoma. Je radodarna za slovenska društva in pomaga z darili in v denarju.. Ker nam vedno rada pomaga, smo jo letos izvolile za podpned-senico pri podr. Verno se trudi za napredek podr. članice ji čestitamo in želimo, da bi imela vesel materinski dan. HTjI l ^ j|^ » Cff* ŠT. 23, ELY, MINN. frauf beljak Naša častna mati za leto 1975, Mary Deyak, je bila rojena v Loškem Potoku v Sloveniji, dne 30. junija, 1901 ter je kot 20-letno dekle prišla v Ameriko, kjer se je še istega leta poročila s sedaj že pokjnim Matt D. Zakon je bfl blagoslovljen s štirimi otroci od katerih sta Mary in Ann še žive. Seveda je naša zaslužna mati posebno tudi ponosna na svoj mladi rod 7 vnukov in 3 pravnuke. Posebno zanimanje ima za štrikan-je, heklanje in vrtnarstvo. Vsa družina je slovesno praznovala zlato poroko leta 1971. Pri Zvezi vedno rada pomaga, posebno je bila v preteklosti tudi nadzornica in je organizirala več aktivnosti za sklad podružnice. Vse članice ji iskreno čestitamo in ji želimo božji blagoslov in dolgo življenje! ŠT. 39, BIWABIK, MINNESOTA tytarij £arich Zaslužna mati naše podružnice za to leto, Mrs. Mary Starich gotovo zasluži to priznanje. Žeprav živi na farmi, je vedno rada prihajala na naše seje ter se udeleževala naših prireditev. Naša Mary je bila rojena. 5. maja, 1891 in je tako v tem mesecu 84 let mlada. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1914 LOUISE PUCHREITER MARY SARICH HELEN KOVACH, s vnučkom ŠT. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS ŠT. 83, CROSBY, MINNESOTA ŠT. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Helen Hctiack Pozdrav naši častni materi, Mrs. Helen Kovach, ki je bila rojena 18, Febr., 1892 v vasi čač;č, župnija Osilnica. V Ameriko je pris'a leta 1909 in črez tri leta se je poročila s sedaj že pokojnim Antonom Kovach. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen z 10 otroci; sedem sinov in 3 hčere. 3 sinovi so umrli, eden v avtomobilski nes-e-či. Ima tudi 18 vnukov in vnukinj ter 2 pravnuka. Zaslužna mati naše podr. ima posebno veselje z delom na vrtu, ki je poln krasnih rožic., Ker ima veliko družino, se radi zberejo v družinskem razvedrilu. Njen sin Albert je izvrsten odvetnik in otrok, ki ga stara mati drži na sliki je njegov sinček. Imajo tudi 4 deklice. V naši Zvezi je vedno rada prihajala na seje in sodelovala kolikor je mogla dokler ji je zdravje dopuščalo. Pri njenih 83 letih pa je še vedno prijazna in vljudna do človeka, ki jo sreča. S čestitkami ji želimo, da jo Bog blagoslavlja še mnogo let! icutic Puckreiier Naša letošnja zaslužna mati podr., Mrs. Louise Puchreiter iz Crosby, Minn., je bila rojena 19. Sept. 1935 v Buhl, Minn. V zakon je stopila augusta le;a 1937 s Charlie-jem P. in Bog ju je blagoslovil s šestimi otrc-ci: Dorothy. Margaret, Mathew, Mary Ann, Joseph in Roger. Razumljivo je, c'a je prav ponosna tudi na 11 vnukov in enega pravnuka. Lepo se udejstvuje v šivalnem klubu ter Klubu starejših državljanov in prav posebno ji je pri srcu negovanje njenega velikega vrta. Z možem sta slavila srebrno poreko z večerjo v krogu družine. Pri Zvezi je tajnica devet let in se rada žrtvuje za skupnost, posebno ne odreče pomoči pri prodaji raznih vstopnic, katere prejme za podružnico. Vse v vsem smo ponosne na našo častno mater, kateri želimo še mnogo let sreče, zdravja in zadovoljstva med Jaha SeOec Zvezina washingtonska podružnica je izvolila za svojo zaslužno mater leta go. Jano Bt\.cc, ki živi z družino v premestju Temple Hills, Md. Ga. Bevec je bila rojena 20. junija, 1928 v Fari — Vas, Sicvenija in v Ameriko je prišla leta 1S63. Dne 21. Febr. 1954 je stopila v za kine ko zvezo s Florijanom Bevec in v zakonu sta bila rojena 2 otroke: Janiča Lydia in Andrej. Letošnja častna mati jo tudi dobra športnica, posebno rada pava in kot pravi Slovenki je pri srcu petje naših lepih slovenskih pesmi. Po starokrajski navadi v družini vedno lepo proslavijo godove, ali imen-dane družinskih članov, ki so pravi prazniki vse družine. Pri podružnici vedno rada pomaga, kjerkoli je potrebno, bila je načelnica odbora raznih aktivnosti in organizatorja programov. Vse smo ponosne na našo Jano, saj je vedno prijazne narave in veselega obraza ter ji s čestitkami želimo še mnogo sreče in blagoslava v krogu njene družine. Bog jo živi! \ .