mmmm Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 34/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 09. 09. 2012 23. NEDELJA MED LETOM 22nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail g regory_sd Web page »Vse je prav storil ...« Smisel evangeljske pripovedi o ozdravljenju gluhonemega je v tem, da v gluhonemem prepoznamo sami sebe. Tudi sami smo bili privedeni h Kristusu, verjetno kot nebogljeni otroci. Pomislimo na starodavno izročilo svetega krsta. Krstitelj se je pri krstnem obredu «Efeta.« s palcem dotaknil ušes in ust in dejal: »Gospod Jezus, ki je dal gluhim slišati in nemim govoriti, naj ti podeli, da bi kmalu mogel dojeti njegovo besedo in izpovedati vero v hvalo in slavo Boga Očeta«. Seveda bo ostal takšen obred nesmiseln kakor v ilovico zakopano seme, če svojih meja, če svojih bolezni gluhonemosti ne bomo nikdar spoznali in izpovedali; če nas učinkovitost božje besede in milost ne bosta odprli za vso stvarnost, v kateri živimo. Resnično moramo namreč spoznati mnogovrstne blokade, ki jih postavljamo s svojimi grešnimi nagnjenji, bodisi v odnosu do samega sebe, ali do družine, do družbe, do Cerkve, do narodne skupnosti, do narave. Mnogovrstne so bolezni gluhonemosti, ki nas hromijo: ko se zapiramo v geto svojih prijateljev, svojega naroda, svoje hiše; ko se z osebo nismo sposobni prav srečati, čeprav zanjo nekaj storimo. Takšno spoznanje lastne omejenosti nam seveda odpira Kristus, razodeti Bog neskončno in neomajno podarjajočega se življenja. Jezus s svojimi čudeži in deli ozdravlja bolnega, za komunikacijo nesposobnega in v greh zapletenega človeka. S svojimi besedami in dejanji tke vezi prijateljstva, bratstva in občestva. Je veliki učitelj dialoga SLOVENSKA ŠOLA SLOVENIAN SCHOOL Dear parents, September is here and the school doors are open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL. If you have a child in Senior Kindergarten or older in English school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. Be proud of your culture and heritage! As descendents of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become acquainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for having the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden intellect by learning the language of their parent or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended. They are geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones we use in English schools so that they can be easily followed and understood. Our level one program is geared towards children who do not speak any Slovenian. Accordingly, they concentrate on vocabulary building by listening to stories, tapes, videos, games and conversation, etc. - with no formal reading and writing, to prepare them for level 2 where they will be eased into reading and writing in Slovenian only when they are ready for it. Registration for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL is on September 15, at 9:00 A.M. in the classroom behind the upper hall. Although our goal is to teach the children to read, write and speak Slovenian, more importantly, it is to instill on them a Slovenian identity, a feeling of love and pride towards their Slovenian roots and their cultural heritage, which your own parents worked so hard to maintain. Because our Slovenian School is a part of the Slovenian community, it also gives the children a sense of belonging. It is a place where they make lasting friendships. Our children are the guarantee for the continuance of our Slovenian identity. It is important that we work together to keep their interest alive. We, on our part, are striving to make it interesting for them. In the summer of 2000, 2004 and 2008, we organized an excursion of Slovenia for them, to give them the opportunity to see and experience Slovenia, first hand. The excursions were unforgettable for the children, a great success, so we look forward to organizing another one down the road. In turn, dear parents, you must do your part as well! Please give SLOVENIAN SCHOOL your full consideration and register your children on Sept. 15. If you have friends, who are of Slovenian background and this notice does not reach them, please tell them and