Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American- Slo.venians Vol. 107 No. 33 a . USPS 024100 •ISSN Number 0164-68X Americ/ Ameriška r SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 Phone: (216) 431-0628 'TOff' ermail: ah@buckeyeweb.com / t y s i j- 300 at Dedication of Baraga Bust y II la d a 6 ri- e- a- to že za a i0- ŽC U' in z- la 11' er U' iia in 1Z' l( ca rl ic 0' o- II- 4 Around 300 persons attended the dedication of the Bishop Baraga bust in the Slovenian Cultural Gardens, which are part of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens in Rockefeller Park. Bishop James Garland, reads the dedication prayers, while Slovenian Bishop Andrej Glavan, left, looks on. Some of the persons who attended the dedication ceremonies on Saturday afternoon, September 3. % stand in front of Lolly the Trolley which transported H Persons from in front of St. Vitus Church to the ’ ■ ^ovenian Cultural Gardens. At left is Joseph V. ^ ocevar, a member of the Cleveland Baraga ad hoc | committee who was in charge of the coordinating the pl^oiel rooms for visitors. At right is Joseph Chauby, I ° Was chauffeur for Bishop Elden Curtiss, V ®0,n Omaha, Nebraska. MW Niko and Andreja Marsic distribute salt and bread (an old Slovenian custom), to visitors of the Slovenian Cultural Garden on Sept. 3. At left is their grandmother Anica Nemec, and standing behind her children is mother, Maria Marsic. Bishops and priests at the dedication ceremonies stand in front of the bust of Bishop Baraga. People dressed in Slovenian National Costumes march from St. Vitus Village to the church prior to the Slovenian Mass on Saturday, September 3. All photos by Tony Grdina, Phil Hrvatin, and Jim Debevec AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 33 September 15, 2005 Alpine Evening at St. Mary’s How would you like to spend an evening in an Alpine music hall listening to the sounds of an authentic Alpine band and dancing waltzes and polkas with the local town’s people wearing their finest drndis and lederhosenl You won’t need a plane ticket or passport -just a $10 ticket, $5 for children, to the second Alpine evening at St. Mary’s Parish Center on Holmes Avenue in Collinwood on Wednesday evening. Sept. 21. Doors open at 6:15 p.m., with entertainment beginning gfiter 7 p.m. Wienerschnitzel dinners with home fried potatoes, strudel, and coffee will be available for $12. Sandwiches and other desserts will be available, as well as a selection of imported beers and wines. We will be hosting some 100 Slovenian, German, and Austrian tourists from Europe who will arrive with the house-band from the famous Avsenik restaurant in Begunje, Slovenia - Gašperji. This is the only Cleveland appearance for the group. Please call Elizabeth Zalik to reserve a table or individual tickets at (440) 537-1941. Tickets are limited. --Sylvia Pisorn American Home Schedule The American Home (Ameriška Domovina) will NOT be printed on Oct. 6 (for economic reasons). Also, The American Home will not be printed on Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving week) and Dec. 22 and 29 (Christmas). LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Therese and Rudy Flis celebrate 50 years with their children Take Off Baraga’s Showshoes By RUDY FLIS St. Vitus and St. Mary of The Assumption, two of our Slovenian parishes in Cleveland, were the sites of the 57lh Anniversary celebration of the Bishop Baraga Association over the Labor Day weekend. I was able to attend Sunday’s Mass and festivities at St. Mary’s church and then the dinner at the beautiful parish center. The procession to the altar was led by six bishops and 18 priests, and many celebrities and people in their native costumes. The choir of St. Vitus and St. Mary parish and Korotan were led by the able John Srsen. How vibrant, but yet soothing was their singing. All in the Slovenian community must be thankful to have such dedicated people who share their talents for the pleasure of Almighty God and us, Bishop Baraga fans. Three of our Cleveland Bishops were at Sunday’s celebration, bishops Anthony Pilla, Edward Pevec and Roger Cries. Bishop Andrej Glavan of Ljubljana, Slovenia, traveld the furthest of the bishops, and the Rev. Tone Bidovec came from Argentina for this great weekend. Their presence was rewarded with a tasty meal and all of its trimmings, put on by the capable Julie Zalar and her able crew. Bishop Edward Pevec was named the man of the year, while Julie Zalar was the woman of the year. Congratulations to all for the awards well deserved. Archbishop Elden Curtiss of Omaha, Nebraska was guest speaker, and Bishop Roger Foys, D.D. of the Diocese of Covington, KY, prayed the closing prayer. Bishop James Garland of the Marquette Diocese gave a progress report on what’s happening with our beloved Bishop Baraga and all the work being commissioned to reach the goal of beatification. Archbishop Elden Curtiss, main speaker, spoke fervently of Bishop Baraga’s love of Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament, and Baraga’s prayer habits. At 3 a.m. each summer morning he arose and prayed for three hours every day. In winter, he arose at 4 a.m. to spend the first three hours of his day with Jesus. I’m thinking of how many weeks it takes me to spend three hours with God. Archbishop Curtiss compared Bishop Baraga and his devotion to Jesus and his prayer habits to the habits of the late Pope John Paul II. Both spiritual leaders had powerful devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. What boggles my mind about Bishop Baraga, is all he accomplished while living in a 19,h century snowstorm that seemed to last his lifetime. Pope John Paul flew jets to be with his flock. Bishop Baraga used snowshoes, and when they strained most of the muscles in the body, causing exhaustion, even to the experienced and physically fit Indian guide. Bishop Baraga, a slight man with wiry build learned to keep up with his guides. Ice flows flooded streams and rivers, killer snowstorms and a lack of priests and funds. All these were his, and look what that holy man accomplished. This is the 57th anniversary of trying to get Bishop Baraga beatified, first step to canonization and sainthood. Will someone of consequence take off the snow-shoes our efforts seem to be strapped with? Don’t you think Bishop Baraga has worn these snowshoes long enough? I don’t want a snowshoe priest; I want a SAINT Bishop Baraga. God knows he deserves it. And so do we! Madeline Debevec and her mother, Dorothy Urban-cich, were much missed at the Mass on Sunday and at the Baraga Association banquet which followed. Madeline’s mother had an accident in St. Mary’s parking lot and had to be taken to Euclid Hospital for hip repair. Please take a moment to pray for them. Beautiful 1-floor condo, built ’05. Willowick, 2 B/R, 2 BA, (Iw/walk-in shower). New appl., FP in Great Room. 1200 sq. ft. Call 400-257-9325 Help for Church in Kazakhstan St. Mary’s parish (Holmes Ave., Cleveland) is “adopting” the small Franciscan parish in Kazakhstan, and promises help and support. St. Mary’s will continue to collect funds for that Franciscan parish, especially to aid them in buying coal for winter i( heating. ; Every'gift is’-'MCfy !! much appreciated. St. Mary’s parishioners Greg and Jennie Sedmak are teaching at an international school in Almaty, Kazakhstan and are very very familiar with the needs of that tiny parish. Donations may be sent to St. Mary’s. parish, 15519 . Holmes 'Ave.* 1,' Cleveland, pl I Looking for female live-in help to care for elderly couple in a lovely home in Euclid, on the lake. For further details please, call. 44110. ’. iov.-i.'* :<5ifov;i fflmt '/•■Vie;* Žakelj Family Chronicle by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited v by JOHN ŽAKELJ World War II Ata and I didn’t agree about everything, but 1 knew he always meant the best for me, especially regarding the most important decisions in my life. I almost always listened to his advice and I never regretted that. I especially remember one situation when his advice probably saved my life: On the evening of November 29, 1943, the partisans (communists) came to our house to force me to join them. I had decided earlier that I would not let them take me alive. But I didn’t happen to have a weapon on me when they came. I asked Ata what I should do if I could get a weapon. “Stay honest and honorable, but go with them,” he said. Ana Marija, a former teacher who was the leader of the band of partisans who came for me, became upset when I didn’t go with them immediately. She put her gun to my chest and said, “Damn you. You’re taking five minutes for every button on your coat. Are you coming or not?” I replied that I had the keys to the Shoemakers’ Cooperative and the dairy, and I had to entrust them to someone. “We don’t have time for that. This is Wart” She said. At that Ata interrupted, “I was a soldier for seven years, and I know '''hat war is. This is not war, this is thuggery.” I was horrified by Ata’s remarks and 'vorried how Ana Marija ^ould react. But she just ignored him. My sister Mici encour-aged me to hurry up. She helped me put some clothes, socks, rain-gear and medi-cine in my backpack. My Mother had already put some food and other things in that backpack earlier, knowing that the partisans might come for me. I also packed my diary. I had to go upstairs to get tttore clothes. Two partisans "rith rifles went with me, staying right next to me. My browning 635 pistol was hidden upstairs. I considered teaching for it and shooting lhe partisans. But I remembered my father’s advice. Ana Marija was downstairs ar»d there were more partisans outside. Even if I could Set the two that were with ttte, the others would get me ^d my family. As we left-the house. Ana ^arija said, “Tony, now Vou’re ours. Make sure you don’t do anything stupid.” “I "'on’t if you won’t,” I said. The next day, I took ad-Vantage of the right moment and escaped safely from the partisans. But that is the subject for another story (See “Escape from Communism.”) Needless to say, World War II was very hard for my parents. They didn’t support the Germans (who occupied our village in 1941), but they hated the partisans even more. The partisans said they were fighting the Germans, but in their quest for power, the partisans did more harm to our own people. In 1943, Ata told me that it had been easier to be a soldier on the front lines in World War I than to be back in our home village in World War II. At least back then, we knew who the enemy was. In WWII in Yugoslavia, we had neighbors fighting neighbors, sometimes even families split up among the warring factions. The hardest times for my family began on November 10, 1944, when the partisans accused Ata of collaborating with the Germans. They came to take him away, but Mama and my two sisters insisted they would not let him go alone. Take them all or nobody. The leader of the partisan band realized that he could not force Ata to go with them. Ata was a respected member of our community and it would make the partisans look bad if they used force on him and our family. The partisans had not been issued orders to arrest Mama and my sisters, so they left that day without taking further action. (To Be Continued) CWV Pig Roast St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 is holding a pig roast on Sunday, Sept. 18 at Eagles Picnic Grounds, 37299 Euclid Avenue, Willoughby, Ohio. Cost to member and their spouse is $25.00 Cost to member, auxiliary and widows is $ 12.50 each. Cost for guest is $18.00. This includes p full meal, beer, and soft drinks. Hot dogs will also be available. There will also be a bocci tournament. For tickets, make checks payable to St. Vitus CWV Post 1655 and mail to Richard J. Mott, 760 E. 212 St., Euclid, OH 44119-2464. Whatever Happened to? Editor, Whatever happened to the United Slovenian Society band? It was so great. Whatever happened to the United Americans for Slovenia organization? The di\erse group did a lot of J good for Slovenia. —Emilec Jenko Euclid, Ohio 3 This past month American Home Publishing Co., Inc. had their sign repainted. The master artist who did an excellent job of repainting and updating the sign was Rachel Kristanc, pictured above. The sign in front of the American Home Publishing was taken down and re-hung by Paul Lavrish of Lavrisha Construction Co. Paul also repainted the front of the American Home building as well as the door. — Rachel is a nursing student at Kent State University.