//ft NO. 90 Ameriška Domovina y% /1/1' E RI HI— HO IWi E AM€R!CAN IN SPIRIT JFOR€IGN Hi LANGUAGG ONLY cioV^N I AN Serving Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukegan, Duluth, Joliet, San Francisco, MORNING N€WSPAP€B Pittsburgh, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Lethbridge, Winnipeg Denver, Indianapolis, Florida, Phoeni* ffly, Pueblo, BockSpringa CLEVELAND, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1977 LETO LXXIX. — Vol. LXXIX FIDEL (ASTRO 0 ODNOSIH DO ZDA Kubanski vodnik je v razgovoru za ABC dejal, da ne vidi verjetnosti za normalizacijo odnosov z ZDA v bližnji bodočnosti. WASHINGTON, D.C. _ V eno uro dolgem razgovoru je sinoči Fidel Castro odgovarjal na vprašanja Barbare Walters in hied drugim dejal, da ne vidi niožnosti za bližnjo normalizacijo odnosov med Kubo in ZDA. “morda v času druge predsedniške dobe Carterja...” Z ozirom, na odobritev nakupa zdravil, deželnih pridelkov in o-Treme za poljedelstvo Kubi v zunanjepolitičnem odboru Senata ZDA je Fidel Castro dejal, da pod pogoji, ki jih je določil ta odbor, Kuba ne bo v ZDA kupila nič, niti “enega samega aspirina proti glavobolu ne, in mi imamo veliko glavobolov”. Fidel Castro ni maral predsednika Forda in državnega tajnika Kissinger j a, v Carterju pa vidi “idealističnega človeka z določenimi etičnimi načeli”. Castro je pripomnil, da je prepričan, da pod Carterjem ne bo nobene zarote za njegov umor. Barbari Walters je Fidel Castro zatrjeval, da je “resno zainteresiran v izboljšanju odnosov z ZDA in da bo mislil, kako bi mogel pri tem pomagati”. Značilno je za Castra, da je o-značil Sovjetsko zvezo za “naj-prostejšo deželo na svetu, pa Priznal tudi, da ima na Kubi v zaporih okoli 3,000 političnih jetnikov. “Čemu bi naj prenašal zaveznike mojih nasprotnikov?’’ je vprašal Castro in nato °dgovoril sam: “Če jih hočete vi trpeti, prav, toda ne jaz.” Kubanski vodnik ni maral za-vzeti nobenega jasnega in določnega stališča do LR Kitajske, FHpomnil je le: “Jaz smatram Futajsko za dobro zaveznico ZDA.” Novi grobovi (arier proti odložitvi za okolje čislih avlov Mary A. Jerkich V Hanna oddelku Lakeside University bolnišnice je po daljši bolezni umrla včeraj zjutraj 74 let stara Mary A. Jerkich s 414 E. 274 St. v Euclidu, roj. Mismas, žena Louisa, mati Louisa, Mrs. Thomas (Rose Marie) Weber in Beatrice, 8-krat stara mati, sestra Franka Mismas, Anne Janko, Vere Echerd, pok. Johna, Alice Deanovic in Alexa Mismas. Pokojna je bila članica Društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ, Društva Kras št. 8 ADZ, Podružnice št. 10 SŽZ, Kluba slovenskih upokojencev za Holmes Avenue okrožje. Oltarnega društva pri Mariji Vnebovzeti Catholic Daughters of America, Court St. Edward No. I486. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v soboto, ob 8.15, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete ob 9., nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. o—------------------ IM hočejo v Beogradu človekove pravice med očkami razpravljanja WASHINGTON, D.C. — Državni tajnik Cyrus R. Vance je dejal, da bodo ZDA na konferenci v Beograidu ob pregledovanju uspehov helsinških dogovorov pozvale Sovjetsko zvezo in njene Kratek stik povzročil Požar v Southgate klubu ATLANTA, Ga. — Preisko-^alci požara v Southgate Bever-S Hills Super klubu 28. maja, vf Je pokončal 161 človeških Avlenj, so prišli do zaključka, a Je ogenj povzročil kratek sljk na električnem vodu, ki je °skrbovai s tokom motor umet-llega vodnjaka. Požar naj bi zajel stene in esene predmete za klubskim Prostorom Zebra. Segel naj bi 11 tudi v postrešje, predno so odkrili in ljudi v klubskih Prostorih opozorili na nevarnbst Stalinizem je mrtev? J MOSKVA, ZSSR. — Leonid • Brežnjev je na zasedanju entralnega komiteta Komuni-sučne partije ZSSR obljubil, da Se nasilje, ki ga je Sovjetska ?'Veza doživljala v času Stalina, 116 bo nikdar vrnilo. Obsežen govor sovjetskega Partijskega vodniqa je bil ob Javljen preteklo nedeljo ravdi”. Brežnjev je v njem glavnem tolmačil načrt nove Ustave ZSSR, ki ga je izdela °seben odbor pod njegovim Wdstvom. Vremenski prerok Pretežno sončno Ko se avtomobilska industrija prizadeva, da bi dosegla odložitev izvedbe določil o varovanju čistoče okolja, Carter to zavrača. WASHINGTON, D.C,—Predsednik Carter je izjavil, da je odločno proti odložitvi izvajanja določil o varovanju čistoče okolja, kar zadeva avtomobile. Industrija bi rada dosegla podaljšanje po sedanjem zakonu določene dobe za novih pet let. Predsednik ZDA je v pismu sen. E. S. Muskiu, načelniku odbora za čuvanje okolja v Senatu, ki te dni razpravlja o splošnem zakonu o čistoči okolja, povedal jasno, da je proti proti podaljšanju dobe, kot jo zahteva avto-imobilsku industrija. Po prvotnem zakonu, bi morali biti izpušni plini že čisti, pa so to (določilo odložili do leta 1978. Sedaj ga hočejo odložiti do leta 1982. Sen. Muskie je v svojem pododboru izdelal kompromis, ki podaljšuje očiščenje izpušnih plinov novih avtomobilov do leta 1980. Carter je senatorju v svojem pismu sporočil, da bi bil voljan sprejeti ta kompromis. Preldstavniškom dom je odobril predlog avtomobilske industrije, ki ga podpira Unija avto- Zadnje vesti GLAVNI RAČUNSKI URAD KONGRESA KAŽE NAPAKE ENERGETSKEGA PROGRAMA Glavni nadzorni organ Kongresa navaja celo vrsto po-manikljivosti v »redsednikovem energetskem programu. V svojem poročilu predlaga uzakonitev sredstev in. ukrepov, ki bodo vodili do uresničen ja v energetskem nrogramu vlade postavljenih ciljev. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senat je včeraj izglasoval kompromisni predlog, ki podaljšuje avtomobilski industriji dobo za dosego očiščenja izpušnih plinov novih avtomobilov do leta 1980, za American Motors Co. celo do leta 1982. COLUMBUS, O. — Na Ohio State University je včteraj predsednikov svetovalec za energijo James R, Schlesiiiger dejal, da moramo v naši deželi sedaj začeti varčevati z WASHINGTON, D.C.—Glav-energijo, če se nočemo v ne- ni računski urad, nadzorni organ kaj letih znajti v hudi stiski. Kongresa, je objavil predvčeraj- NAIROBI. Ken. — Ugandski šnjim obsežno kritiko Carterje-radio je objavil, da je predsed- vega energetskega načrta. V nik Idi Amin, ki je izjavljal, njej opozarja na vrsto pomanjk-da bo šel na zasedanje Skup- Ikivcsti in trdi, da postavljenih nosti narodov v London, pa ciljev po predloženi poti ni mo-naj je to Veliki Britaniji prav goče doseči. ali ne, doma v Kampali. Naj ____ zasedanju Skupnosti je pred-1 Predsednik Carter je postavil prav tako sednik Jamaice Michael Man- cilb naJ bi rast Porabe energije ley označil Idi Amini ja za omePb na 2 /<> letno, in predlo- “\'zrok sramote vsemu člove- sredstva za njegovo dosego. Domov odbor spremenil Carterjeve predloge Odbor Predstavniškega doma za načine in sredstva je včeraj odklonil predsednikov predlog za uzakonitev pravice do uvedbe posebnega davka na gasolin, če ne bi bilo mogoče porabo tega omejiti na druge načine. odklonil Carterjev predlog za povračilo v gotovini kupcem avtomobilov, ki porabijo manj gasolina, kot je zaveznice, naj izvedejo in izpolnjujejo vsa določila helsinških mobilskega delavstva, listin, vključno določila o človekovih pravicah. Pred mešanim odborom Kongresa in vlade, katerega naloga nadzirati izvajanje določil helsinških listin, je Vance izjavil: Mi iščemo polno izpolnjevanje vseh določil helsinškega sporazuma! Prost tok ljudi in idej je za dolgoročno varnost in sodelovanje prav tako pomem-oen kot na primer napoved večjih vojaških vaj, Sklep o človeŠ7 r°' Pran°iško Cerar, mater ge *ednice MZA New York bo e^6ne Nlezin, ki je nedav-v Clevelandu, pripo-aibo vsej MZA v molitev. zer t Klezinova in ga. Ana Stal-sta’ tainica MZA New* York, bo-kr0rOrili ° de^u njihovega Te|Z a na praznik sv. Rešnjega CWarVuŽUpniji SV' Križa’ Holy Ve F .hurch, 750 Tahmore Dri-v ^ * airfield, Conn. 06430, kot oznanilu za Binkošti tt 3 župnik g- A1°izij Hrib-Sek . ^bnoviti želijo uradno od-Vrs/ /jA 10 imajo v fari že leta kole° Sodeiujočih v gibanju. Ta-“pg' župnik oznanja: TEl pAZNlK SV. REŠNJEGA lj0 l9 A’ Mi Telovo, bo v nede-sPet u Združili bomo ebai ? 