encourage them to send their children to our school. If you are uncertain about enrolling your children in Slovenian School, please feel free to visit our school and see its set up, observe our classes and talk to the teachers. Be proud that you are Slovenian and give your children the same opportunity! We look forward to seeing you at REGISTRATION on SEPTEMBER 15, from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 AM Sandy Allen - Principal Slovenian International Language School iL dinem 1?» inoili-ir Sep. l6, 2012 H ssL IOŠOO äiMi r ig of the TOF & Dil at li^oo noon Special guest: Fr. Janez Potočnik ma Terezija Sarjaš, tel. 905-560-1218 VESTNIK 2012|267 Sunday's Readings 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Isaiah 35:4-7 Isaiah prophesies about the coming of the Christ and how it will turn our barren world into a fruitful one. Response: Praise the Lord, O may soul! Second Reading James 2:1-5 James reminds his hearers that richness in faith is more important than money or status. Gospel Mark 7:31-37 Jesus continues his messianic work by healing a deaf and dumb man in the mixed Jewish-Gentile region of the Decapolis. Illustration The North American educationalist Anne Sullivan once wrote, "Language and knowledge are indis-solubly connected; they are interdependent. Good work in language presupposes and depends on a real knowledge of things." Sullivan certainly knew what she was talking about, as she is famous for being the teacher of Helen Keller. Keller was a profoundly deaf and blind girl, who grew to overcome these disabilities. Although Helen never fully developed the power of speech, she learned to communicate eloquently in many other ways. But the thought applies to all of 268 | VESTNIK 2012 us. As rational animals we desire to have a real knowledge of things, and we learn and share this knowledge largely through language. Other animals, from whales to ants and bees, have systems of communication, but only human animals have reasoned, intelligent speech which can grasp the depths of reality. Intelligent laughter is something that only humans can do. So language is a gift which builds society, makes cultures and gives us great pleasure. To be used properly it must be used truthfully, and reflect a "real knowledge of things". The ultimate reality that satisfies the human desire for knowledge and truth is God. Therefore, the highest task of language is to talk about God or to talk to God. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel, language plays a vital part. We learn throughout Mark's Gospel that Jesus' native language is Aramaic, a form of Hebrew. Jesus would also have known some Hebrew and even some Greek. This is more than a piece of historical information. It is also a witness to the reality of the Incarnation. Jesus is truly human and speaks the languages of those around him. It is important, too, that Jesus is travelling through the Decapolis. This was an area where both Jews and Gentiles lived. So Jesus understands his mission as being to all peoples. Being fully divine as well, however, Jesus can give his words saving power. His human words and actions become the agents of his divine power. He can not only cure the deaf and dumb man, but he can awaken in him the knowledge that comes from faith. However, Jesus also uses nonverbal language. He touches the man's mouth with spittle, he puts his fingers in his ears, he sighs and looks up to heaven. He uses the language of gestures as well as speech. The result is that the man goes off proclaiming what Jesus has done for him: the healing and the salvation which he has received. As we hear in the first reading, Jesus is performing the works which the divine Messiah would do when he came. The man is brought to Jesus by his friends, and he returns to them to build up their faith in Christ. This shows us the social nature of language and the social nature of salvation. Application This saving language of Jesus is made available to us through the sacraments. The sacraments have a language and symbolism of their own. Like Jesus healing the man in the Gospel, the sacraments involve words and gestures, and they pass on to us the knowledge that comes