+. J#",fr. fr. fr. fr. fr 'fr\ ' 'fr\'fr[ 'fr' '4 NEŽKA GABER (nadaljevanje): sinček Franci. Oba sta zelo nadarjena in tudi družabna. Tako je Nežka postala res vzorna mati in žena celi družini. Čeprav ima dosti dela doma pri kuhi in peki, pri urejevanju vrta in pri šivanju ni pozabila na študij in znanstvo ki si ga je pridobila v preteklosti. Še je aktivna v mnogih področjih. Namreč prostovoljno predava v Gads-hill Community Center različne predmete, kakor priložnost nanese. Ravno tako je še vedno aktivna na Northwestern Memorial Hospital, kjer dela le začasno. Njeno redno delo je predavanje na Medical Aid training School, kjer poučuje študentke ki se pripravljajo za bolniške strežnice. Predavanje in poučevanje današnje mladine je zelo dobro in karitativno delo, ker se toliko slabega sliši o današnji mladini. Ona opravlja to delo zelo potrpežljivo in s tem pomaga današnji mladini k boljši bodočnosti. V veliko čast in zadovoljstvo si šteje, da pripada k cerkvenemu zboru sv. Štefana. Lepo je poslušati nedeljo za nedeljo prelepo petje in enkrat na leto nas pa zbor preseneti z koncer tom, katerega vsi uživamo. Koliko ur pevskih vaj in pripravljanja gre v to petje, to pa samo pevci sami vedo. Res veliko je treba časa in potrpljen- ja, da se kaj doseže, ona vse to naredi z veseljem in užitkom. Tako je Nežka že marsikaj doživela v svojem življenju in tudi marsikaj dosegla z svojo vztrajnostjo, skrbnostjo. V čast si štejemo, da imamo pri- ložnost sodelovati z njo pri Slovenski Zvezi in upamo, da bomo še marsikaj dosegle, želim ji obilo blagoslova in sreče na njeni življenski poti.. Naše čestitke, Nežka! A. ROZMAN. EUROPE AND SLOVENIA IN 1975 Trying to keep the cost down and fight inflation Hollander World Travel, Inc. will offer again in 1975 a large number of charter flights to Ljubljana, as well as other cities in Yugoslavia. Departures from May to October from 2 to 19 weeks Round trip from PITTSBURGH, CLEVELAND, DETROIT to LJUBLJANA, $398.00 Round trip from CHICAGO, $409.00 — From NEW YORK, $386.00 Enjoy your vacation more — travel with Hollander, an expert in the travel field for over 50 years! Call or write for your departure schedule today! KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. Main Office: 589 EAST 185th STREET - CLEVELAND,” OHIO 44119 « Telephone: (216) 692-2225 - Telex 98-0294 CHICAGO, Illinois 37 South Wabash (60603) Telephone: (312) 332-4721 2032 West Cermak Rd. (60608) Telephone: (312) 847-6679 31-06 42nd St., Astoria, N.Y. 11103 Telephone: (212) 721-1132 DETROIT, Michigan 19741 Van Dyke Ave. (48234) Telephone: (313) 366 4300 NEW YORK, New York so članice naše Zveze. Kot pravi, sredi te čarobne pomladi ni prostora za bolečino in žalost, ki prinaša in odnaša in pravi “ne pozabite me”! Dobrodošle 314 novopristople članice v zadnji kampanji, čestitam Rose Kramer, Fanika Humar in useph pri pridobitvi novih članic v Zvezo. Tudi naša podr. št. 3 ima doprinos s 16 novimi članicami. Kot je redno poro-čano, imamo mnogo smrtnih slučajev v naših vrstah, zato se potrudimo, da nadomestimo nastale vrzeli. Prosim vse odbornice, da priskočijo na pomoč tajnici in moji malenkosti, ki ne zmoremo vsega. Priporočamo obiske v domu onemoglih. Čla. Mary Kristan je v domu že 7 let, Johana Puntar 4 leta in je že 95 let stara, vendar je njen spomin in razgovor popolnoma svež in prijeten. V času tega pisanja sta v bolnici, Paulina Jamnik in Christina Bra-dish iz Mesa Ave. Naj vsem bolnim majniška Mati vrne zdravje. Še vedno nimamo pojasnila, zakaj je zastoj v gospodarstvu naše blagoslovljene dežele Amerike. Zaskrbljeno sprašujemo zakaj je toliko nemira in zmešnjave ter starost ni več spoštovana. Okusne dekliške čednosti (tudi fantje niso izvzeti), je prav iz mode, kot Ri milja ni, ki so ugonobili sebe z nemoralnim življenjem. V cvetočem mesecu bo praznovanje vseh mater živih in pokojnih, ki so legle v prerani grob, posebno nepozabne soses. Albine Novak in Josephine Železnikar. Ni lepšega kot ljubezen otroka in spoštovanje svoje matere. Naj nebo rosi svoj obilni blagoslov. Poklonimo jim venček molitvic zvestega spomina. To je moje voščilo sleherni materi za god materinega dne. V naši podr. zavzema mesto zaslužne matere Helen Miklich. SŽZ v duhu poklanja venec molitve vsem sosestram naše Zveze, živim in pokojnim. Društvo St. Joseph, KSKJ se zaveda, da je slovensko. Od zunaj na poslopju je napis St. Joseph Slovenian Hall. Praktično ime. Vse ste lepo vabljene na majevo sejo z razvedrilom in prigrizkom za vse, posebno mladina je vabljena. Hvala za pozdrave iz počitnic od Josephine Pauček, ki je obiskala toplo Florido, stanuje pa v Milwaukee, Wis. Želim uspešni izid nove kampanje za članice. Naša podr. je preložila letne seje do septembra. Pozdravlja. ANNA PACHAK. ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Vsem našim članicam želim veseli Materinski dan. Upam, da vam bo lju'bi Bog naklonil zdravje in da boste še mnogo let praznovale ta dan med nami. Ta dan je na čast vsem materam in vem, da se vas bodo spominih vaši otroci. V mesecu maju se bo brala sv. maša za vse matere v cerkvi Marije Vne-bozete na Holmes Ave. Vse, ki se ne boste mogle udeležiti seje, pa se vas bomo spomnile z molitvijo., Kot častno mater leta 1975, bomo počastile Mrs. Jennie Asseg, ki je prav dobro poznana v Collinwoodu. Pred leti je “Asseg” trgovina bila poznana v vsaki slovenski družini. Naša seja v marcu je bila kar lepo obiskana. Sedaj bomo imele boljše vreme, zato upam, da nas bo vedno nekaj več navzočih. Na seji smo praznovale rojstni dan Jennie Koren, ko je bila 91 let stara. Jennie je še kar pri dobrem zdravju in nikoli ne zamudi naše seje. Upamo, da bo Jennie, kakor tudi vse naše članice, ki praznujejo rojstne dneve v mesecu maju bi 'e zdrave še mnoga leta. V nedeljo dne 25. maja bomo imele konvencijo vseh skuipnih podr. od Clevelanda in Mich. Pod. št. 42 bodo pa praznovale 45 letnico skupno z našo konvencijo bomo pomagale praznovati banket in želim pod. št. 42 mnogo uspehov. Naša gl. pneds.,, Mary Bostian se lepo zdravi na domu in ko boste či-tale te vrstice bo zopet polna aktivnosti. Vse članice jo lepo pozdravljamo in želimo ljubo zdravje. Vsem bolanim članicam želimo hitro ozdravljenje. Tiste, ki še niste plačale asesmenta, bi prosila, da pošljete na moj naslov. Končam z lepim pozdravom vsem skupaj. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, tajnica ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Naše seje v aprilu, se je udeležilo kar lepo število članic. Pri društvu imamo vedno precej živahno, ko se snidejo članice in vsaka ima kaj za povedati, tako kramljajo tam vzadaj da mora predsednica večkrat rabiti kladivi, da ustavi šum. Od št. 47 je pristopila k naši podr., Mrs. čekada. Naša glavna preds. je bila zadnji mesec precej bolana in so jo obiskale dve članice, se je pismeno zahvalila za obisk, želimo, da se čimprej popo!noma pozdravi. Obiskale sta jo obe Mary Stražišar. Za jesen ko prireditev se že tudi pripravljamo. Prihodnjo sejo bomo praznovale tri-mesečno godovanje in materinski dan. Nekatere naše članice bodo potovale na obisk domovine Slovenije. Vabim vse, ki imajo priliko, da gredo obiskati naše sestre, ki so v domu ostarelih. Vse članice, ki še dolgujete na članarini pa prosim, da bi čimprej poravnale, da bo imela tajnica manj dela. V društveno blagajno je ta večer darovala Mrs., Baron. Prisrčna ji hvala. Sedaj je prišla v stanovanje blizu Slovenskega Doma in bo lahko hodila na seje, ker doslej je bila preveč oddaljena. Vsem skupaj lep pozdrav. ANTONIJA ŠUŠTAR. ----------m ■ i ^---------- ŠT. 15, CLEVELAND, OHIO Podružnica št. 15 je zopet zagledala beli dan po dolgem času. S pomočjo gl. preds. ses. Mary Boštjan, smo imele prvo sejo v januarju in v Febr. smo imele same sejo, toda upam, da bo vsaki mesec boljša udeležba. Izvolile smo malo odbora, malo pa še čaka na drugo sejo. Naša tajnica je jako delavna, se dobro spozna na knjigovodtsvo, zato je njeno delo všeč vsem. Vsem članicam naznanjam, da bomo imele na Materninski dan sv. mašo za žive in umrle članice. Pridite k tej maši in pokažite, da ste članice in matere podr. št. 15. Za nas bodo rezervirane klopi. Nato bomo imele za-jutrek in počastile bomo našo zaslužno mater leta. ses. žabek. Ona je res zaslužna oseba. Sv. maša bo ob 8 uri zjutraj. Umrle sta nam dve čla. Mary Turk in Anna Haibjan. Bog jima daj večni mir. Družinam naše sožalje. — Za blagajno so darovale ses. Laushe in Zabek. Prisrčna hvala in pozdrav vsem! ANTONIA STOKAR, Preds. ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISCONSIN Uresničila se mi je dolga žela, da bi zopet dočakala in se udeležila kegljaške tekme Slovenske ženske Zveze. Hvala Bogu, sem imela priliko biti med našimi kegljačicami dne 16. marca na tekmi Zveze v Jolietu, III. Moja hčerka Josephine Schmidt, je nadomestila eno kegljačico, ki se ni mogla udeležiti in tako je naneslo, da sem se ji pridružila. Čestitam gl. odbornicam SŽZ, ki vodijo organiza- May, 1975 33 cijo v tako lepem redu in da skrbijo za razvedrilo in za mladino. Mnogim preskrbijo šolnino za višje šole. Hvala tudi odbornica SŽZ št. 17, posebno predsednici Marian Marolt, ki je preskrbela za vožnjo, ki je bila zelo prijetna in dan nad vse lep. Želim, da bi Bog dal odbornicam zdravje, c!a bi tudi v bodoče tako lepo vodile našo organizacijo. Posebej tudi čestitam Mrs. Prisland in želim, da bi jo Bog ohranil še mnogo let zdravo med nami. Vsa čast ji, da je ustanovila našo Slovensko žensko Zvezo. Najlepši pozdrav vsem! JOSEPHINE STARIHA. