ERK'2022, Portorož, 453-456 453 CPU simulator FlyHip Branko ˇ Ster 1 , Paul Daubin 2 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Veˇ cna pot 113, 1000, Ljubljana 2 ESIGELEC Engineering school, Av. Galil´ ee, 76800 Saint- ´ Etienne-du-Rouvray, France E-mail: Abstract An implementation of simulator of processor HIP , a little simplified version of MIPS I architecture, is described. Both non-pipeline and pipeline versions of HIP are sup- ported. The simulator, written in Python, can be run ei- ther in a command-line mode or with a graphical user interface (GUI), implemented in Flutter, a modern open- source user interface software development kit. It can be run by default as a desktop application, but can poten- tially be adapted for running in a web browser or even as a mobile application. 1 Introduction Although x86 instruction set architectures (ISA) are wide- spread commercially, CISC architectures are quite com- plex and as such not appropriate for undergraduate level courses, therefore courses usually employ various RISC architectures. The instruction set MIPS I by MIPS Tech- nologies is a very popular RISC ISA, frequently used in computer architecture courses all over the world. For example, the MIPS I ISA was used in processors MIPS R2000 and R3000. For the purpose of teaching computer architecture in Faculty of computer and information sci- ence at University of Ljubljana, a little simplified version of MIPS I called HIP was proposed in the book [1] and used throughout the years. The previous simulator for HIP CPU [4] was written with GUI that was based on WinMIPS64 software [5]. It was used in courses such as Computer systems archi- tecture and similar courses at Faculty of Computer and Information Science. However, during the pandemic we needed to program Moodle quizzes for the evaluation of the students’ work. These were written in Python pro- gramming language. Inspired by these scripts, the idea for writing a new simulator emerged. The new simulator of the processor HIP is imple- mented in Python, a very popular programming language for some time already. The command-line version is called pyHip (as one would expect). Since the frontend py- Hip (written in Python) is connected with backend Flutter GUI, we named the complete program FlyHip (Flutter + pyHip). The reason for developing the new simulator was not only the unavailability of the source code of the old one, but rather a greater flexibility of maintaining and upgrad- ing one’s own software. Additionally, since Flutter is a modern and very popular multi-platform open-source graphical user interface (GUI) software development kit (by Google), the GUI is way more flexible and expand- able than the Windows GUI of WinMIPS64, which had to be frequently running in some ’compatibility mode’ for older Windows versions, especially due to not flexible font size. In Flutter, more features and window-related options are available. 2 HIP CPU HIP instruction set architecture is a little simplified MIPS I ISA, as such being a typical RISC CPU. It has a load/sto- re architecture, meaning that ALU operations directly on operands in memory are not possible, so the operands first have to be loaded from the memory to registers in order to perform operations on them. HIP supports only two instruction formats (Fig. 1). HIP ISA has 52 instructions: 31 in format 1 and 21 in for- mat 2. Format 1 has one source register (Rs1), one input immediate operand (a constant), and a destination regis- ter (Rd). This format is used in all load/store instructions, as well as in all ALU instructions that take one immedi- ate operand. In the load/store instructions, the immedi- ate operand serves as the offset added to the base register (base addressing). Format 2 is used in all ALU instruc- tions that take two input operands in registers. Format 1: Op-code Rs1 Rd Immediate or offset 31 - 26 25 - 21 20 - 16 15 - 0 Format 2: Op-code Rs1 Rs2 Rd func 31 - 26 25 - 21 20 - 16 15 - 11 10 - 0 Figure 1: HIP supports two instruction formats: format 1 . The HIP instructions may be divided into 4 groups: • Load/store instructions • ALU instructions: – Arithmetic operations add and subtract 454 – Logical bitwise operations – Shift operations – Compare-and-Set operations • Control instructions • System instructions All the instructions are listed in Table 1. There are no Table 1: HIP instruction set architecture. Load/store instructions: LB (load byte), LH (load halfword), LW (load word), LBU (LB unsigned), LHU (LH uns.), SB (store byte), SH (store halfword), SW (store word) ALU instructions: Arithmetic operations add and subtract: ADD (add signed), SUB (subtract sig.), ADDU (add uns.), SUBU, ADDI (add signed immediate), SUBI (sub. signed imm.), ADDUI (add uns. imm.), SUBUI (sub. uns. imm.) Logical bitwise operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT (one’s complement), ANDI (imm.), ORI, XORI Shift operations: SLL (shift left logical), SRL (sh. right log.),SRA (sh. right arith.), SLLI (SLL imm.), SRLI (SRL imm.), SRAI, LHI (load high imm.) Compare-and-Set operations: SEQ (set if equal), SNE (set if not eq.), SLT (set if less than), SGT (set if greater than), SLTU (SLT uns.), SGTU (SGT uns.), SEQI (SEQ imm.), SNEI, SLTI, SGTI, SLTUI, SGTUI Control instructions: BNE (branch if not equal zero), BEQ (branch if eq. zero), J (jump, unconditional), CALL (jump to subroutine), TRAP (jump to vector address), RFE (return from exception) System instructions: EI (enable interrupts), DI (disable int.), MOVER (move from EPC to register), MOVRE (move from reg. to