P. JEEVANANTHAM, K. KRISHNASAMY: MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF Al2219/n-TiC/Gr ... 561–567 MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF Al2219/n-TiC/Gr POWDER-BASED PROCESS PARAMETERS USING DESIRABILITY APPROACH AND GENETIC ALGORITHM MODELIRANJE IN EKSPERIMENTALNA ANALIZA Al2219/n-TiC/Gr PRAHU NA OSNOVI PROCESNIH PARAMETROV, UPORABE PRISTOPA ZA@ELJENOSTI IN GENETSKIH ALGORITMOV Ponnusamy Jeevanantham 1 , Krishnasamy Kumaresan 2 , Zeelanbasha Noorbasha 3 1 United Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, India 2 Park College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, India 3 Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore 641014, India jeevananthamed@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-11-16; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-03-15 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.192 In this experimental investigation, an Al2219 alloy matrix reinforced with6%oftitanium carbide (TiC particulates of 200 nm) and2%ofgraphite (Gr particulates of 2μm) were manufactured using a powder-metallurgy process. Mechanical properties such as microhardness and sintered density were improved by varying the production parameters such as compaction pressure (MPa), sintering temperature (°C) and sintering time (hr) at three different levels using the desirability approach integrated with a genetic algorithm (GA). The microstructures and phase compositions of the produced materials were examined with a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FSEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The probability greater than F-test values less than 0.05 indicates that the model terms are significant. The predicted desirability results revealed that the maximum density (2.867 g/ cm 3 ) and microhardness (140.20 HV) were achieved at optimized parameter values such as the compaction pressure A (479.45 MPa), sintering temperature B (400.30 °C) and sintering time C (1.003 h). The genetic- algorithm result showed a good agreement between the experimental and GA-predicted values. Keywords: mechanical properties, nanoparticles, optimization, prediction, SEM – scanning electron microscope Avtorji te eksperimentalne {tudije so izdelali kompozit s kovinsko osnovo iz aluminijeve zlitine Al2219, oja~anos6% titan-karbida (TiC z delci 200 nm) in 2 % grafita (Gr z delci 2 μm). Kompozit so izdelali s postopkom metalurgije prahov. Mehanske lastnosti (mikrotrdoto) in sintrano gostoto so izbolj{ali s spreminjanjem procesnih parametrov, kot so tlak stiskanja (MPa), temperatura in ~as sintranja (°C, ure). Eksperimente so izvajali na treh razli~nih nivojih. Uporabili so pristop za`eljenosti, integriran v genetski algoritem (GA). Mikrostrukturo in fazno sestavo kompozita so analizirali s pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa na emisijo polja (FSEM; angl.: Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) in energijskega disperzijskega spektrometra (EDS; angl: Energy Dispersive Spectrometry). Ve~ja verjetnost, da bodo vrednosti F-testa pod 0,05, ka`e na to, da so modelni parametri pomembni. Napovedani rezultati za`eljenosti so pokazali, da sta maksimalna gostota (2,867 g/cm 3 ) in mikrotrdota (140,2 HV) dose`eni pri optimiziranih vrednostih parametrov; to je tlaku stiskanja A (479,45 MPa), temperaturi sintranja B (400,3 °C) in ~asu sintranja C (1,003 h). Rezultat genetskega algoritma je tudi pokazal dobro ujemanje med eksperimentalnimi in GA vrednostmi. Klju~ne besede: mehanske lastnosti, nanodelci, optimizacija, napoved, SEM – vrsti~ni elektronski mikroskop 1 INTRODUCTION In several industries, aluminium alloys are used as the base metals for the most particulate reinforcements due to their high strength, wear resistance and hardness. An aluminum alloy (AA) reinforced with ceramic nano- particles was produced for a vast range of applications such as automobiles and aerospace engineering. 1–2 There are several kinds of hard ceramic nanoparti- cles, e.g., SiC, B 4 C, TiC, TiB 2 ,Al 2 O 3 and soft reinforce- ments, e.g., MoS 2 or Gr, used as the reinforcements in aluminum alloys to improve the mechanical characteris- tics. 3–7 However, many researchers suggested that titanium carbide is the most effective ceramic particle as that it has a good range of wettability and a high specific strength within an aluminum alloy. 8–9 The machinability can be improved by adding graphite to a metal-matrix composite (MMC). 10–11 Thepowder-processing technique adopted for the manufacture of hybrid metal-matrix com- posites (HMMC) compares to all the other HMMC fabri- cation processes due to its big advantages. 12–14 The iden- tified process parameters that influence the mechanical properties are the compaction pressure, the sintering time and the temperature used for the powder-based manufac- turing method. 