ZARJA -DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION ©ut S^ounde t SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * « BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS oj Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President oj Colorado A a nsas - M issouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President oj Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 2021 So. K.K., Milwaukee, Wis. Stale President oj Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President oj Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President oj California-Oregon-Washington—■ ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President oj Illinois-Indiana■— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President oj Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union oj America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Published monthly —- Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 VV. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. V si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. On the (lover: The Founder of S.W.U., and first to encourage the organization's literary efforts in the publication ZARJA, Mrs. Marie Prisland, has the distinction of being the first and foremost columnist this organ has known and its most devoted supporter. We acknowledge all her work most gratefully. Tribute . . . dedicated to all those who have had a part in bringing ZARJA to its 30th year of successful service. There are monuments more enduring than marble and more beautiful. More beautiful, because into them have gone the power of thought, the energy of heart and brain, the enduring love of a sympathetic understanding. In a double sense, this work may be regarded as monumental, it is monumental in the sense of the magnitude of the task; and it is monumental in that it is a fitting memorial to a pioneer people. Emma McRae HAVl'Y MRTIWAY 1I\ JULY! Supreme Officers: July 28 — Rose Scoff, State President of California-Oregon Branch Presidents: July 2— Anna Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3 — Anna Trontel, Br. 20, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4 — Ann Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 7 — Angela Bezlay, Br. 72, Chicago (Pullman), III. July 10—Margaret Sustersic, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. July 25—Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July 26 — Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. July 30 — Josephine Prebil, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. July 31 — Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio Many Happy Returns of the Day! “State-President” Membership Campaign April I - October I, 1959 ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXI — Vol. 7 JULY, 1959 LETO XXXI — Št. 7 Uapsfity RMhday “ %aAja~0Ac S),auMi!” Convention Queen, Christine Bradish, #3, Pueblo, Colo., poses with the newly elected Supreme President Josephine Livek (right), and Supreme Treasurer Josephine Železnikar (left), at Detroit, in 1952. month for outside recreation and fun. Everyone enjoys the out-doors and especially the children where they meet and play with their own age group all day long. This is an appropriate time to solicit new members, when in a group of friends and all are relaxed. Try it, you might be surprised how successful you may be. Many branches cease to have business sessions during the summer months; so please, keep in mind the current membership drive. I do hope that this drive will be more successful than the last one; and it can well be, if everyone makes up her mind to got at least ONE NEW MEMBER in this drive. TRY IT! and thanks a lot! Have fun this summer and be careful of accidents; always STOP, LOOK and LISTEN! PILGRIMAGE DAY IN LEMONT, ILLINOIS JULY 19, 1959 All members and friends are cordially invited to attend the Annual pilgrimage to Lemont, 111. which is sponsored by members of Branch No. 2 of Chicago, 111. Holy Mass will be at eleven o’clock, followed by a delicious dinner served in Baraga home. Come and spend a happy day amid peaceful and pleasant surroundings on St. Mary’s Hill. You are all WELCOME! May the good Lord protect you from accidents. Happy vacationing, JOSEPHINE LIVEK, Supreme President On this 30th Anniversary! When Zarja’s first issue was printed, the Editor Julia Gottlieb and all the officers must have had high hopes for the literary a n d fraternal service the magazine would do; for organizational reports and columnists’ contributions created great interest among the Slovenian women who were joining the new Slovenian Women’s Union. Founder, Marie Prisland, said in one of her first articles in the newly formed ZARJA, “... if our great organization achieves nothing else in its history, it will have done something worthwhile in bringing Zveza’s written word around the world through our ZARJA.” Mrs. Prisland still believes this, evidenced by her writing some 400 issues later. There are thanks galore to issue at this time. To those who know this publication, the name Josephine Racic, 'vili indeed bring fond remembrance of a fine Supreme Secretary and Editor. In those years of 1931-33, more and more reporters wrote their branch reports and the magazine became larger and more popular. In 1933, the Editor’s position was enlarged to include the editorial and managerial work which was constantly growing with the growing organization. Albina Novak began her term of office as Editor then and kept on her fine work until 1952 when she became the present Supreme Secretary and the position came to me. Mrs. Novak’s work was a mixture of journalistic heart and soul and under her direction, ZARJA became widely accepted as a literary journal as well as fraternal organ. Its popularity is ever on the increase as the comment is heard over and over again: we can’t wait for the ZARJA to come e CO CO On >> 03 S o • PM -S O ns I .9 a .2 1 s a s *-• C3 z T3 I. 3 H «w O Tj G a; -Q r? 5?* 24 I £ s 5 S O "> ro +( > ? 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CD ^ ^ rt ■M /-s £ T3 +j“ O) qj w —T *-a> _ £ TJ rt - a> o Q.W ° «h ?■: ~ _ •“ » E .E L? ■ • ‘5 *> ““ *■ Hi ■>•^'0 JS = u ra ■= « m i ~ o m re ,5, =■ .E £ c "2 •£ *-'° a) rt ^ rt w <2 ^ 1)0«^ w “> 2 ~ Lu rt o S w c 2: £ E L h?