6 SV' maši. P°I deseto in taagS °’ ier imeli ob 10. uri sv. tudi° in Procesijo. Prišli bodo ka. pnaži Prijatelji iz New Yor-tabj r°simo vas za sodelovanje: dejom° cvetlice, otroci naj prh dru„ 2a Procesijo, pa še za kaj ' ge£a vas bomo prosili „ „, se je trimesečnih počitnic v domovini in Italiji v svoj indijski delokrog. V raznih krajih je govorila rojakom o misijonih in u-deležila se je velikega misijonskega zborovanja v Vipavi. Bila je tudi v Rimu pri sv. maši Pavla VI. za 60 misijonark raznih ti okolje pred onesnaženjem pri črpanju olja izpod morja. Večina je bila pripravljena sprejeti ta zagotovila, dokler ni prišlo do nesreče v Severnem mof-ju: Ko je razneslo cev na črpalni ploščadi Bravo na norveškem nahajališču olja Ekofisk ter se je na milijone sodov olja razlilo po morju, je sicer uspelo strokovnjakom iz Teksasa tok olja ustaviti in preprečiti hujšd nesrečo, toda zaupanje v oljne družbe in njihova 'zagotovila je bilo hudo omajano. Norvežani so omejili 1 črpanje olja, dokler ne prouče znova položaja varnosti, oglasili pa so se ponovno zagovorniki okolja tudi v ZDA, ki se boje, da bi vrtanje na kontinentalni plošči pred obalo ZDA ob Atlantiku in črpanje olja iz podmorskih nahajališč le moglo postati huda nevarnost za čisto okolje ob naših obaloh. Pred nekaj leti so to skusili v Kaliforniji. -----o------ Oglašujte v AMERIŠKI DOMOVINI, kupujte pri njenih oglaševalcih! Lastnik prodaja enodružinsko hišo s tremi spalnicami, garaža, parcela 75x110 s sadnim dnevjem, v okolici E. 185 St. Cena v 30-tih. Kličite 481-0286 ali 531-2598. ________________. , (90) House for Sale Brick colonial, north of Lake Shore Blvd., St. Jeromes parish, larrge living room with wood-burning fireplace, formal dining room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms on second floor, IV2 baths, panelled recreation room with fireplace, many extra features, 2V2 car garage and private beach club, excellent con* dition. BEACHLAND REALTY 14726 Lake Shore Blvd. 481-1012 (90) MALI OGLASI ROOMS FOR RENT Three rooms and bath up for rent on E. 68 St. Call 361-6106 (92) V najem 6-sobna hiša, klet, garaža. Samo odraslim. Nobenih živali. Oglasite se na 1133 E. 71 St. ali kličite 881-4013. -(91) ODDA SE tri sobe in kopalnica spodaj na E. 71 St. Kličite 361-0989 (10,13,17 20 jun) FOR SALE Large family single or use up as income; two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath down, kitchen bath and two bedrooms up, large yard. 732-8969. (90) Na Binkoštno soboto je bilo ordiniranih šest novo-mašnikov Vzhodne Province a-meriških lazaristov in v marcu preje eden iz New England poljske province. Molimo za svetost duhovnikov v teh kritičnih urah človeške zgodovine. (Bo še.) Rev. Charles A. Wolbang, C.M. 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ont. Canada MIN 3J7 -----o----- Tisk je velesila, delajmo za ! AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO! ’ NOV NA SEZNAMU V EUCLIDU Zidan ranč, s tremi spalnicami, samo tri leta star, garaža za -dva avta, polna klet, kuhinja z več predelavami in jedilna soba. UPSON REALTY UMLA 499 E. 260 St. 731-1070 Odprto od 9. do 9. ure zvečer (90) FOR RENT 2 apartments, 6 rooms each, for older people or family with not more than 2 children at 1097 E. 71 St. — 361-1556. —(90) REPAIRING Of all kitchen appliances, kitchen helpers or industrial machines. — 268-0100. _________________________(x) Help wanted Male or Female DELO DOBI Čistilko v okolici St. Clair Avenue iščejo za 2 do 4 dni v tednu. Kličite 361-5115 med 11. dop. in 3. pop. (x) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED To live in for elderly woman, in Beachwood area. Salary. 464-1684 (90) DAY WORK 2 days a week, laundry, reliable, references. Lyndhurst area. Own transportation. 461-1380 l.lih, .(93), FOR RENT Single family, 3 bedrooms, full basement, attached garage. Centaral air conditioning. In Euclid, $350. Call 731-8785 (93) LASTNIK PRODAJA Hiša s tremi spalnicami IV2 kopalnice, nasproti cerkve Marije Vnebovzete. Kličite 681-2673. (92) OGRAJE Postavljam ograje in vršim popravila. Kličite 391-0533. (10,17 junij V blag spomin dvajsete obletnice smrti našega ljubljenega in nepozabnega očeta FRANK TOPORIS je za vedno zatisnil svoje drage oči dne 10. junija 1957 Srčno ljubljeni nam oče, šel prezgodaj si od mas, bil si tako dober, skrben, pogrešamo Te vsak čas. Zdaj bivaš vrh višave jasne, kjer ni težav in ne skrbi, tam solnce sreče ne ugasne, tam lepša zarja nam blesti! Žalujoči: Josephine, hči Frank, sin, Joseph, zet. Cleveland, O. 10. junija 1977. Old tirno radio programs Buy or swap, on cassette or 4 track tapes. Write “Old Timer”, 6117 St. Clair, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. (x) BATHROOM SPECIALIST j “Damaged Walls a Specialty” || Custom built vanities, ceramic and Clay Tile Installed. Free Estimates — No Job too Small. — You can afford me! I GENE DI PIETRO 585-3725 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. \ 641-0046 IZ SIOVEIJE Gramofonske plošče ® Knjige • Radenska voda • Zdravilni čaj Spominčki • Časopisje • Vage na kilograme • Semena • Strojčki za valjanje in rezanje testa TIVOLI ENTERPRISES INC. 6419 St. Ciair Avc. Cleveland, O. 431-5298 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI SVETOV1DSKA OKOLICA 1046 E. 68 — prodano 6801-03 Schaefer — prodano 1147-51 Addison — prodano 1411 E. 53 — prodano 1048 E. 68 — prodano 6026-28 St. Clair — prodano 966 E. 77 — prodano Potrebujemo več hiš. Kupci z gotovino čakajo. Kličite nas! A.M.D. REALTY 6311 St. Ciair Ave. 432-1322 (xf) CVETLICE ZA POROKE POGREBE IN VSE DRUGE PRILIKE • Brezplačna dostava po vsem mestu • Brzojavna dostava po vsem svetu FTD STARC FLORAL Inc. 6131 St. Ciair Ave. Telefon podnevi: 431-6474 Dom: 1164 Norwood Rd. Telefon ponoči EX 1-5078 5mo tako blizu vas kot vaš telefon Join Peiric 783 E. 185 Odprto v torek, četrtek in petek od 8. do 6. ure, v sredo od 8. do 1. ure, v soboto od 8. do 4. ure. Zaprto v ponedeljek 481-3465 Printing SPECIALISTS AMERICAN HOME PUBLISHING C0. 6117 St. Ciair Ave. 431-0628 AMERIŠKA SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA JE0N0TA NAJSTAREJSA SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA ZAVAROVALNA ORGANIZACIJA V AMERIKI • Mi izdajamo najmodernejše celo-življenske in ustanovne (endowments) certifikate za mladino in odrasle od rojstva do 60. leta; vsote so neomejene nad $1,000. • Naša ugledna bratska organizacija Vam poleg zavarovalnine nudi tudi verske, športne, družabne in druge aktiv nosti. Pri nas imate, na primer, priložnost udeležbe pri kegljanju, igranju košarke, itd.; nadalje se lahko udeležite plesov, poletnih piknikov, športnih turnej in božičnih prireditev za otroke. • SLOVENCI! PRIDRUŽITE SE SLOVENCEM! • ZAPOMNITE SI — PRI NAS DOBITE OSEBNO POZORNOST! Za podrobnosti io pojasnila stopite takoj v stik s sledečim, tajniki/tajnicami (ali pa pišite v glavni urad: 351-353 N Chicago St., Joliet, 111. 60431). RALPH GODEC, društvo št. 63, Tel. 524-5201 847 E. Hillsdale Drive, Seven Hills, Ohio 44131 GIZELLA HOZIAN, društvo št. 170, Tel. 251-2579 1500 Sheridan Road, Wilmette, 111. 