175 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 original scientifi c article DOI 10.19233/ASHS.2017.14 received: 2015-10-15 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI Aleksander JANEŠ University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper, Slovenia e-mail: aleksander.janes@fm-kp.si Roberto BILOSLAVO University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper, Slovenia e-mail: roberto.biloslavo@fm-kp.si Armand FAGANEL University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper, Slovenia e-mail: armand.faganel@fm-kp.si ABSTRACT The aquaculture sector stands at a crossroad because of the important changes in the business environment. The demand and competition for farmed fi sh is increasing worldwide, and so is the awareness of the importance for further development of sustainable small business. In this view innovation is crucial to promote sustainable business models that can achieve a solid economic performance and at the same time take care of the natural environment. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature about sustainable business models by an in-depth case study of a small fi sh farming company. The exemplary case study of a sustainable business model in aquaculture has been analysed by use of an enhanced business model canvas that links various market oriented elements of a business model with the needs of society. Keywords: aquaculture, sustainable business model, business model canvas, co-natural processes, innovation, co- branding MODELLO DI BUSINESS SOSTENIBILE: IL CASO DI STUDIO FONDA.SI SINTESI Il settore dell’acquacoltura si trova a un bivio a causa dei importanti cambiamenti nel contesto economico. La domanda e la concorrenza nel settore dei pesci d’allevamento sono in aumento in tutto il mondo, e così anche la consapevolezza dell’importanza delle piccole imprese per il successivo sviluppo sostenibile. In quest’ottica l’inno- vazione rappresenta il punto fondamentale per promuovere modelli di business sostenibili che possono raggiungere una solida performance economica e al tempo stesso prendersi cura dell’ambiente naturale. Lo scopo dell’articolo è di contribuire alla letteratura sui modelli di business sostenibili con un caso di studio approfondito di una piccola società di piscicoltura. Lo studio del caso esemplare di un modello di business sostenibile nel settore dell’acquacol- tura è stato analizzato mediante l’uso di un business canvas aggiornato che enfatizza le relazioni tra i vari elementi del modello di business orientati al mercato con le esigenze della società. Parole chiave: acquacoltura, modelli di business sostenibili, business model canvas, l’innovazione, co-branding 176 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 INTRODUCTION Aquaculture is among the fastest growing food pro- ducing industry accounting for about half of the total fi sh supply (FAO, 2012; Fischer et al., 2015) and fi sh is traditionally considered as a healthy diet. Despite some uncertainties about the exact health benefits of some nu- trients in seafood, it is generally accepted that seafood consumption is important for a healthy human diet, e.g. Omega-3, protecting against cardiovascular diseases. In most countries around the world the health benefits of eating fish are recognised by experts and public alike (Schlag & Ystgaard, 2013; STECF, 2014). One of the aims of the Interreg research project KnowUs – Co-generation of competitive knowledge among universities and SMEs1 was to develop and test methodologies, instruments, and procedures for creat- ing strategic-cognitive maps and business models to be used for promoting a sustainable growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The methodology that was developed within the project, originates from a pre-existing methodological model known as Competi- tive Knowledge Audit, developed by researchers of the University Ca` Foscari of Venice, in cooperation with companies from Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia (Bag- noli, 2012; KnowUs, 2013). Between January 2012 and May 2014 strategic-cog- nitive maps were designed for 30 Slovenian companies from tourism, construction, logistic, food and agricul- ture, and wood industry sectors. Strategic-cognitive maps were created on an innovative business model canvas developed and tested during the project. In this paper we present the case study from the food and agriculture sector – Fonda.si LLC (Fonda.si) as an exemplary case study of a sustainable business model (BM) (Primorske novice2; Janeš et al., 2014; Lagorio, 2012; Trebar et al., 2013). Fonda.si is a family owned aquaculture company that has grown into a successful small business by creating a completely unique market niche. The business was founded by Ugo Fonda 40 years ago whom succeeded his daughter Dr. Irena and son Lean. Fonda.si sales 80% of its products in Slovenia; the remaining share of sales is 10% in Austria and 10% in Italy. A couple of years ago they opened a franchise farm in Croatian Osor in the Cres Island and expanded aquaculture facilities in the Bay of Piran. The fi sh brand Piran seabass has been developed with the vision to acquire the title of “the best fi sh on the world” (Janeš & Biloslavo, 2013; Janeš & Trnavčević, 2014). This article is structured as follows: the second section covers a theoretical review, the third section presents the methodology applied focuses, the fourth section contains a discussion of empirical data, and the last section gives a conclusion. CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUNDS Sustainability and innovation Sustainability became the strategic imperative of the new millennium and encompasses a holistic approach in which issues of social, fi nancial, health-related and educational sustainability underpin the fundamental no- tion of environmental sustainability. Sustainability is of growing interest in the area of performance management as the companies increasingly link sustainability with the long-term business performance (Bocken et al., 2013b). Sustainability indicates the ability of an organization or a system to maintain a certain level of economic performance for a long-term period of time without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs (Barnard & Van der Merwe, 2016, 210; Bocken et al., 2013b; Galpin et al., 2015; Jones et al., 2008; Wagner & Svensson, 2014). Sustainability and with it sustainable BMs are today a necessity more than a niche (Kozlowski et al., 2015, 378). However, the application of sustainability in profi t organizations in general continues to be a highly debated topic. Concerns have been raised regarding the necessary changes needed to integrate sustainability from the very beginning of the product design process as is the case of Fonda.si (Fonda, 2013a; Searcy & Buslovich, 2014 by Kozlowski et al., 2015). From a SME perspective, innovation frequently refers either to new products or processes, which address customer needs better, cheaper or faster than existing solutions. The principal source of successful innovation is the knowledge and experience of people within an SME, in particular the innovation orientation of the owner/manager (Cummins et al., 2000 by O’Dwyer et al., 2009; Galpin et al., 2015; Guo et al., 2013). Smith-Sebasto and Shebitz (2013) defi ned sustainable innovation as an innovation that address sustainability issues and promotes continued naturally and socially acceptable rate of economic growth. Sustainable orien- tation and sustainable innovation represent key factors for SME’s profi tability and long-term growth that is based on understanding and fulfi lment of stakeholders’ interests (O’Dwyer et al., 2009; Guo et al., 2013). At the same time, we see that product and process innova- tion no longer offer suffi cient competitive advantage to contrast competitors in the long run (McGrath, 2011). Competitors are quickly able to copy innovations, prod- uct life cycles are becoming shorter and competitors from low wage countries have considerable cost and consequently price advantages. At the same time, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), offer unprecedented opportunities to rearrange value 1 Co-fi nanced by the Cross-border cooperation operational programme Italy–Slovenia 2007–2013 and by the Government offi ce for de- velopment and cohesion policy. 