________ SND Chicken Dinner The Sisters of Notre Dame invite American Home readers to the 43rd Annual chicken Barbecue and Boutique to be held on Sundays, Sept. 18 and 25, rain or shine, 12 noon until 5 p.m.. The dinners will be available at Notre Dame Educational Center on Auburn Road, just South of Mayfield, in Char-don. A delicious meal of hot barbecued chicken or ribs, fresh rolls, crispy chips, tangy cole slaw or applesauce, and Patterson Farm’s Dutch Apple Pie. Share this great meal in fun, friendship, and fund raising for only $8.50 for chicken dinner; or $11.50 for rib dinner. Browse through the boutique and select lovely handmade craft items made by the Sisters themselves. Thanks to Bingo Workers Thank you so much to my bingo workers at the Slovene Home for the Aged during the months of June, July, and August, (each Wednesday.) All were so loyal about helping, especially during all the hot weather. Thanks to our benefactor who supplied the money we give to all the winners of the bingo games. We love you, and God bless. We, the residents and workers had a very tearful “Au Revoir,” till next time. Se vid'mo... Emilee Jenko Stimburys " Accounting Accounting 8 Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 !« (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccountlng.com Enrolled to Practice Befdte the Internal Revenue Service , Servicing Individuals Corporations & Smat Businesses Recycle • Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a TV or computer monitor for three hours. • Every glass bottle recycled saves enough energy to light a 100 watt light bulb for four hours. Art Guild Meets The Slovenian National Art Guild will meet on Monday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. The annual Art and Craft Show will be held on Sunday, Nov. 13, the same day as the Circle #2 concert at the Slovenian Society Hall in Euclid, Ohio. The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money. —Unknown author St. Vitus Village 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV, and much, much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 301-0300 with any questions on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community.; 1 :' •" • • » 1 M AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA,. SEPTEMBER 4 ‘Koline’ Dinners at Pristava o The Slovenska Pristava ^ Pensioners Club (SPPC) will ^ hold its annual fall event, "Koline” on Sunday, Oct. 9. It is a traditional Slovenian custom of making homemade rice and blood sdusage {krvave klobase and pečenice) at this time of year. Serving will begin at noon and continue until 3 f5.m_ The meal will include one big rice or blood sausage and one link of fresh garlic sausage with sauerkraut, fried potatoes, strudel and coffee. The proceeds will go to many good causes, such as the beatification of Bishop Baraga, financial support for both Slovenian Saturday Schools of St. Mary’s and St. Vitus parishes, plus many other numerous causes and community projects. So come and enjoy a delicious homemade meal in a beautiful autumn atmosphere at Slovenska Pristava, j Frank llraitkar •' .v • I Celebrities' Real Names Presented by Sam Butara = (PhU Hrvatin) A Alan Alda = Alphonso D’Abruzzo Woody Allen = Allen Konigsberg Muhammad Ali = Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. Julie Andrews = Julia Elizabeth Wells '■f Fred Astaire = Frederick Austerlitz Chet Atkins = Chester B. Atkins Frankie Avalon = Francis Thomas Avalonne B Lauren Bacall - Betty Joan Perske ' Anne Bancroft = Anna Maria Italiano Brigitte Bardot = Camille Javal . vy- Pat Benatar = Patricia Andrejewski ; Tony Bennett = Anthony Benedetto ' • 7 Jack Benny - Benjamin Kubelsky Tom Berenger = Tfibmas Michael Moore ■ 1 Chuck Berry = j Chatles Edward. Anderson Berry Billy the Kid = William H. Bonney Robert Blake = Michael Gubitosi Jon Bon 'Jovi = John Francis Bongiovi Bono (U2) = Paul Hew-son Sonny Bono = Salvatore Phillip Bono David Bowie = David Robert Jones Boy George = George Alan O’Dowd Charles Bronson = Charles Buchinski Albert Brooks = Albert Einstein Mel Brooks = Melvin Kaminsky George Bums = Nathan Bimbaum Ellen Burstyn = Edna Gi-hooley Richard Burton = Richard Jenkins (To Be Continued) I drove too fast but worry about cholesterol -Phil Hrvatin J ^ a continuing tradition of excellence since 1910 At Brickman & Sons, Inc. Funeral Home we continue to serve our community as we have for nearly a century, offering the care and consideration every family deserves ip their time of need. From traditional funerals to pre arrangement services, our experienced funeral directors are able to assist you and your family with any type of funeral arrangement. For utore information, please call us at 216-481-5277 or visit our website at www.brickmanandsons.com. O Brickman St Sons, Inc. ^^ rvwsiMt. mom* ra j mrn,'. 'j iii'rfii i'i < *'J H ; mS «' ’»> -. ivj : itj«i rrramr«« 4 « • «VVIM * *'/« W'« V« 4V’41*H■*■iW*^^ a’2 Va a'a'aWa '. J.:!*. .v Miakar Walks Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Well after a week off, am back and will refrain from writing about our trip to Slovenia and thought I would say a few words about the tragedy that hit the United States, primarily the Southern States with the tremendous damage and flooding in New Orleans, Mississippi, and neighboring states. A few years back we were devastated with the tragedy of 911 with the airplanes crashing into the Twin Towers in New York City which took hundreds of lives, and now we have the loss of lives and homes in the southern states. Our hearts go out to them and here is hoping'we all find it in our hearts to open our wallets and send whatever we can to the Red Cross to aid our fellow Americans. It tugs at ones’ heart to know that they left everything they owned, a place they called “home” for years, leaving with only the clothes on their back in most cases. Reading the newspapers and watching the various scenes on TV was really heart rendering. Without a doubt these fine people have lost everything. We pray to God that he will give them the necessary courage and strength to carry on. After seeing some of the photos on TV, one wonders if they will ever be able to go back, for in most cases the homes they had been living in were flooded with water to the roof line. With the decay of the lumber, it will have to be completely removed and start from the bottom up once again. Fortunately, it was good to read that some of the neighboring countries are coming to their aid, financially as well as actually coming there to do what they can to aid the situation. I am sure that a lot of our readers have friends and relatives who lived in that area who are suffering from their losses. Now more than ever, we have to help, we have to get involved for these are our own American people who were hit with such a tragedy that has never happened before to such a vast extent. I was happy to leam last weekend the American Le-gion Post in Parma, the one I belong to, had sponsored a spaghetti dinner with all funds being donated to the American Red Cross. It is not too late to send a check to the American Red Cross Regardless how much or how little you send, each and every dollar will show them we care. With the amount of money the Federal Government is furnishing, and the funds donated throughout the world to them, will in some way show we care. They say that behind every dark cloud, there is a silver lining, and I am sure that God almighty will insure that the “rays” of hope, mercy and kindness will show through. Let us show them that we care, show them the true meaning of “Love thy neighbor.” In closing, I know our hearts ache for them, so let us walk with them, every step of the way. Although I have jokes up my sleeve, under my sleeve, and under my belt, I will refi^in from jokes this week. In the meantime may the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you and most of all may the Good Lord watch over our fellow neighbors down South. Slovene Pensioners of Euclid, Ohio The Slovene Pensioners of Euclid held their latest meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 7th at Recher Slovenian Society Home. Our recent summer picnic was held at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio on Wednesday, July 27th. It was a very successful event. Caterer Josie Cerer and staff did a superb job of preparing the dinner with all the trimmings for more ' than 200 persons who attended. Despite the fact it rained most of the afternoon, this did not dampen our spirits, as we happily danced away the hours to the lively tunes of the Captain’s Crew. Not only did we enjoy great polkas and waltzes, but the button boxers took a few breaks and then the “Cruisers” took over and played swinging contemporary music for our pleasure. Sadly, we must report that we have lost several members this summer: Stanley Launch, Frances Orehik, Mildred Zalar, and Anna Otoničar. Our deepest sympathies to their families. May their souls rest in peace. The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. -Lucille Ball Members are truly enjoying the speakers and entertainment featured each month. In August, Arlene Myotte from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program presented a Red Cross Plan for disaster preparedness. She gave a very informative talk, outlining items needed in an emergency kit and important steps to be taken during a disaster. She also distributed helpful literature. In September, members were delighted with the husband and wife duo, Bob and Shelly Orlando of Italian and Japanese extraction. This musically talented duo surprised everyone by singing “Jaz pa ti,” and “zaplula” in Slovenian - no easy task for them - and also amused us with their comic dialogue. In October, we are looking forward to having a little “spooky” fun, as members are asked to invent a scary Halloween costume to wear. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. Also, cake, donuts, and cider will be served, and Ron Sluga will entertain us with his guitar and banjo wizardry, compliments of George Knaus. Recently, we have gained several new members. In August, we welcomed Pat Bush, Peggy Oberstar and Ken Zalar; and in September, Fran Belismo, Tony Fa-bee and Josephine Markatos joined our ranks. Plans are already initiated for a party to be held during the Holiday Season on our meeting day, Wednesday. Dec. 7 . Our caterer is Josi® Cerer, and we have engaged A1 Battistelli to provide musical entertainment. He did such a sensational job 1®^ year that we can hardly 'va't for this year’s party. Come, and have a jolly good time. The year is going by s° quickly, but we are doing our utmost to make it a fu11 one. If you would like t0 come as a guest and see whal we are all about, come do"'11 to Recher Hall the first Wednesday of any month-Meetings begin at 1 P-^” with speaker or entertain' ment prior to the business meeting. Everyone is vve come. -Lori Sierputmvskj Preside111 Anyone can hold the ship’s helm when the sea is calm- The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things. —Phil (The Philosopher) Hrvatin. ,i;.j;:j Mj.vlbn •" r;:- St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day News Fall is upon us and we are nearing our Annual Honoree Day event. The big day, as always, is the last Sunday in October, Oct. 30 this year. We will begin with Mass at high noon in our beautiful St. Vitus Church with our very “own” bishop celebrating the Mass... the Most Rev. Edward Pevec. As you all know by now, a “class affair” will follow in the St. Martin de Porres Auditorium. A gourmet dinner prepared by renowned Slovenian “chef’ Mrs. Julie Zalar will tantalize your taste buds. It will be followed by installation of Honorees, Councilman Joseph Cimperman and Anthony Baznik, Class of’39. Our Master of Ceremonies for this season will be our own Slovenian radio broadcaster Tony Petkovšek. Reservations should be made early. For tickets ($20.00) call Ray Gobec 440-285-2359. The Alumni will meet on Thursday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. in the Slovenian Room of St. Vitus Village to finalize arrangements for the above special event. The ‘regulars’ that come faithfully will enjoy having a ‘few new faces’ added to our group. We always enjoy getting together, but since °ur group is part of the aging society, each meeting we lose a few due to illness, etc. ^Ve^need you. Young blood. Young ideas. fVe need you. 0) come down and make a difference. Our two ‘staunch’ Members Josephine Perpar and Albina Pozelnik are