Documenta Praehistorica XLIV (2017) Introduction to the absolute chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe Andrey Mazurkevich The State Hermitage Museum, Department of Archaeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia, Sankt-Peterburg, RU ABSTRACT - This paper is an introduction to the discussion of radiocarbon chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe. It relates to a number of papers published in this volume. KEY WORDS - Neolithic cultures; radiocarbon chronology; Eastern Europe Uvod k absolutni kronologiji neolitskih kultur na območju Vzhodne Evrope IZVLEČEK - Članek je uvod v diskusijo o radiokarbonski kronologiji neolitskih kultur v vzhodni Evropi. Nanaša se na tekste, objavljene v tej publikaciji. KLJUČNE BESEDE - neolitske kulture; radiokarbonska kronologija; vzhodna Evropa Discussions about radiocarbon dates and the origin of dated materials have led to a revision of the absolute chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe (Mazurkevich et al. 2016). On the other hand, it has been suggested that a series of radiocarbon dates should be rejected due to the questionable nature of the dated material, i.e. organic material from pottery, food crust etc. (cf. van der Plicht et al. 2016). Source criticism as a 'form of cognition' deepens our understanding of facts. However, we appear to be too critical, often forgetting about archaeological/historical possibilities for verifying dates and interpretation of a surprisingly old/ young 'absolute' radiocarbon date. Radiocarbon dates are not just dry figures; they conceal complex physical processes which reflect the natural history of the Earth. The accuracy and validity of radiocarbon dates have become two of the most important subjects recently. The results obtained while dating different materials from archaeological sites are regarded in light of the development of radiocarbon dating methods, the validity of the result obtained (taking into account, for example, the reservoir effect) and the possibility of its use in further reconstructions of historical background. Discussions about the reservoir effect have a particular importance for the radiocarbon chronology of Eastern Europe, given the complex foraging economy of the ancient inhabitants of this region, where fishing often played a major role. Research of the reservoir effect in Denmark and Northern Germany has shown different values for the reservoir effect for different epochs and regions (Philip-psen, Heinemeier 2013; Philippsen 2013). The dating of modern samples indicates that the freshwater reservoir effect is great and also variable even on short time scales. It has been suggested that it is impossible to find a single freshwater reservoir age for a given river system (Philippsen 2013). Recent research testifies to the difficulties in determining the reservoir effect, which might influence dates, as well as offset values. The detection of aquatic (fish) processing in charred food residue even by the use of the stable isotopes 13C and 15N (Boudin et al. 2010) may be complicated, or an unlikely prospect. 