EPC) multiply/divide instructions and no support for floating point instructions. The organization of the basic (non-pipeline) version is shown in Fig. 2. The control unit (on the left) im- plements a state machine with 28 states. The right side shows the datapath, including ALU and various registers: 32 general-purpose registers R0, R1, ..., R31, with inter- face registers A, B and C, and special-purpose registers, such as PC (Program Counter), EPC (Exception Program Counter), which is basically the back-up register of PC when performing interrupt service routines, MAR (Mem- ory Address Register) and MDR (Memory Data Regis- ter). To simplify the operation, the user does not have to define available code and data segments in the simula- tor settings, in contrast to simulator WinHIP, where stu- dents always have to make sure that these settings coin- cide. In pyHip (and FlyHip), the simulator automatically allocates the segments given in the assembly source. A specified default size of the segments can be set in ad- vance. 3 Simulator The simulator is written in Python programming langu- age. The command-line version is called pyHip. It loads a user-defined HIP assembly source file, runs it through lexer and parser, which are implemented in a manner sim- ilar to [6, 7]. The non-pipeline version executes instructions sequ- entially one after another. Each instruction has its specific length in the number of clock cycles - caused by the spe- cific CPU organization of HIP (Fig. 2), as defined in [1]. The instructions last form 3 to 6 clock cycles. Depending Figure 2: Non-pipeline HIP CPU (from [1]). Figure 3: Pipeline HIP CPU datapath (from [1]). on a program running on HIP, the average CPI (Clock Per Instruction) is usually between 4 and 5. Although the non-pipeline simulator does not operate on the cycle- level, it still accumulates the number of clock cycles for the statistics, such as the execution time and the average CPI of a program. An example of the HIP assembly code: .data .org 0x400 POD: byte 9,2,0,4,7,0,1,2,0,0,0,0 .code .org 0x0 addui r9, r0, POD LOOP: lb r1, 0(r9) lb r2, 1(r9) sub r3, r1, r2 subi r3, r3, 1 sb 2(r9), r3 slti r17, r3, 0 addui r9, r9, 3 beq r17, LOOP halt Fig. 4 shows an example of the command-line pyHip output. 455 Figure 4: An example of stepping through the code with the non-pipeline command-line simulator pyHip. On the other hand, the pipeline version has to operate on the cycle-level. HIP has a classical 5-stage pipeline, consisting of the following stages: IF (Instruction Fetch), ID (Instruction Decode), EX (EXecute), ME (MEmory), and WB (WriteBack) (Fig. 3), as can be seen in the command-line pipeline pyHip ouput in Fig. 5. Since the pipeline datapath is a synchronous digital circuit, all the registers renew their state at the same time, typically at the rising edge of the clock signal. Since in a software simulator this is not possible to do directly, the synchronicity is achieved by sequential updating of different stages from right to left (in Fig. 3), due to the fact that instructions move through the pipeline from left to right, similarly to a shift register. However, a care must be taken in cases of feedback connections, for example, register C1 is ’written back’ to a destination register in the WB phase. By default, the pipeline HIP CPU detects data haz- ards of type RAW (Read-After-Write). Other types of data hazards, such as Write-After-Write and Write-After- Read, cannot occur in HIP due to its simplicity. RAW hazards are detected by additional logic that compares the address (number) of the destination register in the in- struction in register IR3 (just prior to the WB phase) to the addresses of the source registers in phases IR2, IR1, and IR (the next three instructions). In case of the same register being written and then read a little later, it must be assured that the WB phase of the write is done before the ID (decoding) phase of the read, so that the register is actually read after being written by an earlier instruc- tion. If necessary, pipeline interlocks (’bubbles’) need to be inserted to ensure the correct operation, in effect by performing the NOP operations. The pipeline supports additional options of bypass- ing (data-forwarding) and delayed branches. Bypassing requires additional logic for detecting the RAW data haz- ards, as just described, to determine which of the result registers (C1, C or even the ALU result) is written back directly via additional feedback connections to the source registers A and B, in order to avoid stalls. When conditional branches in the code are actually performed (the condition it TRUE), two next instructions, which are already in the pipeline stages IF and ID, need to be cancelled, since they must not be executed. Thus two additional stalls occur whenever a branch is done. However, the option of delayed branches allows for re- ordering the code - putting at most two instructions from before the branch to after the branch, in order to avoid the two stalls. Figure 5: An example of stepping through the code with the pipeline command-line simulator pyHip. In the presented case, no bypassing (data forwarding) was used, so three RAW (Read- After-Write) stalls or ’bubbles’ are inserted. 4 Graphical User Interface (GUI) 4.1 Objectives of the GUI The main objective of the GUI is to present the informa- tion in a way that is comprehensible - accessible to users and efficient: showing clearly the crucial data without bloating and allowing interaction between the user and the simulator. For this project we also wanted to be able to deploy on multiple platforms as needed. Mainly desk- top platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOs, but also on web platforms for a more lightweight experience, and eventually a smaller version on mobile. 