both sdH on our ‘out of Clrculation’ list. Jo Perpar is "o longer able to walk and is °ed bound (1041 E. 177 St., peveland 44119). She is not 0ut of the picture’ yet. Her Slster Jean is Josephine’s angel is disguise. You should e oommended Jean. It is not ®asy. You are gaining points for heaven. ^ Our “Sergeant-at-Arms” °u Shank is now a resident St. Joseph Nursing orne, 21800 Chardon Rd., Uclid, OH 44117. He would Ppreciate a visit or cards. P So at the same address is ranees Nemanich who e obrated her 94th birthday o Aug. 22. What a lady. at k ^eePs them all hopping Birtui' St‘ JosePh’s- Happy rthday, Francka. H is wonderful to see Lil Pq ari^h and her sister Fran Cl sythe at some of the St. that^ ^Unct'ons again. Know tho ^°U Were rn'sse eft S'Ve of their time and an« ^ ^Preciated. Have not seen Marge Batis around much lately. Hope you can make the next meeting, Marge. We miss seeing you. Just heard that a certain couple will be celebrating a very special anniversary in October, their “Golden” one. Congratulations to Vince and Mitzi Globokar. May you be blessed with many more. Of course, all the regulars, you know who you are, come to the meeting. Bring along a new member. Hope to have a full house on Thursday, Oct. 6. Besides, who wants to miss out on all the goodies that are always served at the end of the meeting. We will also be needing as much help as we can get the day before our event. Even if you don’t attend the meeting, won’t you give us a hand on Oct. 29? We have lost so many hands due to illness, etc. If you can breathe, you are most welcome. Be there by 9:30 a.m. Thanks. Short bios of 2005 honorees: Anthony Baznik, Class of 1939. Anthony, better known as Tony, was bom on Oct. 16, 1924 to Anton and Mary Baznik, living at 6011 Glass Ave., close'to St. Vitus Church. He was the younger brother of Joseph. Anthony attended and graduated from St. Vitus High School in 1939. Upon graduation from East Technical High School, in 1943 he was drafted into the U.S. Navy Seabees. He spent his tour of duty in Oahu, Eniwetok and Okinawa, being discharged from the Great Lakes Naval Base in 1946 with a rating of Carpenter’s Mate, Second Class. In 1951 he joined the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company where he worked until his retirement in 1989 at age 65. On August 21, 1954, Father Baraga performed the marriage ceremony of Tony to Valerie Per in St. Vitus church. They were blessed with three daughters, Margaret (married to Kurt Hetz), Barbara (married to George Stevenson), and Elizabeth (married to Michael Smith). There are five grandchildren, Brian, Timothy, Andrew, Emily and Katherine. The sudden death of his wife, Valerie, was a blow to him and his family. Trying to cope with the loss, Tony has increased his involvement in the parish (Holy Cross and St. Vitus) , l n i ii I W«™™11 1 *•*'** f *«. activities and organizations. Anthony Baznik is a very active member of St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655, St. Vitus Holy Name Society, Catholic Order of Foresters, St. Clair Pensioners, and St. Vitus Alumni. He readily gives of his time when called, as a volunteer at St. Joseph’s Christian Life Center, entertains weekly at the Slovene Home for the Aged with his button box. He is always at ‘beckon call,’ the word ‘no’ is not in his vocabulary. The Class of ’39 is happy to add another classmate to its Roster of Alumni Honorees. Congratulations, Tony! Joe Cimperman, Class of 1984. Joseph (lovingly known as “Jože” Cimperman was bom on July 12, 1970 to the late Joe and Majda Cimperman. He was raised on East 74 Street in the heart of the largest Slovenian neighborhood, the St. Clair Community. His sister Maria Cimperman, is an Ursuline nun. She is pursuing her doctorate in Medical Ethics at Boston College. Joe attended both St. Vitus Elementary and St. Vitus Slovenian language school. He graduated with the class of 1984 whereupon he entered St. Ignatius High School and then John Carroll University. While a senior at John Carroll, he organized the first annual Jesuit University and College Convention, bringing together the 28 Jesuit schools nationally, into Cleveland. Joe ran for Cleveland City Council in 1997 and has been a Councilman ever since. His commitment to the St. Clair Slovenian-Superior Communities is never ending, and we are lucky to have him at the helm. He is the nephew of our well know, Rev. Father Victor Cimperman, Mary Cimperman, Tony and Ann Stražar. Congratulations, Joze. Slovenians Are Cool 2 HR VIDEO TAPE or DVD • Krofe • Potica • Strudel • Pohanje • Potato Pancakes • Noodles and Cabbage • and MORE Ideal for Brides, Showers, Christmas Gifts, Personal Price $29. Make checks payable to Flo Petrich 38453 Wood Rd. u Willoughby, OH 44094...•> Ph: 440-946-2803 Senator Harkin visits Slovenia U.S. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa arrived in Slovenia on August 26 for a visit during which he was presented with the Golden Order of Services by President Janez Drnovšek for his work benefiting Slovenia. During his stay in Slovenia, Senator Harkin met with President Janez Drnovšek, Prime Minister Janez Janša, Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, Defense Minister Karl Erjavec, Chairman of the National Assembly France Cukjati, and representatives of International Trust for De-mining. In addition to official meetings, Senator Harkin, who is of Slovenian descent, and his wife, took the opportunity to visit sites outside of Ljubljana. Tom Harkin is a product of small town Iowa who has not forgotten his origins. He was bom on November 19, 1939 to a coal miner father and a Slovenian immigrant mother who passed away when Tom was 10-years-old. Tom, his three brothers and two sisters and their parents shared a two-bedroom home in Gumming, lown (population 150). Tom is a fourth generation Iowan, a father of two, a Navy veteran, and a graduate of Iowa State University._________________ Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for submitting this article and photo. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, Pork Chops, and Goulash Dinners ttilC We Make House Calls ... A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! GORJANC HEATING-COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com ^ Heating Plumbing ^ $10 OFF $25 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service I Drain Cleaning - ANGIES UST SUPf* Sf RVICE AWARD Northeart Ohio 2003 May not be combined with other dUcounts. Expires 3/31/0$ May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 Our Vacation in Paris by PATRICIA COIL _______Euclid Travel_______ Wednesday was sunny and not too cold. We persuaded my husband to come along with us to Montmartre and wait for us in the park next to the metro station while we went off on another Paris Walk. When we discovered that Brad was again the tour guide, we decided this was going to be our last walk. We met Brad at the Abbesses, which is the deepest Paris metro station. Since the area is honeycombed with old gypsum mines, the builders had to go down 300 feet to reach bedrock. This stop is also one of two that still has the original art nouveau wrought iron arches and glass roof. Near the stop was a Wallace fountain, named for a famous Englishman who donated them to the city of Paris in the early 1900’s. The story goes that he and his family were dining and were charged for water. (Things haven’t charged much since then. Several times when we requested tap water, we were informed the restaurant did not serve tap water to their guests and we would have to buy bottled water instead.) Wallace was so incensed that he had these fountains constructed to provide a steady stream of pure water. We saw people coming to the fountains to fill their water bottles. Originally, the fountains came with a gas heater so people could also get hot water. (It wasn’t until the 1950s that most apartments had hot water.) Unfortunately in the 1920s one of the fountains blew up so the gas heater was removed. Across the street from the metro stop was a church with mosaics decorating the front. It was built by a bishop who thought his parishioners were too lazy to walk up to the Church of St. Pierre, which is almost at the top of Montmartre. The front of the Church of St. Pierre contains four columns that probably stood in a Roman temple that was originally built on that spot. On the walk up to Sacre Coeur, we saw where many of the famous impressionist artists like Picasso lived, -. - Z, 3 • Sacre Coeur sparkles in the afternoon sun. worked, and played. The Lapin Agile Cabaret was the hangout of local artists like Renoir, Picasso, and Utrillo. There was a faded poster above the door that gave the place its name. A rabbit (lapin) was shown leaping out of a pot while balancing the bottle of wine that he could now drink - rather than be cooked in. Once to play a practical joke on the avant-garde art community, patrons tied a paintbrush to the tail of the owner’s donkey and entered the “abstract painting” called “Sunset over the Adriatic” in an art show. It won critical praise and later sold for a good price. When Montmartre was a farming and mining community, it housed 200 windmills. Gypsum was ground up by the mills to create the plaster used for making statues. This plaster was called Plaster of Paris. One of the remaining windmills was part of a Man caught in the wall. Alpine Evening at St. Mary’s An Alpine Evening, featuring Ansambel Gašperji from Begunje, Slovenia will be held on Wednesday, September 21 in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish community center. Tickets for the event are $10; students (under age 18) are $5. Tickets are available in the rectory office. They may also be made by sailing Elizabeth Zalik at 440-537-1941. 1800s dance hall, but now sits above a condominium complex. There is still one vineyard in the area and there is a wine festival in the fall. Along the way we saw statues, like the headless statue of St. Denis. He was killed by the Romans and picked up his head and walked three miles farther before he died. My favorite statue is the one of the man trapped in a wall, which represents a character from a French short story. The man discovered one day that he could walk through walls. When he got a boss that he really hated, he started walking through the wall into the boss’ office. When the boss would check, he would always be back at his desk. After a while this got boring so he became a successful thief. He turned himself in eventually, because he wanted people to know about his amazing powers. He had a great time in jail because he could come and go as he pleased. When he was released, he went to a doctor seeking a cure for this ability to walk through walls. The doctor gave him two pills and told him to take one immediately and wait one year to take the other one. He swallowed the first pill and put the other one in his pocket. One day he was forced to flee his married lover’s bedroom. He had a headache, so as he was leaving the room, he reached into his pocket and took the pill. As a result he was stuck half way through the wall. (To Be Continued) What is the sole muscle in your body that is only attached at one end? Answer: The tongue. One person can take care of up to 200 cattle. f'« i i ’J ^ 'i ' 1. I ^ ' Coming Attractions Friday, Sept. 16 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Wayne Tomsic. Saturday, Sept. 17 Clam Bake at, Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH. Advance reservations only call Sr. Rochelle at (216) 481-8232. $30 person or $55 couple. 