« .n. 3 -c - O) 5-0 >.2 ~.E o p (O J UJ u t) o ■"“* * «u t. ec *2 « c _ 5 > S .E O -C a> a "O 0) w (/) tj >, a> l. t- C o -come stagnant. We, who have played our part, are anxious to see our younger generation active, and for this reason we are offering them our guidance and our support in their undertakings.” “All our societies of the past were of fraternal character. They had but one object in view: the self-preserv-ation, namgly, protection in case of sickness and death. The fact that there are left enough of us, to tell the story, shows plainly that these societies have done their duty.” It is up to them who are left to tell the world that we have survived. Our survival must be attributed, to the qualities which are required from those who want to survive.” “Those qualities are: Love of work! We did work in order to keep our bodies healthy and ifit to carry the burdens imposed on us. We saved! Our wages were hardly big enough to keep us alive. In spite of that we did save enough to raise our children in comfort and to give them the necessary education, which will enable them to compete among their contemporaries. It was a big sacrifice on our part to accomplish this, and every sacrifice deserves a crown.” “The only crown we are expecting from our younger generation is, their ambition to learn the facts and to inform those that will come after them of how we have worked, saved and sacrificed. You, our young mothers and daughters, who are called to bridge the past with the future, remember that, possession of these qualities has made life easier for you and had brought us happiness and satisfaction. Tell your names, your deeds, and your good wishes to those who are to follow you.” “I know that this new women’s organization will step out and acquaint the American public with our history, with our struggles, and our ambitions.” S.W.U. DIRECTORS 1943-1952, seated: Josephine Erjavec, Marie Prisland, Albina Novak; standing: Josephine Muster, Josephine Železnikar, Mary Lenlch, Ella Starin. The picture was taken in Joliet, III.. PRISLAND FAMILY FR. ALEXANDER URANKAR (1902 - 1958) Ivan Zorman: Ships so white, ships so beautiful Ships so white, so beautiful, Ships that oceans wide explore, Pray, what happy tidings bring you To our safe, respendent shore? Do you bring us joyous greetings From our lads who sing at night, Or the voices of contentment Of the homes with kindness bright? Mournful tidings we are bringing, Tidings of a suffering race Whose hero is youthful warriors Pell in battles’ ruthless pace. But we also bring you tidings Of a courage, faith sublime Of a proud, unyielding spirit: Heralds of happier time. IVAN ZORMAN (1889 -1957) Fr. Alexander Urankar: A Peace Proposal Employ your charity on streets of Life where the blind and the lame are searching for a hand and for the sun with hearts aflame. “What must we do,” they cry and pray? “Where are you, Saviour? Lead away to warmth and health, to love and light: we have no feet, we have no sight.” Kind brother, gentle sister, fold your tent and give your help to a forgotten soul. Don’t boast to be a lady or a gent until you have attained the Christian goal: To be a Dog of God helping blind across the street, to be God’s Wheelchair, which replaces someone’s feet. Ur Emm ilimtory (0f (Dm* Past National (Dffirera Frances Rupert Matilda Dular Julia Gottlieb Frances Susel Mary Darovec Dorothy Dermes Mary Kolbezen Mary Glavan Frances Ponikvar Top: What a beautiful panoramic view of the celebration on the occasion of the unveiling of Cankar's and Gregorcic's statues at the Jugoslav Cultural Gardens in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 25, 1937! Our many drill teams certainly assisted in making the beautiful setting almost perfect! Center: St. Joseph Cadets of Calumet, Michigan parading down the avenue in 1941. Below: The Fifth Convention is still remembered by those on hand at the planting of a tree in memory of the Slovenian Mothers of S.W.U. in Chisholm, Minn., front row, left to right: Frances Sietz, Captain, Marie Prisland Cadets; Albina Novak, Corinne Leskovar, Mascot; Josephine Erjavec, Antonia Tanko, S.W.U. Sports Director; Rev. John Shiffrer, Mayor Wheelcor, Marie Prisland, Anna Petrich, Frances Rupert (deceased), Mary Lenich, Mary Otoničar, Mary Tomazin, Mary Kunstek and others. ilitll iiia The youngest and oldest moth, ers attending the same convention were sponsors of the tree: Frances Mollis, #57 and Mrs. Fierst, #38. NEW BARAGA CHAPEL ALTAR This year, the industrious Fathers at Lemont, 111., completed a new chapel in the Baraga Home which will accomodate 300 persons. It is beautifully designed and will be used by pilgrims and others who visit the Shrine of Our Lady at Lemont regularly. The altar for the chapel was designed and built along the modem line carried throughout the architecture of the chapel and it is a breathtaking work of art. The Slovenian Women’s Union is collecting funds for the altar, so that it may be known as the gift of the members of S.W.U. and dedicated to f t f ♦> ! I I i I *!*■ X i ♦> i t T f T T f f f f t 7 t T f I ? t 1 S.W.U. PILGRIMAGE and LEMONT ZVEZA DAY Sunday, July 19, 1959 Shrine of “Mother of Perpetual Help”— Marija Pomagaj Franciscan Fathers, Lemont, Illinois A cordial Invitation is extended to all to attend the S.W.U.’s annual pilgrimage to the lovely Shrine and Grotto of Lourdes on Sunday, July 19, 1959. The Franciscan Fathers’ newly remodeled Baraga Home accomodates 150 persons for overnight and week-end visits. The premises are beautiful and the outdoor gardens inspiring. ZVEZA DAY begins with the morniag procession at 10:30 a.m. and Holy Mass at 11 a.m. at the Grotto. Dinner will follow at Baraga Home. Afternoon services will be at 2:30 p.m. followed by an outdoor program. Refreshments are also available and picnic-ers are warmly welcomed. Lemont, 111. is 40 miles from Chicago, accessible by car, and bus. Groups wishing to make an excursion to the Shrine may get full information by writing the S.W.U. Home Office. Reservations for rooms may be made directly to the Franciscan Fathers, Box 608, Lemont, 111. the memory of its living and deceased members. The formal blessing of the chapel is scheduled for August 9th, however, it will be open to the public for Zveza Day on July 19th. The drive for funds is still on and all contributions may be mailed to the Home Office or directly to the Rev. Leonard Bogolin, O.F.M., Box 608, Lemont, 111., along with your name, address and the branch to which you belong. Your generosity will be deeply appreciated. Donations for Altar in Baraga Home, Lemont Branch 12, Milwaukee, Wis. $15.00: Branch 12; $5.00: Frances Plesko; $2.00: Mary Štrukelj; $1.00: Antonia Susnik, Agnes Gornik, Agnes Loick, Fanny Sestan, Mary Mesarich, Theresa Zortz, Agnes Medved, Anna Zokan, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Bevetz, Mrs. Josephine Pung and daughter, Mrs. Kodrich, Miss M. Rangus, Mrs. A. Gradišnik, Mr. Luzar, Mrs. Kolenz, Mrs. Krueger, Mrs. Perko, Mrs. C. Vachetz, Mrs. F. Holozan; 50{S: Mrs. M. Kokalj, Mrs. M. Kraemer, Mrs. White; 25(5: K. Koren. Total $42.75. Branch 13, San Francisco, Cal. $5.00: Branch 13; $10.00: Rose Scoff; $2.00: Elizabeth Doherty, Frances Chiodo; $1.00: Elizabeth McGiv-ney, Ann Stark, Mrs. G. Adami, Zorka Invite Your Friend to Join Your Branch! S.W.U. CAMPAIGN until OCT. 1, 1959 Vukoyevich, Mae Batko, Anna Stich, Lena Hubke, Mary Slanec, Margaret Fayer, Kate Lampe; 50tf: Marjorie Lovrin, Agnes Lovrin, Mary Plutt. —-Total $30.50. Branch 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — $5.00 Branch 32, Euclid, Ohio $2.25: Branch 32; $2.00: Frances Sokach, Mary Creek, Theresa Potokar; $1.00: Angela Yarm, Agnes Yas-bec, Mary Vodičar, Ann Chinchar, Barbara Baron, Teresa Popovič; 75if: Josehine Femec. Total $15.00. Branch 47, Cleveland (Garfield Hgts.), Ohio $1.00: Helen Tomazic, Anna Kraše-vic, Rose Bizjak. Total $3.00. Branch 51, Akron (Kenmore), Ohio — $10.00 Branch 72, Pullman, III. — $5.00 Branch 73, Warrensville, Ohio. Agnes Walters, Treasurer — Total $10.00. Branch 77, No. Side Pittsburgh, Pa. $1.00: Mary Kovacic, Marie Duvor-ski, Mary Fortun, Marie Yardis, Mary Marinzel, Anna Knauss, Anna Filak, Barbara Simunovic, Katherine Dauer, Betty Paulovldn, Marie Pavleslch, Mrs. Granz, Mrs. Tomec, Mrs. Pečjak, Mrs. Pešut; 50tf: Mrs. Jeke and Mrs. Potetz. — Total $16.00. Branch 84, New York City, N.Y. — $20.00 Branch 88, Johnstown, Pa. — $2.00 Branch 96, Universal, Pa. $5.00: Mrs. Rudolph Klemenčič; 1.00: Frances O’Block, Mary Sacsek, Johanna Mazina, Annie Jelovchan, Mary Humar, Paula Kokal. Total $11.00. S.W.U. CHORAL CLUB of Chicago, Illinois Record Album of 8 Slovenian Songs — Chorus of 25 voices! 