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Naša seja v marou je bila zelo prisrčna. Seje se je udeležilo število kegljačic, ki so kegljale na turneji minulo nedeljo in obujale spomine. Posebno je bilo povdarjeno, da smo počastile našo agilno Jo Sumic, ki ima mnogo zaslug pri tem športu. Tudi nad kegljiščem je bil velik napis: "Pozdrav na tekmi v čast Jo Sumic”. Jo smo izročile krasen sveži šopek nageljnov in ji izročile ploščo z njenim imenom in sliko ter nekaj vrstic v njeno počastitev. Bila je zelo presenečena tega sprejema. Tudi slikale so se z njo odbornice tekme, Lillian Putzel, urednica Corinne Leskovar, Olga Ancel in več zaslužnih odbornic. Na turneji nas je obiskal tudi Fr. David Stalzer, ki je prijatelj podružnice ter Mr. in Mrs. John Jevitz in več drugih, ki so prišli čestitati. Posebno so se prizadevale preds. E. Planinšek, taj. O. Ancel, Mary Mihelič in Mary Ivanich, ki je sama darovala 11 parov ročno heklanih nogavic, 20 ročno narejenih obešalnikov (hangers) in pecivo. Zahvalila se je tudi članicam, ki pridejo molit ob krsti pokojnih sester in jih spremljajo na zadnji poti. Dobitke so prejele Dorothy Končar in Jonita Ruth. Denarni dobitek so dobile Mayme Altland $50, Cath. Putrich $25 in Fannie Petrovich $25. Predstavljena je bila nova članica, Mary Marolt. Njena tašča Mrs. Johanna Marolt je že naša dolgoletna članica. V bolnici se nahajajo Mrs. Theresa Žlogar, Mary Smrekar, Mary Cohil, ki se zdravi doma in Lillian Bozich. Vsem želimo hitro okrevanje! Čla., Helen Sak (prej Todorovich) je izgubila moža Richarda po šestletni bolezni. Naše iskreno sožalje njej, sinu in hčerki. Po seji smo imele prigrizek. Izgubile smo 2 članice v enem ted- nu: v Plainfieldu je umrla Mrs. Ka-therina Boštjančič, v starosti 83 let. Rojena je bila v Sloveniji in zapušča dve hčerki in tri sinove ter več drugih sorodnikov, med njimi tudi družina naše odbornice Therese Muhich. Pred njo je 1. 1965 umrl njen soprog Joseph, kakor tudi starši, 3 sestre in en brat. Pokopana je bila iz cerkve Matere Božje na pokopališču Sv. Jožefa. V enaki starosti 83 let je preminula Mary Papesh, za katero žalujejo 3 sinovi, 2 hčerke, 13 vnukov in eno pravnukinjo. Pred njo je umrl njen mož John leta 1945, ena hčerka in 2 sinova. Naj naše sosestre v miru počivajo. Sorodnikom naše sožalje. Pozdravlja. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. ŠT. 24, LASALLE, ILLINOIS Drage članice: Najprej vse skupaj lepo pozdravim in prosim odpuščanja, da se dalje časa nisem oglasila v naši ljubi Zarji. Ob tej priliki želim podati v kratkem letno poročilo. Na seji dne 6. aprila, katere sem se po daljšem času prvič udeležila, je bi'l izvoljen naslednji odbor: Preds. Mary Gramc, podpreds. Nellie Močnik, taj. in blag. Theresa Savnik. Nadzornice in preglednice knjig: Emma Shimkus in Mary Gornik. Zapisnikarica v angleščini, Anna Meglen. Po molitvi predsednice, nato tajnica prečita finančno poročilo, ki je sprejeto, kakor čitano. Nato Preds. opazi, da sem jaz navzoča, zato me prosi, če bi prevzela za zapisnikarico v slovenskem jeziku, kar sem rada sprejela in se bom potrudila, da bom od časa do časa poročala od naše podružnice v Zarjo, ker drugače je preceji žalostno če ni niti besedica od naše podr. Vabimo nove članice, da Se nam pridružijo. Razgovor je nanesel kam bi šle, ko se bo vreme uredilo. Sklenjeno je bilo, da gremo za južno ali večerjo v gostilno Paramount Club. Imajo domače slovensko kuhanje. To bo prvo nedeljo v maju po seji, ki bo ob 2 uri, kosilo bo ob treh. Vse lepo vabljene in tudi prijatelji, ker imajo mnogo dobrot na razpolago ter si bo vsak lahko izbral po želji. Pohar-Witek so gospodarji. V kuhinji pa je naša Mary Dežman Kragulski, ki je bila naša preds. po pok. Angeli Štru-kel. Veseli nas, da so omenjeni kupili naš Slovenski dom v La Sallu, blizu slov. cerkve Sv., Roka. On uredi tudi za pogrebe in ohceti. Sporočiti jim moramo število, da vejo za koliko oseb pripraviti. Letos ne bomo imele posebni Ma-terniski dan, ker po večini imajo domače družinske praznike, zato želimo vsem kar najlepše obhajanje tega pomembnega dneva. Blagoslov in zdravja na ta dan in vse leto. Bog in Marija naj nas vse varujeta. Ne smemo pozabiti naših bolnih sester. Pošljite nam par vrstic za Zarjo. Čestitke izrekamo vsem šolskim otrokom, ki so se odlikovali LaSalle County šolskem okrožju. Naše šolske sestre se zelo trudijo za naše otroke, posebno č. ses. Charlotte, OSB velja zasluga za uspehe. Krasne uspehe in nagrade so prejele naslednje hčerke