4.2 Technologies used To that end, we decided developing the simulator’s inter- face using Flutter, a framework built by Google around the Dart programming language. It is a recent technology (2017), but is backed by a powerful company and thus provides a level of future proofing, while allowing us to satisfy the specifications, being able to deploy on several platforms with the same code. Desktop support was also officially released only a few months ago, making it a perfect opportunity. Our interface, using the MVC (model-view-control- ler) design pattern can be decomposed into 3 main com- ponents: • Views, where information is displayed and inter- acted with by the users. In Flutter, each element, from the global scaffold of the application to the smallest text, is built using Widgets, predefined and highly customisable blocks, that can be adjusted to suit the user’s needs, and put one on top of another. The resulting widget tree defines how the informa- tion is accessed, displayed, and under which form. 456 • The controller is what allows us to predefine HTTP requests that the user is going to send to the Python backend. For example, we have set up a request, using a specific IP and port, that requests the simu- lator to move forward in the simulation. By simply pressing a button, the user can send the instruction to the simulator. This is also the way we get the information, in JSON form. • The model is where this information is stocked. We define the elements we wish to extract from the JSON file, decompose it in its various informa- tion elements, and extracts the ones we wish to use. This information is mapped into multiple classes or ’models’, which allows us to manipulate it. Figure 6: An example of the current GUI on desktop, showing the basic version of the simulator Figure 7: An example of the current GUI on desktop, showing the pipeline of the simulator (subject to change) 4.3 Features The interface has been designed keeping both students and teachers in mind, giving users as much tools as pos- sible but staying straightforward and clear. It is used by providing an assembly file using a file explorer and then compiled by the Python program. Then, the execution can be followed step by step, in the non-pipeline version (6) at the granularity of instructions, and in the pipeline version (7) at the granularity of clock cycles, and high- lighting the important information. Alternatively, the pro- gram can be run until the end to see the end result. Then, users can either select a new file or simply rewind the current one at their convenience. The program provides numerous features allowing the teacher to customize the desired way of showing the in- formation to the student, including changing the colour of the interface, zooming on important information and more. These options are intuitive, done either using the buttons on the top left, or simply scrolling or clicking on the interface. The students are able to get more informa- tion on different elements by a simple mouseover, allow- ing us to keep the interface clean while still keeping them afloat. Each step of the program is also highlighted to show the relevant information, so they can identify and focus on the most crucial points. The program displays lots of information, under dif- ferent forms, ranging from a simple table for registers (bottom right), to an intricate and adaptive design for the pipeline (top left), and designs in between, adapted for the data they contain. Additionally, the interface is de- composed in different screens, between which one can seamlessly navigate as in any website or application. The source code of the program is available at [8]. 5 Conclusion A CPU simulator is a very valuable tool for students learn- ing computer architecture, since on practical examples of assembly programs students can gradually learn how the CPU behaves. They can view registers and memory, explore runtime statistics, performance issues, pipeline stalls, cache behaviour, and many more. We describe an implementation of simulator of pro- cessor HIP, a little simplified version of processor MIPS R3000. Both non-pipeline and pipeline versions of HIP are supported. The simulator can be run either in a com- mand-line mode or with a GUI implemented in Flutter. It can be run by default as a desktop application, but can potentially be adapted for running in a web browser, with the advantage of being more system-independent. In the recent years, the RISC-V open standard ISA is growing in popularity, gradually also in university cour- ses. Besides of being open-source, it is also more mod- ern. We may use the same framework to develop also a RISC-V simulator. 6 Acknowledgements We thank Ratko Pilipovi´ c and Nejc Ilc for their help and advices in designing the GUI. References [1] D. Kodek: Arhitektura in organizacija raˇ cunalniˇ skih siste- mov, Bi-Tim, ˇ Senˇ cur, 2008. [2] D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy: Computer organiza- tion and design: The hardware/software interface, Morgan Kauffman, 2012. [3] A. Akram, L. Sawalha: A Survey of Computer Architecture Simulation Techniques and Tools, IEEE Access, 2019. [4] D. ˇ Sonc: Simulator WinHIP, FRI, 2007-2012. [5] M. Scott: WinMIPS64, mscott/ [6] A. Z. Henley: teenytinycompiler, [7] A. Z. Henley: Let’s make a Teeny Tiny compiler, [8]