33(/3 rPm ...........$3.50 postpaid. Make your record library complete! — Order your album from: FRANCES ZIBERT 1808 W. 22nd Place, Chicago 8, III. State President of Ohio-Michigan Reporting How fast the time rolls on—do you realize that this month our State Day in Ohio takes place and that before we know it, it will be just a memory. The majority of you will have attended, I’m sure, and had a good time. Those of you not able to attend will get all the highlights reported here. At this time, I want to thank the wonderful folks who donated for the printing of the Zveza Day tickets, namely: Zele’s, Grdina’s and Zakraj-sek’s Funeral Homes. To Stanley Erzen, through whom we procured the portable TV set and to August Kol-lander Travel Agency, the donors of the beautiful Queen’s wrist watch, our heartfelt thanks. We have a grand list of merchants who made donations for the* 'Queen’s prizes: The May Co., Higbee’s, Taylor’s, Lindner-Davis, and Lane Bryant and we hope all our Cleveland ladies patronize them in return. Also, a million thanks to all the PENNSYLVANIA ZVEZA DAY June 14th, was held under the sponsorship of Branch 71 in Strabane, Pa. It was a pleasure to attend this affair, and along with Supreme Secretary, we arrived there Sunday, June 14th, in time for a sumptuous banquet with over 300 guests. Mrs. Mary Tomsio, State President of Pennsylvania and President of Branch 71, did a marvelous job in arranging this grand affair, and she and her co-workers are to be congratulated. Next year, PA. State Day will be held in Universal. Coincidentally, one of the members present from Universal won the beautiful Slovenian costumed doll which Mrs. Novak brought from Chicago, and now, it’ll be waiting for us in Universal until next year, and we can see if she’s grown any! Mrs. John Bevec, the toastmaster, really performed his duty well and other guests who spoke included Mr. Albert Tomsic, President of the Eastern KSKJ Athletic Board. Albina Novak gave a very encouraging speech and I am sure everyone was touched by some of her remarks. I know I observed one young lady with tears in her eyes as she listened. Mrs. Novak also encouraged new member enrollments and perking up the activities in the branches with more articles in Zarja. Rev. Zvelbar, of Washington, Pa., was called upon for a few words and he, too, was very inspiring in his message. Yours truly had the subject of our Ohio Zveza Day to tell about, and naturally, I invited all of the members in our neighboring state to be with us on those days. At the banquet, we all enjoyed the singing voices of two lovely ladies from Ambridge—they certainly had beautiful voices. committees and co-workers who have given their services for the picnic and the state convention on July 4-5th. Lastly, to the Zveza Queen, who will be crowned at this doing, congratulations, and best wishes on your successful achievement of this title! The S.W.U. is planning on an excursion to Europe next summer and anyone who is interested in a trip across the pond should keep it in mind and join this group. An experience guide will go along and help with all traveling problems. Send in your reservation now, don’t wait until the last minute for steamship space. Wishes to all for a very pleasant summer and I hope you are spending nice vacations. Whoever is driving should be cautious and careful. Write about your experiences in the Dawn, as other members will surely enjoy reading of your travels. Bee seeing you all next month. Antonia Tanko On the trip, we met the family of Mrs. Tomsic, our hard-working officer from Pennsylvania and her greatgrandchildren of whom she’s very proud. We also met the proud grandfather, Jim Tomsic who sells Chrysler and Plymouth automobiles and was the first to venture into this business years ago. He is now succeeded by his two brothers. Prank, who sells Cadillacs and Bill, with DeSoto and Plymouth. All these fine friendships made the occasion a truly memorable one. Antonia Tanko No. 2, Chicago, III. — At the June meeting, two very fine members joined our branch. They are Mrs. Milena Soukal, who is well known for her vocal compositions and poems and Mrs. Rose Chander, wife of the present ambitious janitor at St. Stephen’s church and school. New memibers were recommended by Albina Novak. We bid them a heartfelt welcome! Zveza Day in Lemont is fast approaching. Sunday, July 19th is the great day when we will again meet with our friends and members at the popular shrine on St. Mary’s hill. For the past few years, a candle light procession preceded the Sunday’s big event. Everyone is invited to join in the candlelight procession on Saturday, July 18th, which starts at twilight from Baraga home and concludes at the Grotto. For those who will travel by public transportation, a special bus will be ready in front of Tomazin’s hall, 1904 W. Cermak Rd. at 9 a.m. The round trip fare will be $1.50. On Sunday, July 19th, the procession will start from the Baraga home to the Grotto at 10:30 a.m. Holy Mass will be offered at 11 a.m. The dis- MRS. BARA KRAMER, from the inception of S.W.U. in 1926, one of the hardest working officers ever. She organized four branches, namely, her home Branch #13, San Francisco, #20, Joliet, #43, Milwaukee and #45, Portland and until today a corner of her heart is dedicated to Zveza. She was a Supreme Officer for 13 years, her lucky number! tinguished Choral Club of Branch 2 will sing during the Mass with Prof. Alfred Fishinger at the organ. — At noon, a delicious dinner will be available at the Baraga home. The menu will consists of chicken soup, fried cihicken, roast veal, rizotto, several vegetables, cake and potica for dessert. The dining room in the remodeled Baraga home is now offering a completely new arrangement of tables, which makes the service very comfortable. — Benediction will be at. 2:30 p.m. At three o’clock a brief variety program, prepared by Editor Corinne Leskovar, will take place on the outdoors. Refreshments will be served at the open pavilion as in the past. Everyone is assured a grand time! Don’t miss it! Our regular monthly meeting will be Thursday, July 9. Plan to attend? Albina Novak, rec. sec’y. No. 3, Pueblo, Col'o. — Hello again from Pueblo, Colorado! Our most recent meeting saw a large number of members present. A