12 clams or 10 oz. strip steak, baked 'A chicken, baked sweet potato, clam chowder, pasta, clam broth, rolls and butter, com on the cob. Sunday, Sept. 18 Wine Festival (Vinska Trgatev) at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, Sept. 18 Wine Festival at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Sept. 18 Friends of SNPJ Farm dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners 1 to 3; dancing to music of Ray Polantz orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Sunday, Sept. 18 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., BBQ Rib Dinner (baby back), $12.00. Serving 12 noon - 2 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic from 2-5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21 Alpine evening at St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish center featuring Avsenik band. $10 adults, $5 children. Wienerschnitzel dinners: $12. For reservations call 440 537-1941. Friday, Sept. 23 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Frank Moravcik. Saturday, Sept. 24 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Moonlight Bowling 6:30 p.m. $25 per couple includes bowling, meal and prizes. Call Tony at 440-243-4062 or Anna Mae at (216) 341-6136 for reservations. Sunday, Sept. 25 Slovenian Grape Festival at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners 1 to 3. Parade and harvest ceremony 2:00 followed by dancing to music of Tony Fortuna Or-cheatra 3:30 to 7:30. Friday, Sept. 30 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Ed Rodick. Wednesday, Oct. 5 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., SOSO raffle 7 p.m. $10 admits two. Includes sandwiches & chips. Music by Joe Novak from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6 St. Vitus Alumni meeting ' in' St:' ' Vitus Village Slovenian Room, 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Bob Kravos. Sunday, Oct. 9 Collinwood Slovenian Home Musicfest honoring Kenny Zalar. Outside tent at 1 p.m. Doors open at 12 noon. Come join the fun on Holmes Ave. Free admission. KSKJ St. Joseph #169 will be matching funds for this event. Sunday, Oct. 9 Koline Dinners at Slovenska Pristave from noon to 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St. featuring Fred Zi-wich. Sunday, Oct. 16 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) School Alumni annual banquet in parish center, after 12 noon Mass. Friday, Oct. 21 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St. featuring Frank Moravcik. Sunday, Oct. 22 Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH, served 9 a.m. to 1p.m. $5. Sunday, Oct. 23 Annual meeting of Slovenska Pristava. Friday, Oct. 28 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St. featuring Joey Tom-sick Orchestra. Saturday, Oct. 29 Fantje na Vasi concert, 7 p.m., Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Contact Tom Srsen 440-352-7455 for additional information. Sunday, Oct. 30 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., St. Lawrence School Reunion Dinner Dance. Mass 5:30 p.m. in St. Lawrence Church officiated by Bishop A. Edward Pevec. Nash doors open at 6:30. Tickets $15. Music b^ Joe Novak from 7:30 to ? Tickets available at 440-243-0312. Sunday, Oct. 30 St. Vitus Alumni Hon-oree Day. 12 noon Mass-Dinner follows. For dinner tickets call Ray Gobec 440-285-2359. Sunday, Oct. 30 Slovenian Nationa Home, 3563 E. 80th St., An nual Clambake - ^ (includes draft beer). Serv ing 2 - 4 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 4-7 p.m- Sunday, Oct. 30 Zarja Concert ‘‘Fi^ Five Is Still Alive” Sl°^e nian Society Home, p.m. Danqing 5:30 - 8:30 "Ray Polantz Orchestra, do nation $10. Death Notices DOROTHY A. DYBZINSKI Dorothy A. Dybzinski (nee Seday), age 82 of Richmond Heights, wife of the late Edward “Butch”; beloved mother of Peter; dear sister of Bill Sedey, Lil Bundich and the late Alice McMurray; cherished aunt of Brian Sedey; and special friend to Mary Sroka. Dorothy was a longtime volunteer at Euclid Hospital, and Den Mother of Disabled Boy Scouts. Mass of Christian Burial was on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2005 at St. Felicitas Church. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at the Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd. on Friday, Sept. 9 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. AUGUSTA PERKO Augusta (Tekancic) Perko, 84, passed away on Sunday, September 4, 2005 at Western Reserve Nursing Home in Kirtland, Ohio. Augusta was bom on August 27, 1921 in Cleveland. She was a 37-year resident of Kirtland; formerly she was a resident of Highland Heights and Wickliffe. She was a member of KSKJ. Augusta loved polka music and taking care of her family. She was a Women’s Locker Room Manager at Kirtland Country Club. Mrs. Perko is survived by children Phillip M. (Darlene), Patricia Wedding and David (Diane); grandmother of Matthew Perko, Susan Wedding and Benjamin Perko; greatgrandchildren Sara Wedding aud Benjamin Perko. She was special aunt to Dory and many others. Deceased family members are husband Philip F.; siblings Sophie Struna, Rudolph Tekaucic, Sylvia Knaus, Henry Tekancic, and Veronica Perko. Friends called at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Thursday, Sept. 8 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial m Chapel of the Divine W°rd, 8100 Eagle Rd., Kirtland. on Friday, Sept. 9 ^ 10 a.m. Interment in All °uls Cemetery, Chardon. Memorial suggestions to Asera Care Hospice, 4081 Embassy Pkwy., Akron, OH 44333. JEAN SKOLARIS Jean Skolaris (nee Baudek) age 83 of Euclid, Ohio, wife of the late Frederick; beloved mother of Karen (Ronald) Tumbry and Fred (Linda); cherished grandmother of Kimberly, Ryan (Christine), Ronald (Rachael) Trumbry and Christopher (Becky), Jennifer, Katie and Michael Skolaris; great-grandmother of Lexie and Collin; dear sister of Olga Artensi, Sylvia Wagoner and Matthew Baudek. Mass of Christian Burial on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at Holy Cross Church. Interment Lakeview Cemetery. Friends received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Monday, Sept. 12, from 4-8 p.m. FRANK M. SUSTAR Frank M. Sustar, 68, passed away on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 in Cleveland Clinic. Mr. Sustar was bom on Oct. 10, 1936 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has been a Euclid resident for 64 years. Mr. Sustar was a member of KSKJ, AMLA, and FOPA. He was employed as a policeman in the Euclid Police Department for 20 years, and owner of Frank’s Wholesale. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH on Friday, Sept. 9 from 4-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was on Saturday, Sept. 10 at St. Christine Church, 840 E. 222 St., Euclid, Ohio. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. JOHN MARTINC John Martinc, age 86, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2005 at the Slovene Home for the Aged in Cleveland. Mr. Martinc was bom on August 7, 1919 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He was a Euclid, Ohio resident for 22 years. He was a member of St. Vitus Lodge No. 25 of KSKJ. Mr. Martinc was a Plastic Pattern Maker for Electro-Gen Plastics. He is survived by children John Jr. (wife Linda) and Margardfe Martinc; grandchildren Lisa Adomaitis and Greg (wife Jennifer) Martinc; greatgrandchildren Jessica, Ryan and Madison Marie, and a Žele FuneKal Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 ^ Family owned and operated since 1908 .0! ?. no im host of relatives in Slovenia. His brothers Louis, Joze and Franc Martinc are deceased. Friends called at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH on Friday, Sept. 2 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Mass of Christian burial was at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 3 in St. Vitus Church. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. In Memory Thanks to Maria Bajc who donated $20.00 to the American Home in memory of her husband, Lojze Bajc. In Memory Thanks to Albina Zimmerman of Cleveland, OH who donated $30.00 in memory of her mother and father, Antonia and Anton Baraga. They were the hospitable winery people. Donation Thanks to the Slovene Hall of West Park, Cleveland, OH who donated $25.00 to the American Home. Large Donation Thanks to I. Hilary Rolih of Syosset, NY who renewed his subscription and added a great $100 donation. In Memory Thanks to Sophia L. Skopitz of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Josie Leufkens of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her mother and father Josie and Frank Jazbec. Donation Thanks to Waterloo Balinca Club of Cleveland, Ohio for the donation of $15.00. In Loving Memory Joseph A. Jerse Fourth Anniversary Died Sept. 20, 2001 Still with us in spirit Wife: Mary E. Father Bill, Joe and Nella Ed and Shannon -and Grandchildren Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Ivan Mavrovich, Venise, Quebec — $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Grdadolnik, Euclid, OH — $15.00 Charles Gliha, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Milena Ferkul, Richmond Heights, OH — $5.00 Anton L. Moze, Jr., Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Milan and Martha Pecharich, Darien, IL — $5.00 Joseph S. Baškovič, Willoughby Hills, OH -$15.00 Connie E. Schulz, Willoughby, OH — $15.00 Angela Janesch, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Anton Babnik, Putnam Valley, NY -$15.00 Niko Tomc, Jupiter, FL — $5.00 Katrica Dreu, Cleveland, OH -$10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Drago Androjna, Euclid, OH — $10.00 Collinwood Musicfest The Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave., Cleveland will be presenting a “Musicfest” honoring Kenny Zalar on Sunday, Oct. 9th. Doors open at 12 noon. Registration for St. Mary’s Slovenian School St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian Language School will have registration for the 2005/2006 school year on Saturday, Sept. 17 at 9 a.m. Class will start that day. Classes are offered for Pre-school through 8th Grade and will meet on Saturday mornings. If you require additional information, please call Marty Marsic at 440-460-0682 or Marija Sedmak at 216-692-0186. All students wishing to learn about the Slovenian language and culture are welcome. Louise (Kogovšek) and James Sulecki, Mentor, OH -$15.00 St. Mary’s COF 90th Anniversary St. Mary’s Court 1640 Catholic Order of Foresters will be celebrating their 90lh anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 24 in St. Mary’s Parish Hall, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Cocktails will be served at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. The Foresters will gather before festivities for the 5 p.m. Mass , The 90th anniversary dinner is open to all. Tickets are $20 and children under 12 are admitted free. For tickets or reservations, please contact John Spilar at (216) 681 -2119. Donation Thanks to Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman who donated $19.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Ciril and Margaret Selan of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation “For a job well done.” Donation Thanks to Marijan Strancar of Broadview Heights, Ohio for the $25.00 donation to Ameriška Domovina. A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass intp nothingnqss. , , Adult Slovenian School Open Slovenian School for adults will begin on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. at St. Martin de Porres School (formerly St. Vitus), 6111 Lausche Ave., Cleveland. For further information, please call Marie Burgar at (216) 249-3703 or Lillian Centa at (216) 289-7253. Both beginners and continuing students are welcome. Clambake to Benefit Shrine A clambake will be hek at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17 in St. Ann Dining Room, located on the beautiful grounds. Proceeds will be used for the upkeep of the Shrine. Reservations are required. Contact Sister Rochelle at (216) 481-8232. Clam bake tickets are $30 a person; $55 for a couple. Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers: AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBfcK 15, ZUU5 ŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 Slovenian Cooking Class in Sonoma County Wine Country Last week, 24 people from San Francisco, San Steve Režonja of Režonja Wine Cellars Jose, Marin, and local communities ascended to the peak of Pine Mountain to a cornucopia of Slovenian cooking and culture. Steve Režonja of Režonja Wine Cellars hosted the inquisitive culinary escapade c4 which was professionally ^ and delicately orchestrated < by Kathy Chesko, the executive chef of Režonja Wine Cellars. This collection of food and wine enthusiasts were here to learn about Slovenian food, as this was presented as “Ahead of the Tourists” Slovenian Dinner. Recently there has been an increased awareness of Slovenia as many travel and food articles, including Food and Wine, Bon Appetit, San Jose Mercury News and New York Times have written compelling articles about the beauty of this country, culture and, of course, its food. This recent encouragement compelled Kathy to suggest that a cooking class be conducted at Režonja Wine Cellars. Over their 15 plus years as good friends and food enthusiasts, Kathy and her husband Russ had been dubbed honorary Slovenians as they had attended many family and Slovenian public functions. An excellent research chef, Kathy envisioned the menu based on meals prepared with Steve at various family gatherings as well as inputs from Steve’s sister Mimi, aunt Emi and uncle Ed. To supplement her menu, Kathy also referenced the Treasured Slovenian Recipes cookbook, her personal copy. The Saturday afternoon began with a tour of the vineyards, led by Tim Ward, the owner of Sky Pine Vineyards, and his trusty four legged companion Caby. As the group climbed the challenging grades of the hillside vineyards, one of the guests remarked that years ago, as the team physician for the US Olympic team, he had the pleasure of competing in Slovenia. As part of his tour, he visited a few vineyards in the Maribor area. He commented at how much the Sky Pine Vineyards reminded him of those in Slovenia. The vineyard tour concluded back at the winery where Kathy was ready to begin her class. The first course began with Čevapčiči. Kathy demonstrated how to “roll” them by hand, but also presented a small sausage stuffer for those more serious čevapčiči consumers. The civapcici were beautifully grilled with green onions and presented to the guests as an appetizer. Režonja Wine Cellars Merlot accompanied the čevapčiči with not a “cevap” or a drop of wine left over. The second course was a demonstration of a Slovenian Tomato Salad. Sonoma county is fortunate with many prized organic markets, which accented the flavors and freshness of this delectable salad. Plenty of bread was used to “soak-up” the dressing at the bottom of the bowl. Režonja Wine Cellar’s Cabernet Franc was served as it enhanced the spiciness of the salad. This was a real treat, as only a few cases remain of this rare production. Next was a dish not often seen, but certainly one of the favorites with the class. Pumpkin seed oil from Steve’s fathers region of Prekmurje was called to dress a bean and potato salad. In her typical expertise, Kathy accented this very homey and earthy dish with some toasted pumpkin seeds. The meat for the main course was very traditional: Pork. Kathy researched a number of recipes and before the class was held, she prepared no less than a dozen different variations of this “simple” recipe. Of course, copious amounts of garlic and wine were incorporated with various accenting spices. Kathy said that although the pork rib roast was going to be grilled, it could as easily be roasted with sauerkraut and potatoes, making it a wonderful winter meal. Steve’s Silver Award Winning Cabernet Sauvi-gnon was served with the pork and bean and potato salad. Everyone was glad to use their newly learned phrase, “dober tek.” Not much was being said as the guests merrily consumed their new Slovenian cuisine. Avsenik was played in the background to accompany the sounds of the happy guests enjoying their entree. Dessert was awesome as Kathy demonstrated how to make strudel dough from scratch. Kathy forgot her pastry roller, so a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon was put to use. In short order, Kathy was instructing the class how to stretch the dough by hand until it was paper thin. Many notes and photographs were taken. The filling used was that of fresh seasonal peaches and blackberries. The raisons used in the recipe were soaked in Slivovec. A bottle of this delectable homemade concoction was passed around. It was clear that not only did the guests enjoy and want seconds of the strudel, a second “taste” of the Slovenian “Holy Water” was eagerly requested. The late afternoon gastronomic experience ended with the class praising Kathy with a resounding “Hvala lepa.” It was clear that many people who had not heard or experienced Slovenian culture and its foods were pleasingly exposed. All of the guests left with copies of the recipes as well as copies of Slovenian travel guides presented by John Hutar, Honorary Consulate to Slovenia in San Francisco. As the guests began to leave the winery, a few looked up at the flag pole and asked what the flag below the American flag was. “It’s the Slovenian flag.” -- “Oh,” one remarked, “I’ll remember that from now on.” ČEVAPČIČI Grilled handmade lamb, pork and beef sausages with grilled green onions. - Makes about 30. 1 pound ground beef Vi pound ground pork Vi pound ground lamb Vi cup finely chopped white onion 4 large cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon chopped fresh marjoram or 1 teaspoon dried 1 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley or 1 teaspoon dried 1 tablespoon salt 1 Vi teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 1 bunch green onions, cleaned and trimmed 1 tablespoon olive oil Mix beef, pork, lamb, onion, garlic, marjoram, parsley, salt and pepper thoroughly with your hands. Roll into 3-inch long sausages or put through a %” diameter sausage stuffer and cut into 3-inch long pieces. Rub green onions with olive oil before grilling. Heat a grill to medium-high heat. Grill čevapčiči until crispy on the outside and cooked through inside, but still moist. Grill green onions at the same time until they have softened and are lightly charred. Serve the civapcici and onions together on a platter. May use a spicy mustard for dipping. Compliments of Režonja Wine Cellars 1684 Canyon Run, Healdsburg, CA 954448 (707)431-1449 Slovenians: People With Good Taste Kathy stretches the strudel dough FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina j;i ^ ri i>^ci; r*Tt i g AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, September 15, 2005 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - Vesti iz Slovenije - • _________ Prvič danes praznik Primorcev Letos je danes, ob 15. septembru torej, dan vrnitve Primorske matični domovini (5. september 1947 je sicer dan spomina na uveljavitev mirovne pogodbe z Italijo, ko je bil matični domovini vrnjen velik del Goriške), prvič državna proslava. Letos je ta proslava sicer v Portorožu, govornik bo Premier Janez Janša, vendar naj bi bile naslednje letne proslave vsakič v drugem kraju Primorske. Zlati red ameriškemu senatorju Harkinu Predsednik Janez Drnovšek je ameriške-mu demokratskemu senatorju slovenskega r°du Tomu Harkinu iz zvezne države Iowa v Ljubljani 29. avgusta (gl. foto spodaj) Podelil zlati red za zasluge (najvišje civilno odlikovanje v Sloveniji). Senator nikoli ni Pozabil svojih slovenskih korenin (star je 66 let, njegova že pokojna mati je bil priseljenka iz Slovenijo) in je od samega začetka podpiral samostojno državo Slovenijo tar redno sprejemal slovenske politike, ki So se ustavljali v Washingtonu in prosili za Podporo pri vključevanju v NATO. Harkin Je sicer znan kot sploh eden najliberalnej-ših članov zveznega senata, pred leti je za krajši čas bil predsedniški kandidat v stranki. Ob začetku letošnjega šolskega leta v Sloveniji manj šolarjev , V osnovnih šolah je bilo prvi dan pouka 168.629 otrok - lani jih je bilo še 172.692. ^ teh jih je bilo prvošolcev 17.580, lani Pa 17.722. Srednješolcev je bilo letos za 100.000, lani pa 101.829. Dodaten znak o Počasnem, vendar stalnem demografskem nazadovanju v državi. Misijonar Rozman pomaga v Malaviju Zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel je 3. septembra delo patra Stanislava Rozmana (slovenski misijonar v Malaviju, nekdanji častni konzul Slovenije v Zambiji) ocenil kot izredno pozitivno, saj s svojim človekoljubnim delovanjem v korist prebivalcev Malavija predstavlja pomemben vzor. Pater Rozman je v Ljubljani Ruplu predstavil svoje prizadevanje za boj proti okužbam z vi-ruzom HIV in obolelostjo za aidsom, kakor tudi nekatere, prihodnje projekte, izpostavil je predvsem delo z otroki, med katerimi je precejšnje število otrok. Restavriranje obeliska z Robbovega vodnjaka Obelisk z Robbovega vodnjaka so 3. septembra z Mestnega trga prepeljali v restavratorski center Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine, ker so preiskave pokazale, da je na vodnjaku najhuje poškodovan: nagnjen je dober centimeter proti severu, zato se skozi don 6,53 metra visokega in dve toni težkega apnenčastega bloka vidi do frančiškanske cerkve. “Stoji je še zaradi svoje lastne teže, ob malo močnejšem potresu bi zdrsnil,” je povedal vodja posega Jože Dre-šar. Med nedavnim pregledom stanja vodnjaka so opazili dve diagonalni razpoki, ki potekata po vsem obelisku. V restavratorski center bodo monolitu sledili kipi, ki simbolizirajo tri slovenske reke, Ljubljanico, Savo in Krko. Med restavracijo se bo mednarodna strokovna komisija odločila, ali bo restavriran vodnjak prihodnje poletje lahko stal pred mestno hišo. Obstaja pač predlog, da naj bi tam stal povsem nov vodnjak, o-riginal, popolnoma sicer restavriran, pa bi ostal pod streho. ^HEDSEDNIK SLOVENJE JANEZ DRNOVŠEK (desno) je 29. avgusta v Ljubljani odli-oval ameriškega zveznega senatorja slovenskega rodu iz Iowe loma Harkina (gl. poro-'i° 28oraj). Zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel je Harkina gostil na kosilu v Vib Podroz-. in se mu zahvalil za njegov prispevek k slovenskim dosežkom na mednarodnem ri2°rišču ter h krepitvi prijateljskih vezi med Slovenijo in ZDA. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Vinska trgatev na Pristavi— Ta bo v nedeljo, 18. septembra, popoldne od 2h dalje. Kuhinja in točilnica bosta ponujali bogato izbiro hrane in pijače. Za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Veseli godci. Pristavski balincarji— Balincarski klub Slovenske pristave vabi v nedeljo, 18. sept., pop. ob treh, na pristavsko vinsko trgatev, ko bodo tudi tekme v balinanju. Poleg članov in članic kluba so vabljeni na udeležbo ostali člani Pristave, ki bi želeli pokazati svojo spretnost v tej igri. Balincarski klub SP se trudi v korist Pristave že trideset let. Novi grobovi Joseph F. Klaus Dne 8. septembra je v Banningu, Kalif., umrl 80 let stari Joseph F. Klaus, rojen 28. marca 1925 v Willoughbyju, mož France-sce, roj. Poropat, oče Norme Wible in Bonney Zupan, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški mornarici in sicer na ladji U.S.S. Indianapolis. (Ur. AD: To ladjo so potopili Japonci, ne da bi za to vedelo mornariško poveljstvo in je tako več sto mornarjev ostalo na morski gladini več dni, predno so prišli reševalci, in so ogromno trpeli. Med njimi je bil pokojni, ki je bil na morju kar pet dni in pol in je zaradi tega zdravstveno trpel vse ostalo življenje. Ta zadeva je imela veliko razsežnost, kapitan ladje je zaradi nje izgubil kariero in si pozneje celo vzel življenje, napisanih o ladji in njeni usodi je nekaj knjig in člankov in je bil tudi film. Pred potopitvijo je bila ladja dostavila atomsko bomo na otok Tinian, če spomin ne vara.) Bil je član AMLA. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila 10. septembra v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin ali Slovenski pristavi ali Stein Hospice Service ria 1200 Sycamore Line, Sandusky, OH 44870. Jean Skolaris Umrla je 83 let stara Jean Skolaris iz Euclida, rojena Baudek, vdova po Fre-dericku, mati Karen Tum-biy in Fred-a, 7-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, Pristavski upokojenci— Klub pristavskih upokojencev ima mesečni sestanek v sredo, 28. septembra, pop. ob 1.30, na Pristavi. Vabijo pa že vse člane na že tradicionalne “koline” v nedeljo, 9. oktobra (gl. str. 11). Prodaja krofov in peciva— Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete ima prodajo krofov in peciva jutri, v petek, popoldne in v soboto, 17. sept., dopoldne, to v župnijski dvorani. Pridite! “Gašperji” pridejo— “Ansambel Gašperji”, nadaljevalci glasbe Slavka Avsenika, nastopi s koncertom in plesno zabavo v nedeljo, 21. sept., v novi dvorani Marije Vnebovzete v Collin-woodu. Za rezervacije, kličite župnišče na (216) 761-7740, ali pa Elizabeto Žalik na 440-537-1941. Koncert se bo pričel ob sedmih. Z ansamblom pride tudi okrog sto rojakov, po večini Slovenci. Vsi lepo vabljeni na ta veseli večer! Volitve 25. septembra— Državljani Slovenije so vabljeni, da sodelujejo na referendumu, ki bo v nedeljo, 25. septembra. Volišče bo tokrat v prostorih gen. konzulata. Vse podrobnosti so v sporočilih za javnost od konzulata (str. 11) in Slovenskega ameriškega sveta (str. 13). Večerja s špageti— Ta bo to soboto zvečer med 6. in 8. uro v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vne-bovzeti. Sponzorira jo župnijsko DNU, prebitek je namenjen kot podpora za “pravico do življenja”. Nakaznica za odraslo osebo je $7, za otroka $3. Dobite jih pri vratih pred večerjo. Kosilo Oltarnega društva— Vsakoletno kosilo Oltarnega društva fare Marije Vnebovzete bo v nedeljo, 