SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 Australia Post print approved PP 534387/00013 a tm SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 46 Winter / zima 2008 NEWSLETTER President's Address We just celebrated Slovenian National Day. I would say the most important day in Slovenian history. Many of us do not think deeply about the meaning of that day for the Slovenian nation, and how come that we are able to celebrate today. More than 13 centuries, Slovenians were working hard to preserve their culture, language and that beautiful land south of the alps. Today Slovenians who are fortunate to live in this time are enjoying and benefiting from sacrifices of previous generations. Our Club is a place where Slovenians can feel like home, and the younger generation are reminded where their roots and heritage come from. We hope that our legacy will help future generations to enjoy and benefit and maintain Slovenian fire in their hearts, no matter how dim it may be. Tomo Les Upcoming Slovenian Club Adelaide functions / prireditve Kvintet Krizman from Slovenia Thursday July 10 7.00pm Entry fee: $15 Helena Blagne appearing at Slovenian Club Adelaide on Saturday August 16. Slovenski Koncert Slovenian Youth Concert Ostanimo v srcu mladi Staying young at heart Saturday October 4 at 4pm Entry fee: $15 July 7 August 3 August 10 August 20 Sunflower Day / Dan Sončnic Bocce competition / Balinanje Annual General Meeting / Letni sestanek Slovenski klub Adelaide Sunflower Day / Dan Sončnic Radio Committee Slovenian Radio Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Radio broadcast committee members are Vida Koncina, Ernest Orel (President), Olga Orel, Cvetka Petrovski and Rosemary Poklar. Program presenters are: Olga Orel (with Cvetka Petrovski monthly) and Vida Končina (Sunday afternoons); Pater Janez Tretjak (Wednesday evenings) or Rosemary Poklar (last Wednesday evening of the month only with guest presenters Adrian Vatovec, Anna-Maria Zupančič, Chantel Flavel Zupančič and Stanka Sintič). The Slovenian program has been broadcast in Adelaide for over 30 years. Glasba - Music Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Tomo Leš Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Cassandra Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo, Ice (Insight Central Europe),, Delo, Mladinska knjiga,, The Slovenia Times. Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Ä8« Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.47 of the Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the National Library of Australia, State Library of South Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK). SLOVENIAN CLUB SPORTS RESULTS National Day Bocce Competition 1st S. Fabjančič R. Sever G. Apat 2nd F. Valčič W. Leš R. Luin 3rd J. Pahor L. Vrabec M. Vrabec National Day 8 Ball Competition Singles 1st T. Ivančič 2nd R. Gardner Doubles 1st T. Ivančič M. Jug 2nd M. Čeligoj E. Borlak 400 - letna Lipa, Rjavče, Brkini, Slovenija. 400 year old Linden tree, Rjavče, Brkini, Slovenia. Tuerk Calls General Election for 21 September Ljubljana, 16 June President Danilo Tuerk singed on Monday 16 June a decree on the 2008 general election, setting 21 September as the date of the election. The election will officially be called on 30 June, which will also be the date launching the preparations for the vote, Tuerk said. Tuerk told the press after signing the decree that the general election was an important, possibly the most important instrument of democracy. The election campaign ahead of the autumn general election will officially be launched on 22 August, a month before the election Sunday. Candidates have until 27 August to register for the vote. This year's general election will be the fifth since Slovenia's independence. The last election at which the fourth seating of the 90-member parliament was elected was held on 3 October 2004. Bush pri Janši pohvalil izjemen napredek Slovenije Tor, 10.06.2008 Pred vrhom EU-ZDA sta se dopoldne na Brdu pri Kranju sestala slovenski premier Janez Janša in ameriški predsednik George Bush, ki sta se sicer srečala že v ponedeljek, ko je predsednik slovenske vlade na letališču Jožeta Pučnika pričakal ameriškega predsednika. Ameriški predsednik Bush, ki je v Slovenijo prispel v ponedeljek zvečer, je prenočil v hotelu Kokra na Brdu pri Kranju. 2 Ameriški predsednik George Bush je na davišnjem srečanju s predsednikom Evropskega sveta, premierom Janezom Janšo pohvalil izjemen napredek, ki ga je Slovenija naredila od njegovega zadnjega obiska pred sedmimi leti. Sicer pa so pogovori pred začetkom vrha EU-ZDA potekali izjemno sproščeno in v prijateljskem duhu. ot je povedal premierov tiskovni predstavnik Rok Srakar, sta se Janša in Bush pogovarjala predvsem o gospodarskih vprašanjih in poudarila krepitev gospodarskega sodelovanja med državama. Pri tem je Bush pohvalil slovenske dosežke in izrazil navdušenje nad podatki glede bruto domačega proizvoda, ki ga beleži Slovenija. George Bush in Janez Janša. foto: Jure Eržen/Delo. Prav tako je ameriški predsednik pohvalil politični napredek, ki ga je Slovenija zabeležila od njegovega zadnjega obiska junija 2001; Slovenija je vmes postala članica zveze Nato in Evropske unije, ki ji zdaj že predseduje. Bush pa je posebej izpostavil tudi lepote Slovenije in turistične priložnosti. Ameriški predsednik je poudaril tudi pomen "transformacijske moči demokracije in svobode". Pri tem je izpostavil primer Janše, ki je bil pred 20 leti politični zapornik, danes pa vodi državo in EU. Bolj direktne izkušnje transformacijske moči demokracije in svobode ni mogoče imeti, je po navedbah Srakarja dejal Bush. Poleg tega govorila o Zahodnem Balkanu, glavni poudarek pa sta namenila predvsem Srbiji in Makedoniji. Dotaknili pa so se tudi položaja na Kosovu. Sicer pa so ameriško stran zanimali predvsem slovenski pogledi na regijo, je še povedal Srakar. to page / stran 4 Slovenia South Australia Newsletter email contacts: SLOVENIAN NATIONAL DAY Slovenian Club Adelaide, Sunday June 29, 2008 In the winter of Adelaide we gathered to celebrate Slovenia's remarkable National Day , which is officially recognised on June 