88 DOI: io.43i2/dp.44.6 Introduction to the absolute chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe Investigations into the reservoir effect and arrays of radiocarbon dates related to Neolithic materials from Eastern Europe illustrate different possible scenarios (see, for example, articles by Piezonka et al. and Dolbunova et al. in this volume). Studies of sites in the Dnepr-Dvina region indicate differences in offset values even for different micro-regions and for different epochs. The comparative 14C dating of wooden piles, food-crusts, fish and animal bones at the Serteya II site show that the FRE in Late Neolithic pottery food-crusts is generally negligible for this area (Kulkova et al. 2015; 2016). The reservoir effect may also be absent in some of the regions (cf. Marchenko et al. 2015). Another problem is related to the calibration of dates and the existence of plateaus. The appearance of the most ancient pottery in Eastern Europe is dated to the first half of the 7th millennium bC, a period with one such plateau, which does not allow a more accurate chronology of this process (Mazurkevich et al. 2016). The choice of dating material is another important problem. It relates to the reliability of the archaeological context and, hence, the contemporaneity of different events represented by different materials. Events might have overlapped at an archaeological site which was occupied repeatedly. In cases when all artefacts, faunal remains and other objects were not recorded in a 3-D coordinate system, it might be difficult to divide these events, and their contemporaneity may appear to be doubtful. On the other hand, the choice of material for dating sites in Eastern Europe is determined mainly by the absence of a wide range of organic materials (wood, food crust, charcoal), which led to the use of pottery as a popular material for radiocarbon dating. The reliability of this material has been much discussed, although the first attempts to date organic material from pottery were made already at the end of the 1950s (de Atley 1980.988). The main problem is that carbon from non-cultural sources may also be present in ceramic materials, and this may effectively dilute the age or otherwise contaminate the cultural sample and, thus, different sources of carbon are possible (de Atley 1980; Bonsall et al. 2002; Zaitseva et al. 2009). At first, many dates of pottery for the territory of Eastern Europe were primarily made in the Kyiv radiocarbon laboratory, which allowed a proposed scheme of absolute chronology for regions from where almost no radiocarbon dates had been obtained before (Vybornov 2008). These dates and the method itself were highly criticised (cf. van der Plicht et al. 2016). The number of dates for organic material on pottery from different laboratories as well as cross-dating of other materials has now increased dramatically (see article of Vybornov et al. in this volume; Mazurkevich et al. 2016). The coincidence of the series of dates obtained in different laboratories by different methods (AMS and conventional dates) and on different materials requires a specific discussion by specialists in this domain. A comparison and coincidence of different dates does not allow us to avoid this discussion or to neglect dates of organic material on pottery (see article of Vybornov et al. in this volume). The radiocarbon chronology of Eastern Europe is based mainly on conventional dates, which extend the periods of the earliest ceramic cultures attributed to Neolithic era according to Russian scientific tradition. The correlation of processes dated by conventional dates and more precise AMS dates will allow us to narrow the period covering the appearance and longevity of these traditions. During the last two decades, radiocarbon dates became the main resource for constructing different chronological and historical-cultural models. These important issues side-lined archaeological proxies, which led to the creation of various mathematical models, with very little consideration of archaeological context (cf. Davison et al. 2009; Silva et al. 2014; Jordan et al. 2016). All these