2 Primorske novice, 25. 7. 2015: Ustvarjalna praksa, 17. 177 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 creation activities in new and different ways. Hence, companies consider business model innovation as an opportunity to build sustainable competitive advantage (Teece, 2010) as well as to reconsider them in a more environmentally friendly view (OECD, 2012). Business model and innovation A need to innovating existing BM can be found in Porter’s statement that on the long run only companies that succeed in building a sustained competitive ad- vantage will be successful (Porter, 1996; Gošnik et al., 2016); this implies performing different activities than their competitors or similar activities in different ways (Porter, 1996; Lindgren et al., 2009; Philipson, 2016). Therefore, a company’s value creation and distribution processes need to be differentiated from its competitors. BM as a managerial concept has three common themes which have been identifi ed: (1) it emphasizes a holistic approach to explain how companies “perform business”; (2) it focuses on companies themselves; and (3) it explains value propositions, creation and value capture (Chesbrough, 2007; Biloslavo, 2014; Guo et al., 2013; Pels & Kidd, 2015, 202; Zott et al., 2011). Ma- gretta (2002) defi nes BM as the answers to the questions of who is the company’s customer, what does customer values, how is the company capturing value, and which economic logic explains the way that value is being delivered to customers at an acceptable cost. In the Zott et al. (2011) review a common viewpoint of different defi nitions has emerged, that BM is a “system level concept centred on activities and focused on value”. Every company has a BM, whether it articulates it or not. At its heart, a BM performs two important functions: value creation and value capture. A BM explains who your customers are, how you provide value to them and how you will retain part of that value. On the other hand strategy identifi es how you will outperform competitors by being different. The BM includes the key components of a business plan, but the business plan is comprising a number of additional operational issues that go beyond BM; BM is not a business strategy, but it also includes some elements of the strategy; BM is not a business pro- cess, although it is a part of it (Abraham, 2013; Biloslavo, 2014, 17; Chesbrough, 2007; Guo et al., 2013; Teece, 2010). Between the BM, business strategy and business processes, there is a kind of hierarchical relationship with the business strategy at the top, the BM underneath and business processes on the bottom. When a company develops its business strategy, at the same time develops its BM. However, if the company develops its BM, it does not mean that it has also developed its own business strategy. Seems like a logical consideration which also applies to the relationship between BMs and business processes (Biloslavo, 2014). Trimi & Berbergal-Mirabent (2012) argue that BM research “does not only consist of discovering how to create a more successful business, but in exploring how companies can better learn from their own experience and improve their entrepreneurial outcomes”. BM concept has also some limitations. For example it doesn’t help an organization to develop a growth strategy in terms of acquisitions, mergers or diversifi cation. For the aforementioned issues strategic analysis and appropriate strategic plan are still needed (Abraham, 2013; Bocken et al., 2013a, 483, 489; Elk- ington, 1997; Hargadon, 2015; Biloslavo, 2014; Wagner & Svensson, 2014; White, 2009). Österwalder et al. (2005) and later Österwalder & Pigneur (2010) proposed a conceptual tool named a BM canvas that helps companies to visualize, understand and innovate their BMs. Using a BM canvas makes it possible to evaluate the business idea together with dif- ferent aspects: creation process and fi nancial aspects, added value and customer relationships. With the use of canvas, companies can assess where their current BM stands in relation to its potential and afterwards they can defi ne appropriate next steps for further development of that model. In our research a BM canvas was used as a narrative framework for a description of the fi sh farm Fonda. Key elements of the BM canvas applied were adapted from the popular canvas developed by Österwalder & Pigneur (2010) who defi ned BM based on nine (9) elements: cus- tomer segments, value proposition, distribution channels, customer relations, key resources, key activities, partner- ships, revenues streams, and cost structure. According to Österwalder & Pigneur (2010) a BM describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. One benefi t of this defi nition is that each of its nine elements identifi es where innovation might generate new value in an industry (Abraham, 2013; Bilo- slavo, 2014; Bocken et al., 2013a; Chesbrough, 2007; Österwalder & Pigneur, 2010). The building blocks of the BM canvas provide a schematic and comprehensive view of a business process, and the Österwalder’s canvas approach has been widely recognized by scholars and practitioners and empirically validated (Boillat & Legner, 2013; Zott et al., 2011). However Österwalder’s BM canvas has also some serious limitations. The fi rst one is its linearity (its shape is neither a circle nor a triangle) that somehow deem- phasizes feedbacks that exist between various elements of the BM in practice. The second one is that it doesn’t consider society, which is a very important aspect for every BM even more considering general concern about sustainability and a need for innovation. The third one is that within the value proposition author defi nes the value proposition itself as well as products that company offers to the market. In order to tackle the limitations mentioned above we applied an enhanced BM canvas that emphasises three main ideas: 1. Product innovations based on technology are im- portant (technology push innovation at the level 178 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 of products) but at the same time design driven innovation (Verganti, 2009) is important as well. When we talk about innovation, generally people refer to technology and to product as an artefact as well. 2. Product innovations are important but prob- ably BM innovations are even more important (e.g. Dell, Ikea, RyanAir, Nespresso). BMs are important both when you have technology in- novations but also when you have design-driven innovations. BMs are not very important if you are developing a market pull innovation since generally you do not need to change your BM to answer customers’ requests (i.e. usually these changes represent incremental innovation). 