25. Even though we are some 15,000kms from "home" and our immigrants have been in Australia 50 years or more the torch for Slovenia still burns. In a way this reflects the fighting spirit of Slovenians of generations past who just would not give up their Slovenianess under any conditions that may have prevailed at the time. Adrian Vatovec Slovenian National Day 8 Ball competition winners Painting display by Anica Strgar Rosemary Poklar Sledilo bo vrhunsko srečanje EU in ZDA, na katerem bosta evropsko delegacijo vodila predsednik Evropskega sveta Janša in predsednik Evropske komisije Jose Manuel Barroso, ameriško pa predsednik Bush. Po novinarski konferenci po zaključku vrha ter ogledu predstave lipicancev bo ameriški predsednik odšel na ljubljansko letališče. Slovenijo bo ameriški predsednik zapustil danes popoldne, potem ko si bo po koncu vrha na Brdu ogledal še predstavo lipicancev ter se na ljubljanskem letališču srečal s pripadniki Slovenske vojske, ki so sodelovali v mirovnih misijah. Türk in Bush predvsem o nujnosti krepitve človekovih pravic Tor, 10.06.2008 Predsednika Slovenije in ZDA, Danilo Türk in George Bush, sta se danes na Brdu pri Kranju posvetila predvsem nujnosti krepitve spoštovanja človekovih pravic. Na tem področju sta po Türkovih besedah govorila tudi o tem, da bi bilo potrebno zapreti ameriško vojaško oporišče Guantanamo na Kubi, kjer so zaprti teroristični osumljenci. Kot je po srečanju z Bushem novinarjem pojasnil Türk, je Busha sprejel kot predsednik Republike Slovenije, govorila pa sta o nizu aktualnih mednarodnih tem. "Veliko sva govorila o skupnih transatlantskih vrednotah, o človekovih pravicah, o nujnosti krepitve na tem področju in tudi o problemih, kot je na primer Guantanamo na Kubi,"je dejal slovenski predsednik. Ameriški in Slovenski predsedniki George Bush in Danilo Türk. Glede vprašanja Guantanama sta bila po Türkovih besedah tudi precej konkretna in sicer, "da je treba to zapreti". Po Türkovih besedah je Bush zagotovil, da ameriški sistem dela v tej smeri. "Govorila sva tudi o energetski problematiki in nujnosti, da se do problemov globalnega segrevanja pristopi na nov način, veliko bolj ambiciozno, s spremembami tehnologij in nalogami, ki iz tega izhajajo," je pojasnil slovenski predsednik. Bush je pri tem po Türkovih besedah ostal pri svojih strateških orientacijah in izpostavil potrebo po spremembah na tehnološkem področju, vendar podrobnosti ni navajal. "To bo stvar nadaljnjih pogovorov, vendar ne pričakujem, da se bo tu na Brdu kaj posebno velikega sklenilo,"je menil Türk. Posvetila sta se tudi položaju na Bližnjem vzhodu. Bush po Türkovih besedah sicer ni nakazal, da bi bilo potrebno morebitno posredovanje proti Iranu. "Ne o tem ni bilo govora. Nekaj omemb Irana je bilo, sicer pa sva se pogovarjala predvsem o vprašanju Palestine, ki je v enem svojih kritičnih faz, in pa o vprašanju Libanona, kjer je prišlo do neke določene spremembe z izvolitvijo predsednika, in pa možnosti, da se naredijo nadaljnji koraki za stabilizacijo." Sicer sta po Türkovih besedah odnose med državama ocenila kot zelo dobre. "Vendar na področju trgovinske menjave s približno 670 milijoni evrov menjave v obe smeri lansko leto ne moremo biti zadovoljni. Tu je še prostor za spremembe; tudi stopnja investicij in menjave na področju storitev ni zelo visoka. Je dobra, a sva ugotovila, da bi lahko tu napravili še kaj več. Nisva pa šla v podrobnosti," je povedal Türk. O morebitnih prošnjah po povečanju slovenske vojaške prisotnosti v Afganistanu po Türkovih besedah nista govorila. "Mislim, da se to tudi ne pričakuje,"je dejal slovenski predsednik. Prav tako nista govorila o ameriški notranji politiki, predvsem o predvolilni kampanji za naslednjega ameriškega predsednika. "To je navsezadnje ameriška zadeva,"je dejal Türk. Margaride Sousa Uva Barroso, Urška Bačovnik, Laura Bush in Barbara Miklič Türk. foto: Blaž Samec/Delo. Bush Begins Farewell Tour in Slovenia The EU - USA Summit was held by the Slovenian EU Presidency on 10 June. The summit, held at Brdo pri Kranju congress centre, was attended by the US President George W. Bush. The key international issues on the summit agenda included climate change, trade, the fight on terrorism and global crisis spots. Diversification of energy sources presented an important topic of the talks, as the EU continues to strive to reduce its dependence on crude oil and gas from Russia and look for new sources, including from the Caspian Basin and as far away as Iraq. The summit, billed as one of the biggest events during Slovenia's six-month stint as EU president, marked the start of Bush's five-country European tour that will also see him visit Berlin, Paris, Rome and London. The US president, who arrived in Slovenia late on Monday June 9, met Slovenian President Danilo Tuerk and his host, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, on Tuesday morning, before the start of the summit at around noon. Apart from Janša, the EU was represented at the summit by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana. Bush Praises Slovenia's Achievements in Talks with PM Brdo pri Kranju, 10 June US President George W. Bush praised Slovenia's economic and political achievements as he held talks Tuesday June 10 with Prime Minister Janez Jansa, in what was described as a "relaxed and friendly meeting". President Bush hailed Slovenia's achievements, saying its transition [to a market economy] has been very successful," the prime minister's spokesman, Rok Srakar, told reporters after the 45-minute meeting. In the seven years since his first visit, Slovenia has become a member of the EU and NATO, and now it is presiding over the EU, Bush noted. Princess Mary in Slovenia Australian born, Denmark's Princess Mary travelled to Slovenia in April to highlight European Immunisation Week. The princess made the trip to the country's capital Ljubljana in her role as a patron of the World Health Organisation's (WHO) regional office for Europe. The princess launched the event -designed to show the importance of inoculating children against preventable diseases - at the medieval Ljublana castle in the city, accompanied by Barbara Miklic