in sinovi naih članic: Connie Green-wald, Cindy Scc'iiffero, Chris Koehler, Ken Kilonowski, Mike Glouzuski. Judy Ajster, George Helmer, in Clay Baznik. želimo jim še mnogo uspehov v življenju. Mary Uranich iz Flo. je obiskala našo sejo in smo jo z veseljem pozdravile. žal smo ji izrek’e tudi sožalje ob izgubi svaka. Na obisk iz rodne Radovljice v Sloveniji, je prišla Pepca Vengar, ki je obiskala našo ses. Antoinette in njenega moža Johna. Tončka je bila gotovo vesela. Ses. Mary Gornik je postala greatgrandmother in vnukinja Mary Elizabeth Citek, grandmother. In tudi jaz že tretjič. Naša vrla preds. in moja dobra prijateljica Mary Gramc je 19. aprila slavila rojstni dan. Vse najboljše in mnogo zdravja ji želimo vsi! Moram sporočiti tudi žalostno vest, da je v Chicagu1 umrla Mary Gramc st. in smo se udeležili pogreba v Chicagu in molile za pokoj njene duše. Bile smo: Emily (Močnik) in mož Peterson, Ursula Kobal in bratje ter Mary Terselič ter Frances Pucel in podpisana. Izrekamo ji iskreno sožalje. Molimo tudi za sestro od Mary, Anna Siegle, ki je zapustila moža in 4 otroke ter več vnukov. Vsem pokojnim večna luč! Joseph Baznik, mož ses. Frances je bil pred 2 tedni položen k večnemu počitku in zapušča poleg žene, tudi sina, brata Louis-a, 2 sestri Agnes in Theresa in več drugih sorodnikov. Enako nas je zapustila ses. Johana Cigolle. Naj žalujoče tolaži Bog! Nepozabljen med nami ostane tudi Joe Anglavar, mož čla. Justine, ki zapušča tudi 2 hčere in več vnukov ter ostalo sorodstvo. Naj bo spomin na vse blagoslovljen! Ses. Josephine Horzen se je vrnila domov iz bolnice in jo bo ljubo mamo zdravila hčerka. Njen sin je č.g. Bernard Horzen, OSB. Želimo ji hitrega zdravja. Bolane so tudi naslednje sestre: Mary Rady, Anne Planlan, Frances Kotar, Catherine Toslovarsnik, Theresa Terselič, Catherine Spitzmiller, Margaret Pirc, Josephine Rogel in Josephine Sheck. Vsem lepa vošorla za zdravje. Iskrene čestitke čla. Mary Ann Wangler, ki se je poročila v naši cerk- vi sv. Roka z Robertom Schwiechert. Njeni starši William & Ann Wangler pa so slavili 25 letnico poroke v isti cerkvi. Vse naj lepše vabljene in na svidenje na večerji ter lep pozdrav! MARY (MICI) PILETIČ. ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Zopet se je približal lepi mesec majnik in z njim je vsa narava ozelenela. Srečni smo, da smo jo dočakali, saj naša Zveza izgubi mnogo naših dobrih članic. V tem mesecu praznujemo Materinski dan. Naša podružnica bo proslavili ta dan, dne 11. maja v nedeljo popoldan pod novo cerkvijo. Po seji bomo počastile našo zaslužno mater leta, Mrs. Christine Zivoder, ki je sedaj naša tajnica. Prosim, da berete Zarjo, da je asesment povišan, ker tajnica mora včasih založiti. Prosim, da ji greste na roko, da vas ne bo treba opominjati. Letos smo jo izbrale za častno mater, ker lepo napreduje v svojem poslu in jo bomo malo razveselile. Sestre, kampanja je v teku, zato vas prosim, da se vse potrudimo za nove članice, da nas ne bodo druge prekosile. Kakor sem že omenila, da smo nenadoma izgubili našega dobrega župnika Rev. Rudolf Praznik. Upamo, da bo novi župnik enako dober za faro in vse Slovence. Ko pišem te vrstice, sem prejela sporočilo, da je umrl soprog moje sestre Pauline. Pogreb je bil pri Sv. Vidu dne 5. aprila. Vabim vas, da pridete v velikem številu na sejo. Imele bomo tudi dober prigrizek. Na veselo svidenje na seji. MARY OTONIČAR. ŠT. 77, N.S. PITTSBURG, PENN. Slovenski pesnik je zapisal: “Zlati maj, krasni maj, konec zime je sedaj. . V tem lepem mesecu praznujemo obletnico naše podružnice in že 39-to obletnico ustanovitve. Začetek je bil sijajen, ker vse smo se zanimale za napredek, saj smo bile mlade in polne življenja. Rade smo se shajale, prihajale na seje in vse naše priredit- ^iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiii!:^ | V spomin | | umrlim materam | j MATERINE ROKE j I O, krepke roke matere, | 1 ker svet ves ve držite, | | stoletja že in veke vse z | človeštvo ve krepite 2 | O, srečne roke matere, Q 3 veselja vse prežete, - | ko božate, ljubkujete | | predrago svoje dete. z | O, blage roke matere, | g spet sklenjene v molitev | | za svoje drage, ljubljene, | I in v božjo še častitev. | 1 Uboge roke matere z | utrujene od dela, s | tedaj še le počivate, z I ko smrt vas sklene bela. s 1 IVAN ZUPAN. 