Mother’s Day party followed the disposition of the business at hand. A buffet covered-dish dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by the membership. Entertainment was furnished by our Spiritual Director, Father Daniel and his accordion. Incidentally, Father Daniel also provided the music for the St. Mary’s Brownie troop who danced a selection of Slavic folk dances. The officers presented Sister Anna Pachak with a lovely corsage in grateful recognition of her many years of service to our branch and as our Mother-of-the-Year. It was decided to dispense with the meetings until August. Discussions of a regional Zveza Day has been placed in abeyance until probably next year. A warm welcome is extended to new junior member, Alberta Edwards. Members on the sick list have been Mines. Jennie Anzick and Josephine Erjavec. A speedy recovery to them and to any other members who may have been inadvertently missed. Katherine Kochevar, reporter S.W.U. Choralettes of Branch 2, Chicago, III., with their Director, Ann Cham, are the youngest version of the famed Choral Club of the branch. The girls are, left to right: Denise Krem- pach, Joyce Burdo-vich, Katie Baltakis, Mrs. Cham, Mary Ann Muller and Sandra Strupeck. Their specialty is old favorites, a la “barbeshop” harmony. No. 7, Forest City, Pa.—We extend best wishes to all celebrants, whether it be for graduations, new babies, happy birthdays or anniversaries. And, w© hope all our young people are enjoying their vacations. We welcome all new members of the organization and suggest that if you haven’t as yet, try to get a new member to join during the present campaign. Our junior page, “pen pal” story is very interesting and there should be many youngsters anxious to write in and become- a Zarja pen pal. Hope that the parents of our young members will encourage them to write to our energetic pen pal, Donna! Get-well wishes to all our sick members! Christine Menart, sec’y. The family of the late Mrs. Frances Terchek of Forest City, wishes to extend heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who were so kind during the time of her illness as well as for their innumerable kindnesses shown to the family at the time of her passing. Mrs. Terchek is survived by her husband, Frank, with whom she celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1956, five sons and two daughters. The family residence is at 1016 N. Main St., and Mrs. Terchek was a resident of Forest City for 70 years. She was a member of Br. 7 and was honored as their Mother of the Year in 1956. May she rest in eternal peace. No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — Big plans are in the offing for Branch No. 13 for the Fall Season. Sunday, October 10, 1959 will be Zveza Day with our State President, Rose Scoff taking charge as Chairlady for the function. We regret Fontana, Oregon and Washington cannot be with us for this Big Day; when our State President sent letters to these various branches they sent letters of regret for not being able to attend. We realize distance here in the West is a factor to our disadvantage but maybe in the near future we can enjoy a real State Day. The plans for our Day are under way with Mass at 9:30 a.m. at the Church of Nativity, and dinner to follow at the Slovenian Hall, 210i Mariposa Street. Dinner for adults $2.50 and for children to 14 yrs. of age $1.25. It will be served at 5 p.m. Cocktails from 4 p.m. We are most fortunate to have the following cooking staff who will donate their time and energy for the benefit of Branch No. 13, Chairladies of kitchen: Mary Stariha, Katie Plut, Agnes Kamnik, Anna Stark, and Mary Plut. If these names look familiar it is not a surprise as these Gals are the baclc-bone of our helpers! Thanks Gals! One of our dear members has had a seige of ill health and we hopo Poklica Podgornik will soon be enjoying good health once again and coming to the meetings as we miss her company. God grant you strength and health soon, Poldie! Mary Slanec, our Mother of the Year, was so pleased and happy with her appointment, we who know her feel this honor was too long coming as she is and has been most deserving. I want to take this time to thank this dear women for the beautiful crochet pieces sent me with a sweet note attached. Thank you Mary from the bottom of my heart; it is my pleasure and happiness to call you my friend. I pray with all the members for your continuing improvement in your health. God bless you. It has ben most gratifying this year to be your president as the members have been ever-ready with a helping hand. When called upon, all have been more than willing to help with each task. This has made the work of the officers less of a burden. Our meeting night was a happy get-together -with cakes, coffee, flowers and the fixin’s donated. Really ladies, we realize the expense incurred in making home-baked cakes, but you can be sure they were wrell appreciated; the cleaned dishes were really good proof. Of course, our favorite florist, Ivan, donated the flowers as he always does. Ivan has been most willing to add the flowers to adorn our tables without even a request, the only way we can repay such a friend is with our business; and there once again we are in his debt as he always arranges to send flowers to the members which we know should cost a great deal more than he charges the members of S.W.U. Thanks, Ivan! In case you don’t know, Ivan is located at 1718 A Polk St., ORdway 3-7561. Don’t forget our big date, ladies, and keep Sunday, October 10, 1959, open, so you can enjoy a fine day with Mass and dinner to follow. More information will appear from time to time in Zarja and our secretary, Betty Doherty, will send letters to the members. Resrevations will be necessary and can be made through our Chairlady, Rose Scoff. Get a member during the campaign for new members. One year’s dues for juniors are $1.20, little enough to pay for the benefits received! Frances E. Chiodo, president No. 14, Euclid, Ohio.—The regular monthly meetings will continue even during the hot summer months. Neither hot nor cold weather will keep our members at home. They all like to come to hear some news, chat, and enjoy the games, then go home feeling relaxed. Christine Menart, Juvenile Director and (r.,) Anna Ka-meen, past national officers and charter president of Br. 7. After each such meeting we have refreshments. This time we had a delicious torta baked by sister Mary Iskra and good strudel by sister Josephine Cebulj. Sister Mukovetz and sister Rome donated to our good time treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Novak were quite busy but happy when their son Dr. Robert Novak came home on a 2 week furlough accompanied by his lovely wife and 8 month old daughter. Dr. Novak is a first Lieut, in the U.S. Air Force, stationed at Homscom Field near Boston. He graduated from Western Reserve Dental School last June. After another year of service he will make his home in Ohio. Mrs. Novak Is a good member of Br. 14. Sick and operated on, in the hospital last month, were sister Mary Simončič and sister Frances Susman. Sister Simončič is convalescing at home but as we write this article sister Susman is still in the hospital. Our branch wishes them a quick recovery and the same to any other sick member that we have not heard about. Happy Birthday to all our members who will be a year older during July: Anna Ban, Anna Cesnik, Ursula Die-bold, Mary Fakult, Anna Hrovat, Anna Jalovec, Pauline Koncilija, Amalia Legat, our President; Anna Mestek, Anna Mihelick, Mary Novinc, Mary Perdan, Anna Polzer, Frances Primožič, May Roytz, Adela Rupena, Carolyn Sezon, Diane Bergant, Alice Ye-rak, Adeline Kapley, Mary Ann Kolcal, Lilian Delsanter, and Lena Vidulich. Pauline Cesar, sec’y. No. 16, So. Chicago, III.