Tuerk, the wife of Slovenia's President Danilo Tuerk. Slovenia in the jubilee Trubar Year. The keynote speaker, Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti credited Trubar for having laid the foundation for the development of the Slovenian cultural identity, one of the cornerstones of the Slovenian nation today. This was not a primary intention for Trubar, who as a reformer only wanted people to learn to read the Bible in their native, Slovenian tongue, and to be able to listen to God's word alone and free, independent of any intermediaries. President George Bush and Prime Minister Janez Janša. The US president underlined the "transformational power of democracy and freedom", recalling how Janša has gone from being a political prisoner 20 years ago to leading the country and the EU. This is as direct an experience in the transformational power of democracy and freedom as one can have, Bush was quoted as saying by Srakar. Bush and Janša praised the strengthening of economic cooperation, which they said needs to continue, but they did not talk about any specific investments, according to the spokesman. A lot of attention was dedicated to energy prices and climate change, with both leaders saying that green investments by the EU and US will pay off and "cause a new revolution which is an ecological and economic need." The prime minister also presented the Lisbon Treaty, which is currently in the process of ratification, saying it would facilitate decision-making and enhance the EU's role in the world. Serbia and Macedonia were in the focus of talks on the Western Balkans, as President Bush was interested in Slovenia's view. Kosovo was not discussed separately, only in the general framework of the Western Balkans. Bush and Janša met ahead of the EU-US Summit held at Brdo pri Kranju. Slovenia's First Lady Barbara Tuerk (right) and Crown Princess Mary. Before the launch Mary visited the Health Centre of Ljubljana-Šiška and the National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, which was founded in 1923 and is concerned with many research efforts in health education, WHO public health work (HIV/AIDS and health prevention), mental health research, participation in various international and national health research and other projects, anti tobacco and alcohol programs, etc. Ceremony in Trubar's Hometown Culmination of Jubilee Year Velike Lasce, 8 June Senior state officials and guests gathered in the southeastern village of Rasica on the eve of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Primož Trubar to pay homage to this Protestant reformer who wrote and published the first Slovenian book in 1550. The ceremony, held on the estate where Trubar was born, was the culmination of the many festivities in and around Primož Trubar The minister listed Trubar's seminal contributions to the Slovenian nation, including giving Slovenians their language in a book form, starting Slovenian popular schools and the first printing office in Ljubljana and for being an outspoken critic of the unbearable conditions they lived in at the time. He literally took history in his hands, Simoniti said, noting that it was Trubar who started what eventually resulted in the Slovenian language becoming one of the official languages in Europe. A crowd of some 3,000 saw a show that walked them through the main stages of Trubar's life in reverse order, from his death in Derendingen, Germany, in 1586 to his birth in Rasica in 1508. Several actors of different ages alternated in the role of Trubar. Another ceremony commemorating the jubilee was held in the Ljubljana Lutheran Church, with Slovenian President Danilo Tuerk saying that Trubar proved that the "broadness of spirit of a European scholar does contradict genuine efforts for the identity of one's nation". Trubar published the first two books in Slovenian, the spelling-book "Abecedarium" and "Catechism", in 1550. He also translated the entire New Testament (1582) and the Psalms from the Old Testaments (1566). In his "Catechism" the inhabitants of today's Slovenia were referred to as "Slovenci" (Slovenians) for the first time. Trubar was the founder and the first superintendent of the Protestant Church in Slovenia. He wanted to write books in a language which could easily be understood by all Slovenians and decided to base the written version of Slovenian on dialects spoken in the country's central regions. Türk: Ozemeljska razsežnost in mladost države sta naši prednosti De.P./STA, tor, 24.06.2008 Ljubljana - "Ozemeljska razsežnost in mladost naše države sta tudi naši prednosti. Ponujata možnosti za neobremenjenost in svežino, dve kvaliteti, ki nam omogočata misliti z lastno glavo in z dobrim občutkom za prihodnost," je na današnji osrednji proslavi ob sredinem dnevu državnosti povedal slovenski predsednik Danilo Türk. Na tem zgodovinskem mestu so doživele svojo uresničitev naše sanje o državnosti in polni suverenosti Slovenije, je na Trgu republike v Ljubljani uvodoma povedal predsednik in ob tem spomnil na besede prvega predsednika Slovenije Milana Kučana, ki je "tistega zgodovinskega večera napovedal nov dan - dan, ki je postal začetek mnogih novih dni". Predsednik republike Danilo Türk je na Novih Žalah položil venec padlim v vojni za Slovenijo. Po besedah Türka so bili prvi dnevi naše državnosti težki. "Soočeni smo bili z agresijo takratne jugoslovanske vojske in z zavračanjem naše osamosvojitve v velikem delu mednarodne skupnosti,"je spomnil. Kot je dejal, smo upravičenost državnosti morali dokazati na bojnem polju in za diplomatsko mizo.Kot je izpostavil predsednik, se ob današnjem prazniku spominjamo tistih, ki "so nosili največje breme osamosvojitvenega dejanja: vojakov in častnikov Teritorialne obrambe, pripadnikov policije ter številnih drugih udeležencev vojne za osamosvojitev, ki so zavarovali našo državnost". Türk je spomnil, da so nekateri v boju izgubili življenje, da so bili nekateri ranjeni in da nekateri še danes trpijo posledice. "Vsem njim in njihovim družinam gre ob današnjem dnevu posebna hvaležnost,"je povedal.Prav tako je izrazil hvaležnost tistim, ki so osamosvojitveno vojno in z njo povezano