models were based on the values of radiocarbon dates and were not corrected with data about archaeological context, the typology of materials, cultural entities or cultural networks identified on the basis of archaeological materials. Thus a reverse trend can be noticed: all 'historical/cultural' connections and processes are adjusted to a certain mathematical (chronological) model. The reliability of 14C dates can be also verified by correlating these dates with typologies which were constructed on the basis of other independent proxies/principles or methods. This is well illustrated by the various discussions about the chronology of Rakushechny Yar, one of the oldest Neolithic sites in Eastern Europe, dated to the 7th-6th millennium cal BC. New investigations, including analysis of the context of dated materials, archive research and archaeological excavations allowed the chronology of this site to be refined and a revision of the notion that the existing chronology of southern Russia is unreliable (see Tsybrij et al. in this volume). 89 Andrey Mazurkevich The radiocarbon dates collected for different periods of the Neolithic challenged our habitual linear scheme, the perception of continuity within the development of the Neolithic period. We can trace the asynchrony of various cultural events in different regions, as opposed to gradual changes in cultures (see Mazurkevich et al. in this volume). Radiocarbon dates challenge our notions about chronological boundaries between different cultures, as well as epochs. They require us to think more about the possibility that societies with different cultural attributions in different epochs coexisted. It is especially clearly seen on maps showing site distribution according to their chronology (Maps 1-5). Could such a 'striped pattern' have existed in the past? Our interpretation is also greatly influenced by stereotypes about primitive societies, which intentionally opted for such a way of life and preserved society in such a state (Artemova 2009). Interpretation is also influenced by our perception of time, when several hundreds of years or one millennium are regarded as a short period, and not as the lifetime of at least forty generations. New radiocarbon dates will allow us to refine the chronology of different processes and influence much of our interpretation of social changes in the Neolithic era. It is important also to regard arrays of data grouped according to the main river basins of Eastern Europe, which served as waterways in the past, along which major migrations could have occurred. The tradition of compiling radiocarbon dates has a long history. In Russian historiography, such compilations have been made since the 1970s; Pavel M. Dolukhanov, Vladimir I. Timofeev and Aleksandr M. Miklyaev laid the basis for this tradition (cf. Dolukhanov et al. 1969; 1972; 1978; Timofeev et al. 1978; 2004; Mazurkevich et al. 2014). Such data compilation will continue to be published when a 'critical amount' of dates become available, giving rise to new discussions. The articles represented are devoted to different aspects of radiocarbon dating and chronology of Neolithic materials in Eastern Europe from the 7th to the 3rd millennium BC. The territory of research presented in this volume encompasses almost the whole of Eastern Europe, from the Lower Don River and Eastern Ukraine to Finland, from the Dnepr River basin to the Urals. The data and maps presented in the monographs reveals one more problem, about the definition of the Neolithic, the Neolithic revolution, and the Early, Middle and Late Neolithic, their chronological boundaries, which