1 □ 9 ^llll[]IIIMIIIIIIIE]IIMIIIIIIII[]llllllllllll[]llllllllllllC]llllllllllll[]IIIIIIITv ve, a danes je drugače, vse smo že bolj priletne in bolehne, tako, da še iz hiše ne moremo same. Za pridobitev novih članic ni lahko, ker ni dovolj zanimanja. Naša majska prireditev bo dne., 14. maja, to bo drugo sredo zvečer v St. Mary's Lyceum, 910 Chestnut St. Bo vse kot prejšnja leta, potrebna je samo vaša navzočnost. Za častno mater je bila soglasno izvoljena ses. Josephine Gramc, ki rada obiskuje vse naše prireditve. Želimo ji boljšega zdravja. Dne 11. maja bo Mother’s day. Spomnimo se svoje matere. Poklonimo se ji z obiskom, saj nobena mati ne gleda na darilo, ona si želi samo vašega obiska in vaše navzoč- nosti. Tiste matere, ki pa spe v grobu, se jih spomnimo z molitvijo. Imamo tudi več članic, ki so na bolniški listi; ene v bolnici in druge na domu. Vsem iz srca želim hitrega zdravja. Lepe pozdrave vsem pri št. 77. MINKA ČHRNAT, tajnica. ------------- ^ i <«> ■ ^-------------- ŠT. 84, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Sedaj sem še v Port St. Lucie, Florida pri sinu Stanley-« in sina hi Joan. Vreme je krasno odkar sem tukaj 3 mesece. Domov se vrnem v maju in upam, da mi bo kaj pomagalo, ker moja leva noga je sedaj hvala Bogu malo boljša. Imeli smo prav malo dežja in vedno prijetno toplo vreme. Posebno krasni so večeri ob zatonu sončne zarje in rude cimi oblaki na obzorju. Turisti res uživajo in vsi hoteli so polni. Bilo bi res lepo, če bi imeli tukaj dom za ostarele. Tudi moje 2 hčere pridejo na obisk in sicer naša tajnica Betty Birk in njune družine za 2 tedna. V dec. je umrla Mrs. Wals. Sv. maša je bila darovana za njo v slovenski cerkvi. Pri podr. je bil izvoljen stari odbor in za častno mater leta je bila izbrana Frances (Medved) Roth, ki je doma iz Forest City, Pa. Zelo mi je žal, da se nisem mogla udeležiti proslave naše dolgoletne članice, Fannie Križel, ki je obhajala 90 letnico. Veliko je bilo udeležencev in igrala je godba mojega vnuka Steven Birk, ki je sin naše tajnice. Tudi Fannie je plesala in je bila zelo vesela. Ona je izvrstna šivilja in še danes dela lepe obleke. Bog daj, da bi dočakala 100 let. To si je želela moja mama, ki so umrli v starosti 99 let, leta 1952. Naj še omenim, da sem šla nabirat pomarače in limone v krasnih velikih nasadih nad 1000 dreves Okusno sadje razpošiljajo z letali po vsem svetu. Vreme dopusti, da stvari rastejo tudi pozimi. Ob koncu prosim vse članice, da se udeležite seje 10. maja ob 1:30 popoldne in pripeljite kaj novih članic, ker smrt nam jih preveč pobira. Vsem bolnim pa želim ljubega zdravja in na svidenje na seji. Pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ. ANGELA VOJ E, Preds. — . ■ » ----------------------- ŠT. 100, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Na zadnji seji, se nas je zbralo precejšnje število. Upamo, da bo na prihodnji seji še boljša udeležba. Na Belo nedeljo smo imele skupno sv. mašo in sv. obhajilo v cerkvi Resur- ^3n loving. memory.! Lucija čemažar Br. 2 Mary Terlep Br. 20 Jennie Oster Br. 25 Anna Ferlan Br. 26 Helen Strucel Br. 28 Anna Drobnich Br. 31 Anna Kernmavner Br. 32 Katerina Mazuran Br. 33 Mary Sajn Br. 41 Mary Beley Br. 43 Christina Skocaj Br. 47 Ursula Kragel Br. 64 Mary Medvešek Br.. 88 Mary Klemenčič Br. 90 Eva M. Lufoin Br. 92 WJe mourn you dear iiiteri! rection. Po maši smo imele dober zajutrek, kar si je katera izbrala v restavraciji L. Prvi četrtek v maju bomo imele POT LUČK večerjo, vsaka bo nekaj prinesla in bomo počastile našo zaslužno mater za to leto, ki je zaslužna Josephine Sušel. čestitamo! Ona je voditeljica našega zabavnega kluba. Dobra mati dveh sirov in stara mati dveh vnukov in ene vnukinje., Seveda je ponosna na nje. Žal ni dovolj prostora, da bi kaj več napisala o naši častni materi leta. Bog jo živi! Dne 19. t.m. smo pa vsi povabljeni na zlato poroko našega dobro poznanega para Mr. in Mrs. Mohorko. Imajo dve hčerki in enega sina, dalje 2 sestri tukaj in eno v New Yorku, ki so vse naše dobre članice. Mr. in Mrs. Mohorko sta prišla pred leti iz Milwaukee. Tukaj imajo malo tiskarno ter prodajalno in pošiljajo domača semena in zdravilne čaje po vsej Ameriki. Ses. Mohorko in njene sestre so naše dobre članice. Dne 18. maja pa bomo imeli Slovenske šmarnice v Etisvanda cerk- vi Presv. Srca Jezusa ob 12 uri, 15 min., potem pa dobro kosilo v KSKJ dvorani. Vsi ste vabljeni od blizu in daleč. Naša preds., Mary Jasina je priporočala, da bi dobile kaj več mladine v našo sredo, ker v mladini je bodočnost. Ona je vpisala svojo nevesto, Ivann Jasina in vnukinjo Melissa in vstopila je tudi Bernardetta Strogrem. Vse dobrodošle! Že dalje časa je bolna ses. Reck, če morete, jo obiščite. Jennie Kovelič je dobila sestro iz Clevelanda na obisk ter ji želim veliko zabave in razvedrila. — Rojstne dneve so