60091 PAUL H. KOKAL, društvo št. 210, Tel. 793-6629 2811 Reiter Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235 9|5£§91gi|d ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL KOME GO. Tel.: ENdicott 1-3113 6016 St. Clair Ave. RICHMOND HEIGHTS Open Sun. 2-5 416 Cary Jay Blvd. off' Highland Rd. West of Richmond Rd. Three bedroom, ranch, living room, dining room, 2 car attached garage. Excellent condition. Owner relocating. Upper 60’s. Three bedroom brick ranch, large lot, full basement, attached garage. Strekal Realty 481-1100 692-1020 TONY KRISTAVNIK PAINTING AND DECORATING Telephone: 944-8436 Spomlad je tu! Najboljši čas za barvanje vaših hiš Preglejte vaše domove in pokličite nas n brezplačen proračun. Smo strokovnjaki! Sanitas in papiranje Oglašujte v naših malih oglasih ČE PRODAJATE ali kupujete rabljeno pohištvo, ČE IŠČETE ali oddajate stanovanje, ČE POTREBUJETE delovno moč, ČE IŠČETE zaposlitev, ČE PRODAJATE ali kupujete nepremičnine. — dajte mali oglas v AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO! Pokličite HE 1-0628. NAROČITE SVOJIM DOBRIM OČETOM AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO KOT DARH.0 ZA Očetovski dan dne 19. junija 1977 Naročite telefonično: 431-0628 Naročite pismeno: Ameriška Domovina 6117 St. Ciair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Prosim, da pošiljate Ameriško Domovino kot moje darilo za Očetovski dan na sledeči naslov: $28.00 na leto $14.00 za po leta Za to darilo pošiljam znesek $ Moje ime in naslov: ........... JT Dr. Ivan Pregelj: I MLADA BREDA jj* POVEST “Take pa še ne, Katra, take je vrgla kvišku, da še otme mo-pa še ne!” se je še vedno sme- rečih oči. Tedaj je zagledala jal Tomaž. Za pečjo pa je godr- prav nasproti sebi Lipeta. Vi-njal Pečankin brat: j dela je njegovo zdravo, resno “Za berače ima pikolit, za lice, prijazne in pametne oči, in brata ga nima.” | čudna, čudna misel jo je obšla: Tedaj je planila žena proti kar vprašala bi ga bila: peči. Zardelo in tolsto lice ji jej “Ali ti morem zaupati? Ali mi od jeze gorelo, besno je mahala nisi tudi ti nasproten in hudo-z roko. ben? Glej, nikogar nimam, še “In kaj si ti, pritepenec? Če- moj mož je reven in slab, Žene, gav kruh ješ, kje sediš? Ven, pri ki me tako trdo gleda, me je priči iz hiše. Pijanec nemarni!” “Sama sebe poglej!” je odvrnil mož. “Ven pojdeš!” je klicala ona strah. Ne ljubi me, trn v peti sem ji!” Nekdo ji je položil vlažno roko na rame. Videla je, da se in ga popadla za noge, katere je užgalo Lipetu nekaj rdečice je bil varno potegnil na peč. Ko pa ga je prijela, je sunil, da se je žena opotekla. “Vidiš, da si pijana. Ne boš me Katra, nocoj me pa ne boš!” je pripomnij. “Tomaž, nesi ga Ven!” je velela žena in hlapec jo je poslušal. Opletaje se je stopil bliže. “Naj me le, naj me le, pa mu tako povem, da bosta imela dovolj ti in tvoj hlapec,” je vikal mož, “da bodo vsaj ljudje ve-dgh, kakšna žena si.” Tu se je vmešal Jurij na obrazu. Ozrla se je. Tomaž je stal za njo. “Ne plešem!” je rekla kratko. Tomaž je ogovoril Jurija. “Lepo nevesto imaš, prijazna pa ni.” Jurij se je nasmehnil in dejal: “Ančka že ve, zakaj ni!” V tem hipu pa je planila Pečanka, kot da jo je gad pičil. Oči so ji izstopile iz glave. Anica je zbledela. Drgetaj e se je ozrla na Lipeta. Žalosten smehljaj mu je ležal na licu. Anici se je zaz- “Mir imejte! Mati, ali se bo- delo, da ga razume: “Ne morem ste res tepli za mojo svatbo?” j še, zdaj ti ne morem še poma-Žena je drhtela od zadrževane gati.” V naslednjem trenotku se jeze. Kljub pijači je čutila, da se je osramotila pred gosti in hlapci. Vso sobo je premerila in njen pogled je obstal slednjič na nevesti, ki je še vedno stala na vratih in mirno gledala ves prizor. Stopila je k njej in rekla: “Ali ti tudi misliš, da sem pijana?” Anici je šinila rdečic^, čez obraz. Ni mogla prenesti tašči-nega pogleda. Ozrla se je na moža. Tašča ji je molče obrnila hrbet in sedla za mizo. Luka je lezel s peči, na vratih je obstal. “Da ti bo prav,” je dejal proti Pečanki, “grem spat. Nič ne de, naj ti tekne pikolit, ljuba sestra.” Tedaj je moža nekdo rahlo prijel od zadaj in ga potegnil v vežo. Nekaj trenutkov nato je vstopil, bil je Lipe. Anica je opazila, da je nastal v sobi hipoma je usula Pečanki iz ust ploha besedi. “Kaj ve Ančka, kaj? Kaj ima vedeti? Če misli, da ima kaj vedeti, gre lahko takoj. Še nocoj gre lahko.” “Mati!” je kriknil Jurij, “kdo “Mati!” je kriknil Jurij, “kdo vam kaj .hoče?” “O, nihče mi nič noče,” je nadaljevala porogljivo žena, “nihče nič. Sama nedolžna jag-njela ste vsi. Ko bi le bila tako slepa in neumna, pa bi ne videla, kaj hočete. Ali hočeš, da povem, kaj' hoče ta tvoja lepa punica —?” “Mati, imejte mir” je prosil sin do smrti plašno. Soba se je bila spraznila. Gosti ko čutili, da je ibolje, da se odstranijo. Samo Kocijan se je bil dvignil in stopil k Pečanki. “Katra, pametno govoriš. A mir. Tedaj se je zavedela inlle mirno! Huda beseda ni prisedla na najbližji stol. Godec je da,” je kimal in vil z roko, ko medtem raztegnil harmoniko. Edino Sime je prijel Nežo in jo da duši nekaj. Njegova žena, suha Jurijev?! odvedel. Pečanka je sedela ko botra, je gostolela od nekod: pribita na stolu, Jurij ji je nekaj J “Oh pikolit, nikoli ga še ni-dopovedoval. Anica je opazila, sem, nikoli ga ne bom več.” da jo Pečanka neprenehoma j Nekaj hipov je gledala Pe-opazuje. Groza jo je stresla pod čanka brezizrazno pred se. Uto-tem pogledom, ki je počival na lažila se je toliko, da je izpila njej. Daši je umikala pogled, je kozarec vina. Ali pila je hitro vendar prav dobro čutila, da jo in zaletelo se ji je. tašča namenoma tako gleda. Ka- j Po nesreči je bil prav sedaj kor omotičnost se je je polašče- tudi godec prenehal. Pečanka se valo. Nekdo je prisedel k njej. je spet razgrela; komaj je prišla Ni pogledala, kdo. Menda Koci- k sapi, je zakričala: jan ji je pripovedoval o nkki nevesti, ki so ji s petimi vozovi ‘Kdo mi ga ne privošči? Ti?” Z drobnimi očmi je bodla ne- pripeljali balo. Nepopisna tes- vesti v žalostno lice in podrh-nost jo je objenaala. Šiloma se tavajoče, osinjele ustnice. Za- LOOK INTO AMERICA* MUTUAL LIFE ASSOC. FOR YOUR INSURANCE NEDS Step-Shop-Compare. Ask for your L-D-Q Comparison Sheet. They are available from all AMLA Secretaries and Agents. Prove it to yourself, American Mutual gives you more insurance benefits for your insurance dollar. ! or your free copy, call the AMLA Sales Department at Žie^ei-osse, or mail the below coupon. To: A.merican Mutual Life Assoc. 6401 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 man se je Anica lovila za nekaj j trdnega, zaman je iskala sebi nasproti dobrih in resnih oči — Lipe je bil odšel. Kakor skozi meglo je videla, da je vstal mož Jurij, prijel kozarec in ga treščil na mizo. Kakor iz čudne dalje ga je slišala govoriti: “Mati, tako sprejemate mojo ženo? Sedaj mi je dovolj!” Anica je še videla, kako so se tašči zasvetile od osuplosti in jeze oči, kako se ji je zresnil od vina zabrekli obraz. Videla je, da je osuplost izginila in se umaknila izrazu pomilovanja. “Taka mati — saj še sina ne ljubi!” je pomislila Anica. Krog oči ji je leglo koprenasto, vse se je zavrtelo okoli nje. Onesvestila se je... (Dalje prihodnjič) * ' * . * * * * i .* . j t Please send me 1 free copy of the L-D-Q comparison. My date of birth is Name .. Street ............................... City State ....... Zip I NAROČNIKOM, ki prejemajo list po pošti! Datum nad vašim imenom pomeni, do kdaj je plačana vaša naročnina; najprej mesec, nato dan in leto. Pravočasno plačana naročnina je velika pomoč listu. Prosimo upoštevajte! Order a subscription to the AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA for your dear father as a Father's Day gill JUNE 19, 1977 Call 431-0628 or order by mail: AMERICAN HOME PUBLISHING CO. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Please send the Ameriška Domovina as my gift for Father’s Day to: Enclosed is $28 for one year — $14.00 for six months; $10.00 for one year of Friday’s English edition. My name is Address niuifiiiiijiiiiiimuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiimiiiiiiiiiuiuiiHimiiiii I BRICKMAN & SONS 1 FUNERAL HOME I 21900 EUCLID AVE. 481-5277 Between Chardon & East 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio linimiiiiiiiniiniiimiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiuiiinmiiiimiiiimimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiimimMMiiHimiumiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiimmli 1. It is a good idea to carry an extra supply of gasoline stored in a safety can in the trunk of your car. y □ True □ False 2. There are certain times when it is safe to operate an edger-trimmer or lawn mower with the safety guards removed. □ True □ False ------ANSWERS--------------- sauojejoqej sj8iUMJ3p:uny(q aoiAjasAjajBs oiiqnd b sb papiAoij •eaic Sujjina ujojj ^bmb spueq daa)( -djeqs sapejq daax jsaouejsuinojp Aub japun tuaqj aAoujat jaAafj uapjo 3u| -ijloM tii puB aoB|d uj sptenS aig daasj sAbmjv ’asiej z •U0!}3B3J 3A| •so|dx3 ue 3ABt| Aeiu 'auo jou -JIU B U3A3 'U0ISI||03 PU3-JB3J B ‘OSItf 'JS|X3 SSDJnOS U0|} -luSj 3JaqM 'JB3 3tj} }0 J0U3} -m aqj ojui J3j|!) Abui siod -B/\ junj} JB3 JO JB3 JfloA Uj 3Uj|0SB3 3J0)S J3A3fJ 'SSjEj j NOW! FIRST BOOK OF ITS KIND "THE POLICA RING" 311 THE LIFE OF FRANKIE YANKOVIC As Told So Robert Dolgan aufobšsgraphf # is fumous Amerlaan-SJotfemaif Iteteian Frankie Yankevia .». 228 pages, hardcover, 32 pholes. Read about every detail of Yankovic’s colorful career and stormy personal life. SEND: $8.95 plus 50 cents postage to: YANKOVIC BOOK P.O. Box 17348 Cleveland, Ohio 44117 KNIFIC INSURANCE SERVICE, INC. 820 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 "ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS” 481-7540 CLEVELAND’S NEWEST ETHNIC RESTAURANT • Featuring superb Old World and American Food, — REASONABLY PRICED — RESTAURANT Enjoy dining in the relaxing atmosphere of Old Vienna BREAKFAST — LUNCH — DINNER BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 150 1385 E, 35 SI. Phone 881-1118 Under New Ownership SORN'S RESTAURANT HOT SANDWICHES — DINNERS LUNCHES — HOME-MADE SOUP European Style Home Cooking Take out Orders lo Go WE SPEAK CROATIAN - SLOVENIAN - GERMAN - ENGUSH Open 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Closed Sunday) JOHN and ANTONIA VRANIC and DAUGHTER ANNA, — NEW OWNERS 6036 St. Clair Ave. 361-5214 A'fr4‘Oa' \ ^ f S V* iv 0 £ CCC TO POLETJE. f) S • Osebno vpisovanje 22. juhija ® Predavanja se začnejo 27. junija Za-nadaljne informacije in za seznam predavanj se obrnite.na urad za vpis in zapiske na kateremkoli. kampusu CCC. , Cuyahoga Community College } H ^ Eastern Campus, 25444 Harvard Rd., Warrensville Twp. Phone 464-3535 Metropolitan Campus, 2900 Community College Ave.,'Tlevelan.d. Phone 241-5365 Western Campus, 11000 Pleasant Valley Rd.r Parma. Phone 845-4000 EPPSCK INSURANCE AGENCY » Cleveland 467-1441 All Forms of Commercial & Personal Insurance Fire - Casualty - Bonds Auto - Homeowners - Boats - Campers iiuiuiimiiiiHiuiiiHiuiiiiiKiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiuiiuitd1^ ZELE FUNERAL HOMES MEMORIAL CHAPEL 452 E. 152nd Street Phone 481-3118 ADDISON ROAD CHAPEL 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone: 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo I "iimiiiiiiimimimiiiiiiMimimiuiimMiiiiiuuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuimiiiimiii>|i|11 ‘ TAUNTS PIZZI PALACE 6387 St. Glair Rhone 361-0131 i PS-Z-fZ: Monday« Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p,m. — 4:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Friday: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 4:39 p.m. - Miduite Saturday 4:30 to Midnite Sunday — 4:30 to 10:00 p,m- I Note: Closed June 26 thru July 9. Open Sun. July 10 at 6 P111^ hi«*** amm fuerm homes 1053 East 62 St. 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 531-6300 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 your ethnic forum the latest news and views mumr i I®, netudfiafieb ■k WEEKLY * *7OV R VIEWS — OUR NEWS" ■James V. Debevec, Editor AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 10 1977 SONG OF A SCHOOL NUN by Anton Vincent Hauptman within the sanitarium. She made This book is an autobiography' new friends, but most of them of Sister Lavoslava from the Passed away due to their ill-time when she was very young tiess. She told of how she-made until 1972 when living in Kansas friends with a Mr. Robnik, who City. [was of a different religion. With She was born in Celje, Slove-1 fbeir relationship, she conver-nia, and went to school in Lju- ted him- and he accepted some bljana j °f sacraments before he In her early childhood, she died-remembers how her father read^ fn 1925 a Sister Sebastijana ‘‘The Lives of the Saints” be-!Neuwirth bought a farm in before they went to sleep each, onli Illinois. The land was gor-Oight. Only during the summer, wben the days were long and a lot of work was done, were the readings suspended for awhile. She really admired her father because of all the good grades be brought home from school when he was young. The parish Pastor was another person who was very much adored by all the children of that parish. He Was well known for passing out'tables DANIEL J. POSTOTNIK DAN'S DIARY geous and even a house was in eluded in the deal. A Franciscan father converted a section to be a small chapel. Sister Lavoslava soon moved in to relax and recover from her encounter with tuberculosis. Many other nuns also came out during the summer when they were not teaching. Altogether, they planted flowers and trees. Seven started a garden of vege- James Drobnick - scholar b'uit to all the little, ones as ,a treat. ' ‘ It is time once again for otir Corporate Holy Comtmunion, which will take place this Sunday, June 12, 1977 at the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Breakfast meeting and installation of officers will follow in the church hall. Some very important events and observances transpired at our parish in the last two weeks. Aside from the annual Memorial Day observance sponsored by the Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 at the [1:15 a.m. Mass, and the Slovenian Memorial Services at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Rd., we were witnesses to the following Wedding Anniversary Masses: May 29th — for JOHN and FRANCES VIDMAR (nee Gornik), 997 E. 67th St., who celebrated their 60th (yes, 60th),. Mrs. Vidmar is a sister of Joe Gornick, travel writer for this newspaper, long time H.N.S. member. (Giddings Ave. Gornik family). On May 30th (Memorial Day), the well known Dr. and Mrs. LAWRENCE OGRINC (nee Grdina), 12016 Lake Shore Sister tells of her most memorable Christmas eve, when When Lavoslava went to'aU the electricity went out. Fa-school, she was liked by herither Salezy came over to say teacher Miss Rozie, because she1 Mass that evening by candlemas always atopnd. to give a.light. helping hartd whenever in need. ( _ During the year, she met the This school had two separate neighbors and worked hard in grade levels. The younger group keeping the farm up to par. A mas taught hv Miss Rozie and memorable moment was exper- Blvd., obseived their ^5th Wed the advlnced g^uTby her bro- ienced when she and another ding Anniversary at the 9:00 ther, Ludwig sister went to their dying neigh- a m. Mass, with a host of their When Lavoslava finished bor