3. The role of society is critically signifi cant for BM innovation and superior business performance. By facing social issues company can generate new ideas about how to solve its business prob- lems. Also if company is able to satisfy the needs of society it could be easier for it to satisfy the needs of its customers. It has been argued by Massa & Tucci (2014) that an innovative BM is needed in order to commercialize new ideas and technologies. A better BM will often beat a better product or technology. Existing approaches to sustainability may be relevant for specifi c aspects of value design and delivery, but BM innovation offers a more holistic perspective that incorporates all three dimensions of sustainability (i.e. social, environmental and economic). As with some other interdisciplinary topics, sustainable BMs are frequently mentioned but rarely analysed (Teece, 2010, 192). Therefore present- ing and interpreting practical examples of BMs in the form of study cases is eminently valid (Philipson, 2016, 136). BM innovation is regarded as the process of (re-) aligning and/or changing the BM and its inherent parts in response to internal and external stimuli (Kindström & Kowalkowski, 2014). A true BM innovation requires some substantive changes to value proposition, prod- ucts, and processes. Further development of the circular economy, an industrial economy that is producing no waste and pollution, can be sustained only if businesses will be able to innovate existing BMs. Fish farming Fish farming has a long history in the Mediterranean region, with evidence of capture and feeding going back over 2000 years. Seabass and seabream are produced in most of the twenty-plus Mediterranean countries. Farmed seabass and seabream producers tend to be SMEs; most companies are still relatively small as 90% of the employees are employed in companies with less than 10 employees. These companies are often family owned and have no or very limited intention to increase the production. Consequently large investments to increase production are not possible for many of these businesses due to the lack of capital or market demand. Although some larger organisations have emerged as the sector has developed; food supply from aquaculture is expanding while wild fish yields diminish because of overexploitation and migration (Fischer et al., 2015). According to STECF (2014) observation there are only a limited number of countries that expect a substantial growth in the sector despite the general desire by EU member states to expand the production (Schlag & Ystgaard, 2013; STECF, 2014, 14, 18; Wagner & Young, 2009). In general, European consumers have little knowl- edge or awareness regarding the origin of fish. This re- sults in uncertainty in consumers’ perception of farmed fish in particular. This case study is in line with other research, suggesting that perceptions of aquaculture and farmed fish are based more on emotions than on rational considerations. Still, the perception of farmed fish is positive in general (Fonda, 2013a and 2013b). Consumers do not prioritise fish origin as an information cue during the fish purchase decision process, although variation is present between different consumer groups (Honkanen & Olsen, 2009; Vanhonacker et al., 2011). The more environmentally concerned consumers are willing to pay a premium for fish products sourced from fisheries that are managed in a sustainable manner (Janeš & Biloslavo, 2013; Janeš & Trnavčević, 2014). Recently, another important value concept that is linked to the sustainability issues has increasingly gained importance on the market. Good traceability systems decrease the probability of certain food safety problems, and improve the overall level of food safety. Companies could benefit from traceability systems when this is associated with quality and safety assurance mechanisms (Honkanen & Olsen, 2009; Mai et al., 2010; Trebar et al., 2013). Indications that consumers are concerned about fish welfare issues in general may indicate that fish welfare and sustainability in farming are an up-coming issue among consumers (Ellingsen et al., 2015; Thøgersen et al., 2010). Findings of Pieniak et al. (2008) indicate that European consumers are very interested in health and healthy eating. Health involvement is found to be an indirect driver of both subjective health and fish con- sumption, whilst interest in healthy eating emerges as a direct driver of fish consumption behaviour. Hence, reinforcing existing health beliefs might be important in the development of effective strategies and communica- tion for stimulating fish consumption. Due to natural circumstances, the development of marine fi sh farming in Slovenia is limited. Mariculture takes place in the Bay of Strunjan, the Bay of Debeli rtič with shellfi sh farming and in the Bay of Piran with fi sh and shellfi sh farming. Slovenian mariculture practice is traditional; fi sh farming takes place in cages submerged 179 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 into the sea, while mussel farming takes place in lines of fl oating buoys linked together (Fonda, 2013a; STECF, 2014, 333). About ten enterprises are dealing with shellfi sh farm- ing in Slovenia and only one enterprise that is engaged in fi sh farming. Natural circumstances and conservation requirements in Slovenia do not allow the develop- ment of large industrial fi sh farms. Establishment of the organisation of producers would make it easier to obtain knowledge, new technology and reduce market costs (Janeš & Biloslavo, 2013; Janeš & Trnavčević, 2014). All Slovenian maritime fi sh and shellfi sh farms are currently operating with about 50% of capacity. In the future, it can be expected an increment of production to maximum capacity and then possible stagnation of Slovenian marine aquaculture while fresh water fi sh farms are yet to develop their potential because Slovenia has plenty of clean fresh water resources (STECF, 2014, 342). Methodology In this paper we followed the interpretivist paradigm and applied an inductive narrative approach based on a single case study (Yin, 1994). A paradigmatic case of a specifi c sustainable BM has been chosen. In the view of Baden-Fuller and Morgan´s (2010) defi nition a BM represents a model for business description and scien- tifi c investigation that is to be fi lled with proper data. According to this defi nition we used the BM canvas as a discussion point for the in-depth workshops and inter- views and then populated it by the data provided by the participant during the research workshops. Collected data were later analysed by use of the content analysis. The Fonda.si accepted the invitation and par- ticipated on workshops (Bocken et al., 2013a), in which semi-structured in-depth interview with executive manager were conducted (Bocken et al., 2013a; Guo et al., 2013). Interviews were agreed and scheduled with dr. Irena Fonda, co-owner and manager of the Fonda. si, and conducted between January and March 2013. Interview lasted for two hours (Kvale, 2007), and the following themes were explored: • sustainable innovation activity, • the company’s BM and • sustainability drivers of the BM. Prior to the interview the interviewee received some generic questions by e-mail to guide and adequately prepare her for the interview. Interview included questions about the company’s history, sustainability, innovation and key turning points in organizational life cycle. In particular the most innovative practices of the company’s BM were investigated, as recognized by the company itself. Using the canvas method for BMs, mapping of the company’s vision and strategic knowl- edge was performed. In order to implement strategic innovation of the BM, it is necessary to fi nd answers to several questions, but it is always required to start with the question: “Why do we exist and what is our goal?” This is