politično in diplomatsko akcijo vodili, "pri tem pa pokazali strateško spretnost in modrost, zaradi katere je bila naša zmaga dosežena hitro in z manj žrtvami". Lastno državo pa smo si po njegovem mnenju zaslužili, zato smo tudi hitro napredovali in veliko dosegli. "Naše domoljubje je bilo izkazano. Naš ponos je upravičen," je povedal. Ob tem je poudaril, da v teh dneh Slovenija končuje "uspešno šestmesečno predsedovanje Svetu Evropske unije".Po njegovih besedah ta skupnost evropskih narodov velja za simbol miru in varnosti, blaginje, politične zrelosti in zaupanja v boljši svet. Danes, ko predsedujemo Evropski uniji, so po Türkovih besedah dosegli enega vrhov v razvoju države in naroda. Kot je opozoril predsednik, pa je človeško prizadevanje vedno znova na preizkušnji in to po njegovem mnenju velja tako za nas in kot za vse druge članice Evropske unije. Pred dvema tednoma so tako irski volivci na referendumu sporočili, da Evropska unija ne dosega demokratičnih pričakovanj mnogih Evropejcev, je spomnil. To je po njegovem prepričanju resno sporočilo. "Irski 'ne' je predvsem povabilo vsem državljanom držav Evropske unije za razmislek o tem, kakšen instrument naj bo Evropska unija, da nam bo pomagala najti prave odgovore na izzive sveta v času globalizacije, in da se bomo v njej počutili kot v svoji razširjeni domovini,"je poudaril. Slovenija je danes močno integrirana v Evropo in v svet in ima vse odgovornosti, ki jih prinaša ta položaj, meni predsednik. Za te odgovornosti pa po njegovo ni niti premajhna niti premalo izkušena, pač pa sta po Turkovih besedah ozemeljska razsežnost in mladost države tudi naši prednosti. "Ponujata možnosti za neobremenjenost in svežino, dve kvaliteti, ki nam omogočata misliti z lastno glavo in z dobrim občutkom za prihodnost," je izpostavil. Odgovori, ki jih potrebuje svet, pa po njegovem mnenju niso lahki. Kot je dejal, se končuje obdobje konjunkture, poceni hrane, ki je trajalo skoraj tri desetletja, in obdobje zmernih cen nafte. Poleg tega po njegovem prepričanju čedalje bolj očitne in zaskrbljujoče postajajo podnebne spremembe. Zato je po Turkovih besedah treba poiskati resnične razvojne alternative, "in to kljub zaostritvi mednarodne tržne konkurence". Predsednik je ob tem opozoril, da današnji razvojni izzivi v svojem bistvu skrivajo etične dileme. Zato po njegovih besedah tudi v politiki potrebujemo reforme. "To velja za vsako politično skupnost - tako za mednarodno kakor tudi za našo domačo, slovensko politično skupnost," je dejal. Meni tudi, da bo Evropska unija morala razmisliti o svojem "demokratičnem primanjkljaju" in poiskati rešitve, kakršne zahtevata čas in vloga Evropske unije. Zveza NATO bo morala po Turkovih besedah razmisliti o poteh za dokončanje svoje pretvorbe v organizacijo kolektivne varnosti in določiti svoje mesto v okviru svetovnega sistema Organizacije združenih narodov (OZN).OZN pa naj se reformira tako, da bo sposobna "resnično prispevati k človeški varnosti na vseh področjih in dati državni suverenosti ustrezen, sodobni pomen". V Sloveniji pa bi po predsednikovem mnenju več morali storiti za intelektualno moč, ustvarjalnost in sposobnost razmišljati v skupno dobro. "Od teh sposobnosti bo odvisna kakovost našega razvoja v 21. stoletju,"je prepričan.Turk verjame, da je Slovenija tako kot pred sedemnajstimi leti tudi danes pripravljena in sposobna sprejeti izzive časa. Kot je dejal, pa za tak kultiviran razvoj nujno potrebujemo odločitev za kakovost politike in politično kulturo. Ob tem pa je opozoril, da spoštovanje avtoritete državnih ustanov ni na zadovoljivi ravni. Posebno zaskrbljuje odnos do pravosodja, ki nastaja v naši politiki in v javnosti, in ki pravosodju vse bolj odreka avtoriteto, je poudaril. Ob tem je spomnil, da nas "mora skrbeti neupoštevanje sodb ustavnega sodišča" in opozoril zlasti na problem izbrisanih. Pozval je tudi k ustreznemu sodelovanju državnega zbora. "Verjamem, da je tudi tu možno izboljšanje," je dejal in opozoril, da hitenje z večinskimi odločitvami in prevlada glasovalne moči nad močjo argumenta zaskrbljujeta.Turk je prepričan, da si državljanke in državljani želijo boljše politične prakse in politične kulture. Zato so po njegovih besedah danes v njihovih mislih tudi pomanjkljivosti našega političnega življenja. "Ob nespornih dosežkih, ki jih imamo, si lahko privoščimo tudi kritičen razmislek o samih sebi,"je dejal. Glede prihodnosti pa je poudaril, imajo Slovenke in Slovenci samozavest in ponos, pa tudi izkušnje in znanje. Zato je prepričan, da tudi danes zmorejo "dovolj moči za iskanje skupnega interesa in najboljših poti za vse nas".Bližnje volitve v državni zbor so po Turkovo pomembna priložnost takega odločanja. Meni, da bi bilo prav, da se tako v predvolilnem obdobju kakor tudi po volitvah uveljavijo vrednote, ki jih potrebujemo za naš nadaljnji razvoj. Kot je sklenil, sta današnji svečani trenutek in jutrišnji praznik "dobra priložnost za razmislek o našem razvoju in o poteh do izboljšanja v našem političnem vsakdanjiku". Pred sedemnajstimi leti smo po njegovih besedah zmogli vzpostaviti medsebojno razumevanje in skupno poiskati najboljšo pot. Naši današnji izzivi ne zahtevajo od nas nič manj, je še dodal.Slovesnosti se sicer udeležuje celoten politični vrh, predstavniki pravosodja, verskih skupnosti, veteranskih in borčevskih organizacij ter drugi. Na njej sodelujejo tudi častna četa Slovenske vojske in vojaška letala. KNJIGE - BOOKS BRKINI in sosednji kraji (BRKINI and its neighbouring areas). Slavko Gerželj, 2008. "Brkini - najbrež ena najmanj poznanih pokrajin slovenske domovine. Vsekakor po krivici." "... me jet ta hribovita pokrajina popolnoma prevzela s svojo zasanjano lepoto, s tiho zamaknjenostjo vasic in toplino ljudi, z razgledi, ki so odstirali obzorja vse od zasneženih vrhov Julijskih in Kamniških Alp do sončne pozlate na zimskem odsevu Jadranskega morja. Kasneje sem se pogosto vračal sem. Često sem se udeleževal partizanskih proslav na Ostrožnem Brdu, na Artvižah, v Rodiku in drugod, ki človeka spomnijo na uporniški in svobodomiselni duh Brkincev. Te priložnosti sem vselej izkoristil za spoznavanje in novo odkrivanje drugačne, a vedno prijazne brkinske