praznovale, J'ennie Zornada, Mary Omaje in morda je še katera. Vsem želim "Vse najboljše”! God bless you all! KRISTINA FILIPS. FINANCIAL REPORT -FINANČNO POROČILO, MAREC, 1975 Br. No. Amount: Adults: Jr. Re.: Br. No. Amount: Adults: Jr. Re.: 1 $123.80 184 64 80 — 13 2 310.25 432 190 81 16.20 27 1 3 172.85 258 120 83 7.35 15 4 8.70 10 — a 84 35.55 39 2 e 5 81.60 78 14 a 85 — 35 6 56.50 107 17 86 — 19 7 48.20 83 28 88 — 46 6 8 — 38 — 89 32.55 64 21 9 89.40 20 — b 90 16.85 36 6 10 131.15 260 20 c 91 83.55 40 5 h 12 68.45 139 54 92 69.30 27 16 f 13 63.35 106 28 93 — 44 3 14 160.90 275 43 94 1.40 5 15 98.50 153 2 95 122.80 169 13 16 108.15 146 65 96 — 43 ___ 17 106.55 149 105 97 5.80 12 19 51.30 88 8 99 4.55 12 __ 20 212.75 355 107 100 44.60 50 18 21 69.65 106 47 101 28.05 34 12 22 — 15 — d 102 39.00 36 2 a 23 — 208 29 103 18.95 22 17 24 61.90 114 30 105 20.05 29 6 25 308.95 521 128 106 19.85 24 26 27 161.25 117.45 124 35 33 2 g f Total: $4.821.65 7,689 2,083 28 66.10 66 28 Remarks: Pd. Mar. & Apr. a; January 29 1050 21 4 to Decernb. b; Feb. c; Pd. in Feb. d; 30 86 Feb. & March e; Jan. Feb. March f: 31 72 21 d January & Feb. g; Apr. May, June h. 32 123.20 184 55 March 1975 Income 33 130.50 179 119 Assessment: $4,821.65 34 22.75 35 4 Interest: 2,162.50 35 32.20 49 28 Rent: 135.00 37 — 15 1 Books sold: 268.50 38 49.20 102 3 c Bonds sold: 15,000.00 39 24.15 42 3 Miscell. 2.30 40 64.00 103 1 41 110.05 143 9 f 22,389.95 42 33.50 53 2 Bond book value & books 43 151.65 200 127 sold asset: 13,868.95 45 21.15 37 10 46 15.75 31 3 Total income in March, 47 — 113 39 dohodki: $ 8,521.45 50 52 235.70 38.10 307 50 56 16 Disbursements - Stnoški * March 1975: 54 55 30.10 37.85 48 59 31 18 c uatms -Salaries - zavarov. — plače $1,800.00 908.22 56 74.55 89 7 Administration 335.00 57 59 61 62 35.40 31.70 23.20 54 26 5 20 13 1 g a Insurance Dep. fee Gas, Electricity Social Security Internal Revenue 25.00 99.87 71.66 286.16 63 64 65 66 32.85 78 36 36 48 16 1 20 14 c New US Treas. Bond Accrued Interest Zarja March issue Post. & teleph. 14,720.31 96.34 1,943.11 33.02 67 46.90 68 8 Maintenance 20.00 68 39.45 54 25 Office sup lies 205.22 70 12 Donations 50.00 71 63.25 110 37 $20,593.91 72 14.30 18 73 67.20 100 59 New Bond asset 14,720.31 74 26 1 Total disbursements— stroški Mar. 1975: $ 5,873.60 77 18.40 33 23 79 — 36 18 FANIKA HUMAR. Happy Mother’s Day From Regina HI BOYS AND GIRLS Our Lady is especially honored this month. And from the Catholic Children’s Treasure Box comes the following: This is a story about a special little girl baby whom God made. Her name was Mary. Her father and mother were good people who lived long ago in a p'ace which we ca.I the Holy Land . . . Mary was God’s favorite. That means God loved her best of all. Mary was very good. She was always good. Mary loved God so much that she always did what God wanted. She talked to God all the time in her heart. She liked to pray to God in the church with all the other people. Mary loved everybody God made. She used to share everything she had with other children — even her cakes. Mary was kind to everybody. She loved to help her mother around the hO'Use. She did everything with a smile. She was happy because she did everyting for God. Mary grew to be a beautiful young girl. She was still God’s favorite. She loved God every minute. She used to make the bread for the family. She used to set the table and wash the dishes. When Mary was old enough she married Saint Joseph, a carpenter. He made chairs and tables and things like that. He loved God too. He saw that Mary was good and beautiful, and he wanted her to be his wife. So they were married. One day something wonderful happened to Mary! An Angel came to visit her. God called cne of His big angels, and said: “I want you to go down and visit My favorite Mary. Tell her I want her to be the mother of My Son.” The big angel found Mary at home, thinking about God as she always was. The angel said. “Hail, full of grace!” Then the angel told Mary, "God wants you to be the mother of His Son.” Mary said, “I will do what God wants.” Mary's baby was born on Christmas. His name is Jesus. Jesus is God’s Son. God is His Father, so Jesus is God too. Saint Joseph took care of Jesus and Mary. He made up the fires to keep the Baby warm. He worked and made money to pay the bills. He knew he was taking care of God’s Son. Jesus was going to unlock the gate of heaven when He grew up. Mary was helping Jesus grow big and strong, so that He would be a Man. That was just what God wanted Mary to do. Mary was doing what