Hladnikia 4: 11-18 (1995) 11 Cerastium dinaricum G. Beck & Szysz. - a new species in the flora of Slovenia Cerastium dinaricum G. Beck & Szysz. - nova vrsta v flori Slovenije Tone WRABER Oddelek za biologijo BF, Večna pot 111, SLO - 61000 Ljubljana Abstract: The author reports the first known locality of Cerastium dinaricum in Slovenia, which he discovered in 1994 in the Notranjski Snežnik mountains (South Slovenia). He discusses its occurrence on Mount Snežnik and describes the total previously known distribution area of this distinctly Illyric species (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Hercegovina, Yugoslavia /Montenegro, Serbia: Kosovo/, and Albania). He also touches on its phytoso-ciological attachment. Izvleček: Pisec poroča o prvem znanem nahajališču vrste Cerastium dinaricum v Sloveniji, ki ga je odkril 1994 na Notranjskem Snežniku. Opisuje njeno pojavljanje na Snežniku in navaja vsa doslej znana nahajališča (Slovenija, Hrvaška, Bosna, Hercegovina, Jugoslavija /Črna gora, Srbija: Kosovo/, Albanija) te izrazito ilirske vrste, dotika pa se tudi njenega fitocenološkega položaja. Come mai questa pianta pote trasportarsi da un pumo all'altro tanto distante? In regione alpina? Quale fu la locality aborigena? (a Baldacci 1s91: 66-67) 1. Introduction In 18S6 the Polish botanist I. SZYSZYfOWlCZ undertook a botanical journey through some at that time floristically very little known parts of Montenegro and Albania and published the results of his collection activity in collaboration with G. Beck in 1888. Among the new taxa described in their report was Cerastium dinaricum, based on specimens collected by SZYSZYfOWlCZ on Mount Kucki Kom as well on those collected by F. Maly in 1869 and Th. PlCHLER at about the same time on Mount Malovan in the Velebit mountain range. The original description thus already indicates many of the most distant locations of the then known distribution of C. dinaricum which so astonished Baldacci (1891: 66-67) in view of his first encounter with it more than a century ago. Later discoveries largely filled the gaps between the first published localities. The first botanist to collect C. dinaricum in the Komovi Mountains was PanckS (1875: 15, "C. alpi-num"), and its occurrence in the Velebit Mountains was first published by Visiani (1872: 163-164, "C. latifo-lium"). On August 9, 1994, the author encountered an unfamiliar Cerastium on Notranjski Sneznik (Southern Slovenia) which turned out to be C. dinaricum, a new species in the flora 12 WkABDt T.: Cerastium dinaricum G. Beck & Szysz. - a new species in the flora of Slovenia of Slovenia (0452/2). 2. The occurrence of C. dinaricum on Notranjski Snežnik Notranjski Snežnik (1797 m), known also simply as Mount Snežnik, is the highest elevation of the Dinar-ic Mountains in Slovenia. Its flora represents an interesting mixture of Middle-European, Alpine, and Balkan geoelements, first analysed by Ginzberger 1909). Some of them attain there their southeast distribution border (e.g., Achillea atrata, Arabis vochinensis, Galium noiicum, Nigritcl-la minia ta, Ranunculus traunfcllneri, Saxífraga exaraia subsp. moschata • Fig. 1 (si. 1): Cerastium dinaricum (JÁVORKA & Csafody 1934: tab. 135, fig. 1067) unpublished, Saxifraga sedoides subsp. sedoides - unpublished, Trisetum ar-genteum) or, respectively, their northwest distribution border (e.g., Carex kitaibeliana, Festuca bosniaca, Scabio-sa silenifolia, Seseli malyi) (Wraber 1971). The very summit region of Mount Snežnik (Veliki Snežnik" 1797 m, Mali Snežnik 1694 ni) is encircled by a ring, largely broken on the south and west sides, of lower elevations which reach an average height of about 1600 m. Between the main and the secondary ridges are situated some distinct doiines with a splendidly developed inversion of vegetation. Lacking local names in the summit region of Mount Snežnik, the