180 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 177–183 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 14 • 2023 • 2 12th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE “A CHILD IN MOTION” Portorož, Slovenia, 2–4 October 2023 For many years, the International Scientific and Professional Conference “A Child in Motion” has been drawing attention to the lack of physical activity among children and adolescents. This year’s conference coincided with World Children’s Week and highlighted the key issues facing children and adoles- cents. The conference theme focused on increasing screen time, rising physical inactivity and childhood obesity, summarizing these issues under the working title “Change the game – a modern way back to the roots”. The aim of this year’s conference was to shed light on these challenges and at the same time look for new solutions, including through ICT. The two-day program included 2 plenary speakers and 4 keynote speakers who presented current research findings. The Book of Abstracts contains 41 sci- entific and 64 professional abstracts and, new this year, 3 professional papers. The contributions come from more than 200 authors and co-authors from 11 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 14 • 2023 • 2 181 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 177–183 European countries. The contributions present both current research findings and examples of good practice from educators, kinesiologists, psychologists, nutritionists, and others on the topic of the imbalance between screen time and physical activity in the daily rhythms of children and adolescents. This inter- national colorfulness is certainly due to the successful multi-year partnership between national and international universities and professional associations and supporters of the conference. We are proud that this year’s conference was held under the honorable patronage of the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Urška Klakočar Zupančič, who recognized the ef- forts and supported the mission of this long-standing tradition. The positive feedback from the conference participants confirms that the in- person conference is not only useful for the presentations, but also as an excel- lent opportunity for networking, sharing successful practices and meeting new people during the coffee breaks and social events. Kaja Teraž and Saša Pišot 182 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 177–183 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 14 • 2023 • 2 12. MEDNARODNA ZNANSTVENA IN STROKOVNA KONFERENCA »OTROK V GIBANJU« Portorož, Slovenija, 2.–4. oktober 2023 Mednarodna znanstvena in strokovna konferenca Otrok v gibanju že številna leta opozarja na pomanjkanje gibalno-športnih aktivnosti med otroki in mladost- niki. Letošnja konferenca je sovpadala s svetovnim tednom otroka in je poudarila ključne problematike, s katerimi se sooča populacija otrok in mladostnikov. Tema konference je postavila v središče povečan čas pred zasloni, naraščajočo gibalno neaktivnost ter čezmerno telesno maso otrok in mladostnikov, omenjene teme pa zajela z delovnim naslovom konference Spremenimo igro – s sodobnimi pris- topi nazaj k osnovam. Cilja letošnje konference sta bila izpostavitev omenjenih izzivov in hkratno iskanje novih rešitev, tudi s pomočjo IKT. Dvodnevni program je ponudil dve plenarni in štiri uvodna predavanja, v katerih so predavatelji predstavili aktualna dognanja. Zbornik prispevkov vsebuje 41 znanstvenih prispevkov in 64 strokovnih povzetkov prispevkov, ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 14 • 2023 • 2 183 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 177–183 letošnja novost pa so trije dolgi strokovni prispevki. Dela so vir več kot 200 av- torjev in soavtorjev iz 11 evropskih držav ter predstavljajo aktualna raziskoval- na dognanja in tudi primere dobrih praks pedagoških delavcev, kineziologov, psihologov, dietetikov in drugih na temo neuravnoteženosti med zaslonskim in gibalno aktivnim časom v dnevnem ritmu otrok in mladostnikov. Ta mednarod- na barvitost je gotovo zasluga uspešnega večletnega partnerstva domačih in tujih univerz ter poklicnih združenj in podpornikov konference. Ponosni smo, da je letošnja konferenca potekala pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednice Državnega zbora RS mag. Urške Klakočar Zupančič, ki je prepoznala trud in podprla poslanstvo večletne tradicije. Odzivi udeležencev konference potrjujejo, da konferenca »v živo« ni ko- ristna samo zaradi predavanj, temveč je tudi odlična priložnost za povezovanje, izmenjavo uspešnih praks ter spoznavanje novih ljudi med odmori za kavo in družabnimi dogodki. Kaja Teraž in Saša Pišot