for his last prayers. Ludwig’s fourth grade, she On the humorous side, she manted to go away to a’ nun’s told of how she brought a cow school. Her mother was afraid which did not give any milk. °I the distance from home, but Alter she recovered, Sister Lavoslava was accepted and returned to Kansas City to re- went off each day on a long sume her teaching of boys and bike with her friend to that girls. The following were some School. j of the pupils she remembers They performed in plays most: Tony was drowned in a which were sponsored by the river^ but went to Mass the buns and also the parish young Sunday before after a long many relatives and friends. Dr. Malbasa, William Mark, Frank Novak, James Radocaj, Milan Sipos, Richard Slapnik, Timothy Toplak, Bogdan Vosicka, Kevin Vrban, George Yahner, William Žakelj, Stanley Burke, Therese iCah, Denise Derenda. Linda Gostic, Draga Krzywield, Marie Lubey, Pauline Ortman, Therese Ratliff, Janice Ribičič, Željka Ritossa, Maria Zamlen, Cynthia Zidar, Bonnie Honors: James R. Drobnick, a Euclid High School senior, has been named a Wittenberg University Alumni Scholar, the highest honor bestowed upon an incoming freshman. Jim, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Drobnick, 20220 Blackfoot Rd., was named in recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement i promise for future success and leadership qualities. He is eligible to receive, the Memo... From Madeline accompanying: stipend for fouh First Honors: Draga Gostic, years. Andrew Leksan, Frank Mark j At Euclid High he is active Second Honors: Thomas Av- m the National Honor Societyj sec, Therese Ortman, Timothy varsity track, Key Club, earned Slapnik, George Vrban, Stanley the Presidential Physical Fit-Zakelj, Cynthia Zamlen, Milka ness Award and is on the distia- 9 a.m. till noon. Vukovič, Edward Dufala, Arsen guished honor roll. Stimac j ------0----- nmk* s"*» r— Madeline Debevec Marian Selesnik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Selesnik, 15239 Lake Shore Blvd., was graduated from St. Vincent Charity Hospital School of Nursing May 22. She will be employed in the Surgical-Pediatric Unit at the hospital. Miss Selesnik will become the bride of Dominick Catanese on Sept. 17. Congratulations! The Mayor’s Commission on Aging Geriatric Outreach Program aims to locate persons age 60 and over throughout the city of Cleveland and link them with the social services necessary to meet their needs. Outreach workers acquainted with a variety of resources are based at neighborhood centers in the community. For Outreach- Services; call Ann Marie Zak at 481-0631 from On June 10th, Mr. and Mrs. John Alich will celebrate their 62nd Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations are being sent their way from friends and relatives. * * , * Milan S. Kapel, builder and developer, has been appointed to the Geauga County Hospital Board. Victor F. Rožance has bben appointed Senior Vice President for Residential Operations at Mellon National Mortgage Co. of Ohio. Mr. Rožance, who is a 1949 graduate, of John Carroll University, had most recently been' Vice President in charge of mortgage banking and marketing for the Citizens Savings and Loan Association in Paines-ville. ■ < * '. •' The 51 year old father of four will have his office in Mellon National Mortgage Co. of Ohio’s headquarters at 1255 Euclid Ave., in Cleveland. Mary Matoh is vacationing in California with her son Ed and Thomas N. Milinovich, a junior at the General Motors Institute in Flint, Mich., has been named to the dean’s list. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milinovich Sr. of Euclid, he is cooperative student with Chevrolet Motor Division in Congratulations! Ogrinc and his wife Marie havejtliff, Maria Ritossa, Bodgdan , Last Saturday Ivan Haupt.,a convention there- t v* ^ t /-v 1 t r /—1 TV\ W O l-l /-~Y Y- O I'V 1 — f I ' _ . . 1 .1 ______ \ A / . «— * 1 ' TV I I adults. absence from church. Joe was As Lavoslava was growing crippled. Eddie reminded her of into a real lady, her mother be- an Indian because of his hair-Came very ill. She went to live cut. Two brothers, Wiliam and °n campus of a school which Henry, and Stanley got into bad Was for girls and taught by trouble. ^nns. Then in the Fall, one day, I Sister Lavoslava ends her w°nd came that her mother autobiography by expressing died- It was then that she deci- solne thoughts about life, and ded to become a nun herself, how pleasant most of the mem-She traveled from convent to ories were, convent to earn a degree in be- COMMENTS: ing a school teacher. j This book definitely shows Her two best friends also join-,that Sister has a talent for ed the convent and together ’ writing. She refused to get in-they made a threesome which volved in deep detail which Was an unbreakable friendship, would cause complications. I en-'rhey all earned teaching de- joyed reading her book for the §rees, and with that were sent simple fact that it was con-to America to teach Slovenian- stantly moving and interesting. ^hglish school children. She was very fond of small children and when she was first America, she had a hard time Rusting to the language since ll- was not her natural tongue. Sister Lavoslava was sent to Kansas City to teach at the H°ly Family School. There she ^Hught kindergarten, first, and Secohd grades. the beginning, she had to ^dapt to the style of life of , ese children. She expressed lei’ humorous days in school arid also her bad days, especial-^ when the older boys gave her double. Sister LaVoslava tells of some , the favorite pupils she had, d the special characteristics Pbssessed. Q hree weeks before school let ’ Sister Lavoslava was sent fr ^ doctor 'who told her she . ■ tuberculosis on both lungs. Kh thjg newS) ghg went 0ff a sanitorium, which to i^tituti Tfi is an on for the treatment of While staying in the hospi- She wrote this book in a style of short stories which were all tied together somehow. Sister did not give very many dates, just the seasons of the years, which thi particular incident been involved in parish organi-^ Toplak, Gary Wisnieski, Harry ,man ancf prank Hren spent the zations for many years even Bergant, Kathy Stanic, John day repairing and making new though their time is so limited j UrbaS) Nevio Koroman, Darko parts f0r the worn out printing with their large family. Kralj, Louis Hočevar, and Edith ^regg which prints the Ameri- Some of you may not know Lesic. this, but Dr. Lawrence was one Sr. Mary Michaelan of our star performers in dhe 30”s with the St. Vitus Dramatic Club. Before you and I get out of bed on Sunday mornings, he is a Lector and Commentator at the 6:30 a.m. Mass. To top off -the^Holiday morning, we also witnessed a Golden Wedding at the 11:00 a.m. Mass, which was celebrated for JANEZ and IVANKA OVSENIK of 7505 Cornelia Ave. Mr. Ovsenik has been a field representative for the “Ameriška Domovina” for many years, and a long time member of our So- Adkins, David Benchn, Goran Bergant, Harry Bergant, Jeffry Borlie, Timothy (Continued on Page 6) ----------o----- Franciscans hosier can Home newspaper each day as well as two lodge papers each week. Mr. Hren announced the work and material was^done compliments of Sunset Industries, 12.72 E. 286 St. We deeply thank these two distinguished men and their company. These last few months we have working on improving our printing press. Maybe you have noticed how much better looking the American Home is. Mary Alio, a member of the Third Order of St. Francis since 1938, has been made an affiliate of the Franciscan Sacred Heart Province “in recognition of her the