pokrajine, ter seveda za srečanja z Brkinci, s temi zanimivimi, trdnimi ljudmi, med katerimi imam če že ne veliko prijateljev pa vsaj veliko dobrih znancev in tovarišev." Milan Kučan "Brkini - probably one of the least known regions in Slovenia. Unjustly for sure." "... I was fascinated by the beauty this hilly region had to offer. On the one side I admired the view of the snow-capped mountain peaks of Kamniško-Savinjske Alps whereas on the other there was equally fascinating golden winter afternoon reflection of the Adriatic Sea. I must not forget to mention the dreamy villages and the warm hospitality of the locals. After my first visit I kept coming back. I have often participated in partisan gatherings in Ostrožno Brdo, Artviže, Rodik, etc. These gatherings remind us of the rebel spirit and need for freedom of Brkini people. In addition I have used these gatherings for discovering a different side of this always hospitable country and of course to meet its interesting and strong-willed locals, among which I have many colleagues and comrades, if not true friends." Milan Kučan The former president of The Republic of Slovenia What's Cooking? in Slovenia ... Jesti kot Trubar Ljubljana - Štiri mize z 32 srednjeveškimi jedmi so bile plod projekta Prehranjevalne navade v Trubarjevem času. Z njim je trinajst dijakov iz programa gostinsko-turistični tehnik opravilo praktični del poklicne mature, pri pripravi jedi pa je sodelovalo tudi nekaj dijakov iz nižjih letnikov. »Zbirali smo recepte - iz knjige Borisa Kuharja, iz Santoninovih popotnih dnevnikov, iz starih receptur za kmečko prebivalstvo, nekaj pa smo jih z dijaki na podlagi opisov takratnih jedi ali živil sestavili sami - jih posodobili, prikrojili po svoje in, upam, uspeli,« pojasni mentorica projektne naloge, učiteljica kuharstva Majda Rebolj. Polnjeno odojkovo stegno Včasih je bilo precej drugače: imeli so odprto kuhinjo in ognjišče, drugačno posodo, drugačne tehnike priprave hrane in sestavine. »Tipično je bilo, da so se jedi za naše razmere kuhale predolgo, uživala se je bolj mastna hrana. Mi smo zato uporabili manj maščob in kuhali bolj na sopari, zelenjavo pa na zob,« pove Reboljeva. Riba presenečenja Meso le ob nedeljah Mastna in močna hrana je bila značilnejša za kmečki sloj, ki pa se je precej razlikoval od plemiškega. Za prvega je bilo pomembno, da je bil kos težkemu delu, za drugega pa, da se je lahko s hrano pobahal pred gosti. »Kmetje so sicer jedli meso, vendar redkeje, ob nedeljah ali praznikih. Na gradovih pa so se vrstile obilne večerje, velike gostije, na katerih so se prenajedali z veliko mesa. Priljubljene so bile predvsem divje ptice in ribe, med katere so šteli tudi vidre,« zanimivo opiše naša sogovornica. Toda pozor: ker se je meso rado hitro pokvarilo, so ga »zakamuflirali« s pikantnimi začimbami in zelišči, da so prikrili okus. Razlik med enimi in drugimi ne zmanjka: graščaki so brezskrbno uživali kmečke dajatve in tudi že uvožen eksotični gurmanski luksuz, kmečki človek pa je jedel le tisto, kar je bil zmožen pridelati in obdržati zase. »Najbolj značilne kmečke sestavine so proso, leča, pira, ajda, bob in čičerka. Kmetje so v svoji kuhi ustvarjali predvsem kaše, kuhali zelenjavo, redkeje ribe, govedino in svinjino. Močnate jedi je najbrž jedel tudi Trubar, saj izvira iz kmečke družine. Tipična jed pa je bila kravji sirček: prvo mleko, ko se krava oteli, so zmešali z navadnim mlekom, dali v lončeno posodo, posuli s kumino in spekli,« o eni strani pove Reboljeva. Zelo so se ravnali po letnih časih, uživali samo sezonsko sadje in zelenjavo, pozimi, ko je bil čas kolin, so uživali bolj svežo hrano, čez leto pa so ponudili prekajene izdelke - to tehniko so namreč že poznali, pojasni Reboljeva. Grajske pojedine Druga stran, plemenitejša, je bila povsem drugačna. Graščaki so jedli v slogu: plemiči so imeli jekleno verižico s posebnim žepom, v katerem so hranili nož in vilice, tako da je bilo ob velikih pojedinah vse pri roki. Za bolj izbrane priložnosti so si omislili riž, ki so se ga naši kmetje zaradi težke pridelave in veliko komarjev otepali, uživali so marcipan, eksotično sadje in začimbe, kot so cimet, klinčki in žafranika, medtem ko so se kmetje morali zadovoljiti s sladicami iz testa, kompoti ali polnozrnatim jabolčnim zavitkom. » Veliko receptov so povzeli po samostanskih kuhinjah, ki so bile nekje med obema slojema,« o podajanju receptov pove Majda Rebolj. Kuharji na dvorih so bili zelo izurjeni, saj niso samo kuhali, ampak poskrbeli za vso organizacijo, nakup živil, izbiro sestavin, pripravo receptov in dekoracijo. Vse je bilo bolj bogato, razkošno, mogočno. Pomembno je bilo, da so hrano razkazali, se z njo pobahali in jo razrezali pred gosti. Grajska pojedina je bila svojevrsten šov. »Shranjevali so jo v skladovnice. Ko so jed postregli, so za presenečenje gostom iz te skladovnice spustili živo ptico ali zajčka,« doda Reboljeva. Za polne želodce na dvoru so skrbeli bolj moški, za kmečke pa bolj ženske. »Hrana kmečkih žena je zanimiva. Ker so delale tudi na poljih in travnikih, so jed - enolončnice, včasih z mesom - zjutraj dele v lončen lonec in postavile na rob ognjišča, in ko so ob koncu dneva prišle z njive, so še malo razpihale žerjavico in jed je bila kuhana,« pojasnjuje Majda Rebolj. Kljub plemiškemu razkošju pa takrat ne eni ne drugi niso poznali nekaterih danes samoumevnih živil. Recimo krompirja. »V 16. stoletju so ga imeli za okrasno okensko rastlino, v 18. pa so ugotovili, da se lahko z njim nahrani veliko ljudi in preživi za tisti čas veliko lakoto. Tudi fižol in koruza sta k nam prišla šele v 17. stoletju,« poudari Reboljeva. Poznali pa so pijače, ki jih še danes: vodo, jabolčni sok in mošt, vino ter medeno žganje. In čeprav je od Trubarjevih obedov minilo že petsto let, se nekatere navade sploh niso spremenile oziroma so danes čedalje bolj zaželene. Priporočljivo je jesti več zelenjave in manj mesa ter kuhati počasneje, torej kot takrat revnejše prebivalstvo, le sestavine nekoliko moderniziramo. Pa še nekaj. »Danes skoraj nimamo več časa za druženje, takrat pa so si ga vzeli. Pojedine so trajale sedem ali osem ur, gojili so pravi slow food. Bilo bi dobro, če bi se