author invented some new geographical names (Wraber, unpublished), among others "Smrekova Draga" for the biggest doline on the northeast side of the main peak. Smrekova Draga itself consists of four main smaller doiines, their bottoms lying in a north-south direction at 1426.9 m, 1416.9 m, 140S.2 m, and 1435.8 m above sea level. (Republic of Slovenia: Basic Topographic Skctch, Čabar Section 1, 1:10 000, Geodetski zavod SRS, Ljubljana 1974). In the deepest doline a very limited number of Cerastium dinaricum specimens occur. The habitat is Mesozoic limestone scree. Cerastium dinaricum grows at the northern end of (he doline, at about 1411 m, together with Achillea clavenae, Aj-abis scopoliana, Galium anisophylton subsp. alpinobalcanicum, Hieracium spec., Leontopodium alpi-num, Myosotis alpestris, Pamassia palus-tris, Salbc waldsteiniana, Silene pusilla, and Thymus praecox subsp. polytri-chus (Th. balcanus). Such a floristic composition does not allow its attri- Hladnikia 4: 11-18 (1995) 13 bution to any well-defined vegetation unit, albeit most of the taxa are to be found in the Edraiantho-Carice-tum firmae (= Caricetum firtnae croat-icum) association (Wraber 1967). The explanation for this situation probably lies in the minute presence of a scree habitat encircled by mountain pine {Hyperico-Pinetum mugo), beech (.Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum), and collection is kept, there are no specimens of Cerastium from Mount Snežnik. However, C. carinthiacum is not known in the flora of Mount Snežnik. What then did Plemel see there? It is not likely that he descended to the currently known locality of C. dinaricum on Mount Snežnik but it is worth considering that the highest elevation of Mount (1 62 63 64 65 Fig. 2: Distribution of Cerastium dinaricum in Slovenia SI. 2: Razširjenost dinarske smiljke v Sloveniji Norwegian spruce (Lonicero cacrule-ae-Piceetum) vegetation. The scarce presence of Cerastium dinaricum gives the impression of being the veiy last traces of a former colonization. It is worth noting that Plemel (1862: 128) quoted "Cerastium alpinum L." as found on Mount Snežnik: "Auf allen Alpen, auf dem Schneeberge, sehr häufig am Save-Ufer im Flussgerölle bei Jauerburg." C. alpinum does not occur at all in Slovenia. The specimens labelled C. alpinum in the Plemel Herbarium (LJM) belong to Cerastium carinthiacum. Unfortunately, here and also at the University of Ljubljana where a small part of the plemel Snežnik once was less covered by mountain pine (Hyperico-Pinetum mugo) vegetation and therefore more suited for scree vegetation. The photograph published in Cumin's guidebook (1929: tab. V, p. 60/61) demonstrates less mountain pine cover than known today, probably owing to the later abandonment of pastures. With the increase of mountain pine vegetation, the former or possible habitats of C. dinaricum on the highest elevation may have been eliminated — or they have not as yet been discovered. The occurrence of C. dinaricum on Mount Snežnik represents a new, and probably ultimate, northwest 14 Wbxmb T.: Ceraslium dinaricum O. Beck & Szysz. - a new species in Ihe flora of Slovenia border of its total area; its nearest previously known locality (Vaganski vrh) lies about 157 km to the southeast. The Mount Sneznik specimens are not glandular, thus representing C. dinaricum f. dinaricum. The glandular specimens (C. dinaricum f. ve-lebiticum Degen) are of no taxo-nomic value because they frequently occur together with other non-glandular specimens. Moreover, many other Ceraslium species show the simultaneous presence of both glandular and non-glandular specimens. 