2. oktobra, v župnijski dvorani. Dar za svinjsko pe-čenkq/piščanca je za odrasle po $!!;„ za otroke pa po $5. Notredamke vabijo— V nedeljo, 18. in tudi 25. septembra, od 12. ure do 5. pop., vas vabijo sestre Notredamke na kosilo/ večerjo (kakor pač želite) na njih Notre Dame Educational Center na 13000 Auburn Rd. na Chardonu, .O. Nakaznice ($8.50 za “chicken” in $11.50 za “rib dinner”) dobite pri vratih. Za več informacij: 440-279-1178. BARAGOVI DNEVI V CLEVELANDU - Posnetek kaže škofe in duhovnike, ki so sodelovali pri slovenski sv. maši pri Sv. Vidu v soboto, 3. septembra. Zbrani so v pri St. Vitus Village-u, fotografiral jih je Tony Grdina. Prof. dr. Edi Gobec Veličastni Baragovi dnevi Duhovni velikani so ljudje, ki toliko bolj blestijo, kolikor bolje jih poznamo. Eden takih velikanov je bil - in tak kot prepotrebni vzornik ostane tudi danes — naš veliki slovenski misjionar in prvi od enajstih doslej znanih slovenskih ameriških škofov Irenej Friderik Baraga (1797 - 1868). Nič čudnega, da ga v Vatikanu izdana Encidopedia Cattolica (1949) imenuje “enega največjih misijonarjev severne Amerike v modernih časih”. O In prav tako ni nič čudnega, da se že 57 let vrstijo Baragovi dnevi v raznih mestih Združenih držav Amerike in Kanade, kjer se zbirajo slovenski in tudi drugi verniki in občudovalci, da o Baragi razpravljajo, molijo za njegovo beatifikacijo in se veselijo dne, ko bo proglašen za svetnika katoliške Cerkve in s tem tudi za enega izmed uradno sprejetih vzornikov nad tisoč milijonov katoličanov. Gostiteljici letošnjih Baragovih dni v soboto in nedeljo, 3. in 4. septembra, sta bili clevelandski župniji Sv. Vida in Marije Vnebovzete, pod vodstvom priljubljenih župnikov Jožeta Božnarja in Janeza Kumšeta, ob odličnem sodelovanju širšega organizacijskega odbora, ki sta mu predsedovala Stane Kuhar, znan organizator in garač, in Jim Debevec, lastnik dvojezičnega tednika Ameriška domovina. Obeh Baragovih dni so se množično udeležili verniki iz Clevelanda in okolice, mnogi pa so se z avtomobili pripeljali tudi iz oddaljenih krajev. S tremi velikimi avtobusi so prišli šč iz Chicaga in Milwaukeeja ter iz Toronta in Hamiltona. V Slovenskem kulturnem vrtu - nov Baragov kip V soboto, 3. sept., ob pol šestih popoldne se je slavje začelo v clevelandskem Rockefellerjevem parku, kjer je množico udeležencev pozdravila Marijanca Vogel, zaslužna predsednica obnovlje- Ur. bralcem: Avtor je ta članek pripravil za objavo v ljubljanskem tedniku Družina, in ga velikodušno posredoval tudi nam, za kar se mu najlepše zahvalimo, gotovo tako tudi bralci. nega Slovenskega kulturnega vrta in ravnateljica srednje šole v slovenskem šolskem poslopju na Lau-schetovi ulici; nov Baragov kip pa je v navzočnosti več škofov in duhovnikov blagoslovil Baragov naslednik iz škofije Marquette, škof James Garland. Maša v cerkvi Sv. Vida Le uro pozneje smo povsem napolnili mogočno cerkev sv. Vida, kjer je slovensko bogoslužje vodil ljubljanski pomožni Willoughby Hills, O. v Clevelandu škof dr. Andrej Glavan ob somaševanju deset škofov in devetnajst duhovnikov iz ZDA in Kanade ter Antona Bidovca iz Argentine in Stanka Okorna iz Slovenije. Bogoslužje, z odlično Glavanovo pridigo in mogočnim prepevanjem združenih slovenskih cerkvenih zborov pod taktirko nadarjenega pevovodje Janeza Sršena, je navdušilo množico udeležencev. Sledila je bogata pogostitev v veliki šolski dvorani, ki jo je s pomočni-cami pripravila neutrudna Linda Plečnik, pa nič koliko stiskov rok in objemov rojakov iz raznih mest - tudi lepo število takih, ki so se nekoč poznali kot sotrpini v avstrijskih ali italijanskih taboriščih. Maša in nato banket pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v nedeljo, 5. sept. V nedeljo se je bogoslužje ob dveh popoldne nadaljevalo v nabito polni cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Maševal je clevelandski škof Anthony Pilla, ob somaševanju šest drugih škofov in osemnajst duhovnikov. Škof Pilla je vernike nagovoril v angleški pridigi, polni občudovanja našega Barage, nazadnje pa je zelo pohvalil še vse slovenske vernike, ki so dragocen del clevelandske škofije. Bogoslužje in petje, slednje spet pod zmožnim Sršenovim vodstvom, je bilo topot dvojezično, tako tudi zahvalna pesem “Hvala večnemu Bogu”, ki pa ji je za zaključek sledila ob prepevanju vse cerkve navdušujoča, povsem slovenska “Povsod Boga!” V novi cerkveni župnijski dvorani so potem nad 500 gostom marljive kuharice pod vodstvom ne-prekosljive Julke Zalar postregle z odličnim kosilom. Slednjemu je sledil uradni program Baragove zveze, ki ga je povezoval Srečo Gaser. Višek tega programa je bil izredno prepričevalni angleški govor slovensko-irskega nadškofa Eldona Curtissa, ki ni pozabil slovenskega jezika svoje matere in je zelo dober poznavalec našega misijonarja, učenjaka, čigar knjige so še danes v rabi, in svetni- škega škofa Barage. Nadškof Curtiss ga je v kar nekaj lastnostih primerjal s papežem Janezom Pavlom II. Sledila so poročila Baragove zveze, kjer sta spregovorila škof Garland in zvezin ravnatelj Alexander Sample. Oba sta sicer previdno poudarjala napredek na poti k Baragovi beatifikaciji in izrazila upanje, da bo morda do nje prišlo v Vatikanu do leta 2007, ko bo potekalo tudi 150 let, od kar je Baraga ustanovil škofijo Marquette. Ob gromkem ploskanju sta predstavila tudi Baragovo ženo leta Julko Zalar in moža leta, clevelandskega pomožnega škofa Edwarda Pevca: stolo-ravnatelj Gaser pa je pozdravil še novega cleve-landksega generalnega konzula Republike Slovenije dr. Zvoneta Žigona. Škof Baraga odslej tudi na Slovenski pristavi Čeprav smo se žal morali v nedeljo zvečer p°' sloviti od odhajajočih kanadskih romarjev, smo se v ponedeljek, 6. sept., v velikem številu zbrali na Belokranjskem pikniku na Slovenski pristavi. Ob poldvanajstih je škof Glavan blagoslovil nov križev pot, z lepimi barvnimi kopijami Baragovega križevega pota iz Metliki za kar imajo posebne za' sluge Belokranjice Nenca Cerer, Rezka Smuk Milena Dovič; lične, na drevje pritrjene kapehce pa je izdelal Stane Krulc- (DALJE na str. 11) ' flHr1 BARAGOVI DNEVI V CLEVELANDU - V soboto, 3. septembra, je bila blagoslov ^ novega kipa misijonarja Friderika Barage (v ozadju), ki bo stal odslej v obn°s, Ijenem Slovenskem kulturnem vrtu v Rockefellerjevem parku v Clevelandu. v predju je škof Garland, Baragov naslednik v škofiji Marquette, Michigan. P°s fek Toneta Grdine tudi ootriule.: da le;bUo^vreme^za JaaraaoMe,dneve.odlično.-- Pristavski upokojenci vabijo na “KOLINE” CLEVELAND, O. - V nedeljo, 9. oktobra, bomo imeli na Pristavi domače "Koline”. Že smo mislili, da jih letos ne bo, ker je v načrtu za oktober začetek gradnje nove dvorane na Pristavi. Torej bodo naše koline zadnja prireditev v stari dvorani, zato ste vsi vabljeni, da pridete omenjeno nedeljo - 9. oktobra - na Slovensko pristavo. Serviranje se bo pričelo točno ob 12. uri opoldne in bo trajalo samo do treh popoldne. Vsako leto pride več gostov na naše koline, tako da nam ni treba preveč oglašati. Dobro blago se pač samo hvali! Kakor vsako leto bomo tudi letos postregli s krvavico ali riževo klobaso, pečenico, kislim zeljem, praženim krompirjem, jaboljčnim zavitkom, kavo - in vse to samo za $10, za otroka pa samo $5. Za žejne bo poskrbljeno, za zabavo in ples bodo skrbeli naši domači muzikantje. Naš piknik v avgustu je lepo uspel, tako, da smo dali od dobička pristavskemu blagajniku kar štiri tisoč dolarjev za novo dvorano, dobiček na naših kolinah gre pa večinoma za dobre namene. Bog nam daj lepo vreme, da bo uspeh čim boljši. Na veselo svidenje v nedeljo, 9. oktobra! Članstvo kluba pa lepo vabimo še na mesečni sestanek v sredo, 28. septembra, ob 1.30 popoldne na Slovenski pristavi. Za odbor: U. F. Dr. JANEZ JEROVŠEK Ljubljana NEZACELJENE RANE Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu obvešča: REFERENDUM Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v Ck landu sporoča, da bodo volivke in volivci lahko sodelovali na referendumu o zakonu o RTV Slovenija idi z glasovanjem v Clevelandu. Republiška volilna komisija v času oblikovanja obvestila volivcem ni ini* ■ informacije o prihodu novega generalnega konzu a v Cleveland. Na obvestilu, ki ste ga prejeli, ta mož. *■ zato ni navedena, saj je bila odobrena šele nakr -dro - po posredovanju generalnega konzulata. Zaradi časovne stiske z obveščanjem ni bilo goče pravočasno organizirati volišča v vzhodnem širšega Clevelanda, kot Je bilo to ob zadnji priložnost zato bo referendum tokrat potekal v prostorih Generalnega konzulata RS na 1111 Chester Avenue, pisarna 520 (5. nadstropje) in sicer od 9. do 17. ure, v nedeljo, 25. septembra. Za naslednje volitve se bomo potrudili, da bi bilo volišče lahko bližje večini rojakov. Uradne ure Generalnega konzulata Generalni konzulat bo imel uradne ure za stranke ob torkih, sredah in četrtkih ob 9. do 12. ure. Zaželena je predhodna telefonska najava na tel. št. (216) 589-9220. Z uradnimi urami pričnemo v četrtek, 15. septembra 2005. , Izdajanje vizumov Ker še čakamo na ustrezno novo tehnično opremo, izdajanje vizumov za vstop v Slovenijo zaenkrat še ne bo mogoče, lahko pa na generalnem konzulatu oddate ustrezno potrebno dokumentacijo za pridobitev vizuma, ki bo posredovana na Veleposlaništvo RS v Washington. Dr. Zvone Žigon Generalni konzul RS v Clevelandu Levičarji in nekdanji borci močno proti referendumu Tednik Demokracija (št. 32-11. avg. 2005) O Ko danes pogosto slišimo, da ne smemo odpirati za-Celjenih ran, se moramo najprej vprašati, ali so te res bile kdaj zaceljene, štetim socialnim in poli-tičnim skupinam so bile Zaceljene in kdo jih je zacelil. O Če taka gesla izrekata Predvsem Miran Potrč in ^al tudi dr. France Bučar, Se moramo vprašati, v *menu koga in katerih interesov prihaja do takšnih tejav. Kaj pravzaprav pocenijo besede “ne odpi-rati že zaceljenih ran”? Odpirati zaceljene rane P°meni za zmagovalno ®tean polhgati na mizo ^°kaz za povojne poboje ln razne nove dokumente te odkritja, ki te poboje dokazujejo, pomeni to, da Se ne smejo problemati-zteati razni privilegiji, ki izhajajo iz NOB - kot so tako imenovani vojni zakoni -, pomeni, da se ne sme govoriti o revoluciji, s katero NOB po novi interpretaciji nima zveze, pomeni, da se ne smejo odpirati ideološke teme, ki izkrivljajo že dokončno napisano zgodovino, ali se obremenjevati z zgodovino, ki nam zastira pogled v svetlo prihodnost. Nezaceljene rane Težko je namreč živeti z geslom "ne odpirati že zaceljenih ran”, ko pa se nam vedno znova odpirajo dogodki, ki nam dokazujejo, da te rane nikoli niso bile resnično zaceljene. Tako se nam odkrije dogodek v Slovenski Bistrici, ko so v zapučšenih rovih našli leta 1946 pobite ljudi. K štiristo odkritim in desetletja prikritim grobovom se odkrivajo novi in novi. Veličastni Baragovi dnevi (NADALJEVANJE s str. 10) Ob sodelovanju več prisotnih duhovnikov in naše zavedne mladine smo zmolili križev pot. Potem smo se podali na izvrstno kosilo z na ražnju pečeno jagnjetino in drugimi dobrotami, s katerimi so gostoljubno postregle spretne in požrtvovalne ameriške rojakinje iz Bele krajine. Hvaležni smo bili za izredno lepo vreme, brezhibno organizacijo Baragovih dni in viden božji blagoslov. V trajnejši spomin pa se je mnogim vtisnilo svetniško, skoraj nepojmljivo požrtvovalno in plodno življenje in delo našega velikega Barage, v duhu njegovega škofovskega gesla: “Le eno je potrebno - vedno zvesto služiti Bogu in bližnjemu.” * v Prvič po letu 1945 so svojci pobitih črnogorskih četnikov v Kamniški Bistrici obiskali dva grobova z okoli 600 pobitih svojcev. Nedavno tega je prišlo na mizo pismo Edvarda Kardelja Borisu Kidriču, ki ga je v juniju 1945 pozival, naj v Sloveniji pohitijo s čiščenjem, kar je v tistem času in kontekstu pomenilo z likvidacijami. Lahko pričakujemo, da se bodo taki dogodki in taka pisma še pojavljali - posebno ko bodo v Beogradu odprli razne dosjeje, ki bodo spravili v zadrego vse tiste, ki govorijo o zaceljenih ranah. O zaceljenih ranah govorijo tisti, ki nezaceljene rane vidijo kot zaceljene, ali pa se pačijo in ne želijo, da bi v naši še ne premagani zgodovini odkrili vso resnico, z vsemi njenimi grozotami in oblastnimi interesi. Noben narod pa ne more normalno živeti, če ne ve o sebi in o svojih vladajočih elitah vsega, kar mora vedeti. Slovenski narod in šolski sistem se ne moreta pitati z napisano zgodovino npr. Božota Repeta “Rdeča Slovenija”, v kateri so zamolčani povojni poboji. Ljubljana (Po Delo faxu, 9. sept. 2005) - V referendumsko kampanjo pred odločanjem o zakonu o Radioteleviziji Sloveniji, ki bo potekalo 25. septembra, se