efforts of people such a’s Mr. performance of Franciscan du-'Hren and Mr. Hauptman and ciety. He has also been a domi- ties and devotion to the Third Father Joseph Boznar and his Order. ’ | committee, we are striving to Miss Alic, of 1148 Norwood1 continue bringing you the best Rd., and a St. Vitus parishioner,! newspaper possible. Miss Jeannie Orehek, 18141 Lake Shore Blvd., graduated from Holy Cross school earlier this week. Friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giro, Cleveland Heights, has announced the engagement Of their, ,, „ , ^ , , daughter, Carol Anne, to Robert ^ A. Fortuna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Fortuna of Cleveland. Miss Giro is a graduate of Regina High School and a December magna cum laude graduate of Akron University with a BFA in painting. The bride-to-be is employed in the microfilm department at Empire Insurance Co. Her fiance is a graduate of St. Joseph High and a recent graduate of Marietta College where he was affiliated with With your financial help and Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity and Epsilon Delta honorary. Mr. Fortuna, a communications ma- to celebrate the auspicious occasion. In the Fall, Jeannie will enroll in Regina High School. Congratulations! * * The Cleveland Press honored Margaret Kobe this week. The 18-year-old student is the daughter of Paul and Erna Kobe, 1069 E. 61 St. Margaret, who hopes to be a pediatrician, will attend Case Western Reserve University. nant personality at “Baragov Dom” (Baraga Home) on St. Clair Ave'., the place where our Slovenian speaking people congregate for good fellowshin and the propagation of our Slovenian culture. On June 5, 1977 we again had a memorable event — another Golden Wedding — that of MR. is secretary of the St. Francis Third Order Fraternity, and receptionist for both St. Joseph Friary and parish, Woodland Ave. As ah affiliate of the order, I just finished reading “The Polka King — the Life of Frankie ankovic” written by Bob I-. h°lds th® The book is fast mov- ing and easy reading. It is a human interest story well written by Dolgan. Although not a wedding is —o- Collitmood Hive 283 Maccabees meet Sunday Members of Collinwood Hive, she will share in the Masses, 'No. 283 Maccabees are urged to and MRS. JANEZ MRŠNIK of'prayers, and merits of all Fran-1 attend a meeting Sunday, June 194 Richmond Rd., Richmond' ciscans. The recognition was 12 at 2 p.m. in the Slovenian Hts., Ohio, who celebrated their given her during a special Mass, Workmen’s Home. Assessments will also be coi- tion at the Sun Newspapers on the east side. A September plarined. Congratulations! New officers for the 1977-1978 term of the American Slovene Club are: President: rresm«,.: C«, »r»bnic' exlren^v hfcwth* book. K \.ce Fremont: Jone Kapla,, b ,chllsed „ Tony's Recording Secretary: Terry Ho- ,, the cevar Corres Secretary Fran Polka Vl,klge’ <,r th™ugh thC ccvar, Coires. Secretary, rran elsewhcre in this paper. Lausche, and Treasurer: Rose ' , n a J Slovenian Women's Union The of ,cers were .»stalled at ^ wtB have their ” "TT 'I, ,! meeting Tuesday, Tune 14th at Labedogo [too,,, of the M«* ^ „ Sl, Vitus Social Restaurant in the Charter House _ Motel Monday. K00h1' typical story of a Slovenian family, Yankovic was not a typical stereotyped musician. It is a book filled with emotion, tragedy and love. I am sure you will enjoy this occurred. This, too, is a good(big day at St. Vitus. We wish this month. point in her writing technique, all of the above celebrants long j Mary also has been a daily lected. I feel that Sister Lavoslava pfe, health and happiness! Naj subscriber to the American Turk is a very biave and religi-^Vam vsem Vsemogočni Bog por Home newspaper for many,' ous peyson. She surely is one of'deli milost njegove neskončne many years. ! God’s gifts to mankind. She ljubezni! went through a lot of hardships! The appointing of our ailing and turmoil just to please other and elderly parishioners, held people and make them happy, at the 3:00 p.m. Mass on May May we all learn a lesson from'22nd was a tremendous success, her acts, which will surely be' Our Pastor, Father Pevec and rewarded in heaven. his Assistant^ rate a big THANK Many of her writings appear,YOU for this wonderful oppor-in Ameriška Domovina, Ameri-m unity. The comments coming kanski Slovenec, and Ave Ma- my way were really gratifying, ria. I Congratulations and best This book in Slovenian can wishes to all of our graduates be purchased at Tony’s Polka'whose memorable event was Congratulations! Don’t be caught short Read the American Home Newspaper every Friday SLOVENIAN ART GUILD NEWS . . . Village and at Baraga Dom. Ward 32 Democrats Invites all 26 [Lcnie Sun, Everyone is invited to attend ’ she received many visitors, the Ward 32 Democratic Club’s Peeially her two best friends.'Annua Picnic at KSKJ Park on nw WaS Very religious, and didjWhite Road this Sunday, June wish to miss Mass while she ,12. bas ia the institution. Soon she! The Richie Vadnal Orchestra egan to visit other patients will play from 4 to 8 p.m. held at the evening Mass on June 3rd. In all, there were 61 graduates: Mr. Wallace Hoffer: Avsec Thomas Beard, Edward Blankenship, Wayne Clemence, Daniel Dorsey, Stephan Habjanič, Robert Leksan, Andrew Lisak, Peter Future meetings will include'on June 12th photography explained, and what you need tč get started in painting. by JANE KAPLAN Ivan Buie displayed and explained his art work of needlepoint and some of his pointings at our last meeting. He spoke about his picture of a woman reading a book which has over 160,000 cross stitches which took one year to make. Size is 18 by 24. He sketches his work, then needlepoints it 'into the finished product. This hobby was1 started in Europe in 1956. He brought his talent to America hi 1966 when he came here with his two sons. He also has 'another hobby raising birds :— parakeets and canaries ... j For more information Our next meeting will be a .731-7548 or 475-2644. yp/DW'i By JIMMY DEBEVEC Ty Cobb making by Boris Kozel. Iwill celebrate their happy day,, , ■ u* r m fnr trm * ' mrK Cobb P^d nght beld for summer party held at Boris Kozel’s home. This will close bur summer meeting until next September with a demonstration in wine Mary and Tony Bostian. They Happy Birthday to Nettie Kalish. She was 86 years young bn June 6th. * :J: * Happy 51st .Anniversary to the Tigers and, Athletics. He was nicknamed “The Georgia ...,» Vednesdav of the month start-) would like to donate, it would ^ ing on Sentember 28 at Tony be greatly appreciated. Pianos ' ' . • Petkovsek’s Place on E. 18Č St,' |ol any cohditinn are acceptable Cobb waa a singles man not Be our guest for the evening, because of trade-in value. Free a •>»«• hm«, »» home 'moving will be provided. Call run lifetime output was 118. Ha Membership is open to all vou c£m led or tied for league lead 38 to all patrons and artists and other crafts. We welcome you. times. He hit 1,933 RBI’s, visiting His lifetime average is .367. Nettie Mihelicli. is . . . , call friends and relatives in Okla- Ty Cobb was born Dbc. 18, homa. 1886 and died July 17', 1961: 'V FAVORITE RECIPES — NEW FEATURE — Please send your recipes to “Recipes”, American Home Publishing Co., 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44103. The month of June being popular with bridal showers, weddings and graduation, parlies, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 teaspoon mirteed onion 1 cup commercial. sour cream % teaspoon thyme % teaspoon lemon juice Vz teaspoon iodized salt V» teaspoon pepper 14 or 15 slices bread, with from