appear to be transparent in many cases, and how they can be distinguished one from another on the basis of archaeological features. The articles devoted to Eastern European chronology presented in this volume do not encompass all known radiocarbon dates for this area, but suggest another, new, point of view of the Neolithic in Eastern Europe. References Artemova O. Yu. 2009. Koleno Isava. Ohotniki, sobira-teli, rybolovy. Opyt izucheniya al'ternativnyh social'nyh sistem. Smysl. Moskva. (in Russian) de Atley S. P. 1980. Radiocarbon dating of ceramic materials: Progress and prospects. Radiocarbon 22(3): 987993. Bonsall C., Cook G., Manson J. L. and Sanderson D. 2002. Direct dating of Neolithic pottery: progress and prospects. Documenta Praehistorica 29: 47-59. Boudin M., Van Strydonck M., Crombé P., De Clercq W., van Dierendonck R. M., Jongepier H., Ervynck A. and Len-tacker A. 2010. Fish reservoir effect on charred food residue 14C dates: are stable isotope analyses the solution? Radiocarbon 52(2): 697-705. Davison K., Dolukhanov P. M., Sarson G. R., Shukurov A. and Zaitseva G. I. 2009. Multiple Sources of the European Neolithic: Mathematical Modelling Constrained by Radiocarbon Dates. Quaternary International 203:10-18. Dolbunova E., Kostyleva E., Kulkova M., Meadows J., Mazurkevich A. and Lozovskaya O. 2017. Chronology of Early Neolithic materials of the site Sakhtysh IIa (Central Russia). Documenta Praehistorica 44:176-191. Dolukhanov P. M., Semencov A. A. and Romanova E. N. 1969. Radiouglerodnye daty laboratorii LOIA. Sovetskaya arheologiya 1: 251-261. (in Russian) 1972. Radiouglerodnye daty laboratorii LOIA (19681969). Sovetskaya arheologiya 3: 209-218. (in Russian) 90 Introduction to the absolute chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe Dolukhanov P. M., Liiva A. A. and Miklyaev A. M. 1978. Problemy absolyutnoi hronologii kul'tur V-II tysyache-letii do n. e. v basseine Baltiiskogo morya. Pamyatniki epo-hi neolita. Kratkie soobschenia instituta arheologii 153: 25-30. (in Russian) Jordan P., Gibbs K., Hommel P., Piezonka H., Silva F. and Steele J. 2016. Modelling the diffusion of pottery technologies across Afro-Eurasia: emerging insights and future research. Antiquity 90(351): 590-603. Kulkova M., Mazurkevich A., Dolbunova E., Regert M., Ma-zuy A., Nesterov E. and Sinai M. 2015. Late Neolithic subsistence strategy and reservoir effects in 14C dating of artifacts at the pile-dwelling site Serteya II (NW Russia). Radiocarbon 57(4): 611-623. Kulkova M. A., Sinai M. Yu., Mazurkevich A. N., Dolbuno-va E. V. and Nesterov E. M. 2016. 'Reservoir effect' estimation basing on the analysis of 'hard water effect' in Us-viatsky and Serteysky microregion of Dnepr-Dvina region. In A. N. Mazurkevich, M. A. Kulkova and E. Dolbunova (eds.), Radiouglerodnaya hronologiya epohi neolita Vo-stochnoi Evropy v VII-III tys. do n.e. Gosudarstveniy Er-mitaz, Rosiskaya akademiya nauk, Institut materialnoy kulturi, Samarskiy gasudarstveniy socialno-pedagogich-eskiy universitet. Svitok. Smolensk: 38-47. (in Russian) Marchenko Z., Orlova L. A., Panov V. S., Zubova A. V., Molodin V. I., Pozdnyakova O. A., Grishin A. E. and Uslamin E. A. 2015. Paleodiet, radiocarbon chronology, and the possibility of fresh-water reservoir effect for Preobrazhen-ka 6 burial ground, Western Siberia: preliminary results. Radiocarbon 57(4): 595-610. Mazurkevich A. N., Polkovnikova M. E. and Dolbunova E. V. (eds.) 2014. Arheologiya ozernyhposelenii IV-II tys. do n.e.: Hronologiya kul'tur iprirodno-klimaticheskie ritmy Periferiya. Sankt-Peterburg. (in Russian) Mazurkevich A. N., Kulkova M. A. and Dolbunova