12 An inappropriate selection of the pow- der-based process parameters leading to poor mechanical properties and sintered density, e.g., a low compaction pressure and sintered temperature, lead to a poor density and bonding nature; so a great attention to the selection of appropriate powder-metallurgy process parameters is required. 13–15 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 561–567 561 UDK 67.017:621.762:620.3:669.715 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(5)561(2018) Response-surface methodology (RSM) is an optimi- zation tool adopted to understand the behaviour and in- teraction effects of the process parameters on the re- sponses. 16 Developed mathematical models were used for the prediction of MMC properties. 17–18 Statistical analyses (ANOVA) carried out to identify the signifi- cance and influences of the parameters of the developed model, show a lack of fit and errors. 19–20 The multi-objec- tive genetic-algorithm technique was used to solve multi-objective optimization problems. 21 The multi-ob- jective genetic algorithm is an optimization technique, which helps to find the most effective responses in-be- tween the upper and lower boundary conditions. 22 The highest objective of this study was to understand the powder-based process-parameter behaviour of an Al2219 alloy matrix reinforced with TiC and Gr particulates. In the present work, Al2219+6%n-T iC+2%Gr hybrid metal-matrix composites were fabricated through the powder-metallurgy technique and the improvement in the mechanical properties was studied. Three produc- tion-process parameters, the compaction pressure (MPa), the sintering temperature (°C) and the sintering time (h) with three different levels were considered for the res- ponses of the microhardness (HV) and sintered density ( s ). The response-surface methodology (RSM) was uti- lized for experimental planning and analysis of variance. The formation of a surface defect on the produced sam- ples was analysed using visual and ultrasonic inspection methods. Multi-objective optimization using a genetic al- gorithm was performed to find the optimal machining parameters in order to predict the maximum microhard- ness and sintered density. The maximum parameters in- fluencing the multiple performance characteristics were investigated using ANOVA. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Experimental materials and set-up The hybrid metal-matrix composites were fabricated using the reinforcements such as6%o fnano-titanium carbide and 2 % of graphite particulates. Commercially available Al-alloy 2219 with the average mesh size of 200 nm and a purity of 99.8 % was used as the matrix material; TiC powder (a purity of 99.5 %, the average particle size of = 200 nm) and Gr powder (a purity of 99.5 % and the average particle size of = 2 μm) were used as hard reinforcements. The density values of the metal matrix and reinforcement particles (Al2219, TiC and Gr powders) were 2.84 g/cm 3 , 4930 kg/m 3 and 2.3 g/cm 3 , respectively. Planetary-type mechanical ball- milling equipment was used to obtain a good mixture of the metal matrix and the reinforcement particles. The mixture of elemental powders was pre-heated at about 125 °C to remove the moisture present in the powder particles. The compaction process was carried out in an EN8 hardened-steel die with a diameter of 40 mm and a height of 32 mm using a hydraulic press with different pressures (350, 450 and 550) MPa and the maximum ca- pacity of 70 t. Lubrication was used between the walls of the die using zinc stearate to achieve a better compact density. The compacted samples were kept in a furnace to undergo the sintering process at different temperatures (400, 500 and 600) °C and for different dwell periods (1, 2 and 3) h; they were later allowed to cool down to room temperature in the furnace itself. 2.2 Microhardness and sintered density The mechanical properties such as microhardness and density were measured. Sintered samples were ma- chined under testing conditions; microhardness values were measured on the polished surfaces after a 500-g load (HV 500 ) was applied for 5–10 s at three different lo- cations, using a Vickers microhardness tester. The sintered density was measured using the Archimedes principle as per ASTM B962-08. 22 2.3 Experimental design The experimentations were carried out based on the central composite design (CCD) of the RSM in order to understand the influence of the process parameters on the responses needing less experimental work. Table 1: Ranges of the process parameters Process pa- rameters Units Range of inputs -1 0 1 A MPa 350 450 550 B °C 400 500 600 Ch r123 Table 2: CCD with responses A /MPa B /°C C /h HV 500 s /g cm –3 450 500 2 120.36 2.71 450 500 3 123.6 2.75 450 600 2 118.72 2.69 450 500 2 121.4 2.71 450 400 2 129.6 2.79 450 500 2 123.42 2.74 450 500 2 122.56 2.73 450 500 1 127.6 2.77 350 500 2 117.8 2.64 350 400 1 130.6 2.8 550 400 3 132.6 2.81 450 500 2 121.12 2.73 550 600 1 117.2 2.62 350 600 3 116.7 2.61 550 500 2 132.6 2.75 CCD input parameters consisting of one replicate of star and axial points, five centre points and ten non-can- tered points were preferred for developing the matrix. The ranges of the process parameters and the CCD with responses are given in Tables 1 and 2. P. JEEVANANTHAM et al.: MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF Al2219/n-TiC/Gr ... 