dejavno vklju-šuje tudi Zveza združenj borcev in udeležencev NOB. Njen ljubljanski del je 8. septembra pripravil srečanje, na katerem so bili udeleženci soglasni, da je treba referendumu nasprotovati oziroma vladajoči koaliciji preprečiti prevzem RTV na način, ki ga dopušča novi zakon o tej ustanovi. Med drugimi je spregovoril Lado Pohar, sicer nekdanji sodelavec tega javnega zavoda, ki je po- udaril: “Ne gre za izoliran pojav, temveč za enega sovražnih prevzemov vzvodov oblasti s strani politične opcije, ki je na volitvah dobila le tretjinsko . podporo, zdaj pa poskuša svojo oblast absolutizirati.” Še najbolj oster med govorniki je bil sam predsednik Zveze združenj borcev in udeležencev NOB Janez Stanovnik, ki je opozoril, da si oblast s prisvojitvijo sredstev informiranja prisvoji tudi pravico do informiranja javnosti. Tako da si je absolutno oblast -po zmagi na volitvah v 30. letih - v Nemčiji prisvojil tudi Hitler. r Songs m Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family edmeiac RDC Program Dir&tor WCSB 89.3 FM radio hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Spimack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 • 440-953-1709 TEL/wc web: wvw.wcsb.org enst& Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net • • »-V Kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič Intervju “V Cerkvi ne moreš solirati” if. del in konec Ali se vam zdi, da je govorica Cerkve do-vol sodobna ali pa bi »mo dobro razmišljati • posodobitvi cerkvenega jezika? Ravno pred dnevi sem bral teološki članek, ali mora Cerkev posodobiti jezik? Ali ni jezik, ki Je veljaven, preveč sekulari-stičen? Besede Odrešenik, evharistija, zakramenti zvenijo tako arhaično. Pa sem razmišljal, ali morem oziroma ali znam govoriti o odrešenju v besedah, ki bi jih sodoben človek razumel? Ne vem, zame je to vprašanje, mislim, da ne znam. Zakaj mora biti moderna miselnost glavno merilo vsega? Moderna miselnost se mora navaditi, da ni vsemogočna, da ni vsega zmožna, da ni zmožna vsega razumeti. Pomembno je, da ima “pridigar”, oznanjevalec o-seben, notranji odnos do Svetega pisma, do Kristusa, do žive besede, in da kot človek časa, v katerem živi, vero notranje predela, jo osebno živi. Če izreka vero iz osebne globine, potem pride nov V BLAG SPOMIN Ob šesti obletnici smrti nam dragega moža, očeta in starega očeta LOJZE JAREM Umrl 15. septembra 1999. Kako smo srčno Te ljubili, prezgodaj smo Te izgubili, preljubi mož in oče Ti, naj Ti večna Luč gori. Lepo nam je misel na Te, na prijazni Tvoj nasmeh, na besede ljubeznive, ki imel si jih do vseh. Žalujoči: Štefka, žena Rezka in Helena, hčerki Tone, sin Karen, snaha Mallory, Nicole in Jillian, vnukinje In ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji. zven, sodobna govorica sama od sebe. Torej po vašem Cerkev gre v korak s časom? Večkrat slišim: vse se razvija, Cerkev pa ostaja pri svojem. Kaj pa se je razvilo? Tehnologija. Drugo ne. Slabši smo v glasbi, kot smo bili, slabši smo v literaturi, v umetnosti, v jeziku. Razvila se je edino tehnologija. Slišal sem pred leti, da se je v Rusiji mnor žično dogajalo, da so se ljudje vračali v pravoslavno Cerkev ravno zato, ker se ni spremenila. Sprašujem se, ali mi ne jemljemo sodobnosti preveč absolutno?! Sodobnost sama sebe ne razume. Cerkev ostaja na istem temelju, ki je Jezus Kristus. Kje so torej razlogi za krizo vere? Že od razsvetljenstva dalje je v teku močno gibanje. kateremu se zdi Cerkev nekaj zastarelega. Čim močneje se je razvijalo, tem radikalnejše Je postajalo to vprašanje. V 19. stoletju so sicer nastajala povratna gibanja, črta pa se je nadaljevala. Kar je mogoče zagovarjati “znanstveno”, je postalo najvišje merilo. Kantova definicija “imej korajžo videti in .razumeti” se še ni izpeljala do konca in se še nadaljuje in se bo še nadaljevala. Človek sicer mora imeti religijo, vendar je ta skrčena na- subjektivno. Sodobna podoba sveta izključuje posege Boga v svet kot sta čudež in razodetje, dogma naj bi bila protislovje človekemu razumu. V tem nasprotnem vetru zgodovine stoji Cerkev in ta nasprotni veter bo držal še toliko časa, dokler človek ne bo odkril svojih meja, dokler bo še naprej rinil v “osončje”, dokler se ne bo znebil sebičnosti. Vendar gola racionalnost ne more odgovoriti na bistvena vprašanja: od kod prihajam, kaj sem, čemu sem sploh tukaj. Ti dve sili, ta dva močna drug od drugega neodvisna tokova bosta morala poskušati najti sožitje. Novi svetovni položaj povzroča, da je vera bolj “zapletena”, odločitev ZLATOMAŠNO SLAVJE KARDINALA Dr. ALOJZIJA AMBROŽIČA v rojstni župniji Dobrova 14. avgusta 2005. Tisoče ljudje je ta dan prihitelo na Dobrovo pri Ljubljani, da bi pozdravili in zaželeli vse dobro rojaku, sedaj torontskemu nadškofu, ob 50-letnici mašništva. zanjo pa postaja vedno bolj osebna in vedno težja. Ne more pa pustiti krščanstva za seboj kot zastarelega. Kaj lahko Cerkev ponudi človeku 21. stoletja? Smisel. Najprej smisel. Dokler je človek mlad in zdrav, uspešen, ima čas za vse mogoče stvari, zdi se mu, da je vsemogočen, da je nedosegljiv. Ko pa odkrije svoje lastne meje, ko odkrije, da se lahko moti, da bo umrl - tam okoli štiridesetega leta se to zgodi - pa začne iskati smisel življenja, začne se spraševati, zakaj živi, kaj bi moral narediti, pa ni. Približno polovica življenja, če gledamo povprečje, je za njim, odkrije, da ni vsega zmožen, V BLAG SPOMIN Umrl dne 14. sept. 1986. Že 19 let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mimo spiš. Srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Nam pa žalost srca trga, rosijo solze nam oč. Dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči: Družina in prijatelji. Cleveland, Ohio, 15. sept. 2005: da mu je veliko stvari nedosegljivih. Cerkev kot prostor novih priložnosti torej? Cerkev mora opraviti pomembno nalogo, da nas stalno opominja, da so še drugi ljudje poleg nas. Pa če so revni ali bogati, jih moramo imeti radi, moramo biti blizu, bratje in sestre drug drugemu. Čeprav nam morda drugi niso všeč, čeprav so morda revni pogosto neprijetni, zahtevni, neodgovorni, morda pričakujejo od nas stvari, ki so nemogoče ... Cerkev nam govori, da moramo biti tem najbliže. Cerkev je skupnost, v Cerkvi ne moreš “solirati”. Pri nas Cerkev pomaga ljudem veliko bolj kot civilna družba. Cerkev uči ljudi žrtvovanja, samoobvladovanja, pripravljenosti za žrtve. V Kanadi je zelo odmevalo delo matere Terezije - ne kot zgled katoliške redovnice, ampak kot nekoga, ki Je pomagal bližnjemu v stiski. Kako daleč mora biti Cerkev po eni strani odprta za novosti, do kod mora korakati vštric z modernostjo? In kje se začenja točka, ko mora imeti pogum za nasprotovanj e? Pripravljenost na ugovarjanje in odpor je gotovo ena od nalog Cerkve, vendar ne kar iz nekakšnega načelnega veselja do ugovarjanja vsemu, kar nam ni po volji, ali morda zaradi nesposobnosti pri obvladovanju prihodnosti. Cerkev mora zagotoviti odprtost za dobro in za novosU, ki se ponujajo in ki vedno razodevajo tudi povsem nove razsežnosti božje besede. Pri tem pa vera kajpak ne sme razvodeneti v poljubnost. Temu pa, kar nasprotuje Bogu, kar nasprotuje božji besedi, mora Cerkev pogumno nasprotovati. S kakšnimi problemi se srečujete v vaši nadškofiji? Ko je leta 1948 naša družina prišla v Toronto, je bilo tu najbrž manj kot deset odstotkov katoličanov, sedaj pa jih je nad 40 odstotkov. Katoliška Cerkev je najštevilnejša krščanska Cerkev in stalno raste. Ustanavljamo nove župnije, zidamo nove cerkve, priseljujejo se novi ljudje. Posebnost med Kitajci in Korejci je veliko spreobrnjencev. V kitajski župniji imamo vsako leto okrog 250 krstov. Pastoralni problem pa je sobivanje raznih ras. Hvala Bogu, v Torontu Je medrasni mir, čeprav so manjšine vidne, se pravi Azijci, črnci, Fili' pinci, spoznaš jih že na pogled. Imamo vseh “vrst" ministrantov, bralcev božje besede, rediteljev cerkva. Vsaka rasa pričakuje posebno pozornost in to je včasih v pastorali naporno. Je pa tako kot v Sloveniji tudi v Kanadi Cerkev ločena od države. M* pričakujemo od države, da se ne vtika v naše zadeve, v zadeve vere, od (DALJE na str. 16) Zlata poroka Staneta in Elsie Kranjc Anica Resnik Glasilo kanadskih Slovencev Letnik 9, števUki 7/8 juJij/avgust 2005 O TORONTO. Ont. - Letos 23. julija sta Stane in Elsie Kranjc praznovala petdeset let srečnega zakonskega življenja v družini enega sina in dveh hčerk z osmimi vnuki. 23. julija 1955 ju je župnik dr. Jakob Kolarič poročil v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj v Torontu. Leta 1954 sta se srečala ob njenem obisku sorodnikov v Torontu. Elsie je bila rojena v slčvenski družini v Conneatu, Ohio v ZDA. Stanetov dom Je bil v Nadanjem selu pri Pivki na Notranjskem. Stane je dovršil gimnazijo v Postojni. Leta 1951 Je zapustil domovino, prišel v Kanado, v provinco Alberto (Edmonton) in se 2e leta 1953 pridružil slovenski skupnosti v Torontu. Dvainštirideset let Je bil zaposlen v dveh podjetjih prehrane v Severni' Ameriki. S trdim delom in močno voljo si Je pridobil diplomo Industrial Management in Arts and Technology. Poleg odgovorne službe, ki ga je vodila včasih po vsej Ameriki, je Stane Kranjc vedno našel čas 2a delo v slovenski skup- Duhovnika zamenjala dolžnosti l (Kar sledi, je vzeto iz Poročila "Naše življenje” tepod peresa Anice Resnik v “Glasilu kanadskih Slovencev”, za julij/avgust 2°05, str. 39. Ur. AD) O Po odredbi torontskega badškofa (tj. dr. Alojzij Ambrožič) je č.g. Tine Ba-Po sedemnajstih letih duhovniškega dela pri Mariji Pomagaj, postavljen 2a župnika v župniji Bre-2rr»adežne. Njegovo mesto v župniji Marije Pomagaj Prevzame č.g. Ivan Plazar, dosedanji župnik pri Bre-2biadežni. Hvaležni Bogu, da ima-1° na^e cerkve v Torontu e duhovnike, sprejema-1X10 voljo cerkvene hier-j^hije za zamenjavo in ot zvesti verniki nada-jdjemo delo za božje • Mjestvo na zemlji.” nosti - in - čestokrat tudi izven nje pri raznih karitativnih in katoliških organizacijah, npr. Shepherds Trust (pokojninski sklad za duhovnike), Canadian Food for Children (dr. Andrew Simone), United Appeal, katoliški Share Life itd. Od leta 1954 deluje v župnijskih odborih, pri skavtih. Slovenskemu letovišču, bil pobudnik Kanadskega slovenskega zgodovinskega društva, ki zbira, ureja in shranja zgodovinski arhiv Slovencev v Kanadi, je član še drugih slovenskih društev v Torontu. Kot koordinator pripravlja programe Slovenskih dni, je organizator postavitve Slovenske spominske plošče v Zgodovinskem muzeju v Ha-llfaxu itd. Za vsa ta velika dela Je naš Jubilant Stane letos prejel od predsednika Republike Slovenije državno odlikovanje. Žena Elsie je njegova zvesta spremljevalka. Bila je prva voditeljica skavtinj v župniji Brezmadežne. Na družinskem praznovanju zlate poroke v slovenski restavraciji Linden Je č.g. Tine Batič ponovil poročni obred, č.g. Ivan Plazar pa blagoslovil slavnostno kosilo. Stane se hvaležno spominja svojega starega očeta, ki mu je po lastnih preizkušnjah posredoval življenjsko modrost, ljubezen in zvestobo slovenskemu narodu. Zlatoporočenca Stane in Elsie, iskrene čestitke in Bog naj vama nakloni šfc mnogo srečnih in zadovoljnih let! Ur. AD: Čestitke Stanetu in Elsie se tudi pridružujem podpisani In mu želim še veliko plodovitih let pri zbiranju in ohranjanju gradiva o prisotnosti slovenske skupnosti v Kanadi. Stane ima za mene še to “prednost”, da izhaja iz vasi nedaleč od rojstne vasi mojega pok. očeta. In ker mi je oče nekoč razlagal, da bi po' pravici moralo biti naše družinsko ime Kranjc, sva morda celo, čeprav nekaj rodov nazaj, v daljnem sorodstvu. SLOVENSKI AMERIŠKI SVET SPOROČA ... Referendum 25. septembra CLEVELAND, O. - V nedeljo, 25. septembra, bo silno važen referendum za slovenske volilce in slovenski narod. Gre za demokratizacijo obveščevalnih sredstev, tiska, časopisov, radia in TV. Stara elita iz časa totalitarizma in komunizma še vedno obvladuje in tako čas enoumja še ni prešel. To enoumje pa “strokovnjaki" sedaj skušajo privilegirati na vse pretege in vzdrževati Kučanovo in staro mentahteto v gospodarstvu in politiki. (Mimogrede pa omenjamo, da ponarejene diplome “močno” potrjujejo “strokovnost” nekaterih ljudi iz tega kroga.) Slovenski volilci, ta prihodnji bližajoči referendum je eden najpomembnejših referendumov od ustanovitve slovens&e republike. Novi zakon, ki naj bi ga referendum potrdil, ker ga Je že sprejel državni zbor, bo resnično odprl na široko vrata demokracije v slovenski družbi; demokracija je za obstanek in za bodočnost slovenske družbe neobhodno potrebna. Zato naj nihče od slovenskih volilcev državljanov v tujini ne zamudi referenduma in naj glasuje za potrditev vladnega zakona. Referendum bo potekal V prostorih Generalnega konzulata RS na 1111 Chester Ave., soba 520, v Clevelandu, Ohio (5. nadstropje) in sicer od 9h zjutraj pa do 5h popoldan. Slovenski ameriški svet (Ur.: Tekst sporočila za javnost generalnega konzula dr. Zvoneta Žigona najdete na str. 11.) Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu V Dragi o matični domovini Opčine - Z razmišljanjem o splošni preveliki ravnodušnosti do demografske krize v Sloveniji so se 4. septembra pozno popoldne iztekle tridnevne razprave v okviru Drage 2005 v organizaciji Društva slovenskih izobražencev s Tržaškega. T6 Je bila njena štirideseta izvedba in bolj kot kdaj koli doslej so ji vsebinski pečat dali—udele-žencl iz matične Slovenije. In prav tako bolj kot doslej je ostala na obrobju konkretna problematika slovenske manjšine. Kar trije poUtiki iz prve lige slovenske oblasti« so v nagovorih udeležencem izpostaviti pomen razprav v okviru Drage za slovenski etnični prostor. Predsednik državnega zbora France Cukjati, evropski poslanec Lojze Peterle in minister Janez Drobnič so poudarjali intelektualno moč in refleksijo Drage, ki da se je znala vedno odzivati na aktualna vprašanja in s tem prispevala tako k razvijanju nacionalnega vprašanja in demokracije kot tudi vrednotenju identitete slovenskega naroda. Udeleženci so se tokrat lotili treh sklopov vprašanj: odnosi na obeh straneh slovensko-italijan-ske meje po njenem rahljanju z vstopom Slovenije v Evropsko zvezo, vpliv globalizacije na narodnostno in državno identiteto in subjektiviteto ter posledice demografske krize v manjših državah, kakr-^ šna je Slovenija. r Pri tem jč treba izpo-_ stavljati še vprašanja solidarnosti med ljudmi V hitro spreminjajočih se družbenih in gospodar- \ skih razmerah v novi slovenski državi. Publicist iz Kopra Milan Gregorič je Izpostavil dejstvo, da še niso presežene državne in ideološke pregrade na stičišču dveh narodov in da lahko še vedno govorimo o kulturnem imperializmu velikega naroda do majhnega. Zato ostaja utrjevanje slovenstva pri meji nujna skrb obeh delov Primorske. Spomnil je na vlogo organizacij civilne družbe pri premagovanju antagonizmov iz preteklosti. Izrazil je razočaranje nad delovanjem državnih organov, ki da niso dovolj kritični pri odnosih s sosedo, čeprav ne kaže nikakršnega posluha niti do reševanja vprašanj slo- venske manjšine niti do enakovrednega čezmejnega gospodarskega sodelovanja. Filozof Dean Komel je načel več vprašanj v zvezi z usodo slovenskega naroda v združeni Evropi. Zavrnil Je zmotno razširjeno prepričanje, da moramo Slovenci čim prej sprejeti evropsko identiteto, saj te v Evropi sploh ni. Evropa od Slovencev ne zahteva drugega, kakor da ostanejo Slovenci. Nesporazum Je v tem, da so številni razumeti vstop v EZ kot cilj, in ne kot sredstvo za dosego drugih ciljev. Po Komelovem mnenju je treba izdelati strategijo razvoja države, ki pa se ne sme ustaviti le pri gospodarski sferi, ampak mora izostriti tudi druga vprašanja, med katerimi je posebno pomembna identiteta države glede na zgodovinske, ozemeljske in jezikovne determinante. Za konec je na okrogli mizi več strokovnjakov analiziralo demografske razmere v Sloveniji in neoptimistično napovedalo nadaljnje zmanjševanje rodnosti, s tem pa tudi ustvarjalnih narodnih potencialov. Temeljna ugotovitev je bila, da se Slovenija uvršča po rodnosti (DALJE na str. 14) •i'kwvoig ii :;[ vjf-rA Pogovor z argentinskim Slovencem BOŽIDARJEM FINKOM ... ZalOŽba OGNJIŠČE Spremembo sem pričakoval in vanjo verjel praznovala štirideset let Pogovor vodil in pripravil za objavo v DEMOKRACIJI 18. avgusta GREGOR DRNOVŠEK - I. del - Proti koncu avgusta je dopolnil 85 let, njegove misli in prodornost pa se vtisnejo v srce tako mladim kot starim. Je politični emigrant, večino svojega življenja je preživel v Argentini. V drugo svetovno vojno se je najprej vključil kot jugoslovanski prostovoljec, nato pa se je leta 1943 pridružil domobrancem, deloval je v odseku organizacijskega štaba za vzdrževanje reda in discipline v lastnih vrstah. Po prihodu v Argentino je imel veliko nalog v slovenski skupnosti. Tako je bil denimo predsednik in odbornik Slovenskega katoliškega akademskega starešinstva, odbornik in deset let tudi predsednik Zedinjene Slovenije, voditelj odseka za izobražence pri prvem katoliškem shodu v Argentini, vodja narodno-družbenega odseka v okviru drugega katoliškega shoda, eden od ustanoviteljev Slovenske kulturne akcije, odbornik in član glasbenega odseka, predsednik zadruge Sloga in odbornik, koncertiral je kot pevec solist in v kvartetu s sestrami, bil soustanovitelj štirinajstdnevnika Sij slovenske svobode. Od leta 1991 do 1994 je bil pooblaščenec slovenskega zunanjega ministrstva v Argentini. Bil je tudi eden glavnih pobudnikov, da je Slovenija leta 1994 odprla veleposlaništvo v Buenos Airesu. Leta 1998 mu je takratni veleposlanik v Argentini izročil častni znak svobode Republike Slovenije, ki mu ga je podelil predsednik države za njegove zasluge pri uveljavljanju Slovenije v Argentini. Leta 1999 je pri Mohorjevi družbi izšla njegova knjiga Na tujem v domovini, v kateri so zbrani njegovi članki in govori. O O <0 Po vojni ste odšli v Argentino, kamor se je zateklo veliko slovenskih emigrantov. Kakšne so ocene o številu Slovencev, ki so takrat prišli ali pa že bili v Argentini? Po triletnem čakanju v avstrijskih in italijanskih taboriščih so se končno morale začeti odpirati poti za trajno naselitev in tako se nam je ponudila priložnost, da smo bili množično in brez omejitev sprejeti v Argentino, ki Je bila tedaj še imi-gracijska država. Tja so že v prejšnjih dobah prihajali slovenski izseljenci, večinoma iz e-konomskih razlogov, nekaj pa tudi zaradi narodnega zatiranja po italijanskem fašizmu. Števila predvojnih slovenskih pri-slejeneev ni mogoče natančno določiti, argentinske oblasti so jih ocenjevale na 40.000. Argentina Je nekdaj veljala za državo v razcvetu, odprto vsem ljudem dobre volje. Profesor Ernest Tomec-r^^W^jSftfl vojno katoliškim študentom priporočal Argentino, če bi bilo kdaj treba misliti na umik iz Slovenije in Evrope. Kako danes deluje slovenska skupnost v Argentini in kako je povezana med seboj? Kakšne so vaše oz. njene povezave s Slovenijo? Koliko je še Slovencev, ki živijo v Argentini? Slovensko izseljenstvo v Argentini se deli v glavnem na dve plasti. Kot skupnost deluje povojna Joseph L. FORTUNA Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! politična emigracija, predvojni vseljenci se združujejo v društvih, ki niso trdneje povezana med seboj. Politična emigracija se je organizirala tako, da vsa njena središča navzven predstavlja organizacija Zedinjena Slovenija. Kulturno središče je Slovenska kulturna akcija, duhovno oskrbo pa daje katoliška narodna misija. V času komunističnega režima je organizirana skupnost v določeni meri nadomeščala domovino, s tem da je spodbujala žive dejavnosti v vzgoji, i-zobraževanju, kulturnem posredovanju in ustvarjanju, gospodarskem napredovanju in tudi političnem snovanju, vse pa z mislijo na trpečo domovino. Ta prizadevanja je nosila skupina, ki jo je sestavljalo začetnih 7.000 ljudi, ki so se priselili v letih 1947 in 1948. Po padcu režima se je Slovenija odprla in od tedaj se nekdanja politična emigracija celovito vključuje v življenje domovine, celo z vračanjem in preseljevanjem ter sprejemanjem javnih služb. Vendar se zaradi posebnosti, ki jo ima po svojem izvoru, ne odpoveduje funkciji kritičnega opazovalca dogajanja v domovini. Vrniva se k vašemu življenju v Argentini. Kakšna je bila vaša življenjska pot? Kako ste se znašli? Kako ste se preživljali? Po vselitvi v Argentino z ženo in nekajmesečnim sinom sem tri leta opravljal pomožno delo pri recikliranju uvoženih zavrženih vojaških vozil. Potem sem dobil službo u-radnika v cementnem podjetju, v njem prehodil več sekcij in položajev ter se tam tudi upokojil. Z bančnim posojilom sva z ženo zgradila skromen dom, v katerem so nama odrasli otroci, ki so zdaj že vsi osamosvojeni. V skupnosti so me poznali kot dejavnega v kulturnem in organizacijskem življenju. Argentini z delom in spoštovanjem njenega reda izražam hvaležnost za svobodo, ki mi jo je nekdanja domovina odrekla. Domovina srca pa ml jei Ljubljana - S prireditvijo pred Postojnsko jamo je revija Ognjišče o-znamovala 40-letnico izhajanja. Izhajati je začela aprila 1965 kot glasilo postojnske in koprske župnije. Po meritvah Mediane je danes Ognjišče najbolj razširjen mesečnik v Sloveniji. Na slovesnosti (4. septembra) je nadškof Alojz Uran v svojem nagovoru spomnil, da sta se v okviru Ognjišča razvili tudi bogata založniška dejavnost in pobuda za že tradicionalno romanje bolnikov in invalidov na Brezje, pred dobrimi desetimi leti pa je začel oddajati še radio Ognjišče. “Brez omenjenih glasil si ne moremo več zamišljati slovenskega cerkvenega medijskega prostora. Delovanje Ognjišča tudi za slovenski Javni medijski prostor pomeni prepotrebno dopolnilo in poživljajočo alternativo drugim javnim glasilom. Cerkvi pa omogoča, da izraža to, kar sama misli in dela," je dejal Uran. Po njegovem imajo verski mediji še posebno nalogo. “Če spremljamo samo informativne oddaje ali tiskana sporočila, vidimo večinoma negativno obarvana sporočila o ubojih, terorizmu, naravnih katastrofah, človeški hudobiji in podobno. Če to prihaja iz dneva v dan in če nekritično sprejemamo vse kot edino resnico, kar je značilno za mlade in otroke, potem se nam življenje predstavi kot ena sama tragedija, za katero se ne splača truditi. In zakaj bi v ta umazani svet rojevali otroke? Negativna zanimivost informacij ima pogubne posledice za našo prihodnost. Prepričan sem, da človek še nikoli ni bil tako globoko prestrašen, kot je danes, pod vplivom enostranskega predstavljanja resnice. To ne pomeni, da to, kar nam je sporočeno, ni res, ampak to ni vsa resnica, ni celotna podoba. V življenju je veliko več lepega in dobrega kot pa slabega. To pa moramo odkrivati sami in pomagati osvetljevati drugim," meni nadškof Uran. Dejan Pušenjak Delo fax, 5. sept. 2005 rodna Slovenija, a ne samo kot ideja, ampak kot dežela grobov prednikov in žrtvovanih sorojakov ter varuhinja vrednot, po katerih mi je bila izoblikovana osebnost in katerim hočem ostajati zvest. To zvestobo vrednotam razumevam kot zvestobo narodu, ki me tudi nagi- DRAGA 2005 (nadaljevanje s str. 13) na dno Evropske zveze in da še ni izoblikovala trdnejše demografske politike. Ob robu razprav je predsednik Društva izobražencev Sergij Pahor izrazil prepričanje, da je Draga že doslej veliko prispevala k ohranjanju pluralnosti Slovencev, poskušala uveljavljati demokracijo, svobodo misli in besede ter politični pluralizem kot vrednoto in temelj družbe. Prepričan je, da se Draga v tem še ni izčrpala. Lojze Kante Delo !**!• v« čVcvh ralni, ker je bila Cerkev bolj močna, zdaj gledam mlade duhovnike, sem pa jaz zanje liberalen. Imamo konservativne študente in liberalne pr°' fesorje, čez nekaj časa bodo konservativni profesorji in liberalni študentje. Dejansko je tako, da je po drugem vatikanskem cerkvenem zboru liberalna smer postala premočna, danes pa iz' gublja. Bo morda Cerkev začela razpravljati v smeri svobodne izbire celibata za duhovnike? Meni se zdi, da je svo- j bodna izbira celibata v Cerkvi fatamorgana. Svo-1 bodne izbire ne bo! Celibat in duhovništvo sta močno in globoko notranje povezana. Če pogle' dava pomen celibata v| preteklosti v vzhodni in srednji Evropi: duhovnih so si lahko “privoščili zapor, ker so bili sami marsikdo, ki je bil por°' čen, je moral popustiti in je popustil, ker je ^ odgovoren za ženo, otroke. Koliko duhovnikov je cj šlo v zapor! Lahko so privoščili zapor. Po n10 jem Cerkev še dolgo r bo razmišljala v tej sme ri, vsaj mislim tako. Kakšen je kardinalov delavnik? Vstanem ob petih, Pet najst minut se gibljenl (tečem na “treadmill ) potem pol ure mol'111 brevir, pol ure imam 1116 ditativne molitve, nato uaa šo, po maši zajtrk. ^eZ dan sem v uradu, irnati1, seje, vodim obrede, dim na pastoralne o*5* ske ... Komu je namenjc°a vaša molitev? Kdaj za koga molite? Le v izjemnih primeril1' ko me kdo prosi, mol*111 “za". Ko molim, ko 1116 • V ditiram, skušam bid stiku s Kristusom in 1110 lim h Kristusu. Ali obstaja Jezusova zahteva, ki jo tudi ^ dinal težko izpolni? Ljubezen do bližnje$j. Vprašam se, koliko D11 sem res tako ljubil ^ samega sebe. Kolikokt [ sem naredil kako st^ P ^ ki nima nobene zveze tem, kar jaz hočem. ^ bi nekako moral. Sed nost je žal moja šibikost (KONEC) DRUŽI** 21. avg. 200 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVfflO.W STE VEDNO NA TEKO