followed by the question: “When to redesign the BM?” After the need for BM innovation has been ac- knowledged questions relating to characteristics of the existing BM are following. Questions are classifi ed ac- cording to the key elements of the BM (Bagnoli, 2012). In this way canvas was used for a description of the BM with a set of seven key elements (see Figure 1 and 2): stakeholders, business partners, key resources, business processes, products, customer segments, and the value proposition (Bocken et al., 2013a, 483, 489; Elkington, 1997; Janeš et al., 2014; White 2009). The fi rst interview was dedicated to the visualization of the present situation in the company (i.e. “as-is”) and represented a starting point for the second interview, which was aimed to the design of the future desired or ideal state (i.e. “to-be”). Interviews were recorded, with approval of the interviewee, and then transcribed and analysed (Easterby-Smith et al., 2005; Janeš & Biloslavo, 2013; Janeš & Trnavčević, 2014). The method of semi-structured interviews was supplemented with the participation of the researchers in the company and by collecting documentation and articles discussing company’s history and business activities (Angrosino & Mays de Pérez, 2000 by Janeš, 2014; Bocken et al., 2013a). The developed BM canvas (Figure 1 and 2) was analysed and discussed as a single case study. The latter was sent to the company-interviewee for confi rmation and authorization (Janeš et al., 2014). Empirical fi ndings and discussion Co-natural innovation activity of the enterprise The Fonda.si fi sh farm is located in the Bay of Piran, which lies in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea. The Piran’s Bay is different from other bays especially for clean waters and strong sea current which is oriented to the north along the east coast of the Adriatic. The contribution from a mild Mediterranean climate and the marine ecosystem is responsible for the completely unique climatic conditions. In winter, the temperature of the sea drops between 6ºC to 8°C, with the result that in some winter months the fi sh stop eating, and thus they get physically “cleaned”. For this reason, the growth of the fi sh is slower. Piran’s Bay has a natural protection from the northern and southern wind be- cause it is fl anked by Cape Savudrija and Piran’s Punta. In order to have enough space and continuous fl ow of fresh water for seabass, fi sh farm was built in the middle of the sea instead in the offshore basins. Fish farm net cages extend to a depth of 11m and comprise a diameter of 8m to 12m. These standard rates, which are set by the members of the Fonda family, represent improved aquaculture conditions. In each net cage there are usu- 180 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 ally twenty thousand frys, which means that they have relatively large space for their development, as it would be possible to enter much more juveniles in the cage of this size. Fish farming in net cages is advantageous to other methods as it is relatively easily managed and requires less space and capital investment. Seabass frys reared under controlled conditions face competition among in- dividuals for food and space leading to an uneven growth and causing cannibalism. Optimizing feeding frequency and ration size play an important role in regulating the feed intake, reduction in size heterogeneity and waste outputs of fi sh. All these facts result in higher quality of fi sh and increased production effi ciency. Commercial success of aquaculture operation largely depends on the growth and survival of the fi sh under culture. As feed is the most signifi cant cost involved it is emphasised to perform farming with its maximum conversion into fi sh growth in a cost-effective approach (Biswas et al., 2010). These procedures assure a sustainable farming and business’ organic growth. Today’s customer is becoming very sensitive to the information about the food source that potentially represents an important source of com- petitive advantage. When frys are delivered to the Fonda.si farm, they are seven months old and weigh an average of 6g. Feed for fi sh is made from verifi ed components of high quality. This means that the feed contains many cereals and marine organisms. Feeding of the fi sh is performed only manually and in moderation, in order to have fi sh without accumulated excess fat. Fish farm cages are not coated by means of anti-overgrown for marine organisms because such chemical agents are harmful to the envi- ronment. For this reason, cages are replaced or cleaned at least four times a year, which represents a dangerous and gruelling extra manual work that requires a lot of energy. Fish are nursed in this way four to fi ve years and in the meantime gain weight on average from 300g up to 500g. Some of them achieve weight up to 3kg. Company decided to present the “Selection cat- egory”, which is breeded for 8 years. The result of careful cultivation can be seen in great tonus of meat which is fat-free. The quality of fi sh is harmless, because the presence of mercury in farmed fi sh is up to thirteen times lower than in wild-caught fi sh. Thus, a positive outcome is the result of feed that does not contain mer- cury, chemicals and even hormones for faster growth, nor antibiotics for prophylaxis. The accumulation of different chemical elements in different fi sh tissues depends of the function of each tissue and physiology and behaviour of each species; e.g. habitat, feeding and degree of environmental contamination. Many studies of seabass and seabream have demonstrated higher metal and other elements concentration in tissues of wild fi sh species compared to farmed ones, which was mainly attributed to diet and habitat (water, salinity, temperature) differences (Fonda, 2013a; Kalantzi et al., 2013). Therefore, such a fi sh is easily digestible and palat- able and rich in protein, omega-3, vitamins and mineral substances. Food containing fi sh has a favourable effect on the development of the human body, particularly the brain in the era before the birth and later in the era of growth; therefore is recommended for pregnant women and babies. On adults, however, the impact is on the increase in mental and physical characteristics and slowing down the aging process. At the same time care for environment is expressed through regular veterinary supervision of animal health by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and regular supervi- sion of the inspector for food products, the Slovenian Veterinary Administration. The Company has developed a marketing slogan: “Natural, delicious and healthy!” that best describes Fonda’s farmed fi sh. Their sustainable innovation activities are based on the holistic marketing approach that includes a set of infl uential factors. The innovative marketing process is unique in the world and is charac- terized by the fi rst branded fi sh from a small farm sold through the Internet. Dr. Fonda says: “We carry out a lot of things that are really different for what others are doing, like traceability and guarantee, as well as we offer our seabass online. Customers place their orders through the internet and receive delivery at home in a very nice, neat package”. SME literature acknowledges that small companies’ competitive advantage lies in the development of innovative products or processes, which is reliant on accurate market and customer information. Therefore SME cannot be competitive using economies of scale for obvious reasons. Creative, alternative and instinctive marketing practices can fl ourish under fi nan- cial resource constraints (Low & MacMillan, 1988 by O’Dwyer et al., 2009). One of the important steps of their innovative ap- proach was that they gave the fi sh a geographical origin, and raised a brand Fonda’s Piran seabass (Lagorio, 2012, 37; Janeš et al., 2014; Trebar et al., 2013). Researchers argue that consumer perceived brand innovativeness might develop a sustainable competitive advantage for a company. Companies can use different elements or their combination (e.g. look, colour, feel, taste, logo, design and brand name properties) to signal brand innovative- ness (Danneels & Kleinschmidt, 2001; Shams et al., 2015, 1589–1590, 2591; Verganti, 2008). Fonda as a small producer, which cannot compete on price promo- tion (Monfort, 2007), developed a brand for a seabass, which is grown in a sustainable manner with highest quality standards, marketed and sold via exclusive distribution channels. All this is strongly supported by effective storytelling that includes owner’s family history and Piran’s bay. This approach is their true source of sustainable innovations; there is not another company in the industry that employs a similar approach. While standing for its products quality dr. Fonda 181 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 stresses: “There are many fi sh farms! They offer inex- pensive fi sh, but in quality, there is no one that would have been even close to us. Geographical location and climatic conditions certainly affect and leave their mark on farmed fi sh. This is true for wine, olive oil, cheeses, as well as meat and fi sh, only we have to understand it!”. Each fi sh is tagged with a badge. Each badge contains the date of harvest. This means full traceability and as- sures customers about the fi sh freshness (Fonda, 2013a). One of the latest projects is the project of radio frequency identifi cation (RFID) of products. This means that any packaging for the fi sh is equipped with a chip. A process of breeding sea bass from arrival of juveniles to the time of harvesting is monitored at the farm. RFID is implemented in the processing phase which includes collecting orders, weighing, sorting, and packaging fi sh into boxes. Aggregation of RFID data loggers with temperature sensor to the box enables applying cold chain control. The latter allow computer processing and monitoring of what is happening with the product. In ad- dition, it provides an even better trace to the customer. On the packaging box is a quick response (QR) code, which can be read using a smartphone so the customer knows where the fi sh was and how it travelled. At the delivery to the customers, RFID is disaggregated from boxes (Trebar et al., 2013, 3). Kind of certifi cation schemes that help the consum- ers in the sustainability of their choices are useful in some countries, where there is demand for e.g. eco- labelled products (Koos, 2011; Thøgersen et al., 2010) but in others, e.g. Portugal, it might be more effective to complement it by promoting food traditions that still are good alternatives for the marine resources (Almeida et al., 2015). Dobson & Regier (2007) discussed the fi sheries sustainability through the adoption of a broader ethical approach, identifi ed the role of science and risk assess- ment, the public trust doctrine and other factors, and recommend further collaboration of all stakeholders so that their joint efforts would result in “sustainable and equitably shared fi sheries”. Hayes et al. (2004) emphasize that farmer-owned brands could be profi table for farmers and discuss the importance of restricting the supply of any successful brand. Aurier et al. (2005) investigate the food products’ local origin (“terroir”) as a differentiation factor and com- pany’s added value and demonstrate that the “terroir” indication could infl uence the perceived quality and benefi t from the recognized regional brand’s imaginary. The next Fonda’s innovative step was establishment of an online store, which still represents a worldwide novelty. This distribution method comprises the delivery on the Slovenian coast all the way to Ljubljana and Carinthia (Austria) and to the west of Trieste (Italy) and its surroundings (Lagorio, 2012, 37). Company has cus- tomers who rarely buy fi sh and those who have a regular subscription to fi sh purchase. The latter do not need a particular booking for each order, because they receive fi sh at their homes or restaurants regularly. This perma- nent form of orders has been suggested by customers themselves. This kind of business model innovation reduces cost and brings more value to stakeholders by eliminating intermediaries and going directly to custom- ers (Pels & Kidd, 2015, 204; Altintzoglou & Nøstvold, 2014). Increasingly, the implementation of marketing and sales process refl ects the strategic direction to the “Zero kilometre food.” In this respect, dr. Fonda says: “Lately we sell more than 80% of our products in Slovenia and we are facing the inverse situation in comparison with the past situation. I am extremely proud of it!” (interview 23. 1. 2013). However, instead of focusing on the traditional 4P marketing paradigm, or the 7Ps adopted by service marketing, entrepreneurs stress the importance of pro- motion especially the word-of-mouth. Entrepreneurs have identifi ed one of the unique selling points of their business as the nature of their personal contact with cus- tomers and their focus on the instinctive understanding that networking with outside individuals, associations and companies enables them to be successful and so entrepreneurs use networking as an inherent marketing tool (Stokes, 2000 by O’Dwyer et al., 2009, 47–48). The recognition of brand Piran seabass was largely supported by media. As dr. Fonda argues: “When everybody claimed that it will not work what we were doing, the fi rst reporter came to visit us. He said that he would like to write our “story”. What kind of story, I asked in amazement? Our brand is credible because our story is credible!” Currently, at least 300 reportages have been traced about the Fonda.si in Slovenian and foreign media. On the company’s website a special tab named “Press Room” is available, with lots of published material describing the company activities. “Such volume of promotion would also be too expensive for our company, if we had to fi nance it.” proudly says dr. Fonda. In doing so, she draws attention to an article in one of the most internationally renowned journals in the fi eld of aquaculture, “Il Pesce” (English; The Fish), which was released in October 2012. This article about the company means that they were noticed in the fi eld of aquaculture because of their excellence. Every article adds value to the brand; people who came to visit the company have gained the information from the media! (interview 23. 1. 