through faith. We ourselves then begin to speak the language of the sacraments, the language of salvation. This is especially true in the case of baptism, where the Lord's actions are repeated in one of the rituals called the "Ephphatha", which is sometimes performed as part of the baptismal liturgy. The priest or deacon touches the ears and the mouth of the person being baptised and says, "The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. May he soon touch your ears to receive his word, and your mouth to proclaim his faith, to the praise and glory of God the Father." We are all little ones when it comes to God, however eloquent or otherwise we are, however able-bodied or otherwise we are. Through the Holy Spirit's gifts of grace and faith the image of God is renewed in us, we become a new creation in Christ. This can take a lifetime, but it is a life filled with hope and forgiveness, as well as sorrow and sin. SLOVENSKI PARK: 2. september 2012_ Ves vikend je bilo v Slovenskem parku zelo živahno. Lepo vreme je pritegnilo veliko igralcev in tudi ostalih. V nedeljo popoldne smo imeli ob enih tudi sveto mašo. Po kosilu pa je navzoče razveseljeval ansambel Murski Val. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR (i fl -rJtl >Mi Pevske vaje za župnijski ^V ,;,)"vv'^ mešani pevski zbor bodo v čertek po večerni maši. ^¿J^ji"*1 DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA -SLOVENIAN SOCIETY OF ST. JOSEPH ♦ Kitchener Octoberfest at Sava Club, Breslau - Saturday, Oct. 13th. Coach will depart from St. Gregory parking lot at noon. Package includes admission, dinner and all gratuities - $55 per person. Sign up early and join us for a fun day! Make your reservation with full payment by contacting Frank Erzar 643-0285 or Jerry Ponikvar 333-5813 with cheques payable to St. Joseph Society. SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ All students of Slovenian background entering College/University or whose studies are in progress are encouraged to apply for a bursary or scholarship award. Applications are at the back of the Church in the rack or you may contact Karl Ferko 578-5890 or Teresa Zupancic 664-6013. MAŠA ZA JUBILANTE - KATEDRALA Danes popoldne ob dveh bo v hamiltonski katedrali sveta maša za vse tiste, ki obhajajo okrogle jubileje porok. Tudi nekaj naših pravo se je prijavilo za to praznovanje. POKOJNI_ 4. septembra 2012 je v Ljubljani v bolnici umrl Nace Kastelic, brat našega farana Ivana Kastelica. Pokojni je bil v 61. letu, doma iz Karanitke v župniji Velika Loka. Tam je tudi pokopan. Za pokoj njegove duše se je v četrtek zvečer, 6. septembra, darovala sveta maša. Iskreno sožalje Ivanu, pokojnemu Nacetu pa večni mir in pokoj. PERSONS SEPARATED AND DIVORCED LEARNING TO COPE (Level I) is a ten week support program starting Tuesday, September 18th (7:00 pm to 9:30 pm), at the Chancery Office, 700 King St. W, Hamilton. The program is for persons experiencing the trauma of a separation or divorce. For more information, please contact the Family Ministry Office at (905) 528-7988, ext. 2249. Cost: $35. Past participants are welcome to inquire about further Levels programs starting the same week. COME JOIN US TO FIND THE "KEYS TO LOVING RELATIONSHIPS"_ "Keys" is a ten week video-based program meant for anyone (married or single) who is looking for a more meaningful relationship with a spouse, family member or friend. The program runs Thursday evenings from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. starting September 20th, at the Chancery Office, 700 King St. W, Hamilton. The cost is $45.00. For more information, please call the Family Ministry Office at (905) 528-7988 ext. 2249. Volunteer Drivers Needed! - Catholic Children's Aid Society of Hamilton CCAS is looking for DRIVERS for the Volunteer Drive Department. Drivers provide transportation for children to and from appointments, family visits, school, camp etc. An ongoing commitment is required, and times can be flexible around your schedule. Mile- age will be reimbursed. **Evening drivers urgently needed! If you enjoy working with children and youth, and are looking for a rewarding opportunity please contact: Lisa Hostein, Volunteer and Development