tega spet navzeli, da bi našli čas za druženje in pogovor ob hrani, kot so se nekoč sklepale velike kupčije,« še meni Majda Rebolj. KVAŠENI KOPRIVNI ZVITEK Z OVČJIM SIROM Testo: 50 dag moke 2 dag kvasa 1 žlička sladkorja 2-3 dl mleka (ali vode) 2 dag soli 1 jajce 0,5 dl olja jajce in mleko za premaz Iz navedenih sestavin naredimo kvašeno testo. Vzhajano testo znova pregnetemo. Dovolj vzhajano testo tanko razvaljamo in premažemo z nadevom. Testo zavijemo v zvitek, ga položimo v model, premažemo z razžvrkljanim jajcem in mlekom, prebodemo in pustimo ponovno vzhajati. Pečico segrejemo na 180190 °C in zvitek pečemo pol ure. Nadev: 30 dag mladih kopriv 4 dag oljčnega olja 3 dag česna 2 dag soli 30-35 dag ovčjega sira 1 jajce Mlade koprive blanširamo. Na oljčnem olju prepražimo česen, da zadiši, dodamo narezane koprivne liste, začinimo in ohladimo. Dodamo narezan ovčji sir, jajce in dobro premešamo. Iva Gruden, ned, 15.06.2008 in Australia ... Kangaroo and Mushrooms with Red Wine Ingredients 600 gms loin (or long) fillet of kangaroo 6 to 10 mushrooms preferably field mushrooms A good knob of butter, say 40 gms Half a glass of good Australian red wine (the Barossa Valley Estate 1995 Shiraz Cabernet was wonderful!) Directions Melt the butter in a large iron frying pan or on a barbecue plate. Brown kangaroo steak and add sliced mushrooms. When the steak is browned on both sides quickly slice into pieces about 1.5 to 2 cm thick. Quickly brown the slices on both sides and cook until the steak is nearly cooked - not too well done please! It should be still a little pink inside. Throw in the red wine and allow to continue cooking for a few more moments. Remove the meat and mushrooms and place on plates. If you are using a pan you can reduce the remaining fluid a little then pour it over the meat. Serve with potatoes cooked in their jackets or cut into slices and fried and salad or green vegetable depending on the season. Of course the remainder of the red wine will not go to waste. For those connoisseurs of kangaroo the Northern Territory Blue Flier is the best kangaroo meat you can get. Kangaroo is a very rich meat which is low on cholesterol, most people would not eat as much kangaroo as they would beef steak. And for the wine lover the Barossa Valley Estate 1995 Shiraz Cabernet is a medium bodied red wine full of ripe berry flavours and low on tannin. I can recommend it as an excellent accompaniment to kangaroo. Courtesy of Peter Bradley Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010 ZGOŠČENKE - CDs The group Kingston releases new album, Tropicana Klub. One of Slovenia's most popular bands has released its new album since the highly successful 2003 album Republica banana. The group, which is all about fun and having a good time, began 14 years ago with members hailing from the towns of Idrija and Postojna. See video clips of your favourite Slovenian artists on YouTube. You« Seen & Heard The Cambridge-based publisher Salt Publishing has issued a selection of poems by Srečko Kosovel, a 20th century Slovenian avant-garde poet, in English translation. "The Golden Boat" collection features some 120 poems by Kosovel, who is sometimes referred to as the Slovenian Rimbaud. Srečko Kosovel (1904 - 1926). The translator, Slovenian poet Bert Pribac, said in Ljubljana that it was David Brooks, a leading Australian contemporary novelist, that made the publication possible. Pribac translated 520 of Kosovel's 590 poems he had found, but he could not get them through to the English-speaking world. He showed his translations to Brooks, who was thrilled and sent them to the UK. Together they translated the poems Brooks chose, though Pribac insisted that a third of them must be about the Karst region, where Kosovel came from and which he extensively wrote about. Kosovel died in 1926 at the tender age of 22, but had managed to create more than one thousand poems and a couple of hundred prose writings consisting of lyrical prose and sketches, literary criticism and essays, notes, diaries and letters. An exhibition on the most famed Slovenian architect, Jože Plečnik (18721957), was on show in a gallery situated in Tokyo's biggest park Ueno. Ambassador Miran Skender told STA that this was the biggest cultural event Slovenia had so far organised in Japan. "There is a keen interest in the exhibition, because the Japanese are architectural enthusiasts," the ambassador said, adding that interest was considerable in particular among the architects. Jože Plečnik The exhibition showcased the architect's entire oeuvre, along with original drawings and pieces of furniture he designed. It was curated by Damjan Prelovšek, an authority on Plečnik, and architect Eva Prelovšek. The show in the Art Gallery of the Tokyo University of the Arts ran until 22 June. Plečnik died at his home in Ljubljana's district of Trnovo on 7 January 1957. He is buried at Zale, Ljubljana's central cemetery, which he designed as well. A Centre for Slovenian Studies was officially inaugurated at the Cleveland State University in the US state of Ohio. Although based in Cleveland, the home of the biggest ethnic Slovenian community in the United States, the centre will carry out its activities in association with the universities Bowling Green, Kent State and the Lakeland Community College. The centre will specialise in the study, preservation and promotion of Slovenian language and culture, according to a statement by the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. That way it is expected to contribute to slowing down the assimilation of the Slovenian community in the US, as well as promote interest in Slovenian language and culture. In addition to offering Slovenian language courses and study programmes, it will help run the archive at the Slovenian Museum and Archive in Cleveland. The Franj a WW II hospital is one of the most noble Slovenian symbols and its destruction last year was a great tragedy, President Danilo Tuerk told STA in Sežana, as he attended a fund-raiser for the reconstruction of this monument. The president is certain that there are many people in Slovenia that would like to see the hospital