God wanted when she loved Jesus and took care of Him. She was kind to other children and loved them. Mary was dong what God wanted when she made the bread, and swept the house, and sewed for Jesus and Saint Joseph. She was saying over and over, ‘‘I will do what God wants.” God wants all of us to be like Maiy, the Blessed Mother of Jesus. If we want to be like her, we wiH always have to give the right answer: “I will do what God wants.” This month all our mothers are especially honored. A home made card received some eighteen years ago reads: Dear Mom, We all say together Mary is queen of Heaven Mommy is queen of Our Home. My prayerful wish — that the Queen of Heaven asks Her Son to bless the queens of Our Homes! Your friend, REGINA. Science is Educational and Fun lor Ann SCIENCE FAIR WINNER ... It was oniy her second attempt in submitting an entry to the Northeastern Ohio Science Fair but it was ultimately successful as Ann Zak, 8th grader at Forst Park, won the top award for 7th and 8th grade students in Chemistry. Her teacher Ernie Kaluder is really proud of his outstanding student who entered last year with a biology project, didn’t win anything, and undaunted, decided to try again this year. Ann spent about 3 months working on her exhibit titled "Old Man Corrosion vs. Heat and Cold.” She visited Room 220 during study halls, lunch breaks, and after the school in addition to her class time. She decided to explore the effects of corrosion on a variety of materials with extremes of heat and cold in addition to the effects of various acids and other elements. She got her idea for the project from seeing the rust accumulate on her dad’s car and felt she would like to do a scientific project in this direction. Some pieces of metal were actually frozen while others were heated to explore what happened to them with extremes of temperature. Her display is presently on exhibit at the school and the combination of charts, display board, sections of metal and two cartoon characters called “Corrosion” help tell the story graphically. In addition to her First Place Gold Medal, Ann won a First Place Ribbon from the American Institute of cTie-mical Engineers and a $25 cash prize. Second Place Ribbon from the American Society for Metals, and a Fourth Place Ribbon from the American Chemical Society. She also will soon receive a $40 cash award from them for her entry. Asked about these honors, she remarked, “I certainly hope to enter again. This project helped me to learn a lot.” It is evident that she is grateful to her teacher Mr. Kaluder, for his guidance in the project. Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zak, 27304 Hickory Court, and although college is many years away, she currently is interested in pharmacy and metallurgy. (Reprit from Euclid newr.papsr) CKfl I tltinu OLD MAN CORROSION a .iv 41AT X COLD Ann Zak, Science Fair winner, is a member of Br. 50 an is her mother, Vi. W« are all as proud as mom. FRANC GORŠE % STUDIA SLOV EM I CA P.'. . BOX 232 7^/, v. v. 1: 32 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 LISTEN TO CHICAGO’S SLOVENIAN HOUR W.O.P.A. 1490 Kc — FRIDAYS 10:30 P.M. LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Emfoaimers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prtfiranHi si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. TeJ. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohte> Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio Save with ST. CLAIR CLEVELAND, OHIO 813 EAST 185th ST. 6235 ST. CLAIR AVE. 25000 EUCLID AVE. 6135 WILSON MILLS RD. 7481 CENTER ST., MENTOR 26000 LAKE SHORE BLVD. "I 29001 CEDAR ROAD V 27801 EUCLID AVE. .. •. ■ "at St. Clair.. . we care" ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St 6502 St Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phor,» 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Fr. Frank Perkovich Presents. SONGS & HYMNS FROM THE POIKA MASS “ Celebrated at Resurrection Church, Eveleth, Minnesota uj With JOE CVEK and the VARIABLES ORCHESTRA - AND CHORALEERS. 3 ■ ■ m Stereo record: $5.00 8—Track. J6.00 Cassette: J6.00 Add 0.50 for postage and liandling. For orders: Write to: POLKA MASS BOX 586 Eveleth, Minnesota. 55734 ■ § □I i I ■ ginilllHUIIHIIIIIBIIIIIBIIIiniUliailllinillllilllllESIIIIIHIIIICD! “ TEZAK i FUNERAL : home I 1 JOLIET, ILL m g 459 North Ottawa Street i Phone: 722-0524 !S!i:!.2Ei;ir&)i::':3£ii::.£j]i,r;,E3!:!;iS!!ii;£CiiH!ai!>!!aiii ■ "First in service since 1908" d ■ llinillHlttHIIIIIHUIIHIIIIHIIIHHIIIIIBmilBiaiinilll M I 1 I 1 111Š