—We were all very pleasantly surprised at our annual chicken dinner In April when Mrs. Jennie Sasek walked in with her nieces, Kate Vidmar and Marge Prebil. She also joined us at our May meeting. We all enjoyed seeing you, Mrs. Sasek, and hope you will visit us as often as you can. It is with deep sadness that I report the passing of two of our good members—on March 23, Mrs. Angeline Branch No. 4, OREGON CITY, Oregon officers and meai-bers pictured in front of Pres. Mrs. Mary P o I a j n e r's home in 1950. In inset is Mrs. Novak with charter member Mrs. Brezar. Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio, officers Mrs. Frances Globokar (1st Supreme Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Amalia Legat, president and Mrs. Frances Gerchman. Mish of Whiting, Indiana passed away after a lingering illness and on May 23rd, Mrs. Mary Encimer passed away. Mrs. Encimer was practically a charter member of our branch having joined on March 10, 1928. To the families of the deceased we extend sincere sympathy. May they rest in peace! On Sunday, May 24th several of our members attended the 20th Anniversary of Branch No. 95 at Rupcich’s Restaurant. A very enjoyable evening was spent with our neighboring branch by the following members— Ruth Cubra, Helen Milanovich, Zora Yurkus, Josephine Krai, Katie Triller, my mother, Anne Buck and myself. It was nice seeing our Supreme Officers, Josephine Llvek and Albina Novak at this affair. We are looking forward to our Annual Zveza Day in Lemont on Sunday, July 19th and hope to see many of our friends that day. At the June meeting, we elected Mary Brebrick as our delegate to the State Convention which will be held in the afternoon in the dining hall. GLADYS K. BUCK, Capt. of Br. 16, So. Chicago Cadets 1943, Supreme Officer and ZARJA columnist for a number of years. A speedy recovery is wished for the following members of our branch who are on the sick list— our “Mother of the Year”, Frances Kuhel, Rose Skill, Antonia Yake and Agnes Bregar. All of you are missed at the meetings—so-hurry and get well. That is all the news we have for now, but we’ll be seeing you on Zveza Day in Lemont. Gladys K. Buck, secretary No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Our May meeting was dedicated to our mothers. Thanks to all who helped in the arrangement of the tables, the lunch and the program. Gifts were given to all our worthy members. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family of late Mrs. John (Katherine) Capelc. Survivors include husband John, sons John Jr. and Albert and daughter Joyce (Mrs. Mike Bayus) and four grandchildren. Many members attended the prayer hour at her bier and also the funeral. The burial was in the Eveleth cemetery. Our condolences to Mrs. Angela Sterle who mourns the loss of her dear mother and to Molly Kvaternik on the loss of her husband and to Mrs. Kvaternik on the loss of her son, age 48. May they rest in peace eternal! Congratulations to Zarja on its 30th anniversary. May it live for many more successful years! Mary Lenlch, secretary * * * To the Lenich family, our deepest sympathy on the loss of son, Anthony. May he rest in peace! —Editor. No. 20, Joliet, III. — Congratulations to our graduates from the Parish schools, from the Joliet Catholic High School, from the Joliet Township High School, the St. Francis Academy, the St. Francis College, the Lewis College, and the various universities where ever our children have been enrolled. May their future be a bright one and may all their undertakings in future life be blessed. We again mourn the death of our member Mrs. Mary Gutnik from Rockdale who died in May. This is our fifth death this year. She resided at 1005 Meadow Ave. Born Jan. 24, 1893 in Borovnica. Joined our branch June 18th, 1933, recommended by Mrs. Rose Jagodnik. Her husband died some years ago. Mrs. Gutnik came to our meetings with the Rockdale group often, until she became ailing with her foot which had to be amputated. Since then she was slowly failing, but never complaining. She is survived by 3 daughters and 7 sons. In Slovenia she is survived by one sister and one brother. She is missed with great grief by her family whose sorrow was unending. While she lay at bier at the funeral parlor throngs of friends from Rockdale came to pay her last respects, among them, all our Rockdale members who together with the Joliet members prayed for the repose of her soul. Our members also attended the funeral which took place from the Rockdale parish church to St. Joseph’s cemetery in Joliet. May God repay our deceased member with heavenly reward which she is so greatly entitled and deserving. To the bereaved family our deep sympathy. On Sunday at the seven o’clock Mass our member Mrs. Barbara Kobe celebrated her 80th birthday. She received many good wishes from her immediate family and many friends. The members of our branch also wish to be included among the good wishers for many years. Our former cadet Miss Jean Gom-bach became the bride of Mr. Benjamin Yaros at St. Joseph’s Church. Her brides maid was Mrs. Isabelle (Musich) Gulas. It was only last month when Isabelle married, and Jean was her brides maid. Jean has also been a member of our bowling league. We extend her our best wishes for a very bright future and wedded bliss. Our bowling league also closed its season with a supper at Murphy’s in Romeo. For the next season Mrs. Bernice (Kuzma) Kostelec has been elected president; Jo Mlakar, vice president; Jo Goran, secretary; Mrs. Edna Grohar, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Nahas, sergeant-at-arms, and Mrs. Jo Sumic, reporter. We wish our bowlers much fun and success In the next term of their bowling sport. Our American Legion Auxiliary CAPTAIN DOROTHY GOVEDNIK, holding trophy awarded to her winning team, the Joliet, Championship Cadets, third time, first place winners in national competitive drill work at Pueblo, Colo., 1949. Post 1080 has elected as their president Mrs. Olga Ancel. Our member Mrs. Caroline Gregory fromu Broadway has a special altar at her home dedicated to our Lady of Lourdes. Here at her home her neighbors and friends gather every Thursday afternoon for many years to recite the rosary. At this time Mrs. Gregory also received donations for the new altar in Škofja Loka in Slovenia which donations are sent to the Ursuline Cloister to Sister