562 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 561–567 2.4 FESEM and EDS analyses The FESEM microstructural analysis indicates that the manufactured nanocomposite samples have an even scattering of the reinforcement particles – Al2219 + 6 % n-TiC+2%Gr( Figure 1). Also, Figure 2 depicting the EDS spectrum indicates that aluminium (Al), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) peaks significantly confirm the Al2219 presence. It is apparent from Figure 3 that all the nanocomposites display aluminium (Al), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) peaks confirming Al2219 along with the presence of Ti and C peaks corresponding to n-TiC in the case of Al2219+6%n-TiC+2%Gr. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Response-surface methodology The effective optimization software tool Design Ex- pert version 10 was used for the statistical analysis. Co- efficients of the values were calculated to observe the significance of the developed models. The F-values for the model microhardness (HV) equal to 13.83 and sin- tered density ( s ) of 23.20 indicate that the developed pa- rameters are significant; on the other hand, the values of the lack of fit for HV equal to 5.44 and s of 2.98 show that they are not significant compared to the pure error. An insignificant lack of fit is good for the models. Statis- tical measures of R 2 for HV (91 %) and s (97 %) show that the model is fitted into the regression line. The various noted parametric interactions affecting the microhardness of the sintered composites are shown in Figure 4. By increasing the compaction pressure, there was a significant increase in the microhardness. An inappropriate selection of the sintering temperature and sintering time has a negative influence on the hardness. The hardness drops when the sintering temperature in- creases above the eutectic point of the matrix material. The heat absorption of the reinforcement material, espe- cially at higher temperatures, results in a reduced matrix flow and a subsequent reduction in the hardness. The compaction pressure is vital for the surface hardness of aluminium composites. An inappropriate selection of the sintering time and temperature leads to an unusual ma- terial grain growth, thus reducing the mechanical pro- perty of the material. It is apparent from Figures 4 and 5a that an increase in the compaction pressure (350 to 550) MPa signifi- cantly increases the microhardness; but Figures 4 and 5b–5c show that the sintering density and time have an inverse relationship with the compaction pressure, i.e., P. JEEVANANTHAM et al.: MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF Al2219/n-TiC/Gr ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 561–567 563 Figure 3: EDS graph of Al2219 + n- TiC + Gr Figure 1: FESEM micrograph Figure 4: Perturbation of microhardness Figure 2: EDS graph of Al2219 the microhardness decreases with an increase in the sintering temperature and time; thus, the maximum microhardness can be attained at a higher compaction pressure (500–550) MPa, and lower sintering tempera- ture (400–450 °C) and time (1–1.5 h) for Al2219 + 6 % n-TiC+2%Gr .Thedev eloped mathematical regression model for the microhardness (2FI) is given below in Equation (1): HV = 152.9028333 + 0.15505*A-0.083025*B- 44.3575*C-2.37E - 04 * A* B + 0.01885 * A* C + 0.06775*B*C (1) The effects of the compaction and sintered parame- ters on the sintered density are shown in Figure 6. The graph clearly shows that the compaction pressure in- creases with an increase in the sintered density, which clearly ensures a better particle dispersion and better par- ticle bonding. Indirect effect plots are also taken into ac- count with regard to the effect of the compaction pres- sure on the density. It is possible to achieve 95 % of the theoretical density for 550 MPa. A low compaction pres- sure relatively scatters the influence of density. A high compaction pressure increases the strength of the com- paction with a higher density shown in Figure 7a.Itis clear from the interaction plot that the compaction pres- sure has a positive effect on the sintered density. The contribution ratio of the analysis of variance shows a minimum influence on the sintering temperature while increasing the sintered density. The sintering process is performed due to a diffusion of atoms with a good bond- ing strength in the grains. Figures 6 and 7a show that an increase in the com- paction pressure (350 to 550) MPa results in a significant increase in the sintered density. However, Figures 6 and 7b–7c show that the sintering density and time are in- versely proportional to the compaction pressure, i.e., the microhardness decreases with an increase in the sintering temperature and, subsequently, the microhardness de- creases with the optimum sintering time (1.5 h to 2 h). Thus, the maximum sintered density can be attained at the optimum sintering time and a lower sintered density P. JEEVANANTHAM et al.: MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF Al2219/n-TiC/Gr ... 