The phannacokinetic properties of current systernic antifungal agents Review THE PHARMACOKINETIC PROPERTIES OF CURRENT SYSTEMIC ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS L. Korošec SUMMARY Human fungal infections have increased dramatically and are difficult to treat. The spread of HIV/AIDS infection, the use of immunosuppressive drugs and broad-spectrum antibiotics have contributed to the spread of fungal infections. Spontaneous remissions are rare, and recurrence after treatment is common. The pharmacotherapy of the fungal diseases bas been revolutionized by the introduction of the relatively non-toxic oral azoles. The systemic treatment with the new antifungal agents - fluconazole, itraconazole, and terbinafine - and the knowledge of their pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties make possible the pulse therapy in the treatment of the fungal infections. This will be of great benefit for patients from pharmacological as well as pharmacoeconomic aspects. KEY WORDS dermatomycosis, onychomycosis, systemic treatment, azoles, ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, pulse therapy, terbinafine INTRODUCTION The incidence and severity of human fungal infections have dramatically increased in recent years, mainly due to advances in surgery, cancer treatment, and critical care accompanied by increases in the use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials and the HIV epidemic. Pharmacotherapy of fungal diseases has been revolutionized by the introduction of the relatively non-toxical oral azole and allylamine drugs. The antifungal drugs available belong to severa! acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 3-4 categories: systemic drugs for systemic infections, oral and topical drugs for mucocutaneous infections. The need for new antifungal agents with better therapeutic profiles arose from the requirement for intravenous and peroral systemic administration and the toxicity of the older antifungal agents. The relatively non-toxic oral azoles represented the first major advance in this direction. These medi~ations have played an increasingly important role in the systemic therapy of fungal diseases, since they were introduced in 1980s. 145 The phannacokinetic properties of cwrent systemic antifungal agents Table l . The pharmacokinetic properties of the commonly used systemic azole drugs. fluconazole itraconazole ketoconazole high low low high variable variable > 0.7 < 0.01 < 0.1 CLASSIFICATION Azoles are synthetic compounds. They can be classified as imidazoles or triazoles according to the number of nitrogen atoms in the five-membered azole ring (1) (Fig 1). The imidazoles are represented by ketoconazole, miconazole, and clotrimazole. The triazoles include itraconazole and fluconazole. They are both in common use for systemic treatment of fungal diseases (2). Each of the azole's pharmacology is unique and accounts for some variations in clinical use. Table 1 and table 2 summarize the pharmacological properties of some commonly prescribed antifungal agents. The systemic antifungal agents are generally divided to: l. Allylamines: terbinafine (Lamisil® tbl., Novartis) 2. Azoles: 3. Triazoles: ketoconazole (Oronazol® tbl., Krka) , and miconazole (Daktarin® amp., Krka) fluconazole (Diflucan® caps., amp., Pfizer, Dimycon® caps. , amp. Alkaloid), itraconazole (Sporanox® caps., Janssen) The most important pharmacological characteristics of these new oral antifungal systemic drugs are good absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, pronounced keratophilic properties, slow elimination Figure l. Azole nucleus. 146 X = C, imidazole X= N, triazole 22 - 31 24 - 42 2-8 renal hepatic hepatic oral, i.v. oral oral rate from keratinic tissues, prolonged therapeutic effects even after discontinuation of therapy, and higher selectivity and specificity against fungal cytochrome P-450 than mammalian cytochrome P- 450. The most common fungal skin infections are: dermatophytoses, pityriasis versicolor and candidiasis. Nail infections - onychomycoses - are notoriously difficult to treat (3 ,4,5). Infections of the fingernails take up to 6 months to respond to oral griseofulvin and those of the toenails a year or longer. About 60% of nail infections fail to respond or relapse after initial treatment course. The combined therapy with oral griseofulvin and a topical azole may produce a better response (6). The oral use of ketoconazole for nail infections is limited by its potential hepato- toxicity. Itraconazole is reported to be an effective alternative over a shorter treatment period (7,8,9) , and also terbinafine may be effective over the same treatment period (10-14). Although topical treatment is generally ineffective in nail infections amorolfine applied as a lacquer has produced encouraging results (15,16). Another approach was the