Damjana Kajzer. If at any time any of the readers are willing to donate towards this altar, kindly forward your donations to Mrs. Caroline Gregory, 1024 N. Broadway St., Joliet. Our last meeting before our vacation from meetings, has been observed in May. At this time, Mrs. Planinšek, our president has presented Mrs. Jennie Sprengel who resigned from office with a gift. A gift for Mrs. Mary Kun-stelc our long time worker for our branch was also on hand. At this time as customary to honor our most popular mother for the branch of this year could not be taken, as a few days before this event Mrs. Josephine Muster was called to her home in Cleveland, to the bedside of her father Mr. Joseph Menart who was gravely ill. We all regretted her absence, and we wish her father a speedy recovery. At our May meeting lunch has been served and our Glee Club under the direction of Mrs. Sprengel sang numerous folk and religious songs. Those present Glee Club members were, Mines. Antonia Sustersich, Ursula Ambrose, Rose Jagodnik, Mihaela Maren, Ida Rancinger, Emma Planinšek, Anne Fandek, Mary Lesnik and Theresa Koleto. It was a treat to the members to hear all of these beautiful Slovenian songs and we hope we shall hear them again soon in the future. Get-well cards were mailed by our secretary Frances Gaspich to Mrs. Veronica Taday who has been in the hospital twrice within few months, also to Mrs. Mary Kness and Veronica Stimac. The members wish them all a speedy recovery also to others who at this time are convalescing at home or in the hospital. The door prize has been won by our member Mrs. Anna Rogel, who received a beautiful large apron. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bozic from Cornelia St. who have become grandparents for the first time, for Dr. and Mrs. Tarizzo surprised them with a son. Mrs. Tarizzo is their daughter and Mrs. Bozic is our member for many years. Our memlber Mrs. Emma Nosse adopted three children at one time. Our congratulations and may this event bring you much happiness in your future years. The 21st of June, our organizer and honorary president Mrs. Marie Pris-land has celebrated her birthday. This celebration took place in Slovenia, which is her second visit within a year and her second celebration of her birthday. The members wish her many more years of health, and many more travels abroad. Just two weeks ago your reporter received a card from Ireland from Mrs. Prisland, where she stated that this country is beautiful. This is one place your reporter did not visit on her extended tour in Europe. From Ireland they flew on to Paris, where their next stop will be Slovenia. Wishing all the members a very nice vacation, Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn.— Dawn Club.— We had our Annual Banquet celebrating our Anniversary which took place at Riiks Inn on May 20th. A delicious chicken dinner was enjoyed by all. We were very happy to have a good turn out for the dinner and we hope to see so many of you at our future meetings. This was followed by the meeting when plans were being made for the Slovenian Women’s Union Minnesota Day to be held at Ely in early September. Various committees were chosen. (More on this later.) We also planned our Annual Outing to be held at Semer’s Park, Aug. 19th with a pot-luck supper to begin at 6:30 p.m. We don’t have meetings during the summer months as every one is on vacation. Ann Rowe, reporter AGNES M AHOVLICH, Convention Queen of 1936 in Milwaukee. Mrs. Ma-havlich also served as ai Supreme Officer in the Advisory Committee. She is one of the Union’s oldest members and lives in So. Chicago, III., and organized branches No. 16 and No. 95. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Even a steady downpour of rain couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the members of Branch 34 when they met for the final session before the summer recess on Wednesday evening May 20. The session commenced with a 6:30 pot-luck supper of tasty hot dishes, salads, rolls and coffee to which the 25 members present did full justice. During the business meeting that followed, members were reminded to keep posted on “Zveza” day by watching the publicity notices in Dawn magazine and the local papers. Zveza Day will be held this year in Ely on Sept. 11, and as many members as possible are urged to attend. Members again agreed to have a large vigil light burned at the Blessed Virgin Altar this month, and another at the Sacred Heart Altar next month. Plans were made for a picnic which will be held at McKinley Park in Soudan, on the afternoon of Saturday, August 15th, and to which all members are invited. Following the business meeting a social hour was held and prizes at “Cootie” were awarded to Mmes. Herman Mesojedec and Joseph Skala and at “500” to Mmes. Louis Zupanich and Joseph Jamnick. The door prize was won by Mrs. Joseph Gornick. A pleasant summer vacation to all S.W.U. members—and we hope to see all Branch 34 members at the picnic on August 15th. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, reporter No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio.—Members of our branch are all set to help out at the July 4th State Day and Convention, which promises to be a great occasion. Our Rummage Sale was a success and the proceeds will be used to treat our faithful members to a delicious chicken dinner at Lopp’s farm on July 26th at 12:30 p.m. New members initiated at our June meeting—thanks to Ernestine Jevec—-are, adults: Albina Primožič and Mary Vidmar, and junior members: Joanie Arlto, Aggie and Donna Arko, Kathleen Kobe, Bernadette Vidmar, Carol Vokac and Carolyn Primožič. To all, a big welcome! Enjoying the sights of Europe are our very faithful member, Antoinette Celeenik and her husband, John. On the sick list we have Jennie Kepic and Ann Molnar, who we hope are on the way to recovery by now. To Sophie Posch, we extend our sincerest sympathy on the loss of her dear brother, John Posch and to Jo Kočevar, on the sudden passing of her beloved husband, Joseph. May God give them his blessings and the strength to endure their sorrows. Frances Sietz, pres. No. 55, Girard, Ohio.—Seventy members and guests were in attendance at the Slovenian Women’s Union MOTHER-DAUGHTER banquet held May 14th at the Slovenian Home in Girard. The table was beautiful with a floral centerpiece of spring flowers and miniature crocheted young dolls. All the mothers and daughters attending received corsages. The dinner was prepared by Mrs. Mary Svetko of Youngston; and Mary, it surely was a delicious and a nice one. The women are still talking about the wonderful meal. The program included poems by Mrs. Mildred Wolford who recited “MOTHER” and her own Mother, Mrs. Theresa Lozier gavei the response to “Mother”. Beverly Hlasta recited "Helping Mothers”. My children, Anna Marie and I^ouis also each recited a poem, and then joined by their little sister Francine, sang a Slovenian Hymn. The guest speaker was Mayor Ca-tone who chose as his topic “Mothers Today”. The program was concluded with group singing led by Mayor Ca-tone. Our thought: “Don’t know what we would do without you and Anna, Joe.” Before I forget, congratulations! to Mayor Catone on being renominated for the Mayorship, and also to our Dorothy Gorence for the Auditorship. Wishing the two of you from all of us the “Best” in the Fall. We then presented our MOTHER OF THE YEAR, Mary Mehalco with a gift, I am sure she will always have to remind her of the honor that was bestowed upon her in 1959. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. Mary Mehalco as the youngest grandmother, Mrs. Beatrice Matuszewskl for the youngest mother, and Mrs. Anna Umeck for having the most grandchildren. Door prizes went to Mrs. Mary Mehalco, Mrs. Mary Gabar- MARY MARKEZICH, former Supreme Officer and charter-president of Br. 95, So. Chicago, III., who was honored at their 20th Anniversary Banquet May 24. shak, and Mrs. Margie Russ. Chairladies for the highly successful banquet were Mrs. Enima Zore and Mrs. Beatrice Brayer. On the SICK LIST AND HOSPITAL LIST! Anna Kalan had a major operation and is home now, but will be laid up for a few weeks yet. Frances Brayer had an accident and broke her leg and is in the hospital, also Mary Bahn is again in the hospital for her eyes. Wishing all of you a speedy recovery. Mr. Vincent Rostan died and he was the brother of the well known Anthony Rostan who operates Ros-tan’s Food Market. Our deepest sympathy is being extended to all members of the Rostan family and especially Mrs. Vincent Rostan. Now is what we can “Vacation Time” so comie and try and attend our meetings faithfully. A good time is always in store for us on meeting night. Anna Marie Racick No. 55, Girard, Ohio.—Our Slovenian reporter, Emma Zore made a trip to Johnstown and Loretto, Pa., so we thought it would be interesting to give a report of her trip, which we found it to be of much interest and educational as well. * * * On Saturday, May 2, 1959, my husband, John Zore, and Matilda Cigolle left Girard, Ohio for Johnstown, Pa. Thei weather was beautiful on tfcat spring day, and the scenery was something out of this world. The first stop was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lubilejsek and we also spent our night at their residence. We had our lunch at the Lubilejsek’s, and Mollie just kept bringing all types of food on the table, so I asked if this was a wedding, and she said no, just something for our friends from Girard. Mollie, we just hope that it will be soon when you can visit us in Girard, so that we too, can repay you for your fine hospitality. Above: Far western states’ presidents were pictured in Zarja after the 1949 Pueblo, Colorado Convention with Albina Novak. Left to right: Mary Golik, Br. 45, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Novak, Mary Kovach, Br. 63, Denver, Colo., and Mary Mihelich, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Right: Mrs. Mary A. Terlep, Three-time Convention Queen, at 1943, 1946 and 1949 National Conventions. Mrs. Terlep enrolled 775 members in her time, and then as now, is a member of Br. 20, Joliet, III. Before I forget, many of our readers must know that Mr. and Mrs. Lubi-lejsek are the grandparents of Robert Tercek, the groom for whose wedding we came to attend. His bride is the former Audrey Markum and her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Markum. The groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tercek, and we are proud to say that his mother belongs to the S.W.U. branch in Johnstown, Pa. The young couple was married at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Mareville, Pa. and the reception was held in the Croatian Home with about 400 guests attending. We met many of our old friends, and seeing Mr. and Mrs. John Vidmar and the father of Stanley Kobal and the rest of his family brought back many old memories. We had many invitations to visit the next day with our friends, but we went off to Loretto, Pa. to visit with Rev. Father Sebastian Soklič, T.O.R., Dean of the College, who was already waiting for us and to welcome oui-first visit to St. Francis College. Never before had I heard of St. Francis’s College, and time didn’t permit us to stay too long, but Father Soklic showed us around and explained to us the best he could, so we would have a fairly good remem-berance of the place. The most interesting thing that caught my eye was the picture of the Bronze Statue of the late Pope Pius XII which is the only original work of Sculptress, Anna Vita, and was sent to the college from Vatican City to adorn the entrance of the new Library called the Pope Pius XII Memorial Library and which was dedicated on May 2, 1959. This bronze statue was created at the request of the Most Rev. John H. Boccella, T.O.R., Minister Gen. of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis, who presented the statuette of His Holiness in a private audience granted only 10 days before the Pontiff’s death, and who said the Holy Father “was visibly moved by this devoted tribute.” Also on the campus, is being erected a new Chapel which will be completed when the main altar arrives from Vatican City. This Chapel will be used only by the student body. A beautiful organ is also being installed by a German T.O.R. and I was informed it will be one of the strongest built. I could go on writing more, but space is the question, and at this time wish to express our sincere thanks to Rev. Fr. Sebastian Soklic for his time, kindness, and sincere hospitality. God bless you, Father. I hope that in the near future that many of our readers will take a trip to Loretto, Pa., and we assure them a wonderful and memorable time. Emma Zore PRESENTATION OF THE “GOLDEN MERIT” BOOK in Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 1938, by Mrs. Novak; extreme right is Frances Raspet, Supreme Vice-President, who took great interest in youth activities. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn.—We had the best turn-out or the year at our last meeting—in fact, the largest turn-out in the history of our Branch No. 56. Perhaps because we: Honored our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Anna Rapinac who was bom on July 26, 1882 in Delnice, Croatia (Jugoslavia). In 1905 she was married to Frank Rapinac who died in 1953. She came to America with her new baby (Sophie) to Chisholm where she was met fry her husband. They moved to Nashwault in 1906 then to Hibbing in 1924. Twelve children were born of this union, all of whom are living; Three sons, Carl, John, both of Hibbing, and Frank of Los Angeles; and nine daughters: Sophie (Mrs. Martin Garmaker, Hibbing, Minnesota; Anne (Mrs. Anne Reynar) Los Angeles; Jean (Mrs. [Colonel] W. A. McCor-mac) at present with her husband in Germany; Effie (Mrs. A. W. Martin) Washington, D.C.; Margaret (Mrs. Dan Skorich) Hibbing; Helen (Mrs. Dick Garnor) San Bernadino, California; Elizabeth (Mrs. Leslie Gaige) Hibbing; Evelyn (Mrs. Bill Turner) San Francisco, California; and Fraa-ces (Mrs. [Captain] F. E. Stergar) at present at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Also has 32 grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren. Mrs. Anna Rapinac is a member of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, League of Sacred Heart, as well as several church circles. She is very active and very well posted on world events and politics. She maintains a large home, does all her own work, baking, sewing, and gardening —and her home is like Grand Central Station as with such a large family there is someone coming and going all the time. Our president, Ann Satovlch presented Mother Rapinac with a gift. A corsage was presented to her by Mrs. Louis Drobnick. Hostesses for the evening were her three daughters (members of our Union) Sophie Garmaker, Elizabeth Gaige, Margaret Skorich; her daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Rapinac; and also Claire Simmons and B. McDonald. The delicious buffet luncheon (it was more like a banquet) was enjoyed by all. Your good cooking has brushed off on to your daughters! A very nice recitation honoring her grandmother was presented by Mary Anne Peterson, assisted by her friend Dyxie Fogelberg. It was indeed a pleasure to honor Anna Rapinac as Mother of the Year and we all wish her many more years of good health and happiness. She truly is a most gracious, benevolent, understanding, congenial mother, grandmother and great grandmother! The past month also has brought much sorrow as we mourn the loss of two of our members—Eva Maras and Filka Davich. We also deeply sym- pathize with Mamie Valeri whose husband Sante Valeri just recently died. All were long time residents of Hibbing. We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the members of the bereaved families. Well, sisters, let’s get going on the drive for new members. Campaign is on from now through October 1. Congratulations to Mary Ann Babich, now Mrs. Ronald Tarro, on the birth of her new son. Also congratulations to Grandma Mary Babich (first grandchild), Great Grandmother Anna Shelko, and Auntie Margaret Shelko! All members of our Union. Also congratulations to Mary Bisso-nette on the birth of a new granddaughter! Mary now has eight grandchildren. And to all of our sick members, a speedy recovery. Let’s get busy on our membership drive... Mary Ayotte, reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio.—A reminder to all ladies that the meeting for the month of July will be held at sister, Mary Pacek’s beautiful pavillion at 12 Pittsburgh Ave., in Girard, Ohio. You don’t have to worry about the summer heat as her pavillion Is very spacious and cooling. Our last meeting was poorly attended with only 10 members present. Come ladies, don’t let the weather keep you from coming to the meetings. Congratulations to all our graduates who recently received their diplomas. Jerry Majovsky, son of Betty and John Majovsky and grandson of our secretary, graduated from St. Rose catholic school. Larry Krempasky, husband of one of our members, Rose Krempasky, graduated from Youngstown University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree. Jeanine Hofmann, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hofmann, graduated from Austintown Fitch High School and this fall will enter nurses’ training at the St. Mary’s School of Nursing in Huntington, W.Va. Pat Stanec, daughter of Mr. ,& Mrs. George Stanec, graduated from McKinley High School and at present, is taking a course to be an airline hostess. Jo Anne Matejko, daughter of Mr. I& Mrs. George Matejko, recently graduated from Hiram University with a degree in Home Economics. To all graduated, the best of success in whatever field you attempt. Congratulations to Juan and Bob Yerman on the birth of a son, bom May 10th at Trumbull Memorial. This makes our president, Frances Yerman, grandma again. July will be vacation time for many of us, so happy motoring! A last reminder, the meeting for July will bet held at Macek’s pavilion. Frances Hribar, reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — Our May meeting was very well attended. We were happy to see so many of our ladies, and hope that next time even more of you will come out. This also happened to be Mrs. Angela Arko’s birthday, so she treated us to some of her delicious home-made cake and “potica”, and we had a lot of fun helping her celebrate. We hope she will have many more such as this one. Congratulations are in order for Mrs. Stephie Sheehy, who has become a grandmother again. Her daughter gave birth to a fine baby boy. On May 29th we laid to rest another of our “old-timer” members, Mrs. Anna Tome. Mrs. Tome had been a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union Branch No. 72 since its begin- MRS. EMMA S'HIMKUS, Branch 24, La Salle, III., former member of the Supreme Educational Committee from 1936 to 1943, and ZARJA Fashion columnist, during those years. ning and was well-known and well-lilted among all the Slovenian people. It was exactly three weeks earlier that her husband passed away, so her passing at this time was a terrific blow to her family—so soon after the first one. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. It was gratifying to see so many of our members attending this funeral to act as honorary pallbearers. At this time, I would like to remind our ladles that one of the obligations of a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union is to attend wakes and funerals of our members. In the beginning we used to act as pallbearers—but now we leave that job to the men. However, it is still our duty, so far as we are able, to attend the funerals and to take part of honorary pallbearers. A very good number of women attended Mrs. Tome’s funeral, but I am afraid the ladies have been rather negligent in this respect at other funerals before this one. We should make every effort to attend the funerals of our members. Best wishes to all of you for a happy summer. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville iHgts., Ohio.— Our June meeting was well attended. New member, Virginia Fortuna was introduced, and her daughter, Mary Ann, was signed up as a junior member. Another adult member signed up is Catherine Papaz. Welcome to our branch! Our next meeting is set for September 14. Hostesses for that meeting are: Sophie Maver, Mary Maver, Frances Kainec and myself. Congratulations to our Vice President, Dorothy Ehrlich who became Mrs. John Godfrey, Jr. In June 6th at Holy Name Church. Our best wishes for the future to the happy pair. Frances Kainec, (who is my mother), will fly to El Paso, Texas on July 6th to visit another daughter, Elina and family. Our best wishes for a happy trip and vacation. Visiting their grandparents in Smithsville, Texas, for the summer are Bobby Ann and Ernest Ehrlich. Have a happy summer, kids! To those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, our very best of wishes and to those who may be on the sick list, get well quick! I hope everyone has a happy summer whether it be at home or away and hope to see you all again in September. Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. — Our June meeting was held at sister Mary Petrich’s home. We all admired her ne