564 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 561–567 Figure 5: a) to c) Influences on the microhardness Figure 7: Effect on the sintered density Figure 6: Perturbation of the sintered density at the higher compaction pressure for the production of Al2219 + 6%n-TiC + 2%Gr. The developed mathematical regression model for the sintered density (a linear regression model) is given be- low in Equation (2). Ts = 2.745906863 + 3.94E - 03*A-1.34E - 03*B- 0.554264706*C-1.00E - 06 * A* B + 4.50E - 04 * A* C + 5.00E - 04*B*C-4.21E - 06 * A 2 + 2.94E -07*B 2 + 0.022941176* C 2 (2) It is clear from the overlay plot in Figure 8 that the maximum microhardness (140.20 HV) and the sintered density (2.867 g/cm 3 ) can be attained for the produc- tion-process parameters such as the compaction pressure of 479.45 MPa, the sintering temperature of 400.30 °C and the sintering time of 1.003 h at the maximum desir- ability of 1. The desirability-analysis results show the values of the maximum microhardness and sintered den- sity. 3.2 Genetic algorithm In this study, a multi-objective genetic algorithm was adopted to solve the multi-objective optimization prob- lem. Constraint limits were applied to the microhardness (a 2FI model) and sintered density (a linear model) to predict the optimal relationships between the produc- tion-process parameters (A, B and C) and the responses (HV and s ). The models were input into the GA multi-optimization tool in MATLAB Version R2016b to predict the maximum responses. The functions given are: Maximize the prediction of HV Maximize the prediction of s Parameter ranges: A (350–550 MPa) B (400–600 °C) C (1–3 h) P. JEEVANANTHAM et al.: MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF Al2219/n-TiC/Gr ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 561–567 565 Figure 8: Overlay plot of desirability Figure 9: Pareto optimal frontier chart Figure 10: Prediction versus actual values Figure 8 indicates that the points are well distributed in the Pareto optimal frontier chart, which shows that the predicted values are in the range of desired optimized values. The GA predicted set of 18 non-interference so- lutions are presented in Table 3. Table 3: GA Pareto predicted values A /MPa B /°C C /h HV 500 s /g cm –3 520.14 400.77 1.001 143.36 2.858 502.95 400.74 1.001 142.01 2.864 510.65 400.75 1.001 142.62 2.861 509.11 400.76 1.001 142.49 2.862 518.38 400.76 1.001 143.22 2.859 516.10 400.76 1.001 143.04 2.860 517.87 400.76 1.001 143.18 2.859 516.99 400.78 1.003 143.10 2.859 503.45 400.75 1.003 142.04 2.863 518.90 400.77 1.001 143.26 2.859 514.96 400.77 1.001 142.95 2.860 508.62 400.75 1.001 142.45 2.862 507.83 400.77 1.001 142.39 2.862 513.76 400.74 1.001 142.86 2.860 504.61 400.76 1.001 142.14 2.863 512.23 400.75 1.001 142.74 2.861 502.16 400.73 1.001 141.95 2.864 500.00 400.70 1.001 141.79 2.864 It is confirmed that all the optimized non-interference solutions are similarly better with no impediment to both the microhardness and sintered density. The GA operat- ing parameters chosen are the population size (100), the population fraction (0.35) and the crossover fraction (0.8). Figures 9a and 9b show that the GA prediction versus the experimental scatter plots revealed that the conceivable outcomes of the expectation error would be fewer. 4 CONCLUSIONS An integrated approach using the RSM and multi-ob- jective GA was employed to predict the responses by op- timizing the production-process parameters. From this investigation, the following conclusions were drawn: • The developed regression models for HV (2FI) and s (linear) show a good agreement between the process parameters and responses. • The maximum microhardness (140.20 HV) and sin- tered density (2.867 g/cm 3 ) can be attained for the production-process parameters such as the compac- tion pressure (479.45 MPa), sintering temperature (400.30 °C) and sintering time (1.003 h) at the maxi- mum desirability of 1. • The set of the Pareto predicted values were verified and it was found that the eighteen sets of the opti- mized and predicted values are equally good, and the error falls in the range of 0.45–1.2, showing a good agreement. • The results revealed that the integrated approach of the RSM and GA was a reliable methodology for the prediction of a desired high-quality manufacturing process. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Cabeza, I. Feijoo, P. Merino, G. Pena, M. C. Pérez, S. Cruz, P. 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