Coordinator (905) 525-2012 ext. 3256; DAROVI_ Za Gradbeni sklad so darovali: Slovenska šola je pripevala $5000.00; Marija Glavač $100; Ivan in Angela Antolin $100; Janez in Frida Babič $200; Frank in Slavka Mramor $300; Matilda Bratuž $100; Eva Lukšič $50; Jože in Marija Magdič $100; Jože in Jožica Groznik $300, John in Maria Krenos $200; Družina Pust $50; N.N. $100; Družina Gergyek $100 in $100 namesto rož za pokojno Irmo Hull. Za Baragov sklad so darovaliMatila Bratuž $50; Eva Lukšič $30; Veronika Čurič $50. Vsem iskrena hvala za vase velikodušne darove. Bog vam povrni. BARAGOVI DNEVI_ Za vse stiste, ki ste se prijavili za Baragove dneve samo obvestilo, da je odhod avtobusa izpred župnišča v petek, 21. septembra 2012 ob 6:00 zjutraj. Za prvi dan naj si vsak poskrbi nekaj za pod zob, da ne boste lačni do večera ko pridemo v hotel. Računamo, da bomo v hotelu med sedmo in osmo zvečer, odvesno koliko se bomo zaustavljali na meji in na poti za "nujne zadeve". Ne pozabite na zavarovanje in potni list. Prvi dan smo vglavnem na poti tja. Drugi dan računamo, da si ogledamo cerkev sv. Jožefa /sedaj sv. Pavla/ v Calumetu, potem pa nazaj grede se ustavimo v Lanse - kjer je Baragov kip, zvečer ob šestih pa je Slovenska maša v katedrali in nato večerja. V nedeljo dopoldne se bomo zadrževali v Marquettu, popoldne je maša in banket. V ponedeljek pa smo na poti domov. ZLATOPOROČENCA V nedeljo, 2. septembra sta praznovala 50. letnico poroke Jožica in Max Pavličič. Iskrene čestitke ob visokem jubileju, da bi ju Bog še dolgo ohranjal zdrava. JESESENSKI BANKET Zadnje priprave tečejo za jesenski banket -naše župnijsko žegnanje , blagoslov dvigala in obnovljenih prostorov v dvorani. Kdor se še ni prijavil, naj se čimprej prijavi Tereziji Sarjaš: 905-560-1218. Kot ste že seznanjeni bo to nedeljo samo ena sveta maša in sicer ob desetih dopoldne. Pri maši bosta sodelovala slovenski in angleški zbor. Po maši si boste lahko ogledali prenovljene prostore v dvorani, ob dvanajstih pa bomo začeli najprej z blagoslovom prostorov potem pa s kosilom, ki mu bo sledil kratek program. Od srede 12. septembra do petka 21. septembra bo med nami novi slovenski salezijanski predstojnik, inšpektor g. Janez Potočnik. V nedeljo bo vodil glavno slovesnost in blagoslovil nove prostore v dvorani. Želimo mu prietno bivanje med nami. Ontario —"1 Fondation Trillium V ^ Trillium Foundation i J de l'Ontario OD G9. G9. 2G12 DO 16. G9. 2G12 svete mase - masses 23. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane 09. September f Tugomir Šribar 9:30 a.m. Manja Erzetič Peter Klaver, redovnik ff Janez in Marija Truden 11:00 a.m. Družina Truden Ponedeljek - Monday 1G. September Ines, mučenka f Ivan Obal f Tončka Demšar f Branko Ježovnik f Ivan Sobočan 7:00 p.m. Žena Veronika Cecilija Lehner Žena Dorothea Ježovnik Jožef in Verona Tompa Torek - Tuesday 11. September Bonaventura, redov. Tomaž Ferfolja Irma Hull Irma Hull Irma Hull 8:00 A.M. Oče Ludvik Hull Drago in Nadja Gizela Hauzar Sreda - Wednesday 12. September Marijino ime f Tončka Demšar f Ivan Obal f Ivan Sobočan f Jožef Jerič 7.00 p.m. Elizabeta Gerič in družina Elizabeta Gerič in družina Elizabeta Gerič in družina English Choir Četrtek- Thursday 13. September Janez Zlatousti, šk.c.uč f Blaž Culig ff starši Špilak in brat f Jože Jerič ff vsi pokojni farani 7:00 p.m. Anica Glavač Družina Benko Društvo sv. Jožefa Frank in Betty Gimpelj Petek - Friday 14. September Povišanje sv. križa ff starši Ceklin in brat Mirko ff Starši Svoljšak ff sorodniki in prijatelji f Ivan Sobočan 7:00 p.m. Družina Svoljšak Družina Svoljšak Družina Žvan Ignac in Marija Horvat t Ciril Virant 8:15 A.M. Rosa Scala Sobota - Saturday t Stanko Ferenčak 5:30 p.m. Alojz Ferenčak 15. September t Marija Ternar Ana Matajič Žalostna Mati Božja t Stane Napast Žena Fanika Napast z družino t Štefan in Marija Horvat Jože in Marija Magdič 24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 16. September Kornelij in Ciprijan za žive in rajne župljane f Matija Vlašič ff Viktor, Apolonija in Antonija JESENSKI BANKET 10:00 a.m. Branko in Josip Barberič Sin Viktor Glavač 12:00 noon Blagoslov dvigala in kosilo tif svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.