2013). From these visits a new benefi t was developed for the company, since the initial interest of biologists for visiting the company, spread into attendance from various schools, faculties, and pensioner clubs includ- ing people from countries around the world. The visitors were interested in what the company does, how it does and how they achieved the fi sh quality. Many people still come from Austria, Italy and the United Kingdom to visit the company and buy fi sh. There are also visitors 182 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 from Australia, Estonia and Asian countries. Based on the initial enthusiasm for company visiting and visitors’ proposal, it was developed the idea of a new service - guided touristic sightseeing of the fi sh farm. It turns out that the sightseeing also signifi cantly contributes to the added value of the brand and sales performance (Witell & Löfgren, 2013). As a result of the economic recession in Slovenia fi nancial investments dropped and therefore also invest- ments in underwater construction work, so this kind of additional service – sightseeing is very welcome. And demand for visits is still increasing. In this way the search for fi nancial resources from EU funds for fi sheries through the Ministry of Agriculture, are being diverted to projects which are designed for promotion and tourism. The company is applying to project calls via the Coastal Action Group-Fisherman.3 These resources have enabled projects, which the com- pany called “green tours” and are made with kayaks and a Greenline-hybrid vessel powered by solar energy. This vessel was manufactured by the Seaway Company and elected as the Vessel of the year 2012. Cooperation with other Slovenian enterprises is also very important. Namely, high quality products produced by local Slovenian companies at an affordable price are often indirectly promoted by Fonda.si based on its own initiative. For example, in the suggested recipe of the Fonda’s Piran seabass is being promoted the Piran salt, which is produced in Sečovlje salt pans (Faganel & Trnavčević, 2012). There are different local products that are natural complements to the consumption of the fi sh like the Istrian wine and olive oil. With mutual participation of entrepreneurs is being reinforced the promotion of regional products sales. An important promotional milestone happened when the fi rst restaurant i.e. “Christopher” from Predoslje near Kranj – Gorenjska introduced Fonda’s Piran seabass in their menu. It was fi rst time that a fi sh brand has been named on the menu. After ten days the same experiment was followed by Mrs. Ana Rož and Mr. Valter Kramar, who manage the restaurant “House Franko”. Both restaurants are considered by far the best restaurants in Slovenia. These two events have had an extremely positive impact on the visibility of the company (Fonda, 2013a): “It was the fi rst time that name of fi sh brand was written on the restaurant’s menu. Surely this is a great confi rmation! And I willingly say that Christopher was the fi rst and then followed by the House Franko. I see them as partners, friends, and no more as customers.” Peterson & Fronc (2007) researched the market- driven factors affecting the sustainability of the fi sh and seafood supply chain and emphasize the importance of connections and collaboration with restaurant chefs, their menu decisions and suppliers, in order to promote the product and increase the awareness of potential new customers (they call it fi shing for consumers). Chefs have acted in such a way because they believe in the Fonda’s product and they also give a positive sign to the general opinion, which is that nevertheless the caught fi sh is somehow better than the farmed one (Ellingsen et al., 2015; Fonda, 2013a; Kalantzi et al., 2013). Their deci- sion is undoubtedly a great achievement for the Fonda. si and at the same time contributes to the education of consumers. Many chefs were already impressed by the quality of the Fonda Piran sea bass, in order that farmed fi sh can be even better than the “wild” ones. Because the wild fi sh are not necessarily fresh, they can have a taste of mud or they can be even sick. Fonda.si was also invited to the Slow Fish Congress in Genoa, Italy, where they were presented as an example of good practice. Fonda.si case study is an example of organizational innovation in which a new BM can itself represent a form of innovation (Teece, 2010, 176). A competitor that would like to copy the BM would incur in some extra expenses as there is no only one element that sustains an achieved competitive advantage but the whole set of them like manual feeding and maintenance, tagged fi sh (badge-date of harvest, RFID, QR), customer edu- cation and awareness, farming time, suitable location, co-branding and tacit competences for system handling (Chesbrough, 2007; Kindström & Kowalkowski, 2014; Philipson, 2016, 141). Analysis of the company’s business model Through the analysis of the “as-is” BM canvas of the Fonda.si, were identifi ed two strategic themes: brand Fonda and sustainable aquaculture processes which embrace all BM’s key elements (Figure 1). The fi rst of strategic themes is the company brand Fonda, which represents a very positive attitude towards sustainable aquaculture and care for the environment and the competitive advantage of company. Sustainable processes which result in “the best fi sh on the world” is a strategic directive, which is supported by an effec- tive and successful business with established and new business partners and modern aquaculture co-natural sustainable technology. This method of fi sh farming requires not only tech- nical competencies but also a relatively large input of manual work on a farm. Naturally farmed fi sh and sea- food with Fonda’s marketing approach opened regional and international distribution channels for the Fonda trademark. Taylor & Walley (2004) investigated motives and infl uences on green entrepreneurs and classifi ed an exploratory typology of ideal types: “innovative op- portunists, visionary champions, ethical mavericks and 3 OAS Fisherman is a consortium of 46 members. The group was to meet the needs of local coastal communities established in early 2012 with a view to establishing an effective public-private partnership. Part of it is also a Fonda company. 183 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 accidental enviropreneurs”. Fonda shares the character- istics of the fi rst three categories. Another identifi ed strategic theme is co-natural aquaculture processes. In-depth expertise has brought together infl uential factors of fi sh farming process, which enables superior seafood quality. Geographical origin is recognized through the brand Fonda, which maintains the highest European quality standards. The latter also directs the expectations of customers in en- joying healthy seafood (Honkanen & Olsen, 2009; Mai et al., 2010; Trebar et al., 2013). Developed aquaculture competences of the com- pany certainly have an impact on the growing demand for the high-quality sustainable food, which is an op- portunity to achieve higher sales volumes and prices. Demand already exceeds production capacity by at least three times. In addition to the inventive technology of fi sh and seafood cultivation, an opportunity exists for the company in combining complementary products such as creating new culinary-wine-tourism experi- ences (Witell & Löfgren, 2013) and the enhancement of customer’s awareness. Fonda.si takes advantage of Slovenian agricultural sector; Mediterranean climate and the geographical origin of the goods. The Fondas are aware of their competitive strengths; a long tradition of aquaculture and the regional integration of the com- pany. Important role in the operations of the company advocates the promotion of geographical location of the Slovenian coastal-Istrian area. Fonda provides an important contribution to the recognition of Slovenian food companies and Slovenia as a touristic destination. With the company’s growing, e.g., developing comple- mentary products for different segments of customers or expanding to other countries, keeping the business cohesive and consistent, and motivating managers becomes more diffi cult. Company should focus fi rst on understanding its BM, how it makes income and how it provides value to customers, and then on changing its BM through further innovation to set it on a new busi- ness direction (Abraham, 2013). The third strategic theme that was identifi ed on the basis of