heat. Stir in sour cream, thyme, j lemon juice, salt and pepper. Makes Wi cups filling. Cool. Butter one side of each bread slice. Place half of the slices I buttered-side down on cooky the following are a favorite in the Debevec household. M.D. Hot Mushroom Hors d’Ocuvre 1 eight-ounce carton mushrooms, washed and chopped. hors d’oeuvres crusts trimmed off Butter, softened Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Saute chopped mushrooms in fresh'butter. Add onion and cook just trimmed till tender; continue heating till all juice is evaporated. Remove sheet. Spread each slice with about 3 tablespoons filling. Top with remaining bread slices, buttered-side up. Cut each sandwich in fourths. Separate slightly- Bake in preheated 375-degree over for 10 minutes. Serve hot. Makes 28 or 32 appetizers. U.S.S. FINALIZES FILLED FATHERS' FESTIVAL All plans have been finalized Slovenian Home at for the big weekend of June 18 Clair Avenue, and 19, 1977, where two benefits will be held under the auspices of the United Slovenian Society for the West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 West 130 St. a Smcsf leas The philosophy of the 1977 St Vitus Bulldogs Class A soccer 6417 St.1 team is summarized in a poem On Saturday, June 18, the Directors of the West Park Home will hold a banquet, Program and Dance at their hall on West 130th St. Cocktails at 5:30 p.m., followed by a sumptuous dinner at 6:30 p.m., with a program from 7:30 to 8:30, then dancing to the well-known orchestra of Eddie Buebner. Donation for a fun-filled evening is only $6.50 Tickets tire available at West Park Slovenian Home and also Tony’s Polka Village. On Sunday, June 19, the scene changes and we go to the east side as the United Slovenian Society is staging an eventful “International Father’s Day Festival” in both large halls of the air-conditioned St. Clair IN BELOVED MEMORY 10th Anniversary of . the passing of our Dearest Husband and Father jby the late sportswriter, Grant-A delicious Spaghetti Dinner land Rice: will be served from 1:30 p.m. “When the One Great Scorer till 5:00 p.m. in the lower hall, comes Tickets for the Dinner, Dance To mark against your name, and Show are $5.00 for adults He writes — not that you and $3.00 for children. Various international bands will be alternating on the band-stands' in both halls. They are won or lofct — But how you played the game.” Playing with the qualities of Joe Wenders German Band,!TRUE CHAMPIONS, character Dale Bucar’s Croatian Singers,'and desire, the St. Vitus soccer and Frank Makovicka’s Karlin j team defeated Holy Name by Brass Band (Czech) in the lower j the score of 7-2 this past Sun-hall. iday. The upper ballroom will re-j The goals were scored by the sound to the lively Polish obe- ^ following players: George Vr-reks, polkas and waltzes of the ban (4), Darko Kralj (1), Zvon-popular Joe Oberaitis and his ko Tomič (1), and Mario Kli-orchestra, then a “Father’s Day.sanin (1). Salute” Show with the Slove-] Corning up this Sunday, June nian Planina Junior Chorus of 12, at 2:00 p.m., St. Vitus takes Maple Hts. in Slovenian cor,- its 5-0 record and goes after tume, ending with Eddie Ro- the East Side Championship, dick’s great polka band, from against St. Dominic’s, and the 6 till 10 p.m. for your dancing spectacular trophy that signifies and listening pleasure. the OUTSTA.NDING soccer General admission for the. team in the Class A Eastern dance and show is $2.00. Gene- Division. ral admission tickets and dinner: The game will be played at tickets may be obtained at Ti-jGilmour Academy Field (Gates vpli’s, 6419 St. Clair Ave., West, j Mills.) Park Slovenian Home and! If you would like to volun- Tony’s Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St., and also the box office on Sunday. All proceeds will benefit the hard-pressed West Park Slovenian Home on the west side. Mary Komorowski teer as a driver, please contact Tim Slogar (361-5887). ‘Asia® Amertos' study Frank am! Irisa fetocnik selehrate 30 years /On Tuesday, June 21st Frank and Erna Vertocnik of 18805 Mohawk Ave., will be celebrat- jing their/80th V/edding Anni- MICHAEL L. URAC who died May 30, lf)67 “Asian Americans and Their, versary-Communities of Cleveland” is' ^eY are t^ie Parents of t nee the latest of a series of 21 mono-! chiBdren, Nancy Jayne Greer graphs being published by the'0^ 1 '-xas, Frank Wayne Vertoc-i Ethnic Heritage Studies pro-nik of Florida, and Randy Dale ■ gram at Cleveland State Uni- Vertocnik. They also are the t versity | proud grandparents of Jenifer j The 200-page illustrated mo- -^eria Greer, age 6, Heather |riograph covers four distinct eth- KJysi Greer ll/z, and Angela nic groups from Asia which have Marie Vertocnik,^ age^ 2. sizable communities in Cleve- 10 years have passed since that sad day. land. They are Chinese, Japanese, Filipino and Korean. Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, coordinator of the program, obtained a The one we loved has passed Qund Foundation grant to make away. You are not forgotten loved one nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last, we will remember thee. Sadly missed by; Wife - Genevieve M. (Jean) Son - Michael Daughter - Kathleen L. of Glendora, Calif. Glendora, Calif. June 10, 1977. the monograph series possible. Copies of the monograph can be purchased through the Ethnic Heritage Studies office at CSU for $5. St. Vitus Events Friday, June 10 — Dad’s Club Fish and Shrimp Dinners, 5 to 7 p.m. in St. Vitus Hall. Thursday - Sunday — July 7, 8, 9, 10 — St. Vitus Parish Summer Festival, beginning at 6:30 p.m. weekdays and 12 noon on Sunday. How to display and respect tlie American Flagj When carried in a procession with other flags, the American flag should be at marching right, or centered in front line. The flag should be on its own right, when displayed against a wall with another flag in crossed staffs position. FAST POLICE RESPONSE FOILS HOLDUP ;% J,S The flag should be in center and raised above others when displayed with number of flags. When other flags are flown from the same halyard, the American flag should always be in the top position. g|^ ; In When flags of two of more nations are flown, they should all be of the same size and on separate staffs of equal height. When the flag is displayed over a street, the union should face north or east, depending on the direction of the street. I , f’ i I ! i On speaker’s platform or in chancel of a church, the flag is placed at speaker's right. If not on platform, flag should be at right of audience as it faces the platform. (1 If displayed flat against the wall on a speaker’s platform, the flag should be above and behind the-speaker with the union at the upper left hand corner. V by STAN MAJER Patrolman Robert Thomas, Citizen involvement and fast badge number 2421. police response helped to cap- car 621 lure an elderly male who alleg- Patrolman Owsiak, badge 2466 ly attempted to hold up the Patrolman Thornton, badge owners of Chicago Bargain 267. Store at 6129 St. Clair Ave. yes- j ------0______ terday afternoon. Because of the* fast action taken by the area business peo-' pie in reporting the crime and giving the police radio dispatcher a good description, the suspect was captured in less than ten minutes. The following patrolmen bavej to be recognized and commend- ed for the excellent performance of their duty: Car 611: Patrolman Gary Payne, badge 1699 EUCLID PENSIONERS NEWS Meeting opened at 1:20 p.m. Vice Pres. John Kausek who with 300 members present. Roll underwent heart surgery, is at call and minutes were read by home now, and doing well. Jennie