reconstructed so it will again symbolise humanitarianism, solidarity and nobleness, which were demonstrated in the resistance and got its most obvious manifestation in Franja. "That is why it needs to be preserved for future generations." The reconstruction of the hospital that was destroyed in the torrential rain and floods in September last year and the establishment of an information centre are expected to cost some EUR 5m and should be finished in 2010. The Franj a hospital is located in the narrow, barely accessible Pasica gorge. It opened on 23 December 1943. The hospital was among the best equipped clandestine partisan hospitals during the second world war. It boasted an operating room, X-ray apparatus, a disabled care facility, and a small electricity plant. Some 1000 wounded soldiers were treated in Franja during the war. It was never discovered despite extensive searches by enemy forces. In the years after WWII, the hospital became a popular tourist attraction. Last year, it received the European Heritage Label. Uros Krek, one of the most important contemporary Slovenian composers, died, aged 85 in May. Krek composed virtually all forms of music, also incorporating into his pieces elements of folklore. Born in Ljubljana, Krek (1922-2008) graduated in 1948 in composition and conducting at the Music Academy in Ljubljana. He was an editor of the music programme of Radio Ljubljana between 1950 and 1958. fir FY Uroš Krek Krek worked at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU) Institute of Ethnomusicology between 1959 and 1967, and as a professor of composition at the Ljubljana Music Academy from 1967 until his retirement in 1982. Krek was a three-time recipient of the highest national commendation for artistic achievements, the Prešeren Prize. He was a permanent member of the SAZU since 1985 and of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts since 1993. Several towns around Slovenia hosted performances by folklore groups from around Europe as part of this year's running of the SloFolk festival. The project, organised by folklore groups from the Dolenjsko and Posavje regions, ran from 29 April through 4 May. According to the organisers, the SloFolk festival hosted folklore groups from Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Spain. MPs passed a law on meal subsidies for secondary school students. The law provides one free warm meal for students each school day, regardless of their social position. The subsidies are estimated at EUR 43m per year. According to Education Minister Milan Zver, all schools will be able to provide the free meals to their students by 1 September. All higher education students in Slovenia are meanwhile entitled to a subsidy of EUR 2.43 for lunch. Maribor Airport is now officially known as the Edvard Rusjan Airport as Slovenia's second largest airport was renamed. The airport got its new name after the first Slovenian aviator. The call for the name change was submitted by the airport's operator Aerodrom Maribor and is meant to honour the achievements of the Rusjan brothers, especially Edvard (1886-1911). The airport submitted the application because 2008 marks the centenary of the brothers' first model aeroplane, while in 2009 it will be 100 years since Edvard Rusj an's first flight. BUSINESS SLOVENIA The average net wage in Slovenia for March stood at EUR 878.73, while the average gross wage was EUR 1,352.87, which is an increase over February of 1.6% and 2% respectively. *** Slovenia agreed to sign an agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA) on cooperation in space research for peaceful purposes. The agreement aims at strengthening cooperation in space research and development of space technologies. Slovenia was already quite active in space research, however researchers, industry and the state felt the lack of a framework for systematic cooperation with ESA. The agreement is the first step on the path towards the status of a European Cooperating State. ESA's special programme for cooperating countries aims at preparing the included countries for membership in the agency that currently comprises 17 members. The move is expected to improve Slovenia's chances of being selected to host the seat of the Galileo satellite navigation system. *** Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel received his New Zealand counterpart Winston Peters in Ljubljana at which the ministers discussed the potential for cooperation, particularly in trade and tourism. The pair agreed that relations between the countries were very good. Slovenia and New Zealand are far apart on the map, but that does not mean that they cannot cooperate successfully, Peters emphasised. On the topic of economic cooperation, Rupel pointed out the port of Koper as a strategic location that allows access to the heart of European markets. The port is used by numerous countries, and is also available for New Zealand to use, Rupel said. There is also vast potential for cooperation in tourism. Slovenians are "active tourists that can be found everywhere", while there are also numerous New Zealanders in Europe, and they need to be shown the sights Slovenia has to offer, Rupel said. *** The list of the 100 richest Slovenians has plunged the country into unavoidable "wealth-talk" once again; with an estimated combined wealth of EUR 4.02 billion, the 2008 richest Slovenians are 75% richer than the "class" of 2007. The threshold of entering the list of 100 Richest Slovenians was raised from last year's EUR 7.3 million to EUR 11.0 million since the overall wealth of the people on the list increased by 75%, amounting to EUR 4.02 billion (last year: EUR 2.29 billion). The first three remain the same as last year, only the positions of the 2nd and 3rd have been changed. Last year's richest woman in Slovenia was Alenka Žnidaršič who was 14th but is this 24th this year, and was surpassed by the 4th placed Danijela Rakovič. 