analysis of the desired Fonda’s BM “to-be” is Figure 1: BM “as-is” (own elaboration) 184 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 named co-branding (Figure 2). It is well known that the brand Fonda is relatively fast-growing and recognizable brand, but the success also brings demands for consoli- dation and maintenance of acquired market positions. In addition, the company is strategically oriented (em- bedded) in the local region, which, on the other hand, represents certain physical limitation. Österwalder & Pigneur (2010) suggest that BMs must change over time as manufacturing fi rms are exposed to market turbulence (Teece, 2010 by Witell & Löfgren, 2013, 522). Established and recognized brand can be expanded to other areas of interest, but this requires a certain de- gree of caution (Bocken et al., 2013a, 488–489). When considering the use of the “master brand” it is a good idea to consider whether this is not detrimental to the core business. There are also alternatives recommended, for example; the use of co-branding with renowned partners of the company and the joint appearance, for the benefi t of all the brands (e.g. Pipistrel, salt, rice, wine, vinegar and olive oil producers, new offer of caviar, etc.). The design of a BM usually requires the focal fi rm to build a boundary-spanning business network with its external stakeholders in order to effectively exploit opportuni- ties and capture value (Shafer et al., 2005 by Guo et al., 2013). Such cooperation of enterprises is at least partially used, and this is evident from the website of company in the tab’s “store Fonda”. In this regard joint appearances, promotions, and common distribution channels of complementary high-quality products are certainly worthwhile as well as it is a tight cooperation with the sector of tourism (Nemec Rudež et al., 2014). Therefore, network has become a key component for BM (Chesbrough, 2007; Shafer et al., 2005 by Guo et al., 2013). With the positioning of Slovenia as a tourist destination of excellence, all actors involved from high- quality food producers to tourist service providers will get a lot and Fonda is on the front run of the organiza- tions pursuing this idea. Managers can use BMs, and its innovation perspec- tive, to visualize how and when changes might occur, which should increase internal transparency, under- Figure 2: BM “to-be” (own elaboration) 185 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 standing, and awareness of service opportunities and necessary changes. It is important to understand the potential dependencies among elements; a change in one likely affects the others. Successful change in one element depends on corresponding changes in and realignment of other elements. Therefore, the initial step in BM innovation is to determine the current situation (as-is) and identify the target position (to-be), which presents the “big picture” and supports a discussion of what the BM should look like once the target position is reached. These insights give managers a better understanding of which major changes need to take place, in which elements, and in what sequence (Kindström & Kowalkowski, 2014; Guo et al., 2013). Sustainability drivers of the business model Aquaculture which was developed by the Fonda family does not bring quick benefi ts because “the dura- tion of the turnover” is relatively long which represents an important obstacle in obtaining growth fi nancing. As dr. Fonda states: “Here is the problem of the banks; when you say that the turnover of the capital is 4 years, you get only askew looks. However, on average, with the opening of the fi rst franchise in the Croatian sea the turnover is shortened” (interview 17. 3. 2013). Fonda.si cannot compete with large fi sh farms on economies of scale. But it can compete with boutique quality, sustainable co-natural production of farmed fi sh and seafood (O’Dwyer et al., 2009). The latter may be accompanied by additional services. Dr. Fonda states: “We sell fi sh as wine! One normal, average fi sh farm has somewhere 500 tonnes of fi sh annually. Break-even – fi guratively; positive zero is somewhere at 240 tonnes per year and is increasing. Large farms could produce up to 10.000 tonnes per year. Then we are really a boutique” (interview 17. 3. 2013). This should be developed and diversifi ed as brand positioning for the various identifi ed target segments of customers. Positioning (i.e. the place which product occupies in consumers’ minds relative to competing products) is performed by means of product policy, price policy, distribution and unique marketing com- munications; with added services at the same time, of course. As the needs of wholesalers, retailers, caterers and groups of individual customers differ, it is neces- sary to create a unique marketing mix that will focus specifi cally on each of the target groups. In addition, because of the branded product, grown sustainably, a strategy for consumer development has to be planed and implemented. BM should be able to link two dimensions of company activity, value creation and value capture. An established business is always tweaking its BM to become more competitive, but when there is a need to radically change the BM, we can talk about BM innova- tion (Baden-Fuller & Haefl iger, 2013, 419 by Philipson, 2016, 133–134; O’Dwyer et al., 2009, 47–48; Guo et al., 2013). A radical change likely includes all elements of the BM; a more incremental change might imply a shorter and more focused change, limited to certain ele- ments (Kindström & Kowalkowski, 2014). Very important aspects for the company are contin- ued networking development and further development of complementary activities i.e. guided visits on the fi sh farm due to the education of young people. From the beginning free guided visits were gradually transformed into the guided visits for fee according to the segmented groups of visitors (Witell & Löfgren, 2013). The company is bidding the possibility of visiting the fi sh-farm by pre- vious appointment. To visitors, who mainly come from Asia and EU countries, the Fonda Piran seabass farming is presented as well as a culinary experience. Neverthe- less, resources of the company to offer this product in the tourism market on a larger scale are limited with concession and company’s strategic directions, and therefore, this product is not available to mass tourism (Janeš et al., 2014; Mihalič et al., 2014, 43). The company has to expand the network of contacts with principals and teachers especially in the fi eld of geography, household, and nutritional sciences, as well as with students from these research areas (Dravinec, 2015). Company’s website might be extended to the fi eld of education e.g. “Education tab”, with a special portal for distance learning, video clips of events at the fi sh farm, all of which could affect even more credibility to the sustainable operation of the company (Pine II & Gilmore, 2016). Education activity is based on the process of guiding and educating customers through transformations such as healthy life-style changes (Pine II & Gilmore, 2016). Another challenge is the shortage of especially inten- sive joint appearance of entrepreneurs, coastal-Istrian caterers and hoteliers. Because a small company cannot afford advertising space in tourist catalogues and at ma- jor trade fairs. Recently, the hoteliers have changed their attitude to Slovenian entrepreneurs and start to propose them within their own offer. However, according to dr. Fonda much more can be done; in particular, opportuni- ties in connecting innovative entrepreneurs with quality products that complement the offer. The conclusions based on the interview-workshops indicated that inter- est in the development of activities i.e. fi sh farming, culinary, tourism and winery joint promotions and complementary cooperation already exists. The need for a broadly integrated approach increases along the spec- trum of strategic innovation for sustainability (Szekely & Strebel, 2013, 475). In order to promote the food sector at a regional level while addressing prevailing trends towards global mar- kets will require successful implementation of regional associations, networks and supply chains in which SMEs-producers of farmed seabass and seabream will be associated (Fonda, 2013a; Wagner & Young, 2009). 