E. (eds.) 2016. Radiouglerodnaya hronologiya epohi neolita Vo-stochnoi Evropy v VII-III tys. do n.e. Gosudarstveniy Er-mitaz, Rosiskaya akademiya nauk. Institut materialnoy kulturi, Samarskiy gasudarstveniy socialno-pedagogiches-kiy universitet. Svitok. Smolensk. (in Russian) Mazurkevich, A. N., Dolbunova E. V., Zaitseva G. I. and Kulkova M. A. 2017. Chronological timeframes of cultural changes in Dnepr-Dvina region (7th to 3rd millennium BC). Documenta Praehistorica 44:162-175. Philippsen B. 2013.The freshwater reservoire effect in radiocarbon dating. Heritage Science 1:24. Philippsen B., Heinemeier J. 2013. Freshwater reservoir effect variability in Northern Germany. Radiocarbon 55 (2-3): 1085-1101. Piezonka H., Nedomolkina N., Ivanishcheva M., Kosoruko-va N., Kul'kova M. and Meadows J. 2017. The Early and Middle Neolithic in NW Russia: Radiocarbon chronologies from the Sukhona and Onega regions. Documenta Prae-historica 44: 122-151. Silva F., Steele J., Gibbs K. and Jordan P. 2014. Modeling spatial innovation diffusion from radiocarbon dates and regression residuals: The case of early old world pottery. Radiocarbon 56(2): 723-732. Van der Plicht J., Shishlina N. I. and Zazovskaya E. P. 2016. Radiouglerodnoe datirovanie: hronologiya arheologi-cheskih kul'tur i rezervuarnyi effekt. Paleograf. Moskva. (in Russian) Timofeev V. I., Romanova E. N., Malanova N. S. and Sve-zhencev Yu. S. 1978. Radiouglerodnye datirovki neoliti-cheskih pamyatnikov SSSR. Pamyatniki epohi neolita. Kratkie soobschenia Instituta archeologii 153: 14-18. (in Russian) Timofeev V. I., Zaitseva G. I., Dolukhanov P. M. and Shu-kurov A. M. 2004. Radiouglerodnaya khronologija neo-lita Severnoi Evrazii. Teza. St. Petersburg. (in Russian) Tsybrij A., Tsybrij V., Dolbunova E., Mazurkevich A., Kulkova M. and Zaitseva G. 2017. Radiocarbon chronology of Neolithic in the Low Don and North-eastern Azov Sea. Documenta Praehistorica 44:204-222. Vybornov A. A. 2008. Neolit Volgo-Kam'ya. Izdatelstvo Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo univer-siteta. Samara. (in Russian) Vybornov A., Kulkova M., Andreev K. and Nesterov E. 2017. Radiocarbon chronology of the Neolithic in the Po-volzhye (Eastern Europe of Russia). Documenta Praehi-storica 44: 224-239. Zaitseva G., Skripkin V., Kovalyukh N., Possnert G., Doluk-hanov P. and Vybornov A. 2009. Radiocarbon dating of Neolithic pottery. Radiocarbon 51(2): 795-801. 91 Andrey Mazurkevich List of sites shown on Maps 1-5 1 Rakushechny Yar 58 II Scherbetskaya 120 Gronov 3 ia Razdorskaya II, site 59 Karamyshevo 5 121 Balakhchinskaya VIa Samsonovskoe 60 Lesnoe Nikolskoe III 122 Berezovaya Slobodka VI 2 Kairshak III 61 Krasny Yar VII 123 Orovnavolok V 2a Kairshak I, IV 62 Maksimovka I 124 Kladovets Va 3 Baibek 63 II Dubogrivskaya 125 Veksa I 4 Chekalino IV 64 IV Tetushckaya 126 Chernashka 5 Ivanovka 65 Fat'ma-Koba 127 Plautino 1 6 Ust'-Tashelka 66 Mainova balka 128 Kyilud III 7 Bolshaya Rakovka II 67 Buz'ki 129 Panozero I 8 Varfolomeevskaya 68 Kyilud II 130 Karamyshevo 9 9 Levshino 69 Kyzylchak 131 Serebryanskoe 10 Kugat IV, Kulagaisi 70 Sheltozero X 132 Simo Tainiaro 11 Gard VII 71 Shettima I 133 Staro-Mazikovskaya III 12 Cherkasskaya, Cherkasskaya 3, 5 72 Kalmozero II 134 Chernikovo ozero 13 Kremennaya II 73 Tuba 1, 2 135 Pischiki 13? Kremennaya III 74 Mullino 136 Chumoitlo I 14 Zamostie 2 75 Ziarat 137 Nizhnyaya Orlianka II 15 Matveev Kurgan I 76 Ust'-Zalaznushka II 138 Poser 16 Ozerki 5, 17 77 Vilovatoe 139 Chashkinskoe ozero I 17 Kleshnya 3; Zelena Gornica 1, 6 78 Chashkinskoe ozero VI, VIII 140 Kaen-Tubinskaya 18 Dobryanka 1, 2, 3 79 Molebnoe ozero I 141 Pielavesi