1st place: Mirko Tuš, EUR 550 million. Mirko Tuš, a.k.a. "the phantom from Celje", dubbed as such for his pronounced dislike for appearing in the media, is the richest Slovenian the second year running with an estimated wealth of EUR 550 million, which he more than doubled over last year, although only in part due to the growth of his franchise. The richest Mirko Tuš. Tuš started his empire from scratch, successfully fought with much bigger players in the field of commerce and has gradually expanded his business to cover real estate, telecommunications, mobile telephony and the internet, warding off political pressures all the while. 2nd place: Igor Lah, EUR 250.3 million. Igor Lah, whose empire is known for being a system of long or short duration companies, built one of the first privatisation companies in the early '90s and is currently the owner of the MNP2 group. His wealth increased from EUR 145 million to EUR 250.3 million last year, which represents a 70% increase, which Lah, a computer scientist and a former competitive dancer, sees as a result of good business practice. 3rd place: Darko Horvat, EUR 236.9 million. Darko Horvat amassed his wealth by setting up the Aktiva Company, which was intended to help retirees get work. He soon changed his mind and reorganised the company (selling and commerce), after which he established several others and linked them with companies outside Slovenia. He currently lives abroad and controls his fortune through the Dutch Aktiva Holding, which squeezed out small shareholders from Aktiva Invest last year. Horvat's fortune hardly changed in comparison to last year. 4th place: Danijela Rakovič, EUR 146.1 million. One of the biggest mysteries of this year's top 100 list is the 4th place publicly unknown stock broker Danijela Rakovič. Some people have said that she is most likely just a temporary owner of Kolonel, the company that owns Center Naložbe, which in turn owns Laško Brewery. And what is Kolonel? Some say it is a company acting on behalf of someone else, yet Danijela Rakovič, otherwise employed by Probanka, is, at least on paper, the richest woman in Slovenia. and Vesna Južna, jumped 10 places over last year. The married couple owns the Perspektiva business group, which has been well known since a quick response in relation to the purchase of shares of Union Brewery at the start of the takeover war and good connections with some of the major institutional investors, making Dari Južna a very important player in the financial industry. ŠPORT - SPORT Jure Robič Wins Race Across America Again. New York, 18 June Slovenian cyclist Jure Robič has finished first in the Race Across America (RAAM) again, becoming the first person ever to win this tough endurance cycling test four times. Jure Robič Before leaving for the US, the 43-old Robič said his only goal was to win the RAAM for the fourth time, which was also the only reason for him to take part in this race for the sixth time. The 4,800 kilometre race began in Oceanside, California, on 8 June, taking cyclists across the continent to Annapolis, Maryland, on the East Coast. CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Births - Rojstvo Simon and Tamara Ivančič a son Jacob. Born April 28, 2008. Mark and Marie Hancock (nee Tomsic) a son Jack. Born June 17, 2008. 5th place: Dari and Vesna Južna, EUR 145.8 million. The fifth in the list, Dari 11 Birthday - Rojstni dan April - Mathew Gregor, Ivan Zagorc (80th), Eddy Lukač May - Alojz Hrvatin (80th), Angela Dodič June - Justina Schneider, Paula Čeligoj, Olga Orel July - Mario Segulin Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Maria Vuzem Born in Vuzenica, Slovenia, November 25, 1935. Passed away Adelaide, June 12, 2008. 72 years old. Committed at Enfield Memorial Park, Pavilion Gardens, Cemetery. Dearly loved wife of Jožef. Loved and loving mother of Erwin and Leonie, Linda and Philip, Karol and Bruce. Cherished and devoted grandma of Sharee, Kylie, Amy, Mathew, Andrew, Nicholas, Marcus and Jason. Also a loved great-grandmother. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $350.00 non-members: $700.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $135.00 non-members: $250.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $450.00 non-members: $850.00 Further information from the Club President or Secretary USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 7.00pm - 8.00pm Fridays for Yoga 2.00pm - 10.30pm Sundays 10.00am - 3.00pm -Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8121 3869 fax: 8346 2903 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00am 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) St. George's Building Level 6, 60 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra ACT 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Železna Cesta 14 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 430 2810 fax: +386 1 478 2296 internet: SBS Radio (stereo FM 106.3 mhz) Federation Square Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9685 2519 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesdays 9.00 - 10.00am Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio: http://www9. sbs. com. au/radio/language.p hp?language=Slovenian Ministrstvo za Kulturo (Slovenian Ministry for Culture) Maistrova 10 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 369 5900 fax: +386 1 369 5901 internet: Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 241 0280 fax: +386 1 425 1673 internet: Od leta 1956 organizira vsakoletna izseljenska srečanja (piknike) imenovana "Srečanje v moji deželi" Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Slovenian Australian Institute PO Box 15 Camperdown NSW 2050 Internet: Internet publisher Radio Slovenija 1 Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 8.30pm -11.00pm Middle wave 326.8 m or 918 kHz. Internet radio: RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Saturday at 9.30pm (Slovenian time) Satelite: Eutelsat, Hot Bird 3, 13 degrees East, transponder 80, 12302, 880 MHz, polarisation Y, coding system Viaccess. Internet (view anytime): The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 '/2 (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Slovenian Club Adelaide Yoga classes professional instructor classes for young and old you can join any time and just go at your own pace Every Friday Night 7- 8pm $3