dissolution of the nail plate with 40% urea paste, usually in combination with bifonazole (17,18). Table 3 shows the main antifungal drugs used in the treatment of fungal infections (19-21). THE "OLD" THERAPY OF ONYCHOMYCOSIS Onychomycosis is very difficult to treat; the cure rates are low and relapse frequent. Topical antifungals cannot penetrate the nail plate and eradicate the infection in the nail bed; they are us~ful only in milder forms of disease. The older oral antifungal medications - griseofulvin and ketoconazole - penetrate the nail plate via the nail matrix, but both necessitate prolonged treatment courses ( 4 to 6 months for fingernails, 10 to 18 months for toenails). Mycological cure rates have been as low as 3% for toenails and 40% for fingernails (4) . acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 3-4 The phannacokinetic properlies of current systemic antifungal agents Table 2. The antifungal drugs for systemic (p.o.) treatment. NEW ORAL ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS The treatment of onychomycosis was changed by the introduction of the triazole and allylamine classes of antifungal agents. Three new drugs - fluconazole, itraconazole and terbinafine - have the advantage of shorter treatment courses, fewer side effects (the most common are gastrointestinal upset, headache, and allergic skin eruptions ), and higher cure rates. They also exhibit the "reservoir effect"; which means that therapeutic concentration of the medication remains in the distal nail plate over weeks to months after treatment has been stopped. TRIAZOLES ltraconazole and fluconazo le are synthetic triazole antifungals that interfere with the 14-cx demethylase system, a cytochrome P-450 enzyme that is necessary for the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol, an essential component of fungal cytoplasmic cell membranes. They have a greater affinity for fungal, as opposed to mammalian, cytochrome P-450. Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis results in increased cellular permeability, which causes leakage of cellular contents. Other antifungal effects of azole compounds have been reported: inhibition of endogenous respiration, interaction with membrane phospholipids, inhibition of yeast transformation to mycelial forms, inhibition of purine uptake and impairment of trigliceride and/or phospholipid biosynthesis (22). Itraconazole shows maximal oral bioavailability when taken with a full meal. Absorption is impaired if it is taken on an empty stomach or with drugs that alter gastric pH ( e.g., antacids, histamine H, blockers, or proton pump inhibitors - PPI). Itraconazole undergoes extensive hepatic metabolism. Pharma- acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 3-4 cokinetic studies showed that itraconazole penetrates the nail plate via the nail matrix and the nail bed. The drug was detected in nails as early as 1 week after oral administration. Itraconazole reaches the MIC for dermatophytes and most Candida species within 7 to 21 days. Inhibitory concentrations were maintained for up to 6 months in fingernails and for up to 9 months in toenails. Itraconazole can be given by pulse dosing because it remains in the nails but is rapidly eliminated from the plasma. Mycological cure rates with two pulses have ranged from 78% ± 10% to 87%± 8% for fingernails and with three pulses up to 77% for toenail onychomycosis (n= 1389) (20,23,24). Recommended dosing regimens are 200 mg per day continuously for 12 weeks for toenail onycho- mycosis or 200 mg twice daily, for the first week of each month for 2 months for fingernail onychomycosis (19). Pulse dosing for toenail onychomycosis is used frequently, usually three pulses are applied. Table 4. De Doncker (24) recommends for itraconazole in dermatomycoses the 1-2-3 concept: 1-cycle for superficial skin infection, 2-cycles for fingernail infections and 3-cycles for toenail infections. Fluconazole is a bis-triazole, which, like itraco- nazole, blocks the enzyme 14-cx demethylase. Fluco- nazole is more resistant to first-pass metabolism and has low protein-binding capacity. Thus it distributes quickly into tissues, and it is rapidly cleared from plasma. Its oral absorption is not affected by the absence of stomach acid. Peak serum concentration and AUC increase in proportion to the dose. Steady- state fluconazole plasma concentrations are achieved within 5-10 days . Therapeutic levels remain in the nails up to 6 months (25), possibly contributing to the increasing cure rates after treatment is discon- tinued. Fluconazole is well suited to intermittent (i.e ., once weekly) dosing. Recent studies indicate that the optimum regimen is 150 to 300 mg once 147 The phannacokinetic properties of current systemic antifungal agents Table 3. Main drugs far the treatment of Junga! infections. Sporotrichosis cutaneous