Kivimäki 19 Girzhevo 80 Lyadina Mys, Nobel' 1 142 II Lebedinskaya 20 Stanovoe 4 81 Tarchan I 143 Imerka III 21 Berezovaya Slobodka II-III 82 Krushniki 144 Dronikha 22 Shmaevka 83 Koshkinskaya 145 Shan-Koba 23 Tenteksor, Tenteksor III 84 Velika Pererva 1 146 Kryazhskaya 24 Rassypnaya VI 85 Mokino 147 Kaluga 1, 2 25 Tudozero V 86 Plutovische 148 Bukol'nikov 1 26 V'yunovo ozero I 87 Kuzmichi 1 149 Karavaikha 1 27 Imerka VII 88 Chernaya Rechka 1 150 Podolie 1 28 Karavaikha 4 89 Universitetskaya 3 151 Vozhmarikha 4 29 Dzhangar 90 Chashkinskoe ozero IV 152 Russko-Azibeyskaya 30 Pustynka 5 91 Chirvinskaya II 153 Nizhnyaya Strelka V, Galankina 31 Sakhtysh 2a 92 Oulu Vepsänkangas Gora II 32 Igren' 8 93 Keret' XXII 154 Gulyukovskaya 32a Popov mys, Stril'cha Skelya 94 Ust'-Shizhma 155 Vantaa Storskogen 33 Dubovskoe III, Otarskoe VI 95 Podlesnoye III, IV 156 Matveev Kurgan II 34 Ozimenki II 96 Podgorovka 157 Bol'shie Bortniki 1 35 Veksa III 97 Chernen'koe ozero III 158 Kladovets IX 36 Il'inka 98 Kovylyai I 159 II Tatarsko-Azibeyskaya 37 Ivnitsa 99 Lebyazhinka I 160 Vasukovo II 38 Burovaya 42 100 Vasilievsky Kordon 7 161 Fofanovo XIII 39 Dobroe 1 101 Oulu Latokangas 162 Kurino 1 40 Lazarevka 102 Ksizovo 6 163 Suna XII 41 Utyuzh I 103 Erpin Pudas I 164 Zolotec VI, Zalavruga I, IV 42 Elshanka XI 104 Dubovskoe XII, VII 165 Outokumpu Sätös 43 Algay 105 Zabornoe Ozero 166 Pegrema I, II 44 Staraya Elshanka II 106 Srednee Shadbegovo 167 Rääkkylä Vihi 1 45 Okaemovo 5 107 Chernushka 168 Orovnavolok XVI 46 Vozhmarikha 1, 26 108 Sheltozero XI 169 Yamnoe 47 Starobelsk, Novoselovka 109 Lyadina 14 170 Chernaya Guba III, IX, IV 48 Khodosovka, Romankiv 110 Dubovskoe VII 171 Vigainavolok 49 Berezovka 4? 111 Borovoe ozero I 172 Vantaa Sandliden 50 Yarlukovskaya protoka (site 222) 112 Lukomie 173 Asavets 2 51 Uya III 113 Sauz II 174 Sosnovaya gora 1 52 Studenok 114 Khutorskaya 175 Sukhaua Vodla I 53 Kachkarstau 115 Vantaa Palmu 176 Inari Vuopaja 54 Krasny Gorodok 116 Imerka Ia 177 Komarin 5 55 Lugovoe III 117 Ivanovskoe 7 178 Voinavolok XXVII 56 Lebyazhinka IV, Kalmykovka I 118 Vasilyevsky kordon 3, 5 179 Berezovo XVII 57 Sulgu II 119 Imerka III, IV 180 Kladovets (burial) 92 Introduction to the absolute chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe 181 Prorva 2 191 Chernaya Rechka XII 202 Serteya XXIV 182 Pin'guba II 192 Lakshezero II, Kudoma X 203 Serteya XXIV 183 Tunguda III, XIV, XVII 193 Kostomuksha II 204 Serteya VIII 184 Meieri II 194 Vigainavolok II 205 Serteya XXXVI 185 Povenchanka XV, Voinavolok 195 Palaiguba II 206 Serteya I, II XXIV, Kochnavolok II 196 Zhekolgan 207 Serteya XI 186 Nizhnyaya Olba 1 197 Sutyrskaya V 208 koorgan near village Serteya 187 Orovnavolok XI 198 Serteya XIV 209 Dubokray V 188 Kudomguba VII 199 Rudnya Serteyskaya 210 Dubokray IX, I 189 Zolotec IX, X, XX 200 Serteya X 211 Usviaty IV 190 Chelmuzhskaya kosa XXI 201 Serteya XXVII, XXII 212 Naumovo Map 1. Sites of the 7th millennium BC based on radiocarbon dating (modified from Mazurkevich et al. 2016). 93 Andrey Mazurkevich Map 4. Sites in the turn of the 5th to 4th millennium BC. 94 Introduction to the absolute chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe Map 3. Sites in the turn of the 6th to 5th millennium BC. 95 Andrey Mazurkevich middle Neolithic: typical comb ware [S| zhizhitskaya ® kargopolskaya Neo-Eneolithic: asbestos pottery Map 4. Sites in the turn of the 5th to 4th millennium BC. 96 Introduction to the absolute chronology of Neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe late Neolithic: ** corded ware culture Map 5. Sites in the turn of the 4th to 3rd-2nd millennium BC. back to contents 97