186 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 Continued partnerships with the media of all kinds is certainly one of the activities that supports the promo- tion, recognition, and successful products sales. Public relations, publicity, sponsorship, donations, open days, blogs, newsletters, etc. are the areas that offer many opportunities. If the Fonda family should decide to increase the volume of business that will certainly lead to the organi- zational changes i.e. division of tasks and responsibili- ties with respect to markets, key customer groups and continuous product development in form of the Key account managers and business processes which will share tasks and responsibilities based on the individual preferences, attitudes and experiences. In the near future dr. Irena and Lean Fonda as major owners will have to share their responsibilities with some employees and in doing so they will face the family tradition of how to run the company. New managerial skills can help Fonda. si to integrate resources within the value network more effectively, create processes to leverage those bundled resources, and bond the company with its stakeholders in novel ways (Guo et al., 2013, 452). With the increased volume of business, the com- pany will also refl ect the need to establish a system for measuring the carbon footprint and the introduction of “green” technologies of the next generation i.e. green design (Szekely & Strebel, 2013). Good environmental performance (e.g. manual labour) may affect fi nancial performance directly (e.g. cost reductions with shorten- ing of the fi sh farming time) or indirectly through an improved image (Bocken et al., 2013b, 861). Sustain- ability is an area of increasing interest for industry and its stakeholders, and companies now aspire to address sustainability issues like carbon emissions at strategic and operational levels (Bocken et al., 2013b). The “to- be” developed BM fulfi ls Baden-Fuller and Haefl iger (2013, 419) innovation criteria and to a certain extent the Porter’s (1996) demand for strategy fi t. Fonda.si applies a holistic approach in which issues of social and fi nancial (e.g. enhancement of customer’s aware- ness, networking, franchises, products of high cuisine) sustainability, health and education (e.g. guided aq- uaculture tours and educational activity) underpin the fundamental notion of environmental sustainability (e.g. manual labour, zero kilometre food, Greenline-hybrid vessel). Business partners, key resources, business pro- cesses, products and customer segments (green labelled elements in Figure 2) together support the sustainable BM of Fonda.si. CONCLUSIONS BM innovation seems to be a key to delivering future sustainability. The BM canvas assists companies in embedding sustainability into the core of their activities and to improve their understanding of the value proposi- tion in relation to customers and wider society. Sustain- ability is now a key driver of innovation, and it can be recognized from some good practices that in each stage, from ensuring compliance through to developing a com- pletely new BM, numerous possibilities for innovation are presented. Taking a broad perspective, sustainable innovation can be considered as the development of something new that improves performance in all the three dimensions of sustainable development at the same time (Elkington, 1997; Bocken et al., 2013b). Following the example of Fonda.si, managers can use BM canvas in order to visualize how and when changes in the main business logic occur and what kind of impact might they have. This should increase internal transparency, understanding, and awareness of future market opportunities. It also helps to understand the potential dependencies among different elements of a BM and how they need to be realigned to each other. The initial step in the process of BM innovation is to determine the current situation (as-is) and identify the target position (to-be), which presents the “big picture” and supports a discussion of what the BM should look like or what the “ideal” BM should be based on the envi- sion future scenario. In this perspective the case about Fonda.si can be used as an “ideal” model for development of a sustain- able oriented BM within the aquaculture industry. Ideal model is a disruptive model that changes the way com- pany creates, transfers and captures value. It is different compared to the way everybody else does their thing; it can beat almost any technological innovation and over- comes differences in the available fi nancial resources. In case of Fonda.si it also contributes to a triple bottom line about economic, environmental and social benefi ts. One way of overcoming the last economic crisis is to readjust to a green growth economy, which Fonda.si is one of the best practical examples. The empirical research has certain limitations; one limitation is the extent of the study, therefore extending the number of cases in future studies would be advis- able. Another limitation is that research was conducted in only one country and it is, therefore, necessary to properly interpret the results obtained in the light of the specifi c cultural characteristics. 187 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 ALEKSANDER JANEŠ et al.: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF FONDA.SI, 175–190 MODEL TRAJNOSTNEGA POSLOVANJA: ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA FONDA.SI Aleksander JANEŠ Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper e-mail: aleksander.janes@fm-kp.si Roberto BILOSLAVO Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper e-mail: roberto.biloslavo@fm-kp.si Armand FAGANEL Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper e-mail: armand.faganel@fm-kp.si POVZETEK Sektor ribogojstva stoji na razpotju zaradi sprememb v poslovnem okolju, povpraševanja in konkurence v ri- bogojstvu. Slednje se povečuje, kar poudarja pomen trajnostnega razvoja za mala podjetja. V pričujočem članku je z metodo Canvas opisan poslovni model ribogojnice Fonda.si. Predhodno so bili uporabljeni dostopni viri in literatura o podjetju in pripravljen nabor vprašanj, ki sledijo ključnim elementom metode Canvas. Izvedeni so bili pol-strukturirani intervjuji v okviru delavnic, kjer so bile raziskane teme: sonaravna inovacijska dejavnost, poslovni model in dejavniki trajnostnega poslovnega modela. Podjetje Fonda.si po uveljavljeni blagovni znamki, soznamčenju in sonaravnih inovativnih procesih ter vpetosti v lokalno okolje posebej izstopa z “najboljšo ribo na svetu”. Vse to je podjetje doseglo z nenehnim razvojem blagovne znamke Piranski brancin in vpeljevanjem inovativnih poslovnih pristopov, kateri so prijazni do odjemalcev in do naravnega okolja. Zaradi tega je bilo podjetje izbrano za zgleden študijski primer uporabe metode canvas za inoviranje poslovnega modela z uveljavljanjem načel sonaravnega ra- zvoja. 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