Fatur. Coming events sends his thanks to all for th® were announced: Goodyear many cards and calls he has r®' Plant Tour on Tuesday, July 12 ceived. Other members rep°r' —Pensioners Picnic AVednesday, ted ill at this time: Angela PirC’ July 20th at SNPJ farm. Bus Antonia Kapel, Mrs. Chris StO' transportation will be provided, 'kal, Bertha Fabjančič, Mary Zo* Ann Mrak and Pres. Joe Birk'pande, Matt Martinčič, attended the meeting at the Renko, Adolph Mauser, and M1' Old Age Home on Neff Rd. Birk and Mrs. A. Koren who are cel®' listed all the names of the Trus- ‘ brating their 60th wedding tees who were elected at this1 niversary, but who are both 11' <: •• rhe flag should be a distinctive eature of the ceremony of unveiling i statue or monument, but should lever be used as covering or drapery. ...jti 8 When the flag is hoisted or lowered, and when it is passing in parade, all persons should face the flag, stand at attention and salute it. Fly the flag from sunrise to sunset on all days that weather permits, but especially on designated holidays. Hoist the flag briskly and lower it ceremoniously. Never permit the flag to touch the ground, or use it as drapery or covering, or as a costume or clothing. Flag Day—June 14 time; also announced that donations amounted to $5,175.00 total from different organizations and about, and individuals. Plans were discussed to enlarge the home at an estimated 2Vz million dollar j cost. Congratulations goes out toj member Prof. Wm. Kennick who was awarded a gold pin for qualifying as an alumnus for 50 years, and became a member of the University of Michigan chairman, Emeritus Club, and other quali- 481-5888. fications. . Get well wishes goes out to a-1' and hoping to see all soon, We had one deceased men1' her in the month of May: Doles. May she rest in peac®' Pallbearers for June are An’1 and Charles Terček, Paulif16 Ross, and Matt Ogrin. If you wish to report anyo11^ ill, please call our sunshin® Florence Kocas at Mae Fabec, reporter PROPER FOOD (AN HELP YOUR HEAR! St. Vitus Holy Name News (Continued from Page 5) Gertie, Damir Dufala, Edward , Hočevar1, Louis Hribar, Edward Koroman, Nevio Kralj, Darko Kufrin, Michael Stimac, Arsen Urbas, John Wisnieski, Gary Yarmock, Robert Yerich, Michael Frank is a Tool and Die Maker at the Diemaster Inc. in Wickliffe, Ohio and Ema works] as a Secretary for the Nationwide Insurance Co., at the Ka-' car and Kacar Insurance Agency on East 185th St. Frank and Erna plan to celebrate their anniversary at their cottage in Geneva along the Grand River with friends, neighbors and family. ------o----— Firta! Fish Fry Friday Fish Fry and Shrimp dinners will be served today, June 10th in St. Vitus Hall from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Since this is the final dinner of the year, the Dad’s Club of' St. Vitus cordially invite one land all to attend. See you there! Dodge, Darlene Estok, Andreja Lesic, Edith Uosteiner, Catherine Losteiher, Deahba Lulgjur&j, Jadranka Markanovic, Biljana Stanič, Kathy Slogar, Pamela , ■ ■ Vranic, Anna Vukovič, Milka Wisniewski, Karen Zamlen, Lily Awards: Mothers Club— Draga Gostic — Andrew Leksan Catholic War Vets No. 1655: Maria Ritossa, Edward Dufala,! Arsen Stimac, Stanley Žakelj 1 Ladies Au^x. 1655: Therese] Oilman, Cynthia Zamlen Holy Name: Timothy Slapnik Catholic Order of Foresters: Harry Bergant Father Robert Washco, our Deacon since November 1976, will be ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Sat., June 11th, 1977 and celebrate his First Holy j Mass at St. Bede the Venerable ■ Church, Mentor, Ohio on Sun.,! June 12th at 4:00 p.m. He has) endeared himself to all of our,' parishioners. Father Washco! will return to our parish on Sun. Getting the greatest value for | Proper food selection and Prf your food dollar is not easy paration are the keys to nut*1' these days. But, by adding a tious meals. More helpful hP little wisdom to your shopping are contained in the boolo® list, you can ease the strain on “Save Food $ and Help Youl your pocketbook and help the Heart.” For a free copy write hearts of your family members, to the American Heart Associ3 'says the American Heart Asso- tion, 1689 East 115th St., Clev® elation. land, Ohio 44106 or call 791-7500’ June 19th to celebrate the Eucharist with us at the 11:45 a.m. Mass. Best wishes to you al-j The greatest percentage of,, ways, Father — we will miss your grocery dollar is claimed you very much! jby foods which are high in cho- The notable birthdays for this lesterol and saturated fat. These month are as follows: JOHN ALICH, 6722 Bonna'bute to a high blood cholesterol pioggers assault on mother h3' 0,0.Fa Flog* Tales by ELMER PERME The Parkview Golf Club V3* j are the foods which may contri- 'the site of Baraga Court I31 Ave., June 24th, 90th' birthday, level in your body and thus fur- ture. Much to their dismay, a. ANTON ŽAKELJ, 5516 Carry ther the development of heart ter vigorous flaying, topp1™’ Ave., June 13th, 70th birthday.‘and blood vessel disease. divot digging, the flcgg'v VILI ZADNIKAR, 1195 Nor- intake of saturated fat ("golfers) did very little to wood Rd., June 26th - 60th and cholesterol can be educed, lay of the land other than birthday. according to the Heart Associa- therhselves. , ap- I believe that Mr. John Alich tion, by purchasing moderate a- following resu ts ) is our oldest member, and it so jmounts of lean meat and buy. pease those winners whose happens that the writer obser- ^ Iow dairy products as well ors are listed below: ves his Birthday on the same ag p0iyunsaturated margarines Lo^ Gross - Larry (P . day. Congratulations and best and vegetable oi]s in fact, vege- er) Perme - 76. wishes to all of you, and to the tabJe oils which contain polyun_ Low Net - Buddy (Boom other members who are a year turated fats help lower b]ood Kovacic older this month. Vsem, posebno g. Aliču, ki je dočakal častitljivo starost 90. let, iskrene čestitke od nas vseh. Naj vam Bog | podari še dosti zdravih in vese- 77-7-70. lih let! DRIVEWAYS PARKINS LOTS Paved Asliphall-Dement ESTIMATES FREE 3€8 3620 6919 SI. Clair Ave. at Mervar Music Mart, Records or 561-3612 CLEVELAND ASPHALT Low Putts —• Frank (Dea cholesterol levels. , ^ t, « „ . ■. j,, eye) Kolenc — 31 taps. Buy “good’ or standard pinshot No. 9 — Elmer (b^ Pinshot No. 9 ---- grades of beef as they are the perme _ 5 incheg leanest and contain more protein than “prime” or “choice” grades. In addition, it is helpful to note that chicken, turkey and fish often cost less than meat and they have less fat and fewer calories. Frozen prepared vegetables with sauce or butter added or in boil-in-bag pouches cost more and contain saturated fat. Instead, add your own mar- Igarine or sauces. Vegetables jari gg. Pinshot No. 18 — Voc^ (Clutch) Spech — 14 inches-High Net -^- Joseph (Jolh™ Hočevar —< 116-38-78 jolts- , High Putts — A1 (Mash® Marolt — 39 mashes. Congrats to Joe Saver ^ shooting the low round on front nine — a fine 38. ^ The last foursome — all sa of “Doc” Spech, practiced gery in carving three 88’s. should be cooked until they are tender crisp to save vitamins and minerals. Skim or low fat milk is better for your heart and less expensive than whole milk or cream. Also, use margarine instead of butter and choose one which lists liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient on the label. the third Satu1^ our se{ June 18 of this month will be cond flog outing. Parkview ~ ^ Club (location on Rt. 9l, . g miles south of White Rd.) is site. Tee-off time at 10:00^9 Call A. Giambetro or E. Perme 732-7779 information and reservati0115^ i'Flog is golf spelled backw3