3. The total distribution area of Cerastium dinaricum Cerustium dinaricum occurs in an area between the almost extreme ends of the Dinaric mountain system, i.e., between the Mount Snežnik massif in the northwest and the Prokletije (Bjeshket e Nemuna) Range in the southeast. The air distance between the most distant localities (NW: Snežnik and SE: Djaravica and Abata) is 460 km. Intermediate localities are rather scarce, concentrated in Montenegro, Hercegovina, the Dinava Mountains on the Bosnian-Croatian border, and in the Velebit Mountains of Croatia. Therefore, C. di- Fig. 3: The whole distribution area of Cerastium dinaricum SI. 3: Celotna razširjenost dinarske smiljke Hladnikia 4: 11-18 (1995) 15 naricum is a typical example of the well known Illyric (= west Balkan) distribution. The following synopsis is based on revised herbarium specimens (LJU, W, WU) and original printed sources. The quotation follows a northwest-southeast direction. Cerastium dinaricum G. Beck & Szysz., Rozpr. Akad. Um. (Mat.-Przyr.) 19: 62 (1888) Syn.: C. latifolium Vis., Mem. 1st. Veneto 16(1): 163-164 (1872), non L. C. alpinum Pančič, Elench. Plant. Vase. Cemag.: 15 (1875), non L. [cones: Beck & Szyszy£Owicz 1888: tab. IV, a-f Horvat 1931: tab. V, fig. 9, 10 Javorka & csapody 1934: tab. 135, fig. 1067 Šilič 1984: 19 Slovenia: Notranjski Snežnik: Smrekova Draga (T. Wraber 1994, LJU 125827) Croatia: Velebit Mountains Vaganski vrh (Lengyel 1909, W; Rosst 1924: 60) between Vaganski vrh and Golič (Horvat 1931: tab. V, rel. 6, tab. VI, rel. 13) Golič (1735 m) (Horvat 1931: 131, tab. VI, rel. 10, 11, 12) Kitaibelov vrh (1710 m) (Rossi 1924: 60) Malovan (Degen 1906, W; Th. Pjchler ap. Visiani 1872: 163 -164; F. Malt 1869 and Th. Pichler (later) ap. Beck &. Szyszy£Owicz 1888: 64; Horvat 1931: tab. VII, rel. 4) between Bunovac and Paklenica gorge (Janchen 1907, WU) between Vaganski vrh and Malovan (Degen 1907: 126) Solila (Rossi 1924: 60) Sveto brdo (Janchen and Watzl 190"' ap. Degen 1937: 61, Voncina ap. Degen 1937: 61) Referring to Janchen & Watzl (1908: 164), the otherwise extremely reliable degen (1937: 61) cites by mistakes the localities of Pociteljski vrh and Visoiica. Janchen, who treated the genus Cerastium in the cited paper, mentioned the taxa of the C, arvense group only. Dinara Mountains Dinara (Janchen & "Watzl 1907, WU; Degen 1905 ap. Janchen & Watzl 1908: 16.; Horvat 1931: tab. II, rel. 9, 11, tab. VI, rel. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) Janski vrh (Horvat 1931: tab. V, rel. 9) Bosnia: The localities given for the Dinara Mountains (Croatia) may also extend into the territory of Bosnia since the border between Croatia and Bosnia passes mainly along the main ridge of the Dinara Mountains. Dinara Mountains Troglav (Beck-mannagetta 1897: 486, 488) The Maglid - Volujak Massif Srudenac on Volujak (Slavni6 1956 ap. Bjel£i£ 1956: 143) Volujak (LakuSiC 1968: tab. 13, rel. 1, 2) Vlasulja Planina: Bojanida Vrata (SlLlC ap. Bjklcic & al. 1969: 92) Hercegovlna: The Prenj Planina Lupoglav, above Police (Vandas 1893, WU; Vandas 1895: 12, 17) 16 Wimm T.: Cemslium dinaricum O. Beck & Szysz, - a new specics in Ihe flora of Slovenia Horvat (1933: 106) mentioned in passing C. dinaricum as occurring "on more places in the mountains of Hercegovina" but only the locality in the Prenj Planina mountains has been confirmed. Yugoslavia - Montenegro: The Durmitor Mountains Sawn Kuk (LakuSiC 19Ö8: tab. 10, rel. 3, tab. 13, rel. 13) The Komovi Massif Kom Kucki (szyszyiowicz 1886 ap. Beck & Szyszy£Owicz 1888: 64; Baldacci 1891: 66, 1893: 168; HokAk 1898: 3; LakuSiC 1968: tab. 7, rel. 5, tab. 9, rel. 6) (locus classicus!) Kom: Rogam (=pastures on the northwest side of the Kom Kucki) (Baldacci 1890: 467, 1893: 168) Kom Vasojcvicki (Baldacci 1898, \VU; Baldacci 1890: 469, 1S92: 163, 3900: 10; LakuSiC 1968: tab. 7, lei. 4) The ¿ijovo Planina Massif ¿ijovo, "between 1700 m and the summit" (Baldacci 1892: 89) Yngoslavija - Serbia, Kosovo: The Prokletije Mountains Marjas (=Bogdas) (LakuSiC 1968: tab. 14, rel. 6) Djaravica (Rechinger & Schefter 1933 ap. Rechinger 1935: 152) Shqiperia (Albania): The Bjcshkete Nemuna Mountains District Sala (Shala), above Abata (Dökeler 1916, W, WU; Dörfler ap. Hayek 1924: 114) STR1D (1986: 122) mentions C. dinaricum as "incorrectly reported species" for Greece and rectifies by this the error in the first edition of Flora Europaea 1 (Jalas 1964: 139). Jalas himself omitted C. dinaricum as occurring in Greece in the second edition of Flora Europaea 1 (1993: 171). 