extracutaneous terbinafi ne, potassium chloride amphoteric in weekly until the fungal infection clears - approximately 3 months far fingernails and 6 months far toenails. ALL YLAMINES Terbinafine is a synthetic allylamine antifungal agent that is administered either orally or topically. It is pharmacologically similar to naftifine. Oral terbinafine is highly effective far treating onycho- mycosis due to fungicida! activity and abili ty to become concentrated within the nail and has been faund to be superior to griseofulvin far treatment of onychomycosis. The relapse rate was higher with griseofulvin than terbinafine (26,27). The mechanism of its action is the inhibition of the enzyme squalene epoxidase (monooxygenase ), thereby preventing ergo- sterol synthesis. It also causes an accumulation of squalene, which has a fungicida! activity against dermatophytes. Oral terbinafine is well absorbed from the gut, reaching peak plasma concentrations within 2 hours. Although terbinafine is to 99% protein-bound it is widely distributed, including the central nervous system. Terbinafine rapidly distributes into the nail plate via the nail bed and the nail 148 matrix, reaching mm1mum inhibitory concentration (MIC) quickly, and remains in the nail plate far up to 10 months (28). Most of the oral dose (70%) is metabolized through oxidation and hydrolysis to the dihydrodiol, and excreted in the urine. There are no significant active metabolites. Mycological cure rates of 70% far toenails and 79% far fingernails are reported (26,27). 2-year mycological cure rates far infections caused by Candida species are more variable and have been reported as 52% far toenails and 65% far fingernail (29). Relapse is unlikely after terbinafine treatment. Pulse dosing regimens (typically, 1 week on therapy, 3 weeks off therapy) are reported to be as effective as continuous dosing (30). Pulse therapy is possible because terbinafine remains in the nail plate far extended periods. Pulse dosing may also reduce side effects. Although terbinafine does not have many side effects, its pharmacokinetic profile does not readily suggest that it should be dosed this way (it may remain longer in the blood than the triazoles do (20,24,25). Dosage adjustment is not need~d in elderly patients since the pharmacokinetics in elderly patients have been shown to be comparable to healthy volunteers (31). acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 3-4 The pharmacokinetic properties of current systemic antifungal agents Table 4. New antifungal agents far systemic treatment of onychomycoses: dosage, activity, and contraindications. Fungicida/ against dermato- phytes, some Candida species, and some moulds Fungistatic against C. albicans and some moulds Fungistatic against dermatophytes, yeasts, some nondermatophytic fungi fluconazole Fungistatic against dermato- phytes, most Candida species, some nondermatophytic fungi CONCLUSIONS The new generation of oral antifungal agents is basically safe for treatment of onychomycosis. We can say that new systemic drugs, because of their pharmacokinetic properties and their biphasic pene- tration, can be a key to rational therapy, presupposing a rational dosing strategy. The reduction from previous long-term therapies to a three-month therapy and now the pulse therapy represents a great advance. Pharmacokinetic studies showed that the optimal treatment regimens for superficial fungal infections of the skin and of onychomycosis of the fingernails and toenails differ. Thus, the total amount of antifungal agent required depends on the site of infection. The concept with pulse therapy provides a globa! and unique strategy in dermatomycoses, and offers severa! advantages, most notably: - reduction in the total drug dosage and hence reduced potential of drug's side effects - improved patient compliance - increased flexibility and - reduced total therapeutic costs. REFERENCES l. Martindale The Extra Pharmacopoeia 31st ed. Ed. Reynolds JEF, The Royal Phamwceutical Society, London 1996: 393-417. 2. Sheppard D, Lampris HW. Antifungal Agents. In: Katzung BG. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 7th ed, Appleton and Lange, Stamford, Connecticut, 1998: 780- 7. 3. Anonymous. Onychom:ycosis and terbinafine. Lancet 1990; 335:636 4. Korting HC, Schaefer-Korting M. Js tinea unguium stil! widely incurable? A review three decades after introducing of g,iseofulvin. Arch Dennatol 1992; 128:243-8. acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 3-4 5. Goodfield MJD et al. 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In: Clinical Pharmacology, GSM /ne., Tampa, FL 1997.·l-2. AUTHOR'S ADDRESS Ladko Korošec MD, MSc, pharmacologist, Dpt. Pharmacology, Medica! Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Korytkova 2, S1-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 7, 98, No 3-4 151