4. The phytosociological attachment of Cerastium dinaricum The First data on the phytosociological attachment of C. dinaricum were published by Horvat who established the Ccrastietum dinarici association (Horvat 1931: tab. VI) occurring on scree habitats in the Dinara as well in the southern Ve-lebit mountains. Moreover, he found C. dinaricum in other associations (Drypidi spinosae-Heracleetum orsinii, Bunio-Iberidetum camosae, Dryopteri-detum villarii, Potcntillo clusianae-Primu-letum kUaibelii) although with a much lesser degree of presence. With the occurrence of C. dinaricum in Slovenia, the floristic affinity of the phytosociological units as described by Horvat is low since most species found together with C. dinaricum on Mount Snežnik (Achillea clavenac, Arabis scopoliana, Thymus "balcanus," Galium anisophyllon, Silene pusilla, Myosotis alpesiris), Horvat (1931: tab. VI), ranks only as "accompanying species." Further to southeast, in the "Southeast Dinaric Mountains" of Bosnia, Hercegovina, and Montenegro, LakuŠič (1968) and LakuŠič & al. (1969) quote C. dinaricum as a characteristic species of the Arabide-talia flavescentis (scree), Amphoricar-petalia (rock fissures), and even Crep-idetalia dinaricae (grassland) vegetation, where it occurs in many different associations. The author thanks the curators of the LJM, W, and WU herbaria Hladnikia 4: 11-18 (1995) 17 for the opportunity to work with their collections. Moreover, he is greatly indebted to the National Institute for the Conservation of the Natural Heritage for the financial support of his field work. 5. Povzetek Žc avtorja vrste Cerastium dinari-cum sta z navedenima nahajališčema (Kučki Kom v Črni Gori in Malovan na j. Velcbitu na Hrvaškem) začrtala osnovno sliko njenega areala, ki je pozneje doživljala predvsem dopolnitve na vmesnem ozemlju in le manjše zaokrožitve na njegovih robovih. Nepričakovano, iz fitogeografskih razlogov pa vendarle komaj presenetljivo, je bilo njeno odkritje 1994 na Notranjskem Snežniku, kjer raste v zelo maloštevilnih primerkih na melišču malo nad dnom vrtače z nadmorsko višino dna 140S,2 m, ki je spet del večje podolgovate uleknine, zaradi mraziščnega pojavljanja smreke ob naslonitvi na znano vrtačo v Trnovskem gozdu imenovane Smrekova Draga. Zaradi svoje maloštevilnosti je dinarska smiljka med najbolj ran- Litcrature: ljivimi in zato ogroženimi vrstami slovenskih semenk. Njen izvor je v zvezi z naselitvijo balkanske flore na Sncž-niku, ki jo sicer dokumentira kar nekaj drugih vrst. Pisec navaja natančno razširjenost dinarske smiljke v njenem cclotncm arealu, pri čemer se opira na pregledane herbarijske primerke (LJU, W, WU) in (praviloma) le primarne !ite-ralurne vire. Po zdajšnji vednosti se dinarska smiljka pojavlja v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem, v Bosni in Hercegovini, Jugoslaviji (Črna Gora, Srbija: Kosovo) in Albaniji. Pisec navaja tudi njen fitocenološki položaj, pri čemer kaze, da je ta najbolj specifičen na južnem Velebitu in na Dinari (samostojna asociacija Cerasliclum dinari-a!), medlem ko je v Jugovzhodnih Dinaridih fitocenološko manj vezana, saj se pojavlja v dokaj različnih vegetacijskih tipih. Zaradi prostorske minia-turnosti in iloristične revščine nahajališče na Snežniku fitocenološko pobli-že ni določljivo; skoraj vse vrste, s katerimi se dinarska smiljka draži, sc pojavljajo tudi v asociaciji Edraianiho -Caricetum finnae. 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